TigerParadise's cake:

TigerParadise described their cake:

Everyone know loves ChickeSmoothie knows who this little guy is The birthday cake dog is a classic pet of chickensmootie This cake is 2ft 5in by 1ft 5in AND beside candles is completly edible the cake and fondaunt are completly from scratch The 3 candles on is head repesent 3 amazing years of a amazing site I have never made a cake more complex than a drty iced birday cake and have never used fondunt so this cake was a challange I turned 13 ,4 month ago and never had i made cake without box mix i had no help wth this cake.... my nana only took pictures AND cracked eggs for the batter (omg im soooo sorry i forgot to put chickensmoothie on the paper because i just read the caption of the example.... i still have my username so i hope 3 days work wasnt for nothing XD) The first picture is of my templates and baked cakes Second is my cake assembled and ready for foundant Third is the cake with eyes, nose, and basic colour Last two are the finihed product candles, pink founduant, and candles! this was sooooo fun to make ..i justed used u all my money on ingrediants -_-' XD and use 2 dozen egg whites The foundant is orange flavor repesenting the fruity and tang of the members of chickensmoothie the cake is vannila bean with blue and red confettie(tess colours) vanilla repecenting the smooth creamy harmeny of all the chickensmootien's XD (i added a pic of when we lit it up)