Quararaptor MYOs and Customs by Remini

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Quararaptor MYOs and Customs

Postby Remini » Thu Apr 13, 2017 9:34 am

customs and myos will go here


nursery fanclub myos/customs

What are Quararaptors? wrote:Quararaptors are a surviving "in between" species, that somewhere down the evolutionary line got stuck between two different places in time. They are most closely related to modern birds and prehistoric raptors. They are feathered, warm blooded, and thrive in heavily forested environments and secluded mountainous regions. They lived under humanities nose, keeping out of sight and leaving no traces behind for thousands of years. Only recently discovered due to deforestation of their native lands, this elusive creature was spotted by humans for the very first time. Further studies revealed these creatures were extremely intelligent, lived in small to medium sizes packs, and could not fly, but instead climbed and glided around it's habitat.

Factoids wrote:Named Quararaptors after the Latin word 'Quae' meaning "still existing"
The average size of a full grown Quararaptor is around the size of a German Shepard.
Quararaptor hatchlings are about the size of chickens, and there are one to two hatchlings per clutch.
They are omnivores.
Due to their intelligence, they can be trained, kept at pets, or they can be used to guard property, but they are best left wild.
Their wings are used for mating and displays of aggression, and are usually brightly colored.
When startled or angry, the feathers on their heads fluff up to make them seem larger.
Mostly seen as naturally colored.
Their bones are light, similar to a bird; enabling them to move without leaving much of a footprint and giving them the ability to glide.
Extremely good climbers.
They move in packs, and are very rarely loners.

    general rules;
    do not claim the species as your own
    you may not use a quararaptor as a fursona
    closed species - you may not create your own
    qauraraptors can not be sold or traded for any currency
    do not ask for customs
    do not ask to be a member of staff
    be respectful to everyone
    if taken off site, you must link them back to here
species rules and regulations;
**can be subject to change and likely will change later on**
you may own as many quararaptors as you would like
they generally have natural base colors
quararaptors can only breed 5 times
quararaptors have a two week breeding cooldown
you must wait two weeks from when your quararaptor was adopted to breed
once a hatchling is aged, you must wait a month before it can breed
quararaptors can only be male or female, but can have any sexuality.
however, only two of the opposite sex can breed.
our contests will not be judged on anything besides the content of the form
- we will not allow coding of any type in order to give everyone an equal chance!

if you have questions or concerns please contact a member of the staff, this will be updated as time goes on
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