Galaxy - The hero of space

"Galaxy - The hero of space" by Chicken Bron

Galaxy - The hero of space

Postby Chicken Bron » Wed Jul 20, 2016 7:29 pm

Galaxy was a space dog. She had unusual colours for a space dog, she had dark purple and blue fur, with black patterns all over her body, hence her name. Many adored Galaxys markings, they would always say that they wished they could have fur like her. Galaxy enjoyed the attention but she wanted to make a real difference in the world. Her parents didn't let her, saying that it was too dangerous for her and her fur would attract extra unwanted attention. Many days had passed and Galaxy kept pleading her parents, Anni and Zumro and they finally thought she was old enough to go out and explore space. Now, Galaxy does many things, she helps other species out when in need and even rescued a lost Flufzity, Blu. Blu wanted to help space, just as Galaxy helped him so now Blu travels along with Galaxy, helping anybody in need. Galaxy hopes that one day, her story will be passed down from generation to generation, making others follow her actions, helping anyone, anything, in need.
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Chicken Bron
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