Catalena by bellini

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Artist bellini [gallery]
Time spent 4 minutes
Drawing sessions 1
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Postby bellini » Mon Feb 27, 2017 4:15 am

bellini79 wrote:
please don't post, thanks! ~ contest ~
" Hi I'm Catalena! Lemme introduce myself! -

" first of all, here are the
Image "
Full name: Catalena Mea Marine
Name meaning: Pure
Nickname: Cat or Kit Kat
Sex: female
Pronouns: she/her, they/them
Sexuality: bisexual
Age: 36
Birthday: March 7th 1981
Weight: 136 lbs
Height ( feral ): 3' 4 feet Anthro and Human: 5 ' 7 feet
Occupation: babysitter for neighborhood families
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Where she lives now: Kauai, Hawaii!
Voice: Catalena's voice is sort of like Scarlett Johansson's voice- X

" Now- let's get onto the good stuff!! "

bellini79 wrote:
Family tree picture by Kahea and Cat
" I love my family! They're the ones who keep me happy."
Sensu is Cat's mate, he is a big goofball that likes to joke around with Catalena. They love to keep each other happy, and they're kids happy. He's a good example towards her and the kids, and a big help around the house. They love to go places together, usually on boat because they both love the Sea, but they'll go for anything.They make a good team. You'll usually find them together, or with their family, Catalena can't stand being alone ;o;
Kahea, daughter: Kahea is one of Catalena's best friends, although sometimes Kahea is confusing/strange, Cat loves her a lot. They have a great mother/daughter relationship and will do lots of stuff together, like drawing, taking morning walks ( usually for ice-cream hehe ), and lots more. If Catalena gets the chance, she'll get with Kahea and they'll go out for lunch or something fun like that. Cat loves spending time with this crazy bean!!
Mia, daughter: Cat and Mia never really did have a close relationship, Mia would usually stay to herself or some friends but didn't usually care to hang out with the family. Cat would occasionally get to talk to her, but Cat felt she could spent more time with her. Mia looks at her mom as if she's the most embarrassing thing ever, but Catalena doesn't care!! Since they don't get to talk a lot, they're conversations are always awkward and never end up right.
Mackenzie, son: Mackenzie is Catalena's youngest/last babe. He was born female, but he never accepted it, Catalena and Sensu were both surprised, but slowly thought about it. Mackenzie is in a better relationship with Sensuikan than Cat, but Mackenzie is still very sweet towards Catalena too. Cat loves him very dearly and sticks up for him whenever he needs it.
Arida, mum: When Cat was younger her mom and her were literally, best friends. Even though they don't talk as much now, they still are very close. When Cat was young she and Arida would do everything together. Aria was always the one Cat could vent to and talk to about things, and she still does. Though, as Arida has gotten older she's gotten grumpier, she's very happy when she's with Cat. Cat loves her mom dearly <3
Mukesh, dad: Mukesh tries to act grumpy/rude towards people, but is actually a sweetheart. Him and Cat have always been fairly good friends, but not very close. When she was a kid Cat and him would hang out a lot and go on cool adventures, though now that he's older it's harder for him to get around, and she can't talk to him as much. Even though they can't have as much time together Cat has always loved her daddio <3
Disney, bro: Disney and Cat have always been pretty good friends. Whenever the two are at family reunions or parties and they see each other they'll have some short conversations like normal friends. When they were younger and lived together they would ALWAYS be watching some cool sci-fi sort of movie and drawing cool little monsters like kids do. Now that they're older they just laugh about it.
Izidora, sister: Ever since Izzy was born Catalena has LOVED her- Even when Izzy was a baby Cat has believed they were best friends. Izidora isn't much younger than Cat but she looks up to her as a role model, when she was very young she would draw pictures for her and do anything for her like a tiny maid <3 Now that they're older they're just great friends, Izzy is Cat's favorite Plumie ever, and Cat is Izzy's favorite Plumie ever! Ever since they were young they have been best friends ;v;
Starfish, adopted niece: Starfish is Cat's adopted niece. She's the daughter of Sensu's adopted brother Simon. Starfish is actually super close to the Marine family. Starfish has always loved talking, chatting, or hanging out with everyone in the family. When she's in town she'll stay at their house and they'll just talk for hours. Star is like one of Catalena and Sensu's daughter >o>


" Let's keep going! "

bellini79 wrote:
" Here you'll find a little more about my feelings- I guess haha! "

Likes: The beach, fishing, cruises, Oreos, the fam, rain, vacations, warm weather, swimming, seafood, dancing, surfing,

Hobbies: swimming, boating, fishing, painting, singing, playing ukulele, collecting shells, camping, surfing

Dislikes: being ignored ( especially when it's the kids ), being alone, gore, bullies, cold weather, lots of sugar, drama, the dentist

Extrovert ♥ Spunky ♥ Adventurous ♥ Loving ♥ Awkward ♥ Loud


Chaotic Neutral

+ When Catalena is sweet she is a happy-go-lucky girlie who loves hanging out with people. She's a super fun lady who just wants to have fun and make everyone she knows happy!! She loves her family more than anything and would probably risk her life of them if she had to ;0; Catalena suffers from slight ADHD which causes her to space off a lot, or not pay very close attention towards things, but it's not very bad. Cat likes to joke around with people or make them feel awkward until they just want to laugh, she's a huge jokester.

Energetic- Catalena tends to be super hyper and energetic, often times it gets a little annoying, because it's like she's always on a sugar high! ( and she doesn't even eat a lot of sugar!! ) When she's hyper/energetic it's usually because she's excited about something, something cool just happened to her, or something random?? Rarely is she ever slow and not-energetic! You probably want to keep a close eye on her if she's not

Social- Cat is really social- one of the biggest extroverts you've ever met! If she sees someone walking around town she'll call they're name out and say hello, she know just about everyone in town- if not she's probably heading over to meet them right now!! Some of the people in her town get embarrassed when she's around, since she tends to make things awkward, but others are just as happy to see her as she is to see them!

Loving- Catalena is super proud of her family in every way imaginable. She likes to brag about every single one of her children and Sensu. Once all of them found out she did this- they were all super embarrassed. If she's not bragging about them, she's doing something fun with/for one of them, she likes spending as much time as she can with each of them.

Funny- Catalena- oh Catalena is a HUGE goofball. She's laughs at least 8 different times a day, talks about puns, or memes. If you ever bring up any word that has to do with anything funny she'll start talking and joking about. This is one of the big reasons EVERYONE should hang out with Cat.

+ Saying: " It's a good day to have a good day. " - if someone's feeling down, or she's just feeling super confident?? Then she'll just shout this out!

- Though sometimes Catalena tends to be calm or depressed- ( very rarely, but every now and then ). When she is in this state she gets super emotional for almost no complete reason?? If she's like this, she'll complain, act lazy, be grouchy, or she'll just be plain sad, luckily it doesn't last long though, since she has Sensu, her sister, or one of her kiddos to make her happy again <3

Stressed- Most Plumies don't notice this about Cat unless they live with her, but Catalena gets pretty stressed now and then. Usually it's because she felt like she has to much to do, but it can be because of other things too, it's probably best to leave her alone if she's like this- unless you're Sensu of course.

Grumpy- Catalena gets grumpy a lot actually- usually it's when she's alone though, she doesn't like others seeing her while she's grumpy. If she's grumpy she'll growl and hiss a lot, usually it's herself but if it's at others, they know they need to stay away. She can calm down quickly and it rarely lasts long.

Annoying- as said above, Catalena is usually pretty annoying and obnoxious. Some wouldn't actually consider this a bad trait, but Catalena isn't very proud of it.. Unless of course she's purposely being annoying * wink wink * Catalena usually isn't too upset if people think she's annoying- but if they're angry with her about it she'll feel bad.

Quirks- Cat has a LOT of small quirks, but she has a few big ones too. Sometimes when Catalena is cooking, doing laundry, or something like that she'll randomly start singing in her worst voice imaginable, sometimes she'll even sing some random weird song- and she doesn't even know she does this!! Other times Cat will dance or make weird poses when she's bored?? It's totally random and never in the right time. Sometimes Cat will be bored and pull her ukulele from somewhere and start playing- some random song, but everyone loves it and will join in on the song with her >v< .

" OK! - we all get it, I'm weird ^^' lets keep going now! "

bellini79 wrote:
" Ha! Here you'll find out some stories about my life that may- or may not be interesting?? heh- heh.. "

Growing up:

Cat grew up having a pretty simple childhood. She lived with her family, her mom, dad, sister, and brother like every other family did. Although their life was simple, it wasn't boring. Cat's family lived in one of the best places she could think of! She loved it there, she loved the scenery, the animals, the plants, the water, the weather, everything!- The place was perfect!!

image of where she lived

Where she lived there were a few places she liked to go- the beach, the caves near the beach / by her house, and the boardwalk.
She doesn't actually quite remember where it was exactly but it was a lot like where she lives now, she believes it was another island in Hawaii. Even though only a few Plumies lived there Catalena didn't get very lonely. She would usually just hang out with her siblings, or her parents.

First of all, Catalena was born in the same neighborhood that she grew up in- probably the same small house too. She was the first born of both her siblings. Aria and Mukesh loved Cat, Arida was like Catalena was, she had always wanted to be a mother, so was really happy to have a daughter. Catalena was a very happy baby, she loved Arida and Mukesh, and could never be without them. She loved to do everything with them- especially with Arida.

When Cat was about 2 her sister Izidora was born. At first Cat was confused- she had never had a sister so this was totally new to her. She liked the idea of having her around though, and because of her little kid mind she figured Izzy was her daughter. Whenever Arida would feed Izidora a bottle, Catalena would come up to Arida and say Oh, here let me do it, I insist. " Arida always though it was so cute and adorable so she let Cat take the bottle and feed her little sister. Catalena would also do other things for Izzy too, like draw pictures, sing her songs, and more- Catalena doesn't remember doing this since she was young but Arida always tells her stories about it. As the two sisters got older, Catalena found out Izzy wasn't actually her daughter, and instead of Catalena doing things for Izidora, Izzy did them for Cat instead! Catalena always loved getting the appreciation from her younger sister- and even though Izzy wasn't actually her daughter, young Cat took care of her as if she was hers, Arida and Mukesh still laugh about it to this day.


A couple years later the sisters' youngest brother Disney was born! Arida was obviously super happy about this, but Izidora and Catalena had been waiting for this for a long time! Izzy was super excited for her brother because now- she could be an older sibling, and Cat was excited- because,, well- no one was really sure why, but Arida figures it was because she just liked having siblings. Anyways, Disney grew up being a little shy, but usually very sweet. The girls loved playing with him and taking care of him, like Catalena took care of Izidora. Soon Disney started becoming a little less shy, but more opening towards his sisters.

As all the kids got older they started gaining different hobbies, liking, and other sorts of things, one of the big things that they all had ( some had more of it than others * eyeing Cat * ) was their mischief. The three little kids would tend to play fight a lot- which could end badly sometimes, go into town unsupervised, to the beach, and LOTS more. Luckily for them- nothing bad usually happened. The worst thing the kiddos ever did was this-

Sometimes they would pretend they were pirates- it never really did end well. Anyways, every once in a while Catalena and her siblings would dress up as pirates and go around town trying to act like them too. Most of the time they would cause lots of trouble; like stealing, breaking things, and more. Lots of complaints went to their parents, and they almost had to go to court ^^' If this happened their parents would have to explain to the neighbors that they were just playing and didn't mean to- the kids got grounded more times than you could count veacuse of what they did. ( All the neighbors thought that the kids would grow up being criminals- but they were obviously wrong ) - how it usually went : X After months of this, their parents stopped letting them go into town dressed up as pirates, and they haven't since- Hopefully

When Catalena was about 8 she was allowed to go places unsupervised by her parents, this was around the time Catalena started getting to know people better- it was most likely why she's so social now. Luckily for neighbors, Catalena was not as obnoxious as she was when she was around six, so people in town started trusting her better, after weeks of going in and out of town, people started becoming more welcoming towards Cat, lots of the people actually become friends of hers! Soon enough Catalena knew about everyone in town, and almost everyone knew her!

Something else Cat liked to do as a kid was play the ukulele, lots of people were surprised when she showed even the smallest interest to it really, most people thought she didn't really like music because she never bothered to listen to it. Well, she was watching TV one day when she saw a commercial for a new music store a couple blocks away, Catalena had been thinking about wanting to play an instrument for a while so she was really excited when she saw this. Right away she grabbed some of her money, and ran right over to the music store. Right as she walked in she saw a small ukulele, luckily for her, she had the exact amount of money she needed in her paw to buy it! She brought it up to the clerk paid for it and ran home, she showed her mom Arida- and she was oddly proud? Arida explained to Cat that when she was younger she played the ukulele too, so gladly Arida gave Catalena lessons and would make her practice everyday, now Cat plays the ukulele about everyday!

Hobbies as a kid- Most of her time at the beach,
Cat would run around the shore looking for starfish, crabs, or seashells.
Cat kept all the crabs and starfish in a small aquarium in her yard
( she let them all go when it started getting full, and she kept all her
shells in a huge drawer in her room. Before she got married she decided
to count and move all the shells- she counted 547 shells in all!!
Now that she has her own family, Cat has most of them decorated in her yard,
or in a big bucket for her kids to make art with. Most of the shells have broke
since she got them but Cat still likes to admire their colors, patterns, and shapes.

Anyways- as Catalena got older she started liking new/more things, she started showing even more interest in the sea like riding boats, surfing, and fishing, and a few other things that she likes more now. At least once a week she would go on a small motorboat out into the ocean and dive or fish with her sister, brother, or a couple of friends. Every once in a while she would be clumsy and lose a few things off the boat- and one time she accidentally crashed the boat! She hasn't had any good experiences back then, and she hasn't driven one of her parent's boats since! Mainly because they won't allow her ^^'

" Ok- uh, this is getting a little boring and I think you understand my childhood pretty well by now? let's get onto some other things "

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Cat and Sensu's relationship:
Cat was about eight she met Sensu at the beach. Catalena arrived early in the morning, and to her surprise she saw another Plumie there! Usually she was the only one there that early, unless some old dude was there taking a jog or something- PLUS she hadn't even seen him before, and she knew everyone in town! She decided to go talk to him, because why not make a new friend? They introduced themselves and talked for awhile. After a few days of meeting with each other they started become- well, friends! Just like Cat wanted!
Soon enough they started hanging out at other places too, they were really good friends after weeks of hanging out, and even years! Most of the time the two of them would just joke around and be crazy, and very dramatic in funny ways, they could make plenty of people laugh, they always had so much fun.

When cat was sixteen she started having well- crushes on other Plumies. She was super awkward at the time and not very good at talking so she couldn't really socialize well. She was super stressed out about it since her brother already had a boyfriend ( which made her stressed for - ??? ) But after a while of thinking about things ( some Plumies she had crushes on, what she liked ) she decided she should start talking to Sensu about it. She was too embarrassed to talk to him about the subject for a really long time, she didn't know how to bring it up- or how to even date at all! It was all a big mess.

One day she and Sensu were hanging out and she decided it was time she should bring it up- this is what she said:
" Hey- uh Can I tie your shoes? I can't have you falling for someone else? "
Sensu burst out laughing, he laughed for 5 minutes straight until he fell onto the ground tearing up, still laughing. She stood there awkwardly the whole time, she was really confused on how this was going to work. Soon enough Sensu quickly got up, put his paws on her shoulders with a super straight face and said " Sure. " He lifted up his shoe and let her tie it. She awkwardly bent down and actually tied his shoe, after that they sat there laughing, and looking up other dumb pick-up lines.
After that the two started going out, it lasted for a few years until they got married and had kids!

Their first daughter was Mia she grew up being independent, she wasn't really fond of Catalena or Sensuikan, she thought they were super embarrassing. She would usually just hang out with friends or stay alone. Soon after Mia was born, Kahea was born! Kahea was a little bit sweeter towards her parents, especially Catalena. Kahea always depended on Catalena, and loved her, she spent lots more time with her than friends ( unless of course you count her imaginary friends as real friends ) A year or so later Cat an Sensuikan had their last daughter Mackenzie. Unlike Kahea and Mia Mackenzie loved Sensu a little bit better, she was also different from the girls because she wanted to be a boy- NOT a girl. Soon Mackenzie started going by male pronouns, so instead of having 3 daughters, they have 2 daughters and a son, who they love dearly.

Sensu and Catalena can hang out a lot now because the kids are a little older, they spend a lot of free time just chatting about things, watching movies, surfing ( or anything having to do with water really ), eating dinner, and more. Ever since they started going out their relationship has gotten better and better.

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Relationship/stories with the kiddos:
When Cat had her first daughter Mia, she was so excited. Ever since she were a little kid she had wanted to be a mother, now that she was actually achieving these dreams she was about to burst. When Mia was very very young, she was usually super happy, but a little stubborn. Catalena didn't have much to do then, and had to take care of her daughter so about everyday she would go out somewhere for food ( usually ice-cream ) and would get some for both her and Mia. Catalena loved Mia, she hoped to have a close relationship with her as she got older. - Unfortunately, as Mia got older she fell away from her parents, as soon as she was about 2 Catalena and Sensuikan noticed that she wouldn't be very close to them as she grew up. Although Catalena was sad, she new she could have more kids in the future to bond with. Over the years Mia stopped talking to her parents more and more often and would rather hang out with friends, but she shared a small bond with Catalena and Sensuikan.

Soon after Mia was born Catalena had her second daughter Kahea! Again, she was very excited to have another daughter, but this time she was a little worried about Kahea not sharing a good relationship with her parents. With Kahea Cat tried as hard as she could to make her daughter happy. Sensuikan thought Catalena was kind of overdoing it- Catalena would always complain and say she was just being a good mom. Mia started noticing how spoiled Kahea was getting- sadly it didn't help with Mia and Cat's relationship at all, it made it worse, but as for Kahea- she was super sweet, and loved Catalena, she wanted to do everything with her! Unlike her sister, Kahea loved hanging out with both of her parents, she usually would hang around them, following them around, or mimicking what they were doing, it was adorable! As she got older Kahea still had a good relationship with both her parents, and loves them lots.

Mackenzie was Sensuikan and Catalena's last daughter. Sensukan never really had the chance to bond close to either Mia or Kahea, so he wanted a best bud too ;0; Catalena and Sensuikna both raised Mackenzie very similarly to how they raised they other girlies, but like both her sisters she grew up differently. One day Sensuikan was trying to dress Mackenzie with a small dress they brought for her. As soon as he got it out to show her she freaked out. She wasn't very happy about what they were making her wear, Sensuikan was confused, he had no idea what was going on, because of the screaming Catalena rushed in to see what was going on. Soon, Mackenzie explained to them she wouldn't wear the dress, she wanted to dress like the boys did. Her parents were both really confused, though Mackenzie wouldn't put it on, she kept saying " I want to be like the boys! " Mackenzie acted like this for weeks. Finally, one day Catalena and Sensuikan decided to let her be like the boys, they took her out to go buy all the clothing she needed, and ever since then Mackenzie has gone by he/him pronouns instead of she/her. Even though Sensuikan was really excited to have 3 girls, instead of 2 girls and a boy, he still love Mackenzie more than ever, and so does Cat.

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" I'd say that's about it- right? "

bellini79 wrote:
" Here's some more facts about me! "

Accessories: Usually Catalena will wear a small shark tooth necklace, a crystal necklace, and a beaded ankle bracelet. She got her shark tooth necklace from some surfers she met on the beach, she made her crystal necklace with crystals she found in a cave, and she got her ankle bracelet from Izidora!
She also loves wearing flowers, if she find some she'll just take them and put them on anywhere she thinks they might look good. Sometimes if she's going on a nature walk or something and she finds a whole bunch of flowers- she will literally cover herself,,, with all of them.

As stated in the first post it read that Catalena is a babysitter, most people would expect a teen babysitting- but why not Catalena? She has the personality of a teenager, and she has nothing else to do anyways!
Catalena will babysit at least once a week or every other week for some random family in her neighborhood. Usually the family is fairly small and she only has to babysit for an hour or so. It's super easy for her considering she had to raise her own kids, and she thinks it's a pretty fun job! She'll get paid 8$-20$ an hour - depending on the person. Even though Catalena loves her job she'd much rather stay at home with her own family and relax <3 Throughout the past she's had some pretty crazy things happen while babysitting, Though Catalena can't remember them- so they must not be important.

Previous jobs- none, she's babysat ever since she was about 10.

Pets: Catalena has a little, orange, munchkin cat named Punch- ( as in fruit punch ). She found him at the beach one day starving and skinny. She brought him home to feed him and has kept him as a pet since!

Anthro form:
pretty much just Cat as anthro??
Human form:
Cat's human form is 5'7 like she is in anthro form
she wears lots of headbands and tank tops.
She has short curly blue hair, freckles.
gray eyes- everything is pretty much the same.
In her human form she looks way younger than her actual age?? but she is 36
race- ???? not sure

bellini79 wrote:

bellini79 wrote:

Here Catalena will answer some questions- or you can find out more info about her!

" Let's get started! "

Who's your favorite kiddo?:
" Ok- no?? Don't ever ask me this, ever. "
What's your favorite thing to do?:
" I really like to play the ukulele at the beach- I mean it's the best when you play at the beach >:> "
What's your favorite song?:
" This song is pretty good! ~X "
If you could would you ever go back in time to something bad in your life and fix it?:
" Nothing that I can think of??- I never did anything really bad,, "
What is the best meme?:
" Oh, probably any peepo meme, Lazytown meme, or kazoo kid? I like all memes really hehe!! "
What is your favorite thing to paint?:
" I really love painting fish, any kind is good. "
What's your favorite cartoon?:
" Spongebob Squarepants ha. "
What's your favorite movie:
" Hmm,, there's a lot I could list, but I really like Jaws, Jurassic Park, Pirates of the Caribbean, Indiana Jones, and Lord of the Rings? "
Favorite animal?:
" Cats * wink wink * "
If you could have any other job what would it be?:
" It 'ould be cool to be a musician or something like that! I could play my ukulele and someone else could sing- or- I don't know. "
Have you dated anyone else before Sensu?:
" Yea... It wasn't in my story though- I don't like to talk about it.. "
What does your house look like?:
" On the outside it looks kinda like a big shed- bust on the inside it's really colorful with lots of decorations and things! "
Are you afraid of anything?:
" Heh,,, I'm kinda scared of the dark- it's nothing much though.. "
What's your favorite type of plant?:
" - That's a random question? I guess all these are though haha!- but I really like the Plumeria! It's really funny they're called that actually ! But they're small trees with beautiful white and yellow flowers growing off them! I have a few in my yard actually~
Here's a picture of what they look like click here! "

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