leaf's cake:

leaf described their cake:

at first i was going to do cake balls but once i made them i found out it was really hard to decorate them the way i had planned. so instead i picked one of my favorite designs and i used it as the entire decoration on a plain frosted cake.. the cake isnt all that plain though under the frosting. its actually a rainbow cake! i used a boxed batter and portioned it into separate bowls and put food coloring in to each of them and then poured it in the pan then baked it. i have never done anything like it before but it turned out really pretty! (i mashed the cakeball progress shots) i ended up making about 100 cakeballs and only used 8.. i took them to work and my co workers loved them XD i have a picture with my ipod showing the litter i was basing the cake off of.