Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: 🔥 Phoenixclan (19)

Postby Springtalon » Wed May 20, 2020 2:26 pm


Image(word font one) (word font two) (dingbat font one) (dingbat font two) Image
Image( population: 36 ) ( next request: 3 moons ) ( mod: deimos ) ( pebbles: 69 )Image


Lotusstar's fur trembled as she looked down at Coalkit. Nothing had changed, between
last night and this morning, at least...nothing physical had. There wasn't even any strange
scents. But she could feel it. She knew.

The pangs of hunger no longer threatened to eat her from inside out. Her stomach felt fine,

She'd lost her third life. A life for trust.

How could she have been so naive. Listening to Phoenix as she whispered promises of glory
and leadership. She should have listened to Banshee more, even though the shadowed
feline led those that died an evil life, she at the very least had been honest.

With shaky legs, Lotusstar rose to her paws. Stepping out of the nest, Lotusstar gently
nosed her kitten, before, trembling, left the nursery. Flinching under the sunlight,
Lotusstar lifted her head and looked around the camp.

The warriors were moving about as they normally did, the apprentices were laughing about
something, and the camp seemed to be perfectly normal.

Lotusstar could only pray that it would last. Waving her tail to get her Deputies attention,
Lotusstar lifted her head. Time to get the report, and then begin working. Coalkit
was nearly old enough to be weaned, and she certainly wasn't eating quite as much. It was
time for Lotusstar to throw herself into duties,


Lemurkit stared up at the medicine cat, eyes shining with unspilled tears as his shoulders shook.
Cherrydroplet looked down at him sadly. "I'm sorry Lemurkit, I should have spoken to you about
this before, but...I had hoped that you would change your mind about becoming a healer of
your own accord."

"But why Coalkit?" Lemurkit sniffled "She's not old enough to decide, and it'll be moons before
she is!"

Cherrydroplet sighed, shaking her head. "It is a matter of...tradition, a leader's kits are often watched
and typically end in high ranking positions of their own. However, after the loss of Sparkkit, who never
even had a chance to live his life, Lotusstar informed me that she would to anything within her power
to keep Coalkit from becoming leader. So, I offered the choice of being my apprentice. Lotusstar
agreed, and so we will wait and see. If it turns out that Coalkit would be better suited as a
warrior, then the two of you will simply...swap. It certainly wouldn't be anything unheard of,
but until then, you will be training alongside your brother, as a warriors apprentice."

Cherrydroplet paused, then smiled at the downtrodden kitten. "And, I'm sure Lotusstar will have
no objections if you were to keep me company every so often. It doesn't hurt a warrior to have a
little knowledge of herbs here or there."

Lemurkit looked up at her hopefully, his striped tail curling upwards "Do you think so?" he whispered,
voice barely audible.

Cherrydroplet smiled again, though this time it was a smaller smile. "Of course, now go find your brother,
I'm sure he's itching to get ready for your apprentice ceremony."

As Lemurkit turned to leave the medicine den, Cherrydroplet called him back. "And Lemurkit," He turned,
tilting his head with a small frown. "Trust Lotusstar, because I think she's picked a fine warrior to
be your mentor." Lemurkit smiled, and nodded, bounding out of the den.

Cherrydroplet smiled slightly. Silvermist was a rather quiet cat, but she would make a good mentor for
Lemurkit. Of course, Silvermist and Sakuragaze had been getting rather close lately, which meant
there might be some more kits on the way later into the future, but Fuzzribbon had mentored (mostly)
Daisystorm throughout her pregnancy and after the kits had been born, and since Silvermist wouldn't
be carrying them, Cherrydroplet figured that it would be easier on Silvermist and Lemurkit.

Cherrydroplet started to leave, but was surprised by Blazingstripe making his way in. "Oh, is something
wrong?" she asked, studying the frown on his face.

Blazingstripe shook his head, and glanced over his shoulder. "Could, would you go out into the woods
with me? I'd like to talk to you about..a personal matter."

Cherrydroplet frowned, but nodded.

A few minutes later, the deputy and the medicine cat were out in the woods, walking quietly. "So, what's
the problem Blazingstripe?" Cherrydroplet finally asked.

"With...everything going on with Lotusstar, how she's already lost two of her lives-" three, Cherrydroplet
thought, remembering the ice cold chill that had escaped the nursery four suns prior.

"-I've really been...thinking. Cherrydroplet, I'm not the young tom I once was. It's been almost twenty moons
since I came to Phoenixclan, and nearly ten since I was named deputy. I was...against it originally, as you
may recall."

Cherrydroplet nodded absently, remembering that Lotusstar had nearly had to beg Blazingstripe to become her deputy.

"And, be honest Cherrydroplet, I doubt that I will make it to leader. I know Lotusstar has been losing her
lives, but she still has seven to lose. I'm not going to be leader. And, there's a cold breeze in the air, a chill
that haunts the camp. I fear something terrible is coming Cherrydroplet."

Blazingstripe shook his head. "I'm afraid Banshee is beginning to stir up trouble. She left us alone for so long,
our time has finally run out. I never found anyone I loved as a loner, and, I have not found anyone I love
here in Phoenixclan. Not to mention all of the warriors are at least twenty moons my junior. And yet, I've
always wanted to be a father. To see small kittens running, growing, and know that they are mine. Mine
to nourish and to teach. Being deputy has been like being a father, don't get me wrong. But even with
the kits in the nursery, it's not the same as being a father."

Cherrydroplet frowned "What...what are you getting at?"

"I've spoken with Lotusstar, and...she has agreed, though..I fear the loss of her lives has altered her judgement
some. Normally, for any other matter, I would not take advantage of her mindset, but...she has agreed,
if you are willing of course," Blazingstripe stammered, his tail flicking softly from side to side. "To be straight
with you Cherrydroplet, you're the only she-cat within even a remotely close age range to me. We do not
love each other no, but cats have been surrogates before, it's hardly a new concept. If you are willing,
Lotusstar has granted permission, would you, be willing, to surrogate for me? I have no mate, of my gender
or otherwise, but I still yearn for kits, to care for and know they are mine. The next oldest she-cat
in this clan is Floppyears, and she has just given birth. Underneath her, any who I would feel comforatable
with are either expecting themselves, or have a family i would not dare disrupt."

Cherrydroplet's tail flickered softly. "To have kits would go against the code of a medicine cat," she said slowly.
"And we are hardly in a position where I may step down from my post."

"And I am not asking you to. All I ask is that you carry them, and nurse them for me. Once they are weaned,
they need not ever know you as their mother. They would not be your kits, and thus you would not break
your oath. All you would be is their carrier. Please Cherrydroplet, I fear for what is coming on the horizon.
I wish to have, just a small piece of happiness, to have children, to have something to fight for, knowing my
kits await me on the other side."

Cherrydroplet's tail flicked softly. "I'll do this for you...but I have conditions."

Blazingstripe nodded, eyes wide like he hadn't expected her to agree. "Of course." he said quickly "Whatever you-"

Cherrydroplet cut him off "First of all, the kits won't know me as their mother. If they ask, you lie. I won't have
any part of their parenting. Secondly...and this is going to sound strange Blazingstripe, but, they are
still going to be a part of me, I don't want them becoming leader if you can prevent it. You've seen what's happening
to Lotusstar, she''s the curse of being given nine lives, with each one she loses an important part of herself.
By the time she's on her last life, she'll be a hollow shell of the cat who brought us into the clan. I won't
watch that happen to any kits I bear, no matter if I am a part of their life or not."


Bouncepaw's ears twitched as she looked down at the three kittens curled at her mother's side. "They're so small!"
she chirped, her loud voice making the three kits squirm slightly. Bouncepaw winced, she could talk mostly fine
(sometimes words came out a little garbled) but she had a hard time regulating how loud she spoke.

Beside her, Flippaw was purring, reaching with one paw to bat gently at Sagekit's side. "He's so small!"

"So's Pumpkinkit," Springpaw whispered "Why are they so small?"

Floppyears smiled "They got it from their father, his legs are shorter, like Sagekit's and Pumpkinkits."

"But how come none of us are short? Sagekit and Pumpkinkit got your ears, how come we didn't get
short legs?" Flippaw questioned.

Floppyears glanced at her oldest son with a slightly panicked expression, then calmed her face. "Your not the father of Sagekit, Pumpkinkit, and Briarkit. He lives...far away from here. We met
at the Gathering, several moons ago."

Springpaw tilted her head "Like how Swankit's other parent is in Ravenclan?"

"How did you-" Floppyears started.

"We asked Clovermask! They told us that Swankit's other parent used to be their friend, but they split
up, but before they did, they had kits, and Swankit has a sister in Ravenclan!" Flippaw said. "And
OBVIOUSLY Fuzzribbon's mate isn't in Phoenixclan, there's no cat that looks like any of her kits here."

"Besides," Springpaw added "Marronpaw told us that Fuzzribbon took them to meet their dad and sister,
they live in Chessclan! Aloespaw's in training, just like they are!"

Floppyears smiled slightly. "Well then, why don't I tell you about Amethyst? And perhaps, when these three
are a bit older, you can come with me to meet him? He'd like you, I'm sure. He's a very caring cat."

"I'd like that." Bouncepaw said happily, her voice slightly quieter than before (though not by much). "And can he
come here and meet everyone?"

Floppyears paused, and smiled at her kits "We'll have to see, but I think he'd like that."

"I can't wait to meet him!" Springpaw said, smiling down at the kittens.

"And I can't wait for him to meet you."

(✧ blazingstripe, lightningpaw, rhododendronblossom, walnutpaw, lotusstar, and butterflyhop go on patrol ✧)
(✧ fuzzribbon, daisystorm, silvermist, cocoapaw, spiraldapple, and springpaw go hunting ✧)
(✧ sakuragaze, flippaw, clovermask, bouncepaw, warblewhisker, and hurricaneshadow go hunting ✧)
(✧ lotusstar, stella, frostspiral, and birchsniffle go hunting ✧)
(✧ cherrydroplet goes herb hunting ✧)

(✧ blazingstripe teaches lightningpaw how to swim ✧)
(✧ clovermask teaches bouncepaw how to patrol ✧)
(✧ spiraldapple teaches springpaw how to patrol ✧)
(✧ birchsniffle teaches blackpaw how to hunt ✧)
(✧ warblewhisker teaches marronpaw how to hunt ✧)
(✧ frostspiral teaches chestnutpaw how to patrol ✧)
(✧ rhododendronblossom teaches walnutpaw how to hunt ✧)
(✧ silvermist teaches cocoapaw how to climb ✧)

(✧ lemurkit and raccoonkit become apprentices! ✧)
(✧ midnightwhisper gives birth, cherrydroplet assists✧)
(✧ cherrydroplet and blazingstripe try for kits ✧)
(✧ when warblewhisker comes back from hunting,
(✧ phoenixclan eats two robins and a mouse ✧)

notes for dei
(✧ anyone with a ✦ is free to be rolled for death rolls ✧)
(✧ for the kits (from winter) :: ""the kits will all be solid black bicolor kits"" ✧)
(✧ pls no kill anyone with a ✧ - they can catch the sickness tho :smirk: anyone with a ✦ can die tho ✧)

reminders for self
(✧ daisystorm is going to end up in a fr with pepperpaw of pineclan ✧)
(✧ warblewhisker is going to end up in a fr with brindlebird of strikersclan ✧)
(✧ fuzzribbon is in a fr with pamplemousseeyes of chessclan ✧)
(✧ springpaw will have a fling with diamondgaze of hazeclan ✧)
(✧ flippaw will have a fr with dewpaw of celestials ✧)
(✧ bouncepaw will have a fr with quietpaw of cloudclan and rosefern of ridgeclan ✧)
(✧ floppyears is in a fling -> romance with amethyst of kin of the lotus ✧)
(✧ frostgaze has had a fling with kalypso of lavenderclan ✧)
(✧ swankit and chestnutpaw will be cute lesbians when they are older
^ raccoonkit could surrogate for them maybe ✧)
(✧ lightningpaw will have a fr with acaipaw of chessclan ✧)
(✧ next post - stella tries for kits with shrubwhistle of breezeclan ✧)
(✧ next post - sakuragaze becomes mates with oysterclaw of breezeclan ✧)
(✧ remember to age cats ✧)
(✧ seventh post since clover has joined ✧)



    lotusstar | 48 moons | female (afab)
    ↳ ★★★★★★ (6/9)
    blazingstripe | 72 moons | male (amab)
    cherrydroplet | 68 moons | female (afab)
    ↳ ✿✿✿✿✿ (5/5)
    ✧ name | age | gender
    ✧ name | age | gender

    warriors pt 1
    birchsniffle | 55 moons | male (amab)
    warblewhisker | 47 moons | male (amab)
    spiraldapple | 45 moons | male (amab)
    fuzzribbon | 43 moons | female (afab)
    sakuragaze | 36 moons | female (afab)
    frostspiral | 35 moons | male (amab)
    clovermask | 30 moons | enby (amab)

    spiraldapple | twist
    floppyears | stryker
    flippaw, bouncepaw
    fuzzribbon | pamplemousseeyes (chess)
    blackpaw, marronpaw
    chestnutpaw, walnutpaw
    cocoapaw, aloèspaw (chess)
    lotusstar | spiraldapple
    coalkit and sparkkit
    clovermask | ibisheart (raven)
    swankit and featherkit (raven)
    floppyears and amethyst (kin of the lotus)
    sagekit, briarkit, pumpkinkit
    midnightwhisper and skipper
    ↳ expecting (this moon)
    mudbelly and feather
    ↳ expecting (two moons)
    warriors pt 2
    silvermist | 29 moons | female (amab)
    butterflyhop | 28 moons | male (amab)
    rhododendronblossom | 27 moons | f (afab)
    hurricaneshadow | 23 moons | male (amab)
    stella | 21 moons | female (afab)
    daisystorm | 19 moons | male (amab)
    lightningpaw | 17 moons | female (amab)
    flippaw | 11 moons | male (amab)
    bouncepaw | 11 moons | female (afab)
    springpaw | 11 moons | female (afab)
    blackpaw | 9 moons | male (amab)
    marronpaw | 9 moons | male (amab)
    chestnutpaw | 9 moons | female (afab)
    walnutpaw | 9 moons | female (afab)
    cocoapaw | 9 moons | female (afab)
    floppyears | 59 moons | female (afab)
    mudbelly | 39 moons | female (afab)
    midnightwhisper | 35 moons | female (afab)
    raccoonkit | 6 moons | male (amab)
    lemurkit | 6 moons | male (amab)
    swankit | 3 moons | female (afab)
    coalkit | 2 moons | female (afab)
    sagekit | 0 moons | male (amab)
    briarkit | 0 moons | female (afab)
    pumpkinkit | 0 moons | male (amab)

    phoenix | 32 moons | female (afab)
    ↳ forest fire, pure soul
    banshee | 39 moons | female (amab)
    ↳ forest fire, evil soul
    sparkkit | 0 moons | male (amab)
    ↳ stillborn, pure soul
    inter-clan relations
    ✧ clan | owner | ally
    ✧ clan | owner | neutral
    ✧ clan | owner | enemy
    nearby clans
    ✧ chessclan (sharpie) | north
    ✧ bearclan (inky) | west
    ✧ kin of the lotus (blackjeans) | south
    ✧ mandrakeclan (gracen) | east
    ✧ eclipseclan (me) | northeast
    ✧ elysian dynasty (immortes) | southeast
    prey pile
    ✧ Thrush | x0 | 3 servings
    ✧ Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
    ✧ Mouse | x0 | 1 servings
    ✧ Shrew | x3 | 1 servings
    ✧ Wren | x0 | 3 servings
    ✧ Robin | x1 | 3 servings

    herb pile
    (x1) Alder Bark | Toothache
    (x1) Bindweed | Broken Bones
    (x1) Blackberry Leaves | Bee Stings
    (x2) Burdock Root | Rat Bites
    (x2) Burnet | Traveling Herb
    (x2) Catmint | Greencough
    (x1) Chamomile | Heart/Mind
    (x2) Chervil Leaf | Infection
    (x1) Chervil Root | Bellyache
    (x2) Coltsfoot | Breathing
    (x4) Comfrey Root | Inflammation/Burns
    (x1) Dandelion | Bee stings/painkiller
    (x2) Deathberries | Poisonous
    (x2) Dried Oak Leaf | Infection
    (x1) Fennel | Hips
    (x0) Goatweed | Grief
    (x3) Goldenrod | Painkiller
    (x1) Holly Berry | Poisonous
    (x1) Lovage | Fever
    (x1) Mallow | Bellyache
    (x2) Marigold | Inflammation/Infection
    (x1) Moss | Fluids
    (x2) Poppy Seeds | Insomnia
    (x0) Socoth | Prevents Death in Kitting
    (x1) Rush | Broken Limbs
    (x4) Thyme | Shock
    (x2) Water Hemlock | Poisonous
    (x1) Wintergreen | Poisons
    (x1) Yarrow | Toxins
    cat notes
    ↳ Catches Large Birds 20% more than others,
    excels at Leafbare hunting
    ↳ Each Patrol/Hunt, he has a 1/4 chance to
    double the entire patrol (NOT CATS)
    ↳ born deaf
    ↳ Every fourth post will bring something
    lucky, increases chances of finding cats
    on patrol who need some luck
    ↳ Seal Point American Bobtail
    ✧ blazingstripe | lightningpaw | 3/4
    ↳ patrol, fight, hunt, skill
    ✧ sakuragaze | flippaw | 4/4
    ↳ hunt, patrol, fight, climbing
    ✧ clovermask | bouncepaw | 3/4
    ↳ fight, climb, hunt, skill
    ✧ spiraldapple | springpaw | 3/4
    ↳ fight, hunt, climb, skill
    ✧ birchsniffle | blackpaw | 1/4
    ↳ patrol, skill, skill, skill
    ✧ warblewhisper | marronpaw | 2/4
    ↳ climb, fight, skill, skill
    ✧ frostspiral | chestnutpaw | 0/4
    ↳ skill, skill, skill, skill
    ✧ hododendronblossom | walnutpaw | 1/4
    ↳ patrol, skill, skill, skill
    ✧ silvermist | cocoapaw | 2/4
    ↳ patrol, hunt, skill, skill
Last edited by Springtalon on Tue May 26, 2020 4:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
once we've
if we stand as
someday becomes
and a prayer becomes a
and the strike starts here
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby DadjokeNess » Wed May 20, 2020 6:55 pm

Font Source

Number of Cats: 1 Here | Next Starclan Visit: Next Week? Here | Pebbles: 25
First Post: x Previous Post: x Next Post: X

This moon: []Pizzastar Founds Cocoaclan

Next Moon:
[]Pizzastar Asks Starclan for a medicine cat
[]Pizzastar goes patrolling and hunting
[]Pizzastar fasts


She ran from the city where she'd lived for years, her stubby legs carrying her bulk smoothly across the fields outside the city. Her twolegger, an old woman who'd called her Pizza, was gone. Pizza ran because she'd been afraid, afraid of the other twoleggers, afraid of being without HER twolegger.

The building in the distance was quiet, yet it called to her. As she approached it, she could see why, the abandoned structure half crumbling in the night as the moon and stars played across the brown bricks, giving them a strange glow in the night. This would be a nice place to rest.

As she slept, she began to dream.

"Pizzastar, Pizzastar!"

She opened her eyes to find herself standing in a void, surrounded by dancing spots of light. A group of lights broke off, coming closer and forming themselves into a cat made of stars.

"Pizzastar, you have finally come, welcome to your new home," the star cat purred, their voice soft like crickets singing in the night.

Pizza backed up. "But my name is just Pizza! And my home is gone now."

The star cat nodded. "Yes, you were Pizza, and you now must become more. I am a member of this land's starclan, and here, you can make a new home. If you build it, more cats will come, and they will join and be at peace. If you build your life here, I promise you that you won't be alone for long."

Pizza stepped forward. "What must I do?"

The other cat put their nose to her head. "Take these lives, and live them to their fullest. Make a clan in this abandoned twolegger chocolate factory."

Pizza felt dizzy. Stronger than before, yet her legs felt wobbly as the 8 new lives flooded her body. She felt herself release the breath she didn't know she was holding in a hiccuping purr. "I guess I'll name it after chocolate then, hmm... What about Cocoaclan?"

The star cat laughed, and nodded. "Cocoaclan it is. Welcome home, Pizzastar."


The next day, when Pizza awoke, she knew what she must do. She was Pizzastar now, and she was going to start a new home.

          Pizzastar | 29 moons | Female | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Twolegger City
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Keyclan | 爆殺王
    (edit: we mixed uP)

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x0 | 1 servings
    Voles | x0 | 1 servings
    Hamburgers | x0 | 2 servings
    Stoats | x0 | 2 servings
    Hares | x0 | 3 servings
    Pizza Slices | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by DadjokeNess on Thu Jun 11, 2020 7:45 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Look at this man.


He doesn't have a problem, but if he did, he'd probably ask you to donate to his hoard. Luckily, he doesn't have a problem.
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Re: Eclipseclan [006]

Postby Springtalon » Thu May 21, 2020 12:19 am


𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔰𝔢 𝔴𝔥𝔬 𝔥𝔞𝔳𝔢 𝔫𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔨𝔫𝔬𝔴𝔫 𝔡𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔥, 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔫𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔨𝔫𝔬𝔴 𝔩𝔦𝔣𝔢
☾──────────────────────────────{font: credit - code: credit}─────────────☽xxxxx

☾─────────𝔟𝔞𝔰𝔦𝔠 𝔦𝔫𝔣𝔬──────☽
Valor: 02
Scholar: 02
Comity: 02
Probity: 01
High Ranks: 02

Males: 04
Females: 05
Agenders: 00
Total: 09

moons until tournament: 06
next ancestor request: 2 moons
new cats this moon: none
rank changes: rootwillow (judge -> probity queen)

    Rootwillow finished washing her foreleg, and turned to look at Ambermask. "I didn't know about the way things worked here when I met him." she finally said, answering the question that had been asked nearly ten minutes ago. "I met him while I was exploring, and one thing led to another, and now...I'm in the nursery instead of being a Judge."

    "I've done the counting," Ambermask said softly. "the kits will be only three moons when the Choosing comes, neither you nor them will be eligible to be Chosen. Unless a new Judge joins, I'm afraid of what Solarstar might do, to try and get revenge on you or your kits."

    "I'll protect them." Rootwillow replied. "And, at the very least, one of them will be safe, if there are more than one. I promised their father he would be able to have one, when they were born."

    Ambermask nodded her head "Alright then. I just wanted to let you know what you were getting into. If there aren't any Judges well, the kits would be five moons when the Tournament actually began, old enough that they're weaned and beginning to grow apart from you. I wouldn't put it past Solarstar to declare you entered in it when the Choosing comes, if there aren't any other options."

    "I know," Rootwillow hummed. "But, I think when the time comes, I believe Solarstar will make the right choice."

    Ambermask sighed, and rose to her feet. "Well, don't say I didn't warn you."

    ✶ solarstar, creekshine, glintpaw, and mistbreeze go hunting
    ✶ solarstar, mountaindew, and harpswoop go on patrol
    ✶ creekshine trains glintpaw in patrolling
    ✶ mistbreeze trains lionpaw in swimming
    ✶ eclipseclan eats one crow

    ✶ a mix of f2u + lineart pls. if i could get written descriptions for archival+breeding purposes that would be amazing <3
    ✶ f2u is preferred over lineart for kits and their growths
    ✶ valor - strong, scholar - smart, comity - kind, probity - honest
    solarstar | 48 moons | male (amab)
    ↳ ★★★★★★★★★ (9/9)
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    ↳ ✿✿✿✿✿ (5/5)
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    ambermask | 41 moons | female (afab)

    ✧ mistbreeze and unknown
    ↳ harpswoop and lionpaw
    ✧ rootwillow and smogtail (celestials)
    ↳ expecting (two moons)

    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    ↳cause of death

    north ✧ ridgeclan (bee)
    east ✧ quickclan (eagle)
    south ✧ tempusclan (mochi)
    west ✧ scarabclan (broken)
    northeast ✧ breezeclan (inky)
    northwest ✧ aspenclan (rosebud)
    southeast ✧ ivyclan (night)
    southwest ✧ phoenixclan (me)

    mountaindew | 43 moons | male (amab)
    harpswoop | 15 moons | female (afab)
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)

    queens and kits
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    ↳ [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    ↳ [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)

    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)


    creekshine | 32 moons | male (amab)
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    glintpaw | 13 moons | female (afab)
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)

    queens and kits
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    ↳ [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    ↳ [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)

    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)

    mistbreeze | 35 moons | female (afab)
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    lionpaw | 15 moons | male (amab)
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)

    queens and kits
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    ↳ [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    ↳ [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)

    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)


    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)

    queens and kits
    rootwillow | 32 moons | female (afab)
    ↳ [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    ↳ [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)

    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)
    [url]✧[/url] name | age | gender (agab)


mouse • one• x0
human scrap • one • x0
rabbit • two • x1
rat • two • x1
pidgeon • three • x1
crow • three • x1
tournament victors
none yet
herb storage
creekshine has taught glintpaw:
hunting, climbing, fighting
mistbreeze has taught lionpaw:
fighting, hunting

cat notes
solarstar would have been valor
ambermask would have been comity
mistbreeze, harpswoop, and lionpaw
came from the shadowed kingdom

Last edited by Springtalon on Sat Jul 04, 2020 3:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
once we've
if we stand as
someday becomes
and a prayer becomes a
and the strike starts here
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celestial beings 24

Postby broken* » Thu May 21, 2020 1:26 am

╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════{ ۝ }════════════╗

    xx Image©
    x .cats. 73 (+12) total; 3636♂ ║ .prey. 12 servings ║ .pebbles. 165 total ║ .visit. now

    squirrelpaw is ready to take his messenger exam; if he passes, he will be squirrelnose.

    caracal tries for kits with nimbuscurl of bearclan.
    candiru tries for kits with peachblossom of mistyclan.

    asphodelstorm comes from quickclan to spend some time with his mate & kits.


    .mod notes.
    xx cats marked w/ '☽' are from the vampire coven.

    xx i'm requesting no deaths for now.

    xx cottonstar is killed by raggedstar (c.r.d.).
    xx satinwing is promoted to satinstar.
    xxx (i have katrione's permission)

      celestial beings | for searching purposes

    ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════{ ۝ }════════════╝

    ➣ 'a siamese cat'
    cats received
    ➣ 'none'
    prey consumption
    ➣ x2 'snake'
    ➣ x2 'fish'
    ➣ x2 'mouse'
    herb hunting
    ➣ poolwatcher
    ➣ milktuft
    hunting patrol
    ➣ patrol one
    ---turnstone, spruce, chimera,
    ---qinling, lychnis, rivulet
    ➣ patrol two
    ---flouresce, wigeon, dicentra,
    ---bobak, capra, garbaldi
    ➣ patrol three
    ---angler, pearl, nimbus,
    ---agate, rye, icarus
    border patrol
    ➣ patrol one
    ---cougar, tunis, harrier,
    ---sycamore, perch, roughy
    ➣ patrol two
    ---nectar, heron, solis,
    ---plumeria, sun, lokta
    training exercises
    ➣ hunting skill
    ---spruce, bobak, garbaldi
    ➣ stealth skill
    ---qinling, pearl, angler
    ➣ speed skill
    ---rivulet, wigeon, drizzle
    ➣ def. combat skill
    ---spinel, carnelian, citrine
    ➣ off. combat skill
    ---ivy, yucca, castor


      ➣ ★beauty (satinstar) ║ 20 moons ║ ♀ ║
      xxx--- 9/9 lives

      ➣ juniper (rusticsallow) ║ 49 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ aquilegia (basilfloof) ║ 49 moons ║ ♂ ║

      ➣ ★mambo magnolia lavea ║ 47 moons ║ ♀ ║
      --- powers

      rit zien
      ➣ ★angelica (milktuft) ║ 55 moons ║ ♀ ║
      --- 5/5 medicinal skills
      ➣ ★sky (poolwatcher) ║ 35 moons ║ ♂ ║
      --- 5/5 medicinal skills

      ➣ none atm

      ➣ hawthorn (maplespark) ║ 95 moons ║ ♀ ║

      ➣ yucca (birchpaw) ║ 15 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★spruce (hickorypaw) ║ 15 moons ║ ♂ ║
      --- powers
      ➣ ★ivy (willowpaw) ║ 15 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★qinling (pandapaw) ║ 14 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★rivulet (skipperpaw) ║ 13 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★wigeon (vetchpaw) ║ 13 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ escurel (squirrelpaw) ║ 13 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣★bobak (marmotpaw) ║ 13 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★castor (beaverpaw) ║ 13 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★drizzle (dewpaw) ║ 12 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★garbaldi (damselpaw) ║ 10 moons ║ ♀ ║

      ➣ ★citrine (tangpaw) ║ 9 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★carnelian (dianthuspaw) ║ 9 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★agate (orchidpaw) ║ 9 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★spinel (fleurpaw) ║ 9 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★pearl (ivorypaw) ║ 8 moons ║ ♀ ║

      ➣ ☽aglais (fritillarypaw) ║ 7 moons ║ ♀ ║

      ➣ ☽desmodus ║ 21 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★leech (ashbreeze) ║ 51 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★oriole (flareblood) ║ 38 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★racka (coursergaze)║ 43 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ cougar (birchglow )║ 50 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★tunis (mockingbirdcall) ║ 27 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★harrier (thrushmoor) ║ 25 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ pomona (appleburst) ║ 34 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ sycamore (hillfrost) ║ 42 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ arcigera (shiverblast)║ 47 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ candiru (batfish) ║ 41 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣★shrike (feathereyes) ║ 35 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ perch (basspelt) ║ 33 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ roughy (gingerpelt) ║ 33 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ nectar (honeyblossom) ║ 40 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ heron (smogtongue) ║ 23 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ solis (sunspot) ║ 26 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★cinnabar (nettlebite) ║ 20 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★lokta(whitespring)║ 46 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ plumeria (mallowsun) ║ 48 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ sun (dawnbull) ║ 16 moons ║ ♂ ║

      ➣ rye (nightrain) ║ 43 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ caracal (minkeyes) ║ 34 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★areca (hazelmask) ║ 38 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★lotor (hawkfrost)║ 41 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★chimera (monarchwing) ║ 39 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★dicentra (stormheart) ║ 39 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ★sedge (softwish) ║ 23 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★papyrus (rippledream) ║ 23 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★angler (whimbrelface)║ 33 moons ║ ♂ ║
      xxx⤷ (half-blind)
      ➣ ★nimbus (martencloud)║ 34 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ lychnis (lunawing) ║ 44 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ silk (cecropiaflight) ║ 27 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ turnstone (alpinetit) ║ 38 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ fluoresce (arrowflash)║ 33 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ capra (mouflonclimb) ║ 37 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ icarus (wingflight) ║ 18 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ ☽verglas (glacierlily) ║ 20 moons ║ ♀ ║

      ➣ ★harp (rosebriar) ║ 35 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ ★areca (hazelmask) ║ 38 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ pomona (appleburst) ║ 34 moons ║ ♀ ║
      (due in 1 moons)
      ➣ aquilegia (basilfloof) ║ 49 moons ║ ♂ ║
      (due in 1 moons)
      ➣ ★papyrus (rippledream) ║ 23 moons ║ ♀ ║
      (due in 1 moons)
      ➣ ★leech (ashbreeze) ║ 51 moons ║ ♀ ║
      (due in 2 moons)
      ➣★shrike (feathereyes) ║ 35 moons ║ ♀ ║
      (due in 2 moons)

      ➣ sleet (hailkit) ║ 5 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ torrent (floodkit) ║ 5 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ morphic (gneisskit) ║ 4 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ igneous (dioritekit) ║ 4 moons ║ ♀ ║

      ➣ cormorant (gannetkit) ║ 3 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ oakkit ║ 2 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ acaciakit ║ 2 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ lymantria (gypsykit) ║ 2 moons ║ ♀ ║

      ➣ dragonkit ║ 0 moons ║ ♀ ║
      ➣ lycheekit ║ 0 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ carica (papayakit) ║ 0 moons ║ ♂ ║
      ➣ psidium (guavakit) ║ 0 moons ║ ♂ ║

    uwu. if you find this, I hope you're having a good day! ^^


    ╞══════════════════ ● ● ● ● ● ●
    whimbrelface is warned by his crossroads demon crush dove that they are holding cottonstar prisoner & are going to kill him; he races back to camp to tell everyone. a patrol is put together and attacks the crossroads demons camp; they are too late, just in time to witness raggedstar kill his brother cottonstar, and a fight ensues. satinwing goes for raggedstar, while her patrol-mates go for various other cats; it is important to note that dove & lilith are left alone, not harmed by any angels.

    the cats who go to the battle are; satin star, rusticsallow, flareblood, coursergaze, shiverblast, desmodus. please roll for them to have non-life-threatening injuries.
    end of text.
    ╞══════════════════ ● ● ● ● ● ●
    ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════{ ۝ }════════════╗

    xixxx .n. crossroad demons ║ .s. twistedclan ║ .e. highgarden ║ .w. lotusclan
    xixxx .(n)e. hazeclan ║ .(n)w. chessclan ║ .(s)w. mountainclan ║ .(s)e. islandclan

    xixxx .allies. open ║ .enemies. crossroad demons
    xixxx .mentorships.
    ready to graduate
    x ➣ silk ⇝ escurel --- off. combat, def. combat, speed, hunting, stealth

    x ➣ candiru ⇝ ivy --- speed, stealth, hunting, def. combat off. combat
    x ➣ sycamore ⇝ yucca --- speed, hunting, stealth, def. combat, off. combat
    x ➣ roughy ⇝ castor --- speed, stealth, hunting, def. combat, off. combat
    x ➣ oriole ⇝ drizzle --- speed, stealth, hunting, def. combat, off. combat
    x ➣ lokta ⇝ citrine--- speed, stealth, hunting, def. combat, off. combat
    x ➣ solis ⇝ carnelian --- speed, stealth, hunting, def. combat, off. combat
    x ➣ nectar ⇝ spinel --- speed, stealth, hunting, def. combat, off. combat

    x ➣ turnstone ⇝ spruce --- def. combat, off. combat, stealth, speed, hunting
    x ➣ chimera ⇝ qinling --- speed, off. combat, hunting,stealth, def. combat
    x ➣ lychnis ⇝ rivulet --- def. combat, hunting, off. combat, stealth, speed
    x ➣ fluoresce ⇝ wigeon --- off. combat, def. combat, stealth, hunting, speed
    x ➣ dicentra ⇝ bobak --- off. combat, stealth, speed, hunting, def. combat
    x ➣ capra ⇝ garbaldi --- off. combat, stealth, speed, hunting, def. combat
    x ➣ angler ⇝ pearl --- off. combat, stealth, speed, hunting, def. combat
    x ➣ nimbus ⇝ agate --- off. combat, stealth, speed, hunting, def. combat


    .necessary links.

    prey storage
    herb storage
    family lines
    the deceased
      celestial beings | for searching purposes

    ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════{ ۝ }════════════╝
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    Re: Flintclan_1 *might re-edit this later*

    Postby iNsErTname? » Thu May 21, 2020 3:37 am

    iNsErTname? wrote:


    Number of Cats: Toms: 0 _ She-cats: 1_ All together: 1 | Next Starclan Visit:soon | Pebbles:20
    Copperflight wakes up in a cave. Or, at least, it seems like a cave in her eyes. It was different from other caves because there are rails on the rough ground and the walls seem to be supported by iron beams. “A mine? Why am I in a mine,” Copperflight thought to herself as she slowly sat up. Unexpectedly, Copperflight hit her head against a hard metal and hissed. She looks up and found that she slept inside of minecart that had fallen over. There is still coal and dirt inside of the cart but it didn’t bother her. Shaking herself off, memories start to hit her. Copperflight had been searching for a new life. Ever since she was first told about the clans and Starclan as a kit, she had dreamed of joining that life. Then one day, she left everything behind to find a clan. But, there was no success and Copperflight found herself lost. She remembers praying to Starclan to find a clan, repeatedly. And she continued to travel till she couldn’t anymore. Luckily, she found a mine and stayed there for the night. She now looks outside at the dark night sky, and asks herself, “How long have I been asleep? Was I *that* exhausted?” She backs away from the cart and observes her surroundings. To the right is nothing but an endless tunnel. Only another entrance that is blocked off by rocks and soil. She becomes curious but tells herself to ignore it for now. To the left is another entrance from which she came from. It is supported by old wooden frames and seems stable. Copperflight suddenly jumps back at the sight. The dark sky is lit up by the glow of another cat. A glowing cat? She couldn’t understand it. Copperflight meows, “Hello? Who’s there?” She walks towards the glowing figure who is motionless, staring at her with those bright eyes. The cat started to run away and Copperflight couldn’t bring herself to stay put. She follows the cat, calling, “Hey wait!” The glowing figure reaches the forest and, as Copperflight approaches, the sky seems darker. Thankfully, the glow of the figure is reflecting off of trees, making it easier for her to see. The figure leaps over a root. Copperflight ducks below the root, which takes a bit of effort for her to crawl out of but she pulls herself up and looks around. The whole world turned dark...and the cat is nowhere to be seen. She sighs and shakes her pelt in irritation. Looking up she says, “Why am I doing this? Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I should return home. No one is here to help me. Not even you!” Teeth bared, she strides back and forth and swings her paw at a tree, her claw marks embedded into the bark. Copperflight tells herself to calm down and take deep breaths. That’s when, all of a sudden, she saw out of the corner of her eye a faint glow. She thought it was the cat again. But before she calls out, she looks closer and finds that it is no cat. It was a mushroom. A glowing mushroom! Copperflight was fascinated. She shook her head, "Copperflight, don't get distracted. Just go back to the mine and_" As she began to walk away, the glow became brighter and Copperflight had to turn her gaze. It was the cat again. Copperflight stopped to examine the cat. It was not normal that cats glow this bright. Let alone glow at all. And, in some way, this cat was...shimmering. Almost like snow during Leaf-bare. The cat never spoke either, as far as she was concerned. She asks, "Who are you?" They only respond with the flick of their tail. They turn toward the glowing mushroom and usher her to follow them. Copperflight couldn't seem to understand until she realized, "Are you...from Starclan?" The cat doesn't reply but she follows their lead anyway. Something strange happens when she approaches the glowing mushroom, of which they passed. It became brighter the closer she was to it. Looking away from the mushroom and straight ahead, there are more mushrooms. All of them were lined up like a golden pathway and Copperflight couldn't keep her eyes off of them. It seemed so fascinating to her. She continues to follow the pathway and it led to something she would only see in her dreams, a tree that glows as bright as the sun. Around the tree is a pond, which is deep enough to cover her whole body. The only way across to the tree is to swim and Copperflight didn’t want to do that anytime soon. The pond almost looked like liquid gold and Copperflight was drawn to the light like a deer in headlights, she couldn’t bring herself to look away. Ignoring the glowing figure, she walked in front of the pond. “Tempting,” she said to herself, turning to the Starclan cat. She notices that they’ve disappeared once again and looks around. Ahead of her, is the Starclan cat standing on the other side of the pond. Shaking her pelt, Copperflight says, sarcastically, “Fine. If this is what it takes to follow you then I’ll gladly oblige.” She shivers as she feels the cold water beneath her paws. She’s never swam before and isn’t a huge fan of water but, she won’t let her selfishness get in the way of her path. With a bit of effort, she makes it across the pond, surprised that she even made it. The Starclan cat sat next to the tree that seemed to be as tall as a twoleg building and pointed to a large mushroom that grew on the side of the trunk. Like all mushrooms surrounding the tree, it glows brighter as she approaches it. “What do you want me to do,” she asks. The cat smiles, leans over the mushroom, and touches the mushroom with their muzzle. With a flash, they’re gone. Disappearing once again. Copperflight is hesitant but follows their lead and touches the mushroom.

    She opens her eyes. She is still by the glowing tree but things are different. It’s brighter here, almost blinding. And, somehow, she feels like a feather. Like she could leap and stay in the air for hours. How odd. She looks around. The pond is still there but this time it looks almost completely transparent, almost like no water is there at all. Taking a closer look, she notices that there were glowing minnows deep in the pond swimming around peacefully. It makes her jaw drop at the sight. Copperflight glances behind her and there is the glowing Starclan cat she followed earlier. They're not alone. More cats gather and watch Copperflight with interest and it makes her feel a bit uneasy but that quickly changes. “Welcome, Copperflight,” says the Starclan cat. She became numb from shock. They spoke! Starclan is speaking to her! Starclan cat is speaking to her. She’s excited. Nervous. Confused. Ecstatic. She quickly sits down and nods her head, “Thank you.” She pauses a moment, breathing nervously, thinking on what to say. Taking a deep breath, she says, ”What do I do now?”
    To that, the cat replies, “Stay put, Copperflight,” Copperflight jolts at the mention of her warrior name but continues to listen, “This is only the beginning of your journey and your clan’s journey. Now, listen closely...”


    Patrol: Copperstar
    Hunting: Copperstar
    Training: N/A
    Rank Changes: Copperstar becomes a leader of Flintclan
    Herb Collection: N/A
    Mates/Births: N/A
    Other: Copperstar makes the mine Flintclan's camp, Copperstar prays for clan members

            Copperstar | 35 moons | Female | > or >
            Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]

            Medicine Cat:
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]
            Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]>[/url]

      Ally Clans:
      Clan Name | Username
      Clan Name | Username

      Enemy Clans
      Clan Name | Username
      Clan Name | Username

      North | Clan Name | Username
      East | Clan Name | Username
      South | Clan Name | Username
      West | Clan Name | Username

      Medicine Store
      Herb | Usage
      Herb | Usage

      Fresh-Kill Pile:
      Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
      Rabbits | x0 | 1 servings
      Shrews | x0 | 3 servings
      Mice | x0 | 2 servings
      Vole | x0 | 1 servings
      Minnows | x0 | 3 servings

      Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
      Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

      Deceased Cats:
      Cat Name | Cause of Death
      Cat Name | Cause of Death

      Name and Name | Kits
      Name and Name | Kits
    Hello. I'm insert and..I love apples :>

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    Re: Create A Clan- V.4

    Postby CloudedDiamond » Thu May 21, 2020 6:42 am

    Number of Cats: 31 | Next Starclan Visit: x | Pebbles: 56
    Mod: Kazin | Servings: 6

    "Oakkit, you have reached your sixth moon. The time has come for you to become an apprentice and take part in clan activities. Is it your wish to become an apprentice of FeatherClan?"
    "I, Featherstar of FeatherClan, welcome our new apprentice, Oakpaw, as a medicine cat apprentice. Oakkit, your mentor will be Nightwhisper. I hope he can pass on all he knows onto you."
    "Oakpaw! Oakpaw! Oakpaw!" Oakkit stood in the clearing as he touched noses with his mentor. His siblings crowded around him, congratulating him.
    "Wow, Oakpaw! You're a medicine cat apprentice! I wish we could train together though," Tawnypaw sighed, clearly disappointed she wouldn't be allowed to train with her brother.

    FeatherClan Consumed:
    ↪ x2 Small Fish
    ↪ x1 Squirrel
    ↪ __ is due in _ moon
    ↪ X is kitting! Nighwhisper
    ↪x and x try for kits
    Border Patrols:
    [Rockclaw, Flamesnap, Swiftsplash]
    [Sweetrose, Dappletail, Tawnypaw]

    Hunting Patrols:
    [Skunkstripe, Mudstorm, Silverpaw]
    [Alderfoot, Seedpaw, Darkfur]

    [Nightwhisper hunts for herbs]

    [Nightwhisper trains Oakpaw in Gathering]
    [Mudstorm trains Silverpaw in Hunting]
    [Alderfoot trains Seedpaw in Hunting]

    [Featherstar welcomes Skunkstripe into he clan as a warrior]
    [Featherstar welcomes all of the new apprentices into the clan: Oakpaw, Tawnypaw, Sandpaw, Silverpaw, and Seedpaw]
    [Featehrstar welcomes Dustspot back from the nursery as a warrior]

    Mod Notes:
    [long-furred cats preferably to be found,
    but occasional short-fur is fine]
    [Can I get apprentice versions for them if possible?]

            Featherstar | 34m. | She-cat | X
            ↪ Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

            Mudstorm | 35m. | Tom | X

            Medicine Cat:
            Nightwhisper | 40m. | Tom | X
            ↪ Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

            Rockclaw | 38m. | Tom | X
            Flamesnap | 32m. | Tom | X
            Honeywish | 32m. | Female | X
            Smokemoon | 31m. | Tom | X
            Leafdapple | 33m. | She-cat
            Rainpool | 37m. | She-cat
            Silverfrost | 29m. | Tom
            Swiftsplash | 32m. | She-cat
            Dappletail | 65m. | She-cat
            Sweetrose | 17m. | She-cat | X
            Birchclaw | 20m. | Tom
            Alderfoot | 19m. | Tom
            Darkfur | 66m. | Tom
            Skunkstripe | 64m. | Tom | *Blind
            Dustspot | 28m. | She-cat
            [url]➳[/url] Name | Age | Gender

            Oakpaw | 6m. | Tom
            Tawnypaw | 6m. | She-cat
            Sandpaw | 6m. | Tom
            Silverpaw | 6m. | She-cat
            Seedpaw | 6m. | She-cat
            [url]➳[/url] Name | Age | Gender

            Lily | 37m. | She-cat
            [url]➳[/url] Name | Age | Gender

            Ryekit | 5m. | She-cat
            Lakekit | 5m. | Tom
            Mistkit | 5m. | She-cat
            Graykit | 5m.| Tom
            Thornkit | 5m.| Tom

            Bramblekit | 2m. | Tom
            Tigerkit | 2m. | Tom

            [url]➳[/url] Name | Age | Gender

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
      Ally Clans:
      Clan Name | Username
      Clan Name | Username

      Enemy Clans
      Clan Name | Username
      Clan Name | Username

      North | Clan Name | Username
      East | Clan Name | Username
      South | Clan Name | Username
      West | Clan Name | Username

      Medicine Store
      Catmint | Greencough | x1
      Dock | Wounds | x1
      Borage | Milk, fever, bellyache | x0
      Chervil | Wounds, belly, kitting | x1
      Cobweb | Slow bleeding | x1
      Raspberry Leaf | Painkiller, slow bleeding during kitting | x0
      Dandelion | bee stings | x1
      Marigold | stops infection | x1
      Honey | coughing, infections, smoke | x1
      Stinging Nettle | brings down swelling, vomit, wounds | x0
      Oak Leaf | Stops infection | x1
      Blackberry Leaf | Ease bee stings | x1
      Feverfew | Reduces fever, headaches, pains | x1
      Tansy | Cures coughs, wounds, poison, throats | x1
      Elder Leaf | Soothes sprains | x1

      Fresh-Kill Pile:
      Shrew | x3 | 1 serving
      Rabbit | x4 | 2 servings
      Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
      Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
      Big Fish | x0 | 3 servings
      Birds | x1 | 3 servings

      Nightwhisper | Oakpaw > -name | 0/4
      ↪ Gathering, Sorting, Applying, Kitting

      Dappletail | Tawnypaw > -name| 0/4
      ↪ Hunting, Defense, Agility, Swimming

      Rainpool | Sandpaw > -name| 0/4
      ↪ Hunting, Defense, Agility, Swimming

      Mudstorm | Silverpaw > -name| 0/4
      ↪ Hunting, Defense, Agility, Swimming

      Alderfoot | Seedpaw > -name| 0/4
      ↪ Hunting, Defense, Agility, Swimming

      Deceased Cats:
      Cat Name | Cause of Death
      Cat Name | Cause of Death

      Flamesnap and Honeywish are siblings
      Silverfrost and Dustspot | Oakpaw, Tawnypaw, Sandpaw, Silverpaw, Seedpaw
      Featherstar and Rockclaw | Ryekit, Lakekit, Mistkit, Graykit, and Thornkit
      Lily | Bramblekit, Tigerkit
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    highgarden ♕ twenty-seven

    Postby eagle, » Thu May 21, 2020 1:16 pm

        total 76
        servings 12 (+77)
        ________________ Image ________________

        gods n/a
        pebbles 136
        archive xx
        font credit x x

    working on backfilling i'll be caught up someday i hope // note: otterfur makes up with his kits at last!! woohoo

    [ consumption ] highgarden eats x4 finches
    [ rank changes ] flickersky returns to regular duties
    elkpaw and dewpaw hold off on receiving their full names
    beechpaw and quillpaw retake their final assessments
    [ patrol 1 ] tawnyrose, bluetcrest, mapleshadow, iguanaspots, warblercry, seedspring
    [ patrol 2 ] flickersky, stormshroud, ayalla, sagecloud, briarbranch, daisypetal
    [ hunt 1 ] pythoneyes, charredbreeze, stagscorch, rabbitrace, smokemane, tigergaze
    [ hunt 2 ] hurricanejaw, tulipstream, foxspark, lyrewhistle, wolverinesnap, marigoldflick
    ↪ wolverinesnap has applicable powers
    [ hunt 3 ] softglow, smallheart, wolfhowl, sandstrike, katara, sunglow
    [ hunt 4 ] clovershine, maplelily, newtmask, riverfoam, kitechaser, tanagercall
    [ families ] ferretwhisker is kitting! nightfur of bearclan is the father. merlinsong assists and gives her x1 dandelion, x1 chervil, and x1 lamb's ear
    betonypetal is kitting! clovershine is the father. merlinsong assists and gives her x1 burnet, x1 lamb's ear, and x1 ragwort. :) love you dei
    [ training ] harrierpaw learns swimming
    adenium and bramblepaw learn fighting
    hawthornpaw and snowypaw learn hunting
    hurricanepaw, cirruspaw, tsunamipaw, tornadopaw, and quakepaw learn agility
    [ herb hunt ] spencer
    [ notes to mod ] for passing 75 cats, frogs have been added to prey options, and another patrol has been added
    i ask that no one die on patrols though injuries are fine xo

      tawnyrose, 45m, ♀
      the wayward queen

      softglow, 47m, ♂
      the lost king

      name, age, gender

      bluetcrest, 49m, ♂
      the wayward's attendant

      merlinsong, 52m, ♂ - 5sp
      spencer, 47m, ♂ - 5sp

      roses & knights
      otterfur, 81m, ♂
      direfang, 77m, ♂
      charredbreeze, 69m, ♀
      sagecloud, 63m, ♀
      mapleshadow, 61m, ♀
      hurricanejaw, 57m, ♂
      maplelily, 55m, ♀
      bassflow, 55m, ♂
      newtmask, 54m, ♂
      dippernose, 54m, ♂
      arcticblink, 52m, ♂
      pythoneyes, 50m, ♂
      stormshroud, 49m, ♂
      tulipstream, 46m, ♀
      birchflame, 46m, ♂
      yewbloom, 45m, ♂
      flickersky, 43m, ♀
      clovershine, 43m, ♂
      smallheart, 43m, ♂
      wolverinesnap, 41m, ♂
      riverfoam, 41m, ♀
      kitechaser, 37m, ♀
      obsidianwing, 36m, ♂
      ayalla, 34m, ♀
      jaytalon, 34m, ♂
      smokemane, 33m, ♀
      sunglow, 33m, ♂
      tigergaze, 32m, ♂
      sandstrike, 30m, ♀
      (0) hornetshade, 29m, ♂
      privetears, 28m, ♀
      katara, 28m, ♀
      tanagercall, 27m, ♀
      cougarstrike, 26m, ♂
      racoonslip, 26m, ♂
      foxspark, 26m, ♂
      wolfhowl, 26m, ♀
      iguanaspots, 26m, ♀
      warblercry, 26m, ♀
      lyrewhistle, 25m, ♀
      leopardsun, 25m, ♂
      daystrike, 23m, ♂
      stagscorch, 19m, ♂
      seedspring, 19m, ♀
      rabbitrace, 19m, ♀
      marigoldflick, 19m, ♂
      briarbranch, 17m, ♀
      daisypetal, 17m, ♀
              elkpaw, 13m, ♂
              beechpaw, 13m, ♀
              harrierpaw, 13m, ♀
              quillpaw, 13m, ♂
              dewpaw, 13m, ♀
              adenium, 10m, ♀
              hawthornpaw, 9m, ♂
              bramblepaw, 9m, ♂
              snowypaw, 9m, ♂
              hurricanepaw, 7m, ♂
              cirruspaw, 7m, ♂
              tsunamipaw, 7m, ♀
              tornadopaw, 7m, ♀
              quakepaw, 7m, ♀

              ferretwhisker, 50m, ♀
              - mate: nightfur, bearclan
              - due: now
              betonypetal, 44m, ♀
              - mate: clovershine
              - due: now
              swiftheart, 39m, ♀
              - mate: smallheart
              - kits: sweetkit, solsticekit, sparrowkit

              hollandkit, 5m, ♂
              peachkit, 4m, ♀
              polarkit, 4m, ♂
              sweetkit, 0m, ♂
              solsticekit, 0m, ♀
              sparrowkit, 0m, ♀

              erasmus, 59m, ♂

              allies & enemies & borders


              total x158
              frog | x0 | 1 serving
              mouse | x19 | 1 serving
              vole | x14 | 1 serving
              small fish | x14 | 2 servings
              squirrel | x9 | 2 servings
              rabbit | x11 | 2 servings
              big fish | x5 | 3 servings
              finch | x14 | 3 servings

              pythoneyes, elkpaw, 4
              obsidianwing, beechpaw, 4
              dippernose, harrierpaw, 3
              tigergaze, quillpaw, 4
              arcticblink, dewpaw, 4
              otterfur, adenium, 2
              hornetshade, hawthornpaw, 1
              birchflame, bramblepaw, 2
              yewbloom, snowypaw, 1
              bassflow, hurricanepaw, 0
              leopardsun, cirruspaw, 0
              jaytalon, tsunamipaw, 0
              daystrike, tornadopaw, 0
              direfang, quakepaw, 0


              family trees
    credit goes to the cac staff & artists for all color-ins and lineart xoxo
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    SpruceClan | 12

    Postby ponz » Thu May 21, 2020 2:31 pm

    clan population: 23 | next starclan visit: may 22nd (not yet) | servings: 05 | mod: katrione | pebbles: 70 | archive: x

    "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Tall Stones!" Sparrowstar yowled, before taking the advice Heathersong had given him all those moons ago and climbing up the rock formation from the other side. Cats trickled in from the caves or the clearing. A few, returning from the dawn patrol or from a trip to the forest, emerged from the shadows of the thick pine groves and steadily formed a great ring around Tall Stones. The clan's soft conversations among themselves lent the clearing a gentle feeling of ambiance. Coffeekit and Honeykit, the reasons for the meeting in the first place, scampered into the open space within the circle; Greycloud didn't even need to prompt them. Both sisters shared an excited glance, before looking to their leader with twin smiles.

    Sparrowstar smiled back at them. "Coffeekit, Honeykit,you have reached the age of six moons, and you are more than ready to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your full names, you will be known as Coffeepaw and Honeypaw, respectively. Coffeepaw, your mentor will be Tallthorn."

    The excited murmur of SpruceClan's cats fell silent suddenly, the crowd shocked into silence by his choice. Between the two cats in question, Sparrowstar couldn't tell whether Coffeepaw or Tallthorn was more surprised by his announcement. He cleared his throat, careful to keep his own dislike of the tom from bleeding into his words. His chin was held high as he spoke. "Tallthorn is brilliant, honest, and confident. I believe Coffeepaw will be able to teach him just as much as I hope he will teach her on her journey to becoming a warrior." The oriental tom stared up at his leader with mismatched, disbelieving eyes, before he shook his head. There was a surprisingly soft, albeit confused, smile on his face as the lanky cat padded over to his new apprentice. Coffeepaw blinked at him contemplatively, before she leaned forwards quickly and pressed her nose to his with a matching grin. Another ripple of surprise traveled through the crowd.

    "Honeypaw," Sparrowstar called, and the golden tabby turned to him with hopeful green eyes. SpruceClan's eyes were on them, now, the tense quiet of anticipation hanging in the air. He didn't have to feign respect, this time. "Applefall has requested to take you on as a healer's apprentice. Will you accept?"

    Honeypaw's bright grin was answer enough. "Yes! I accept!"

    "Well, then," said Sparrowstar, amid soft laughter and cheering from the rest of SpruceClan. This choice was universally agreed upon. "Your mentor will be Applefall. He is driven, committed, and wise. Truly, one of the best cats I know. I wish you luck on your journey to become a healer." The calico stood up, moving towards the middle of the clearing where Honeypaw stood, trembling with joy. They touched noses, and on cue, the rest of the clan began the now-familiar chant.

    "Coffeepaw! Honeypaw! Coffeepaw! Honeypaw! Coffeepaw! Honeypaw!"

    As the cheers faded and SpruceClan dispersed, both apprentices and their mentors were left alone in the clearing. Tallthorn and Coffeepaw slipped away, likely to tour the territory for the first time. Honeypaw was content just to stand by her mentor's side, still grinning foolishly. "Can't get rid of me now," the young kitten chirped, coy, and Applefall rolled his eyes hard enough for it to hurt. His apprentice's expression softened, and her words were genuine as she looked up to him with admiration in her gaze. "Thank you, Applefall," she purred. "Thank you for trusting me. Promise you'll teach me everything now?"

    The calico's mouth quirked a bit. "Of course. I'll make a healer out of you yet." With a flick of his tail, he beckoned the young molly after him as he turned tail and headed towards the healer's den.

    "I'm counting on it!" Honeypaw crowed, following along eagerly.


    "Oh, stars," Smokestep whimpered, pacing back and forth outside the nursery. The normally-calm tom was on edge, and it showed in everything from his raised fur to the kink in his tail. "Oh, stars, I think I'm gonna pass out. Why didn't anyone tell me how stressful all this is?" The rest of SpruceClan had wisely elected to give him a wide berth, at risk of further spooking the young father-to-be, but he did have some company in the form of his old apprentice by his side.

    "Smokestep, relax," Ivyblossom soothed. Her voice was level, but the tension in her shoulders and the uneasy glint in her eyes betrayed her nerves. "Applefall knows what he's doing."

    "Hah!" the grey tabby barked, still quivering. Smokestep craned his neck to get a glimpse of what was going on inside the nursery, but Applefall's dappled pelt and Rosie's thick fluff blocked his vision. His paws prickled with anxiety. "He kicked me out durin' my mate's kitting! That's my mate! And my kits! I should be there!"

    "Smokestep, relax," she repeated, more urgently this time. "Please. He kicked us both out for a reason. The last thing Nightfang needs right now is our stress getting to her head."

    "I know," he whispered, sitting down with shoulders slumped, drained of all his nervous energy. Smokestep's words trembled. "I'm scared, Ivy. I'm really, really scared." The grey tortoiseshell sighed, expression soft, before padding over and pressing her forehead to his shoulder comfortingly. The older cat sniffled, fighting back tears as he buried his own face in Ivyblossom's thick fur. Meanwhile, in the center of the caves, Cardinaltail and Goldenpaw both sat, watching their respective friend and mentor leaning on one another outside the nursery. Both brothers were silent for a while, trying not to interrupt the private moment.

    Goldenpaw was the first to speak. "I know why I'm here," he murmured, careful not to make too much noise. "But why are you?"

    Cardinaltail's brow furrowed, but he didn't take his eyes off of the scene unfolding before them. "What do you mean?"

    The smaller flame point leered at him with his namesake golden eyes, unimpressed. "I'm here because my mentor's here for his kits. Can't train when my mentor's busy. But you're a warrior, and you're not even close with Smokestep or Nightfang. So why are you here?" Cardinaltail shrugged, noncommittal, but the uncomfortable twitch of one ear and the slight raising of red fur down his spine gave him away. Goldenpaw didn't need to look to see evidence confirming his theory; he was already an expert in reading his older brother's intentions. "You might as well fess up. You're here for Ivyblossom, aren't you?"

    "Shut up!" Cardinaltail hissed, swatting at Goldenpaw's head. The younger dodged it, giggling all the way.

    "You didn't deny it, though! I'm right!"

    Within the nursery's stone walls, things were running about as smoothly as any kitting could. "You'll be alright," Rosie whispered encouragingly, sitting awkwardly besides Applefall and grooming the younger queen's ears in attempts to soothe her. "You're doing so well. Keep it up, darlin'." Nightfang bit back a strangled yelp of pain, just as a sturdy brown cat appeared at the nursery's entrance. Micah slipped into the den quietly, sturdy stick in his jaws, and offered a nod to both the intensely-focused healer, his wide-eyed apprentice, and the weary black queen lying on her side. Rosie smiled at him as he arrived, her own tortoiseshell tail swishing.

    "Take this," Micah murmured, still keeping his voice low as he laid the stick down within Nightfang's reach and settled down besides his mate. Rosie, for her part, wriggled over to allow him more room. "I heard that bitin' down on a stick'll help with the pain." Nightfang nodded in thanks, craning her neck to scoop up the gift from Micah and sinking her canines into it. Applefall gave her side a gentle pat.

    "You're fine," the healer said, more of a command than a comfort. "I'll get you through this in no time."


    With the nursery occupied by what seemed like half of the clan, the camp's sole kit had been relocated to the apprentice's den for the day. Briarmask found herself standing outside the tunnel's entrance, too nervous to take the plunge into the unknown, but knowing full well that she needed to. She breathed in, breathed out, and took one step forwards. "Badgerkit?" the deputy called, voice soft. "Are you in there?" There was a soft rustling sound, and a small tabby head popped up from out of one mossy nest.

    "Hi," the kit said, a little shyly. "Did'ja need something, Miss Briarmask?" Briarmask's breath caught in her throat as Pompeiicall's spitting image stared at her curiously. She shook it off, gliding into the den on unsteady paws.

    "Well," she started, before stopping and trying again. "Badgerkit, there's something very important you need to know. But before I tell you, can you promise me you'll keep a secret?"

    "Ooh!" the kit chirped, ears perking up and his one good eye glittering. "I can keep secrets! I'm the best at keeping secrets. What is it?"

    Briarmask smiled without meaning to. "I believe you," she said. "Okay, little secret-keeper, I'll tell you." Somehow, it didn't feel as hard to let the words come to her tongue when little Badgerkit stared up at her, bright and cheery and excited. She inhaled sharply, and spilled her secret all in one breath. "I'm your mother." Badgerkit blinked, processing slowly.

    "You're my—?"

    "Yes," she said, swallowing thickly, waiting for a reaction with bated breath.

    "You're my mother," Badgerkit breathed, reality finally dawning on the kit. With a massive, earsplitting grin, the little kit flung himself at Briarmask, snuggling into her chest eagerly. "You're my mom! I've always wanted a mom!" The deputy inhaled, a shaky thing, as her eyes watered. The little tabby kit— her son— purred, still smiling even with eyes squeezed shut. Briarmask wrapped herself around him, grooming his fluffy fur vigorously as saltwater dribbled down both her cheeks.


    Greenleaf's cooling weather was a sure sign of the season change to come. But on this particular Greenleaf day, Leaf-fall was the last thing on Sparrowstar's mind as he led his patrol around the Eastern border. Heathersong trotted along by his side, Mintpaw and Cherrypaw chatting at the front, and Greycloud taking up the rear. The gentle winds ruffled his fur, pleasant and cool, as he watched the sun make its steady trek across the open blue skies. From this angle, he could just barely make out the old forest, a fuzzy green blur several miles below them.

    Sparrowstar inhaled deeply, relishing in the strong scent of pine trees and open air, but something else he picked up gave the SpruceClan leader pause. There was some sort of coppery scent drifting on the wind, likely blood, and an even fainter scent of cat. An old scent, but still worth looking into. "Huh," Sparrowstar murmured. "Hey, Mintpaw, Cherrypaw!" Both apprentices slowed, turning around to face him as the gentle cliff-side breeze ruffled their pelts. "Do you two smell that?"

    Mintpaw's nose crinkled as he sniffed, while Cherrypaw let her mouth drop open slightly. "Got something!" the tabby she-cat called, after a moment. "Old blood, right?"

    "Exactly!" Cherrypaw grinned, puffing her chest out proudly, and Mintpaw nudged her with a toothy smile of his own. Sparrowstar cleared his throat to grab their attention once more. "Alright, you two. Who can find the source of the scent first? Ready? Go!" Mintpaw and Cherrypaw glanced at one another, before darting off. His own apprentice's natural bulk gave him the head start as they took the hill before them, but Cherrypaw's longer legs and higher speed started to catch up once they'd cleared the curve and disappeared from view.

    Heathersong watched them scamper off, before shouldering Sparrowstar with an affectionate smile. "If you wanted to talk to me alone, you just had to ask." He spluttered, embarrassed, as she-cat just stuck out her tongue, padding off after their apprentices and leaving him to chase after her. Together, they followed the scent of blood and of their apprentices, traveling side-by-side in companionable silence.

    "Wait," Heathersong murmured, stopping suddenly after some time. Sparrowstar tried his best not to mourn the loss of her presence by his side. "We're actually alone. Where's Greycloud?"

    "She was just with us," he said, the smile sliding from his face as he glanced behind them with obvious concern. There was no sign of the grey molly. To make matters worse, the same breeze Sparrowstar had just been enjoying was against them, and the traces of her scent were completely undetectable. "I could've sworn she was with us," he said, though there was more uncertainty in his words this time. "Right?"

    Heathersong bit her lip, staring at the cliff edge. She didn't seem to spot anything, and with another worried sigh, she turned back to him. "She was with us, but... I don't know. Either way, we have to keep an eye on Mintpaw and Cherrypaw. Come on, let's go. We can look for Greycloud later." They shared a concerned look, before taking off in the direction the two younger cats had gone. Greycloud would have to be a problem for later; for now, there was the mystery of blood on the wind and two apprentices to watch after.


    Badgerkit wasn't really sure when he'd fallen asleep. The last thing he remembered was when Briarmask had started grooming behind his ears and his eyes started to feel a little heavy, curled up against her side. He did know he'd been smiling when it happened, because he had a mom! It didn't matter that he wasn't supposed to talk about it, he was just glad to have one, too. And Briarmask was so cool! The deputy was his mom!

    But when his eyes fluttered open, it wasn't the sight of cool grey stone in the apprentice's den to greet him, and there was no warmth from his mom's side against his. Badgerkit blinked, standing up on shaky legs. Marshy, wet grass squished between his toes, and the little tabby shuddered at the sensation. This was definitely not the apprentice's den. All around him, dark and spindly trees towered over the spongy earth, and the whole place seemed to be cast in shadow. There was a sudden rustling in the nearby shrubbery, and the tiny kit whirled, fluffy fur on end.

    "Hello?" Badgerkit squeaked, chin held high despite his fearful shivering. Briarmask always carried herself tall and proud; he would do the same. "Hello? Anybody there?"

    "Good evening," a strange voice called, echoing around the clearing. The rustling sounded again, and before Badgerkit could open his mouth, a shadowy figure stepped out from between the leaves, his dark eyes shiny. He was probably bigger than five— no, six foxes, and with thick fur that poofed out to make him even taller! Plus, the cat had long, winding silver scars that made him look even scarier. Badgerkit could only stare up at the giant, mouth open in shock.

    "Little badger," the stranger purred. "My name is Sharptalon. Wouldn't you like to be friends?"


    SpruceClan consumes 1 snow hare and 1 ermine

    [ Sparrowstar does not request anything of StarClan this moon ]

    Rank Changes & Newcomers
    [ While out on patrol, Greycloud falls from the mountain. Injured and alone, she finds her way to BreezeClan and joins their ranks ]
    [ Cloudchaser is welcomed to SpruceClan ]
    [ Honeykit and Coffeekit become apprentices! Their new names are Honeypaw and Coffeepaw ]

    [ Cricketpounce, Ivyblossom, Cardinaltail, Ramsey, and Thistlepaw hunt ]
    [ Smokestep, Micah, Hailsplash, Cloudchaser, and Goldenpaw hunt ]
    [ Briarmask, Tallthorn, Coffeepaw, and Ravenpaw hunt ]
    [ Sparrowstar, Heathersong, Cherrypaw, and Mintpaw patrol, searching for the injured elder ]
    [ Applefall and Honeypaw search for kitting herbs ]

    Apprentice & Skills
    [ Applefall becomes Honeypaw's mentor ]
    [ Tallthorn becomes Coffeepaw's mentor ]
    [ Smokestep and Goldenpaw train in battle ]
    [ Heathersong, Cherrypaw, Sparrowstar and Mintpaw train in climbing ]
    [ Cricketpounce, Thistlepaw, Briarmask and Ravenpaw train in hunting ]

    Kitting & Healing
    [ Nightfang is kitting! The father is Smokestep. Applefall and Honeypaw assist, using x1 fennel and x1 raspberry leaf ]
    [ Rosie is due in one moon ]
    [ Bertha's kits will arrive in one moon ]

    * Please do not kill any cats marked with a ☾ symbol.
    * Unmarked cats may be rolled for injuries or illness, but not death!
    * Please don't worry about it now, but in the future, may Honeypaw be put on lines 009?

            Sparrowstar | 47 moons | male | x
            Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

            Briarmask | 37 moons | female | x

            Applefall | 42 moons | male | x
            Skill Points: ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿

            ☾ Honeypaw | 6 moons | female | x

            Cricketpounce | 42 moons | male | x
            ☾ Smokestep | 33 moons | male | x
            ☾ Heathersong | 45 moons | female | x
            ☾ Tallthorn | 30 moons | male | x
            Hailsplash | 34 moons | male | x
            ☾ Ivyblossom | 17 moons | female | x
            ☾ Cardinaltail | 16 moons | male | x
            Ramsey | 47 moons | male | x
            Micah (Brambletuft) | 43 moons | male | x
            Cloudchaser | 14 moons | female | x

            Goldenpaw | 10 moons | male | x
            Cherrypaw |10 moons | female | x
            ☾ Mintpaw | 9 moons | male | x, x
            ☾ Ravenpaw | 7 moons | male | x
            ☾ Thistlepaw | 7 moons | female | x
            Coffeepaw | 6 moons | female (amab) | x

            ☾ Nightfang | 34 moons | female | x
            Rosie (Roselight) | 40 moons | female | x

            ☾ Badgerkit | 3 moons | male | x

            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]x[/url]
            Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]x[/url]
      Alder Bark (1) | toothache
      Beech Leaf (1) | soothes scratches, sore paws
      Bindweed (1) | sets broken bones
      Blackberry Leaf (1) | bee stings
      Borage (1) | eases fever, produces more milk
      Bright-eye (1) | coughing
      Broom (1) | broken bones
      Catmint (2) | cures greencough & whitecough
      Chervil (1) | bellyache, infection, kitting
      Cobweb (1) | binds a wound, stops bleeding
      Fennel (1) | eases pains
      Goldenrod (1) | chewed into poultice for wounds
      Hawkweed (1) | cures greencough & whitecough
      Honey (1) | infections, sore or damaged throat
      Horsetail (1) | infection, stops bleeding
      Marigold (1) | infection, inflammation, stiff joints
      Ragwort (1) | kitting pains, joint pain
      Raspberry Leaf (0) | kitting
      Yarrow (1) | extracts poison or toxins

      Snow Hare | x 1 | 3 servings
      Bird | x 3 | 3 servings
      Small Fish | x 2 | 2 servings
      Ermine | x 3 | 2 servings
      Frog | x 3 | 1 servings
      Mouse | x 3 | 1 servings

      Smokestep | Goldenpaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle
      Heathersong | Cherrypaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle
      Sparrowstar | Mintpaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle
      Cricketpounce | Thistlepaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle
      Briarmask | Ravenpaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle
      Tallthorn | Coffeepaw | hunt, swim, climb, battle

      Applefall | Honeypaw | kitting, illness, herbs, injury

      Cat Name | Cause of Death
      Cat Name | Cause of Death

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    Kin of the Lotus - 024

    Postby Corinnander » Fri May 22, 2020 8:07 am

    ↠ Herb Gathering | [ Robin and Little Oolong gather x1 bindweed, x1 stick, and x1 willow bark. ]

    ↠ Aboveground Hunting | [ Celestial of Pinewoods' patrol catches x2 harvest mice and x1 grebe. ]

    ↠ Aboveground Patrolling | [ Twilight of Caves' patrol encounters a cat of apprentice age! [warrior version] They are a medium furred solid gray with amber eyes; colored by me. ]

    ↠ Underground Patrolling | [ Fog of Timbers' patrol passes without anything noteworthy happening this moon... ]
    ↠ [ Turtle of Clay's patrol catches the scent of some already eaten prey. An unfamiliar scent of cat drifts to the cats' noses - as well as the distinct scent of fresh blood. There seems to be an injured cat nearby, though they are hiding. Perhaps if the patrol comes back next moon, they can attempt to rescue the cat? ]

    ↠ Training | [ Little Wing learns hunting! ]
    ↠ [ Little Minnow and Little Duck learn climbing! ]
    ↠ [ Little Oolong successfully learns harvesting! ]
    ↠ [ Little Jasmine and Little Macha learn digging! ]
    ↠ [ Little Bengal learns nothing this moon... ]

    ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

    [I: Red names means to please particularly target these cats for injuries or death rolls for plot reasons, gold names means please avoid targeting these cats for death rolls for plot reasons. Uncolored names I'm ambivalent towards.]

    Number of Cats: 36 (18♂ - 18♀) | Next Kin of the Stars Visit: May 28th.| Pebbles: 93

    Moonlight smoke and reddened eyes, suits of snakes and suits of lies, let the birds cry and hide in their nests--for a shudd'ring thunder is coming, a falling night-sky at best... The day met the night and birthed the dawn and the dusk.


    To be added when I have time! ^^;

    Action Queue:

      Arrivals ⤜
      ⤜ The Kindred welcomes Little Honeybee as a Sukoshi! He is apprenticed to Coal of Watercolors.

      Request ⤜
      ⤜ Robin of Windchimes brings Little Oolong and teaches him how to commune with the Kin of the Stars. Little Oolong requests a cat, silently hoping it's someone he can be friends with.

      Hīrā Duties ⤜
      ⤜ Robin of Windchimes and Little Oolong sort and clean the medicine tower.

      Aboveground Hunting ⤜
      ⤜ Tealeaf of Ginseng, Marble of Mountains, Little Wing, Celestial of Pinewoods, and Almond of Clay hunt at Bamboo Forest.

      Aboveground Patrolling ⤜
      ⤜ Cloud of Stars, Little Duck, Amethyst of Waterlilies, Walker of Day, and Silka of Dew patrol Red Log.

      Underground Hunting ⤜
      ⤜ Piper of Ashes, Thorn of Raptors, Rose of Honey, Fog of Timbers, and Eagle of Peppercorns hunt at Southern Grottos.

      Underground Patrolling ⤜
      ⤜ Walker of Night, Little Mare, Genet of Clouds, Little Bengal, and Dusk of Suns patrol Eastern Shallows.

      Family ⤜
      ⤜ Jade of Deserts will have her kits in 1 Moontide.
      ⤜ Meadow of Arrowheads will have her kits in 1 Moontide.

      Training ⤜
      ⤜ Marble of Mountains trains Little Wing in Swimming.
      ⤜ Tor of Eclipses trains Little Minnow in Swimming.
      ⤜ Robin of Windchimes trains Little Oolong in Kitting.
      ⤜ Turtle of Clay trains Little Jasmine in Combat.
      ⤜ Genet of Clouds trains Little Bengal in Orientation.
      ⤜ Walker of Night trains Little Macha in Hunting.
      ⤜ Cloud of Stars trains Little Duck in Combat.

      ⤜ The Kindred consumes x4 servings of Harvest Mice and x3 servings of Grebes.

            Meishu (Leader):
            Cloud of Stars (Formerly Cloud of Embers) | 47 Moontides | Male |
            Lives: ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧

            Niji (Secondary):
            Jade of Deserts | 64 Moontides | Female | In Nursery!

            Hīrā (Healer):
            Robin of Windchimes | 29 Moontides | Male |
            Skill Points: ❖❖❖❖❖

            Minarai (Apprentice):
            Little Oolong (of Malkoha) | 10 Moontides | Male |
              Apprenticed to Robin of Windchimes
              Learned > Collecting - Sorting - Harvesting
              Not Learned > Healing - Kitting

            Kābā (Carver):
            Eagle of Peppercorn | 54 Moontides | Male |
            Genet of Clouds | 30 Moontides | Male |
            Piper of Ashes | 46 Moontides | FtM |
            Turtle of Clay | 25 Moontides | Female |
            Walker of Night | 37 Moontides | Female |
            Thorn of Raptors | 69 Moontides | Male |
            Dusk of Suns | 15 Moontides | Female | (torbie)
            Rose of Honey | 60 Moontides | Female |
            Fog of Timber | 25 Moontides | Female |

            Chīsai (Small):
            Little Jasmine (of Dragons) | 10 Moontides | Male |
              Apprenticed to Turtle of Clay
              Learned > Orientation - Hunting - Digging
              Not Learned > Combat
            Little Bengal (of Tides or Torrents) | 10 Moontides | Male |
              Apprenticed to Genet of Clouds
              Learned > Digging - Combat
              Not Learned > Orientation - Hunting
            Little Macha (of Mares) | 10 Moontides | Female |
              Apprenticed to Walker of Night
              Learned > Orientation - Combat - Digging
              Not Learned > Hunting

            Ryōshi (Hunter):
            Lily of Drongos | 49 Moontides | Male |
            Marble of Mountains | 31 Moontides | Female |
            Tealeaf of Ginseng | 35 Moontides | Female |
            Tor of Eclipses | 45 Moontides | Male |
            Amethyst of Waterlilies | 63 Moontides | Male |
            Twilight of Caves | 53 Moontides | Male |
            Meadow of Arrowheads | 76 Moontides | Female |
            Coal of Watercolor | 30 Moontides | Male |
            Lavender of Morningtimes | 21 Moontides | Female |
            Walker of Day | 39 Moontides | Male |
            Almond of Clay | 19 Moontides | Female |
            Silka of Dew | 18 Moontides | Female |
            Macaque of Sunbeams | 69 Moontides | Female |
            Celestial of Pinewoods | 33 Moontides | Female |

            Sukoshi (Little):
            Little Arrow (of Gold) | 13 Moontides | Female |
              Apprenticed to Meadow of Arrowheads
              Learned > Climbing - Hunting - Combat
              Not Learned > Swimming
            Little Minnow (of Amber) | 10 Moontides | Female |
              Apprenticed to Tor of Eclipses
              Learned > Combat - Hunting - Climbing
              Not Learned > Swimming
            Little Wing (of Prisms) | 10 Moontides | Male |
              Apprenticed to Marble of Mountains
              Learned > Climbing
              Not Learned > Hunting - Swimming - Combat
            Little Duck (of ) | 8 Moontides | Male |
              Apprenticed to Cloud of Stars
              Learned > Hunting
              Not Learned > Climbing - Swimming - Combat

            Little Honeybee (of Smoke) | 7 Moontides | Male |
              Apprenticed to Coal of Watercolors
              Learned > None
              Not Learned > Hunting - Climbing - Swimming - Combat

            Komochi (Child Bearers):
            Jade of Deserts | 64 Moontides | Female | - Due in 1 Moontide
            Meadow of Arrowheads | 76 Moontides | Female | - - Due in 1 Moontide

            Koneko (Kittens):

            Nokori (Rest):
            Valley of Billows | 108 Moontides | Female |

      Ally Clans:
      Clan Name | Username
      Clan Name | Username

      Enemy Clans
      Misted Waters | LooneyLani
      Clan Name | Username

      North | PhoenixClan| Stormt4lon
      East | Misted Waters | LooneyLani
      South | Clan Name| Name
      West | Crossroad Demons | nightwolf950

      Medicine Store
      Bindweed | x2 | When combined with sticks, can help mend a broken leg and keep it in-place.
      Borage | x1| It produces more and better milk. It also brings down fevers. Helps sooth bad bellies and relieves tight chests.
      Burdock Root | x1 | Soothes and heals rat bites especially if they are infected. Can give cats a bellyache if they eat too much of it. Numbs rat bite to the point a cat cannot feel the pain. Also good for infected paws and other sores.
      Burnet | x1 | Used to give strength. Good for expecting queens.
      Chervil | x1 | For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. Can also be used during kitting.
      Cobweb | x1 | To soak up and stop, or slow, the bleeding. It may also be used to bind broken bones.
      Dandelion | x1 | Thought to soothe and heal bee stings. Its leaves can also be chewed to act like a painkiller.
      Dock | x1 | Soothes scratches, though can sting when being applied. Soothes sore pads. If placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds. Can be used to help practice healing on Clanmates.
      Feverfew | x1 | Reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills. Also heals aches and pains, especially good for headaches.
      Goldenrod | x1 |Good for healing wounds.
      Honey | x1 | Soothes infections, is a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats, helps cats swallow other concoctions, helps soothe coughing, and gives energy.
      Horsetail | x0 | Treats infections and stops bleeding.
      Marigold | x1 | Stops infection. Stops bleeding. Used for inflammation of stiff joints.
      Oak Leaf | x1 | Stops infection from setting in.
      Poppy Seed | x1 | They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain. Not recommended for nursing queens.
      Raspberry Leaf | x1 |Could possibly ease pain or stop bleeding.
      Stick | x2 | Distracts cats from pain. Used to splint broken limbs. Recommended for queens giving birth.
      Stinging Nettle | x1 | Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, respectively. Can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones. Helps with wounds. Chewing the stems helps fight against infection.
      Tansy | x1 | Cures coughs. Can be used to cure wounds and poisons. Stops cats from getting greencough. Soothes throats. Can be extremely dangerous to pregnant cats.
      Willow Bark | x1 | Eases pain.

      Fresh-Kill Pile:
      Hare | 6 servings
      Rousettes (equivalent to a Squirrel)| 5 servings
      Harvest Mouse (equivalent to a Mouse) | 6 servings
      Kukri (equivalent to a Big Fish) | 9 servings
      Grebes (equivalent to a Bird)| 6 servings

      Deceased Cats:
      Flicker of Flameweed | 33 Moontides | Female | - Died fighting with badgers in the Battle of Black Blaze

      Lily of Drongos & Tealeaf of Ginseng (Mates) | Kit of Minnow, Kit of Oolong, Kit of Wing, Kit of Bengal, Kit of Jasmine, Kit of Macha (Kits)
      Coal of Watercolors and Genet of Clouds (Littermates)
      Eagle of Peppers and Genet of Clouds (Mates)
      Macaque of Sunbeams (Mother) | Laila, Wormwood, Virtue (Kits, with Rhyzel - father - in Crossroad Demons)
      Meadow of Arrowheads & Thorn of Raptors (Mates)
      Coal of Watercolors & Almond of Clay (Mates)
      Jade of Deserts & Rose of Honey (Mates), Amethyst of Waterlilies (Surrogate)

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    Kazin's Replies May 21st, 2020 | Leaf-fall

    Postby Kazin » Fri May 22, 2020 8:23 am


    ✧ Notes ✧
    If I have missed
    anyone, or have messed
    something up, please don't hesitate
    to PM me. My inbox here or
    on the discord is always open!

    Last Replies: May 14th

    ✧ Weather ✧ Leaf-Fall
    The colors in the territories
    are changing. Reds, browns, and
    yellows. Temperatures are falling
    just as the leaves are. Prey
    starts becoming less abundant,
    though sickness seems to be doing the
    opposite, if one isn't careful.
    ✧ Clans ✧
    Pineclan | Tundraclan | Ashclan
    Moorclan | Creagclan | Lotusclan
    Mountainclan | Toxic Realm | Featherclan
    Hexclan | Kin of the Lotus | Bearclan
    Lost Souls | Cold Watch Syndicate | Blitheclan
    Jadeclan | Steamclan | Misted Waters

    ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

    General Mod Notes | [ Font credit: 1001fonts. All pictures I link are free-to-use from various sites - or they have been made on CaC lineart by H155, kaspbrak. or Grey_Hoodie; coloring provided by various staff members & artists (specific artist given as pictures are linked, alongside descriptions of the cat).

    **NEW** I will not be able to provide apprentice growths for lineart cats I've made that rank up from kits to apprentices. They will receive a full warrior/adult ref either once they become warriors or once they become apprentice. I apologize for any inconvenience! Let me know if you have any questions <3 ]

    Lumos12 wrote:COLD WATCH SYNDICATE

        Family | [ It seems that Tiramisufrost is not expecting kits this moon... ]

        Border Patrols | [ Gondolaswing's border patrol grows careless as the new apprentice's energy becomes contagious. A pair of Twolegs catches sight of the patrol, awed by the young apprentices. The patrol ends up being chased, and Iontrapaw is caught by one of the Twolegs. Too scared to do much for himself, the patrol is helpless as Iontrapaw is carried away. Perhaps he can figure out how to escape next moon, but for now he seems lost. ]
        [ Blackiron's border patrol encounters a potential warrior. They are a shorthaired ginger tabby with green eyes; colored by H155. ]

        Hunting Patrols | [ Leopardgaze's hunting patrol catches x1 pigeon and x1 mouse. ]
        [ Pigeonflight and Laurelpaw go without Coleuspaw since he is taking his assessment this moon, and find x1 human food to bring back. ]

        Herb Gathering | [ The medicine cats gather x1 chervil, x1 ragwort leaf, and x1 stick. ]

        Training | [ Laurelpaw learns climbing. ]
        [ Kissingpaw learns combat. ]
        [ Olivepaw learns climbing. ]
        [ Bambinopaw learns hunting. ]
        [ Iontrapaw, Isolapaw, and Biscottipaw don't learn anything this moon. ]

        Assessment | [ Coleuspaw is successful in passing his assessment this moon and is now a full warrior! ]

        Mod Notes | [ Just a reminder that until you reach 50 cats, you can only send out four patrols total. I didn't count the third border patrol (Casinoroyale and Kissingpaw) or the third hunting patrol (Pompeiicall) for that reason. ]

    ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

    Zapperex wrote:JADECLAN

        Hunting Patrol | [ Willowsong and Blackwing catch x2 squirrels. ]

        Border Patrol | [ Jadestar and Streamtail encounter a potential warrior and their apprentice aged sibling! ]

        Request | [ Jadestar's request has been granted! The medicine cat brings five herbs of your choice along with them; the list can be found here. ]

    ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

    vampiress_fox wrote:HEXCLAN

        Training | [ Blackpaw is unable to learn anything this moon... ]

        Medicine Cat | [ Rosebud's skills remain sharp at 5SP. He gathers x1 chervil and x1 stinging nettle. ]

        Dawn Patrol | [ Umeko's patrol catches x1 rabbit. ]

        Sun-High Patrol | [ Darkstar's patrol passes uneventfully, though they do run into Rosebud while he is gathering herbs, and he quietly tells her she should rest until her kits arrive - no sense in putting yourself or your kits in danger, he says under his breath, not letting the other patrol members hear. ]

        Dusk Patrol | [ Gingerstorm's patrol catches x1 bird. ]

        Moon-High Patrol | [ Santa's patrol gets a bit turned around after a small tree fall in front of them, and Blackpaw scatters into the forest. Her dark pelt blends into the night, and the moon had nearly set when the patrol finds Blackpaw huddled in a patch of thorns, apologizing quietly as she tries to untangle herself. They end up rescuing her, and Rosebud says Blackpaw will need x1 dandelion for the thorn scratches on her pelt, but is fine to return to normal duties next moon. ]

    ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

    deimos wrote:PINECLAN

        Border Patrols | [ Owlheart's patrol gathers x7 pebbles. ]
        [ Warblerfoot's patrol passes uneventfully this moon. ]
        [ Goldenflower's patrol is is attacked by a young pair of badgers! The fight is short, as it seems the badgers were content with just passing through, but a life is taken too soon. Poor Owlheart succumbed to his injuries before the cats could even consider bringing him back to camp to be healed, and the clan was left with one less warrior... May he rest easy among the stars. The other cats seem to get away with only minor scratches and bruises, left wondering why Owlheart had become the badgers' target... ]
        [ Orchidnose's patrol has a bit of bad luck when Velvetrabbit gets a particularly sharp thorn stuck in her paw. The patrol returns to camp, and the medicine cats work nearly all day on removing it. Once the ordeal is finally over, they recommend Velvetrabbit have x1 burdock root just in case infection creeps up. She should be fine to resume normal duties next moon. ]
        [ Acornclaw's patrol encounters a potential warrior! They are a mediumfurred tortoiseshell with low white, and hunter green eyes; colored by BlackJeans. ]

        Hunting Patrols | [ Peregrineheart's patrol catches x2 rabbits and x1 bullfrog. ]
        [ Shuri's patrol catches x1 wren. ]
        [ Aspenheart's patrol catches x1 marmot, x1 mouse, and x1 vole. ]
        [ Firestream's patrol catches x2 crows. ]

        Hawknose | [ Hawknose gives birth to three healthy kits! Both of the herbs were needed; Hawknose would have passed away without them. ]
        [ Kit 1 is a longfurred brown mackerel torbie molly with dark green eyes. Kit 2 is a mediumfurred dilute mackerel torbie molly with low white, and green eyes. Kit 3 is a longfurred brown mackerel torbie molly with low white, and copper eyes. All were colored by me. ]

        Wheatcloud | [ Wheatcloud gives birth to two kits! Neither herb was needed. ]
        [ Kit 1 is a longfurred ginger mackerel tabby tom with dark yellow eyes. Kit 2 is a longfurred tortoiseshell molly with low white, and copper eyes. Both colored by me. ]

        Goshawkheart | [ Goshawkheart gives birth to three kits! Even with the help of the herbs, the first kit is born deaf in the right ear, though thankfully the herbs ensured no one passed away. ]
        [ Kit 1 is a shortfurred blue point tom with blue eyes. Kit 2 is a longfurred silver mackerel tabby molly with hazel eyes. Kit 3 is a longfurred black smoke tom with golden eyes. All were done by me. ]

        Training | [ Cloudpaw learns wound recognition. ]
        [ Eveningpaw learns stalking. ]
        [ Russetpaw, Hawkweedpaw, Skipperpaw, Checkerpaw, Thrushpaw, and Pipitpaw learn climbing. ]
        [ Tarragonpaw learns tracking. ]
        [ Pipsessewapaw, Bearpaw, and Buzzardpaw learn combat. ]
        [ Ploverpaw, Buttercuppaw, and Grosbeakpaw are unable to learn anything this moon... ]

        Assessments | [ Darkpaw, Sorrelpaw, Foxpaw, and Ringletpaw all pass their final assessments and become full warriors; Darkcloud, Sorrelnose, Foxfang, and Ringlettail! ]

        Apprenticeship | [ The apprentices are welcomed into their new rank; may their training be prosperous. ( Harlequinpaw and Fogpaw have adult refs made - let me know if you have a preference if kits get their growths when they reach apprenticeship or when they become full warriors c: I ran out of time to get to the others today, but I can have them done in time for when they rank up again ^^ ) ]

    ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

    LooneyLani wrote:MISTED WATERS

        Request | [ Meera's request is granted! They are a shorthaired brown tabby with a white locket, and green eyes; colored by H155. ]

        Hunting Patrols | [ Solace's hunting patrol catches x1 bird and x2 rabbits. ]
        [ Jinx's hunting patrol catches x1 vole and x1 hare. ]

        Border Patrols | [ Howler's border patrol encounters a potential warrior! They are a shortfurred calico with one dark blue and one golden eyes, and has a short bobbed tail and missing hind leg; colored by BlackJeans&IceCream. ]
        [ Quill's border patrol passes uneventfully this moon. ]

        Medicine Cat | [ Flick successfully learns a skill! Ripple gathers x1 chamomile and x1 stick. ]

        Meera | [ Meera gives birth to two kits! The kitting was harsh on Meera, and she loses 1 life. ]
        [ Kit 1 is a longfurred lilac mackerel tabby molly with low white, and green eyes. Kit 2 is a shortfurred gray mackerel tabby tom with green eyes. Both were colored by me. ]

        Orchid | [ Orchid gives birth to three kits! The first kit is born deaf. ]
        [ Kit 1 is a shortfurred flame lynx point with blue eyes; deaf. Kit 2 is a shortfurred ginger tabby with green eyes. Kit 3 is a longfurred lilac cream tortoiseshell point with dark blue eyes. Kits 1 and 2 were colored by amethyst14. Kit 3 was colored by me. ]

        Training | [ Ritter learns offensive combat. ]
        [ Chaim learns defensive combat. ]
        [ Sage learns tracking. ]

        Assessment | [ Clover successfully passes her assessment, and is now a full warrior of the Misted Waters! ]

    ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

    inky. wrote:BEARCLAN

        Family | [ Poppysplash is now expecting kits! They will be due in 2 moons never be sorry, kits are cute! ]

        Border Patrol | [ Sparkstorm's patrol encounters a warrior-aged cat who calls themself Vulturecrest. ]

        Hunting Patrols | [ Nightfur's patrol catches x1 squirrel. ]
        [ Tickstripe's patrol catches x1 big fish and x1 minnow. ]
        [ Brambleglow's patrol catches x1 hare. ]

        Herb Gathering | [ Bumbleflight and Rainleaf gather x1 broom, x1 cobweb, and x1 elder leaf. ]

        Training | [ Mintpaw, Toadpaw, and Snailpaw learn stealth. ]
        [ Beanpaw and Mudpaw learn swimming. ]
        [ Shadowpaw, Thistlepaw, Hazepaw, Splashpaw, Minkpaw, and Jacobinpaw learn battle. ]
        [ Serpentpaw and Saskatoonpaw learn agility. ]
        [ Fallenpaw and Cardinalpaw learn climbing. ]
        [ Beepaw learns hunting. ]
        [ Dunepaw is unable to learn anything this moon. ]

    ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

    Bluey, wrote:MOUNTAINCLAN

        Medicine Cats | [ Nightstep and Cloudbelly's skills remain sharp at 5SP. They gather x1 chamomile, x1 elder leaf, and x1 poppy seed. ]

        Training | [ Flarepaw and Sunrisepaw learn stealth. ]
        [ Shrewpaw, Foxpaw, Sunsetpaw, and Shadepaw learn climbing. ]
        [ Pigeonpaw learns tracking, though Ploverpaw is unable to learn anything this moon. ]

        Hunting Patrols | [ Tigerwillow's patrol catches x2 bird eggs and x1 small bird. ]
        [ Silentwind's patrol catches x1 stoat. ]
        [ Fluttersplash's patrol catches x3 mice, x2 rats, and x1 rabbit. ]

        Border Patrols | [ Nettlestar's patrol returns early, as it seems Emberspark's paw sprain has gotten worse without rest. She will need x1 dandelion and x1 elder leaf, and x1 moon of rest. ]
        [ Hemlockwind's patrol scents a loner, but they can't locate the cat. Perhaps if they come back next moon the cat might still be around. ]
        [ Cypressglow's patrol encounters a pair of warrior aged cats - their relation is unclear. The first is a brown and white tabby with amber and green eyes; colored by H155. The second is a genetically solid black chimera with blue eyes; colored by inky. ]

        Dawnstride | [ Dawnstride gives birth to two healthy kits! Both herbs were needed to ensure that Dawnstride's life was spared. ]
        [ Kit 1 is a shortfurred brown mackerel tabby tom with yellow eyes. Kit 2 is a shortfurred brown ticked tabby she-cat with golden eyes. Both were colored by amethyst14. ]

        Request | [ Nettlestar's request is granted! They are a shortfurred solid gray cat with dark amber eyes; colored by amethyst14. ]

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    DiamondDogg Caverns wrote:FEATHERCLAN

        Border Patrols | [ Rockclaw's border patrol brings back x6 pebbles. ]
        [ Sweetrose's border patrol encounters a potential warrior! They are a longfurred flame lynx point with blue eyes; colored by amethyst14. ]

        Hunting Patrols | [ Skunkstripe's hunting patrol catches x1 small fish. ]
        [ Alderfoot's patrol catches x1 squirrel. ]

        Herb Gathering | [ Nightwhisper gathers x1 comfrey root and x1 raspberry leaf. ]

        Training | [ No apprentices are able to learn a skill this moon, as apprentices cannot learn a skill the same moon they rank up. ]

        Mod Notes | [ Unfortunately with my new work schedule, I won't be able to give kits that I made apprentice growths :c I can, however, give them their adult growths soon! Sorry about that ^^' Let me know if you have a preference that kits get their growths when they rank up to apprentices or when they rank up to warriors. I'll contact other artists who made the other kits to see if they can give the others apprentice growths. ]

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    BlackJeans&IceCream wrote:KIN OF THE LOTUS

        Request | [ The stars hear Little Oolong and smile at his request - they send an apprentice aged cat. They are a silver tabby LaPerm with green eyes; colored by H155. [warrior version] ]

        Aboveground Hunting | [ Tealeaf of Ginseng's patrol catches x1 hare and x1 harvest mice. ]

        Aboveground Patrolling | [ Cloud of Stars' patrol encounters a lost kit and their parent. Both are shorthaired gray and white. The kit was colored by me, the adult was colored by amethyst14. ]

        Underground Hunting | [ Piper of Ashes' patrol catches x1 kukri, x1 grebe, and x1 rousette. ]

        Underground Patrolling | [ Walker of Nights' patrol passes uneventfully this moon. ]

        Training | [ Little Wind learns swimming. ]
        [ Little Oolong learns kitting. ]
        [ Little Jasmine learns combat. ]
        [ Little Bengal learns orientation. ]
        [ Little Macha learns hunting. ]
        [ Little Minnow and Little Duck are unable to learn anything this moon... ]

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    Last edited by Kazin on Fri May 22, 2020 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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