Michelle Julia by rosepetal50

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Michelle Julia

Postby rosepetal50 » Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:40 am

Yes, this is my baby ^-^


Most of her friends just call her Julia as she doesn't like her first name, but she is a Kiamara. Number three (my lucky number) to be specific. She has a most exemplory personality. She is most obviously one of the friendlier of the Kiamaras and her demeanor reflects cheerfulness. I see intelligence behind those eyes and from observing her, I can tell she is one for thinking. But also, I see a certain creativity, original and pure, in an aura around her. She is something special.

by: ~Apple~



Michelle Julia








Julia finds always finds a way to view the world in a positive light. She doesn't hardly ever get sad, though she does get lonely sometimes. She doesn't like to get out of her comfort zone, but will if the need arises. She is intelligent and she doesn't like being treated like an idiot. She always strives to learn what how to do something she can't do, however she doesn't worry about any one thing too much. She is also very creative and prides herself for being so.


She has trained to become an architect and has her degree in architecture, however she is more of an interior designer.


(______= indent)

______It was an assault to the ears, this silence. It was pounding and uncomfortable, nothing like the comforting noises of a garden walk or her friend's clamering voices. But this? This was just a white nothingness; an enormous horizan without color. She padded foward, looking around and then back to the path that lay behind her. It had slowly withered away until there was no path at all. She was at the end of it.
_____The scenery itself had also dissolved away as she had walked on. The trees had dropped off and the grass retracted until it looked like green stubble and then also dissapeared. And now what was left was blank. Except for the path which had continued onward along with her... until now. She had pressed onward despite the fact of missing the dusty brown path that had accompanied her for so much of the journey.
_____Looking foward again, she continued into the white. What she was doing? Well, that would be something very hard to explain. One could call it a quest of sorts. Following and eventually leaping for the sake of faith. Yes, that might describe it.
_____The only color that remained was that of her fur. Even the sky had faded away to be replaced by this pressing nothing. Her shadow also remained, she noted to herself, but it was right under her, as if there was a sun shining directly overhead. Yet, there was no sign of a sun. Looking back once more, she saw the path had dwindled to a speck in her vision, and she debated whether or not to stop here or keep going a little farther until the path was out of sight. She took a few steps more and checked again. The path was still there, but it seemed to be disslolving into itself and into the disance.
_____Here, she decided to stop, her long tail flicking nervously. The feather tassles danced in an imaginary wind. "Hello?" she called out timidly into the nothingness. As soon as the words left her mouth, they were no more. Not much could exist here. Especially not something as common as words. But, as though some unseeable force had heard her, a gust of real wind blew toward her, ruffling her fur.
_____Carefully, she put her thoughts together and closed her eyes, seeking. Seeking for a way to put her words out there. For them to be real as well and not fade away without even a distant echo. She opened her eyes as an idea came to her. A flash of red light streamed toward her before intercepting with her head as the idea was thought. Then, with her new idea, she used the red light to write the words she had in mind. "Show yourself."
_____The words faded after a few minutes, but another gust of wind greeted her. This one so hard that she had to blink away tears from her eyes. But in that instant, something new had formed. A glimpse of brown and pink in a whirlwind of air, and then a new creature had formed. It was another Kiamara, graceful and beautiful. Her fur was a certain color that reminded her of sweetness with a little but of spice. Her eyes were also brown and full of youth and spirit.
_____"Hello," the other said pleasantly.
_____"Hello," she stammered.
_____"Well, what's up?"
_____"Uh, we-- we need you."
_____"For what?" the brown and pink Kiamara asked.
_____"For-- we need your help sorting things out."
_____"Okay," she said, somewhat annoyed by the lack of response. "May I ask your name first?"
_____"Oh, yes. I'm Haleyn. And you're name is Mich--"
_____"Julia. I'm Julia. Well, nice to meet you Haleyn."
_____"Oh, okay. Julia," gathering her thoughts, Haleyn continued. "We need you to come back to live among the new species of the world. You're services here have been highly valued among many, but things have fallen into confusion and we need someone like you."
_____"New species?" Julia asked, interested. "What kinds? Are they like us?"
_____"Not really," Haleyn answered, uncomfortably. "They're different. They don't look like us. They are called humans."
_____"Humans, huh? Interesting," she brought her tail around to brush her chin. "Well, I'll come."
_____Looking relieved, Haleyn motioned for her to follow her back to the distant path, but the other Kiamara had dissapeared. "Julia?" she called out, but her words were again useless as they vanished before they could bring any meaning. What is it about her that lets us speak? she wondered, but the thought didn't linger long as Julia appeared again.
_____"Well, are you coming?" Julia asked.
_____"I don't know how to do... that."
_____"That?" she asked, puzzled.
_____"That blinking in and out stuff," Haleyn answered.
_____"Oh, well, you just put yourself over there. Like this, see?" At that she popped out again and this time, as Haleyn looked back toward the path, she saw Julia beside it. Julia made a beckoning motion with her tail and Haleyn closed her eyes and imagined herself beside the mysterious Kiamara. At first, nothing seemed to happen, but then the rushing started in her ears until... silence. The same silence that she had observed when she first entered this blank dimension. But the silence was not long, for as soon as she arrived by the path, Julia said, "That wasn't so hard now, was it?"
_____Haleyn nodded after she opened her eyes. "Can we just walk the rest of the way?" she asked, in spite of herself.
_____Julia rolled her eyes but agreed. "Fine, fine," she said and started walking, her nose pointed high and her tail swishing. Haleyn followed, glad to be back on the path. Dust was once more rising under their paws and soon enough the grass reversed its previous retreat and grew out. Crickets started chirping and shrubs appeared until, finally, there were trees.
_____"Are we there yet?" Julia asked playfully. At Haleyn's silence she continued. "I havn't been back this way in a while; the trees have certainly grown. And the sky," at this she looked up at the blue vastness above, "I havn't been able to keep its beauty in my memory." Their shadows started growing out and extending away from their paws and the sky grew continuously darker. Finally a streetlight appeared and a road accompanied it. The dark pavement was warm to the touch and as the two Kiamaras walked down the street, it warmed their pads and made them eager to get where they were going.
_____Soon enough, signs of civilization appeared and a car whizzed path. Julia jumped out of the way, lowering her ears and growling, but it passed without accepting her challenge. "What was that?" she asked Haleyn, bounding to catch up with her.
_____"That?" Haleyn asked. "That's just a car. It's what the humans use as transportation." She flicked her tail dismisively.
_____"Well, why didn't it stop for us?" Julia asked, confused.
_____"Most of the humans can't see us," Haleyn answered. "I mean, they used to, but after a while it was like we dissapeared. Only certain ones can and we work with them. They try to keep a safe from what this world's become."
_____Julia shook her head. "Are they evil then?" she questioned.
_____"No, they just don't know what they do," she said. A large building appeared to their left and Haleyn went up the large drive. Julia followed uncertainly. As Haleyn walked through a door, the other Kiamara stopped. "Are we going in there?" she asked.
_____"Well, of course," Haleyn answered and dissapeared into a dark hall.
_____"This doesn't seem natural," Julia said, looking at the oppresive walls now on either side of her.

_____Julia was soon enougn fitting in perfectly with the rest of the other Kiamaras, but she longed to leave and go to where she had caled home for so long. One day, she decided to go outside. She followed the street, but in the opposite direction of her home. "I'm going to discover this new world," she repeated to herself. But soon enough, she was deep in the city and terribly lost. She despaired of ever finding a way out and all she wished was to have gone back to her home. This new world was too different; it was nothing like what used to be there. Finally, she found a park. The sun was setting and the birds had started their dusk songs to sing the evening in. Julia settled on a park bench. Humans passed by, some paying no heed to her and some looking at her and rubbing their eyes as of they had caught a glimpse of her and couldn't believe their eyes. But after a few moments of staring at the again empty park bench, they walked on, scratching their heads. A small breeze sent her feathers drifting until they settled down again. She rested her head on her paws and watched them, water pricking her eyes.
_____She hardy even noticed when a human sat down beside her. A book was in her hands and she had a backpack slung over one shoulder. Occupied in her book, she didn't notice the strange creature beside her either. Or maybe she's just like most of them and can't see me anyway, Julia thought bitterly as she noticed the creature. But, as she shifted, the girl looked at her and gasped. Her eyes went wide and her hand flew to her mouth. "What are you?" she asked to herself.
_____"A Kiamara," Julia answered without even thinking about it. The girl gasped again. "It talks," she said.
_____"Well, of course. What else what I do? Grunt?" Julia answered grumpily.
_____"No, no. I didn't mean it like that," the girl said. "I just havn't met any animals that speak."
_____"I prefer Kiamara over animal," Julia replied.
_____"Do you have a name?" the girl asked.
_____"My name is Michelle Julia. But most people just call me Julia."
_____"Oh, well I'm Alariana. Why do they call you Julia?"
_____"Because I don't like the name Michelle."
_____"Oh," Alariana said, suddenly out of things to say. "Uh... where are you from?"
_____"A building on the edge of the city. No, I don't know where it is," Julia said, still in a bitter mood.
_____"So not another world?"
_____Julia gave her an are-you-serious look and replied, "My species was here way before you."
_____"Do you normally sleep on park benches?" Alariana asked.
_____"No, I'm lost," Julia said. "Hopelessly lost."
_____"Do you maybe want to come back to my house?" the girl asked.
_____"Uh, sure. I guess," Julia said, astonished by the kindness the human was showing.
_____"Well... cool," Alariana said, smiling. She closed the book and put it in her backpack and stood up. "It's just a street away from the park. Come on, follow me."
_____Julia leapt down from the bench and followed the girl all the way back to her house. Alariana opened the door for both of them and closed it, flipping on a light. The house was very open and airy, much more to Julia's liking than the closed in mansion that she had been staying in.
_____"My parents are out tonight so you're safe from them," Alariana said, walking up the stairs and to her room.
_____"They probably can't see me anyway," Julia answered, looking around. There were windows in every room, though most of them had blinds, but the house was still light and cozy. She bounded up the stairs after Alariana and into the human's room. She settled down onto one of the bean bags.

_____Julia stayed in her new friend's house for a while, but soon, too soon, Brennen, one of the other Kiamaras she had met, appeared at the door. Alariana was upstairs, but Julia answered the door. She knew who it was before she opened the door.
_____"Hey, Julia," Brennen said, smiling. "Dang, we've been looking for you everywhere."
_____"I'm not coming back," Julia said flatly.
_____"Who is it, Julia?" Alariana called from up the stairs.
_____"Don't worry about it," Julia called back. "I don't care if I can't stay here forever, but I don't want to go back there," she hissed to Brennen.
_____Looking alarmed, he shook his head. "You don't understand. You havn't been here long enough, this venture won't turn out well," Brennen warned.
_____Alariana came down the stairs. "Oh, another one!" she cried delightedly. "Is he here to stay to?"
_____"No, he was just leaving," Julia answered.
_____"I've actually come to bring her back," Brennen said.
_____"Back? Where?" Alariana asked.
_____"Back with the rest of us," he said.
_____"Awww," Alariana said. "Are you going?" She turned to Julia.
_____"If I can stay with you, I'm not going with him," she said.
_____"You can definitley stay with me," Alariana answered immediatly. "My parents aren't home much anyway. Always out on business trips and stuff. I would take such good care of her."
_____"I can take care of myself," Julia muttered.
_____Brennen looked from the Kiamara to the human and shook his head again. "Fine. What will I tell the others?" he asked.
_____"The truth," Julia said. "I'm hanging around in the city for a while."
_____Brennen nodded, looking dissapointed. "Well, if you ever want to come back, our door is always open," he said.
_____"Okay," Julia said, waving goodbye as the other Kiamara left.
_____"So... you're staying?" Alariana asked.
_____"Yes," Julia replied.
_____"Yeessss!" Alariana squealed.

_____And that is how Michelle Julia came to be with Alariana. They live in happy companionship now.


by: rosepetal50 (lines by mimi911)

A little animation of her
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Michelle Julia
by: rosepetal50

Michelle Julia
by: rosepetal50

by: Door

by: rosepetal50 (lines by Apple)

My first ever entry art of her!
by: rosepetal50

by: rosepetal50 (lines by Calico.)

Michelle Julia
by: Just Smile

by: rosepetal50 (lines by Miscellaneous)

Julia in her ball gown for the kiamara ball
by: rosepetal50

by: rosepetal50 (lines by Icseal)

by: Gypsyvannerstallion

by: rosepetal50 (lines by Owwl)

by: rosepetal50 (lines by 'paradox)

Julia's Summer Dress
by: rosepetal50

Julia's 4th of July!
by: rosepetal50

by: Gecko Who

Julia in a bottle?
by: .:Brail:.

Julia in anthro-ish
by: rosepetal50 (lines by AnnestasiaMonalisa)

A lovely avatar!
by: Haru-chan

by: Ittam

by: rosepetal50 (lines by Ivyy~)

by: TabbiKat

by: rosepetal50 (lines by Calico.)
by Lierre

by Leana
Characters :: Character Site :: Free Art Shop :: Leave a Note! :: Gift of Art :: Art Trade? :: Kia ask!
Julia is looking for rps, romantic, friendly, or unfriendly!
I got my first taikea, Honey! She is also open to rps :3

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you can be impossible?

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Re: Michelle Julia

Postby bsktcase » Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:43 am

She's so pretty! <333//iswishingIwonedamalekiax3//
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The one I was dancin' with
In New York, no shoes
Looked up at the sky
and it was maroon
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Re: Michelle Julia

Postby siennacereal » Wed Sep 11, 2013 3:54 am

aww <3 she is so very pretty ^U^ would it be okay if i made some art of her? <3
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Re: Michelle Julia

Postby rosepetal50 » Sun Oct 27, 2013 9:17 am

Beast Girl wrote:She's so pretty! <333//iswishingIwonedamalekiax3//

Aww thank you so much!

ZombieLuv<3 wrote:aww <3 she is so very pretty ^U^ would it be okay if i made some art of her? <3

Of course you can, I always appreciate new pieces!
by Lierre

by Leana
Characters :: Character Site :: Free Art Shop :: Leave a Note! :: Gift of Art :: Art Trade? :: Kia ask!
Julia is looking for rps, romantic, friendly, or unfriendly!
I got my first taikea, Honey! She is also open to rps :3

Why be difficult when, with just a little more effort,
you can be impossible?

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