Create a Village - V.1 Closed and Under Construction

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Create a Village - V.1 Closed and Under Construction

Postby amethyst14 » Fri Dec 08, 2017 3:13 pm

Create a Village

Disclaimer: i did not come up with the original idea for this game, kaden is attributed to originally creating it while katrione currently owns the first create a __ game, create a clan. please consult katrione if you wish to create a game like this.

It has been many years since the lands of this unknown planet has been uncivilized. And now it is time for villages to be made. In the end only the best will survive and thrive, will your village be the one? Will your village be the one to show the others the way? To create better opportunities for those that come your way? Or will you be the village that is doomed to be lost forever in the uncivilized lands of this unknown planet? Never seen and always forgotten?




              1 - follow all chickensmoothie rules.
              2 - do not under any circumstances try to copy or make a game like this.
              its an original idea made by kaden, passed down to katrione,
              who gave me permission to make a spin-off of it.
              3 - please use proper grammar and punctuation, do not use text talk at all.
              4 - be kind and respectful to me and to the other members.
              5 - do not requote your post, if you feel as if your post has been skipped over, pm me.
              6 - do not mini-mod.
              7 - please pm me if you have any questions.
              8 - no begging for people/food/allies/enemies/etc.
              9- i will remake the game at 900 pages.
              10 - and remember to have fun!


Village of the Sky
Head Chief: [ owner ]
amethyst14 | No Village

War Chief: [ co-owner ]
- ... -

Warriors: [ mods ]
b u n n y h o p | Hollow Grove

Apprentices: [ mini-mods ]
- ... -
Village of the Lost
Warriors: [ banned ]
- ... -

Apprentices: [ warnings ]
- ... -


(Because this is new-ish there will be changes later on if I see a problem occur. Of course it will be discussed in the fanclub and there will be an announcement in the reply for those that do not want to join us in the fanclub)

Starting Off
If it is your first time posting, you must tell me about your village. You can describe things like your village's name, nature, reputation, territory and the people's personalities. These things help us decide on what your first head chief will look like! We will quote your post with a description of your first head chief and they will be the person who is the foundation of your village. You can decide on things like the chief's name, age and gender.

Your mod will post a description of what the person looks like. This will include; skin tone, hair color, hair style and eye color. If your village is more fantasy based (tails, ears) your mod will specify that as well. It is up to you to use a character creator or to find a picture if you so wish but they must follow the description that was given to you by a mod. You do not have to find a picture if you do not want to! But please provide a link to the post that has their description or add their description to your posts. If you fail to do this, they will not have children!

Your mod will give you a description with acronyms, in the next post below the acronyms will be explained and you can refer to it as you please.
It will go as so:
Skin Tone / Hair Color / Hair Style / Eye Color

Getting More People
Your village will start off small and you will have to build up it's population. You have two options for finding people: patrols and sending your head chief to the Shrine. You are only able to send your head chief to the Shrine once a week and they can ask their ancestors for a new person; you can ask for a specific ranked person or we will give you one at random. You will be able to pick their name, age and gender as well.

You are able to send up to 6 people out on a patrol at one time. There are only a few things that can happen on patrols: you can find large prey for your hunters to go after; you can chase off a threat and keep your village safe, you can find a new person(nomads) at the border (however the further along your clan gets the less likely this is to happen), you will usually only find adults and learners but you will sometimes find children at the border if you have mothers available; and you can find a leader of a rival village that will ask for an alliance that you can accept, ignore or even decide on becoming enemies.

There are no herbs in this create a- game, instead your shaman will have healing knowledge. There are a few ways to obtain the knowledge and that is by giving the command ‘Shaman’s Name researches medicine’ or they have a smaller chance to learn knowledge through experience. The more knowledge your shaman has the faster they can heal your injured or sick people, also the more knowledge the more people they can heal at once. You can heal 1 person for every ten knowledge points your shaman has. 1-10 knowledge points is one person, 11-20 is two people.. And so on.

Scouts can be sent outside of the territory on a patrol, though the more often this is done the more chance there is of them dying. They can bring back news of bordering villages, if there is an oncoming threat, nomads or a skilled animal.

Skilled Animals
Dog- Dogs are great guards and will warn your village if there is an oncoming threat/raiders. Dogs will attack a threat that makes it to your camp. Dogs live to be 10 years.
Cat- Cats keep the pest population down in your village and reduce the risk of your villagers getting sick. The more cats the less chance of sickness/plague. Cats live to be 14 years.
Cow/Ox- Cows/Oxs help your gatherers till the soil better. This increases the chance of more items from your planted crops. Cows/Oxs can also be used to provide meat. Cows live to be 17 years.
Fox- Foxes are great at finding live prey, they help your hunters spot/find prey. They don’t often help with the hunt and sometimes mess the hunt up if they are brought because they make noise. Foxes live to 5 years.
Horses- Horses help your scouts return quickly and safely. They can also help your scouts bring trades back to your village quickly instead of having the scouts take a while. Horses live to 25 years.
Birds- Birds help your gatherers find seeds. However when you set a bird out to look for one they have a 50% chance of not coming back. Birds live to 20 years.
Dragons- Dragons are a form of transportation through the skies. They cannot harm people in the villages (unless with permission). You must acquire a certain stone for them to breathe any kind of element. They are also hard to tame and often leave/run away without notice. Dragons live up to 25 years.
Fire-Lizards- A much smaller, dog like dragon. It cannot breathe any element. They can deliver messages quickly to your allied villages, other than that they are just novelty pets. Fire-lizards live 6 years.

Skilled Animals have to be fed if you wish to keep them. If you neglect to feed them they will die or run away. Dogs, Cats, Dragons, Fire-Lizards and Foxes need meat to live. However foxes can eat fruits and veggies just like cows. Luckily every animal only needs ¼ a serving every post. Having cats around to catch pests adds to animal feed when they catch something, though they only catch food for the live animals.

You can breed skilled animals, but only once in their lifetime. Dogs can yield 1-4 pups, Cats can yield 1-4 kits, Cows/Oxs can yield 1-2 calfs, Foxes can yield 1-3 kits, Horses can yield 1-2 foals and Birds can yield 1-3 chicks. Dragons can yield 2-10 eggs(Not all will hatch). Fire-Lizards can yield 3-13 eggs(not all will hatch). You must have a male and female in order to try to breed them. They will not always be successful.

You will be the one to assign a certain mentor to a certain learner. Before your learner is allowed to rank up, they must complete 4 training sessions and they must be at least 18 years old. Your learner learns a new 'move' during each training session. If you find that you have more than 3 learners for the same profession you can do a ‘class’ setting but be aware that some of the learners may not learn anything.

You must age your person up 1 year every post that you post. If in one post, you had a tester who was 8 years, then in the next post you would make that tester 9 years. In this game, there are 5 possible ways for your person to die; being stillborn, old age, being attacked severally by a dangerous animal/another person, mothers can die having children, and not having your injuries treated within 3 posts of them getting injured and/or sick.

If you meet a neighboring village while on patrol, you can choose to become their ally. Ally villages usually act friendly towards each other and resolve disputes without fighting. You can also marry people into an ally village, but this can only happen once every 10 years/posts(The two owners of the village will have to decide who moves). If your village is under attack by an enemy village, your ally village can join the fight and defend you as long as the enemy village isn't their ally. If your ally defends you in an attack, you have a much less chance of your people dying or being captured.

If you meet a neighboring village while on patrol, you can choose to become their enemy or rival. Enemy villages usually act hostile towards each other and often argue and fight. You can steal children, testers, learners, elders and food while raiding enemy villages camp. You need 4 people to do this and the only way the village can get these back is if they attack the village. Attacks can prove fatal and there will often be people injured, captured or even killed during attacks. You can make peace and become allies with an enemy village by marrying higher ranked people(Head Chief’s children) with them.

Marriage/Having Children
Without children, your village would struggle to thrive. To have two people become married, post them having a wedding ceremony. In my post, I will time skip to the female finding out she's expecting children then you will have to wait 2 years (2 post)[Yes I am aware that this is a long time for gestation but this is a game]. If you wish for the female to not have her children yet, make sure to tell me. If you want a female to have another child, say so in your post as well.

Forbidden Romances
Forbidden romances are romantic relationships with either a shaman, or a person from another village. People can form romances with people from both ally and enemy villages and can sneak out of camp to meet them and bond together. However, if the relationship results in children, they will have to find a person willing enough to cover up as their father. It is extremely rare, but some people may find out that the children are forbidden and the parent(s) and/or children could be exiled from the village.

Your first five posts are your village’s fasting days. This is when they don’t have to eat and you have the chance to start gathering and/or hunt for your village. After the fifth post though you will have to provide the correct amount of food for you village or your youngest member will starve and if you still do not meet the required food the next post they will die. You will also have to keep your people from starving for three posts afterwards for them to recover from the first time or they will still die.

Prey/Meat This is when your hunters will go out and capture prey, bringing back meat for your village. You will be able to pick up to four types of meat for your village and that will be what your hunters can possibly catch. It is not likely that you will be given something outside of these types of meats and you do not have to ‘cook’ them. The number of prey your hunting party will catch depends on how many hunters there are. 1-2 hunters can catch 1-2 prey items. 3-4 hunters can catch 2-4 prey items and 5-6 hunters can catch 4-6 prey items.(Please note these will be less in winter and more in summer) You can only send up to six hunters in one group!

Gathering Your gatherers can be sent out on their own patrol, though they already know the groves of fruits and vegetables that are in the territory. You will be able to choose three different types of fruits and three different types of vegetables(a total of six) that your gatherers will be able to find. You can only send up to six gatherers on a single patrol; 1-2 gatherers can find a total of 2-4 servings. 3-4 gatherers can find a total of 4-7 servings and 5-6 gatherers can find a total of 7-10 servings.(Please note these will be less in spring and more in fall) Your gatherers also have a slim chance to find a seed, they will be able to plant this in a farm or store it for a better time to grow crops(Best time to plant is during spring).

Farming The only way to get a farm going is with seeds. If you have a seed and want to plant it in your farm just post your gatherer tilling the soil and planting the seed. After two posts you will get 2-4 items from the crop and a 50% chance of the crop to continue growing more riches in two more posts. The second time your crop is ready for harvest it will give you 3-5 items and a 25% chance of continuing to grow more items. If your crop is lucky enough to reach its third post it will give you 4-8 items before wilting away. (Items can be food or more seeds) You can only have three things growing at once and during summer and winter your crops will have a higher chance of wilting.

You must specify what animal, fruit and veggy you are using! If you need help with the serving size just put in your first description about your village the kinds of food they will be hunting and gathering and I will list the serving size for you.

Meats Please PM me if you are unsure where your animal size is
    Small Mammals- 1 serving
    Medium Mammals- 2 servings
    Large Mammals- 3 servings
    Extra Large Mammals- 4 servings
    Small Birds- 1 serving
    Medium Birds- 2 servings
    Large Birds- 3 servings
    Extra Large Birds- 4 servings
    Small Fish- 1 serving
    Medium Fish- 2 servings
    Large Fish- 3 servings
    Extra Large Fish- 4 servings

Vegetables Please PM me if you are unsure where your vegetable size is
    Small Vegetables- 2 servings
    Medium Vegetables- 3 servings
    Large Vegetables- 4 servings
    Extra Large Vegetables- 5 servings

Fruits Please PM me if you are unsure where your fruit size is
    Small Fruits- 1 serving
    Medium Fruits- 2 servings
    Large Fruits- 3 servings

Serving Amounts This is subject to change, if it does there will be a notice!
    Ages 0-7 will not need a serving.
    Ages 8-20 will need ½ a serving.
    Ages 21+ will need 1 serving.

Each season will last two weeks. [Next change is 01/05] When your mod replies to your post, the mod will write what type of weather your Village has for that day, which will ultimately affect how things go for you that day.

Winter- During winter, the chances of catching pneumonia is higher. If you send the same person out multiple times in the same post, they are more likely to catch a cold, which is lead to flu and pneumonia so be careful. After your person catches a cold, don't send them out for 2 posts or their cold will progress to flu or pneumonia. The sun will start to go down early and it will get colder once the sun starts to go down. You will also catch less prey, crops will wither and your people are more likely to find nomads that are in search of shelter and food.
Spring- During spring, birthing will run much smoother and the chances of the mothers or children dying during birth will go down dramatically. There is also a higher chance of you catch more prey and your crops will start to grow better. The chances of catching pneumonia, flu and colds will go down. With all the snow melting, it is very likely that your territory will start flooding. There will also be more storms that will contribute to the flooding. The odds of finding new people is very high as they look for different shelter.
Summer- During summer, your villagers will be able to find abandoned animals/livestock though it is still pretty rare. During patrols, you are more likely to run into predators that want your food or animals, and rogue villages will most likely start to try and settle on your territory so keep an eye out. You are still likely to get floods, but there will be more droughts towards the middle and end of summer. Nomads are also found during this time but most of them have found somewhere else to stay out of the hot summer sun.
Fall- During fall, it will start to get colder so the amount of prey you will catch will go down and your crows will start to wither with the cold. The sun will start going down earlier and earlier and this will continue into Winter. Birthings will start to get a little bit harder during this time. You will also run into hungry predators that are after anything that moves as they want to store more energy for the coming winter.

There are many ranks in a village, all lead by the high chief though they don’t make all the decisions on their own. They often hold a counsel with the other ‘lesser’ chiefs of the village and the elders, doing a majority vote. If things become urgent though the head chief will make the ultimate decisions on what is to be done. You can always add/rename ranks or choose not to use some of them.

Head Chief: The main Chief that overlooks everything and keeps the peace within the village.

Shaman: The healer of the village. They keep everyone in tip-top shape by keeping them healthy.

War Chief: The War Chief overlooks all the warriors of the village. They let the Head chief know when war might be needed or when the village needs to move to stay out of danger.

Warriors: They are the protectors of the village. They keep watch of camp and sometimes patrol the area before the scouts go out so they keep danger at bay. They deal with predators and enemies mostly and protect the camp from raids.

Scout Chief: They organize the scouting parties and report to the Head Chief about what they find.

Scouts: They scout the land and beyond for any animals that could be used for the village. They often find nomads that are looking for a place to settle down and they can become part of the village if they so desire.

Hunting Chief: They organize the hunting parties and report anything to the Head Chief.

Hunters: They hunt for the village, usually with in the village territory.

Gatherers: They have a farm next to the village and they tend to it. They also can pick wild fruits and veggies, this is how they find seeds to plant for their farm. (They are overlooked by the Head Chief)

Apprentices: Once a tester has made a claim to what they want to learn they tell the Head Chief and then they will attend a counsel. That is where they will be assigned a mentor by the Chief in the group they wish to be in. Ages 12-18

Testers: When children become of age they will spend a year with every chief and then decide what they wish to pursue. Ages 8-12

Mothers: They are the ones that bring new life to the village. They can have one child(common) two children(uncommon) three children(rare) four children(very rare). A mother can try for another child when their child(ren) turn five years of age though this can cause complications. Ages 21+

Children: The mischief makers of the village. This is also where the Shaman will pick their apprentice and they will immediately start at the age of 12. Ages 0-7

Elders: The wise people of the village, or so they like to think. Their experience is taken into consideration and they often tend the counsel with the chiefs. Ages 75+

After your introduction post, you will use the following format in every following post you make to keep track of your village. Replace the '/n/a' under the name that is followed by the arrow for the description that is given to you.

Code: Select all
[center][size=200]Your Village's Name[/size]
[size=85][b]Number of People:[/b] Here[/size]
[size=85][b]Next visit with Ancestors:[/b] Here[/size]

[size=85]Put your post of what your people are doing here[/size][/center]

[left][list][list][size=85][b]Head Chief:[/b]
Name | Age | Gender |
↪ n/a/n

Name | Age | Gender | Skill Number
↪ n/a/n

[b]War Chief:[/b]
Name | Age | Gender |
↪ n/a/n

Name | Age | Gender |
↪ n/a/n
Name | Age | Gender |
↪ n/a/n

[b]Scout Chief:[/b]
Name | Age | Gender |
↪ n/a/n

Name | Age | Gender |
↪ n/a/n
Name | Age | Gender |
↪ n/a/n

[b]Hunting Chief:[/b]
Name | Age | Gender |
↪ n/a/n

Name | Age | Gender |
↪ n/a/n
Name | Age | Gender |
↪ n/a/n

Name | Age | Gender |
↪ n/a/n
Name | Age | Gender |
↪ n/a/n

Name | Age | Gender |
↪ n/a/n
Name | Age | Gender |
↪ n/a/n

Name | Age | Gender |
↪ n/a/n
Name | Age | Gender |
↪ n/a/n

Name | Age | Gender |
↪ n/a/n
Name | Age | Gender |
↪ n/a/n

Name | Age | Gender |
↪ n/a/n
Name | Age | Gender |
↪ n/a/n

Name | Age | Gender |
↪ n/a/n
Name | Age | Gender |
↪ n/a/n[/list][/list][/size][/left] [left][list][list][size=85][b]Ally Villages:[/b]
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

[b]Enemy Villages:[/b]
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

[b]Food Storage:[/b]
Meat 1 | amount | servings
Meat 2 | amount | servings
Meat 3 | amount | servings
Meat 4 | amount | servings
Veg. 1 | amount | servings
Veg. 2 | amount | servings
Veg. 3 | amount | servings
Fruit 1 | amount | servings
Fruit 2 | amount | servings
Fruit 3 | amount | servings

Item Name | in use/ not used | When it will Perish
Item Name | in use/ not used | When it will Perish

Pet Name | Type of Animal | Age | Gender | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Pet Name | Type of Animal | Age | Gender | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions |
↪ learned
Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions |
↪ learned

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

Name and Name | Kids
Name and Name | Kids[/size][/list][/list][/left]

List of Villages
here is the list of villages, who owns the village, and which mod replies to them:

    Easthaven Shiokaze | NightWolf950
    Mournstead | Katrione
    Caling | hazilnut
    Ulrica | ilhdc7
    Dreamwind | _Ravenfeather_
    Cyrrane | Arya22
    The Vale | Scottish9
    The Xogiáagaó Tribe | Chinchy
    Valourae Sol | rein-dear.
    Black Rock Weyr | Simonpet
    Nuudotkhyat | Chamrosh
    Redmire Hold | Phina D Wolf
    Devil's Peak | miss brightside
    Rosereach | NeonB
    Artemyra | Magical Girl Shiri
    Raven's Brigade | reindeer of roses.
    Taiyph | cyber;
    New Silver | Night♕
    Expanse | Peachycupcake525
    Nancledra | Dinolil1
    Hollow Grove | b u n n y h o p
Last edited by amethyst14 on Sun May 13, 2018 5:27 am, edited 19 times in total.
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Postby amethyst14 » Fri Dec 08, 2017 3:14 pm

Hair Styles - HS
S - Straight - Appearance
HW - Heavy Wave - Appearance
LW - Light Wave - Appearance
HC - Heavy Curl - Appearance
LC - Light Curl - Appearance
AC - Afro Curl - Appearance
    Hair Color - HC
    Hair color will be picked from this list.
    It will have the number, not the name of the color.
    Example: HC-10

    Eye Color - EC
    Eye color will be picked from this list.
    It will have the name of the color.
    Example: EC-Blue
    Skin Tone - ST
    Hair color will be picked from this list.
    It will have the number, not the name
    of the color.
    Example: ST-4C

    You will get to choose the appearance
    of the pet you receive.
Last edited by amethyst14 on Fri Dec 08, 2017 4:03 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Current Food In Game

Postby amethyst14 » Fri Dec 08, 2017 3:14 pm

Acouchi - Small
Arrowana - Medium
Boar - Medium
Bovine - Large
Camel - Large
Capybara - Medium
Caribou - Large
Cassowary - Extra Large
Chicken - Medium
Cows - Large
Crab - Small
Deer - Large
Elk - Large
Hare - Small
Herring - Medium
Kudu - Extra Large
Large Fish - Large
Large Tropical Bird - Large
Lion Fish - Medium
Medium Tropical Bird - Medium
Monkey - Medium
Moose - Extra Large
Mutton - Medium
Okapi - Extra Large
Otter - Medium
Parrot - Large
Porcine - Medium
Quail - Small
Rabbit - Small
Reef Fish - Medium
Salmon - Large
Sea Bass - Medium
Seal - Large
Sheep - Medium
Small Fish - Small
Small Tropical Bird - Small
Tapir - Medium
Trout - Large
Turkey - Large
Vulture - Large
Walrus - Extra Large
Water Fowl - Medium
Wherry(Bird) - Medium
Watermelon - Large
Peach - Medium
Mango - Large
Passion Fruit - Medium
Dragon Fruit - Medium
Blackberry - Small
Apple - Medium
Plum - Medium
Cherry - Small
Cupuaçu - Medium
Plantains - Medium
Nuts - Small
Persimmon - Medium
Chalata - Medium
Grapes - Small
Moon Flower Fruit - Medium
Banana - Medium
Pineapple - Large
Pomegranates - Medium
Fig - Small
Cloudberries - Small
Apricots - Small
Frost Berry - Small
Honey Melon - Large
Blueberry - Small
Redfruit - Small
Bunchberries - Small
Bilberries - Small
Cinder Squash - Medium
Cucumber - Medium
Tomato - Small
Oats - Small
Turnips - Medium
Cabbage - Large
Seaweed - Extra Large
Pea - Small
Potato - Medium
Chayote - Small
Cassava - Small
Eggplant - Large
Carrot- Medium
Corn- Medium
Fungi - Small
Mushroom - Small
Beans- Small
Onion - Medium
Rice - Small
Pumpkin - Extra Large
Pepper - Medium
Heart Root - Small
Last edited by amethyst14 on Mon Feb 05, 2018 3:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Create a Village - V.1

Postby NightWolf950 » Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:16 pm

First let me just say this is a unique idea!
Gonna go with a more fantasy base village with this.
So elves, kemonomimis (people with ears&tails), humans, and nymphs. =D

Based near the sea, the village of Easthaven Shiokaze is home to many creatures.
The village itself looks gorgeous. With its shingle rooftops, birch wood walls and fields of farmland.
Easthaven Shiokaze layout
The main attraction of the village is their lighthouse.
The village economy is mainly supported by animal training, farming and fishing.
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Postby Katrione » Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:42 pm


the vikings
no matter how many times you tried to quell them, they rose up stronger than ever

many years ago, the vikings were near the end of their raiding campaigns. despite the vast amount of victories they had, they were slowly starting to lose and be pushed back. it seemed that their legacy would die. the last viking leader, mournstead, hid his wife away in a fishing boat, hoping to save the last thing of his family that he loved. little did he know, a young fire was tucked away in the belly of his wife, barely weeks old. as the ravens, a group wiping out vikings, came for mournstead, he smiled and spat one final message before meeting his end.

the gods have already written our stories in the stars. you will never win

the gods have finally sensed mournstead's young fire has been born

mournstead will rise once more


mournstead is a viking village set in the side of a mountain. the mountain leads up to a large tree that many vikings believe to be sacred to them. at the base of the mountain is a large, roaring waterfall and river. the fishing docks and the docks where they keep their ships is near the waterfall, but not close enough to be negatively affected. farming can be quiet hard for the vikings to do most of the time, since there isn't a lot of flat land in their village to farm on. if they do decide to try and farm, they will have to cross the river to the grazing pastures and block off half of the field for their crops while they livestock will occupy the other half.

like most vikings, the vikings of mournstead are loud and brash, usually getting into tussles whenever they're docked in other villages and towns. they speak their mind and aren't afraid to fight anyone over what they believe in. despite bad things that vikings do while on voyages, they are quite normal and calm when they are back in mournstead. it's an odd sight, but enemies, particularly the ravens, will see female vikings fighting while pregnant. this is a strategy that usually works well for the vikings of mournstead. their enemies are usually too scared to hurt a pregnant woman and it stuns them long enough for the women to finish them off for themselves or for one of the non-pregnant females or males sneak in and do it themselves.

mournstead is a strictly matriarchal society. the village will always be run by a female, but her advisers and the other chiefs may be male. elders are usually rare in this society since many perish during harsh winters or die in battles while out on raiding campaigns. the few elders they do manage to have at times are well cared for until they join the vikings beloved mournstead in the afterlife.


meat sources
xxxdeer, wild boar, fox, beaver, bear, trout, mackerel, salmon
vegetable sources
xxxleeks, onions, turnips, parsnips, carrots, potatoes, seaweed, cabbage
fruit sources
xxxapples, plums, gooseberries, blackberries, blueberries, cloudberries, sour cherries, crabapples
pelt sources
xxxbadger, bear, beaver, ermine, fox, sheep, reindeer, wolf

xxx silver trade
xxxfish trade
xxxfur trade
xxxweapons trade
xxxarranged marriages in exchange for livestock
Last edited by Katrione on Fri Dec 08, 2017 8:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Create a Village - V.1

Postby hazilnut » Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:50 pm

ᵀᴴᴱ ᶜᴵᵀᵞ ᴼᶠ
"ᵀᴴᴱ ᴾᴱᴺ ᴵˢ ᴹᴵᴳᴴᵀᴵᴱᴿ ᵀᴴᴬᴺ ᵀᴴᴱ ˢᵂᴼᴿᴰ"

Caling is a city which believes words hold the highest of power. With the right words you could do anything, from move the tallest of mountains, to charm the most stubborn of beasts. Vocabulary and rhetoric are highly valued and taught to all children starting at a young age and continuing on to adulthood. New words are ceremoniously taught as members rise through the ranks, some words being reserved for specific high ranking individuals which if used by any lower ranking member is considered sacrilege. Divine Words are words that are said to have shaped the Earth when spoken. They are never to be spoken unless a dire need arises because mortals are not capable of wielding them, and are seldom written down except when shamans are passing down knowledge. Cursing or using words in ways that they were not intended for is looked down upon and often punished. Despite being incredibly intellectual and wonderful communicators, progress is slow for Caling both in internal and external affairs. Internally the city is traditional and slow to adapt to new ideas not gained through the Old Books and externally they have issues establishing relationships with other villages. Unfortunately the people of Caling can be rather stiff and sensitive, unable to look past even unintentional slights despite being skilled in soothing others themselves. Some Calingers will use their words for manipulation, and while this is officially looked down upon it is rarely acted upon, and even officials will resort to trickery of their own if need be. Caling is an agricultural city by nature, though they do supplement their diet through hunting when need be. Animal companionship is not a natural or encouraged occurrence as animals tend to be looked upon as lesser due to not being capable of speech. For the first year of a child's apprenticeship they are forbidden to speak and instead communicate only through writing. This is to teach them the importance of the words they have been given and to test that they are in fact ready to begin learning their chosen trade. If they are caught breaking their silence they are made to spend the rest of the year doing menial work and try again the next year. Caling is set in the midst of a fertile river valley, said to have been carved by one of the Ancients when they spoke the work 'Caling'. The name is the one Divine Word that is common knowledge among the dwellers as it was interpreted as a gift and therefore safe for use. Oftentimes 'Caling' is used in place of 'us', 'home', or 'valley' in a close and familiar context. It is never used this way in the presence of outsiders.
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Postby ilhdc7 » Fri Dec 08, 2017 6:11 pm


the people
    the people of Ulrica are those of any kind. they live in a cave within a blossoming valley where all four seasons happen. each member is properly bundled and always have layers on to loose when the summer comes. the people within the village are strong hearted, and tricky. they love to use their creative mind to make new traps and all creative ways to disarm their opponents. the thing to remember when you step onto Ulrica land is that they know this place better then you, and they will use every dirty trick in the book to get you off their land. no limits come when protecting their home, their territory. Ulrica has a really close relationship with the local wolf pack, from where in the spring they trade with(look at traditions). most of the people that live within Ulrica spend their time in the forest to the pastures surrounding the cavern. they speak the secret code to enter the town, but otherwise live in the sun, thus none of the people are pasty white. the people are generally free to have free reign of the forest surrounding the town, but only children dare tempt fate and travel past where the guards circulate.
the place
    Ulrica lives in a meadow where many different plant and animal life blossoms. in the middle of the mountain side, is a small entrance, 8'2 tall. if you go farther in you would find a small cave town. a small stream flows through the middle where fresh water can be collected, then boiled to drink. the only risk of the large cavern is that people can be easily trapped within, and the stream can flood in the spring time with heavy rainfall. along the side of the cavern is blackberry bushes, where the children love to spend their time eating and playing by. at the entrance are 1-3 guards placed at all times.

    outside the cave is a fenced in area where the animals stay at night. a small coop for the birds, a small run for any foxes. the cats roam free inside, and so do the dogs. the horses are in an open pasture with the cattle. beyond that is a small meadow where the peach grove is and where the watermelon, cucumber, squash & tomatoes grow underfoot. children aren't allowed in the field because they could potentially ruin crops. when the weather is potentially harmful, the animals are moved into the cavern.
the produce
    main meat sources;
    - moose, deer, boar, rabbit
    main pelt sources (these are not eaten, but used strictly as a means of clothing & trading)
    - beaver, muskrat, badger
    main vegetable sources;
    - cucumber, tomatoes, squash
    main fruit source;
    - watermelon, peach, blackberry
the economy
    - fur trade - 1st
    - meat trade - 2nd
    - precious gems - 3rd
the traditions
    1. the trade with the wolves
      this is when in the springtime, the people offer the local wolf pack a deer, and in return they get the runt/weakest of the litter. this benefits both parties because the people get a wolf to help protect the village & potentially catch food. the wolves get rid of a potential hindrance, a pup that probably wouldn't have survived on its own.
modes of travel
    common - walking, zip-lining (only in the town)
    uncommon - on beast
    rare - by water
the types of humanoids
    common; human & dwarves & centaur
    uncommon; elves & fairy & siren
    rare; animal shifter(s) & mermaid/men

note;; all wolves are relitives of dire wolves ;; LARGE WOLVES LIKE FIVE(5) FEET TALL ;; I should have specified earlier but didn't

i'm calling them Prodigium - latin for monster

everything will be added to and edited as time goes on & Ulrica is built
Last edited by ilhdc7 on Wed Dec 13, 2017 3:03 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Staridon - From cinders and smoke, we are born -

Postby Dinolil1 » Fri Dec 08, 2017 8:17 pm


Built near the woods, among sprawling oak and groaning cedars, this village is quiet and clear-headed. Although noises can be heard ringing throughout the forest, the inhabitants go about their duties with patience and solemnity; after-all, they are only noises. They specialize in the trade of steel and pets, calmly walking to their nearest villages to trade. They grow no vegetables but forage for nuts, berries and fruit while catching the occasional deer or trout. They call themselves the village of Staridon, lawful and bullheaded. They build many towers, made to keep watch on the woods although few suspect it's to keep watch on them! Most are blacksmiths, tamers or fruit growers but you do get the occasional map-maker, charting paths via the stars that shine brightly above.

Their predecessors were Rivendon, a foolish lot that razed the woods to the ground and drove all the animals away. Keen to make amends, Staridon values the forest and the creatures within it above all else. They scorn hunters and when they do hunt, they make sure to use the whole animal and not to waste so much as a crumb of marrow. Staridon are fair-minded and will understand the nature of other villages although they will not sway their own laws to match the thoughts of others.

(Blackberries, Apples, Strawberries, Deer, Fox, Goose, Duck, Pheasant, Quail, Trout, Carp, Salmon, Hazelnuts, Raspberries, Pigeon)

I believe that you are purrfect!

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Re: Create a Village - V.1

Postby scarecrowz » Sat Dec 09, 2017 4:04 am


Dreamwind is built on a field of tall grass, a long path made of bricks will lead off to the Blackberry Forest. The Blackberry forest is where most of Dreamwind’s food comes from, as well as pets and herbs. Dreamwind’s houses are usually little cabins all on sides of the gravel road, the biggest house belongs to the Head Chief. The house is a large stone house. The Shaman’s house, built to the left is a wooden house with many rooms, each room having 2 beds, each room for a patient. Usually a Shaman has animal ears or a tail. Blackberry Forest is filled with rabbits, deer, quail, and hawks. The river provides the Salmon for Dreamwind, the only fish of this village. Fruits, Vegetables and berries that grow out in the first are apples, lemons, oranges, eggplant, blackberry, cabbage, and carrots. The pets that roam the forest are most commonly fox, dog, ox/cow, and bird. Uncommon pets to find out are cats. The rarest pets to find are horses.
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Cyrrane- All are welcome

Postby Arya22 » Sat Dec 09, 2017 4:47 am

(Eeep I am so excited for this!!)

Cyrrane- a place where the unnatural meet the normal. Most people living in this village are humans, but some are not. Wood elves, great but mysterious warriors, live in the woods below the village and sometimes join them. Rarely, dwarves also come out from their mountains to live in the small village. Those special creatures living in the village makes it that Cyrrian people (the villagers of Cyrrane) usually have a great acceptance to other looks, races and ideas.

Cyrrane is located on a high plateau of the Blyhonn mountain. A slope leads down on the east to the valley below, where the thick Wyst forest is. The west is a cliff, and below that cliff lies a big lake, the Ahl. A river of the same name flows from the far north towards them and finishes its course in the lake. To the south is more forest. At the top of the plateau, where the village is, there are barely any trees. Instead, small bushes and areas of bare earth make up most the ground.

The Wyst is populated by many animals. Birds of all sizes, as well as mammals like boars, deers, foxes and squirrels live there. It is rare, but there are a few berry bushes and fruit trees down in the less thick areas of the forest as well. At the top, the few patches of earth are good to be planted with seeds. The lake Ahl is also filled with all sorts of fish.
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