✧ a hundred stories to tell // one-shot challenge

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✧ #46 (10%)

Postby blackbird. » Sat Feb 25, 2017 2:34 am

"what do you think of children?"

    "always doing the smallest right, and doing it for love" // characters: piper jones, landon o'connor // words: 1477

        That day wasn't particularly special. It was just like any other Saturday, spending their afternoon at the children's hospital. They were part of a group, a community of people who just wanted to help. A simple way to give back, in a small yet meaningful way.

        Landon watched the on-goings of the room with a bemused smile on his face. He thought back to the first time he and Piper volunteered there, just a few months before. It was a strange experience, a first for him, but he knew instantly that it was something he wanted to come back to every week. It quickly became a part of their lives. Like breathing, like eating - a second nature.

        And he observed, taking in every small detail. There was Dominic, the sickly boy who constantly ran fevers, reading a book on astronomy. And a little girl called Joan, who had burn scars all over her face, was dueling with another boy using balloon swords. Francis, the boy with visual impairments, was playing with the animal plushies, lost in a world of his own.

        His eyes continued scanning the room until they landed on Piper. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of her. He thought she looked so wonderful, sitting there at the craft corner helping children make small objects. He noted that Therese was there with her, as she always was. Every week, she'd join the craft corner with Piper, folding paper into roses again and again.

        Therese was entirely focused on her roses, folding them to utmost perfection. Her tiny fingers made the smallest, most detailed of creases and folds, creating rose after rose. And she would put them neatly in a jar, which was slowly getting more full with each rose she completed.

        And Landon watched her, captivated by the meticulous manner in which she created something so beautiful. It was like magic, and he couldn't take his eyes of it.

        Suddenly, the bell rang, and all the children let out a groan. They seemed to hate it when their activity time was over, but Landon saw it as a good thing. That meant that they were enjoying themselves. Regardless, they dropped what they were doing and filed out of the room.

        Landon stood up to place the books back onto the shelves - that was his duty, being in charge of the reading corner. It was a simple task, but he enjoyed it. Of course, it had its perks, since it was the easiest to pack up, unlike Piper's craft corner. And since he'd always be the first to be done, he'd faithfully walk over to Piper's area to help.

        "Hello, stranger. Fancy seeing you here." That was his usual greeting to his girlfriend.

        And, as usual, Piper rolled her eyes, smirk on her lips. "The biggest surprise of my life," she said sarcastically in response, before leaning in to kiss his cheek. "But the most pleasant too."

        He winked at her before proceeding to help, collecting the stationery strewn on the table and placing them in the box. "How were the children today?" he inquired.

        Piper smiled at the question, thinking back at the afternoon spent together with the children. "Wonderful, as always." She picked up the pieces of scrap paper on the table and floor. "How were they for you?"

        "Good!" He used a rag to wipe the dried glue and paint off the table. "Dominic's reading astronomy books now, you know."

        "You're probably very happy about that," Piper laughed. "Must be like watching a younger version of yourself."

        Landon shrugged, but there was a grin on his face. "I was more of a physics than an astronomy guy." He glanced down at some of the leftover paper and gestured to it. "You missed some of the paper there," he pointed out as he put away the box of stationery.

        "That's not scrap paper." Piper frowned thoughtfully and picked up the two pieces of origami, folded neatly into roses.

        "Roses?" Landon queried, appearing next to her. "Therese must have forgotten and left them here."

        Piper scanned the room and her eyes met another pair, belonging to a small girl peering into the room through the window. "Something tells me she didn't forget." She smiled knowingly at the pair of eyes watching her.

        From outside the window came a laugh, and the couple watched as Therese ran off, skipping happily to herself. Her work was done.

        Landon smiled to himself at the sight of the young girl skipping away. "No, I guess she didn't." He looked down at the tiny, red, paper rose in his hands.

        Later that day, when they were in the car driving to dinner, he asked the question. It was a casual question, almost like a passing comment. But it was something he'd been thinking about for quite a while, and he wanted to know her answer.

        "What do you think of children?" Landon stole a glance at her, diverting his attention from the traffic for just a millisecond.

        "You're asking me? Landon, we just spent the entire afternoon with children. I've got to at least like them, right?" She laughed jokingly.

        Landon shook his head. "No, I didn't mean children in general. I meant...what do you think of raising children? Like a family."

        Piper blinked in surprise. She hadn't expected that. "As in...being a mother?"

        Landon shrugged. "I guess."

        Piper breathed deeply to give herself time to think. "I think I'd want children. Children...they bring so much light, you know? I think a married couple without children can feel too empty." She paused for a moment and he nodded, partly to show he was listening, partly to show he agreed. She hoped he didn't misunderstand. She was still a student and she had no intention of getting married at such a young age. She still had her entire career in front of her. "But...it's too early."

        Landon suddenly nodded very enthusiastically. "Yeah, I didn't mean now..."

        "Yeah, of course..."

        There was a short moment of awkward silence. He hadn't realised how loaded his question was. To an outsider, it might have sounded like he was asking her if she wanted to have children with him. That hadn't been his intention. At all. Landon coughed. "I think I'd want to be a parent too."

        Piper glanced at him. "Yeah?"


        The rest of the car ride was silent, but when he thought no one was looking, she caught him smiling to himself. And, she realised, she was smiling too.


        A few days later, they got the news. Therese, the young tuberculosis patient, suddenly had a lung infection. The next day she got pneumonia. They rushed her to the intensive care unit, to the operating theatre, in a desperate attempt to save her life.

        She didn't make it.

        Piper and Landon attended the funeral, their eyes moist with unshed tears. They knew that it was part of the job, a reality that they would have to face, with them volunteering at a hospital. But imagining the scenario in their head was one thing - feeling it in their heart was another thing entirely.

        They watched with heavy heart as her parents - Louis and Marie - delivered the eulogy. It was a beautiful eulogy, telling the story of Therese's short but fulfilling life. They described the feeling of holding her in their arms as a newborn child, so weak and helpless but full of light and life. They shared their joy at watching her grow, their pride at the sight of her spreading the love she held inside of her, their fears at the news of her illness.

        Her life, they said, was a gift from God, and no matter how short it was, every second of every day was a blessing. They knew deep in their hearts that she was in a better place. And when they looked out of their window and saw their rose bush in bloom, they'd think of her. And they'd know, that she's looking down on all the people on Earth, from her place in Heaven - a place without hatred, without illness, without pain.

        By the end of the eulogy, there was not one dry eye in the church.

        One by one, each person went up to drop a rose onto the coffin, until the wood could no longer be seen, covered by a blanket of red.

        As the coffin was lowered into the earth, Piper glanced at Louis and Marie, holding each other as they watched their daughter descend into the ground. She wiped a tear away, her heart crying out for them, joining them in their grief. Her hand reached out to take Landon's. He offered as reassuring a smile as he could, but she kept her eyes locked on Therese's parents, her lips in a grim line.

        No parent should have to bury their child.

[ note: "heart's needle, hostage to fortune, freedom's end"
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Re: ✧ a hundred stories to tell // one-shot challenge

Postby Ranger of the North » Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:12 pm

Arrgh my gosh..
my heart ;n;
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Re: ✧ a hundred stories to tell // one-shot challenge

Postby Alpha* » Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:37 pm

I'm crying .. my heart

Thanks to all those in any kind of uniform and to those who have been in uniform.
Sadly i have a life outside CS with a job...and other things[color=#00BFFF]”

(this was a Birthday Presant from Accio Donut :p and no, i don't own the picture) )
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Re: ✧ a hundred stories to tell // one-shot challenge

Postby rogan » Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:40 pm

      oh my little heart ;w;
      poor baby
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✧ #51 (11%)

Postby blackbird. » Sat Mar 11, 2017 11:09 pm

"i'm a mess"

    some violistair love; inspiration from here // characters: violet, alistair // words: 1216

        Violet brought her hand to her lips and took a drag from the cigarette between her fingers. Then she dropped it down, watching as it hit the carpeted ground. She breathed out the smoke, watching it intensely as it escaped from her lips. She shut her eyes and leaned back against the wall. Focus on breathing. Focus on the smoke.

        In her other hand was a bottle of vodka, and she brought that to her lips too, letting the clear alcohol flow down her throat, burning everything it touched. Feel it coursing through her, in her blood, to her head. Her body was numb, and so was her mind.

        And it felt good.

        Another drag. Another drink.

        She lost count how many cigarettes she smoked through, or how many empty bottles lay next to her. All she knew was that she needed more.

        Another drag. Another drink.

        What was she even so upset about? She couldn't even remember. She tried not to forget some things, though. Her name was Violet Lecter. She was in her home. Her brother was- No. She didn't want to remember that. Forget, forget, forget.

        Another drag. Another drink.

        Then came a knock on her door. More like a pounding, to match the pounding in her head.


        She recognised that voice. Alistair Tully. She nearly laughed at how ridiculous it was to her. Maybe he had the idea that he was coming in to save her. That was what it was like in the movies, wasn't it? The valiant prince tearing down the door to save the princess locked in the tower. But she wasn't a princess. And her prison was one that she created herself.

        "Violet, I know you're in there!"

        She didn't say anything. Maybe if she stayed quiet, he'd leave. She wanted to be alone.

        "I'm coming in!"

        She didn't register his words until she heard the lock click open and he entered her room. She'd almost forgotten she gave him a key. She looked up at him and their eyes met. She saw the disapproval on his face, the way his brows settled into a frown. Her gaze averted and she stared at the carpeted floor she was so pathetically sprawled on. She already had enough shame to deal with.

        "Vi, what happened?"

        She curled up against herself, refusing to meet his gaze. "Nothing. I'm fine."

        Alistair sighed and joined her on the ground. "You're not fine." He reached out to hold her, but she flinched. He pulled back. "Violet, what's wrong?"

        "Nothing's wrong!" she snapped, her tone insistent.

        Alistair narrowed his eyes. "You're smoking and drinking and doing drugs. Tell me what's wrong."

        Violet couldn't take it. She shot up from her seat, feet firmly planted on the ground, eyes blazing with the anger concealing her guilt and shame. "Why are you even here? Did you come just to judge me? To tell me that what I'm doing is wrong and that I'm hurting myself? Well, I already know that so you can go ahead and leave!" she yelled, arms flaying and voice rising.

        She leaned back against the wall and found her eyes locked with his. She hadn't realised he'd stood up as well. She reached down to pick up the bottle of alcohol, but he suddenly gripped her wrist firmly. "Don't. You've had enough."

        She shot him a withering glare. "Sod off."

        Alistair reached his hand up and tilted her chin upwards so she'd look at him. "You asked me why I'm here. I'll tell you why. I'm here because you were supposed to meet me for dinner and we were supposed to go watch a movie together. But you didn't show up and you haven't answered any of my messages or my calls. So I'm here." He paused. "And I find you. You - the person about to pass out with all the chemicals in your blood. So right now I'm worried out of my mind because you're not okay and you're not telling me the heck why." His tone was as firm as a rock but as gentle as a passing breeze.

        "Alistair..." Her voice was shaky and her eyes moist.

        "Vi, just tell me what's wrong." He stroked her cheek gently.

        She looked him in the eyes, her bottom lip quivering. She swallowed deeply. "Robbie's dead."

        A deep sense of dread filled Alistair at the news. Violet's older brother - one of the people she held dearest to her heart - was gone.

        And suddenly she was in his arms, face buried against his chest and tears streaming down her cheeks into the fabric of his shirt. He held her trembling figure tightly against his, tilting his head down to kiss the top of hers. He stroked her hair gently, whispering soft words of comfort to her.

        He hated that he felt so helpless. He couldn't do anything. He'd go down to the Underworld and pull her brother's soul out of the River Styx. He'd make a deal with the Devil, or with God - whoever took her brother's soul. He'd do anything to stop the suffering of his beloved Violet.

        It felt like they were in a moment out of time. Seconds could have passed, or minutes, or hours. Neither of them knew how long they were there, just holding each other. But they didn't really care.

        Eventually, she pulled away. Her raven hair was like a bird's nest, her make-up smudged and her eyes puffy. She laughed, but it was without the usual happiness he was used to. "I'm a mess."

        Alistair offered a smirk. "Yes, you are." She shot him a look. He wasn't supposed to agree with her. "But you're my mess. My beautiful, wonderful mess." He leaned down and kissed her forehead.

        Violet sniffed lightly, her head resting on his chest, her body leaning on his. She was a mess. A mess of self-loathing and deceit and pain and regret. But she had Alistair. And it was okay. "I love you," she murmured against him.

        "I love you too."

        And it felt right.

        He didn't know how long it was, but before he knew it, she was asleep in his arms. He smiled lightly, shifting himself so that his arms were below her. Gently and carefully, he lifted her up and carried her to her room. He tucked her in, smoothing her hair and covering her body with a blanket.

        He spent the next few hours cleaning up her house, getting rid of the empty bottles of liquor and the cigarette butts and the traces of whichever drug she was sniffing. She had consumed so much chemicals and done so much harm to her body that he was certain she was going to wake up with a hangover. She might not even remember what had happened.

        He dreaded to think what would have happened if he hadn't gone to check on her.

        When he was done, he entered her bedroom again and settled himself on the chair next to her bed. It was tiny and uncomfortable, and his body yearned for his own bed, but he stayed. Because if Violet woke up, hungover and depressed, he knew she'd need him. And in all honesty, he needed her as well.

        Because without her, he'd be a mess too.

[ note: it's okay not to be okay.
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Re: ✧ a hundred stories to tell // one-shot challenge

Postby Ranger of the North » Sun Mar 12, 2017 12:42 pm

Omgosh that would be so hard :'-/
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Re: ✧ a hundred stories to tell // one-shot challenge

Postby emoji movie » Sun Mar 12, 2017 6:46 pm

    good job!!!
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Re: ✧ a hundred stories to tell // one-shot challenge

Postby Alpha* » Thu Mar 16, 2017 6:57 pm


Thanks to all those in any kind of uniform and to those who have been in uniform.
Sadly i have a life outside CS with a job...and other things[color=#00BFFF]”

(this was a Birthday Presant from Accio Donut :p and no, i don't own the picture) )
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Re: ✧ a hundred stories to tell // one-shot challenge

Postby blackbird. » Tue Mar 21, 2017 3:59 pm

Ranger of the North wrote:
Omgosh that would be so hard :'-/

inconspicuous; wrote:
    good job!!!

Alpha* wrote:Eek

      thank you guys for your comments!
      especially inc your comment made me smile so much so thank you c:
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✧ #56 (12%)

Postby blackbird. » Tue Mar 21, 2017 5:47 pm

"it only gets worse"

    mental breakdowns are not fun // characters: hadley bennett, other people // words: 1300

        It was coming. He could feel it.

        He felt it rising up in him, ready to consume his entire being, like a tsunami crashing onto the shore. He felt it whirl in his chest, like a tornado as it began to form. He felt it crackle in his skull, like dark rain clouds about to unleash an unforgiving strike of lightning.

        He closed his eyes and braced himself.

        And then he felt nothing. He felt numb.

        It was as if his nerves had disconnected from his brain, and his brain had decided to stop functioning. He could still move, but it was automatic. Involuntary. No restraints, no obstructions, and no control.

        He began crying all of a sudden. He didn't even realise it until he felt the tears running down his cheeks and the convulsions wracking his body. He sobbed violently to himself. He was gasping for air, clutching the table so tight that his knuckles turned white.

        "Stop crying," he ordered himself, gently at first. But his body didn't listen. "Stop crying," he repeated with more assertion. But he had no control over his body anymore. He never did at times like that.

        He moved like a machine, completely independent of his thoughts, as he was thrown onto the bed, face buried in his pillow. He took in a deep breath to scream, but no sound escaped his lips. He was choking. He was drowning.

        He saw the water level rising until he was submerged. He felt it on his skin, icy pinpricks piercing through his flesh. He tasted the saltiness of the water as it pushed its way past his lips. He heard the gushing of water surrounding him, pushing him further within himself. He tried to scream again. A gurgling sound escaped his lips.

        He clawed at his throat, desperate for air. The water was entering his lungs. He was dying. Slowly, slowly...

        His body jerked upwards and flipped itself over. He was lying on his back, eyes staring at the ceiling. And he could breathe again.

        He gulped down the air, swallowing it in as much as he could. He felt moistness running down his neck and he wasn't sure if it was his tears or his saliva.

        It was okay. He could breathe. Air had never tasted so good in his life.

        Suddenly he lurched forward as all the air in him was pushed out. He felt a weight on him, as if a sumo wrestler carrying a hundred kilograms was sitting on his chest. His ribcage couldn't expand, his lungs couldn't be filled.

        He pushed himself up into a sitting position with a heavy grunt. But the weights were still attached to him, pulling him down, down, down, to the depths of the earth. Down towards darkness and doom. To the underworld. To hell.

        His eyes were pulled shut and he saw horns and tails and forked tongues. And he grew afraid. But not surprised. Perhaps he knew, deep down, that it was what he deserved. After all the things he'd done, the sins he'd committed, the hurt he'd inflicted on others - and on himself.

        Another tear fell from his eyes and dropped onto the sheets below him. He reached out to touch the fabric of the sheets and he breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't real. The fire, the devil, the eternal torment. They weren't real. "I'm here," he said in reassurance to himself. "I'm here."

        He took in a deep breath.

        He felt the oxygen entering his body. But he also felt the pain - the burning of his lungs, the ache of his ribs, the sharpness in his chest.

        He thought that maybe the hallucinations were better than reality. At least the pain wasn't as bad, they were just in his head. Or maybe it was all on his head, even the pain. He felt his head would explode.

        He saw his phone lying on the table and his body acted automatically. It surged forward like a wave and his hand attached itself to the phone. He stared at the screen, at the letters and numbers and words. He wanted to call for help. Call his mother or his sister or his therapist. But how could he call them when he couldn't decipher the symbols on his keyboard?

        A frustrated groan left his mouth as he thumped his head on the table. Stupid. Useless. Unimportant.

        He didn't even know why he bothered to call for help. No one would want to help him anyway. He was nothing but a burden, a worthless lump of flesh who didn't deserve to be alive.

        At first they were really trying, sitting down with him, listening to him, asking about him. After a while, he supposed, they got bored of him and his thoughts. It was the same old thing, over and over again. He didn't blame them. He would have given up on himself too. Maybe he already had.

        They always said the same things to him, the same few words which they thought would somehow make him feel better. He tried to remember when they stopped helping. "It'll be alright." "It's just a phase." "Don't worry, it'll get better."

        He sobbed to himself. The things they said, they weren't true, he knew that. It wouldn't be alright. It wasn't just a phase. And it didn't get better. "It only gets worse," he whispered to himself.

        He hated how right he was.

        He slumped down to the ground. He couldn't fight anymore. So he let down his defenses. The despair came like a flood, attacking his entire being. It invaded and occupied his mind, his heart, his soul.

        He stayed there, on the ground, body curled in on itself as it shook with his sobs. A truly pitiful sight.

        Time passed.

        It felt like an eternity.

        Then came a knock at the door. "Hey Hadley, we're off to Samuel's party. You coming or what?" came the gruff voice of one of his friends.

        Hadley's head shot up and he looked around in a frenzy. His hair was tousled, his eyes bloodshot. No one could see him like that. "Yeah, man, I'm coming!" he called out. He surprised himself with how steady his voice was.

        He splashed cold water on his face, shrugged on some fresh clothes and combed his hair down. He threw open the door and put on his best grin. Three of his friends were standing outside.

        "Dude, what happened to your eyes? They're really red," one friend commented.

        Hadley shrugged, keeping his shoulders up and his head raised. "Got soap in my eyes, that's all." He glanced at them. "Stupid, right?" he forced a laugh.

        Another friend spoke up. "Yeah, that's kinda dumb."

        Hadley laughed again and the others joined in too. Then they settled into silence. He wished they'd hurry up and get to the party already.

        It was always easier to hide within the noise.

[ note: "behind the masks, faces suffer loneliness"
Last edited by blackbird. on Sun May 20, 2018 11:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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