Teigra by Guest

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Artist Guest [gallery]
Time spent 9 minutes
Drawing sessions 1
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Versions of this drawing that people have created recently


Postby Guest » Thu Aug 13, 2015 10:00 am



Vulpes Vulpes - Vulpes Vulpes - Chasing_Stars - The Hooded Raven - foXyane - Celozon - Maralise - Trixyr - Me - Me - Me - |Blossom| - AlleyBalley - a s h e s . - Iceywolf - LSPVampire1228 - Sly.Blue - FangStu - Me - ~Soul~ RainbowRose - Chole Prince - ~Soul~ - Beari - Beari - Mogwai - Seventeenblack - Woof_els - Foxxlight - Peiiko - Peiiko - Peiiko - Mikuru Senpai - Takura - Migraine - Me - Me - Vulpes Vulpes - TheboxLama - Theboxlama - EmWolf2442 - .s i m p l i c i t y - baequaza



Shirts: 1 2 3[all have plan fronts] and the 4th is the one in the picture of her, by me.

Shorts/pants: 1 2

1 2

shoes: Normal vans/ black or white?

Just a few things she would wear, so you can get her style.
Last edited by Guest on Tue Oct 13, 2015 5:23 am, edited 12 times in total.

Teigra Form

Postby Guest » Thu Aug 13, 2015 4:40 pm

Username: 529931
Orientation: Bi sexual
Name: Teigra Starr (people nickname her Buffy because of her "Activities".)
Gender: Female
Meaning of "Teigra"
In Greek, the name Teigra means - tiger.The name Teigra originated as an Greek name.
The name Teigra is most often used as a girl name or female name.
Greek Name Meaning - tiger
Origin - Greece

By: Celozon

By: Maralise


Hǔ 虎

The White Tiger is one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations. It is sometimes called the White Tiger of the West (西方白虎, Xī Fāng Bái Hǔ), and is known as Bai Hu in Chinese, Byakko in Japanese, Baekho in Korean and Bạch Hổ in Vietnamese. It represents the west and the autumn season.


- Teigra's Personality -
Brave - Leader - Selfless - Quiet - Mood changes - Party Animal
Teigra Starr is very Brave and she acts more like a leader then anyone. She only cares for others and not herself. Teigra is also very shy and keeps to herself, its mostly because her mood can change quickly since shes a bit over sensetive, she can be happy one moment and trying to cut your head off the next. Teigra also loves parties! If there's one shes going to be there.

The Tiger’s Personality:
Brave, Confident...People born in the year of the Tiger are brave, competitive, unpredictable, and self-confident. They are very charming and well-liked by others. But sometimes they are likely to be impetuous, irritable, and overindulged.With stubborn personalities and tough judgment, tigers work actively and boldly express themselves, and do things with a high-handed manner. They are authoritative and never go back on what they have said.With great confidence and indomitable fortitude, they can be competent leaders. They will not make preparations for anything, but they can handle anything that comes along.While they are not motivated by money or power,Tigers love be challenged and will accept any challenge if it means important value to them, and they do not like to obey others

The Luckiest Things for “Tigers”
Lucky numbers: 1, 3, and 4 and numbers containing them (like 13 and 43)
Lucky colors: blue, gray, orange
Lucky flowers: yellow lily, cineraria
Lucky direction: east, north, south

Things That Should Be Avoided by “Tigers”
Unlucky colors: Brown
Unlucky numbers: 6, 7, and 8
Unlucky direction: southwest


Her Likes
[*] Night
[*] Spiders
[*] "Hunting"
[*] Silence
[*] Glowing Items
[*] Nicnacs
[*] Caves
[*] Dripping water
[*] Alone
[*] Neat spaces
[*] Small spaces
Her Dis-likes
[*] Too much light
[*] Big spaces
[*] Hot things
[*] Company
[*] Messy places
[*] Loud/noise
[*] People touching

[*] Being in water
[*] Blood
[*] Vampires
[*] People telling her
wrong info.

A Short story about accessories!
Teigra's accessories aren't the usual accessories you would see. Teigra has 5 accessories, 6, if you count her dagger. Her whole costume is supposed to look explorer-like, with the lantern for light, a few necklaces, and a headdress/taildress. But hidden in her lantern is a dagger. She only puts on her armor when she goes vampire hunting, otherwise it gets too heavy for her normal trips. She has many crosses on her body: these are here to scare the vampire from biting her when she doesn't have her armor on. When she puts on her armor, she hides the crosses, and draws a bit of her own blood so the vampires are drawn to her. Then, she slays the vampires and comes back for the rest in other nights. Her work is more revengeful, but she finds it entertaining. Her armor was made from a forge at her small town; it was made with pure steel, and her dagger was, too. She trained a lot on dummies for most of her life, but when she grew up, she knew it was time to slay the real things. Nobody ever knew she slayed vampires, nobody even knew they existed, but Teigra was there to protect them, as she couldn't for her father.


Her Accessories!

1: circlet [Top Left]
Teigras circlet was given to her from her
mother and father on her 12th birthday she
swore never to remove it from her head be-
cause if she did her mother said a curse wo-
uld lay upon her home village and something
horrible would happen. although she didnt
listen and she took it off for a minor second.
the next day her father was found dead, 2
holes lay in his next. The curse had return.
2: Taildress [Middle Left]
This was included with the circlet as the
gift, but she never took this one off. she
viewed it as a deed, to carry on the family
she had to wear the set. and someday she
would pass it down, but for now it was her
responsibility and she was going to wear it
no matter what.
3: The lantern [Bottom Left]
The lantern is a symbol for her love for Chinese
culture! although the outside looks pretty the
inside is deadly. Inside the lantern lays a dagger
of steel. one that could draw blood by poking
someone. She wasn't allowed to have weapons
so she hid them in various places, but her dagger
was her most used, it was her main weapon, her
favorite. It belonged to her great Grandfather,
One day while at his house she became attracted
to it and how pretty is was, so she stole it. after
she stole it she hid it away into her lantern, so
she could keep it forever. The lantern was made
in China, personally for her because the colors
match her style. She always carries it around
with her because shes scared someone will take it.
1: Necklace [Top Right]
The last portion of the set her parents gave
her. It included 2 necklaces, one just with blue
beads and the other with a blue bead and a
cross to protect her from monsters, becau-
se Teigras parents knew of the vampires and
the set was suppose to protect her from them.
2: Armor [Middle Right]
Teigras armor was built and made in her own
home town forge. Crafted with pure steel although
armor does have to have bling, the blacksmith
added some of her beads to match teigras theme.
Teigras parents always made her wear it when
she went out of the village because they worried
for teigras life. the armor goes up to her neck so
her neck is partially protected from the vampires
and their nasty bites. but Teigra never knew this
until she grew older and became a hunter of them
herself. she still wears the armor to protect her-
self, but it did need a few size adjustments ;)
3: The Dagger [Bottom Right]
A dagger made out of steel that can draw
blood by poking someone. Teigra uses this
as her weapon to slay the vampires. al-
though it isnt actually hers, it was stolen
from her Grandfather. She hides it within
her lantern hoping her mother wont find
out that she slays vampires for a living.



By: Trixyr


My name is Teigra, Teigra Starr. I'm a Female Plumerian that lives with her mother in a small village. My story started when i was around 6, as a defenseless child relying on her parents for protection, when my parents were the ones that needed it the most.
I woke up to the sun gleaming into my room through the window. My small weaved bed was out of place, so I got up and pushed it back. I walked towards the family library, the one im not allowed in, judging if i should try to sneak in again: last time i was caught. Before i could think further, i heard my mother calling: "Teigra, breakfast is ready! It's your favorite!" I was hoping for eggs and juicy bacon: who couldn't beat that! But when i found myself in the kitchen, i found that my mother was joking-- a lush green salad sat on the table in front of my usual chair. "Another salad?!?" i squealed as i tried to force myself to eat it. "Teigra, you know its the best for you!" my mother said, and i gave her a look "Fine." i said reluctantly. "Your father is out exploring again. He said he'll bring you a treasure!" my mom said, trying to make me feel better. "Yeah, sure. He never gives me anything! He won't even let me in his library!" i said while looking down the hallway at the library door. "Honey, im sure that someday you'll be able to go in there, you just need some time." my mother replied. "Yeah right. Time for what? him to die?" i said, and immediately realized what i said. "Teigra Starr! You should not be talking like that!"


Left By: Me | Right By: Chasing_Stars


Guilt wipes across my face. "I-I didn't mean it like that." She sobbed as she ran into her room.Teigras mother sighed. " Come finish your salad when your done in there" she called as she headed over to her bedroom. Why did i say something like that? i thought to myself. I slumped into my bed and wiped my tears. I stared at the ceiling for a bit, i picture little animals running across and it made me feel better. Soon i hopped up and went to finish my salad. My fork poked at the green lush leaves and at the small mini tomatoes as i shoved them into my mouth. My mom was playing the radio in her room, i could hear the pop music, she was probably studying. My father was out still, i couldn't wait from him to give me something. I didn't do much that day, played around, planted some plants, it was all too boring, but i had nothing else to do. A small star shot across the sky, " i wish for something that will change my live, make it more exciting." I whispered and i turned away from my window, i heard my dad get home but i was to tired to get up , so i fell asleep. Dreams wove themselves in and out of my thoughts. Pink ponies, zombie attacks , and Vampires. When i woke up i heard my mom screaming. "Please wake up, you cant be dead we have a little girl to take care of!" She shouted. I ran down the hall and entered my parents room, to find my dad lifeless on his bed, his face drew white, i didn't know what to think. I walked up to him "dad?" i looked at his stiff body, two holes lay on his neck, a vampire. Tears ran down my face and anger ran throw my body. "They'll Pay!" i screamed. my mom rushed over to me and tried to comfort me, but she was just as over whelmed as me. I got my wish, but not in the right way, i had to get revenge.


By: foXyane

This is how i got to where i am now. The armor, the hidden dagger, it was a calling, i was made to be a hunter. WIP


By Me



By Me
All about her Human form.

Please don't steal my ideas! (She's a vampire hunter,) and my items! that means the lantern, headdress, tail-dress , Necklace, not really armor but if yours looks to similar! these items were made 7/16/15 at 9:30 ;) Central time.

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By:The Hooded Raven

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