SnowFlies's cake:

SnowFlies described their cake:

A simple marble cake, coated in butter icing with a purple piping made of fondant icing. The tree’s made of marzipan, which was then covered in melted dark chocolate (pic1). On the tree in red is written CS and has alove heart under it. Further down the trunk of the tree is a white, supposed to be, hand print from the design of Avian. The idea was that Avian marked it as the CS tree :3 The leaves of the tree, is parsley ((I asked if using parsley would be allowable and I was told it was as long it was edible.)) And around the tree, and in it, are sugar balls representing what I thought of as the growing members of CS ((I didn’t have very many compared to the actual amount of members :3)) Overall the idea for the tree was from the picture at the top of the website with Avian and Totoro on it. In the tree is Malk's PSS owl watching what's going on. Holding the pink candle is the macaw rat, a drink me bottle in front of it ((hence the large size)). A butterfly wolf caterpillar is on the trunk of the tree. Next to the blue candle is the very rare Malk spider. Near the yellow candle is the green-white cat from 2010 ((the new line-art)) All of the figures are made of fondant icing. The CS pets are surrounding a small ((compared to the candles)) birthday cake. And the candles are "large" to be like memorials, the CS birthdays to be remembered. [/endcheesyness]