twilight sparkle's cake:

twilight sparkle described their cake:

Hi Everyone/Judges/Whoever Else, When I first saw this contest I ran to my mom, and said "My life is now complete." Yeah, that was over a month ago and I'm just submitting my cake-I'm such a procrastinator. But here it is, my own cake in an international cake contest-amazing! My cake is basically what it would be like if the animals of CS (Or some of them, at least) got together to have a surprise party for CS. My imaginary dialog would go like this: Sun Jewel: Alright, I'm hiding-WHY ARE YOU ALL UNHIDDEN? How are we supposed to surprise them if you're not hidden? Hide! Please! Tiger Cat: Dude, relax, we have time. Does anyone like my giant card? It can be from all of us. I was considering putting it on the Oekaki, but that would be much to obvious and it would be blowing our cover. But still, digital art is cool... Jackson why did you throw the confetti everywhere? It's everywhere! Why oh, why? Jackson (The Yellow Dog): But... but it looks BETTER this way! And who actually has time to throw confetti? I've got my paws full guarding the presents...maybe Squiddy could have thrown it but he was hiding the cake. Squiddy: *Gurgle* Cake... *Throws arms up and down, wedges but farther into the destroyed cake...* Jackson: Oh no... Squiddy, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??? You ruined the cake! And without cake there's no party! There's no party! SQUIDDY! Bunny: Never fear, I'll call Vampy's Tea AND Cake cake shop, she'll bring us a new cake! Sun Jewel: But she'll know... Tiger Cat: She won't tell. Bunny: *Dials number* Hello, Vampy's Tea AND Cake cake store? Yes, I'd like to order 1 larger cake to feed about...159497 people. Yes you heard me right, 159497 people. Nah, I don't care what flavor it is. *Lifts head up from old fashion phone* Do you guys care? Jackson: Not at all, except for no chocolate- dogs can't eat it. Sun Jewel: Yeah, chocolate is a big fat no-no. *Crosses forarms* Bunny: Alright then, nothing that contains chocolate but any other cake is fine. See ya in a few minutes. Owl: Squiddy, you're in deep doo doo. But, on the other hand I have the balloons! There won't be enough, so they'll be like those rainbow smoothies way back when. You ordered those, right? *Turns to bunny* Bunny: Umm, no, not exactly... But I can! *Calls Tess's and Capricoon's Smoothie Shop* Better ask to see Capricoon... Yes, I'd like about 159497 rainbow smoothies, maybe more. Can you send them over ASAP? Thanks! Owl: Alright guys, time to hide! You know the drill, when Tess and Nick first walk in jump out and yell "SURPRISE!" So, I hope you enjoyed my little fantasy. I know I won't win, but my dream, when I grow up is to bake cakes and cupcakes, so his really is one of those special moments in my life. my greatest wish for this contest would be to be named one of the runner's up... but I read that people who actually work in cake shops are competing. Though, you can never be sure how everything will turn out in the long run. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity, it's been great. Sincerely, Magicwolf♫