Skelly's Character Storage //

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Skelly's Character Storage //

Postby Miss Marple » Mon Jun 26, 2017 3:54 am

This is my little character storage thread. Here is where i'm going to store characters and some of their basic histories and personalities. I'll also add any art of theirs I acquire. (If you draw warrior cats i'm probably interested <3 shoot me a pm)

| This is a work in progress currently, working on getting all of my characters up here <3 |

| Please do not post on here, if you have any questions or would like to invite me to any rps please pm me c:
First up is Warrior Cats, after that is Humans/Supernaturals which is a wip|

She-cats: 30 Toms: 23 Total: 53

Bayclaw - Brighteyes/star - Petalpelt
Pebblepool - Wolfsong/Bane - Nightdust/Mid
Stormyskies - Rainysplash - Bluebird
Thornfur - Quietbrook - Greystorm
Embergaze - Spiderbite - Frostpetal
Swiftleap - Hawktalon - Reedgaze
Cloverdapple - Acornpaw/frost - Falconpaw/heart
Riverbriar/wish - Sunspots - Eaglestrike/star
Puddlejump - Sorrowstep - Silentstride
Shadowstep - Sootnose - Ashpaw/petal
Spottedpaw/foot - Daisypaw - Mottlecloud
Ravenwind - Brackenfall - Featherdust
Treewhisker - Mudspots - Larkpaw/song
Islandheart - Fernspeck - Bearshadow
Squirrelhop - Moondust - Lunardust
Mistyfalls - Echopool - Lionfang
Snowhare - Pinesting - Darkgaze
Willowsong - Paleflame - Cinderspirit
wip - wip - wip
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Bayclaw, Brighteyes, Petalpelt

Postby Miss Marple » Mon Jun 26, 2017 4:20 am


Baykit, Baypaw, Bayclaw
She-cat of -- Moons, Warrior/Deputy/Queen

Short blue-grey fur w/ bright blue eyes

Crush: --
Mate: --
Ex-Mates: None
Kits: wip
Kin: Pebblepool - Mother, Greystorm - Father,
Brighteyes - Sister, Petalpelt - Sister, Rainysplash,
Quietbrook - Nieces, Thornfur, Stormyskies
- Nephews

Personality: Fast Learner, Determined, Stubborn,
Proud, Quick Wit, Has a Temper,
Deeply Loyal, Protective

Theme Song: --

Dreams: Of going down in history as a
great warrior, being of wonderful mother,
of leading her clan
Fears: Falling short of her goals, Not being
smart enough, losing her family

Bayclaw is a complicated character, she is much like her Mother Pebblepool in that she is deeply loyal to her kin and fiercly protective of them. Though she is also loyal to her Clan, something that can occasionally be questionable with her Mother. She has had a love of learning since she was a kit and feels as though you are never done learning. Because of this she loves to mentor apprentices as she feels she can learn just as much from them as they can from her. She is very proud of her accomplishments and of those closest to her. She does not like to tear anyone down and prefers to always try to give them added confidence even if she believes they've done poorly. She doesn't like to admit when she's wrong however and has a bit of a temper, known to lash out against others when they try to prove her wrong. She's bad at apologizing for this unless she's told to. She wishes to be a great warrior and has always been in great competition with her sister Brighteyes because of this. She is very protective of her sister Petalpelt, feeling she is too weak to always have her best interest at heart. She doesn't like to bring it up with her however, as it usually leads to an argument. She thinks that besides when dealing with the greater good of the Clan you should always put yourself first before others. Because you cannot help or make others happy if you don't help yourself and make yourself happy.




Brightkit, Brightpaw, Brighteyes, Brightstar
She-cat of -- Moons, Warrior/Deputy/Leader

Short Silver Tabby fur w/ bright blue eyes

Crush: --
Mate: --
Ex-Mates: None
Kits: wip
Kin: Pebblepool - Mother, Greystorm - Father,
Bayclaw - Sister, Petalpelt - Sister,
Rainysplash - Niece, Stormyskies - Nephew,
Stormstar - Grandfather

Personality: Authoritative, Fiercely Loyal,
Dependable, Headstrong, Outspoken,
Fast Learner

Theme Song: --

Dreams: Of being the best leader in her clan's
history, of accomplishing great things
Fears: failing everyone, not being remembered,
being left behind

Brighteyes has been fiercely determined to be the greatest warrior that she could be since she was a small kit. She'd always had the dream of being a leader, of proving herself. And as a kit she was often found trying to wrestle with both of her sisters, though Petalpelt always seemed to dislike this. So instead she focused on Bayclaw who also seemed to have the fire of greatness inside her. She thought of Petalpelt, Petalkit, at the time as someone who was weak and needed protection. This drove a wedge between them for a while. Brighteyes would sometimes play too rough and have to be stopped by her Mother Pebblepool. Once she became an apprentice she worked as hard as she could. Sometimes going over the top and trying to work too hard. It took a little while for her mentor to explain to her that being great wasn't everything and she still had to have time for a life. As she got older she learned to calm down and became a much calmer she-cat who continued to work on herself but not as over zealously. She became a strong warrior who has an authoritative air to her and is known to follow and teach the rules of the clan as best as she can. She is very loyal to her family, having become close to both of her sisters again. Though unlike her Mother she is loyal to her clan as a whole not just her kin. She is outspoken when she feels someone is being mistreated and is quick to defend those she feels can't defend themselves. Though she still has moments where she's headstrong and doesn't think everything through she is always quick to apologize and listen to what others have to say.



Petalkit, Petalpaw, Petalpelt
She-cat of - Moons, Med Cat/Warrior

Fluffy Silver Tabby with Pale Green Eyes

Crush: --
Mate: --
Ex-Mates: unknown
Kits: Rainysplash, Stormyskies
Kin: Pebblepool-Mother, Bayclaw-Sister
Greystorm - Father, Brighteyes - Sister,
-- - niece/nephew, -- - niece/nephew

Personality: Sweet, Soft-spoken, Joyful,
Devoted, Open-Minded, Critical Thinker

Theme Song: --

Fears: Being thought of as less than
her sisters, her dreams not ever being
taken seriously
Dreams: Always being able to spread
love and happiness, being there for
everyone who needs her

Petalpelt is a very kind she-cat who puts others before herself, preferring to care for her clan and her friends first. She has a soft voice and a warm personality, known to never outwardly judge another for their problems. She is someone anyone can come and approach whenever they need someone there. She loves deeply and fiercely though it is not as loud or as harsh as her kin. She does not like to fight with her claws or to threaten anyone. She prefers to use her words and settle things as calmly as possible. No matter what she has to give up or who she might lose she tries to focus on the joy that life brings you every single day. When she is sad however she will not share it. She'll just avoid others and hope no one notices. She doesn't want to burden others with her problems, she wants to be the one they come to. She will give up anything for those she loves without complaint. Though she is worried that she is seen as the weakest sister, that she is seen as the one whose not good enough. Where her sisters excel in fighting and warrior duties she does not. She has no dreams of being leaders or deputies or going down in history. She simply wants to help and do what she can while she's here, even if it doesn't make the history books.
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Pebblepool, Wolfsong/Bane, Nightdust/Mid

Postby Miss Marple » Mon Jun 26, 2017 5:29 am


Pebblekit, Pebblepaw, Pebblepool
She-cat of 55 Moons, Warrior/Queen

Sleek Solid Grey with Green Eyes

Crush: Greystorm
Mate: Greystorm
Ex-Mates: None
Kits: Wolfsong, Nightdust, Bayclaw,
Brighteyes, Petalpelt
Kin: Stormstar - Father, Rose?? - Mother
Rainysplash, Stormyskies - Grandkits

Personality: Strong, Resourceful,
Motherly, Ambitious, Protective

Theme Song: --

Anything Else? N/A

Pebblepool is a devoted mother who puts her kits before the clan at any cost. She is willing to do whatever is necessary to keep her kits safe and happy, even as adults. That being said she is still a very good warrior, willing to put her life on the line. She just wouldn't risk the same with her children. She is strong, able to face whatever life throws at her without crumbling in front of those who need her. She is good at masking whenever her world is falling apart as she doesn't like for others to worry or to get involved. Unless something happens to her children the only thing you'd ever recognize from her is anger. She can come off as very snarky at times, taking no nonsense from anyone regardless of who they are. But besides her prickly exterior she is a very humble and loving cat. Quick to help any queen or kit with whatever they need. She would never turn away a cat in need, clan cat or not. Especially when they are younger than her.



Wolfkit, Wolfpaw, Wolfsong, Bane
Tom of -- Moons, Warrior/Loner

Solid Grey with Bright Green Eyes

Crush: --
Mate: --
Ex-Mates: N/A
Kits: None
Kin: Pebblepool, Greystorm-Parents,
Nightdust-Brother, Brighteyes-Sister,
Petalpelt-sister, Bayclaw - Sister

Personality: Jokester, Laid-back,
Faithful, Passionate, Humility

Theme Song: Wolf Blood

Fears: Losing his way, losing his
Dreams: Doesn't like to talk about
his dreams

Wolfsong is closer to his only littermate and brother than he is to their little sisters. He prefers to spend more of his time with him and generally gets along with him pretty well, which is a surprise considering his brothers attitude. But Wolfsong doesn't ever seem to mind this. He is a street smart tom whose spent a lot of his time wandering and searching for his purpose and his place in life. He is someone who is always looking towards the future and the big picture. He is very critical of important decisions and can be very judgmental when he believes someone is doing something wrong. He is passionate about what he believes in and thoses he cares about. Refusing to ever give up on them. Though he can be very serious and critical it's not the way he likes to come off. He enjoys a more easy going approach. He is laid back, more so than his siblings, he enjoys joking and playing harmless jokes on others. He is down to earth and easy to approach. He doesn't like to just show his serious side right off the bat. He prefers to just have fun and hope he never has to.

Added if loner: Bane was originally from a clan, he had two loving parents that he can only faintly remember. He was separated from them during a rogue attack on camp and somehow ended up in the care of a loner. He can't remember exactly how this happened. (They were stolen and left for dead) She decided not to return the kits and instead changed their names and raised them herself. Because of this he hangs around clan territory every so often. Sometimes trying to catch a glance of his parents, unaware if he's in the right territory or that they went on to have another litter and he has three younger sisters. He's very interested in trying to join the clan but has never asked since his brother Mid despises the idea and won't join with him.



Nightkit, Midnight, Nightdust
Tom of -- Moons, Warrior/Loner

Black cat with Ice Blue Eyes

Crush: --
Mate: --
Ex-Mates: Unknown
Kits: None
Kin: Pebblepool, Greystorm - Parents,
Wolfsong - Brother, Bayclaw, Petalpelt,
Brighteyes - Sisters, Rainysplash - Niece,
Stormyskies - Nephew

Theme Song: --

Personality: Passive Aggressive, Lonely,
Quiet, Cold at times, Distrustful

Fears: Being rejected by his family,
only his brother being liked and not him

Dreams: Refuses to talk about them

Anything Else? N/A

Nightdust has always been the black sheep of the family, quite literally, the only black cat born into a family full of grey and silver cats. He resents this and because of it resents his name. He wishes he could look like his siblings and almost questions if he's actually related to any of them. Pebblepool has assured him however that he is related to them. And his father has said that his own mother was a black cat, though Nightdust refuses to believe this. He tends to isolate himself at times, feeling he's not good enough to be around his family or to be with someone. He's rather lonely, feeling like he can only connect with his brother Wolfsong. He can be passive aggressive or actually full on aggressive at times, though it almost always has to be because he was provoked in some way. Be it justifiable or not. He has the same temper as his mother though he's not as good at handling it as she is. He can come off as cold at times, as he doesn't like to go out of his way to help others. Feeling like they might only be using the generosity of the clan to their advantage. And because of this he has been called heartless. Though he cares very deeply about everyone and what happens to them. He just doesn't want someone to use any of them is all.. But once you break through his shell he is a very loyal and kind cat. He'd give you his nest in the middle of leafbare just to make sure you were alright.

Added if loner: Same history as his brother Bane, though unlike him he's not interested in going back to their roots. He thinks them ending up loners couldn't have been as simple as it may seem. He thinks they were most likely abandoned and that to go back to the clan would be a slap in the face to their adopted Mother and would only end in heartbreak for them. He's afraid to see Bane get hurt and rejected when all he wants is their family back. Because of this he turns it down every time, knowing Bane won't go without him. He doesn't believe they'd accept them anyways.. Even if they knew the truth.. They're loners now, they're probably no good. But he's too afraid to hurt Bane's feelings to tell him that.
Last edited by Miss Marple on Tue Jul 18, 2017 1:27 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Stormyskies, Rainysplash, Bluebird

Postby Miss Marple » Mon Jun 26, 2017 8:47 am


Stormykit, Stormypaw, Stormyskies
Tom of -- Moons, Warrior

Short-furred Grey Tabby with Amber Eyes

Crush: --
Mate: --
Ex-Mates: None
Kits: None
Kin: Petalpelt - Mother, Bayclaw - Aunt,
Brighteyes - Aunt, Rainysplash - Sister,
Pebblepool - Grandma, Greystorm - Grandpa,
Stormstar - Great Grandfather

Personality: Headstrong, Loyal, Grouchy,
Cold at times, Hard working, Outspoken

Theme Song: Tunnels - AVA

Fears: Being used, losing his family

Dreams: Of Leading the clan one

Anything Else? N/A

Stormyskies is a stubborn and at times reckless tom who has a deep loyalty to his family and to his clan. He is headstrong, always ready to charge into something without thinking about it first. He can come off as arrogant at times and like he's unwilling to listen to anyone else's point of view if its different from his own. He can seem cold and uncaring for the plight of others and is not known to go out of his way to help anyone. It makes him seem vastly different from his mother and sister. While in reality Stormyskies is a very gentle and caring cat. He just doesn't like to show it. He won't show his care and time to anyone unless he feels they deserve it. Once he thinks someones worth it he can be the most understanding and kind cat they've ever met. He works hard for what he believes in and those he cares about. Always making sure they're taken care of and provided for. He is outspoken, especially so when it comes to the misfortune or mistreatment of others. He is not shy about going head to head with anyone if it means keeping someone from being treated unfairly. That might be the only time he lets his true colors shine through for anyone else to see. He is mostly just afraid of being used, as he feels like his mother falls victim to that far too much. He doesn't want anyone to mistake his kindness for weakness.



Rainykit, Rainypaw, Rainysplash
She-cat of - Moons, Warrior/Med Cat

Fluffy Grey Tabby with Green Eyes

Crush: --
Mate: --
Ex-Mates: None
Kits: None
Kin: Petalpelt -Mother, Bayclaw -Aunt
Brighteyes -Aunt, Stormyskies -Brother,
Pebblepool, Greystorm -Grandparents

Personality: Bubbly, Outgoing, Makes
Rash Decisions, Dramatic

Theme Song:I am Moana-Auli'i

Fears: Not Living up to her family, Not
being able to achieve greatness
Dreams: Of always being able to be
there to help others her entire life

Rainysplash is a bubbly young she-cat whose seems to never sleep but instead is always out and about doing something. She is headstrong and puts all of her heart and soul into her chosen path and the cat she loves. She will make rash decisions not really thinking through the outcome of this instead only thinking with her heart and following what it wants to do in that moment. She loves to make friends and will eagerly talk to anyone, even kitty pets and loners. She is proud of who she is and what she has accomplished though she is always aching to accomplish more, to do more, to be more. She doesn't understand her brother's cynical nature and tries to drag him along with her sometimes hoping that'll help pull him out of it. She can be over dramatic about things, be it what she saw or how she felt. If she saw a badger it was the size of a bear, if she had her feelings hurt she was absolutely devastated and so on. Though she doesn't seem to be aware of how over dramatic she can be. She loves intensely and often refuses to admit if she dislikes someone even if they've done something wrong to her or someone she cares about. She feels too bad about possibly hurting their feelings to do so.



Bluekit, Bluepaw, Bluebird
She-cat of -- Moons, Warrior

Blue-Grey Fur w/ Pale Blue-Green Eyes

Crush: --
Mate: --
Ex-Mates: None
Kits: None
Kin: Bayclaw - Mother, -- - brother,
Petalpelt, Brighteyes - Aunts, Stormyskies,
Rainysplash, Quietbrook, Thornfur-Cousins,
Pebblepool, Greystorm - Grandparents

Personality: Curious, Loyal, Courteous,
Courageous, Studious

Theme Song: --

Fears: Ending up alone, not having the
strength she needs
Dreams: Being just like her mother

Bluebird is a sweet young cat whose biggest idol in life is her mother Bayclaw. She is very studious always trying her best to learn as much as possible, as she was told you can never truly be done learning. She is unsure of her aspirations in life, as she's not sure she'd be a good leader but does admit thinking about it is very tempting. She is full of curiosity and seemingly never wants to rest. She is not as outspoken as her Mother was at her age but she is just as loyal and protective of her family and friends. She has a courageous heart and is always willing to face danger and any problem head on. She never tires of listening to stories be it from elders or those in ranks higher than her and would be willing to sit and listen all day if you let her.
Last edited by Miss Marple on Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:05 am, edited 19 times in total.
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Thornfur, Quietbrook, WIP

Postby Miss Marple » Mon Jun 26, 2017 8:49 am


Thornkit, Thornpaw, Thornfur
Tom of -- Moons, Warrior

Grey-Brown Tabby w/ Amber Eyes

Crush: --
Mate: --
Ex-Mates: None
Kits: None
Kin: Brighteyes - Mother, Quietbrook - Sister,
Bayclaw, Petalpelt- Aunts,
Nightdust, Wolfsong - Uncles,
Rainysplash, Stormyskies - Cousins,
Pebblepool, Greystorm - Grandparents

Personality: Snarky, Opinionated, Conflicted,
Passive Aggressive, Lonely

Theme Song: It Hurts
- Angels and Airwaves

Dreams: To make his mother proud,
live up to his family's expectations

Fears: Being alone forever, never
being a good enough warrior

Anything Else? N/A

Thornfur comes from a very large and close-knit family, he is close to all of them just as his mother is. She was very doting to him when he was a kit and at times had a bad habit of spoiling him. Something he realized once he became an apprentice and was called out for his attitude at times. It was then that he could see his mother as the warrior she actually was, and see how hard she trained and how hard she trained her own apprentice. He instantly began to feel like he wasn't good enough because of this. He wasn't as strong or as fast as she was and even though he was much younger he felt like that shouldn't matter. He still think's he's not a great warrior because he doesn't want to be a deputy or a leader like she and one of her sisters did. He feels like ambition is half the battle and you can't be a great warrior unless you have that and other leader qualities. When his mother still occasionally babies him it only proves his point in his own mind as he believes she wouldn't do that if he were a strong warrior.

Another blow to his confidence came when he fell inlove, hard, with a she-cat when he was very young. His mother instantly disapproved but he ignored her advice. The she-cat led him on and just when he thought everything was going perfectly she broke his heart. Telling him she never loved him and it was just a game to her. This caused him to be very critical and weary of others who try to get close to him as he doesn't want to get hurt again. He can be loud and snarky at times and very opinionated. He doesn't always want to be, but he's afraid of getting hurt again if he doesn't put up a wall. Though he is usually a total sweetheart in front of his mother or when he thinks she's watching. He doesn't like to admit to his mistakes or talk about when he's feeling upset which is the main route of his problem. If he could get over that he would be able to fully mature into a great warrior.



Quietkit, Quietpaw, Quietbrook
She-cat of -- Moons, Warrior

Grey-Silver Tabby with White Patches
w/ Ice Blue Eyes

Crush: --
Mate: --
Ex-Mates: None
Kits: None
Kin: Brighteyes-Mother, Thornfur- Bro,
Bayclaw, Petalpelt - Aunts,
Nightdust, Wolfsong - Uncles,
Rainysplash, Stormyskies - Cousins,
Pebblepool, Greystorm - Grandparents

Personality: Analytical, Organized, Quiet,
Dependable, Peaceful

Theme Song:

Dreams: Of finding new ways to help
her clanmates and make their lives

Fears: Letting her mother down,
losing her parents

Anything Else? N/A

Quietbrook is a patient young she-cat who has a very analytical mind. She is always trying to solve whatever random problems appear in the camp and enjoys very much when others come to her for help. Though she is usually a very quiet and respectful cat she has been known to speak out and use her quick wit to her advantage when the need arises. She enjoys organizing and collecting things and always tries to bring something new home to try to decorate the camp up with, this is something her mother doesn't exactly enjoy but won't exactly put a stop to. She is not big on fighting or leading, though she had a very talented mentor and was taught a lot. She does not consider this a weakness unlike her brother Thornfur, instead she believes everyone has their own strengths. She is closer to her kin than Thornfur is and has a rocky relationship with him. She tries her best to work on this but he's very reserved and she hasn't been able to break through his shell. She rarely holds grudges unless someone does something unforgivable in her mind, so she has a bad habit of letting others walk all over her without even realizing it.
Last edited by Miss Marple on Fri Nov 10, 2017 11:13 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Embergaze, Spiderbite, Frostpetal

Postby Miss Marple » Mon Jun 26, 2017 8:49 am



Emberkit, Emberpaw, Embergaze
She-cat of -- Moons, Deputy/Warrior/Queen

Sleek Black Cat w/ Warm Amber Eyes

Crush: --
Mate: --
Ex Mates: None
Kits: None
Kin: Frostpetal, Spiderbite - Sisters

Personality: Strict, Overbearing at Times,
Motherly, Fiercely Loyal, Stubborn,
Occasionally Withdrawn

Theme Song: Gasoline - Halsey

Fears: Failing her Clan, Being like her Sister

Dreams: Bringing her Clan together, Having
a proper family

Anything Else? N/A

Embergaze is a firm believer in the warrior code and all traditions. She fears the retribution of StarClan for going against it's code and its rules never wanting to disappoint them and risk losing their favor. Because of this she is a very strict mentor and mother who makes sure those in her care understand whats expected of them. This does not mean she is mean however, she does not like to punish only teach. She doesn't think punishment works very well and tries to avoid it. She is vocal in her opinions and feelings on any matter that pertains to her Clan and is not one to shy away from conflict if it arises.

She is about the same in hunting and fighting not picking one she prefers over the other. She enjoys leading patrols and being in charge but does not exactly wish to be a leader even though it seems like an obvious choice for someone who would enjoy leading others. She is known to check up on her clan mates, sometimes more than necessary depending on the season and can get overbearing and almost annoying at it sometimes. She doesn't seem to notice this however and waves away any concerns about this. She was very shy as an apprentice and it made it hard for her to make friends, this was because of her rocky family relationships, something she still to this day refuses to talk about to those she's not close to. Because of this she still has days where she is withdrawn and pulls away from everyone to work through her feelings on her own. Never fully entrusting others to help her do so. Fearing their rejection or judgement if she opens up to them.

Embergaze grew up with two sisters, Frostpetal and Spiderbite. She is not particularly close to either one because of Spiderbite's actions. Though she wishes she could be closer to Frostpetal. Their father was much like Spiderbite and it is believed he is the reason she is who she is. Their mother was an air headed young she-cat who quickly realized the error of her ways and never took another mate. Her history is mostly checkered by Spiderbite's horrid actions where she lashed out and harmed or killed others. This has caused Embergaze great shame and she has tried to distance herself from her sister in any way possible. Not even liking to admit they are sisters. Though she looks more like Spiderbite than she does Frostpetal which greatly upsets her.





Spiderkit, Spiderpaw, Spiderbite,

She-cat of 34 Moons, Warrior/Leader/Rogue

Sleek Black Cat w/ Cold Grey Eyes

Crush: Incapable
Mate: Doesn't Want
Ex Mates: Deceased Ex Mate
Kits: Doesn't Want
Kin: Frostpetal, Embergaze - Sisters

Personality: Manipulative, Calculating,
Explosive, Cold, Controlling,

Theme Song: Black Widow - In This Moment

Fears: Being Beaten, Not being able to
take control of others

Dreams: To rule under the dark forest,
of power

Anything Else? N/A

Spiderbite has never been right, not even as a young kit. She didn't play as much as the others, she didn't seem to have the same innocence as the others. She didn't seem to care for her mother or her siblings. She was cold, only caring for becoming an apprentice and warrior. She was obsessed with it, caring for little else. She played too rough with the other kits and was often in trouble for it. She would explode in angry rants usually directed at anyone she believed to be getting in her way. She was almost held back a moon from becoming an apprentice as punishment but they felt nothing would help except real discipline so she was made an apprentice anyways. As she got older she learned to mask this much better. Learning to be manipulative and fake the happy emotions the others portrayed. This even got her a mate at one point. Though he had a mysterious accident and was never heard from again. Deep down Spiderbite only cares for gaining more power for herself, her ultimate goal is to become a leader and convert her clan to following the dark forest instead of StarClan. She sees StarClan as weak and feels they hold everyone back from reaching their true potential. She is not afraid to use anyone she can to get what she wants. Though she is still known to lose her temper when she can't control someone and explode on them because of this. She hates to lose control and can't stand when others give her direction. She believes worth is based on how strong someone is and how much they can control others.



Frostkit, Frostpaw, Frostpetal
She-cat of -- Moons, Warrior

Fluffy Pure White w/ Pale Green Eyes

Crush: --
Mate: --
Ex-Mates: Various She-cats probably
Kits: None
Kin: Spiderbite, Embergaze - Sisters

Personality: Soft-spoken, Flirty,
Rebellious, Strong-willed, Hopeful

Theme Song: --

Fears: Being Forgotten, Dying Young

Dreams: Of Adventure and Romance

Anything Else? N/A

Frostpetal no matter what age seems like she'll always be young at heart and full of a lust for adventure. She's dreamed of romance and excitement since she was young. Hardly able to keep herself still in the nursery or in the apprentices den much to the chagrin of Embergaze. She has always been flirty, acting like she doesn't have a care in the world. She doesn't like to show when others truly hurt her feelings. This has caused a lot of strain on her, especially at the end of a few relationships. As they believed she didn't even care they were leaving her, when in reality she truly was heartbroken but what else was there to say? She doesn't like to call those relationships more like flings even if they lasted a few moons. She wants to settle down but her constant drive for adventure and always wanting to get up and do something every single day is not for all cats. She understands it can be annoying and she tries to choose friends who don't seem to mind always doing something. She also doesn't seem to care very deeply for the rules, following them when its convenient for her but knowing if she has to break them it will be justified. Something she doesn't exactly say to Embergaze for fear of her sister having a heart attack over it.
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Swiftleap, Hawktalon, Reedgaze

Postby Miss Marple » Mon Jun 26, 2017 9:00 am



Swiftkit, Swiftpaw, Swiftleap
Tom of -- Moons, Warrior

Fluffy Brown Tabby w/ Yellow Eyes

Crush: --
Mate: --
Ex-Mates: None
Kits: None
Kin: Cloverdapple - Mother, Swifttalon - Father,
Hawktalon - Brother, Reedgaze - Sister,
Acornpaw - Niece

Personality: Friendly, Outgoing, Caring,
Righteous, Dependable, Kind

Theme Song: --

Fears: Not living up to his father, letting his
family down, Not being there to save someone
Dreams: Of being a great father, becoming a
senior warrior

Anything Else? N/A

Swiftleap is very proud of his heritage and his Clan, he is a clanborn warrior who was born to a former deputy and his mate named Swifttalon and Cloverdapple. His father died before they were born and he was named after him. Because of this Swiftleap feels he has to live up to his late fathers legacy something that can be very daunting at times. Besides this he has a very strict sense of right and wrong (in his own eyes at least) and strives to be the kind of cat everyone in his clan can depend on. He is very friendly, sometimes overly so, and loves to host big conversations in camp whenever possible. He is an early riser and loves to wake his brother Hawktalon up so that they can both go on morning patrols together, something Hawktalon hates. Though he is clan born and proud of it he is very accepting of loners or kitty pets becoming warriors and thinks it breaths new life into a clan. Though he hopes to be a senior warrior one day he is not interested in ever being a deputy or a leader, thinking he'd have to make hard decisions he's not capable of as he wants to accept and befriend everyone.




Hawkkit, Hawkpaw, Hawktalon
Tom of -- Moons, Warrior

Warm Brown Tabby with muscular build
and jade green eyes

Crush: Briarheart
Mate: Briarheart
Ex-Mate: N/A
Kits: Acornfrost
Kin: Cloverdapple - Mother, Swifttalon - Father,
Reedgaze - Sister, Swiftleap - Brother

Personality: Grumpy, Rebellious, Out-spoken,
Deep Thinker, Careful

Theme Song: Stand up - Trapt

Fears: Never being good enough, always being
in Swiftleap's shadow, losing his kin
Dreams: Of being recognized for his own
achievements, Becoming an elder

Anything Else? N/A

Hawktalon had a rough start in life, the death of his father before they were even born devistated his Mother and she put all of her effort into the kit she had named after her late mate. This caused a lot of early tension between Hawktalon and bis brother Swiftleap who was unaware of the problems at first. Hawktalon grew to despise his brother, jealous of the love he received from their mother when he got none. He was very bitter because of this and had a hard time making friends as a young apprentice, only having his sister for company. Until it mentor got it through to him what was going on and how he couldn't blame Swiftleap. Only then did he make peace with his brother who by that time had begun to feel very guilty and reject their Mother on his own in an attempt to get his brother back. Though it wasn't until they were made warriors and he was given the name of Hawktalon after his father Swifttalon for his excellence in fighting just like his Father had that he could finally find peace and forgive his Mother.




Reedkit, Reedpaw, Reedgaze
She-cat of -- Moons, Warrior

Sleek Calico with warm amber eyes
with spots of green in the center

Crush: --
Mate: --
Ex-Mate: N/A
Kits: None
Kin: Cloverdapple - Mother, Swifttalon - Father,
Hawktalon - Brother, Swiftleap - Brother,
Acornpaw - Niece

Personality: Laid-back, Talkative, Optimistic,
Friendly, Calm

Theme Song: --

Fears: Being ignored by those she loves
the most
Dreams: Of getting the perfect best friend,
of catching the perfect fish

Anything Else? N/A

Reedgaze is much more laid back than both of her brothers, she's not known to get overly worried or uptight about anything nor does she really concern herself with when she gets up. She's a go with the flow type of cat, not really wanting to get ahead in the clan but not opposed to leading if someone asks her to. She loves to gossip and will sit and talk with someone for hours if they let her. She's usually very chill but can get very angry very fast when it comes to defending her brothers. The only other time she lashes out is when she thinks she's being ignored. She can completely lose her mind over it, never really recovering from how her mother ignored her and Hawktalon as kits. She doesn't like to talk about it and has never really forgave or spoken about her issues with her Mother to her. She interacts with her as if nothing happened, though she can come off as bitter at times. Though she's good at not taking this out on anyone else around her.
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Cloverdapple, Acornpaw/Acornfrost, Falconpaw/Falconheart

Postby Miss Marple » Wed Jun 28, 2017 10:53 am


Cloverkit, Cloverpaw, Cloverdapple
She-cat of -- Moons, Warrior

Short-furred Calico with Amber Eyes

Crush: Swifttalon
Mate: Swifttalon
Ex-Mates: None
Kits: Swiftleap, Hawktalon,
Kin: Acornpaw - Granddaughter

Personality: Broken, Quiet, Shy
Withdrawn, Deeply Loyal, Regretful

Theme Song: --

Dreams: Of being reunited with
Swifttalon in StarClan one day
Fears: She's ruined her kits lives

Anything Else? N/A

text here



Acornkit, Acornpaw, Acornfrost
She-cat of ?? Moons, Apprentice/Warrior

Russet Brown fur w/ Jade Green Eyes

Crush: --
Mate: --
Ex-Mates: N/A
Kits: None
Kin: Briarheart-Mother, Hawktalon-Father,
Falconpaw - Brother, Swiftleap - Uncle,
Reedgaze - Aunt, Cloverdapple - Grandma

Personality: Competitive, Grumpy at times,
Hard headed, Dependable

Theme Song: --

Dreams: Of not living in her family's shadow
Fears: Not being loved

Acornfrost is unsurprisingly much like her father, she shares his dislike of mornings and his occasional grumpy outbursts. Although unlike him she has a competitive streak in her, which causes her to be more high strung than him at times and less careful and cautious. Though they seem to have similar views on everything else and a bad habit of keeping those closest to them at tail's length at times. But secretly she is petrified of not being loved by others, mostly due to over hearing the stories of what went down with her grandmother and her kits. She fears that at the drop of a leaf something may happen and it could cause someone to stop loving her. This makes it harder to get close to her but once you do she'll stick with you for life. She dreams of not living in her families shadow regardless of how much she loves them, as she doesn't want to be associated with the negative aspects of Cloverdapple or the immense greatness of Swifttalon. Though she does like to hear about both of them. She just wants to be her own cat. She loves to go on patrols and be the one leading them, once the sun is up of course. She tries hard to be independant and dependable, even if it means not letting others know when she needs help all the time so they always think she's readily available for them.



Falconkit, Falconpaw, Falconheart
Tom of ?? Moons, Apprentice/Warrior

Pale Brown Tabby w/ Green Eyes

Crush: --
Mate: --
Ex-Mates: N/A
Kits: None
Kin: Briarheart -Mother, Hawktalon -Father,
Acornfrost - Sister, Swiftleap - Uncle,
Reedgaze - Aunt, Cloverdapple - Grandma

Personality: Clingy, Stubborn, Outspoken,

Theme Song:

Dreams: Being an important warrior like
a deputy or a senior warrior

Fears: Being alone, Being rejected
by others

Anything Else? N/A

text here text here text here
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Riverbriar/Riverwish, Sunspots, Eaglestrike/Eaglestar

Postby Miss Marple » Wed Jun 28, 2017 10:17 pm



Riverkit, Riverpaw, Riverbriar/Riverwish
She-cat of -- Moons, Warrior/Deputy

Mostly dark tortoiseshell with one
pale blue eye and one pale yellow eye

Crush: --
Mate: --
Ex-Mate: N/A
Kits: None
Kin: Willowsong - Sister, Paleflame - Brother

Personality: Outspoken, Loud, Strong-willed,
Sly, Nosy, Caring

Theme Song: --

Fears: Losing her clan, being a loner,
being alone

Dreams: Of rising to the top of the clan,
being well respected and admired

Anything Else? N/A

Riverbriar is an outspoken no nonsense cat whose not afraid to speak her mind on any matter. That being said, she doesn't do this to cause a disturbance or be rude. She believes in being very straightforward about her thoughts and opinions and doesn't like to beat around the bush. She believes in fairness and everyone taking responsibility so no one is left behind or harmed. She is very concerned with how her clan mates feel and can come off as very nosy when trying to help someone she thinks might be upset. She doesn't like to take no for an answer when this happens as she doesn't want to walk away from someone knowing their in pain and she did nothing to help them. She didn't have any litter mates so she is very attached to the clan as a whole, feeling as if they are all her family and she does not want to lose them. She hopes to be thought of as a great warrior one day and remembered for always being there for others. She has a small fear of never finding her true love, but it's not something she likes to talk about to others. As she feels like it makes her appear weak minded and she doesn't want to give others that impression of her.




Sunkit, Sunpaw, Sunspots
Tom of -- Moons, Warrior

Tan Tabby with Darker Stripes
with Bright Yellow Eyes

Crush: --
Mate: --
Ex-Mate: N/A
Kits: None
Kin: unknown

Personality: Adventurous, Stubborn, Naive,
Hopeful, Optimistic

Theme Song: Prophecy

Fears: Being lied to by those he trusts,
Making a bad decision that hurts other cats

Dreams: Finding somewhere new
no one has ever seen before

Anything Else? N/A

Sunspots is a naive young tom who sometimes acts too much like an apprentice to be taken seriously. He is slightly smaller than most toms, a fact that he despises and doesn't like to be reminded of. He enjoys trying to learn new tricks and showing them off to others which doesn't help the notion that he acts like an apprentice. He loves to explore and is always ready for an adventure even though he doesn't really get to take many. He hopes to one day find a place no cat has ever been to and impress every one whose ever doubted him. He's not a good judge of character and believes almost anything anyone tells him. He is aware of this and despite his best efforts has not improved on it. He can't tell when someone is lying to him and is very fearful that one day those he trusts the most will lie to him. But besides that he is very optimistic in day to day life and tries to make the best of every situation.



Eaglekit, Eaglepaw, Eaglestrike, Eaglestar
Tom of -- Moons, Warrior/Deputy/Leader

Sleek Warm Brown fur with Darker Points,
White Chest, and Blue-Green Eyes

Crush: Open
Mate: Open
Ex-Mates: None
Kits: None
Kin: Open

Personality: Strict, Independent, Resilient,
Harsh at times, Righteous, Good Listener

Theme Song: --

Fears: Losing his life when his clan needs
him the most

Dreams: Of leading his clan into victory
at every turn, of watching his clan raise
a new generation of great warriors

Anything Else? N/A

Eaglestrike was born to a former deputy and his mate, their father was very strict and expected a lot from his kits. He made sure they got the best mentors and had extra training sessions, though his mentor always snuck them away for a chance to relax whenever possible. Eaglestrike knew from a very young age that to be a warrior it took hard work and dedication. But it was more than just that, you had to be a cat person as well. It wasn't enough to tell someone what to do like his father did, you had to show them and lead by example. It was in this that he and his father clashed though he never seemed as angry with his father as he did with him. Eaglestrike prefers to listen to the opinions of others before he makes big decisions. He likes to be apart of patrols and help out whenever possible, even if that means going and cleaning out the elder's den with the apprentices to make sure they know how to do it right. He'd be the first to help patch up the nursery even without a mate who needs it. And though he is strict in his own right, not letting his apprentices forget the warrior code or what it means, he can still be laid back at times. Allowing them to have fun while they train as long as they know what's most important. He is very independent however when it comes to his own problems, not liking to share them with others. This is one of the only things that can cause him to lash out and be harsh with others. He hates for anyone to worry over him or to try to help him. Even going as far as to refuse to see the medicine cat when he's starting to get sick, which always causes him to end up in the medicine cat's den actually sick. Because of this he worries he can never find a mate and settle down. Though he's not overly concerned about it, knowing he can have a fulfilling life working for his clan. He still faintly hopes to find someone he can finally be himself around and express his true feelings to.
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Puddlejump, Sorrowstep, Silentstride

Postby Miss Marple » Mon Jul 03, 2017 12:08 pm


Puddlekit, Puddlepaw, Puddlejump
Tom of -- Moons, Warrior/Deputy

Fluffy Black and White fur with
Yellow-Green Eyes

Crush: --
Mate: --
Ex-Mates: Unknown She-cat
Kits: None
Kin: Sorrowstep - Sister, Silentstride - Brother

Personality: Peaceful, Calm, Respectful,
Endearing, Patient

Theme Song: Guardians of the Woods

Dreams: Of bringing his family back together,
keeping everything peaceful, not ever having to
fight in a war he does not want

Fears: Losing his siblings like he lost
his parents, Being stuck forever at war

Anything Else? N/A

Puddlejump was from his parents first litter, all of his littermates were stillborn except for him and so he grew up in a rather quiet nursery with a very over protective Mother. He didn't mind this, and he quickly grew to love the peace and quiet. Once he was at the end of his training as an apprentice his parents had another litter this time with two kits, Spottedkit and Silentkit. He treasured his younger siblings as he hadn't been able to have any before this and became very devoted to them. Though now he is closer to his brother than his sister though he wishes she would let him in. Right before his siblings could become warriors however their parents were killed in a flash flood and the best friend of Spottedpaw was killed by a fox soon after. This devastated them all but Spottedpaw took it the hardest and so she received her warrior name a moon after their brother, and her name was changed to Sorrowstep. She then began to push her brothers away but he still tries his hardest to get through the wall she's put up and become close again. It was during this time that he found and fell inlove with his first mate. She was a loner he tried his best to convince to join the clan with him. He was loyal to his clanmates and his siblings and could never leave them. She refused and ultimately it caused them to break up. She preferred a more wild wandering life than he did. This broke his heart and he has not found love after it. Always wistfully looking out to the woods, dreaming of the day she'll return.

Puddlejump is a very calming tom, he comes off as very relaxed and easy going. He prefers the quiet but is never one to shy away from any duties or conversations with others. He is better at mentoring laid back apprentices as he never has the energy or excitement to keep up with the more hyper ones. He takes his job very seriously and only wishes to do the best he can for his clan mates. He is respectful and has never spoken out against any higher ranking cat. If he has any ill opinions of them he's never voice it, or at least never to anyone who would tell. But he is very endearing and warm, a good companion to be around whenever you're feeling down. At times he acts more like an old grandfather figure than a young tom though he's never even had kits of his own. He loves to help out whenever the queens need something however as he is very fond of kits despite his calm demeanor.



Spottedkit, Spottedpaw, Sorrowstep
She-cat of -- Moons, Warrior

Black and White dappled fur
with Pale Green Eyes

Crush: --
Mate: --
Ex-Mates: Never got that far
Kits: None
Kin: Puddlejump,
Silentstride - Brothers

Personality: Mysterious, Elegant,
Sassy, Short tempered, Remorseful

Theme Song: Morrígan

Dreams: Of finding love again,
Getting a new warrior name,
Overcoming her fear of foxes
Fears: Foxes, Being looked
down on because of her name,
being avoided, losing those
she's close to

Anything Else? N/A

Sorrowstep was born in her parents second litter, they were much more relaxed with her and her littermate than they were with Puddlejump. Though they were very keen on the three siblings bonding. She however was more rebellious than her brothers were and didn't enjoy listening to her parents. She thought of herself as invincible and thought the world was hers for the taking. She didn't listen as well as her siblings and parents had and was much louder and more excitable. She stuck out from the rest of them and didn't feel like she could bond as well with them, but once she was apprenticed she quickly became best friends with a tom named Swallowpaw. They became inseparable and did everything together. Their favorite however was to sneak out of camp and go on small adventures exploring the land just outside of their clans territory. After her parents died however she was a mess. Angry at the world and unable to cope she had wanted to venture farther than they normally did. She thought if they went farther they would find a better territory and they could move the clan and no one else would have to die like her parents had. She blamed the higher ranking cats for not picking a safer camp, though she didn't really understand how any of that works. So they ventured out alone once more, it wasn't that big a deal to them now since they were about to become warriors. But they didn't realize that there were foxes that lived beyond the clans territory and they were attacked. They turned tails and ran, Spottedpaw got away but Swallowpaw didn't and by the time she got help it was too late. Her grief consumed her and she couldn't finish up her training, taking a moon to wallow in it before she returned, causing her to get her warrior name after her littermate. She was then named Sorrowstep after the grief she had endured and though it suits her she despises it and thinks its a way for the others to mock her and belittle what she's gone through.

Sorrowstep is now a much quieter cat who thinks her decisions through before she jumps into them. She has regained her sassy streak though she mostly only brings it out to those she is friends with. She is known to avoid talking to cats she doesn't know well as she is afraid they will mock her because of her name. She finds it hard to reconnect with her brothers but she is trying her best though its easier for her to talk to Silentstride than Puddlejump. She has a short temper however when it comes to others making bad decisions, she means well as she does not want them to suffer for those decisions but she goes about it wrong. And is unable to see why just yelling at them won't help. But when she's in a good mood she tends to act very elegant and classy, enjoying critical conversations and discussing important matters. She is very proud of her skills and is happy with her place in the clan, even if she has her moments.



Silentkit, Silentpaw, Silentstride
Tom of -- Moons, Warrior

Pure White with One Pale Blue
Eye and One Yellow-Green Eye

Crush: --
Mate: --
Ex-Mates: None
Kits: None
Kin: Puddlejump - Brother, Sorrowstep - Sister

Personality: Orderly, Sentimental,
Understanding, Calming

Theme Song: Timeless

Fears: Never understanding his sister, Not
being able to hold the family together,
Things just never getting better

Dreams: Of seeing his siblings happy,
of a quiet studious life

Anything Else? N/A

Silentstride was a very quiet kitten, so much so that he was named Silentkit and they were actually afraid he couldn't make any noises at all. Spottedkit was talking before him though when he finally did speak it was in perfect sentences obviously very shocking to his parents. Like his siblings he took it very hard when their parents died, but instead of focusing on the grief he tried to bond with his siblings over their memories and the good times they had. Spottedpaw rejected this and rejected him for a while. That is until her best friend was killed and at her warrior ceremony she was renamed Sorrowstep. Silentstride was horrified by this, he hated that his sister had to carry on with a name like that even once she healed. And he didn't blame her for being so bitter about it. But he still tries hard to bring his siblings back together again. He's close with both of them individually but it's been rough trying to get Sorrowstep to open up to anyone even their own brother.

Silentstride is very devoted to his family and this devotion carries over to his clan as well. He's a very orderly tom, preffering to have set directions on how to do things, this isn't to say that he can't do something without directions. He just prefers for everyone to have their own directions on how to do things. And he doesn't mind helping to give out those directions if need be. He enjoys mentoring apprentices though has never actually considered having any kits of his own regardless of how much he enjoys being a mentor. He is very understanding and sentimental, loving to go on for hours about fond memories and seemingly always having a story about something. Something he's sure will come in handy once he's an elder. He has a calm demeanor and is still very quiet and living up to his name. Though he says he has to be, with fur so white he has to be extra quiet not to scare all the prey away.
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