Dream Event - Entry by Pety

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Dream Event - Entry

Postby Pety » Wed Aug 17, 2016 8:40 am

icelia.dream.lioness.png (307.21 KiB) Viewed 309 times

Username: Pety

Past Name: Phobetoreia
Nickname: Pho
Current Name: Icelia ( pronounced: E - Key - Liya )
Gender: Female
Age: About 3292 years old when she awoke, 290 when she died
Loyalty: The Fog, fellow Dream lionesses, (and Ethereal's pride, for the time being)
Rank: Support, most likely

Element: Dreams
What can she do with her element?
—Can sense other’s dreams, see their sound, feel their colour and hear their beauty or fright.
—Can access the dreamscape. Walk it’s paths and converse with it’s visitors.

What does this lioness fear?
—Icelia fears that she will blindly follow a command which hurts her sisters.. that she would turn on her sisters without realizing her mistake..
—Icelia fears that she won’t meet the fog again, before she leaves, that she won’t find any answers. (Answers to where they are, what they are here for, their purpose, when and how they are alive.. etc. )

Icelia cares for her sisters, deeply. She always wishes for their well-being and happiness. If one of them are wronged she stands up for them. Backs them up and ensures them.

She wants to follow the Fog, for they saved her when she was betrayed, gave her a chance to not only see her sisters again, but take part in something important.

Icelia trusts blindly almost, in a way, with their previous alpha she followed every command given, she was a bit of a reckless war machine.. for it is so much easier to follow commands than question them. Her sisters made her realize that there is more to life.. to actually being alive.. still, Icelia has remained dutiful, just not as mindless and easy to control as she once was..

In the past Icelia appeared as confident and calm merely to conceal her inner feelings, like shame and worry. The confidence was her surface, a shield protecting her from the world, from any judgmental questions she could not answer. For she had no answers, not yet, at that moment she didn’t know what she had, what she was, or where..
Together with her sisters, and also while training to become a warrior for the pride, her confidence has improved and it has become more than just a mask for her.

Icelia is way more psychological than physical, she is all about the mind, dreams, souls and knowledge of the beyond.. information which cannot be shared with just about anyone.. She enjoys learning new information, analyzing possibilities and outcomes. Thinking and dreaming is something she enjoys. Dwelling deep into her own mind, or the dreams of others.

First impression (after waking up): ”Yvaine was just as thoughtful as I remembered her. Kind, helpful and full of positivity.”

First impression (after waking up): ”Caligo still impressed me with her immense knowledge and precision. Her elemental control and reach was beyond my own.”

Past: Nisanyafia was one of the younger Dream lionesses. She had always been very clever. A tad bit selfish, sure, but she always came up with the best plans.
First impression (after waking up): ”I merely heard of Nisanyafia, but had not the pleasure to meet with her yet.”
Present: ”I still don’t know of Nisanyafia’s whereabouts. Though I hear she’s got more nightmares than dreams on her mind.”

Past: Lunaria was the oldest of the group. Wise and understanding.
First impression (after waking up): "I have yet to meet Lunaria, though I can sense that she has wandered the dreamscape, her dreams still linger in the air like a foorprint."

Past: Turner was one of those lions Phobetoreia found herself close to without knowing how it had happened. Sure, they spent all their waking and dreaming time together, all of the Dream sisters did. But.. she could still not understand how she felt so secure with her so.. easily.. The lioness had skill and a warm, yet striking, personality. And Phobetoreia really liked her.
First impression (after waking up): ”Somina acted like her good old self, kind and comforting albeit her mood jumps.”
Present: Somina was still her kind self, even with her mood jumps. And Icelia still adored her. She seamed a bit more dull these days though.. still, she opened up her mind for her sisters like never before, as if she wanted them as close as possible. No more clouds in the way of her mind. She always listened to anyone who approaches her. Not only her sisters… her sisters just happened to have that key to her heart that no one else has. Letting down her defences for them all day and night sure seamed odd at first.. but now they all felt welcome by Somina’s side.

( .: Without a goodbye :. ) [Age: 290]
I had been asleep. But now I could only dream. An immense wave of pain had taken over. I knew I was gone, for I could not escape my mind. I could not leave the dreamscape.. It didn’t take long until my worries were confirmed. One by one they had appeared. Until we were all there.. in a dream together. Me and my sisters. Only two had yet to appear.. still alive. Still asleep. We had to wake them up. Give them the chance we didn’t have. A chance to fight back. Our desperate shouts helped none. And now, only Turner(/Somina) was left alive. Hidden by an outcrop in the wall, far away from the cave’s entrance. We cried and plead for her to wake up, maneuvering past her clouds of dreams. Until she finally heard us, and woke up.

( .: Fragments of a Shattered Soul :. ) [Age: 290]
Turner(/Somina) had fought bravely.. But she was outnumbered and weakened from seeing us all there.. dead before her very eyes.. Three warriors had cornered her. Held her down as the fourth lion, our alpha, ripped her throat out. We could see it all happening through her eyes.. We had no way of helping her, of getting into the minds of the warriors. Stopping them.. We had been betrayed. Used for our powers, only to be left to rot once the alpha found no need to keep us around anymore. At least that is what it seamed like, the more we conversed and looked back at our memories.

Our bodies withered away in the darkness, along with our bones. And soon enough, our souls were all that remained. Our minds trapped in a dream. Until even our souls gave in and shattered into pieces, fragments of a forgotten being. After we all gave in and became mere shards of the past. ..Someone found us. Found the cave, our chambers and now grave. Rock by rock was moved until the moonlight shone in through the cracks and a fog swooped in. Picked up our fragments, picked us up, and left without a trace.

( .: Remembering :. ) [Age: 3290-3292]
I knew I was awake in a sense. But it was dark. And I was trapped. Couldn't move nor scream.
I was locked in place. I tried to think as hard as I could, but remembering felt hopeless, it hurt knowing my memories were blocked off and unecesiible.. Did I even have a name? I must have.. But nothing came to me. It eventually felt stupid to ask myself the same questions over and over, receiving the same answers. So I gave myself a name, Icelia sounded nice enough to me. Not familiar, but a start.

Bolt by bolt my soul was built up, fragments attached together. And once the last piece was set in place, my mind found it's way again, slowly but surely. And I could finally dream again. But, my memories worried me.. I had died… so.. Why did i feel so alive? ..I couldn’t hear but I knew I was breathing, couldn’t feel but sensed that others dreams were around me. I wasn’t alone..

It must have taken days for me to adjust. And in those days, my mind wandered. Until I eventually remembered more bits and pieces, events that had occured. I dreamt of my past memories. It felt like the events had occurred so long ago, as if I was out of place in the time continuum, ..as if reality didn’t make any sense. So many thoughts, memories, questions, worries… dreams. And I wasn’t alone, I could sense souls around me, their colour, their dreams.. It had turned into a nightmare. And I knew I had to escape (for my sisters sake).

( .: The Awakening :. ) [Age: 3292]
I woke up out of breath.. body stale, voice unused, new to moving around and in an unknown surrounding. Unfamiliar faces soon greeted me. I didn’t recognize their dreams. However, their minds were kind, forgiving even. They fed me and reassured me. Even smiled toward me. I can’t recall the last time I felt such affection from anyone but my sisters(/fellow dream elementals). I was thankful.

"What's your name?" They asked one day, though it seamed as if they knew the answer.
"Icelia.." I blurted out, voice hoarse and raspy. The name had stuck at this point. And I liked. It was new and exciting. However, the lions surrounding me weren’t amused.. in fact they were shocked. Apparently they hadn’t expected that for my answer...
"You're not the first one to wake up.. we thought you'd all have memory loss at this point."
I was surprised at first, until a strong feeling of relief took over. "Not the first? Then the others.. my sisters, they are alright.. how?" I asked myself, looking down at the floor. My voice unusually weak. How are we all alive?

The fog was the answer to my question. It had indeed cared for us...
Those were the only memories that were hard for me to reach. Memories made while my soul was still in pieces. Fragments..

The kind lion interrupted my thoughts. ”We watched over you and your company for a long time. Saw how your fur turned brighter and bluer each day. A good sign of health and recovery."

"Wait, bluer? What do you mean bluer? My fur is.." My voice cut off as I looked down at my paws.. shimmering shades of blue and purple greeted me. I wasn't dreaming.. so, perhaps it was an illusion.. When ever could my pelt have changed colour?

( .: An Ocean of Stars :. ) [Age: 3292 ??]
”Only one is the same. Merely one of my dreams are a constant.”
”There’s a lake and I’m walking across it. The aurora above illuminating my path as stars guide me. The water is still. Calm even. The only movement in ripples from my steps on the surface.”
”It’s cold, my breath visible in the air. Like a mist. I know I’m lost there, but I’m not looking for a way. I’m not scared. Although, looking for something. There’s something I’m going to see. A starfall maybe? … There’s a time skip. The world around me is burning. I’m safe on the water. Shielded. Yet.. alone.”
”The dream fades after that moment of solitude. And I wake up in the dreamscape…”
”It’s the same every time. I don’t what it means.

( .: A Blurred Reality :. ) [Age: 3292 ??]
Icelia turned to face Somina. ”Turner.. I’m afraid our memories are not what they seam..’ She said calmly, the sadness evident in her voice. Did I do this? Have I failed them? I only wished for answers, and sure, I got what I asked for. In a sense. For I never asked for the truth. Only an explanation. So, isn’t a lie good enough? Can’t I live with this? Can’t I live with not knowing? Icelia had gotten lost in her thoughts, but Somina broke through her barriers. She looked scared. ”Pho? What do you mean, Pho?” Somina was analyzing Icelia’s eyes frantically, waiting for an answer. ”What I’m saying is, I dreamt it all. It was all a Dream, Turner. And I, ..I have no control. I wished for answers, so I created them. False memories, by using my element.” Somina was backing off now, shaking her head slowly. ”I didn’t do it on purpose, a subconscious part off me must have.. I mean.. It could all be true, all that I’ve remembered. But I’m beginning to doubt it, I’ve seen the dreams of the others. Yours included, Turner. ..And my memories, ..they don’t fit in.” Somina walked up to Icelia again, sitting down and placing her paws around her. Icelia was sobbing now, returning Somina’s hug. ”So, how could they be real?” She’s always been the strong one. Clever, always telling us the truth. Just the way it is. She has never lied to me. To us. And I don’t think she ever will. Somina moved so she could look Icelia in the eyes. ”I believe you, Pho. And let me say, my memories might not be the real deal either. Perhaps our minds are trying to cope by coming up with all of these dreams of possible explanations for us.” A tear rolled down Icelia’s cheek. ”But, Pho. We’ll find the real ones. I know we will. Sure, we might not be able to tell the dreams and our memories apart right now. But..” Icelia looked hopeful again. Filling Somina’s words in for her. ”We’ll get there.” Icelia said. Smiling slightly, trying to stay positive like her sister. ”Yes, we’ll get there together.” Somina smiled back.

( .: The Fog answers :. ) [Age: 3292 ??]
Icelia had spent all of her time, both awake and asleep. For investigating. Finding answers. Her sisters had shown Icelia new paths through the dreamscape. While Icelia had shown them how all of their fragmented souls still held memories of the fog. How the colour of their sisters souls informed her of their shared past, ..painted her a picture of dreams, a mind-map to follow.. If only one knew the way, and one of her sisters happened to be a masterful navigator of the dreamscape. And now they sat there, (the dream lionesses who dared,) in the dreamscape, talking wildly about their discoveries, about how it all made more sense each day. That was.. until the air around them turned cold, and a fog emerged, flew through their shared dream to hug them tight. And tell them a story..

( .: Information :. ) [Age: 3292 ??]
The fog emerged then. Flowed easily through the dreamsacpe (our shared dream) and ensanred our paws in a calm manner. Not threatning, but, meaning well. And then, to our surprise, they told us a story..

A rumbling voice echoed through their dream. ”I see you remember me at last. I must say you are all very clever to piece it all together. You might think I stole your memories? Well, no. Listen here, your souls were so broken, without a lake to keep you solid. You all shattered. Now, I managed to find you. And piece you together slightly. Your element holds the power to lay down the last pieces and fully restore your soul. But that doesn’t mean your memories will come back to you, for if your soul shatters, so does everything that you once were. Your dreams and hopes.. your minds and thoughts. I’m surprised you all have your language and speech so intact.. with your personalities in place aswell. You surely have better control than I originally thought. You all hold such beautiful and strong powers. The element of Dreams shall not be taken for granted.. as some mindless night-timers thought. No. Quite the opposite. It is a power for the awake, those of a clear mind, perhaps not a pure heart. But the world would never be whole without a little chaos and nightmares.. The way I see it, anyways..” We didn’t ask any questions. Only nodded our heads. Bowed thankfully and awoke, talking to eachother about what had just happened.
We soon found out that the fog had given us all the answers we needed. wanted.. and now we were united again. We had worked together like we used to, and we had found one another.. now, it was time to help the rest of our sisters find their place in our new life with the pride..

(I was unable to upload my artwork.. Got computer trouble.)

Q and A with Icelia!:
Who’s The Fog?
”Where they once a dream lioness? Are they now spending every waking our searching for fragments of lions souls, to piece back together? Will we ever know… All I know, is that I trust The Fog and intend to follow them once they come back for us. For all our sake.. The fog brings us to places, by the brink of war. It seams. …If that means I have a chance to help. I shall.”

How do you feel about Dream lionesses who prefer nightmares over happy dreams?
”We all have our preferences. I enjoy a good nightmare myself, shilling and all. And I know some make it their everything. Can’t say they are wrong. For, I can’t say I am right in preferring the happy dreams, anyway. And also, from what I’ve have heard. The cosmos won’t stay in balance without a little bit of trouble and nightmares~” We all serve a purpose, with our varied roles.

What’s the difference between regular dreams and the dreamscape?
"Several minds can meet up and dream together in/via the dreamscape. Regular dreams are more commonly private… yours alone, meant to sort out your day. And not a place to be awake while asleep." ... Now that I think about it, I wonder if non dream elementals could be invited to the dreamscape, if they can be brought there while asleep?

Then what about the difference between Dreams and Nightmares?
"Dreams are often of the happy sort, wishes, memories and fun ideas. While nightmares are most lion minds way of overcoming fears and solve problems."

Hey, wait, if you’re awake in the dreamscape aswell.. Do you ever really sleep? Is every dream like being awake to you?
"Well, technically, my body rests more often than my mind does. Since, yes, I am usually awake and aware in my dreams."

Fun facts:
—Her scent is sweet and calming, like vanilla. But, can also be striking and cold like ice.
—Icelia will leave with the Fog once the war is over and she is needed elsewhere.
—The lake of eternity has no effect on Icelia, for she has already died before.
(—I asked my little sister for help, on naming her, and her suggestions were: Ms.Fang Myer, Icelia and Somina. I love my sister~)
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Re: Dream Event - Entry

Postby Pety » Thu Sep 01, 2016 9:46 pm

( Posting a reply just to make sure I don’t edit my form after the end date. )
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