MGH #152 by Hyensa

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MGH #152

Postby Hyensa » Wed May 28, 2014 9:05 am

Mana Geared Hyenas share the same anatomy as the ordinary hyenas, however they are born with
metal intertwined around their left forearm. The metal contains two gems embedded into it and
the Hyenas use it as a controller for their mana. Each hyena contains the magic of one of
the four basic elements, fire, water, air and earth. Their left paws contain the
ability to use these given powers, which can be very destructive. However, the Hyenas will
only use their powers when threatened. Any abuse of power is punished by blackening the gems in
their metal gear, rendering their powers useless with no chance of re-obtaining them.

    Kurloz won this babe.
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Re: MGH #113

Postby rochester. » Wed May 28, 2014 9:16 am


    [ NAME ] My name is Harlequinne. It is a name of my own creation. For those cherubic idiots out there who wish to call me Quinne or Harley- look no further. The word harlequin is an unusual one. It caught my fancy. Harlequin is defined as meaning "a mute character in traditional pantomime, typically masked and dressed in a diamond-patterned costume." Those words struck a chord in my heart. Every syllable in those fifteen words I say with relish and relative joy.
    [ GENDER ] Male.
    [ ELEMENT ] Air was the name given to the earth's atmosphere. It is, in my opinion, the strongest force on earth. It's weightlessness and freedom defies the gravity which chains one to the ground.
    [ PERSONA ] Ha. You are so funny I forgot to laugh. A persona? Fine. I will try to explain myself in the least amount of words possible.
    I am a... bachelor. I have no need for pups or mates. Just a distraction from my mission. Distracting myself with anybody else would be blasphemy. Why clutter up my mind when it is already in a state of descent. Oh yes, I have a mental condition! Did I neglect to tell you? Asperger Syndrome. Asperger Syndrome is defined as "a high functioning form of autism. It can lead to difficulty interacting socially, repeat behaviors, and clumsiness." I diagnosed myself. With the exception of clumsiness, I fit this description to the letter.

    I am an intellectual. I speak with a sharp edge in my tongue. The words of others are naught to be paid attention to. Definitions, made the the cleverest of folk, are the rules in which to dictate your life by. Quotes from famed people are ridiculous thing sent to draw your mind away from the fact that everybody is slowly dying.

    I am territorial, I suppose. I defend my home with a selection of well-planned booby traps. Any foolish hyena who would care to step either on the hollowed out log directly northeast of here or the small array of multi-colored pebbles would find a boulder rolling towards them. Hehe. Hopefully, if they were an air hyena, they would be quick enough to move. Although I live so high up, lowly earth, fire, or water hyenas would not dare to come up here! For one, they are are afraid of the 120 ft. drop. Secondly, the air is very thin. Oh, there are not many intruders up here.
    [ HISTORY ] You think I had a history? What part of "I diagnosed myself with Asperger Syndrome" did you not understand, you blithering idiots? At this point, you still think somebody cared? No. Nobody cared about me. But still, it will be no harm to tell you my story, for if you do pass it on, you will find little interest in it. Nobody, even now, cares about the middle-aged recluse living up on a steep cliff hunting jackrabbits.

    My mother called me Hybra. A variation of the hydra "a minute freshwater coelenterate with a stalklike tubular body and a ring of tentacles around the mouth." Why she called me that I didn't know. All I know is that I don't remember many of my first years. I remember being called Hybra. I remember suckling. But after that... no.

    My next memory is in a gang of hyenas. A dangerous gang of fire elementals. They had all forfeited their magic, after using it to burn down a human settlement that had been destroying their territory for years. They were still dangerous. I was only one of the pups they had found. They were training me to do their magic for them. They knew that if we all were pushed hard enough, we would obey them without question. If you look upon my spine, there is a tuft of hair missing. Below it is a red scar. This is where they burned me with a hot iron. After they marked each of us pups, we were too scared to do anything else. We did not show our fear, merely sweared our loyalty to Kruk, the gang leader. Although he was one of fire, we all felt chills when he placed his mana-less paw on our backs.

    There were some perks to being in the gang, I soon learned. There was fresh spring water, hot, bloody meat, always enough or more then enough for everybody. There were soft feather beds and warm, dry caves. Since all their magical little pups were all different kinds (though most were fire or air), they didn't nest near the hot geysers, instead a mile or so away. If I may quote a novel, A Tale of Two Cities: 'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.'

    The best perk was Old Ryba. Old Ryba was the nice one. He would comment on how our two names rhymed. He would give all the pups lessons from his treasured dictionary: five words a day we would commit to memory. Their definitions, their pronunciations. No education from a father or mother could have been better then the one Old Ryba gave us. He protected us from Kruk's wrath, for Kruk was his son. He toured us cavalierly through the extensive cave and taught us how to rig traps, how to swim, (it was very difficult for me) and showed us never to mess with stalactites! But then it all ended. My gang time, my lessons. Hybra.

    I was fourteen years old, and I had been living in relative peace for eleven years with that gang. They hadn't made me do anything illegal with my magic yet. I hadn't made any friends except Old Ryba, but his lessons and wise words were good enough for me. It was late November when I killed Old Ryba. I remember his bones cracking. He was too old to live anymore, thought I. Too old to be any use. Also, I wished to possess his dictionary. So I crept on him in the night, whispered my intent into his ear, and murdered him. I took his dictionary and left. I felt no remorse! I looked up a word he had taught me at age four, one we had moved very quickly over, one that barely lingered in my brain: Asperger. On my journey far away from the gang, I memorized the definition to the letter, the only definition I did not know. From to 'a' to 'zyzzyva,' Old Ryba taught me so much! But he had known I had Asperger Syndrome, and had never told me! Frustrated would most sum up my situation here.

    So I was fourteen, still young. I could still adapt to high altitudes, no issue! It was with this foolish hope in mind that I set to hike all the way up the steep slopes of Ogromny Peak. I hardly looked at the ground, (it was also pretty hard to do so with a dictionary in one's mouth) instead at the large mouth of a cave. Soon, even without the dictionary, it became hard to breath. But still, I made it to the top. I slumped against the cave wall and slept deeply. I awoke hungry. I left my dictionary inside and hunted some jackrabbits. I ate them. With a full belly, I then named myself Harlequinne.

    This is a summary of my years from hence on. Now I am thirty-eight. I have never been off Ogromny Peak. It is very fortunate that there is a spring inside my cave. Nobody could dare to challenge me now, not even Kruk. I am powerful. I have trained myself in the ways of the body, the mind, and the magic. I am the ruler of Ogromny Peak. I am alone. I am Harlequinne.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Re: MGH #113

Postby pidgeoncat » Wed May 28, 2014 9:43 am

mark, will do this later :>
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Re: MGH #113

Postby angeltears. » Wed May 28, 2014 10:12 am

Name: Candor <the quality of being open and honest in expression; frankness.
"a man of refreshing candor"
synonyms: frankness, openness, honesty, candidness, truthfulness, sincerity, forthrightness, directness, plain-spokenness, bluntness, straightforwardness, outspokenness>
Gender: Male
Element: Air
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Re: MGH #113

Postby Sugar Buck » Wed May 28, 2014 1:30 pm



Alister/Buck // He/Him // Beast from the frost

Chronic lurker these days, check my da or th to contact me
Been on the site for wayy to long, huntin for staff pets
i'm very shy, please be gentle and patient with me!

DA // Toyhouse

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Re: MGH #113

Postby Novi » Wed May 28, 2014 1:45 pm

reserved with the name Shikatanai uvu
Now that the existential crisis has passed, I'm not leaving! Sorry for the momentary scare, folks!
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Re: MGH #113

Postby Deify » Wed May 28, 2014 3:53 pm

Res with the name Hitomu. <3

❝ ❝
we're 𝐅 𝐎 𝐎 𝐋 𝐒
whether we d a n c e or not
so we might as well 𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx❞ ❞
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx𝐃𝐄𝐈𝐅𝐘 ↠ he/him
xxxxxxxxxxxx xx xxxxx«=


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Re: MGH #113

Postby outoforder001 » Wed May 28, 2014 8:15 pm

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Re: MGH #113

Postby Greenfriedenvy » Wed May 28, 2014 9:57 pm


I smiled, laughed. Just a second ago I had no idea about... And now the other hyena was set alight, burning in its own skeleton. I turned from him, letting him die in peace. I was surprised at how few people actually used their powers. After all, why not? I walk away. You think that you're not going to know how, but it just... Clicks. And not only that, the power is addictive. Once you have had a taste, you can't help but do whatever it takes for more.

The next MGH I saw was a young female, small and vunerable. Perfect. I walked up behind her, and she noticed me at the last second, just before the flames came licking around her paws. That's one of the reasons that I like my element: It's silent, and makes for an interesting death.

I walked on for a while into a slightly cooler area, until I spotted my next victim. I prowled up towards him, but when the flames were around his paws, he casually doused them with water. Oh, hell. I hate waters so damn much. He started coming towards me. I urged my muscles to move but I seemed paralyzed. Well, this was going great on my part. Finally, I managed to bolt back to where I came from. I reached my previous destination, looking behind me. Now, the water wasn't alone.

A group of hyenas, closing in fast. I turned and ran, but there were hyenas there too. They had me surrounded. They were talking, and by the time their words reached my ears they were a jumbled mess of snarls and whispers, but some of them stood out.
"It killed them-"
"Abuse of power-"
"Why would it do-"
"I think I know it-"
"Yeah... It's-"
"Why is it here-"
"I thought we killed it before-"
Oh yeah, when I was a pup I nearly died falling off a small cliff, but hey, the past is the past and I can't change it.

They were closing in. I had nowhere to run. Looking around desperately, I spotted a dying tree. I ran towards it, but hyenas don't climb. Flames curled around my paw, ready to strike. Another hyena walked towards me, dodging my blast of fire. Suddenly, the air around me was thin, and it was hard to breathe. Heh. They're allowed to do that for self defence. The world went blurry and I passed out.

My eyes started to open, and I saw a claw, braced and ready to cut me from my magic. Well, not on my watch. I leaped off my back and ran away. A few seconds later, I felt drained. I looked at my left paw. One gem cut. He must have caught his claw on it as I got away. Two more hyenas, both earth, on either side of me. This was an ambush. They'd expected me to get away. One of the two sent a blade of earth straight between my gem and my leg. I collapsed to the floor, my power drained from me. I stared at my gems. Once beautiful and firey, they were now colourless.

Walking alone, here I am. Nowhere, to be precise. I sighed. That's all the fun of being an exile. A hyena came into view, wandering, lost. I walked slowly towards him.
"Hey, can you help m-" he started, but he never managed to finish, because his neck was split in two, my claws bloody. Like I said, the fun of being an exile.

Here I am, still alone, still nowhere. I have no gender. When they cut away my powers, they cut my feelings with it, especially ones like compassion and love. I live for revenge on the ones who did this to me.
I am Chrome, and there ain't nothing you can do about it.

Didn't get all of that?

My name is Chrome.
Occasionally others call me The Smiler.
I am genderless.
My body is the size of a large male.
My element is fire, but you might notice that my gems are black.
I live for revenge on those who did this to me.
In five words, my personality is cruel, vengeful, sadistic, dangerous & lonely.
I will never let anybody get so much as close to me.
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Re: MGH #113

Postby Vermilion Ink » Thu May 29, 2014 8:17 am


    Name: Gaff
    Magicians Term

    A trick or device designed to appear as something simple while accomplishing a secret task.

    Gender: Male

    Element: Fire

    A trickster in it's truest form, Gaff was made to deceive. He is very skilled in all forms of deception, which makes him a valuable allay, and a dangerous enemy. Gaff tends to use his knowledge of trickery to target his enemies fears as well as impress and astound his friends. Though he doesn't care much for the company of others, preferring to be by himself where he can practice his trade and get lost in his thoughts.


o O o O o O o O o O o O o O o O o
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