Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Mod trial replies [4]

Postby Chinchy » Sat Apr 22, 2017 6:23 am

It's bright and sunny out, clouds cover the sky, but there doesn't seem to be much rain.

Gustclan - Chamrosh wrote:
[size=85]Heronstar curled tight around her two tiny newborn kits. One a beautiful gingery-brown, the other a just-off-white colour. They were both boys, and they were both beautiful. She was sure that anyone who saw them would agree, and that that wasn’t motherly bias. They really were, with their still-shut eyes and (even she would admit) weirdly folded ears, still completely adorable.
Heronstar looked up as Chubtail entered her den, and she was sure he instantly realised the kits had arrived by the look of happiness he seemed to instantly adopt at seeing her.
“They’re all healthy? 18 toes, 2 eyes, a tail, everything in place?” Heronstar nodded hugely, and Chubtail bounded straight over to join his family, curling around his mate and kits. “They’re both beautiful!”
“Both beautiful toms. What are we going to call them?”
Chubtail got a proud look on his face. “I always liked sun-dews. They eat insects, even though they’re plants- a kit named after them would be so good at hunting that nothing could stop him, I feel.”
“We can’t call him sun-dewkit! But… There’s another name I heard for them before… Drosera?”
“I like Droserakit.” Heronstar beamed at her mate as he said that. She did too. “What about the other kit?”
“I like a few options. I was thinking of Saxifrage at some point, after those tiny white flowers, or Squill, but I don’t think either suits him. Maybe Mistletoe? Sheep? Shell? But if his brother has a meaning to his name, he should too.”
“Shell could have a meaning. Good at defending himself… at home in water… er…” Heronstar snorted at his attempts to come up with a similar level of meaning for it. She nodded.
“I like Shellkit.” Chubtail beamed wide and gave his mate a lick, followed by each of his sons.
Harrierpelt came in a second later. He raised his eyebrows at having walked in at such a scene of affection, not entirely comfortable. “Do they have names I can tell the others, then?”
“Shellkit and Droserakit.”
Argusheart wasn’t sure what she made of the two tiny kits. She’d wanted to have children but she’d always thought kits looked a bit weird when they were so young. Wait until they were a few months old, old enough to actually do something other than just lie there, and she could much more appreciate them.
She loved the effects of clouds when she was a kit, and she looked forward to seeing how these two would react once they were big enough to leave their mother to the clouds outside.
Boulderdash came in at one point to admire the kits. She played with them a little, watching the tiny ones. Heronstar was grateful at the opportunity to stretch her legs while Boulderdash kept them warm for a few minutes. They were blind and deaf and helpless, but they could smell it wasn’t their mother. They didn’t seem to mind for a few moments, and when they grew restless Boulderdash called for their mother, who came, almost in a panic of concern about what could be wrong.
Myrtleclaw visited with Boulderdash a few times. It made Heronstar wonder whether they’d decided to become mates or something, but somehow she felt they hadn’t. It was a shame, they’d be brilliant together. She wanted to see if they’d ever become mates, because if they hadn’t realised how much they clearly meant to each other by now, it looked a lot like they wouldn’t ever.
“I want to mentor one of your kits, when they’re old enough.”
“That’s not for me to decide. Heronstar assigns mentors, not me, and she values patience.”
Droserakit’s eyes started opening first, but only with tiny little flickering movements; only kitten dreams making them move. Shellkit kept trying to clamber over his brother instead of around, and Heronstar found it rather endearing, even if he kept bumping her in the ribs when he did it.
“Harrierpelt, I… I don’t intend to get in the way when I come in ‘ere.”
“Oh it’s fine, I don’t mind having cats in my way when I’m trying to deal with kits.” Harrierpelt responded to Boulderdash, knowing it was her, both from her still-strong accent and because she seemed to have some fascination with him.
“I was wanting to ask you something, actually.”
“I’m not taking apprentices yet.” He replied, almost instinctively. “Wait, you’re not-" He waved his paw around uncertainly, almost like gesticulating. “You’re not already mates with Myrtleclaw, are you? I already have two impossible patients.”
Boulderdash sat bolt upright at that suggestion, startled that he’d thought that himself. “No, nothing like that. I was going to ask if you… if you wanted to be… mates with me?” Before that moment, Harrierpelt had not realised that the tabby cat could even be nervous around another cat. He scrutinised her carefully, trying to work out if she was serious (she seemed to be) and then working out how to react.
“No. I’m… a medicine cat, I’m not meant to have kits or a mate.” Boulderdash was clearly down-hearted at that response, not having noticed his pause and intonation. Harrierpelt walked closer towards her, close enough that he couldn’t be over-heard. “Not now, anyway.” And he stalked off, glancing behind, leaving a confused Boulderdash in his wake.

[Shellkit and Droserakit are born and named And Heronstar declares them to be the cutest]
[Myrtleclaw and Argusheart go hunting]
[Chubtail and Boulderdash go on a patrol]
[Shellkit and Droserakit stay in the nest with their mother, Heronstar Because they’re too tiny to wander off yet]
[Gustclan consumes a big fish – 3 portions]

[center]Myrtleclaw and Argusheart left camp together, an awkward silence between them for a few moments before a conversation was innitiated. For a little while they chattered with one another, trying to get to know each other a bit better since they were now clanmates and it wouldn't be very...nice living alongside complete strangers after all. Soon enough, the two warriors quited down, Argusheart dropping into a crouch and sneaking towards a rabbit like creature - a hare. She neared it slowly, but her stalking could have used a bit more work as the hare noticed her, pelting away. She jumped to her paws, racing after it with Myrtleclaw following behind, yet the distance in-between grew until he gave up on the chase, taking a little break to catch his breath, only to see that Argusheart had managed to nearly corner the creature, only for it to run in another direction. She gave up on the chase, padding back towards Myrtleclaw who began to pad towards her as well, only to notice a mouse running towards shelter. He quickly caught up to it, giving the small rodent a quick death. Argusheart was clearly tired from the running when she finally caught up to the other warrior, earning a little chuckle and a comment about how she should probably try something smaller for now. The two hunted for a while longer, Myrtleclaw acting almost like a menotr by helping Argusheart with her crouch and when the two returned, they merely had a mouse and a squirrel, but it would do.
[Argusheart and Myrtleclaw caught a mouse and a squirrel]

Chubtail and Boulderdash may have been on the same patrol, but due to the molly still being bummed out about being rejected, her thoughts occasionally drifted and she ended up a bit behind before being snapped out of it by the tom who eventually became quite annoyed with her, trying to give her some comfort about the situation via applying logic. But eventually both of their attention was caught when they encountered an unfamiliar scent. Perhaps Argusheart hadn't been the only one hunting on clan territory...
[Chubtail and Boulderdash found a rogue scent]
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby sharklord » Sat Apr 22, 2017 8:48 am

Your Clan's Name
Number of Cats: Here

Put your post of what your cats are doing here

          Shadestar | 69 Moons | Male | [Link available next post]
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username[/quote]

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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Create a Clan - Gustclan - 10

Postby Chamrosh » Sat Apr 22, 2017 8:53 am

Number of Cats: 8 (2 of which are kits)
Food Consumption: 3
Visit to Moonpool: Not visited this week

Shellkit sat silently watching a spider crawl up a wall. He was trying to work out how its legs worked. It must be weird to be a spider. When he looked closely, he was sure that the spider had tiny hairs on her feet. He could imagine tiny hairs on the pads of his paws, and imagine being able to walk wherever he liked- currently up the entrance to his mother’s den.
“Come on, let’s go and play!” Droserakit called again.
Shellkit kept staring at the spider. Eight little legs. How weird it had to be to be a spider, with two legs for each of his own and no tail, and to make your nest through your mouth. He kept staring even as his brother batted the spider down to get his attention. Shellkit only looked down slowly to see where the spider had gone.
“Why do you keep spending so long looking at bugs?”
Shellkit hesitated for a while, and spoke slowly, deliberately, as he always did. “I think they’re interesting. They’re very different from us.”
Droserakit tried to pounce his brother to play fight, but Shellkit started mewling, looking scared, not knowing how to respond.
If Heronstar was honest, she worried for Shellkit, not sure what was in his head that made him act so differently to his brother. But Shellkit seemed to be genuinely sweet. He tried to rearrange the nest a few days before and utterly failed, and had brought Harrierpelt a gift of a tiny bit of two leg cloth. “Droserakit, don’t pounce on your brother unless he wants you to.”
“But mum! How are we going to learn to be warriors?!”
“Harrierpelt, can we talk?”
Harrierpelt looked at the grey molly again, surprised she was back already. “About what?”
Boulderdash huffed awkwardly, bracing herself for how awkward this might become soon. Chubtail had tried to run her mood through logically, but she knew that she wasn’t going to feel okay, really, until she’d actually worked out what was going on. “Um, earlier, when you said “not now” ‘bout being mates, did ya mean not ever or…”
Harrierpelt looked at her like she’d just decided to eat a live mouse. “Of course not. I meant later. It would be risky to have another set of kits ready to run around camp before Shellkit and Droserakit are even apprenticed.”
Boulderdash seemed to somehow both relax and perk up at the same time; relieved that it hadn’t been an outright rejection, and happy to have some idea why he’d initially said no. “But after they’re apprenticed?”
“Either early enough that Heronstar knows not to assign you as their mentor or after they’re made warriors.”
“I’d rather it be the first of those.” Harrierpelt nodded at her, which she took to be agreement. “But you’re willing to be mates, ri’, in time?” Harrierpelt nodded again, and Boulderdash gave him her most genuine and lopsided smile.
“There was a rogue scent on the border during our patrol, near the edge of the territory.” Chubtail informed his mate.
It was awkward being deputy while the leader, his mate, was a queen. He was almost forced to act entirely as leader himself anywhere which wasn’t camp. Chubtail supposed it was a good practice, and good experience, but it was still unfamiliar. He was happier as just deputy, rather than having to work as both deputy and leader. Next time they had kits, he would make sure he had an understudy.
His apprehension about taking on two roles wasn’t helped by Droserakit choosing this moment to start trying to catch the tip of his tail. Clearly Shellkit hadn’t started to show interests in playing with him yet, though Chubtail noticed that Droserakit always seemed to be close to his brother, and right now, Shellkit was curled up against Heronstar, sleeping, almost like a tiny version of her now his points were starting to show.
“If it’s a lone rogue, you should be okay with just yourself and Myrtleclaw. Make sure that Boulderdash and Argusheart are nearby, so they can keep an eye out for the rogue if they try moving further into our territory.” As Chubtail listened, he also played with his son. Multitasking was probably going to be a vital skill for him in the future.

[Boulderdash and Harrierpelt become mates]
(No kits yet- and I did mean that to be ridiculously awkward between them~)
[Chubtail and Myrtleclaw search for the loner]
[Boulderdash and Argusheart go hunting]
[Harrierpelt stays at camp, in case the kits become sick]
[Shellkit and Droserakit are a month old; Heronstar stays at camp with the kits]
[Gustclan consumes the rest of the big fish and a squirrel – 3 portions]

    Heronstar | 47 | Female *
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★
    ↪ Point long-furred molly with blue eyes

    Chubtail | 43 | Male
    ↪ Brown tabby tom with white patches and yellow eyes
    ** Carries point

    Medicine Cat:
    Harrierpelt | 22 | Male
    ↪ Long-furred dark-grey tom with amber eyes

    Boulderdash | 38 | Female
    ↪ Slender grey tabby molly with green eyes
    Myrtleclaw | 34 | Male
    ↪ Long furred pale grey tabby tom with golden eyes
    Argusheart | 39 | Female
    ↪ Chocolate/Dark tortoiseshell molly with pale green eyes
    Name | Age | Gender

    Name | Age | Gender
    Name | Age | Gender

    Heronstar | 47 | Female | ••
    ↪ Point long-furred molly with blue eyes
    Name | Age | Gender | •

    Shellkit | 1 | Male
    ↪ White tom kit with grey point and blue eyes
    Droserakit | 1 | Male
    ↪ Tabby brownish-red tom kit with blue eyes
    ** Carries point
    Name | Age | Gender

    Name | Age | Gender
    Name | Age | Gender
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North East | Mostly Lake | Forestclan | Simonpet
    North West | Mostly Lake | Clan Name | Username
    East | Road + Stream | Clan Name | Username
    South | Road | Wrenclan | Raven Walker
    West | Hills | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Borage Leaves (1) | Brings down fevers, improves milk
    Burdock Root (1) | Helps cure rat bites (infection, pain)
    Catmint (1) | Remedy for green/whitecough
    Cobweb (1) | Slow bleeding. Binds broken bones.
    Comfrey (1) | Repairs broken bones, sooths wounds.
    Helps wrenched claws. Eases itches, inflammation and
    stiffness. Helps burns.
    Feverfew (2) | Reduces body temperature, heals aches
    and pains, esp. headaches.
    Honey (1) | Soothes infections, helps damaged throats
    and swallowing, soothes coughing, gives energy.
    Ragwort (1) | Reduces joint ache, keeps up strength
    Tansy (1) | Cures coughs, cure wounds and poisons.
    Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats
    Watermint (1) | Reduces bellyache

    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Frogs | x0 | 1 serving
    Mice | x3 | 1 serving
    Squirrels | x1 | 2 servings
    Rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x0 | 3 servings
    Hares | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Heronstar and Chubtail | Shellkit and Droserakit;
    Boulderdash and Harrierpelt | (No kits for a little while!)
    Name and Name | Kits

Last edited by Chamrosh on Sat Apr 22, 2017 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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lunarclan reply 01.

Postby whatswrongwithangela » Sat Apr 22, 2017 10:01 am

Bumbletear wrote:

ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴏɴ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ ᴜs ᴀʟʟ

Whisperstar smiled as she watched Clearsight speaking with Winternose. The Blind she-cat had fit right back into Clan life, as though she had never left.Sure the whole Tradition of the Grasses was new, but she had taken to it quite quickly. Another thing she had become accustomed to, was cuffing the ears of the cats who spoke behind her back about a 'blind cat not being able to hunt'. Though she had accidentally been about to tell them of Iceclan, before Whisperstar had pulled her, and her kits aside. She told them that she had yet to tell Lunarclan of her past as leader of the clan of Ice and Snow, and she would rather keep it that way until she knew how to explain everything. Clearsight had agreed, but she had warned Whisperstar to do it soon, before some cat got hurt because of what she was hiding.

Rising to her paws, Whisperstar left camp, and began the familiar trek to the moonpool. Sitting down, she stared at the waters for a moment. Before sighing, saying Starclan, please help and touching her nose to the waters, entering the familiar sleep walking with the ancestors.

[2 Squirrels Eaten]
[Ashpaw, Smokepaw, and Firepaw Trained]
[Whisperstar goes to the Moonpool, and asks for a random cat]
[Cloudscent goes Herb Hunting]
[Flametalon and Mudstrike go on patrol]

The clan feasts as a celebration from finding Clearsight and her kits. They consume two squirrels!

Smokepaw, Ashpaw and Firepaw's mentors decide to take them out for a hunting lesson. At first they
had alot of trouble learning but near the end they started to understand how to hunt much more and soon
enough they were out catching prey for the entire clan.
The three apprentices learn the hunting skill!

Whisperstar suddenly fell into a dream she couldn't see anything but she heard a whisper saying
"we have given you an elder to share all their experience and wisdom with you and your clan. please
keep them safe and warm.". After that she had woken up. Behind her she heard a voice speaking.
"is it me your looking for young'un?" the voice said. Whisperstar spun around as it spoke and realized it
must be the elder that starclan had sent for lunarclan.
Starclan has sent you an elder!

Cloudscent decides to go seatrch for herbs near an old twoleg nest. He searches for a while until he comes across
some catmint. Even though its not very useful during the current season he decided to take it in case any cat catches
greencough anyways. Cloudscent comes back to camp wishing he found other herbs.
Cloudscent finds catmint x2!

Flametalon and Mudstrike head out of camp on patrol. Mudstrike is excited for her first patrol as a warrior and Flametalon
enjoyed watching the younger warrior jump around. Half-way through the patrol they scent a cat and a badger when they
follow the trail they find an expecting queen being attacked by a badger. She had it injured well but the two warriors jumped in
to help her anyways. The three cats ended up leading the badger away from lunarclan territory without injuries and Mudstrike and Flametalon
ask the queen to join lunarclan promising her food and shelter. She agrees to join happy to have cats who will look out for her.
The patrol finds a queen whos expecting kits! They are due in 3 moons!
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby killer romance. » Sat Apr 22, 2017 10:39 am

Number of Cats: 5 cats: 3 S, 2 T (2 servings)

Date of moonpool visit:28th April

Head nestled in her ginger tail fur, Brightpool curled up under the cool shade of the nursery, ready for her kitting. It was due very soon, and was all she could think about. What if it went wrong? Obviously she'd been told she was healthy and it should be fine, but would it be? How would they know! All this paranoid thinking made her feel stressed, and she curled up even tighter. Brackenflower had laid the chervil down next to her nest, just in case the kits came suddenly and it was needed. She'd overheard Brackenflower saying she didn't want to use it unless she had to, as she didn't have much of it. Instead of worrying, she forced herself to relax and try to sleep.

Pumastar and Thistlepelt sat in the leader's den, discussing their plans. Neither of them were sure as to wether they should go and hunt down the mouse nest, or go on patrol. Eventually they agreed to go on patrol first, since they had prey and the mice weren't going anywhere, especially in this heat. Pumastar didn't really like it. Far too hot for her. She proffered the cold wind refreshing her after a long hunt. So, a casual patrol seemed a better option. Obviously, Brackenflower would stay in camp with Brightpool so she was ready, but the others could patrol with her. As they reached the border, Pumastar remembered to go and see Starclan. She said goodbye to her classmates and set off. She had already planned out what she was going to ask for, and that was another warrior. With new kits, they'd need all the helo they could get with hunting and mentoring, etc.

(Darktree and Thistlepelt go on patrol, decoding to leave the mouse nest until for now)
(Brackenflower is caring for Brightpool, and has prepared for the kitting)
(Pumastar has asked Starclan for a warrior)
(The clan has not eaten this moon)

You had me cracking up with the name mixing! Brilliant. XD

        Pumastar | 36 moons | She-cat | X
        Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

        Thistlepelt | 41 moons | Tom | X

        Medicine Cat:
        Brackenflower | 40 moons | She-cat | X

        Darktree | 50 moons | Tom | X
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

        Brightpool | 30 | She-cat | X
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
        Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

        Ally Clans:
        Clan Name | Username
        Clan Name | Username

        Enemy Clans
        Clan Name | Username
        Clan Name | Username

        North | Gustclan | Chamrosh
        East | Clan Name | Username
        South | Clan Name | Username
        West | Clan Name | Username
        South-East | Forestclan | Simonpet

        Medicine Store
        Spider web x1 | To patch up wounds and stop bleeding.
        Catmint x1 | The best cure for greencough​ and whitecough.
        Poppy seeds x1 | To ease pain and calm cats.
        Chervil x1 | To help infected would and bellyache. Sometimes helps kitting.
        Stinging nettle x1 | Induces vomiting, helps against swelling and can be used to fight infection. Helps heal bones when mixed with comfrey.
        Lavender x1 | Cures chills and fevers. Hides the stretch of death.
        Thyme x1 | Calms nervousness, anxiety and shock.
        Bindweed x1 | Fastens sticks to broken legs.

        Fresh-Kill Pile:
        Mice | x0 | 1 serving
        Squirrels | x2 | 2 servings
        Small Birds | x0 | 1 servings
        Big Birds | x1/3 | 3 servings
        Shrews | x0 | 1 servings
        Fawns | x0 | 4 servings

        Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
        Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

        Deceased Cats:
        Cat Name | Cause of Death
        Cat Name | Cause of Death

        Brightpool and Unknown | Expecting
        Name and Name | Kits
---(f o r . y a)---

text text text text text
i'm miss brightside
the killers = life
brandon flowers <3
british female

the man - the killers
text text text text text

--( y o u ' r e . l o o k i n g )--


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Mod trial replies [5]

Postby Chinchy » Sat Apr 22, 2017 11:10 am

Gustclan - Chamrosh wrote:
Shellkit sat silently watching a spider crawl up a wall. He was trying to work out how its legs worked. It must be weird to be a spider. When he looked closely, he was sure that the spider had tiny hairs on her feet. He could imagine tiny hairs on the pads of his paws, and imagine being able to walk wherever he liked- currently up the entrance to his mother’s den.
“Come on, let’s go and play!” Droserakit called again.
Shellkit kept staring at the spider. Eight little legs. How weird it had to be to be a spider, with two legs for each of his own and no tail, and to make your nest through your mouth. He kept staring even as his brother batted the spider down to get his attention. Shellkit only looked down slowly to see where the spider had gone.
“Why do you keep spending so long looking at bugs?”
Shellkit hesitated for a while, and spoke slowly, deliberately, as he always did. “I think they’re interesting. They’re very different from us.”
Droserakit tried to pounce his brother to play fight, but Shellkit started mewling, looking scared, not knowing how to respond.
If Heronstar was honest, she worried for Shellkit, not sure what was in his head that made him act so differently to his brother. But Shellkit seemed to be genuinely sweet. He tried to rearrange the nest a few days before and utterly failed, and had brought Harrierpelt a gift of a tiny bit of two leg cloth. “Droserakit, don’t pounce on your brother unless he wants you to.”
“But mum! How are we going to learn to be warriors?!”
“Harrierpelt, can we talk?”
Harrierpelt looked at the grey molly again, surprised she was back already. “About what?”
Boulderdash huffed awkwardly, bracing herself for how awkward this might become soon. Chubtail had tried to run her mood through logically, but she knew that she wasn’t going to feel okay, really, until she’d actually worked out what was going on. “Um, earlier, when you said “not now” ‘bout being mates, did ya mean not ever or…”
Harrierpelt looked at her like she’d just decided to eat a live mouse. “Of course not. I meant later. It would be risky to have another set of kits ready to run around camp before Shellkit and Droserakit are even apprenticed.”
Boulderdash seemed to somehow both relax and perk up at the same time; relieved that it hadn’t been an outright rejection, and happy to have some idea why he’d initially said no. “But after they’re apprenticed?”
“Either early enough that Heronstar knows not to assign you as their mentor or after they’re made warriors.”
“I’d rather it be the first of those.” Harrierpelt nodded at her, which she took to be agreement. “But you’re willing to be mates, ri’, in time?” Harrierpelt nodded again, and Boulderdash gave him her most genuine and lopsided smile.
“There was a rogue scent on the border during our patrol, near the edge of the territory.” Chubtail informed his mate.
It was awkward being deputy while the leader, his mate, was a queen. He was almost forced to act entirely as leader himself anywhere which wasn’t camp. Chubtail supposed it was a good practice, and good experience, but it was still unfamiliar. He was happier as just deputy, rather than having to work as both deputy and leader. Next time they had kits, he would make sure he had an understudy.
His apprehension about taking on two roles wasn’t helped by Droserakit choosing this moment to start trying to catch the tip of his tail. Clearly Shellkit hadn’t started to show interests in playing with him yet, though Chubtail noticed that Droserakit always seemed to be close to his brother, and right now, Shellkit was curled up against Heronstar, sleeping, almost like a tiny version of her now his points were starting to show.
“If it’s a lone rogue, you should be okay with just yourself and Myrtleclaw. Make sure that Boulderdash and Argusheart are nearby, so they can keep an eye out for the rogue if they try moving further into our territory.” As Chubtail listened, he also played with his son. Multitasking was probably going to be a vital skill for him in the future.

[Boulderdash and Harrierpelt become mates]
(No kits yet- and I did mean that to be ridiculously awkward between them~)
[Chubtail and Myrtleclaw search for the loner]
[Boulderdash and Argusheart go hunting]
[Harrierpelt stays at camp, in case the kits become sick]
[Shellkit and Droserakit are a month old; Heronstar stays at camp with the kits]
[Gustclan consumes the rest of the big fish and a squirrel – 3 portions]

Chubtail and Myrtleclaw found the scent at the border, beginning to follow it. It hadn't been the freshest and it led the two toms far, winding around. They kept on following it until they nearly crossed into Wrenclan territory. The deputy stopped, but Murtleclaw still continued until hissed at to come back. But it seemed a bit late as a patrol of two cats from the neighbouring clan were already rushing towards them, taking them as a pair of rogues perhaps. Or perhaps they thought the fellow clan decided to steal their prey. Whatever the case it didn't seem like this would be the most pleasant.
[Chubtail and Myrtleclaw discovered the Wrenclan patrol]

Argusheart seemed glad to be hunting with Boulderdash this time. Now they were two fast mollies and could probably work together like lionesses if they wanted to. But that was quite a farfetched idea. Still a nice once however. Yet it seemed like it really could work out that way. The pair spotted a hare, silently agreeing on a plan to proceed. They both slowly tried to approach it from either side, so as the hare noticed one of the cats and started to pelt away from her, it would end up in the paws of another. And it seemed to work. Argusheart scared the critter towards Boulderdash and with a strong kick from her back legs, she nearly bumped head to head with the hare that was about to change direction when she grabbed onto a clump of its fur to hold it back for just long enough for Argusheart to jump on its back and bite through the back of its neck, killing it. The cats yowled triumphantly, Argusheart picking up the limp body of the large rabbit like creature, dragging it along and back towards camp. On the way back, Boulderdash managed to get a squirrel as well, both mollies proud of themselves and one another for having gotten enough prey to feed the clan for nearly two moons.
[Argusheart and Boulderdash caught a hare and a squirrel]
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Re: Lunarclan | 14

Postby Bumbletear » Sat Apr 22, 2017 3:26 pm

ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴏɴ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ ᴜs ᴀʟʟ
Number of Cats: 18
Next Patrol: 04/22/17 - 8:30 am
Next Moonpool Visit: 4/28/17 - 6:15 am
Next Kitting: Kitewing - 3 moons

Mudstrike watched Clearsight with awe. The white she-cat may have been blind, but she was the best hunter the smaller she-cat had ever seen "How did you learn to do that?" Clearsight laughed "You want hard? Try hunting on a snowy mountain, with hail pouring down on you, while you're expecting kits" Mudstrike just stared in shock.

[1 Thrush and 1 Vole eaten]
[Ashpaw, Smokepaw, and Firepaw Trained]
[Whisperstar goes on patrol with Whitesong]
[Mudstrike and Clearsight go Hunting]

          Whisperstar | 38 Moons | Female | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Whitefoot | 36 Moons | Male | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Cloudscent | 43 Moons | Male | X

          Shadowtail | 26 Moons | Female | X
          Hawkthorn | 26 Moons | Male | X
          Whitesong | 23 Moons | Female | X
          Flametalon | 37 Moons | Male | X
          Clearsight | 45 Moons | Female | X {blind}
          Mudstrike | 14 Moons | Female | X

          Smokepaw | 13 moons | Male | X
          Ashpaw | 13 Moons | Female | X
          Firepaw | 13 Moons | Male | X

          Winternose | 34 Moons | Female | X
          ❆ Kitewing | 43 Moons | Female | X

          Eaglekit | 3 moons | male | X
          Falconkit | 3 moons | female | X
          Hawkkit | 3 moons | male | X

          ❆ Bramblebush | 132 Moons | Male | X
          ❆ Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans
    Sootclan | Catskittens
    Ivyclan | Savannah-the-Caracal

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Catmint | 4 | Best remedy for the deadly
    greencough, which kits and elders
    usually catch in the season of
    leaf-bare. Can also be used
    for whitecough.
    Cobwebs | 1 | To soak up and stop
    (or slow) the bleeding
    It may also be used to bind
    broken bones
    Lamb's Ear | 1 | Gives a cat strength
    Sweet Sedge Sap | 1 | Eases infection
    Marigold | 0 | Stops infection. Stops
    bleeding.Used for inflammation of stiff joints.
    Poppy Seeds | 1 | They can help a cat
    sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain.
    Not recommended for nursing queens.
    Coltsfoot | 1 | Eases breathing or
    kitten-cough, as well as cracked or
    sore pads
    Thyme | 1 | Calms nervousness, anxiety, and
    cats who are in shock

    Northern Field | Ivyclan | sparkypony
    Eastern Field | Clan | User
    Southern Plains | Featherclan | Chinchy
    Western River | Sedgeclan | ♥ Enchanted ♥

    Fresh-Kill Pile
    4 Servings

    Mouse | x2 | 1 serving
    Rabbit | x2 | 2 servings
    Thrush | x1 | 3 serving
    Raven | x2 | 3 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Vole | x1 | 1 serving

    Whitefoot | Smokepaw | 00
    |> moves
    |> Advanced
    Shadowtail | Ashpaw | 00
    |> moves
    |> Advanced
    Hawkthorn | Firepaw | 00
    |> moves
    |> Advanced

    Deceased Cats
    Cat Name | Age at Death | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Age at Death | Cause of Death

    Winternose and ???
    |> Eaglekit, Falconkit, Hawkkit
    ??? and ???
    |> Shadowtail, Hawkthorn
    Clearsight and Embertoes[Ice]
    |> Smokepaw, Ashpaw, and Firepaw

    Tradition of the Grasses
    when the moon is full over Lunarclan's
    territory, there is a swath of grass that
    looks as though it is glowing. When a kit
    is born, they will be given a tail band of
    the grasses, apprentices will be lose the
    tail band, and be given an anklet, warriors
    will get anklets on both front paws, deputies
    will have the two anklets, as well as a tailband,
    medicine cats will have all front paws as well
    as a tailband, medicine apprentices will have
    two anklets and a tailband, and leaders will
    get anklets on all four paws
bumble: good-natured; kind; easygoing || tear: sadness
( cac ) ( rtl ) ( cap )
(( work in progress ))
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Reply - Wren

Postby Springtalon » Sat Apr 22, 2017 4:05 pm

{OOC; Aw, thanks :D I'm glad you like it}

☀The sun is shining and it's a beautiful day! Twolegs are crawling over the forest though, so keep an eye out!☀
☀Also common are Elders☀

raven walker wrote:

(Darktree and Thistlepelt go on patrol, decoding to leave the mouse nest until for now)
(Brackenflower is caring for Brightpool, and has prepared for the kitting)
(Pumastar has asked Starclan for a warrior)
(The clan has not eaten this moon)

Darktree yawned and flicked his tail, stretching out his fore-paws. "Comfortable are we?" Thistlepelt asked, smirking at the warrior. Darktree glared at him "Oh what? Like we aren't allowed to have some fun on patrol?" Thistlepelt glared, but turned away, and continued on the patrol. Darktree waited a few moments, purely out of spite, before following after. As they walked, Darktree let his gaze wander around, and so he didn't notice when Thistlepelt stopped, his fur rising until he looked like a literal interpretation of his name. Darktree let out a hiss, and was about to snap at the Deputy, when he noticed a rasping sound in the air. "Is that..." "A cat" Thistlepelt whispered, flicking his brown and white tail at the sleeping form. "They don't sound too good, we better get them to Brackenflower"
[The patrol found an Elder They require Coltsfoot for their breathing, it is required within 4 moons, or they could get an infection]

Brackenflower's head jerked up and she stared at the nursery for a split second, before leaping to her feet and racing to the nursery. "Easy there Brightpool, it's going to be fine, this will all be over soon.
[Brightpool gave birth to three healthy kits!]

Pumastar couldn't wait to get back to camp. She wanted to find out how the patrol had gone, she was really worried about Thistlepelt and Darktree's fighting, and was honestly worried they had clawed eachother or something. She was rushing so fast, she didn't see the black and brown form. "Watch it!" the cat snapped. The scent of raven washed over Pumastar, so for a moment she just sat there, blinking, until the cat finally growled "Hey? You there or what?" Pumastar shook herself, and looked around "Uh, why are you sitting on the Wrenclan border....with a bunch of birds?" the cat watched her for a little bit, then admitted "I'm hoping to find my brother. I heard he had joined a clan...I was hoping to maybe join him."
[Starclan has sent you a warrior! It's Thistlepelt's sibling!]
[They had two big birds with them!]
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if we stand as
someday becomes
and a prayer becomes a
and the strike starts here
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Re: [ orchardclan ] [ 08 ]

Postby Heda » Sat Apr 22, 2017 4:28 pm

utena wrote:

      Rising earlier than usual, Sparrowstar slipped out of camp before dawn, since the trek to the Moonpool would
      take a full day's journey. She didn't bother with a quick meal before she went; the leader knew that prey was
      readily available on the way there. Sparrowstar fully trusted her deputy to keep the clan organized and well
      during her absence; she didn't know how she could run the clan without Sablepelt.

      Back at camp, Sablepelt sent Thistlefang off on an early hunting patrol, as she knew that prey would be easier
      to catch in the cool mornings rather than in the lazy afternoons. As the warrior headed towards the ripe peach
      trees outside of camp, Sablepelt began a training session with her excitable apprentice. The deputy was
      still bemused at Gingerpaw's constant energy, especially at this hour, but she remained patient with the
      apprentice as she taught.

      Sparrowstar reached the Moonpool just as the sun began to touch the distant hills. As the sky was drenched
      in vibrant reds and pinks, the leader dipped her head and drank from the clear waters. She blinked, and
      found herself facing the faint, almost invisible faces of Starclan. Sparowstar was always sheepish when
      facing her ancestors, but she tried her best to not show it as she told the good news of her clan's health
      and humbly asked for another warrior to join her in the orchard.

Sparrowstar asks Starclan for a warrior.
Sablepelt and Gingerpaw train.
Thistlefang hunts.

*a light breeze, touched with warm but cool air. And watch out! There seems to be a fox lurking about so be careful and keep a sharp eye!*

      Sablepelt stopped by the peach trees as Gingerpaw had gotten carried away in loud excitement over the idea of another training day. Although Gingerpaw stopped with a sudden halt as she realized her mentor wasn't walking after her anymore. Turning around with a quick jerk she looked at Sablepelt who cleared her throat and gave Gingerpaw a look but let a small smile fade across her lips. Gingerpaw wasted no time in dashing towards her mentor and screeching to a stop. Standing nice and straight she smiled back. "I am ready for a day of training!" Oh how excited she was and she was just so full of energy she couldn't wait to burn. Sablepelt really wanted to know when this bountiful energy was going to end and she sort of hoped this training session would tire her apprentice out. "I'll be training you in combat today." Gingerpaw's tail flicked and her claws dug into the soft earth as her eyes lit up with even more excitement then they did before. "Gingerpaw, I would like you to come at me." Gingerpaw didn't hesitate, running towards Sablepelt in full force. The only problem is is that Gingerpaw got the the wind kicked out of her as Sablepelt dodged the attack with a swift leap and kick. "Well we have a long day ahead of us." Sablepelt explained as she looked at Gingerpaw who laid on the ground.
      (Gingerpaw learns a new skill! Battle)

      Thistlefang stepped carefully through the grass, keeping himself lower to the ground as he followed the scent of an unsuspecting finch. He knew the bird was still looking for its own meal which was how Thistlefang got the things scent in the first place. The stalking for so long was causing slight cramping in the toms legs but he wasn't going to give up. Ah......and certainly not now that the finch was in sight. Thistlefang. Slowly stalking toward the unsuspecting creature. His large yellow eyes staying locked on the birds body as his own body came closer. Soon the hairless tom stopped, watching the birds actions. It had paused for a moment but now was too preoccupied with the grubs it was trying to get. Thistlefang's back legs crouched even more, his front paws firmly pressing into the ground. The bird jerked up and then Thistlefang leaped, the birds wings fluttered rapidly to take off but were soon forced to the ground by Thistlefang's paws. Thistlefang gave the finch a quick death and took in a deep breath and looked at his newly caught prize.
      (Thistlefang caught a finch!)

      Everything was silent, it's as if time was standing still. The rustle of the trees stopped, the creak of the wood fell silent, and nothing moved. As if waiting like Sparrowstar was, searching for that gift Starclan may grant. Although time passed and still nothing appeared, the earth around Sparrowstar didn't dare move from it's silent strike. There was only a faint breeze, so faint that if a cat had thicker fur they wouldn't notice the slight chill it was bringing to the night that was just creeping around the corner. Then, with a sudden large and loud gust of wind everything seemed to fall back in order. The trees creaked and rustled, the sounds of frogs and crickets could be heard, and then a sudden; "Hello?" Followed by a thud as the cat tripped over the edge of a rock they clearly didn't see. But they quickly regained themselves and walked towards Sparrowstar, "You must be the one they sent me too." The deep green eyes of the newcomer stared at Sparrowstar closely, waiting to hear the leaders respond.
      (Starclan granted you a warrior)

(sorry it took me so long, I have had a rough week but I hope it's ok!)
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✧ - SAGECLAN [ 6 ]

Postby kaden » Sat Apr 22, 2017 7:38 pm

Number of Cats: Six | Males: Three | Females: Three
Servings: Three
Next Moonpool Visit: Saturday 29/04/2017

The weather was starting to become unbearable now. Featherburr seemed to be taking all the heat the worst since he had the longest, thickest fur out of all of the cats, and he seemed to be turning his annoyance into anger, yelling at anyone and everyone if he had a good excuse for it. Sparrowfrost found the heat uncomfortable for her as well, so when Honeystar invited her into the coolness of her den, she was sure to be thankful for it. "Sparrowfrost, my dearest sister, it's no secret to me at least you have a bit of a liking for Owlflame. Is this true?" Honeystar smiled once they reached the damp bottom of the den. Sparrowfrost just let out what could only be made out as a half-hearted laugh, "I guess he's cute. We've started to talk more now and I think he's starting to grow on me now," Honeystar purred, pressing her body against her sister's. She knew how her sister felt. She felt the same way about him, but she couldn't tell her that. She wanted Sparrowfrost to be happy, get at least one thing she wanted, "Grow on you? He must be the first cat you'd ever say that about. I'll pass on a word or two to him," She laughed. Sparrowfrost just grunted, "Keep your paws off him, he's reserved by me," The tortoiseshell she-cat joked. Although the two sisters feuded frequently, their tightly knit bond always pulled them back together. Sparrowfrost turned to leave when Honeystar called her, "Sparrowfrost? Do me a favour and lead a patrol out to hunt. I'm leaving to go to the moonpool now and we may need to start stocking up if this heatwave doesn't go away," Sparrowfrost just nodded before bounding out of the den and meeting up with Owlflame, "Sparrowfrost! It's good to see you," The Abyssinian tom greeted, "Owlflame, good to see you too. Come hunting with me again, Honeystar wants us to stock up on prey," She instructed while he just nodded, "Fair enough," The two were about to leave when they heard a small voice from behind them, "Can I come?" It was Hazelpaw, gazing up at the two warriors. They were interrupted by Honeystar, who approached them from behind Hazelpaw with Stormrunner by her side, "Hazelpaw, you haven't even learned how to hunt. I'll take you out to train before I go to the moonpool, and Stormrunner can go hunting with you two," Owlflame and Sparrowfrost exchanged annoyed glances before the cats left camp.

[ The clan consumes a pheasant ]
[ Training session: Honeystar & Hazelpaw
[ Hunting patrol: Owlflame, Sparrowfrost & Stormrunner ]
[ Moonpool: New warrior ]

    Leader: --- 1
    - Honeystar | 19 moons | Female
    Light ginger she-cat with green eyes
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

    Deputy: --- 1
    -- Owlflame | 26 moons | Male
    Grey-brown tom with large orange eyes

    Medicine Cat: --- 1
    - Featherburr | 38 moons | Male
    Very small and fluffy tabby tom

    Warriors: --- 2
    - Sparrowfrost | 19 moons | Female
    Beautiful calico she-cat with green eyes
    - Stormrunner | 27 moons | Male
    Tall grey tabby tom with yellow eyes

    Apprentices: --- 1
    - Hazelpaw | 7 moons | Female
    Dark tabby she-cat with brown eyes

    Queens: --- 0
    ✧ - Name | Age | Gender

    Kits: --- 0
    ✧ - Name | Age | Gender

    Elders: --- 0
    ✧ - Name | Age | Gender

    Ally Clans:
    ✧ - Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    ✧ - Clan Name | Username

    Bordering Clans
    ✧ - North: ScorchClan | ActualCannibalShia
    ✧ - South: StreamClan | justice'n'joy
    ✧ - East: SnowClan | BrightDays
    ✧ - West: SedgeClan | ♥ Enchanted ♥

    Medicine Store
    ✧ - X2 Catnip | Treats whitecough and greencough
    ✧ - X1 Cobwebs | Stops bleeding, broken bones
    ✧ - X1 Comfrey | Helps heal broken bones
    ✧ - X2 Feverfew | Cools fevers, treat headaches
    ✧ - X1 Mousebile | Used to remove ticks
    ✧ - X1 Nettle | Fights infection, induces vomiting
    ✧ - X1 Raspberry leaves | Eases pain during kitting
    ✧ - X1 Tansy | Treats coughs and heals wounds

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    ✧ - Mouse | x1 | 1 serving left
    ✧ - Vole | x1 | 1 serving left
    ✧ - Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings left
    ✧ - Stoat | x0 | 0 servings left
    ✧ - Magpie | x0 | 0 servings left
    ✧ - Pheasant | x0 | 0 servings left

    ✧ - Honeystar | Hazelpaw | Fighting

    Deceased Cats:
    ✧ - Cat Name | Cause of Death

    ✧ - Applestar & Smudgecloud: Sparrowfrost & Honeystar

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