Create-A-Village V3.5

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

the unseen. 027.

Postby broken* » Sat May 28, 2022 7:12 am


population. 81 villagers. | required servings. 74.75 request. anytime │ yemens. 4
accepted species list

    the new kitsune that was found turns out to be mates with the village regent, felix. they apparently met when they were young and knew each other for years, being separated but recently rekindling when she came across him at the edge of the unseen's territory. she was unsure about joining and giving up her loner ways, but upon finding out she was pregnant, decided to truly stick with felix for life.

    caliban disappears for a little while, returning from the border with BRW with three little wyvern pups in tow. the little creatures are certainly strange looking, but through his connection to romeo, the hellhound insists that they are his offspring, and wants them to be looked after within their family. the three pups are given to romeo's wife and two children.


    akakios had been a part of the unseen for eleven years; he had lost his siren pod when he was a young adult due to a group of marine hunters coming after them. the sirens had taken many a life with them, but in the end, akakios was the only siren to survive the attack. he did his best to lay low for many years, but every once in a while his nature would take control of him and he would lose control of his need for chaos and his need to feed. by the time he came to the unseen, he was fresh out of an "episode" and was seeking somewhere to help him learn how to gain better control of his tendencies. akakios hadn't had a single slip up since he joined the village, and was grateful to have finally found his home. but unfortunately, good things were not meant to last for very long in the siren's life.

    even still, he had decided to take a short walk on the outskirts of the village's territory. he wanted to go for a swim away from others, and he knew the rivers that ran through the territory stemmed from a natural hot spring up by the northern edge, partially over the border. however, what akakios was not expecting was a snarling sound, followed by a loud splash, as he approached the area. quickly on his guard, he pulled his sword from its sheath at his hip, spotting just outside of the protection of the village's territory a young boy, maybe nine or ten, who had fallen into the springs. the boy appeared not to be a strong swimmer, and was hardly keeping his head above water as he tried to stay away from the black jaguar that was pacing the waters edge, snarling and swiping at him.

    akakios went after the jaguar immediately, his guard reflexes kicking in to try and defend this innocent child. he didn't kill the large cat, but he got a few good swings in with his sword o the point where the cats blood was dripping onto the ground from multiple wounds. the black jaguar got a few good swipes in to akakios as well, but it seemed to give up as though it sensed defeat, and limped off into the trees quickly. akakios dropped his sword as soon as he felt the jaguar was far enough away, and dove into the hotspring after the boy who was about to slip below the water due to using up all his strength. akakios shifted into his siren form as he dove, and hauled the boy up onto the land, slipping up after him and not bothering to shift back into his human form as he tries to push any water from the boy's lungs, asking if he's okay.

    "are you alright son? did that cat draw any blood?" the siren offered a nervou smile as he looked over the boy, trying to spot any open cuts or blood on the boy. whats your name? i'm akakios." the child took the opportunity to sit up straight, coughing some water out of his lungs as he gave a sly smile to the older man. "thanks for your help mister. i'm quigley." the older siren didn't have much of a chance to respond, before there was a spear whistling through the air from the treeline, piercing his tailfin and trapping him to the ground. the brunette little boy stood up slowly as a tall lean blonde woman walked out of the treeline, placing a hand on his little shoulder with a smirk. "well done quigs. he's just outside of the protection of their border line."

    there was a small group of people staying back in the shadows of the trees, but two other people stepped forward; a tall muscular black-haired woman with dual-swords on her back and a plethora of knives strapped all over her body, and a dark-skinned man huffing out smoke as he flipped open and close a switch-blade. "akakios, was it? do you happen to know my family? i'm trying to find them, we've been separated since i was young. my twin sister phoebe, and our parents ariadne and ambrose. i heard that they lived in this unseen village." her words spoke of family, but the smirk on her face made her eyes glisten darkly, as she held up her second spear to the siren's neck, holding him in place.

    "ambrose and ariadne were our village founders, but they are long dead now. phoebe is our high priestess, i would take you to her, but this spear in my fin prevents me from shifting or walking." akakios grit out his words through clenched teeth. the blond woman took a step back, raising her hand to scratch the chin of the falcon on her shoulder as she appeared deep in thought. "what a shame that their deaths were taken from me; oh well, at least they'll watch from wherever they are as i destroy what they built and take everything that my dear sister holds dear." the smirk on her face grew as she looked back at the other two people who had stepped forward, gesturing them to come to her side. fantasia, finish him as you see fit. lisander, string him up in the trees when she's done. quigley, call your pet so i can heal his wounds, and then go back to camp." the brunette little boy made a short trill of whistling sounds, and the black jaguar appeared at his side with a rumbling purr, rubbing against him so strong he nearly fell over. the blonde woman, who was clearly the group's leader, pulled a large tome from where it was clipped to her waist, flipping through the pages until she found the blood spell to heal the big cat's wounds swiftly.


    when night fell on the village, and the siren akakios hadn't returned from his lone walk several hours prior, worried whispers began throughout the villagers. akakios was an older guard, but he was still in excellent shape and knew better than to stay out after dark. the high priestess held up her hand, carrying a ball of flame to light up the darkness as she called the villages who had skilled animals to her side to help in the search. "akakios is missing, and i have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. erin with crystal, talulla with finley, myself with draven, as well as cassia and lereil, will search from the skies. romeo with caliban, ash with cedar, and nehiti with papaya will search the north and east. ianira with achlys, and astrid with danica, radinka, and andrik will search the south and west." phoebe skillfully leapt onto the back of her thestral draven, who spread and flapped his wings in anticipation of the long night before him.

    the group that was selected to go searching, each split off into their smaller sub-groups and took off in their prospective search areas. phoebe and draven were starting to worry after not hearing anything after several hours, however everything changed in a split second when nehiti's fwooper papaya tore through the skies towards them, screeching furiously as it got right in the thestral's face. phoebe felt every muscle in her body tense up, and quickly she urged draven down as fast as he could. right before they broke the treeline, she remembered herself and the various groups searching all over the territory, and pulling her concentration together, and shot a bolt of pale-blue lightning straight up into the sky, the magical power and raw energy causing an earth-shattering crack. "alright boy, dive." she urged her thestral softly, leaning her body as flat to the horse's as she could while he made for the ground.

    the high priestess smoothly slid off of her thestrals back, patting his neck as she cooed thanks to him, before turning to the two men and one woman that were standing just at the edge of the unseen's protective magical border. the faun ash was sitting on the ground with his fox cedar wrapped up in his lap, trying to comfort the young man, ash's hands covering his eyes as his body racked in sobs. nehiti the tiefling raised her arm for her fwooper to land, but the moment that she did, the bird curled up in her neck, and the tiefling's orange-red eyes flashed up to meet the golden eyes of the high priestess, her mouth in a clear grimace as she shook her head, unable to open her mouth in fear that the scent would overpower her and she would end up throwing up. the final member of the trio of searchers, the broad demon romeo, had a hand placed on the top of his hellhound calliban's head in an attempt to calm the furiously snarling canine, whose yellow eyes were both glowing red from his overstimulation.

    phoebe followed the hellhound's eyes, and gasped in horror at the shock of the scene before her, having to lean on her thestral draven because her knees practically gave out from under her. not a word was spoken as the group waited for the other search parties to come to them, phoebe shakily sending up another crack of lightning in the air to bring the searchers to their spot. the other three flyers landed around them, the dragons staying as far back as they could as the clearing where the hot springs were located wasn't the most spacious for them, and a few beats later the two women with the four felines appeared from the south. with the arrival of the demi-god ianira, the glow of light from her father's powers radiated through the clearing, and the horrifying scene before them came into full view. "oh gods, i'm going to be sick." came the gentle voice of astrid the elf as she bent over, the sound of her dinner coming up echoing in the otherwise silent clearing.

    "this is clearly a threat. he is on the other side of our protective border. not one person is crossing over there. i don't trust it not to be a trap." her voice was firm as the high priestess spoke out, walking towards astrid and placing a gentle hand on her back to comfort the ill woman. "astrid, i need your matagots to go over there and cut the ropes binding him to that tree; cut him down. talulla and erin, i want finley and crystal to guard the cats in case there is anything waiting in the trees that appears as a threat. romeo and ianira, i need caliban and achlys to carry his body over here where its safe for us to grab him." her voice left no room for question, and each of the handlers quickly spoke the orders in hushed tones to their animal counterparts, who sprung into action. danica and her kits climbed the tree with ease, slicing at the bondage holding akakios' body up in a few swift motions. crystal and finley stood back to back, or rather tail to tail, as their narrowed eyes scanned the trees for danger. caliban and achlys shared the weight of the siren's fallen body as they dragged him away from the gory scene and into the safety of the unseen's protective enchantments. once the body, and all of the animals, were back in the area of safety, everyone let out a held in breath of relief. "he won't fit on draven with me. nehiti, join erin on crystal and help hold onto akakios as they fly. lets take him home."
    𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔭𝔬𝔰𝔱
    ›consumption ; 10 rabbit, 3 deer, 6 fish, 8 potatoes, 1 squirrel, 3 carnivore scraps, .75 berry.
    ›request ; n.a.
    ›families ; abelia is due in 1 posts. felix is due in 2 posts.
    ›medical ; medea researches medicine. ariella rests for 3 of 3 posts. medea looks at evanora. medea looks at argus. avenal rests for 1 of 2 posts.
    ›rank changes ; n/a

    ›hunting ; (+1 stone spear, 1st use) phoebe, samuel, lenore, niikura, ciaran, arne (+draven & aurora - horses).
    ›hunting ; (+1 steel spear, 1st use) erin, ianira, ansel, lereil, ash, aalton (+crystal & cedar - dragon & fox).
    ›gathering ; kumiko, felagi, alette, tola, tama, gryphon. (+ papaya - bird)
    ›gathering ; guirec, masami, aravis, baragon, maria, tate.
    ›border ; solomon, cassia, romeo, gnome, malva, kerissa (+ caliban - dog).
    ›border ; athena, kailani, akakios, siffare, enya, shae.
    ›scouting ; sycamore, alinta, aiha, saga, evanora, alfy.
    ›scouting ; chaya, argus, sivert, nehiti, yukio.

    ›marketplace ; n/a
    ›farming ; astrid plants to x1 potato seed with adio; it blooms in 2 post. leo tends x1 melon seed & tends it with karima; it blooms in 0 posts. zephyr tends x1 cucumber seed with abeke; it blooms in 2 posts.
    ›crafting ; n/a

    ›testing ; n/a
    ›training ; theron trains with lereil in the animal preservation skill. kendric trains with masami in the farming skill. talulla trains with ash in the stealth skill. iolana trains with cassia in the strength skill. chantal trains with medea in the general medicine skill. dario trains with avenal in the mapping skill. kasyn trains with yukio in the diplomacy skill. karalyn trains with zephyr in the fruit identification skill. oletha trains with ciaran in the tracking skill.

    ›animals ; danica, radinka, andrik, achlys, & caliban go hunting to keep the pest population down.
    ›other ; aurora & draven breed for the first time! caliban's three pups join from BRW.
    ›notes ; anyone with '♤' mark next to name is safe from death rolls - preferably target names in red but anyone w/o the '♤' is fair game technically.
    ››reminder if someone is about to die under Medea’s care, she saves them the pain by turning them to stone.
    ›people to be found on patrol at anytime ;
    unnamed merman missing both lower arms from an accident. ST - / HS - LW / HC - 6 / EC - G8 / X / merfolk.


      𝔥𝔦𝔤𝔥 𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔰𝔰
      ⋆Phoebe Viotto | ♀ | 55 years
      ↪ ST - C3 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - D4 / X / witch

      ⋆Bernice Argyris | ♀ | 148 years
      ↪ ST - B10 / HS - LW / HC - 37 / EC - D3 / X / gorgon
      Dennis Dion | ♂ | 106 years
      ↪ ST - M9 / HS - AC / HC - 60 / EC - E11 / X / devil
      Reyinn Fodett | ♀ | 140 years
      ↪ ST - E8 / HS - HC / HC - 24 / EC - F11 / X / gorgon
      Yarek Rucryn | ♂ | 82 years
      ↪ ST - H4 / HS - AC / HC - 39 / EC - A4 / X / fairy
      Saffron Isolde | ♀ | 147 years
      ↪ ST - M4 / HS - S / HC - 43 / EC - G5 / X / imp
      ⋆Medea Cirillo | ♀ | 58 years
      ↪ ST - J7 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - C5 / X / gorgon
      ↪ knowledge points: 24

      ♤⋆Felix Akuma | ♂ | 57 years
      ↪ ST - G8 / HS - S / HC - 19 (tail 63) / EC - D5 / X / kitsuneborn
      ⋆Sycamore Rivers | ⚥ | 58 years
      ↪ ST - B8 / HS - S / HC - 1 / EC - G4 / X / nymph
      ⋆Samuel James Yunirick | ♂ | 84 years
      ↪ ST - D1 / HS - S / HC - 2 / EC - B8 / demon

      ♤⋆Romeo Mortem | ♂ | 56 years
      ↪ ST - A1 / HS - LC / HC - 54 / EC - D4 / X / (trapped) demon
      ⋆Solomon Stellan | ♂ | 44 years
      ↪ ST - M1 / HS - S / HC - 5 / EC - D6 / X / nephilim
      ⋆Kailani Itsaso | ♀ | 44 years
      ↪ST - H7 / HS - S / HC - 52 / EC - F10 / X / merfolk
      ⋆Enya Miyuki | ♀ | 41 years
      ↪ST - E8 / HS - S / HC - 6 / EC - A8 / X / centaur
      ⋆Athena Vitalis | ♀ | 41 years
      ↪ ST - M10 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - G10 / X / shapeshifter
      ⋆Malva Calimeris| ♀ | 53 years
      ↪ ST - L8 / HS - AC / HC - 2 / EC - F7 / X / siren
      ⋆Gnome Tomlin | ♂ | 37 years
      ↪ ST - I10 / HS - LC / HC - 23 / EC - B8 / X / naiad
      ⋆Seraphina Solveig | ♀ | 50 years
      ↪ST - F6 / HS - HW / HC - 54 / EC - E4 / X / dragonborn
      Akakios Euanthe | ♂ | 84 years
      ↪ ST - G11 / HS - HC / HC - 9 / EC - B9 / Y / siren
      Siffare Vuttata | ♀ | 49 years
      ↪ST - F2 / HS - LC / HC - 45 / EC - B2 / X / siren
      Kersissa Tellalin | ♀ | 52 years
      ↪ST - D2 / HS - HW / HC - 47 / EC - D11 / X / scorpifolk
      Cassia Faustine | ♀ | 46 years
      ↪ST - G7 / HS - LC / HC - 47 / EC - F10 / Y / winged person
      ⋆Shae Margaery | ♀ | 23 years
      ↪ST - K8 / HS - LC / HC - 19 / EC - D5 / X / centaur.

      ♤⋆Neheti Venus | ♀ | 49 years
      ↪ ST - J10 / HS - S / HC - 47 / EC - C8 / X / tiefling
      ⋆Aiha Atiyah | ♀ | 47 years
      ↪ ST - I8 / HS - HC / HC - 10 / EC - H4 / X / naiad
      ⋆Alinta Aguya | ♀ | 46 years
      ↪ST - H5 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - F5 / X / powered human
      ↪ magma manipulation
      ⋆Chaya Heryun | ♀ | 42 years
      ↪ ST - D1 / HS - LW / HC - 24 / EC - G3 / X / cervitaur
      ⋆Alfy Bourne | ♂ | 44 years
      ↪ST - D1 / HS - S / HC - 19 / EC - F9 / X / faun
      ♤⋆Yukio Enmei | ♂ | 38 years
      ↪ST - L4 / HS - LC / HC - 21 / EC - H8 / Y / shapeshifter
      ↪ (green tree python)
      Sivert Larson | ♂ | 42 years
      ↪ ST - A10 | HS - LC | HC - 15 | EC - B3 | X | wood elf
      Argus Ariston | ♂ | 51 years
      ↪ST - D7 / HS - AC / HC - 59 / EC - F8 / X / merfolk.
      Avenal Blagden | ♂ | 43 years
      ↪ ST - F8 / HS - HC / HC - 22 / EC - G4 / X / tufte imp
      ⋆Evanora Fowler | ♀ | 47 years
      ↪ST - I3 / HS - HW / HC - 32 / EC - D7 / X / witch
      ⋆Saga Ström | ♀ | 47 years
      ↪ ST - H11 / HS - LC / HC - 28 / EC - D2 / X / dark elf
      ⋆Maria Dracos | ♀ | 52 years
      ↪ ST - F6 / HS - LW / HC - 20 / EC - A6 / X / dryad
      ⋆Tola Amitina | ♀ | 48 years
      ↪ ST - D9 / HS - AC / HC - 3 / EC - B5 / X / shapeshifter
      ↪ (red panda, elk, horse, unk.)
      ⋆Leo Nivarus | ♂ | 50 years
      ↪ ST - C6 / HS - S / HC - 26 / EC - H1 / X / shapeshifter
      ↪ (hare, goat, horse, unk.)
      ⋆Tama Sato | ♀ | 55 years
      ↪ ST-G2 / HS-HC / HC-36 / EC-B2 / X / wood elf
      ⋆Zephyr Fowler | ♂ | 49 years
      ↪ ST - F7 / HS - HC / HC - 41 / EC - A10 / X / kitsune
      ⋆Tate Evander | ♂ | 39 years
      ↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 55 / EC - G10 / X / dryad
      ⋆Kumiko Abiko | ♀ | 52 years
      ↪ST - A5 / HS - LW / HC - 24 / EC - C4 / X / kitsune
      Masami Ogawa| ♀ | 68 years
      ↪ ST - K4 / HS - HW / HC - 21 / EC - C10 / X / vampire
      Guirec Cealin | ♂ | 40 years
      ↪ ST - D3 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - E8 / X / gnome
      Félagi Brandr | ♂ | 60 years
      ↪ ST - A11 / HS - AC / HC - 6 / EC - A11 / X / goblin
      ⋆Alette Ondine | ♀ | 42 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - AC / HC - 56 / EC - A5 / X / fairy
      ♤⋆Astrid Holm | ♀ | 39 years
      ↪ ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 35 / EC - A3 / X / elf
      ♤⋆Aravis Mars | ♀ | 29 years
      ↪ST - G8 / HS - AC / HC - 40 / EC - C8 / X / faun
      ⋆Baragon Ceaser | ♂ | 33 years
      ↪ST - E11 / HS - HC / HC - 21 / EC - F7 / X / kobold
      ⋆Gryphon Astaroth | ♂ | 28 years
      ↪ST - I2 / HS - S / HC - 22 / EC - F4 / X / gorgon.

      ⋆Erin Paxton | ♀ | 53 years
      ↪ ST - C10 / HS - S / HC - 3 / EC - G5 / X / light elf
      ⋆Niikura Hisakawa | ♂ | 47 years
      ↪ ST - B6 / HS - S / HC - 62 / EC - F6 / X / orc
      ⋆Arne Auzoux | ♂ | 48 years
      ↪ST - G4 / HS - HC / HC - 58 / EC - F6 / X / ent
      ♤⋆Aalton Delmore | ♂ | 45 years
      ↪ST - J1 / HS - S / HC - 65 / EC - D8 / merfolk
      ⋆Ansel Armani | ♂ | 101 years
      ↪ST - M10 / HS - HC / HC - 12 / EC - H7 / X / centaur
      ♤⋆Ash Everest | ⚲ | 31 years
      ↪ST - G4 / HS - S / HC - 41 / EC - D4 / X / faun
      Lereil Vynlor | ♂ | 51 years
      ↪ST - E4 / HS - LC / HC - 1 / EC - F4 / X / winged person
      Balmyr Tenhort | ♂ | 68 years
      ↪ ST - H5 / HS - S / HC - 39 / EC - F10 / X / hobbit
      ⋆Ianira Deyanira | ♀ | 34 years
      ↪ ST - C2 / HS - AC / HC - 26 / EC - A6 / X / demigod
      ⋆Ciaran Blagden| ♂ | 35 years
      ↪ST - M8 / HS - S / HC - 2 / EC - E9 / X / imp
      ⋆Atlas Pan | ♂ | 23 years
      ↪ST - A11 / HS - AC / HC - 41 / EC - E5 / X / centaur
      ♤⋆Lenore Lisha | ♀ | 20 years
      ↪ST - C5 / HS - LW / HC - 17 / EC - E1 / X / fairy
      ♤⋆Navesa Sítheach | ♀ | 48 years
      ↪ST - D3 / HS - HW / HC - 26 / EC - F8 / X / fairy

      ♤⋆Ariella Amitina-Dracos | ♀ | 22 years
      ↪ST - K1 / HS - LW / HC - 42 / EC - F8 / X / harpy
      ⋆Theron Zotikos | ♂ | 21 years
      ↪ST - H9 / HS - S / HC - 10 / EC - A4 / X / harpy
      ⋆Talulla Ondine | ♀ | 18 years
      ↪ST - D6 / HS - / HC - 34 / EC - F5 / Y / fairy
      ↪born without an arm.
      ⋆Kendric Fowler | ♂ | 18 years
      ↪ST - I3 / HS - HW / HC - 32 / EC - D7 / X / kitsune
      ⋆Iolana Delmore | ♀ | 18 years
      ↪ST - H7 / HS - S / HC - 65 / EC - D8 / X / merfolk
      ↪born with a twisted arm.
      ♤⋆Chantal Ondine | ♀ | 18 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - AC / HC - 56 / EC - F5 / Y / powered human
      ⋆Dario Ondine | ♂ | 18 years
      ↪ST - D6 / HS - AC / HC - 34 / EC - H7 / X / fairy
      ⋆Alaric Dester | ♂ | 13 years
      ↪ST - M1 / HS - LC / HC - 12 / EC - G5 / X / vampire
      ⋆Kasyn Holm | ♂ | 15 years
      ↪ST - D9 / HS - LW / HC - 35 / EC - A3 / Y / elf
      ⋆Karalyn Holm | ♀ | 15 years
      ↪ST - D9 / HS - HW / HC - 35 / EC - G7 / X / elf
      ⋆Oletha Ström | ♀ | 15 years
      ↪ST - H11 / HS - LC / HC - 17 / EC - D2 / X / dark elf

      ♤⋆Zuximi Chikte | ♀ | 53 years
      ↪ ST - B2 / HS - HW / HC - 23 / EC - F4 / X / demon
      ⋆Abelia Laurel | ♀ | 32 years
      ↪ST - B4 / HS - HC / HC - 54 / EC - A1 / X / gnome.
      ↪due in 1 post.
      ⋆Ahmya Ichika | ♀ | 50 years
      ↪ST - M8 / HS - LW / HC - 9 / EC - F9 / X / kitsuneborn
      ↪due in 2 posts.

      ⋆Aouli Azraq | ♂ | 07 years
      ↪ST - B3 / HS - LC / HC - 51 / EC - C4 / X / shapeshifter
      ↪ (sinai agama)
      ⋆Dimitra Bronte | ♀ | 07 years
      ↪ST - J3 / HS - LW / HC - 34 / EC - G4 / X / gorgon
      ⋆Abere Chikte | ♀ | 05 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - LC / HC - 54 / EC - D4 / X / demon
      ⋆Bifrons Mortem | ♂ | 05 years
      ↪ST - B2 / HS - LC / HC - 3 / EC - F4 / X / demon
      ⋆Amaryllis Amitina-Dracos | ♀ | 05 years
      ↪ST - A3 / HS - LC / HC - 19 / EC - H2 / X / dryad
      none atm

      𝔫𝔢𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔟𝔬𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔳𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔰
      north | liones kingdom | nightwolf950
      northeast | serendipity | lumos11
      east | old gatorsbite | mommanessy
      southeast | village name | user
      south | village name | user
      southwest | village name | user
      west | carmina abyssi | jazz
      northwest | village name | user
      nomadic | kanaka helu | chamrosh

      𝔪𝔞𝔭 wip!

      𝔞𝔯𝔠𝔥𝔦𝔳𝔢 here

      𝔣𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔢
      carnivore scraps | 1 serv | 0
      herbivore scraps | 1 serv | 1
      tebo meat | 6 serv | 1
      rabbit | 1 serv. | 7
      squirrel | 1 serv. | 13
      fish | 3 serv. | 3
      deer | 6 serv. | 4
      tebo | 6 serv. | 1
      carrots | 2 serv. | 8
      potatoes | 3 serv. | 5
      squash | 4 serv. | 4
      berries | 1 serv. | 0.25
      apples | 2 serv. | 5
      melons | 3 serv. | 2

      𝔦𝔱𝔢𝔪 𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔢
      x3 glass jewelry
      x1 gold jewelry
      x5 potato seed
      x1 iron sword
      x2 carrot seed
      x3 melon seed
      x7 berry seed
      x2 vials medicine
      x2 cucumber seed
      x1 copper
      x2 herbs
      x1 sand
      x1 leather
      x1 cotton
      x1 gold ore
      x1 copper ore
      x1 stone pickaxes
      x1 iron dagger
      x1 blanket
      x2 stone spear (1 used 1 time)
      x2 steel spear (1 used 1 time)
      x1 traps
      x1 rope
      draven | ♂ | 21 yrs | thestrel | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler : phoebe
      crystal | ♀ | 22 yrs | ender dragon | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: erin (hunter)
      tatiana | ♀ | 19 yrs | tebo | bred ; 2
      ⤷ handler: maria (gatherer)
      papaya | ♀ | 05 yrs | fwooper | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: nehiti (scout)
      danica | ♀ | 09 yrs | matagot | bred ; 1
      ⤷ handler: astrid
      achlys | ♀ | 08 yrs | nundu | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: ianira
      cedar | ♀ | 04 yrs | fox | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: ash (hunter)
      caliban | ♂ | 04 yrs | hellhound | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: romeo (guard)
      karima | ♀ | 04 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: guirec (gatherer)
      finley | ♂ | 04 yrs | dragon | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: talulla (hunter)
      adio | ♂ | 02 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: maria (gatherer)
      abeke | ♀ | 02 yrs | tebo | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: maria (gatherer)
      radinka | ♀ | 02 yrs | matagot mix | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: astrid
      andrik | ♂ | 02 yrs | matagot mix | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: astrid
      aurora | ♀ | 01 yrs | unicorn | bred ; 0
      ⤷ handler: lenore
      sycorax | ♀ | 01 yrs | wyvern | bred ; 0
      ⤷handler: zuximi
      juno | ♀ | 01 yrs | wyvern | bred ; 0
      ⤷handler: abere
      trinculo | ♂ | 01 yrs | wyvern | bred ; 0
      ⤷handler: bifrons

      ⋆yukio ➾ kasyn
      diplomacy, knowledge of nature, self-defense, self-awareness, mapping.
      ⋆zephyr ➾ karalyn
      fruit identification, vegetable identification, poison identification, environmental preservation, farming.
      ⋆ciaran ➾ oletha
      tracking, trapping, fishing, stealth, animal preservation.
      ⋆athena ➾ ariella (guard)
      ⤿hand-to-hand combat, weapons combat, strength, agility, stamina.
      ⋆lereil ➾ theron (hunter)
      ⤿tracking, trapping, fishing, stealth, animal preservations.
      ⋆masami ➾ kendric (gatherer)
      ⤿fruit identification, vegetable identification, poison identification, environmental preservation, farming.
      ⋆ash ➾ talulla (hunter)
      ⤿tracking, trapping, fishing, stealth, animal identification.
      ⋆cassia ➾ iolana
      ⤿hand-to-hand combat, weapons combat, strength, agility, stamina.
      ⋆medea ➾ chantal
      ⤿animal physiology, human physiology, general medicine, infectious disease, surgery.
      ⋆avenal ➾ dario
      ⤿diplomacy, knowledge of nature, self-defense, self-awareness, mapping.

Last edited by broken* on Tue Jul 12, 2022 5:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Manifold Hive - 001

Postby Vaporeon03 » Sun May 29, 2022 1:54 pm

Number of People: 01
Number of Animals: 00
Servings Needed: 01 (Fasting)
Number of Seeds Allowed: 05
Next New Arrival: Now
Yemons: 00
Mod: Skarrred
Archive: Here

Rosa was no longer sure of how long she had been travelling. She just knew that it had been a very, very long journey-long enough for her surroundings to grow to hot, and for the humidity to increase significantly. From forest to city and back she had went...

Now, she was fairly sure she was in a forest. A very large one, at that. The trees surrounding her were way too large to be the ones close to home, so she had definitely achieved her goal of getting far away from her home. The forest was rather lush and green as well-very suitable for a new and growing hive Resources should be plentiful.

It took Rosa some looking around, but she located a large tree hollow in a tree. Large to her, that is-to a normal human it was tiny. Peeking in, Rosa immediately knew that she had found the right spot. It was surprisingly large on the inside, and considerably dry as well. It was rather dim on the inside, but that was fine.

Alright, this looks good enough...This'll be the hive's home, then, at least for now.

Rank changes/New members:
Rosa becomes a Monarch.
None (Fasting 1/5)
Hunting Patrols:
Rosa hunts for food.
Border Patrols:
Rosa patrols the borders.
Scouting Patrols:
Rosa scouts around.
Gathering patrols:
Rosa gathers items.
Family Actions:
Animal Actions:
Requesting for a Cicada! (The rank, not the species)
Other Mod notes:
Tell me if the Archive is not well-organised enough!
> Any appearance traits are okay.
> Insprites only for hive members!

    Rosa | F | 30
    ↪ ST - F3 / HS - HC / HC - 18 / EC - E11 / X / Insprite (Alderfly)

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age | Knowledge Points
    ↪ N/A

    Head Bombardier
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Head Stickbug
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Head Dragonfly
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Head Leafcutter
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Lace Bug/s
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
    Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

    Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
    Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

    Food Storage/Item Storage/Family/Deceased/Ally Villages/Enemy Villages/Border Villages
    See Archive
She/Her | Cis Female | Straight Ally | Feel free to call me anything derived from "Vaporeon"!
Flight Rising | | DeviantArt | ArtFight | Talis#3402 on Discord
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Skarred's Mod Replies | 06

Postby Skarrred » Mon May 30, 2022 1:34 pm

𝘚𝘬𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘳𝘦𝘥'𝘴 𝘙𝘦𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴:
Season: Autumn.
Skarrred wrote:Autumn has sparked! The leaves are turning orange, and the winds are tearing them from their branches. During autumn, births begin to increase in difficulty gradually. Food availability will drop; animals are beginning to move on and migrate as the food they eat dies. Villagers are harder to find and its much easier to obtain sickness.


Villages: Manifold Hive | Vaporeon03
Other Villages: Elysian | triplethesix - Fenguard | w0ah - Gray's Delta | røsebud - Liones Kingdom | NightWolf950 - Tealimor | LooneyLani - The Mirror Dominion | LadyStardust - Village of Rushing Waters | littleminicooper

Vaporeon03 wrote:Image

[ Rosa finds and successfully dispatches of x1 large lizard and x1 medium beetle! What a great hunt! (+9 servings) ]
[ Rosa finds nothing around her borders. ]
[ Rosa does, however, find 8 yemons in a huge bush! What luck! (+8 yemons) ]
[ Rosa gathers, finding a rather young sapling. She harvests x1 small leaf- that'll sustain the hive for a while! (+2 servings) ]
[ Rosa, after walking around her new village territory, finds an insprite! She quickly finds they have relatively easily a great Cicada potential! ]

[ The Cicada's traits are:
➳ ST - A7 / HS - AC / HC - 1 / EC - E9 / X / insprite ]

[ Your archive looks great! 'specially love you put your food items at the top! <3 However, your XL bird does not have their servings listed! ]

x11 Servings (x1 large lizard, x1 medium beetle, x1 small leaf)
x8 Yemons
x1 Cicada Insprite
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Re: Create-A-Village V3.5

Postby littleminicooper » Sun Jun 12, 2022 3:43 am

Village of Rushing Water
Number of People: 21
Number of Animals: 1
Servings Needed: 21 3/4
Number of Seeds Allowed: 5
Next Visit to Ancestors: Now
Yemons: 75
Mod Notes: Perm note, I would like to see mostly; Demi-god, Fairy, Vampire, Human, Witch/Wizard, Angel, Demon, Kitsune, Shapeshifter, Werefolk, Animalkin. I have a soft spot for any animal based, or any listed above, but I would like any species to be able to join to give myself more plot ideas.

The village eats x1 Moose, x1 Elk, x 1 3/4 Cherry, x1 Corn

Hunting Patrol:
Cataleya, Lorelie, Aja and Alaiyah go hunting!

Gathering Patrol:
Odin, Marley, Jasan and Jay gather!


Boarder Patrol:
Ahtissari and Quinn go on a boarder patrol

Scouting Patrol:
Celeste, Jace, Reyna, and Ezra scout.

Cypris researches medicine!
Reyna is healed by Cypris
Ezra is healed by Cypris and rests (1/3)

Quinn is due in Now!

Cataleya trains Ryder in hunting
Celeste trains Silas in scouting
Ahtissari trains Genesis in being a warrior

Kenya tests in hunting
Elise tests fighting (warrior)
Alice tests in Scouting

Next post

    [size=85]Head Chief
    Maxon | Male | 27 Years
    ↪ ST - E4 / HS - HW / HC - 10 / EC - E2 / X / demigod

    Cypris | Female | 35 | 7 kp
    ↪ ST - L9 / HS - S / HC - 23 / EC - G1 / X / gorgon

    War Chief
    Ahtissari | Female | 24
    ↪ ST - H1 / HS - LC / HC - 4 / EC - A3 / X / kitsune

    Quinn | Female | 27
    ↪ ST - D2 / HS - S / HC - 22 / EC - F3 / X / fairy
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Scout Chief
    Celeste | Female | 25
    ↪ ST - A10 / HS - HW / HC - 4 / EC - H6 / X / fairy

    Jace | Male | 32
    ↪ ST - C3 / HS - S / HC - 8 / EC - A4 / Y / vampire
    Reyna | Female | 33
    ↪ ST - C9 / HS - LC / HC - 20 / EC - G6 / Y / huldra
    Ezra | Male | 30
    ↪ ST - A2 / HS - HC / HC - 5 / EC - A10 / X / demi-god

    Hunting Chief
    Cataleya | Female | 32
    ↪ ST - E8 / HS - AC / HC - 21 / EC - G10 / X / naiad

    Lorelie | Female | 22
    ↪ ST - J3 / HS - HC / HC - 24 / EC - G9 / X / fairy
    Alaiyah | Female | 26
    ↪ ST - I8 / HS - LW / HC - 9 / EC - F8 / X / angel
    Aja Fallow | female | 38 years
    ↪ ST - A5 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - G2 / X / werewolf

    Gathering Chief
    Odin | Male | 36
    ↪ ST - E9 / HS - LC / HC - 43 / EC - E7 / X / demon

    Marley | Female | 23
    ↪ ST - L4 / HS - LW / HC - 17 / EC - G11 / X / vampire
    Jay | Male | 29
    ↪ ST - F2 / HS - HC / HC - 43 / EC - A11 / X / dragonborn
    Jasan Fallow | male | 40 years
    ↪ ST - D4 / HS - LW / HC - 4 / EC - D6 / X / shapeshifter (peregrine falcon)

    Ryder | Male | 17 | 3 Skills
    ↪ ST - L1 / HS - AC / HC - 8 / EC - F3 / X / fairy
    Genesis | Female | 11 | 0
    ↪ ST - E8 / HS - HW / HC - 22 / EC - E7 / Y / naiad
    Silas | Male | 11 | 0
    ↪ ST - E2 / HS - S / HC - 63 / EC - F11 / X / human
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Kenya | Female | 11 |Scouting, hunting, gathering, warrior, shaman, leading
    ↪ ST - C8 / HS - HC / HC - 57 / EC - F1 / X / huldra
    Elise | Female | 10 | Scouting, hunting, gathering, warrior, shaman, leading
    ↪ ST - D10 / HS - LC / HC - 25 / EC -E4 / X / demon
    Alice | Female | 9 | Scouting, hunting, gathering, warrior, shaman, leading
    ↪ ST - K6 / HS - LW / HC - 32 / EC - D5 / X / vampire

    Lilith | Female | 30
    ↪ ST - L6 / HS - HC / HC - 34 / EC - C11 / X / demon
    Karmine | Female | 27
    ↪ ST - H10 / HS - HW / HC - 45 / EC - C4 / Y / naiad

    Yuki | Female | 8
    ↪ST - L3 / HS - LC / HC - 11 / EC - H10 / X / kitsune
    Tohru | Female | 2
    ↪ ST - C8 / HS - AC / HC - 14 / EC - C11 / X / Animalkin
    Chance | Male | 1
    ↪ ST - H10 / HS - HC / HC - 43 / EC - C4 / X / dragonborn
    Kyo | Female | 1
    ↪ ST - H10 / HS - HW / HC - 45 / EC - A11 / X / naiad
    Barley Fallow | male | 5 years
    ↪ ST - D4 / HS - S / HC - 4 / EC - G2 / X / werewolf
    Cypress Fallow | female | 5 years
    ↪ ST - D4 / HS - LW / HC - 4 / EC - G2 / Y / werewolf

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Rabbit | x9 | 1 Serving
Chicken | x8 | 3 Servings
Elk | x2 | 6 Servings
Moose | x3 | 10 Servings
Mushroom | x7 | 2 Servings
Potato | x7 | 3 Servings
Corn | x4 | 4 Servings
Cherry | x6 | 1 Serving
Apple | x11 | 2 Servings
Watermelon | x5 | 4 Servings

Item Storage
Watermelon Seed | x1 | 1 Use left
Potato Seed | x1 | 1 Use left
Mushroom Seed | x1 | 1 Use left
Apple Seed | x2| 2 uses left
Cherry Seed | x2| 1 use left
Iron Sword | x1 | 2 uses left

Frost | Female | 2 | cat | 0 | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Cataleya | Ryder | hunting | 3
Ahtissari | Genesis | Warrior | 0
Celeste | Silas | Scouting | 0

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

cataleya and Reyna | Silas, Genesis, Kenya
Maxon and Quinn | No Kids
Jay and Karmine | No Kids

Car enthusiast│Memes
Dog lover│Roleplayer
Warrior Cats│The Selection
CoziesMystic Moths

In memory of Eadlyn.
Taken too soon
I miss her everyday.

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Manifold Hive - 002

Postby Vaporeon03 » Sun Jun 12, 2022 1:58 pm

Number of People: 02
Number of Animals: 00
Servings Needed: 02 (Fasting)
Number of Seeds Allowed: 05
Next New Arrival: Next post
Yemons: 08
Mod: Skarrred
Archive: Here

The newest member of the Hive called herself Selene. She was quiet and didn't seem to ask for much of anything, meaning that the Hivemind connection was basically vital to figuring out if Selene was okay with anything. The beetle Insprite was originally nervous about basically allowing all her thoughts to be read, but soon got used to it once she learned that the connection went both ways.

The rainforest was filled with herbs of all sorts. Even at a glance, Selene could tell that many of them were capable of being used for medicinal purposes. She had received medical training from wherever she lived before, apparently. Rosa was just glad that she had to worry less about dying of illness.

The inner structures of the hive came along nicely. Selene made herself a shelf, where medicinal resources would later be stored. Despite the large space, Selene and Rosa often found themselves curled up close to each other at night, since the large space honestly felt too empty with only two residents.

Soon enough, this place will be bustling with people. Rosa reassured herself.

Rank changes/New members:
Selene becomes a Cicada.
None (Fasting 2/5)
Hunting Patrols:
Rosa and Selene hunt for food.
Border Patrols:
Rosa and Selene patrol the borders.
Scouting Patrols:
Rosa and Selene scout around.
Gathering patrols:
Rosa and Selene gather items.
Selene researches the herbs in the area.
Family Actions:
Animal Actions:
Other Mod notes:
I hope Selene's stuff are okay XD
> Any appearance traits are okay.
> Insprites only for hive members!

    Rosa | F | 31
    ↪ ST - F3 / HS - HC / HC - 18 / EC - E11 / X / Insprite (Alderfly)

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Selene | F | 32 | 0 Knowledge Points
    ↪ ST - A7 / HS - AC / HC - 1 / EC - E9 / X / Insprite (Comb-Clawed Beetle)

    Head Bombardier
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Head Stickbug
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Head Dragonfly
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Head Leafcutter
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Lace Bug/s
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
    Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

    Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
    Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

    Food Storage/Item Storage/Family/Deceased/Ally Villages/Enemy Villages/Border Villages
    See Archive
She/Her | Cis Female | Straight Ally | Feel free to call me anything derived from "Vaporeon"!
Flight Rising | | DeviantArt | ArtFight | Talis#3402 on Discord
CS time+8 hours
CAC RisingClan Archives & cats | LyricClan cats
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Skarred's Mod Replies | 07

Postby Skarrred » Tue Jun 14, 2022 3:58 pm

𝘚𝘬𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘳𝘦𝘥'𝘴 𝘙𝘦𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴:
Season: Autumn.
Skarrred wrote:Autumn has sparked! The leaves are turning orange, and the winds are tearing them from their branches. During autumn, births begin to increase in difficulty gradually. Food availability will drop; animals are beginning to move on and migrate as the food they eat dies. Villagers are harder to find and it's much easier to obtain sickness.


Villages: Manifold Hive | Vaporeon03 - Village of Rushing Waters | littleminicooper
Other Villages: Elysian | triplethesix - Fenguard | w0ah - Gray's Delta | røsebud - Liones Kingdom | NightWolf950 - Tealimor | LooneyLani - The Mirror Dominion | LadyStardust

Vaporeon03 wrote:Image

[ Selene gains 1 KP! ]

[ Rosa's patrol finds x1 large bamboo shoot! ]

[ Rosa's hunting patrol hunts with difficulty x1 large lizard! The hive should be proud of their spoil. ]

[ As Rosa and Selene walk along, they find a young Insprite walking around alone. They seem to have been that way for a while, though greet the two eagerly. They are around tester age. They eagerly ask the names of the two and then ask if they can join them because they 'seem so cool!' ]

[ The testers traits are: ST - F3 / HS - HC / HC - 21 / EC - G5 / X / insprite ]

[ Selene points out x2 yemons on the ground, tucked under a large rock! ]

Selene gained x1 KP
x10 Servings (x1 large bamboo shoot, x1 large lizard)
x1 Villagers (x1 tester)
x2 Yemons


littleminiscooper wrote:Village of Rushing Water

[ Unfortunately, while Cypris was overworked, they caught the case of a minor cold! They will need themself/another shaman to heal them with collectively 5kp or higher OR can rest for 1 post. Please keep in mind that Shamans with 0-10 KP can do one action, shamans with 11-20 can do two, and 21+ can do three. Researching takes up one action! You did three actions this post. If you have questions, please dm me and I can help! ]
[ However, Cypris did fail to gain any KP from healing Reyna and Ezra, and failed to research anything. How unlucky! ]

[ All apprentices, unfortunately, failed to learn anything. However, Ryder failed with an injury: see below.
Injury Description: Ryder accidentally fell over a log, landing several feet below it. Unfortunately, he sprained his arm and will need 2 posts of rest, OR for a shaman with at least 8KP to heal them. He doesn't seem all too pleased. ]
[ All testers successfully tested their ranks! ]

[ Odin's patrol finds x1 potato and 1 apple! ]

[ The patrol Cataleya was leading finds x2 rabbits and a mighty x1 elk! ]

[ Ahtissari and Quinn find a few small items! They are the following: x1 herb, x1 twine, and x1 copper ore. ]

[ Celeste's patrol stumbles upon a shapeshifter. It's obvious they are a gatherer, as they are gathering an apple. As the group approaches, they appear to be eating it. The shapeshifter seems confused, looking over at the group. ]

[ Quinn gives birth to a singular child!
The first and only child's traits are: ST - E4 / HS - HW / HC - 10 / EC - E2 / X / demi-god -- looking practically just like Quinn!
However, unfortunately, Quinn didn't have a shaman overseeing the birthing and she had a major complication. Without the shaman's help, she's having more struggles. She needs (a) shaman(s) with over 6 KP to assist her or she will become infertile.
Fortunately, despite Quinn's issues, the child was perfectly healthy! ]

[ The gatherers traits are: ST - G11 / HS - AC / HC - 30 / EC - E6 / Y / shapeshifter ]

x13 Servings (x1 potato, x1 apple, x2 rabbits, x1 elk)
x3 Items (x1 herb, x1 twine, x1 copper ore)
x2 Villagers (x1 gatherer, x1 child)

21.75 Servings (feeding; x1 moose, x1 elk, x 1 3/4 cherry, x1 corn)
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Re: Create-A-Village V3.5

Postby littleminicooper » Sun Jul 10, 2022 3:34 am

Village of Rushing Water
Number of People: 23
Number of Animals: 1
Servings Needed: 22 3/4
Number of Seeds Allowed: 5
Yemons: 75
Notes: Perm note, I would like to see mostly; Demi-god, Fairy, Vampire, Human, Witch/Wizard, Angel, Demon, Kitsune, Shapeshifter, Werefolk, Animalkin. I have a soft spot for any animal based, or any listed above, but I would like any species to be able to join to give myself more plot ideas.
Please keep in mind that Shamans with 0-10 KP can do one action, shamans with 11-20 can do two, and 21+ can do three. Researching takes up one action!

x2 Moose, x1 Mushroom, x3/4 Rabbit

Hunting Patrol:
Cataleya, Lorelie, Aja and Alaiyah go hunting!

Gathering Patrol:
Odin, Marley, Jasan, Lilly and Jay gather!


Boarder Patrol:
Ahtissari and Quinn go on a boarder patrol

Scouting Patrol:
Celeste, Jace, Reyna, and Ezra scout.

Cypris rests this post (1/1)
Ezra rests (2/3)
Ryder rests this post (1/2)


Cataleya trains Ryder in hunting
Celeste trains Silas in scouting
Ahtissari trains Genesis in being a warrior

Kenya takes her assessment for being a hunter
Elise takes her assessment for being a warrior
Alice tests in hunting
Yuki becomes a tester, she tests in Hunting

Maxon requests another Shaman

    [size=85]Head Chief
    Maxon | Male | 28 Years
    ↪ ST - E4 / HS - HW / HC - 10 / EC - E2 / X / demigod

    Cypris | Female | 36 | 7 kp
    ↪ ST - L9 / HS - S / HC - 23 / EC - G1 / X / gorgon

    War Chief
    Ahtissari | Female | 25
    ↪ ST - H1 / HS - LC / HC - 4 / EC - A3 / X / kitsune

    Quinn | Female | 28
    ↪ ST - D2 / HS - S / HC - 22 / EC - F3 / X / fairy
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Scout Chief
    Celeste | Female | 26
    ↪ ST - A10 / HS - HW / HC - 4 / EC - H6 / X / fairy

    Jace | Male | 33
    ↪ ST - C3 / HS - S / HC - 8 / EC - A4 / Y / vampire
    Reyna | Female | 32
    ↪ ST - C9 / HS - LC / HC - 20 / EC - G6 / Y / huldra
    Ezra | Male | 31
    ↪ ST - A2 / HS - HC / HC - 5 / EC - A10 / X / demi-god

    Hunting Chief
    Cataleya | Female | 33
    ↪ ST - E8 / HS - AC / HC - 21 / EC - G10 / X / naiad

    Lorelie | Female | 23
    ↪ ST - J3 / HS - HC / HC - 24 / EC - G9 / X / fairy
    Alaiyah | Female | 27
    ↪ ST - I8 / HS - LW / HC - 9 / EC - F8 / X / angel
    Aja Fallow | female | 39 years
    ↪ ST - A5 / HS - S / HC - 18 / EC - G2 / X / werewolf

    Gathering Chief
    Odin | Male | 37
    ↪ ST - E9 / HS - LC / HC - 43 / EC - E7 / X / demon

    Marley | Female | 24
    ↪ ST - L4 / HS - LW / HC - 17 / EC - G11 / X / vampire
    Jay | Male | 30
    ↪ ST - F2 / HS - HC / HC - 43 / EC - A11 / X / dragonborn
    Jasan Fallow | male | 41 years
    ↪ ST - D4 / HS - LW / HC - 4 / EC - D6 / X / shapeshifter (peregrine falcon)
    Lilly | female | 26 years
    ↪ ST - D4 / HS - LW / HC - 4 / EC - D6 / X / shapeshifter (leopard)

    Ryder | Male | 18 | 3 Skills
    ↪ ST - L1 / HS - AC / HC - 8 / EC - F3 / X / fairy
    Genesis | Female | 12 | 0
    ↪ ST - E8 / HS - HW / HC - 22 / EC - E7 / Y / naiad
    Silas | Male | 12 | 0
    ↪ ST - E2 / HS - S / HC - 63 / EC - F11 / X / human
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Kenya | Female | 12 |Scouting, hunting, gathering, warrior, shaman, leading
    ↪ ST - C8 / HS - HC / HC - 57 / EC - F1 / X / huldra
    Elise | Female | 11 | Scouting, hunting, gathering, warrior, shaman, leading
    ↪ ST - D10 / HS - LC / HC - 25 / EC -E4 / X / demon
    Alice | Female | 10 | Scouting, hunting, gathering, warrior, shaman, leading
    ↪ ST - K6 / HS - LW / HC - 32 / EC - D5 / X / vampire
    Yuki | Female | 9| Scouting, hunting, gathering, warrior, shaman, leading
    ↪ST - L3 / HS - LC / HC - 11 / EC - H10 / X / kitsune

    Lilith | Female | 31
    ↪ ST - L6 / HS - HC / HC - 34 / EC - C11 / X / demon
    Karmine | Female | 28
    ↪ ST - H10 / HS - HW / HC - 45 / EC - C4 / Y / naiad

    Tohru | Female | 3
    ↪ ST - C8 / HS - AC / HC - 14 / EC - C11 / X / Animalkin
    Chance | Male | 2
    ↪ ST - H10 / HS - HC / HC - 43 / EC - C4 / X / dragonborn
    Kyo | Female | 2
    ↪ ST - H10 / HS - HW / HC - 45 / EC - A11 / X / naiad
    Barley Fallow | male | 6 years
    ↪ ST - D4 / HS - S / HC - 4 / EC - G2 / X / werewolf
    Cypress Fallow | female | 6 years
    ↪ ST - D4 / HS - LW / HC - 4 / EC - G2 / Y / werewolf
    Penelope | female | 0 years
    ↪ ST - E4 / HS - HW / HC - 10 / EC - E2 / X / demi-god

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
Ally Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Enemy Villages
Village Name | Username
Village Name | Username

Border Villages
North | Village Name | Username
East | Village Name | Username
South | Village Name | Username
West | Village Name | Username

Food Storage
Rabbit | x10 1/4 | 1 Serving
Chicken | x8 | 3 Servings
Elk | x3 | 6 Servings
Moose | x1 | 10 Servings
Mushroom | x6 | 2 Servings
Potato | x8 | 3 Servings
Corn | x4 | 4 Servings
Cherry | x6 | 1 Serving
Apple | x12 | 2 Servings
Watermelon | x5 | 4 Servings

Item Storage
Watermelon Seed | x1 | 1 Use left
Potato Seed | x1 | 1 Use left
Mushroom Seed | x1 | 1 Use left
Apple Seed | x2| 2 uses left
Cherry Seed | x2| 1 use left
Iron Sword | x1 | 2 uses left
Herb | x1 | 1 uses left
Twine | x1 | 1 uses left
Copper Ore | x1 | 1 uses left

Frost | Female | 2 | cat | 0 | [url=link]Looks[/url]
Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

Cataleya | Ryder | hunting | 3
Ahtissari | Genesis | Warrior | 0
Celeste | Silas | Scouting | 0

Name | Cause of Death
Name | Cause of Death

cataleya and Reyna | Silas, Genesis, Kenya
Maxon and Quinn | Penelope
Jay and Karmine | No Kids

Car enthusiast│Memes
Dog lover│Roleplayer
Warrior Cats│The Selection
CoziesMystic Moths

In memory of Eadlyn.
Taken too soon
I miss her everyday.

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Manifold Hive - 003

Postby Vaporeon03 » Sun Jul 10, 2022 5:45 am

Number of People: 03
Number of Animals: 00
Servings Needed: 02.5 (Fasting)
Number of Seeds Allowed: 05
Next New Arrival: This post
Yemons: 10
Mod: Skarrred
Archive: Here

Cyrus, the newest addition to the Hive, fit in nicely. Despite neither of the two adults really knowing how to take care of a child, he entertained himself just fine a majority of the time, with the rest of that time being him sticking to Selene's side and watching her study herbs.

Speaking of which, Selene had discovered that the rainforest held extremely varying types of plantlife. Using this one specific type of leaf to make tea makes colds go away. This type of leaf is easy to make into bandages. That leaf can be used to make containers. Oh, and that one's poisonous when ingested.

Life is peaceful at the moment. A little too peaceful. Every once in a while, Rosa reflects on this and reminds herself to not get too relaxed. Maybe it's just the calm before the storm now. The rainforest was vast, filled with predators, and though they have escaped notice for now, who knows if the Manifold Hive will have such an easy time surviving once they've grown more in size?

Rank changes/New members:
Cyrus becomes a Cricket.
None (Fasting 3/5)
Hunting Patrols:
Rosa and Selene hunt for food.
Border Patrols:
Rosa and Selene patrol the borders.
Scouting Patrols:
Rosa and Selene scout around.
Gathering patrols:
Rosa and Selene gather items.
Cyrus tests for Cicada with Selene.
Selene researches the herbs in the area.
Family Actions:
Animal Actions:
Requesting for a Dragonfly (the rank)!
Other Mod notes:
> Any appearance traits are okay.
> Insprites only for hive members!
> @ me on Discord if you need anything small fixed!


    Rosa | F | 32
    ↪ ST - F3 / HS - HC / HC - 18 / EC - E11 / X / Insprite (Alderfly)

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Selene | F | 33 | 1 Knowledge Points
    ↪ ST - A7 / HS - AC / HC - 1 / EC - E9 / X / Insprite (Comb-Clawed Beetle)

    Head Bombardier
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Head Stickbug
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Head Dragonfly
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Head Leafcutter
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Cyrus | M | 8
    ↪ ST - F3 / HS - HC / HC - 21 / EC - G5 / X / Insprite (Mayfly)
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Lace Bug/s
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A
    Name | Gender | Age
    ↪ N/A

    Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]
    Name | Gender | Age | Type | # of times bred | [url=link]Looks[/url]

    Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions
    Mentor | Apprentice | Profession | No. of training sessions

    Food Storage/Item Storage/Family/Deceased/Ally Villages/Enemy Villages/Border Villages
    See Archive
Last edited by Vaporeon03 on Mon Jul 25, 2022 3:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
She/Her | Cis Female | Straight Ally | Feel free to call me anything derived from "Vaporeon"!
Flight Rising | | DeviantArt | ArtFight | Talis#3402 on Discord
CS time+8 hours
CAC RisingClan Archives & cats | LyricClan cats
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Skarred's Mod Replies | 08

Postby Skarrred » Tue Jul 12, 2022 8:06 am

𝘚𝘬𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘳𝘦𝘥'𝘴 𝘙𝘦𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴:
Season: Spring.
Skarrred wrote:Its spring again! Snows are clearing, flowers are sprouting- and villagers are thriving. Birthings are smoother, with deaths lessening; prey is much easier to find as prey migrate back to the warming territories. More food lures out potential enemies, but also potential family! Sickness is harder to contract now, thankfully.


Villages: Manifold Hive | Vaporeon03 - Village of Rushing Waters | littleminicooper
Other Villages: Elysian | triplethesix - Fenguard | w0ah - Gray's Delta | røsebud - Liones Kingdom | NightWolf950 - Tealimor | LooneyLani - The Mirror Dominion | LadyStardust

Vaporeon03 wrote:Image

[ Rosa's patrol hunts an ant! ]

[ Rosa and Selene are discussing things about the hive when they come across a Stickbug! The insprite is high up in a tree, having watched the two for awhile. Selene calls them down, and they hesitate before sliding down the trunk. They start questioning the duo. ]

[ The Stickbug/Scouts traits are: ST - G2 / HS - AC / HC - 6 / EC - F3 / X / Insprite ]

[ After settling the Stickbug in the hive, Rosa and Selene decide to scout about and see if they can find anything. They find a majestic horse- what a lucky find! (skilled animal). ]

[ Rosa and Selene gather x1 large leaf and x2 ackee's! ]

[ Cyrus successfully learns the ways of a Cicada! ]

[ Selene earns 1 KP! ]

[ The hive finds the Dragonfly the next morning! Their traits are ST - K10 / HS - LC / HC - 22 / EC - C4 / X / Insprite. ]

Selene gained x1 KP
+7 Servings (x1 ant, x1 large leaf, x2 ackee)
+2 members (x1 dragonfly, x1 stickbug)
+1 skilled animal (x1 horse)


littleminiscooper wrote:Village of Rushing Water

[ Cataleya, Lorelie, Aja and Alaiyah find a rather populated spot! They hunt x1 chicken, x1 elk, and x1 moose! ]

[ Odin's patrol finds x2 watermelon! What a lucky find! ]

[ Ahtissari and Quinn find 12 yemons! ]

[ Celeste, Jace, and Reyna scout in their territory. Unfortunately they got caught in a storm and had to hide in a cave- Celeste was fine and saw through the heavy rain, however Jace and Reyna were another story. Reyna unfortunately broke her hand after slipping on a unseen mud puddle and falling on a rock. She will need 3 posts of rest and a shaman with over 12 KP to heal her, or her injury will worsen. Jace sprained his ankle, when he helped Reyna up- and Celeste had to help both of them in the cave. Jace will need 1 post of rest. Fortunately, the rest of the village found them once the storm had ceased. ]

[ Silas unfortunately fails his training, but Genesis succeeds at hers!]
[ Cataleya trains Ryder in hunting; however they were injured and overworked. While they successfully trained, Ryders arm actually got worse. Please view below. ]

[ Ryder, as they were trained, did not rest. Their arm got worse and now he needs to be healed by a/the shaman(s) with in total 11 KP and needs 3 posts of rest. They still need to be put out of duties for 3 posts before training again. Please take them out of your apprentice queue or this injury will worsen. ]

[ Kenya and Yuki succeed, though Elise fails. Alice actually falls and twists her ankle! She will need 1 post of rest before training again. ]

[ Maxon's request is upheld! Their ancestors can really see they need one. Their traits are: ST - C1 / HS - AC / HC - 47 / EC - H7 / Y / Shapeshifter. ]

+27 Servings (x1 chicken, x1 elk, x1 moose, x2 watermelon)
+12 Yemons
+1 Members (x1 Shapeshifter)

-22.75 servings (x2 moose, x1 mushroom, x.75 rabbit)
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Simon's Sub-Replies

Postby broken* » Thu Jul 14, 2022 12:58 am


During the spring, births will be smooth and the chances of mothers and children dying will drop dramatically. As animals return to their summer ranges and plants begin to bloom, your villagers will find more food and nomads who wander through their territory. The odds of sickness begin to drop.

Shout out to Arya for helping me do the rolls in this sub-reply for my own village xD You the best Arya!

Simon's Villages
Aura Enclave | Carmina Abyssi | Cyrrane | Serendipity | SS Helldiver | Stars of Midnight | The Unseen | Zaffari

broken* wrote:

[ Kumiko's gathering patrol gathers x1 apple, x1 squash, and x1 berry. the fwooper flies up carrying x1 squash seed. ]
[ Guirec's gathering patrol gathers x1 apple, x1 squash, and x1 carrot seed. ]

[ Phoebe's hunting patrol catches x1 fish and x2 deer. The horses allow them to catch an extra x1 deer, and thanks to the spear, the patrol brings down x3 squirrels.]
[ Erin's hunting patrol catches x2 tebo and x2 deer. the dragon/fox aid them in taking down x1 rabbit & x1 tebo, while the spear allows them to take home x1 rabbit, x1 fish, and x1 deer. ]

[ Solomon's border patrol is going quite smoothly, until a little after lunch, when they hear raised voices in the forest. urns out it was two people arguing, but when asked, they explain that they are very close (partners, friends, siblings?), and just had a stupid argument about whether some pinecones are edible or not. the first person is a warrior and the second person is a hunter. ]
[ Athena's border patrol is completely uneventful, and they come home soon enough. ]

[ Sycamore's scouting patrol starts out uneventfully, but after a while, a stray fwooper starts pestering Sycamore, flying low over their head, trying to eat the sandwich from their hand.. Turns out the fwooper is quite tamable and is absolutely willing to come back to the village! ]
[ Chaya's scouting patrol stumbles across a lone warrior searching for a new home after their old one was taken from them. ]

[ The melon seed blooms! It gives x2 melons and x1 melon seed, and will bloom a second time next post. ]
[ The potato seed is planted successfully. ]

[ Medea gains 2 KP from researching medicine. ]
[ Medea gains 1 KP from healing Evanora. Evanora can return to patrols next post.]

[ Theron, Kendric, Chantal, Dario, Karalyn, and Oletha successfully learn their respective skills. Iolana successfully learns 2 skills. Kasyn fails to learn any skills this post due to getting distracted. Talulla fails to learn any skills this post and manages to get scratched up in a briar patch - she needs 1 post of rest or to be seen by Medea. ]

[ The matagots, nundu, and hellhound find x3 carnivore scraps. ]

[ Aurora and Draven successfully breed and have 1 foal. ]

[ Yukio gets sick from overworking, by both training an apprentice and going on patrol, with a common cold. He will need 2 posts of rest or to be seen by Medea. ]
[ Avenal should not have been training his apprentice this post and thus still needs 2 more posts to heal. ]

[ The 1st warrior's traits are: ST - A1 / HS - AC / HC - 16 / EC - D8 / X / Harpy. ]
[ The hunter's traits are: ST - A10 / HS - LC / HC - 21 / EC - F2 / X / Tufte Imp. ]
[ The 2nd warrior's traits are: ST - C1 / HS - HC / HC - 21 / EC - E4 / X / Hobbit. ]
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