Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby krazykitty00 » Sat Mar 25, 2017 5:18 pm

Weather: Water levels are rising thanks to the heavy flow of rain falling. Clouds roll over head, blocking out the sun. The only light shining is from the occasional flash of lightning, threatening to attack the earth. This is to be the start of a heavy Greenleaf


miss universe wrote:
{if it's alright with you, can tawnystar lose a life while kitting? if not it's 100% cool! also the relationships part is a mess i am sorry i shall fix it soon ;-; }

last moon:
tawnystar looked at foxfoot and the new cat with interest as the entered the camp. she watched foxfoot herd the younger one into mallowpools den, her tail twitching. when foxfoot emerged, she jumped down from her den and walked over to her deputy. "a new cat?" she asked, then purred when he nodded. "yes, his name is snow. he was in pretty bad shape when i found him in a tree." his whisker twitched in amusement at tawnystars expression. "a...tree?" she asked in slight disbelief. foxfoot chuckled and nodded again. she shook her head and mewed, "well, at least he'll be an addition to the clan." when she finished speaking, mallowpool exited his den. "i had to use tansy and chickweed to prevent greencough, but he will be alright. he's strong, and as soon as he is rested, you can do the ceremony." tawnystar nodded, not looking at the other tom. two could play the avoiding game, she thought viciously. she decided to go back to her den and nap until the apprentice was awake.
a few hours later, tawnystar grumbled and woke up, her unborn kits movement disturbing her slumber. she stretched and padded out of her den, and noticed the young cat chatting with thrushwhisker excitedly. she trilled excitedly, then yowled, "let all cats that can hunt join me under pointed tree for a clan meeting!" mallowpool and foxfoot walked out of their dens and sat close to their clan-mates, with foxfoot glaring at the medicine cat all the while. tawnystar made a mental note to herself to address that later, but let it go for now. there was a more important matter to be addressed. "snow, you are above the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as snowpaw. Your mentor will be foxfoot. I hope foxfoot will pass down all he knows onto you. foxfoot, you have shown outstanding loyalty to blueclan, as well as a silent reliability. i hope you show your new apprentice those same qualities." tawnystar watched with pride in her eyes as they touched noses, and the rest of the cats called out the new apprentices name. tawnystar winced as she felt her kits squirm again, and walked back into her den.

present day-
"but why can't i go with you? you're my mentor!" snowpaw complained to foxfoot, a pout audible in his voice. foxfoot sighed and tiredly replied. "for the third and last time, i'm the deputy. when tawnystar is unable to go to the moonstone, i go instead. i'm the second in command, and you are too tiny to go." snowpaw huffed in annoyance. "i'm not tiny!" he growled, his ears going back playfully. "i'm big and scary, and can take anyone down!!" he crowed, leaping onto foxfoot and making him fall to the ground with a soft oomfph sound. foxfoot growled playfully and batted him away, shaking his head. "not now. i have to check on tawnystar and see how she's doing, then leave. go get thrushwhisker and tell her to take you hunting - deputy's orders." snowpaws tail thrashed in anger, but nodded and went to find the other warrior.
foxfoot watched him leave, his whiskers twitching in amusement. snowpaw was only close to his mentor, and with everyone else he did a one-eighty, becoming self-conscious and stuttering without pause. he wondered why the young tom was so close to him, perhaps because foxfoot was the one to find him? shaking his head, he walked towards the nursery. as he got closer, he heard tawnystars yowls of pain. he winced and poked his head in, narrowing his eyes as he saw mallowpool. he didn't like that tom, mainly because he had something foxfoot didn't have - tawnystar. it was the worst-kept secret of the clan, the forbidden romance between mallowpool and tawnystar. the only one that didn't know was snowpaw, foxfoot thought with a dry humor. according to thrushwhisker, the biggest gossiper in the clan, they were on the rocks because of the kits. foxfoot's tail twitched in anger as he recalled his outrage at hearing that. he knew that he would treat tawnystar better than mallowpool, and intended to prove it soon. licking his paw and bringing it across his ear, he asked quietly, "i'm going to leave soon. are you alright?" a screech of pain answered him, and his eyes met mallowpools worried ones. he knew instantly this was not a normal birth, and ducked his head before exiting the nursery. foxfoot took a few deep breaths, trying to forget his crushes pained yowls. taking one last look at the nursery, he left to go on his way to the moonstone.

[[tawnystar is kitting!
snowpaw and thrushwhisker are hunting
foxfoot is going to the moonstone to ask for a warrior in tawnystars place
blueclan ate one vole
blueclan used one tansy and one chickweed to cure snowpaw of his illness ]]

Foxfoot was amazed by the moonstone. It was far more beautiful than what Tawnystar simply spoke of. The way the moonlight had bounced off its ragged shimmering edges, sending the beams of light to illuminate the entire cave was breathtaking. And Starclan was so kind and caring, it made his If this is what Tawnystar got to see every time she came up here, Foxfoot was more than jealous. But he didn't want to take her place, no. He'd take being by her side as deputy over the moonstone any day.
When he woke up the next morning, the shimmering light show was gone from the dark cave. Though the moonstone still looked beautiful in the light of the rising sun, it wasn't as beautiful as the light of the moon. Foxfoot yawned softly as he climbed to his paws and stretched, the night having refreshed him so much that he felt clear in the mind. He wasn't sure how exactly things worked after talking to Starclan. Where the warrior he had kindly asked for would appear of they would come at all. But he decided that would work itself in the end. When he turned to leaved though, his questions were answered as he found himself running right into the figure of another cat. Both stepped back and muttered some form of an apology andand rubbed their noses that had been the victims of their collision. When Foxfoot looked up his eyes fell on that of a cat from his kithood, one that he thought he'd never see again. His eyes widened and he called out the cat's name to be sure. When they looked in surprise Foxfoot couldn't have been any more happy. "Sister!" He purred nuzzling her neck, only for her to purr right back. "Hehe, yes it's great to see you too." She said, voice soft again and warm. It had been long indeed. "Come on, we have so much to talk about." "You bet we do. I'm part of a clan now." "Oh, do tell."

Starclan has sent you a Warrior.

Mallowpool sat licking the bundles of squealing kits as they shivered around his paws, shaking with guilt and shock as he did so. Not far from him was Tawnystar, body stiff and still. The kitting hard been unbearably difficult and watching her yowl in pain with each kit was as if his heart were being clawed every time. Four kits, all crying ass if they knew what had happened. That their mother had died. Mallowpool tried to comfort the kits, his kits the best way he could but he couldn't find it in him. This was his fault and he knew it. He should have never overstepped his duty as a medicine cat. Starclan was punishing him... A loud gasp scared the tom and he immediately looked up to see Tawnystar, breaths heavy and eyes wide. They locked eyes, a silent understanding of her lost of life passing through them before she looked down to her kits and her face melted into a smile. "Congratulations... they're all healthy as can be." He whispered, pushing each one towards her. She purred and nuzzled each one before smiling at him. But he didn't meet her smile or return, just started padding out of the nursery. "Wait Mallowpool! A-Aren't you going to name them with me?" She asked softly, her smile wavering only to fall completely when he shook his head and continued on out. If Starclan wished to punish anyone, he wouldn't let it be Tawnystar and his kits. No, only he would feel the pain of Starclan's disapproval. Even if that means denying his kits altogether...

Tawnystar gave birth to 1 2 3 4 kits! But the kitting was tough and she lost one life.
While out hunting, Thrushwhisker and Snowpaw caught 1 Rabbit and 1 Buzzard


Peachycupcake525 wrote:
Number of Cats: 9
Next Moonpool Visit: Now/March 20

"Hey, Powderkit, I hear we get to go OUTSIDE today!"
"I know, it's gonna be so cool, Littlekit!"
"But what if we get stepped on?"
"Oh, don't be such a wimp, Snowkit. Littlekit is the smallest cat in the whole clan, and do you see him worrying about everyone?"
"Yeah, Snowkit! If you don't want to come with us, you don't have to, but we'll see everything before you and know everything before you do!"
"Oh, fine, I guess I'll come."
The kits had been whispering to each other for a while by then, trying not to wake their mother. it was far too early for them to be up, but they were awake anyway. They were finally old enough to go out of the nursery, and they could hardly wait. The morning was creeping along agonizingly slow, in their opinions, until finally, Whitefeather woke up.
"You three can go outside now. Now, don't get in trouble!"
Smallkit, Powderkit, and Snowkit ran outside as fast as their legs would carry them. They stopped by the entrance, staring at everything that was around them.
"I never knew that the world was so big!" said Smallkit with a gasp.
Whitefeather heard Smallkit as he said that, and chuckled. "Oh, the world is much bigger than just this. There are tons of other clans, and a huge amount of land beyond the clans!"
"Wow!" Littlekit said, his eyes wide.
"I want to see all of it!" Powderkit shouted out. She felt the ambition flowing through her body.
Their mother laughed again. "Well, I don't think there's much chance that that will happen, but you never know! Now, go on! Look around the camp! Just don't go out of it."
The kits shoved each other to be the first to get out, and they tumbled out in a heap. As the clan was still small, there weren't many cats around, and Redclaw was sick as well. Still, one of the warriors was there to greet the kits.
"Hi, kits," Gullwing said to them. "I'm Gullwing. Glad to see you out finally!"
"I'm Powderkit!" she shouted up. "This is Littlekit and Snowkit."
Seeing that the little kits had come out of their den at the back of the camp, Graystar jumped down from her den to greet them. "Hello, I'm Graystar, leader of Flowerclan."
Graystar was about to continue, but Powderkit interrupted with, "What's it like being the leader?"
Graystar smiled and said, "Well, I like being the leader, although there is a lot of responsibility. It makes me really happy to see new lives born in my clan, and to see them grow up to help the ones that have helped them. It is hard, though, to go into battle with the ones I love most. I have to know how not to start wars with other clans and negotiate fights between my own cats. Sometimes it's a bit stressful, knowing that there are all these lives that depend on my decisions. But I wouldn't want to give this up for anything. I really want to help all of the cats in this clan live well and survive, because of my love for you."
"How do you become leader?" Powderkit was interested in becoming leader, even more so now that Graystar had told her about it.
"Well, you work really hard as a warrior, and then the current leader may choose you for deputy. When the current leader dies, the deputy becomes leader. But, to become deputy, you have to work really hard and truly love your clan."
"I want to be leader," Snowkit announced.
"No, I do!" shouted Littlekit, and Snowkit's brother jumped on him. Snowkit was startled, but soon realized what was happening and tried to push Littlekit off of him. Powderkit joined the fun, leaping on both of her brothers. They struggled with each other for a bit, and then separated.
"Do you want to learn how to play moss-ball?" asked Graystar abruptly.
"Yeah!" Littlekit shouted. Graystar went back up to her den and grabbed a bit of moss out of her nest. She rolled it into a ball and threw it to the kits. They were confused by it, and it floated down to land on Snowkit's head. He shook it off with a little growl. Graystar went back over to the kits, and explained to them how to play it. Soon, they were happily hitting it around.
"Now, go on, explore the camp!" Whitefeather said from the den. So that was what they did.

WIllowstep was in her den, caring for Redclaw. "I have catmint now. Here, eat it."
Though he was very sick, Redclaw was able to eat the herb.
"Rest, now. You'll be better soon," Willowstep said, hoping that her words were true. After checking that he was fine, she went out to gather herbs.

Graystar was doing the deputy's job, since Redclaw was sick. "Gullwing and Fireshine, you should hunt. I have to go to the moonpool, so there will be no border patrol today."

Gullwing and Fireshine went out to hunt. They decided to stay together as they walked through the territory. They crossed the river, shivering, and walked around on that side of the territory, crossing over again once they were done.

Powderkit really, really wanted to be leader. She thought that becoming a warrior and working really hard was too hard to do. So, she decided to think of another plan. Medicine cats had a lot of influence, right? That was what she had learned when talking to WIllowstep. She also learned that an apprentice becomes the full medicine cat when their mentor retires or dies. That gave her an idea.
Powderkit looked for Willowstep, and found her in the medicine den, looking after Redclaw. "Hey Willowstep, can I become medicine cat apprentice?"
The medicine cat smiled at Powderkit. "Maybe, Powderkit."
"I already told you maybe."
Willowstep smiled at the little kit. She couldn't resist Powderkit's entusiasm. "Okay, you can be medicine cat apprentice, once you're six moons old."
"Thank you thank you thank you!" Powderkit was really glad that her plan had started to work. She had no hope otherwise.
[Gullwing and Fireshine hunt]
[Willowstep gives 1 catmint to Redclaw]
[Willowstep looks for herbs]
[Graystar requests a warrior]
[Ate one barn swallow]

Graystar was startled awake as thunder bellowed and echoed into the cave of the moonpool. The storm outside was vicious that even Starclan had warned her to take caution. Not something to take lightly, words from the Stars. But it seemed she wasn't the only one frightened by the thunder as a whimper reached her ears. She gazed around, looking for the source only to find the shivering cat a bit away from her. She walked over just as another flash of lightning threatened the sky. When the thunder boomed after there was a fearful mew that escaped the little cat's mouth, earning a look of sympathy from Graystar. She sat next to them and gave them a gentle nudge. "You know it won't hurt you yes?" She asked with a soft smile. "I know wits just... scary still.." They mewed back, covering their ears as a softer thunder spoke. Graystar could definitely see why it would scare the cat but living in fear like this was never a way to go. "I know this may be frightening but think of the outcome afterwards. The calm after the storm." "What do you mean?" "I mean that this thunder you hear is nothing but the sky signaling all the beauty of the world to gather in this one area. When the thunder stops and the sky turns blue again, it's joined by stipe of different colors and the flowers on the ground are all the more beautiful in the wet glamour of the sun." She said, having more than once witnessed this beauty for herself. The smells and sights were nothing to exaggerate. It was quite divine. The cat next to her seemed to relax greatly, turning her eyes up to look at Graystar. "Are you sure?" "I'm positive." She purred back before an idea popped in her mind. "How about we wait a little while for the storm to calm down and we can watch it together? The sky turn colors." She offered with a smile, to which the cat returned gladly, not even flinching when another blast of thunder roared at them. "Ok."

Starclan has sent you a Warrior
While hunting, Gullwing and Fireshine caught 1 Shrew and 2 Small Fish


Bumbletear wrote:

ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴏɴ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛ ᴜs ᴀʟʟ
Number of Cats: 12
Next Patrol: 03/17/17 - 06:35 pm
Next Moonpool Visit: whenever
Next Kitting: none

Flametalon stared around the field. This place was much warmer than the snowy mountain he had met Whisperstar on. Though that wasn't to say it couldn't be cold. He had been there when the snow was lightly falling, and well...brrr. Speaking of Whisperstar, she was walking ahead of him with her deputy Whitefoot, who looked like he was filled to the brim with questions, but for Whisperstar's sake, was holding them back. Back at home, Cloudscent had been just departing on an herb hunt, muttering about needing Coltsfoot or Tansy for sickly little Hawkkit. The poor guy. And Mudpaw had been bouncing around while she waited to go with her mentor on patrol, as well as with Hawkthorn, and Whitesong.

[Cloudscent is herb hunting]
[Whitefoot, Whisperstar, and Flametalon are on patrol]
[Shadowtail, Hawkthorn, Whitesong, and Mudpaw are hunting]

Whisperstar's mind was elsewhere and Whitefoot knew it. Ever since she came back from the moonpool with Flametalon, she's been quiet. Distant even. Though it wasn't anything new it was still unsettling. Whitefoot had been curious about his leader since he joined, worried for her and wanting nothing more than to be there for her. And yet she kept him at paws length. He sighed looking at her with a longing glance. He wished she'd just confide in him... Oh well. Thunder screeched across the sky and his fur was getting soaked. Whisperstar sneezed but kept walking, causing worry to fill Whitefoot more. He hoped she wouldn't catch anything...

The patrol passed uneventfully
While hunting, your patrol caught 2 Thrushes, 1 Raven, and 1 Mouse
Cloudscent successfully found Coltsfoot as well as Thyme.


solgaleo. wrote:
"From the tiny seeds we sow, we grow!"
Number of Cats: 22 | Toms: 11 | Mollies: 10
Next Moonpool Visit: 3/20/17.
Next Border Patrol: 7:25 AM. [MST]
Next Kittings: Wasptail, two more posts. / Skunknose, two more posts.

A calming warmth enveloped the young molly as her eyes were shut in a dream, a content and lazy smile was spread on her face as she nuzzled deeper into the soft fur of her mother while she felt Molekit's body besides her, the little tom appeared to be chattering excitedly to Shadowstar about something - but his sister couldn't tell what it was as his words came out muffled, almost like she was hearing him underwater. Then something stirred in her mind, Molekit never spoke so exuberantly before, and Shadowstar's fur never had the same kind of warmth it had now.

Shadepaw snapped her eyes open, scrambling away from whatever nightmare her mind had conjured up now as she stared wide-eyed as the scene of the nursery evaporated into nothing, Molekit turned to his face his twin sister with an undetectable glint in his bright green eyes before he too was washed away. Shadepaw felt her heart beat in her chest as a bitterly cold wind swept though the empty dark surroundings and she choked back a cry of horror as her mother materialized before her, this time in harsh spasms that racked her whole body the exact way they did when she was first fed the poisoned seeds.

"I'M SORRY! I'm so sorry, mother! Please, please stop this!" She wailed, shaking her head frantically as she cried and kept wishing for to wake up and escape from this terror that seized her heart and kept her captive. At her wails, the dream-version of Shadowstar stopped, all but it's head was still as it turned to face Shadepaw with a bleak and dead look in it's eye. "You killed me." It stated, it's voice was exactly like Shadowstar's, Shadepaw wanted to weep. "You killed me." It repeated, it's voice morphed into a threatening snarl before it shrieked in pure and unbridled rage as it moved to pounce on the poor apprentice.

Before it could sink it's claws in, Shadepaw woke up.

Shadepaw licked at her chest, trying to hide how much the dream had shaken her from Weaselstorm if the tom was inside the den. Shadepaw felt herself unable to stop shuddering, and she let out a strangled cry as she recalled everything from her nightmare. She searched frantically for where Weaselstorm kept the chamomile and thyme and once she found them, wasted no time in eating them in hopes that would calm her down. Shadepaw took a few labored, shaky breaths and forced a blank look on her face before she decided to go outside. She needed to know where her mentor was, she needed to know if Weaselstorm was okay. She couldn't afford to lose him, he was all she had left.

She just barely caught him coming out of the nursery after checking in with the Clan's newest queens: Skunknose and Wasptail. Juniperkit, Egretkit, and Orchidkit were at his heels, trying to get a word out of him considering their apprentice ceremonies. Shadepaw managed to smile at the sight, her mentor may not have enjoyed the company of kits or apprentices, but it seemed like they were drawn to him like moth to light. Shadepaw sighed in relief, thanking StarClan that he was close by as she fully left the medicine den, her ears twitching as she heard Ratpaw greet her. The tom and her had some sort of connection, at least in her eyes.

Neither really committed to growing closer, it was only after the day after the Clan had buried Shadowstar's body was when Ratpaw decided to try and grow closer to her after seeing how utterly depressed and empty she looked. She truly didn't deserve his kindness one bit, not when she was a murderer, though he nor anyone else in the Clan besides Mintstar and Weaselstorm knew of what truly happened to Shadowstar. Shadepaw assumed they thought she died fighting Mintstar, seeing as their new leader returned home from the Moonpool battered and bloody.

Shadepaw suppressed a shudder over the memory, thinking of the look on Mintstar's face as she struggled to say any words of comfort to her. She forced a smile on her face as Ratpaw grew closer, one that he returned. "How are you, Shadepaw?" He asked with a purr, he truly was oblivious about Shadepaw and what she'd done, she felt awful at how comfortable he was around her. "Good... it's a, a nice day out." She mewed awkwardly, her aloof stance was not lost on Ratpaw as his former expression was replaced by one more confused. "I guess so, huh? Hey, listen, if there's anything wrong would you just let me know? I want to help." He responded, so genuine and kind-hearted.

"I'll keep that in mind, thanks." She said, spared from saying anything as Rowanpelt called his apprentice over so they could go train, Ratpaw said his goodbyes as he trotted over to his mentor and Shadepaw overheard him ask if he had already set up patrols before they left. Once he got his answer, he waited until Rowanpelt walked ahead of him before following suit, but not before casting a look to Shadepaw that mimicked the one Molekit had given her in her nightmare. This one didn't seem as undetectable and ominous though, but rather concerned instead.

Shadepaw sighed, maybe she should go ask Weaselstorm if they could go out today, she needed anything to get her mind off her dreams. She moved to go find her mentor, ignoring her Clanmates greeting mews as she passed them.

Actions wrote:Apprentice Ceremonies: Juniperkit, Egretkit, Orchidkit.
Training: Ratpaw.
Border Patrol: Laurelcloud, Magpiewhisker, Lizardstripe.
Hunting Patrol: Aspenheart, Larkclaw, Comfreyfang, Minkcloud, Duckfoot, Shrikeface.

Prey eaten: x2 sparrows and x1 rabbit.
Herbs used: x1 cobwebs, x1 marigold, x1 horsetail for Mintstar, x1 thyme, x1 chamomile for Shadepaw.

"Come on we need to get back to camp!" Laurelcloud shouted over the rushing winds of rain. The storm was hitting them hard and trees were cracking under the force of the wind. It didn't help that the water level was now pouring far beyond the it's needed levels. They needed to get back to camp and warn everyone to get to higher ground. "What about Magpiewhisker?" Lizardstripe shouted back to make sure he was heard? "What- Where did he go?" "He wanted to warn Aspenheart and the hunting patrol about the water." Laurelcloud cursed. As if this storm wasn't worrisome enough. A squeal caught Laurelcloud's attention, surprised he heard such a sound through the chaos and he began to look around. The first thing he spotted though was Magpiewhisker joined by the hunting patrol coming their way. "Sorry Laurelcloud." He immediately said after spotting the angry look on the tom's face. "Forget it, let's get going." He said to the joined patrols, starting to lead the way only to be stopped by Comfreyfang. "Wait! There's a kit out here." She announced, looking around frantically. Minkcloud heard the squeals toomy then the entire patrol began looking around. "Over there!" Minkcloud shouted before she was off, Minkcloud close at her heels. Laurelcloud could only groan as he knew trying to stop them in such dangerous want her was pointless. "Shrikeface, Lizardstripe, go help them, the rest of you, grab the prey and let's get to camp. We need to make sure everyone's safe.
Comfreyfang hopped from rock to slippery rock with Minkcloud who seemed better at hearing the kits shrill cries through the storm. Soon they found a small kit hanging on for dear life above a newly formed current of water caused by the storm. Comfreyfang grabbed it by the scruff just before it fell before turning to her mate. Minkcloud nodded and led the way, the mollies passing right by the two toms who came with them and rushing back to camp. When they arrived the two cuddled around the shivering kit, licking the wet fur dry and warm. "It's ok little one." "We've got you.

While on patrol, Comfreyfang and Minkcloud rescued a kit.
While hunting, your patrol caught 2 Rabbits, 1 Wren, and 1 Mouse
While training, Ratpaw learned the Climbing skill
Juniperkit, Egretkit, and Orchidkit are now apprentices: Juniperpaw, Egretpaw, Orchidpaw
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clan replies / 017.

Postby deimido » Sat Mar 25, 2017 7:07 pm

Weather: What started out as a fall heavy odd rains here and there began a full out, heavy torrent of water beating down on the Clan's territories. It is now extremely difficult to hunt even with a full patrol of cats, less likely to find any new cats on patrols, and gathering herbs isn't always a guarantee as the rain has effectively ruined a lot of them. There is no doubt a flood will happen, all Clans must find a way to remain safe and protected until it comes.

( @Luvdisc your reply is here! / @Areater, @hiraeth. - your replies are here! / @.Quill., your reply is here! / @ártémís - your reply is here! / @.galaxy., @vampiress_fox, @perle, @SkyGold - your replies are here! / @.mochi, @Stoneleaf - your replies are here!)

StreamClan | justice'n'joy wrote:
Number of Cats:37
Females: 19
Male: 18
Next Moonpool visit: 28/3/2017 (03/28/2017 to you US folk)
Next patrol: 9:49 pm NZT

"Galewhisker! Rabbitclaw! Toadheart! Skipflower!
Bucktooth! Twotone! Splashpelt!"
Gingerflash silently adds a, "Brambleheart!" to the new warriors' names.

Featherstorm is kitting.
above. Border patrol and apprentices train.

{ eey i keep meanign to tell you but dont forget to feed your cats every three posts! }

Featherstorm gave birth to four kits! x x x x

Your border patrol was uneventful.

Minkpaw and Tallpaw learned the hunting skill.

QuartzClan | Sunnymcsun wrote:
Number of Cats: 10

Okay I have time but I don't if that makes sense ???

[Rosetail and Amberpelt on border patrol
Turtlefur and Poppyflight hunt
Nightfeather is gathering herbs
Snowheart trains with Flarepaw
The Clan consumes one squirrel and one shrew.]

Your border patrol found an apprentice.

Your hunting patrol was unable to catch anything due to the heavy rain.

Nightfeather managed to gather x1 parsley.

Flarepaw learned the climbing skill.

ThornClan | N0VAHD wrote:
T h o r n C l a n
Number of Cats: 2
Next Moonpool visit: March 26th


Amberstar awoke from her nap, glancing out of her hollowed thorn bush. She rose from her nest, and stalked outside to find her new deputy, WhiteWillow, sitting peacefully in the center of camp. As Amberstar approached her deputy, the other she purred and warmly looked her way.
"Good morning Amberstar!" Amberstar gave a shy smile to the other she, and sat down.
"Good morning," She responded, "Any plans for today?". The deputy looked down at her paws in thought, before looking back up at her leader. "I was thinking that I could go and hunt, Amber." Her tail curled and her ear flicked a fly away. "If that is alright with you." Amberstar nodded, getting to her paws. "I will walk with you, and patrol the west border. I will possibly hunt too, if I run across anything." There was a purr in her voice, and the two shes walked out of camp together.

[Amberstar patrols the West Border]
[WhiteWillow hunts for prey]

Amberstar found a warrior.

Whitewillow caught x1 vole.

FlowClan | catbookdo wrote:
Number of Cats: 3
Next Moonpool Visit: March 26th

Gotta rush this quick I can't get on CS for the next few days

(The Clan eats the squirrel that was caught)
(Pebblestar and Rookpelt go on a hunting patrol)
(Wrenfoot patrols the border)
(Sparrowstep looks for herbs)

Pebblestar and Rookpelt caught x1 mouse.

Wrenfoot's border patrol was uneventful.

Sparrowstep was unable to find any herbs due to the heavy rain.

SilentClan | rainbowcatfish8888 wrote:
Number of Cats: 10

"Are you sure there are no more?" Finchkit complained, glancing down at her swollen paw. "I told you, we're all out," Lynxpaw replied, trying to sound as compassionate as possible. Finchkit pouted, but decided not to press the medicine cat apprentice further. Her eyes brightened as Cloudkit bounded in, his fluffy pelt sticking up in all directions. "Lynxpaw, can Finchkit finally come out to play? It's so boring without her!" the kit whined. "I can play now, right Lynxpaw? My paw feels fine!" Finchkit bounced to her paws, not anticipating pain to strike through her injured paw. "OW!" she shrieked, flopping back onto her nest. "Ugh. Why can't my stupid paw just heal already!" Finchkit grumbled, glaring at her tiny paw as if that would cause it to heal quicker. "There's no herbs you can give me to fix it?" she asked. "It doesn't work like that," Buzzardflight said, padding into the medicine den. "Herbs will help, but your paw has to heal on it's own," he explained. Letting out an annoyed snort, Finchkit settled back into her nest. "How's my girl?" The cats looked up to see Whitewhisker pad in. Finchkit felt a rush of admiration for her father. He's so strong and brave, I wanna be just like him some day! "Daddy, Finchkit still can't walk!" Cloudkit exclaimed, looking up at his father in dismay. Whitewhisker licked his son's head, smoothing a tuft of snow-white fur that had been sticking up. "How about a badger ride?" he suggested. Finchkit noticeably perked up. "Can I Buzzardflight? Can I?" she begged. "Don't fall," the medicine cat responded, turning around to sort through his herbs. "Yay!" Finchkit scrabbled onto Whitewhisker's back, lying down as to not put pressure on her paw. "Me next!" Cloudkit shouted, following his father and sister out into the camp. "I can give you a badger ride, Cloudkit!" Appleclaw offered, quickly glancing back at Brightsky who was laying in a patch of warm sunlight. "Okay!" Cloudkit climbed on the warrior's back, digging his little claws into his fur. "Here we go!" Appleclaw took off, quickly walking around the camp. "Wheeee! Faster Appleclaw!" Cloudkit squealed with delight. Ivystar watched them from a distance, her heart swelling with love for her mate and kits. I should probably go to the moonpool today, it's been a while, she thought. Besides, I could definitely use another warrior around here. "Glad to see you're feeling better!" she called to Finchkit, whose face was filled with unfaltering joy as she clung to Whitewhisker's back. The deputy trotted over to her, allowing Finchkit to talk to Ivystar. "I'm feeling much better! My paw doesn't hurt anymore, only when I try to stand up," she little kit wrinkled her nose, remembering her recent attempt to walk. "That's wonderful! I'm so glad to hear it," Ivystar meowed, licking her kit affectionately. "I'm going to go to the moonpool today," she told Whitewhisker. Her mate looked bewildered by the news. "The moonpool? Who's going to watch the kits?" he asked. Brightsky came over to join them. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation, and I'd be happy to watch the kits if you would like," she offered. "It will be good practice for my own someday," she added, with a glance at Sunshadow who was watching them from a distance. "That's very kind of you Brightsky, thank you," Whitewhisker replied, nodding his head in gratitude. "Hang on, Finchkit!" the deputy raced off, his daughter clinging tightly to his white pelt. Ivystar turned to Brightsky, mischief dancing in her green eyes. "So Sunshadow won, huh?" she teased lightly. Brightsky tilted her head, confusion clouding her gaze. "Won? Won what?" she asked. "When you were talking about having kits of your own, you glanced at him. You like him, don't you?" Ivystar pressed. Brightsky licked her chest fur in embarrassment. "Well... maybe a little," she admitted, looking down at her paws. Deciding that she's interrogated Brightsky enough for one day, Ivystar decided to leave the she-cat alone. "Well, I should get going if I want to reach the moonpool by moonhigh. Thanks again for watching the kits!" with that, the leader turned tail and padded out of camp.

"So you're my temporary mommy?" Cloudkit asked, blinking his large eyes innocently. Brightsky laughed. "You could say that," she replied. "Well, it's getting late. You and your sister should be getting to sleep," the she-cat meowed. "Where is Finchkit, anyway?" she added, glancing around the camp. Cloudkit shrugged. "Probably in the medicine den," he said. Brightsky nodded. "Alright, follow me," she mewed, trotting toward the medicine den. Cloudkit bounced after her, trying to keep up. Finchkit was lying in her nest, a bored look in her eyes. "It's time to go to sleep, Finchkit. I'm going to bring you back to the nursery." Brightsky gently grabbed FInchkit by the scruff, and carried her back to the cozy nursery. The two kits snuggled into their nests, pressing into Brightsky's calico fur. "Goodnight, kits," she murmured, licking them both on the head. The kits fell into a deep sleep, and Brightsky joined them soon after.

Sunshadow didn't want to go to sleep. Because Brightsky was sleeping in the nursery, and Whitewhisker now slept in Ivystar's den, it would be just him and Appleclaw. Hopefully he'll stay out of my way. All Sunshadow could do was hope as he entered the den. To his surprise, the white tom was already sound asleep, and snoring like a badger. Sunshadow tossed and turned in his nest for a while, Appleclaw's terrible snores echoing throughout the den. But finally, he fell into a peaceful sleep.

"Look who it is!" a voice called. Sunshadow glanced around him, confused. He appeared to be in some sort of strange forest, that was completely deserted except for the cat standing before him. Well, technically, he was standing before himself. The other cat looked exactly like Sunshadow, though he stood taller and prouder, and there was an ambitious glint in his eyes. "W-who are you?" Sunshadow stuttered. The other cat laughed. "I'm you, mouse-brain!" he exclaimed. Sunshadow's brow furrowed in confusion. "W-well yes, b-but how am I t-talking to myself?" he questioned, staring at his copy in bewilderment. "You're not like other cats, Sunshadow. You're a anxious, stuttering, awkward freak. Luckily, you have me," the cat chuckled. Sunshadow winced, offended. "I am not a freak!" he shouted. "You don't even know me! You have no right to accuse me of-" Sunshadow stopped talking when he saw the other cat chuckling. "I see you're already wearing off on him," came another voice. Another clone of Sunshadow stepped into view, this cat also standing taller and prouder. "I told you I would," the other cat sneered in reply. Sunshadow was beginning to suffer a massive headache, the wheels turning in his brain unable to make sense of it all. "To keep things easier, you can call me Shadow. The cat who just entered will be Sun. Does that help?" the first cat asked, looking impatient with Sunshadow's confusion. "N-not really," Sunshadow stuttered. In response, Shadow growled and swiped his paw across Sunshadow's ear, his claws sheathed. Sunshadow stumbled back in surprise. "Stop stuttering! You sound like a pathetic scaredy-mouse!" Shadow hissed, his eyes glinting with fury. Sun watched from afar, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Calm yourself, Shadow. The poor cat still has no idea. Because Shadow is being difficult and not telling you what's going on, I'll do it," Sun took a deep breath, as though preparing himself for the news to follow. "We are your other personalities. Currently, your awkward, stuttering personality is your actual personality. But every significant event that happens in your life results in a new personality being born. I'm your flirtatious personality, and Shadow here is your, erm, ambitious personality," Sun explained casually, as though this wasn't the strangest thing Sunshadow has ever heard in his life. "Flirtatious personality?" Sunshadow echoed in disbelief. Sun chuckled. "Yes, I know, hard to believe. I happened to be spawned when your little crush on Brightsky formed," he teased. "Well now that you know all that, it's time for you to begin your training. Your future leadership is calling!"

Sunshadow woke up, his head spinning. He sighed, relieved to discover it was all some ridiculous dream. You wish. We're still here. Hi! hissed a voice in Sunshadow's head. It was Shadow. "Fox-dung," Sunshadow cursed. Daily life was going to be a whole lot harder with these wackos stuck in his brain.

[hunting patrol: Whitewhisker, Pepperpaw, Appleclaw, Brightsky]
[looking for herbs: Buzzardflight, Lynxpaw]
[border patrol: Sunshadow]
[moonpool: Ivystar requests a warrior]

[the clan ate 3 servings of ermine]

Your hunting patrol managed to catch x1 bird.

Your medicine cats were unable to find anything due to the heavy rain.

Sunshadow's patrol was uneventful.

StarClan has given you a warrior.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby hazilnut » Sun Mar 26, 2017 5:30 am

"Pleasant grins to hide our sins."

Number of Cats: 26 (27)


Sunheart has survived, Sunheart had survived! He was weak as a mouse, but he had survived! But Starclan gave the Beechclan war patrol no time to celebrate their victory and lack of casualties for when they returned to their territory the camp was in chaos. Or rather, the cats were in chaos; the camp was underwater. Sorrelstar and her little band were met near Leafclan border by a knot of sodden, shivering cats who were sheltering under the beech trees. "What happened?" Sorrelstar demanded, at the same moment Shadowslip cried, "Sunheart!" and ran to her mate who was draped across Dunpond's shoulders. This set off Cougarpaw and her brother as well who scampered over to their mother, Cougarpaw stumbling slightly over unfamiliar ground. "Whats wrong? Whats wrong? I can't see him! Dad!" "An idiot who got himself killed for his ex!" Burntsoul's cackles were overshadowed only by the children's sudden wails of grief. "Quiet!" At Dunpond's voice the clearing snapped to attention. He had this way about him that made cats listen, even in the midst of a crisis. Sleetfoot couldn't help but be a little jealous, even as he focused his attention on finding his mate who hadn't come out to greet them. "Sunheart is not dead, no cat died in the battle. He simply needs medical attention, where's Asptail?" "Over here," Claywhistle replied from around a copse of trees, "With Cedarslash."

"Cedarslash?" Sleetfoot was by the medicine cat's side before Dunpond and his load had even taken a step. "Where is she? Where's-" His question was met by a small groan from the love of his life, who lifted up her head to try and mew something. "Put your head back down," Asptail snapped at her and she obeyed. Sleetfoot looked like he was ready to explode. "What's wrong with her?" "I'm fine, my stomach just hurts-" She winced suddenly. "A lot." "She's pregnant," Asptail informed the white tom, then added softer no no cat but he could hear, "I should have known it sooner." "She'll be fine of course," Malloweyes purred reassuringly and slipped the she-cat a vole. "Eat. You need to keep up your strength." Cedarslash did just that, too tired to question why Malloweyes didn't seem to be annoyed that she had turned out pregnant- in fact the elder appeared to be smiling, and too tired to question the sharp tang that underlay the sweet meat. It tasted nasty, but one look from Malloweyes was enough to make her swallow every last morsel. "Yes but-" "Asptail we have an emergency." The tom looked up from where he had been counting his borage leaves at least five times over. Upon closer inspection his eyes were red-rimmed as if he hadn't slept in a moon- which was fairly true. He had been bad ever since Skunkbrush died but after the capture and accusation of his sister he was much worse. "Who?" He asked hollowly, then recognizing his father as the cat laid down by Dunpond, rushed to his side and began running his paws over his pelt. "It's okay, it's okay. I'm here this time. I'm here this time and nothing will get in the way." Claywhistle attempted to steady Asptail's frantic shaking but was actively pushed away. "Out! All cats not medicine cats out!" "But-" "I said out!" Claywhistle and Dunpond led the reluctant father-to-be from the scene and Malloweyes followed suit, smirking oddly. But before the she-cat departed she gave a little whistle and Pigeonkit came trotting up to her with big doe eyes. "How can I help m'am?" Again a smile curled its twisted way onto the elder's muzzle as the kit spoke. So perfectly obedient! "Help Asptail out with his patients, I trust you know what to do?" The kitten nodded eagerly and scurried over to Asptail's side, pulling out herbs from their make-shift spots among the roots and handing them to him. Asptail didn't protest, in fact he appeared impressed and perhaps a little grateful. Together the two worked to stabilize Sunheart as Cedarslash's spasms got worse and worse and her water ruptured violently.

Meanwhile, back in the clearing, Sorrelstar was piecing together bits and pieces of what had happened when they were away. "It all happened so suddenly! One moment Clay and I were sharing tongues and the next the sand under our paws had turned to water!" Sparksong glanced over at Claywhistle who nodded in concurrence. "I'd never seen water move so fast!" Momomoon butted in, "I love the river but it was absolutely terrifying!" The bobtail did indeed look shaken, and this was the she-cat that had gone for a dip in the middle of a blizzard. "We tried the tunnels first but when the river flooded them we were nearly trapped. We all escaped but-" She glanced over at Claywhistle who in turn cast a worried look at the copse of beech trees. "Asptail hadn't wanted to leave unless we grabbed all his herbs. We did, so we're well stocked like that, but because we carried leaves we couldn't carry prey. All our food is still in the flooded tunnels." The tone of his mew very much suggested that the herbs for food trade was a very bad one indeed. "How are we supposed to live on cobwebs and wrinkly roots?" As if on cue the tom's stomach rumbled but he tried his best to laugh it off. He hadn't meant to get so serious, and he certainly hadn't meant to deepen his mother's worry lines. "Haha, of course it's fine. I probably needed to go easy on the voles anyways!" But that did nothing to alleviate the clear concern in Sorrelstar's eyes. "There's a simple answer to all your silly worrying." Frostsong came up behind his old mentor, grinning the way he did whenever he was going to leap off a tree into the river or try to lure an eagle with a mouse. Kits loved that smile and warriors feared it. "I'll just swim down and get it! Easy-peasy!" "No!" was the collective agreement, until Momomoon stepped in with a small, "It's not a bad idea. I could help him, I'm a great swimmer. I'm sure we could do it together." Sorrelstar considered the offer now, and finally nodded her assent. It really wasn't a bad plan, and it was the only one they had. "Okay, you two had better be careful though. No unnecessary risks." "No unnecessary risks is my warrior's name!" Frostsong joked, as he and Momo padded back towards the flooded camp. Right before they left the clearing though, Flaxpool stopped them. "You know you're being an idiot right?" She asked her brother, who just grinned that grin again. "When am I not?" The she-cat sighed and pressed her muzzle to his cheek quickly. "Just making sure you knew, good luck." Frostsong gave her a genuine smile back before the two swimmers were out of view.

"Sorrelstar! Sorrelstar!" Cougarpaw trotted forth from somewhere outside of the clearing, which, judging by Webwing's sharp intake of breath, she had not been supposed to leave. But the blind apprentice had a knack for not listening to her mentor despite her hearing being better than his. "What is it Cougarpaw?" "Some she-cat named Russet wants to see y-" Sorrelstar was on her paws at the mention of Russet and the stream of curses that were pouring her mouth made the normally calm leader appear unrecognizable. "She has nerve coming back here! Show me where she is! That little ungrateful murderer this time I will kill her!" "Will kill who?" A she-cat stepped forwards from behind Cougarpaw. A very pregnant, very much not Russetleaf she-cat. And behind her stood another cat, a young tom who was mostly occupied in eyeing the apprentice who had brought them there. "Oh." Suddenly Sorrelstar appeared very deflated and very tired. "You're Russet then?" The pregnant cat nodded. "Named for the color of my tuft, dreadfully uncreative, but I don't think I'm the Russet you seem so to regard so venomously." "No, you aren't." Sorrelstar's words felt flat to her ears, extremely unimpressive in light of this newcomer. "My nephew and I were searching for somewhere to stay. He was my mate's son and traveling with us but the river swallowed up my mate and he is no more." "Wait I thought he was your nephew." "He is the son of my sister and my mate," Russet explained, not seeing to notice the embarrassment she was causing her nephew, or step-son, or whatever he was by dumping their whole life story on some strangers. "You could stay with us!" Cougarpaw suggested, perhaps as a way to get Russet to shut up. "But you'd have to change your name." "Fine by me, just do pick something creative."

Becoming a warrior: Cougarpaw -> Cougarheart
Kits is 2 moons: Starlingthroat
Kitting (all kits should be stillborn): Cedarslash
x3 tansy used: Cedarslash
x1 large fish eaten (3) x1 small fish eaten (2)
Attempting to save prey pile: Momomoon and Frostpool.

Injury list:
Sorrelstar- Lost 3 lives, vocal cords scarred so now her voices is fairly croaky and nasty
Sunheart- Badly, badly, badly scratched up. Long slice along his stomach which might cause him problems later. Internal bleeding?
Dunpond- Some scratches and bruises, nothing serious
Frostsong- Fair amount of scratches and stuff, mostly just tired
Claywhistle/Burntsoul/Sleetfoot- uninjured
Sharkfang- Deep leg bite, minor scratches
Everyone else- Soaked

          Sorrelstar | 91 moons | She-cat | Collected, Jealous | X X
          Lives: ★★★★★

          Sleetfoot | 53 moons | Tom | Curious, Cowardly | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Asptail | 29 moons | Tom | Intelligent, Disdainful | X X

          Dunpond| 89 moons | Tom | Silver-tongued, Affectionate | X X
          Sunheart | 88 moons | Tom | Kind, Stubborn | X
          Sharkfang | 79 moons | Tom | Thickheaded, Ruthless | X
          Shadowslip | 70 moons | She-cat | Kind, Unassertive | X X
          Stormripple | 59 moons | Tom | Dutiful, Dumb | X X
          Cedarslash | 48 moons | She-cat | Powerful, Prideful | X
          Sparksong | 32 moons | She-cat | Bubbly, Quick | X
          (Barkknot | 29 moons | She-cat | Anxious, Clumsy | P.O.W |X)
          Claywhistle | 29 moons | Tom | Social, Joking | X
          Momomoon | 23 moons | She-cat | Friendly, Obstinate | Special Abilities | X
          Burntsoul | 23 moons | She-cat | Outgoing, Snarky | X
          Webwing | 21 moons | Tom | Quiet, Thoughtful | Hard of Hearing | X
          Dandelionbloom | 18 moons | She-cat | Delicate, Scattered | X
          Flaxpool | 17 moon | She-cat | Reliable, Unemotional | X
          Frostsong | 17 moon | Tom | Witty, Foolhardy | X
          Wispwhisper| 13 moons | Tom | Quiet, Not-all-there | X

          Cougarpaw | 13 moons | She-cat | Brave, Determined | Blind | X
          Eelpaw | 8 moons | Tom | 'Slimy', Flexible | X

          Salmoncress | 65 moons | She-cat | Motherly, Mopey | X
          Starlingthroat | 29 moons | She-cat | Long-winded, Vain | X

          Pigeonkit| 5 moons | She-cat | Innocent, Dependent | X
          Sandkit | 3 moon | Tom | Literal-minded, Persevering |X
          Carpkit | 3 moon | She-cat | Moody, Mischievous | X

          Malloweyes | 14 moons | She-cat | Collected, Calculating | X

          Webwing | Cougarpaw | 4 | Tracking skill, Fighting skill, Hunting skill, Running skill

          Deceased Cats:
          Yarrowkit | Fox attack (kit patrol to 'prove' herself orchestrated by Malloweyes) | X
          Speckledbeetle | Murdered by Burntsoul, Cedarslash, and Malloweyes| X
          Skunkbrush | Murdered by Burntsoul and Malloweyes | X

    Border Clans:
    Northern River Border- Jinxclan | vampiress_fox
    Eastern River Border- Aspenclan | rosebud
    Western Forest Border- Soulclan | krazykitty00
    Southern Forest Border- Leafclan | zephyrine

    Ally Clans:
    Caveclan | tauriel.
    Witherclan | seedcakes
    Tumbleclan | dinolil1
    Echoclan | Katrione
    Jinxclan | vampiress_fox
    Aspenclan | rosebud
    Birchclan | .galaxy.
    Soulclan | krazykitty00
    Leafclan | zephyrine
    Lotusclan | wolfie
    Blueclan | miss universe

    Medicine Store
    Cobwebs | Stops bleeding/binds bones x3
    Marigold | Stops infection/bleeding/inflammation in joints x2
    Poppy seeds | Eases distress/ brings sleep x0
    Fox glove seeds | "Treats" the heart (Causes heart attacks & paralysis) x1
    Watermint | Eases belly aches x2
    Thyme | Calms nerves x2
    Bindweed | Binds sticks to broken legs x1
    Broom | Broken legs/wounds x2
    Raspberry leaves | Painkiller/bleeding x1
    Burdock Root| Rat bites x1
    Coltsfoot| Breathing & cracked pads x2
    Comfrey root| Itching/burns/stiffness/inflammation x1
    Ragwort leaves| Aching joints/gives strength x2
    Sticks| Supporting broken bones x1
    Juniper berries| Belly aches/breathing/calming cats/gives strength x1
    Mint| Hides death scent x1
    Wintergreen| Treats wounds & poisons x1
    Fennel| Treats hip pain x1
    Lavender| Treats fevers & chills/hides death scent x2
    Catmint| Treats greencough/whitecough x2
    Burnet| Stops minor bleeding/gives strenght x1
    Alder Bark| Toothaches x1
    Tormentil| Extracting poison/treating most wounds x1
    Borage Leaves| Reduces fevers/aids milk production x2
    Yarrow| Extracts poisons/induces vomiting toxins/treats cracked pads x2
    Celandine|Soothes damaged eyes x2
    Sweet Sedge| Eases infection x1
    Wild Garlic| Fights infection, especially rat bites x1
    Honey| Soothes throats/infections/coughs x1
    Lamb's Ear| Gives strength x1
    Lungwort| Cures yellowcough x1
    Ragweed| Gives strength/energy x1
    Oak leaves| Stops infection from setting x1
    Rush| Keeps broken limbs in place x1
    Tansy| Cures coughs/poison/wounds/prevents greencough/in large doses induces miscarriage x0

    Fresh-kill pile:

    Small fish | 0 | 2 servings
    Large fish | 2 | 3 servings
    Squirrel | 1 | 2 servings
    Water fowl | 3 | 3 servings
    Vole | 3 | 1 serving
    Minnow | 2 | 1 serving
    {Five servings}

    Rotting pile:
    Squirrel | 1 | N/a
    Rabbit | 1 | N/a
    Fox | 1 | N/a
    Speckledbeetle | 1 | N/a

    Sorrelstar and Sunheart
    -> Claywhistle, Barkknot, Asptail
    Shadowslip and Sunheart
    -> Wisppaw, Yarrowkit, 'Cougarpaw'
    Dunpond and Salmoncress and Stormripple
    -> ''Dandelionbloom'', 'Frostsong', 'Flaxpool'
    -> 'Pigeonkit', Carpkit, Sandkit
    Cedarslash and Sleetfoot
    Asptail and Cinderblaze (of Soulclan)
Last edited by hazilnut on Fri Mar 31, 2017 2:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Blazeclan - [06]

Postby shimmerstream » Sun Mar 26, 2017 5:51 am

Number of Cats: 7
Next Moonpool Visit: Today

Flaxenpaw was not a fan of her mentor. Yeah, yeah, "he's the deputy," "it's a privilege to get such an experienced teacher." Whatever. If Soaringstar had just let Velvetcoat train her! No, she was stuck with Falconswoop. He expected way too much from her, and she was pretty sure he was trying to get her to leave. That wasn't going to happen. She planned on becoming a warrior as soon as possible so she didn't have to go everywhere with him anymore. Even worse, now she was stuck with Ravinepaw. Speak of the devil; Ravinepaw trotted up to his new denmate. "Evening Flakapaw." The cream apprentice gave him an unimpressed look. "Flaxenpaw." She replied flatly. "Right. Anyway. Did you hear how many shrews I caught earlier?""No. I didn't." "Well, it was three. Three shrews. Velvetcoat said at this rate I'll be a warrior before leaf-fall." Flaxenpaw grinded her teeth. Shut up. I don't want to hear it. She barely kept her thoughts on the inside, and if Ravinepaw had been any less oblivious, he would have noticed, she was sure.

Ravinepaw continued to talk about himself and his unwilling audience zoned out on him. Meanwhile, Soaringstar and Poppythorn were monitoring the progress of the flood. The marshes were shoulder high with water; the lake, pond and river had overflown their banks. The eastern border had each shrunken by several fox-lengths, and the western border was now up against the lake. Happily, the higher center of their territory and south towards Pineclan were water free. However, Soaringstar and Poppythorn unanimously agreed that they could do without patrols for the time being, since their borders were mostly underwater anyway.
Velvetcoat hadn't meant to come off as creepy. And he hadn't really meant to be going the exact same direction as Stormshadow on three different occasions. It was... well, he just wanted to talk to her. He was trying so hard to get to know the others. He didn't want to have to hang out with Ravinepaw all the time. Since he had volunteered to mentor Flaxenpaw, Soaringstar had felt it would be fair to give him the next apprentice. At first he had been honored... but Ravinepaw. It was too bad he and Falconswoop couldn't just switch apprentices. Velvetcoat liked Flaxenpaw, but he didn't want his only friend to be an apprentice, especially one who was always accompanied by Ravinepaw or Falconswoop. He didn't dislike Falconswoop, but like Soaringstar and Poppythorn, Velvetcoat felt enormously awkward around his authority figures. That just left Stormshadow. He'd been trying so hard to hold a conversation with her, but she didn't want anything to do with him. Just today he had accidentally ruined her hunt. It was hard not to run into each other with the territory so shrunken by the flood. She had snapped at him, calling him a creep and a clumsy doofus. He would give her a day to cool down, but he wasn't giving up on her yet.

[Hunting: Stormshadow]
[Training: Falconswoop-Flaxenpaw, Velvetcoat-Ravinepaw]
[Moonpool: Soaringstar requests a warrior]
[the clan ate a hare]

      Soaringstar | 37 | Male | ۵
      Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

      Falconswoop | 55 | Male | ۵

      Medicine Cat:
      Poppythorn | 47 | Female | ۵

      Velvetcoat | 30 | Male | ۵
      Stormshadow | 25 | Female | ۵

      Ravinepaw | 10 | Male | ۵
      Flaxenpaw | 8 | Female | ۵

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]۵[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]۵[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]۵[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]۵[/url]

      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]۵[/url]
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]۵[/url]
Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Hopefully none soon

Border Clans
Northern Field | Blueclan
Western Field | Sandclan
Eastern River | Skullclan
Southern Forest | Pineclan

Medicine Store
Blackberry Leaves | x1 |
Eases the swelling of bee stings.
Catmint | x1 |
Best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually
catch in the season of leaf-bare. Can also be used for whitecough.

Chervil | x1|
For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. Can also be used
during kitting.

Cobwebs | x1 |
To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding.
It may also be used to bind broken bones.

Goldenrod | x1 |
Good for healing wounds.
Tansy | x1 |
Cures coughs. Can be used to cure wounds and poisons.
Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats.

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mouse | x1 | 1 servings
Shrew | x0 | 1 servings
Frog | x0 | 1 servings
Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
Hare | x0 | 3 servings
Pheasant | x1/3 | 3 servings

Necessary Skills: Hunting, Fighting
Common Skills: Tracking, Logic, Stealth, Running
Rare Skills: Climbing, Swimming, Advanced Fighting

Flaconswoop | Flaxenpaw | - | - | - | -
Velvetcoat | Ravinepaw | - | - | - | -

Name and Name ⇒ kit, kit

Deceased Cats:
Cat Name | Age | Cause of Death
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby justice'n'joy » Sun Mar 26, 2017 9:18 am

Number of Cats:37
Females: 21
Male: 20
Next Moonpool visit: 28/3/2017 (03/28/2017 to you US folk)
Next patrol: 9:49 pm NZT

Bouncefire is grumpy at his mother for the names she has chosen for her kits. "Puppykit. Really?" He rolled his eyes before noticing Tui. She was having her kits! Dapplefeather was helping her even though she wasn't the medicine cat anymore. Then he realised something funny. Three generations of cats were in the nursery with kits. Well, after his were born..
above. Border patrol and apprentices train.

          Ripplestar |79 moons | tom |protective|silver tabby with green eyes
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Gingerflash|68 moons| male|loyal|white cat with ginger splashes and green eyes

          Medicine Cat:
          Flintberry |51 moons|female|shy|grey cat with green eyes
          Sockleaf|24 moons|tom|perfectionist|ginger tom with white paw

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Leafpaw|7 moons|female|hopeful |tabby and white cat

          Ashflower |77 moons | she-cat |wise|grey cat with amber eyes
          Emberflame|77 moons|tom|carefree|grey cat with blue eyes
          Dapplefeather |68 moons |anxious|female |tortoiseshell with blue eyes
          Tigerwing|66|tom|rude|dark brown tabby with a torn ear and amber eyes
          Mallowsplash|51 moons | tom|mischevious|black and white cat with green eyes
          Ambergaze |51 moons | female|helpful|black and white cat with amber eyes
          Brighteyes|50 moons|male| friendly |ginger cat with bright blue eyes
          Featherstorm|45 moons|she-kit|bossy|tortoiseshell wit h green eyes
          Cloverstep|45 moons|she-kit|goody-two-paws |white cat with ginger splashes and blue eyes
          Crowleap|38 moons| she-cat |mute|sleek black cat with amber eyes
          Mossflight|39 moons|tom|optimistic| tortoiseshell with green eyes
          Minnowleap|38 moons|tom|brave|silver tabby with blue eyes
          Pebblefrost|38 moons|tom|sweet | grey cat with green eyes
          Bigears|29 moons|tom|fast|gangly white cat with blue eyes and big ears.
          Honeyblossom|28 moons|she-cat|outgoing|bright ginger cat with grey eyes
          Aspenfire|26 moons|tom|nice|brown tabby with amber eyes
          Softslip|22 moons|she-cat|spoilt|fluffy white cat with blue-grey eyes
          Chirpfang|22 moons|tom|loud|fluffy ginger cat with blue eyes
          Lilyblaze|21 moons|female|shy|black and white cat with amber eyes
          Dovepounce|19 moons| female| honest| delicate silver tabby with blue eyes
          Tui|17 moons|female|Sassy |sleek black cat with white dash on chest
          Stormfrost|16 moons|female|speedy|silver tabby with blue eyes
          Cherryblossom|16 moons|female|funny|tortoiseshell with green eyes
          Bouncefire|16 moons|male|kind|brown tabby with grey eyes and missing hind leg
          Galebreeze |13 moons|she-cat|cunning|sleek black cat with blue eyes
          Rabbitclaw |13 moons|tom|sly|black and white cat with green eyes
          Toadheart|13 moons|she-cat|playful|brown tabby with green eyes
          Skipflower|13 moons|she-cat|jumpy|sleek pale ginger cat with green eyes
          Bucktooth|13 moons|tom|gentle|dark brown tabby with overbite and amber eyes
          Twoface |13 moons|tom|snobbish|fluffy black and white cat with ginger splash on face
          Splashpelt|13 moons|she-cat|kind|plump white cat with ginger splashes

          Tallpaw|8 moons|tom|helpful|ginger and white cat with long legs and blue eyes
          Minkkit|8 moons|she-cat|sensitive|deaf white cat with blue eyes

          Skyfrost|53 moons|she-cat|motherly|white cat with blue eyes
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Pinekit|5 moons|male|friendly|brown tabby with blue eyes
          Whisperkit|5 moons|She-kit|adventurous|fluffy tabby and white cat with hazel eyes
          Thistlekit|5 moons|she-kit|honest|tabby and white cat with brown eyes
          Tinykit|5 moons|tom|childish|white cat with blue eyes
          Spiritkit|5 moons|tom|funny|black tom with blue eyes
          Heatherkit|5 moons|she-kit|troublesome|calico with hazel eyes
          Magpiekit|5 moons|she-kit|helpful|totoiseshell with hazel eyes
          Jaykit|2 moons|female|funny|black cat with dash on chest
          Juniperkit|2 moons|tom|brash|black cat
          Icekit|2 moons|tom|jealous|black cat
          Hairykit|0 moons |tom|dreamy|fluffy black cat
          Shadowkit|0 moons|female|gloomy|black cat
          Puppykit|0 moons|male|greedy|fat brown tabby
          Soulkit|0 moons|female|energetic |brown tabby with big blue eyes

          Flashtail |122 moons | tom |funny|old white cat with ginger splashes and green eyes
          Pixie|116 moons|she-cat|wise|lithe old black cat with big blue eyes,
          Blacktail|101 moons|tom|moody|white cat with black stumpy tail
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    SageClan|north pine forest|Kaden|alliance
    TumbleClan|east pine forest|dinolil1|alliance
    EchoClan|west forest with gorge|Katrione|enemy
    FlurryClan|south forest with clearings|Nyeh Heh Heh!!|unknown
    CherryClan|southwest forest with streams|simonpet|unknown
    PineClan|northeast pine forest|void gear/solgaleo|enemy

    Medicine Store
    1x Mouse bile| gets rid of ticks
    1x Catmint | greencough
    1x Poppy seeds| sothes cats
    2x Stinging nettles |seeds help poisons, leaves stop swelling
    1x Tansy|cures coughs
    2x juniper berries|soothes belly-aches
    1x chamomile|soothes cats, is a good travelling herb
    1x yarrow leaves|made into a poultice for scratches, then put leaves in nest
    1x Feverfew| helps a cat with a fever
    1x borage| helps a queen
    1x sorrel | I'm not really sure

    Prey Pile
    Rabbit|2x|2 servings
    Vole|1x |1 serving
    Fish|2x|2 servings
    sparrow |2x |1 serving
    Squirrel |2x| 2 servings

    Gingerflash| Amberpaw| 4 training sessions| hunting, battle, climbing, swimming
    Spplashfur| Mallowpaw| 4 training sessions| hunting, battle, climbing, swimming
    Ripplestar|Featherpaw|4 training lessons|swimming, hunting, fighting , speed
    Ravenstrike|Cloverpaw|4 training lessons|swimming, hunting, fighting,
    Emberflame|Mosspaw|4 training lessons|battle, speed, stalking, hunting
    Mallowsplash|Minnowpaw|speed, stalking hunting, battle
    Ambergaze| Pebblepaw|speed, stalking, hunting, battle
    Pebblefrost|Honeypaw|1training lessons |battle, climbing, herb recognition

    Brighteyes|Softpaw|battle, tracking, hunting, advanced battle
    Cloverstep|Chirppaw|battle, climbing, hunting, advanced battle
    Gingerflash|Lilypaw|battle, swimming, hunting, advanced battle
    Ashflower|Dovepaw|battle, hunting, swimming, tracking
    Chirpfang|Stormkit|hunting,battle, advanced hunting
    Softslip|Cherrypaw|hunting,fighting, advanced hunting
    Aspenfire|Bouncepaw|hunting, fighting, advanced hunting

    Deceased Cats:
    Maplekit|5 moons at death|would be 38 moons now|tom|follower|killed by dog|calico cat with blue eyes|haunts the nursery
    Splashfur|55 moons at death|would be 59 moons now|she-cat|kind|blood loss during kitting|plump white cat with ginger splashes|haunts the nursery
    Bramblekit|5 moons at death|would be 7 moons now| tom |loyal|kitten fever|fluffy brown tabby with blue eyes|haunts the nursery
    Ravenstrike|53 moons at death|would be 54 moons now |tom|strong| scruffy black cat with white dash on chest and a scarred muzzle|haunts the warriors den
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Ripplestar and Ashflower|\|Flintberry, Mallowsplash and Ambergaze, Minnowkit and Pebblekit
    Dapplefeather and Gingerflash|Featherstorm, Maplekit and Cloverstep
    Splashfur and Tigerwing
    Ambergaze and Brighteyes
    Mallowsplash and Appleblossom of FlurryClan|Skykit
NZ ~ any pronouns ~ August 4
Hello! I'm just a human living in New Zealand, but
I was born in Michigan, USA. I've loved warrior cats
for five years now. Glass Animals, Twenty One Pilots
and Two Door Cinema Club are my favourite bands.
Mostly online for CaC
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby tauriel. » Sun Mar 26, 2017 2:46 pm

Number of Cats: 27
13 males : 14 females

          Morningstar | 85 moons| Tom | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★ 8/9

          Woolyfur | 65 moons | Tom | X

          Medicine Cats:
          Shadedleaf | 75 moons | Molly | X
          Cloudpool | 29 moons | Tom | X

          Rowanfur | 81 moons | Molly | X
          Silvernose | 68 moons | Molly | X
          Shimmerpelt | 60 moons | Molly | X
          Ebonywing | 41 moons | Molly | X
          Ferretclaw | 41 moons | Tom | X
          Juniperfoot | 37 | Molly | X
          Chiveclaw | 37 moons | Tom | X
          Pigeonflight | 35 moons | Tom | X
          Hawkfeather | 34 moons | Tom | X
          Sedgetail | 31 | Molly | X
          Harespring | 31 | Tom |X
          Lilystem | 30 moons | Molly | X
          Dappleleaf | 24 moons | Molly | X
          Thymepool | 19 moons | Molly| X
          Emberslash | 17 moons | Tom | X
          Sunstripe | 17 moons | Tom |X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Mistpaw | 9 moons | Molly | X
          Tigerpaw | 8 moons | Tom | X
          Willowpaw | 8 moons | Molly | X
          Ashpaw | 7 moons | Tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url]X[/url]

          Mottledshade | 32 moons | Molly | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Poppykit | 4 moons | Molly | X
          Stormkit | 4 moons | Tom |X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Rippleshade | 133 moons | Tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Ally Clans:
    Beechclan | Hazilnut
    Ravenclan | turtle
    Brookclan | purrfect.
    Ivyclan | Savannah the Caracal
    Swiftclan | Phina Wolf
    Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Catmint (2)| Best remedy for greencough. Also used for whitecough
    Cobwebs (5)| Soaks up and stops bleeding. Binds broken bones.
    Marigold (1)| Stops infection and bleeding. Used for inflammation of stiff joints
    Tansy (3)| cures coughs, wounds, poisons, soothes throats, prevents greencough
    Stinging nettle (2)| Induces vomiting, brings down swelling, can be mixed with comfrey to heal broken bones, helps with wounds, fights infection
    Ragweed (1) Gives a cat extra strength and energy.
    Rush (1) Helps to hold broken bones in place.
    Broom (1) Makes poultices for broken legs and wounds.
    Dandelion (2) Soothes and heals beestings and leaves act as a painkiller.
    Raspberry Leaves (2) Eases pain and stops bleeding during kitting
    Chervil (1) For infected wounds and bellyache. Can be used during kitting
    Sticks (1) Distracts from pain, holds broken bones in place
    Thyme (2) Calms nervousness and anxiety, helps cats in shock
    Burdock Root (2) Lessens & heals the pain of infected rat bites, prevents infection of rat bites
    Willow Leaves (1) Stops vomiting
    Alder Bark (2) Eases toothaches
    Borage Leaves (1) Produces more and better milk. Also brings down fevers.
    Snakeroot (1) Heals poison
    Celandine (3) Soothes damaged eyes
    Poppy Seeds (1) Helps a cat sleep, Soothes shock, distress, pain
    Coltsfoot (2) Eases breathing or kitten-cough, as well as cracked or sore pads
    Chamomile (2) Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind
    Comfrey Root (1) Repairs broken bones and soothes wounds. Also used for wrenched claws, itching, inflammation of stiff joints, can be used for burns
    Parsley (1) Stops a queen's milk and cures bellyache
    Oak leaves (1) stops infection from setting in
    Rosemary (1) Hides the scent of death
    Sorrel (1) Traveling herb, can build up appetite
    Watermint (1) Soothes bellyache
    Dock (1) Soothes scratches and sore pads
    Wild Garlic (1) Prevents infection, especially with rat bites
    Goatweed (1) Eases anxiety and grief
    Daisy (1) Eases the pain of aching joints
    Goldenrod (1) Heals wounds
    Feverfew (1) Reduces body temperature in cats with fever or chills. Heals aches and pains, especially good for headache.
    Burnet (2) Said to help minor bleeding on twolegs. Keeps a cats strength up
    Honey (1) Soothes infections, smoke-damaged or sore throats, coughs, gives a cat energy, helps cats swallow other concoctions
    Horsetail (1) Treats infections and stops bleeding
    Lungwort (1) Cures yellowcough.
    Tormentil (1) Root helps all wounds and cures poisons
    Blackberry leaves (1) Eases the swelling of bee stings

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Minnows | x4 | 1 servings
    Small Fish | x4 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x5 | 3 serving
    Squirrel | x5 | 2 servings
    Pigeon| x6 | 3 servings
    Frogs | x4 | 1 servings
    Thrush | x6 | 3 servings
    Mice | x5 | 1 servings
    Vole | x4 | 1 servings
    Caveclan uses 5 servings per post.

    Chiveclaw | Mistpaw | 4 | Hunting, Battle, Climbing, Running
    Rowanfur | Tigerpaw | 3 | Battle, Climbing, Running
    Sedgetail | Willowpaw | 3 | Battle, Climbing, Running
    Pigeonflight | Ashpaw | 1 | Running,
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Fireface X| 36 | Drowning
    Deerpelt X| 140 | Drowning
    Gingerface X| 18 | Killed by Shrikepaw of Aspenclan
    Cat Name | Age when death occured | Cause of Death

    Shimmerpelt + unknown sire=Sedgetail and Harespring
    Woolyfur + Silvernose= Gingerface and Thymepool
    Rowanfur + Morningstar= Sunstripe and Emberslash
    Ferretclaw + Ebonywing= Willowpaw and Tigerpaw
    Mottledshade + Pigeonflight= Stormkit and Poppykit
    Name and name

    The events of late had left every cat in shock. Three deaths all so close together had thrown the clan into a state of grief. Everything was made worse by the flood, which had worsened. After the battle, Shadedleaf and Cloudpool made sure to look at Woolyfur's eye. Eventually, they announced the eye couldn't be saved and Woolyfur would have to adjust to having one eye. Woolyfur had requested a change of deputy, telling Morningstar that he no longer felt he could do his job properly with only one eye. Morningstar relunctantly agreed to think about a replacement. But even through all that pain, the clan's spirit was still strong. They would still go on living.

    "Juniperfoot, may I talk to you?" Harespring asked. "Of course, what is it?" Juniperfoot tilted her head curiously. "I know it's been hard what with the battle and this may not be very romantic but this can't wait." Harespring started. "I-I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you for moons and I've realized that their isn't time to wait. I could've died in that battle without you ever knowing but I didn't. It was a sign from Starclan telling me to tell you about my feelings for you." Harespring looked anxiously at Juniperfoot, waiting for her reply. Joy fizzed through the she-cats every vein, lighting up her eyes. For a moment, Juniperfoot forgot that she'd lost friends recently. "I-I love you too." She confessed, looking happily at him. "Finally!" Sedgetail's voice startled them, making Juniperfoot jump. "You've both been in love for moons, never realizing it." "We have?" Juniperfoot blinked in surprise. Sedgetail nodded. "Yes. Now just become mates already. Make it official." She backed away, leaving them to talk. "I don't have a circlet for you." Harespring looked apologetically at Juniperfoot. "The flood washed it away." Juniperfoot nuzzled him affectionately. "That's okay. We can make some together." She murmured.
    (If anyone is confused by the circlets go here.)

    Hawkfeather had adjusted to clan life well enough. He'd made friends with many of the clan but something about an older she-cat was curious to him. Shimmerpelt. The gray molly was all clan, but the way she held herself reminded him of the Tribe. Her scent was a bit similar as well. He remembered the tribe cats talking about two cats who'd gone missing when he was a kit. But this wasn't Shimmer of the Moon-lit Lake, was it? Her kits were around the right age but where was Shimmer's mate? When Shimmer had left the Tribe, she'd taken her mate, Heron Who Fishes at Night. The Shimmerpelt in Caveclan had no mate but all the other signs suggested she was from the Tribe. He wanted to ask her about it, but what if she really wasn't from the Tribe? Still mulling it over in his head, he headed over to the freshkill pile, searching through it for prey. Just as he decided on a mouse, Shimmerpelt was there, nosing through the pile for a frog. He stared at her a moment before blurting, "Are you from the Tribe?" Shimmerpelt froze for a moment, startled, before lifting her green eyes to look at Hawkfeather. "What would make you think I was a Tribe cat?" She asked after a moment of silence. Hawkfeather rattled off his suspicions of her being from the tribe, ending with, "You must be Shimmer but if you are, what happened to your mate?" Shimmerpelt's eyes had darkened with faint sorrow. "Your right. I am Shimmer. I joined Caveclan about a moon after Heron's death." Hawkfeather blinked sympathetically at her but continued to ask questions. "Did you remember me? I was only a kit when you left but you must've realized we were from the same Tribe. Why did you leave?" He asked, peppering the molly with his questions. "Slow down." Shimmerpelt murmured. "We left because we wanted to give our kits a better life. Even though Heron died, I've never regretted leaving. Sedgetail and Harespring are far better off in a clan where prey is plentiful. And of course I recognized you. Your one of Owl's kits. I adored her kits." Shimmerpelt was staring at Hawkfeather now, her eyes still sad. This was one of her nephews. How could she forget her own sister's kit? Hawkfeather's eyes were wide. The aunt who'd disappeared from the Tribe was in Caveclan as well as her two kits. His cousins. Sedgetail and Harespring were his cousins. "Mum misses you so much. She talked about you and Heron all the time." Hawkfeather was a bit in shock. Here was a part of his family who he'd thought were dead, was there in front of his eyes. "I miss her too, but this is my home now." Shimmerpelt murmured. "It's the best place for my kits and I too live. Caveclan's as much our family as the Tribe was." Hawkfeather gazed over to the spot where Sedgetail and Harespring were talking to Juniperfoot. "Do they know?" He asked, turning his amber gaze back to Shimmerpelt. "I was hoping they'd never have to know." Shimmerpelt confessed. "They'd already lost a father before ever meeting him. There was no sense telling them about an entire family they'd never meet." "Are you going to tell them?" Hawkfeather asked her. He couldn't believe his cousins had no idea that they had family other than their mother. It saddened him to realize that they could've grown up in the Tribe with an entire group of cousins but instead they had no idea that he and his siblings even existed. He could understand Shimmerpelt's reasoning for leaving, but they had a right to know about their family. Shimmerpelt hesitated, studying her kits uncertainly. "They have a right to know." Hawkfeather murmured. "They're my cousins." He murmured, more to himself than to Shimmerpelt. It seemed impossible to have cousins he didn't know since he'd been a kit. "I never meant to tell them anything. But now that you are here and possibly your sister, I think I need to tell them." She murmured. Hawkfeather glanced at his cousins, still stunned by their existence and everything he'd learned. "Do you want me to go with you?" He asked Shimmerpelt. The gray molly shook her head. "No. I have to tell them. I've kept them from knowing about the Tribe all this time and it's me who needs to tell them." She took a breath, worrying about their reactions to the news as she padded up to her kits. "Juniperfoot, can I borrow my kits for a moment?" She asked. Juniperfoot nodded, her joy at becoming mates with her love lighting up her entire being. "Mum guess what!?" Sedgetail opened her jaws to tell her about Harespring and Juniperfoot but Shimmerpelt stopped her. "There's something I need to tell you two...."

    [prey consumed- 3 frogs and a squirrel]
    [mates(no kits)-Juniperfoot and Harespring]
    [Moonpool visit- 5 days]
Last edited by tauriel. on Thu Mar 30, 2017 7:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby littleswegbunny » Sun Mar 26, 2017 2:54 pm

Number of Cats:03
yay I'm done procrastinating on my reply

Fernstar looked at the newcomer; Snow, who was gazing at the camp. Stormfrost had told the leader that while he was collecting herbs, the she-cat had came up to him and asked what he was doing. "I told her I was collecting herbs for my clan. Then she asked about the clan; I told her about it, and now she's joined." Stormfrost had meowed. "Unfortunately, I collected no herbs." The medicine cat grumbled softly. Fernstar's belly rumbled; when was the last time he had eaten? The leader looked at the restless Snow, who was shifting her feet. He turned to stretch, and when he looked back, she was gone.

"Snow!" Fernstar yowled, tension in his voice. He plodded through the water, which lapped at his fur. "Snow!" He yowled again, looking for the white and gray she-cat. Suddenly, and blur of white and gray shot past his muzzle, and Fernstar stumbled. "Snow..?" He said. The she-cat abruptly turned and looked at Fernstar. "I'm hunting, can't you see?" She snorted. she was like a blur of dust... Snowdust! That'll be her name Fernstar thought. "How would you like your name to be Snowdust?" He asked her out loud. Snow(dust) looked at him. "I suppose that's alright.. Snowdust." She repeated her name, her eyes lighting up. "Thank you!" She meowed.

Stormfrost shivered as the wind descended on him, and he looked towards the territory, which was covered with water. it won't be long until a flood.. the medicine cat decided. when Fernstar returns, I better tell him! he thought, gazing at the bleak gray clouds in the sky. He flicked his tail anxiously and prayed for the best...

[Snowdust goes hunting (can you let her catch something? I know it's going to flood, but uh still.)]

          Fernstar| 36 moons | Male | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Snowdust | 26 moons | Female | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Stormfrost| 44| Male | X

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username[/quote]

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by littleswegbunny on Mon Mar 27, 2017 8:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
Last edited by Littleswegbunny on Thursday, January 81, 8165 6:73 a.m, edited 927391837193726192728182 times in total.
Reason: cant I do stuff without reasons please
pm me I feel lonely

[hello! I am too lazy to code so here's a simple siggy for now heh. I enjoy roleplaying, however, I am too shy to go into those reeeeeeeally big role plays, so I join new ones. You can also find me on some forum games as well. I like warrior cats and animals! I hope I seem kind, and send me a PM if you want to be friends!

Image meet Derp my cat snek

Pet's name: Bella
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!
this is beautiful Bella who survived 24 hr grayscale good job Bella Bby
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby web. » Sun Mar 26, 2017 5:22 pm

T h o r n C l a n
Number of Cats: 3
Next Moonpool visit: March 26th


Russetstripe sat alone in the center of camp, staring at the almost empty prey pile. He sighed deeply, turning to Whitewillow who approached him. "So you want to go out hunting? We need more prey.". Whitewillow smiled to the tom, her tail lashing slightly. "We do." She tried not the act concerned. The tom and she then made their way out of camp, leaving Amberstar to sleep.
As Amberstar awoke, she made her way out of her den. With a snort, she makes her way out of camp to patrol the borders.

[Whitewillow and Russetstripe go hunting]
[Amberstar goes on another border patrol]

          Amberstar | 42 moons | She | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          WhiteWillow | 24 Moons | She | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          RussetStripe | 26 Moons | Tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username[/quote]

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Vole | x1 | 1 servings
    Mouse | x0 | 1 servings
    Shrew | x0 | 1 servings
    Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 3 servings
    Squirrel| x0 | 2 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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howlingclan, of the distant moon -- [016]

Postby lameloserlexi » Mon Mar 27, 2017 6:47 am

xxxℒ𝓸𝓿𝒆 𝓲𝓼 𝓪 𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓿𝒆 𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓴𝒆 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓵𝒆𝓪𝓭𝓼 𝓽𝓸 𝓶𝒆𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓵 𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓷𝒆𝓼𝓼.xxx

Image Image Image
Number of Cats: 17 [ 8 male ] [ 9 female ], four servings

Snowcloud woke up around the time Rockstar left. He never knew what Rockstar was off doing, but he didn't doubt it was something important. Seeing the brown pelt of his apprentice, he trotted over. "C'mon, Moosepaw. Let's start up some training for you, ey?" He questioned, getting an excited nod from him. The white tom was proud of his apprentice, he was smart enough already and knew a lot about fighting and hunting before he even told him anything. Yet, the fear of Mousebite still got to him.

Drysun knew Sheepflower's kits were going to become apprentices soon, so she decided to go over and have a quick chat with her before she got put on any patrols. "Sheepflower, how the kits doing with ya? Still pulling at your ears?" Drysun questioned, smiling at her older friend. The white she-cat smiled back, sitting up. "Oh, they've just been so excited recently, their up-coming ceremony and all." She said, a proud smile. Drysun was about to comment, yet Snowcloud came up behind to get together a patrol. "Drysun, Sootfur told us we're on the border patrol together." He told her, nodding with a smile to his sister. However, an idea struck the younger she-cat. "Oh! Sheepflower, why don't you come with us? It's just a border patrol, plus Littledove can watch your kits for an afternoon." She offered. The white she-cat looked reluctant, yet agreed. The group left, chatting and laughing together.

Rockstar was about to leave alone, but was interrupted by a brown fluff of cat. "Hey! Big grump, I'm comin' with ya." He heard the she-cat, Mousebite, call to him. Normally he would just tell her to shove off, he was leader and it's his final call on who's on what patrol. Yet, he knew they always needed prey. He expected some more she-cats to get pregnant, with how this clan works. Kits, twenty-four seven. They could never have an empty nurse den. With a shrug, he agreed. "Fine." He replied gruffly.

Rockstar had left early in the morning to get approval for Sheepflower's kits ceremonies. Sootfur didn't understand his belief in Starclan, most cats in the clan didn't. It just took extra time, plus, this was his clan. Not some dead cat's. He watched as the leader hopped up onto Lion Peak, calling out to the clan. "Let Starclan smile down on us as we apprentice a few mighty cats today." He called. As Sootfur looked around, he only saw the cats excited for him mentioning the ceremony, not Starclan. 'Just get on with it, Rockstar. No one cares about Starclan...' He scorned, yet mentally scolded himself for the mean thought. "Swankit, Burningkit, and Lionkit. You have all reached the age of six moons, ready to become apprentices." He stated, pride coming from him as he said each of their names. "Swankit! From this day on, until you finish your Wolf Trial, you will be known as Swanpaw. Your mentor will be Mousebite. I hope Mousebite will pass down all she knows on to you." He said, dipping his head down to touch noses with the kit as he raced up with him. "Mousebite, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have shown yourself to be protective and fierce, as shown as you've raised Moosepaw to be a respectable cat. You will be the mentor of Swanpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him." The brown she-cat made her way over to her new apprentice, resting her tail on his back. Calling onto the next kit, Rockstar's large voice boomed through the cave of listening cats. "Burningkit! Until you prevail in your Wolf Trial, you will be known as Burningpaw. Your mentor will be Drysun. I hope Drysun will pass down all she knows on to you." The spotted orange kit, in her confident strides, marched her way up to Rockstar, doing the same has her littermate. "Drysun, you are ready to take on an apprentice, despite being so young. Yet, you have proven yourself to have honor and persistence. You will be the mentor of Burningpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to her." Drysun, as proud and confident as her new apprentice, came up to stand by her and show off their enthusiasm. Sootfur caught her eye, giving an approving nod to her, showing that he couldn't be prouder of his previous apprentice. Before they could hold each other's gaze for too long, Rockstar moved on. "Lionkit! For now, before you succeed in the Wolf Trial, you will be known as Lionpaw. I will be your mentor, in hopes you grow to be the best warrior you can be." Sootfur, curious on why Rockstar himself chose to mentor Lionpaw, almost forgot to shout the apprentices names. "Lionpaw! Burningpaw! Swanpaw!" The clan cheered.

It was three sunrises, Rockstar was ready to see how the apprentice had done. He was disappointed with how his first Wolf Trial had fared, with Fidgetspice's treasonous threats. However, he knew Blackpaw was quite the determined cat. When he saw the black tom and deputy coming through the entrance, he got excited. Hopping up on Lion's Peak, he called to the clan. "I, Rockstar, leader of Howlingclan, call upon Starclan to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you in hopes he is strong enough to fair in our clan." The leader turned his head towards Blackpaw, nodding for him to announce what he had caught. Blackpaw puffed out his chest, proud. "For Sootfur, I caught him a blue gill for him to feast. For the clan, I bring two mice and a trout." He told, dipping his head to the leader, sliding his kill towards him for approval. Rockstar paused before dipping his head back to touch his nose. "May Starclan light your path as you become a warrior. Your name, Blackscars, will honor how you still prevail, despite your own mentor's failure." He told him, the clan cheering. "Blackscars! Blackscars! Blackscars!"


[ Lionkit, Swankit, Burningkit become apprentices ]
[ Snowcloud and Moosepaw have a training session ]
[ Blackpaw attempts his wolf trial with Sootfur and succeeds ]
Warrior Name - Blackscars
[ Drysun, Sheepflower, and Snowcloud go on a border patrol ]
[ Mousebite and Rockstar go hunting ]
[ The clan eats four servings of mouse and trout ]

    Rockstar | Fifty-four | Tom |
    Lives: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ [ 7/9 ]

    Sootfur | Twenty-nine | Tom |

    Medicine Cat:
    Nightcall | Thirty-eight | She-cat |
    Covepaw | Eight | She-cat |

    Snowcloud | Thirty-three | Tom |
    Drysun | Eighteen | She-cat |
    Mousebite | Fifty-five | She-cat |
    Blackscars | Fourteen | Tom |
    Sheepflower | Thirty-three | She-cat |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]♜[/url]

    Moosepaw | Eight | Tom |
    Lionpaw | Six | Tom |
    Buringpaw | Six | She-cat |
    Swanpaw | Six | Tom |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]♟[/url]

    Littledove | Thirty-nine | She-cat |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]♜[/url]

    Troutkit | FIve | She-cat |
    Amberkit | Five | She-cat |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]♟[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]♜[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]♜[/url]
Ally Clans:
Witherclan | seedcakes
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Lotusclan
South | Quartzclan
East | Wishclan
West | Thicketclan

Medicine Store
Burnet x 1
Catmint x 3
Chervil x 1
Cobweb x 1
Dock x 1
Fennel x 1
Feverfew x 1
Goldenrod x 2
Hawkweed x 1
Heather Nectar x 1
Honey x 1
Horsetail x 1
Lamb's ear x 1
Marigold x 1
Poppy Seeds x 1
Ragwort Leaves x 1
Rosemary x 1
Stinging Nettle x 1

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Trout (Big fish) | x2 | 4 servings
Blue Gill (Small fish) | x3 | 6 servings
Mouse | x0 | 0 servings
Frog | x3 | 3 servings
Birds | x2 | 6 servings
Rabbit | x0 | 0 servings

Snowcloud | Moosepaw | 1 |
Drysun | Burningpaw | 0 |
Rockstar | Lionpaw | 0 |
Mousebite | Swanpaw | 0 |

Deceased Cats:
Cat Name | Cause of Death
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Family Relations
mate ♥ mate
parent ♥/✘ parent = sibling - sibling - sibling
ex-mate ✘ ex-mate

Terry ✘ Mousebite = Moosekit, Sparrow, Milk
Pig ✘ Littledove = Troutkit - Amberkit
Fidgetspice ♥ Sheepflower = Lionkit - Burningkit - Swankit
Sheepflower - Snowcloud
Last edited by lameloserlexi on Tue Mar 28, 2017 6:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Katrione » Mon Mar 27, 2017 8:58 am

The storm clouds that have been hovering in the distance have finally arrived. The heavy rains have flooded some of your territory, affecting low-lying territories more heavily. It will be more difficult to catch prey and find herbs. You will however be able to find new cats easily, since they will be trying to find shelter from the storms.

Pastel_Smoothie wrote:
As the other two cats left the forest, Snowstorm and Rowanclaw were there walking out alone. Snowstorm wanted to listen to Rowan's backgrounds, before her ran away from his home to become a warrior. It was THAT interesting on the kittypet subject for Snowstorm. "Say, how did you get here? " Rowanclaw looked at him and replied. "It was okay. We got food, and I was trained to be a performer cat. "
"And how did that go? "
"Went great I guess. Then I got lost in the forests during my trip to a summer camp. "
"Oh dear, I'm sorry for your loss "
"Don't need to be, it wasn't the best life anyways. "
(I'm back in the game, hello there! This is where I left off. P.S- Rowanclaw and Snowstorm went herb hunting! )

{{You can pick up to 5 herbs to fill your store, and your first three posts you don't have to eat any fresh-kill so you can stock up. I'd focus on hunting first since you have to eat prey every post. Please read the front page for more information on this. It is also currently Newleaf, so read that section to see what can happen this season}}
While herb hunting, Snowstorm and Rowanclaw found poppy seeds and stinging nettle


Chinchy wrote:
The clan's territory consists of high grasses, taller than any cat. Shrubs, bushes and the rarer tree can be found here. The camp surrounds a tree near the center of the territory. The leader sleeps under the roots while the elder's den resides on a thick carpet of feathers and grasses by the tree. The medicine den and store are in a ditch, where a river once flowed, a den dug into the once soft earth. The apprentices sleep around a large bush, a large rock nearby where one could see the area around the camp when standing on his or her hind legs. The warriors sleep in a den of woven grasses with branches to support it and the nursery is guarded by rose bushes.

The cats that reside here aren't the most friendly with outsiders and may be picky about who they may accept as the clan grows. Most are likely to be small, quick and light of their paws and the main skills the apprentices learn are running, fighting, jumping and usually climbing.

The main prey you will find here feed on seeds and berries. There can be mice, robins, hummingbirds, rabbits, on occasion pheasants or even hawks. Hawks are often a threat and apprentices are warned not to hunt them, but are taught to fight them off. These birds may steal kits so queens are on high alert when their kits are not hidden in the nursery. It may take up to two or three warriors to take down a hawk, but they can feed the clan more and longer than most prey found. Honeybees can sometimes be found as flowers grow here as well. Butterflies are a common sight during greenleaf/newleaf.
The clan's name comes from their main prey being birds.

Featherclan has been founded


seedcakes wrote:
i have no muse im sorry >///<
also if a cat has a - next to their name, feel free to kill them off at any time.

Blissheart purred at his mother as she lapped his two new siblings. A shekit and a tom, Dawnglow had announced proudly before slippig out of camp. He didn't question her, as she was a med and knew if she had to go someplace. "Nutmegkit and Adderkit." Mallowgaze mewed proudly, causing the golden tom's head to snap up. "Huh? No crazy names this time? Like maybe.. Vicariouskit and Fluentkit?" Mallowgaze chuckled at her son's joking. "No... When we.. your father and I... were planning kit names for this litter, he suggested Nutmegkit, Walnutkit, Viperkit, and Adderkit. He let me name our last litter, so I let him name this one. I.. like to think that he lives on in them. I.." The queen lowered her head, burying her muzzle in her two newborns fur. Blissheart rested his tail on his mother's shoulders. "I know. We all miss him. He went out hunting for them, you know that, right? Before he left, he said 'I'm going to get my kits some plump juicy Tumbleclan prey to grow up on.' And then he went."


Rabbitwish stalked out of camp after he saw Dawnglow leave with Raspberry, Borage, and Narcissus clasped in her jaws. She can't be... expecting, can she? She isn't that stupid. The brown tom trailed behind the head medicine cat, his body low. Dawnglow paused, dropping the herbs, and Rabbitwish could detect another cat- a queen, by the scent of it. A rogue queen. The rogue queen gratefully took the herbs, then turned and ran off as fast as she could with her round belly. Dawnglow looked as if she wanted to call out to her, but stopped herself. She watched the queen leave before turning. The head medicine cat of Witherclan found herself nose-to-nose with her former apprentice, his green eyes slitted. "What are you doing?" He barked, causing Dawnglow to jump. The tortie shecat looked uncomfortable for a moment before opening her jaws. "The warrior code says kits can not be put in danger. If we ignored that queen and did not provide her aide, we would be breaking the code!" "We aren't warriors, Dawnglow! And those herbs could be used for Tumblenight's next litter!" Rabbitwish yowled. "What are you even doing? How long have you been smuggling herbs to strange cats, stealing from your clan?! This is treason, Dawnglow!" The shecat straightened her neck, her lip curling. "She isn't some strange shecat rogue, Rabbitwish! Midday is my sister!" The tortie glared at Rabbitwish, her hackles raised angrily. "And I do not abandon my family! She is all I have left." Dawnglow padded away stiffly, not meeting her former apprentice's gaze.

The clan ate 1 mouse and 2 ravens.

Tumblenight is kitting!
note; the kits are with her previous mate, not cloudbelly!

Med cats collect herbs.

Orangepaw ---> Orangeroot

Training: Smudgepaw, Keypaw, Smokeypaw

Border Patrols: Styker, Badgerfang, Cloudbelly, Minnowsplash, Minkslide, Hawthorneclaw


Tumblenight gave birth to two kits
Due to the floods, Dawnglow, Rabbitwish and Smoothpetal were only able to find marigold
Orangepaw is now a warrior; Orangeroot!
While training, Smudgepaw and Smokeypaw learned the Climbing skill
While training, Keypaw learned the Battle skill!
While on patrol, Minkslide slipped and fell into the swollen river, quickly getting swept away by the tide. The rest of the patrol found his body further down the stream. Starclan now has a new star in its sky; Minkslide will be well taken care of


painting roses wrote:
Snowcloud woke up around the time Rockstar left. He never knew what Rockstar was off doing, but he didn't doubt it was something important. Seeing the brown pelt of his apprentice, he trotted over. "C'mon, Moosepaw. Let's start up some training for you, ey?" He questioned, getting an excited nod from him. The white tom was proud of his apprentice, he was smart enough already and knew a lot about fighting and hunting before he even told him anything. Yet, the fear of Mousebite still got to him.

Drysun knew Sheepflower's kits were going to become apprentices soon, so she decided to go over and have a quick chat with her before she got put on any patrols. "Sheepflower, how the kits doing with ya? Still pulling at your ears?" Drysun questioned, smiling at her older friend. The white she-cat smiled back, sitting up. "Oh, they've just been so excited recently, their up-coming ceremony and all." She said, a proud smile. Drysun was about to comment, yet Snowcloud came up behind to get together a patrol. "Drysun, Sootfur told us we're on the border patrol together." He told her, nodding with a smile to his sister. However, an idea struck the younger she-cat. "Oh! Sheepflower, why don't you come with us? It's just a border patrol, plus Littledove can watch your kits for an afternoon." She offered. The white she-cat looked reluctant, yet agreed. The group left, chatting and laughing together.

Rockstar was about to leave alone, but was interrupted by a brown fluff of cat. "Hey! Big grump, I'm comin' with ya." He heard the she-cat, Mousebite, call to him. Normally he would just tell her to shove off, he was leader and it's his final call on who's on what patrol. Yet, he knew they always needed prey. He expected some more she-cats to get pregnant, with how this clan works. Kits, twenty-four seven. They could never have an empty nurse den. With a shrug, he agreed. "Fine." He replied gruffly.

Rockstar had left early in the morning to get approval for Sheepflower's kits ceremonies. Sootfur didn't understand his belief in Starclan, most cats in the clan didn't. It just took extra time, plus, this was his clan. Not some dead cat's. He watched as the leader hopped up onto Lion Peak, calling out to the clan. "Let Starclan smile down on us as we apprentice a few mighty cats today." He called. As Sootfur looked around, he only saw the cats excited for him mentioning the ceremony, not Starclan. 'Just get on with it, Rockstar. No one cares about Starclan...' He scorned, yet mentally scolded himself for the mean thought. "Swankit, Burningkit, and Lionkit. You have all reached the age of six moons, ready to become apprentices." He stated, pride coming from him as he said each of their names. "Swankit! From this day on, until you finish your Wolf Trial, you will be known as Swanpaw. Your mentor will be Mousebite. I hope Mousebite will pass down all she knows on to you." He said, dipping his head down to touch noses with the kit as he raced up with him. "Mousebite, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have shown yourself to be protective and fierce, as shown as you've raised Moosepaw to be a respectable cat. You will be the mentor of Swanpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him." The brown she-cat made her way over to her new apprentice, resting her tail on his back. Calling onto the next kit, Rockstar's large voice boomed through the cave of listening cats. "Burningkit! Until you prevail in your Wolf Trial, you will be known as Burningpaw. Your mentor will be Drysun. I hope Drysun will pass down all she knows on to you." The spotted orange kit, in her confident strides, marched her way up to Rockstar, doing the same has her littermate. "Drysun, you are ready to take on an apprentice, despite being so young. Yet, you have proven yourself to have honor and persistence. You will be the mentor of Burningpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to her." Drysun, as proud and confident as her new apprentice, came up to stand by her and show off their enthusiasm. Sootfur caught her eye, giving an approving nod to her, showing that he couldn't be prouder of his previous apprentice. Before they could hold each other's gaze for too long, Rockstar moved on. "Lionkit! For now, before you succeed in the Wolf Trial, you will be known as Lionpaw. I will be your mentor, in hopes you grow to be the best warrior you can be." Sootfur, curious on why Rockstar himself chose to mentor Lionpaw, almost forgot to shout the apprentices names. "Lionpaw! Burningpaw! Swanpaw!" The clan cheered.

It was three sunrises, Rockstar was ready to see how the apprentice had done. He was disappointed with how his first Wolf Trial had fared, with Fidgetspice's treasonous threats. However, he knew Blackpaw was quite the determined cat. When he saw the black tom and deputy coming through the entrance, he got excited. Hopping up on Lion's Peak, he called to the clan. "I, Rockstar, leader of Howlingclan, call upon Starclan to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you in hopes he is strong enough to fair in our clan." The leader turned his head towards Blackpaw, nodding for him to announce what he had caught. Blackpaw puffed out his chest, proud. "For Sootfur, I caught him a blue gill for him to feast. For the clan, I bring two mice and a trout." He told, dipping his head to the leader, sliding his kill towards him for approval. Rockstar paused before dipping his head back to touch his nose. "May Starclan light your path as you become a warrior. Your name, Blackscars, will honor how you still prevail, despite your own mentor's failure." He told him, the clan cheering. "Blackscars! Blackscars! Blackscars!"

[ Lionkit, Swankit, Burningkit become apprentices ]
[ Snowcloud and Moosepaw have a training session ]
[ Blackpaw attempts his wolf trial with Sootfur and succeeds ]
Warrior Name - Blackscars
[ Drysun, Sheepflower, and Snowcloud go on a border patrol ]
[ Mousebite and Rockstar go hunting ]
[ The clan eats four servings of mouse and trout ]

Lionkit, Swankit and Burningkit are now apprentices; Lionpaw, Swanpaw and Burningpaw!
While training, Moosepaw learned the Climbing skill
Blackpaw is now a warrior; Blackscars!
Drysun, Sheepflower and Snowcloud are forced to return to camp due to the floods
While hunting, Mousebite and Rockstar managed to catch a trout


holly10012 wrote:
dog clan

dog clan is a vary kind clan and very loyol to starclan

dog clan has a virity of looks

dog clan trains
hunting for geting food
being kind

dogclan is in a forest

Dogclan has been founded
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