Chessur's cake:

Chessur described their cake:

My cake has a base of vanilla cake with a base frosting of vanilla. On the sides splatters of green and yellow icing is like confettii. On the top left of the cake in icing is the letters 'CS' to stand for Chickensmoothie while on the right are 3 birthday candles to stand for CS's 3rd birthday. On the middle of the cake are two of CS's UR pets. On the left is the UR Grapes made of small purple gobstoppers, each with a tiny face made of icing and a stem made of bread. On the right is the UR Banana made of a regular banana complete with an icing face. In the middle of the cake is a small 'cake' made of carved strawberrys to act as a cake. All around the cake are little bites of green sprinkles.This is a discription of my cake (: Also please note that the hand holding the card is my mothers not mine xD