Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Briarclan [39]

Postby amethyst14 » Wed May 23, 2018 6:44 pm

Number of Cats: 31(6 Servings)
Toms: 16 Mollies: 15
Next Moonstone Visit: Now
Tantoclaw had ran as fast as he could, going to the spot that Willowdusk had told him. He heard the yowling and shortly after could smell the scent of blood. Just as the tom skipped to a halt in the freezing snow he saw the limp body of a grey tabby a cat's tail length from a worry tom. Tanotclaw cleared his throat and asked, "What happened here?" He looked at Mudpuddle.

Muddpuddle's eyes grew wide, "I-I, he attacked us! I tried to get him to stop, but he wouldn't! I didn't mean to take a life!" The brown tom stared at the limp body of the leader, worried that he would not get back up and scared what the leader might do if he does.

Tantoclaw shook his head, "Go back to camp and see Owlseed, I think Willowdusk is with her too, but you need to take care of that gash on your side there. It looks like it might get infected. Don't worry about Sagestar, I will talk to him, maybe I can get him to calm down." Tantoclaw had no true intention to calm down Sagestar, what the leader did was disgraceful and dishonorable to him. When Mudpuddle was a good ways away Tantoclaw moved closer to Sagestar and shook his head, "Disgraceful flea bag, not even better than your own warrior, a cat you claimed to have trained? He bested you in one verse one combat and you couldn't even hold your own."

Sagestar let out a gasp, his body filling back with life. The leader looked around dazed and scanned the battle area, it all started to come back to him. Sagestar looked at Tantoclaw and growled, "Where is Mudpuddle?! Did that coward flee?" The tom got to his paws and puffed his fur up, a show of strength but not a very good one compared to Tantoclaw.

Tantoclaw shook his head and resisted the urge to roll his eyes and lied, "No I told him to go back to camp and get Owlseed. Sagestar, are you okay? Why did you attack them in the first place?"

Sagestar looked at the deputy, "It is none of your business, they disrespected me, the leader, and I had to put them in their place. Stop asking questions, and leave me be." The leader walked off with fake pride, to Tantoclaw it was a walk of shame and defeat.

Tantoclaw let Sagestar walk off, hopefully that tom won't come back. The deputy instead went back to camp, to check on his clan mates that were injured by Sagestar. When Tantoclaw got back to camp it was oddly quiet, however the closer he got to the medicine cat den the louder it got. He cleared his throat once again and the cats blocking the way moved back for him to get through. He spotted Russetmist and instructed the tom to gather a few others and go on a border patrol before turning to see his mate Snowfeather, "Gather some others and go hunting, we might be okay on prey now but its a tough leaf-bare. Don't take any apprentices hunting with you this time." Nods from the two and cats finally leaving the den made it easier for Tantoclaw to get to Owlseed. "Owlseed, when you finish examining them please come find me in my den, I want to know how they are doing." The quiet molly only nodded as she continued to work.

Later that evening Owlseed came into the deputy's den, "You asked me to come here? I assume you want a report of what will happen to them?" A slight nod was all Owlseed was going to get, to exhausted to really care she let out a sigh and muttered quietly, "Mudpuddle will heal over time, his wounds were deep enough that they will scare instead of healing completely. I will have to keep a closer eye on it to make sure no infection sets in. Perchpaw has a few minor scratches that didn't really need to be looked after, he can resume training any time without concern. As for Willowdusk, Sagestar damaged her eye pretty badly. I fear she will lose the eye or lose the sight in it. Only time will tell for her and I hope Starclan will be on her side."

Tantoclaw nodded, "Thank you Owlseed, that is all I needed from you."

Owlseed turned to leave but stopped before exiting the den, she wanted to ask the deputy where Sagestar was but ended up shaking her head and leaving. Tantoclaw watched the molly fight with her thoughts, not bothering to open his mouth and ask. He was exhausted and wanted to take a nap, but it seems his work was not over with because Mutesoft rushed in his den and laid two kits in front of him, they were cold and smelled unfamiliar to him. There was no point in asking the mute molly where they came from and he doubt the kits would speak to him so he decided to order Mutesoft, "Take them to the nursery and let Dawnflower care for them, I am sure she wont mind in the slightest."

Mutesoft nodded and picked the kits up and left the den, leaving Tantoclaw to his thoughts. A clan full of weak cats, kits should not be in camp, they cause to much trouble for the older cats. If queens can't take care of their own kits then how does this show that these kits are strong? Things are so much different in this clan, my clan was strong, we pushed out the old and weak, there was no room for them in a clan of strong. Tantoclaw eventually fell asleep in the warmth of his den, Snowfeather had returned from her patrol and joined him quietly, making sure not to wake him as she moved into his nest and snuggled against his side.

Meanwhile, back in Owlseed's den Willowdusk and Mudpuddle chatted. They both knew they needed to rest like Owlseed had instructed but they couldn't help but enjoy each other's company as they usually do. This time however, it was more intense. Willowdusk asked Mudpuddle, "Why did you get involved? You could have saved yourself from the injury." She didn't bother whispering, no cat was inside the den but the two injured warriors.

Mudpuddle looked at his paws, feeling the heat rise in his head. He knew he had feelings for the molly, and has had them for a long while but could never bring himself to tell her. Then they were both busy mentoring apprentices that they didn't have much time to hang out and get closer like he wanted. "Well, I didn't like what he was doing, and then when he did what he did to you I just kind of lost it. You are my friend after all." He cringed at what he has said and cursed in his thoughts. He knew if Russetmist where here there would have been snickering in the background.

Willowdusk shook her head, taking the cringe as a sign of pain, "Do you need more poppy seeds? I am sure Owlseed has some more and I can go and get her." Mudpuddle shook his head vigorously and the molly shrugged, "Toms.." she muttered. There was silence now in the den and Willowdusk had started to fall asleep. Just as she felt her eye close she felt a dull ache in the injured one, before she could adjust herself to get comfortable she felt a pelt squish against her and the gentle grooming that came after. She didn't have to open her good eye to know that it was Mudpuddle that laid next to her. She knew he was being cautious as he groomed her and it helped her relax, even the dull ache from before had disappeared.

Mudpuddle finished grooming the molly, not wanting to get to close to the injury. He smiled when he heard her quiet purr, it was warm and comforting to him and that helped him relax. Maybe it even gave him the courage to tell her what came out of his mouth, "Willowdusk, I love you." There was a quiet chuckle from the molly, she didn't move though as she simply said, "I know Mudpuddle. I am also sure that you know I love you as well." Mudpuddle's heart skipped a beat, he did not know and it was nice to hear that his feelings were returned. He purred quietly with her, the two eventually curled together and fell asleep.

It has been a few weeks since the incident with Sagestar, though he had only returned to camp a few days ago and acting as if nothing had happened. Tantoclaw had grown use to ordering the cats, but it was his job as the deputy to keep the clan moving in the absence of the leader. Things at first were tense and many cats didn't follow Sagestar's orders as they did Tantoclaw's. The deputy noticed too and waited for the leader to give orders first and then repeat them, he wanted to avoid another situation from occurring with the short tempered leader. The clan ran like this for some time though, however the only one seemed bothered by this was Owlseed, she did not understand in the slightest and seeked answers. Answers that Starclan might be able to help her with.

Owlseed made the journey to the now frozen river, just behind the frozen falls was a cave that held the clan's Moonpool. The pool inside never seemed to freeze or get cold like regular water, so it was no surprise that she saw the smooth round stone in the center of a warm pool of water. The medicine cat stepped into the pool and touched her nose to the stone, "Please Starclan, join me in my dreams as I lay here with you." The molly stepped back and out of the water before finding a place to curl up and lay down, she licked some of the water that stuck to her pelt before she started to fall asleep.

Owlseed knew she was dreaming when she woke up in a clearing not blanketed in snow but rich and abundant with the greens of new leaf. Her mentor Archpool had come to her with a cat that looked so much like her, was this her mother? Archpool was the one to speak first, "Owlseed, this is Owldust. She is your mother, but we are not here to chat. I came here to warn you, you need to prepare what you can and leave. Leave to the place where you found help or you will fall to the tragedy. Don't worry about Briarclan, we will guide them there later but you need to leave today and don't hesitate."

Owlseed shook her head, "Wait, I want to ask why? Not why leave, but why are you letting Briarclan suffer through Sagestar? Why did Starclan give him the nine lives and become leader?"

Archpool shook his head, "His nine lives are not from Starclan, they are from the dark forest. Do not worry though, Starclan will help with what we can but the cats of Briarclan are not controlled by us, the cats need to make their own decisions and those are not always the best decisions to be made. Go now, you need to leave with what you can and don't come back. Your mother will look after you from here, but leave the rest to us." Just then Owlseed looked around and spotted all the pelts of cats that have died, she couldn't help but feel the grief and loss that they all suffered, never to grow old with their families. Lives taken by Sagestar.

Owlseed nodded and closed her eyes, when she opened them once again she was back inside the cave. The molly knew she was not alone when she heard the coos and hoots of an owl perched on a boulder in the cave. It was a snow owl with black splashes on it's feather, "Mother?" she whispered to the bird, only a hoot was replied. It took a moment for Owlseed to start moving, leading the way out of the cave and down the slippery slope that lead to the opening.

When Owlseed made it back to camp she looked around, the owl perched itself on a tree just above the entrance to the camp. The medicine cat dipped into her den and did what felt right, she grabbed a beech leaf that she had gathered a while back and tested it, it was still bendy enough that it would not crack or break. The molly managed to wrap a paw full of herbs in the giant leaf before carrying it out, cautious enough to make sure she did not run into any cat.

There was a loud hoot from the owl at the entrance before Sagestar appeared in front of Owlseed, "What are you doing?" he growled.

Owlseed laid down the bundle and shivered, "I was just discarding some of the old herbs, the snow made them freeze and crack so they are no good to me now." Hopefully he would buy this excuse and let her leave.

Sagestar rolled his eyes, "Fine, what ever, when you get back come and see me. I think Tantoclaw is plotting against me to be leader so I need your help to help me rid him from camp."

Owlseed looked wide eyed at the leader, he only turned and walked away from her. A hoot from the owl once again brought her back to her senses and she moved quickly now, if she wasn't back soon then Sagestar will know what she was planning. He would know where she is at too, the snow will show her trail. She was wrong though, the owl that flew behind her covered the trail in a layer of snow as it flew over it. Owlseed only paused once to notice it, thanking her mother with a smile before continuing on.

Its been a few days since Owlseed had vanished, most of the cats didn't know what happened. Sagestar insisted on calling her a traitor to the clan, however most cats didn't believe him, in fact the wondered if he had killed her for helping Willowdusk and Mudpuddle. Life went on though and the daily routines continued on.

Briarclan woke to a loud humming noise and then went into a panic when trees started to fall and crash down around them. What ever it was caused a panic in camp. Cats scattered everywhere before Tantoclaw yowled, "Stay calm! Everyone get to the meadow!"

"No! Go to the river! We will be safer there!" Sagestar yowled above Tantoclaw, there was no hesitation with the cats as they all started to head to the river. Sagestar, leading the way.

Tantoclaw was the one that stayed behind to help Dawnflower with the kits, the older ones could run on their own with the rest of the clan. Just then the monster crashed into camp, bulldozing over the medicine cat's den first and then heading towards the nursery. Tantoclaw knew they were not all going to make it and grabbed the nearest kit he could before darting out of the way. However Dawnflower and a few of the kits did not make it out in time.

Tantoclaw ran with the other kits to the river, a few warriors had come to help him. Sagestar led all the cats inside the cave behind the waterfall, Sagestar let out an irritated growl, "This water is not suppose to freeze like this! This is the Moonpool, this is a safe place for cats!" Several cats gathered around the now frozen pool, curiosity in their eyes but it was masked with fear.

The clan cats had all gathered inside the cave now, however a small few did not make it to the cave, eaten by the monsters that the two legs drove. Sagestar meowed once again, "This is the Moonpool cave, we will all be safe in here."

Tantoclaw felt the ground below him vibrate, "Sagestar, we can't stay in here, we have to leave. This cave is not as safe as you say."

"I said it was safe! That means this cave is safe!" Sagestar roared at the deputy, Tantoclaw didn't flinch back like the others, he only shook his head and took a place towards the back of the cave, a few others took his example and did so as well. It wasn't long until they felt the vibrations and rattling below them. By then rocks started to fall from the ceiling of the cave and crash down onto the cats.

Panic struck Sagestar though and when he went to run out of the cave he was stopped by starry pelts, "This cave is you grave Sagestar!" Cloudstar boomed at the tom, "You followed the Dark Forest and you try to take refuge in the sacred Moonpool. It was you that tainted it and Starclan has moved on from this location."

"Let me through!" Sagestar tried to leap forward but was stopped by even more starry figured cats, the ones he killed and led to their deaths. Large rocks started to fall from the top of the cave now, landing on a few cats as they try to scatter out of the cave, Sagestar then knew that this is where he would die, his remaining lives being torn away from him by Starclan themselves.

Tantoclaw collected the cats that escaped the cave collapse just outside on the river bank, with the humming of monsters in the background cats looked to him. Fright, worry, shock all on their faces, many questions that wanted to be asked. The tom knew what he must do, he was their deputy and now the leader since Sagestar was crushed. He took this time to address the clan, "Cats of Briarclan! As you can see Sagestar took advantage of the clan, all he wanted was power and it went to his head. He was only ever looking out for himself!" Murmurs and nods from the cats before him, he raised his tail slightly and hushed them before continuing, "Starclan has killed many of us so far, they have turned their back on us and it just proves that we must survive without them, what help have they been? The plague! We all suffered loss that day when Sagestar exiled them, where was Starclan? Sagestar's rage and cowardice, where was Starclan? The monsters that destroyed us just hours ago, where was Starclan!? And for those that just died in the cave collapse, where were they?" A brief pause as he looked around and saw that a few cats grew angry, the anger he felt then for Starclan. Tantoclaw knew that Starclan was just a thing for cats to believe in but he knew what these cats before him needed, "I will tell you where! They were sitting by and watching, who knows? Maybe even laughing and causing us this great harm? They never came to help, where was their answers to our prayers? Why were they not there for the cats that had fallen by Sagestar's claws? Why did they give Sagestar the lives of a leader when he clearly did not deserve them, did they want Briarclan to crash down the way it has?"

"What about now? They were here just a moment ago, I saw them! They stopped Sagestar from leaving the cave!" Tantoclaw heard Sparrowclaw shout.

Tantoclaw shrugged, "Why did they not warn us? Why did they not save the innocent cats? What about all the other times they could have saved many warriors, apprentices or even kits? To me that is a sign of weakness, they don't care for us. We are merely a play thing for them to toy around with. They are weak and let the weak lead the great, I think it's time we change. I think it's time for us to move and create our own traditions. Create our own paths and promote the strong. I think it is time we live without the help of Starclan, we can prove to them we don't need their help! We are strong enough to live our own way, because all we have been through and we are still standing here!" Tantoclaw grew silent then, cats shared glances with each other before little by little the others stepped forward and shouted, "Yeah!" or "He's right!" A few moments later and the cheering started, Tantoclaw smiled at them and nodded, "Times will be tough but we cannot call this place home anymore, we must move. The journey will be tough but we will have each other." The tom gave the cats a moment but the humming started to move closer and there was no more time for the clan to grieve for the losses of others, Tantoclaw led the way across the mostly frozen river and into the unknown.

Tantoclaw woke to the prodding of Sparrowclaw, "Tantoclaw, we should get moving now. I know you had just lost Snowfeather, but you are our leader now and we need you to keep going." Tantoclaw looked at the molly and only nodded. It had been a month now since the clan was on the move, being chased by other clans or predators in a suitable looking spot. The remainder of the clan knew they did not want to remove another clan from their territory and kept going.

Tantoclaw looked back at the two bumps in the ground where they had buried Snowfeather and Mousepaw, though the snow had stopped falling by now it covered the ground still and made it exhausting to walk through the days. The tom closed his eyes and said his final goodbyes to all those that had passed on the journey.

Willowdusk, Mudpuddle, Sunkit and Palekit were the first to pass away. It was the beginning of the clan's journey and they got caught in a blizzard. When morning came by the clan noticed that they were missing and a small search party found them frozen in the snow, Willowdusk and Mudpuddle has twined themselves around Sunkit and Palekit to keep each other warm. It did not work though and the group did not survive. However it did not look like the group had suffered and seemed almost happy and in bliss as if they were asleep when they succumbed to the cold together.

Sandswift, Newtpad and Rustlesky died next. Though it was not all at once but close enough that they were buried by each other. Sandswift had died shortly after Newtpad, the group of cats had to run from a pack of wolves that ambushed them. Everyone made it out okay but that night the two had died in their sleep, their bodies showed their exhaustion even after death. A week later the clan had found out that Rustlesky had not eaten and refused to eat before the others ate, he eventually fell into a coma and passed away. The clan mourned for them for a week before Tantoclaw kept them moving.

Mousepaw and Snowfeather were the most recent deaths. Tantoclaw was to eager to find the clan a place to call home and it started to show on the others. However it did not stop him from pressuring them to move, however the death of his mate made him see that not all could keep up with him. It was an eye opener to him and he allowed the clan to rest for a few days while he took the task and dug the graves for Snowfeather and Mousepaw.

"Tantoclaw, Tantoclaw!" Murdochdash came running to the leader. "It's Rockpounce! He's not moving!"

"What? Another cat?!" Tantoclaw meowed before following the young tom to the thin, limp body. Rockpounce was curled up and there was no signs of life coming from the tom, not even a shallow breathe. Tantoclaw hissed and cursed himself, to him this was his doing and he should be more mindful of the others. The tom turned to the gathered cats, sadness in his eyes, "Rockpounce has passed away. By the looks of it, it was in his sleep and possibly due to hunger. This is my fault, I should be more mindful that we still need to hunt and rest for ourselves. I promise that there will be no more deaths on this journey, and I hope we find a new home soon." With that Tantoclaw turned to dig yet another hole next to Snowfeather and Mousepaw, he let the others mourn for the fallen while he stayed quiet.


          [[Death from Human Monsters] Nightkit, Fungikit, Dawnflower, Mottledheart and Robinshine.
          [Death from Cave Collapse] Sagestar, Mutesoft, Lightningeye, Brambletuft, Needlenose, and Dewkit.
          [Death from Exhaustion on Journey] Mousepaw, Sandswift, Newtpad, and Snowfeather.
          [Death from Hunger on Journey] Rockpounce and Rustlesky.
          [Death from Cold on Journey] Willowdusk, Mudpuddle, Sunkit, and Palekit.
          [Ran away/Lost] Perchpaw got frightened and kept on running from all the commotion, never to look back(As if he could).
          [Leaving] Tragedy struck and the clan is on the move with the remainder of the living cats. A few cats die from hunger and exhaustion while others die of the freezing cold nights out in the open. Tantoclaw leads them on a 3 moon journey, until they finally reach a suitable place to live, far from the monstrous humans and the evil lands they once called home.

      ๏ผด๏ผจ๏ผฅ ๏ผฃ๏ผฌ๏ผก๏ผฎ
      Sagestar | 61 Moons | Tom | ๐Ÿ
      Lives: โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†

      Tantoclaw | 41 Moons | Tom | ๐Ÿ

      Medicine Cat:
      Owlseed | 25 Moons | Molly | ๐Ÿ

      Medicine Cat Apprentice:

      Vixenspirit | 46 Moons | Molly | ๐Ÿ
      Brambletuft | 39 Moons | Molly | ๐Ÿ
      Snowfeather | 39 Moons | Molly | ๐Ÿ
      Willowdusk | 39 Moons | Molly | ๐Ÿ
      Mudpuddle | 38 Moons | Tom | ๐Ÿ
      Russetmist | 38 Moons | Tom | ๐Ÿ
      Mutesoft | 26 Moons | Molly | ๐Ÿ
      Sparrowclaw | 26 Moons | Molly | ๐Ÿ
      Mottleheart | 18 Moons | Molly | ๐Ÿ
      Sandswift | 18 Moons | Tom | ๐Ÿ
      Rockpounce | 18 Moons | Tom | ๐Ÿ
      Murdochdash | 16 Moons | Tom | ๐Ÿ
      Applebee | 15 Moons | Molly | ๐Ÿ
      Lightningeye | 15 Moons | Molly | ๐Ÿ
      Lionfur | 15 Moons | Tom | ๐Ÿ
      Needlenose | 15 Moons | Molly | ๐Ÿ
      Newtpad | 15 Moons | Tom | ๐Ÿ
      Robinshine | 15 Moons | Molly | ๐Ÿ
      Rustlesky | 15 Moons | Tom | ๐Ÿ

      Mousepaw | 11 Moons | Molly | ๐Ÿ
      Perchpaw | 11 Moons | Tom | ๐Ÿ

      Dawnflower | 61 Moons | Molly | ๐Ÿ

      Dewkit | 5 Moons | Tom | ๐Ÿ
      Fungikit | 4 Moons | Tom | ๐Ÿ
      Palekit | 4 Moons | Tom | ๐Ÿ
      Patchkit | 4 Moons | Molly | ๐Ÿ
      Nightkit | 3 Moons | Tom | ๐Ÿ
      Sunkit | 3 Moons | Tom | ๐Ÿ


      ๏ผฆ๏ผฒ๏ผฅ๏ผณ๏ผจ๏ผ๏ผซ๏ผฉ๏ผฌ๏ผฌ ๏ผฐ๏ผฉ๏ผฌ๏ผฅ
      Mice | x1 | 1 servings
      Water Vole | x4 | 1 servings
      Rabbit | x3 | 2 servings
      Quail | x1 | 3 servings
      Small Fish | x4 | 2 servings
      Ermine(Sacred) | x1 | 2 servings
      Total | 14 | 24 servings


      Bouldershade and Fawnwillow
      โ†ชTigerflower, Rockpounce, Sandswift, Mottleheart,
      Sunnygaze, Blazeswimmer

      Blizzardsong and Dawnflower
      โ†ชRyestone(Ridgeclan), Aspenthorn, Whitekit, Quailkit
      Owldust and Tux(Jinxclan)
      โ†ชOwlseed, Lambshade, Tarshadow(Colossalclan),
      Spiderpaw(Jinxclan), Whitepaw(Jinxclan)

      Waspfur(Doveclan) and Lizardstream(Doveclan)
      Squirrelpaw(Lilyclan), Russetpaw(Brambleclan),
      Sorrelpaw(Tempestclan), Darkpaw(Alpineclan),
      Poppypaw, Perchpaw

      Coppereyes(Doveclan) and Badgerfall(Doveclan)
      โ†ชLionfur, Longpaw, Lightningeye
      Lyrasong(Leafclan) and Sagestar
      โ†ชRainkit, Stormkit, Rustlesky, Applebee, Robinshine
      Oriolefeather and Lichenfern
      โ†ชNettlepaw, Needlenose, Newtpad
      Aspenthorn and Sagestar
      Tantoclaw and Snowfeather
      Dawnflower and Sagestar
      โ†ชDewkit, Swankit
      Oriolefeather and
      Alpinestar(Laurelclan) and Lichenfern

      โ†ชFungikit, Palekit, Patchkit
      Ally Clans:
      Clan Name | Username

      Enemy Clans
      Clan Name | Username

      North | Open | Open
      East | No clan will lie to the east.
      South | Open | Open
      West | Open | Open


      1|Alder Bark|Eases tooth pains.
      1|Beech Leaves|To carry other herbs.
      1|Bindweed|Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place.
      1|Blackberry Leaves|Eases the swelling of bee stings.
      1|Borage Leaves|Produces more/better milk and to help fevers.
      0|Broom|Makes poultices for broken legs and wounds.
      1|Burdock Root|Heals/prevents the pain of infected rat bites.
      0|Burnet|Stops minor bleeding and keeps strength up.
      0|Catchweed|To stop poultices from rubbing off.
      1|Catmint|For deadly greencough or whitecough.
      0|Celandine|Soothes damaged eyes.
      0|Chamomile|Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind.
      2|Chervil|For infected wounds and bellyache.
      0|Chickweed|Treats greencough.
      0|Cobwebs|To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding.
      1|Coltsfoot|Eases breathing or kitten-cough, cracked or sore pads.
      1|Comfrey Root|Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds, or used for burns.
      1|Daisy Leaf|Eases the pain of aching joints.
      0|Dandelion|Soothe bee stings or as a painkiller.
      0|Deadly Nightshade|Poison.
      0|Deathberries|Poison, kills a cat.
      1|Dock|Soothes scratches or sore pads.
      1|Dried Oak Leaf|Stops infection from setting in.
      0|Elder Leaves|Eases sprains.
      1|Fennel|Helps pain in the hips.
      0|Feverfew|For fever/chills or for headaches.
      0|Foxglove Seeds|Cause paralysis and heart failure.
      0|Goatweed|Eases anxiety and grief.
      2|Goldenrod|Good for healing wounds.
      0|Hawkweed|Like catmint but not as strong.
      0|Holly Berry|Mild deathberry.
      1|Honey|Helps sore throats and soothes coughing.
      1|Horsetail|Treats infections and stops bleeding.
      1|Ivy Leaf|To store other herbs.
      2|Juniper Berries|Soothes bellyaches, gives strength,
      and helps troubled breathing or for anxiety.

      1|Lamb's Ear|Gives a cat strength.
      0|Lavender|Cures fever and chills.
      1|Lungwort|Cures yellowcough.
      0|Mallow Leaf|Soothes belly ache.
      0|Marigold|Stops infection, stops bleeding, used for inflammation of stiff joints.
      0|Mint|Hides the scent of death.
      1|Mousebile|Rid elders of ticks.
      0|Parsley|Stop queen's milk production.
      2|Poppy Seed|They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain.
      2|Ragwort Leaves|Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up.
      0|Raspberry Leaf|Ease pain and stop bleeding.
      1|Rosemary|Hides the scent of death.
      1|Rush|Helps hold a broken limb in place.
      1|Sorrel|Build an appetite.
      0|Stinging Nettle|Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, or helps fight infection.
      1|Sweet-Sedge|Eases infection.
      1|Tansy|Cures coughs, cure wounds and poisons, stops cats from getting greencough.
      1|Tormentil|Treating all wounds and extracting poison.
      1|Thyme| Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.
      0|Water Hemlock|Causes writhing pain, and foaming at the mouth.
      1|Watermint| Eases bellyaches.
      1|Wild Garlic|Prevents infections.
      0|Willow Bark|Eases pain.
      0|Willow Leaf|Stops vomiting.
      1|Wintergreen|Treats wounds and some poisons.
      0|Yarrow|Induce vomiting or extracts poison from wounds.

      Willowdusk | Perchpaw | 5 |
      Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
      Russetmist | Mousepaw | 5 |
      Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
Last edited by amethyst14 on Thu May 24, 2018 10:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby cloudy days » Wed May 23, 2018 6:50 pm

โ‹† CosmoClan โ‹†
Cats: 51
Next SunJaw visit: 23rd May

Flamerise was bored. Right now her mentor was chatting away with Juniperberry and Blazeheart about being a medicine cat "in the old clans". Most of the apprentices were out, and those that were in were either talking to elders or doing other things (she noticed Speckledrise and Thornrise chatting together and at once thought no). She needed to hide from Magpierise, who would ask her questions all the time. Heatherrise was currently telling Featherrise that Aconite -or Cora as she was better known as- was awesome. Rushkit was also asking questions, teaming up with Magpierise and chattering to Swiftsky about the importance of clan wars. Camp was being incredibly boring to Flamerise. It became even more tedious when she was given some moss and told to clean out the elders. Now she would be stuck in camp listening to stories.

"I am sure it will work Leopardeyes. Come on!" Ebonypool cheered, flicking a snowflake away with her tail. "Are you sure?" the beautiful she-cat asked, her whiskers drooping. "He's never going to notice me." she looked towards Blazeheart at he talked to Fernshade and Juniperberry, repeating the uses of Catmint just on case they needed any emergency greencough treating. The black she-cat beside her nudged her. "Go!" Leopardeyes stepped carefully along the cold hard ground. "Blazeheart, may I have a moment of your time?" the dappled she-cat asked, sounding braver then she felt. He turned towards her, sending an apologetic look towards his friends, before stepping forwards. "Of course. Go ahead Leopardeyes." the ginger tom meowed. "Umm, Blazeheart, will you be my mate?" Leopardeyes blurted out, before glancing around to avoid his eyes. She thought she saw Ebonypool's eyes in a bush. Blazeheart's face was emotionless for a second, before the beginning of a smile was upon his muzzle. "Yes, I will." he purred, his green eyes shining with happiness.

[Willowthroat, Badgerstrike, Blossomfur, Thunderbird, and Amberowl go hunting]
[Blazeheart, Lyrastar, Owlwing, Leopardeyes, Ebonypool and Swiftsky hunt]
[Hurricanegaze, Cloverfield, Swimming, Arrowfang and Badgerstrike patrol]
[Solarspark, Briarsweep, Poppycloud, Lionscorch, Wolfclaw and Acorntuft patrol]
[Leopardeyes and Blazeheart become mates!]
[Fernshade and Speckledrise train: Swimming]
[Juniperberry and Flamerise train: Swimming]
[Blacknose and Dustrise train: Stealth]
[Sycamoreheart and Thornrise train: Swimming]
[Briarsweep and Fawnrise train: Swimming]
[Whitefoot and Heatherrise train: Swimming]
[Blazeheart and Stonerise train: Swimming]
[Blossomfur and Birdrise train: Swimming]
[Solarspark and Featherrise train: Stealth]
[Blacknose and Heronrise train: Swimming]
[Arrowfang and Raccoonrise train: Swimming]
[Ebonypool and Goldenrise train: Swimming]
[Kitetalon and Magpierise train: Swimming]
[The clan consumes nine servings]

          Lyrastar | 52 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Lives: โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…(6/8)

          Solar Guardian:
          Solarspark | 33 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†

          Lunar Guardian:
          Emberblaze | 53 Moons |Tom | โ‹†

          Blossomfur | 46 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Swiftsky | 58 moons | Tom | โ‹†
          Thunderbird | 30 Moons | Tom | โ‹†
          Oliveshadow | 38 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Juniperberry | 41 Moons | Tom | โ‹†
          Fernshade | 43 Moons | Tom | โ‹†
          Briarsweep | 62 Moons | She-Cat | โ‹†
          Blazeheart | 46 Moons | Tom | โ‹†
          Whitefoot | 54 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Kitetalon | 27 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Blacknose | 52 Moons | Tom | โ‹†
          Hurricanegaze | 40 Moons | She-cat |โ‹†
          Arrowfang | 42 Moons | Tom | โ‹†
          Amberowl | 25 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Sycamoreheart | 57 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Lionscorch | 59 Moons | Tom | โ‹†
          Joaquin | 38 Moons | Tom | โ‹†
          Badgerstrike | 24 Moons | Tom | โ‹†
          Aconite "Cora" | 27 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Ebonypool| 54 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Willowthroat | 19 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Poppycloud | 51 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Cloverfield | 17 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Bearfoot | 26 Moons | Tom | โ‹†
          Owlwing | 28 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Leopardeyes | 38 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Wisteriawhisper | 44 Moons | She-cat|โ‹†
          Wolfclaw | 26 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Acorntuft | 29 Moons | Tom | โ‹†

          Flamerise | 11 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Speckledrise | 11 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Dustrise | 12 Moons | Tom | โ‹†
          Thornrise | 10 Moons | Tom | โ‹†
          Fawnrise | 12 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Heatherrise | 9 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Stonerise | 9 Moons | Tom | โ‹†
          Birdrise | 9 Moons | Tom | โ‹†
          Featherrise | 8 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Heronrise | 8 Moons | Tom | โ‹†
          Raccoonrise | 8 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Goldenrise | 8 Moons | Tom | โ‹†
          Magpierise | 7 Moons | Tom | โ‹†

          Aspenleaf | 35 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†

          Verglaskit | 4 Moons | Tom | โ‹†
          Gorsekit | 4 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Rushkit | 4 Moons | Tom | โ‹†
          Grasskit | 4 Moons | Tom | โ‹†
          Leafkit | 4 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†

          Russetheart | 91 Moons | She-cat | โ‹†
          Eaglefrost | 104 Moons | Tom | โ‹†
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North |Tribe of Shimmering Dawn| ~Glaceon~
    East | WaveClan | lame loser lexi.
    South | Clan Name | Username
    Southwest | MistClan | scarlet_wolf
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Cobweb | x1 | To soak up and stop/slow
    bleeding. It may also be used to
    bind broken bones.
    Catmint | x2 | Best remedy for
    greencough, which kits and
    elders might catch in
    Can be used for whitecough.
    Borage Leaves | x1 | It produces
    more/better milk. Also brings down
    Chamomile | x1 | Strengthens the heart
    and soothes the mind.
    Chervil | x2 | For infected wounds and
    bellyache. Can also be used
    when kitting.
    Honey | x1 | Usage
    Poppyseed | x1 | Usage
    Lamb's Ear | x1
    Sweet Cedge | x1
    Celandine | x1
    Parsley | x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Vole | x2 | 1 serving
    Wren | x6 | 1 serving
    Robin | x1 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x2 | 2 servings
    Pigeon | x3 | 3 servings
    Rabbit | x1 | 3 servings

    Fernshade | Speckledrise | 4 Training Sessions | Hunting, Battle,
    Climbing, Stealth
    Juniperberry | Flamerise | 5 Training Sessions | Battle, Hunting,
    Climbing (advanced), Stealth
    Blacknose | Dustrise | 3 Training Sessions | Battle, Hunting,
    Sycamoreheart | Thornrise | 5 Training Sessions | Stealth,
    Hunting, Climbing (advanced), Battle
    Briarsweep | Fawnrise | 3 Training Sessions | Climbing, Battle,
    Whitefoot | Heatherrise | 3 Training Sessions | Hunting, Battle, Stealth
    Blazeheart | Stonerise | 3 Training Sessions | Hunting, Battle,
    Blossomfur | Birdrise | 3 Training Sessions | Hunting, Battle,
    Solarspark | Featherrise | 2 Training Sessions | Healing, Herb Recognition
    Blacknose | Heronrise | 2 Training Sessions | Battle, Stealth
    Arrowfang | Raccoonrise | 2 Training Sessions | Battle, Stealth
    Ebonypool | Goldenrise | 2 Training Sessions | Battle
    Kitetalon | Magpierise | 1Training Sessions | Battle

    Deceased Cats:
    Cedarsun | 0 Moons | Tom | Fading Kitten Syndrome
    Tawnykit | 2 Moons | She-cat | Fading Kitten Syndrome
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    ??? and ??? |Lyrawing and Sun
    (Shimmering Dawn tribe)
    ??? and ??? | Swiftsky, Cloudyspots(PineClan),
    Dreamingwing (?Clan), Misty
    Swiftsky and Redhawk (Mistclan) |
    Skygaze(MistClan), Carpkit
    Emberblaze and Blossomfur | Flamerise,
    Wisteriawhisper and Blizzardrush(QuickClan) |
    Featherkit, Heronkit, Raccoonkit,
    Arrow Fang and Hurricane Glider |
    Heatherkit, Stonekit, Birdkit
    ? and Poppycloud | Willowpaw,
    Briarpaw (RidgeClan), Burrpaw
    (Snowclan),Windpaw (Pebbleclan),
    Bramblepaw (Snowclan), Eaglepaw
    Aspenleaf and ??? | Verglaskit, Gorsekit,
    Rushkit, Grasskit, Tawnykit, Cedarsun
Last edited by cloudy days on Sat May 26, 2018 8:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby lameloserlexi » Wed May 23, 2018 11:40 pm

Number of Cats: 50
25 [Male] 25 [Female]
Next Moonpool Visit: 5/30/2018
Waveclan eats eight servings of smelt

"Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures."


Will edit it in c:

[ Frostclaw, Appledawn, Dawnshore, Aurorapond, Honeydrip, and Basilpaw go on a border patrol ]
[ Tulipstream, Smallstorm, Ripplewish, Reedleap, Silverscar, and Ghostcloud go hunting ]
[ Blackspot and Coralpool go herb hunting ]
[ Pepperpaw, Cypresspaw, Hazelpaw, and Daisypaw go training: Fighting ]
[ Beaverpaw, Lizardpaw, Salamanderpaw, Geckopaw go training: Hunting ]
[ Hurricanecry mates with Rivergaze of Swiftclan ]
[ Patchfur goes into labor ]
[ Tortoisecreek goes into labor ]
[ Tortoisecreek, Aurorapond (formerly Duckwater), and Basilpaw are taken Brineclan ]


    Blazestar | 39 | Male | ็‡ƒ
    Lives: โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…

    Rosethorn | 24 | Female | ่Šฑ

    Medicine Cat:
    Blackspot | 37 | Male | ้ป’
    Coralpaw | 16 | Female | ๆ•ฌ

    Frostclaw | 61 | Male |x
    Aurorapond | 58 | Male | x
    Ghostcloud | 52 | Female | x
    Ryestrike | 46 | Male | x
    Ripplewish | 45 | Male | x
    Reedleap | 42 | Male | x
    Flintfang | 37 | Male | ็‰™
    Dawnshore | 33 | Female | ๅฒธ
    Hurricanecry | 32 | Female | ๅซ
    Smallstorm | 31 | Male | ๅต
    Bassflow | 27 | Male | x
    Newtmask | 26 | Male | ๅฟ 
    Bearsplash | 25 | Male | ๆฐด
    Vanillastreak | 24 | Female | ่‹ฆ
    Appledawn | 22 | Male | x
    Splatterdrop | 21 | Male | ๅ…„
    Tulipstream | 19 | Female | ็”˜
    Honeydrip | 17 | Male | x
    Tigerbrair | 16 | Female | ่™Ž
    Silverscar | 16 | Male | ้Š€

    Daisypaw | 12 | Male | x
    Basilpaw | 11 | Male | x-
    Cypresspaw | 10 | Male | ้ญ…
    Pepperpaw | 10 | Female | ๆดป
    Hazelpaw | 9 | Female | x
    Beaverpaw | 7 | Female | x
    Lizardpaw | 7 | Male | x
    Salamanderpaw | 7 | Female | ๅˆฅ
    Geckopaw | 7 | Male | x

    Panthersnap | 38 | Female | ็†ฑ
    Asterpool | 45 | Female | x
    Patchfur | 39 | Female | ๅฉš | Labor
    Tortoisecreek | 45 | Female | x | Labor
    Deerfeather | 37 | Female | x | 2
    Maplelily | 27 | Female | ๅฝฑ | 1
    Bayrise | 34 | Female | x | 1

    Sunkit | 5 | Male | x
    Smokekit | 5 | Female | x
    Mothkit | 4 | Female | ่›พ
    Rockkit | 4 | Male | ็ˆถ
    Heatherkit | 4 | Female | x
    Brindlekit | 4 | Female | x
    Minnowkit | 3 | Male | x
    Mountainkit | 3 | Male | x

    none yet
Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Northwest | Forest | Forestclan | Simonpet
North | Ocean/Beach
Northeast | Lakeclan | honey--bee
East | Prairie | Clan Name | Username
Southeast | Meadows | Clan Name | Username
South | Forest | Songclan | TheElevatorCat
West | Coniferous Forest | Cosmoclan | ~Glaceon~
Southwest | Mountains | Clan Name | Username

Medicine Store
Beech Leaves x 1
Burdock Root x 1
Catmint x 1
Celadine x 1
Chamomile x 1
Chervil x 2
Cob Nuts x 1
Cobweb x 3
Comfrey x 4
Daisy Leaves x 1
Elder Leaves x 1
Feverfew x 2
Honey x 1
Horsetail x 1
Juniper Berries x 1
Lavender x 1
Oak Leaves x 1
Parsley x 1
Poppy Seeds x 2
Raspberry Leaves x 2
Rosemary x 2
Sage x 1
Sorrel x 2
Tansy x 1
Thyme x 1
Willow Leaves x 2
Yarrow x 3

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mackerel | x7 | 21 servings
Smelt | x4 | 8 servings
Minnow | x1 | 1 servings
Vole | x6 | 12 servings
Mouse | x4 | 4 servings
Plover | x9 | 27 servings

Newtmask | Daisypaw | 1 | Swim
Rosethorn | Pepperpaw | 1 | Swim
Bearsplash | Cypresspaw | 1 | Swim
Bassflow | Geckopaw | 1 | Fish
Splatterdrop | Beaverpaw | 1 | Fish
Flintfang | Salamanderpaw | 1 | Fish
Ryestrike | Lizardpaw | 1 | Fish
Vanillastreak | Hazelpaw | 1 | Swim
Tulipstream | Basilpaw | 3 | Balance, Swim, Scout

Deceased/Exiled Cats:
Blazestar (2/9) | Drowning, Greencough
Mouserunner | Labor troubles
Willowkit | Stillborn
Pebblekit | Stillborn
Flameskip | Greencough
Greykit | Kittencough
Otterheart | Exiled for Death Threats

Name + Name = Kit - Kit
Name | Former Clan

Mouserunner + Rocky = Tigerbrair - Silverscar
Mouserunner + Otterheart = WIllowkit - Pebblekit - Greykit - Mothkit - Heatherkit - Rockkit
Hurricanecry + Cypressfall (Drizzleclan) = Pepperpaw, Cypresspaw, Arachnid
Dawnshore + Smallstorm = Beaverpaw - Lizardpaw - Salamanderpaw - Geckopaw
Maplelily + Newtmask = Sunkit - Smokekit
Hound + Asterpool = Minnowkit, Mountainkit
Rosethorn + Bearsplash
Blazestar + Panthersnap = Brindlekit
Patchfur + Flintfang = ?
Deerfeather + Reedleap = ?
Maplelily + Hurricanejaw = ?
Tortoisecreek + Aurorapond = ?
Bayrise + Appledawn = ?

Patchfur - Flameskip
Bassflow - Maplelily
Flintfang - Blackspot
Otterheart - Ripplewish - Asterpool

Arachnid | Moved to Drizzleclan
Deerfeather, Reedleap | Lilyclan
Palestar > Ghostcloud | Shellclan
Roestar > Ryestirke | Valleyclan Leader
Tortoisecreek, Basilpaw, Duckwater > Aurorapond | Brineclan

"I hope that I'm the reason that you can't sleep
I hope that your whole life sucks without me"

Working 2-10:30pm EST M-F, please bare with me!
CaC โœฆ PokรฉFarm โœฆ Warriors Rp โœฆ Dog pack rp
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby juncotalons » Thu May 24, 2018 1:57 am

Number of Cats: 2

Venusstar came across a young white cat after she caught the squirrel she was stalking. At first she was hostile, but the little she-cat soon became more friendly. She decided to join the clan as an apprentice, and earned the name Icepaw. Since the Clan currently has no warriors, Venusstar is training Icepaw. First, the leader took her apprentice on a patrol.

Icepaw and Venusstar go on a border patrol.

Log: 1 2

          Venusstar | 53 | Female | X
          Lives: โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Icepaw | 6 moons | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 |ย  0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits

Just Another

โ•”โ•โ•โ•โ•โ• โˆ˜โ—ฆ โ˜† โ—ฆโˆ˜ โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•—
Hi! Feel free to PM me,
Iโ€™d love to make new friends!
My time zone is EST, and I have
school during the day so
Iโ€™m not always online.
โ•šโ•โ•โ•โ•โ• โˆ˜โ—ฆ โ‰ โ—ฆโˆ˜ โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•โ•

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amberclan ` 024

Postby faerie; » Thu May 24, 2018 9:35 am

          notes for simon / substitutes !!
          demelza finds x1 cat per patrol.
          jasper finds x1 cat per patrol. i
          forgot to add this moonpool cat
          so you can find her whenever :p

          clan count 74 females xx males xx servings 12 moonpool whenever




[new cats]
riverskip & starling ( patrol )

[ patrols ]
โ†ณ hunt: brookrunner, rivergum, bird's gaze, lion's fur, squirreltuft, plumheart
โ†ณ hunt: peony, lionwatcher, pearclaw, boulderfoot, petuniapelt, otterstripe
โ†ณ hunt: orchidstep, sunpeak, dawntuft, rhizome, russetstrike, tigerspring

โ†ณ border: snaketooth, hornetfang, petuniapelt, tigerspring, reedstrike
(if a death is rolled, just ping me and we can talk abt it :3c )

โ†ณ herbs: bumbletail & poppypaw

[ training ]
โ†ณ dovepaw

โ†ณ beetlepaw, crowpaw, cloudpaw, snowpaw
(fighting, hunting)

โ†ณ rabbitpaw
(climbing, fighting, swimming)

[ kitting ]

[ other ]
these are just notes for me:
- poppypaw changes her name at 25m, bumbletail retires early due to some kind of injury but stays in the meddie den. poppypaw to poppyflower or poppyleaf, idk who would be a good meddie, maybe cottonkit

- god kill a cat or two would ya?

[the clan fasts for one moon. ]

          sootstar | 53m | she-cat | x
          lives: โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…

          olive | 56m | tom | x
          apprentice: swanpaw | 21m | tom | x

          ferretfur | 43m | tom | x

          medicine cat:
          bumbletail | 49m | tom | x
          apprentice: poppypaw | 17m | molly | x

          โ‡ patients

          pineclaw | 43m | tom | top
          hornetfang | 43m | she-cat | bottom
          russetstrike | 60m | tom | x
          snaketooth | 38m | tom | x
          orchidstep | 45m | she-cat |x
          reedstrike | 56m | tom | x
          kumonryu | 43m | tom | x
          cicadaflutter | 47m | she-cat | x
          petuniapelt | 49m | she-cat | x
          pondskipper | 54m | she-cat | x
          dawntuft | 50m | she-cat | x
          rivergum | 61m | tom | x
          goosecloud | 22m | tom | x
          boulderfoot | 22m | tom | x
          shellskip | 22m | tom | x
          tigerspring | 46m | she-cat | x
          squirreltuft | 42m | molly | x
          sunpeak | 50m | tom | x
          olivebranch |43m | tom | x
          rhizome | 58m | tom | x
          ivoryfang | 18m | molly | x
          lionwatcher | 18m | molly | x
          smoke's rising | 41m | molly | x
          bird's gaze | 62m | tom | x
          lion's fur x
          peony | 49m | she-cat | x
          plumheart | 32m | tom | x
          pearclaw | 32m | molly | x
          brookrunner | 16m | molly | x
          brindleclaw | 16m | tom | x
          nettleflower | 16m | molly | x
          otterstripe | 16m | molly | x
          starling | 29m | x

          disabled warriors who cannot meet the daily quota
          of hunting and patrolling. instead, they learn about
          herbs, help kitting, and do other daily clan tasks.

          mist | 22m | tom | x
          โ‡ apprentices flurrypaw

          ivypaw | 12m | molly | x
          turtlepaw | 12m | molly | x
          flurrypaw | 12m | she-cat | x
          dovepaw | 14m | she-cat | x
          mousepaw | 10m | molly | x
          crowpaw | 8m | tom | x
          beetlepaw | 8m | molly | x
          cloudpaw | 8m | tom | x
          snowpaw | 8m | molly | x
          rabbitkit | 7m | tom | x

          demelza | 33m | she-cat | x
          owlbloom | 48m | she-cat | x
          pondskipper | 54m | she-cat | x
          sootstar | 53m | she-cat | x
          dandelion's stem | 45m | she-cat |x
          riverskip | 24m | x


          demelza's litter
          freya | 3m | molly | x
          jasper | 3m | tom | x
          beau | 3m | tom | x
          millie | 3m | molly | x

          owlbloom's litter
          mintkit | 3m | tom | x

          sootstar's litter
          rattlekit | 1m | tom | left
          viperkit | 1m | tom | right

          pondskipper's litter
          lilykit | 1m | molly | x
          quillkit | 1m | molly | x

          almondflower's litter
          dipperkit | 1m | molly | x / growth
          cottonkit | 1m | molly | x / growth
          fawnkit | 1m | molly | x / growth
          juniperkit | 1m | tom | x
          sagekit | 1m | tom | x

          dandelion's litter
          valerian's leaf | 1m | tom | x

          fostered kits:
          smallkit | 4m | tom | x

          blackpatch | 99m | tom | x
          falconwatcher | 94m | tom | x
          shubunkin | 84m | she-cat | x

    medicine store
    borage leaves | produces milk, helps fever | x2
    catmint | greencough remedy | x5
    chervil | infected wounds, bellyaches, kitting | x1
    cobwebs | bandage | x1
    goldenrod | healing wounds | x1
    watermint | bellyache remedy | x2
    goatweed | eases anxiety, grief | x1
    lavender | fever and chill remedy | x1
    poppy seeds | eases pain, helps sleep, soothes shock | x3
    broom | poultice for broken limbs and wounds | x2
    tansy | cures coughs, wounds and poisons. | x2
    chervil | infected wounds, bellyaches | x1
    oak leaves | stops infection from setting in | x1
    thyme | calms anxiety, shock, stress | x1
    yarrow | extracts poison, causes vomitting | x2
    marigold | stops infection and bleeding | x0
    juniper berries | calms, soothes aches | x1
    comfrey | eases stiffness, broken joints | x1
    sweetsedge | eases infection | x3
    cob nuts | x1
    heather nectar | x1
    alder bark | x2
    dandelion | x1
    hawk/chickweed | x3
    mouse bile | x1
    blackberry | x1
    lambs ear | x1
    rush | x2
    parsley | x1
    garlic | x1
    nettle | x1
    chamomile | x1
    mallow | x1
    ragwort | x2
    rosemary | x1
    horsetail | x1
    bindweed | x1

    fresh-kill pile:
    mouse | x10 | 1 servings
    vole | x9 | 1 servings
    squirrel | x10 | 2 servings
    rabbit | x11 |2 servings
    small fish | x12 | 2 servings
    big fish | x2 | 3 servings

    pineclaw | turtlepaw | 2 | hunting, climbing, fighting, swimming
    rhizome | dovepaw | 1 | hunting, climbing,fighting, swimming

    deceased cats:
    larkstream | greencough
    patch | greencough poisoned
    almondflower & unnamed kit | birthing complications

    orchidstep & father | goosecloud, boulderfoot, mist, shellskip
    dawntuft & father | poppypaw, ivoryfang, lionwatcher
    tigerspring & father | brookpaw, brindlepaw, sheeppaw
    peony & | cloudkit, snowkit, oakkit, crowkit, beetlekit
    owlbloom & lightningstripe | otterpaw, nettlepaw, mintkit
    cicadaflutter & ferretfur |
Last edited by faerie; on Fri May 25, 2018 9:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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mallowclan [11]

Postby cujo. » Thu May 24, 2018 10:37 am

{new laptop so writing is a go! posts 08, 09 and 10 are being written up
" we are stronger together "

clan ;; 30
[mollies ;; 14 toms ;; 08 non-binary ;; 08]
moonpool ;; may twenty-seventh
servings ;; 06
kittings ;; 01

the trio were catching their breath on the riverbank when mudstar saw them - and before she could quite register what she was seeing, hazelleaf had pushed past her towards them. swearing loudly, she signalled for the rest of her patrol to follow her as she went after hazelleaf without taking her eyes off them or the strange three sopping wet cats.
"'m a healer," hazelleaf was saying when they caught up with them, voice low and calm, as they sat a just far enough to be heard. the three cats were young, maybe rosepaw's age, with wary eyes as they stayed close together. "and this is my clan's leader, mudstar. that's our kit, rosepaw, and my apprentice, batpaw, and that's bramblestream and dipperflower, two of mallowclan's warriors," they said with a slow tail gesture towards each cat in turn. "none of us are going to harm you, especially not me. promise."
gingerly, making sure the trio could see her next move before she took another step forward, mudstar came forward to settle beside hazelleaf. some of the anxiety bled out of her chest as she pressed up against the healer's side. she didn't think the three would attack, but if they did, at least she was close enough to protect them. "where are you from?"
the three shared a cautious look before the largest of the them, a dilute torbie, replied. "far."

the sky had begun to lighten with the approach of dawn by the time they'd gained the three apprentice's trust enough to encourage them to come back to camp with them. mudstar stretched as she walked, like she could shed the heavy exhaustion clinging to her mind like a thick winter pelt come spring. three young cats being safe was wonderful, and three new additions to the clan as a result were a welcome bonus. anxiety like a trapped mouse in the back of her head, however, kept pushing delightful what-if's to the forefront of her thoughts; what if they hadn't been three scared apprentices? what if next time hazelleaf rushed forward to help a cat that attacked them? what if they ...
"you're awfully quiet, old friend," hazelleaf said. mudstar most definitely did not jump, but if she did it was only because she hadn't heard them join her at the front of their small group. "is something wrong?"
"no, everything's okay," she said with a small tired smile, and it wasn't quite a lie. nothing bad had happened; they were all perfectly fine. 'this time.'
hazelleaf watched her carefully for a long moment. they knew her well enough now to spot a lie when they heard one. before they could decide whether to press her further or leave it be, however, they realised they'd reached camp - and almost as soon as they passed through the entrance one of the apprentice's dashed forwards and met larkstorm in the middle of camp. "mam!" she yelped at the same time the warrior cried out, "sparrow!"
and, so, hazelleaf forgot about mudstar's funny behaviour, for a while, at least; once the happy reunions - the two other apprentices soon joining mother and kit - there wasn't any time to waste getting them dry and fed.


the clan cats kept odd hours, he decided. most had slept through the day, though there was always at least two awake keeping sentry - and a few others cycled between lazing in the sun, doing tasks, and returning to sleep - before they all woke up as the evening set in. unusual, but not bad, really. it'd just take some getting used to on his part.
he was eating ... some meal (he wasn't sure what the call it, yet, maybe breakfast by clan standards) in the last of the evening sun just outside the warriors den - his den, elders shared with warriors - when there was an eruption of noise from the nursery. the leader of the patrol that had found, shrikeflower, him had disappeared into it earlier once she'd shown him around camp. now she came out of it with a yawn and a lazy stretch as three small kits scampered out around her legs, bright eyed and bushy tailed.
the three pounced and wrestled with each other, rolling in the soft, short grass of camp like he'd once done with his own littermates.
the lankiest of the three, the only tabby, pinned the black kitten with a triumphant bark of laugh, dissolving into hapless giggles when the blue-and-white kitten also pounced on their pinned sibling. she raised her head to look for her mother when she locked eyes with him - and he had to stifle a laugh as her mouth very literally fell open. "ma!" the kit squawked as she lost her balance half on top of her littermate and crashed to the clearing floor. "ma! intruder!"
shrikeflower, who had been sharing a meal with a ginger-and-white molly who'd also been on the patrol that found him, was already half on her paws as her head shot up to find her kit, before she noticed him and sat back down. "not an intruder," she called back, even as the kits eyed him warily as if he'd somehow cast a spell on their mother to trick her into thinking such. "new clan mate."
the other molly thrilled a greeting. "evening, missingfoot."
"waspcloud," he greeted with a tip of his head as the kits crept closer, innate curiosity getting the better of them.
"wanna join us?" shrikeflower asked around a yawn.
"if it's no bother," he said, getting to his feet when both mollies shook their head in reassurance that it was no bother at all. the kittens gasped softly. 'cat with three legs must be a funny sight here,' he mused as walked over to join waspcloud and shrikeflower. the kits rushed around him in wide circles as he did, eyes wide.
"you've only got three legs!"" teaselkit said in awe as she circled him again. she finished her round and almost sat down beside shrikeflower, bum not even touching the ground before she leaped up again to do another lap in disbelief.
asterkit finished another lap and sat down in front of him, nose wrinkling as he thought. "you smell kinda, funny."
"he's been to the cutter," rowanpaw said as they trotted over to them, mouth curled into a cheeky grin. "maybe mudstar should have called you -"
"oi!" waspcloud cut in, cuffing their ear. "aren't you supposed to be getting ready for your final assessment?"
"my fin- really??"
"really. unless you want to be a paw forever, that is."
this time, he wasn't able to contain his laughter as the apprentice scrambled away.


though the astonishment of their new clanmate having just three legs wasn't going to wear off anytime soon, the adult conversations quickly grew boring.
the three kittens made their way rather slowly through bouts of play to the other two cats who were awake in camp; doveface and stoatfang, the one-eyed warrior who told them stories!
ivykit lashed her tail at her siblings; they needed to be quiet if they were going to try and scare two of the most senior warriors in the entire clan!!
asterkit and teaselkit shot her matching sheepish grins as they bit down their giggles; they were gonna get them good!!

stoatfang inclined a ear towards doveface who was lazily grooming the fur at the between her shoulders. "i think we've got company," she murmured, barely opening her mouth as she spoke. the words just audible to the tom under her purr, who paused for a moment to listen. the wind carried the familiar giggles right towards them and she felt the tom grin fondly into her fur before he returned to what he was doing.
it was only a few minutes later, the small bush behind them rustled loudly as three bundles of fluff burst out from it with a screech worthy of some great battle. "oof!" they both grunted like they were supposed to when the kits pounced on them with a chrous of boo!!'s
stoatfang quickly found teaselkit's tiny back paws between her shoulders, her front paws on her head, and tiny teeth nipping playfully at her ears. in her opinion, she was fairing much better than doveface; who was on his back, of his volition, with asterkit kicking his tail and ivykit standing proudly on his stomach. "we got you!!"
"stoatfang, run!" doveface wailed dramatically, flopping his head back against the ground so he could meet her eye, his own gaze bright and happy. "quickly! before they bring you down, too!"
"we've brought down the mighty mates of mallowclan!" asterkit declared through a mouthful of tail floof.
"mates?" doveface blinked up at the kitten.
"yeah!!" teaselkit chirped happily. "like our mammies!"
it felt a lot like the air had simply disappeared as they stared at each other, the kitten's loud chatter fading to a dull background buzz.
"kits! c'mon!" shrikeflower called, effectively breaking - whatever that had been. "breakfast!"
the kits paused where they were for a moment, torn between sulking as their attack came to an end and excitement at the thought of breakfast before they jumped off of them and ran off towards the promise of food, calling farewells over their shoulders. "bye!" "bye doveface, bye stoatfang!" "g'luck!!"
it wasn't until the kits disappeared out of sight down into the nursery - dragging a squirrel down with them - that doveface slowly shuffled up to sit. the silence lingered, solid and fraught, until doveface broke it with a laugh that sounded terribly forced to her ears. "kits, eh?" he mumbled while he kneaded the ground in front of him. "us, mates ..."
above them, through the canopy the tall trees that surrounded camp provided, stoatfang could just make out the first stars. the sight of them, her ancestors, coaxed her into taking a deep breath before she spoke. "we could be," she said easily, surprised at how strong and even her voice sounded when her ears seemed to have developed a mind of their own and refused to stop twitching.
"we could?"
she hoped she didn't imagine the hope in his voice as she forced herself to breath. "if you wanted to."
"i-i'd like that," he said quickly. stoatfang bit back a smile as his voice cracked halfway through, could practically hear him cringe at himself for it. "i'd like that a lot."
"me too," she murmered. still unable to meet his eye, shy and flushed and suddenly unsure, she leaned more heavily against his side. "looks like we won't have to correct the kits."
"no," doveface agreed, and when she finally turned her head towards him - it seemed so damn silly, to need to build up the courage to do so like a lovesick apprentice when usually she found it hard to keep her gaze from straying to - and found her mate - her mate - grinning brighter than the sun at her. "thank starclan for that."
"sap," she murmured with a grin of her as she butted her head against his neck.


"badgerstep." hazelleaf allowed themself a small smile when the warrior looked at them. "what is it exactly you're so worried about?" they made sure to keep their voice low, in the closet chamber of the warm burrow, pikepaw, emberpaw and sparrowpaw were sleeping off their dip in the freezing river.
the black and white molly shrugged as she continued to fidget where she sat. her gaze flittered around the healers' den without really taking of stock of the herbs that were so interested. hazelleaf waited quietly. "what - what if i'm a bad mentor? i'm teaching a kit how to survive and thrive in a clan, what if i mess it up and something goes wrong? that's on my paws."
"badgerstep," hazelleaf repeated softly, and let out a quiet sigh of relief when her name pulled the warrior from her anxious babbling on the first try. "look at me. please." it took several dozen seconds before the bigger molly finally did so. "you don't have to take an apprentice right now, not if you don't want to. but, i think you're going to make a wonderful mentor. the entire clan is here, and no one's going to judge you if you need help or need to take a step back if you realise mentoring isn't your thing."
badgerstep shuffled her paws in front of her and was quiet for a while before she nodded. "i think i'm gonna try," she said, and hazelleaf thought her eyes seemed a great deal lighter than when she'd stumbled in. "thank you." she stepped forward, butting her head against their own in appreciation for listening.
"oh," mudstar yelped, blinking rapidly as her eyes darted between them. "i didn't realise - sorry, i'll - okay - bye!"
and just like that, she was gone as quick as she'd come.
"is she okay?" bagerstep asked as she stared at the den entrance.
hazelleaf frowned after her. something was most certainly up. "i'll go check on her."
their paws were just outside out the den as they scanned for mudstar when an all too familiar voice let out a panicked shriek from towards the entrance of camp. "nibi!" rosepaw was staring at them, frozen, with wide scared and horrified eyes.
"rosepaw!" they rushed forwards, skidding to a halt at the same time as mudstar and swanclaw as they came to check over the kit they'd raised together. "what's wrong?" their son's mouth opened and close and he swung around to face the entry way just as bramblestream stumbled in. slumped over his back was a horrifically thin cat that looked little more than a pelt pulled over a pile of bones.
hazelleaf swore. "can you carry them to the healer's den?" bramblestream looked very much like he wanted to empty to his stomach, but he nodded.

"how are they?" mudstar asked as hazelleaf entered their shared den looking completely shattered.
"alive, just barely," they said as they flopped down beside her. "regained consciousness for a bit. their throat is an absolute mess with a bad infection. it's probably gonna be a wait-and-see if it they can speak again." hazelleaf was quiet for several beats. "they're pregnant, too."
mudstar swore under her breath. she hadn't been in the healer's den long, but she'd caught enough of a look to see how malnourished the queen was. "any idea how far along?"
hazelleaf sighed and slumped against her. "they don't look far gone. mud, they're so young and they're smaller than rosepaw, and that's not even to mention to how skinny they are."
mudstar purred in an effort to comfort their dearest friend as they licked their head fondly. "they're here," she murmured softly. "one more night out there and we'd probably have found a body. they have a chance of pulling through here. it's in their paws and starclan's now." she felt hazelleaf nod tiredly against her. "rest. owlpool is keeping watch over them. said they'll come get us if anything happens."
"okay," hazelleaf said softly and pressed in closer; it was going to be a long night of restless, fitful sleep.

[ mallowclan eats 6 servings ;; 2 whole squirrels and one whole fish ]
[ mallowclan welcomes three apprentices from brineclaw ; pigeonpaw - renamed pikepaw, copperpaw - renamed emberpaw, and sproutpaw - renamed sparrowpaw. the clan also welcomes the found elder as missingfoot, and the queen as mousestep ! ]
[ whimbrelfoot, larkstorm, bagerstep and appletail hunt ]
[ swanclaw, stoatfang, doveface and tipnose hunt ]
[ mudstar, dipperflower, bramblestream and rosepaw patrol ]
[ shrikeflower, waspcloud, rowanpaw and campionpelt patrol ]
[ both patrols continue to keep an eye out for any elderly or young cats that may have been abandoned in the bad weather ]
[ hazelleaf and batpaw hunt for herbs ]
[ all apprentices, bar rowanpaw, train with their mentors ]
[ rowanpaw takes their final assement ! if they pass, their name will be rowanheart ]
[ daisykit, pipitkit and bramblingkit become apprentices ! they are apprenticed to dipeprflower, doveface and badgerstep ]
[ mousestep goes into labour ! hazelleaf and batpaw attend the kitting. they use x01 chervil. sire(s) unknown ]
[ stoatfang and doveface become mates ! (try for kits) ]


          mudstar | 36 moons | molly | X
          Lives: โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…

          shrikeflower | 60 moons | molly | X

          owlpool | 22 moons | nonbinary | X
          โ†ช cerebellar hypoplasia
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          hazelleaf | 43 moons | nonbinary | X

          Healer Apprentices:
          batpaw | 12 moons | tom | X

          stoatfang | 71 moons | molly | X
          doveface | 59 moons | tom | X
          campionpelt | 57 moons | tom | X
          โ†ช mute
          dipperflower | 53 moons | molly | X
          larkstorm | 52 moons | molly | X
          badgerstep | 52 moons | molly | X
          waspcloud | 44 moons | molly | X
          bramblestream | 31 moons | tom | X
          whimbrelfoot | 29 moons | nonbinary | X
          swanclaw | 28 moons | molly | X
          โ†ช deaf in right ear
          appletail | 28 moons | nonbinary | X
          tipnose | 16 moons | nonbinary | X

          rowanpaw | 13 moons | nonbinary | X
          pikepaw | 10 moons | molly | X
          rosepaw | 9 moons | tom | X
          โ†ช cerebellar hypoplasia
          emberpaw | 9 moons | molly | X
          sparrowpaw | 9 moons | molly | X
          daisypaw | 6 moons | tom | X
          pipitkit | 6 moons | nonbinary | X
          bramblingkit | 6 moons | molly | X

          mousestep | 15 moons | nonbinary | X

          ivykit | 4 moons | molly | X
          asterkit | 4 moons | tom | X
          teaselkit | 4 moons | molly | X

          missingfoot | 122 moons | tom | X
          โ†ช three legs
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    auraclan | red weasel
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    beech leaves x01 | borage leaves x01
    bright eye x01 | broom x01
    burnet x01 | catchweed x01
    catmint x02 | celadine x01
    chervil x00 | cobwebs x02
    comfrey root x01 | fennel x01
    feverfew x01 | goldenrod x01
    ivy x01 | parsley x01
    poppy seeds x01 | ragwort leaves x01
    rosemary x01 | sorrel x01
    sweet sedge x01 | tansy x01
    willow bark x01 | wintergreen x01

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    vole | x4 | 4 servings
    shrew | x4 | 4 servings
    squrriel | x2 | 4 servings
    small fish | x3 | 6 servings
    duck | x4 | 12 servings
    hare | x4 | 12 servings

    waspcloud | rowanpaw | 6 | hunt, swim, battle, climb,
    stealth, herb usage
    bramblestream | rosepaw | 3 | climb, hunt, battle
    hazelleaf | batpaw | 2 | poultice, herb recognition,
    herb usage
    mudstar | pikepaw | 0 |
    whimbrelfoot | emberpaw | 0 |
    stoatfang | sparrowpaw | 0 |
    dipperflower | daisypaw | 0 |
    doveface | pipitpaw | 0 |
    badgerstep | bramblingpaw | 0 |

    Deceased Cats:
    privetkit | fox attack wounds | starclan | x | x
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    โ— ??? and ??? | campionpelt, waspcloud
    โ— ??? | swanclaw, appletail
    โ— larkstorm | sparrowpaw
    โ— swanclaw and bramblestream | daisykit, pipitkit, bramblingkit

    โ— mudstar, hazelleaf, swanclaw | rosekit (adoptive)
    โ— stoatfang | hazelleaf (adoptive)
    โ— shrikeflower and wadpcloud | ivykit, asterkit, teaselkit,
    privetkit (adoptive)

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wildclan;; six

Postby imp. » Thu May 24, 2018 3:06 pm

      [ cats;; ]..[ total;; 73 ]..[ โ™‚;; 28 // โ™€;; 45 ]..[ 12 servings ]
      [ next dark forest communication;; ]..[ 05/30/18]
      [ post;; ]
      writing the post later. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

      โ†’ [ wildclan consumes three raccoons and three rats. ]
      โ†’ [ coyotestar requests a med cat from the dark forest. ]
      โ†’ [ ruesweep is giving birth! charmshake is not present. ]
      โ†’ [ smokeweed is giving birth! charmshake is with her, and
      blesses her with at least one plus kit. the father, a rogue. ]

      โ†’ [ all of the apprentices train with their respective mentors. ]
      โ†’ [ saltsoul, milkpool, peachpaw, and lichendrop search for herbs. ]
      โ†’ [ wildclan tries something new and sets a trap using their leftovers. ]
      โ†’ [ the first hunting patrol, which is led by sloefur, will include
      hawkfeather, ospreytalon, charmshake, pastelpaw, and pumpkinpaw.
      charmshake is guaranteed to attract at least one new cat per patrol! ]
      โ†’ [ the second hunting patrol, which is led by viperpaw, will include
      ivypaw, pebblepaw, oysterpaw, creampaw, and hiccuppaw. ]
      โ†’ [ the first border patrol, which is led by onyxtstrike, will include
      willowflight, tinyglow, berryspring, ferndew, and goldenheart. ]
      โ†’ [ the second border patrol, which is led by silkwing, will include
      heronswoop, whispersong, mixedfur, oliveshade, and agatepelt. ]

      โ†’ [ wildclan has decided to agree to the rogues' negotiation. ]
      โ†’ [ the first battle patrol, which is led by coyotestar, will include
      blackswan, ospreytalon, slatestorm, mintstep, and hazelcloud. ]
      โ†’ [ the second battle patrol, which is led by dingotuft, will include
      breezeclaw, mothstalk, hollyfeather, mousenose, and spiderstorm. ]
      โ†’ [ a third patrol, led by saltsoul has been prepared for survivors. it will
      include dawnclaw, finchfeather, hiccuppaw, ivypaw, and pebblepaw. ]
      โ†’ [ a special patrol, led by hawkfeather and sloefur, has been prepared
      in case extra forces are needed. if not being used, they then guard.
      it will include milkpool, charmshake, bellflower and softsprout. ]


      [ herb-stock ]
      mouse bile | x3
      tansy | x2
      willow leaf | x3
      sorrel | x1
      ivy leaf | x1
      blackberry leaf | x1
      bindweed | x2
      cobweb | x1
      catmint | x2

      [ food-stock ]
      rat | x1 | 1
      squirrel | x3 | 1
      pigeon | x3 | 2
      skunk | x7 | 2
      raccoon | x1 | 3
      leftovers | x0 | 3

      [ borders ]
      sharing the city with laurelclan

      [ allies + enemies ]
      allies with laurelclan
      enemies with everyone else

      [ mentors ]
      dawnclaw | echopaw | 3
      mintstep | viperpaw | 3
      hazelcloud | ivypaw | 3
      willowflight | pebblepaw | 3
      sloefur | pastelpaw | 1
      dingotuft | pumpkinpaw | 1
      charmshake | oysterpaw | 0
      bellflower | cornpaw | 0
      softsprout | maizepaw | 0

Last edited by imp. on Tue Jun 05, 2018 5:56 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby kiro,, » Thu May 24, 2018 11:19 pm


Rabbitclans territory is a large, flat meadow that is dotted with copses of trees. Their camp is concealed in a dip surrounded by brambles and has a dead, lightning struck tree in the centre. The leaders den is in a former owl hollow in the tree, the nursery and elders den are tucked in the roots of the tree, one on either side of the trunk, and the warriors den, the apprentices den, and the medicine den are rabbit burrows that branch out underground from the sides of the dip.

Rabbitclan cats are small and lithe which makes them fast. As well as being quick runners they are also quick thinkers and are often the first to sort things out. They always take the peaceful option and avoid violence. If they do find themselves in battle however they will fight fiercely to defend their clanmates.

In Rabbitclan when an apprentice becomes a warrior, they go through The Trust Test. During The Trust Test, the leader will invite each member of the clan into his den and ask them a single question: Do you trust that apprentice? The cat will say yes or no. If everyone trusts the apprentice than the ceremony will carry on without anything special but if someone doesnโ€™t trust the apprentice, they will be put in deliberate danger and the apprentice will have to save them. Precautions will be met so that if the apprentice happens to fail the accuser will not be injured or killed. If the rescue succeeds the cat that didnโ€™t trust the apprentice will have to apologise and the ceremony will proceed, but if the rescue fails the apprentice will be banished.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby inky. » Fri May 25, 2018 11:19 am


Number of Cats: 27; (5 kits {under 4 m})
Servings: 5
Next Kitting: Thistlesnow (1 post)
Mod Notes: So then should I find my own pictures? And btw the names are great! I changed a few but I kept some :)

Batfur padded beside Quailthroat. His first patrol as a warrior! "How does it feel, Batfur?" Quailthroat asked sweetly "Being a warrior, I mean." Batfur beamed at her and nudged her playfully. "It's great! I feel like I could do anything!" He purred. This made Quailthroat chuckle. "Don't get too cocky, now." She warned light-heartedly. "We don't need another Cougarleap." She added quietly in his good ear. Batfur looked ahead. He saw his brother prancing proudly, chest bushed out and tail held high. Batfur chuckled. "No promises." He told her. "I guess I'll just have to keep an eye on you, then." She joked. "Yea I guess so." The tom agreed. The two laughed the entire patrol.

[Larkspot, Cougarleap, Quailthroat, and Batfur patrol]
[Otterjaw, Rainwing, and Redpelt patrol]
[Tigerpaw is apprenticed to Dustnose]
[Bearcloud, Eagletalon, and Hailstar hunt]
[Otterjaw teaches Birdpaw Speed and Agility]
[Rowanfrost teaches Minnowpaw Speed and Agility]
[Dustnose teaches Tigerpaw Hunting]
[The Clan consumes x1 bird and x1 rabbit]

          Hailstar | 65 m | Male | X
          Lives: โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…

          Larkspot | 42 m| Male | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Russetleaf | 61 m | Male | X
          Sedgepaw | 14 m | Female | X

          Rainwing | 65 m | Female | X
          Weaselfur | 48 m | Male | X
          Rowanfrost | 61 m | Male | X
          Acornwhisker | 31 m | Male | X
          Lizardfire | 41 m | female | X
          Otterjaw | 22 m | Male | X
          Shadowfang | 22 m | Female | X
          Rabbitspark | 20 m | Female | X
          Jax | 28 m | Male | X
          Quailthroat | 24 m | female | X
          Birchtail | 46 m | male | X
          Dustnose | 41 m | male | X
          Redpelt | 54 m | male | X
          Eagletalon | 14 m | Male | X
          Cougarleap | 14 m | Male | X
          Batfur | 14 m | Male | X
          Bearcloud | 14 m | Male | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Birdpaw | 13 m | Female | X
          Minnowpaw | 13 m | Male | X
          Tigerpaw | 6 m | female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Thistlesnow | 52 m | Female | X
          Briarclaw | 27 m | female | X
          Hazelwing | 37 m | Female | X
          Softleaf | 37 m | female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Brindlekit | 2 m | female | X
          Swallowkit | 2 m | female | X
          Snowkit | 2 m | female | X
          Daisykit | 2 m | female | X
          Shrikekit | 2 m | male | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    ShadeClan | โ†ŸThe Sound Of Drumsโ†Ÿ
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | LakeClan | honeyโ€”bee
    East | ShadeClan | โ†ŸThe Sound Of Drumsโ†Ÿ
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Chervil | Used to help queens give birth | x1
    Cobweb | Used to stop bleeding | x0
    Goldenrod | Helps heal wounds | x1
    Marigold | Stops Infection | x0
    Juniper Berries | Soothes bellyaches, and helps troubled breathing | x0
    Catmint | Used to cure greencough | x1
    Tormentil | Extracts Poison | x1
    Fennel | Helps Pain (in hips) | x1
    Ragwort | Boosts Energy and Strength | x0
    Stick | Helps queens during birth; queens can bite down | x1
    Chamomile | Calms Cats | x0
    Dandelion | Soothes Bee Stings | x1
    Wintergreen | Treats wounds and poisons | x1
    Deadly Nightshade | Poisons Cats | x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x3 | 1 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Rabbit | x1 | 2 servings
    Small Fish | x7 | 2 servings
    Shrew | x1 | 1 servings
    Birds | x1 | 3 servings

    Possible things to learn: Hunting, Fishing, Battle Tactics, Speed and Agility, and Climbing

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Otterjaw | Birdpaw | 5 | Hunting, Climbing, Fishing, Battle Tactics
    Rowanfrost | Minnowpaw | 4 | Battle Tactics, Climbing, Fishing, Hunting
    Dustnose| Tigerpaw | 0 |

    Name | Deformity
    Batfur | Deaf in one ear

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    ??? and ??? | Hailstar, Rainwing
    ??? and ??? | Russetleaf, Rowanfrost
    ??? and Lizardfire | Eagletalon, Cougarleap, Sedgepaw, Batfur, Bearcloud
    Hailstar and Thistlesnow | Birdpaw, Minnowpaw
    ??? and Softleaf | unnamed
    Acornwhisker and Briarclaw | Shrikekit
    Larkspot and Hazelwing | Brindlekit, Swallowkit, Snowkit, Daisykit

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Postby tigerclaw » Fri May 25, 2018 7:53 pm

Number of Cats: 32 cats
Toms; 16 She-cats; 16
Serving sizes; 5
Next MoonPool visit = Now (27th)

[OOC] - [Added that Oak and Olive are siblings since I just remember they were sibs when I found them]
[Also just realized I put GravelKit when it was BramblingKit

[RedHawk, AdderCloud, FogFoot, MintClaw, and FrostBite are welcomed to floodclan]
[FogFoot is renamed IceFoot so not to be confused with FogWhorl]
โ†ช ((proof of adoption for Red, Adder, Ice/Fog, and Frost - Here))
[TwigHeart uses up all the parsley when she takes it]
[AdderCloud joins the medicine cats while her, TwigHeart, and FlickeringFlame go herb hunting]
[OliveStrike, HollyStar, HareLeap, TroutPaw, BumbleTail, and OlivePaw go hunting]
[OakRiver, ThriftPaw, ThistleFang, HoneyPaw, WhirlShine, and BurntPaw go hunting]
[LavenderRunner, OakPaw, FlareHeart, MorningPaw, DawnTail, and BeetleNose go patrolling]
[MintClaw, RedHawk, IceFoot, FrostBite, FogWhorl, and HawkSwoop go patrolling]
[BearHeart watches the kits with BrackenBreeze]
[FlareHeart and HollyStar try for kits]
[The rouge is chased away, deemed unfit to be in a clan and be trusted with the simplest task]
[OakRiver found a small cove covered in blood not far from the eastern border, HollyStar sends the first patrol to investigate]
[FloodClan eats a thrush and a big fish

HollyStar | 30 Moons | Female |โ˜…
Lives: โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…
Mate โ†ช FlareHeart | 22 Moons | Male | โ˜…

Name | Moons | Gender |[url]โ˜…[/url]

Medicine Cat:
FlickeringFlame | 59 Moons | Male | โ˜…
โ†ช TwigHeart | 19 Moon | Female | โ˜…
AdderCloud | 34 Moons | Female | โ˜…

HareLeap | 51 Moons | Male | โ˜…
โ†ช TroutPaw | 9 Moons | Male
BumbleTail | 41 Moons | Male |โ˜…
OakRiver | 38 Moons | Male | โ˜…
โ†ช ThriftPaw | 10 Moons | Male
ThistleFang | 19 Moons | Male | โ˜…
โ†ช HoneyPaw | 9 Moons | Female
WhirlShine | 45 Moons | Male | โ˜…
โ†ช BurntPaw | 9 Moons | Male
LavenderRunner | 24 Moons | Female | โ˜…
โ†ช OakPaw | 9 Moons | Male
โ†ช MorningPaw | 9 Moons | Female
DawnTail | 23 Moons | Female | โ˜…
BeetleNose | 48 Moons | Female | โ˜…
BearHeart | 53 Moons | Male | โ˜…
FogWhorl | 61 Moons | Male | โ˜…
HawkSwoop | 25 Moons | Female | โ˜…
RedHawk | 51 Moons | Female | โ˜…
IceFoot | 30 Moons | Female | โ˜…
FrostBite | 17 Moons | Female | โ˜…
MintClaw | 13 Moons | Female | โ˜…
OliveStrike | 14 Moons | Female | โ˜…
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]โ˜…[/url]

ThriftPaw | 10 Moons | Male | โ˜…
TroutPaw | 9 Moons | Male | โ˜…
HoneyPaw | 9 Moons | Female | โ˜…
BurntPaw | 9 Moons | Male | โ˜…
MorningPaw | 9 Moons | Female | โ˜…
OakPaw | 9 Moons | Male | โ˜…
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]โ˜…[/url]

BrackenBreeze | 27 Moons | Female | โ˜…
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]โ˜…[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]โ˜…[/url]

BramblingKit | 1 Moons | Female | โ˜…
ThornKit | 1 Moons | Male | โ˜…
StormKit | 1 Moons | Male | โ˜…
NettleKit | 1 Moons | Female | โ˜…
JayKit | 1 Moons | Male | โ˜…
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]โ˜…[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]โ˜…[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]โ˜…[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]โ˜…[/url]

Ally Clans:
GorseClan | JulieMew1010
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Clan Name | Username
East | Clan Name | Username
South | Clan Name | Username
West | Clan Name | Username

Medicine Store
Fennel | x2 |
Catmint | x4 |
Cobwebs | x4 |
Borage leaves | x2 |
Mint | x1 |
Ragwort | x1
Stick | x1 |
CatchWeed | x1 |
Willow Bark | x1 |
BindWeed | x1 |
BlackBerry leaves| x1 |
Mallow Leaves | x1 |
Feverfew | x1 |
Comfrey | x1 |
Raspberry Leaves | x1 |
Marigold | x1 |
Ivy | x1 |
Celandine | x1 |
Burnt | x1 |
Goldenrod | x1 |
Beech Leaves | x1 |
Herb | x0 |
Herb | x0 |
Herb | x0 |
Herb | x0 |

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mouse | x3 | 3 servings
Frog | x4 | 4 servings
Small Fish | x3 | 10 servings
Thrush | x4 | 15 servings
Big Fish | x3 | 12 servings
Hare | x4 | 12 servings
Total servings | (?) servings

OakRiver | ThriftPaw | 5 | Battling, Hunting, Climbing, Swimming, Advance battling,
HareLeap | TroutPaw | 4 | Hunting, Climbing, Swimming, Battling
ThistleFang | HoneyPaw | 4 | Hunting, Climbing, Swimming, Battling
WhirlShine | BurntPaw | 4 | Hunting, Climbing, Swimming, Battling
FlareHeart | MorningPaw | 4 | Hunting, Climbing, Swimming, Battling
LavenderRunner | OakPaw | 4 | Hunting, Climbing, Swimming, Battling
Mentor| Apprentice | 0 | Moves

Deceased Cats:
Cat Name | Cause of Death

BeetleNose and HareStar | TwigPaw (Note; HareStar is a foster father to twig) TroutKit, HoneyKit, and BurntKit
DawnTail and BumbleTail | MorningKit and OakKit (Morning and Oak is Bumble's foster kits)
TwigHeart and ThistleFang | Expecting
BrackenBreeze and WhirlShine | Expecting
??? and ??? | OakRiver and OliveStrike
Name and Name | Kits

Notes (For self);
send out more hunting patrols, please

Grown pics;


ThriftPaw - no change

โ†ช ... mple_1.jpg

kitting after 2 posts
apprentice after 6 posts
warrior after 6 posts
xxjune > he him โ”€ wheat > outlaws > trade
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