Sir Drake Wymer by henley

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Sir Drake Wymer

Postby henley » Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:26 pm

Sir Drake Wymer
. . .
Captain of the Royal Guard


{Username: henley, owner of 4 lovely foxerflies; Minx, Ierotheos, Artemisia Caria, and Xene. I don't know if you can tell by there names, but we need another boy in the mix. Iero just hates being the only guy, and I think this striking fellow would be the perfect final adopt edition to my little brood.
{Why I want this Foxerfly: He is gorgeous. I knew I wanted one more male to fill my final slot. Upon seeing this boy, I fell in love just as all the entrants here have, and set to work right away constructing and planning my character and form style. I hope my adoration for this lovely boy shines through and you select me to be his owner.
{Will I be active with this Foxerfly?: Indeed I will be! Though I don't post on the fanclub everyday, I'm always watching a setting up roleplays for my foxers. Nothing like character development through roleplay!


by Deertush wrote:Image
{Full name?: Sir Drake Wymer
{Reason or meaning of your name: I wanted his name to go along with my character idea, as well as his design. Drake, as many know, is an English name meaning "Dragon-like", but Wymer is a surname that I found and new that I had to add in order to capture his noble personality; it means "Famous or feared in battle."
{Have a nickname?: A few other guards, as well as Her Highness Amanda refer to Drake as Sir Wy (pronounced like why).
{Talent: Quite simply, guarding. All throughout history, stories have been told of fiercesome dragons guarding the castles where a princess is hidden. True to form, the dragon foxerfly took up a similar position. Drake's talent is protection, and most importantly, using his power to keep the Foxerfly Princess; Amanda, safe. He is Captain of the Royal Guard, the highest position of the entire military. But it could not have fallen on a pair of more deserving shoulders.
{Charm: As you can plainly see, his foxerfly charm is a moonstone that has been tied about one of his horns. What you may no know, however, is how that came to be is charm. When selected among the trio of knights to serve the young Princess Amanda, she would bestow upon her champion the title of Captain, as well as her moonstone necklace. Since Drake was so young at the time, he hadn't yet earned his talent. But when the day came and he discovered his talent in power, he could think of no better foxerfly charm than the necklace he had won so many years before. He has worn it tied about his left horn ever since.
{Birth date: October 10th, 1992.
{Astrology Sign: Libra, the scales, and the 7th sign in the zodiac. Librans seek equality, harmony, and balance. The scales are also a symbol of justice.


{Age: 21 years old.
{How old does he appear: Maybe slightly older, 25 or 26.
{Weight:(Quad form) The average weight of a foxerfly being 12 pounds (the weight of the average house cat, as Koda compares foxerflies to) Drake would be just slightly larger in account for his heavy scales, claws, and horns, about 17 pounds
{Height:(Quad form) (Again, in comparison to cats.) The average foxerfly being 9-10 inches tall, Drake measures exactly 11 inches in height.
{Basic body build: Muscular, intimidatingly so. But thats what you would expect for someone of authority.
{Eye color: Blue and purple gradient.
{Glasses or contacts: Neither, he was blessed with good genes for 20.20 vision.
{Fur color: A smokey black-grey, that darkens at the edges. He has swirling, aqua markings on his tail, head, and legs. His fur is, of course, missing where scales are present.
{Distinguishing marks: His horns tend to set him apart from the rest of the community, as well as scales and sharply clawed paws.
{Hair color(Anthro): Jet black, slightly darker than the majority of black that covers his feral form.
{Type of hair(Anthro): Not too thick, but not to thin. It is though, very coarse. Almost like a horses tail.
{Hairstyle(Anthro): He has quite long hair, and he often ties it back in a low, loose ponytail.
{Voice: Clear, but very English in pronuciation and word choice. It is not too deep or too high. Many seem to find it sounding knowledgeable sounding, or wise.
{Overall attractiveness: He is no stunner, but his kindness and intelligence round out his attractiveness. Though, he never attends balls without a lovely date.
{Usual fashion of dress: He dresses simply, dark jeans and a graphic t-shirt. But when on duty he dresses traditionally, to compliment whatever her highness is wearing.
{Jewelry or accessories: In both his feral and anthro form, he wears a silver band around one of his fingers on his left hand/paw.

By muteani wrote:Image
{Positive personality traits: Brave, protective and loyal as a dog. This foxer is also resourceful, highly intelligent, incapable of lying, and caring. If you cannot already tell, this one of the wonderful creatures your foxerfly might ever meet!
{Negative personality traits: He can be a bit possessive, foreward, and aloof. Along with occsionally becoming violent when submitted to great amounts of stress. Drake is the type to have one personality when you meet him, and a totally different one once you get to know him. Most of these traits will fade to a far more muted state after a few encounters.
{Mood character is most often in: Alert and tense, his talent is protection after all. He cannot do his duty if he is not ready for any moment of danger.
{Sense of humor: Bland, though he is endlessly polite and intelligent, he cannot crack a joke or even truly laugh at one to save his life. He has trained himself to be totally expressionless, and it is near impossible for him to be anything but.
{Character’s greatest joy in life: In all honestly, it is relaxing. Drake loves his job, an wouldn't trade it for the world, but he finds that he is his happiest when sitting at home alone by a fire of his creation with a good new book to read.
{Character’s greatest fear: Failure. Failure to serve Amanda, failure to impress a potential mate, even failure to catch someone if they trip. Drake hold himself to such a standard of perfection, that anything but is cringe-worthy.
{What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil?: At this time in his life, if Princess Amanda went missing, or was killed. It is the biggest possible failure Drake could possibly be involved with, and it would absolutly destroy his life.
{Character is most at ease when: When he is at home, alone.
{Enraged when: Anyfoxer makes any type of joke involving violence, it just sets of his anxiety and he believes they should know better than to say such things around him.
{Depressed or sad when: He sees pain or strife. Being apart of the military, he has gone on many a mission all around the world. He has seen suffrage of the elderly to the smallest baby, and he can promise that it is a sight he will never be desensitized to.
{Priorities: It's simple, think like a marine. Obeying orders, keeping the princess safe, and keeping his comrads alive. In actuallity, similar ideas should be everyone's priorities, no?
{Life philosophy: "Oh, I actually get to say it then? Well, 'Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.' describes my set of ideals quite well. If not how I live my life now, then it is how I hope to be living it one day."
{If granted one wish, it would be: World peace, laugh if you will, but it's true. His ultimate dream would be to live in a world where his talent isn't needed, and creatures do not have to fear other creatures.
{Character’s soft spot: No knight in shining armor can resist a damsal in distress, Drake the dragon is no exception. Though he is neither full of experience, nor lacking in the knowledge of courting, somehow, when a lovely lady catches his eye; his tounge ties in knots and he will be virtually unable to speak to her until he gets over it.
{Is this soft spot obvious to others? Not terribly, unless you have seen him around his 'crush' for longer than a few minutes.
{Greatest strength: Ability to remain calm under pressure, it would be an impossible sight to see this foxerfly without his stern composure. Despite his anxious personality, his panic attack is always supressable in the heat of a stressful situation.
{Greatest vulnerability or weakness: Teasing him for his differences, or sending a pretty girl to seduce him. Both may cause him to do a double-take for just long enough to gain an upperhand in whatever situation.
{Biggest regret: "I'll answer this one myself, if I may? It would most definatly be missing my father's funeral. It converged on the day of my coronation, and my mother convinced me that my father would be much happier if I went to take my oath to serve the crown. Though I don't doubt her, I still wish I had gone to see him one last time."
{Minor regret: Far too many to name in turn; ranging from high school pranks to being unable to help certain creatures in situations he has encountered.
{Character’s darkest secret: The number of people he has had to kill in his life, he has not told anyone to date and probably never will.
{Why does he hoard moonstones? Being that his moonstone charm was once a gift from her highness, and his life had improved since the moment he recieved it, he figures that he cannot have too much of a good thing. "They are beautiful stones, the fact that they may or may not be lucky is all the more reason to have all the more stones."

{Drives and motivations: Peace, as said above, this foxerfly wishes for peace to reign over all. Though yes, he has succumbed to violence on many occasions, he remains steadfast in that belief.
Having a family of his own one day. Being that his mother so desperatly wanted grandchildren before she too, passed, Drake hopes that one day he will find a pretty foxer girl that will love him as much as he loves her.

{Immediate goals: To stay alive and show up for work tomorrow. Perhaps get to speak to new people, and attempt to be more friendly and open.
{Long term goals: The second of his motivations, to have a family. He is already as far as he can go in terms of his career, thus his social life is the only thing with the most room for improvement.
{How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Working hard, staying honest, opening up more often, appearing more approachable, and containing his anger.

by Deertush wrote:Image
{Hometown: London, England. His english accent should make that fairly apparent.
{Type of childhood: Middle-lower class. They always had enough to keep afloat, but never more than that. His parents both worked fulltime up until their deaths, so he was never particularly close with either of them. Their relationships were more a mutual appreciation rather than a love between parents and their only son.
{Pets: His mother was allergic to most everything, so the only pets he could really have were fish. At one point he even had a large saltwater tank in his room!
{First memory: "Being in church with my parents, actually. I must've been one or two years old. I was fiddling with one of the donation envelopes, and my father was telling me to knock it off. Typical."
{Most important childhood memory: His first time meeting Princess Amanda at the private school they both attended. She was in his freshman gym class. He credits his ability to get to know her earlier than the other applicants the largest reason why he was ever selected to be her knight.
{Childhood hero: He had many, ranging from actors to pilots. Considering he didn't know his talent until a few years into adulthood, it was much easier for him to aspire to become multiple things.
{Dream job: "I can honestly say that I could never love a job more than the one I have now. It is everything I expected and so much more."
{Education: Private Catholic schooling, and 5 years in university. He has always been a hardworker, and an intelligent foxerfly.
{Religion: Catholic, his family was strictly religious.

{Current location: It varies, wherever Princess Amanda and himself are traveling to.Though a majority of the time, the two are in London. Drake has a small apartment in the city.
{Currently living with: "Me, myself, and I. I don't mind it in the slightest, though. I quite like it, infact."
{Pets: He has none, he doesn't quite see the point given how much he travels. It would spend more time home alone, and he wouldn't wish to put a helpless creature through such a thing.
{Home: London, England. One bedroom, two bathroom apartment.
{Religion: A sort of liberal Catholic, he believes in some things that the bible teaches, but not all of it.
{Occupation: Captain of the Royal guard, and Princess Amanda Elona Katrina's personal knight.
{Finances: He is doing well, to say the least.

by comicTragedy wrote:Image
{Mother: Violetta Wymer
{Relationship with her: Never quite close, but he would've done anything to protect her. He loved both of his parents deeply, despite how far he grew from them in their final years.
{Father: Syndicate Wymer
{Relationship with him: Similar to that between Drake and his mother, but he trusted his father to take care of himself.
{Siblings: None that he knows of, but seeing as his parents were in their 50's when they had him, he wouldn't be surprised if he did have a few.
{Spouse: None yet, but is excited for the day where he meets his true love.
{Children: This, he is less excited for. He is worried that he will be gone to much for work and hopes that he will never have to leave his children behind.
{Other important family members: "As I have been knighted, I am considered of the royal family, they are all much more important than myself, however. I would give my life for any of theirs."

{Color: Very very pale blue, or royal purple.
{Least favorite color: Yellow
{Music: He can enjoy most anything, but he has a difficult time enjoying basic pop music.
{Food: Chicken Parm, simple yes, but he loves it!
{Literature: His favorite book is Jane Eyre.
{Form of entertainment: Reading, he doesn't watch TV or play video games, he only reads.
{Expressions: He doesn't really have any, other than the simple words of encouragment.
{Most prized possession: The moonstone that he ties about his horn, the gift from the princess.
{Mode of transportation: By boat, actually! Drake quite enjoys being out on the open water. He finds it to be very peaceful when on a sailboat, and loves the feeling of the wind between his horns when riding a speed boat.

Lichenfeather wrote:Image
{Hobbies: None in particular, keeping a clean house and reading are all he really does when he isn't on duty. But even that doesn't happen as often as he'd like.
{Plays a musical instrument? He played the violin, piano and clarinet in his youth, but he cannot play them anymore. Drake wishes he still new how to play the piano though, he rather loved it.
{Plays a sport? As a child he played soccer, but not anymore.
{How he/she would spend a rainy day: There are so many ways, but Drake would actually love to go to a cafe and read. Unlike many creatures, he enjoys being out and about in the rain.
{Spending habits: Despite his relavant wealth, he doesn't buy much aside from grocercies. Perhaps a birthday present when his friend's birthdays role around. Drake plans to save up, and spoil his girlfriend and hopefully wife someday.
{Smokes: He did until he was 19, but has quit since then yay!
{Drinks: Only when joining in toasts, he despises alcohol though.
{Other drugs: None, he spent too much time studying to ever get caught up in such stuff.
{What does he do too much of? Working, Drake feels that all he really does is stand around and look fearsome. He wishes he could go on more diplomatic missions, but that is not always the task of a man of his title.
{What does he do too little of? Meeting new people.
{Extremely skilled at: Fighting, winning, and learning. He pays excellent attention
{Extremely unskilled at: Delicate tasks that require patience and precision.
{Nervous tics: None really.
{Usual body posture: Perfect posture; straight back and head foreward. You cannot afford to slouch among royalty.

{Optimist or pessimist? Somewhere in between, he has his moments of general pessimisim, but he also has his bright and shining moments of positivity.
{Introvert or extrovert? Introvert, for sure.
{Daredevil or cautious? Cautious, he prefers to avoid dangerous situation, as is his career.
{Logical or emotional? All logic, he never thinks with his heart, he has read too many novels to believe that the heart will ever make the correct choice.
{Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Methodical for sure.
{Prefers working or relaxing? He prefers to be relaxed.
{Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Definatly more on the unsure side in a majority of situations.

by muteani wrote:Image
{How he feels about himself: He doesn't love nor despise himself, he just kind of attempts to go about his life in a way that others may like him.
{One word the character would use to describe himself: "Hmm... Loyal? Loyal or powerful, depending on my mood I suppose."
{One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: I may appear brutish, but I'm really an openhearted man. I prefer to see things grow and thrive then to see them burn to the ground. I can be a bit mistrusting, though I appreciate it when people place their trust in me. The most unrealistic goal of mine is that of a family, I'd honestly love nothing more than to meet the love of my life. Oh, I believe strongly in fate, true love and the like, as well. I am also pro gay rights, choice, consent... everything that keeps the population safe and happy. I'd be willing to lay down my life for most anyone, and because of that, very few things scare me. Though I am not too intelligent myself, I avidly pursue and encourage knowledge of all sorts. I can of course be painfully stubborn when others believe in something I view as imorale, and when my temper flares I will provide you with the physical representation of rage. Is that a paragraph yet?"
{What does the character consider his best personality trait? His honesty, Drake prides himself on always telling the truth.
{What does the character consider his worst personality trait? His temper, when aggrivated he loses control completely and there is truly nothing that can stop him. You can just wait for it to pass and hope for the best.
{What does the character consider his best physical characteristic? Drake adores his horns, they are what he believes to seperate him from the rest. In appearance that is,
{What does the character consider his worst physical characteristic? His scales, he finds them to be off putting despite their defensive advantages. Drake wishes he had soft, plush fur like other foxers.
{How does the character think others perceive him: A tyrannous beast full of fire and respite.
{What would the character most like to change about himself: His appearance, to be more trustable and loveable somehow.


{Opinion of other people in general: He wishes to keep them all safe, but he prefers to avoid social interaction.
{Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Absolutly, very few people get to see his emotional side. Infact, the only living person who has is Princess Amanda!
{Person character most hates: Probably the reaper brothers; Corvo and Adonis, their acts of cruelty and disrespect to their souls unsettles Drake.
{Best friend(s): Princess Amanda and my own foxer, Xene. On a forest training mission, younger Xene healed a large cut he had gained from a bush in Xene and Minx's forest. They have been rather close ever since.
{Love interest(s): He finds many foxer girls beautiful, but he would have to get to know them better in order to consider them 'love interests'.
{Person character goes to for advice: Definatly Xene.
{Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: The Princess, it's literally his duty to do so.
{Person character feels shy or awkward around: Any females at all really.
Last edited by henley on Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
haitus until September 20th

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Re: Sir Drake Wymer

Postby claypigeon » Thu Oct 09, 2014 2:06 am

I ship him with 200 x3

clay★ she/her
i have many classes, work and no time. ((so please be patient w me !!)
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Re: Sir Drake Wymer

Postby henley » Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:54 pm

Fluff Butt. wrote:I ship him with 200 x3

      Drake: "I accept this ship, she is a gorgeous girl."
haitus until September 20th

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Re: Sir Drake Wymer

Postby Chimericect » Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:59 pm

Hey Henley do you want my RU to be related to him in any way? ovo
I’m here mostly looking for certain closed species!

I’m active on DA and Toyhouse (same username) so feel free to hmu?
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Re: Sir Drake Wymer

Postby henley » Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:05 pm

SoulFireWolf wrote:Hey Henley do you want my RU to be related to him in any way? ovo

      Perhaps cousins? I had it in my form that he was syblingless, but it'd be nice for him to have some sort of family X,D
haitus until September 20th

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Re: Sir Drake Wymer

Postby Chimericect » Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:07 pm

henley wrote:
SoulFireWolf wrote:Hey Henley do you want my RU to be related to him in any way? ovo

      Perhaps cousins? I had it in my form that he was syblingless, but it'd be nice for him to have some sort of family X,D

Alright <3
That works ovo
*runs out to find a name for him*
I’m here mostly looking for certain closed species!

I’m active on DA and Toyhouse (same username) so feel free to hmu?
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