Madelyn Readoption. -- WINNER PAGE 4 by quitting,,

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Madelyn Readoption. -- WINNER PAGE 4

Postby quitting,, » Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:31 am

    Alright, so I've gotten permission to rehome Madelyn.

    Due to a few things, pretty much loss of connection, she is now for adoption.


    Madelyn is mates with M00N's Andean, and his the mother to Skye [Owned by rejected furry] and is also the mother to an unborn baby boy, being created by Charchar2.
    Madelyn is the best friend to Lioncourt's Alastair, and they must stay this way.


    All art will be given to the winner, and this is closing at:
    [strike]7 PM PST. TODAY. 7 am tomorrow, PST!
    She has over twenty pieces of art, as well as some art pieces coming in from Charchar2 herself.

    Some restriction and guidelines;
    - Please keep her name Madelyn. edit;; if she's transgender or another gender that requires a name change, feel free to change it!

    - Please keep her sex the same, though changing her gender is fine
    - Maximum of five pieces of art in your form, must not already exist
    - Please be nice to the family and friends she has, I'd hate for more problems to arise in the future


    Anyway, here's the adoption form! Go nuts. If I'm on, I'll give you a half hour warning when the time comes.

    Code: Select all
    [b]Impress me![/b]

    UNLIMITED EXTRAS: [only five pieces of art allowed, however!]
Last edited by quitting,, on Sat Jun 27, 2015 5:32 am, edited 5 times in total.
i've quit CS,
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- madelyn -

Postby ayomi » Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:33 am


name // madelyn dolecccnicknames // lyn, mads, al, malcccsex // female
occupation // er surgeoncccdream job // unsurecccsexuality // bisexual


      indentMadelyn prides herself in being a very rational thinker, although not in the sense that she never lets her emotions guide her. She has a strong belief that the way to make the best decision is to allow a combination of the facts and her own feelings assist her when making important choices. Mal is often accused of being too proud, as she is a very confident plumerian who, if she ever has any insecurities, does her best to hide them. However, her pride is often mistaken for arrogance or her being conceited, which admittedly can be true at points, but she prefers to not think of, or acknowledge, her flaws, even though everything wrong with her does creep up on her whenever she's feeling restless. Madelyn is a very intelligent plumerian, and is not afraid to point out that she is smarter than most think she is.

      indentThere is rarely a time in Mal's life when she is not stressed out or just insanely exhausted, however she tends to not let that affect her in her home life, and prefers to keep her calm and collected cover, but all of that changes when she gets to the ER. As a surgeon, she does her best to remain relaxed under all the pressure, as the job requires her to make quick decisions. Overall, Madelyn is a very down to earth plumerian, who can sometimes seem just a bit too confident in what she does and how she does it.


      indentAndean - Andy is just, well, perfect, I suppose. Although our relationship is not 100% sunshine and rainbows, and we don't agree on everything, but no relationship can be ideal without being superficial as well. His laid back attitude often helps me calm down whenever I get worked up about anything, and his sense of humor is a constant reminder to me that I can always just sit back and laugh every once in a while.

      indentSkye - Skye, my beautiful beautiful daughter, is one of my favorite plumerians in the world. When she was younger, being a mother to her never added stress to my life as much as I thought it would, and I preferred taking care of herm to just laying around when I got out of the ER. Now I like to think that we are really close, and I love her with all my heart, and do my best to be a good mother to her.

      indentAlastair - Alastair's down to earth personality compliments her own, and they often joke around a bit, teasing each other, creating a brother/sister relationship between the two. Alastair and Lynn don't live right next to each other, and can only see each other so often, but he is still the closest friend that she's ever had (and she hopes ever will).

      indentWren - Wren is one of my friends, and I've known her ever since I married Alastair, although I can't remember exactly where or when we first crossed paths. She's always great if I need to talk, and is always by my side when I need her, even if we aren't the closest. I've only met her husband once or twice, but I've known Leonard for a while, and he's the cutest.


      indentYoung Madelyn was very immature, so please keep that in mind while you read this

      Her school was having this "Career Day" thing that Madelyn honestly couldn't care less about, but was being forced to go. The doors to the auditorium were plastered with unattractive posters that advertised the different people who would be talking about their boring jobs to captive kids.

      After the principal had given what must have been labelled "The Most Boring Speech in the History of Boring Speeches", they let he kids fan out to different tables where parents, volunteers, and anyone the school had managed to drag in were talking about what they did to occupy their time. She couldn't count how many tables she passed, and the different signs became a blur of zoologist, dentist, lawyer, designer, therapist.

      Until something caught her eyes, a lone table with no one there and a kind looking woman. She decided that she could at least go over there, as she could tune out whatever the person was saying while staying away from the crowds.

      She finally got close enough to see the sign, "ER SURGEON", written in big block letters.

      The woman gave her a smile before introducing herself and going through the normal formalities of starting a conversation, before launching into what she did.

      Lynn was completely prepared to tune her out, but found that she was amazed by the woman's job, and what it required from her.

      When the woman finished talking, the pair went through a series of questions and answers that went so quickly it seemed like an odd ping pong match.

      After spending her entire time at that booth, Madelyn left the auditorium with one thought on her mind.

      That's what I want to be.


      indentMadelyn often feels bad when she is off of her job and sees an ambulance or someone in trouble, and can't do anything to help.

      indentMadelyn's favorite show is Grey's Anatomy.

      indentAt times, Madelyn wishes that she could go down a different career path, that would be easier for her, but only has to go back to work to realize she is where she should be.

      indentMadelyn's nails are constantly bitten, as it's a nervous habit of hers that she does whenever she doesn't have gloves on at the hospital.

      indentMadelyn used to have a gigantic fear of blood, but got over it before she left grade school.

      indentConstantly takes music recommendations from her daughter, since she doesn't have the time to find music for herself.

      indentKeeps one streak of her hair (human/anthro) dyed a streak of electric blue as an inside joke relating to her childhood.

      indentHates when people call her job 'easy', as it most definitely is not.

      indentHates the articles talking about how women doctors are a distraction during a surgery, or just work in general.

      indentIs a feminist

      indentHas a necklace with a blue-ish lava lamp type liquid inside.

      indentIs fluent in Spanish and Italian.

      indentHas a fascination with the rain.

      indentHmm, first I'd like to say thanks to WolfSorrow86 for helping me out while I was making the form by just talking to me, and making me feel motivated. Thanks to everyone who wished me good luck, and din't mind that this was all I worked on (instead of my commissions that I have to do >w<). Apologies for the lack of art, as I can't use my tablet at the moment. Thanks so much for doing this <3

Last edited by ayomi on Sat Jun 27, 2015 1:58 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Madelyn Readoption.

Postby SkyGazey » Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:40 am





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Re: Madelyn Readoption.

Postby jaques » Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:43 am


Though she identifies as Gender Fluid with She/Her pronouns.




Most people see Madelyn as the innocent bookworm, the straight A student. She's the one in the back of the room who spends her time at home drawing and reading. The only things corrupting her Internet history are most likely the running list of funny cat videos and book reviews. A lot of other plumes never suspect how she truly acts, how the books she reads are the types banned in schools and the cat videos on her computer are truly Furry videos labeled as not safe for work. The innocence people see in her is a scam. Madelyn is a charlatan about her personality without her trying. Her friends know this about her though, and she takes the chance to out outside the box when away from school. She's more flirty and enjoys taking advantage of her female charms to charm unsuspecting strangers. She's what some call an "honor troll." She completes her homework late at night last minute, does homework in class, cheats on tests, and has never studied for a test in her life while still keeping a high class rank and good reputation with the teachers. All that matters are the numbers. Just by looking at her GPA, you would never assume she's a flirtatious joker.

When Madelyn gets bored, the story never has a happy ending. To keep her occupied she has a few hobbies. The major two are animation and reading. In school Madelyn can be found drawing cute animals with huge anime eyes in a very chibi and innocent style. Most of her drawings at school are flipbooks of these cute animals animated doing adorable things. However her drawings and animations at home are more on the mature spectrum. She usually works with a tablet and Flash while animating at home, animating anthros. The books she reads are usually adult romance novels, however when asked what she is reading, Madelyn usually responds with something along the lines of “Warrior Cats.”



Maddi's life is, by no means, laid back however. In all honesty, with all the pets she owns herself, not including her Husband's pets, her one daughter, and the baby on the way, it's actually pretty wild everyday. With the cats scratching at things to the dogs literally barking at air, or even Lenny (the African grey parrot) just chattering and babbling. By no means is her house considered a quiet work place. However she does make room to do her own things but...she enjoys her pets and does often spend the time to care for them, play with them, however, being as she's now pregnant she can't much play with them for the time being though she does often make her Daughter, Skye, our Andine play with them for her, if not for her own amusement as she knows Benny and Gamma, a Boxer and Rottweiler, are rough and tumble and know how to knock you down. Bubbles the beta fish should require almost no upkeep, but for some reason still manages to cause Maddi trouble. The constant noise of the filter and upkeep of the tank is more pain than expected of a fish. Her three cats, Abbi, Donny, and Meena give her a headache when they scratch the curtains or manage to track themselves on seeming impossible-to-reach locations, such as the ceiling fans. However on days that they are calm, Madelyn enjoys keeping them right next to her while drawing. The three troublemakers have starred in countless animations of hers as well as the other crazy animals Maddi loves.





With Andean:
Madelyn loves her Husband, that's a straight given,
honestly. She's always loved his cute flustered or
baby-like personality and would do anything for him
anytime. That and she can't help but tease him from
time to time.                                                             
With Skye:
As a mother, Maddy is more than proud with her
daughter. As a friend she can not love her. All together
she adores how Sure grew up and couldn't wish for a
more perfect child. Skye has always been her mother's
closest friends, beyond Alistair, and goes to get when
she's sad and down.                                                      

With Alistair:
Alistair is like her side bae, of sorts, but not in the bad
way. She almost considers the man as her brother with
his alike can be sometimes and how well they get along.
In all honesty Ali (as she teasingly calls him) is knee if
her closest and beloved friends, since childhood, and
really just sees him as a family member.                     
With Tadashi:
On occasion Madelyn has had the blight of watching
Tadashi and slowly she's gotten him to behave more
over the years. She says she just "has to deal" with
him but in reality she can feel for the kids as yes, he
is a bit troubled, she knows that, and she loves him
for it. Day one of babysitting him Maddy's devoted a
lot of time into Tadashi, considering him a second
soon almost (if Kaiden and Nigeria wouldn't fight
her first). Her influence has really affected him
over the years and he's actually made a lot of change
from the dirty minded terrible maker. It was
actually her that got Dash into robotics and the
movie Big Hero Six, as she took him to see it,
and really sparked a fire into the boy when he
couldn't have gotten it on his own.                                  

With Kaiden:
Kai and her are actually siblings removed
(by a post marriage between parents at one point)
though you would never guess by looking at them side
by side. They've ashtrays has a certain dynamic
together, probable big trouble makers when they were
kids and growing up together in Korea in their teenage
years when they moved to live with Kai's parents in their
native country, Korea (though not to be confused,
Madelyn is Vietnamese, Kai Is Korean). They list touch
after they went their separate ways for college and
accidentally met up around the time they each met their
significant others and long after they moved to the states,
particularly Northern California. Small world.               
With Nigeria:
Madly actually gets along pretty well with her sister's
wife, as they do share common views on romance novels
and innuendos, often sharing a laugh or two from time
to time. However upon meeting up to babysit Tadashi,
they rarely have time to talk except when once ever
month the family and friends of the two pairs (Andean
and Madelyn, Kaiden and Nigeria) meet up for time a
monthly reunion to catch up.

With Naomi:
Though she's not always in touch with Dahlia's lover, she
and Naomi do very along but, as the excerpt above,
they do rarely see each with varying schedules. They
can be needs however, sometimes playing a game out
two against each other. One of their top picks would
probably Osu, but that's between them.
They're in denial in how addicted they are to the game.
With Dahlia:
Dahl-Gal is Maddy's other best friend, however not as
much as her little Alistair of course, but a certain close
second. The two girls often squeal over animals,
especially Madelyn over the alpacas Dahl owns.               

With Cain:
The child of Naomi and Dahlia, Madelyn also watches
from time to time, however with their parents they
don't work as much and she does rarely get to babysit
the shy little boy. However she does have a growing
affection for the boy, really rooting for him to grow out
of his shy little she'll and really take flight like she
knows he can.




.....֍..֍..֍Art Credit:֍..֍..֍.....
Me: ..X..X..X..
Tigressa: ..X..
Last edited by jaques on Sat Jun 27, 2015 1:53 am, edited 29 times in total.
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Re: Madelyn Readoption.

Postby rockosaur » Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:43 am


name: Madelyn( i love the name you picked<3)
Sexuality: Bi-sexualgender:female
a little about her~ Madelyn at a younge age found that not only boys were cute but girls were cute too.
for most of here life she lived in the back streets, its not really were she wanted to live but thats were
her whole generation lived so she wanted to also. She is very kind,caring,but can be a little bit of a prankster at
moments,and she also is a tiny bit closterfobic.
she also just to say has a yellow little scarft that she wears almost everywere.


art :3
Last edited by rockosaur on Fri Jun 26, 2015 10:43 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Madelyn Readoption.

Postby Zuppe » Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:46 am

Impress me!

username: Zuppe
name: Madelyn
sex: Female
gender: Demi-Girl

xx Deviantart // Flightrising // Tumblr.

xxxxxxPokefarm // Toyhouse


xx My Mains // Rebirth // My Kiamaras

xxxxxxMy JBDs // My Plumerians


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Requests are: Friends Only!

++Interested in commissioning me?
contact me through pm or over
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sig artwork by sixbane and niluna -->

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Madelyn Readoption

Postby ♥ fefetasprxte ♥ » Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:46 am

All by lyrastarbirbs ;v;
Image Image Image
rejected furry
divider here
divider here

Madelyn is a calm and collected plume, with a serious love for animals. She is a very introverted plumerian who spends most of her time inside. She tends to like the stranger and less noticeable thins in life and she tries to give them the appreciation that they deserve. She is a bit shy around people, and her akwardness dosent help at all in social situations. A lot of people don't accept her and treat her like an outcast. That would probably make a very lonely life for her if she didn't have her internet freinds. She loves going on generally strange websites that make her laugh, and bookmarks them for whenever she feels down.
She enjoys spending time near the computer, as she is more popular online than in the real world. She thinks of the internet of her refuge away from the public world. Even though her world inside is great, there are times were it can take a bad turn, and drama and fights break out. Her calm behavior makes her an easy target to mess with, as others try to test the limits of her patience. She has met quite a few people online that she now knows in real life.
Madelyn loves to kill time with this website.
outside of the online world, she owns 3 sweet cats, 2 fierce dogs, and a gold fish. Its stressful to take care of them all, but she loves them to death all the same. she enjoys hearing her Boxer bark from the other side of the window when she leaves her work (as a surgeon) and heads home. She loves to see Bubbles (her fish) swim around excitedly in its tank when she drops its food in. Taking care of her cats is a breeze, they rarely fight and they are never too needy. The dogs are her loyal companions


Toby [owned by lyrastarbirbs]
Teelia [owned by Splatter]

Best friend:
Alastair [Owned by Lioncourt]

None currently

Skye [owned by rejected furry]

To Do:

Last edited by ♥ fefetasprxte ♥ on Sat Jun 27, 2015 12:03 am, edited 22 times in total.
♥ fefetasprxte ♥

Postby epimetheus » Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:46 am

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Re: Madelyn Readoption.

Postby k.kitten » Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:50 am

Impress me!

username: L u r k i n g
name: Bay
sex: Female/Straight
gender: female
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She/her // College // Semi-hiatus

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Re: Madelyn Readoption.

Postby allynabean » Fri Jun 26, 2015 9:52 am

Username; Allyna
Name;; Madelyn
Sex;; Female
Gender;; Female

wip nwn
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