Queen Ruby Mint's Page~ by puddssoul

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Queen Ruby Mint's Page~

Postby puddssoul » Sun Apr 14, 2013 6:33 pm

Please note, she's not made by me -- I simply added a crown, a fancy background, and her information. <3

Ruby Mint, darling. Queen Ruby Mint, to you. I'm royalty, my darling, and there's no doubt.

Female, if it's not entirely obvious to you. Aren't I the most gorgeous, feminine mare in the entire kingdom? Don't bother to answer, it's painfully clear.

What's to know? Once a Queen, always a Queen. Well, something like that. I was born the beautiful Princess of a foreign land, with parents that adored me. They raised me to be prim, proper and gorgeous, and it wasn't long before I was attracting the attention of suitors from half-way across the world! One in particular caught my eye. He didn't have the largest kingdom, but he was certainly the most handsome, and boasted a record of peace that was quite astounding. I knew at once I had to have him, and before I even had to tell them, my parents were shipping me off to be married. We were wed, and I became Queen of his country. The people adored me, and would shower me with flowers and gifts, and cheer as I strolled through the streets. It was wonderful. But then my gorgeous Prince went off to war, whilst his parents were still on the throne, leaving me behind. He was slain by an enemy in battle and never returned to me, but while he was away, I learned of my true talent and gained my cutie mark. Even as the kingdom mourned the loss of their Prince, they celebrated my newfound mark. Unfortunately, in my grief, my cutie mark went wild, and before I knew it, I had turned the King and Queen, the castle, and most of the inhabitants into candy! The King and Queen fled into the wild, never to be seen again, but I managed to convince most of the ponies to stay, and I took the throne in my new candified castle. It was such a gorgeous place, I swiftly forgot about the loss of my wonderful prince with plenty of candy servants to pamper me and treat me well. From there on out I've done what I'm doing now -- ruling them serenely, keeping our land in peace, and loving my servants.

Unfortunately, dear Ruby Mint is a very disillusioned girl. What she believes happened to her is very far from the truth. Let me tell you her true story...

Ruby Mint was born to a pair of poor parents. Her father had been ill for a long time, and with the stress that came with the birth of his daughter, swiftly went to the shadow lands. Her mother had never wanted to be a mother, and treated her daughter quite harshly, always criticizing her and treating her horribly. She gave her only what was necessary for survival, and small Ruby Mint continually strived for her mother's love, not knowing what she had done wrong. Her mother, however, blamed her only child for the death of her husband, her one and only beloved. In fact, she blamed Ruby Mint for most of the horrible things that had happened in her life. Ruby Mint got good grades in her first years of school, made plenty of friends, sucked up to the teachers. She thrived off of the attention that she got there, and did well. But her mother began to abuse her, to ensure that she didn't think of herself too highly, reminding her that she was a piece of trash. Embarrassed, and frightened, Ruby Mint grew into a gangly, thin, unsure teenager. She was nervous, with wide eyes, watchful and skittish. The slightest wrong move could send her running. The teachers strove to find what had gone wrong with their star student, but found nothing but a mother who sobbed about the loss of her husband and praised her beautiful daughter, the only thing she had left of him. Ruby Mint knew the truth, and as soon as she became a bit more confident as a teen, ran away from home to escape it all.

She ran and ran and ran... right off of a cliff. Her hooves fell out from under her, and her head hit solid rock. She passed out, and when she awoke, found herself in a completely new situation. There was a beautiful new cutie mark on her side, and she was sleeping in the hospital wing of a beautiful castle. One of the ponies running about informed her the King, Queen, and their young, dear Prince had all fallen victim to the plague and escaped into the shadows of death. The kingdom was in chaos, but even as the pony spoke, Ruby Mint reached out and gently brushed their leg with her hoof -- and they turned to a living statue of candy. Within a matter of hours Ruby Mint had secured the castle by turning the entire thing to candy, as well as most of the attendants. The chaos turned back into peace as she took the throne as the new ruler, a story filling the blanks in her mind so she wouldn't go insane. She was so happy to have her new life, she completely forgot about the old one, and imagined she had been a beautiful, royal mare for all of her short life. Even now if you ask about her past, she's likely to get just the slightest bit confused and unsure, but she'll tell you what she tells everyone... she's always been royalty, forever.


I'm kind, and forgiving -- no matter what my servants do, I always bring them back into my good graces. I donate to the poor! I am fair when I judge problems within my kingdom, and I'm always bringing candy to the small children! I am loving, and give jobs in the castle to anyone that needs them to earn a living. However, I get slightly annoyed whenever someone calls me a 'dictator' or refers to me as a control freak, because I know no one else could rule this castle quite as well as I do. No other Queen has had a streak of peace quite as long as me! I allow everyone to give me their input on problems to find an adequate solution. I never ask too much of my ponies, only that they serve me with loyalty and love. I'm quite low key for a Queen, in fact, and take joy in simply strolling through my Kingdom on sunny days, visiting all of my subjects. I even let some of them visit the castle, and stay in the guest rooms! I visit the schools to talk to the children about being all that they can be, and take special care of the ones that need help. Yes, perhaps I've had a pony or two hung for treason, but who hasn't? You'll see that I'm perhaps the best Queen you've ever met! Oh, silly me, who am I kidding? Of course I'm the best Queen you've ever met! You're welcome back any time!

Truthfully, Ruby Mint is more than a bit controlling. She likes to know everything that is going on at any given time, and has hired many spies to keep eyes out for her. If someone breaks one of her rules, she does not hesitate to punish them, inviting them to 'visit' the castle... and stay in the dungeon. While she has adopted many children, she does not give them much attention at all, and they often do not develop very well... many of them become servants or maids later in life. She believes strongly in their educational system, and so young ponies go to school all year round, seven days a week. Often they get sick from being worked so constantly. A lot of ponies get sick from eating her candy 'gifts' as well, but if they refuse them, she'll have them stuck in the dungeon because they dared to be rude to her. All in all, perhaps you could call her a dictator, although she's more of just a mare who cares but doesn't know how to actually run a kingdom! Again, her mind often plays illusions on her to make her think she's doing good things even when she's not. She was never really taught morals, so she can't use those to guide her, either. Her internal compass is entirely wacky.


Oh, my lovely slippers? My Prince had them made for me as a wedding gift, as soon as I arrived in his kingdom. Aren't they beautiful? They have real rubies and emeralds in them! I love how colorful and comfy they are! I have a lot of reasons for still wearing them. One, they remind me of my dear, sweet Prince. Two, if I accidentally touch something, it won't automatically turn into candy unless I really want it to! Three, it shows my royal status: no one else has lovely shoes like this! Not to mention that they keep my hooves from sticking on the sticky candy ground and allow me to walk like a graceful Queen, like I should. They attract attention to me, and I must admit, I enjoy having all eyes on me. Sometimes at night I even forget to take them off, and it's like my Prince is beside me again. Some of the ponies in the kingdom start rumors about them being enchanted, but there's not a bit of magic in these shoes, just beautiful silver and wonderfully true gems. They were how my Prince showed his true love for me for the first time, a dear memory to me.

Most of what she said is true -- especially her reasons for wearing them, minus the Prince part, of course. Seeing as the Prince was long gone by the time she arrived, he couldn't have possibly given them to her. But he had snuck the beautiful treasures, as a gift, to one of the young maids who worked in the castle, whom he was madly in love with. He knew his parents wouldn't approve, and so did the maid. She took the shoes and hid them away in her room. But when Ruby Mint arrived and was searching the castle, curious, she found them hidden away and immediately took to wearing them everywhere. She found them both beautiful and useful, and has never let them out of her sight since she found them, especially since she knows they're coveted by most of the other mares in the kingdom and they'd risk their lives to steal them away from her for their own, even if they could only wear them once.


Well of course I wear a crown! I'd be a pitiful example of a Queen if I didn't wear a crown! I had it made for me shortly after I took the throne, it was a symbol of authority that helped calm and soothe the chaotic souls of my subjects. The beautiful blue gem in the middle was dug up from far below the earth's surface, and when it was brought to light, it shimmered so vibrantly, it travelled here wrapped in silk so it would not blind anyone. I had it implanted into a pure silver crown, and now I wear it constantly as a reminder that I will always look out for my subjects and protect them like a Queen should. I adore it, and every night I polish the silver to keep it from tarnishing. I could have someone else do it, but I prefer to keep it in my own hooves. Greedy hooves have no business near my darling crown.

Favorite Candy:

Now that's a hard one! I'm fond of many of the sugary treats, of course, like many ponies are. Mostly fruity candies are my top favorites, but mints, of course, top them all. My favorite would probably have to be spearmint, with peppermint close behind -- the two are so similar, I can hardly choose! After that would probably be anything made of gummy... gummy bears, gummy worms, even gummy cherries can make me want to drool in the most unladylike way, unfortunately. Thankfully I can have them whenever and whereever I want them, as long as I'm willing to sacrifice something to get them... and to believe the librarian got mad at me when I once turned an entire book into an enormous form of gummy. You won't believe how delicious ancient literature tastes once you turn it into gummy!

Dreams For The Future:

I have a lot of high hopes for this kingdom in the coming years! For one, I want it to be one of the most powerful kingdoms around. That's why I've been assembling an army, and take care to create the armor myself. Peppermint is nearly as strong as iron, and much cheaper and easier to produce. One touch of my hoof, and I can turn blades of grass into the tough stuff! Compacted trash becomes something useful! Not to mention that it can provide nourishment while out traveling, distract opponents, and send a loud message of who we are. Another hope for my kingdom is a hope all young Kings and Queens have: I need an heir to take the throne after me, hopefully one with an amazing power like my own. In order to do that, I need to find another handsome male to call my Prince, hopefully someone who's not afraid of my candy touch. Of course I wish for prosperity, health, and for my kingdom to last far into the coming years. I want this candy kingdom, my personal paradise, to go down in the history books as a legend of legends, and to do that, I need to continue working hard. So you can bet I'll be accomplishing my goals through some old-fashioned work!

Short Story:

Click. Click. Click. Click. Oh, how she savored the sound of her slippers making that soft but insistent noise against the stone floors, reminding everyone of how important she was and just where she was at any time at all. Glancing in the mirror, her violet eyes glowed serenely as she straightened her crown so it wasn't lop-sided and gently tugged a brush through her long mane until it hung in silky layers down past her shoulders. Her tail had grown so long that it trailed behind her on the floor like a beautiful bridal train, and she simply couldn't bring herself to cut it, so instead she hired a team of young girls to spend hours a week brushing it and combing it, pulling any briars and things from it, and washing it until it smelled faintly of flowers and was as silky as could be. Today was an important day. She could feel it in her bones, hear it in the way her heart rattled against her ribs just so. Her thoughts were racing as fast as her heart, her breathing grew shallower by the minute. Today was THE day. The only day that mattered now. She walked to the window and gazed outward, seeing all of her candy subjects gathered in the courtyard, nervously murmuring to themselves. Colts and fillies clung to their mother's legs anxiously, fathers stood, attempting to look strong and protective of their little families. She smiled at the sight of it, then remembered the grim task at hand. A slightly withered piece of parchment curled in her hoof, she started slowly down the stairs. Let them wait for her. Their expressions grew more frightened by the minute. She finally arrived at the doors, and her servants dramatically pushed them open, revealing her to the sunlight. The crowd all gasped to see her, their young candy Queen. But Ruby Mint just smiled serenely at them, holding out the piece of parchment like it was a golden key to a perfect future. "Today's the day," She whispered, and the few ponies in the front of the crowd heard her. They murmured it, repeating it until it echoed off of the castle walls, and they all stared at her, enchanted. They had to know, wanted to know, had to know.

Clearing her throat, she made a show of slowly, carefully unfurling the parchment until it gracefully fell open in her hooves. The delicate paper felt so soft, so warm, yet it betrayed its purpose by being so. On this list were names... dozens and dozens of names, names of the unfortunate souls who would become the first members of the first Candy Army. That was why the males, usually so serious, looked so fidgety. Why some of the foals had tear stains on their cheeks. Why the mares stayed close to their stallions, grasping onto them like they could change fate. Ruby Mint had been fair, selecting the names at random from a glass bowl one of her servants had brought to her. All males and females ages eighteen to thirty. They were required to enter their names by candy law, the punishment was dungeon, or even worse, death. They all stared at her, unblinking, not breathing, as she cleared her throat softly, then read the first name on the list. A small wave went through the crowd as the selected young, handsome male froze in his place, staring at her with shocked, frightened eyes. Finally, the crowd began to push him forward, as though they were offering him to her, a sacrifice for the rest of them. He stared at her, then finally bowed, looking as clueless as a newborn child. Rolling her eyes, Ruby Mint decided she didn't have time for this. With one stomp of her hoof, two of her strongest guards came forth, easily lifted the stallion -- little more than a colt, really -- off of his hooves, and carried him into the castle, where he would be staying until he was trained, clothed, and sent off into battle, like the rest of the soldiers. Smiling to clear the air, Ruby Mint chuckled as she said, "Feisty one." The rest of the crowd laughed anxiously, like they were unsure of what was to come. Another name. A male who looked like he should have been in his grave months ago shuddered forward, each step a large deal for him. She took pity, and decided instead of having him for a soldier, he could merely work in the castle. No one would ever see him again, so there would be no real difference.

As she read on and on, the list seemingly never ending, trailing into the dust of the ground, the crowd dwindled. There were hardly any left that weren't mares or tiny babes barely fit to leave their mother's arms. Her eyes softened as she saw one child drooping with exhaustion in its mother's arms, leaning its head against her chest and emitting a sigh fit for someone far beyond its days. Looking at the remaining names, she made a tough decision: then grabbed the scroll firmly by both sides and ripped it as hard as she possibly could. It tore in two, and she dropped it on the ground with a pretty little smile, kicking it behind her so they wouldn't stare at it. Still, gasps riddled the air as they stared at her, amazed and confused. "We have enough 'volunteers' for our army now." She said as pleasantly as she could manage, her tone playful and light, "Thank you all for coming." But most of them kept their eyes fixated on her, like some sort of dangerous creature, until they had slipped from the courtyard and back into their everyday lives. A few mares shot her dirty looks, and one crying child glared at her so intently she almost quivered at the extreme sense of hatred... but she knew it had to be done, to protect their kingdom, and why couldn't they see it? They stared at her in hatred, like this was the most devilish thing she could dig from the deepest corners of her soul -- while she knew their beloved rulers before her had a very nicely assembled army of a large number. So why shouldn't she? The kingdom was still a beautiful piece of land, full of hard-working subjects, any fool who breezed by would want to conquer it! If they had no defense, they would swiftly fall, just as they had shortly before her arrival.


Why, the very castle is filled with paintings of me -- the painters of my kingdom are so quaint, especially when fed with their favorite candies and bribed with a bit of gold! I do suppose I look even more lovely trapped there forever in my youth than I do in person! There's just something about the right dabs of paint that can make one appear a goddess on paper.

(by hdmwolf)

(color by me, lines by Apple)

(color by me, lines by Coka-Cola)

(by theraBee)


At the moment, I am sadly without a handsome Prince or King to help me rule this lovely land of mine. Of course, that doesn't mean that I won't be looking. Hopefully I'll find someone of royal blood equal to keep this land in order when I'm busy keeping up my loveliness, yes?
Last edited by puddssoul on Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:47 am, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: Queen Ruby Mint's Page~

Postby DraconisSumeris » Sun Apr 14, 2013 7:26 pm

w.o.w. :3 i lver her story and personality ^^if she needs a mate let me know X3
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Re: Queen Ruby Mint's Page~

Postby puddssoul » Sun Apr 14, 2013 7:26 pm

Thanks! <3 I'd love to get her a mate, if you have any males who don't mind a mare who's a bit crazy and the constant worry of being turned into candy. XD Maybe a male who's a bit nutso himself?

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Re: Queen Ruby Mint's Page~

Postby DraconisSumeris » Sun Apr 14, 2013 7:31 pm

ok :3
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Re: Queen Ruby Mint's Page~

Postby DraconisSumeris » Sun Apr 14, 2013 8:08 pm

well, he aint nutso... viewtopic.php?f=32&t=1754904 but he has an uncontrolable power..somewhat.
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Re: Queen Ruby Mint's Page~

Postby puddssoul » Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:22 am

Hey, he seems like the sort of guy who might be able to get Ruby Mint to come back to reality, just a little bit... really their backgrounds were kind of similar, with the bullying and abusing, but he was strong enough to handle it, where she.... e-e Yeah.

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Re: Queen Ruby Mint's Page~

Postby puddssoul » Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:22 pm

The kingdom was growing. She could see it every day from the windows of her castle as ponies stumbled upon this sadly unknown land, their eyes alight at the beautiful candy town, the gorgeous candy palace where she resided. These poor downtrodden souls didn't know what they were getting themselves into, but she welcomed them in with warmth, as a Queen should, cherishing every new pony to fall under her control. Fate gave them to her, and she clung to them like a protective mother hen. This, of course, did not stop with the arrival of a diplomat of sorts: a handsome young King who came to visit the kingdom after hearing of its new prosperity and growth, probably hoping to grab a bit of it for himself. She wasn't used to having other royalty around, but she was eager to meet him and - of course her mind was twisted immediately into thinking this - perhaps use her charms to convince him he wouldn't want to leave again. What kingdom could ever be better than her gorgeous candy kingdom, so sweet and simple and dear, all built by her own hooves? For months she'd turned boring stone and dirt and glass into vibrant shades of sugar and sweets, and as delighted as she was by all of it, she was sure it was even more wonderful for strangers. So she sent a messenger to invite him to her palace for a candy brunch, setting all of her best chefs and maids to ensure that everything would be beautiful and perfect.

The day of, she rose early from her bed, even though normally she would have slept until the sun was already high in the sky. It took longer than she had thought - even with assistance from several of the maids - to climb into the dress she'd had her seamstress make her specifically for this meeting. It was a short day dress, brushing about half-way down her legs, the same deep violet hue as her large eyes. The hems were shimmering with gold and silver thread intermingling, tiny gems scattered throughout the dress' soft fabric that caught the light every time she turned. The maids curled her long mane and tail as she sat patiently, gazing at her reflection in the mirror. Then they fixed her crown into place and she slipped into her heavy slippers with a little sigh of impatience - it was taking much too long to get ready. The maids continued in spite of her unhappy expressions and little sounds of annoyance, brushing hues of violet and sapphire across her eyelids, curling her eyelashes, dabbing rouge across her cheekbones. By the time they were finished, she looked just as royalty should as she stepped gracefully across the room, trying not to betray her haste to escape the room, which suddenly seemed so small and stifling.

The castle was silent, just as she had instructed, the only thing permeating her senses as she walked carefully down the steps the soft, flickering lights of a few candles and the slight smell of sugary sweetness. Glancing at the clock, she realized she would be fashionably late, and that her visitor would already be awaiting her in the grand foyer, probably being kept company by one of the maids while they awaited her arrival. She came to the last doorway and stopped, freezing suddenly as her hoof met the door's handle. It was a strange feeling, this nervousness, something she'd heard described but never really felt before. It was there, butterflies fluttering, mind racing, then as quickly as it had come, it was gone. The slightest of smug smiles passed over her lips, and she rolled her eyes at her own silliness. She was the loveliest of the land, stunning all done up like this, the castle decorated and prepared to perfection to strike awe in the heart of what was sure to soon be her latest suitor. Taking a deep breath, she gathered her strength and easily pushed the door open, letting go to sweep through the door with ease and grace, a cloud of perfume following her. For just a moment, she closed her eyes so she could truly be surprised by his appearance, although she was sure (and had heard from the chattering of all of the females in her kingdom) that he was just as handsome and breathtaking as any of the kings or princes in the fairytale books.

... But a moment later, she was utterly convinced that nothing could have prepared her for seeing him for the first time. He was chatting politely with one of the knights who had wandered inside for something - he had no reason to be there, she'd scold him later for ruining the moment even slightly - and he turned to her with the slightest smirk, eyes bright with amusement at something the other stallion had said, and she was immediately charmed. He was somewhat long and lanky, not as muscular as other males, but it suited him. Not to mention his mane, short and so artfully tousled, a shimmering gold hue that faded into a stunning shade of blue near the ends, matching his short, layered tail. His eyes were that same blue with a mischievous hint of gold, and his marvelous crown matched in its golden hue with blue stones that looked like they'd been hunted down just to match his eyes. She felt one could always judge a king by his crown, and his was stunning. His lips curled upwards as he likewise appraised her, and she smiled serenely back at him, attempting to appear like she hadn't been so brazenly taking him in, like she'd known exactly what to expect when she walked through the door. The knight excused himself with some soft murmured words, but she barely noticed the crimson stallion's flushed cheeks or wide eyes as he left the two to introduce themselves.

Ever the lady, she waited for him to come to her - and after a moment's pause, he did, bowing in a charming fashion and kissing her hoof when she held it aloft for him. "King Caramel," He introduced himself, and she rewarded him with another sweet smile, nodding with genuine interest. When he stood once more, she noted with delight that he was taller than her, not-quite towering, but just enough to make her seem even more lady-like and dainty. "Shall we?" She asked, using her best peaceful voice, and when he nodded, they headed toward the dining room. Even the hallways had been cleaned until they almost sparkled, lit only by candles in perfect little hard candy holders on the walls. The colors of the candy sent globes and splashes of color across the halls as they walked, making his dusky brown coat shimmer. He looked even more gorgeous here, inside of her palace, and she thought smugly to herself that this was truly where he belonged - especially when she saw one errant step leave a small puddle of caramel behind him. Even more delightful that his talents were so close to her own, that they were nearly two of a kind!

They entered the dining room perfectly in pace with each other, her smile growing at the sweet cadence of their matched steps. He stood close, yet kept a respectful distance, just close enough that their shoulders would bump once in a while, a little reminder that he was there. The confident, long strides and the way he held his head up showed an ego to admire. Even with her own impressive self-adoration, she wasn't sure she could match his level. Still, this was her castle, her homeland, and so she took great purpose in breaking away from him to saunter to the head of the table and gave him a pristine smile that held a somewhat guarded look - no matter how handsome or perfect he seemed, he would not be taking this kingdom from under her. After all, kings loved to conquer things, did they not? Her kingdom was not up for the taking, not ripe for the picking, and she'd use her impressive army to show him that if need be. Her army was small but well-trained, well-fed, well-supplied through her powers. Still, his mannerisms were perfect as he offered her a rather toothy smile in reply, taking a seat at her right, close enough to touch - which he proved as he 'accidentally' brushed her hoof with his as he reached for the fork at his right, made of a shimmering gold fondant. A hard enough touch would snap it, but he held it delicately, admiring his own reflection in its glossy surface. She tried not to show how much this amused her as she shifted her utensils, her glass a beautiful, artistic swirl of thin hard candy, all colors mixing in a wondrous rainbow that had taken days to hand craft. The plates were a bit more simple, hard candy as well, each a solid color, different at every placing. It happened that her's was a bright, brilliant blood-red, while his was a slightly subdued shade of blue.


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Re: Queen Ruby Mint's Page~

Postby puddssoul » Tue Jun 10, 2014 2:09 pm

Blinking furiously, the young Queen stared in confusion at the child in her arms. She couldn't remember ever seeing him before, yet he seemed quite familiar to her, especially as he gazed at her with luminous violet eyes eerily akin to her own. Someone had wrapped him in a silken blue blanket, the fabric faintly smelling of baby powder and milk, soft enough for royalty. One of the maids stepped forward as though to draw the child from her arms, and without quite knowing why she did so, the Queen violently jerked back to take the child safely out of the maid's reach, fixing the younger mare with a stern glare. "Leave. Now." She commanded with annoyance, and the maid, bowing her head with a look of shock, did as she had been told. Ruby Mint sat back, propped up by the pillows piled against the headboard of her bed, confused as to why she would be so protective of some random child someone had settled into her arms while she napped, but she was. Her heart screeched to care for this little one, even though normally she would have just passed it off to one of the maids to raise and care for - he had to be one of the orphans, right?

That seemed about right. There was no shortage of them. Despite the plague lessening in urgency, some still died of it, and often left behind small children like this one with no one to care for them. They were brought to her, the Queen, to decide their fate, and many remained at the palace, in training to be maids and knights. This one, however, seemed even too young for that - practically a newborn. "Where is your mother?" She wondered aloud to the child, her voice uncommonly soft, and the tiny colt cooed in delight at her warm tones. His big eyes lit up, and he grabbed a piece of her mane between his tiny hooves, experimentally tugging at it with some strength, although not nearly as much as a grown horse would have. Ruby Mint smiled faintly and gently removed her hair from his grasp, causing him to whimper pitifully as his little hooves settled back on the surface of his blanket.

"What is your name?" She questioned of him, even though the rational part of her mind knew that no foal this small would remember a name, let alone be able to repeat it back to her like a useful little parrot. Ruby Mint studied his odd, multi-colored mane with wonder. He looked a lot like her, actually, but a lot like someone else as well, someone she didn't know. After all, she didn't have any intricate white leg markings like the little colt did, or a little star on her forehead, or that sweet ivory mark on his tiny muzzle. She held him closely, careful not to smother him, but also not to drop him as he flailed his little limbs curiously, looking about the room around him with wonder. The question had to be answered - what was she going to do with the little thing? She didn't have time to take care of a foal, yet the thought of handing him off to one of those unfaithful maids made her cringe. They could barely be trusted to serve her breakfast on time, let alone give this little darling the attention he deserved.

Perhaps she could hire an actual maid, a full-time one, solely for the purpose of taking care of this little darling. But first... a name. He still needed a name, since he would have lost any he had, if he even had one in the first place. "A name, a name," She murmured to herself, thinking of all the names she had ever heard of. Her eyes roamed the room for inspiration, settling on things at random. It took her a few minutes before she had thought up something that she could be proud of, that made a smile spread across her lips as she gazed at the little one. "Sterling Zane. That's what I'll call you. Sterling. Sterling." She repeated the name a couple of times, watching as the colt gazed at her curiously, not realizing the importance of the moment, the fact that he was receiving the name that he would carry for the rest of his life. He yawned softly, and she echoed the impulse, wondering why she felt so tired when she was just rising from bed. Her head was swimming, her body felt uncannily light yet aching. The wonderful, warm weight in her arms was the only thing distracting her from that.

Even odder - was that a crib set up beside her bed? What would a crib be doing there? Perhaps they had stowed the little one there while they waited for her to wake... but even then, where would they have gotten it from? She doubted they would have the intelligence to run and purchase one from one of the villagers, and there certainly wouldn't be a spare hanging about the palace: the youngest child here was at least two, much too old to be sleeping in a crib, and it probably would have been gotten rid of anyways. Still, it was useful, and she unfolded the blanket, spreading it across the bottom of the crib before she moved to lay little Sterling in it.

But as soon as her hooves were removed from holding him, the child began to let up a rusty, whimpering cry that echoed off the walls. Her pounding head ached even harder as she closed her eyes and put her hooves to her ears, trying to block out the wailing, but she couldn't do it. Sighing, she dipped her hooves back into the crib and lifted him up once more. As soon as his eyes met her's, his crying softened and swiftly faded into nothing as he let out a low, curious coo, snuggling into her chest as she held him. Within seconds, he was sound asleep, slumbering atop a part of her mane that had fallen over her neck, long and smooth. As much as she wanted to move him, she knew she needed rest as well - why else would she be this exhausted - and she would get no sleep with that wailing going on. She would just have to sleep with him there. Sighing softly, she dragged the blankets up so they covered his little body but not his head, and gently brushed a hoof over his silken mane so it wouldn't hang in his eyes.

"Good night, sweet prince." She whispered, remembering the quote from something - a movie she'd seen, perhaps, or a book she'd read. Somehow, it just seemed to fit, and lingered serenely in the quiet air of the room. Sighing, she lowered herself against the pillows and let herself drift into sleep, trying not to let her mind stay too long on how comfortable it felt to have a foal sleeping in her arms.


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Re: Queen Ruby Mint's Page~

Postby asuka! » Wed Aug 06, 2014 5:35 pm

Will read later.. XD

.. blake they

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...toyhouse ♥ lain#5524


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