Re: Kalon #542 // Fennec Fox (Round 5, pg 26)

Postby clouds-move-on » Wed Sep 14, 2016 3:21 pm

@ wajas
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.

- John 13:34-35

temp open to doing stars myos off oekaki for 100+ c$s... dm me

I am no longer active on CS.
- I am keeping all my characters that I haven't readopted out myself, dont ask about em.
- If you want to transfer designs by me out of chicken smoothie closed species from before 8/2/20, YES, you may! Be free. uwu ❤️
- You may also transfer them into other species/groups/arpgs!
- Do not contact me here unless I contacted you first.
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Re: Kalon #542 // Fennec Fox (Round 5, pg 26)

Postby Gaycko » Wed Sep 14, 2016 3:40 pm

Thank you for the HM good luck everybody and the winner may have my art :)
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winston v

Postby messenger » Wed Sep 14, 2016 5:07 pm

Username: messenger
Name: winston
Gender: male
Part 1 Form:
Part 2 Form:
Part 3 Form:
Part 4 Form:
A Likely Future:
Serene silence set in the house, a cool zephyr drifting through the halls. The sun just had peeked above
the forest canopy, casting rays upon any surface it could caress. Trees bathed in golds and yellows, laying
down their intricate shadows onto the duff. The woodland fauna waking as the morning star pushed the
moon and stars out of sight. Few cotton puff clouds dotted the welkin, although azure stretched as far as
the eye could see. Mountains towered above, a thick sheen of haze covering their attributes. In the middle
of it all stood a congenial log cabin. Just the sight wielded an epitome of coziness. The surrounding yard was
filled with the melodies of songbirds, the call of an owl, and the distant cry of an eagle. Inside the house,
however, it was complete hush, only few snores and grumbling reverberating off the walls. The sun peeped
in through the curtains, lustre leaking in.

With a soft snort, Winston woke from his slumber. He sat up in bed, linen pooling at his waist. A great big
yawn stretched open his maw, eyes squeezing shut. With a low grumble, he slipped from the bed, paws
hitting the particularly chilly floor, fur standing up at the sudden loss of warmth. Stretching his tired muscles,
Winny began to walk out of his rooms, ears flicking to listen for any little paw steps, but none graced his
senses. He entered the living room, pupils shrinking to the luminescence that windows so generously drank in.
Strolling at a slow pace, Winny broke the threshold into the kitchen, which had its fare share of renovating.
He blinked lazily, sluggishness evident in his movements. Albeit, he loved to cook breakfast on sundays, but
right now he just wants to go back to bed. The sweet taste of fruit should give him motivation.

Winston's tongue peeked out the side of the mouth in concentration, ears flattened and eyes narrowed. With
complete expertise, he nudged strawberries onto the french toast in the perfect spot. A sizeable grin broke
out onto his face. All five plates looked simply scrumptious. And just in time too, he heard three pairs of paw
steps coming from the living room. "Daddy!" Two little pups came running, going headfirst into Winny's chest.
A warm smile tugged at the edges his muzzle, eyes filling with admiration once a third figure came into view,
this time a much bigger Kalon, her eyes gleaming with same adoration. She padded over to him, giving him
a chaste kiss on the cheek before her gaze zeroed in on a plate of french toast. In no time, everyone had began
to eat, except Wintston, as he waited for one more guest. Speak of the devil- or angel, he should say, a knock
at the door rung through the house. The two munchkins spouted excitement, dashing to the door. "Granpapa!"
The door swung open, revealing Winston's father, Charles. Grey hairs were practically everywhere, but a smile
like no other made him look ten times younger. The two pups embraced the old Kalon before running off back
to the kitchen. Charles looked upwards, face having gone straight, though, it didn't last long, that special smile
brightened his face. "Winston". Winny nodded with a grin, father and son walking towards the kitchen chatting
about anything and everything.
Last edited by messenger on Thu Sep 15, 2016 2:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Kalon #542 // Fennec Fox (Round 5, pg 26)

Postby Downn » Wed Sep 14, 2016 11:03 pm

Thank you for the HM! uvu
Good luck to everyone still in the contest.
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Re: Kalon #542 // Fennec Fox (Round 5, pg 26)

Postby kamelgirl » Thu Sep 15, 2016 8:23 am

    username ;; kamelgirl
    name ;; Felix - 'lucky'
    gender ;; male (he/him)
    - - -
    a likely future ;;
      Felix woke to acorns knocking against his window and the sound of a frog screaming in pain as it died.Rubbing his eyes, he rolled off his bed and dragged himself over to the window. Heaving it open, he leaned out and was greeted by an acorn square to his nose. "Oh- um, sorry," the figure perched in a nearby tree hissed. "Hey, can you let me in?"

      Felix, clutching his nose, glared at Aisake. "Leave the frog alone and I'll let you in."

      Aisake reeled back and clutched his chest in mock offence, crying, "Frog- excuse you, that was a genuine whippoorwill birdcall!"

      Felix rolled his eyes and leaned on the windowsill. "Look, I don't know what you're doing outside my window at-" He checked the clock, which still hadn't gone off yet, "Four-thirty in the morning, but I'm supposed to get at least one more hour of sleep before I go to work. And I don't want you climbing into my house this early, it's weird."

      "No, no, wait! Don't close the window!" Aisake lurched forward, flailing his arms, but managed to catch himself on the branch. "I, well, actually came to say bye. Since I'm leaving pretty early tomorrow.. or today.. or, uh, in twenty minutes. And I'm not going to be seeing you again anytime soon."

      "Oh. That's what this is about," Felix realized. "Alright, move over." Snatching a blanket off his bed, Felix climbed onto the windowsill, grabbed the branch, and hopped onto the tree. Wrapping the blanket around himself, he plopped down next to Aisake. "I'm not going anywhere. You can see me when you come back to visit your parents."

      Aisake frowned. "I literally don't understand anything about college. I don't know anyone there, I can barely stick to a schedule on my best days, and I just.. I don't want to fail."

      Felix reached an arm around Aisake and squeezed him gently. "You're smart and pick things up quickly. You retain information well and you like to learn. You make friends easily and the schedule may be hard, but you'll figure it out. Once you get the hang of it, it'll be easy. Plus, if you need help, you can always call my number and your incredible big brother will come save your tail."

      "Thanks, I guess," Aisake muttered, but Felix could see him smiling. Mentally applauding himself, Felix rolled his eyes and sat up.

      "Oh, well if you're going to be like that, maybe I won't," he huffed. "You go off to your college and have fun without me. I'll just bake some cookies and send 'em to your dorm."

      Aisake was definitely grinning now, Felix noted. "You can't even bake cookies!" the younger Kalon protested. "You can't even look at an oven without it burning. You'll probably just buy store cookies and pass them off as your own."

      "Ungrateful youngsters these days," Felix pouted, crouching down in preparation for hopping back to his window. "Now when I was young-"

      Aisake rolled his eyes. "You're only six years older than me-" he began, but was interrupted by branches cracking as Felix hurtled towards the ground. "FELIX!" he cried, scrambling down the tree to Felix's side. "Ohmygosh, are you dead?"

      After a few moments, Felix groaned and rolled over. "Help. I've fallen and I can't get up."

      .~* «( )» *~.

      Felix limped into his shop about three hours past the time he was supposed to open and collapsed into a chair. He'd broken his leg (of course, served him right for playing around on trees) and the people at the clinic (whom he'd gotten to know very well over the years) had taken forever to get to him. They'd ended up given him an x-ray and some crutches, and throwing him out on his tail with some firm instructions not to 'stress the less too much, and give it time to heal'.

      Hah. With his luck, he'd probably just break it again.

      Felix heaved himself out of his chair with a sigh and limped towards the door. He'd used to just run the shop for an elderly owner, but Mrs. Reynolds, while healthy, had unfortunately passed away last year, and had given him the shop in her will. Felix had immediately rearranged everything. There was now a cozy reading area by the fireplace (which had a screen over it), all the bookshelves were moved far away from the food area, and- his favorite part - three whole shelves had been reserved solely for the old classics.

      Felix liked to think that he'd done well by the place, but maybe that was just bias.

      Finally reaching the door, Felix flipped the sign to 'open' and stood back. Instantly, the door was flung open and a tidal wave of children poured in. Felix smiled despite himself. "Hey, hey, slow down you guys-" he broke off as Ryan slammed into his midsection for a bearhug. Felix leaned down and awkwardly hugged him with one arm as Debra, Ginnie, and several of their friends joined in. Wincing as one latched onto his leg, Felix stumbled back. "Ow- watch the leg, please- alright, hug's over, now scoot."

      The kids scattered into several small groups that hovered anxiously while he limped over to the sofa. As he sat down, they swarmed over and around him onto the cushions. Ryan and Debra climbed onto his lap, both with their game faces on. "We're reading The Phantom Tollbooth today," said Debra firmly.

      Ryan frowned. "We finished that three days ago. I wanna read Treasure Island again."

      "No!" Debra stuck her tongue out. "Silver's creepy. Phantom Tollbooth!"

      "New story!" Ginnie suggested, and was rewarded with twin glares for her interference.

      Ryan looked ready to fight both of them, but before he could do anything Felix intervened. "Ryan, we'll read a few chapters from Treasure Island tomorrow. Ginnie, we can start a new story after that. We'll be reading the Phantom Tollbooth today. That sound good?"

      Ryan still looked sulky, but backed down. Felix gestured with his fingers and The Phantom Tollbooth was dropped into his hand. Flipping open the cover, Felix began to read. "There was once a boy named Milo who didn't know what to do with himself — not just sometimes, but always."

      .~* «( )» *~.

      Felix let the door slam shut as he hauled himself into the soup kitchen. "Honey, I'm home."

      His co-volunteer Kaline, who was currently washing dishes, glanced at him briefly and did a double take. "What happened to you?" she gasped. "What on earth have you done to yourself this time?"

      "Gee, you have so much faith in me," Felix muttered, dumping his stuff on the counter. "I fell out of a tree, if you really must know."

      "Felix. What were you doing in a tree?"

      "I felt like taking a lark. Maybe seeing if I'd grown wings during the night. Break the world's record for long-distance jump from tree to window."

      "Take this seriously Felix, you could get hurt someday!" Kaline growled. "Stop being so reckless. People care about you, do you realize that? If you get yourself killed, you're hurting other people as well. And you'll be ditching Aisake, too- that kid loves you like a brother. How d'you feel about that?"

      Felix felt vaguely touched, actually. Nevertheless, because his brain seemed incapable of responding with anything other than sarcasm, he raised his hands defensively and stepped back. "Alright, geez," he said. "Didn't know my personal health meant so much to you. Next time I get a papercut, I know who to call." Kaline shot him a dirty look and went back to her dishes.

      Feeling a little bad, Felix lifted his crutches and dragged himself over to the sink. "So who's manning the counter? You want me on that?"

      Kaline didn't look up. "I suppose if you want to. It's probably for the best that you're not in here; after all, you could slip on a wet dishcloth and break your other leg."

      Felix winced. Maybe he deserved that. Opting to be the better person, he ducked his head sheepishly, saying, "Sorry Kaline, that was- uh, a little uncalled for. I've been kinda stressed lately. And I'm a jerk. Maybe I could make cookies for you?"

      Kaline grunted and turned away from him dismissively, but Felix could see a hint of a smile on her face. "I'll pass," she said. "They'd probably poison me anyway. If they survived the fire, that is." Felix gasped in mock affront. "You too?" he cried. "My cooking skills are sublime. Why doesn't anyone trust me?"

      "Because you burn everything you touch," Kaline drawled. Her gaze flicked over to the counter. "You've done enough horsing around. Get over there and man the counter- that food isn't going to spoon itself."

      Felix flashed a lopsided salute. "Your wish is my command, milday."

      Kaline grinned to herself as he limped over to the counter. "Just don't touch the stove."

      .~* «( )» *~.

      Felix swung his crutches out and heaved himself up onto the last step. His balance wobbled for a moment, but thankfully his luck chose not to strike at that moment and he was able to right himself. Felix flicked the light on and hobbled into his bedroom. He plopped thankfully down onto his bed, relieved to finally be off his leg. He'd built up some pretty high pain tolerance over the years, but not that high.

      Felix grabbed his laptop off the shelf and pulled it over to him. Popping the lid open, he typed in his password and pulled up the piano competition he'd been looking at. He'd been deliberating on whether to enter for awhile, but.. Felix bit his lip for a moment, and finally gave in. He'd thought that he'd left his musical aspirations behind after graduating, but then Felix had never been one to give up on his dreams.

      Felix smiled to himself and flopped back into bed.

    part 1 form ;; boop
    part 2 form ;; boop
    part 3 form ;; boop
    part 4 form ;; boop

    i cant believe i made it *sobs incoherently*
    i feel like i just rambled all the way through this :c sorry if it's not very coherent
    basically the point is he's still stuck w/ awful luck and a not especially prestigious job, but he likes it, has fun with the kids, and keeps on encouraging/supporting his friends and doing his best to help others. not that it stops him from trying to achieve his dreams in the meantime.

    also- i know this was edited after 5 oclock but since i asked for an extension i'm desperately hoping it's okay ;-;
Last edited by kamelgirl on Fri Sep 16, 2016 9:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Kalon #542 // Fennec Fox (Round 5, pg 26)

Postby candystars. » Thu Sep 15, 2016 9:32 am

Didn't make it in -weeps-
Thank you so much for the hm!! :>>
good luck to whoevers left :00 Whoever wins this bab please take care of them!!!
also winner may have my art!!

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She/her but I don't mind anything else!

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Re: Kalon #542 // Fennec Fox (Round 5, pg 26)

Postby WolfwithWings38 » Thu Sep 15, 2016 10:41 am

I know I forgot to say this (and I also wanted to say something XD) Thanks for the HM (years ago when I did get an HM XD) and keep up the work to the rest of you!
Hey, this is me! WolfwithWings38! You may call me: WolfwithWings38, Wolf, WolfwithWings, and WolfyWingy Though I really don't know why you would XD ....... and in a nutshell I'm weird when I really want to be! I also don't mind trading... and also PM me if you want to talk or something, I won't bite!
My avatar is colored by me and is my new wolf OC, but lines are made by Vixey!
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Postby ABeardedDragon » Fri Sep 16, 2016 7:07 am

Username: ABeardedDragon
Name: Indi
Gender: Female
≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪ ≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫
A Likely Future:
Indi sat outside the red clay wall of her house. Only an awning kept her out of the scorching morning sun. She sunk into the wooden chair beneath her, closing one eye. The other followed her two children. Not once did she dare to look away. The desert was a dangerous place, even outside one's own home. A few years ago she had found a more suitable place for her village to move to. It soon proved to be good enough to live in, which gave Indi the confidence and reassurance to settle down with the love of her life; he sat next to her, sleeping. Her heart fluttered as she listened to his steady breathing; she thought of what they had achieved in life. Their relationship wasn't perfect but she was happy. Her scouting trips had become far less frequent as the community felt comfortable here and she had less time as a mother. A few hours passed by when she felt scratching on her shoulders and a flick of a furry tail against her neck. Her tan coloured jerboa, Sprite, had come to warn her. A storm was coming.
"Storm!" She shouted, darting to her feet. The word started to spread like wildfire. She ushered her children into the safety of their house. Indi and her partner closed the wooden hatch windows, securing them. Then they sat. And waited.

The sandy kalon had sat on the cold floor, leaning against the hard wall. No-one spoke. The howling wind swept across the village. Sand had slowly gathered under the windows and door, through small gaps. Her two children played with the sand. Usually Indi would tell them to move away; the careful mother wouldn't want to risk it. The hatches rattled, threatening to be ripped from their hinges. But they were sturdy enough to resist the force. Instead of focusing on her family, she focused on her own thoughts. After the storm, she was bound to have the same argument with her partner. The same one after every storm. The one that, at times, made Indi reconsider her life.
"Go ahead, say it," She refused to lift her head, instead placing her hands on it. Her body felt like a bag of bricks as she sunk further against the wall.

"Not in front of the kids," his voice almost sounded flat, but a hint of annoyance was heard.
"No, I insist," she snapped, trying to keep her voice down so her words only fell on his ears. He sighed and didn't reply, turning away from her. "It's not safe here, let's leave the desert," Indi mocked his voice, scrunching her face up with emotion. Anger, pain, maybe even disgust. The desert was her home, storms included. She promised herself to never leave, no matter how tough it got.
"Three storms this week," he replied slowly, "water is running out, food is scarce."
"You don't understand, do you?" her voice was cold and was enough to make herself shiver, for her heart to pause.
"It's like you love the desert more than your family's safety!" He couldn't contain himself and his voice showed his true thoughts. It revealed his raging anger and his aching heart. His face was rosy as a stream of tears flowed down his cheeks. His lips quivered as he struggled to blubber something, eventually giving up. Their two offspring had now noticed and turned their heads. She could see their fearful yet curious eyes.
"If I didn't love us, you, I wouldn't have risked my life to find this place," she paused and stood. Indi took her cloth wraps and leather clothes. She wiped the dust from her long forgotten glasses as she slipped her feet into her worn sandals. She stood by the door, removing the barriers. "And I'll prove it again."
"I swear," the pain in his voice was clearer and echoed in the house, "if you go looking for that stupid imaginary haven I'll..." The slam of the door cut him off. It flailed wildly. The two children rushed to it, holding it shut. They looked up at their father who had come to assist them. He simply reassured them that everything was fine. And the three of them sat in silence for the remainder of the storm.

Indi had wandered far by the time she stopped. She seemed frozen in time as she stared on. The grains of sand in the storm stung like shards of glass. But she did not move. In front of her, it was there. The haven of her dreams. The place that would support them for many years, even generations. She simply stood in awe for several minutes. Eventually, she approached to see if it was real. The rocks of the towering canyon rasped her hands raw. The cool water of the oasis soothed her pain and thirst. The grass brushed against her legs.
"It's real," she murmured. Then she started to laugh until she sounded insane. With that, she turned and started to run. The raging storm would not stop her. She ran long enough for the storm to stop. The sound of horses approached and she saw her old scout team on the horizon. They noticed her and galloped, kicking up sand.
"We were so worried," her friend tried to hold back the flood of tears.
"I found it," Indi stammered, "please take me back."
"It?" The younger of the riders questioned.
"My haven," her eyes glistened. After some discussion, they tried to trace Indi's steps. But the storm had hid the trail of footprints. The team searched for hours, their lack of belief was clear at the start.
"Indi, you're insane. There's nothing out here," her friend said.
"But I saw it," her voice was hoarse, "I felt it." They argued for a while before Indi agreed to return home. Most believe that Indi saw a hallucination that day, or it was a dream. However, Indi belives it was real. Her experience re-lit the spark for her passion of scouting. Indi never saw the canyon again.
≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪ ≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫
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Part 2 Form: x
Part 3 Form: x
Part 4 Form: x
≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪≪ ≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫≫
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Re: Kalon #542 // Fennec Fox (Round 5, pg 26)

Postby clouds-move-on » Fri Sep 16, 2016 7:43 am

About an hour left! Be sure to get your forms finished!
If you want an extension, you must ask BEFORE I post it is closed for judging!
Extensions can only be about an extra hour or two, not more days.
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.

- John 13:34-35

temp open to doing stars myos off oekaki for 100+ c$s... dm me

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- I am keeping all my characters that I haven't readopted out myself, dont ask about em.
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- Do not contact me here unless I contacted you first.
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Re: Kalon #542 // Fennec Fox (Round 5, pg 26)

Postby kamelgirl » Fri Sep 16, 2016 8:01 am

    @Lady Raincloud could i get an extension for one hour? i know what i'm gonna do but i need a little extra time if that's okay

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