Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Katrione » Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:55 am

The clouds have finally disappeared from the sky. There is still some flooding in the territories but that should go away soon. Apprentices and young warriors are now safe to leave the camp.

skystar901 wrote:
Smokestar's silver striped tail curled slightly as he left the safety of Ashenclan's island home, crossed the Land Bridge, and made his way to the rumored Moonpool. There was no worry that a new group would take over his home while he was gone. His clan was not yet known of, and what other cat would want to live on an island that hosted a mountain that once breathed fire? He knew that it no longer did so though. The island was now safe. But once word of Ashenclan's existence began to spread, he would need to be wary. Other cats might try to come in and take the land for themselves. Which was why he was going to ask for a Deputy, a second in command to help the clan grow strong!
●</Smokestar goes to the moonpool to ask for a Deputy>●

Starclan has sent you a deputy


Simonpet wrote:
Forestclan needed more cats. "Duckpelt," said Honeystar from the Speaker's Tree, "you and I will be going on a patrol today. Hopefully we'll find some more warriors." Duckpelt inclined her head in acknowledgement. "Crowcloud, it would be a great help if you could block the tunnels." The tunnels that Honeystar referred to were those linking the leader's den, the medicine cats' den, and the elders' den. Duckpelt had stated that they were likely part of an old rabbit or hare warren, but that there was no need to panic as they were notoriously flighty and wouldn't come back to reclaim their territory. Crowcloud nodded in acknowledgement. Honeystar jumped down from the Speaker's Tree, leaping from branch to branch until she reached the ground. "Let's go," she told Duckpelt.
While Honeystar and Duckpelt were out on the patrol, Crowcloud worked. "Now, how should I block those tunnels?" he asked himself. "Ah, I know! Rocks and dirt would work perfectly." He bounded out of the camp on the hunt for rocks. He found many small pebbles and brought each one back to the medicine cats' den, ready to start the long process of blocking the tunnels.

Forestclan uses 1 squirrel (2 servings)
Honeystar and Duckpelt go out on a patrol

While on patrol, Honeystar and Duckpelt found a warrior


Chamrosh wrote:
Heronstar opened her eyes, her nose now well away from the water. It was a strange experience, waking up from your first encounter with star clan as a leader. She looked across at the mottled tom who had appeared, and was now sitting by the pool alongside her. He seemed to have a gentle, graceful demeanour about him, but those bright yellow eyes hinted at something else beneath; no cat got to be a warrior without learning to fight, not least of all a deputy that Starclan approved of.
"Good to see you, awake, leader. I'm Chubtail. I just got this strong feeling to come here, and, lo, a new leader."
Heronstar gave a little nod to him, pleased that he really did seem to have a gentle nature. She didn't want a deputy who would needlessly attack other clans, and risk their clans safety.
"I'm Heronstar. It's good to meet you. Come, we'll head back to camp, I'll show you around it, and we can choose the warriors den."
Heronstar lead the way back to camp for him; Chubtail gasped as they approached the old two-leg den. "All due respect, but warriors can't share a den with two-legs! We're not mere Kitty-pets. Besides, how do we get in?" He had a mildly derisive tone.
Heronstar tried not to show her amusement at that. He was a proud warrior, which was definitely good. "They have not been here in many moons, and-" They were coming close to it by now- "They used to have a kitty-pet. There's a..." Heronstar didn't know a suitable word to describe it accurately, so she used the closest analogy she could think of: "Fin in one side we can jump through." Heronstar jumped through it and Chubtail followed close behind.
Heronstar lead him through the old two-leg den, showing him each of the smaller component dens, and then up the stairs. She showed him, first, the leader's den, which had a large, soft platform in the middle. He claimed the next den as the warrior's den- it had a soft platform twice as big as the leader's den. There would be plenty of space for warriors; besides, the floor was made of a strange, spongy soft material, which was still softer than many warrior dens.

(Chub - fish; mostly brown pelt with a lighter underside, Tail - agility, climbing, energetic)

[Gustclan has a new deputy- Chubtail]
The first priority now was ensuring that there was enough food to feed themselves. Heronstar wanted to get to having a functioning clan as soon as possible, and focus on training for specific fighting skills and such later on. They needed to have the security to build on, not build up to have security; have the food to fuel their warriors before, the battles to demand more warriors.
The sensible course of action was to go on a patrol, and to not stray too far away until they had more (or rather, multiple) warriors. That said, with only one cat before, Heronstar had not been able to patrol very effectively, and had definitely not surveyed the whole area for what resources it may or may not hold, and the abandoned two-leg house that had been claimed as the camp was only a short distance from the Southern border. The old thunderpath followed a winding path to the Southern border, and even following it, it did not take long to reach the boundary directly. Thankfully, this area of the territory was somewhat sheltered by the more Southerly of the Eastern hills, and so the house was mostly obscured by the trees that could grow there.
If they stayed close to the house, they would also be obscured and there obvious lack of warriors would not be an issue if any other clans' cats saw them... hopefully. Furthermore, it allowed a quick retreat to the camp should the rain get too much worse, or persist for too long.
Until they had more warriors, exposing themselves to needless risk was ill-advised. This meant being observed as well, and this was why Heronstar decided to remain close to the main camp area. Patrols had an added benefit, of course. If they met another warrior, they could be more adventurous on future patrols; and for this sake, Heronstar hoped that they did meet a new warrior.
Hopefully the stream wouldn't have swollen enough to cut off any of the relevant area.

[Heronstar and Chubtail are on a patrol]
(looking for food)

While on patrol, Heronstar and Chubtail caught a hare and squirrel


painting roses wrote:
Rockstar looked upon the growing group of apprentices, proud that he had an apprentice of his own. He saw Lionpaw, him being almost stone-faced out of the group of young cats. However, there were a few little smiles coming from him as his sister, Burningpaw, shoved him. The leader strut over, tail high. "Okay, all six of you will be spending the whole day together. After a group training session, you'll use the skills you learned by hunting for the clan." He ordered, their eyes collectively brightening and becoming wide. Rockstar smirked, flicking his tail for them all to go to their own mentors. Lionpaw trotted to him, dipping his head. "What training do you have in mind?" He questioned, his level tone with not much emotion. He wasn't sure if the apprentice enjoyed his training, or if he's just always like this. Either way, he didn't really like it. "We'll see." Rockstar told him, ready to leave.

Blackscars felt it becoming late, not having to even look up at the darkening sky. However, he still had something on his mind that he promised himself he would do... Trotting across the cave and coming upon his favorite she-cat to be around. "Drysun? You- Oh, you're already awake..." He mumbled, seeing her roll over and paw at him playfully. Yet, she stopped when she saw the tom's face. "Can, uh, you come with me?" He questioned, the lithe she-cat nodding and following him to the mouth of the cave. However, Drysun seemed to be analyzing him, questioning silently what he wanted exactly. The black tom stopped when he came to an open clearing, the night sky coming from above all the pine trees. "Blackscars? Is something, like, bothering you?" She questioned from behind him, flicking her thin tail. "Drysun, we've known each other for a good part of our lives and, uh... Well, I've met a lot of cats and all when I was a young rogue..." The tom trailed off a bit, shuffling his paws. When he looked up at the ginger she-cat, she seemed confused still. "Do you want to be my mate? Because, I, uh... I love you, Drysun." He confided, smiling awkwardly at her. She stayed silent, seeming to contemplate the idea. However, her eyes glowed quickly. "Yes, Blackscars! I'll be your mate, I love you too!" She pushed her muzzle against his own, even though he was still stunned that she actually accepted. After all, she wanted to be his mate too! The two laid down, nuzzled up to each other to keep their pelts warm from the night breeze.

[ Moosepaw, Lionpaw, Burningpaw, Swanpaw, Troutpaw, and Amberpaw go hunting ]
[ Blackscars and Drysun became mates
She won't get pregnant yet ]
[ Snowcloud, Mousebite, Drysun, Rockstar, Sheepflower, Blackscars, Moosepaw,
Lionpaw, Burningpaw, Swanpaw, Troutpaw, and Amberpaw have a training session ]
[ Nightcall and Covepaw go herb-hunting ]
[ Sootfur and Littledove and go on a border patrol ]
[ The clan eats four servings of trout and bird ]

While hunting, Moosepaw, Lionpaw, Burningpaw, Swanpaw, Troutpaw and Amberpaw caught two trouts and a rabbit
While training, Moosepaw, Lionpaw, Burningpaw, Swanpaw, Troutpaw and Amberpaw learned the Battling skill
While herb hunting, Nightcall and Covepaw found parsley, snake root, and lavender
The border patrol passed uneventfully


Heda wrote:
Copperflame came back to there meet up spot grinning, he had a trout locked in his jaws and Quailfur had caught a frog which she found not in the river as she was going to try and avoid the water a little. She didn't like being wet and this rain was annoying her to bits. Copperflame didn't seem to mind it, he was soaked from the river and was still grinning. "Beautiful weather ain't it!" he shouted after dropping the salmon and lifting his head to look at the sky. Quialfur just gave him a very unamused look and started walking back holding the frog tightly. She couldn't wait to get into the warm den.

Aspenswirl smiled at Cedarmouse who was quiet, he was shy in Trouleap's opinion or just quiet. "We did a full sweep of our territory. When we return we most likely will take our food to the dens since it's raining. We have some extra materials in the den for you to make a nest." Aspenswirl was kind to explain to Cedarmouse who was still being as silent as a mouse, he seemed a little skittish in Troutleap's opinion. He kept looking over his shoulder now and again. Almost making sure nothing was following them, so Troutleap decided to stay back a bit and check. Listening to Aspenswirl chat all the way. "Troutleap is mates with Runningsong, she is actually heavy with kits. Should be due in a moon or so." Cedermouse looked back and smiled. "W-well that is wonderful Troutleap." Troutleap smiled rather proudly. "Thank you." Once they got back, they were soon met by Quialfur and Copperflame who both were successful in a catch that day.

They were all getting settled down, but Troutleap was waiting for the safe arrival of Soulstar, who was taking longer then usual which was rather troubling to Troutleap, Ivythistle walked into camp soaked and looked at him. "What's with the worried look?" Troutleap looked at her and shook his head. "I am not trying to be worried just thinking. Did you see Soulstar?" Ivythistle nodded. "He went to the moonpool, after he trained Eelpaw for awhile." Troutleap huffed and his tail thumbed on the ground impatiently. Ivythistle smirked, "Do not worry Troutleap, you cannot rush Starclan. They take as long as they like." Troutleap was well aware he just didn't like it at all. "I know that, I am just worried something happened to him on the way back or something." Ivythistle shook her wet fur and shrugged, then laughed. "If so he has nine lives." Troutleap gave her a frown as she started walking away and to the medicine cat den. "Not funny." he called.

Finally Soulstar walked into camp, the sky was dark at this point and the only thing that could be heard were the crickets. He could tell by Troutleap's look something was on his mind. "What is it?" Troutleap looked towards the warrior den. "That new cat, he was nervous when we found him. Acting strange, kept looking behind him. Like something was there, or following us." Soulstar sat down tilting his head as he looked at the den. "Did Aspenswirl notice?" Troutleap gave a little shrug. "I highly doubt it, he was too busy talking." Soulstar nodded in response. Pondering Troutleap's words. "Don't say anything to the others yet. Just keep an eye on this..?" "Cedarmouse." Troutleap corrected him. "Yes this Cedarmouse, I will too. I also want a patrol out before dawn." Troutleap before the two separated Troutleap stopped. "Think he's a threat?" Soulstar stopped but didn't look at him. "If so Starclan hates us."

[a serving snake and vole were eaten]
[Quailfur and Aspenswirl go on patrol]
[Troutleap, Cedermouse and Copperflame go on hunting]
[Soulstar trains Eelpaw in swimming ]
[Ivythistle looks for herbs around the river.]

While on patrol, Quailfur and Aspenswirl found a medicine cat apprentice
While hunting, Troutleap, Cedarmouse and Copperflame caught a vole, snake and frog
While training, Eelpaw learned the Swimming skill
While herb hunting, Ivythistle found elder leaves and feverfew


save seedcakes wrote:
Rabbitwish twitched his nose, staring through slitted eyes at his mentor from behind her back. It's her fault Sunnyflower thinks you've betrayed her. She's been breaking the code, stealing herbs. It doesn't matter that it's her sister- the clan comes... He blinked. The clan comes first. I'm such a hypocrite. Rabbitwish looked at his paws, with small holly berries scattered around on the floor. He was supposed to be sorting them. Suddenly, the tom stood up, causing the berries to roll across the floor. "I'm going out- Smoothpetal, can you tend to these for me? Thanks!" With a flick of his tail, Rabbitwish exited camp quickly, his nose pointed upwards. Clan comes first. Dawnglow shouldn't have to break the code to help her sister. So I'll make her sister clan.


Smoothpetal stared at the berries that Rabbitwish had allowed to roll across the dusty floor. She scraped them into a pile quietly, listening to the sounds of the den. It was quiet, except for a gentle lapping noise. Stiffening, Smoothpetal lifted her head, spotting the lame apprentice- who should have gotten his name by now- drawing his tongue over Smudgepaw's ears. The two were purring. Smoothpetal's mind immediately centered on replacing the two dark cats with the colors of her and a very specific tom that she was not supposed to think about. No. Witherclan's youngest medicine cat twitched her head to the side, her hackles raising. He is just a friend of mine. Stop it, Smoothpetal. You know he would never think of you that way. "Could you please do that somewhere else?" She mewed, a bit harsher than she had intended, at Smudgepaw and Ravenpaw. The black tom paused, his icy gaze settling on the brown shecat's rigid form. "Only if you say 'please,'" Ravenpaw chuckled, standing slowly and limping out of the den. He paused at the entrance, waiting for Smudgepaw to follow, and with a light sigh, the apprentice did. Smoothpetal heard their paw steps retreating from camp, and she closed her eyes. She couldn't rid herself of the image of her and Webwing curled next to each other like the young Witherclan couple. What is happening to you, Smoothpetal...?

The clan ate 1 rat and 2 magpies.

Rabbitwish left to find Midday, Dawnglow's expecting sister, and ask her to join the clan.
[this is in place of my moonpool visit, so just treat it as a moonpool visit to find a queen]

Mikekit --> Mikepaw
Tigerkit --> Tigerpaw
Smudgepaw --> Smudgeleaf

Training: Smokeypaw

Border Patrols: Blitzflare, Eaglepaw, Stormwind, Keypaw, Fadedstar, Fluffyberry

Stryker, Badgerfang, Cloudbelly, Minnowsplash, Orangeroot, Hawthorneclaw

It took a while but Rabbitwish finally found Midday! (I don't know what you want her to look like so you can pick the picture yourself)
Mikekit and Tigerkit are now apprentices; Mikepaw and Tigerpaw!
Smudgepaw is now a warrior; Smudgeleaf!
While training, Smokeypaw learned the Swimming skill
Your border patrol passed uneventfully
While hunting, Stryker, Badgerfang, Cloudbelly, Minnowsplash, Orangeroot and Hawthorneclaw caught 3 ravens


I.C. wrote:
tempest breathed heavily as he reached the top of the hill, worn from his ascent after having marked and laid out his territory. he was exhausted, but triumph and exhilaration buzzed in his paws. today, he would officially become a clan leader. he had traveled all his life, drifting between kitty-pet neighborhoods and clan-filled terrain, learning what he could. he would stay, sometimes, but never for long--after all, he could feel the tug of starclan on his heart, leading him further north, until he'd finally reached his new and beloved home. he'd always been very sensitive to the clan in the sky, dreaming of him and the ancestors he had there, and it was that sensitivity that had allowed him to follow the tug of their guidance as he learned what it meant to be a clan cat.

now, he believed he was ready.

he had a suitable territory, a satisfactory name. he'd eaten the bounty of the land and had been satisfied by it. all that remained was to found his family, and to begin. the black tom wandered tiredly to the moonpool, and dropped down beside it, legs tucked underneath him. the water was clear, and shimmered with the light of the moon glimmering within it, dyed silver. being in this holy place, this sacred oasis, made tempest's fur stand on end in both awe, excitement, and dread. for a moment, he stared at his own rippling reflection, before leaning down, lapping a bit of the chilled liquid. it was frigid in his throat, and sent a shiver throughout his body, before his eyes finally closed.

when he opened them again, he was surrounded. familiar faces were all around him, looking down upon him, gazes judging yet compassionate. he felt like a kit again, staring up at the unfamiliar and wild, unreadable expressions of the clan that had taken him in. he desperately hope that starclan approved of his efforts and dreams as the first starry figure came forward, padding weightlessly and soundlessly to face the tom.

tempest recognized this cat--the first warrior he'd ever known. nettlestar had been the first warrior tempest had ever known, a brave and steadfast leader with a heart of gold. she was abrasive and offensive, pushing her clanmates and seeming too serious all the time. he'd been scared of her, at first, but had found that she was an effective and beloved cat, one that was dependable and unchanging. she'd been the first one to teach him what his dreams had meant, the first one to begin training him, the first one to help him on his journey.

"tempest. with this life, i give you wisdom." she meowed, her voice still low, still intimidating even after all this time. "those around you may attempt to discourage you, and the hardships you face will leave you desperate for answers. there will be times when you feel that any decision you make will bring destruction, and times when you may find it bothersome to dabble in affairs with others. i will tell you now that those times will come, and rip at your belly like sharpened claws, but they will not define you. use this life to follow your heart and follow your faith--do not let fear or uncertainty keep you from succeeding in your attempts to foster life within your clan. push aside the background noise to find the truth you seek, and back your choices with complete confidence. use this life to lead your clan upon the path of life and prosperity."

she touched her nose to his, and a roaring wave of pain surged through his body. heat filled him, burning him from the tip of his tail to his toes. it held firmly to the core of his being, a steadfast and unyielding sensation that made his heart pulse in his ears. finally, she pulled away, leaving the tom wide-eyed and gasping, bewildered. suddenly, he wasn't sure he would be able to stomach another nine of these.

little time was wasted, and nettlestar turned back to join the ranks of the stars, before a younger, small she-cat approached him. it took a minute for the black tom to recognize her, and a pang of sadness welled within him. she was a loner that he'd met once on the outskirts of kittypet territory. her twoleg had abandoned her, and she'd been struggling to raise three kits. he'd stayed with her a while and helped her hunt, and had always been surprised at how much she could bear. after all, even though she'd been thin and hungry and exhausted, she looked tirelessly for safe places to raise her kits, and for food to help her produce milk for them. when he'd left, her kits were almost old enough to eat solid food, and he thought she'd been doing well. if she was in the stars while this young, however...

"tempest." berry mewed quietly, her cream and ginger coat filled with its own constellation, shimmering.

"i thought you were going to be okay." the black tom murmured mournfully in response.

the she-cat only smiled at him.

"with this life, i give you protection. after you left, a stray dog tried to make a meal of my kits. i fought the beast bitterly, and drove him off, but when i realized that i was too injured to live much longer, i brought them to housefolk who would adopt them. i saw to the very end that they were cared for, even as i had to push away the pain of my wounds and drag my broken bones to do so. use this life to do the same for your clan; work for them tirelessly, fight for them bitterly, and love them whole-heartedly. there will be times of grief and sorrow, and times of hunger and chaos. you will be the foundation of your clan, and they will need you must never regret the choice you have made. do anything you must to protect your clan, for they will depend on you for their lives."

she touched her nose to his own, meeting his sad gaze, her own shining with compassion. a surge of energy flowed through him,
filling him, and he felt like his body was being bestowed the strength and fury of three mother lions, pulsing within his body and burning at his muscles and bones, creating an ache within his heart. finally, it, too, subsided, and the she-cat stepped back.

"wait, berry, i'm so--"

"you could not have changed the outcome even if you had been there, tempest. you were just a kit yourself." her eyes were soft,
glimmering with appreciation as she turned. "live the life i have given you well."

all the tom could do was nod, still reeling from the life, before he prepared himself for the next one. there were many cats he had known from many different places that greeted him: resilience, by a warrior who had had many personal tragedies and tests of character; humility, from a once proud and arrogant rogue who had suffered the consequences; faith, from a blind medicine cat he had met in the woods on his travels, the first to teach him the ways of starclan; judgement, from a leader who had made the difficult decision to relocate their clan rather than face an unnecessary and lethal battle; justice, from a queen who helped to displace a cruel and ruthless leader with her clanmates; and forgiveness, from an elderly kittypet that had known tempest and his mother, and had spent his days in regret for actions he had once taken.

finally, the last cat stepped forward.

a flood of emotions ripped through the tom, his eyes burning with tears as they threatened to swallow him, to drown him. he'd never expected to see his own dearest brother here in the place of the stars, and he couldn't decide if he was choking on grief or spilling over with joy. the other tom was smaller than him, more sleek, and his eyes shone like mirrors, reflecting the whirlwind inside of tempest's heart.

"brother." he greeted softly.

"sky." tempest sobbed in return.

gently, sky pressed his nose to his brother's, gaze soft and sympathetic. "with this life, i give you endurance. since the beginning,
you have been called by the stars to serve a purpose only you can. you have never strayed from the path that you felt with your heart was the right one to choose. in coming days, there will be cats who might try to dissuade you. there will be times where you feel ready to give up. there will be days when the burden becomes too painful to bear. endure it. use this life to endure any pain and suffering you are made to bear for your clan, and endure any grief and anguish this task will place upon you. never yearn to go back to our kittypet life. you are a warrior now, with the blood of our ancestors boiling in your veins." the younger, paler tom's eyes softened. "use my life so that you may lead a fulfilling and enriching life of your own, as the leader of this clan."

tempest closed his eyes as a surge of warmth poured into him. it was just as fierce as the ones before, but the pain it carried ached deep in his heart, as if he were feeling the grief of losing his brother, his littermates, his mother, all anew. tears spilled over, leaving trails in the fur of his muzzle as he bared his teeth, both comforted yet in agony over smaller tom that stood in front of him.

finally, sky stepped away, and pride shone in his eyes.

"i hail you by your new name, tempeststar. your old life is no more. you have now received the nine lives of a leader, and starclan grants you the guardianship of tempestclan. defend it well; care for young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code; live each life with pride and dignity. live each life given you well, dear brother."

"tempeststar! tempeststar! tempeststar!" cried the cats of the stars, and the black tom trembled as he watched them, feeling new and revitalized, fear and wonder and determination all warring for dominance in his soul. he was a leader now. the leader of tempestclan.

as sky began to walk back towards the ranks of starry felines, tempeststar called out to him.


the pale tom looked back at him, and was surprised to see determination burning in his brother's green eyes.

"wait for me here! when i'm done on this earth and i've earned it, i'll be back to tell you about all the things i've done and accomplished!" he swore. "so you just wait!"

sky smiled, happiness in his expression as he relaxed.

"i'll be waiting, tempeststar."

when tempeststar woke, it was morning. he opened his eyes, before shifting, getting to his paws, his body stiff and filled with the dull ache that was left from the pain of his nine lives, and assurance that what he'd seen had really happened. the tom looked down at his own reflection in the clear, still pool, and his eyes narrowed in thought, green optics distant. he was a leader now. he had a clan, and he had territory.

but he needed something else, too.

"starclan." he mewed softly. "i am hopeful for the future, and filled with confidence when i think for the future of my clan. i know not what awaits me. i am also fearful, and concerned for the future as i will pave a path that i have never experienced before. i ask you for a guide, a guardian to lead me along the path that you have set for me. starclan, please offer me a medicine cat, to guide and to watch over me, so that i may choose the right path."

with those words, the tom finally stood, before beginning his descent down the path back into the territory he had claimed for his clan.

[ tempeststar asks for a medicine cat ]

Starclan has sent you a medicine cat


valenciata;; wrote:
A cat dragged himself out of the pool, gasping and soaking wet. "W-where am I?" The cat shook himself, and stared at Shinestar questioningly. "I am Shinestar, leader of Solarclan. I am assuming Starclan has brought you here to become Leafrush's apprentice."The white and grey tom looked at her questioningly. "Wh-what?" Shinestar sighed, and motioned for the tom to follow her back to Solarclan's territory.
The tom, who was named Clearpaw, was introduced to the rest of the clan, with only one snarky remark from Smudgepaw. Clearpaw did, in fact, have an extensive knowledge of herbs, and Leafrush gratefully took him under her wing. However, their life was about to get much more hectic...
"H-hey, Larksong? Could you, uh... take a walk with me for a second?" Thrushflight meowed. Larksong turned around, a slightly worried expression on her face. "Yeah, sure. What's wrong?" They walked out of the entrance of the camp, and came to a clearing. Thrushflight looked around nervously, and took a deep breath. "Larksong, you've been one of the best cats in my life. You've stuck with me through thick and thin, and I'm truly blessed by Starclan to have you in my life. Would you do me the honor of being my mate?" Larksong gasped, tears beginning to glisten in her eyes. "Y-yes!" She exclaimed, and the two embraced.

[ Larksong, Thrushflight: Mates! | Cloudswift, Smudgepaw: Training Session #2 | Shinestar: Moonpool {Asks for any cat} ]

Larksong is expecting kits! They are due in two moons/posts!
While training, Smudgepaw learned the Climbing skill
Starclan has sent you a warrior


Cubbie16 wrote:
The cat's of DawnClan are extremely intelligent. They think very carefully before starting alliances, wars, and any sort of thing you can imagine. Unfortunately, this makes most of them poor hunters. There are a few that can hunt very well, but don't have as much intelligence as the other cats.

The camp of DawnClan is very serene and looks like somewhat of a paradise. It has a beautiful waterfall, with trees surrounding it. The water is perfect for fishing and swimming in the warm months, but can cause some trouble in the cold months.
The Waterfall The rest of the territory, of course, is a vast forest.

Food found here from most common to least common:
Small fish
Big fish
All birds

((I think your post got skipped over, but if it didn't then ignore this post))
Dawncla has been founded
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Simonpet » Fri Apr 07, 2017 10:43 am

Number of Cats: 4
Next Moonpool Visit: 05/13/2017

"It's time for me to visit the Moonpool," said Honeystar to her small but growing clan. "We need more warriors, and a deputy, in case something happens." Though she still had all her lives, it was best to be cautious, in her opinion.

Crowcloud nodded. "Should I come with you?"

"No," replied Honeystar. "I think that it's best that you keep preparing our clan for more cats." She wasn't happy to use her medicine cat in this manner, but in her mind, there was no other option. A growing clan needed space to grow, and as no one was sick, Crowcloud didn't need to use his herbs. Hopefully, no one would be sick in the near future.

"Alright," said Crowcloud. He retreated to his den, presumably to continue blocking the tunnel.

"Duckpelt," said Honeystar, turning to her two warriors, "you and Acornstream will go hunting. We need more food."

"Alright," said Duckpelt, nodding to Acornstream. "Let's go!" The two warriors bounded out of the camp to go hunting. Honeystar sighed, and descended the Speaker's Tree. She would need to hurry in order to get to the Moonpool soon.

It was almost dark when Honeystar got to the Moonpool. She lapped up some water and lay down, waiting for sleep to come. When she woke, all she saw was mist around her. "Cats of Starclan," she said, hearing her voice echo, "I have come to request a deputy who can lead the clan after my demise. Thank you for Crowcloud and my two loyal warriors, Duckpelt and Acornstream." When she awoke, Honeystar shook herself and headed back to camp.
While Honeystar was heading to the Moonpool, Duckpelt was teaching Acornstream the basics of land-hunting, something the leader had taught her only a few moons ago. While Acornstream wasn't a great land-hunter, he was an amazing swimmer and fisher, as that was where she and Honeystar had found him: on the banks of the river, fishing.

"What do you think of Honeystar?" asked Duckpelt.

"She's nice," said Acornstream, "but not as nice as you."

Duckpelt smiled. "Thanks for the compliment." For a moment, she wondered if the comment meant something more. She'd ask when they got back from hunting. "Alright," she said. "This is the hunting crouch..."

Honeystar goes to the Moonpool and asks for a deputy
Acornstream and Duckpelt go on a hunting patrol

      Honeystar | 24 moons | Molly | X
      Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      Medicine Cat:
      Crowcloud | 23 moons | Tom | X

      Acornstream | 20 moons | Tom | X
      Duckpelt | 22 moons | Molly | X

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
      Ally Clans:
      Clan Name | Username

      Enemy Clans
      Clan Name | Username

      North | Clan Name | Username
      Northeast | Clan Name | Username
      Northwest | Clan Name | Username
      East | Clan Name | Username
      South | Clan Name | Username
      Southeast | Caveclan | tauriel.
      Southwest | Clan Name | Username
      West | Clan Name | Username

      Medicine Store
      Dried oak leaf | x1 | stops infection from setting in
      Feverfew | x1 | reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills,
      heals aches and pains, and is good for headaches
      Juniper berries | x1 | soothes bellyaches, gives strength, helps troubled
      breathing, and calms cats
      Stinging nettle | x1 | induces vomiting, brings down swelling, and helps
      with wounds; can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones
      Tansy | x1 | cures coughs, wounds and poisons, prevents greencough,
      and soothes throats

      Fresh-Kill Pile
      Hare | x1 | 3 servings
      Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings

      Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

      Deceased Cats
      Cat Name | Cause of Death

      Name and Name | Kits
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Echoclan [042]

Postby Katrione » Fri Apr 07, 2017 1:52 pm



Many Voices Crying Out As One
Number of Cats: 41 (7 servings)

Birdsong curled her tail protectivly around Snakekit and Sandkit, the fur along her spine bristling as Bloodyclaws entered the nursery. Squirrelstar looked at Birdsong, slightly confused before looking back at Bloodyclaws. "Maybe you should leave, Birdsong and the kits are really tired."

Bloodyclaws nodded to his littermate before shooting an angry look at Birdsong and disappearing from the den.


"Soon, I promise." Bloodyclaws mewed quietly to the pretty dark red she-cat before him. The she-cat snarled slightly, lashing her tail.

"The group has had to stay here way too long, Claws. We need to leave soon."

"I know, mother. One more moon, then we can attack. Squirrel has no idea." Bloodyclaws mewed, puffing his chest out in pride.

"Harley, hurry up." A brown tom mewed, poking his head out of the bushes. Harley looked over her shoulder, nodding to her mate.

"I'm coming, Rat." Harley mewed before looking at Bloodyclaws. "You have one more moon, Claws. After that, we leave without you." The cruel, dark red she-cat turned and disappeared into the undergrowth.

Bloodyclaws stood there, watching the bushes until they stopped quivering before he turned and bounded back towards Echoclan's camp.

{{Echoclan Consumed 2 Pigeons + 1 Vole}
{{Mossycreek; Kitting}}
{{Gorsekit + Icekit; Apprentices}}
{{Hurricanepaw; Warrior- Hurricanejaw}}
{{Cloudypaw + Raggedtail; Training}}
{{Sparrowpaw + Smokespeck; Training}}
{{Lizardstrike, Shadepool, Stagstep, Wildpoppy, Applefur + Hurricanejaw; Hunting}}

          Squirrelstar | 62 | Molly | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★

          Smokespeck | 64 | Tom | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Ramhorn | 42 | Tom | X

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Brindlecloud | 17 | Molly | X

          Applefur | 70 | Tom | X
          Mossvine | 62 | Molly | X
          Petalbound | 45 | Molly | X
          Barleyfur | 46 | Tom | X
          Lizardstrike | 41 | Tom | X
          Shadepool | 38 | Molly | X
          Blazefur | 36 | Tom | X
          Sunnyflower | 36 | Molly | X
          Redfeather | 39 | Tom | X
          Brightclover | 39 | Molly | X
          Stagstep | 32 | Tom | X
          Wildpoppy | 32 | Molly | X
          Birdsong | 29 | Molly | X
          Poppypounce | 33 | Molly | X
          Otterstream | 25 | Molly | X
          Bayfur | 23 | Molly | X
          Mossycreek | 23 | Molly | X
          Raggedtail | 21 | Tom | X
          Bloodyclaws | 62 | Tom | X
          Yewfrost | 17 | Tom | X
          Pigeonnose | 17 | Tom | X
          Witheredstalk | 17 | Molly | X
          Hemlockheart | 16 | Tom | X
          Hurricanejaw | 13 | Tom | X

          Cloudypaw | 10 | Molly | X
          Sparrowpaw | 8 | Tom | X

          Bayfur | 23 | Molly | X
          Squirrelstar | 62 | Molly | X
          Sunnyflower | 36 | Molly | X
          Birdsong | 29 | Molly | X
          Mossycreek | 23 | Molly | X

          Gorsekit | 6 | Molly | X
          Icekit | 6 | Tom | X
          Strawberrykit | 5 | Molly | X
          Beekit | 5 | Molly | X
          Wrenkit | 5 | Tom | X
          Acornkit | 5 | Tom | X
          Sparkkit | 3 | Molly | X
          Snakekit | 0 | Tom | X
          Sandkit | 0 | Molly | X

          Tigger | 149 | Tom | X
          Simon | 164 | Tom | X

          Ally Clans:
          Souclan | krazykitty00
          Beechclan | hazilnut
          Witherclan | seedcakes
          Obsidianclan | forgetful.
          Aspenclan | røsebud
          Ivyclan | Savannah-the-Caracal
          Asterclan | hiraeth.
          Leafclan | zephyrine

          Enemy Clans:
          Streamclan | justice'n'joy
          Clan Name | Username

          (N) | Floralclan | moons
          (E) | Sorrelclan | SkyGold
          (S) | Obsidianclan | forgetful.
          (W) | Skullclan | Heda
          (NW) | Clan | User
          (NE) | Clan | User
          (SW) | Clan | User
          (SE) | Witherclan | seedcakes

    Medicine Store:
    Catmint x2 | Greencough & Whitecough
    Chervil x2 | Infected Wounds & Bellyaches
    Cobwebs x1 | Soak Up & Stop Bleeding
    Burdock Root x2 | Lessens & Heals the
    Pain of Infected Rat Bites
    Comfrey Root x0 | Repairs Broken Bones & Soothes Wounds
    Tansy x2 | Cures Coughs, Wounds, Poisons & Soothes Throats
    Mallow Leaves x1 | Soothes Bellyaches
    Goldenrod x0 | Heals Wounds
    Feverfew x1 | Reduces Body Temperature For Cats With Fevers,
    Heals Aches & Pains
    Thyme x0 | Calms Nervousness, Anxiety, and Shock
    Yarrow x1 | Extracts Poison From Wounds
    Honey x2 | Soothes Infections, Helps Soothe Coughing
    Lungwort x2 | Cures Yellowcough
    Lamb's Ear x2 | Gives Strength
    Alder Bark x1 | Eases Toothaches
    Oak Leaves x1 | Stops Infection From Setting In
    Horsetail x0 | Treats Infected Wounds
    Broom x0 | Unknown Effect
    Rush x0 | Holds Broken Limbs in Place
    Watermint x1 | Eases Bellyache
    Tormentil x1 | Treating All Wounds &
    Extracting Poisons
    Dock x1 | Soothes Scratches + Soothes Sore Pads
    Blackberry Leaves x0 | Eases Swelling of Bee Stings
    Marigold x2 | Stops Infections, Bleeding, Helps With
    Inflammation + Stiff Joints
    Celandine x1 | Soothes Damaged Eyes
    Coltsfoot x1 | Eases Breathing Or Kitten-Cough, Helps
    With Cracked Pads Or Sore Pads

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x3 | 1 servings
    Pigeon | x2 | 3 servings
    Vole | x3 | 1 servings
    Fish | x4 | 3 servings
    Rabbit | x4 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x2 | 2 servings

    Raggedtail | Cloudypaw | 4 | Swimming, Climbing, Tracking, Fighting
    Smokespeck | Sparrowpaw | 0 | None

    Deceased Cats:
    Mottledkit | Tom | Kit | Stillborn | X
    Dapplewing | Tom | Medicine Cat | Slit Throat | X
    Rosie | Molly | Elder | Fox Attack | X

    Squirrelstar + Applefur: Sunnyflower, Blazefur, Otterstream,
    Mottledkit, Strawberrykit, Beekit, Wrenkit + Acornkit
    Mossvine + Smokespeck: Stagstep + Wildpoppy
    Mossvine + Dapplewing: Hurricanepaw
    Petalbound + Barleyfur: Mossycreek + Bayfur
    Shadepool + Lizardstrike: Yewfrost
    Sunnyflower + Rabbitwish of Witherclan: Pigeonnose, Witheredstalk + Sparkkit
    Brightclover + Redfeather: Raggedtail
    Bayfur + Stagstep: Gorsekit + Icekit
    Birdsong + Bloodyclaws; Snakekit + Sandkit
    Mossycreek + Bloodyclaws; Expecting
Last edited by Katrione on Tue Feb 20, 2018 8:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Blazeclan - [07]

Postby shimmerstream » Fri Apr 07, 2017 1:58 pm

Number of Cats: 8
Next Moonpool Visit: Today

The clan was growing fast and Soaringstar was worrying about whether they would have enough food to feed everyone. He was headed off yet again to petition Starclan to guide more cats to join him, it seemed he was always at the moonpool. It was three days to the moonpool, and three days back. Quite a journey to make once a moon. He was leaving Falconswoop in charge so often that Soaringstar didn't feel like the real leader sometimes. Yet he didn't feel that he had any other choice. The apprentices were quickly coming of age and so they and their mentors were in the midst of some hardcore training sessions, and just didn't have the time to hunt very much. This put much of the burden on the shoulders of Stormshadow, who took it willingly, but being the main provider for seven cats is not easy. Soaringstar very much hoped that one more warrior would be just what Blazeclan needed to thrive.
Ravinepaw was positively ecstatic to find out that he was already familiar with the clan's newest member. In fact, Palesparrow was his half-brother. Ravinepaw had been missing him, and here he was! Even at this moment they were walking through the territory together, Ravinepaw trying to keep up with his larger brother's strides."There really aren't very many mollies in this group are there." He was saying. "There's Flaxenpaw, and Poppythorn. Stormshadow too. That's kind of a lot." Ravinepaw added. Palesparrow stopped and looked at him, slightly surprised. "No. It really isn't. I guess I forgot you grew up around toms." And with that he continued walking. "Anyway, Stormshadow's the only available one. The other two are either too young or too old." Ravinepaw didn't really understand what his brother was talking about there, but he was listening intently anyhow. So much so, that he tripped over a root and landed flat in the mud. Palesparrow laughed at him. "You never change." Ravinepaw lifted himself off the ground and shook the wetter stuff from his fur. "Only when your around." He grumbled, and Palesparrow grinned. "Oh yeah? I heard Flaxenpaw whooped your butt at sparring yesterday. Aren't you the one always bragging about how you could take on a fox? Flaxenpaw's a bit smaller than a fox." Ravinepaw growled and half-heartedly swiped a paw out at Palesparrow, who simply bounced out of the way gleefully. "It wasn't a fair fight! Falconswoop showed her special moves and Velvetcoat told her how I fight." He whined, and Palesparrow snickered. "Or she's just smarter than you." "Hey!"
Aa the recently reunited brothers fought, another warrior and apprentice pair talked elsewhere in the territory. "Why do you do this to yourself?" Flaxenpaw asked her friend. She sat on a dry patch of dirt by the pond, tail curled delicately over her front paws. Falconswoop had asked her to meet him there for a training session at sunhigh. "Do what?" Velvetcoat asked distractedly. The anxious warrior was pacing back and forth. Flaxenpaw raised an eyebrow, a subtle gesture that her companion completely failed to notice. "Do what. Like you don't know. All this pacing of yours! You do it when you're stressed, and all it does is get you more worked up." Only her head moved as she watched Velvetcoat pass by ber again and again. "I don't know what you're talking about." He continued to pace. This just made Flaxenpaw roll her eyes and sigh. "I'm just going to have to spit it out then. Who can't you talk to this time?" "This time?! I can talk to people!" "Uh-huh." Flaxenpaw didn't sound like she believed him. "I can! I can talk to you... and Poppythorn! I also talk to Ravinepaw and Falconswoop every day." Velvetcoat finally stopped his pacing and turned to stare at the young she-cat, hurt showing on his face. "Face it Velvetcoat. You have to talk to Falconswoop and Ravinepaw. And you are just awkward talking with Poppythorn. Remember the other day when you scraped your pad? The entire time you were in the medicine den you just kept blabbing and making stupid jokes." Velvetcoat felt his face grow hot, she was right, and she sounded so matter of fact about it too, like this was something everyone knew. Was it? He hoped not. Her green gaze regarded him levely and he let out a long sign. "How come she walks with him?" He asked wistfully, gazing through Flaxenpaw. Finally, she was getting somewhere. "I'm going to need a bit more information than that." "Palesparrow." Velvetcoat started pacing again. "He just shows up, and he's already won over Stormshadow. They talk, and go on patrols together... She won't even look at me if she can help it." Flaxenpaw listened quietly. When she felt he was finished she went to open her mouth, but it seemed that would be all the privacy they got for the day. Ravinepaw bounded trough the grass with Falconswoop close behind. "I hope everyone's ready for a long evening." The deputy announced gruffly, to a soft groan from the apprentices and an embarrassed nod from Velvetcoat.

[Hunting: Stormshadow, Palesparrow]
[Training: Falconswoop-Flaxenpaw, Velvetcoat-Ravinepaw]
[Herb Hunting: Poppythorn]
[Moonpool: Soaringstar requests a warrior]
[the clan ate one third of a pheasant, one frog and one mouse]

      Soaringstar | 38 | Male | ۵
      Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

      Falconswoop | 56 | Male | ۵

      Medicine Cat:
      Poppythorn | 48 | Female | ۵

      Velvetcoat | 31 | Male | ۵
      Stormshadow | 26 | Female | ۵
      Palesparrow | 19 | Male | ۵

      Ravinepaw | 11 | Male | ۵
      Flaxenpaw | 9 | Female | ۵

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]۵[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]۵[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]۵[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]۵[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]۵[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]۵[/url]
Ally Clans:
Coastclan | ..cosmos..

Enemy Clans
Hopefully none soon

Border Clans
Northern Field | Blueclan
Western Field | Sandclan
Eastern River | Skullclan
Southern Forest | Pineclan

Medicine Store
Blackberry Leaves | x1 |
Eases the swelling of bee stings.
Catmint | x1 |
Best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually
catch in the season of leaf-bare. Can also be used for whitecough.

Chervil | x1|
For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. Can also be used
during kitting.

Cobwebs | x1 |
To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding.
It may also be used to bind broken bones.

Goldenrod | x1 |
Good for healing wounds.
Tansy | x1 |
Cures coughs. Can be used to cure wounds and poisons.
Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats.

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mouse | x0 | 1 serving
Shrew | x0 | 1 serving
Frog | x0 | 1 serving
Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
Hare | x0 | 3 servings
Pheasant | x0 | 3 servings
Total | x0 | 3 needed

Necessary Skills: Hunting, Fighting
Common Skills: Tracking, Logic, Stealth, Running
Rare Skills: Climbing, Swimming, Advanced Fighting

Flaconswoop | Flaxenpaw | fighting | - | - | -
Velvetcoat | Ravinepaw | fighting | - | - | -

Name and Name ⇒ kit, kit

Deceased Cats:
Walter | 43 | Greencough
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── OBSIDIANCLAN ── [ 024 ]

Postby direwolf. » Fri Apr 07, 2017 4:40 pm


number of cats: 027 [ ♂ 13 / ♀ 14 ]
next patrol: 04/07/17 - 12:40 pm
next moonpool visit: 04/14/17 - 12:40 pm


    chestnutstar made her way to the moonpool to request a cat from starclan. as she reached the pool, she dipped the tip of her nose against the water and began to dream. "starclan.. i have lost my son, tigertooth. please, send me an apprentice to help me recover from my lost. other than that, obsidianclan has been doing well." she spoke before waking up and returning back to the clan.

    before hopstrike joined the hunt, she went to the nursery to check on hillkit - the sick kit that oatcatcher had found while on patrol. "how is she?" she inquired, watching as the small kit curled up to oatcatcher. a smile stretched across her maw and, before he could answer, she added, "you're a good father, you know." she said which made oatcatcher flustered. "oh, well, i.. uh. thank you. she's doing well." he stuttered, looking embarrassed. also in the den, crowfall watched the two young felines with amusement.

[ moonpool: chestnutstar's requesting an apprentice to remind her of her son, tigertooth
patrol: bristleclaw, hawkeye, flintburr, cloudwatcher // herb hunting: ---
hunting: snowmouse, hopstripe, duckwing, duskfall
training: buzzardpaw, ravenpaw learn to fight // kitting: silvermoon
the clan consumes 5 servings of big fish ]


      chestnutstar | 68 moons | female |
      lives: ★★★★★★★★★

      bristleclaw | 62 moons | male |

      medicine cat:
      palenose | 59 moons | male |

      medicine cat apprentice:
      spottedpaw | 8 moons | female |

      hawkeye | 54 moons | male |
      crowfall | 59 moons | female |
      cloudwatcher | 38 moons | female |
      snowmouse | 38 moons | female |
      blossomstep | 26 moons | female |
      freckleheart | 23 moons | male |
      silvermoon | 36 moons | female |
      flintburr | 53 moons | male |
      oatcatcher | 20 moons | male |
      leopardtalon | 29 moons | male |
      emberlegs | 38 moons | female |
      hopstripe | 16 moons | female |
      duckwing | 41 moons | male |
      duskfall | 14 moons | male |
      bramblestrike | 14 moons | female |
      smokestorm | 14 moons | male |
      newtcall | 14 moons | male |
      name | age | gender | [url=link][/url]

      buzzardpaw | 8 moons | female |
      ravenpaw | 8 moons | male |
      name | age | gender | [url=link][/url]

      crowfall | 60 moons | female |
      name | age | gender | [url=link][/url]

      hillkit | 4 moons | female |
      finchkit | 1 moons | female |
      quailkit | 1 moons | female |
      starlingkit | 1 moons | male |
      name | age | gender | [url=link][/url]

      name | age | gender | [url=link][/url]
      name | age | gender | [url=link][/url]

      ally clans:
      echoclan | katrione
      petalclan | shooting star,
      asterclan | hiraeth.
      brookclan | purrfect.
      swiftclan | phina wolf
      ivyclan | savannah-the-caracal

      enemy clans:
      streamclan | justice 'n' joy
      tumbleclan | dinolil1

      mountains (n) | echoclan | katrione
      river (e) | swiftclan | phina wolf
      dense forest (s) | thicketclan | emberwisp
      grassy plains (w) | ivyclan | savannah

      medicine store:
      alder bark [1]
      eases tooth aches.
      catmint [3]
      best remedy for the deadly greencough, which
      kits and elders usually catch in the season of l
      eaf-bare. can also be used for whitecough.
      chamomile [2]
      strengthens the heart and soothes the mind. a
      lso given to traveling cats for strength.
      cobwebs [1]
      to soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding. it
      may also be used to bind broken bones.
      coltsfoot [1]
      eases breathing or kitten-cough, as well as cr
      acked or sore pads.
      dock [1]
      soothes scratches, though can sting when bei
      ng applied. soothes sore pads. if placed in ne
      sts, it can ease the pain of wounds.
      fennel [2]
      helps pain in the hips.
      feverfew [0]
      reduces body temperature for cats with fever
      or chills. also heals aches and pains, especial
      ly good for headaches.
      goldenrod [1]
      good for healing wounds.
      heather nectar [1]
      makes swallowing easier and sweetens mixtur
      es - included in herbal mixtures.
      mouse bile [1]
      causes ticks to fall off a cat's pelt.
      parsley [1]
      stops a queen from producing milk if her kits
      die, don't need milk anymore, or are producin
      g too much milk. also used to cure bellyache.
      raspberry leaves [1]
      could possibly ease pain, or stop bleeding.
      sorrel [1]
      traveling herb, can also build up appetite.
      snakeroot [1]
      counters the effects of poison.
      stick [1]
      distracts cats from pain. recommended for q
      ueens giving birth.
      thyme [1]
      calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are
      in shock (can be chewed on).
      wintergreen [1]
      treats wounds and some poisons.
      yarrow [1]
      extracts poison from wounds. will make a cat
      vomit up toxins. the ointment will soften and
      help heal cracked pads.
      herb [0]

      fresh-kill pile: (5 servings)
      duck = 3 servings [ 3 ]
      small fish = 2 servings [ 6 ]
      big fish = 3 servings [ 5 ]
      black squirrel = 2 servings [ 0 ]
      crow = 3 servings [ 3 ]
      rabbit = 2 servings [ 2 ]
      water shrew = 1 serving [ 0 ]

      mentor ↝ buzzardpaw | 01
      ↳ hunt, move, move, move
      mentor ↝ ravenpaw | 01
      ↳ hunt, move, move, move
      mentor ↝ apprentice | 00
      ↳ move, move, move, move

      deceased cats:
      softleap, tinysnout ✘ stillborn
      tigertooth ✘ drowning
      cat name ✘ cause of death

      chestnutstar and bristleclaw
      ↳ duskfall, tigertooth, bramblestrike, smokestorm
      bella/silvermoon and unknown
      softleap, tinysnout
      hawkeye and crowfall
      ↳ buzzardflight, ravenwing
      ↳ finchstalker, quailfeather, starlingspring
      leo and shimmerpool
      ↳ leopardtalon, newtcall
      freckleheart and sweetpaw [ swiftclan ]
      ↳ offspring
      flintburr and silvermoon
      ↳ now!
      name and name
      ↳ offspring

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Create A Clan - Gustclan - 3

Postby Chamrosh » Fri Apr 07, 2017 11:14 pm

Number of Cats: 2
Food Consumption: 2
Visit to Moonpool: 3 days (10 Apr)

While on their patrol, Chubtail made a shushing noise suddenly, and pointed his nose towards a shrub. Heronstar stopped in her tracks, and crouched down, as he shortly did. Chubtail started inching forward along the ground, getting closer to the source of the noise he’d picked up with each foot fall, and then suddenly he stopped entirely, braced up minutely and pounced. For a second, Heronstar thought he had entirely missed the target, as the body of the squirrel seemed to move forwards afterward, but then it suddenly stopped in place, and Heronstar saw that one of his paws had landed on its tail. That was either a very good catch or a sure sign that Starclan was looking out for them. Judging by Chubtail’s expression, he thought he’d missed it, too. He thanked Starclan and quickly finished off the squirrel.
The hare required a lot more effort when they came to it. Partly because Chubtail started distracted, calculating how to place the squirrel so they wouldn’t lose it, but mainly because of its speed. They did manage to catch up to it after it initially bolted, and pounce on it properly, but it was rather fast. They cut the patrol short as they now both had fresh-kill with them, and because the hare combined with the rain had taken a lot of energy out of them both.
Chubtail sat staring out at the ground beyond their main camp, where the edge of the territory was only just visible through the trees, still a way off. He heard a monster pass by, one of the huge ones that had rows of sheep held within them. What were they going to call them? He hadn’t known before he’d come here that the monsters carried their prey back to camp. And what a lot of them there must be to need so much! Sometimes he could make out a noise like a metal bird song through the trees, accompanied by the loud panting of a two-leg on a strange device made of metal sticks and what looked like hollow slices of tree trunk. They would need a name for those, too.
This territory was quite different from what he was used to. He’d never been this close to a two-leg place before. He could see why his mother had always said to avoid the two-leg places now; they seemed to have so many more types of monster than he’d even known had existed.
The fin flapped around noisily behind Chubtail, and Heronstar sat down beside him. She was rather beautiful, he thought, but she seemed far too cautious to want kits before they had a medicine cat and several other warriors. It was best for the clan, and for her, that he didn’t say anything about it yet.
”The rain has finally cleared up, so we should be able to patrol farther now, Chubtail; I want us to head down to the Eastern border. We might be able to better define it, and perhaps test out your fishing.”
Chubtail wondered why Heronstar always seemed to speak so formally, especially when she was referring to Starclan, but didn’t say anything, instead following his Leader as she set off.

[Gustclan consumes one Squirrel]
[Heronstar and Chubtail are on patrol]

(To the Eastern border, near the stream)

      Heronstar | 40 | Female
      Lives: ★★★★★★★★★
      ↪ Point long-furred molly with blue eyes

      Chubtail | 36 | Male
      ↪ Brown tabby tom with white patches and yellow eyes

      Medicine Cat:
      Name | Age | Gender

      Name | Age | Gender
      Name | Age | Gender

      Name | Age | Gender
      Name | Age | Gender

      Name | Age | Gender
      Name | Age | Gender

      Name | Age | Gender
      Name | Age | Gender

      Name | Age | Gender
      Name | Age | Gender
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North (2) | Mostly Lake | Clan Name | Username
    East | Road + Stream | Clan Name | Username
    South | Road | Clan Name | Username
    West | Hills | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Frogs | x0 | 1 serving
    Mice | x0 | 1 serving
    Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x0 | 3 servings
    Hares | x1 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits

Sorry for doing this, I really doubt that it's an actual issue, but I just got a warning about art theft for using a clearly sourced image, with the search I did for it being from a recommended page about avoiding art theft, and given the standing of that, I feel like removing any images from my posts is the best course for me not being banned. It might be best to save on a Word document the images of the cats I get assigned if my descriptions of the cats don't suit for purposes.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby skystar901 » Sat Apr 08, 2017 2:58 am

Number of Cats: Two
Next Moonpool Trip: 3 days
Next Patrol: Whenever
Current Servings Required N/A for 1 more post

Smokestar nodded as he watched his new deputy, a she-cat, once named Petal and now named Earthpetal, leave camp. She was going on a border patrol, scouting out the perimetor of the island to check for any cats who lived there before Ashenclan moved in, and then heading for a quick check of the Land Bridge. Smokestar himself would be hunting.
●</Earthpetal goes on patrol>●
●</Smokestar goes hunting>●

          Smokestar | 20 Moons | Male | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Earthpetal | 18 Moons | Female | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username[/quote]

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Ocean
    East | Ocean
    South | Land Bridge
    West | Ocean

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Seagull | 0/3 servings
    Large Fish | 0/3 servings
    Small Fish | 0/2 servings
    Lizard | 0/2 servings
    Magpie | 0/3 servings
    Mouse | 0/1 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Guard Watch:
    Cat Name | Time Left
    Cat Name | Time Left

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Katrione » Sat Apr 08, 2017 4:29 am

The sky is now fully clear! No clouds are seen anywhere in the sky and the temperature is starting to warm up. Greenleaf is right around the corner!

Simonpet wrote:
"It's time for me to visit the Moonpool," said Honeystar to her small but growing clan. "We need more warriors, and a deputy, in case something happens." Though she still had all her lives, it was best to be cautious, in her opinion.

Crowcloud nodded. "Should I come with you?"

"No," replied Honeystar. "I think that it's best that you keep preparing our clan for more cats." She wasn't happy to use her medicine cat in this manner, but in her mind, there was no other option. A growing clan needed space to grow, and as no one was sick, Crowcloud didn't need to use his herbs. Hopefully, no one would be sick in the near future.

"Alright," said Crowcloud. He retreated to his den, presumably to continue blocking the tunnel.

"Duckpelt," said Honeystar, turning to her two warriors, "you and Acornstream will go hunting. We need more food."

"Alright," said Duckpelt, nodding to Acornstream. "Let's go!" The two warriors bounded out of the camp to go hunting. Honeystar sighed, and descended the Speaker's Tree. She would need to hurry in order to get to the Moonpool soon.

It was almost dark when Honeystar got to the Moonpool. She lapped up some water and lay down, waiting for sleep to come. When she woke, all she saw was mist around her. "Cats of Starclan," she said, hearing her voice echo, "I have come to request a deputy who can lead the clan after my demise. Thank you for Crowcloud and my two loyal warriors, Duckpelt and Acornstream." When she awoke, Honeystar shook herself and headed back to camp.
While Honeystar was heading to the Moonpool, Duckpelt was teaching Acornstream the basics of land-hunting, something the leader had taught her only a few moons ago. While Acornstream wasn't a great land-hunter, he was an amazing swimmer and fisher, as that was where she and Honeystar had found him: on the banks of the river, fishing.

"What do you think of Honeystar?" asked Duckpelt.

"She's nice," said Acornstream, "but not as nice as you."

Duckpelt smiled. "Thanks for the compliment." For a moment, she wondered if the comment meant something more. She'd ask when they got back from hunting. "Alright," she said. "This is the hunting crouch..."

Honeystar goes to the Moonpool and asks for a deputy
Acornstream and Duckpelt go on a hunting patrol

Starclan has sent you a deputy
While hunting, Acornstream and Duckpelt caught a trout and a mouse


forgetful. wrote:
chestnutstar made her way to the moonpool to request a cat from starclan. as she reached the pool, she dipped the tip of her nose against the water and began to dream. "starclan.. i have lost my son, tigertooth. please, send me an apprentice to help me recover from my lost. other than that, obsidianclan has been doing well." she spoke before waking up and returning back to the clan.

before hopstrike joined the hunt, she went to the nursery to check on hillkit - the sick kit that oatcatcher had found while on patrol. "how is she?" she inquired, watching as the small kit curled up to oatcatcher. a smile stretched across her maw and, before he could answer, she added, "you're a good father, you know." she said which made oatcatcher flustered. "oh, well, i.. uh. thank you. she's doing well." he stuttered, looking embarrassed. also in the den, crowfall watched the two young felines with amusement.

[center][ moonpool: chestnutstar's requesting an apprentice to remind her of her son, tigertooth
patrol: bristleclaw, hawkeye, flintburr, cloudwatcher // herb hunting: ---
hunting: snowmouse, hopstripe, duckwing, duskfall
training: buzzardpaw, ravenpaw learn to fight // kitting: silvermoon
the clan consumes 5 servings of big fish ]

While on patrol, Bristleclaw, Hawkeye, Flintburr and Cloudwatcher found an apprentice
While hunting, Snowmouse, Hopstrike, Duckwing and Dustfall caught two black squirrels and a shrew
While training, Buzzardpaw and Ravenpaw learned the Battle skill
Silvermoon gave birth to two kits


Chamrosh wrote:
While on their patrol, Chubtail made a shushing noise suddenly, and pointed his nose towards a shrub. Heronstar stopped in her tracks, and crouched down, as he shortly did. Chubtail started inching forward along the ground, getting closer to the source of the noise he’d picked up with each foot fall, and then suddenly he stopped entirely, braced up minutely and pounced. For a second, Heronstar thought he had entirely missed the target, as the body of the squirrel seemed to move forwards afterward, but then it suddenly stopped in place, and Heronstar saw that one of his paws had landed on its tail. That was either a very good catch or a sure sign that Starclan was looking out for them. Judging by Chubtail’s expression, he thought he’d missed it, too. He thanked Starclan and quickly finished off the squirrel.
The hare required a lot more effort when they came to it. Partly because Chubtail started distracted, calculating how to place the squirrel so they wouldn’t lose it, but mainly because of its speed. They did manage to catch up to it after it initially bolted, and pounce on it properly, but it was rather fast. They cut the patrol short as they now both had fresh-kill with them, and because the hare combined with the rain had taken a lot of energy out of them both.
Chubtail sat staring out at the ground beyond their main camp, where the edge of the territory was only just visible through the trees, still a way off. He heard a monster pass by, one of the huge ones that had rows of sheep held within them. What were they going to call them? He hadn’t known before he’d come here that the monsters carried their prey back to camp. And what a lot of them there must be to need so much! Sometimes he could make out a noise like a metal bird song through the trees, accompanied by the loud panting of a two-leg on a strange device made of metal sticks and what looked like hollow slices of tree trunk. They would need a name for those, too.
This territory was quite different from what he was used to. He’d never been this close to a two-leg place before. He could see why his mother had always said to avoid the two-leg places now; they seemed to have so many more types of monster than he’d even known had existed.
The fin flapped around noisily behind Chubtail, and Heronstar sat down beside him. She was rather beautiful, he thought, but she seemed far too cautious to want kits before they had a medicine cat and several other warriors. It was best for the clan, and for her, that he didn’t say anything about it yet.
”The rain has finally cleared up, so we should be able to patrol farther now, Chubtail; I want us to head down to the Eastern border. We might be able to better define it, and perhaps test out your fishing.”
Chubtail wondered why Heronstar always seemed to speak so formally, especially when she was referring to Starclan, but didn’t say anything, instead following his Leader as she set off.

[Gustclan consumes one Squirrel]
[Heronstar and Chubtail are on patrol]

(To the Eastern border, near the stream)

While on patrol, Heronstar and Chubtail found a warrior


skystar901 wrote:
Smokestar nodded as he watched his new deputy, a she-cat, once named Petal and now named Earthpetal, leave camp. She was going on a border patrol, scouting out the perimetor of the island to check for any cats who lived there before Ashenclan moved in, and then heading for a quick check of the Land Bridge. Smokestar himself would be hunting.
●</Earthpetal goes on patrol>●
●</Smokestar goes hunting>●

While on patrol, Earthpetal found a warrior
While hunting, Smokestar caught a seagull and magpie
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Simonpet » Sat Apr 08, 2017 6:12 am

Number of Cats: 5
Next Moonpool Visit: 05/13/2017

While Forestclan's camp wasn't quite finished, it was getting close. The tunnels had been connected and most of the dens had been dug out. The only thing of relevence was making nests for everyone, as for the past few moons, everyone in the clan hadn't bothered to do anything more than sleep on the dirt ground of their den.

"Birchnose, my deputy," said Honeystar, speaking from the Speaker's Tree as usual, "you will go on a border patrol. See if you can find any more cats that are willing to join the clan."

"Okay!" exclaimed Birchnose, looking around in excitement. Though young to be a deputy, she claimed that she had raised another's kits, which to Honeystar, made her a perfect deputy.

"Acornstream and Duckpelt." The two warriors looked up, expectant. "You're going hunting." Duckpelt nodded and something seemed to glitter in Acornstream's eyes. Honeystar looked them both in the eye. "Hunting." The pair nodded and trotted out of camp together, talking about something that Honeystar couldn't hear. A moment later, Birchnose left the camp too, off on her border patrol.

Honeystar leaped down from the Speaker's Tree. "I guess it's just us two," she said cheerfully to Crowcloud. "Let's keep setting up the clan!"
Acornstream decided to teach Duckpelt how to fish at the river. While land-hunting was good and all, it was also vital, in his opinion, that some knew how to fish because while land-prey would sometimes be plentiful and sometimes not, fish was always there.

"I don't really like swimming or fishing," said Duckpelt fluffing out her fur to replicate the coldness of water.

"But what if the territory floods?" asked Acornstream. "You'll need to know how to keep your head above the water."

Duckpelt sighed. "That doesn't mean that I have to like it."

"I'll start you with the basics," said Acornstream. By now, they had reached the banks of the river and were standing about a cat-length away. "Let's start with fishing." And so the lesson started.
Birchnose padded through the territory every sense on alert. She was naturally a good tracker and believed that if there was any trouble nearby, she could sniff it out easily.

"Sometimes," she sighed happily, "it's nice to be alone for a few moments."

While she loved Forestclan and felt that everyone was her family, she liked having some alone time. Like Acornstream and Duckpelt. Birchnose giggled to herself. It was clear to her that Acornstream cared for Duckpelt more than as a clan member, although she wasn't sure if Duckpelt returned his affections. She continued patrolling with a new spring in her step.

Forestclan consumes one squirrel (2 servings)
Birchnose goes on a border patrol
Acornstream and Duckpelt go on a hunting patrol

      Honeystar | 25 moons | Molly | X
      Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

      Birchnose | 20 moons | Molly | X

      Medicine Cat:
      Crowcloud | 24 moons | Tom | X

      Acornstream | 21 moons | Tom | X
      Duckpelt | 23 moons | Molly | X

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
      Ally Clans:
      Clan Name | Username

      Enemy Clans
      Clan Name | Username

      North | Clan Name | Username
      Northeast | Clan Name | Username
      Northwest | Clan Name | Username
      East | Clan Name | Username
      South | Clan Name | Username
      Southeast | Caveclan | tauriel.
      Southwest | Clan Name | Username
      West | Clan Name | Username

      Medicine Store
      Dried oak leaf | x1 | stops infection from setting in
      Feverfew | x1 | reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills,
      heals aches and pains, and is good for headaches
      Juniper berries | x1 | soothes bellyaches, gives strength, helps troubled
      breathing, and calms cats
      Stinging nettle | x1 | induces vomiting, brings down swelling, and helps
      with wounds; can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones
      Tansy | x1 | cures coughs, wounds and poisons, prevents greencough,
      and soothes throats

      Fresh-Kill Pile
      Hare | x1 | 3 servings
      Mouse | x1 | 1 serving
      Trout | x1 | 3 servings

      Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

      Deceased Cats
      Cat Name | Cause of Death

      Name and Name | Kits
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Create A Clan - Gustclan - 4

Postby Chamrosh » Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:44 am

Number of Cats: 3
Food Consumption: 2
Visit to Moonpool: 3 days (10 Apr)

There were two strange cats in Boulder’s territory. They seemed to be looking for something, but what on earth it could be, she wasn’t sure. They had no right to be on her land. She’d had to fight off the previous tom who’d lived here before, she’d earned this land, and no cat was taking it away from her. She run towards them and jumped, howling, out onto their path, and landed clumsily on one paw, which skidded on the still damp ground, then regained her balance.
The other two cats’ haunches tightened, and the molly tensed up as if about to start a fight. Boulder kept her posture relaxed and slick. She was sure they’d listen to reason.
”Oi! This is my land, wocha doin’ trespassing on i’?” She yowled.
The other two cats exchanged a look, unsure how to react to her argument.
”Greetings. I’m Chubtail, and this is Heronstar, of Gustclan, You’re welcome to stay on your territory if you become one of our warriors.” the tom said. The molly gave him a sceptical sort of look for just a fraction of a second, then glanced her eyes over Boulder. Boulder flicked her tail at them both.
”Why’d I wanna be a warrior? What’s a warrior, anyway?”
The molly, Heronstar, quickly explained, in a voice that sounded so much more formal than Boulder’s own that she had to ask Heronstar to repeat several times before she was sure she’d understood.
”Allrigh’, don’t sound much diff’rent from being a loner, ‘sept you got more friends. Bu’ I wanna’ve a tough sounding warrior name. I’m Boulder.”
The three headed back to camp together. Heronstar slunk off, not planning to head all the way to the moonpool, but instead, to the old pond outside, thinking of what to call the new warrior. She waited for the moon to rise, thinking it was closer to starclan than she might otherwise have been. She remembered that hasty run and leap that the new cat made, the quick-talking nature which had required so many inquiries into what was being said, and the impulsive confrontation. Heronstar decided that a new suffix might be needed to describe what she’d seen. Boulderdash. That sounded like a good name for her.
It was great to have a new warrior, just a shame that they hadn’t been able to get to the stream to fish.

[Gusctlan accepts the rogue Boulder as the warrior Boulderdash]
(Boulderdash is the warrior equivalent of being streetwise. Forestwise?)
They only had a little piece of Hare left, enough for one meal, and only for one of them. They’d only gone out hunting recently, but they already needed to head out again to gather more.
At least they could rotate it more evenly when they had more warriors. They already had three, they should be able to gain more warriors if they ensured there was always plenty of food around, so they should be able to become a strong clan without too much difficulty. Heronstar could tell that Chubtail was keen to have kits (with whom she wasn’t sure), and she was keen for the clan to have kits as a whole, but they needed to be able to support them, and they definitely needed a medicine cat first; Heronstar wasn’t going to allow any undue risk to her warriors if she could avoid it. Their priorities had to be maintaining the food pile and getting a medicine cat.
It was also probably good to be testing out Boulderdash’s abilities as soon as possible. It would be rather embarrassing for her (though Heronstar somehow doubted that Boulderdash really had a concept of embarrassment) to become a mentor and not actually know the skills she was meant to yet. It would be better to nip any issues in the bud. And judging from their first encounter, Boulderdash could really do with some additional fighting training, as she had deliberately run straight towards two larger cats than herself and hadn’t even seemed to be prepared at all to defend herself. They could hopefully help a little, at least, with that on patrol. To be honest, it seemed to be common sense training that was needed.

[Gustclan consumes most of a hare]
[Heronstar, Chubtail and Boulderdash are on patrol]


      Heronstar | 41 | Female
      Lives: ★★★★★★★★★
      ↪ Point long-furred molly with blue eyes

      Chubtail | 37 | Male
      ↪ Brown tabby tom with white patches and yellow eyes

      Medicine Cat:
      Name | Age | Gender

      Boulderdash | 32 | Female
      ↪Slender grey tabby molly with green eyes

      Name | Age | Gender

      Name | Age | Gender
      Name | Age | Gender

      Name | Age | Gender
      Name | Age | Gender

      Name | Age | Gender
      Name | Age | Gender

      Name | Age | Gender
      Name | Age | Gender
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North (2) | Mostly Lake | Clan Name | Username
    East | Road + Stream | Clan Name | Username
    South | Road | Clan Name | Username
    West | Hills | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Frogs | x0 | 1 serving
    Mice | x0 | 1 serving
    Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbits | x0 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x0 | 3 servings
    Hares | x0 +1/3 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits

Sorry for doing this, I really doubt that it's an actual issue, but I just got a warning about art theft for using a clearly sourced image, with the search I did for it being from a recommended page about avoiding art theft, and given the standing of that, I feel like removing any images from my posts is the best course for me not being banned. It might be best to save on a Word document the images of the cats I get assigned if my descriptions of the cats don't suit for purposes.
Last edited by Chamrosh on Sun Apr 16, 2017 5:48 am, edited 4 times in total.
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