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─────☾ ( LOVE & VIOLENCE ── forms

Postby coyotebluff » Fri Jun 26, 2020 7:55 am


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cal- leader

Postby coyotebluff » Fri Jun 26, 2020 7:56 am

callen 」「 armani 」「 kestor

    ♕「 nicknames 」cal
    ♕「 age 」eighteen
    ♕「 gender 」male
    ♕「 sexuality 」bi
    ♕「 birthday 」march twelve

    ♕「 height 」six foot
    ♕「 build 」tall, thin, very fit
    ♕「 skin 」fair, smooth, lightly
    ♕「 hair 」red, thick, soft
    ♕「 eyes 」green
    ♕「 scent」gasoline and rain
    ♕「 body mods」a scar up the right
    side of his neck, one across the bridge
    of his nose, one in his right eyebrow,
    tattoo of a diving eagle on his right

    ♕「 likes 」food, staying busy,
    music, piano, guitar, signing, plants,
    peanut butter
    ♕「 dislikes 」unnecessary
    rudeness, showing weakness,
    physical affection, sneaky or
    manipulative people
    ♕「 fears 」failing, losing the
    ones he loves, raccoons
    ♕「 r. status 」not very interested

♕「 personality 」for the most part, cal is a pretty quiet and independent guy. he's not antisocial, rather prefers to move at his own pace without the distraction of others. he will refuse help from others almost every time unless he's truly struggling, but he's always quick to help others with whatever they need. he'll hold a conversation with no problem if somebody initiates it, but he most likely won't be the one to start unless he's close to the other. he's otherwise very easy to talk and very kind. cal cares greatly for the ones he loves; he would go great lengths in order to protect them or make them happy. he gets very defensive if they get hurt and is quick to put an end to it. although he rarely allows things to get to his head, he has no problem ripping somebody limb to limb if he must. cal honestly has a bit of a bad temper and won't hesitate to tell somebody off or straight up deck them in the jaw. there are times where he gets carried away and he scares himself with how violent he can get. he refuses to let weakness show through him and keeps his head high and guard up at all costs. he's not one to share or show his emotions so he shoves them down in order to keep strong, rarely trusting in others unless they've absolutely earned it from him. cal himself is very trustworthy and reliable; he does what he's told without a problem and has an array of useful skills that he learned from being a rigger. cal isn't the smartest when it comes to school or books, but he is extremely clever and resourceful when it comes to just about anything else as he's learned from experience and self-teaching. due to his rough past, he has an extremely high tolerance for pain and isn't afraid to take chances and risk getting hurt. since he's so used to roughness, he's extremely sensitive to gentle touch and is pretty uncomfortable with affection. he'll comfort someone with words rather than a hug or such. his past also made him very humble since pride will only get to his head and get him hurt. when somebody praises him he gets all flushed and will try to deny it. he sees himself as an equal to everybody else and will never show off or boast. although he might seem too reserved and uptight, cal is still a teenage boy and knows how to have a good time and be a goofball. he's an extremely charismatic and approachable person despite looking really intimidating and when he's comfortable around people, callen is next level obnoxious. he's really the life of the party with a bright sense of humor once one really gets to know him. cal is such a hardworking sweetheart who's cool with everybody and will always try to do the right thing no matter what, even if he has to risk himself.
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cal's masterpost

Postby coyotebluff » Fri Jun 26, 2020 7:57 am

    ♕「 misc. info
    ♔ callen ran away from a bad household when he was eleven and lived on his own for six months before he was found by a man eight years older than him who gave cal a makeshift home in an empty shipping container and a job as a rigger on an old military base where he worked on aircrafts and naval ships for four years. the work was extremely physically and mentally demanding but it improved his agility, strength, and knowledge and allowed him to work on his own and keep busy. cal and the man grew became very good friends since then.
    ♔ he is stupid talented with machines and tools and can repair, hack, program, whatever is asked of him in record time. he's hijacked a helicopter and reattached the wing to a fighter jet among many other things, for example.
    ♔ he is a bit of a workaholic and will get carried away in his work or just playing with machines; he'll often forget to eat because he's more focused on the task at hand.
    ♔ cal gets terrible night terrors on occasion about his childhood. he'll wake up in a sweat and not be able to fall back asleep, seeing the memories every time he closes his eyes. he does not like to talk about it.
    ♔ he can handle himself in a fight extremely well since he grew up having to defend himself at home; his experience as a rigger and keeps his skills sharp and improves them regularly. he also learns a lot from just trying new things and breaking out of his comfort zone since school was never for him.
    ♔ he has freckles speckled across his face and when the sunlight touches his hair, his head looks like it's on fire.
♕「 relationships

♕「 person 」xxx

♕「 person 」xxx

♕「 person 」ah

♕「 person 」xxx

♕「 person 」xxx
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➫〔 Tʜᴇ Mᴇᴅɪᴄ ☤ 〕━ Mᴀʀɪꜱᴛᴇʟʟᴀ Rᴇʏᴇꜱ

Postby Wallflower11 » Sat Jun 27, 2020 10:26 am

〚 Mᴀʀɪꜱᴛᴇʟʟᴀ Rᴇʏᴇꜱ 〛
☤ Mari/Stella ☤ Female ☤ 19 ☤ Bisexual ☤ Medic ☤ fc: seychelle gabriel

Strengths: Intelligent, Loyal, Caring, Resourceful, Ambitious, Sneaky, Level Headed,
Weaknesses: Knee Injury, Overly Cautious, Stubborn, Trusting, Suspicious,
Famliy: Lucian Reyes (younger brother)

Physical Description: Stella stands at 5' 6" with brown hair and black eyes. She was graced with a naturally warm tan color due to her Hispanic heritage. She has her ears pierced with a double lobe and single cartilage piercing on each side, though she doesn't always wear earrings in them. Stella has a collection of scars all over her body ranging from tiny barely noticeable hairline cuts to large jagged scrapes and burns. The most noticeable ones include a burn covering her right forearm, a large scar zig-zagging across her shoulders, a straight slicing scar down her left knee from a surgery, and a small thin silver scar on her left cheek just below her eye. She has a couple of small tattoos, notably on her left wrist and her right shoulder blade below her shoulder scar.

Personality: Stella is naturally intelligent and is graced with an almost photographic memory. She tries to fight her instinct to think the best of people and can be very cautious about trusting people since she's been burned once too many times. Her life has jaded her naturally sunny optimistic personality leaving her a suspicious young woman. Most of the time Stella is one to keep her head down and blend in with the crowd, sticking out and showing your talents will invite people to take advantage of them in her experience. Stella cares deeply about people and once she gets close to them she is unendingly loyal to them. Though she is someone who tends to keep to herself and lets herself be overshadowed by bigger personalities she has a fire within and when what she cares about is on the line she won't stay quiet. Stella doesn't run into things head first if she can help it, if she can come up with a plan of attack she will. She has seen too many injuries from reckless people running into things without thinking.

History: Maristella didn't have the happiest childhood and at the age of twelve, she took her younger brother, Lucian, and left home. They lived on the streets till Stella was sixteen and had earned enough money to rent them a dingy apartment they could call home. Throughout that time she had tried her best to keep her and her brother in school and though she never ended up actually attending that many classes she would study and ace all of her tests which was enough to keep the school from failing her. During their time on the streets found herself pulled into a rather unpleasant group of teenagers/young adults running a sort of fight club. She reluctantly became their nurse/medic after the leader offered her and her brother protection from their parents and other gangs along with a decent cut of the ring's profits. Her decision to leave after she had earned enough money to have a somewhat decent budget that would last her and her brother several years wasn't smiled upon by the leader who had taken Maristella under his wing. The leader ended up injuring Stella's knee badly enough for her to need surgery. Though this led to the ring being broken up by police. Things were tighter than she had wanted due to the cost of her recovery leaving Maristella to almost drop out of school while working two jobs to keep her and her brother afloat. She did end up graduating and was accepted into a pre-med program as a charity case. She is still struggling to keep everything together for herself and her brother and is considering the fact that she will probably have to drop out of med school and abandon her dreams.

Likes: Reading Non-Fiction Books, Learning, Lucian, Helping Others, Nature (though she hasn't seen very much growing up in the city), Animals (esp. dogs and birds), Early Mornings, Freshly Washed Clothes, Homecooked meals, the Fall,
Dislikes: Stuck-up People, Being wet, Jerks, Traveling Really Fast in Cars, Headaches, Smog, Being Impulsive,
Hobbies: Reading, Learning, Cooking, Gardening, Biking, Volunteering,
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➫〔 Rᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ☤ 〕━ Mᴀʀɪꜱᴛᴇʟʟᴀ Rᴇʏᴇꜱ

Postby Wallflower11 » Sat Jun 27, 2020 10:26 am

◆ Her brother is the most important person to her ◆
Holds her own in a fight ◆ Afraid of the deep water
Never really left the city before ◆ Picks her nails
Crappy speller ◆ Finds her own laugh annoying
Queen of shoots and ladders ◆ Hates hot dogs
Loves to skate ◆ Used to read to her brother
Left-handed ◆ Can't whistle ◆ Can roll her tongue
◆ Has always dreamed of becoming a doctor ◆

〚 Mᴀʀɪꜱᴛᴇʟʟᴀ Rᴇʏᴇꜱ 〛
☤ Mari/Stella ☤ Female ☤ 19 ☤ Bisexual ☤ Medic ☤ fc: seychelle gabriel ☤



◆ January 18th ◆ Capricorn ◆ INFJ-T ◆

☤ [open] ☤ pm/dm me for details ☤


〔 The Leader ♕ 〕━ Callen Kestor :

〔 The Medic ☤ 〕━ Herself: Stella fluctuates between confident and self-conscious quite easily, she may put on a brave face but she tends to doubt herself no matter what. =

〔 The Scholar ✎ 〕━ Nala In:

〔 The Fighter ♞ 〕━ Bright Malinon: She knows Bright from their time in the underground fighting ring he isn't her favorite person to see again but he was probably one of the people from that time she liked the most - ✗/=/✓

〔 The Beauty ❀ 〕━ Orion Hestos:

〔 The Gamer  〕━ NAME:
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The Beauty - Orion

Postby Quetzaloe » Sat Jun 27, 2020 1:08 pm


✿ Somewhere in the middle of about ten siblings. He grew up
in a fairly low class household. His parents didn't get along much
and it's basically an open secret that most his siblings aren't
actually related to his "father." Older siblings meant lots of hand
me down oversized clothing. Was teased a lot as a kid for looking

Dropped out of high school began working a couple jobs and got
his own little apartment. It's basic but it works. Isn't really sure
what he wants out of life yet, but likes business-stuff.

Is used to catcalls and "pretty boy" statements, but it still makes
him livid. He's gotten into more trouble than he'd like to admit for
getting into fights at the local club. He does make sure to take
care of how he looks, but isn't really very feminine in nature. So
what if he likes feeling good about himself? Confidence is sexy.

Still sticks to oversized clothing, which probably doesn't help
much. Does play games occasionally, but isn't an avid gamer
by any means. Has been considering starting up a coffee shop,
something open at night geared towards students, but hasn't
saved up enough to start on that yet. His current favorite job
is as a barista, and he's been getting advice from the owners
about running a business and has a rough plan.


Orion Hestos ✿ "Ori" ✿
✿ Nineteen ✿ Male ✿
✿ Bisexual, No Preference ✿
✿ November 16th ✿
✿ Peach Hair ✿ 5'10''
✿ Orchid Tats, R Shoulder ✿


✿ Personality -
Generally enjoys keeping to
himself. Doesn't dislike people,
but doesn't like how he's
usually subjected to the whims
and opinions of society. Has a
hot temper!


✿ Likes -
Cleanliness, Gaming, Music,
Warm Sunlit Spaces, Smell of
Oranges, Sunrises
✿ Dislikes -
Licorice, Excuses, New Moons, Fire


𝕀 𝔻𝕚𝕕𝕟'𝕥
𝔽𝕠𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤

𝔹𝕦𝕥 𝕀
𝕎𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝔾𝕠
𝔸 𝔽𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥



ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕥𝕥𝕪 𝔸𝕟𝕘𝕣𝕪.

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Orion - Misc.

Postby Quetzaloe » Sat Jun 27, 2020 1:59 pm

✿ Relations ✿

✿ The Leader - Callen Kestor - N/A

✿ The Medic - Maristella Reyes - N/A

✿ The Fighter - Bright Malinon - N/A

✿ The Scholar - ??? - N/A

✿ The Beauty - Orion Hestos - Hello... It's me... I been wonder-- oh wait.

✿ The Geek - ??? - N/A
Last edited by Quetzaloe on Sun Jun 28, 2020 5:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
<--This is Bruce.
He lives in The Batcave.
Do you recognize all the residents
of The Batcave?
This is Jason. -->
He's a good boy. Just very
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Postby InfiresAddiction » Sat Jun 27, 2020 4:42 pm



i.bright malinon ii. male iii. twenty iv. pereference
unkown v. the fighter vi. strentghs; handy, fearless,
stealthy, protective vi. weaknesses; verbally crass,
impulsive, ruthless, headstrong, quick temper


" he's an idiot alright.
he would fight the sun if he
could find a way to get there. "



physical description; bright is a giant with an attitude. he stands at six foot three with dark brown hair that cascade
es down his forehead. his obsidian black eyes are often soft and gentle, but also hold a dark and brooding look most times.
he has a lean yet athletic build with broad shoulders to top of the look, giving him a very solid presence. bright has an odd
ly placed piercing on his right ear that he did himself when he was fifteen and in his rebellious years. small scars linger on
his face from his earlier days in a fight club before it got busted by police. larger and more ugly scars litter his chest, back,
and even upper thighs. they've begun to fade, but are still easily visible.

personality; bright can be gruff and stern, but he's usually on the more kind and gentle side. he babies people who
seem baby-able, in a sense. he tends to match people in personalities, acting more gentle and kind towards the quieter a
nd meeker people and being rougher in nature and much more straightforward towards those who have a sure voice and t
end to assert some level of dominance. he, however, can barely be described as a goodnatured guy, as he has a low tolera
nce for jokes and foolery. he grew up in a rough environment and finds it too hard to control his temper sometimes. brigh
t can be impulsive, but he usually takes time to sit back and weigh out his options. He's good at doing any type of illegal
activity such as breaking into places or pickpocketing, on top of having years of fighting under his belt.

history; bright grew up as a single child in a rough household, getting roughed up on a regular basis. he never knew his m
other but was always told it was his fault that she left by his stepfather. bright was stung up in a mildly abusive relationsh
ip until high school, where he started mingling with the wrong crowds. he'd skip class to smoke and drink with his friends, e
ven driving around town drunk a few times. his stepfather didn't care what bright did, so he was often on the streets at midn
ight or crashing at someone's place after a long night of trouble and smoke. this was his way of escaping from his home, but
also coping with his at-home situation. he and his friends one day happened across an underground fight club by chance and
when dared to go in, bright misunderstood and actually signed up to get in the ring. his first fight didn't go swell at all, but a
s he found himself turning up at their doors more and more, he quickly honed his skills and began learning how to fight with
brutal and merciless tactics, quickly climbing the ladder there. within short years, he was around the top of the ladder, havi
ng his own following. Because he brought people to the club, he was offered a room by the owner, taking up permanent resid
ence at the club. He rarely went to school, but still managed to stay in and do well during tests and exams, as cheating was
rampant in his class. When the club was busted, bright went to the local community college, having earned enough money to
take him through. he studies criminology and finds himself actually doing good when he tries.

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Postby InfiresAddiction » Sat Jun 27, 2020 4:43 pm


♕ [The Leader] - xxx

♕ [The Medic] - xxx

♕ [The Scholar] - xxx

♕ [The Beauty] - xxx

♕ [The Geek] - xxx
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Postby serafim » Mon Jun 29, 2020 5:43 pm

next page !!
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