TheWolfsgirl90's cake:

TheWolfsgirl90 described their cake:

Well this is my cake. It took 2 days. First of all I started to make figures of the Cs-species with marzipan (should present what you can find on cs),and I colored them with Food coloring and a pencil. 2. Then I started with the cake( chocolate) and while I baked it, I did a vanilla butter creme with chocolate chips. 3. I cut of the cake and filled it with the creme. (After the cake was cool down)And put something around the cake, except on the top of cake. 4. the I tried to make a beautiful picture on the top of the cake with Royal icing ( you can google it, it was not printing on sugar ) But it failed becuase it the ref ( I did with my own hands, I could send it if someone wish) was to difficult for royal icing and the I decide to make another one on a port folio.(without a ref) If the the royal icing dry after 24 hours you can pull it off from the port folio. 5. After the fail, I put creme on the top of cake and let it cool down until the next day. 6. On the next day I put the royal icing picture on the top of the cake and start to decorate it with the marzipan figures and the candles and some rest of the creme. Finish! and a happy 3 Birthday to CS Well it was only able to make because my family want to eat it -.-' (hint for any unsure questions, ask me and ignore my bad english)