classi's cake:

classi described their cake:

In my cake, the dog in the middle is 'jumping' out of the cake - that's why icing is flying up around him, and that's why he has some icing on him. Then, where it says 'Happy B-day CS!' The green are leaves! On the sides of the cake are the little rats, and one is even coming out of the cake. On the backside are different animals - cats, lions, birds, horses... The lettering is a little sloppyish because the icing I got was very runny. My mother helped me with a little, but I baked the cake and made all the figures and iced the cake and did everything but the 'Happy b-day' part, because my hand was shaking too much! I think I've explained it all. :) I hope you have a great day and enjoy my cake! *Hands all the mods a virtual slice of cake*