Zoroark Queen's cake:

Zoroark Queen described their cake:

My cake is a chocolate cake and I decorated it with sugar icing. The pets I made with marzipan and colored them in with food coloring that I mixed together to make different colors.The pets are this months litter of 3 puppies to celebrate CS's 3rd birthday and on the mother wolf's blanket it says CS 3. My sister took the photos and most of them did not have the paper in, but some did. There were 13 pictures that I wanted to put up, but I just decided to send in the ones i thought would be good enough .Unfortunately there wasn't any room for the father wolf on the cake that I made too . I lit up 3 candles and a sparkler on the cake and my sister took the photos. I also put stary sprinkles and shiny silver balls on the cake and drew stars and a sickle moon with sparkly jelly icing that my mom bought for me. The cake has 4 purple CS flowers around it, made with marzipan and colored in with coloring and pearl sparkle icing for cakes. The cake also has caramel inside. Everything is edible, except the candles.It took me 4 days to make the marzipan Wolfies and the cake and decorating.The mother wolf is the 2008 warm orange colored moon wolf and her 3 pups on there blankets one pup is sleeping the other is sitting and the 3d one is just lying down and that one has a bow in her fur,and the 3 represents CS's 3d birthday.Though when i colored them in i used the reference of my wolf mother and pups and then the pups were only newborns. Hope I did everything right. And i really do hope my pics show up. :)