Foxerfly #122 -Winner! by emberheart.

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Foxerfly #122 -Winner!

Postby emberheart. » Sun Apr 13, 2014 7:41 pm

A Foxerfly is a fox-like creature that is rather small. They are about the size of the average house cat. Their very unique feature is the pair of wings on their back that allows them to fly unlike any other four-legged being. There are three different types of wings of a Foxerfly that resemble wings of insects.

Dragonfly and

Occasionally their wings will be different to others, but it is rare in the average Foxerfly. Their diet consists of everything a normal fox would eat; berries, eggs, small rodents, fruit, and they may chew on various crops. They are shy and extremely secretive among creatures of different kinds, so they are not seen often.
Be nice to your Foxerfly; they will only choose the one right for them.

IcyWolf99 wrote:
Chihoshi 千星

A thousand stars





Chihoshi is a calm, simple,slightly shy, philosophical foxerfly. She loves the stars, just like everyone else in her family. She offers advice to anyone who seeks for her guidance. She is quite tranquil, as when others freak out, she stays composed, handling situations very well. However, she is not cold at all, and adores her family and friends, often giving them her best night paintings as presents, though they probably have stacks of them.
Chihoshi is also a bit shy, which is one of her flaws. When she meets new people, she tends to act strange, and gets flustered very easily. She acts a bit stiff, as well. After knowing one for some time, though, she warms up!
Another one of Chihoshi's flaws is that she can be a bit too curious, often becoming nosy. If you don't tell her something, she'll get to the bottom of it! She'll make a big deal out of a small secret. She demands to be included.
Chihoshi also loves anything that sounds philosophical, or poetic. She often says things like, " Sometimes one must judge themself to know another" or "In truth everyone is wrong, at the same time everyone is right. It is better to admit defeat to comrade, than to create ruins of a connection." Her siblings have all gotten used to this "poetic" character of Chihoshi and usually apt to continue,ignoring Chihoshi's words in the process, which annoys Chihoshi after a couple of times.
Chihoshi can also be quite impatient, causing her to give up sometimes too quickly. Urged by kind words, however, she will grow to pick things up again once more. There is one absolute thing she cannot wait for though, and that is of for food! When's she's hungry she tends be very edgy, saying rude things to everyone, though inside deeply, she does not mean anything at all.
Chihoshi has her ups and downs, but overall, she is one of balance.


Chihoshi's talent is painting. It may seem a bit weird, a star themed fox with skills to paint, but it's not everyday painting. She paints stars. So what,right? Her job is more important than just painting though.She paints every single star in the night. She doesn't create stars, that is not her talent. She allows the stars to appear at night. Whizzing across the night with her wings, she paints all the stars, flying at the speed of light just to make sure every star is where it should, and waiting for the moment to gleam. However, she can only use this skill for 1 minute, so she trains to be faster even without her once-a-night- skill. Unfortunately, after she paints the stars frantically each night, she usually is very tired, and just flops. Her siblings usually have to pull her to a safer place to rest.



Chihoshi's hobbies are actually different from her talent. She is a lover of the arts as well, writing, poetry, visual arts, moving arts (dancing),the musics as well as calligraphy, which she excels at. She especially loves to paint, which is her talent, however she doesn't always paint the stars. She can paint anything! But, of course she prefers to paint night scenes, when she can see the stars. On some nights, when she is less tired, she stargazes with her friend,Cassiopeia.
Chihoshi also loves music. She listens to music 75% of the time when she paints. Her all time favourite songs are Hoshiboshi no Wataritori (Migratory Birds of the Stars) by Yanagi Nagi, Silver sky by Nano and Many Universes by Yanagi Nagi. She loves music that is soft, slow, and calming. She likes classical music as well, and absolutely loathes dubstep/electronic music.
Chihoshi enjoys to stargaze as well, with her friend, Cassiopeia, an Audilo. They talk about stars together, comparing which constellations are better. Cassiopeia obviously likes the constellation Cassiopeia the best, while Chihoshi likes Orion, the brightest and most recognizable constellation.
Another one of her skills is calligraphy, both Japanese and Chinese (as they are very similar) and she finds this traditional art very calming. Chihoshi likes to write her name everywhere on her actual paintings, feeling proud of it.

Chihoshi also loves to write, "blessed with the power of creativity" as she says. She enjoys writing poems and shortstories, as she doesn't usually have the patience to last a novel-length. She enjoys writing about emotional, poetic sounding things. She usually uses a lot of imagery, and metaphors, as well as symbolism. An example of her quatrain:
Spring blossoms dance gently in the breeze,
as we sing and as we fly.
White fluffy clouds float softly with ease,
as we soar across the sky.


It was a cold, starless night.
It seemed so anyways.
I sighed quietly, my breath coming out as condensed fog. I was sitting outside our den, gazing at the sky like Cassiopeia had told me too.
Nothing was there today. Where had the stars gone?
I turned to the rest of my siblings, all sound asleep, peacefully laying in a bundle. They wanted to see them too.
My mother walked up to me." You should go to sleep, honey." she said, voice warm and fuzzy sounding.
"I want to see the stars." I said simply, yawning.
"It looks like the stars aren't out today." said my father softly.
I yawned once more. I was a quite sleepy.
"Maybe tomorrow." Mother said, licking my cheek gently.
I lay down and burrowed between my siblings's warm fur. "Tomorrow." I whispered.
The next day, I woke up to a sunny morning, and of my siblings tumbling around. I was such a late sleeper.
My mother came to me and gave me some berries as a morning meal. "Here's breakfast." she said to me, smiling at me.
"Thank you,mother." I said, chewing each of the berries slowly and thoughtfully. I wondered what I would do today. I wanted to play with my siblings, but they differed from me. They had all found their talents and given various accessories with their own starcharms. Lately I had been feeling a bit more self conscious around them. I was the last one yet to get one.
My mother, as if reading my mind said,"Why don't you go explore our attic?"
I rolled my eyes slightly. Our parents thought of fun as education. You're bored? Okay, good! Go and sift through our many generations old family heirlooms!
"Alright,mother." I said, and then turned tail to duck into the hole of our den.
Our den was simple, a small burrow for my siblings and I in the winter, one for my parents, a place to store some food in the winter, and an "attic" with many old family items.
I headed straight down, and then turned left, where I reached the medium size hole.
There was all sorts of stuff in there, old mirrors, a crystal shard, jewelry, everything! Through a small hole, there was the smallest bit of light peeking through. Following the ray of sunlight, there was a stick,painted dark purple with a a tuft of strange white hairs glued to it.. It seemed to glow.
Fascinated, I trotted over to it, and picked it up gently between my jaws. It felt so magical just to touch it!
I immediately left the den to ask my parents permission for it.
I strolled to my father, whom was supervising my siblings." Father, how do I use this?"
My father eyed the item in my mouth for a split second before returning his attention to my siblings, fluttering around."That's a paintbrush. You draw with it.” he answered.
"Draw?" I asked, mystified.
"Create pictures." My father said, simplifying things down. "Ask your mothers for more details."
"Yes? Someone called me?" My mother asked, appearing on scene.
"Mother, how do I draw with a paintbrush?" I asked shyly.
"Ah, the paintbrush. Come to think of it, I haven't seen anyone with that item before. Honestly,honey, I do not know how to draw myself. You'll have to learn yourself. " My mother shook her head.
I felt a bit disappointed. To come across such a peculiar item, yet no one knew how to use it.
However,I took the paintbrush and wandered to the stream nearby out of instinct. It seemed like my soul wasn't even myself when I dipped the tuft of hair into the water, and stumbled to a dry rock close by.
Suddenly, I knew what to do.
I tipped my head sideways, and with a couple of simple, quick, flowing strokes, I had created a faint picture of a flower. It was beautiful. Magical.
"Look!' I said to everyone."Look!"
My family came over to me.

''Good job,Chihoshi" My mother cheered me on, and my siblings nodded in agreement.
I was respected.
That night, we all sat outside to stare at the night sky together.
Nothing. Only absolute darkness.
We just sat there, sadly, gazing at the gloom.
I felt anger burn through me. Where are the stars?
I leaped up, and ran towards the river. There, I swiped the paintbrush I was still carrying around into the water and ran to the rock.
The flower painting had long since dried, which didn't really matter all that much to me.
On the cool, stone, I drew one star. One single star.
It seemed to whisper," Thank you"
And floated up to the sky.
I never noticed I was flying myself, until I felt the air cooler than it was already.
My paintbrush seemed to move on it's own, as I flew around, painting stars,actual stars in the sky. Glowing, shining white stars.
I only managed to paint 20 or so stars, until my weak wings gave out. I collapsed onto the ground.
My family rushed towards me, and with eyes shining with pride, my father conjured a starcharm necklace out.
My mother, eye shining with pride, walked over to me, my family following her.
She said the ceremonial words I had always wanted to hear," You have finally found your talent as a member of the Foxerfly Star Litter, and thus we present you with a starcharm accessory of your own. May your path be ever lighted with the stars you paint for the night."
She slipped the necklace onto my neck, a simple silver line with a nightjewel of purple carved into a star, and silver strands wrapped around it in various ways. It was perfect in my eyes.

"Congratulations, Chihoshi." she whispered, touching her nose with mine.
I smiled at my family. I finally had found what my role was.
"Thank you."

My parents have long disappeared. They just vanished one day. We do not know where they went, or if we will ever see them again, but we know they loved us.
Every night I still paint the stars to where they are supposed to be. I have finally found out my paintbrush is indeed of magical breed, as it can make the stars in the sky appear if one wields it with proper care.
I have also realized my necklace gives me special properties so that I can manage to fly and paint at the speed of light, allowing every star to appear where it should and not just some.
Some days I wonder why.
Questions storm my head, and I feel like exploding.
On those days, there's only one thought that can keep my going.

At nightfall, I will paint the stars.

Theme Song:

(Migratory Birds of the Stars)

Translation for Lyrics:

Crossing the sea of stars spread out before of us
Gently watching over
the shadows of birds on the ground
Carrying a pretty box
Packed with thoughts of yesterday
Where shall we travel

Each deciding on different destinations
Looking for the trajectory that will change pale words into our future

A raised look
Let us always remember the secret words
Hidden in the corner of the classroom
Then let us fly until it becomes fond memories

Your brand new shirt
And your everyday familiar room
It became cramped during the time we didn't notice
I tried collecting memories and placing it in the following locations but
This empty world is dear

Just like the dream I had seen during those days
If I keep on going ahead will we someday truly meet

Clasping that unchanging heart
Running through everyday like a whirlwind
Always remembering no matter what
Then let's go over and connect our memories
To tomorrow

This star as seen on the running sky
Is glittering and spins around like a Merry-Go-Round
Following the tip of the smell of spring
Is surely a road full of dazzling light

The Poem of Flight:

Poem by me,IcyWolf99

How to Fly
She wishes to be free,
To be able to fly,
But instead she is trapped,
With useless wings,
on the ground.
She doesn't know how to fly.

She wants to cry,
To throw a fit of frustration,
But instead,
She drowns in her sadness,
And tears,
silently weeping inside.

She dreams of the day,
When she can discover her talent,
And fly,
Forever free,
Bound no more,
She cannot see that day.

She looks around lifelessly,
Sitting in this cool grass,
Lies one on their back,
Eyes wide,
gazing into the night,
examine the details of the sky.

She walks over to one,
Who looks so at peace,
and asks what they are doing,
The one, a she as well,
says simply,
"I am stargazing"

She is confused,
She does not know what stars are.
The one answers,
"Stars are the glittering,
Thousands above,
Of white who speaks of the night."

She wonders what the one is saying,
"Some fly, some stay,
Some are wished upon,
All have roles of their own,
All beautiful and unique,
Yet the same and alluring."

She wants to be a flying star,
"And you can"
says the one,
She wonders how.
"Spread your wings"
And catch the wind"

She opens her wings,
And takes off to the night,
To the stars,
To the moon,
And the wind that sings.
She has never felt so free.

She flies back to the one,
to thank her,
to ask her name,
"Cassiopeia the Audilo"
the one says, and asks back.

Favourite Item:

Chihoshi's favourite items would be her magical paintbrush and the starcharm necklace she received from her parents when she discovered her talent. Both are very dear to her, and she would just absolutely perish (in her sense) if one of them went missing.

Made from the hairs of a moon wolf, the wood of a silverwillow tree, and painted with the blood of a kirin, this magical item holds many mystical properties.
She not only draws with her paintbrush, she also writes, and does calligraphy with it. She received her magical paintbrush from her parents, after she discovered her talent of love of painting. It was a family heirloom, passed down generation to generation, but had not been used for many generations. When Chihoshi stumbled across it, one day, she picked it up, and she knew her destiny.
Nowadays, Chihoshi uses it everynight when she paints the stars of the sky. Bound to her by an oath, it will stay by her side until the end of her days.

Chihoshi also always wears her starcharm necklace, given to her from her parents when she discovered her talent. She wears it everywhere, as every charm crafted is unique and special in it's own way, speaking of the holder. She personally believes her charm represents creativity, and freedom of mind.




(By Blue Orca, thank you for letting me use this! <3)

Chihoshi loves her family with all her heart, often trying to give them advice, or paintings of night scenes which she did herself. She shares with them the love of the stars.Sometimes, she gets a bit annoyed by them, as siblings do to each other, but deeply inside she cares for them just like they care for her. She knows they will always back her up the way she backs them up. Afterall,
"Family is one of nature's masterpeices"
- George Santayana


Chihoshi's quite shy in the beginning, so most of her friends are her siblings, plus her best friend, an Audilo named Cassiopeia. Both of them love to stargaze on the darkest nights. They discuss the stars, and of where they go next. The first time Chihoshi met Cassiopeia, Cassiopeia taught her how to fly,verbally. They share their darkest secrets together, as best friends should.
Chihoshi does hope to make new friends, one day!
color=#BF80FF]"Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together."
– Woodrow T. Wilson[/color]


Chihoshi is one of the densest foxers there are. She has no idea when other lovely male foxers crush on her, or show obvious signs of affection. She is completely innocent in this sense. Currently, there is no one that catches her eye, as she takes a lot of time painting, and with her friends and sibilings. However, one day, maybe one day, someone will be brave enough to open her heart.
“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
- Dr. Seuss


Favourite Quote of all time

Look, and it can't be seen.
Listen, and it can't be heard.
Reach, and it can't be grasped.

Above, it isn't bright.
Below, it isn't dark.
Seamless, unnamable,
it returns to the realm of nothing.
Form that includes all forms,
image without an image,
subtle, beyond all conception.

Approach it and there is no beginning;
follow it and there is no end.
You can't know it, but you can be it,
at ease in your own life.
Just realize where you come from:
this is the essence of wisdom.
-Tao Te Ching



Love this Foxerfly, the foxer is beautiful! Good luck to everyone else! ^^

This is a somewhat special foxerfly that you've stumbled upon! No, it doesn't have any special powers or anything of the sort, though it does have four other siblings that have one thing in common with them. S t a r s. As you can see, this Foxer has multiple stars on its body, and its charm involves a star as well. Your job is to impress me. Make me pick you to have this beautiful foxer, make it your own. Show me what you can do.

So tell me. What's this foxer's talent? Why is it star themed? Be creative! Tell me a story! Convince me that you need this foxer to be your own <3

Info list;
• Must be a sibling to the other foxers
• You can only win one star sibling foxer. So that means you can try for more than one, but if you win one you are disqualified for the others cx
• Nicely coded forms make me want to pick you more
• I'm not a fan of sparkly gifs or fonts
• Art is awesome and I won't lie makes me want to pick you more but its okay if you're not "good" or order it ^u^
• Don't whine if you lose, it makes the winner feel bad
• No bribing
• Ends on Saturday, May 3rd
• No extensions!


Hex codes;

■ #ffffff
■ #e8e2fe
■ #9f91cf
■ #463876
Last edited by emberheart. on Sun May 04, 2014 8:13 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby enomoto » Mon Apr 14, 2014 12:20 pm

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Inactive, if you wanna know where I am message Shin
I'm keeping all of my characters so if you see anyone claiming them send them a DM for confirmation that, that is indeed me. I can log into this account whenever I like
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Re: Foxerfly #122

Postby firewhiskey » Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:37 am

"Everything that drowns me makes me want to fly"

story of the stars wrote:Astrid sat in her room, gazing out the dirty,
dirt encrusted window. Even though the sky outside
was quite cloudy, the stars still shone stubbornly
with their dim light reflecting off the falling rain.
Astrid smiled, closing the window curtains and
walked over to her bed.

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Re: Foxerfly #122

Postby ~Zion~ » Fri Apr 18, 2014 5:42 am

Username. I'm ~Zion~ and I curenty don't own any foxers but hope to win this one.
Name. I think I'm gonna name this foxer Loomeness (Loo-ma-ness.
Gender. I think think this pretty foxer is gonna be a female.
Talent and charm. well her charm is a star of coruse and her talent is watching over the animals in the forest. Also she loves animals and cares for them she even has a pet bunny named Carmel she loves em.
Personality. well... She thinks she's very happy but she can also get angered very quickly she's also funny very rarely quiet and silly very silly.
Likes. bunnies. sunny days. chocolate. the color purple. hearts. stars. silly stuff.
Dislikes. rainy days. cold days. panthers. golf. carrots. the color black. mean animals.
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Re: Foxerfly #122

Postby zaz » Sat Apr 19, 2014 5:04 am

    forget all the other foxers
    I put my stamp of approval on this babe
zaz ♦ she/they ♦ <3

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Re: Foxerfly #122

Postby aeth » Sat Apr 19, 2014 5:10 pm

Possible reserve
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Re: Foxerfly #122

Postby stxrdog » Sun Apr 20, 2014 12:21 am


So tell me. What's this foxer's talent? Why is it star themed? Be creative! Tell me a story! Convince me that you need this foxer to be your own <3

Info list;
• Must be a sibling to the other foxers
• You can only win one star sibling foxer. So that means you can try for more than one, but if you win one you are disqualified for the others cx
• Nicely coded forms make me want to pick you more
• I'm not a fan of sparkly gifs or fonts
• Art is awesome and I won't lie makes me want to pick you more but its okay if you're not "good" or order it ^u^
• Don't whine if you lose, it makes the winner feel bad
• No bribing
• Ends on thursday, May 1st
• An extension may be given if two or more people ask


Hello! I am Courage. but feel free to call me whatever you would like ;u;


I would name her Lilith, I think it really suits her ; The name "Lilith" means Guardian of the night and she is a star foxer so that is a big reason it suits her

Why is Lilith A star Foxer?

Lilith is star themed because she controls the sky and the stars, the name Lilith mean ;; "Guardian Of The Night"


Lilith can control the weather! She can make it snow, rain, be sunny, hail, any sort of weather possible!
(You may add more if you want Zatchy :3)


Needs help ...
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Re: Foxerfly #122

Postby emberheart. » Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:16 am

Little less than a week uwu Make sure you have your forms completed guys! <3
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Re: Foxerfly #122

Postby Comettail76 » Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:57 pm


I would call this Foxerfly Umbra. I think it would be a fitting name, since it refers to the shadow the Moon casts on Earth or the Earth casts on the Moon, and this Foxerfly is based off of part of the outer space.

Umbra would be female.

Umbra's Talent:
Umbra's talent is to create stars. However, her talent has limits:

- Umbra can only create a star on a full moon, and only once per year.
- After Umbra creates a star, she feels exhausted anything from a 2-14 days.
- Depending on the size of the star, the longer Umbra is exhausted. For example, if Umbra creates a blue giant, she's going to be exhausted for closer to 14 days. If Umbra creates a red dwarf, she's only exhausted for closer to 2 days. Due to this, Umbra usually sticks to stars like a red dwarf.
- If Umbra is already tired when creating a star, she has a chance of failing, and creating a brown dwarf, which is what happens when what might have been a star fails to become one due to lacking in size.

Umbra's Personality:

Umbra loves to study. She studies the outer space a lot, and completely loves the subject of astronomy. She often likes to curl up with an astronomy book by herself, learning all she can about space, especially stars. Another common thing for her to do is look at the stars and outer space through her telescope. She loves to look for stars she created to see how they're doing currently, but she still has fun looking at other stars. When someone distracts her when she's studying, she can easily become angered, and yell at whoever she gets distracted by to leave, and she can yell very loudly. Umbra gets annoyed while studying even more easily when she's recently created a star and is exhausted, as exhausted equals grumpy. Plus, Umbra usually wants to just sit around and study when she doesn't have the energy to do much else. However, when she isn't reading science books and looking through her telescope, Umbra enjoys hanging out with friends and family. She'll want to talk about what she's learned about astronomy half of the time. However, sometimes she'll talk about something related to astronomy without explaining it in a way foxerflies who don't study astronomy constantly can understand, and it can get extremely boring to listen. Even if she doesn't feel like giving entire lectures about astronomy, she still might try to talk about something related to science. To a fair amount of foxerflies, she can come off as a know-it-all. However, to foxerflies who love science as much as Umbra does, she would be a great foxerfly to hang out with.

Likes wrote:-Science
-Using her telescope
-Creating stars (But not the exhaustion
-Being with her
family and friends
-Clear nights
Dislikes wrote:-Almost anything that isn't logical
-Being interrupted while studying
-Dawn; it means she has to
stop watching the stars
-Being ignored when giving one of her
lectures about astronomy
-Cloudy nights
-Reading a science book only to
find out there's nothing in it that
she doesn't know already
-Uncertain conclusions to experiments
-Overly noisy areas

How Umbra Discovered Her Talent:
It was a clear, beautiful night with a full moon brightly shining in the sky. Umbra smiled as she looked through the window. It would be a perfect day for looking through her telescope at the stars and planets and other objects in space. Umbra quickly headed over to her closet, opened it, and grabbed her shiny black telescope. She placed it down near the window and started looking through it at the moon. It looked wonderful close-up, with all of the different features showing up. After a while of looking at the moon, Umbra changed the direction of her telescope to different parts of space. She saw various planets, mostly looking at Saturn since she hadn't looked at it for a while. After a while of inspecting Saturn's fascinating rings, Umbra changed her view to places outside the solar system. She saw so many different beautiful stars, blue giants and white dwarfs and red giants. Umbra sighed, wishing that she discovered a star, yellow and bright, similar to the Sun. Then, all of a sudden, Umbra felt exhausted, more exhausted than she ever had before in her life. She looked through her telescope again, and saw a yellow star shining that hadn't been there before. But no matter how much Umbra thought about it, she couldn't think about why it had appeared. Confused, Umbra headed over to her books, trying to find something in one that would explain this event. But there was absolutely nothing that explained this. Thinking about what had happened, the discovery following a sudden exhaustion, and how she had been thinking of a yellow star, Umbra finally realized what her talent was. Her talent was to create stars.
Last edited by Comettail76 on Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:25 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: Foxerfly #122

Postby stxrdog » Mon Apr 28, 2014 7:31 pm

Sorry I haven't finished yet.
I hired 1 coder but they quote on then the other one might not be able to
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