Anastila's cake:

Anastila described their cake:

My cake is my first one with more than one level and fondant. It took me a long time to inform myself and bake and create the cake but I think it was worth it. It shows a little tribune with a figure on it which I hope is cognizable as a common CS dog (the figure is out of almond paste). The trees (no its no salad like my neighbour thought *grml*) are marshmallows inside with butter cream decorated outside. I wanted to create the design from the top of the forums page but it was harder as I thought and now its just a little forest...with no base plants at all as I wanted to create...but my colour was empty so I couldn’t go on anyway... The ingredients are 3-layer sponge cake base, Butter cream chocolate (butter, powdered sugar etc. I think I don’t have to register everything but yes I’ve done it myself ;)), pears, marshmallows, powdered sugar, food colouring of course and I bought some sugar leafs. That’s the only thing I haven’t done by myself ...yeah I think that were the main things. Maybe some comments for the pictures: 1. The beginning 2. I covered the cakes with coloured marshmallow-fondant and placed them on top of each other 3. I’ve decorated a long time with butter cream and the last thing I’ve done was the figure. This is of course the front 4. ...and that’s the back sight with the trunks of the trees 5. the little figure I formed from almond paste. Yes its a dog ^^ with a ring-tail 6. I hope there is a sixth photo allowed...its the best part of course: eating the cake :D The funniest thing about the creation-process was afterwards. I’ve tried to colour the tree trunks brown with this food colour but it was only a dark violet I could get to. But afterwards I recognized that I could have coloured them with cacao like the butter cream inside of the cake. That was really stupid and maybe I could have go on with decorating because my colour wouldn’t have been empty... ^^ Sorry if my language isn’t perfect. I’m from Germany and this description was really difficult for me and I can only hope that there aren’t that much grammar faults.