Re: Kalon #1300 — Reindeer (OPEN)

Postby Softea » Mon Feb 05, 2018 5:35 am


Username: Softea
Name: Snowfall Dreams
Gender: Female

Brief Personality + History:
Snowfall is a quiet, mysterious and somewhat arrogant kalon. She doesn't normally associate with any particular kalon and does not speak to anyone. She does not answer to anyone as she is the great Snowfall Dreams!

Although, Snowfall is extremely lonely and actually wishes for friends, someone that can stand her and be around her. She acts arrogant and rude, as well as entitled but honestly, she just acts that way because of how she was raised.

She lived in a poor village as to which the other kids would make fun of her for her horns and hooves. Snowfall didn't know why, but they did. Though there were a few kalons that didn't mind her having hooves or horns.

Are they in control of their powers and how do they use them? What are their feelings toward their abilities?:
(2000 words maximum)


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Re: Kalon #1300 — Reindeer (OPEN)

Postby Jippy » Mon Feb 05, 2018 5:35 am

Username: Dreamlight

Name: Kalissa Nevermore

Gender: female

Brief Personality + History:
A long long long time ago, the universe started as nothing, nothing as in nothing. Nothing is beyond comprehension but understand that there was nothing. It wasn’t blank as blank is still something. It was just nothing. Now from that nothing came time. The most important factor needed. Everything revolves on time, and so time began. The pages of the Past, Present, and Future began to fill in as the first world came. It’s known as Zareth, or Zero. Zareth is a pocket dimension, it’s not considered One because a pocket dimension isn’t a complete dimension, it has gaps. Now these gaps are portals, portals that lead to every single realm, world, dimension in existence. Zareth is the only place you can access these portals and is the mother of all realms. Now it makes sense that on Zareth are four parts: winter, spring, summer, and autumn but Zareth only developed a winter environment before it stopped aging. Why it stopped aging, well, because Kalissa came to be.

Zareth held a tremendous amount of responsibility, they needed someone to guard the portal well. To make sure that no one knew of Zareth and it’s abilities, no interferences, and no realm crashing. Weaker dimensions have a cycle where they are created so a portal opens but they might fade away causing the portal to disappear. It’s a natural process but if two realms crash, not only will they be destroyed in the process but the impact might send smaller impacts to the surrounding realms. So they created Kalissa Nevermore, she was a Kalon from the future that had ice and snow powers, a sound that knew everything recorded in the past, living in the present time with two hooves of a powerful deer. She became the Guardian of the Gateways. Because she came from all parts of time, it caused Zareth to stop aging,and eventually she stopped too.

Kalissa Nevermore has a mixture of personalities, she’s a creative and imaginative Kal, which came from her future side. Being all alone in a world can get boring but that’s how reality was, she occasionally talks to herself which is one of her only companions. She would create ice sculptures using her magic and always loved to strengthen her magic ability. Luckily she has all the time in the world to master any skill she pleases. From her present side, she’s always alert and prepared for anything. She fears failing her duty and sometimes her emotions get the best of her. She’s very sensitive but she sheds no tears for she’s run out of tears from crying. Crying about the treacherous world she lives in. She knows she will always be alone, she knows that know one will no she exists or ever will. Of course, the woodland creatures are always their to cheer her up during times where reality hits her. From her past side, she has knowledge beyond anything and most of her strategies and plans come from that side. Together they make the sensitive Kalissa Nevermore with her imaginative creativity, her alert and observation, and her eternal memories of history.


Are they in control of their powers and how do they use them? What are their feelings toward their abilities?:
Kalissa smiled at the ice sculpture she’d made, she was beginning to connect with it, a fellow owl had told her that you can’t control your abilities, you must learn to work with it. So she practiced being one with her powers. As of now, she created an ice sculpture of Mister Squirrel. “How do you like it?” He chirped at it and scurried off with his new prize, I smiled at his funny behavior. Then a deer appeared from the woods, ushering me to come. I followed her up the mountain until we reached the top. A view of portals lay out extending in all shapes and sizes. Leila the owl swooped down. Mister Squirrel came and so did Fiona the arctic hare. “What’s going on” I asked, looking at them for any answers. “Hooo hooo” replied Leila as she pointed to the portals. I couldn’t speak animal but that was enough to tell me what was going on. It had been 100 years, every 100 years, those from Zareth are able to go through the portals and return safely. Last 100 years I traveled through and almost got caught. I covered it up with a fake story about Santa having magical reindeers, luckily the people there believed it. That was a close one, there was no way I was going back in another. “No way, you know what happened last time and plus I need to keep a watch on the portals.” “Hoooo Hoooooo” Leila was getting annoyed. “Diane the deer nudged me, “yes, I know it can be a better learning experience and maybe I might figure a thing or two about how to become stronger and work with my powers better but you all know what happened last time. I had to come up with a derpy story about Rudolph the reindeer. I wonder if that story is still going around?.....” I did not want to go through another portal but I guess it was a good opportunity. “Okay fine, but remember, this only lasts for an hour.” They we’re lucky that I was a reasonable person. The animals cheered as I rolled my eyes, oh what would I be without them! I faced the colorful portals, glowing as they seemed to draw me in a stance. Swirling lights that held great power. Just one step and I’d be somewhere else. I turned toward a light blue one, I would travel through this one and with one step, I went through. The mist feeling surrounded me as I left the portal, now standing on a few rocks. The waved crashed to me and for a second I was at lost of words. I was in a beautiful beach. I was mesmerized by the sparkling water before I heard the rustling of bushes. Reality hit me and I realized I needed to hide, I flew up into the air slightly above the clouds so that I was obscured from the naked eye. I soared above, until I found a nearby village. As I flew, I thought over my long past, did I love my powers? I never thought about it, I always felt like they were wasted on me. They were meant for the person I would have been in the future. I wonder what kind of person I would be. Now these powers just served as a goal I wanted to tackle. In the end, I guess I loved my abilities no matter how bad I was with working with it. When I arrived at the edge of the village, I followed the procedures. It was like a routine now, I would take out my cloak and boots for my front two hooves. Then with confidence and ease as my instructor Mister Squirrel would tell me, waltz right in like I belonged.

It seemed like a normal village, people having a normal day, except for a lot of people. That immediately brought two things to my mind, I could blend in better but if I made a scene, everyone would notice. I had to be careful. Suddenly horns blasted from either side of the road as a huge banner lifted up. It read Magic Festivities. Lucky for me, when you travel through portals, I’m given the knowledge of their language, the time zone, and the climate. I was already adjusted like I lived here all my life. I squeezed my way through, trying to get a better view. A little kit was crying in the corner, I looked around to make sure no one was looking as I went to her. “Are you okay, sweetie? Did you get lost?” The poor girl’s eyes were red from crying. “I. I lost m. my mommy!!! Waaaaaaa!” She broke down sobbing again. “It’s alright, let me help you, where was she last?” I tried my best to calm the girl, she stopped crying as she stared at me with her big eyes. “Weeely, you elp mee?” “Of course I will!” She was just the cutest thing ever. “O. Okay, well me and mammy were walking to the festival wen I saw candy and wen I turned around, see was gone. Oh an me name es Mawley.” I thought for a while, I got a good look at the child’s face before an idea slipped into my mind. It was risky but I wanted to give it a try. “Don’t worry, I’ll be right back.” I slipped into an alley before shooting up into the sky, I made sure no one saw me as I soared in a cloud, from here I got a good view. I could see the child and it looked like someone was desperately trying to get through the crowd, she shouted Marley! Marley... wait that was her. I swooped down and followed the young woman. “Excuse me ma’am, are you looking for a kit about this tall named Marley? She said she was looking for her mother.” The woman beamed at the sound of her daughters name before gushing that she indeed was her mother and begged to know where she was. I lead her through the crowd before she spotted Marley. The embraced each other as the mother broke down crying. “Thank you so so so so much, I don’t know what I have done without you. I’m Marley’s mother Patricia, oh thank you thank you. Please, if there is anything you need, let me know.” She smiled so brightly with her child at her side. It made me look longing at Marley, she had a loving mother. Something I could only dream to have. “No problem miss, please, call me Kali.” “Well bless you Kali, you are an angel.” And with that, I made my way back to the stage to see what all the commotion was, only then did I notice the tears on my cheek. I had cried? Of course I did, because these were happy tears. Why was I such a sensitive Kal?

“Welcome lady and gentlemen, to the annual Magic Festival! Where we bring their most powerful wizards and witches to preform you some spectacular spells and answer some exciting questions! Without further ado, I’m your host today, Robin Sanders and let’s began!” Confetti exploded everywhere as the clapping erupted. I was excited to see what they had instore, maybe it could help me!

It went by a blur, to say I was impressed was an understatement, they were far superior. They went all out and it made the crowd go wild. I had never seen anything like this. After all the performances, went the questions. They’d choose someone and each wizard would answer. “Okay who has a question?” I heisitated before raising my hand slightly, everyone pushed to be heard. The ten wizards and witches whispered to each other before telling the host. “You right there with the reindeer antlers.” Exclaimed the host, pointing at someone. I looked around, who was the lucky person. Then it hit me, wait MEE!?! “Um,” I stammered, “well see uh I have a friend who is practicing um magic who is kind of stuck on how to get better. What would you advise her to do connect with her abilites?” My face turned red, I hated to be at the center of attention, plus the irony of the reindeer antlers made me hard to have a straight face, I was giggling so hard. The wizards looked at one wizard, they seemed to have been expecting this question. “Well, I think I can answer for all of us.” The wizard said standing up, as the rest nodded. “Listen, that was a wonderful question and there is many ways to answer but if there is one thing we can agree on, tell your friend, the only way to connect with any form of magic is to love it. As long as you have a strong passion for what you do and the magic within you, together, hand in hand, you can achieve greater things then ever.” I stared in awe, I had to love my magic? Well I guess that made sense, I finally knew my answer. I may not be in control but I love it with all my heart. It’s a part of me that will always be there, I will never learn to control it for I have to work with it and love it.


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Re: Kalon #1300 — Reindeer (OPEN)

Postby carpe noctem. » Mon Feb 05, 2018 5:36 am

    Brief Personality + History: (500 words maximum)
    Are they in control of their powers and how do they use them? What are their feelings toward their abilities?:
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Re: Kalon #1300 — Reindeer (OPEN)

Postby Kyar » Mon Feb 05, 2018 5:37 am

I might give this a go! Not sure yet...
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Re: Kalon #1300 — Reindeer (OPEN)

Postby sapphirelion » Mon Feb 05, 2018 5:38 am

Username: sapphirelion
Name: Elise
Gender: female
Brief Personality + History: (800 words maximum)
Are they in control of their powers and how do they use them? What are their feelings toward their abilities?:
(2000 words maximum)

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Re: Kalon #1300 — Reindeer (OPEN)

Postby Soarora » Mon Feb 05, 2018 5:40 am

Username: MaximumWildlife
Gender: Female
Brief Personality + History: (500 words maximum)
Are they in control of their powers and how do they use them? What are their feelings toward their abilities?:
(1500 words maximum)

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— ❝ skadi fanaa the undesirable khione

Postby solasta » Mon Feb 05, 2018 5:43 am

( ❝ ────────────── Username: solasta | Name: skadi fanaa ( SKAHD-ee FA-naa ) | Gender: female


Brief Personality + History: (800 words maximum)
Code: Select all
- reclusive, lonely, unlucky
- she just wants a friend
- lives atop a claimed "cursed" mountain, surrounded by a pine forest with a small village down below
- villagers believe that skadi is a fiendishly cruel khione; who attracts whom ever may be near the entrance of the mountain.
- attracted villagers are never found; villagers believe skadi kills them over envy.
- accidents may or may not occur atop the mountain


Are they in control of their powers and how do they use them? What are their feelings toward their abilities?: (2000 words maximum)
Code: Select all
- has full control over her magic in the present but what happens in the future is always an accident
- followed by an eternal snow
- can create blue alluring snowfall in which acts as an attraction spell.
- res... need ideas asap (do not steal any of my ideas !!)

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Re: Kalon #1300 — Reindeer (OPEN)

Postby Sandstorm814 » Mon Feb 05, 2018 5:43 am

Username: Sandstorm814

Name: Athena

Gender: Female

Brief Personality + History: (800 words maximum)
Athena first discovered her powers early on in her life. She could never remember the exact first time she had discovered them, or if it was the Dalmatae themselves, drawing it out of her.

Are they in control of their powers and how do they use them? What are their feelings toward their abilities? (2000 words) :
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Re: Kalon #1300 — Reindeer (OPEN)

Postby kanadensis » Mon Feb 05, 2018 5:44 am

Omg mark
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Re: Kalon #1300 — Reindeer (OPEN)

Postby lonk » Mon Feb 05, 2018 5:45 am

      username: lonk

      name: june

      gender: female

      brief personality + history:
      (500 words maximum)
      - extremely vain
      - cursed with powers
      - wears gloves NOT due to powers, but due to her glow
      - the coldest heart deserves the coldest predicament

      Are they in control of their powers and how do they use them?
      What are their feelings toward their abilities?:

      (1500 words maximum)
      - for the most part, yes
      - had trouble at the beginning but is now generally under control
      - powers don't work when angry, uncontrollable when upset
      - enjoys having powers but also hates them ??? uuuuhhhhhhh
      - lives on a hill overlooking a quiet village
      - townspeople are extremely indifferent to her and just see her as the tall lady who lives on the hill
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