Site update news

12th August 23

Our Summer Event has now ended! We're all going back home from Camp Smoothie now! We hope everybody enjoyed the event.

We've added the "Feed the Campers" match-3 game from the event to the Archive page so that you can keep on playing it:

Head to the bottom of the archive page to play it!

We've also added the "duck racing" minigame from the 2018 Jungle Event!

Edit: I've now added the "duck fishing" minigame from the 2020 Carnival Event, the "fast fins racetrack" from the 2017 Lost City Event, and the fortune-telling game from the 2019 Fae Mischief event

11th August 23

Today is the last day for token trade-ins for our Camp Smoothie event! Be sure not to leave it to the last minute and miss out!

Please see the countdown timer on the event page to see the current time remaining.

Aaron, Concept and Vampiric have created a stamp pack to celebrate the event, you can get it from the main event page!