Re: staff litter 2020 - leannán sídhe

Postby PARK » Tue Dec 15, 2020 5:15 pm

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Re: staff litter 2020 - leannán sídhe

Postby rustyroxy » Thu Dec 17, 2020 3:21 am



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Re: staff litter 2020 - leannán sídhe

Postby web2 » Thu Dec 17, 2020 2:34 pm

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Re: staff litter 2020 - leannán sídhe

Postby lumilys » Sat Dec 19, 2020 10:33 am

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Re: staff litter 2020 - leannán sídhe

Postby ~Finchly » Sat Dec 19, 2020 7:41 pm

username: ~Finchly
kalon name: Juno Astaseul


The kingdom of Astrovia has been ruled for many years by the Astaseul royal family.
They are a family of powerful mages who have used their abilities to benefit their kingdom.
Although they are some of the most powerful the Astaseuls aren't the only ones with magic. There are others throughout the kingdom and magic has become a small part of life in Astrovia.
However not everyone is entirely accepting of it.
There are those who think it unfair that only a few are able to use such a gift.
Even though those with magic have always tried to share their abilities with others.
Greed has blinded these antagonists, a nd they’ve decided to delve down a dark path to get the things they want.
Potentially spelling ruin to the once peaceful kingdom of Astrovia.



"So all of this will be mine?" The child asked, gazing in awe off the high balcony at the beautiful kingdom below her.
The bustling towns, lush forests and quiet fields all her eye could see. People living their lives were mere specks in wake of the massive view.
"One day my darling, it will all be yours to protect." answered the child's mother, also gazing out at the kingdom before them. Her eyes filled with love for the lands and subjects she held dear to her heart. "That is the duty of a ruler."
The child's eyes glowed with determination. One day she would be in charge of protecting this kingdom, like her mother and father before her.
"So I'll get to fight like you and father did in the war?"
The mother looked down at her daughter, noticing the fire in her eyes.
"Oh my dear Juno, I pray that day will never come when you must take up arms to defend this kingdom."
"But mother I can handle it!" Juno puffed out her chest. "I've been working hard in my combat lessons! I'll be the bravest warrior ever!"
"Oh I don't doubt that." The Queen chuckled at her. "I just hope you will never have to."
She sighed and took another glance at her beloved kingdom. The sun was beginning to set over the horizon casting a soft glow on the land below. She looked back at her daughter, her pride and joy. Juno was a promising young princess, and the Queen knew she'd be a capable ruler one day. She just hoped her daughter wouldn't have to face the same challenges she'd struggled with.
"Come my little starlight let's get you to bed."
"Aww but I'm not tired yet." Juno protested.
"No buts, you can't be a great warrior if you don't get your sleep. Now come one." And the Queen turned to walk back into the palace.
Juno, still on the balcony, glanced at her kingdom once more, her eyes shining with pride. Then turned to follow her mother inside.

Unfortunately the day might come sooner than the Queen wished that her beloved daughter would have to fight on behalf of her kingdom.



Fire engulfed most of what Juno could see in the darkness.
Her home was filled with smoke, the place she grew up burning to ash.
Juno could barely process what had happened. She was entranced by the dancing flames as they ate away at the place she held dear.
She faintly felt someone's grip on her arm, tugging her away from the destruction.
Shouting broke her trance and Juno finally recalled what was happening.
The fire instantly lost all its beauty.

She was staring back at the castle where she'd lived all her life as it was filled with flames.
Andromeda, Captain of the Royal Guard and Juno's combat trainer was tugging her away from the chaos.
Her mother wasn't with them.

"Wait Andromeda we can't leave mother!" Juno screeched trying to resist the Captain's pull.
Andromeda shook her.
"Come to your senses Juno, we have to get you out of here. Everything is lost if you don't escape." She sounded desperate. "That is what your mother asked of me."

Juno could feel tears stream down her cheeks.
"But the fire and-"
Andromeda cut her off. "You know how powerful your mother is. That fire isn't a harm to her, it's her way of fighting off the invaders. Don't you see she's helping you escape."
Juno blinked. She was silly for thinking fire would harm her mother, not with her magical abilities. But still fire wasn't the only thing ravishing the castle and the enemies her mother faced had allies they didn't expect which allowed them the upper hand. She and the Captain had barely made it out. How could the Queen, as powerful as she was, fight them all off?
But she understood her mother's sacrifice. She had always told Juno it was her duty to protect her kingdom and its people. It was a cause she'd give her life for.

Juno and Andromeda kept running through the darkness trying to make it to the outer wall of the castle. They were almost there when something huge barreled into them knocking them off their feet. They tumbled to the side suddenly thrown off course. Juno was a bit dazed not sure what or who had hit them but Andromeda immediately jumped to her feet to face the opponent.
It was one of the enemy mercenaries, he'd chased them down all this way.

Andromeda drew her sword and her opponent did the same, glancing at Juno from the corner of his eyes. Andromeda stood between them protectively and Juno knew she was this opponent's objective.

"Juno remember the place I told you about?"
Juno blinked up at the captain.
"The one where someone will always be there to help you? You must go there. That’s the only place you might be safe."
"B-but what about you?"
"I'll keep him busy, you get out of here." Andromeda glanced back at Juno. "Now!"

Juno bolted to her feet and made a beeline for the outer gate.
The mercenary dashed to follow but was met with the captain's blade. Andromeda kept him back as Juno made her way towards the exit. She glanced back just in time to see a few more mercenaries arrive to overwhelm Andromeda.
Why was this happening? She kept leaving the people she cared about behind.

She was jarred from her thoughts when someone tackled her to the ground, clasping her arms behind her back.
A female voice spoke from behind her. "Trying to run away little mouse?" the words dripped like poison in her ear.
Juno's body shook, her eyes wide with fear.
If she got caught now then what was the point of leaving her mother behind? Of leaving Andromeda? She couldn't let their sacrifice be in vain. She felt her body begin to calm and remembered what Andromeda had once taught her. She could knock this opponent off her all it would take was a little unbalancing.
She hooked the enemy's leg with her own and quickly rolled to one side.
"H-hey what are you doing!"
Juno toppled the mercenary over and quickly picked herself up to continue running through the gate.
Once out she didn't look back, but sprinted into the trees of the forest that surrounded the castle walls. Once she could no longer hear the fight between Andromeda and the other mercenaries she paused to listen.
The one she had knocked off could still be on her tail.
As she tried to calm her heaving breaths Juno remembered another trick Andromeda had taught her.
Taking a deep breath Juno concentrated on the magic inside her. She could feel her power burning and concentrating hard snuffed out its flame.
It was of course still there, only now it was silent.
Anyone would have trouble tracking her now.

Exhausted from running Juno climbed a tree and waited.
She didn't have to wait long before the same mercenary who tackled her ran her direction.
"Ugh I lost her, where could that brat have gone?" She hissed.
"Why can't I track her anymore?"
She muttered to herself as she slowly continued through the forest completely missing Juno's tree.

Juno waited in the tree much longer, even after the mercenary had doubled back and most likely returned to her companions.
She waited and waited all while keeping her magic quiet and undetectable.
Finally after what felt like an eternity she climbed down slowly and made her way through the forest away from her old home.

She didn't know what was going to happen from here on out but her future didn't look so good.
Juno had just left behind the only life she'd ever known, she was smart enough to know going back wasn't an option. Whatever traitor helped the mercenaries invade the castle would never let her return alive.
But Juno didn’t know who this new enemy was and without her mother or Andromeda there was no one she could trust.
Well not quite.
There was someone she knew she could trust.
Andromeda had told her she'd always have an ally if she went to the lantern shop by the southern coast.
She's only been there once before but this was the only place she could think to go. So she made her way there alone and hoped that by some miracle things might go back to the way they used to be, before all this chaos.



Juno Astaseul the Crown Princess of Astrovia was thought to have died the night the castle was seized alongside her mother the reigning Queen. Most folk had no idea what had happened that night at the palace and believed that the once revered Astaseuls had all fallen.

However there are a few that know the truth.
One survived.
The young princess was alive.

The streets were packed with townsfolk going about their usual business. A lone kal walked the road hiding her face under a hood. She noticed a group of soldiers passing by, all with the crest of the new regime.
She pulled her hood lower and quickened her pace.

She eventually stopped at a shop front along the main road. Having arrived at her destination she removed her hood and entered the store. It was a quaint flower shop run by a nice old lady most folk called Ms. Lila, who having noticed the kal's arrival greeted her.
"Why hello there Raina." Ms. Lila smiled.
"Good morning Ms. Lila, Do you have any work for me today?"
"Ah why yes dear, I do have a new delivery to make and my nephew has already left with the first batch." She frowned. "Unfortunately I can't pay you much."
"Don't worry about it, anything is helpful. Besides I enjoy working for you."
"Oh you are so strong Raina, I know it's tough for you surviving on your own." Aunt Lila sighed. "I wish I could do more to help you, but with the taxes only increasing and soldiers breaking down doors to collect, my shop is barely surviving."
Raina nodded "I know times are tough but it won't be like this forever."
"I sure hope you are right. Sometimes I wish…" Ms. Lila paused, looking down. "Oh forget it. Silly of me to think like that." Aunt Lila shook her head and once again smiled at Raina. "Never mind my dear let me give you the delivery information."

The day had finally ended and Raina was allowed to retire to her current place of residence. Which, at least for this month, was the attic of a bed and breakfast. She'd been allowed to rent the attic for a much cheaper price on the condition she cleans dishes after breakfast is served.
After her delivery for Ms. Lila she had also taken on jobs for the towns butcher, locksmith, candlemaker, and general store. All odd jobs and simple things that earned her a little money here and there. She did what she had to do to get by.
She tried not to stay in one place for too long and was never able to hold down a full time job for fear of someone discovering her secret.

Raina Barone was the name she now answered too. Her previous name nearly forgotten to the tongue.
It had been almost six years since the old government fell, however Juno Astaseul remembered it like it was yesterday.

Now a young adult surviving on her own Juno had to hide her identity every single day. Her new name was only a cover to keep her secret.
She had lost her mother and anyone else she trusted with the truth had been separated from her around the same time.
Her life had drastically changed since then. Her once comfortable life as a princess was now replaced with one of struggle and secrecy. She had to work any sort of odd job to make money to afford a soft bed or a hot meal and there were many nights she'd go hungry or end up sleeping outside. It was a difficult life, but the worst part was how lonely she felt.
Juno could never tell anyone her true name otherwise her life would be in danger.
She was forced to live a lie, hiding behind the name Raina Barone and could never let her magic show. Even without her status as an Astaseul magic was now outlawed. If anyone found out she was a mage she'd be turned in to the government and they'd kill her anyways.
For now she evaded detection by keeping her secret and keeping her magic hidden.

Having to conceal such a big part of herself made Juno feel so alone.
She was lucky to find kind people like Ms. Lila or the bed and breakfast owners, but she could never truly be herself with them.
The state of her kingdom didn't make her feel any better.
The fact that magic, which had always been beneficial to the kingdom was now outlawed and mages were in hiding was devastating. Juno hated how her kingdom was now being ruled. She wanted to do something about it, but with the way she was currently living there wasn't much she could do.
She did have hope and maybe a plan, all she needed was support.
It was high time she went out and found some.



A light rain began to fall as Juno made her way down the deserted alley. She pulled her hood tight over her head and periodically checked behind her to be sure she wasn't followed.
One could never be too careful and secrecy for her was a matter of life or death.

In the middle of the alleyway she stopped at a door halfway covered by a tapestry.
The tapestry was woven with colorful shapes and symbols, a beautiful piece, alive with faint magic.
However to the untrained eye it was just a grey tapestry.
The spell that hid it from certain eyes kept those inside safe.

Juno moved the tapestry aside and opened the door.
She entered a small run down room that looked like an old hotel front, with someone sitting at the desk.
They eyed Juno up and down then simply nodded.
Juno continued to the almost unnoticeable door behind the front counter.
Behind the door was a pub like room where kals sat around tables and talked amongst themselves.
The room was alive with magic.

It was a place you needed magic to find, due to the heavy illusion on the building.
It was one of the few places magic still lived, in hiding but alive.

Juno scanned the room, her eyes flitting over the faces of kals able to be themselves in this safe space.
She was happy to see a little joy fill the room and basked in the presence of openly used magic.
However she didn't distract herself from her objective and noticed a dark purple kalon with colorful hair sitting alone in the back of the room.
Taking a deep breath she approached the table.

The purple kal looked up as she approached.
"You must be Baron?" The kal sighed. "I know it took a lot for you to find me so I'll hear you out. But make it quick, I don't have all day."

Juno sat down across from her.
"I know who you are."
The kalon rolled her eyes "Well I'd hope, you did track me down for this meeting. And I know I'm not easy to find."
"No I know who you really are… Asteria."
The kals eyes widened. "How do you know that name?" She asked warily.
Juno took another deep breath. This was it, someone who would recognize her, someone who could compromise her secret.
"I know that name because you told me yourself." with that Juno removed her hood fully revealing her face.
Not many people would recognize her without knowing her name, however there are a select few left that would instantly know her identity. Asteria was one of them.
Asteria's mouth gaped.
"It can't be." She whispered. "Is it… is it really you? Juno." She breathed the last word like she feared it would break on her tongue.
Juno nodded.
"I thought you were dead. How…?" She was still awestruck. "I mean this is wonderful, It's so good to see you!"
Juno smiled. "It's good to see you too old friend."

And it was, good to see someone she could finally be honest with.
The two then caught up on what each has been up to these past six years.
The last time Juno saw Asteria was not long before the siege and she had no idea what happened to her after.
They had been close friends. Asteria had also been training under captain Andromeda, she was a proficient mage and fighter wishing to join the ranks of the royal guard. Like Juno she went into hiding shortly after the fall and now goes by the Alias Twilight. Juno had caught on to rumors of her old friend appearing in the area and knew she needed to find her.

"I'm just so glad you're alive." Asteria breathed.

"When I heard rumors of a supposed colorful mage wrecking havoc in the east I had a feeling it was you." Juno chuckled.
Asteria Grinned "What can I say, You know I've never been great with injustice."

Juno's expression hardened. "That's exactly why I needed to find you. I want to help."
Asteria's eyes sparkled "Help? With what?"
"I want to help fight back." Juno's eyes shined with determination but a little bit of something else also haunted her expression.
She had been ignoring this conflict for too long, simply trying to survive and keep her secret. She had almost forgotten about her people. Those who could use magic being persecuted everyday and those who couldn't lived under a corrupt regime that ruled them with fear.
All this time Juno had only been looking out for herself. She had kept her head down and her mouth shut. She'd seen injustice in the streets and turned the other way. How could she ignore her people's suffering any longer.
That something else on her face was guilt.
It was her duty to protect her subjects and for the past six years she'd been neglecting that duty.

Asteria nodded. "I'm glad. The people could really use your support." She paused eyeing her friend. "Everyone thinks you're dead."
Juno looked down.
Asteria continued. "With no rightful successor to the throne no rebellion anyone mounts has any actual traction. But with you… we might have a shot at rallying the people."
Juno locked eyes with her friend. "There's someone else who could help us."
Asteria raised her eyebrows.
Juno continued. "Captain Andromeda has to be alive."
"You really think so? No one's heard from her since…"
"I know."
"Then you're sure?"
Juno nodded.
"Alright. I'd follow you anywhere." Asteria grinned. "Let's go find our captain and take back your kingdom."
Juno smiled.
It was time to do her duty once more.
Last edited by ~Finchly on Tue Jan 05, 2021 11:59 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: staff litter 2020 - leannán sídhe

Postby KestrelTheFirecat » Sun Dec 20, 2020 5:16 am

username: KestrelTheFirecat
kalon name: Luna
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General description:

Personality: kind, sweet, carring, loving, happy, is a scattered brain, is a huge book worm

Likes: reading, walks in the forest, hot cocoa, and blankets
Dislikes: being cold, rain, math, and being annoyed
Occupation: was a Hunter of Artemis, now is a goddess of victory (bestowed by Artemis)
Sexuality: Bisexual


Luna smiles and pads through the dark forest. A hunter of Artemis. She grins and spots the world become alive around her and the forest becoming a pretty and wonderful. The hunter of Artemis looks around and sighs. She watches the crows fly over head and the deer deep in the woods. She growls and ounces after a small mouse killing it in one bite. She pads back to her group and says “I brought a mouse for mistress Artemis” she flicks her tail and pads into the tent “hello lady Artemis” she sets the mouse at the goddesses paws and the goddes says “thank you Luna” she curtly nods to the hunter. Artemis lifts her ears and says “I hear a commotion out side go check it out please?” Luna nods and says “on it last Artemis” she pads out and spots the sun god and the twin to her lady Apollo. Apollo saunters to her. Luna tenses and shows the dominance that lady Artemis showed her. She raises an eye brow and says “hello, master Apollo what brings you here?” She watches with keep intrest as the sun god speaks “I would like to see my sister” he tries to go in the tent but Luna stops him “my lady must not be disturbed, master apollo” apollo frowns and says “fine! Im leaving!” He turns to leave and says “Luna” “hmm” “tell my sister that the father of time is coming” Luna nods and says “I will tell her for you” she turns and pads into the tent. Lady Artemis says “who was it Luna?” Luna says “it was your brother, lady Artemis.” “What was he here to tell me?” Luna watches the goddess and says “he wanted to warn you about the father of time is coming” she watches the door. “My! Really he’s back?” Exclaims Artemis. “She gets up a nod says to Luna “we must be going!” Luna nods and follows the goddess out of the tent and says “everyone get ready for a battle” the hunters look up and the Lieutenant “let’s get moving!” Says lady Artemis and her hunters cheer. Artemis looks at Luna and says “let’s go!” The group dashes into battle. The hunters and the sun warriors dreaded the battle ahead. Once the father of time was defeated Artemis addresses the sun warriors and the hunters. “I want to bestow the honor of becoming a god to Luna!” Luna sucks in a breath and says “me? Why?” Artemis smiles and says “you helped us to victory so now I bestow on you the godliness of victory and you shall be know as Luna the goddess of victory and champions!” The hunter serous into cheering as Luna rises into the air. She starts to glow then a blinding light Emirates from her and she lands. She looks around and trumpets a happy roar. Luna has finally become who she wanted to be.

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Re: staff litter 2020 - leannán sídhe

Postby trans » Sun Dec 20, 2020 5:22 am

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Re: staff litter 2020 - leannán sídhe

Postby A m n e s i a » Wed Dec 23, 2020 8:41 pm

username: A m n e s i a
kalon name: Sonnet
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Sonnet loves to spend her time in the forest, she feels excitement as she runs through the woods, dodging the trees that block her path and feeling the wind caress her hair it makes her In those moments she doesn’t have to worry about responsibility all she has to worry about is dodging the trees so she doesn’t ram her head into its trunk, which she’s done more times then she’d like to admit.
When she isn’t running she’s humming a tune while searching for bugs and reptiles, things her parents weren’t the biggest fans of. As her family’s quite well off and have an imagine to uphold, they constantly nag her about her interests and have scolded her for playing with bugs as to them it was improper and not something a lady should do. She doesn’t understand why they care more about their imagine than her feelings and she’s let them know in multiple occasions which has also been a major part in their already strained relationship. Another part was, well, she fell in love with a commoner but she couldn’t help it...the way their eyes shined, the sound of their voice- oops she hit a tree again
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Re: staff litter 2020 - leannán sídhe

Postby honeycreeper » Sun Dec 27, 2020 2:43 pm

username: honeycreeper66
kalon name: Sith

a story, of the huntress who gave up her once peaceful life
to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

The Beginning.
Rule number one - a huntress must always remain vigilant. You must always be able to take a single glance and see everything around yourself. This was a simple rule that was engraved into her as a small child. To learn this rule was as simple as existing and as useful as breathing. If she were to ever forget this rule, she would be as good as dead.

Rule number two – a huntress mustn’t hesitate. To hesitate would be a wish to die. One wrong move, and you’re the one in the ground, not your opponent. You must be sharp and quick – witty and smart. Use all of your strengths for you must have no flaws. Be perfect, for you cannot be any less.

And rule number three – cut out your emotions. They don’t matter and they won’t ever matter in the future. To be sorrowful is a weakness that you cannot have, for that will be your downfall. To be joyful is useless, for there’s no joy to be found in this life.
These are the rules, and without them, you are nothing.

The Fall.
She was raised to be the bad guy. To be the one to take out the heroes, the one to finally burn it all to ash. She was raised on the belief that she was doing the right thing – protecting herself was the most important rule of thumb she could bend to. Nothing else mattered back then. But then the dreams happened. Nightmares filled with gentle laughter and happy endings. It was making her sick to her stomach. She wanted more.

Running. Farther and farther into the darkness. Leaping and flying, a twisted ballet. She lost everything, but she was finally free. Hiding was something she knew to do, but to hide from those who raised her would be a task that she's never done before. But all was okay, she had to do this. She had to survive. She wanted to see the dreams come true. She came upon lands filled with the same laughter from her dreams. Music that she unconsciously swayed to filled her mind. She was entranced – she craved more. Begging, on her knees, she pleaded to stay. But, she didn’t even need to do that. She was welcomed with open arms and weeping wings. She cried for the first time in her life. It tasted like joy.

The New
To hunt was to live. You must follow the rules. Those who could not survive by themselves would simply perish. Those were the rules of the wild. Screw the rules. She decided, right then and there, that she would protect the lowly people who were beaten down and raised her up. She would give her life, one of ruin, in hopes of saving one that would rise from the ashes that she had left behind. She raised a child, and learned to love. She gave herself a name, for she had never had one before. She cried once more, tasting the salty tears that flooded her lips. It tastes like home.
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Re: staff litter 2020 - leannán sídhe

Postby veridian » Tue Dec 29, 2020 7:30 am

This competition has been extended by a week! It now ends Monday 4th January ^^
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