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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby Shiver Hohojiro » Fri Jul 22, 2022 10:11 am

Clan of the Sea Breeze
Last Explore Post | Last Response Received

Time passes, as it does. They find a little patch of lavender on the upper meadows; some of it dutifully makes its way into Ravenmask’s paws, but more of it is dried and woven into Heatherstar’s nest, already lined most comfortably with feathers and fur and flowers. (The nest helps the den to feel less small, its walls too distant from Heatherstar’s pelt, but it is still not quite enough, still too big-)

The discovery was made by, of all people, a kit. A kittypet couple had had a litter of four, and wanted their little ones to go off to see the world. Haywing had swam to shore with the kitten on their back, nearly five moons old and plenty big enough to leave his parents behind. Lavacake had been the name the twolegs had given him, but in his naming ceremony he was christened Igneouskit, and so that’s who he was. Doespring rejoiced to have a kit in the nursery, for the first time if one didn’t want to count Luckykit.

The problem was, Igneouskit was by this time large enough and energetic enough that the clan’s camp couldn’t contain him. It was too small - and so the kit would go off on adventures, climb up the volcano. It got to a point where everyone was sick and tired of trying to keep him contained, so they pivoted to plan b: allowing him to join them on patrols. He was big enough, after all, they reasoned. He was big enough, and he wouldn’t stay in camp, and it was safer to keep an eye on him than let him get into all sorts of trouble unsupervised. The island was safe enough, but it didn’t hurt to keep an eye.

He found the lavender on his first trip up to the meadows, in a small party of hunters. He’d been so proud of himself, too, like he recognized that his discovery had been beneficial. Heatherstar had smiled when the kit had come trotting back home with the herb bundle in his mouth, joked that he'd be the perfect healer one day.

Just behind him, Ternfeather had laughed - but the expression on their face had been very strained, as if they didn't quite want to agree.

The moons pass. Igneouskit grows bigger, nears his apprentice ceremony. Heatherstar privately plans to give Ravenmask an apprentice; the cat absolutely adored kits, and the clan could always use more healers. It’d be the perfect fit.

Ternfeather works increasingly hard to keep the clan in order. He orders and directs patrols, scouts the island, smooths out petty squabbles before they even reach Heatherstar’s ears. The leader doesn’t know what he’d do without him.

And then, suddenly, he’s forced to confront it.

Ternfeather had been looking increasingly miserable for days. The hard work he’d been putting in slows to a trickle, until he can barely manage to keep the patrols organized. And then, one morning, he simply does not get out of his nest.

Physically, he was fine - Heatherstar had asked Ravenmask to check on him, and other than being more snappish than usual and extremely lethargic, there was nothing physically wrong. No sickness to treat, no injury. The best Ravenmask could do was offer catnip, to at least try and raise the scout’s spirits - but nothing concrete could be done.

And Heatherstar was left to manage the patrols on his own.

He’d almost forgotten what it was like, before Ternfeather had stepped up to the task. The clan had been smaller then; there were less cats to keep track of, smaller patrols to dispatch. Now, with a larger clan, the job is even more difficult; more cats to keep track of and remember when they’d last patrolled and where cats had last patrolled and what kind of patrol it had been, because scouting and hunting patrols both served two different but unique purposes, and…

It’s overwhelming, and he misses Ternfeather’s help. After one particularly long day, he drags himself to the warrior’s den for a bit, settles beside Ternfeather, and tells him so as he licks the other cat’s bedraggled fur.

“Oh,” says Ternfeather, quietly.

The next day, Ternfeather drags themself out of their nest, tired but determined, and returns to business as usual, effortlessly handling patrols where Heatherstar had struggled. The shift startles Heatherstar, but it is a welcome surprise. Once again, he remembers that Ternfeather is his first choice for deputy.

The sun is starting to set, and with more free time on his paws than he'd had in a while, Heatherstar decides to stretch his legs and go for a walk about the island. It had been a long while since he'd done that. Maybe he'd be lucky and catch some prey.

He ends up in the meadows. It's his favorite place on the entire island to just lay and relax, surrounded by flowers. He hadn't imagined, stuck in his old twoleg den, how much he'd love flowers.

He's just about to flop down amongst the flowers when he hears something - a bird call. Suddenly, a tern swoops down from the sky and plucks something from the grasses, before flying away to settle on the rocky surface of the volcano. Heatherstar blinks at it, wide eyed.

Clutched in the bird's beak is a sprig of lavender.

Heatherstar hadn't noticed it. He had had no idea it was there. But the bird had, apparently, and-



Realization clicks together for Heatherstar, and he could almost kick himself for how stupid he'd been. All this time, he'd been waiting for an apprentice to give Ternfeather, and when one had finally fallen into his paws, he'd almost made them a healer instead. No wonder Ternfeather had been feeling lethargic these past weeks. The promises he'd made of giving them an apprentice, and he had almost broken them.

Finding the lavender was never a sign that the kit would make the perfect healer. It was a sign that he'd make the perfect scout.


The next day is Igneouskit's apprentice ceremony. Heatherstar returns very early in the morning, well before dawn, and tells no one what he'd realized.

…Well, he tells Ravenmask, just in case the healer had been aware of his previous plans. Ravenmask tilts his head at him, seems thoroughly bemused by the whole thing.

“Well, of course you are, right? You want to make him deputy. Of course he’d get the first apprentice.”

“Of course,” says Heatherstar, pelt heating with embarrassment that it had taken him this long to realize. He goes to bed immediately after.

Tomorrow - today, really - was going to be a very important day.

The sun has risen to its peak when Heatherstar emerges from his den, the morning patrols long since returned and reported in to Ternfeather. Igneouskit is bouncing outside the nursery, impatient under Doespring’s loving care. Everyone is buzzing with excitement. Heatherstar barely needs to call a clan meeting; all the cats gather before his den practically the moment he steps out of it.. Igneouskit tears himself away from his lickbath to sit at the foot, vibrating with excitement. Heatherstar laughs.

“I see I don’t even need to call you forward,” he tells the kit, who bristles slightly with embarrassment. He gazes out over the gathered cats, smiling. “Clan of the Sea Breeze, as you know, Igneouskit has reached the age of six moons, which means he is now ready to become an apprentice.” He turns his gaze down to smile at Igneouskit, waiting excitedly. “Now, from this moment forward until you receive your adult name, you shall be known as Igneouspaw.”

The clan comes together to chant his name - no prompting, just a shared sense that this was how things ought to be done, how they should celebrate. Beaming, Heatherstar turns to look at Ternfeather.

The cat sat on the very edges of the circle, closest to the volcano. They stared up at the scene, beaming with pride - but just as quickly, they duck their head away, resigned. This isn’t for them, they think.

Heatherstar knows better.

“Ternfeather,” he calls, and the cat’s gaze snaps to look up at him, “Come forward. After all, you need an apprentice to become deputy. Remember?”

When Heatherstar had said Igneouskit would make a fine healer, Ternfeather had quietly given up hope of having the clan’s first apprentice. Heatherstar had, perhaps, forgotten, or the skills Igneouskit was displaying were so intrinsic to healers that it wouldn’t make sense to assign him to be anything else.

Still, it had stung a little. At first, he’d tried working even harder, as if by working harder he could remind Heatherstar of his need for a deputy - but in the end, it had all gotten so exhausting. There wasn’t any use for it. Igneouskit was going to be a healer, and that… it was fine. There would be more apprentices later. Perhaps it was even for the best. Perhaps Heatherstar could find some other, better cat to fill the role of deputy in the meantime.

Still. Still.

Then Heatherstar comes to them, reminds them that they are needed. Tells them they are missed. It's a revelation, a reminder. Heatherstar is still counting on them.

It's enough to get him to drag himself out of his nest the next day, start organizing patrols again. He is needed. Heatherstar still plans to make him deputy, some day. This is enough. It doesn't matter if Igneouskit becomes a healer's apprentice. He will still get one eventually.

So, the day of the ceremony, he's prepared for that. Perhaps it still stings to think about, but - it's manageable. He'll always have the next one.

Then Heatherstar turns to him, and calls his name. You need an apprentice to become deputy. Remember?

Of course Ternfeather remembered.


Noon heat rarely saw patrols, but newly made deputy Ternfeather thinks there can be an exception for an energetic young apprentice. "Ready for your tour of the territory?" he calls, and Igneouspaw bounds right up to him.

"I've already seen a lot!" the apprentice reminds them, and Ternfeather chuckles.

"The safest parts, perhaps. Come along, I'm sure we can find places you haven't explored yet.

"What about hunting? Are you going to teach me hunting moves? What about fighting?"

Ternfeather shakes his head. "In due time. Today's just a tour, and the basics of scouting. Hunting isn't your primary job, but I will be teaching you how, eventually. We're going to start small, though. ...Igneouspaw?"

The apprentice does not reply. Something else has caught his attention, and one, two - he pounces, surfacing again with a gecko.

"...oh," he mouths, around the gecko.

Ternfeather laughs.

“Come on now,” he says, ruffling the apprentice’s - his apprentice’s! - fur. “Let’s get you exploring the territory, before Heatherstar sees what you just caught and decides to make you a hunter instead.”

[ #1803 words ]

-- cats on patrol
Ternfeather | they/he | HP 100% | HUP 10% | Sick: N
Igneouspaw | he/him | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N

-- custom predators / prey
-- level 2
experience: 100/300
-- items in inventory used
-- active quests:
-- opted in to death?
if yes, link to opt-in form
-- inventory
scraps | 1 FP | x1
gecko | 1 FP | x1
small bird | 2 FP | x1
fish | 3 FP | x1

Coltsfoot | x2
Chamomile | x1
Alderbark | x1
Juniper Berries | x1
Sorrel | x1
Lavender | x1

Quest rewards/exp: here

Lavender + Gecko:
Redeemed +1 herb and +1FP
From level up here

Princey/Arthur | He/Him | Art Shop

You are yourself. There's no one else you could be.

| |
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Shiver Hohojiro
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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby ArtMajor » Sat Jul 23, 2022 2:56 am

b r e a kImage
b r e a k

b r e a k s p a c e r
b r e a k s p a c e r
b r e a k s p a c e r
b r e a k s p a c e r

b r e a k s p a c e r
b r e a k s p a c e r
b r e a k s p a c e r
b r e a k s p a c e r

[ no specific pov ]
It had been a while since a patrol had gone out for Smokeclan, and quite a bit had
happened. They had gained three new warriors (although one was out currently at a
"camp" hosted by friends of the cat who had the power to transport herself through
water), and Honeyroot had kitted.

The kits were...not unexpected, but still a rather pleasant surprise. Smokestar,
although he had fallen ill and hadn't spent as much time with his kits as the clan
knew he wanted, still loved his kits, and Honeyroot spent most of her time watching
over the newborn balls of fluff. The kits were well beloved by the rest of the clan,
and everyone was excited for the day that Smokestar would feel better and introduce
them properly.

Sandkit was the firstborn, and although Smokeclan still didn't quite have a healer, they
were fairly certain she had inherited her father's blindness. The single she-cat was
most like her father in appearance as well, with a smokey, faintly striped pelt. And
although it had never really been properly discussed, it was universally agreed that
as Smokestar's firstborn, she was to be his heir as well. The cats that had come from
Shoreclan recognized it as a custom from their old clan, and the cats that hadn't were
more than willing to accept it. They still needed a deputy, and most suspected that
once Honeyroot was fully rested, and Smokestar no longer ill, that the female would
be given the rank.

Next was Tidekit, with a white and brown tabby pelt and wide, beaming eyes. He was
the most energetic of the kits, and the most likely to be trying to get into trouble at
any given moment. Since they hadn't been properly introduced to the clan (although
most everyone knew their names and a little bit about them), per customs the kits
weren't allowed to leave. That didn't stop Tidekit from trying to stumble his way out of
the dark den.

Finally was Nectarkit, a shining orange tom with soft fur and a quiet voice. Warm and friendly
and loving of anyone who got close enough for him to cuddle with. He was the one usually
keeping Tidekit from leaving, or helping Sandkit navigate the den with excited chirps and

Yes, the clan had grown, and all was looking up.

[ tumblecreek pov ]
With Smokestar sick and Honeyroot a new mother, Tumblecreek had somehow ended up as
the new head of patrol. It was agreed that he wasn't deputy, it was a position he certainly
didn't expect nor want. But he was more than happy to help out while the leader and his
mate were busy.

But who to take with him? Mochaswirl was the obvious choice, she'd gone patrolling before
and knew the territory. His mind briefly skimmed over Clovermoon, but then he shook his
head. Smokestar had started helping her learn the camp, but there was a vast difference
between tripping over the driftwood sticks that seemed to constantly be underpaw and
falling on one's face out in the woods (or worse, the more rocky parts of the island).

Sparrowheart was still away, attending some sort of camp hosted by magic cats (and wasn't
that a bit of a shock?), so he was definitely out of the question until he returned. Which
left the other two new members. Ryeblaze and Dawnflower. Ryeblaze was friendly enough
as warriors went, having come from the outside of the island. But Dawnflower was...

Dawnflower was a bit odd, to be honest. The she-cat had washed up on the camp's beach,
with no memory. And there were always strange things happening around her. Little sparks
of light trailing after her paws that flitted away before anyone could take a closer look,
hints of smoke trailing from her mouth whenever she got angry (which was thankfully rare),
and small speckles like stars flowing freely through the stripes in her pelt.

So yeah, there were some weird things that followed Dawnflower, but that just meant it was
probably a good idea to show her the territory and make sure she knew how to get around.
Heh, what if she started teleporting like the strange cats. Now that was a funny thought.

Tumblecreek smiled, and waved his tail towards his chosen patrol members, and called "Let's
go everyone!"


[ word count ]

↳ 719 words
cats on patrol [4/6]
tumblecreek (he/him) | 100% HP
↳ Healthy | 30% HUP |
mochaswirl (she/her) | 100% HP
↳ Healthy | 20% HUP |
ryeblaze (he/him) | 100% HP
↳ Healthy | 0% HUP |
dawnflower (she/her) | 100% HP
↳ Healthy | 0% HUP |


[ actions taken ]

↳ none
[ items used ]
honey + willow bark traded away
blackberry leaves + mint recieved
[ other ]
smokestar (inactive) is sick, info

b r e a k s p a c e r
b r e a k s p a c e r
b r e a k s p a c e r


↳ 1 [ 137/200 xp ]

active quests
↳ none [ info ]

asst. info
not opted into death
no custom food

↳ scraps | 1 FP | x1
↳ small fish | 2 FP | x2
↳ water vole | 2 FP | x1
↳ frog | 3 FP | x1
↳ prey | 3 FP | x0
↳ rabbit | 4 FP | x1

herbs pt. 1
↳ bindweed | x1
↳ blackberry leaves | x1
↳ deathberries | x1
↳ fennel x1
↳ horsetail | x2

inventory cont.
herbs pt. 2
↳ mint | x1

artmajor ✧ she/her ✧ graphic design student

mainly here to stalk the art boards but I
may wander around the rest too, see you
if I see you
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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby Polluux. » Sat Jul 23, 2022 5:23 am

First Exploration Post | N/A

Magpie'star looked around, his ears twitching before taking a leap off the piece of rubble, he skittered across the long gone two-leg footpaths and brushed against the loose sandy pecuilar rocks in his way. His mind was set, this would be his new home. He just needed to map the area out now how hard could that be?

The tom scaled a large rock and glanced around the landscape before sighing, oh this may take awhile.

[ 77 words ]

-- cats on patrol
Magpie'star | he/they| HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N

-- custom predators / prey
-- level 0
experience: 0
-- items in inventory used
-- active quests:
-- opted in to death?
-- inventory
prey | 1 FP | x0
prey | 2 FP | x0
prey | 2 FP | x0
prey | 3 FP | x0
prey | 3 FP | x0
prey | 4 FP | x0

herb | x0
herb | x0
herb | x0

castor / he|they
hi im cas! I do art and stuff.
feel free to check out
my commissions if you want!

x / x / x / x / x /
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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby Tomura » Sat Jul 23, 2022 6:49 pm

Last Explore Post | Last Response Received First explore post c:

"Hey, Thistlestar!" Willowheart called, poking the leader in the side. "Wake up, it's already almost dawn!"

Thistlestar groaned, stretching his paws out and rolling over, trying to fall back asleep. "No one's dying of hunger, Willowheart," he grumbled.

"You're not being a very good role model," she replied, poking him again. This time, she poked him harder. "Aren't leaders supposed to be way more responsible? Huh? Why am I, a lone warrior, being more responsible than you, the oh-so-awesome and brave and talented leader?"

He groaned again, but blinked open his eyes sleepily, rising to his paws. He stretched again, letting out a yawn. "There aren't even many cats here," he meowed. "It's not like we need prey or herbs urgently..."

"Yes, but it's good to build healthy habits!" She said, bouncing around the leader. "What happens when more cats join the Clan, but you're just always too sleepy when you need to be hunting or patrolling? Are you just going to always sleep in? Are you gonna have your warriors do everything for you?"

He carefully licked his fur as she spoke, then looked up at her when she finished. "You know... when I was looking for a good spot to start a Clan, I sometimes woke up before dawn and went to sleep after moonhigh... I can wake earlier, I just don't want to if I don't have to," he said with a roll of his eyes. "And we certainly don't have to now. But fine... let's go hunting, Willowheart." He paused for a moment, and then added, "Or maybe I should call you Willowstar? I mean, you did just enter the leader's den without permission..."

"Yeah, yeah," Willowheart mewed. "I may as well be the leader anyway! Come on, my deputy! Let's go!"

Before he could reply, she jumped out of the leader's den and ran off. He trailed behind her, letting out another yawn. It was still quite dark out, but he could see a small bit of light peeking out from behind the trees. Willowheart was waiting for him at the camp entrance. When he approached, she turned and bounced off into the trees, giving him no choice but to chase after her. How she could have so much energy so early was a complete mystery to Thistlestar.

When they were a good distance from camp, the two of them slowed, keeping their ears perked to listen for any nearby prey. "You know," Thistlestar whispered quietly, "we'll probably find more prey if we split up."

The she-cat turned to him, leaning close and whispering back, "But what if there's an intruder? I can't fight them off by myself, you know this."

The leader could hear the slight tremble in her voice. "Okay, let's stick together. But not this close, alright? Just close enough to see each other."

She nodded, and the two split up. Thistlestar occasionally glanced towards the warrior, who had already managed to spot something. As she stalked whatever prey she had found, Thistlestar scanned the area to look for a prey of his own. Now that he had run around a little bit, he was starting to feel more awake, and his mouth watered as he thought of potential freshkill.

(I hope this is okay!)

[ 541 words ]

-- cats on patrol
Thistlestar | he/him | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Willowheart | she/her | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N

-- custom predators / prey
-- level 0
experience: 0
-- items in inventory used
Any items used/eaten this post
ex. food, herbs, etc.
-- active quests:
quest #1 (linked)
-- opted in to death?
-- inventory
prey | 1 FP | x0
prey | 2 FP | x0
prey | 2 FP | x0
prey | 3 FP | x0
prey | 3 FP | x0
prey | 4 FP | x0

herb | x0
herb | x0
herb | x0
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[0189.] viv's explore replies

Postby Vivika » Sun Jul 24, 2022 11:31 am

    x( echoire archive last post )

    The world was quiet.

    A hushed, dreadful silence that screamed in her ears. But it was also in utter turmoil. Rocking, shaking, trembling.

    Her world was a shattered prism. Everything glimpsed in fleeting snatches of light and color, sounds muted as if the lake had burst from its seams and pounded, pouring, all around her. The beast’s breath steamed against her cheek, eyes glinting a hard gold.

    Blood and rot flooded her nose. A poisonous cocktail, threatening to drown her in that night. That night where the stench of copper flooded the winds, twisted with yowls from━

    The beast jerked. Snarling, its narrowed eyes hooked into cruel slits, ears swiveling as something scrabbled in a nearby tree. No, someone.

    A tangle of ginger curls hung from a thin form, trembling, as his claws slipped. Bit by bit from the tree. A raspy cough racked his chest as he struggled to hold on, to pull himself up and away from the chaos writhing beneath.

    The stranger. He was sick. (aspen is ill ━ refer below for healing options!)

    Sick and easy prey.

    The beast advanced, muzzle twisted into a sneer. A young, powerful creature already brimming with greed. Prey pile abandoned, it lunged for the hanging stranger. (+4FP duck, +1FP lemming)

    Something broke inside her. The careful plan in her mind fractured as she leaped forward. Her jaws clamped around the abandoned duck, flinging it at the wolf. She hadn’t been there ━ couldn’t ━ for her family, but maybe… maybe for this. For this stranger's life, so fragile and fickle.

    It jerked around.

    "You want this?" As the duck rebounded, landing at her paws, she snatched it up. The mangled bird dangled in her jaws. "Then, come get it, beast."

    "Flurry, no!" Damir.

    But she was already running. The ground beneath her paws pounding in tandem to a wild creature swift at her heels. If the stranger was the start of an earthquake… she was the jagged fissures splintering in the quiet as the earth spasmed from its core. And she’d run. She'd run this relay to the finish. Past the border and the boreal forest and beyond. Until everyone was safe.


    That is, until she tripped.

    A foolish, rookie mistake. But one misstep on that cursed slippery rock cost her everything. Her stomach clenched as she skidded through a thorny thicket, the burrs lodging in her fur, along with a few stray leaves and cobwebs. She swept the sticky threads from her nose, trying to untangle herself from the thicket’s brittle manacles. (+1 cobwebs, +1 deathberries, +1 mallow leaves, +1 tansy)

    But the wolf had already caught up.

    Saliva dribbled, long silver snakes slithering from its jaws. It wore a loose smirk as it prowled close, the light in those gold eyes fixated on hers. Dancing. It’d won and that arrogant beast knew it with each closing slep.

    Jaw tight, she tried to wrench her leg from the thicket once more. The border was so close. Within breath’s touch. She needed to finish this. Spirits, just let me do this━

    The wolf’s breath kissed her cheek and she rushed at its throat. Her fangs clashed, snapping at the faint ends of its exposed throat. And mostly thin air. Miss. Breath sharp, she braced herself for the retaliating blow.

    It never came.

    A cacophonous racket invaded the tense silence. And it ricocheted, bouncing off the trees, clanging and banging from the treetops and the thickets. Accompanied by scraping and screeching.

    Looming shadows fell above the wolf, disfigured creatures with long, mishapen instruments and mangled fur. Vaguely… cat-shaped. Her heartbeat quickened, pounding. The others.

    With a fierce yowl, a head of amber curls pounced, landing on the beast’s back. Idalia. Her claws snared within the wolf’s grizzled fur, digging in.

    Blindsided, the beast howled. A sharp bark of terror and surprise. as the shadows continued their twisted dance and the racket rose to a crescendo, it fled. The fierce bundle on its back dug into its left side, driving the wolf to its right. Towards the border.

    When the beast’s thunderous steps neared the border, Idalia rolled off, scurrying into a bush. It was gone. (predator leaves territory!)

    “Flurry! You alright?” Gruff and soft, Damir snapped the last of the thicket’s shackled grip on her. “Flurry━”

    “I’m fine.” She drew a breath in, swallowing hard. “The others?”

    “See for yourself.” With a flick of his tail, the others emerged from the shadows, tossing aside long, slender sticks ━ some splintered in-half, others battered from being beaten together. She ran through the patrol in her mind, counting them off. Damir, Briar, Idalia, Frost and… the stranger.

    The stranger coughed, rasping. His eyes flickered, darting, between her and the rest, his shoulders tense.

    Damir nodded towards the stranger. “He may have saved your life. The sticks and the noise… was his idea. It proved to be helpful.”

    Aspen isn't feeling well! He requires one of the following herbs to heal:
    +1 dandelion, +1 mallow leaves, +1 marigold or +1 thyme.


    xx+10% hunger for each patrol cat (previous patrol fed!)
    xxxx↳ flurry (40% hunger), damir (10% hunger), frost (10% hunger)
    xxxxxbriar (10% hunger), idalia (10% hunger), aspen (10% hunger)

    xxsickness stats
    xxxx↳ aspen (not sick → sick)

    xxxp stats (opted in for death)
    xxxx↳ +460XP for writing, +20XP for patrol sent
    xxxxxx+10XP for prey, +8XP for herbs

    xxprey + herb finds for patrol
    xx+4FP duck, +1FP lemming
    xx +1 cobwebs, +1 deathberries, +1 mallow leaves, +1 tansy

    xxitem finds
    xxxx↳ n/a

    xxxx↳ +498XP → level 3 (522/400XP) → level 4 (122/500XP)

    xxImagecongrats! you've reached level four and received an additional +2FP (your choice!),
    xxxxxxxxxx+2 herbs (your choice!), +1 uncommon edit and +1 stellar remnants! <3
    notes: n/a! <33
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[0190.] viv's explore replies

Postby Vivika » Sun Jul 24, 2022 11:34 am

    x( coffee.berry archive last post )

    And lost in a trance, she crept closer.

    The rustle of the bushes, the whistle of the wind, the tango of her pawsteps. It all locked her under a spell, one enraptured by the mysteries veiled behind that swaying bush, tottering back and forth from its roots.

    Beneath her paws, a ripple undulated, shimmering like the flicker of an illusion. It started right in front of her and drifted further out. Like blushing birds, little, delicate leaves shuttered, shying away as her paws passed through.

    Pausing, she skimmed her paw over them once more.

    The leaves folded into little neat cocoons. Just as before. With a tilt of her head, her eyes brightened. Perhaps… perhaps this was something worth telling. Something worth weaving a story.

    Perhaps even a tale of a mouse, who defeated the fiercest beast in the world around a maze created with these leaves. But the leaves would have to be larger. Large enough that the mouse could hide inside or strong enough to hold treasure. Or even something else. The possibilities flowed. Endless.

    Her gaze drifted around.

    The leaves' shuttering revealed the soft earthy ground peppered with dashes of grass, sweet-scented, dried leaves… and tiny crawling critters. (+1FP bugs, +1 wintergreen)

    But they weren't the only creatures awaiting her.

    The bush rocked once more. And a slender, serpentine form shot out. Obsidian scales flashed under the auburn morning rays and gold streaked the crown of its head. A little forked tongue slipped from its lips, waggling.


    Honeysuckle has spotted a snake (predator)! Does she try to attack it or leave it alone?


    xx+10% hunger for each patrol cat
    xxxx↳ honeysuckle (10% hunger)*
    xxxxxname (00% hunger), name (00% hunger), name (00% hunger)

    xxxp stats (opted out for death)
    xxxx↳ +15XP for writing, +10XP for patrol sent
    xxxxxx+1XP for prey, +1XP for herbs, +40XP from jan quests

    xxprey + herb finds for patrol
    xx+1FP bugs
    xx+1 wintergreen

    xxxx↳ +67XP → level 4 (188/400XP)

    notes: * hello, i hope your day is going lovely! honeysuckle has never patrolled before,
    so she'll start at 0% hunger ─ she did gain +10% hunger this post, so make sure to list her
    info down accordingly: honeysuckle (10% hunger)! <33
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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby xem » Sun Jul 24, 2022 11:38 am

Those of the Grotto

Previous Reply


Furzetuft was relieved the two were so willing to help, they seemed like a lovely couple. “Oh, thank you so much!” She said, eager to follow along with them. “You lead the way, I’m sure you know these lands better than I.” She said, eager to follow behind the two she-cats.

They traveled over gorgeous lands, searching near and far. She was grateful for their experience, knowing her friend may be in a tricky spot, after all.

While the two were searching, Furzetuft lagged a bit behind. She was hot and tired, but determined. Though her pace picked up a little as the sun began to dip, causing the lands to begin to cool slightly. Her eyes caught some movement that the mates had stirred up during their search, and she watched a beetle scurry its way towards her. She pounced on it, and carried it with her as another gift for her helpers.

【 +1 Beetle, +1 XP】

As the trio found their way to the caverns, they all felt even more relief at the dampness and cold rocks beneath their paws. It wasn’t often that they traveled so deep within the caves, so when things began to tighten around them, they became weary. Furzetuft herself had begun to feel worrisome, hoping her dear friend wasn’t lost in this place. Would they ever find them?

The One caught scent of an herb up ahead, to which her brow furrowed as she went to investigate in the darkness. As she got up closer, it appeared to be a plucked herb that had been dropped within the cave. “I’ve found a plant here–Furzetuft, maybe your friend dropped it!” She exclaimed excitedly, which seemed to lighten the mood of everyone. There was hope indeed. The One decided to keep the plant with her, in case the missing cat needed it, or she would take it back to their home for future use.

【 +1 Deadly Nightshade, +1 XP 】

With support and comfort through the tight tunnels and turns, they made it to a rather interesting structure. They were shocked to see the glimmering crystals all around them, protruding from different surfaces at all different angles.

Love’s Grace gasped in awe, “This is gorgeous! It–” She stopped, taking in the sour smell of an injury not far off. The other two seemed to notice as well, as they directed their gaze to what appeared to be a cat within the crystals.

“Oh no!” Furzetuft cried out, rushing carefully over the crystals to her friend. “They’re hurt! Do you have anything to heal them with?” She asked frantically, checking over the cat before her, who seemed too exhausted to speak.

❖ You have found Furzetuft’s friend, but they are injured! You can use any 1 herb to heal them.

Level Up!

Level 0 → Level 1 (12/200)

+1 FP, +50 SD


❖ 【 +65 XP for Words Written
❖ 【
+10 XP for Patrol Sent
❖ 【
+1 XP Prey, +1 XP Herb


+77 XP
+1 Beetle (1 FP)
+1 Deadly Nightshade
+1 FP of your Choice
+50 SD

1 Free Post Left!



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[0191.] viv's explore replies

Postby Vivika » Mon Jul 25, 2022 12:34 pm

    x( sha the sheep archive last post )

    “Wait, wait! I found something!”

    Grin wild, a bundle of dark curls tumbled behind them. Igneouspaw. The apprentice pounced, little claws hooking around a slender creature of muted browns and crested scales. A lizard. Its long tail lashed, smacking into its attacker’s nose. With a soft yelp, he released the finicky creature. “Get it, Ternfeather! Quick!”

    “Actually, how about we get on that tour━

    “It’s getting away!” With a striding leap, Igneouspaw charged, a streaking comet of light and shadows, forever lost in orbit. Over a tiny lizard. “Come on!”

    With a light chuckle, they bounded forward. It didn’t hurt. Couldn’t hurt. Catch the runaway lizard, take a tour through the forest, head down to the beach━

    The lizard zipped past.

    Spiny legs danced, an awkward jig, as it scrambled through thin grasses and moss, heading straight for the outskirts of the forest. For a tree. No, straight for the burrow under that tree.

    They burst forward, cutting through a thick bush. A shortcut. If they beat the lizard to that tree… they’d have a chance. A tangle of brittle branches raked at their side, catching, but they surged onwards. The breeze kissed their cheek, rolling off their shoulders in smooth, undulating waves as they slipped into a crouch. The lizard had no chance.

    Their jaws parted, snagging up the wriggling creature. (+1FP lizard)

    “You got it!” Bright blue eyes peered up at them, shining. “Okay, you have got to teach me how to do that━” The spring in his step faltered, grin stuttering. “Your side. It’s… hurt.” (-5% health for ternfeather from a side wound ━ no herbs or rest needed to continue patrolling!)

    “Just a scratch from the bushes.” With a shrug, they nosed a little lock of dark curls, gently. “I actually thought you’d mention all these things I got from the bushes.” Their claws raked through their fur. “Help me get them off?” (+1 goatweed, +1 goatweed, +1 marigold, +1 tormentil)

    “Okay!” In a flash, quick claws wriggled through the soft brush of their fur, untangling the gold and ivory blossoms from loose knots. A soft chuff tickled their ears as he worked, tongue poking out between his jaws and meticulously plucking the herbs off. “Almost there! Just one more…”

    The weight upon their shoulders froze.

    And instinctively, his gaze swept out. His moons as a scout flooded back like the tug and tumble of the waves. Search, explore, defend. Now, it was almost routine. Past the emerald of the forest, the soft gold sheen of the shores and beyond the rolling tides… movement. Not the fickle flicker of a squawking gull or the blip of a fish arching and twisting from the waters, but a looming, turning shadow.

    A lone, scrawny stranger perched on the sand bar closest to the island. Around their neck, a loose pendant rocked. Back and forth, back and forth… back and forth. Swaying like a lost pendulum.

    “Who…” Igneouspaw dropped from their shoulder, voice hushed. “Who’s that?”

    A stranger (rogue) has been spotted on a sandbar outside the island! They don't appear to be
    trespassing… perhaps just lost in thought. Does the patrol confront them or leave them alone?


    xx+10% hunger for each patrol cat
    xxxx↳ ternfeather (20% hunger), igneouspaw (10% hunger)
    xxxxxname (00% hunger), name (00% hunger), name (00% hunger)

    xx-5% health for ternfeather
    xxxx↳ ternfeather (95% health)

    xxxp stats (opted out for death)
    xxxx↳ +100XP for writing, +10XP for patrol sent, +175 from july quests
    xxxxxx+1XP for prey, +4XP for herbs

    xxprey + herb finds for patrol
    xx+1FP lizard
    xx+1 goatweed, +1 goatweed, +1 marigold, +1 tormentil

    xxitem finds
    xxxx↳ n/a

    xxxx↳ +290XP → level 2 (390/300) → level 3 (90/400XP)

    xxImagecongrats! you've reached level three and received an additional +2FP (your choice!), +1 herb (your choice) and +1 nr myo!
    notes: n/a! <33
Last edited by Vivika on Sun Jul 31, 2022 1:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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~ 09 • Explore ~

Postby Whovian5EVA » Tue Jul 26, 2022 12:42 pm

EXPLORE TITLE: ~ 09 • Explore ~


Last Explore Post|Last Response Received

A note about the Emberstorm in this explore: She's an ancient cat and lived long before the cats that live in Craterclan. Eventually she'll die in explore and become the main face of Craterclan's Starclan. But for the moment she is separated from the modern cats. She is specifically Blossomheart's ancestor in terms of bloodlines. I'll be using *** to signal a change in time.

♦ ♦♦♦ ♦
Emberstorm smiled as Furzetuft said her goodbyes, her heart felt truly warm from their encounter. She was the closest thing to a friend that Emberstorm had ever had. She sighed as she set out on her way. Trying to ignore the creeping sense of loneliness slowly working its way back into her life.

***(Current Day)***

Sunfoot squinted as she saw a white cat sitting at the base of the crater wall near Craterclan’s den. “Wh-who’s there!” She yelped. Breezewing spun around to spot the cat too.
“Hey! What are you doing!”Breezewing took a step towards the stranger.
“Eh, I’m not trying to hurt y’all” The stranger rolled their eyes and settled in their spot, under the shade of a tree for a nap. Despite her prickly exterior, something about this stranger warmed Sunfoots heart.
“What’s wrong?” Breezewing nudged Sunfoot with her nose. Caught in her stare, Sunfoot shook her head, trying to shake this feeling out too “Uh… Nothing…”
Breezewing gently laughed “Uh huh, Sure it is” she replied sarcastically winking at her friend.
“Shhh Lets uh.. Just go…” Sunfoot desperately tried to change the subject, and leave the situation, not wanting to embarrass herself any more.
As the two ducked into the den, Snowspark called out to the clan “Can all cats gather in the common hollow! I have a wonderful announcement to make!” He sat opposite the entrance and patiently waited whilst everyone came into the Hollow, and Dawnfeather settled to his right. “Blossomheart, please join me,”He motioned to his left and she nodded settling in where he had said. “This announcement is about Littlekit! As we all have seen, she has grown so much in the past few moons, but now is time for her to begin her life outside the den, and to teach her through this time, I’ve chosen Blossomheart to be a mentor of sorts!” Littlepaw, almost bouncing out of her fur, bounded forwards, landing right in front of Snowspark.
Dawnfeather chimed in, “Littlekit, you shall be known as Littlepaw!”
Blossomheart stepped forwards, and licked the top of Littlepaw’s head.
Littlepaw sat up proud and joyful, so glad to be finally out of the den with the kits!

***(Back in the past)***

Emberstorm watched as the sun set the sky alight, rainbows dancing across the sky as the sun settled in its resting place for the night. “I guess I should head out for the night" but secretly she hoped she would see her friend again...

♦ ♦♦♦ ♦
404 words
♦ ♦♦♦ ♦

Emberstorm |she/her | HP 99% | HUP 20% | Sick: N


117/650 EXP


scraps | 1FP | x4
bugs | 1FP | x4
dunnart | 2FP | x3
plains mouse | 2FP | x2
bearded dragon | 3FP | x1
bush stone curlew | 4FP | x1
wallaby | 5FP | x2
borage leaves | x2
burdock root | x1
catmint | x1
chamomile | x1
coltsfoot | x1
daisy leaves | x2
fennel | x1
horsetail | x1
lavender | x1
mallow leaves | x1
ragwort leaves | x1
ragwort | x1
rush | x1
stinging nettle | x1


Note: I'd also like to redeem the 70 exp from This Quest, Thank you!!

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♕ ⊱── 006. [july explore posts] !! ))

Postby faelyn » Thu Jul 28, 2022 11:27 am

yuma.exe / post
writer's last reply <3
written words exp: 25 exp
additional exp: no exp ---
food+herb exp: 02 exp
patrol exp: 10 exp ----
death opt exp: no exp
total exp: 37 exp -----

if only, there was a panacea for the pieces of a broken heart.
if only, he could spend an eternity with the angel of his heart - footsteps lost in an eternal tango beneath a moon possessed by the heavens above.

but hopeless wishes laced with ‘if only’s’ never did come true - did they?
a labyrinth of secrets and daylight’s glory had taken reality captive, planting delicate kisses against his curls as the earth trembled beneath his toes. quivering.

was it working?
he could almost see her now - an angel crowned with a halo of the petals of daffodils and gold alike. her voice - like the lyrical cadence of a chiming songbird.

then... it all stopped.

but his angel… she wasn’t there.
“no.” the lark softly beating behind an ivory cage and trapped in his chest seemed to falter - stuttering as his features crumpled like palaces made of dreams and stardust. “i failed.”

“dad… hey.” waves fathomed of cinders and constellations fluttered before him… comforting. “look - i think mom left us something… it’s a letter.”
(+1 blackberry leaves, +1 dock )



i’ll never see another storm again without thinking of you… because you are my storm. you are the thunder that radiates in my heart. the lightning that beckons my thoughts.

it hurts to think.
it hurts to feel.
it hurts when you aren’t there.

i don’t want to take another step without knowing you are the one at the end of the path. i don’t want us to have an eternity separating us.
because every breath i take belongs to you, stormstar - only you.

but i’m scared, stormstar.
darkness is all that i see and i’m scared… i’m so scared we’ll lose each other - for the songbirds say danger is on the way.

it’s coming - and i fear it has already reached you.


and like a lifeless devil falling apart amongst the earth - the aroma of lagoons and mudbanks adorned with death whisked the serenity of reality to a place of only memories.
(oh no! a crocodile has been scented nearby! </3 does stormstar and tigermist confront the predator or ignore it?)

fp earned: 0 fpxxxxx level: level 1 (6/200) -> level 1 (154/400)xxxxxitems earned: n/a xxfree posts? : zero posts xxxxx
herbs earned: +1 blackberry leaves, +1 dock xxxxxhunger: 10% for the entire patrol!

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