A Random Mess Of Slightly Elegant Things

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A Random Mess Of Slightly Elegant Things

Postby Nocte Luna » Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:12 pm

Hi! Welcome to my little mess of writing.

I've really got no concrete idea of what I'm doing here. I'll probably post anecdotes from my life, as well as my poetry, and random bits of story or situations I dream up in my head. I've lost my writing muse for quite some time and I figured it was time to make it work again. I'll try and post something once or twice a week, maybe even more.

Nocte Luna

Post One - Letter
Post Two - Letter
Post Three - Letter
Post Four - Letter
Post Five - Letter
Post Six - Poem
Post Seven - Story Fragment
Last edited by Nocte Luna on Tue Nov 29, 2016 1:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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A Random Mess Of Slightly Elegant Things [1] {?}

Postby Nocte Luna » Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:17 pm

Was it fate or was it luck? It didn't feel like luck, and it still doesn't.

Really, I shouldn't have procrastinated. I shouldn't be writing this right now, I've got a bunch of work to get done. (Oops.) My dinner will be finished soon, so I'll have to pause and eat, plus along with doing all sorts of other things...I should have started earlier.

But that's just how it works. You go on, regret your decision (as I always do. I overthink things too much) and then worry and worry and worry until anxiety is done and ready to leave me for the evening because keeping my eyes open for so long isn't really an option.

That's just how it works. It's my fault, really. But I still don't seem to care...
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A Random Mess Of Slightly Elegant Things {2} [Letter]

Postby Nocte Luna » Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:48 pm

Dear H.,
I miss you. A lot.

I'm glad you've got a girlfriend. We sometimes sit together at lunch. She's nice, almost as inappropriate as you are.

It's been almost a year. I almost did it, and I was so close to it being a year.

I'm sorry. I wish we could talk and laugh and laugh like we used to but now it seems like we'll never see each other again.

I just want to talk but I don't want to annoy you.

I just want to talk.

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Re: A Random Mess Of Slightly Elegant Things

Postby Nocte Luna » Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:00 am

Dear Mr. A.,

Why me? I certainly don't deserve that ribbon. And if it is only one person in the class..why?

Well, I can't say that I don't appreciate it. Only 2/10 girls pursues a career in a STEM field, but I am determined to be one of that 2/10. That was encouraging to me.

And yes, I'm a feminist. You never knew that, but I felt a sense of girl power. Especially if it's only one person out of the entire class.

Was it because of my grade? My attitude? I have no idea.

The letters are all very uniform. Exactly like the one I got last year for math. Except, it's got your name on it this time.

But you final comment about me not smiling...I don't get it. I don't need to smile. I don't really smile all that often. I didn't really have any friends in class. I did my work, I left, I came back.

So many questions, very few answers.

Thank you.
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Re: A Random Mess Of Slightly Elegant Things

Postby Nocte Luna » Sat Jun 27, 2015 3:39 am

Dear US Supreme Court,

I'm almost crying from how happy I am. Finally. We have rights. We are heard. We have a place in this world, in this country. I'm so proud.

I can marry who I love.

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Re: A Random Mess Of Slightly Elegant Things

Postby Nocte Luna » Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:53 am

Dear every single boy I've danced with, at any event ever,

Wow that was super uncomfortable let's never ever do that again and wow I don't want to dance with boys anymore k thanks byee.

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Re: A Random Mess Of Slightly Elegant Things

Postby Nocte Luna » Thu Oct 06, 2016 10:28 am

[A note, from my current self, reflecting on this profile:
Less letters, there's already something for that. Also, get better. Write more. ]

Anyways, here's a poem I've been trying to write.

I...love music, right?
I'm in choir. Soprano I, and proud.
I'm in band. Clarinet is my primary instrument, flute is my work-in-progress.
I must love music..right?

But I don't.
In the past few months, I've asked myself time and time again,
"I love music, right?"
Time and time again, I've come back to where I am now.
I don't love music.

You see, if I really loved music, I would be doing more.
AP music theory, learning more instruments, practicing...
I used to think I loved music, but now...now..
There are other things I love more, other things I care more about.

If I loved music, if I really loved music, that's what I would do in college.
It would be my number one option, and I would work even harder.
But I don't, I really don't love it, and instead
Engineering and graphic design and technology and equine nutrition all come before music.

And in a way, I'm not sorry.
It's not like I don't love singing perfectly pitched notes,
It's not like I don't get a thrill from energetic songs,
It's not like I haven't tried to love it,
I just don't love it.

I'm sorry, in a way.
I love my friends, I love band, I love choir,
but too much time was spent caring too much
about something I don't truly care about.

5 October 2016
I've Never Loved Music
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Re: A Random Mess Of Slightly Elegant Things

Postby Nocte Luna » Tue Nov 29, 2016 1:35 pm

It was silent. More than silent, really. It was the kind of silence that permeated the air, making everything feel thick and heavy. Any kind of noise seemed almost rude in lieu of the lack of sound. Yet the silence was unwelcome. Its existence was unworthy of comments by those who were naive enough to not know why silence ruled.

Of course, the drapes weren't helping. The tall glass windows that allowed light to stream through were blocked by large sheets that hung limply from the ceiling. The long curtains seemed to suffocate the room, trapping the people inside against cold stone floors that seemed void of life.

They sat there, heads bowed down towards the earth, long dresses and cloak making no sounds against the frigid rock below their bent knees and flattened feet. Hand clasped together, no words were uttered for half an hour. The sound of a slipper against the floor, shifting slightly, rendered their effort to remain completely silent useless.

"Amen." The cloaked man whispered. His word echoed around the room faster than a bird let from a cage.

"Amen." The women on his respective sides agreed, sending their words off in harmony with what remained of his phrase.

Their long black clothes rustled as they stood up, making their way up the steps of hall, beyond another set of long black curtains. The cloaked man laid a hand on the coffin that sat, waiting. The older woman of the two muffled a quiet sob. The younger woman looked away, tears beginning to form at her eyes.

"Goodbye." The cloaked man whispered, sending another bird off into the room, brushing the black drapes and stone walls.

"Goodbye." The women echoed, whispering even quieter. The harmony of their voices dissolved into silent tears.

Eyes closed as the trio turned around, the cloaked man holding his arm out for the women. She accepted, and they slowly made their way out of the large room. The younger woman hesitated, then followed, tears streaking down her face as her dress dragged behind her.

[So I think I'd like to make a story out of this? I'm not sure yet. Please PM me comments, questions, concerns, etc!]
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Re: A Random Mess Of Slightly Elegant Things

Postby Nocte Luna » Wed Nov 30, 2016 3:10 pm

[If you're confused, read the above post. This I might turn into a story.]

The doors slammed shut behind the trio. Only the girl cared to notice. Her long black curls swished around her face, impeding her vision and making her believe there was something near the guard that stood, waiting attentively, by the large set of doors. When she got a clearer look, all she saw was the guard, dipping his head in respect to her. The young woman briefly nodded before turning back.

She began to take slightly longer and faster steps to catch up to the retreating footsteps of her parents. The walk back finished in silence, with only the quiet swish of black clothing on the floor accompanying the ringing peals of the soft shoes on the glossy floor. They arrived at the largest hall, the cloaked man finally relinquishing the older woman's arm from his supportive grip. Food was already laid out for breakfast, each meal prepared carefully according to the wishes of each diner.

Chairs were carefully pulled out by the wait staff; napkins floated into laps below and the meal began just as silently as the rest of the morning.

Partway through the first warmed potato, the older woman finally looked up. Her usually warm brown eyes looked darker and unhappy. Worry lines streaked across her face, scars that testified to her battle against her mind. The few grey hairs that dotted her head seemed more prominent as she picked at her food. Her face was still covered in tear tracks as she spoke.

"Please let us finish our meal in peace. Your father and I must discuss what this death means for our country and people."

"Of course." The younger woman bowed her head in respect. In seconds, the same napkin was plucked from her lap, the chair was pulled back gently, and the young woman set off to her room, a maid balancing her plate in one hand with her napkin, silverware, and water in the other hand.

It was a long walk back to her room, but it was much easier to take her black skirts in both hands as she climbed the stairs quickly, beginning to care less and less about looking proper. At the first floor, she stopped briefly, huffing and puffing to try and get air back into her lungs. Her corset felt just barely too tight, yet she plowed on until she finally made it too the second floor, walking two doors down on the right before entering.

The maid carefully placed her plate down, setting the glass of clear, clean water next to it. "My lady, if you would like to come sit down, I can take your plate when you are finished." The woman stated.

The girl was engrossed in her own thoughts, still standing by the door, but turned her head and made her way to her small dining table. Oftentimes this table was used to store her cups of hot cocoa during the frigid winter months, but rarely was it used for more than cocoa or the occasional teacup.

The maid carefully placed the napkin across the girl's lap once more, and the girl resumed eating. She was hungry and didn't hesitate to finish the entire meal in a short amount of time. Before long, the napkin disappeared and the girl was left alone with her thoughts.

She was not one to wander, but this was no trip with no destination in mind. The young woman strode out of the room, turning left and going to the first door on the right side of the second floor.

The room was different than her own, vastly different. But what struck her as the most odd was the scent that hung in the air, overpowering everything else. After a minute or so, she could barely stand the smell, coughing occasionally to rid her lungs of the stench. She covered her nose and left the room, leaving the door open just enough to allow the scent to drift out of the room.

"Princess? Princess Geneva?" The worried voice of the head of the castle's help rang out as he raced up the stairway, almost out of breath. "Your parents, my dear. They'll see you in The Royal Hall."

[Okay so this is kind of the part two?? Like it? Let me know. Got critique? Let me know.]
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Re: A Random Mess Of Slightly Elegant Things

Postby Ranger of the North » Wed Nov 30, 2016 6:25 pm

Hhhhhh yEs I like it! :D


I am allowed to post, right? :-/
The world is quiet here.
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