C-ren's cake:

C-ren described their cake:

I made a small simple cover for this tiny collection of pictures , its really simple so I hope its ok :> Anyway this cak is filled with a creamy lemon spread and the covering for the cake was made out of melted marshmellows. (which is really annoying to handle lol) I dont think you can tell b the picture but the cake covering is based on the yellow sorbet design which I love so much. Because the yellow sorbert dog is fluffy and lemony and all that. Totoro is hidden in te back an Avian and the classic sunback dog Nick made is there too. (I am so very fond of that pet <3) Anyway, my cake is simpe I guess and pretty derpy but I had fun, Enjoy! Happy 3rd Anniverary , this site has grown beautifully <3