Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Witherclan

Postby eltonn » Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:45 am

    Ally Clans: 5
    Beechclan | hazilnut
    Echoclan | Katrione
    Soulclan | krazykitty00
    Snowclan | BrightDays
    Howlingclan | Fear of Reality
    Jinxclan | vampiress_fox (unofficial)

    Enemy Clans 1
    Tumbleclan | dinolil1
    Reedclan | Areater (unofficial)

    Medicine Store
    x2 Cobwebs | Heavy Bleeding
    Catmint | Chest Infection
    x3 Marigold | Infection
    x2 Coltsfoot | Coughs
    x2 Honey | Sore Throat, Coughing, Sweetens Bitter Herbs
    x2 Burdock Root | Strong Infections, Rat Bites
    x2 Horsetail | Infections, Bleeding
    Watermint | Bellyaches
    Parsley | Dries Milk
    Mouse Bile | Ticks
    Alder Bark | Tooth pain
    Blackberry Leaves | Beestings
    Bindweed | Broken Bones
    Feverfew | Fevers, aches, headaches
    Dandelion | Beestings & Painkiller
    Juniper Berries | Bellyaches, Strength, Breathing, Calming
    Lavender | Fever & Chills
    x2 Celandine | Soothes damaged eyes
    Chickweed | Greencough
    Yarrow | Recover from poison, cracked pads
    Comfry | Broken Bones
    Fennel | Hip pain
    Catchweed | Keeps poultices on

    Avaricepaw | Doveheart | 3 | Swimming, Hunting, Battle
    Asceticpaw | Jackaldust | 3 | Swimming, Hunting, Battle
    Blisspaw | Aldershine | 3 | Swimming, Hunting, Battle
    Orangepaw | Stripeclaw | 2 | Hunting, Battle
    Smudgepaw | Badgerfang | 2 | Hunting, Battle
    Eaglepaw | Ravencoat | 1 | Battle
    Keypaw | Fluffyberry | 0 | 0

    Deceased Cats:
    Asphodelkit | Kittencough
    Eelface | Old Age
    Woodpelt | Battle

    Fadedstar and Aldershine
    --> Rabbitwish, Cloudbelly, Stripeclaw, Smoothpaw, Cottonbush
    Ravencoat and Doveheart
    --> Minnowsplash, Mistshade, Hawthorneclaw
    Cootfeather and Stripeclaw
    --> Ravenpaw
    Jackaldust and ???
    --> Goldenpelt, Minkslide, Fluffyberry
    Stormwind and Badgerfang
    --> Duskpaws
    Mallowgaze and Marblefur
    --> Avaricepaw, Asceticpaw, Blisspaw
    Rabbitwish and Sunnyflower of Echoclan.
    --> Pidgeonpaw, Witheredpaw
    Mistshade and Bramblehope of Stormclan.
    --> Eaglekit, Adopted Keykit
    Tumblenight and ??? / Cloudbelly
    --> Smudgekit, Orangekit
    Hawthorneclaw and Goldenpelt
    --> Smokeykit, Asphodelkit
    Twiggy and Stryker
    --> Tigerkit {Stolen}, Mikekit

Smoothpaw trotted into the camp after the meeting, her gaze weary. Cats around camp were nursing wounds or helping their clanmates to their nests. Fadedstar had bled out after the battle, losing his second life that day. But he seemed fine now, chatting with Stormwind and Badgerfang. Smoothpaw shook her head, padding into the medicine den. Rabbitwish's eyes glowed. "Smoothpaw," he began, and the apprentice froze. "I believe that you are ready for this." He smiled, standing and padding to the back of the den. Smoothpaw's heart began to race. He's going to...! The tom plucked the bright red cardinal feather from the woven ceiling of the den. He dabbed his paw in the sap resevoir they kept in the corner of the den for new or damaged feathers, and patted it over Smoothpaw's first feather. The brown apprentice's eyes filled with tears. "I, Rabbitwish, medicine cat of Witherclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help she will serve her Clan for many moons. Smoothpaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?" "I do," she managed to whisper. "Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Smoothpaw, from this moment you will be known as Smoothpetal. StarClan honors your honesty, kindness, and patience, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of Witherclan." Rabbitwish touched noses with Smoothpaw. The new medicine cat of Witherclan purred. Hey! What Asphodelkit told me... I am the petal she spoke of! She was telling me that I am important to the clan, no matter what... Smoothpetal let the tears of joy welling in her eyes slide down her face.


Asceticpaw smirked, limping into the medicine den. A small thorn was wedged into her pad. Dawnglow stepped foreward, flicking her tail. "I can get it out." The apprentice shook her head. "No, you're tired. Let Rabbitwish do it, he seems ok." Dawnglow nodded slowly, padding back and Asceticpaw muttered under her breath, just loud enough for the female to hear. "Wouldn't want to lose another cat due to untreated injuries, would we?" Dawnglow flinched, and Rabbitwish glared at the apprentice. Asceticpaw smiled innocently, sitting and lifting her paw. Rabbitwish began to dab it with wet moss to loosen it before gripping his teeth around it. "What happened?" "Oh! I got distracted because I saw an Echoclan patrol. Get this- they had a queen on it! Sun.. Sunstep.. Sunpetal..?" "Sunnyflower?" "Yes, that's her! And she was padding really close to that brown tom she's always around when I see her. I thought that he was with Echoclan's newest queen..." Asceticpaw mused, flicking her tail lightly. Rabbitwish jerked back, yanking the thorn out just a bit too harshly. Asceticpaw yelped, lapping at her pad and glaring at the medicine cat. "Sorry. It was wedged in pretty tight." Rabbitwish replied flatly. Asceticpaw fluffed her pelt, seeming to think nothing of it. Perfect. "Alright, then.. Thanks, Rabbitwish! Bye, now!" She pranced out of the den.


Smudgepaw held still as Smoothpetal rubbed Broken Rosemary Blossoms around her eye. The brown medicine cat looked concerned. "Tell me again what happened, Smudgepaw?" "I... I don't know. We- Me and Orangepaw and Asceticpaw- we were holding down a Tumbleclan tom who had tried to chase after the elders. He was struggling a lot, and Orangepaw started to talk to him, asking why he wanted to hurt Barkflower and Grizzleyfang. The cat struggled more, kicking up dust and dirt and.. stuff..? And All of a sudden my eye was burning and stinging and I couldn't see and-" the tortie's voice broke. "Asceticpaw was the one who ran to camp and got Dawnglow. Orangepaw stayed behind and tried to help me flush it out with water. Maybe dirt got into it..? I don't know.." Smudgepaw whimpered. Smoothpetal nodded slowly, although it didn't look like any normal dirt-in-eye injury. This looked like it had been burned with Milkweed. Which was strange, since the herb didn't grow in the area where Smudgepaw had been injured... Smoothpetal shook her head. "Well, you have to stay in the medicine den for now, probably a few moons, to make sure no infection sets in and it doesn't begin to bleed internally. You can use Goldenpelt's old nest- after the battle she realized she needed to be with Smokeykit." Smudgepaw nodded. "Ok, Smoothpetal. Congratulations on your name, by the way! You've earned it."

That night, Smudgepaw lay in Goldenpelt's old nest- now her own- and thought of what had occurred. She shivered. Witherclan rarely got snow, but it was cold out, and the apprentice was used to sharing a nest with Orangepaw. Even after they left the nursery, they continued to share their nest. The two sisters were very close, and it was hard to spot them without the other. The brown and black shecat blinked her good eye, the other painfully swollen. "R-ravenpaw?" She whispered. The black tom grunted, lifting his head a bit. "Mmm?" "Can I share your nest with you..? It's cold and I usually share with Orangepaw, but she isn't here and..." "No. Let me sleep." Smudgepaw's ears fell at the sudden answer. "Can I pull my nest up next to yours, then? Please? It's really cold." Pause. "No." Smudgepaw huffed. Well too bad, grumpy face! I'm cold and you aren't, so you're just gonna have to deal! She stood and gripped her nest in her jaws, pushing it against Ravenpaw's, and sticking her tongue out at him for good measure. The apprentice curled back up in her nest, now almost conjoined with the black tom's. Ravenpaw audibly sighed in exasperation. "You aren't going to listen to me, are you, Smudgepaw?" "Nope!" The black tom closed his eyes, resting his chin on the edge of his nest. He turned to face away from the shecat, grumbling softly to himself. But he didn't force her to move away. Success! Smudgepaw silently cheered. I got the spot next to the radiator-cat!


Fadedstar flicked his tail, looking around his clanmates. Even though they had only lost Woodpelt in the raid, she was the third cat they had lost in the past few moons, and he felt like his clan was weakening. I'll ask starclan for a new warrior; someone who can fight. The tom stood up, quickly explaining his plans to Stormwind and leaving the deputy in charge while he was gone. The pale tabby trotted out of camp, his tail held high. His ears were hyper alerted to all noises on his right; most things on that side startled him. It was hard to get used to quite suddenly not being able to see out of his right eye, and Fadedstar still hadn't fully settled in with it. He trotted into the Moonpool area, prompty laying down and dipping his nose into the waters. Starclan, Witherclan has been pained by the recent battle. And although new kits will be entering the nursery soon- Mallowgaze and Marblefur are expecting again- I feel as if our clan needs more warriors now than ever. Please, send us a strong, wise cat who will protect us in our times of need.

The clan ate a raven, squirrel, and crow.

Eaglepaw, Orangepaw and Keypaw train.

Smoothpaw --> Smoothpetal

Asceticpaw, Avaricepaw, Blisspaw, Doveheart, Jackaldust, and Aldershine hunt.

Minnowsplash, Hawnthorneclaw, Stryker, Stormwind, Badgerfang and Tumblenight patrol.

Fadedstar goes to the Moonpool and asks for a warrior.

Marblefur and Mallowgaze are expecting again.

Dawnglow, Rabbitwish, and Smoothpetal look for herbs.

Wound inventory from Tumbleclan's raid, let me know if I need to heal anyone:

fadedstar- 1 life -torn neck-, 2nd life from untreated wounsd, right eye gone, various scratches
doveheart- sprained/possible dislocated back leg
woodpelt- dead
smokeykit- split right ear (possible warrior name Smokeysplit or Somekyear/s?)
tigerkit- will be stOLEN (will get back)
cloudbelly- torn ears, sternum bruising
aldershine- leg bite (not extremely bad)
stormwind- clawed shoulder, few bruises on back
cootfeather - clawed side
duskpaws- bitten tail
smudgepaw - blinded in right eye
Last edited by eltonn on Mon Apr 03, 2017 8:16 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby .galaxy. » Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:54 am

Number of Cats: 32
Prey Servings Needed: 6
Moonpool Visit: Feb. 28th

i'm not writing out a ceremony for 8 kits i'm sorry but thats absurd.


It was by the blessings of Starclan that they had enough cats old enough to patrol - Peachpaw and Mudpaw were more than ready to become warriors, so Featherfur suggested that they train in a more practical way and put the young cats on a patrol. The siblings seemed eager to leave the training grounds behind, especially now that it was being taken over by an absurd number of fresh apprentices. "I think I'd sooner swallow a bee than pounce around with those kits." Peachpaw said to her brother, nose crinkling in distaste at the very thought. Her words made the small brown tabby snort with laughter, nudging her playfully as he started after Pikefang. "You'd swallow a bee for a single mouse tail, featherbrain." (somewhere in the distance, Mousetail wakes up in her nest knowing that someone is tryna get hit)


again i refuse to write a training post for 8 APPRENTICES


Finchtuft had been very eager to request an apprentice - maybe his excitement came solely of the fact that he had received Ripplepaw. The little she-cat was near-identical to her mother, and had her same cool disposition. Seeing the face so familiar regard him with a calm stare sent harsh claws of grief pricking at his heart. But he would make new memories with Ripplepaw, and they'd be as close as he and Rippleberry had been. That thought eased the pain of longing that clutched his chest, enough for him to tap the little molly's forehead with his nose and lead her out of camp. "I think we'll start off simple, at least for today." He explained, ignoring the crunch of snow beneath his paws. "Leafbare means a lot of cats can get sick, and if we don't have the herbs to treat them.." The fluffy tom paused, glancing back at the young apprentice. She was watching him peacefully, her stare even and her head tilted to take in the information. Hope fluttered in his chest. "I'm going to take you through the territory and we'll identify any herbs we find. Keep an eye out for round yellow flowers - that's tansy, and it can be very useful during this season."


Brackenfrost was tucked under a small overhang in rock when Featherfur found him, the sight of the tom relaxed was what ultimately led Featherfur to approach him. Best to start off with him in a good mood. He thought sourly, letting his paws fall heavily on the snow to get his father's attention. Lazily, Brackenfrost's eyes opened, then immediately they widened in surprise. "I'm not sharing this spot." He said gruffly, kicking out his legs to take up as much of the space as possible. Irritation flickered in Featherfur's belly, but he refused to let it catch. "Tell me why you left." He said flatly, not much caring about the tired look that suddenly came over the massive tom. He looked about ready to refuse, his ears pulling back slightly, but Featherfur took a step closer and narrowed his eyes. "Tell me." He repeated, the fur along his shoulders rising.

With a defeated sigh, Brackenfrost, pulled his legs back under him and made room, nodding to the empty space beside him. Featherfur stayed where he was. The dark tabby smiled ruefully but made no comment. "I was scared." He admitted, sounding as if the confession was shameful. And it is. Featherfur thought bitterly. He left two kits. When no stinging comment came, Brackenfrost continued. "I was young. Very young, to be a father. But Moth, she - Feather she was everything I'd ever wanted." Almost unknowingly, the older tom used his rogue name and sent a chill down the gray tom's spine. Brackenfrost's bright stare fell to the ground, brow furrowed in thought. "I thought I could do it; I thought I could be a father. But when you and Kestrel were born-" Featherfur cut him off, hearing his sister's name shaking him from his trance. "You got scared and left your mate and two newborn kits." It wasn't a statement, it was an accusation. One Brackenfrost couldn't deny. "I lost my sister because of your selfishness - because of your fear. I lost my mother." He spat. Anger once again flared in his belly, and this time he did nothing to stop it. Featherfur let it build and burn until he felt it in his paws, alive and writhing. This happened every time he tried to speak with Brackenfrost, every time he tried to get answers. Brackenfrost wasn't even denying his claims, wasn't saying a word. Just letting his anger rise and buffet him. You deserve every word. Featherfur thought, not bothering to attempt and make his bristling fur lie flat as he stalked away.


Hollytuft and Robinstar had been speaking since sunrise, and most cats in camp were curious about what their leader and deputy were up to. No one - except maybe Branchbelly, but he's always ready for them to go after Tinytail - expected the pair to emerge and make a beeline for Tinytail. The confused molly was in the middle of a conversation with her mate. "Sorry Tinytail, we've got to borrow you for a few minutes." Hollytuft meowed, earning a furrowed brow from Tinytail and a look of starry eyes from Branchbelly. The small brown tom rose to his paws and touched noses with his mate before trotting off to do who knows what. Having risen into a sitting position, Tinytail dipped her head respectfully to the two. "What's this about? Did Peachpaw put thistles in someone's nest?" She joked, earning an amused snort from Robinstar. He nodded at Hollytuft and sat, letting the black molly start. "Probably, but that's not what we need to talk to you about. I'm not getting any younger, unfortunately, and someone needs to make sure this idiot doesn't run himself over a cliff." If the brown tom took any offense, he didn't show it. In fact he had to try and hide a grin. But then the realization hit, and Tinytail leapt to her paws. "Wait! Does - are you - wh-" Hollytuft raised a paw slightly to silence her, amusement glittering in her amber eyes. "Robinstar and I agreed that when I'm no longer able to perform my duties, we need an experienced cat who would be young enough to lead the clan for many moons. So far, you are the leading candidate for assuming my position."

[Cinderkit, Bluekit, Thistlekit, Fennelkit, Crowkit, Pebblekit, Ripplekit, and Goosekit are apprentices! Mentors are: Reedwhisker, Lilycloud, Kestrelflight, Toadstorm, Tinytail, Robinstar, Finchtuft, and Hollytuft respectively. can we just talk abt how im apprenticing 8 kits rn omg]
[Pikefang, Mudpaw, Featherfur, Peachpaw, Pigeontail, and Owlfeather are on a hunting patrol]
[All the apprentices train with the exception of Ripplepaw]
[Finchtuft and Ripplepaw go out to look for herbs!! baby's first day out.]
[The clan consumes 6 servings of prey - 1 rabbit, 1 squirrel, and 2 voles.]
[the last two little paragraphs are just me fleshing stuff out, no need to reply to those :3c]

          Robinstar | 68 moons | Tom | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Hollytuft | 73 moons | She-cat | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Finchtuft | 26 moons | Tom | X

          Brackenfrost | 65 moons | Tom | X
          Featherfur | 49 moons | Tom | X
          Larkpounce | 53 moons | She-cat | X
          Lilycloud | 44 moons | She-cat | X
          Tinytail | 30 moons | She-cat | X
          Branchbelly | 28 moons | Tom | X
          Kestrelflight | 23 moons | She-cat | X
          Pikefang | 23 moons | Tom | X
          Frogstep | 44 moons | Tom | X
          Reedwhisker | 21 moons | Tom | X
          Foxbelly | 26 moons | She-cat | X
          Toadstorm | 25 moons | She-cat | X
          Pigeontail | 13 moons | She-cat | X
          Owlfeather | 13 moons | Tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Peachpaw | 10 moons | She-cat | X
          Mudpaw | 10 moons | Tom | x
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Rainwhisker | 58 moons | She-cat | X
          Mousetail | 40 moons | She-cat | X

          Cinderkit | 5 moons | She-cat | X
          Bluekit | 5 moons | Tom | X
          Thistlekit | 5 moons | She-cat | X
          Fennelkit | 5 moons | Tom | Left
          Crowkit | 5 moons | She-cat | Right
          Pebblekit | 5 moons | Tom | X
          Ripplekit | 5 moons | She-cat | Left
          Goosekit | 5 moons | Tom | Right
          Duckkit | 4 moons | Tom | X
          Hemlockkit | 4 moons | Tom | X
          Plumkit | 4 moons | She-cat | X

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Tumbleclan | dinolil1
    Reedclan | Areater
    Beechclan | hazilnut
    Aspenclan | tree~racer
    Rippleclan | artemis

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Cobwebs x2 | Soak up, slow, or stop bleeding
    Broom x1 | Make poultices for broken legs and
    Dock x1 | Soothes scratches and sore pads
    Celandine x2 | Soothes damaged eyes
    Borage x2 | Produces more/better milk, can be
    used for fevers
    Goldenrod x1 | Good for healing wounds
    Sweet-Sedge x2 | Eases infection
    Raspberry Leaves x1 | Eases pain, or stops
    bleeding during kitting
    Chamomile x2 | Strengthens the heart and
    soothes the mind
    Yarrow x2 | Extracts poison from wounds, will
    make a cat vomit, ointment will help heal
    cracked pads
    Willow Leaves x1 | Stops vomiting
    Poppy Seeds x1 | Helps sleep, pain, distress
    or shock
    Burdock Root x1 | Used for rat bites
    Comfrey x1 | For broken bones, wounds,
    wrenched claws. Can be used for itching, or for
    inflammation on stiff joints. Can be used for burns
    or to ease stiffness in wrenched shoulders
    Stinging Nettle x2 | Induces vomiting, or
    brings down swelling. Helps wounds, and chewing
    the stems helps fight infection
    Daisy Leaves x1| Eases aching joints
    Deadly Nightshade x1 | To quickly kill a cat
    who cannot be saved
    Tansy x0 | Cures coughs, can be used to
    Cure wounds and poisons. Stops cats from getting
    greencough. Soothes throats
    Coltsfoot x2 | Eases breathing or kitten
    cough, soothes cracked pads
    Fennel x2 | Helps pain in the hips
    Catmint x2 | Cures greencough/whitecough
    Horsetail x1 | Stops bleeding, treats
    Hawkweed x1 | Like catmint but not
    as strong

    Fresh-Kill Pile: 15 servings
    Mouse | x1 | 1 servings
    Vole | x2 | 1 servings
    Rabbit | x1 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
    Robin | x1 | 3 servings
    Blackbird | x1 | 3 servings

    Featherfur | Peachpaw
    {Climbing, Swimming, Hunting,

    Pikefang | Mudpaw
    {Climbing, Swimming, Hunting,

    Deceased Cats:
    Poppykit | Weakness
    Sedgekit | Weakness
    Rippleberry | Kitting

    Rainwhisker and Brackenfrost
    {Pikefang and Kestrelflight, Bluekit, Thistlekit,
    And Cinderkit}

    Larkpounce and Featherfur
    {Pigeontail, Owlfeather, Poppykit,

    Tinytail and Branchbelly
    {Peachpaw and Mudpaw}
    Rippleberry and Sootpelt [Aspenclan]
    {Fennelkit, Crowkit, Pebblekit, Ripplekit,
    and Goosekit}
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby SkyGold » Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:08 am

Number of Cats: 1

Russetstar stepped into his camp, the dried mud walls crowned with the roots of bare trees above. Their trunks surrounded by the black branches of snow covered bushes. He slowed his step as the brown, dead petals of flowers that lined the entrance crackled under his paws. These would look beautiful in greenleaf. he thought to himself and he jumped over the majority of the patch. Snow fell gently around him, piling up where the branches overhead did not cover. A frozen stream ran from one side of the camp to the other, its end disappearing into a hole too small for any cat but a kit to fit into. Various holes pocketed the side of the camp. He paid almost no attention to them as he looked to a path made of boulders. Dirt sloped from one rock to another making it an easy hike up them. The den that sat at the end nearly reached the top of the hallow, withered vines framing its entrance and a single, thick root curling over top. He jumped on the root and looked behind him at the camp. The clearing was empty except for the flowers he had previously stepped on, but he could imagine the thriving clan to come.

After sitting upon the high perch, he jumped down to the den entrance as the sky drew dark. His paws sunk in the sandy floor of the hole and he curled up comfortably in the center.

Soft morning light woke him along with a high whistle of wind. To the moonpool! He thought in excitement, almost tripping as he stood up and shook out his pelt. Russetstar's paws skidded down the slick rocks, his eyes fully awake. The journey there took most of the day and his paws ached as he reached the pool. The sky was beginning to dim and he decided to wait until the sun had disappeared. When it did he walked to the edge of the water and touched his nose to the surface

[Russetstar requests a deputy]

          | 30 moons | Male |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    an abandoned twoleg trail, a stream in a field, a river.
    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | a tall ridge that lines a pine forest | Echoclan | Katrione

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby ashton. » Tue Feb 28, 2017 11:32 am


Number of Cats: 23
Next Moonpool Visit: Today


"Hi there!" A mew sounded near Falconkit. "Are you awake?" The young tom slowly lifted his head, yawning and blinking the sleep out of his eyes. Shadekit was standing in front of him, a grin on her face and her tail pointing skyward with excitement. "Good morning..?" Falconkit whispered, trying not to wake his sleeping siblings and mother. "Yay, you're awake! Do you want to play with Breezekit, Cinderkit, and me?" The spotted tabby tom thought for a moment. Would Pinekit and Heatherkit be upset if he went off to play with the others and didn't tell them? "Alright," he said, having made his decision. His siblings probably wouldn't mind - and if they did, they would get over it quickly. Shadekit's face lit up. "Great!" she chirped. "Come on, Cinderkit found a little bit of moss for us to play with." As they trotted off to the corner of the nursery where Frigidrose's other two kits were already batting the moss around, Heatherkit sleepily raised her head a little. She let her eyes adjust to the morning light filtering into the nursery before looking around the den. Frowning a bit when she saw her brother had left them, she prodded Pinekit to wake him. "What is it?.." He grumbled, squirming away from his sister. Heatherkit let out an exasperated sigh. "Falconkit left us. He's playing with the others -" "What?!" Pinekit jerked his head up and looked around the nursery for the missing brother, a hurt expression appearing on his face once he found him. "Well?" Heatherkit mewed. "What are you waiting for? Let's go play, too!"

Emberstar purred as she watched the kits play. Even though Frigidrose's were a moon older, they all seemed to be getting along well and no one was left out. The leader, with a sigh, gazed out of the nursery entrance and watched as the patrols were sent out. She couldn't wait to return to that exciting life - she felt so useless stuck in the nursery. But her kits would be worth it, she knew. They would grow into such fine warriors. Speaking of warriors, she had planned on requesting another one from StarClan, but she was confined to the nursery for the time being. As she looked out at the goings-on in the camp, she spotted Willowcloud padding by. Her ears perked up as she called to the medicine cat, who came rushing in with a worried expression. Emberstar chuckled. "Oh, everything's fine, Willowcloud. I just wanted to ask if you would visit the Moonpool for me? I was hoping to request another warrior, but I obviously can't leave the camp." Willowcloud nodded. "Sure, sure! I can do that." With a mrrow of farewell, the medicine cat left the nursery and headed to her den. "Applepaw?" The ginger apprentice turned his head at the call. "Yes? What is it?" He had been talking to Birchpaw, trying to cheer him up since he was seeming a little depressed with having to be stuck in the camp all day. "I'm going to visit the Moonpool for Emberstar. Why don't you go herb hunting?" Applepaw got to his paws to pad over to the herb storage area to check what they needed. "Okay." Willowcloud turned to Birchpaw and meowed softly, "Don't worry, just a little longer, and you'll be free to go." The young tom gave a weak smile, and the medicine cat left the den.

As the larger hunting patrol left, Ashenclaw fell back to the rear of the group. He was really beginning to miss Sheepclaw, but he knew he probably shouldn't see her again for another moon perhaps. The inner struggle was starting to wear on him. Noticing something was wrong with her former mentor, Frostpath slowed down until she was padding next to him. They had grown quite close through all of their time together training, and she could usually tell if something was bothering him. "Are you alright?" she asked gently. The deputy simply shrugged. Frostpath turned her gaze away, puzzled. He couldn't be more than friends with that AsterClan deputy - he just couldn't. He was loyal to LeafClan and would always follow the warrior code. She didn't know what she would think if it turned out otherwise. She ... she would be disgusted, she knew. Disgusted that the cat who had mentored her and taught her about the warrior code and to follow it always and that breaking it could possibly lead to exile would take a mate in another Clan. She anxiously tore her thoughts away from the idea as she scented a mouse not far away. She wasn't going to let this distract her like it was distracting Ashenclaw.

[ Moonpool visit: Willowcloud, requesting a warrior
Patrol: Dustfall & Tinyfeather
Hunting: Ashenclaw, Patchthorn, Frostpath, Honeydapple, Cloudtalon & Featherpaw
Hunting: Webfang, Briardusk, Daisypaw & Foxpaw
Herb hunting: Applepaw ]


        Emberstar | 44 | F | X
        Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

        Ashenclaw | 47 | M | X

        Medicine Cat:
        Willowcloud | 36 | F | X

        Medicine Cat Apprentice:
        Applepaw | 13 | M | X

        Patchthorn | 49 | M | X
        Webfang | 53 | M | X
        Briardusk | 28 | F | X
        Tinyfeather | 40 | F | X
        Dustfall | 41 | M | X
        Frostpath | 18 | F | X
        Honeydapple | 38 | F | X
        Cloudtalon | 26 | M | X

        Daisypaw | 9 | F | X
        Foxpaw | 9 | M | X
        Birchpaw | 9 | M | X
        Featherpaw | 7 | F | X

        Frigidrose | 29 | F | X
        Emberstar | 44 | F | X

        Breezekit | 2 | F | X
        Shadekit | 2 | F | X
        Cinderkit | 2 | M | X
        Falconkit | 1 | M | X
        Pinekit | 1 | M | X
        Heatherkit | 1 | F | X



        Honeydapple & ???
        xx↪ Daisypaw, Foxpaw, Birchpaw
        Frigidrose & ???
        xx↪ Breezekit, Shadekit, Cinderkit
        Emberstar & Webfang
        xx↪ Falconkit, Pinekit, Heatherkit


        Northern | forest | BeechClan
        Southern | fields | AsterClan
        Western | river | StrikeClan
        Eastern | fields | SootClan
        Ally Clans:
        EchoClan | Katrione
        StrikeClan | sugar pixel .
        BeechClan | hazilnut
        AsterClan | hiraeth.


        Enemy Clans:


        Medicine Store:
        Alder bark | x1 | Eases toothaches
        Blackberry leaves | x1 | Eases the swelling of bee stings
        Borage Leaves | x1 | Produces more and better
        Burnet | x1 | Keeps a cat's strength up
        xxmilk, also brings down fevers
        Catmint | x5 | Best remedy for greencough, can be used
        xxfor whitecough
        Celandinr | x1 | Soothes damaged eyes
        Cobwebs | x1 | Stops (or slows) bleeding and can
        xxbe used to bind broken bones
        Comfrey root | x1 | Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds.
        xxAlso used for wrenched claws. Can be used for itching or for
        xxinflammation on stiff joints. Also eases stiffness on wrenched
        xxshoulders when lined in a nest. Can be used for burns.
        Goldenrod | x2 | Good for healing wounds
        Heather nectar | x1 | Makes swallowing easier and sweetens
        Honey | x1 | Soothes infections, is a great remedy for
        xxsmoke-damaged or sore throats, helps cats swallow other
        xxconcoctions, helps soothe coughing, and gives energy
        Horsetail | x2 | Treats infections and stops bleeding
        Juniper berries | x2 | Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, and helps
        troubled breathing.
        xxAlso used to help calm cats
        Lamb's Ear | x1 | Gives a cat strength
        Marigold | x1 | Stops infection and bleeding
        Mouse bile | x1 | Used to remove ticks embedded in pelts
        Poppy seeds | x2 | Helps a cat sleep, soothes shock
        xxor distress, and eases pain
        Ragwort leaves | x1 | Treats aching joints and keeps strength up
        Raspberry leaves | x1 | Could possibly ease pain or stop bleeding
        Rosemary | x1 | Hides the scent of death
        Snakeroot | x1 | Thought to heal poison.
        Wild garlic | x1 | Prevents infection, especially rat bites
        Yarrow | x1 | Extracts poison from wounds, will make a cat
        xxvomit up toxins, and the ointment will soften and help heal
        xxcracked pads


        Fresh-Kill Pile:
        Mouse | x4 | 1 serving
        Vole | x4 | 1 serving
        Squirrel | x4 | 2 servings
        Small fish | x2 | 2 servings
        Hare | x3 | 3 servings
        Robin | x3 | 3 servings
        Total | 19 | 38 servings


        Briardusk | Daisypaw | hunting
        Webfang | Foxpaw | hunting
        Tinyfeather | Birchpaw | hunting
        Patchthorn | Featherpaw | hunting


        Deceased Cats:
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby jouska. » Tue Feb 28, 2017 12:19 pm

Number of Cats: Eighteen | Males: Nine | Females: Nine
Next Patrol: [MST]
Next Moonpool Visit: 3/6/17
Next Kitting: N/A

[ Eaten: Woodpecker & 1/2 Squirrel ]
[ Moonpool Visit: Random Cat ]
[ Herb Hunting: Pinefur & Pebblepaw ]
[ Hunting Patrol: Lizardstream, Morningpaw, Foxstorm, Barleystorm, Aspentail, Squirrelpaw ]
[ Border Patrol: Sheepclaw & Russetpaw ]
[ Training Session: Sycamorewhisker & Darkpaw ; Waspfur & Dandelionpaw ; Oatstar & Sandpaw ; Falconflower & Sorrelpaw ]

"Stick out your tongue." Pinefur mewed jokingly as he finished putting away the last of his herbs. "I-I was kidding," The medicine cat whispered, baffled, as Sorrelpaw complied. "You'll be fine; the only thing that was injured was your pride, which you have plenty of. Run along and play with your friends, or whatever you young apprentices like to do."


"I missed you," Falconflower purred with contentment as she shared a woodpecker with Foxstorm. "Where have you been? And what happened to your ear?" Chuckling slightly, "Well, that's a-" "Ahem!" Spinning around suddenly, Falconflower noticed her apprentice standing there with a knowing smirk on his face. Embarrassed, the mentor apologized to her friend, "I'm awfully sorry." Nodding understandingly, Foxstorm watched as she left with Sorrelpaw and headed for the clearing.

"That's enough!" The leader snapped furiously as the two apprentices skittered nervously away from her. Waspfur had suggested that training all three remaining apprentices together would help catch them up with the rest of the group, but after Sycamorewhisker had complimented Dandelionpaw's hunter's crouch, she took it as permission to stop paying attention and managed to convince Darkpaw to enact in a play fight with her. "Now, we're learning to hunt not fight so if you two don't behave I'm going to have to send you straight back to camp! Do you understand me?" After they both nodded reluctantly, the group continued, but an air of disinterest still lingered.

"That's ragwort not marigold!" The medicine cat mentally face-palmed. "Ragwort is a shrub and marigold is not!" He snapped, his tail twitching to and fro in slight irritation. "I'm sorry," the young female whimpered softly. "It's okay, just-just don't do it again..." "Leafbare's just making him stressed... That's all." She thought optimistically, as she collected the plant and returned to her mentor with a mouthful of leaves to continue searching for herbs.

The pretty deputy grew slightly distracted as they neared the Leafclan border. She couldn't help but send them there today; she missed Ashenclaw, terribly. "Are you okay?" Russetpaw slowed down when he noticed his mentor lagging behind. "Oh-oh, yeah. I'm fine." Not convinced, the apprentice encouraged gently, "Well, come along then." Sheepclaw reluctantly left the border, knowing that she wouldn't be seeing Ashenclaw that day.

          Oatstar | 63 Moons | Female |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Sheepclaw | 41 Moons | Female |

          Medicine Cat:
          Pinefur | 36 Moons | Male |

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Pebblepaw | 10 Moons | Female |

          Waspfur | 33 Moons | Male |
          Lizardstream | 32 Moons | Female |
          Falconflower | 35 Moons | Female |
          Sycamorewhisker | 39 Moons | Male |
          Aspentail | 20 Moons | Male |
          Barleystorm | 36 Moons | Female |
          Foxstorm | 38 Moons | Male |

          Squirrelpaw | 9 Moons | Male |
          Russetpaw | 9 Moons | Male |
          Darkpaw | 9 Moons | Female |
          Sorrelpaw | 9 Moons | Male |
          Dandelionpaw | 9 Moons | Female |
          Sandpaw | 9 Moons | Male |
          Morningpaw | 9 Moons | Female |

          Name | Age | Gender | ❀❀
          Name | Age | Gender | ❀❀

          Name | Age | Gender | ❀❀
          Name | Age | Gender | ❀❀

          Name | Age | Gender | ❀❀
          Name | Age | Gender | ❀❀
    Fields (N) | Leafclan | Zephyrine
    River (E) | Clan | User
    Mountains (S) | Clan | User
    Forest (W) | Clan | User

    Ally Clans:
    Obsidianclan | forgetful.
    Leafclan | zephyrine
    Echoclan | Katrione

    Enemy Clans:
    Clan | User

    Medicine Store:
    Oak Leaves x 1 | Prevents infection.
    Rush x 1 | Mends broken bones.
    Wild Garlic x1 | Prevents infection.
    Dock x1 | Soothes scratches/sore pads/the pain of
    Goldenrod x1 | Good for healing wounds.
    Catmint x1 | Cures Greencough & Whitecough.
    Feverfew x1 | Reduces body temperature & heals
    Raspberry Leaves x1 | Eases pain & stops bleeding.
    Alder Bark x1 | Eases toothaches.
    Borage Leaves x1 | Produces milk & brings down fevers.
    Hawkweed x1 | Weaker version of Catmint.
    Comfrey Root x1 | Repairs broken bones, soothes
    wounds & itching, heals wrenched claws & burns,
    and eases inflammation & stiffness.
    Lavender x1 | Cures fever & chills.
    Willow Leaves x2 | Stops vomiting.
    Lamb's Ear x1 | Strength.
    Tormentil x1 | Treats wounds & extracts poisons.

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Chipmunks (Squirrels) | x1 | 2 Servings
    Chickadees (Birds) | x0 | 3 Servings
    Woodpeckers (Birds) | x0 | 3 Servings
    Squirrels | x0 | 2 Servings
    Rabbits | x0 | 2 Servings
    Eagles (Birds) | x1 | 3 Servings

    Aspentail | Squirrelpaw | 1/4
    Sheepclaw | Russetpaw| 1/4
    Sycamorewhisker | Darkpaw | N/A
    Falconflower | Sorrelpaw | 1/4
    Waspfur | Dandelionpaw | N/A
    Oatstar | Sandpaw | N/A
    Lizardstream | Morningpaw | 1/4

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Waspfur + Lizardstream = Squirrelpaw + Russetpaw
    + Darkpaw + Sorrelpaw

    Sycamorewhisker + Barleystorm = Dandelionpaw +
    Sandpaw + Morningpaw

    Sheepclaw <--> Ashenclaw
    Pebblepaw --> Sorrelpaw
    Falconflower <--> Foxstorm
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[☾] rippleclan [10]

Postby Tsukỉ » Tue Feb 28, 2017 12:32 pm


rippleclan is a reputable group of cats who thrive
in the lakeside territory. their first leader was na
med ripplestar, who set up their clan camp in the
middle of a lake: where a flourishing island stood
proud. after a horrific earthquake countless moon
s ago, the island broke up and the cats moved to,
the outer shores of the lake. they are usually non,
hostile and pacifist cats who have strong morals a
nd strict laws: those who don't follow the laws wil
l be met with steel claws. their territory expands
to the forest which they call the 'Willows" for the
overabundance of willow trees in the area. other t
hing include their lush overgrowth of berries and h
erbs. they are very medicinal and medicine cats h
old more power than in a typical clan as they are t
her only ones who can identify the rare berries wh
ich grow frequently in their territory. rippleclan!!!

number of cats // 3

patrol wrote:A prophecy.. something destroyed the hazy cloud before her eyes. A sudder later, the mist cleared, letting the light through the dust. It was now crystal-clear, the air as light as a feather.. if not like nothing. The visual weight vanished, and Beetlestar witnessed a scene. Her, besides a group of kits. No, not herself, but Hazelwish's kits. Next to a smiling.. Slateslide..?! So did her plan work out, after all? Or was it just a false dream, just placebo to cut her thoughts off? She wondered, scraping a lone paw against the ground, bitter taste in her mouth.


Hazelwish is kitting.


All avalible cats go on patrol.

((Want : 3 or 4 kits..? I want a bigger nursery though haha))


actions // beetle, slate, pertel - hunting patrol /


Beetlestar | 53 moons | female | X | #80BF80
Lives: ★★★★★★★★★
Beetlestar is bashful and shy. Her previous name was Beetlewing. Beetlestar is the "founder" of RippleClan, who had discovered the isl
and after travelling alone, as the only child of Heatherstar's decsendant. She walks around the former territories of the Clan, waiting
for others to cross her path and eventually join her. She discovered the island when she was just 'Beetle'; a dream from StarClan
brought her there. This leader is a worrisome type.

Oakhollow | 33 moons | Male | X | #808040
This deputy is not very serious compared to others. When he gets angry, he will still be smiling; albeit a change in his tone. Oakhollow
has a 'southern' speech pattern, often leaving out his g's. Formerly Ginger, he wishes to serve under his leader. He has a relatively goo
d relationship with his Clanmates, and an especially close bond with Slateslide. Frankly, the tom dislikes swimming.

Medicine Cat:
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Slateslide | 40 moons | Male | X | #404080
Slateslide is strict and certain morals. He is usually quiet and doesn't speak all that often. He is not very reluctant to punish any innapr
opriate mannerisms and will step in as a leader or deputy if either aren't present. He was the second cat in the Clan, and is very close
friends with both Oakhollow and Beetlestar, as the founding members of the Clan.

Hazelwish | 37 moons | Female | X #40FFBF
At the start, this she-cat may look shy or timid. However, this isn't the case. An independent one she is- always prepared for anything
that comes to her, and so forth. She looks quite young for her age, sounding and looking at least ten moons younger. She is always con
centraited and hardworking; her best skills being her avid observation and hunting. She is very nimble.

Pertelswoop | 15 moons | Female | #804000X
The young she-cat is a relatively weakish

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Smokekite | 68 moons | Male | X #4080BF
Smokekite, formerly a loner, and Slateslide's father. His name used to be Soot, for his dusty muzzle. He saw a kite flying in the air, an
d took the name of the bird for his suffix. Not wanting to become some sort of fighter at his age, he decided to stay in RippleClan (all
owed by Beetlestar) as the navigator, since directions are hard to find, whilst this tom has spent his entire life in this area. Smokekite
has a severe lisp after loosing some of his front canines.

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

allies and enemies of rippleclan wrote:
    RippleClan's ally is BirchClan.

relationships of rippleclan wrote:
    Other Relationships
    Beetlestar & Oakhollow are good friends
    Oakhollow & Slateslide are best friends
    Slateslide & Beetlestar are good friends
    Hazelwish & Slateslide are awkward
    Beetlestar & Hazelwish are friends
    Family Ties
    Smokekite & ??

prey & predators found in rippleclan // storage wrote:Name // Rarity // Servings // Stock

Current Population's Needs - 2 Servings Each Post. Last Eaten - 0 moon(s) ago
Female - Male Ratio 3 : 3 [6]

Minnow Very Common 1 Serving(s) 0x
Trout Uncommon due to calm waters 2 Serving(s) 0x
Small Catfish Common 2 Serving(s) 0x
Big Catfish Rare 4 Serving(s) 0x
Salmon Common 2 Serving(s) 0x
Common 2 Serving(s) 0x
Water Fowl Varying / Serving(s) 0x
  • Duck Common 2 Serving(s) 0x
  • Swans Rare 5 Serving(s) - Can injure cat, requires three to catch 0x
  • Goose Uncommon 2 Serving(s) 0x
  • Crane Rare 6 Serving(s) - Can kill cat, requires five to catch 0x

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Middle Ground - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Cats can catch and eat Falcons, Eagles, Kites, Otters, Racoons, Badgers with difficulty. Death is likely.
    Cats can speak and communicate to Lynxes, Servals, Fishing Cats, Carcals, Leopard Cats, Wildcats, and Ocelots, but some species do not occur in RippleClan territory. Those species can only be found as Twoleg's pets, if any.
    Cats will not eat each other.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PREDATORS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    This, like all other sections, is a Work-In-Progress.

herbs found in rippleclan // storage wrote: Name // Use // Cure // Rarity // Amt.

Borage LeavesIncreases milk in queens. Brings down fevers. Common - 0x
Betony Used to treat everything from migraines and neuralgia to open wounds and concussions. Rare - 0x
Burdock RootApplied to bites. Cures infections. Rare - 0x
BurnetIt is used for keeping up strength, but it is a travelling herb. Rare - 0x
CatmintRemedy for greencough. Uncommon - 0x
Cayenne PepperPrevent blood clots and stimulate production of saliva. Improves digestion Very Rare - 0x
ChervilApplied to wounds. It’s leaves cure infections, it’s roots help bellyaches. Common - 0x
ChickweedHelps treat whitecough Uncommon - 0x
CobwebsStops bleeding. - Very Common - 0x
CobnutsThey are used to create pastes, which are helpful when applying many herbs. - Very Common - 0x
ColtsfootHelps shortness of breath. Very Common - 0x
ComfreySooths wounds. Mends broken bones. - Common -0x
DockSoothes scratches. Leaves make fur slippery. - Uncommon - 0x
Dried Oak LeafStops infections. Uncommon - 0x
FeverfewCools down body temperatures for cats who have fevers or chills. Very Common - 0x
GoldenrodApplied to wounds. Rare - 0x
HoneySoothes throats. Rare - 0x
HorsetailTreats infected wounds. Very Common - 0x
Juniper BerriesSoothes bellyaches. Helps with troubles breathing. Very Common - 0x
LavenderCure’s fevers. Common - 0x
Lotus FlowerCures insomnia and haemorrhage and haemotemesis. Common - 0x
MarigoldStops infections. Common - 0x
Mouse BileUsed to remove ticks. Common - 0x
Poppy SeedsSoothes shock, distress, and eases pain. DO NOT FEED TO KITS. Unommon - 0x
Stinging NettleDispels poison. Brings down swelling. Rare - 0x
TansyCures cough. Uncommon - 0x
Tea TreeCures dandruff. Uncommon - 0x
ThymeCalms anxiety and frayed nerves. Common - 0x
WatermintHelps bellyache. Very Common - 0x
Wild garlicPrevents infections. Very Rare - 0x
YarrowApplied to wounds. Prevents infections. Expels poison. If swallowed, will make a cat vomit. Common - 0x
Adder BarrackHelps toothache. Common - 0x
AlfalfaPrevents tooth decay. Rare - 0x
Aloe VeraTreats burns and skin problems. Common - 0x
Blessed ThistleStrengthens heart & lungs; Increases circulation. Common - 0x
Bramble TwigsHelps to sleep. Uncommon - 0x
Broom Malice PoulticesApply to open wounds. Rare - 0x
CelandineStrengthens weak eyes. Very Common - 0x
ChamomileGives physical strength. Very Common - 0x
EchinaciaEases infection. Common - 0x
FernsUsed to clean out wounds. Common - 0x
GingerUsed for asthma and coughs. Uncommon - 0x
Hawthorne berriesTreats heart burns and indigestion. Rare - 0x
HuckleberryRelives muscle pain. Common - 0x
IvyCalms down body. Common - 0x
Daisy leavesSoothes aching joints. Common - 0x
Dandelion leavesCalms a cat of nervous breakdown or shock. Common - 0x
GoosegrassAlso stops bleeding. Very Common - 0x
ParsleyStops the initial flow of milk in nursing queens. Rare - 0x
Raspberry leavesEases pain during a queen’s kitting. Rare - 0x

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - POISONS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Name // Effect // Cure // Rarity // Amt.

DaturaThe delirium-inducing properties are similar to the toxic makeup of Nightshade and the effects are closely related. Extreme confusion, hallucinations, hysteria, and death are all symptoms of Datura poisoning. Rare - 0x - 4x Lotus Flowers (Tannic Acid) - 1/4 chance of working / 1x Yarrow with 1/5 chance of working
Yew Berries (Deathberries)A type of poisonous fruit that can kill a cat in seconds. Deathberries come from the dark-leaved yew bush and can be characterized by their bright red color. The berry is edible, but the seed is not. Rare - 0x - 1x Yarrow with a 1/4 chance of working
Amaryllis/Belladonna LilyVomiting, depression, diarrhea, abdominal pain, hypersalivation, anorexia, tremors. Rarity - 0x - 1x Charcoal with 1/2 chance of working

items // stuff wrote:RippleClan has no steadily availible resources, therefore they must resort to getting them on a patrol. Here are things cats can craft out of items. If a cat has no den, they are likely to get sick.

Code: Select all
[i]Moss Bed[/i] / A comforting bed made of moss. [b]A kit requires one moss, an apprentice, two, and any other rank three.[/b]
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#0080BF]Cats who need a bed[/color] - Beetlestar, Slateslide, Oakhollow
[i]Medicine Cat's Den[/i] / A big den for sickly cats. Requires [b]2x sticks, 1x moss and 3x dead leaves.[/b]
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#0080BF]Only available once Medicine Cat is achieved[/color]. Status : [u]Unmade[/u]
[i]Leader's Den[/i] / A semi-large den for the leader. Requires [b]4x sticks, 2x dead leaves[/b]
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#0080BF]Beetlestar's den is not made.[/color] Status : [u]Unmade[/u]
[i]Small Warrior's Den[/i] / A relatively small den. [b]1x moss, 1x vines, 1x willow branches[/b]
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#0080BF]Can hold up to 5 cats.[/color] Status : [u]Unmade[/u]
[color=transparent]xxxxxxx[/color][i]Medium Warrior's Den[/i] / [b]2x willow branches, 3x moss, 1x vines[/b]
[color=transparent]xxxxxxxxx[/color][color=#0080BF]Can hold up to 10 cats.[/color] Status : [u]Unavailible[/u]
[color=transparent]xxxxxxx[/color][i]Big Warrior's Den[/i] / [b]5x willow branches, 6x moss, 2x vines[/b]
[color=transparent]xxxxxxxxx[/color][color=#0080BF]Can hold up to 50 cats.[/color] Status : [u]Unavailible[/u]
[color=transparent]xxxxxxx[/color][i]Huge Warrior's Den[/i]  / [b]2x moss, 1x vines, 1x willow, 3x stones, 1x dead leaves, 2x mud[/b]
[color=transparent]xxxxxxxxx[/color][color=#0080BF]Can hold up to 100 cats.[/color] Status : [u]Unavailible[/u]
[color=transparent]xxxxxxx[/color][i]The Ultimate Warrior's Den[/i] / [b]I'll think of a way later[/b]
[color=transparent]xxxxxxxxx[/color][color=#0080BF]Can hold up to ∞ cats.[/color] Status : [u]Unavailible[/u]
[i]Elder's Den[/i] / It has to be cozy for the elders. [b]5x moss, 6x ivy bushes[/b]
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#0080BF]The Elder's den is not made.[/color] Status : [u]Unmade[/u]
[i]Apprentice's Den[/i] / Chitter-chatter, gossip! [b]1x willow branches, 2x mud, 3x vines[/b]
[color=transparent]xxxxx[/color][color=#0080BF]The Apprentice's den is not made.[/color] Status : [u]Unmade[/u]

trad / his

more about rippleclan wrote:RippleClan is the successing Clan to a MistClan, which ended shortly after their latest leader's death; Heatherstar, who was supposedly left MistClan in favor of a loner life, unable to cope with the betryal she felt after discovering one of her members being a killer- and while the details are unknown, it is said this cat had been the one that had kept previous generations from recieving nine lives, (since their previous leader had been the murderer). The ruins of MistClan decided to clear themselves of their past problems and shedded their name, becoming RippleClan and inhabiting an old island. There is a stone on the highest point of the island that is marked with an odd sign, resembling many flowers that seem intertwined with eachother; a huge circle? Medicine cats have tried to decipher what this message had meant, but they were never able to figure it out. Prey that can be found in RippleClan's territory - minnows, small fish, frogs, big fish (uncommon), ermine, water fowl. As for the first roots of RippleClan, it is said MistClan descended from the neo-Moon/LeafClan that was created as an temporary-turned-permanent alliance between the two sister Clans in battle against neo-DarkClan and neo-FlameClan. Even before this, history is barely known, but some rumors say that there were 'WillowClan', 'MarshClan', 'WinterClan' and 'PondClan'. Truth be told, no live cat knows what happened even before this, and many consider to to be the age of the first Dark-Flame-Moon-LeafClan eras, since any records of the previous Clans seem to depict them as being reborn. RippleClan's first leader, Ripplestar, is Beetlestar's grandmother. 'RippleClan' was now re-founded, but unchanged.

RippleClan traditions include- when a kit is first apprentice, their mentor will throw them into the waters to get them used to the currents(unlike their peaceful reputation, this is something to help them cope with the island's long, surrounding lake). There are very rarely any deaths, which only happens if the apprentice somehow manages to drown under supervision. RippleClanners must be strong swimmers, so that there will be less drownings. The entire camp is on a small island, therefore every cat needs the skills to paddle through the waters, or else they will never be able to travel or hunt. They have strict laws of not killing other cats- even ones in enemy Clans. They hunt prey that are sick or old, never the young, plump ones, unless they have no other choice. They respect nature and try to recycle all bedding. They have great love for their elders and any senior members, being treated with respect for their actions. Leaders of RippleClan must live in the greatest Waterfall, which connects the island's river to a large cliff, for three moons. However, since Beetlestar is the re-founding leader, and there is nobody else beforehand, she wishes to perform this after RippleClan gets a stronger foundation. All cats of RippleClan are taught how to save drowning cats and herbs to treat various common diseases. RippleClanners also do not follow traditional name rules and prefer individuality and deeper meaning. RippleClanners also only fight for honor and are very unlikely to cause disputes. They do not wish to make enemies unless they are ruthless and unlawful, which they will do anything to stop. Justice is a big part of this Clan. The need of a good healer in this Clan where you're isolated on a tiny island surrounded by a river with no immediate herbal access unless you swim, is huge. Therefore, medicine cats are treated with lots of respect. While not always, there can be two adult medicine cats at a time.

The story so far; Beetlestar has 're'-founded RippleClan on a destined island. She has found two cats, Slateslide, her first warrior, and Oakhollow, her deputy. The three of them have decided to expand their territory and discover nearby Clans. Slateslide and Oakhollow have gone out for materials and prey, the deputy getting sick and them making alliances with BirchClan.
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-= wishclan =-

Postby ghostmaker » Tue Feb 28, 2017 2:53 pm


wishclan is a amiable clan that thrives in the lush plains. their first leader was wishstar, who built wishclan after their clan was chased out by foxes. wishclan cats are kind and sincere, and will offer help to any cats passing by. of course, they are also very smart and know how to take precautions. they are usually non-hostile, yet they will protect their clanmates with their lives. their medicine cats are very close with starclan, and will sometimes receive warnings from them. wishclan's territory consists of a big meadow, with trees all around.
wishclan's main source of prey are rabbits and birds. they have nimble paws which allow them to navigate their plains home easily. there is usually a cool breeze blowing over the plains, and it is usually warm. wishclan cats have adapted to the wind and learned how to build dens without the risk of them being blown away.
wishclan is very friendly, and will rarely turn down alliances.

divider by planetless on deviant art
wishclan title by
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clan replies / 007.

Postby deimido » Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:30 pm

> Weather: A heavy snow falls, with it brings sleeping prey and cold winds, making warriors susceptible to sickness. However, it is more common to run into a cat eager to join your Clan to seek shelter from the cold.

( @vampiress_fox - your reply is here! / @Areater - your reply is here!)

WishClan | .mochi wrote:

wishclan is a amiable clan that thrives in the lush plains. their first leader was wishstar, who built wishclan after their clan was chased out by foxes. wishclan cats are kind and sincere, and will offer help to any cats passing by. of course, they are also very smart and know how to take precautions. they are usually non-hostile, yet they will protect their clanmates with their lives. their medicine cats are very close with starclan, and will sometimes receive warnings from them. wishclan's territory consists of a big meadow, with trees all around.
wishclan's main source of prey are rabbits and birds. they have nimble paws which allow them to navigate their plains home easily. there is usually a cool breeze blowing over the plains, and it is usually warm. wishclan cats have adapted to the wind and learned how to build dens without the risk of them being blown away.
wishclan is very friendly, and will rarely turn down alliances.


> A ginger-and-white cat with a prideful stride walks back to WishClan camp, a new energy filled through their body as they had just returned from getting their nine lives sent by StarClan: WishClan has a new leader!

QuartzClan | Sunnymcsun wrote:
Number of Cats: 3

(Don't really have time right this moment)
[Talonstar and Snowheart go hunting; Nightfeather is looking for herbs.]

> Talonstar managed to catch x1 shrew just before it managed to bolt back into its den, Snowheart was unable to catch anything.
> Nightfeather hummed softly to herself as she gathered herbs, coming back home with x1 wintergreen.

StreamClan | justice'n'joy wrote:
Number of Cats:29
Females: 16
Male: 16
Next Moonpool visit: 29/02/17
Next patrol: 9:49 pm NZT

Ripplestar looks at the restless kits and mothers. He has an idea. "Queens, you go on a patrol while I take the kits hunting for moss." Everyone looks excited, "We can be a kit patrol!"

"Dovepaw step forward. You excel in hunting and we appreciate your skills. You will be forever known as Dovepounce."
Dovepaw ->Dovepounce. Kit patrol. Aspenfire x Softslip Chirpfang and Lilyblaze. Border patrol and apprentices train.

(ignore aspen/soft and chirp/lily becoming mates & having kits if that's not what you wanted to happen! i was kinda confused by that action and just did what i felt like what it was implying haha)

> Ripplestar had some problems keeping all the kits together, all bundles of fluff excitedly crowding together to the point where the leader worried if he had lost any. Thankfully everyone was alright save for Toadkit, Bramblekit, and Twokit - all three complained that they weren't feeling well... You're going to need x3 feverfew in order to help them all get better.

> Softslip and Lilyblaze discovered that they're going to have kits! They happily told their mates about the news, and they'll be kitting in two real life days - (2/29)

> Your border patrol passed uneventfully, though Crowleap has come down with a cold! She will need x1 tansy.

> All apprentices learn the advanced hunting skill.
SilentClan | rainbowcatfish8888 wrote:
Number of Cats: 4

Whitewhisker opened his amber eyes to see early light beginning to filter into the warriors den. Yawning, he padded outside, the cold leaf-bare breeze ruffling his fur. "Hi Whitewhisker!" The deputy jumped, caught off guard by the sudden voice. "Hello Ivystar," he purred. "You're not usually up this early." Ivystar flicked her tail. "I couldn't sleep," she admitted. Whitewhisker's eyes widened in sympathy. He knew how terrible sleepless nights could be. "I'm sorry," he mewed. The leader simply shrugged. "So, Whitewhisker, I, uh," she began. Whitewhisker tilted his head in confusion, but said nothing. Ivystar cleared her throat and tried again. "I was wondering if we could go hunting together today," she said. When Whitewhisker didn't answer, she went on. "We've been so busy lately, with hunting and border patrols and such, I thought that because we have Brightsky now maybe-" she stopped, probably seeing the amused look on her deputy's face. "I would love to go hunting with you, Ivystar," he replied. "You're right. It would be nice to get to know you a little better." Ivystar's green eyes lit up, and then she quickly ducked her head and licked her chest fur.

"Welcome to SilentClan, Brightsky," meowed Whitewhisker, looking down at the three cats assembled below him. The calico she-cat's eyes shone with excitement and pride. "For your first patrol as warrior, you will go on a border patrol with Buzzardflight. He will show you around the territory as well," the deputy said. Buzzardflight looked outraged. "Me! But I'm a medicine cat!" he spat. Ivystar glared at him, but that wasn't enough to silence the grumpy tom. "Why can't one of you do it?" he demanded. "I will be going hunting with Ivystar," Whitewhisker said coldly, his gaze fixed on the medicine cat. Suddenly, Buzzardflight looked as though some amazing realization had dawned on him. "Ooooh," he said, glancing from Ivystar to Whitewhisker, and then back to Ivystar. "I see. Come on Brightsky." The medicine cat turned and headed out of camp, Brightsky trotting excitedly at his heels. Whitewhisker leaped down from the cliff. "You ready?" he asked Ivystar. "Of course! I'll race you to the giant pine!" she mewed, dashing out of camp as fast as she could. "Hey, no fair, you got a head start!" Whitewhisker raced after her, purring with amusement.

[hunting patrol: Whitewhisker and Ivystar]
[border patrol: Buzzardflight and Brightsky]

> Whitewhisker and Ivystar had an excitable hunting patrol, the two cats finding pleasure in being with one another whether it be racing through the pines or scouting for prey. They both returned home with x1 squirrel.

> Buzzardflight and Brightsky had a decent patrol, the former telling the new warrior what he knew about SilentClan's territory, they had also run into a cat who was willing to become a SilentClan warrior.

RuneClan | Luvdisc wrote:
Number of Cats: 2

Specklestar and the gray tabby tom talked as they made their way back to camp. "So, how did you end up here?" Specklestar asked. "Well, some cats within my old clan had a disagreement. After a while, everyone got involved, and in the end, we all went our separate ways. Soon enough, I found myself here." the tabby responded. Shortly, they found themselves in the camp. "Your den can be this area by the willow tree." Specklestar told him. "Thank you for your hospitality." he said, dipping his head." He set down some herbs that she somehow hadn't noticed him carrying before. "Let's see... Cobwebs, Comfrey Root, Dandelion, Feverfew, and Honey." he muttered as he laid them all out. Specklestar couldn't help but notice the cat looked thin. I suppose I should go hunt. she thought. "I think I'm going to go hunt. I'll see you soon," she paused for a second. "wait, I don't believe you told me your name." The tabby chuckled, "Where are my manners? I'm Rainpelt. Well, see you."

(remember to put what actions your clan is doing underneath the written part of your post! its just easier to know what i need to reply with :^0 and also to put what kind of prey runeclan hunts in the 'fresh-kill pile' in your post)

> Specklestar was curious of what Rainpelt's former Clan was like and how it escalated to the point where they had to disband, with a frown she hoped that RuneClan would not end the same way. After that she devoted her time to hunting and came back with x1 mouse.

BirchClan | .galaxy. wrote:
Number of Cats: 32
Prey Servings Needed: 6
Moonpool Visit: Feb. 28th

i'm not writing out a ceremony for 8 kits i'm sorry but thats absurd.


It was by the blessings of Starclan that they had enough cats old enough to patrol - Peachpaw and Mudpaw were more than ready to become warriors, so Featherfur suggested that they train in a more practical way and put the young cats on a patrol. The siblings seemed eager to leave the training grounds behind, especially now that it was being taken over by an absurd number of fresh apprentices. "I think I'd sooner swallow a bee than pounce around with those kits." Peachpaw said to her brother, nose crinkling in distaste at the very thought. Her words made the small brown tabby snort with laughter, nudging her playfully as he started after Pikefang. "You'd swallow a bee for a single mouse tail, featherbrain." (somewhere in the distance, Mousetail wakes up in her nest knowing that someone is tryna get hit)


again i refuse to write a training post for 8 APPRENTICES


Finchtuft had been very eager to request an apprentice - maybe his excitement came solely of the fact that he had received Ripplepaw. The little she-cat was near-identical to her mother, and had her same cool disposition. Seeing the face so familiar regard him with a calm stare sent harsh claws of grief pricking at his heart. But he would make new memories with Ripplepaw, and they'd be as close as he and Rippleberry had been. That thought eased the pain of longing that clutched his chest, enough for him to tap the little molly's forehead with his nose and lead her out of camp. "I think we'll start off simple, at least for today." He explained, ignoring the crunch of snow beneath his paws. "Leafbare means a lot of cats can get sick, and if we don't have the herbs to treat them.." The fluffy tom paused, glancing back at the young apprentice. She was watching him peacefully, her stare even and her head tilted to take in the information. Hope fluttered in his chest. "I'm going to take you through the territory and we'll identify any herbs we find. Keep an eye out for round yellow flowers - that's tansy, and it can be very useful during this season."


Brackenfrost was tucked under a small overhang in rock when Featherfur found him, the sight of the tom relaxed was what ultimately led Featherfur to approach him. Best to start off with him in a good mood. He thought sourly, letting his paws fall heavily on the snow to get his father's attention. Lazily, Brackenfrost's eyes opened, then immediately they widened in surprise. "I'm not sharing this spot." He said gruffly, kicking out his legs to take up as much of the space as possible. Irritation flickered in Featherfur's belly, but he refused to let it catch. "Tell me why you left." He said flatly, not much caring about the tired look that suddenly came over the massive tom. He looked about ready to refuse, his ears pulling back slightly, but Featherfur took a step closer and narrowed his eyes. "Tell me." He repeated, the fur along his shoulders rising.

With a defeated sigh, Brackenfrost, pulled his legs back under him and made room, nodding to the empty space beside him. Featherfur stayed where he was. The dark tabby smiled ruefully but made no comment. "I was scared." He admitted, sounding as if the confession was shameful. And it is. Featherfur thought bitterly. He left two kits. When no stinging comment came, Brackenfrost continued. "I was young. Very young, to be a father. But Moth, she - Feather she was everything I'd ever wanted." Almost unknowingly, the older tom used his rogue name and sent a chill down the gray tom's spine. Brackenfrost's bright stare fell to the ground, brow furrowed in thought. "I thought I could do it; I thought I could be a father. But when you and Kestrel were born-" Featherfur cut him off, hearing his sister's name shaking him from his trance. "You got scared and left your mate and two newborn kits." It wasn't a statement, it was an accusation. One Brackenfrost couldn't deny. "I lost my sister because of your selfishness - because of your fear. I lost my mother." He spat. Anger once again flared in his belly, and this time he did nothing to stop it. Featherfur let it build and burn until he felt it in his paws, alive and writhing. This happened every time he tried to speak with Brackenfrost, every time he tried to get answers. Brackenfrost wasn't even denying his claims, wasn't saying a word. Just letting his anger rise and buffet him. You deserve every word. Featherfur thought, not bothering to attempt and make his bristling fur lie flat as he stalked away.


Hollytuft and Robinstar had been speaking since sunrise, and most cats in camp were curious about what their leader and deputy were up to. No one - except maybe Branchbelly, but he's always ready for them to go after Tinytail - expected the pair to emerge and make a beeline for Tinytail. The confused molly was in the middle of a conversation with her mate. "Sorry Tinytail, we've got to borrow you for a few minutes." Hollytuft meowed, earning a furrowed brow from Tinytail and a look of starry eyes from Branchbelly. The small brown tom rose to his paws and touched noses with his mate before trotting off to do who knows what. Having risen into a sitting position, Tinytail dipped her head respectfully to the two. "What's this about? Did Peachpaw put thistles in someone's nest?" She joked, earning an amused snort from Robinstar. He nodded at Hollytuft and sat, letting the black molly start. "Probably, but that's not what we need to talk to you about. I'm not getting any younger, unfortunately, and someone needs to make sure this idiot doesn't run himself over a cliff." If the brown tom took any offense, he didn't show it. In fact he had to try and hide a grin. But then the realization hit, and Tinytail leapt to her paws. "Wait! Does - are you - wh-" Hollytuft raised a paw slightly to silence her, amusement glittering in her amber eyes. "Robinstar and I agreed that when I'm no longer able to perform my duties, we need an experienced cat who would be young enough to lead the clan for many moons. So far, you are the leading candidate for assuming my position."

[Cinderkit, Bluekit, Thistlekit, Fennelkit, Crowkit, Pebblekit, Ripplekit, and Goosekit are apprentices! Mentors are: Reedwhisker, Lilycloud, Kestrelflight, Toadstorm, Tinytail, Robinstar, Finchtuft, and Hollytuft respectively. can we just talk abt how im apprenticing 8 kits rn omg]
[Pikefang, Mudpaw, Featherfur, Peachpaw, Pigeontail, and Owlfeather are on a hunting patrol]
[All the apprentices train with the exception of Ripplepaw]
[Finchtuft and Ripplepaw go out to look for herbs!! baby's first day out.]
[The clan consumes 6 servings of prey - 1 rabbit, 1 squirrel, and 2 voles.]
[the last two little paragraphs are just me fleshing stuff out, no need to reply to those :3c]

> Your hunting patrol initially found it difficult to focus due to Pikefang's sneezing, after the head of the patrol told the silver tabby to return home, they came back with x1 mouse.
> Pikefang has caught a cold! Nothing serious needs to be treated, you might want to stock up on feverfew though.
> All of BirchClan's newest mentors still a little overwhelmed to due the sheer number of newly made apprentices, they stared awkwardly at all the young cats before Hollytuft decided all should spread out to different parts of the territory to give everyone some space during training. They have all learned the hunting skill.
> Finchtuft felt a rush of familiarity as Ripplepaw's silver coat walked besides him, it was almost like the medicine cat was alive and well again, though he knew it wasn't so. The young apprentice stayed quiet throughout their first outing, often pausing to inquire Finchtuft about certain herbs she had already known about. They weren't able to find any tansy, though they did come back with x2 coltsfoot

SorrelClan | SkyGold wrote:
Number of Cats: 1

Russetstar stepped into his camp, the dried mud walls crowned with the roots of bare trees above. Their trunks surrounded by the black branches of snow covered bushes. He slowed his step as the brown, dead petals of flowers that lined the entrance crackled under his paws. These would look beautiful in greenleaf. he thought to himself and he jumped over the majority of the patch. Snow fell gently around him, piling up where the branches overhead did not cover. A frozen stream ran from one side of the camp to the other, its end disappearing into a hole too small for any cat but a kit to fit into. Various holes pocketed the side of the camp. He paid almost no attention to them as he looked to a path made of boulders. Dirt sloped from one rock to another making it an easy hike up them. The den that sat at the end nearly reached the top of the hallow, withered vines framing its entrance and a single, thick root curling over top. He jumped on the root and looked behind him at the camp. The clearing was empty except for the flowers he had previously stepped on, but he could imagine the thriving clan to come.

After sitting upon the high perch, he jumped down to the den entrance as the sky drew dark. His paws sunk in the sandy floor of the hole and he curled up comfortably in the center.

Soft morning light woke him along with a high whistle of wind. To the moonpool! He thought in excitement, almost tripping as he stood up and shook out his pelt. Russetstar's paws skidded down the slick rocks, his eyes fully awake. The journey there took most of the day and his paws ached as he reached the pool. The sky was beginning to dim and he decided to wait until the sun had disappeared. When it did he walked to the edge of the water and touched his nose to the surface

[Russetstar requests a deputy]

> The spirits of StarClan surrounded the sun-colored tom as he made his request, listening quietly as Russetstar meowed. After the leader was done, a tall figure approached him and touched their nose to his head, where he woke up on the cold stone ground on the Moonpool shortly after. Unlike before, the tom did not feel the least bit tired from his journey but rather.. energized instead. Shaking himself off, Russetstar began to make the long trek home, where he ran into a cat with the cream-colored pelt halfway there. The two cats stared at each other in recognition, the unnamed feline said that they were sent to find him while the leader immediately knew: this was the deputy StarClan had sent to help him lead his Clan.

AsterClan | hiraeth. wrote:
Number of Cats: Eighteen | Males: Nine | Females: Nine
Next Patrol: [MST]
Next Moonpool Visit: 3/6/17
Next Kitting: N/A

[ Eaten: Woodpecker & 1/2 Squirrel ]
[ Moonpool Visit: Random Cat ]
[ Herb Hunting: Pinefur & Pebblepaw ]
[ Hunting Patrol: Lizardstream, Morningpaw, Foxstorm, Barleystorm, Aspentail, Squirrelpaw ]
[ Border Patrol: Sheepclaw & Russetpaw ]
[ Training Session: Sycamorewhisker & Darkpaw ; Waspfur & Dandelionpaw ; Oatstar & Sandpaw ; Falconflower & Sorrelpaw ]

"Stick out your tongue." Pinefur mewed jokingly as he finished putting away the last of his herbs. "I-I was kidding," The medicine cat whispered, baffled, as Sorrelpaw complied. "You'll be fine; the only thing that was injured was your pride, which you have plenty of. Run along and play with your friends, or whatever you young apprentices like to do."


"I missed you," Falconflower purred with contentment as she shared a woodpecker with Foxstorm. "Where have you been? And what happened to your ear?" Chuckling slightly, "Well, that's a-" "Ahem!" Spinning around suddenly, Falconflower noticed her apprentice standing there with a knowing smirk on his face. Embarrassed, the mentor apologized to her friend, "I'm awfully sorry." Nodding understandingly, Foxstorm watched as she left with Sorrelpaw and headed for the clearing.

"That's enough!" The leader snapped furiously as the two apprentices skittered nervously away from her. Waspfur had suggested that training all three remaining apprentices together would help catch them up with the rest of the group, but after Sycamorewhisker had complimented Dandelionpaw's hunter's crouch, she took it as permission to stop paying attention and managed to convince Darkpaw to enact in a play fight with her. "Now, we're learning to hunt not fight so if you two don't behave I'm going to have to send you straight back to camp! Do you understand me?" After they both nodded reluctantly, the group continued, but an air of disinterest still lingered.

"That's ragwort not marigold!" The medicine cat mentally face-palmed. "Ragwort is a shrub and marigold is not!" He snapped, his tail twitching to and fro in slight irritation. "I'm sorry," the young female whimpered softly. "It's okay, just-just don't do it again..." "Leafbare's just making him stressed... That's all." She thought optimistically, as she collected the plant and returned to her mentor with a mouthful of leaves to continue searching for herbs.

The pretty deputy grew slightly distracted as they neared the Leafclan border. She couldn't help but send them there today; she missed Ashenclaw, terribly. "Are you okay?" Russetpaw slowed down when he noticed his mentor lagging behind. "Oh-oh, yeah. I'm fine." Not convinced, the apprentice encouraged gently, "Well, come along then." Sheepclaw reluctantly left the border, knowing that she wouldn't be seeing Ashenclaw that day.

> StarClan has heeded your request, a warrior was sent to join your Clan.
> Pebblepaw scouted for any signs of living marigold, trying her best to ignore how tense her mentor had grown by the sour frown on his face and his swishing tail. The apprentice's green eyes lit up as she recognized the vibrant yellow of marigold sticking out from the blinding white of snow. She grabbed x2 marigold carefully before returning to Pinefur.
> Morningpaw successfully leaped and caught x1 woodpecker in mid-air, Lizardstream proudly congratulating her apprentice's catch.
> Russetpaw could tell his mentor was feeling down, so he tried to tell her any kind of funny stories that came to his mind while they were patrolling, he was happy to know that some got Sheepclaw to crack a smile. Other than that, your border patrol was uneventful.
> Dandelionpaw and Darkpaw managed to behave during their training session, both them and the rest of the apprentices successfully learned the hunting skill.

RippleClan | artemịs wrote:A prophecy.. something destroyed the hazy cloud before her eyes. A sudder later, the mist cleared, letting the light through the dust. It was now crystal-clear, the air as light as a feather.. if not like nothing. The visual weight vanished, and Beetlestar witnessed a scene. Her, besides a group of kits. No, not herself, but Hazelwish's kits. Next to a smiling.. Slateslide..?! So did her plan work out, after all? Or was it just a false dream, just placebo to cut her thoughts off? She wondered, scraping a lone paw against the ground, bitter taste in her mouth.


Hazelwish is kitting.


All avalible cats go on patrol.

((Want : 3 or 4 kits..? I want a bigger nursery though haha))

> Hazelwish could feel her heart pound harshly against her chest as she kitted, she breathed heavily and was hardly aware of anything besides the pain. After what seemed like forever, the tired mother was now affectionately looking at her four newborn kittens - (x) (x) (x) (x)
> Beetlestar, Oakhollow, Slateslide, and Pertelswoop found a warrior during their patrol, a solid gray cat looking out into the horizon.
Last edited by deimido on Thu Mar 02, 2017 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby justice'n'joy » Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:54 pm

Number of Cats:29
Females: 16
Male: 16
Next Moonpool visit: 29/02/17
Next patrol: 9:49 pm NZT

Crowleap looks gratefully at the two young queens. "Thank StarClan the eight little ones shall be out out of the way by the time yours arrive!"

Sockleaf searches for the needed herbs.

Stormpaw sneaks out to look for EchoClan.
herb searching, Stormpaw sneaks out to find EchoClan. Border patrol and apprentices train.

          Ripplestar |72 moons | tom |protective|silver tabby with green eyes
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Gingerflash|61 moons| male|loyal|white cat with ginger splashes and green eyes

          Medicine Cat:
          Flintberry |45 moons|female|shy|grey cat with green eyes

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Sockleaf|17 moons|tom|perfectionist|ginger tom with white paw

          Ashflower | 69 moons | she-cat |wise|grey cat with amber eyes
          Emberflame|69 moons|tom|carefree|grey cat with blue eyes
          Dapplefeather | 61 moons |anxious|female |tortoiseshell with blue eyes
          Tigerwing|59|tom|rude|dark brown tabby with amber eyes
          Ravenstrike| 49 moons|tom|strong| scruffy black cat with white dash on chest
          Mallowsplash|44 moons | tom|mischevious|black and white cat with green eyes
          Ambergaze |44 moons | female|helpful|black and white cat with amber eyes
          Brighteyes|43 moons|male| friendly |ginger cat with bright blue eyes
          Featherstorm|39 moons|she-kit|bossy|tortoiseshell wit h green eyes
          Cloverstep|39 moons|she-kit|goody-two-paws |white cat with ginger splashes and blue eyes
          Crowleap|32 moons| she-cat |mute|sleek black cat with amber eyes
          Mossflight|33 moons|tom|optimistic| tortoiseshell with green eyes
          Minnowleap|32 moons|tom|brave|silver tabby with blue eyes
          Pebblefrost|32 moons|tom|sweet | grey cat with green eyes
          Bigears|24 moons|tom|fast|gangly white cat with blue eyes and big ears.
          Honeyblossom|22 moons|she-cat|outgoing|bright ginger cat with grey eyes
          Aspenfire|19 moons|tom|nice|brown tabby with amber eyes
          Softslip|17 moons|she-cat|spoilt|fluffy white cat with blue-grey eyes
          Chirpfang|18 moons|tom|loud|fluffy ginger cat with blue eyes
          Lilyblaze|17 moons|female|shy|black and white cat with amber eyes
          Dovepaw|12 moons| female| honest| delicate silver tabby with blue eyes

          Stormpaw|10 moons|female|speedy|silver tabby with blue eyes
          Cherrypaw|10 moons|female|funny|tortoiseshell with green eyes
          Bouncepaw|10 moons|male|kind|brown tabby with grey eyes and missing hind leg

          Skyfrost|47 moons|she-cat|motherly|white cat with blue eyes
          Crowleap|35 moons|female|mute|sleek black cat with amber eyes
          Featherstorm|38 moons|she-kit|bossy|tortoiseshell with green eyes
          Honeyblossom|20 moons|she-cat|outgoing|bright ginger and white cat with blue eyes
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Galekit|5 moons|she-cat|cunning|sleek black cat with blue eyes
          Rabbitkit|5 moons|tom|sly|black and white cat with green eyes
          Toadkit|4 moons|she-cat|playful|brown tabby with green eyes
          Bramblekit|4 moons|tom|loyal|fluffy brown tabby with blue eyes
          Skipkit|4 moons|she-cat|jumpy|sleek pale ginger cat with green eyes
          Buckkit|4 moons|tom|gentle|dark brown tabby with overbite and amber eyes
          Twokit|4 moons|tom|snobbish|fluffy black and white cat with ginger splash on face
          Splashkit|4 moons|she-cat|kind|plump white cat with ginger splashes
          Tallkit|2 moons|tom|helpful|ginger and white cat with long legs and blue eyes
          Minkkit|2 moons|she-cat|sensitive|deaf white cat with blue eyes

          Flashtail |121 moons | tom |funny|old white cat with ginger splashes and green eyes
          Pixie|116 moons|she-cat|wise|lithe old black cat with big blue eyes,
          Blacktail|101 moons|tom|moody|white cat with black stumpy tail
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    SageClan|north pine forest|Kaden|alliance
    TumbleClan|east pine forest|dinolil1|alliance
    EchoClan|west forest with gorge|Katrione|enemy
    FlurryClan|south forest with clearings|Nyeh Heh Heh!!|unknown
    CherryClan|southwest forest with streams|simonpet|unknown
    PineClan|northeast pine forest|void gear/solgaleo|enemy

    Medicine Store
    1x Mouse bile| gets rid of ticks
    1x Catmint | greencough
    1x Poppy seeds| sothes cats
    2x Stinging nettles |seeds help poisons, leaves stop swelling
    1x Tansy|cures coughs
    2x juniper berries|soothes belly-aches
    1x chamomile|soothes cats, is a good travelling herb
    1x yarrow leaves|made into a poultice for scratches, then put leaves in nest
    1x Feverfew| helps a cat with a fever
    1x borage| helps a queen
    1x sorrel | I'm not really sure

    Prey Pile
    Rabbit|2x|2 servings
    Vole|1x |1 serving
    Fish|2x|2 servings
    sparrow |2x |1 serving
    Squirrel |2x| 2 servings

    Gingerflash| Amberpaw| 4 training sessions| hunting, battle, climbing, swimming
    Spplashfur| Mallowpaw| 4 training sessions| hunting, battle, climbing, swimming
    Ripplestar|Featherpaw|4 training lessons|swimming, hunting, fighting , speed
    Ravenstrike|Cloverpaw|4 training lessons|swimming, hunting, fighting,
    Emberflame|Mosspaw|4 training lessons|battle, speed, stalking, hunting
    Mallowsplash|Minnowpaw|speed, stalking hunting, battle
    Ambergaze| Pebblepaw|speed, stalking, hunting, battle
    Pebblefrost|Honeypaw|1training lessons |battle, climbing, herb recognition

    Brighteyes|Softpaw|battle, tracking, hunting, advanced battle
    Cloverstep|Chirppaw|battle, climbing, hunting, advanced battle
    Gingerflash|Lilypaw|battle, swimming, hunting, advanced battle
    Ashflower|Dovepaw|battle, hunting, swimming, tracking
    Chirpfang|Stormkit|hunting,battle, advanced hunting
    Softslip|Cherrypaw|hunting,fighting, advanced hunting
    Aspenfire|Bouncepaw|hunting, fighting, advanced hunting

    Deceased Cats:
    Maplekit|5 moons at death|would be 38 moons now|tom|follower|killed by dog|calico cat with blue eyes|haunts the nursery
    Splashfur|55 moons at death|would be 59 moons now|she-cat|kind|blood loss during kitting|plump white cat with ginger splashes|haunts the nursery
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Ripplestar and Ashflower|\|Flintberry, Mallowsplash and Ambergaze, Minnowkit and Pebblekit
    Dapplefeather and Gingerflash|Featherstorm, Maplekit and Cloverstep
    Splashfur and Tigerwing
    Ambergaze and Brighteyes
    Mallowsplash and Appleblossom of FlurryClan|Skykit
NZ ~ any pronouns ~ August 4
Hello! I'm just a human living in New Zealand, but
I was born in Michigan, USA. I've loved warrior cats
for five years now. Glass Animals, Twenty One Pilots
and Two Door Cinema Club are my favourite bands.
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[pineclan.] [038.]

Postby deimido » Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:04 pm

"From the tiny seeds we sow, we grow!"
Number of Cats: 22 | Toms: 11 | Mollies: 11
Next Moonpool Visit: -
Next Border Patrol: 3:04 PM. [MST]

It had been an uncomfortable walk to PineClan, for both the leader and the young cat who was trailing behind her, staring at his new leader with an uneasy look in his big green eyes. He had no idea what he did wrong to offend her, but it hurt to know that she already disliked him. With a sad whimper, the black tom stared at his paws as he continued to the follow the molly, unaware of the silent gasp that left Shadowstar's mouth as she turned her head to look back at him. Her eyes grew dark and a frown settled on her face once more as she looked forward again, even the tiniest sounds of the cat's throat reminded her too much of Molekit, a heavy pain griped her heart as her son's image appeared in her memory - his weak mews and pained whimpers still rang loudly through her head even though he had been gone for moons now.

...And now a cat had been given to her that looked so eerily similar to her lost kit that it made the memories even harder to bare, Shadowstar's jaws clenched into the beginnings of a snarl, StarClan is too cruel.


Several sunrises had passed ever since the young black tom, scornfully named 'Ratpaw' by the leader as she viewed him as a pest, had joined PineClan. Ratpaw did not even have a complete apprentice ceremony nor a warm welcome to the Clan as they were busy recovering and getting their wounds checked by both Weaselstorm and Shadepaw, the latter felt too sick to her stomach to see the bleeding pelts of her Clanmates that she felt too overwhelmed by it all and began to wail at the top of her lungs until Skunknose quickly rushed to her side and lead her out of camp, whispering words of comfort into the molly's ears. Shadowstar had been enraged upon seeing the damage done to her Clan, blaming EchoClan for their state despite that no one from that Clan had set a paw on them.

It had actually been TumbleClan, StreamClan, and ReedClan who had found against them - hearing that their allies from ReedClan assisted those from TumbleClan enraged the leader even further. Her sharp claws scored deep marks on the ground when she heard the news, snarling that they were supposed to their allies and how disgusting it was that Troutstar decided to side with someone other than them. The tiniest bit of comfort was attempted when Mintclaw had said that JinxClan willingly came to help them, though it was in vain as Shadowstar's mind was still on ReedClan's betrayal. Her mood had been bitter and snappy ever since, tail lashing from anger constantly and growling under her breath. Mintclaw decided to stay away.

Mintclaw had been talking to Rowanpelt and Ratpaw about their training, Shadowstar had not formally given the tom a mentor, so it was up to the deputy to choose one suitable for the apprentice. She had settled on Rowanpelt, the tom was fair and kind, surely he'd make Ratpaw's experience in PineClan much better then how he was initially welcomed. The leader stalked out of her den and stared coldly at the black apprentice, Ratpaw gulped as he could feel her harsh gaze directed right at him, though thankfully his mentor lead him to go training before he had to bear it even more. Shadowstar padded up to Mintclaw just as the two left, unaware of how the deputy tensed at her presence. "I've decided: I will never bow to StarClan ever again, I can't believe I trusted in them as long as I had." She stated, her voice cold and empty.

Mintclaw gasped, but before she could say anything Shadowstar raised her voice so that all in the camp's clearing could hear. "Do you hear me? PineClan will never trust in StarClan again! We trust in ourselves and ourselves only!" She declared, causing for caterwauls of protest to erupt from the formally quiet camp. Weaselstorm pushed Shadepaw inside the medicine cat den while she stared at her mother in shock, the tom stormed up to the leader to beat some sense in her head, though he blocked by Skunknose's feathery tail and her warning glance before she herself padded up to the leader calmly. "Shadowstar, what you ask of us to do is absurd, we can't just abandon our ancestors like that. If we don't have StarClan to guide us we're lost." The molly mewed, flinching back as Shadowstar hissed in her face, the fur along her neck rising.

"And why should I ever listen to a word you say? I've lost all respect for you ever since you gave birth to those two heathens you call sons." Shadowstar snarled through yellowed teeth, making both Skunknose and Weaselstorm gasp in shock over how threatening the leader looked and how referred to both Magpiewhisker and Aspenheart. Weaselstorm's hackles raised, ready to shout over how ridiculous the leader was acting, though he stopped as soon as Shrikeface pushed past him and shielded Skunknose with body, his yellow stare venomous as stared at Shadowstar. Magpiewhisker and Aspenheart followed, standing behind their mother protectively, Aspenheart's glare was just as angry as his father's while his brother rubbed his cheek against Skunknose's in comfort.

"One more word offending Skunknose or my sons, and I won't hesitate to kill you." Shrikeface threatened, Shadowstar scoffed in response and craned her neck upwards to give Shrikeface easy access to do as he said. "Good ahead and try, I'd still have seven lives regardless of what you'd do." She mewed lowly, Mintclaw hissed and disregarded any respect for her leader as she shoved her away from his brother, a smirk on her face as Shadowstar gasped in surprise as she hadn't expected for her deputy to get involved. "Watch your tongue, Shadow. That's my brother and family you're up against." She surprised herself at how she lacked in saying Shadowstar's suffix, knowing well that it meant she held no respect for her leader, and to be honest she certainly did not.

She missed the prideful look on her brother's face as he watched her continue to shove the leader out of camp, it had been so long since she had acknowledged Shrikeface as her kin - it was nice to hear that again from her. Shadowstar hissed continuously as Mintclaw pushed her, but she had grown so weak over the past few moons that it was helpless to defend herself against the stronger molly. She made a grunt of pain as the deputy gave her a harsh enough shove to send her to the ground outside of PineClan camp, snarling up at the gray-and-white feline as she stared at her pitifully. "Come back when you begin acting like a leader again." Mintclaw meowed, her yellow-green stared on Shadowstar as the black cat got up to her paws and sprinted away.

When Mintclaw was sure that Shadowstar vanished, she heaved out a sigh she had been holding and felt her paws grow wobbly as she head back inside camp, feeling anxious as her Clanmates stared at her with wide-eyes - she hadn't been aware of how everyone was watching how she dealt with their leader. She felt worried of what they thought of her as they continued to gaze silently, Larkclaw had been the first to break the silence and cheer her name, the rest of PineClan's members following after him. Mintclaw laughed awkwardly as she didn't know how to take the attention, but the positive reaction from her Clan filled her with relief. When the crowd died down, she began to conduct patrols as usual and thoughts of what to do when Shadowstar returned.

'I have to challenge her for leadership, StarClan knows what she'll do if she stays in power.'

Actions wrote:> Training: Ratpaw
> Border Patrol: Lizardstripe, Laurelcloud, Larkclaw
> Hunting Patrol: Duckfoot, Wasptail, Skunknose

    Shadowstar. | 79. | molly. |
    solid black molly with yellow eyes.
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★

    Mintclaw. | 57. | molly. |
    gray-and-white molly with yellow-green eyes.

    Medicine Cat:
    Weaselstorm. | 42. | tom. |
    brown-and-white tom with ice-blue eyes.

    Medicine Cat Apprentice:
    Shadepaw. | 9. | molly. |
    solid black molly with blue eyes.

    Duckfoot.| 58. | tom. |
    white-and-brown tabby tom with green eyes.
    Shrikeface. | 57. | tom. |
    gray-and-white tom with yellow eyes.
    Skunknose. | 55. | molly. |
    gray-and-white molly with yellow-green eyes.
    Wasptail. | 45. | molly. |
    ginger tabby molly with yellow eyes.
    Rowanpelt. | 40. | tom. |
    russet-colored tom with yellow eyes.
    Minkcloud. | 38. | molly. |
    chocolate tabby molly with yellow eyes.
    Comfreyfang. | 38. | molly. |
    gray-and-white tabby molly with blue eyes.
    Lizardstripe. | 27. | tom. |
    brown tabby tom with green eyes.
    Larkclaw. | 27. | tom. |
    brown-and-black tabby tom with copper eyes.
    Magpiewhisker. | 26. | tom. |
    black-and-white tom with yellow-green eyes.
    Aspenheart. | 26. | tom. |
    gray tabby tom with green eyes.
    Laurelcloud. | 15. | molly. |
    solid white molly with blue eyes.

    Ratpaw. | 9. | tom. |
    solid black tom with green eyes.

    Fawnfur. | 25. | molly. |
    light brown molly with green eyes.
    Name | Age | Gender |

    Juniperkit. | 4. | tom. |
    gray-and-white tom.
    Egretkit. | 4. | tom. |
    white tom with a gray patch on his head.
    Orchidkit. | 4. | molly. |
    solid pale gray molly.
    Acornkit. | 3. | molly. |
    brown-and-white molly.

    Name | Age | Gender |
    Name | Age | Gender |

    BlazeClan | shimmerstream | Northern | unaffiliated.
    ReedClan | Areater | Western | allies.
    SilentClan | rainbowcatfish8888 | Southern | unaffiliated.
    JinxClan | vampiress_fox | Eastern | allies.
    StreamClan | justice'n'joy | Northwestern | enemies.
    FlurryClan | Nyeh Heh Heh!! | Northeastern allies.

    Fresh-kill Pile:
    [Clan can have five servings of prey at the moment.
    Clan will eat in two more posts.]
    wrens | 3 servings. [x1]
    thrushes | 3 servings. [x2]
    squirrels | 2 servings. [x3]
    rabbits | 2 servings. [x0]
    mice | 1 serving. [x5]
    voles | 1 serving. [x5]
    sparrows | 3 servings. [x4]

    Medicine Store:
    borage leaves | produces more milk, brings down fevers. [x1]
    broom | used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds. [x1]
    burdock root | heal & prevent infection of rat bites. [x1]
    catmint | white/green/blackcough. [x1]
    celandine | soothes damaged eyes. [x1]
    chamomile | traveling herb, strengthens the heart and soothes the mind. [x1]
    chervil | infected wounds and bellyache, can also be used during kitting. [x1]
    chickweed | for greencough. [x1]
    cobwebs | bleeding, broken bones. [x7]
    comfrey root | broken bones, wrenched claws, itching, inflammation. [x2]
    daisy leaves | traveling herb, also for aching joints. [x1]
    deathberries | used to kill other cats. [x1]
    dock | soothes scratches & sore pads. [x2]
    feverfew | for fevers, chills, aches, pain, & especially good for headaches. [x1]
    goldenrod | for healing wounds. [x1]
    honey | soothes infections & sore throats. [x2]
    horsetail | treats infections & stops infections. [x1]
    lavender | fever & chills. [x2]
    marigold | stops infection & bleeding, for inflammation of stiff joints. [x1]
    mouse bile | used to remove ticks. [x1]
    poppy seeds | brings sleep, eases distress & pain. [x2]
    snakeroot | thought to heal poison. [x1]
    sorrel | traveling herb, can also build up appetite. [x1]
    sticks | distracts cats from pain. [x1]
    stinging nettle | induces vomiting or brings down swelling. [x1]
    sweet-sedge | eases infection. [x1]
    tansy | cures coughs, as well as wounds and poisons. [x2]
    thyme | calms nervousness, anxiety, & cats who are in shock. [x2]
    watermint | for bellyaches. [x1]
    yarrow | extracts poison from wounds. [x1]

    Apprentice Training:
    Rowanpelt | Ratpaw | 0 | - - - -

    Mates + Families:
    Shrikeface and Skunknose | Magpiewhisker & Aspenheart.
    Owlfur and Shadowstar | Molekit & Shadepaw.
    Magpiewhisker and Fawnfur | Acornkit.

    Deceased Cats:
    Molekit | 2. | fading kitten syndrome.
    Owlfur | 67. | fox attack.
Last edited by deimido on Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:07 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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