diamondpals's cake:

diamondpals described their cake:

I baked 8 blueberry cupcakes as my entry for the cake contest. Everything is hand-made from scratch, including the icing. I had to use plastic bags for the icing piping bags ^^; 6 of the cupcakes are based off of CS dogs; the blue sorbet, advent holly dog, advent pink cookie dog, April '09 orange dog, red diamonds card dog, and the September '09 yellow sortic dog. Most are flop-eared dogs, but if they aren't, I've made them into flop-eared dogs. 3 dog cupcakes are on each side of the cupcake holder to represent it is CS' 3rd birthday. Also, the top of the holder has 2 cakes, one with 'Happy Bday', and the other with '3rd' to celebrate CS' 3rd birthday. Sorry for the quality of the photos, especially the in-progress shots, I have a terrible camera D: