Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

SpruceClan | 13

Postby ponz » Fri May 29, 2020 9:55 am

clan population: 26 | next starclan visit: may 28th (today) | servings: 05 | mod: katrione | pebbles: 75 | archive: x

The scent of soft earth and sound of birdsong followed her as they made their way towards the lake, birch and aspen trees providing some cover from the gentle heat of the greenleaf sun. Sparrowtail's darker coat pressed against her side was familiar, a habit built since their earliest days as apprentices together, after the ex-kittypet had stumbled his way into the open stream face-first and she'd tried to keep him warm. Heathersong smiled, happy to be walking with him. Perhaps today would be the day she'd risk it all and tell him, but for now, his pleased humming and company was enough.

Before her, the trees grew spindly and dark, their bark peeling and trunks swaying as she went. Some part of her mind wanted to be alarmed by this, by how they split and fell and melted into the earth, but instead, Heathersong just moved onwards, side brushing against Sparrowtail's mischeviously. "It's a beautiful day," she said, but her eyes were trained on Sparrowtail's face and not the land around them.

"We're here," Sparrowtail said in reply, tilting his head towards what was before them. The tall, fire-blackened trees looked ready to crumble to ash at the slightest breeze. Around the lake, countless bodies were spread, bloodied and battered and broken, rogues and loyal cats alike. Marshstar's glassy eyes, Berryclaw's blood-splattered fur, Rabbitpaw's mangled throat, Dapplefur and Deerfoot and Mothgaze and Whitespeckle and more fallen friends than she could possibly hope to count. Dead, gone, scattered through the clearing without care.

"What is this?" Heathersong managed to choke out, her stomach churning violently as awareness came to her once more. She already knew the answer to her own question. "No, this can't be happening. Not again." She glanced to Sparrowtail— Sparrowstar?— but there was something ever so slightly off about him. Namely, the wide, eerie grin he wore like a crown.

"That's funny," said not-Sparrowtail, an unnatural laugh falling from his mouth as his black-and-white coat blurred before her eyes. The friendly face warped into something scarred and smirking, laughter twisting into something crueler as a massive dark tabby with cold eyes now towered over her. Heathersong froze, unable to back away as Sharptalon grinned at her, even despite the hatred in his gaze. "Why aren't you laughing?"

"No," she gasped, "No, you're dead, you can't hurt us anymore." As she backpedaled, the ground beneath her feet grew sticky and wet, and one glance down showed the lake's water stained red with blood. Pained screeches and terrified howls of cats fighting rang in her ears. "You're dead!" Heathersong wailed, squeezing her eyes shut tightly. "Please, stop, go away! Sparrowstar!"

"Wake up," said Sharptalon, still chuckling. "Wake up, Heathersong. Wake up."

With a frightened cry, the red tabby shot to her feet, chest heaving. It was still dark out, since the only light in the caves was a faint silver moon's glow. Gingerly, Heathersong stepped out of her rumpled nest, shaking the moss she'd shredded up in her sleep from her claws, and padded quietly out of the warrior's den. Each step on cold stone and not soft, grassy earth was a wake-up call, but it wasn't enough to settle the trembling of her paws, to soothe rattled nerves after one of her more vivid dreams. She needed to see, just to be sure.

It didn't take too long to find the mouth of his den, so deep in the caves that she couldn't hear the gentle croaking of crickets outside. The only thing she could hear was the thrum of a nervous heartbeat in her ears. Sure enough, Sparrowstar was tightly coiled in his own nest, limbs knotted up in a ball as he snored. Heathersong smiled softly, but as she turned to leave, a rustling sound behind her caught her attention once more. The black-and-white tom rolled over, stretching out slowly, before blinking at her in thinly-veiled confusion.

"I'm sorry to wake you," she apologized, voice a low murmur, "I needed to see that you were alright."

"S'alright," Sparrowstar yawned, fangs on full display. His yellow eyes were still cloudy with sleep. "Nightmare?" He shifted in his moss-and-pine nest again, patting the woven bundle he laid in gently. Heathersong nodded without a word, her red fur hardly more than a dull grey in the night. "C'mere," he said finally, stifling another yawn as his words slurred together. That same white paw patted the edge of the nest once more. "Y'had a nightmare. Sleep, Heather." She just smiled in quiet gratitude, curling up against his side. Her breath skipped a bit as the tom smiled sleepily, resting his own head on the hollow of her back. "G'night," he said, more of a sigh that a clear word, as his eyes finally fluttered shut.

"Goodnight, Sparrow," she whispered into the darkness. He didn't respond, but the rise and fall of his breathing was reassuring enough to lull her into a contented sleep.


Smokestep hadn't stopped purring since the moment Applefall had welcomed him back into the nursery. Nightfang didn't protest as the grey tabby wrapped himself around her, grooming her mussed black fur and cooing at the two kits by her side. She just smiled, tired but content. "I'm jus' so happy," he murmured, staring with teary eyes at the mewling kit that most resembled him. "They're perfect, Night. I think I might cry."

"They need names," she said, nuzzling the forehead of the grey she-kit with a white belly, and was rewarded by the tiny kitten yawning widely, showing off her tiny white teeth. The other kit, a little tom with brown-grey fur and similarly dark stripes, was already fast asleep. "Why don't you name one?"

Smokestep paused, smiling fondly at Nightfang as he mulled it over. "I had a sister. She didn't make it past kithood, but 'er name was Ashes. Maybe the lil' grey one could— nah, that's silly, I'm sure there's a better name for her." He shook his head, backing away from the idea sheepishly. "They don't need to grow up livin' someone else's life for them."

"I like Ashkit," Nightfang said firmly, stopping his apologetic rambling in its tracks. "That's a wonderful name, Smoke." He smiled again, touched, and gave the newly-named Ashkit a gentle nudge. "And what about the other one? Any ideas?"

"Aww, Night, you should really name him," the warrior said, insistent. "He's your son, too!"

Nightfang laughed. "Fine, fine. How about Cinder?" she offered. "It matches Ashkit's name. Do you like that?"

"I do," Smokestep purred, pressing his forehead to hers once more. Cinderkit's little flank rose and fell with every breath, and Ashkit finally wriggled closer to her brother and the warmth of her mother's side, falling asleep almost instantly with her face smooshed into Cinderkit's thicker fur. Smokestep cooed at the kits again, unable to help himself. "Cinderkit and Ashkit. I love them. I love you."

"I love you, too," she said, stifling a yawn, though the sentiment was no less true for it. She smiled fondly as his ears twitched with pride. "Now get cozy, it's late, and you should get some sleep." Obediently, the grey tom snuggled in further to her side, curled protectively around the three most important cats in his life, and it was in that position that he finally drifted off to sleep.


"Are you sure this is alright?" Cloudchaser whispered to Redwhisker, careful not to be too loud. "Being here, I mean." Her white fur, stark against the darker stone walls, seemed to call attention to her despite how carefully she moved to avoid it. Her ears flattened instinctively as unfamiliar eyes followed their trail. "I'm not from this clan like you are."

"I think you're just being paranoid," the elder sniffed, limping slightly as he kept one foot from brushing the ground. Cloudchaser shrugged wordlessly, though she did not step away from his side as she did her best to support his weight. The grumpy calico who smelled heavily of plants and flora was on his other side, matching her step-for-step as they moved the stubborn, injured elder into the healer's den. "SpruceClan's all good cats. Relax those shoulders, kid. I've got things under control."

"That's rich, coming from you," the calico butted in suddenly. Cloudchaser couldn't help her fur from spiking with alarm— she had always been easily spooked. His frustrated rant continued. "Redwhisker, we all thought you were dead. Now you show up here with your leg all mangled and perfectly alive over twelve moons later? Stars, how have you not died yet?"

At that, the old tom laughed. "I'm hardly as fragile as you think, Applefall," he said, chuckling. "Don't forget which one of us gave young Sparrowtail a good thrashing in combat, even at my age." Applefall glowered, but relented, letting the elder lie down on the patient's nest as he trotted off, calling for his apprentice. "See?" Redwhisker said smugly, eyeing his young companion. "You'll be fine, they didn't even bat an eye."

"Hello, new cat! Hello, Mr. Redwhisker!" a young voice called, just as the calico returned with a small golden tabby at his side. The little tabby grinned. "I'm Honeypaw. You're in good paws. We'll have you fixed up in no time!"

Applefall muttered the names of some herbs to the apprentice by his side, and she bounced off into the back of the den to find them as the more experienced tom began inspecting the wound area for infection or broken bone. Redwhisker grumbled at the uncomfortable prodding, but stretched out anyways to let the healers do their job. He cracked one eye open, peering at Cloudchaser as she stood quietly besides him. Honeypaw came bounding in, just as the elder began to speak. "What'd I tell you? These cats don't bite. They're too well-behaved for that."

Applefall rolled his eyes, but spread the offered cobweb over the elder's wounds regardless. Honeypaw, meanwhile, looked rather pained as she chewed up the bitter chervil leaves between her teeth to make a poultice. Once she'd finished, she slid the leaves over towards Applefall and tried to discreetly hack and spit until the taste was gone from her tongue. She was not discreet enough, since the fluffy white she-cat in the corner cracked a smile and even the stern calico healer had to fight to restrain his amusement. Only Redwhisker, whose deep cuts were being treated with that same chervil, was bold enough to laugh openly at her disgust.

The golden tabby, a little embarrassed, moved out of her mentor's way, and ended up settling right besides the older white she-cat. "Thank you for your help," Cloudchaser murmured, once she'd gathered the courage to speak. "My name is Cloudchaser." Honeypaw just offered her another one of those bright smiles, eyes crinkling at the corners and ears perked.

"It's nice to meet you, Cloudchaser," the apprentice said cheerfully. "Welcome to SpruceClan!"


It was pleasantly warm for so close to Leaf-fall, and it was this weather (and the convenient cancellation of the day's training sessions to celebrate the birth of Nightfang and Smokestep's kits) that saw Cherrypaw and Thistlepaw exploring the pine groves on their own. The older tabby apprentice was in the lead, her younger friend following behind quickly. Thistlepaw, usually an enthusiastic talker, was content to let her friend fill in the silence with inane babble about the newly born kits, or the weather, or what she'd had for lunch. Today, though, she didn't really want to talk back.

"How are you feeling?" Cherrypaw said suddenly, stopping halfway through her tangent on how Mintpaw had nearly brained himself during their last sparring session. "You're not usually so quiet."

Thistlepaw considered lying for a moment, but something about the worried look on her face made her think twice. She shrugged. "Not that great."

"Oh," said Cherrypaw, frowning at Thistlepaw's uncharacteristic silence. "You wanna talk about it?"

The thought of 'talking about it' made her feel a little queasy, her throat stopping up a bit. "It's stupid," the younger apprentice said finally. "It's really stupid, just—"

"It's really not," Cherrypaw cut in. "Your feelings aren't stupid. Whatever you're feeling is real, and there's nothing stupid about that. Talk to me?"

It was hard to articulate how much that meant to hear. "Mom's gone," Thistlepaw said, blinking back angry tears. "Mom's gone, after always telling us how our dad left us and how she'd always be here for us, and now she's disappeared, and I don't even know if she's dead or if she abandoned us, too. And Raven doesn't even care! He's not mad. He's not even fazed! So I don't know why I'm so upset over this, 'cause it's stupid to be angry that she's missing and nobody can find her, but I just... I don't like being left behind."

"I don't think anyone likes being left behind," Cherrypaw said, voice soft. "But thank you for telling me about it, even if I don't really know how I can help. Have you talked to Ravenpaw yet, Thistle?" Thistlepaw looked to her with wide eyes, a strange sort of fluttering hope in her chest. Cherrypaw had never used her shortened name before. Only close friends or family or... well, mates did that. She turned away for a moment, oddly flattered.

"I'll talk to him," she said. Her mouth turned up in a wry grimace of a smile. "But I don't think it'll do much."

"Cheer up!" Cherrypaw said, already beaming at her friend's improved mood. Something unreadable and fleeting crossed her face for just a moment, before twisting into something mischievous. "Hey, I know. Let's play a game!" Thistlepaw blinked, surprised by the change of pace. Her only warning of what was to come was the wriggling of Cherrypaw's haunches, before the tabby leapt into the air in a masterful pounce, barreling into her from above and knocking her to the ground. They rolled for a moment, before tumbling to a stop at the base of a large pine.

"No fair!" Thistlepaw wheezed, struggling uselessly under Cherrypaw's weight and trying to fight back a smile. "You've actually trained in in battling! Foul play!" As the perpetrator just giggled, the grey she-cat finally looked up at the tabby who'd pinned her beneath both paws. Those same wide blue eyes that had left her speechless once were now blinking down at her, all wide and shiny. Cherrypaw's face looked huge, up so close, and her laughter slowly trailed off as they stared at one another. Thistlepaw's heart leapt into her throat.

"Tag," said Cherrypaw, strangely breathless, before springing off of her and darting off deeper into the woods. "You're it! Catch me if you can!"

Thistlepaw laid there for a moment, heart racing and feeling warm beneath her grey fur, before scrambling to her feet and running off after the other apprentice. "I'm coming, Cherry!" she called after her, paws pounding against stone desperately. "Wait up!" From somewhere up ahead within the pines, Cherrypaw laughed delightedly in response.


When Badgerkit's eyes finally drooped shut, he expected to be drawn into darkness, or dreams, or something. He did not expect to find himself back in that marshy wet forest, unlike anything he'd ever seen in SpruceClan's mountain territory (though, to be fair, he'd never explored much further than the caves before a protective Briarmask had hustled him right back to the nursery). His little nose crinkled in disgust at the smell of decomposing leaves. For some reason, the odor was stronger than when he'd last been here; wherever 'here' was, at least. "Mom's gonna be so mad if I wake up smelling like this..." he mumbled, before a cold breeze and the sound of pawsteps behind him caught his attention.

"Welcome back," Sharptalon purred in that deep, rumbly voice that reminded Badgerkit of a slumbering bear. The little tabby smiled tightly in response. Something about Mr. Sharptalon still made him nervous, and he had to force his fur flat when the great dark cat patted his side. But Briarmask had said to be polite, even to the cats that you didn't like too much, and Sharptalon did say they were friends. Maybe the big tom ghost-dream-thing just wanted to chat?

"Thank you?" Badgerkit squeaked out, nearly leaping out of his fur when another gust of wind howled through the trees. Sharptalon just chuckled at the growing kit's skittishness.

"There's someone I'd like you to meet, little badger," he said, nudging the small tabby forwards with his bushy tail. Badgerkit stumbled forwards, but complied, allowing himself to be led deeper into the wet marshy woods and towards a dusty clearing of cracked earth. In the open space, surrounded by dark, thorny briars, something rustled. Only one of the two cats in the clearing seemed pleased to catch sight of a creeping shadow, while the other just quivered in fear. "Come out now," Sharptalon called, eyes glinting fiercely. The rustling ceased.

From the briar emerged a small, lanky young cat. Badgerkit's eyes were first drawn to the wide, brutal scar wrapped around the stranger's neck, but he next noticed the tan-and-brown mottled fur and obvious lean muscle. Both eyes twinkled, one green and one gold, and the unknown cat offered Badgerkit a cool, calculating smile. "Hi, there, Badgerkit," said the stranger, still smiling politely. Though it was obvious that he wasn't too old, given how small he was, it was his voice that betrayed just how young he was. The stranger probably wasn't too much older than Badgerkit himself. "My name is Birchpaw. I heard you were the one who's going to train with us, right? I hope we can be friends."

"This here is Birchpaw, my apprentice," Sharptalon called, to which Birchpaw dipped his head in acknowledgement. "He's young, like you, but that's what will make him such a good partner. We just want to help you be the best warrior you can be." Badgerkit swallowed thickly, while Sharptalon just nudged him towards the apprentice with a hoarse chuckle. "Go on, kitten. Show us what you can do."


SpruceClan consumes 1 bird and 1 ermine

[ Sparrowstar asks StarClan for any cat this moon ]

Rank Changes & Newcomers
[ Redwhisker is welcomed to SpruceClan ]
[ The clan celebrates the birth of Ashkit and Cinderkit! ]
[ Rosie and Micah are given warrior names! They will be known as Roselight and Brambletuft, respectively ]

[ Cricketpounce, Ivyblossom, Cardinaltail, Ramsey, and Thistlepaw hunt ]
[ Smokestep, Micah, Hailsplash, Cloudchaser, and Goldenpaw hunt ]
[ Briarmask, Tallthorn, Coffeepaw, and Ravenpaw hunt ]
[ Sparrowstar, Heathersong, Cherrypaw, and Mintpaw patrol ]
[ Applefall and Honeypaw search for herbs ]

Apprentice & Skills
[ Goldenpaw and Cherrypaw practice for their final assessments next moon ]
[ Sparrowstar and Mintpaw train in swimming ]
[ Briarmask, Ravenpaw, Cricketpounce, and Thistlepaw train in swimming ]
[ Tallthorn and Coffeepaw train in hunting ]
[ Applefall and Honeypaw train in kitting procedures ]

Kitting & Healing
[ Redwhisker's injuries are treated with x1 cobweb and x1 chervil ]
[ Ramsey and Cricketpounce become mates, but decide to wait before asking for a surrogate ]
[ Rosie is kitting! The father is Micah. Applefall and Honeypaw assist, using x1 burnet ]
[ Bertha's kits are arriving now! ]

* Please do not kill any cats marked with a ☾ symbol.
* Unmarked cats may be rolled for injuries or illness, but not death!

        Sparrowstar | 48 moons | male | x
        Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

        Briarmask | 38 moons | female | x

        Applefall | 43 moons | male | x
        Skill Points: ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

        ☾ Honeypaw | 7 moons | female | x

        Cricketpounce | 43 moons | male | x
        ☾ Smokestep | 34 moons | male | x
        ☾ Heathersong | 46 moons | female | x
        ☾ Tallthorn | 31 moons | male | x
        Hailsplash | 35 moons | male | x
        ☾ Ivyblossom | 18 moons | female | x
        ☾ Cardinaltail | 17 moons | male | x
        Ramsey | 48 moons | male | x
        Micah (Brambletuft) | 44 moons | male | x
        Cloudchaser | 15 moons | female | x

        Goldenpaw | 11 moons | male | x
        Cherrypaw |11 moons | female | x
        ☾ Mintpaw | 10 moons | male | x, x
        ☾ Ravenpaw | 8 moons | male | x
        ☾ Thistlepaw | 8 moons | female | x
        Coffeepaw | 7 moons | female (amab) | x

        ☾ Nightfang | 35 moons | female | x
        Rosie (Roselight) | 41 moons | female | x

        ☾ Badgerkit | 4 moons | male | x
        Ashkit | 1 moon | female | x
        Cinderkit | 1 moon | male | x

        Redwhisker | 110 moons | male (afab) | x
    Alder Bark (1) | toothache
    Beech Leaf (1) | soothes scratches, sore paws
    Bindweed (1) | sets broken bones
    Blackberry Leaf (1) | bee stings
    Borage (1) | eases fever, produces more milk
    Bright-eye (1) | coughing
    Broom (1) | broken bones
    Burdock Root (1) | rat bites
    Burnet (0) | kitting
    Catchweed (1) | removes burrs in fur
    Catmint (2) | cures greencough & whitecough
    Chervil (0) | bellyache, infection, kitting
    Cobweb (0) | binds a wound, stops bleeding
    Fennel (1) | eases pains
    Goldenrod (1) | chewed into poultice for wounds
    Hawkweed (1) | cures greencough & whitecough
    Honey (1) | infections, sore or damaged throat
    Horsetail (1) | infection, stops bleeding
    Marigold (1) | infection, inflammation, stiff joints
    Ragwort (1) | kitting pains, joint pain
    Raspberry Leaf (0) | kitting
    Yarrow (1) | extracts poison or toxins

    Snow Hare | x 5 | 3 servings
    Bird | x 3 | 3 servings
    Small Fish | x 2 | 2 servings
    Ermine | x 2 | 2 servings
    Frog | x 4 | 1 servings
    Mouse | x 4 | 1 servings

    Smokestep | Goldenpaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle
    Heathersong | Cherrypaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle
    Sparrowstar | Mintpaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle
    Cricketpounce | Thistlepaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle
    Briarmask | Ravenpaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle
    Tallthorn | Coffeepaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle

    Applefall | Honeypaw | kitting, illness, herbs, injury

    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

Last edited by ponz on Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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` ( lochlain , eleven .

Postby w0ah » Fri May 29, 2020 10:28 am

total citizens. 020 ⟶ males. 10 - females. 10 - nonbinary. 00 • servings. 04 • requests. 00/00/00
archives. here • last post. heremoderator. katrione • pebbles. 15 • font image credit. ©

    writing goes here


      consumption. lochlain feasts upon x1 big fish and x1 mouse.
      ancestral request. none.

      hunting patrols. 1. grendahl, snowden, linnea, leiv, & jørn.
      hunting patrols. 2. jakob & ampelios.
      border patrols. honlai, joachim, aina, oddlaug, yngvar, & sindre.
      herb-gathering. ingjerd.
      training. oddlaug trains torill.

      medical. none.
      other. torill is welcomed among lochlain.
      notes. marion is moved to the mothers' quarters.


    maudra honlai , ♀ , 61m
    ↪ health: fine

    lady namehere , ♀ , 00m
    ↪ health: fine

    lady namehere , ♀ , 00m
    ↪ health: fine

    sir grendahl , ♂ , 68m
    ↪ health: fine
      snowden , ♂ , 57 m
      ↪ health: fine (powers)
      linnea , ♀ , 68 m
      ↪ health: fine
      leiv , ♂ , 48 m
      ↪ health: fine
      jørn , ♂ , 58 m
      ↪ health: fine
      oddlaug , ♀ , 58 m
      ↪ health: fine
      ampelios , ♀ , 14 m
      ↪ health: fine
      jakob , ♂ , 37 m
      ↪ health: fine
      joachim , ♂ , 52m
      ↪ health: fine
      aina , ♀ , 68m
      ↪ health: fine
      yngvar , ♂ , 63 m
      ↪ health: fine
      sindre , ♂ , 28 m
      ↪ health: fine

      torill , ♀ , 06 m
      ↪ health: fine
      ingjerd , ♀ , 50 m
      ↪ skill-points: 5
      ↪ health: fine

      namehere , ♀♂ , 00 m
      ↪ health: fine
      johanne , ♀ , 60 m
      ↪ health: fine
      marion , ♀ , 47 m
      ↪ health: fine
      ↪ due: 2 moons

      axel , ♂ , 02 m
      torhild , ♀ , 02 m
      stig , ♂ , 02 m
      ↪ health: fine


    shrews, 1 serving (4)
    mice, 1 serving (5)
    rabbits, 2 servings (4)
    stoats, 2 servings (5)
    birds, 3 servings (4)
    big fish, 3 servings (3)

    located here
    clan name, username
    clan name, username
    clan name, username

    clan name, username
    clan name, username
    clan name, username
    north; group , username
    northeast ; group , username
    east ; group , username
    southeast ; group , username
    south ; group , username
    southwest ; group , username
    west ; group , username
    northwest ; group , username
    name, age of death, cause

    johanne + name =
    ↪ axel, torhild, & stig
    marion + leiv =
    ↪ due in 2 moons

    jørn ⟶ ampelios (5)
    ↪ track, hunt, combat, climb, stealth
    oddlaug ⟶ torill (0)
    ↪ skills here

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Joined: Fri May 02, 2014 9:29 am
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misted waters ((015))

Postby LooneyLani » Fri May 29, 2020 2:16 pm

Image ©
Number of Cats: 37 | Ancestor Visit: 29th may | Mod: kazin
Pebbles: 107 | Preference: lineart + desc


still need to write up posts! will start working on these asap

requests - Meera requests ..
hunting patrols - on the moor -- Howler, Clover, Bingo, Bambi, Harley & Quill
near the river -- Meera, Kora, Adder, Solace, Valora & Rain

patrols - north & eastern border line -- Jinx, Ezra, Bourree, Wilmer & Viper
south & western border line -- Hali, Sable, Enyo & Monty

healer - Ripple teaches Flick medicine, and heads out to gather herbs, seeking out kitting herbs
kittings - Minuet is due! Bourree is the father
Zara is due! Baron the stud is the father
Duchess is due! Crown of Embers of the Golden Kingdom is the father
Bourree & Heather stand by to offer assistance to Ripple

relationships -
teaching - offensive combat -- Chaim & Sage
defensive combat --
tracking -- Ritter
hunting --

assessments -
rank changes - Clover moves to the warriors den

mod notes -
next post growths - adult-lines --
non-queen-lines --

consumes - misted waters consumes 7 servings, finishing off x2 hares & x1 vole


          Reigning Queen:
          Meera | 45 moons | Female |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★☆

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]♕/♔[/url]

          Ripple | 54 moons | Male |
          Skills: ♦♦♦♦♦

          Healer's Learner:
          Flick | 9 moons | Male |

          Twisted Tongues [2]:
          Jinx | 51 moons | Female |
          Bingo | 44 moons | Male |

          Mist Walkers [4]:
          Solace | 35 moons | Female |
          Quill | 52 moons | Male |
          Zara | 40 moons | Female |
          ↪ due!

          Howler | 49 moons | Male |
          Valora | 33 moons | Female |
          Kora | 46 moons | Female |
          Enyo | 18 moons | Male |
          Rain | 37 moons | Female |
          Bourrée | 51 moons | Male |
          Ezra | 42 moons | Male |
          Viper | 34 moons | Male |
          Sable | 30 moons | Female |
          Harley | 41 moons | Male |
          Adder | 33 moons | Male |
          Bambi | 26 moons | Female |
          Clover | 14 moons | Female |

          Teachers [3]:
          Monty | 58 moons | Male |
          Hali | 56 moons | Female |
          Wilmer | 47 moons | Male |

          Chaim | 9 moons | Male |
          Sage | 9 moons | Female |
          Ritter | 9 moons | Male |

          Mothers & Young:
          Orchid | 41 moons | Female |
          ↪ Aspen | 1 moon | Female |
          ↪ Jay | 1 moon | Male |
          ↪ Maple | 1 moon | Male |
          ↪ Pumpkin | 1 moon | Male |
          ↪ Bess | 1 moon | Female |
          Minuet | 50 moons | Female |
          ↪ due!
          Duchess | 42 moons | Female |
          ↪ due!

          Wise Ones:
          Heather | 131 moons | Female |
          Creekrunner | 133 moons | Male |
    Ally Clans:

    Enemy Clans
    kin of lotus

    north | hollyclan | jarside
    northeast | silverclan | snowleopard
    east | clan | username
    southeast | clan | username
    south | clan | username
    southwest | clan | username
    west | kin of lotus | blackjeans&icecream
    northwest | clan | username

    Medicine Store
    Alder Bark | toothaches | 1
    Bindweed | broken leg | 1
    Catmint | greencough & whitecough | 1
    Cobweb | bleeding | 2
    Chervil | infected wounds, bellyache & kitting | 1
    Comfrey root | broken bones, wounds, itching & inflammation | 0
    Coltsfoot | kittencough, sore pads & eases breathing | 1
    Chamomile | strengthens heart, soothes mind & for travelling | 1
    Dandelion | beestings & painkiller | 1
    Elder Leaf | sprains | 1
    Feverfew | body temperature, aches, pains & headaches | 1
    Fennel | hip pain & kitting | 1
    Goldenrod | wounds | 1
    Honey | infections, sore throats, coughing & gives energy | 2
    Hosetail | infections & bleeding | 2
    Juniper berry | bellyaches, troubled breathing, gives strength & calms | 1
    Lavender | fever, chills & hides scent of death | 1
    Marigold | infection, inflammation & bleeding | 0
    Oakleaf | infection | 1
    Raspberry leaf | painkiller & bleeding during kitting | 1
    Ragwort leaf | gives strength & energy | 1
    Stick | pain & broken legs | 2
    Stinging nettle | vomiting, reduces swelling, wounds & infection | 0
    Tansy | coughs, wounds, poisons & soothes throats | 2
    Willowbark | eases pain | 1
    Wild garlic | infection & rat bite poison | 1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    servings needed: 7/42
    vole | x5 | 1 serving
    shrew | x5 | 1 serving
    rabbit | x4 | 2 servings
    ermine | x6 | 2 servings
    birds | x2 | 3 servings
    hare | x2 | 3 servings

    Skills - offensive combat, defensive combat, tracking, hunting
    Wilmer → Ritter | 3 | defensive combat, offensive combat, ..
    → Chaim | 2 | defensive combat, ..
    Monty → Sage | 3 | defensive combat, tracking, ..
aussie aussie | she/her | creds
existentially confused adult

feel free to use my referral code for some extra goodies ~ zqtk734ibl
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby frankie (dup) » Sat May 30, 2020 11:38 am

The first leaves have begun to turn colors and drop in forest territories,
signalling the beginning of leaf-fall and the coming snows for some.
The chances of catching sickness or dying during birth will rise and the number of cats and prey passing through will drop.

⊷ jungleclan ⋆ skullclan ⋆ thicketclan ⋆ mossclan ⋆ climbingclan ⋆ buddingclan ⋆ creekclan ⋆ fjordclan ⋆ bristleclan ⋆ keyclan ⋆ lights of the valley ⊶
⊷ marshclan ⋆ hollyclan ⋆ the fallen ⋆ appleclan ⋆ portclan ⋆ cocoaclan ⊶
⊷ the barn yard ⋆ crossroad demons ⋆ cherryclan

if you'd like an invite to the cac discord, shoot myself or one of the other mods a pm!
all images fall under the cc0 license

coding: ©
font: ©


      ⊷ hunting
        bramblestar's patrol catches x2 lizards
          lightningheart's patrol catches x2 lizards
      ⊷ border patrols
        bitternose's patrol is uneventful
      ⊷ apprentices
        quailpaw successfully learns the poison knowledge skill!
          lizardpaw and snowpaw pass their assessments! a warm welcome to cherryclan's newest warriors—lizardfur and snowfoot!
my dms are open,
but im a spoonie
and i may not
respond promptly.
it's not personal.
especially hmu if
you want to talk
about atla,
im autistic and its
been my special
interest for like.
a bajillion years.
➤ they/it lesbian
➤ canadian eh
➤ gay zuko
truther /lh
➤ please use
➤ feel free to ask for
my discord if we've
talked before
➤ help idk how to
make this pretty
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frankie (dup)
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celestial beings. 25.

Postby broken* » Sat May 30, 2020 11:47 am

╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════{ ۝ }════════════╗

    xx Image©
    x .cats. 66 (+8) total; 3638♂ ║ .prey. 11 servings ║ .pebbles. 153 total ║ .visit. now

    squirrelpaw is ready to retake his messenger exam; if he passes, he will be squirrelnose.
    hickorypaw is ready to take his messenger exam; if he passes, he will be hickorywink.
    willowpaw is ready to take her soldier exam; if she passes, she will be willowdance.
    beaverpaw is ready to take his soldier exam; if he passes, he will be beaverbrook.

    candiru retries for kits with peachblossom of mistyclan.

    aquilegia is due! cedarfoot is the father. x1 borage & x1 raspberry are present if needed.
    - all short/mediumfurred kits (Ll)
    - all black-based (BB)
    - toms can be ginger (XOY) & brown/black (BB), mollies can be tortie (XOXo) & brown/black (BB)
    - All kittens will be mackerel tabbies, carrying solid. (Aa + McMc)
    - there's a 25% chance of tabbypoint kittens. (lynx, flame, torbie point)

    papyrus is due! baron is the father. x1 borage leaves are present if needed.
    pomona is due! the fathers are alyssumstream & coursergaze. mambo magnolia is present.


    .mod notes.
    xx cats marked w/ '☽' are from the vampire coven.

    xx i'm requesting no deaths for now.

    xx floodkit & hailkit are 6 moons old &
    xx are ready to become apprentices.

    xxsolis rests for moon 1 of 4.
    xxsolis uses 1 stick & 2 bindweed.
    xxracka uses 1 celandine & 1 dandelion.
    xxarcigera uses 1 horsetail & 1 poppyseed.

      celestial beings | for searching purposes

    ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════{ ۝ }════════════╝

    ➣ 'an adult'
    cats received
    ➣ 'none'
    prey consumption
    ➣ x3 'fish'
    ➣ x1 'squirrel'
    ➣ x3 'vole'
    herb hunting
    ➣ poolwatcher
    ➣ milktuft
    hunting patrol
    ➣ patrol one
    ---rye, lotor, agate
    ---angler, pearl, nimbus,
    ➣ patrol two
    ---fluoresce, wigeon, bobak,
    ---dicentra, capra, garbaldi
    ➣ patrol three
    ---turnstone, spruce, chimera,
    ---qinling, lychnis, rivulet
    border patrol
    ➣ patrol one
    ---desmodus, plumeria, nectar,
    ---spinel, lokta, citrine
    ➣ patrol two
    ---sycamore, yucca, oriole,
    ---drizzle, carnelian, heron
    training exercises
    ➣ hunting skill
    ---citrine, carnelian, pearl
    ➣ stealth skill
    ➣ speed skill
    ---aglais, rivulet, wigeon
    ➣ def. combat skill
    ---qinling, garbaldi, bobak
    ➣ off. combat skill
    ---yucca, drizzle, spinel


      ➣ ★beauty (satinstar) ║ 21 moons ║ ♀ ║

      ➣ juniper (rusticsallow) ║ 50 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ aquilegia (basilfloof) ║ 50 moons ║ ♂ ║

      ➣ ★mambo magnolia lavea ║ 48 moons ║ ♀ ║
      --- powers

      rit zien
      ➣ ★angelica (milktuft) ║ 56 moons ║ ♀ ║
      --- 5/5 medicinal skills
      ➣ ★sky (poolwatcher) ║ 36 moons ║ ♂ ║
      --- 5/5 medicinal skills

      ➣ none atm

      ➣ hawthorn (maplespark) ║ 96 moons ║ ♀ ║

      ➣ yucca (birchpaw) ║ 16 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★spruce (hickorypaw) ║ 16 moons ║ ♂ ║
      --- powers
      ➣ ★ivy (willowpaw) ║ 16 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★qinling (pandapaw) ║ 15 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★rivulet (skipperpaw) ║ 14 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★wigeon (vetchpaw) ║ 14 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ escurel (squirrelpaw) ║ 14 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣★bobak (marmotpaw) ║ 14 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★castor (beaverpaw) ║ 14 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★drizzle (dewpaw) ║ 13 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★garbaldi (damselpaw) ║ 11 moons ║ ♀ ║

      ➣ ★citrine (tangpaw) ║ 10 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★carnelian (dianthuspaw) ║ 10 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★agate (orchidpaw) ║ 10 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★spinel (fleurpaw) ║ 10 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★pearl (ivorypaw) ║ 9 moons ║ ♀ ║
      xxx⤷(half-deaf & selectively mute)

      ➣ ☽aglais (fritillarypaw) ║ 8 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ sleet (hailpaw) ║ 6 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ torrent (floodpaw) ║ 6 moons ║ ♂ ║

      ➣ ☽desmodus ║ 22 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★leech (ashbreeze) ║ 52 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★oriole (flareblood) ║ 39 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★racka (coursergaze)║ 44 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ cougar (birchglow )║ 51 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★tunis (mockingbirdcall) ║ 28 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★harrier (thrushmoor) ║ 26 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ pomona (appleburst) ║ 35 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ sycamore (hillfrost) ║ 43 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ arcigera (shiverblast)║ 48 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ candiru (batfish) ║ 42 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣★shrike (feathereyes) ║ 36 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ perch (basspelt) ║ 34 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ roughy (gingerpelt) ║ 34 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ nectar (honeyblossom) ║ 41 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ heron (smogtongue) ║ 24 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ solis (sunspot) ║ 27 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★cinnabar (nettlebite) ║ 21 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★lokta(whitespring)║ 47 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ plumeria (mallowsun) ║ 49 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ sun (dawnbull) ║ 17 moons ║ ♂ ║

      ➣ rye (nightrain) ║ 44 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ caracal (minkeyes) ║ 35 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★areca (hazelmask) ║ 39 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★lotor (hawkfrost)║ 42 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★chimera (monarchwing) ║ 40 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★dicentra (stormheart) ║ 40 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★sedge (softwish) ║ 24 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★papyrus (rippledream) ║ 24 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★angler (whimbrelface)║ 34 moons ║ ♂ ║
      xxx⤷ (half-blind)
      ➣ ★nimbus (martencloud)║ 35 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ lychnis (lunawing) ║ 45 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ silk (cecropiaflight) ║ 28 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ turnstone (alpinetit) ║ 39 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ fluoresce (arrowflash)║ 34 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ capra (mouflonclimb) ║ 38 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ icarus (wingflight) ║ 19 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ☽verglas (glacierlily) ║ 21 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ☽soot (smokemask) ║ 21 moons ║ ♂ ║

      ➣ ★harp (rosebriar) ║ 36 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★areca (hazelmask) ║ 39 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ pomona (appleburst) ║ 35 moons ║ ♀ ║
      (due in 0 moons)
      ➣ aquilegia (basilfloof) ║ 50 moons ║ ♂ ║
      (due in 0 moons)
      ➣ ★papyrus (rippledream) ║ 24 moons ║ ♀ ║
      (due in 0 moons)
      ➣ ★leech (ashbreeze) ║ 52 moons ║ ♀ ║
      (due in 1 moons)
      ➣★shrike (feathereyes) ║ 36 moons ║ ♀ ║
      (due in 1 moons)
      ➣ caracal (minkeyes) ║ 35 moons ║ ♀ ║
      (due in 2 moons)

      ➣ morphic (gneisskit) ║ 5 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ igneous (dioritekit) ║ 5 moons ║ ♀ ║

      ➣ cormorant (gannetkit) ║ 4 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ lymantria (gypsykit) ║ 3 moons ║ ♀ ║

      ➣ dragonkit ║ 1 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ lycheekit ║ 1 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ carica (papayakit) ║ 1 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ psidium (guavakit) ║ 1 moons ║ ♂ ║

    uwu. if you find this, I hope you're having a good day! ^^


    ╞══════════════════ ● ● ● ● ● ●
    satinstar officially being blessed by the heavens and receiving her nine lives. desmodus asking her to officially be his mate. satinstar accepts, but the couple decides to wait before trying for kits, wanting things to settle a bit.

    cottonstar's body is brought back to camp, and a vigil is held in his honor as his body is buried in the graveyard beside the church. milktuft goes into a major depression and holes herself in the rit zien den & herb garden, shutting herself off and refusing to speak to anyone about anything. even when her daughter ivorypaw tries to seek her mother for comfort, she is completely ignored, causing ivorypaw to feel abandoned by both of her parents.
    end of text.
    ╞══════════════════ ● ● ● ● ● ●
    ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════{ ۝ }════════════╗

    xixxx .n. crossroad demons ║ .s. twistedclan ║ .e. highgarden ║ .w. lotusclan
    xixxx .(n)e. hazeclan ║ .(n)w. chessclan ║ .(s)w. mountainclan ║ .(s)e. islandclan

    xixxx .allies. open ║ .enemies. crossroad demons
    xixxx .mentorships.
    ready to graduate
    x ➣ silk ⇝ escurel --- off. combat, def. combat, speed, hunting, stealth
    x ➣ turnstone ⇝ spruce --- def. combat, off. combat, stealth, speed, hunting
    x ➣ candiru ⇝ ivy --- speed, stealth, hunting, def. combat off. combat
    x ➣ roughy ⇝ castor --- speed, stealth, hunting, def. combat, off. combat

    x ➣ sycamore ⇝ yucca --- speed, hunting, stealth, def. combat, off. combat
    x ➣ oriole ⇝ drizzle --- speed, stealth, hunting, def. combat, off. combat
    x ➣ lokta ⇝ citrine--- speed, stealth,hunting, def. combat, off. combat
    x ➣ solis ⇝ carnelian --- speed, stealth, hunting, def. combat, off. combat
    x ➣ nectar ⇝ spinel --- speed, stealth, hunting, def. combat, off. combat
    x ➣ desmodus ⇝ aglais --- speed, stealth, hunting, def. combat, off. combat
    x ➣ plumeria ⇝ sleet --- speed, stealth, hunting, def. combat, off. combat

    x ➣ chimera ⇝ qinling --- speed, off. combat, hunting,stealth, def. combat
    x ➣ lychnis ⇝ rivulet --- def. combat, hunting, off. combat, stealth, speed
    x ➣ fluoresce ⇝ wigeon --- off. combat, def. combat, stealth, hunting, speed
    x ➣ dicentra ⇝ bobak --- off. combat, stealth, speed, hunting, def. combat
    x ➣ capra ⇝ garbaldi --- off. combat, stealth, speed, hunting, def. combat
    x ➣ angler ⇝ pearl --- off. combat, stealth, speed, hunting, def. combat
    x ➣ nimbus ⇝ agate --- off. combat, stealth, speed, hunting, def. combat
    x ➣ verglas ⇝ torrent --- off. combat, stealth, speed, hunting, def. combat

    .necessary links.

    prey storage
    herb storage
    family lines
    the deceased
      celestial beings | for searching purposes

    ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════{ ۝ }════════════╝
    Last edited by broken* on Thu Jun 04, 2020 12:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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    Kin of the Lotus - 025

    Postby Corinnander » Sat May 30, 2020 12:54 pm

    ↠ Request | [ The stars hear Little Oolong and smile at his request - they send an apprentice aged cat. They are a silver tabby LaPerm with green eyes; colored by H155. [warrior version] ]

    ↠ Aboveground Hunting | [ Tealeaf of Ginseng's patrol catches x1 hare and x1 harvest mice. ]

    ↠ Aboveground Patrolling | [ Cloud of Stars' patrol encounters a lost kit and their parent. Both are shorthaired gray and white. The kit was colored by me, the adult was colored by amethyst14. ]

    ↠ Underground Hunting | [ Piper of Ashes' patrol catches x1 kukri, x1 grebe, and x1 rousette. ]

    ↠ Underground Patrolling | [ Walker of Nights' patrol passes uneventfully this moon. ]

    ↠ Training | [ Little Wind learns swimming. ]
    ↠ [ Little Oolong learns kitting. ]
    ↠ [ Little Jasmine learns combat. ]
    ↠ [ Little Bengal learns orientation. ]
    ↠ [ Little Macha learns hunting. ]
    ↠ [ Little Minnow and Little Duck are unable to learn anything this moon... ]

    ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

    [I: Red names means to please particularly target these cats for injuries or death rolls for plot reasons, gold names means please avoid targeting these cats for death rolls for plot reasons. Uncolored names I'm ambivalent towards.]

    Number of Cats: 39 (21♂ - 18♀) | Next Kin of the Stars Visit: May 28th.| Pebbles: 99

    Moonlight smoke and reddened eyes, suits of snakes and suits of lies, let the birds cry and hide in their nests--for a shudd'ring thunder is coming, a falling night-sky at best... The day met the night and birthed the dawn and the dusk.


    To be added when I have time! ^^;

    Action Queue:

      Arrivals ⤜
      ⤜ The Kindred welcomes Little Badger as a Sukoshi! He is apprenticed to Macaque of Sunbeams.
      ⤜ The Kindred welcomes Butterfly of Rains as a Komochi!
      ⤜ The Kindred welcomes Kit of Apple as a Koneko!

      Request ⤜
      ⤜ Walker of Day and Walker of Night sneak to Starfalls, praying for their second daughter to be led to them.

      Hīrā Duties ⤜
      ⤜ Robin of Windchimes and Little Oolong hunt for herbs at Stream.

      Aboveground Hunting ⤜
      ⤜ None.

      Aboveground Patrolling ⤜
      ⤜ Cloud of Stars, Little Duck, Macaque of Sunbeams, Tor of Eclipses, and Little Minnow patrol Bamboo Forest.
      ⤜ Walker of Day, Celestial of Pinewoods, Almond of Clay, Amethyst of Waterlilies, and Lavender of Morningtimes patrol Pathways.

      Underground Hunting ⤜
      ⤜ Fog of Timber, Rose of Honey, Eagle of Peppercorns, Dusk of Suns, and Thorn of Raptors hunt at Eastern Shallows.

      Underground Patrolling ⤜
      ⤜ Genet of Clouds, Little Bengal, Turtle of Clay, and Piper of Ashes patrol Northern Hollows.

      Family ⤜
      ⤜ Jade of Deserts is due!
      ⤜ Meadow of Arrowheads is due!

      Training ⤜
      ⤜ Marble of Mountains trains Little Wing in Combat.
      ⤜ Tor of Eclipses trains Little Minnow in Swimming.
      ⤜ Robin of Windchimes trains Little Oolong in Healing.
      ⤜ Genet of Clouds trains Little Bengal in Hunting.
      ⤜ Cloud of Stars trains Little Duck in Swimming.
      ⤜ Coal of Watercolors trains Little Honeybee in Climbing.

      Ranks ⤜
      ⤜ Little Arrow, after talking with her mentor, agrees to take her assessment.

      ⤜ The Kindred consumes x7 Kukri.

            Meishu (Leader):
            Cloud of Stars (Formerly Cloud of Embers) | 48 Moontides | Male |
            Lives: ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧

            Niji (Secondary):
            Jade of Deserts | 65 Moontides | Female | In Nursery!

            Hīrā (Healer):
            Robin of Windchimes | 30 Moontides | Male |
            Skill Points: ❖❖❖❖❖

            Minarai (Apprentice):
            Little Oolong (of Malkoha) | 11 Moontides | Male |
              Apprenticed to Robin of Windchimes
              Learned > Collecting - Sorting - Harvesting - Kitting
              Not Learned > Healing

            Kābā (Carver):
            Eagle of Peppercorn | 55 Moontides | Male |
            Genet of Clouds | 31 Moontides | Male |
            Piper of Ashes | 47 Moontides | FtM |
            Turtle of Clay | 26 Moontides | Female |
            Walker of Night | 38 Moontides | Female |
            Thorn of Raptors | 70 Moontides | Male |
            Dusk of Suns | 16 Moontides | Female | (torbie)
            Rose of Honey | 61 Moontides | Female |
            Fog of Timber | 26 Moontides | Female |

            Chīsai (Small):
            Little Jasmine (of Dragons) | 11 Moontides | Male |
              Apprenticed to Turtle of Clay
              Learned > Orientation - Hunting - Digging - Combat
              Not Learned > None
            Little Bengal (of Tides or Torrents) | 11 Moontides | Male |
              Apprenticed to Genet of Clouds
              Learned > Digging - Combat - Orientation
              Not Learned > Hunting
            Little Macha (of Mares) | 11 Moontides | Female |
              Apprenticed to Walker of Night
              Learned > Orientation - Combat - Digging - Hunting
              Not Learned > None

            Ryōshi (Hunter):
            Lily of Drongos | 50 Moontides | Male |
            Marble of Mountains | 32 Moontides | Female |
            Tealeaf of Ginseng | 36 Moontides | Female |
            Tor of Eclipses | 46 Moontides | Male |
            Amethyst of Waterlilies | 64 Moontides | Male |
            Twilight of Caves | 54 Moontides | Male |
            Meadow of Arrowheads | 77 Moontides | Female |
            Coal of Watercolor | 31 Moontides | Male |
            Lavender of Morningtimes | 22 Moontides | Female |
            Walker of Day | 40 Moontides | Male |
            Almond of Clay | 20 Moontides | Female |
            Silka of Dew | 19 Moontides | Female |
            Macaque of Sunbeams | 70 Moontides | Female |
            Celestial of Pinewoods | 34 Moontides | Female |

            Sukoshi (Little):
            Little Arrow (of Gold) | 14 Moontides | Female |
              Apprenticed to Meadow of Arrowheads
              Learned > Climbing - Hunting - Combat
              Not Learned > Swimming
            Little Minnow (of Amber) | 11 Moontides | Female |
              Apprenticed to Tor of Eclipses
              Learned > Combat - Hunting - Climbing
              Not Learned > Swimming
            Little Wing (of Prisms) | 11 Moontides | Male |
              Apprenticed to Marble of Mountains
              Learned > Climbing - Swimming
              Not Learned > Hunting - Combat
            Little Duck (of ) | 9 Moontides | Male |
              Apprenticed to Cloud of Stars
              Learned > Hunting
              Not Learned > Climbing - Swimming - Combat
            Little Honeybee (of Smoke) | 8 Moontides | Male |
              Apprenticed to Coal of Watercolors
              Learned > None
              Not Learned > Hunting - Climbing - Swimming - Combat
            Little Badger (of ?) | 6 Moontides | Male |
              Apprenticed to Macque of Sunbeams
              Learned > None
              Not Learned > Hunting - Climbing - Swimming - Combat

            Komochi (Child Bearers):
            Jade of Deserts | 65 Moontides | Female | - Due!
            Meadow of Arrowheads | 77 Moontides | Female | - - Due!
            Butterfly of Rains | 25 Moontides | Male |

            Koneko (Kittens):
            Kit of Apple | 4 Moontides | Male |

            Nokori (Rest):
            Valley of Billows | 109 Moontides | Female |

      Ally Clans:
      Clan Name | Username
      Clan Name | Username

      Enemy Clans
      Misted Waters | LooneyLani
      Clan Name | Username

      North | PhoenixClan| Stormt4lon
      East | Misted Waters | LooneyLani
      South | Clan Name| Name
      West | Crossroad Demons | nightwolf950

      Medicine Store
      Bindweed | x2 | When combined with sticks, can help mend a broken leg and keep it in-place.
      Borage | x1| It produces more and better milk. It also brings down fevers. Helps sooth bad bellies and relieves tight chests.
      Burdock Root | x1 | Soothes and heals rat bites especially if they are infected. Can give cats a bellyache if they eat too much of it. Numbs rat bite to the point a cat cannot feel the pain. Also good for infected paws and other sores.
      Burnet | x1 | Used to give strength. Good for expecting queens.
      Chervil | x1 | For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. Can also be used during kitting.
      Cobweb | x1 | To soak up and stop, or slow, the bleeding. It may also be used to bind broken bones.
      Dandelion | x1 | Thought to soothe and heal bee stings. Its leaves can also be chewed to act like a painkiller.
      Dock | x1 | Soothes scratches, though can sting when being applied. Soothes sore pads. If placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds. Can be used to help practice healing on Clanmates.
      Feverfew | x1 | Reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills. Also heals aches and pains, especially good for headaches.
      Goldenrod | x1 |Good for healing wounds.
      Honey | x1 | Soothes infections, is a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats, helps cats swallow other concoctions, helps soothe coughing, and gives energy.
      Horsetail | x0 | Treats infections and stops bleeding.
      Marigold | x1 | Stops infection. Stops bleeding. Used for inflammation of stiff joints.
      Oak Leaf | x1 | Stops infection from setting in.
      Poppy Seed | x1 | They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain. Not recommended for nursing queens.
      Raspberry Leaf | x1 |Could possibly ease pain or stop bleeding.
      Stick | x2 | Distracts cats from pain. Used to splint broken limbs. Recommended for queens giving birth.
      Stinging Nettle | x1 | Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, respectively. Can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones. Helps with wounds. Chewing the stems helps fight against infection.
      Tansy | x1 | Cures coughs. Can be used to cure wounds and poisons. Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats. Can be extremely dangerous to pregnant cats.
      Willow Bark | x1 | Eases pain.

      Fresh-Kill Pile:
      Hare | 9 servings
      Rousettes (equivalent to a Squirrel)| 7 servings
      Harvest Mouse (equivalent to a Mouse) | 7 servings
      Kukri (equivalent to a Big Fish) | 5 servings
      Grebes (equivalent to a Bird)| 9 servings

      Deceased Cats:
      Flicker of Flameweed | 33 Moontides | Female | - Died fighting with badgers in the Battle of Black Blaze

      Lily of Drongos & Tealeaf of Ginseng (Mates) | Kit of Minnow, Kit of Oolong, Kit of Wing, Kit of Bengal, Kit of Jasmine, Kit of Macha (Kits)
      Coal of Watercolors and Genet of Clouds (Littermates)
      Eagle of Peppers and Genet of Clouds (Mates)
      Macaque of Sunbeams (Mother) | Laila, Wormwood, Virtue (Kits, with Rhyzel - father - in Crossroad Demons)
      Meadow of Arrowheads & Thorn of Raptors (Mates)
      Coal of Watercolors & Almond of Clay (Mates)
      Jade of Deserts & Rose of Honey (Mates), Amethyst of Waterlilies (Surrogate)

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    Re: Create A Clan- V.4

    Postby ~Vincent-Valentine~ » Sun May 31, 2020 8:26 am

    Evergreen Clan
    Number of Cats: 40 | Next Starclan Visit: One day | Next Den Decay: Here | Pebbles: 127

    I’ll write it later

    Two squirrels, one mouse, and one ermine have been consumed, three hunting trips have been sent out (Skyfur, Calmriver, Ryedust) (Quincecloud, Eveningglow, Maplefur) (Silverfish, Lynxleap, Cougarclaw, Fishsnout), three patrols have been sent out (Creamflower, Palepike, Salmonfin) (Swiftstar, Ryepatch, Oakstep) (Beavernip, Silenthawk, Bearbrook), Three training sessions takes place (Beavernip and Shiverpaw, Crackleflame and Nightpaw, Swiftstar and Beetlepaw)[b]

            Swiftstar | 72 moons old | Male | X
            Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

            Dignitary’s Surrogate:
            Rosewaters | 49 moons | Female | X | Currently residing in the nursery

            Bearbrook | 47 moons | Male | X

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Kindlepine | 59 moons | Male | X
            Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿(-1 ✿)
            Willowcreek | 57 moons | Female | X
            Skill Points: ✿✿✿ (-2 ✿✿)
            Pokeweed| 40 moons | Female | X
            Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿(-1 ✿)

            Honeypaw | 9 moons | Male | X
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Beavernip | 38 moons | Male | X
            Maplefur | 27 moons | Male | X
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Runningnight | 63 moons | Male | X
            Skyfur | 58 moons | Female | X
            Splashheart | 53 moons | Female | X
            Crackleflame | 51 moons | Male | X
            Silenthawk | 53 moons | Female | X
            Creamflower | 42 moons | Female | X
            Lynxleap | 40 moons | Male | X
            Cougarclaw | 42 moons | Male | X
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Ryedust | 36 moons | Transgender Male | X
            Quincecloud | 32 moons | Male | X
            Eveningglow | 27 moons | Male | X
            Pinepeak | 30 moons | Female | X
            Palepike | 30 moons | Female | X
            Badgerstare | 20 moons | Male | X
            Ambleheart | 20 moons | Male | X
            Salmonfin | 19 moons | Male | X
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Shiverpaw | 10 moons | Female | X
            Nightpaw | 10 moons | Female | X
            Beetlepaw | 10 moons | Male | X
            Harepaw | 9 moons | Female | X
            Lynxpaw | 9 moons | Male | X
            Barkpaw | 9 moons | Female | X
            Puddlepaw | 9 moons | Male | X

            Ryepatch | 80 moons | Male | X
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Snapperjaw | 82 moons | Female | X
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Calmriver | 66 moons | Male | X
            Fishsnout | 58 moons | Male | X
            Silverfish | 41 moons | Male | X
            Oakstep | Female | 19 moons | X
            Name | Gender | Age | [url]X[/url]

            Riverkit | 3 moons | Female | X
            Harveykit | 1 moons | Male | X
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

            Brambletuft | 93 moons old | Male | X
            Heatherthorn | 104 moons old | Male | X
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
      Ally Clans:
      Clan Name | Username
      Clan Name | Username

      Enemy Clans
      Mistyclan | Talonpawthewarrior
      Clan Name | Username

      North | Mistyclan | Talonpawthewarrior
      East | Clan Name | Username
      South | Jaggedclan | sharpiesandhamilton
      West | Tundraclan | Cloudpelt

      Medicine Store
      Willow leaves | 1
      Daisy Leaf | 2
      Poppy Seeds | 3
      Chamomile | 3
      Cobweb | 2
      Dried Oak Leaves | 2
      Chervil | 1
      Marigold | 2
      Fennel | 4
      Honey | 3
      Raspberry Leaves | 1
      Yarrow | 4
      Deathberry | 2
      Dock | 4
      Watermint | 1
      Lavender | 3
      Juniper Berries | 2
      Broom | 3
      Chickweed | 2
      Willow bark | 2
      Celandine | 1
      Catmint | 3
      Mouse Bile | 1
      Water Hemlock | 1
      Goatweed | 1
      Lungwort | 2
      Holly Berry | 1
      Mint | 1
      Dandelion | 1
      Nettle | 1
      Mallow Leaf | 1
      Foxglove Seeds | 2
      Thyme | 2
      Burdock Root | 2
      Tansy | 1
      Cobnuts | 2
      Lovage | 1
      Elder Leaves | 2

      Den Supply Store
      Build Material | Amount
      Build Material | Amount

      Fresh-Kill Pile:
      Squirrel | x2 | 4 servings
      Mouse | x1 | 1 servings
      Artic Hare | x2 | 6 servings
      Wood Grouse | x | 0 servings
      Mink | x1 | 2 servings
      Ermine | x1 | 2 servings

      Beavernip | Shiverpaw | 1 training session | Hunting, Combat
      Crackleflame | Nightpaw | 1 training session | Hunting, Combat
      Swiftstar | Beetlepaw | 1 training session | Hunting, Combat
      Ryepatch | Harepaw | 1 training session | Moves
      Pinepeak | Lynxpaw | 1 training session | Moves
      Pokeweed | Honeypaw | 1 training session | Moves
      Rosewaters | Barkpaw | 1 training session | Moves
      Ambleheart | Puddlepaw | 1 training session | Moves
      Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

      Deceased Cats:
      Ivypaw | Female | X | Slipped on ice and fell off a gorge
      Fernsnap | Female | X | Killed by a badger
      Ambermoon | Female | X | Died during birth
      Cat Name | Cause of Death

      Runningnight and Skyfur | Eveningglow and Ivypaw
      Splashheart and ??? | Quincecloud (EvergreenClan), Ploverkit (ClimbingClan), Ternkit (ClimbingClan)
      Willowcreek and Fishsnout | Salmonfin, Badgerstare, and Ambleheart
      Ryepatch and Sugarcane (MistyClan) | Baykit (MistyClan), Hawkkit (MistyClan)
      Ryepatch and Snapperjaw | Harepaw, Lynxpaw, Honeypaw, Barkpaw, Puddlepaw, Harveykit
      Quincecloud and Ryedust | Shiverpaw, Nightpaw, Beetlepaw
      Ambermoon and Calmriver | Riverkit
      Swiftstar and Rosewaters | Kits
      Name and Name | Kits
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    aspenclan ✽ thirty-five

    Postby røsebud » Sun May 31, 2020 11:31 am



    Number of Cats: 24
    14 | 10
    Next Moonpool Visit: any time
    Pebbles: 90
    Prey Eaten: 5 servings – 1 robin, 1 fish
    Mod Notes: Lineart with written descriptions is preferred for the images!

    For plot purposes, please do not kill or fatally wound any cats with a star ✯ beside their name. The leader may lose lives, but no more than three at a time. Please target those with a white star ✩ in the case of death rolls. Injuries are fine for any cat.


    Rosepaw woke her sister with an eager shove. "Come on, it's almost sunhigh! We're gonna miss it!" she urged. Sweetpaw's eyes opened drearily.

    "Rosepaw, I don't know if I wanna do this," she whispered as she followed her sister into the forest. "Honestly, I've always thought Tanglestep was a little creepy."

    Rosepaw laughed. "You're such a baby. He's not a bad guy or anything. I told you, he's trying to help the clan!" Sweetpaw eyed her, unconvinced.

    Rosepaw's pace quickened as she approached Tanglestep, who was sitting by the river and squinting up at the sky. Ashbark and Brackenfang were there as well. The deputy looked toward Rosepaw and immediately narrowed his eyes at the sight of another calico behind her. "Rosepaw," he growled, "what is she doing here?"

    "I invited her," Rosepaw chirped, unfazed. Sweetpaw, however, crouched down and flattened her ears at the dark tabby's sinister tone. "Don't worry, she's all caught up," Rosepaw continued. "I told her everything about . . . Brambletooth." The name she said in a hushed whisper.

    By now, Ashbark and Brackenfang had both tuned in and were stalking toward the frightened apprentice. "Rosepaw, I think I'm just gonna go home," Sweetpaw said, her voice wavering in fear.

    Ashbark and Tanglestep exchanged a quick glance. Before either apprentice could react, Ashbark was sinking her teeth into Sweetpaw's scruff and dragging her toward the riverbank. Sweetpaw tried to scream, but her throat was frozen by terror. Tanglestep strode over to Rosepaw and sat beside her. "What is she doing? Let Sweetpaw go! Please, she didn't do anything wrong," Rosepaw pled. Although her vision was blurred by tears, she could see that Komaru and Goosewing had arrived. Both watched. Neither interfered.

    "But you did," Tanglestep responded coolly. "You weren't supposed to talk to anyone about Brambletooth. This is your fault, Rosepaw."

    "It—it is?" Rosepaw blanched, and her eyes brimmed with tears.

    Tanglestep nodded solemnly before turning to address Ashbark. "Do it."

    Sweetpaw looked helplessly up at Ashbark, her sides heaving with panicked sobs and her face wet with tears. The spotted warrior stared back with an icy gaze. The apprentice tried to make eye contact with Rosepaw, but her sister refused to look at her, instead electing to squeeze her eyes shut and try to block out everything around her. Brackenfang looked away from his mate, unable to hide his discomfort. Paralyzed by fear, Rosepaw felt her heart falter as a soft crack broke the near-silence of the forest.

    She overcame her paralysis to rush to her sister's unmoving side. "W-what did you do?" she stammered to Ashbark without taking her eyes off of Sweetpaw's face. The spotted tabby didn't answer; she merely smirked toward Tanglestep, who nodded his approval. The deputy kicked Sweetpaw into the river with ease, and Rosepaw could only watch in horror as her sister's small form was snatched up by the current.

    "Stop crying, Rosepaw," Tanglestep ordered. The young calico tried desperately to obey, holding her breath to keep the sobs from escaping and pressing her claws into the back of her other forepaw to distract from the pain in her heart. Tanglestep sat up tall with his back to the river, amber eyes raking over the faces of the warriors. "Today, Rosepaw put us—and, therefore, all of Aspenclan—in danger. If it weren't for Ashbark, who knows the dangers that could have come from shared secrets." Ashbark smiled, her tail flicking contentedly. Brackenfang, meanwhile, was unable to look his mate in the eye. "I tell you all the truth because I believe that I can trust you," Tanglestep continued. "Rosepaw broke that trust today. The truth is confidential for a reason." The deputy turned sharply toward Rosepaw, whose face had finally hardened into a scowl, though tears still shone in her eyes. "I'm going to have to consider whether or not you can remain a part of Aspenclan," Tanglestep growled. "Until then, you should go back to camp and think about what you've done." Rosepaw's expression was unmoving as she began to pad toward the camp. For a moment, she felt an overwhelming desire to look back toward the river, but forced herself to continue forward.


    A chill came over the clan as the midday patrol returned with Sweetpaw's body in tow. Robinstar emerged from her den, and her face went pale beneath her fur. Her gaze darted toward Swiftfern, whose eyes were wide with dread. Birdbrook laid down the apprentice near the center of the clearing. "We-we found her beside the river," she explained shakily.

    "I never taught her how to swim," Turtlecreek said, her voice stricken with horror.

    Kiiro approached her. "Turtlecreek, please don't blame yourself," she mewed gently. The calico warrior shook her head and leaned against her friend, but her guilt was still palpable despite the quiet assurances. Komaru wanted desperately to comfort Turtlecreek as well, but whether she liked it or not, she was on Tanglestep's side now. She had to be. There was no backing out.

    Asterflame stared ashen-faced at Sweetpaw's frail figure. Cloudmask padded to her from the nursery and tried to comfort her sister, but Asterflame broke away before she had the chance, pressing her nose into her daughter's still-wet fur and emitted an agonizing wail. Rosepaw's heart ached for both her sister and her mother, but she didn't move. Tanglestep watched her with satisfaction veiled by a false air of grief. Amid the shocked silence and quiet tears of his clanmates, Cloverwish walked forward and brought Sweetpaw's body toward his den, evoking some confused murmurs.

    "Cloverwish, what are you doing?" Poppypaw whispered after her mentor had dragged Sweetpaw behind their den, out of sight of the rest of the clan.

    "I don't think Sweetpaw drowned," Cloverwish said tersely. He extended a single claw and ran it down the back of Sweetpaw's neck, feeling along her spine. "Poppypaw, would you grab Robinstar for me?" he mewed softly. "And Sweetpaw's mother. She should hear this too." His apprentice nodded and padded off, returning shortly with Robinstar and Asterflame beside her. Cloverwish cleared his throat before instructing Robinstar to trace a claw down Sweetpaw's spine as he had done moments earlier. "Do you feel that break?" he asked. Robinstar nodded wordlessly as Asterflame's tearful eyes narrowed. "It's possible that this happened after Sweetpaw fell into the water, but that's really unlikely." Cloverwish paused, his gaze flitting between the she-cats. "This looks intentional. Something like this just doesn't happen accidentally. I'm so sorry, Asterflame."


    Poppypaw's feet dragged over the dirt as she returned to the medicine den after Sweetpaw's burial. Cloverwish looked up from the kitting herbs he was gathering and gently greeted his apprentice. "How are you?" he mewed softly.

    "What do you think?" Poppypaw muttered. Cloverwish didn't appear offended by the young cat's bitter reply; he knew that he couldn't begin to understand the stress her family was going through, and instead he redirected his attention toward the herbs. Poppypaw apologized anyway. She sighed heavily and moved to sit beside her mentor. "I'm not ready for this."

    "Sure you are," Cloverwish said lightly. Poppypaw cast a doubtful glance towards the ginger tom. "You were there when your mom gave birth to your brothers, weren't you? Poppypaw, I know you're ready."

    The calico molly nodded and gave the tom a weak smile. "Thank you," she murmured, allowing her head to fall onto her mentor's shoulder.

    "Of course, kiddo," he assured her. With that, he encouraged his apprentice to get some rest. It had been a long day for the molly and her family, and more stressful days were sure to come with two queens due any day now.


          Ashbark kills Sweetpaw under Tanglestep's command. They stage the cause of death to be drowning.

          Tanglestep, Ashbark and Komaru patrol the borders
          Brackenfang, Goosewing and Rosepaw patrol the borders
          Turtlecreek, Minkear and Asterflame hunt
          Swiftfern and Birdbrook hunt

          Nanamipaw and Crowpaw train with their respective mentors

          Asterflame tries for kits with Laceleaf of Hazelclan
          Pinetail (ll, bb, dd, aa, Mcmc) is having her and Turtlecreek's kits with Oakbreeze of Twistedclan as a donor!
          Poppypaw has been trained in kitting and stands by with the kitting herbs they have
          Jasperlight (Ll, BB, XOXO, Aa, Wsw) is having her kits!
          the father is unknown
          Cloverwish stands by with the kitting herbs they have


            Robinstar | 77 moons | female |
            Lives: ✯✯✯✯✯✯✩✩✩

            Tanglestep | 47 moons | male |

            Medicine Cat:
            Cloverwish | 31 moons | male |
            Medicine Cat Apprentice:
            Poppypaw | 16 moons | female |

            Swiftfern | 56 moons | female |
            Ashbark | 43 moons | female |
            Brackenfang | 42 moons | male |
            Asterflame | 39 moons | female |
            Turtlecreek | 34 moons | female |
            Komaru | 32 moons | female |
            Kiiro | 32 moons | female |
            Minkear | 25 moons | male |
            Birdbrook | 23 moons | female |
            Goosewing | 20 moons | male |

            Nanamipaw | 16 moons | female |
            Rosepaw | 10 moons | female |
            Crowpaw | 8 moons | male |

            Jasperlight | 46 moons | female |
              kitting this moon
            Cloudmask | 39 moons | female |
            Pinetail | 33 moons | female |
              kitting this moon
            Pipitkit | 4 moons | male |
            Sparrowkit | 3 moons | male |
            Finchkit | 3 moons | male |

            Walnutbranch | 123 moons | male |
            Name | Age | Gender | ✽

      Ally Clans
      Lionclan | noctenne
      Clan | Owner

      Enemy Clans
      Clan | Owner
      Clan | Owner

      Medicine Store
      Alder bark [x2] | toothaches
      Blackberry leaves [x1] | bee stings
      Borage [x2] | help produce more and better milk;
      fevers, bad bellies, tight chests
      Broom [x1] | wounds and broken legs
      Catmint [x1] | greencough
      Celandine [x1] | damaged eyes
      Coltsfoot [x1] | breathing or kitten-cough; cracked
      or sore pads
      Comfrey root [x0] | broken bones, wounds, burns,
      wrenched claws, stiff joints, stiffness on wrenched
      Dandelion [x0] | bee stings, painkiller
      Dock [x1] | scratches and sore paws
      Foxglove seeds [x1] | used to treat the heart; can
      cause paralysis and heart failure
      Goatweed [x1] | anxiety and grief
      Goldenrod [x2] | heals wounds
      Hawkweed [x1] | like catmint
      Honey [x1] | infections or coughing, smoke-damaged
      or sore throats, gives energy
      Horsetail [x1] | treats infections; stops bleeding
      Lavender [x1] | fever & chills; hides scent of death
      Marigold [x1] | infection; bleeding; inflammation of
      Poppy seeds [x0] | help with sleep or shock, distress,
      or pain; not for nursing queens
      Ragweed [x1] | extra strength and energy
      Raspberry leaves [x1] | ease pain, stop bleeding
      during kitting
      Snakeroot [x1] | used to counter poison
      Stick [x2] | distracts cats from pain; used to heal
      broken bones
      Stinging nettle [x0] | can induce vomiting, bring
      down swelling, help with wounds, fight infection, heal
      broken bones when mixed with comfrey
      Watermint [x1] | bellyaches
      Willow bark [x1] | eases pain
      Willow leaves [x1] | stops vomiting
      Wintergreen [x1] | wounds and some poisons
      Yarrow [x1] | extracts toxins from wounds; makes a cat
      vomit up poison; used to heal cracked pads

      Fresh-Kill Pile
      24 Total Servings
      Mouse | x0 | 1 serving
      Vole | x2 | 1 serving
      Fish | x2 | 2 servings
      Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
      Bluebird | x2 | 3 servings
      Robin | x2 | 3 servings

      Skills: fighting, swimming, climbing, hunting
      Robinstar | Nanamipaw | 2 lessons
      1. fighting
      2. hunting
      Birdbrook | Rosepaw | 2 lessons
      1. fighting
      2. hunting
      Minkear | Crowpaw | 0 lessons
      1. skill
      Skills: minor injuries, major injuries, kitting, illness
      Cloverwish | Poppypaw
      1. major injuries
      2. minor injuries
      3. kitting
      Deceased Cats
      Cricketleap | throat clawed by Tanglestep
      Speckledpaw | fed deathberries by Tanglestep
      Shrikepaw | killed in battle
      Brambletooth | drowned by Tanglestep
      Pebblepaw | throat clawed by Tanglestep
      Sweetpaw | neck broken by Ashbark

      Brambletooth Swiftfern
        Sparkfur (Groveclan)
      Tanglestep Cloudmask
        Ivypaw (Clayclan)
      Sootpelt (Hazeclan) Rippleberry (Birchclan)
        Fennelshade (Birchclan)
        Ripplepaw (Birchclan)
        Crowpool (Birchclan)
      Asterflame Unknown
        Leaffall (Briarclan)
        Mutesoft (Briarclan)
      Turtlecreek Pinetail
      Komaru Kiiro (bio father unknown)
      Ashbark Brackenfang
    Last edited by røsebud on Thu Jun 11, 2020 2:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
      rose • she/her • student • passions include writing and oreos
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    Kazin's Replies May 30th, 2020 | Leaf-fall

    Postby Kazin » Sun May 31, 2020 3:10 pm


    ✧ Notes ✧
    If I have missed
    anyone, or have messed
    something up, please don't hesitate
    to PM me. My inbox here or
    on the discord is always open!

    Last Replies: May 21tst

    ✧ Weather ✧ Leaf-Fall
    The colors in the territories
    are changing. Reds, browns, and
    yellows. Temperatures are falling
    just as the leaves are. Prey
    starts becoming less abundant,
    though sickness seems to be doing the
    opposite, if one isn't careful.
    ✧ Clans ✧
    Pineclan | Tundraclan | Ashclan
    Moorclan | Creagclan | Lotusclan
    Mountainclan | Toxic Realm | Featherclan
    Hexclan | Kin of the Lotus | Bearclan
    Lost Souls | Cold Watch Syndicate | Blitheclan
    Jadeclan | Steamclan | Misted Waters

    ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

    General Mod Notes | [ Font credit: 1001fonts. All pictures I link are free-to-use from various sites - or they have been made on CaC lineart by H155, kaspbrak. or Grey_Hoodie; coloring provided by various staff members & artists (specific artist given as pictures are linked, alongside descriptions of the cat).

    **NEW** I will not be able to provide apprentice growths for lineart cats I've made that rank up from kits to apprentices. They will receive a full warrior/adult ref either once they become warriors or once they become apprentice. I apologize for any inconvenience! Let me know if you have any questions <3 ]

        Border Patrols | [ Gondolaswing's border patrol catches the faint scent of Iontrapaw! Perhaps if they can come back with a search party next moon, they can rescue him. ]
        [ Blackiron's border patrol passes without incident this moon. ]

        Hunting Patrols | [ Leopardgaze's patrol catches x1 mouse and x1 rat. ]
        [ Pigeonflight's patrol catches x1 squirrel. ]

        Herb Gathering | [ Crescentmoon and Idyllicfields gather x1 broom, x1 raspberry leaf, and x1 willow bark. ]

        Request | [ The request of an underboss has been granted! They are a 'brown (genetically black) bengal (heterozygous) shorthair with amber eyes' colored by Duplex. ]

        Training | [ Laurelpaw and Olivepaw learn tracking. ]
        [ Bambinopaw and Biscottipaw learn combat. ]
        [ Kissingpaw, Isolapaw, and Iontrapaw do not learn anything this moon... ]

        Fasting | [ It seems the Syndicate goes hungry this moon - they have one more moon of fasting before cats may begin to starve. ]

        Mod Notes | [ Hey there! I'm pretty sure your pebble count is off by a bit - I think it should be 115! Also make sure your training section/skills the apprentices know is kept up to date - Iontrapaw and Iolapaw shouldn't know anything yet, Biscottipaw shouldn't know hunting, and I think there are some skills the other apps have learned that haven't been added. ]

    ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

    vampiress_fox wrote:HEXCLAN

        Moonpool | [ Darkstar's request for a cat has been answered! They are of warrior age. ]

        Family | [ Jackrabbit is expecting kits! They will be due in 2 moons. It seems Emberclaw is not expected kits this moon... ]

        Training | [ Blackpaw learns swimming! ]

        Herb Gathering | [ Rosebud gathers x1 catmint and x1 elder leaf. ]

        Dawn Patrol | [ Emberclaw's patrol catches x1 chipmunk and x1 mouse. ]

        Sun-High Patrol | [ Santa's patrol encounters a potential apprentice! ]

        Dusk Patrol | [ Umeko's patrol catches x1 chipmunk. ]

        Moon-High Patrol | [ Blackflower's patrol scents a lone fox! The scent seems stale, but it wouldn't hurt to double check the area and make sure that the fox isn't making a den. ]

    ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

    w0ah wrote:CREAGCLAN

        Request | [ Cairnstar's request of a druid has been answered! They are a 'grey and white tabby longhair with blue eyes' colored by H155. They bring five herbs of your choice to start off Creagclan's herb storage; the herb list we typically use can be located here. ]

        Hunting Patrol | [ Cairnstar's hunting patrol catches x2 voles and x1 rabbit. ]

        Border Patrol | [ Cairnstar's border patrol encounters a potential warrior! They are a black ticked tabby with low white; colored by amethyst14. ]

    ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

    Zapperex wrote:JADECLAN

        Hunting Patrol | [ Jadestar's hunting patrol catches x1 bird and x1 minnow. ]

        Border Patrol | [ Streamtail and Blackwing encounter an injured cat! It seems they got into a fight with a loner over a piece of prey. The clan can either help this stranger and offer them medicine and a place as a warrior in the clan, or turn them away to be on their own. Should the cat be accepted, they will need x1 cobweb and x1 poppy seed for their wounds. ]

        Training | [ Sunpaw successfully learns hunting! ]

        Medical | [ Sweetcloud gathers x1 poppy seed and x1 raspberry leaf. Her skills remain sharp at 5SP! ]

        Request | [ Jadestar's request has been answered. ]

    ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

    inky. wrote:BEARCLAN

        Family | [ Pipersnap is now expecting kits! They will be due in 2 moons. ]

        Kitting | [ Hawksnow gives birth to three healthy kits! ]
        [ Kit 1 is a longhaired gray mackerel tabby with green eyes. Kit 2 is a shorthaired black mackerel tabby with green eyes. Kit 3 is a shorthaired solid black with green eyes. All were colored by me. ]

        Border Patrol | [ Sparkstorm's patrol encounters an adult cat! They are a 'Shortfur pale red bicolor with lemon yellow eyes and a bobbed tail and folded ears' colored by BlackJeans. ]

        Hunting Patrols | [ Nightfur's patrol catches x1 squirrel. ]
        [ Tickstripe's patrol catches x1 hare and x2 minnows. ]
        [ Brambleglow's patrol catches x1 squirrel. ]

        Herb Gathering | [ Bumbleflight and Rainleaf gather x1 burdock root, x1 oak leaf, and x1 tansy. ]

        Training | [ Mintpaw, Toadpaw, and Snailpaw learn swimming. ]
        [ Shadowpaw, Thistlepaw, Dunepaw, Hazepaw, Splashpaw, Minkpaw, and Jacobinpaw learn climbing. ]
        [ Saskatoonpaw, Fallenpaw, and Cardinalpaw learn stealth. ]
        [ Beepaw learns battle. ]
        [ Crowpaw and Falconpaw both learn hunting, but get into a short squabble about who did better at the end of the day; each give each other shallow scratches that will need x1 cobweb each, though no rest is required. ]
        [ Serpentpaw learns nothing this moon... ]

        Assessments | [ Beanpaw passes her final assessment and is now a warrior! ]
        [ Mudpaw passes her final assessment and is now a warrior! ]

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    LooneyLani wrote:MISTED WATERS

        Hunting Patrols | [ Howler's patrol catches x2 rabbits and x1 ermine. ]
        [ Meera's patrol catches x1 bird, x2 shrews, and x1 vole. ]

        Border Patrols | [ Jinx's patrol disturbs an angry hive of bees! All but Ezra escape being stung; Ezra will need x1 dandelion for a sting on his flank. ]
        [ Hali's patrol encounters a warrior-aged cat! They are a 'ginger tabby shorthair with green eyes' colored by Duplex. ]

        Medicine Cat | [ Flick successfully learns a skill. Ripple gathers x1 borage and x1 raspberry leaf. ]

        Minuet | [ Minuet gives birth to three kits! Unfortunately, Minuet passes away due to complications from the birth, and one of the kits passes shortly after... ]
        [ Kit 1 is a longhaired classic tortoiseshell tabby with light green eyes. Kit 2 is a longhaired ginger mackerel tabby with white, and green eyes. Kit 3 is a longhaired ginger mackerel tabby with white, and copper eyes. All were colored by me. ]

        Zara | [ Zara gives birth to one healthy kit! ]
        [ The kit is a mediumhaired chocolate point with blue eyes; colored by Katrione. ]

        Duchess | [ Duchess gives birth to five kits! The first is born without an eye, and the last is born with a twisted paw. ]
        [ Kit 1 is a shorthaired ginger ticked tabby oriental with white, and one yellow-green eye. Kit 2 is a shorthaired dilute tortoiseshell oriental with white, and green eyes. Kit 3 is a shorthaired cream mackerel tabby with white, and green eyes. Kit 4 is a shorthaired black ticked tabby with light green eyes and a fluffy tail. Kit 5 is a shorthaired tortoiseshell with white, and green eyes; has a twisted paw. All were colored by me. ]

        Training | [ Chaim and Sage learn offensive combat. ]
        [ Ritter learns tracking. ]

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    BlackJeans&IceCream wrote:KIN OF THE LOTUS

        Request | [ Walker of Day and Walker of Night's request has been granted! ]

        Herb Gathering | [ Robin of Windchimes and Little Oolong gather x1 comfrey root, x1 elder leaf, and x1 sweet-sedge. ]

        Aboveground Patrols | [ Cloud of Star's patrol passes without incident this moon. ]
        [ Walker of Day's patrol returns early, as it seems Almond of Clay receives a sprained paw after somehow managing to take a tumble down a hill, spraining her paw as she tries to stop her momentum. She will need x1 elder leaf and x1 poppy seed, as well as x2 moons of rest. ]

        Underground Hunting | [ Fog of Timber's patrol catches x1 hare and x2 harvest mouse. ]

        Underground Patrolling | [ Genet of Clouds' patrol encounters an adult cat! They are a 'black and white shorthair with amber eyes' colored by Duplex. ]

        Jade of Deserts | [ Jade of Deserts gives birth to three healthy kits! ]
        [ Kit 1 is a hairless black mackerel tabby munchkin with white, and violet eyes. Kit 2 is a shorthaired black and white bicolor munchkin with light blue and green eyes. Kit 3 is a hairless black and white bicolor with green eyes. All were colored by me. ]

        Meadow of Arrowheads | [ Meadow of Arrowheads gives birth to one healthy kit! ]
        [ The kit is a shorthaired chocolate mackerel tabby with white, and green eyes; colored by me. ]

        Training | [ Little Wing learns combat. ]
        [ Little Minnow and Little Duck learn swimming. ]
        [ Little Oolong learns healing. ]
        [ Little Bengal learns nothing this moon... ]
        [ Little Honeybee learns climbing. ]

        Assessment | [ Little Arrow is unable to take her assessment this moon, as she needs to have successfully completed four skills. ]

    ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

    dahlia, wrote:???CLAN

        Founding | [ Your clan has been founded! You will have 3 posts to stockpile prey before you must start feeding your clan. Katrione will assign your mod. ]
        [ You will start out with 20 pebbles, our game's currency, and receive 5 each post you make. ]
        [ For your first five posts, you will receive free-to-use pictures - after those five posts are up, you may choose to have your clan transferred to CaC's lineart. ]
        [ Feel free to reach out to anyone on the staff team if you have any questions, or if you'd like an invite to the discord! c: ]

        [ I'll be messaging you shortly, but because we already have another Featherclan, you'll need to choose another name for you clan since we don't allow duplicate clan names. Sorry about that! ]

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    metanoia. wrote:DIRECLAN

        Founding | [ Direclan has been founded! You will have 3 posts to stockpile prey before you must start feeding your clan. Katrione will assign your mod. ]
        [ You will start out with 20 pebbles, our game's currency, and receive 5 each post you make. ]
        [ For your first five posts, you will receive free-to-use pictures - after those five posts are up, you may choose to have your clan transferred to CaC's lineart. ]
        [ Feel free to reach out to anyone on the staff team if you have any questions! c: ]

    ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉
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    Re: Create A Clan- V.4

    Postby Katthekit » Sun May 31, 2020 3:13 pm

    Number of Cats: 1 | Next Starclan Visit: Now. | Pebbles: None

    [Crowstar patrols.]
    He padded through the woods, taking a good look around. He grumbles, passing by a short stream.
    Crowstar | 8 moons| Male| [url=link][/url]
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Medicine Cat:
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
    Rabbit | x1 | 0 servings
    Sparrow| x0 | 0 servings
    Finch | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits


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