Create a Dowt v.i

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Which type of hybrid breeding?

Normal, in real life hybrids; ligers / leopons
Other species not normally mixed!; cervals / laguars
Total votes : 27

Create a Dowt v.i

Postby clarke, » Wed Jan 03, 2018 7:58 am


    Things are changing in the animal kingdom and wild cats from all over the world are coming together in order to survive and escape pollution, sickness, and hunters. Together, they feel stronger and more secure. Large cats who don't belong with others and are used to solitary confinements are being brought together by the forces of mother-nature. It is their destiny to create a dowt with other wild-cats, and become the most powerful in all of earth.


    P O L L U T E R S
    Mercenaries: [ Banned ]
    Username | Ban Length
    Username | Ban Length
    Username | Ban Length

    Recruits: [ Strikes ]
    Username | Strike No.
    Username | Strike No.
    Username | Strike No.

    Littlies: [ Warnings ]
    Username | Warning No.
    Username | Warning No.
    Username | Warning No.
      N A T U R A L I S T S
      High Queen: [ Owner ]
      Bel | Dowt Name

      General: [ Co-Owners ]
      Name | Dowt name
      Name | Dowt name

      Mercenaries: [ Mods ]
      Name | Dowt name
      Name | Dowt name
      Name | Dowt name

      Recruits: [ Trial-Mod ]
      resonatings | the dowt of hidden secrets
      scarlet_wolf | the dowt of breaking waves
      starshine, | Dowt name
    1) Follow all the Chickensmoothie rules.
    2) Do not under any circumstances try to copy
    or make a game like this. It's an original idea
    made by our former owner, Kaden who passed
    it down to Katrione. With permisson, I made my
    own version of Create A Game.
    3) I will remake this game at 900 pages.
    4) Please use proper grammar and punctuation
    and do not use text talk at all.
    5) Do not requote your post unless it has been
    skipped over by a mod. It gets annoying and clutters the thread.
    6) Do not Mini Mod unless you are the co-owner or mod.
    7) Please PM me if you are confused or if you have any questions.
    8) No begging for new cats/herbs/allies/enemies


    Starting Off If it is your first time posting, you must tell me about your dowt. You can describe things like your dowt's name, nature, reputation, territory and cat's personalities are good. These things help us decide on what your first cat, the High King/Queen will look like! We will quote your post with a picture of your first cat and they will be the cat who is the foundation of your Dowt. You can decide on things like the Queen/King's name, age and gender.

    Getting More Cats Your Dowt will start off small and you will have to build up it's population. You have two options for finding cat: patrols and sending your leader to the Moonpool. You are only able to send your leader to the Moonpool once a week and they can ask Naturalists{your ancestors} for a new cat; you can ask for a specific ranked cat or we will give you one at random. You will be able to pick their name, gender and age as well.
    Cats you can find:
    Cheetahs, Lynx, Caracal, Sand cats, Leopards, Snow leopards, Jaguar, Panther, Ocelots, and Servals, Cougars, Ocicats, Bobcats, Leopard cats and more!

    Patrols You are able to send up to 6 cats out on a patrol at one time. In one post, you are only able to send out two hunting patrols and two border patrols. There are only a few things that can happen on patrols: you can find prey, which will keep your dowt safe from any attacks for 12 hours; you can chase off a threat, which will also keep your dowt safe for 12 hours; you can find a new cat at the border (however the further along your dowt gets the less likely this is to happen), you will usually only find mercenaries and recruits but you will sometimes find littlies at the border if you have birthers available; and you can find a King/Queen of a rival dowt that will ask for an alliance that you can accept, ignore or even decide on becoming enemies.

    New Ranks Whenever you have a cat old enough to move onto the next rank (6 moons- littlie to recruit, 12-16 moons- recruit to mercenary) you can send your King/Queen to the moonpool to tell Naturalists of your decision to do a ceremony. You must also do this when promoting a cat to deputy, or retiring a cat to become an elder.

    Healing/Herbs When you find your medicine cat, you will have the option to choose 5 herbs to start off your medical storage. When you send your medicine cat out to find herbs, you can only find 2 every patrol the medicine cat takes to find herbs. Once your medicine cat gets an apprentice, you will be able to find 3 on one patrol. You store your herbs in the medicine store and they can be used to heal sick or injured cats

    Mentors/Training You will be the one to assign a certain mentor to a certain recruit. Before your recruit is allowed to become a mercenary, they must complete 4 training sessions and they must be at least 12 moons old. Your recruit learns a new 'move' during each training session. You can send your shaman to train with the mercenary recruits but it isn't a requirement for them.

    Aging/Death You must age your cats up 1 moon every post that you post. If in one post, you had an recruit who was 8 moons, then in the next post you would make that recruit would be 9 moons. In this game, there are 5 possible ways for your cat to die; being born stillborn, old age, being attacked severally by a dangerous animal/another cat, birthers can die having kits, and not having your injuries treated within 2 days of them getting injured and/or sick.

    Alliances If you meet a neighboring dowt while on patrol, you can choose to become their ally. Ally dowts usually act friendly towards each other and resolve disputes without fighting. You can give herbs to an ally dowt if they don't have the herb they need but you do and if they are in desperate need of one. You can also trade cats with an ally dowt, but this can only happen at a gathering. If your dowt is under attack by an enemy dowt, your ally dowt can join the fight and defend you as long as the enemy dowt isn't their ally. If your ally defends you in an attack, you have a much less chance of your cats dying or being captured.
    If you meet a neighboring dowt while on patrol, you can choose to become their enemy or rival. Enemy dowt usually act hostile towards each other and often argue and fight. You can steal kits, apprentices, elders and herbs while raiding enemy dowt camp. You need 4 cats to do this and the only way the dowt can get these back is if they attack the dowt. Attacks can prove fatal and there will often be cats injured, captured or even killed during attacks. You can make peace and become allies with an enemy dowt during a gathering.

    Becoming Mates/Having littlies Without littlies, your clan would struggle to thrive. To have two cats to become mates, post them going for a walk together and one of them asking the other to be their mate. In my post, I will time skip to the she-cat finding out she's expecting littlies then you will have to wait two moons (2 posts). If you wish for the she-cat to not have her littlies yet, make sure to tell me. If you want a she-cat to have another litter, say so in your post as well.

    Forbidden Romances Forbidden romances are romantic relationships with either a Shaman, or a cat from another dowt. Cats can form romances with cats from both ally and enemy dowt and can sneak out of camp to meet them and bond at gatherings. However, if the relationship results in littlies, they will have to find a cat willing enough to cover up as their father. It can be arranged at a gathering for one or more of the littlies to be given to the parent of the other clan. It is extremely rare, but some cats may find out that the littlies are forbidden and the parent(s) and/or littlies could be exiled from the clan.

    Prey This section is relatively new and wasn't used on the past two versions but it was talked about shortly before the second version ended. Every post, your Dowt will use up two pieces of food. Once you reach seven Dowt members, your serving will go up 1. Then the next time you get seven more cats, your serving will go up by one again. The max amount of cats you can send out on a hunting patrol is 6 cats; for every 2 cats on the patrol, you will get one piece of prey, so the max amount of prey you can get from one hunting patrol is 3 pieces of prey. You can use six types of prey. An example of a set would be; mice, pigeons, voles, fish, rabbits and squirrels. You can switch out the different types of prey depending on what is normally found in your Dowts territory but don't make it a type of prey that Dowt cats wouldn't normally eat. When you fill in your form after receiving your High Queen/King, remember to fill in the six types of prey your Dowt will be using. Very rarely, the mod who replies to your Dowt will give you something outside of those six. Remember to go hunting often since two pieces are used every post. If you run out of fresh-kill, you have 2 posts to get enough prey back. After 2 posts, a cat in your Dowt will die from starvation. Every post after that, 1 cat will die until you catch enough prey.

            Fresh-Kill Servings
            Mice; 1 serving
            Vole; 1 serving
            Shrew; 1 serving
            Frog; 1 serving
            Rabbit: 2 servings
            Squirrel; 2 servings
            Ermine (Stoat); 2 servings
            Small Fish; 2 servings (*Minnows are 1 serving though*)
            Big Fish; 3 servings
            Hare; 3 servings
            All Birds; 3 servings
            Deer; 4 servings
            Buck; 5 servings
            Elk; 6 servings
            0-6 cats; 2 servings
            7-13 cats; 3 servings
            14-20 cats; 4 servings
            21-27 cats; 5 servings
            28-34 cats; 6 servings
            35-41 cats; 7 servings
            42-48 cats; 8 servings
            49-55 cats; 9 servings
            56-62 cats; 10 servings
            63-69 cats; 11 servings
            70-76 cats; 12 servings

    Seasons When your mod replies to your post, the mod will write what type of weather your Clan has for that day, which will ultimately effect how things go for you that day.
      Winter- During Winter, the chances of catching colds is higher. If you send the same cat out multiple times in the same post, they are more likely to catch a cold, which is lead to deadly sicknesses so be careful. After your cat catches a cold, don't send them out for 2 posts or their cold will progress to worse. The sun will start to go down early and it will get colder once the sun starts to go down. You will also catch less prey and are less likely to find new cats.
      Spring- During spring, births will run much smoother and the chances of the birthers or littlies dying during birth will go down dramatically. There is also a higher chance of you catch more prey than usual. With all the snow melting, it is very likely that your territory will start flooding. There will also be more storms that will contribute to the flooding. The odds of finding new cats is very high.
      Summer- During Summer, you will catch a max of 6 pieces of prey. During patrols, you are more likely to run into humans and their dogs, and rogue groups will most likely start to try and settle on your territory so keep an eye out. You are still likely to get floods, but there will be more droughts towards the middle of Summer. Your Clan will still receive new cats but not as much as you would in Spring.
      Autumn- During Autumn, it will start to get colder so the amount of prey you will catch will go down. The sun will start going down earlier and earlier and this will continue into Winter. Births will start to get a little bit harder so make sure to stock up on birthing herbs like fennel, chervil, ragwort leaves and raspberry leaves. You will also run into foxes and possibly badgers more.
    Post Format After your first post, you will use the following format in every post to keep track of your dowt. Replace the "link" in the X with the image of your cat.You may edit slightly, but not too much.

      Code: Select all
      [center][size=200]Your Dowt's Name[/size]
      [size=85][b]Number of Cats:[/b] Here[/size]

      [size=85]Put your post of what your cats are doing here[/size][/center]

      [center][left][list][list][list][list][size=85][b]High King/Queen:[/b]
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
      Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url][/list][/list][/list][/list][/size][/left] [left][list][size=85][b]Ally Clans:[/b]
      Clan Name | Username
      Clan Name | Username

      [b]Enemy Dowts[/b]
      Dowt Name | Username
      Dowt Name | Username

      North | Dowt Name| Username
      East | Dowt Name | Username
      South | Dowt Name | Username
      West | Dowt Name | Username

      [b]Medicine Store[/b]
      Herb | Usage
      Herb | Usage

      [b]Fresh-Kill Pile:[/b]
      Prey | x0 | 0 servings
      Prey | x0 | 0 servings
      Prey | x0 | 0 servings
      Prey | x0 | 0 servings
      Prey | x0 | 0 servings
      Prey | x0 |  0 servings

      Mentor | Recruit | No. of training sessions | Moves
      Mentor | Recruit | No. of training sessions | Moves

      [b]Deceased Cats:[/b]
      Cat Name | Cause of Death
      Cat Name | Cause of Death

      Name and Name | Littlies
      Name and Name | Littlies[/size][/list][/left][/center]



List of dowts, who owns the dowt, and which mod replies to them:

B E L.
Breaking Waves | scarlet_wolf
Hidden Secrets | resonatings
Sharp Brambles | marya d.
Dowt Name | username
Dowt Name | username
Dowt Name | username
Dowt Name | username
Dowt Name | username
Dowt Name | username
Dowt Name | username
Dowt Name | username
Dowt Name | username
Dowt Name | username
Dowt Name | username
Toxic Smoke | _Ravenfeather_ | Mod: starshine,
Electric Rain | noodle; | Mod: scarlet_wolf
Wet Colors | fireskele | Mod: resonatings
Swaying Leaves | Glaceon | Mod: marya d.
Dowt Name | username
Dowt Name | username
Dowt Name | username
Dowt Name | username
Dowt Name | username
Dowt Name | username
Dowt Name | username
Dowt Name | username
Dowt Name | username
Dowt Name | username
Last edited by clarke, on Sun Jan 07, 2018 4:46 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: Create a Dowt v.i

Postby scarecrowz » Wed Jan 03, 2018 11:37 am

Toxic Smoke

The Toxic Smoke resides on a forest by the ocean. One half of their territory is growing naturely, while the other has newly growing trees and burnt grass. Toxic Smoke was named after the horrible fire that occurred during the king/queen's time as a kit when half of the forest had went up in flames, luckily going out before reaching the other half. The animals in this Dowt are quite small, though there are a few large ones. They are known for being quite hostile to other Dowts, having quite the trust issues. If Toxic Smoke trusts a Dowt's Queen/King after at least a moon, they will slowly start to open up to them. Though it is filled with many different personalities, one main one is the trust issues. The child of the king/queen will be next in line for the throne, usually it is the oldest, and the younger ones (if any) will be any other regular role, or a Shaman's mercenarie if they have the chance.

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Dowt replies ; 001

Postby clarke, » Wed Jan 03, 2018 11:45 am

_Ravenfeather_ wrote:
Toxic Smoke

The Toxic Smoke resides on a forest by the ocean. One half of their territory is growing naturely, while the other has newly growing trees and burnt grass. Toxic Smoke was named after the horrible fire that occurred during the king/queen's time as a kit when half of the forest had went up in flames, luckily going out before reaching the other half. The animals in this Dowt are quite small, though there are a few large ones. They are known for being quite hostile to other Dowts, having quite the trust issues. If Toxic Smoke trusts a Dowt's Queen/King after at least a moon, they will slowly start to open up to them. Though it is filled with many different personalities, one main one is the trust issues. The child of the king/queen will be next in line for the throne, usually it is the oldest, and the younger ones (if any) will be any other regular role, or a Shaman's mercenarie if they have the chance.

[ Toxic Smoke has been founded. ]
[You may choose five herbs to begin with and add to your herb store. ]
Last edited by clarke, on Fri Jan 05, 2018 10:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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( breaking waves // 00. )

Postby notwearingsocks » Wed Jan 03, 2018 2:19 pm

    the dowt of breaking waves resides on the far side of a cliff, near the water's edge. over time, the harsh waves have broken through the rocky cliff's face, forming a complex system of cracks and tunnels large enough to house many cats. all of the cats residing in breaking waves are trained to swim and climb, as the only way off of the beach is to scale the steep cliff. atop the cliff is a grassy field that butts up against a thick forest - in the forest, deer, rabbits, and birds heavily populate the area, while in the water big fish and small fish alike swim around, drawn into the cove by the number of bait fish that passes through. puffins, too, are hunted, especially in spring, as they like to nest on the rocks. the beach is rather rocky, so cubs must be watched carefully while on the beach, lest they be swept away by the tide. even cats who do not normally live near water must learn to swim if they wish to survive, so it is not uncommon to see cats like cheetahs and snow leopards in the ocean. predators include coyotes that prowl in the field atop the cliff, waiting for the cats to kill a large prey animal before attempting to snatch it away. large birds like eagles, hawks, and ospreys also lurk, waiting to snatch up unsuspecting cubs. sharks, while very rare, will sometimes wash into the shallows, taking the opportunity to take a cub. highwalkers, the name that the dowt of breaking waves calls twolegs, are not common, as the beach is too rocky to be swum in and the cliff is too unstable to play in the field above. instead of moonpool, the high king or queen of breaking waves travels to the cave of jagged rocks, where they perch on a low rock and share tongues with their ancestors. the only way to get to the pool of jagged rocks is to swim through a narrow tunnel, so the leader of the dowt must be a strong swimmer.

    the cats.
    the members of the dowt vary significantly. cats of all size are welcome to the dowt, as are any species. they are rather secluded, though, when they do come across any other dowts, are rather friendly, and would often share their prey or herbs if the other dowt was in severe need. they are a brave dowt, willing to tackle any challenge that comes their way. they can be a bit boastful at times, a negative attribute that often results in small disputes, though, otherwise, they are fairly open to new allies.

    alternate titles.
    high king / queen → high king / queen
    general → the heir (king / queen's eldest cub)
    new rank → the heir's mentor (trains the heir)
    shaman → healer
    mercenaries → warriors
    recruits → tenderpaws ( derived from the word tenderfoot )
    birthers → cub-mothers
    littlelies → cubs
    elders → sky-gazers
    moonpool → cave of jagged rocks
    twolegs → highwalkers
Last edited by notwearingsocks on Wed May 23, 2018 7:10 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Dowt replies ; 002

Postby clarke, » Wed Jan 03, 2018 2:26 pm

scarlet_wolf wrote:
    the dowt of breaking waves resides on the far side of a cliff, near the water's edge. over time, the harsh waves have broken through the rocky cliff's face, forming a complex system of cracks and tunnels large enough to house many cats. all of the cats residing in breaking waves are trained to swim and climb, as the only way off of the beach is to scale the steep cliff. atop the cliff is a grassy field that butts up against a thick forest - in the forest, deer, elk, birds, and rabbits heavily populate the area, while in the water big fish and small fish alike swim around, drawn into the cove by the number of bait fish that passes through. puffins, too, are hunted, especially in spring, as they like to nest on the rocks. the beach is rather rocky, so cubs must be watched carefully while on the beach, lest they be swept away by the tide. even cats who do not normally live near water must learn to swim if they wish to survive, so it is not uncommon to see cats like cheetahs and snow leopards in the ocean. predators include coyotes that prowl in the field atop the cliff, waiting for the cats to kill a large prey animal before attempting to snatch it away. large birds like eagles, hawks, and ospreys also lurk, waiting to snatch up unsuspecting cubs. sharks, while very rare, will sometimes wash into the shallows, taking the opportunity to take a cub. highwalkers, the name that the dowt of breaking waves calls twolegs, are not common, as the beach is too rocky to be swum in and the cliff is too unstable to play in the field above. instead of moonpool, the high king or queen of breaking waves travels to the cave of jagged rocks, where they perch on a low rock and share tongues with their ancestors. the only way to get to the pool of jagged rocks is to swim through a narrow tunnel, so the leader of the dowt must be a strong swimmer.

    the cats.
    the members of the dowt vary significantly. cats of all size are welcome to the dowt, as are any species. they are rather secluded, though, when they do come across any other dowts, are rather friendly, and would often share their prey or herbs if the other dowt was in severe need. they are a brave dowt, willing to tackle any challenge that comes their way. they can be a bit boastful at times, a negative attribute that often results in small disputes, though, otherwise, they are fairly open to new allies.

    alternate titles.
    high king / queen → high king / queen
    general → general
    shaman → healer
    mercenaries → warriors
    recruits → tenderpaws ( derived from the word tenderfoot )
    birthers → cub-mothers
    littlelies → cubs
    elders → sky-gazers
    moonpool → cave of jagged rocks
    twolegs → highwalkers

[ The Dowt of Breaking Waves has been founded. ]
[You may choose five herbs to begin with and add to your herb store. ]
Last edited by clarke, on Fri Jan 05, 2018 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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( breaking waves // 01. )

Postby notwearingsocks » Wed Jan 03, 2018 2:35 pm

number of cats: one [ zero toms | one molly ]
next cave of jagged stones visit: now

hestia dropped from the tall stone, landing lightly on her paws, the sand beneath her sinking to form divots around her toes. her mouth was parted slightly, her ears swiveled forward, the salty air stinging her nose pleasantly. she had picked her way delicately down from the cliff face, her amber eyes bright as she examined the firm rocks that had been worn away by the sea. an echoing could be heard from her left, and, turning, she noted with no small amount of satisfaction that a large crack in the cliff's face led to a complex series of caves. she had already taken a brief tour of the field and forest that lay atop the cliff. as she slipped into the caves, her whiskers twitched with appreciation. this would do nicely.

- - -

padding outside once more, the tall molly approached the sea, foam lapping at her toes as she plunged into the rough water, keeping her head above with the force of her splashing. she paused, scrambling onto a rock, glancing around before continuing. she was headed towards the cave that was only accessible by water, the cave that her mother and her mother's mother before her had travelled to often to request companionship from their ancestors. she reached the cave after what felt like no time at all, pulling herself up onto a rock before laying down with her paw-tips brushing against the water, the jagged stones from the ceiling reflected against the pool. "oh, great ancestors," she purred, her voice echoing across the water. "hear my plea - grant me a healer whom will ensure that my future companions are safe." with that, her eyes fell shut, and she shared tongues with the ancestors who had resided in the cave for so long.

- - -

[ hestia patrols the borders ]
[ afterwards, hestia travels to the cave of jagged stones to ask for a healer, hunting along the way ]


          high king / queen:
          hestia | sixteen moons | molly | x
          lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

          adult references:
    ally dowts:
    dowt name | username

    enemy dowts:
    clan name | username

    north ↑ | dowt name | username
    northeast ↗ | dowt name | username
    east → | dowt name | username
    southeast ↘ | dowt name | username
    south ↓ | dowt name | username
    southwest ↙ | dowt name | username
    west ← | dowt name | username
    northwest ↖ | dowt name | username

    medicine store:
    cobwebs | x1 | soaks up & stops bleeding; binds
    broken bones
    chervil | x2 | treats infection & bellyache; used
    during kitting
    raspberry leaves | x1 | eases pain & stops bleeding
    honey | x1 | soothes infection & smokey lungs
    or sore throats, soothes coughing & gives energy

    fresh-kill pile:
    deer | x0 | 4 servings
    buck | x0 | 5 serving
    rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
    big fish | x1 | 3 servings
    small fish | x0 | 2 servings
    puffin | x0 | 3 servings
    current number of servings | x0
    servings needed | 0 - 6 cats | x2

    mentor name | tenderpaw name | no. of training sessions | moves

    deceased cats:
    cat name | cause of death

    name and name | kits
Last edited by notwearingsocks on Wed Jan 03, 2018 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Dowt replies ; 003

Postby clarke, » Wed Jan 03, 2018 4:01 pm

Spring: you are more likely to run across dowt members eager to join you! more predators are out and hungry from a long winter of hibernation and scarce prey. beware of them trying to steal your prey, which is now flourishing.

scarlet_wolf wrote:
[ hestia patrols the borders ]
[ afterwards, hestia travels to the cave of jagged stones to ask for a healer, hunting along the way ]


[ Hestia comes across a cub mother. She is due in one moon. {One post.} ]
[ Your ancestors have heard your request and have sent a healer. ]
[ Hestia catches a big fish. ]
Last edited by clarke, on Fri Jan 05, 2018 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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( breaking waves // 02. )

Postby notwearingsocks » Wed Jan 03, 2018 4:30 pm

number of cats: one [ one tom | two mollies ]
next cave of jagged stones visit: jan. 9

as hestia padded along the outskirts of her borders, she let out a surprised mrrow, halting in her tracks, lean form towering over that of the very pregnant molly that lay at her paws, nestle between a bed of grasses in the field. the jaguar lifted her head, peering at hestia with green eyes. "hello," hestia spoke first, her ears twitching forward. the other molly's nose squirmed slightly. "you smell of salt," she pointed out, her paws curling protectively over her stomach. "why?" hestia let out a pleasant purr, her face lighting up with cheer. she began to explain.

- - -

with the mother-to-be lagging at her heels, picking her way delicately across the rocks, taking the easiest route. as they emerged onto the beach, hestia started - her second surprise of the day, it seemed. a tomcat lounged in the sand, picking tiny pebbles from between his paw pads, his eyes upturned towards hestia and her companion. "hestia?" he asked, rising to his paws. hestia nodded uncertainly, blinking back at kehlani. "i'm atom," he answered her unspoken question. "the ancestors sent me."

- - -

[ hestia welcomes atom and kehlani to the dowt ! ]
[ kehlani is kitting ! ]
[ atom remains in camp to assist her ]
[ hestia patrols the borders, hunting along the way. she hopes to find a potential general or warrior. ]


          high king / queen:
          hestia | seventeen moons | molly | x
          lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

          atom | seventeen moons | tom | x

          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

          kehlani | twenty moons | molly | x

          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

          name | age | gender | [url=link]x[/url]

          adult references:
    ally dowts:
    dowt name | username

    enemy dowts:
    clan name | username

    north ↑ | dowt name | username
    northeast ↗ | dowt name | username
    east → | dowt name | username
    southeast ↘ | dowt name | username
    south ↓ | dowt name | username
    southwest ↙ | dowt name | username
    west ← | dowt name | username
    northwest ↖ | dowt name | username

    medicine store:
    cobwebs | x1 | soaks up & stops bleeding; binds
    broken bones
    chervil | x2 | treats infection & bellyache; used
    during kitting
    raspberry leaves | x1 | eases pain & stops bleeding
    honey | x1 | soothes infection & smokey lungs
    or sore throats, soothes coughing & gives energy

    fresh-kill pile:
    deer | x0 | 4 servings
    buck | x0 | 5 serving
    rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
    big fish | x1 | 3 servings
    small fish | x0 | 2 servings
    puffin | x0 | 3 servings
    current number of servings | x3
    servings needed | 0 - 6 cats | x2

    mentor name | tenderpaw name | no. of training sessions | moves

    deceased cats:
    cat name | cause of death

    name and name | kits
Last edited by notwearingsocks on Thu Jan 04, 2018 5:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxlive or die trying.


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Dowt of Wet Colors

Postby seabunny. » Wed Jan 03, 2018 8:22 pm


    Territory The Dowt of Wet Colors claims a section of rainforest. The rainforest has a small stream running through the northeast corner. The Highest Queen convenes to The Ancestors in the largest tree in their territory. She climbs as high as she can to speak with them. They live in an abandoned cave in the center of their territory. The entrance to the cave is hidden with a wall of vines. Once you walk in it leads it a large opening where everyone socializes and meetings are held. The opening has three tunnels leading off. Down the tunnel to the left is where all cats stay and make their nests. They are welcome to make it anywhere they see fit, as there are many smaller offshoots. The middle tunnel is where the Highest Queen and her family reside. There are not as many tunnels and holes down this offshoot since only one family stays here. The High Queen may also allow the High General and High Medic. The tunnel to the right is significantly smaller, so this is where all herbs and pray are kept.

    Customs The Dowt of Wet Colors worships The Ancestors. The Highest Queen is believed to be reincarnated from the ancestors, and will not take on a High Lady/Lord until they believe another ancestor has been reincarnated. She will watch the cubs during their first moon for signs of a returned ancestor. Once she finds a High Lady/Lord they will stay with their mothers until six moons. They will then train as a warrior, a medic, and a scout. It is important that they are capable of doing all tasks. They will also complete both assessments.
    Warrior recruits will face an assessment before they are full warriors, as do scout to be's. A warrior's assessment consists of stalking and killing a rabbit. This proves they are patient, fast, and quiet.
    Scout recruits will also face an assessment. Their assessment requires them to track a dowt member through the trees. The scout doesn't know who it is and the member will move if they hear them coming. This proves they are agile, observant, and quiet.

    Highest Queen The Highest Queen is highly revered as she is believed to be the reincarnation of an ancestor. She is very stubborn and aggressive, and she can be ruthless if you betray her or her dowt. If you manage to get close to her though, she is very loving and sweet.
Last edited by seabunny. on Thu Jan 04, 2018 12:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create a Dowt v.i

Postby scarecrowz » Thu Jan 04, 2018 4:36 am

Toxic Smoke
Number of Cats: 1

As the early rays of light shone down upon the forest, Sabina's eyes fluttered open. The she-cat raised herself from her den of leaves and moss, stretching her legs she left the comfort of her den. As the morning's light began to get into her eyes she squinted them, moving out into the forest. She sniffed at the cold forest air, the scent of oak and mint growing somewhere filled her nose, she headed out into the unknown of the forest, first thing to do was patrol. After the patrol she planned to visit The Pool Of Shimmering Stones to ask for a General. As she padded through the forest from time to time she felt like falling over, not much of a cat who woke up in the mornings. Finally, she got used to it and shook her head a bit before continuing the patrol
Sabina patrols.
After the patrol, Sabina goes to visit The Pool Of Shimmering Stones to ask for a general.

          High King/Queen:
          Sabina | 19 Moons | Female | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Dowts
    Dowt Name | Username
    Dowt Name | Username

    North | Dowt Name| Username
    East | Dowt Name | Username
    South | Dowt Name | Username
    West | Dowt Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Burdock Root | Lessens and heals the pain of infected rat bites; sed to prevent infection of rat bites.
    Chervil | For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. Can also be used during kitting.
    Comfrey Root I Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds. Also used for wrenched claws. Can be used for itching or for inflammation on stiff joints. Also eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest. Can be used for burns.
    Elder Leaves I soothes sprains
    Goatweed I eases anxiety and grief.

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 |  0 servings

    Mentor | Recruit | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Recruit | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Littlies
    Name and Name | Littlies

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