Schneemaehne's cake:

Schneemaehne described their cake:

So, after two days of work my cake is finally finished... I will try as good as I can to explain the whole thing. But I hope most decorations are understandable with just the photos... The cake itself is a simple marble cake. But a special recipe that is extra hefty and sweet - though you can't try some pieces. The other important thing was that this cake is rather hard and robust, so it was perfect for what I was planning to do... In the first picture you can see my preparations. On the one hand the sketches and references I made and searched, on the other hand all the baking stuff. Making the cake itself was easy and quickly made, the funny part was the next thing: Making it green! I wanted it to be the typical "CS default green", so I mixed sugar, water and loads of green food coloring together for an green icing. Of course I couldn't help but play around a little with it (picture two). While our freshly made clorien-bomb was drying, I started with the marzipan. It took much more time than I thought and even more food coloring - but to be honest I was suprised how well it was formable. So, part after part I created a little Avian head and two paws. The brown parts are also marzipan, but colored with chocolate powder. Oh, and some more sugar icing (picture three). Now the hardest parts were over. I placed the head and paws on the cake, added some green "frazzles" to make it look like Avian is coming out of my cake. Also added the necklaces and hundreds of other details - all made with marzipan, chocolate or pure sugar! The last things were the "Happy Birthday CS!" writing and the "3". Oh, and the icons. You can see them both on picture four and the final one. They symbolize the - in my opinion - most important parts of chickensmoothie: Trading, drawing, the Archieves, adding cool items, adopting pets - and the most important - the community and the feling to be "at home". That's it from my side. Have a great birthday, Tess and Nick, and thanks for doing this. For doing everything. Also the Mods, the Newbie Helpers and all the guys who help to make this website so great. Thanks for all the nice people I was able to meet here and all those people I will meet. Thanks for the creativity, the drawings, writings and RPG's. And not to forget, for the pets. To make things short - I think I found my "internet home" here and I'm glad to pay back some of the things with doing this cake. Have a nice day, Schneemaehne EDIT: It was heart-breaking, but we have now decided to eat the cake... I added one more photo. And it tastes like chicken^^ (Not really... more like a lot of sugar)