Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby inky. » Sat Jul 21, 2018 12:19 pm

Number of Cats: 31 (6 kits)
Number of Servings: 6
Next Ruins Visit: 7/25
Next Birth: N/A
Mod Notes: N/A
Cats to Find: Deer ; Night


“I, Slatestar, leader of BearClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn.” Slatestar boomed “Adderpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?” The apprentice stood boldly next to him. “I do.” Adderpaw vowed. Slatestar gave a small smile and continued, saying, “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Adderpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Adderbreeze. StarClan honors your fast thinking and adaptability, and we welcome you as a full warrior of BearClan.” The newly named Adderbreeze grinned widely and walked up to her leader. He placed his chin on her head and licked his shoulder. The camp erupted with shouts and hollers of approval. Adderbreeze gazes down at them happily. She dropped down next to her sisters, Squirrelheart and Fognose, and was met with cheers. “Squirrelheart! Fognose! Adderbreeze!” The cried. The one howling loudest was their mother, Cedarsplash. After the cheers died down, she was the first to approach her daughters. “Oh my little babies! All grown up into big, strong warriors!” She cooed. Adderbreeze felt her face flush and she looked down. Cedarsplash swept them up into an embrace, with much dismay of her kits. “Mom let go!” Squirrelheart insisted. Cedarsplash conceded and stepped back to let the others get in their congratulations.

Adderbreeze was able to slip away from the celebration. Sure, she enjoyed the recognition, and sure she was elated to be a warrior, but she absolutely hated large crowds huddled around her. So now she sat in the corner of the clearing, watching as her sisters were absorbed in their Clanmates’ congratulations. “Adderbreeze. Nice name.” Said a voice. The She-cat turned to see who it was and was met with a familiar, fluffy grey face. “Thanks, Stormfang.” Adderbreeze giggled “Though I think yours is cooler.” Her friend tilted his head. “Eh, I’m not too sure. ’Stormfang’ sounds like a rogue who wanted his name to be cool but failed miserably.” The tom explained. Adderpaw huffed in laughter and rolled her eyes. “But you’re not a rogue.” She pointed out “You do act cooler than you are, though, so you got that right.” A joking smile was spread on her muzzle. Stormfang exaggerated extreme hurt and offense. “Gah!” He exclaimed “So mean to me.” He then shoved his paw against her face, pushing her away from him. Adderbreeze giggled and butted her head into his shoulder, knocking him down. She climbed on top of him and held him there. “Pretty easy to knock over, too.” She added playfully. “Oh, you think so?” Stormfang asked mischievously, then kicked out Adderbreeze’s leg. She fell with a thump onto him, face hitting his chest. Stormfang grabbed her by the scruff and pulled her up, wiggling out from under her. “Hey let me go you furball!” Adderbreeze giggled. “No.” Stormfang stated, voice muffled by her fur “I’m going to walk around like this forever. You are part of me now.” He started to walk back to the warriors den.

“Where are you two going?” Squirrelheart butted in, padding up to the pair with a grin on her face. Fognose trailed not too far behind. At their arrival, Stormfang let go of Adderbreeze, letting her stand up. The brown she-cat hadn’t grown much, and Stormfang was still quite a bit taller than her, but the tom was now sagging his shoulders a bit, making him appear less tall and less muscular. He cleared his throat. “Oh I was just about to show Adderbreeze where to build her nest.” He explained. Squirrelheart’s eyes lit up. “Oh!” She exclaimed “Could you help us too?” Stormfang suppressed a sigh, shrugged and entered the warriors den. “Oh, Stormfang I’m so excited I get to share a den with you!” Squirrelheart squeaked. “Oh yea me too.” Stormfang agreed unenthusiastically. “Can my nest be by yours? I have so much to tell you!” Adderbreeze didn’t hear Stormfang’s answer but she could imagine he was annoyed. Giggling, she rolled her eyes and followed her sisters into her new den.


Cindertail clawed at the ground nervously. His apprentice had just become a warrior and he was thrilled, but the task that came next had his stomach tied in numerous knots. She was sitting on the other side of the clearing, congratulating her new denmates. The sun bounced off of her ginger patches, seeming to make them glow. Her eyes were closed and mouth open in laughter, apparently joking with the three new warriors. Licking his lips, he rose to his paws. He slowly walked to where she was sitting and took a deep breath. She turned to look at him, a confused expression on her face. ‘What’s wrong?’ it seemed to ask. He cleared his throat and began his challenge. “Rabbitspark, would you like to go for a walk with me?”

Rabbitspark walked next to her grey companion. Curiosity, fear, and suspected delight. She had an idea of what this was about. She hoped she was right, and she probably was considering Cindertail’s nervousness, but she made herself remain calm. She didn’t want to get her hopes up and her heart crushed. Still, a little voice in the back of her head was freaking out. Suddenly, Cindertail came to a stop. Anxiety pulsed through Rabbitspark’s veins, capturing her heart. Cindertail kept his eyes on the ground for a few moments before whirling around to face her. “Rabbitspark, listen.” He blurted, speaking quickly “You are the most amazing, most beautiful, kindest, most considerate She-cat I’ve ever met. You’re my only friend and my best friend at that. You are the single cat I turn to when I have something I need to talk about, and I trust you with my life. I know we’ve been friends for a while, and I love our friendship, but I love you more. I love you Rabbitspark! There I said it! I love you! More than anything in the world! I want you with me for the rest of our lives. I’ve wanted to tell you this for a while, but when you went to face that...that beast I was worried you’d never know how I feel. I’m sorry if I’m scaring you. And It’s ok if you don’t feel the same. I just needed to let you know how I felt and I don’t want to ruin our friendship. I-I guess what I’m trying to say is...Rabbitspark? Will you be my mate?”

Rabbitspark just blinked. Her mind was completely numb. Her eyes were wide and her jaw was slacking open. She blinked rapidly and felt a strong sense of compassion surge through her body. She rushed over to Cindertail and pushed her muzzle into his neck fur. “Cindertail, you mousebrain, of course I’ll be your mate!” She cried, voice cracking with love “Why on earth would you think I would deny you? You’re the best tom ever! You’re so sweet and lovable and I just can’t imagine life without you.” Cindertail’s body shook with a large purr. “So that’s a yes?” He confirmed. “Yes!” Rabbitspark purred. The two sat there, purring and entwined, the happiest cats alive.

But after a few moments, Rabbitspark pulled away. Fear clawed at Cindertail. “What’s wrong?” He asked. Rabbitspark looked down. “Cindertail. I’m sorry but. I don’t want kits just yet. It’s just that going up to the bear made me realize something. I don’t want to bring kits into this world just to have them killed by that horrid beast. I-I’m not saying I don’t want kits. In fact, I do! I’ve wanted them since I was a young warrior; just not yet. I hope that’s alright.” She explained, ashamed. Cindertail’s face softened. He pulled his mate close. “Of course that’s alright.” He soothed, putting his chin on Rabbitspark’s head “I want kits too, but I don’t want to pressure you. Take your time, we have all of our lives. Just tell me when you’re ready. When you’re ready, I’m ready.” Rabbitspark have a purr and licked Cindertail’s cheek. “Thank you Cindertail.” She whispered. Cindertail smiled. “Anyways we should probably get back to camp before the Clan thinks we’ve been carried away by vultures.” He pointed out, starting to walk away. Rabbitspark rolled her eyes and giggled, hurrying to catch up, and the two mates walked back through the forest, tails entwined and hearts happy.

(1 Moon Ago)

Wisteriawind hurried from the nursery. The night air was brisk, and so was her manner. She could feel her kits squirming inside of her, obviously ready to come out. They might be, but she was not. See, Wisteriawind was in a forbidden relationship, and was about to have Thornshard of FloodClan’s kits. She couldn’t have her kits in the camp surrounded by cats who would judge her for her love. Instead, she had worked out a deal with Slatestar. Since he was the only cat besides her who knew about Thornshard, the had conceived a plan. When Wisteriawind had gone into labor, the two would sneak out of camp and into the forest. He would help her have the kits, and then safely transport the ones going to FloodClan through the lake and to where Thornshard was meeting them. Of course, they could only hope the father was lingering around the border, or a patrol was scanning the border. But Wisteriawind couldn’t think about that now, all she could feel was the intense pain. Barely able to walk, she stumbled blindly in the dark, making her way to Slatestar’s den. She poked her head inside and called for him. The grey tom’s head shot up immediatly. “Is it time?” He whispered back, voice carrying no trace of sleep. Wisteriawind could only nod. Slatestar got to his paws and hurried over to his Clan mate. The queen pressed herself against him, trying to steady herself, and the two exited the camp.

The two had to stop at a hollow tree, not to far from the lake, due to Wisteriawind’s unignorable pain. Slatestar eases her gently onto the ground, choosing a spot that was covered with soft, springy grass, and had enough room for a mother and a few kits. It was obvious that Wisteriawind was going to have a sizable litter, considering the fact the She-cat looked like she was about to burst. Once she was ready, she looked at Slatestar. The tom just licked his lips nervously. He had never helped a cat kit before! We’re toms even supposed to? What if he accidentally hurt one? “Just do it already!” Wisteriawind growled, and Slatestar pleaded to StarClan to let him do an okay job.

It wasn’t long before four bundles of fur were nestled at Wisteriawind’s belly. “Congratulations Wisteriawind! Two toms and two she-cats!” He gasped, tired from the exhausting experience. Then he remember he didn’t really have the place to be tired. The cat in front of him just brought four new cats into the world. And all of them were healthy (as far as he could tell, anyways. He wasn’t a medicine cat!) Wisteriawind had her eyes glued to her sons and daughters. “They’re all so beautiful.” She whispered, a tear rolling down her round cheek. Slatestar nodded and moved closer to her. “Yes they are. Have you thought of names yet?” He agreed. The new mother’s happy expression soon turned into sadness. “Well, I’m not going to name the ones Thornshard is taking.” She pointed out. “Do you know which ones those will be?” At Slatestar’s words, Wisteriawind jerked her head up. “Don’t pressure me, Slatestar!” She hissed, then lowered her head and her voice “I don’t want to give away any...” Slatestar sighed. He walked up to the she-cat, sitting by her head and giving her ears a comforting lick. “I know.” He whispered “I’m sorry. It must be unimaginably difficult. Take your time, we have all night.” Wisteriawind rested her head against the tom’s chest. “You’re a good tom, Slatestar. Not many would do this.” She whispered thankfully. Slatestar couldn’t help but purr. Not only at her kind words, but at the adorableness of the newborns. They would all make great warriors someday. “Don’t mention it.” He whispered back “It’s what friends do.” Wisteriawind took a long look at the kits. After a while, she spoke up. “I-I think I’ll keep the black and white tom and the brown tabby she-kit.” She decided, voice filled with pain “The other She-kit and tom can live with their father.” The She-cat felt tears pooling in her eyes. Wisteriawind nuzzled all of her kits. “I love you all so much.” She meowed, and to the two she added, “Don’t you ever forget it.” Slatestar nodded and picked up the two kits she had spoken of and carried them off in the direction of the river, Wisteriawind gazing sadly after him. She looked down at her kits. “Darkkit, Hollykit.” She meowed “Welcome to BearClan.”

[Cindertail and Rabbitspark become mates! However, they DO NOT try for kits.]
[Otterfur, Vipersun, Grassheart, and Lionclaw patrol]
[Adderbreeze, Stormfang, Fognose, and Quailthroat hunt]
[Squirrelheart, Cindertail, Weaselfur, and Gingerstem hunt]
[Quailthroat teaches Robinpaw hunting]
[Swiftpaw and Nightpaw go out to train in climbing]
[Cedarsplash teaches Talonpaw stealth]
[Ravencloud teaches Elmpaw battle]
[Minkblossom looks for herbs]
[The Clan consumes x2 small fish and x1 squirrel]

          Slatestar | 45 m | M | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Sandstep | 41 m | F | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Minkblossom | 51 m | F | X

          Cindertail | 33 m | M | X
          Cougarleap | 27 m | M | X
          Batfur | 27 m | M | X
          Weaselfur | 61 m | M | X
          Rabbitspark | 33 m | F | X
          Grassheart | 29 m | F | X
          Vipersun | 42 m | M | X
          Cedarsplash | 42 m | F | X
          Ravencloud | 30 m | F | X
          Stormfang | 20 m | M | X
          Gingerstem | 32 m | F | X
          Quailthroat | 37 m | F | X
          Otterfur | 43 m | M | X
          Lionclaw | 37 m | M | X
          Adderbreeze | 14 m | F | X
          Squirrelheart | 14 m | F | X
          Fognose | 14 m | F | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Swiftpaw | 11 m | M | X
          Nightpaw | 8 m | M| X
          Elmpaw | 8 m | F| X
          Talonpaw | 8 m | M| X
          Robinpaw | 7 m | M| X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Wisteriawind | 42 m | F | X
          Wrenpond | 23 m | F | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Thistlekit | 2 m | M | X
          Hickorykit | 2 m | M | X (left)
          Acornkit | 2 m | F | X (right)
          Cherrykit | 2 m | F | X
          Darkkit | 1 m | M | X
          Hollykit | 1 m | F | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | KwamiClan | Savannah-the-Caracal
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | FloodClan | Yukon_Shadows

    Medicine Store
    Cobweb | Stops bleeding | x1
    Chervil | Helps queens give birth | x0
    Marigold | Stops infection | x2
    Poppy Seeds | Eases Pain | x1
    Mouse Bile | Removes ticks | x1
    Broom | Helps broken bones | x1
    Stinging Nettle | Brings down swelling/induces vomiting| x1
    Burnet | Gives strength | x1
    Dock | Helps soothe scratches | x1
    Willow Bark | Eases pain | x1
    Tormentil | Extracts poison | x1
    Blackberry Leaf | Eases bee stings | x1
    Lovage | Helps cure coughs | x1
    Parsley | Stops a queen from producing milk | x1
    Ivy | Used to store other herbs in | x1
    Chamomile | Calms a cat down and gives strength | x1
    Wild Garlic | Prevents infection when rolled in, esp. rat bites | x1
    Ragwort | Treats aching joints | x1
    Goldenrod | Heals wounds | x1
    Herb | Usage | Amount

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x2 | 1 servings
    Minnow | x3 | 1 servings
    Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
    Hare | x2 | 3 servings
    Big Fish | x2 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves (hunting, battle strategy, climbing, stealth, swimming)
    Batfur | Swiftpaw | 2 | Hunting, Stealth
    Cougarleap | Nightpaw | 2 | Hunting, Stealth
    Ravencloud | Elmpaw | 2 | Hunting, Climbing
    Cedarsplash| Talonpaw | 2 | Hunting, Climbing
    Quailthroat | Robinpaw | 1 | Swimming

    Stone Pool:
    Cat Name | Number of Stones Left
    Cindertail | 3
    Cougarleap | 3
    Batfur | 3
    Rabbitspark| 2
    Weaselfur | 3
    Grassheart | 3
    Vipersun | 3
    Cedarsplash | 3
    Wisteriawind | 3
    Ravencloud | 3
    Stormfang | 3
    Gingerstem | 3
    Quailthroat| 3
    Otterfur | 3

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death | [url=link]X[/url]
    Dunewing | Died from wounds caused by the bear | X

    Name and Name | Kits
    ??? and ??? | Sandstep, Vipersun
    ??? and Cedarsplash | Adderbreeze, Fognose, Squirrelheart
    Batfur and Quailthroat | Nightpaw, Elmpaw, Talonpaw
    Thornshard (FloodClan) and Wisteriawind |Darkkit, Hollykit, Wernkit, Bristekit, Robinpaw (foster)
    ??? and ??? | Cedarsplash, Wrenpond
    Aster(rogue) and Wrenpond | Thistlekit, Hickorykit, Acornkit, Cherrykit
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Postby akame, » Sat Jul 21, 2018 1:27 pm

the weather: The Season of Summer. During greenleaf, you will catch a max of 6 pieces of prey.
During patrols, you are more likely to run into twolegs and their dogs, and rogue groups
will most likely start to try and settle on your territory so keep an eye out. You are still
likely to get floods, but there will be more droughts towards the middle of Greenleaf.
The cats in your clan can get dehydrated easier during greeneleaf than they would in
other seasons. Your Clan will still receive new cats but not as much as you would in Newleaf.

snowclan - pineclan - flowerclan - moleclan - hollowclan - ashclan - creekclan - fernclan - oceanclan -
vineyardclan- ryeclan - puddleclan -lakeclan - meadowclan - nomadclan - twistedclan - tundraclan - basinclan -
steamclan - eanakhclan - the silverbane brotherhood

    dapplebreeze and egretcry are escorted to snowclan camp.
    ocrafur, frostedleaf, and grayrain add +1 collard lemming, +1 pika, , +1 bird and +1 hare into the freshkill pile
    shadedfrost's border patrol finds a warrior for snowclan.
    hailwish and blizzardspirt add +1 comfrey root to their herb collection
    pebblepaw fails to learn a new skill
    bramblepaw fails to learn a new skill
    dovepaw learns stalking

    with enough work, rainpaw learns hunting.
    morningstar and stormstrike drop +1 squirrel and +1 thrush at the prey pile.
    copperleaf rounds the territory, but in the end the patrol goes uneventful.

    the hunting patrol gathers +1 duck, +1 raven, +1 tundra shrew, +1 tundra vole. sadly, the previous loner got their revenge and stole the patrol's beech nut and the duck! stupid loner. ( -1 duck and -1 beech nuts ).
    snowsnout brings +1 mint and +1 death berries back
    salmonpaw fails to learn hunting.
    while blizzardspring is hunting, a cat brings him into a sticky situation. ( random event!!: how desperate are you? )

      blizzardspring padded around small bushes and leaped onto rocks, scouting the area. he looked to his side, something rather eye-catching that he saw out of the corner of his eye. a small cave of some sort? blizzardspring shrugged, leaping off the rock he stood on and hopping over towards whatever that hole in the ground thing is. standing right on the edge of the entrance, the tundraclan warrior peered down to see a channel below him. something like a naturally made ditch as a low level of water covered the bottom, presumably former ice but melted due to the season change. blizzardspring was getting bored of looking at the ditch, so he turned around but something had pushed him off before the tom turned fully back, he fell face-first into the channel. water met his face and belly as he flopped onto the water, lucky for him there was water, starclan knows what wouldve happened to his face if he hit the rock bottom instead of liquid. with blizzardspring's lower-half soaked, he shook his pelt and looked below him, the water was a lot deeper than he thought as it reached his radius. the patroller looked up to see a cat figure, smiling down at him. blizzardspring snorted "nice move, for a kit." the cat laughed at the tundraclan cat's comment, showing off their long claws "and you fell for a kit's trick, how pathetic." the tom narrowed his eyes at the trickster, displeased that the cat had fired back. "who are you, hm? why do you think it's funny to push me down here?" blizzardspring questioned, trying to get a better view of the cat's face, but it was dark so he couldn't tell. "aaaccctuallly, i wanted you to do a favor for me. but i can tell that you'd snap me like a twig and i can't have you be doing that! so, this is the only way."

      the tundraclan cat gave a threatening laugh "well spill it out or ill come up and squeeze your insides to make it come out. do you wanna join my clan?" the warrior was quite weird, saying random things after threats but they say it's just in blizzardspring's nature. the trickster swayed their hips side to side, before turning their back towards him "hm, no thanks! i dont want to be confined around cats i despise as im ordered to do stuff and than put my life on the line for trivial things. you clan cats are stupid." they mewed before walking away from blizzardspring's line of sight until coming back with something struggling in their jaws. without a moment of hesitation, the figure threw the thing into the ditch beside blizzardspring and not long after that, another thing was pushed into the channel. both together made a huge splash, soaking the tom top to bottom. "kill them and i'll help you out of that mess you're currently in. don't kill them and you will starve to death along with those loners." the figure leaned on the cave wall, rhythmically flicking their tail. blizzardspring could see the cat form a smile on their face. "the two cats looked to be both apprentice ages, one looked at the tundraclan cat in a terrified expression, the other apprentice stood in front of their partner, glaring at blizzardspring but their eyes hinted with worry. "don't listen to them!" the apprentice hissed, unsheathing his claws to prepare to battle, throwing his life on the line. "please, don't kill us!" the cat behind their partner wailed, tears sprung in the corners of their eyes. "so, how selfish are you, clan cat? no need to tell me, just do the deed. whatever you choose will be good with me."
      only two ways out!
      >kill the apprentices or >not kill them (blizzardspirit will die along with the apprentices due to starvation.)
      its your move!

    smokepaw fails to learn a new skill.
    merlinfang is promoted to deputy of baisnclan.
    +1 frog and +1 mallard dangle from lotusstar's jaw as she pads into camp
    merlinfang and smokepaw run across a queen, who begs for the two cats to take in her children. her eldest (apprentice-ready aged) kit and that kit's two other siblings
    the clan has one more moon to fast.

    the ancestors guide him to where palmetto stands. roachtrack finds palmetto and another cat
    roachtrack can taste the blood from the +1 skunk and +1 rat that he caught but held his hunger until he had gotten back to camp.
    roachtrack encounters a rouge on his patrol.
    one more moon of fasting.

    the gods grace the clan with jerboastar's wish
    jerboastar and twelve go their separate ways for a moment to hunt, when both come back to their meeting spot they were both able to catch +2 rats. they give thanks to the gods above for gracing them with this prey.
    while patrolling alone, trash witnesses a predator kill a loner. blood-shot eyes, blood around the cat and the predator's muzzle and everything you'd normally hear about from strangers. adrenaline pumped into trash's veins, turning back and running as fast as she could.
    one more moon to fast.

    the hunting patrols comes back with +1 rabbit, +1 vole, +1 stoat, and +1 snake.
    the border patrol goes uneventful.
    leechpaw easily learns how to swim.
    moleclan cheers for the two new apprentices. constant yowls of the two new names echoed in the camp.
    thrushtail gives birth to four kits

    lake and quill catch +1 mouse and +1 bird.
    lake and heidi have taken their marks and have sworn to the oath. they are now official members of the silverbane brotherhood.
    warren collects +1 wintergreen and +1 burnet

    morning patrol: +1 vole, +1 pigeon, +1 mouse, & +1 rabbit
    afternoon patrol: +1 pigeon, +1 squirrel, +1 hare
    tigerpaw learns advanced fighting
    tigerpaw is able to get x1 cobweb for honeygaze
    tigerpaw completes his assessment with flying colors and is granted his warrior name tigerpounce. (you can change his suffix to whatever you want if you like, just please let me know beforehand).
    honeygaze gives birth to 3 beautiful kits. (all are long-haired)
    ravenshadow gives birth to 5 kits. unfortunately, the whole litter had died before ravenshadow could've welcomed them to the world.
Last edited by akame, on Wed Jul 25, 2018 1:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby Galipaygo » Sat Jul 21, 2018 6:23 pm

Number of Cats: 31

Shadowstride lays by the lonely tree, staring deep into the recently placed dirt that four of her kits lay under. Her claws are out and digging into the ground, slowly sheathing and unsheathing. "Mommy... where did Poppykit go...?" Shadowstride says nothing, just stares. She slowly shakes her head as Crowwhisker comes up beside her. "Come on, Reedkit, let's go talk about something alone." he croaks, his sympathy for the broken queen growing with each day. Reedkit rises and looks to his mom before reluctantly following Crowwhisker. "Poppykit won't be coming back here, Reedkit..." he says as they walk off to the elder's den.

Juniperpaw and Snakepaw sit side-by-side and talk about the recent death in the clan. "Those were my holly berries. Hollypelt doesn't know that though, she thinks Poppykit found a way out of the camp and came back before the effects could take her."
"That's kind of cool, if you think about it," Snakepaw responds enthusiastically, "maybe you should do something el-"
"No! I don't want to be caught, and four deaths in barely three moons is a lot to take in, especially since they all revolve around one cat. We have to wait until..."
"Hey Juniperpaw! Hey Snakepaw!" Bramblepaw says as he bounds over happily, his joy being replaced by shame quickly as Juniperpaw scowls at him. "What do you want mouse brain?"
"Just wanted to talk to you guys..."
Snakepaw shakes his head at Bramblepaw in disapproval. "Maybe you should get the hint you're not welcome and go away." Snakepaw hisses. Bramblepaw turns with a huff and stalks off angrily, listening as he grows further and further from them. "We'll work together on the next victim when you're a warrior..." Juniperpaw says with a wide grin.

(I found internet for a little bit while camping and took advantage, hopefully I can find it again and be more active than I thought!)

Tatteredpelt trains Riverpaw in climbing
Fernheart trains Snakepaw in advanced combat
Yewfeather trains Bramblepaw in advanced swimming
Stonebark trains Juniperpaw in swimming
Silvertail trains Greypaw in advanced hunting
Saltwind trains Puddlepaw in combat
Timberstar and Yewfeather evaluate Bramblepaw
Timberstar and Stonebark evaluate Juniperpaw
Timberstar and Silvertail evaluate Greypaw
Hollypelt and Valleyglow search for herbs
Yewfeather, Bramblepaw, Stonebark, and Juniperpaw hunt
Snowtrail, Brindlestripe, Fernheart, and Snakepaw hunt
Tatteredpelt, Riverpaw, Littleheart, and Rainpelt patrol the boarders
Satlwind, Puddlepaw, Rippleface, and Goldenflower patrol the boarders
Note to mod: Stonebark's image won't work, can I use this one? If not can I have a replacement?

The clan consumes a big fish, squirrel, and mouse, 6 servings!

          Timberstar | 57 moons | Male |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Saltwind | 52 Moons | Male |

          Medicine Cat:
          Hollypelt | 37 moons | Female |
          Valleyglow | 18 moons | Female |

          Rainpelt | 46 moons | Female |
          Birchfur | 48 moons | Female |
          Fernheart | 54 moons | Female |
          Littleheart | 34 moons | Female |
          Stonebark | 44 moons | Male
          Silvertail | 56 moons | Female |
          Goldenflower | 68 moons | Female |
          Yewfeather | 41 moons | Female |
          Rippleface | 64 moons | Male |
          Brindlestripe | 22 moons | Male |
          Snowtrail | 23 moons | Female |
          Tatteredpelt | 71 moons | Female |
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

          Bramblepaw | 14 moons | Male |
          Juniperpaw | 14 moons | Female |
          Greypaw | 14 moons | Male |
          Snakepaw | 10 moons | Male |
          Puddlepaw | 8 moons | Male |
          Riverpaw | 11 moons | Female |
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]


          Shadowstride | 69 moons | Female |
          Willowfern | 71 moons | Female | 1 moons
          Willowshade | 48 moons | Female |
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]


          Reedkit | 4 moons | Female |
          Lionkit | 5 moons | Male |
          Firekit | 5 moons | Male |
          Lavenderkit | 5 moons |
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

          Crowwhisker | 156 moons | Male |
          Softcrow | 168 moons | Female | -Mute
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    Northeast | Clan Name | Username
    East | Leafclan | Zephyrine
    Southeast | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    Southwest | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username
    Northwest | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Chervil | Infected wounds/Bellyaches/Kitting | -2x
    Goldenrod | Healing wounds | -2x
    Lungwart | Cures yellowcough | -3x
    Cobwebs | Slow/stop bleeding/Bind broken bones | -3x
    Horsetail | Treat infections/Stop bleeding | -2x
    Celandine | Sooth damaged eyes | -1x
    Sweet-Sedge | Eases infection | -3x
    Lavender | Cures fevers/chills, hides scent of death | -1x
    Dock | Soothes wound pain/Sore pads | -1x
    Comfrey | Helps broken bones and soothes wounds | -2x
    Catmint | Cures greencough | -2x
    Yarrow | Helps poisoning | -2x
    Poppy Seeds | Makes cat sleepy | -2x
    Wild Garlic | Prevents infection | -1x
    Juniper Berries | Helps bellyaches and breathing | -2x
    Bright-Eye | Help cure coughs | -1x
    Snakeroot | Heals poison | -2x
    Broom | Helps broken legs/wounds | -1x
    Rush | Keeps broken limbs in place | -1x
    Stick | Keep broken limbs still, bite on for pain | -1x
    Dandelion | Chewable painkiller(Leaves)/Sooth bee stings(Sap) | -1x
    Daisy | Traveling herb/Helps ease joint pain | -1x
    Honey | Sore throats/smoke damage/Soothes infection/coughing/Ease eating of other herbs | -3x
    Burnet | Give strength | -1x
    Tormentil | Treating all wounds, curing poison | -2x
    Chamomile | Strengthens heart, soothes mind | -1x
    Blackberry Leaves | Ease pain of bee stings | -1x
    Lovage | Mixed with bright-eye to help cure coughs | -1x
    Coltsfoot | Eases breathing/kittencough, helps with sore/cracked pads | -1x
    Willow Leaves | Stops vomiting | -1x
    Foxglove Seeds | Paralysis/Heart Failure | -1x

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Vole | x9 | 1 servings
    Mice | x10 | 1 servings
    Small Fish | x9 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x8 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x4 | 3 servings
    Birds | x5 | 3 servings

    Silvertail | Greypaw | 6 |
    Stonebark | Juniperpaw | 6 |
    Yewfeather | Bramblepaw | 6 |
    Fernheart | Snakepaw | 4 |
    Saltwind | Puddlepaw | 3 |
    Tatteredpelt | Riverpaw | 1 |
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of Training Sessions |

    Deceased Cats:
    Featherkit♀ | Stillborn - 0 moons
    Riverkit♂ | Stillborn - 0 moons
    Ravenkit♀ | Stillborn - 0 moons
    Poppykit(left)♀ | Poisoned by Juniperpaw(unintentional) - 3 moons
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Rainpelt and Unknown | Bramblepaw, Juniperpaw, and Greypaw
    Littleheart and Stonebark | Puddlepaw
    Shadowstride and Unknown | Ravenkit, Riverkit, Featherkit, Reedkit(right) - Adopted, and Poppykit(left) - Adopted
    Willowfern and Unknown | Kits
    Willowshade and Unknown | Lionkit, Firekit, and Lavenderkit
    Name and Name | Kits
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Re: GoldClan

Postby Dinolil1 » Sat Jul 21, 2018 8:04 pm

Each life has it's value, and each is worth more than gold.
Number of Cats: 5 | Males: 2 | Females: 3 | Last Post: X

As the lions snapped up the two dead kits, GoldClan moved on from their passing; death was a common friend around these ruins and at least their deaths were quick, painless and short. Shrikekit and Larkkit perhaps were the unlucky ones, with long drawn-out lives and famine snapping at their heels; Oryxthroat tried to find solace in this, huddling around her two surviving daughters and closing herself off from the prying eyes of the clan.

''How's Oryxthroat?'' Cannastar murmured, turning to spot Embergaze dragging himself out of the nursery with such a forlorn expression on his face; there was no herb for grief, and no herb for Embergaze's tiredness it appeared. ''And the kits?''

The tortoiseshell sagged beside Cannastar, resting his head on the ginger tabby's shoulders. ''Oryxthroat's weak but alive.'' Embergaze murmured, glancing up at his leader, almost surprised by the ginger tom's caring question. He hadn't thought Cannastar particularly close to Orxythroat or anything, and considering his calm response to the deaths of Stonekit and Pebblekit, had cared about the kits at all. ''Larkkit's a runt, with difficulties breathing.'' It was uncertain that the feeble molly would be able to live to apprentice-hood. ''And Shrikekit's alright, just a bit simple in the head.''

Resting against Embergaze, Cannastar nodded slowly. ''I see, well at least they're alive.'' He murmured, ears twitching as a fly alighted on it. ''Better than nothing, I guess?'' The ginger tabby murmured, tail twitching. ''GoldClan's not been doing well recently, we've barely grown since our original numbers so kits are good.'' Cannastar nodded slowly. ''Even weak ones.''

''Not if they don't live.'' Embergaze muttered grimly, tucking his paws underneath his belly. ''Then it's just more feeding the lions.''

''Well then.'' Cannastar sighed. ''At least the lions will be happy.''

They eat the vulture (do kittens have to eat yet? Since they're on milk?)
Embergaze goes hunting, Cannastar goes on a patrol.

    Cannastar | 43 | Male | X
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★


    Medicine Cat:
    Embergaze | 32 | Male (Trans) | X



    Oryxthroat | 22 | Female | X

    Shrikekit | 0 | Female | X
    Larkkit | 0 | Female | X




    Medicine Store:

    Cobweb | x1 | For binding up wounds and broken bones
    Horsetail | x1 | For healing infected wounds
    Chervil | x2 | For healing infected wounds and soothing bellyache
    Catmint | x1 | For curing greencough
    Sticks | x1 | For helping broken bones set
    Chamomile | x1 | For heart strengthening, mind soothing and travelling

    Fresh-kill Pile:
    Snake (no cobra) | x1 | 2 Servings
    Mouse | x1 | 1 Servings
    Lark | x0 | 1 Servings
    Vulture | x0 | 3 Servings
    Rat | x0 | 2 Servings
    Lizard | x0 | 1 Servings

    Deceased Cats:
    Vulturefang | ( Died aged 37 moons ) | Female |X | Starvation
    Stonekit | ( Died aged 0 moons ) | Female |X | Still-Born
    Pebblekit | ( Died aged 0 moons ) | Female |X | Still-Born


    Oryxthroat + Falcon --- Stonekit + Pebblekit + Shrikekit + Larkkit


I believe that you are purrfect!

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Forestclan Post 53

Postby Simonpet » Sun Jul 22, 2018 4:41 am

Number of Cats: 53
Kits Due In: -----
Ancestors | Families | Herbs and Prey | Mentors and Apprentices | Posts | Worldbuilding

A plague. Forestclan was enduring a plague. Crowcloud shut his eyes in pain. His apprentice had always been so sensitive when it came to sickness. How would she be able to deal with this?

"She'll be alright," said Adderstream, sitting next to the black tom. "My girl's strong enough to pull through."

"She nearly broke down after you died," Crowcloud said with a shuddering breath. "It''s part of what makes her so good; the empathy, her closeness with us. But it's part of what makes her weak. I just hope that she can grow hard. Not...not hard. But that she can learn to let go."

In the center of the camp, Sorrelkit yowled with triumph as she pinned Bleakkit. Bramblingwhisker had to step in to break up the play-fight. While both kits looked six moons old, mentally they were older even if they acted like newborns on occasion. It was good, though. The laughs of young children helped to brighten the day.

"I don't know if Gannet will survive," said Smokefur morosely. Crowcloud jumped, not having noticed the black tortoiseshell sit down next to them. "She seems to have it bad. Whatever it is."

"I'm sure it'll be alright," said Acornstream reassuringly.

Smokefur shook her head. "I'm positive. She..." She sighed. "I just know."

Crowcloud felt a chill. "Dustleaf," he murmured, "please. Don't feel guilty. You're doing everything you can to help."

Dustleaf glanced up at the starry sky. "Oh, Smokefur," she murmured, "I'm so so sorry. I..." She looked around at the still and silent camp. There was little movement in the night and what sounds there were came from the hoot of an owl and the occasional sneeze and cough. "I'll do the best I can. For you. And for Patchcloud. I haven't forgotten. I can never forget."

It was odd. Over the past few moons, she had been hearing voices that came from nowhere but usually sounded familiar. She heard her father, once, saying how he was glad to have known Honeystar in her prime. She heard the voices of kits, on occasion, that sounded unfamiliar. She had chuckled when she had heard Birchnose's mournful cry saying that she had completely forgotten what a pawful kits were. The only explanation for this was that she, Dustleaf, was hearing some of what the spirits of Starclan were saying. And it only came during times of strong emotion for them, not for her. And now, she had heard Smokefur say that Gannetstorm, her sister, was unlikely to survive. Possibly the first casualty of this plague. It was painful, hearing that voice say with complete certainty but Starclan knew better than the living.

"I won't give up," Dustleaf swore, still looking up at the stars. "But I understand. If she dies... It was an honor. It's always an honor to know every cat in this clan. Please welcome her. Tell her that I'm sorry. But tell her that I'll keep living. Keep helping. Because this is why I became a medicine cat. I won't--can't forget that my purpose is to heal. To help. To stay strong even if the others are falling apart around me. This is my purpose." She took a breath. "I understand, Crowcloud, why you were so worried about me after Acorntream. After my dad. Our dad. I'll do better, starting now. I won't let my weaknesses get the better of me. I. Can't." She nodded, resolute. She felt better, somehow. Even if no one but the trees and the wind had heard her, she meant every word she said. The traitor's death had changed many things. And one of them was her spirit. She could harness that fight, that strength, to her healing. She would help where she could and would let go where she couldn't. But she would never give up because there was always the next cat to help.

[ Forestclan consumes 9 servings (x4 small fish and x1 shrew). ]

[ Bitternfoot, Carpfang, Daffodiltuft, Fritillarynose, and Scorchpelt continue to cough. ]
[ Badgerstripe, Barleystream, Gannetstorm, and Honeystar have a fever. ]
[ Aspentail and Dawnface have recovered. ]
[ Dustleaf uses x1 chickweed on Bitternfoot to cure her cough. ]
[ Dustleaf uses x1 lungwort on Daffodiltuft to cure her cough. ]
[ Dustleaf uses x1 tansy on Scorchpelt to cure his cough. ]

[ Adderstream, Dandeliontail, Mila, Neritestream, Palefur, and Silverstorm go fishing. ]
[ Briarwhisker, Mistfur, Nour, Orchidwhisker, Shellfur, and Tipnose go hunting. ]
[ Cherryclaw, Hareclaw, Heronface, Leechstorm, Mottleflower, Reedfur go on a patrol (no new cats). ]
[ Dustleaf and Larkpaw look for herbs that can help with coughing and fever. Herbs: borage, catmint, chickweed, feverfew, honey, lavender, lungwort, and tansy. ]

[ Kestrelclaw, Brightfang, and Ashstripe (temporary replacement) train Blizzardpaw, Cloudpaw, and Icepaw together. ]
[ Larkpaw takes his medicine cat assessments. If he passes, he will become known as Larknose. ]

[ Applenose, Boulderpelt, Hillfang, and Swancloud stay back to guard the camp. ]
[ Badgerstripe, Barleystream, Carpfang, Fritillarynose, Gannetstorm, and Honeystar stay back to rest. ]
[ Bitternfoot, Daffodiltuft, and Scorchpelt stay back to recover. ]
[ Fawnfur stays back to guard her kits, Argustkit, Fallowkit, and Ruddkit. ]
[ Gulltail stays back to guard her kits, Emberkit, Garlickit, Martenkit. ]
[ Isidora stays back to guard Loonkit, Mallowkit, and Rushkit. ]


Warriors (34)
Adderstream | Tom | 43 moons
Ashstripe | Tom | 62 moons | f. Tumbleclan
Aspentail | Tom | 53 moons | f. Asterclan
Badgerstripe | Tom | 25 moons | sick
Barleystream | Molly | 43 moons | sick
Bitternfoot | Molly | 17 moons | sick
Boulderpelt | Molly | 43 moons
Briarwhisker | Molly | 63 moons
Brightfang | Tom | 33 moons
Carpfang | Molly | 15 moons | sick
Cherryclaw | Molly | 51 moons | f. Aspenclan
Daffodiltuft | Molly | 20 moons | f. Leafclan | sick
Dandeliontail | Molly | 62 moons
Dawnface | Tom | 23 moons
Fritillarynose | Molly | 25 moons | sick
Gannetstorm | Molly | 30 moons | sick
Hareclaw | Tom | 15 moons
Heronface | Molly | 17 moons
Hillfang | Molly | 34 moons | f. Obsidanclan
Kestrelclaw | Molly | 30 moons
Leechstorm | Tom | 31 moons
Mila | Molly | 49 moons | powers
Mistfur | Molly | 24 moons
Mottleflower | Tom | 37 moons
Neritestream | Molly | 23 moons
Nour | Tom | 53 moons | f. Thicketclan | powers
Orchidwhisker | Tom | 15 moons
Palefur | Tom | 58 moons
Reedfur | Tom | 24 moons
Scorchpelt | Tom | 29 moons | f. Wrenclan | sick
Shellfur | Molly | 32 moons
Silverstorm | Molly | 15 moons
Swancloud | Tom | 30 moons
Tipnose | Molly | 32 moons
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BasinClan (003)

Postby luc » Sun Jul 22, 2018 7:23 am

Number of Cats: 8

"This way, apprentice," Merlinfang flicked his ear towards Smokepaw, who scrunched up her nose - clearly annoyed, but too intimidated to say anything. The tom turned away, his paws finding their way ashore. The island was a small one, but no stone would go unturned under his watch - Merlinfang did not know how Lotusstar did things, but the tom intended to do it right. Smokepaw trailed behind him silently. Out of the corner of his eye, the tom spied a flash of gray fur. "Hello?"
There was no response. Merlinfang glanced back to Smokepaw, a flash of his eyes telling the apprentice to stay back. The tom forayed deeper into the island and slipped into a small patch of forest.
Two frightened amber eyes stared back at him. "A... Are you a Clan cat?"
"I am."
The she-cat crept forward, belly low to the ground in a show of submissiveness. "Please... I need... I need you to take my kits."
"Your kits?"
"Yes, my kits. I can't take care of them." The she-cat eyes flickered over to a bush. "Shadow, please bring your siblings out." A dusty gray tom inched out of the bush, preoccupied with pushing two young kittens out, the cloying leaves and branches, and, of course, his own fear of Merlinfang. His eyes were wide.
At this moment, Merlinfang noticed something he hadn't noticed before - the queen was bleeding out. The thick canopy hid her punctured stomach, but a soft breeze from above had angled the trees enough to allow the tom to see the seeping blood. "My kits... please."
"I will, I promise you." Merlinfang replied.
One of the kits surged for its dying mother, but the gray tom - Shadow - pulled them back. It was difficult, but Merlinfang forced himself to look at the siblings - at the misery in their eyes. Merlinfang forced himself to look at the mother, who was growing more delirious by the minute. The deputy rose from his spot and moved over to Shadow. "I'll take the kits if you want a moment alone with your mother."
It was a small movement, but Merlinfang was certain it was a nod. Merlinfang directed the two kits back onto the beach where Smokepaw was sitting.
Excited flashed in the young she-cat's eyes. "What's happening?"
"Keep your voice down," Merlinfang whispered in a reprimanding tone. "Their mother..." Smokepaw's eyes widened, quieting at once. The four cats sat in silence for a while, the kits whimpering intermittently until Shadow emerged from the woods with foggy eyes.
"Smokepaw, why don't you take Shadow back to camp?" She nodded solemnly, picking up a kit and returning to the water. Shadow did much the same, but it was as if the tom was walking through sludge. Merlinfang sighed and delved into the forest once again. The queen who had been so frantic only a few minutes ago lay dead, eyes still open to the world. Merlinfang picked up her by the scruff and pulled her out to the beach for the last time. The tom had not been born a BasinClan cat, but he knew their rites. He knew of water burial that was custom and he felt bound to give such a burial to this queen, even if he never knew her name, even if her only legacy was the kits who would survive her.


Arrowfang padded alongside Merlinfang, who she was not surprised to learn was the deputy of BasinClan. He had an aura of authority. His voice, his body language demonstrated to the world that he knew what he was doing. The white she-cat found she respected that. Arrowfang sniffed the air, attempting to catch a whiff of prey. She honestly didn't know why she bothered to come along with Merlinfang. After all, her strong suit had always been fighting. In her old Clan, the deputy was always eager to send her out on a border patrol, seeing as she could easily handle any intruder. But, this time, Arrowfang had been inexplicably attracted to the idea of hunting. Though, perhaps, it wasn't quite so inexplicable, after all. The she-cat found Merlinfang alluring and she wanted to know exactly why the deputy was so that. "How long have you known Lotusstar?"
Merlinfang continued to move through the brush, eyes flicking about over the grounds. "Not so long. Just a bit longer than you, I suppose."
"Ah." Arrowfang wasn't sure what else to say.
"She's quite young..." Merlinfang paused, considering his words. "This is her first taste of leadership. We must... uh... look out for her. Do you understand what I'm saying?" His eyes fixed on her. Arrowfang felt something stirring in her.
The she-cat nodded. "I think... I should patrol." Arrowfang turned away from Merlinfang, feeling - oddly - like a coward.

{Arrowfang and Tranquilitywhisper are welcomed into the Clan. Proof.}
{Merlinfang and Smokepaw take in the kits - Shadow, Tiny, and Sophie.}
{Lotusstar renames them Shadowpaw (the eldest), Tinykit, and Silverkit. Tinykit and Silverkit are weaned so they don't need a queen.}
{Shadowpaw is assigned to Arrowfang.}
{Tranquilitywhisper goes out to search for herbs.}
{Shadowpaw and Smokepaw train for the skill: Attack.}
{Arrowfang goes on a patrol.}
{Merlinfang goes hunting.}
{Lotusstar goes to the Moonspring to ask for a warrior.}
{BasinClan uses up its last fasting moon.}

          Lotusstar | 27 moons | female |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Merlinfang | 46 moons | male |

          Medicine Cat:
          Tranquilitywhisper | 17 moons | male |

          Arrowfang | 52 moons | female |
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]✵[/url]

          Smokepaw | 9 moons | female |
          Shadowpaw | 7 moons | male |

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]✵[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]✵[/url]

          Tinykit (left) | 3 moons | male |
          Silverkit (right) | 3 moons | female |

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]✵[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]✵[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    GraveClan | scarlet_wolf
    Clan Name | Username

    Northwest | Clan Name | Username
    North | Clan Name | Username
    Northeast | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    Southeast | KwamiClan | Savannah-the-carcal
    South | FloodClan | Yukon_Snows
    Southwest | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Small fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Minnows | x0 | 1 servings
    Big fish | x0 | 3 servings
    Mallard | x1 | 3 servings
    Cormorant | x0 | 3 servings
    Frog | x1 | 1 servings

    Lotusstar | Smokepaw | 2 | N/A
    Arrowfang | Shadowpaw | 1 | N/A

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Unnamed Queen | Shadowpaw, Tinykit, and Silverkit
    Name and Name | Kits

Last edited by luc on Sun Jul 22, 2018 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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eanakhclan | 003

Postby ossa di cervo » Sun Jul 22, 2018 1:29 pm

Clan Two // Hard Mode Activates at 9 cats !!
Number of Cats:
four Servings Needed: 2 (+1 @ 7)
003 toms | 001 mollies
Next Mummy Talk: today / 07-28
Kits Due: n/a

last moon...

Mambaheart sat in the cool of the desert moonlight, watching the great pyramid outside Giza with interest sparkling in his eyes. Sunstar, the confident, starry cat had visited him, eyes blazing with hope and determination. "Go and find him, Pitch. Go and find your future with your new name - Mambaheart." Sunstar had named the newly dubbed medicine cat after the deadly snake found elsewhere in the region and Mambaheart beamed. It was a perfect new name for a, hopefully, perfect new life.

Eventually Jerboastar slunk from the pyramid and locked eyes with Mambaheart. The shorthaired oriental had his tails curled delicately over his paws, the starlight causing his black pelt to appear almost silver. The leader of Eanakhclan paced forward and bowed his head, "I'm assuming the gods sent you?"

A wicked grin crossed Mambaheart's features and he nodded, "My name is Mambaheart. Sunstar told me to seek you out."

Jerboastar respectfully bowed his head again, "We welcome our new Anubis with cheers to the god who's paws you must fill."

this moon...

Mambaheart woke with a sigh. A jackal, wicked teeth glinting within the stars had found him in his dreams. He knew the only thing that his words could mean. The Anubis rose, stretching his lithe legs and tipping his slender face to stretch out the sore muscles in his neck. His gaze slid around his new home - the chamber of a once dead queen with plenty of cracks and crevices to store his many found herbs and roots. An empty coffin like structure stood within the center of the room much like the one in Jerboastar's chamber.. the only difference was the missing of a dead body and Mambaheart didn't feel too upset at that fact. Let the leader sleep with the mummy, he was fine sleeping with his plants.

With a huff the black cat rose to his paws - he had business to take care of. He slipped from his chamber and followed the tunnel forward until it expanded to the main passage. After climbing a few stairs he reached his destination - the Grand Gallery. Trash and Twelve were awake though they were still nestled in their nests along the wall. Not much of a den but it was suitable for the rag-tag group of cats. Soon enough they'd have a Petbe or two running around creating their own nests along the back wall, away from the entry. The room was thin, not much more room then what allowed the sarcophagus to lay near the end of the King's Chamber.

Mambaheart padded past Trash and Twelve, eyes glittering as he stared at Trash. What a special day for her. He chuckled to himself then hurried along. He stopped near the King's Chamber, "Jerboastar?"

The brown tabby walked casually to the entry of his chamber, "Yes?"

The Anubis grinned, "I've been visited. Anubis said that the brown cobra, spitting with her words and eager to serve has earned her new life. He told me the cobra had found new meaning as a Nightjar and it's flight would be unhindered."

"Nightjarflight." Jerboastar said, a smile gracing his face. He nodded, "Beautiful. I have news to give our small group, may as well toss that wonderful news to them while I'm at it."

The two left Jerboastar's chamber behind and quickly approached the sarcophagus where the tom would make his announcements. His gaze met Mambaheart's, glittering happily before he opened his mouth, "Let all cats old enough to feel the sand's vicious heat gather here beside the old tomb."

Trash approached and cackled, "There's only two of us, no need to holler."

Her snicker was cut off as Jerboastar glared at her with hatred and spat, "Do not disgrace the gods again! My words are theirs!" Trash's eyes appeared shocked - never had such venom entered Jerboastar's tone. As quickly as it came it vanished as he continued, "I shall sleep next to Sunstar momentarily and ask for him to send me a mate." his eyes carried over the two already paired mates, "You two shall be the last and only mates of this clan unless I say. No one shall mate with anyone unless given my consent - I decide who shall make the healthiest kits along with Ra." the two nodded, more then willing to agree with his words, "Anubis visited Mambaheart last night." Trash and Twelve gazed with wonder - how exciting! Jerboastar leaped down from his perch and approached Trash, "Trash. You carry a foul name and it is with the blessing of the gods I rename you. From this day forward you shall be known as Nightjarflight." The she-cat bowed her head low.

"But what abou-!"

Twelve's words were cut off as Jerboastar swiped a paw at him, claws unsheathed. Blood welled in the tom's now sliced ear, "Don't interrupt a sacred ceremony!" he hissed, the venom they'd seen earlier rising again in his words, "Anubis has not blessed you yet and nor has Ra! Maybe if you learned to keep your mouth shut they'd see you as more worthy!"

Twelve drew backward, trembling lightly at Jerboastar's harsh words. No new name for the tom yet.. and the two newest members were beginning to see Jerboastar's true colors. Mambaheart, meanwhile, watched Jerboastar with pride and joy. Now more eager then ever to serve this new clan.

"Now go, get out of here and serve your clan." he dismissed Nightjarflight and Twelve.

[ eanakhclan consumes two rats !!
jerboastar asks the ancestors for a mate (preferably not a tabby like him. eep)
mambaheart searches for herbs
trash learns her new name; nightjarflight
nightjarflight & twelve hunt
jerboastar patrols ]

          Jerboastar | 58m | tom |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Mambaheart | 19m | tom |

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Nightjarflight | 22m | molly | right
          Twelve | 20m | tom | left

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    borage(1) | burdock(1)
    catmint(1) | chervil(1)
    goatweed(1) |

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    jerboa | x0 | 1 serving
    rat | x2 | 1 serving
    silverbill | x0 | 1 serving
    hyrax | x0 | 2 servings
    sand viper | x0 | 2 servings
    monitor lizard | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Nightjarflight & Twelve | n/a
    Name and Name | Kits
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby cloudy days » Sun Jul 22, 2018 10:44 pm

Cats: 86
Next SunJaw visit: 19th July

Petalfang crept out of the bushes, the fur along her spine rising uneasily as she detected many scents of cat. The brown and white she-cat could also scent one clear, fresh scent. Mouse. The strange new territory might be different after moons of travelling, but she could still find similar prey from where she had began. The elder slipped into a hunting crouch,and watched. Petalfang studied the greenery carefully, her eyes straining to find her prey, before triumphantly spotting a little nose through the leaves. Keeping her steps swift and light, Petalfang crept closer, until the potential prey unexpectedly ran off. Hissing, the white and brown she-cat searched for what had disturbed her catch.

"Heatherclaw, pay attention! Arrowfang and Hurricanegaze may not care, but surely you can smell the cat scent?" Gorsetalon meowed playfully to her friend, splashing through a small stream that trickled through the territory. Heatherclaw only showed that she had listened by an irritable flick of her ears, anxious to please her two parents who were also senior warriors - who could recommend her to mentor Harekit, Cherrykit or Ternkit. Heatherclaw looked at Gorsetalon with distain. "Stop being a fish-brain. The only scents here are of the hunting patrol recently!" Badgerstrike's ears flicked in their direction, and he nodded. "Arrowfang?" the mottled tom asked hesitantly to the cat who had been his mentor before he had joined the clan. "There is definitely a cat scent here!" Arrowfang agreed enthusiastically, the fur on his shoulders spiking before he forced it to lie flat. Hurricanegaze raised her muzzle to the air, her blue eyes narrowed. "A younger warrior managed to get that faster then you," she teased her daughter scornfully. Heatherclaw flinched. "The hunting patrol scents were confusing to distinguish," the black and white tom meowed, glancing at Hurricanegaze with his tail waving in warning.

"The intruder's closer!" hissed Badgerstrike, launching into the bushes with his class unsheathed. Gorsetalon gaped as she heard a yowl from an unknown cat. Hurricanegaze, who had been lost in thought, immediately jerked her head up. Arrowfang watched intently, and Heatherclaw opened her mouth to whisper, "He really likes to attack, doesn't he?" as an apprentice Badger (as he had been known) chased after everything - Amberowl and Willowthroat always laughed about their days as -rises.

Badgerstrike, his green eyes glowing with challenge, rushed through the leaves, his whiskers twitching excitedly. Judging by the scent, this cat was an elderly she-cat. Fear scent now mingled with the fresh scent - the other cat was clearly scared. In the haze of his own world (a delightful fantasy about taking down five dogs in an ambush) he banged straight into his target, and let out a squeak of pain. The brown and white she-cat looked at him in an amused fashion, her tail twitching. "Do the clans always send our their cats this way? I don't remember the leaders having such uncontrollable cats." she said calmly, to Badgerstrike's dismay. Ears flattened, he began. "Go back to your twolegs. You're too old to be out in the forest," he meowed uncertainly, his warrior cat act breaking. "I'm not just some elder cat, apprentice. Run and find your mentor," a devious glint flashed in her eyes. Badgerstrike bristled with fury. The elder sat down slyly, yawning in disinterest. "I'm a warrior of CosmoClan!" Badgerstrike growled, jumping into a battle crouch."Fight me then. Remember my name before you run away, it's Petalfang." Petalfang was already gloating over her verbal victory. After a sharp word cats usually ran away. If he acted like a rouge he would probably run like a rouge.

Badgerstrike couldn't back down. When Petalfang sat down triumphantly all he could see was red. Claws unsheathing, teeth nashing, tail lashing, he charged. In his mind's eye he could see a white and red she-cat smirking, before blinking it away. He didn't need those memories now. Those days were when he had been young and inexperienced, he was older, wiser, and could easily take down this elder; he was already certain that he could take down at least one dog. His eyes shone as he aimed a swipe at the she-cat's ear, but she ducked, but she aimed a swift paw at his head, and while he was reeling from the attack she scratched at his ears. Once again he saw the first fight he had had with the ginger and white rouge, and realised they had run through the exact same moves. But the battle wouldn't end so soon. Ignoring his stinging ear, Badgerstrike yowled angrily, and swiped at Petalfang's face, making her yelp louder then an alarmed flock of starlings. Then he flung up some dust with his paws and flung it at her, earning an infuriated hiss. She charged and bit his tail, causing him to whip round in alarm, his teeth bared in a snarl.

"What's going on here?" A familiar voice rang out through the forest. Badgerstrike gulped. Petalfang tried to back out, attempting to hide in a bush quickly, but her fear scent made her noticeable. Heatherclaw snorted as she saw the brave and confident Badgerstrike cowering under Arrowfang's serious gaze, a long cut that must have stinged on his ear. The unusual elder had claw marks along her face, and a lip curled in disgust, but also the glee was evident on her face as the apprentice was fetched by his mentor. Then they took Petalfang back to camp, and as soon as they did, Harrierflight, Wimbrelpelt, Lionscorch, Ebonypool and Lyrastar relished in the old CosmoClan memories. Even though the old CosmoClan had made way for Lyrastar's rebuilding, they all had memories that could never be forgotten.

[Thornstride, Heatherclaw, Aspenleaf, Yewheart, Dustfeather and Raccoontooth go hunting]
[Poppycloud, Stonestep, Leafpounce, Birdlight and Briarsweep hunt]
[Wolfclaw, Lionscorch, Rushtail, Fawnshine, Goldenwhisker and Magpietail hunt]
[Sycamoreheart, Whitefoot, Riverfrost, Juniperberry, and Acorntuft patrol]
[Leopardeyes, Blazeheart, Mouseflower and Owlwing patrol]
[Amberowl, Ebonypool, Doestripe, Herontalon and Fernshade patrol]

[Saffronrise, Daisyrise and Burnetrise take their assessments!]
[Yewheart and Brindlerise train: Stealth]
[Cloverfield and Spottedrise train: Swimming]
[Dustfeather and Tumblerise retrain: Battle]
[Fawnshine and Runningrise train: Climbing]
[Whitefoot and Jayrise train: Battle]
[Sycamoreheart and Umberrise train: Swimming]
[Goldenwhisker and Lizardrise train: Battle]
[Swiftsky and Berryrise train: Hunting]
[Raccoontooth and Streamrise train: Climbing]
[Acorntuft and Harerise train: Hunting]
[Flamewing and Cherryrise train: Battle]
[Oliveshadow and Ternrise train: Stealth]

[Petalfang is given x1 Cobweb and 1x Marigold for her scratches]
[Solarspark and Emberblaze search for kitting herbs]
[Lyrastar asks for a warrior]
[The clan consumes fourteen servings]

          Lyrastar | 66 Moons | She-cat |
          Lives: ★★★★(4/8)

          Solar Guardian:
          Solarspark | 47 Moons | She-cat |
          Featherfall | 22 Moons | She-cat | *

          Lunar Guardian:
          Emberblaze | 67 Moons |Tom |

          Swiftsky | 72 moons | Tom |
          Thunderbird | 43 Moons | Tom |
          Oliveshadow | 42 Moons | She-cat |
          Juniperberry | 55 Moons | Tom |
          Fernshade | 58 Moons | Tom |
          Briarsweep | 76 Moons | She-Cat |
          Blazeheart | 59 Moons | Tom |
          Whitefoot | 68 Moons | She-cat |
          Blacknose | 66 Moons | Tom |
          Hurricanegaze | 54 Moons | She-cat |
          Arrowfang | 56 Moons | Tom |
          Amberowl | 39 Moons | She-cat |
          Sycamoreheart | 71 Moons | She-cat |
          Lionscorch | 73 Moons | Tom |
          Badgerstrike | 38 Moons | Tom |
          Yewheart "Aconite" | 42 Moons | She-cat |
          Ebonypool| 68 Moons | She-cat |
          Willowthroat | 33 Moons | She-cat |
          Poppycloud | 65 Moons | She-cat |
          Cloverfield | 31 Moons | She-cat |
          Bearfoot | 40 Moons | Tom |
          Owlwing | 42 Moons | She-cat |
          Leopardeyes | 52 Moons | She-cat |
          Wisteriawhisper | 58 Moons | She-cat|
          Wolfclaw | 40 Moons | She-cat |
          Acorntuft | 43 Moons | Tom |
          Aspenleaf | 49 Moons | She-cat |
          Flamewing | 25 Moons | She-cat |
          Thornstride | 24 Moons | Tom |
          Riverfrost | 33 Moons | Tom |
          Dustfeather | 26 Moons | Tom |
          Heatherclaw | 23 Moons | She-cat |
          Stonestep | 23 Moons | Tom |
          Birdlight | 23 Moons | Tom |
          Fawnshine | 26 Moons | She-cat |
          Herontalon | 22 Moons | Tom |
          Raccoontooth | 22 Moons | She-cat |
          Goldenwhisker | 22 Moons | Tom |
          Magpietail | 21 Moons | Tom |
          Lilypad | 35 Moons | She-cat |
          Bramblingtuft | 30 Moons | Tom |
          Larksoar | 22 Moons | She-cat |
          Sedgebreeze | 43 Moons | She-cat |
          Verglas-strike | 18 Moons | Tom |
          Gorsetalon | 18 Moons | She-cat |
          Rushtail | 18 Moons | Tom |
          Grassleap | 18 Moons | Tom |
          Leafpounce | 18 Moons | She-cat |
          Mosstooth | 18 Moons | Tom |
          Doestripe | 35 Moons | She-cat |
          Mouseflower | 48 Moons | She-cat |

          Saffronrise | 13 Moons | She-cat |
          Daisyrise | 13 Moons | She-cat |
          Burnetrise | 13 Moons |Tom |
          Brindlerise | 11 Moons | She-cat |
          Spottedrise | 10 Moons | She-cat |
          Tumblerise | 10 Moons | Tom |
          -Allergy to Rabbit
          Runningrise | 10 Moons | Tom |
          Jayrise | 10 Moons | Tom |
          Umberrise | 10 Moons | Tom |
          Lizardrise | 7 Moons | She-cat |
          Berryrise | 7 Moons | She-cat |
          Streamrise | 7 Moons |Tom |
          Harerise | 6 Moons | Tom | (top)
          Cherryrise | 6 Moons | She-cat | (middle)
          Ternrise | 6 Moons | Tom | (bottom)

          Kitetalon | 41 Moons | She-cat |
          Speckledleaf | 25 Moons | She-cat |
          Softstep | 56 Moons | She-cat |

          Pinekit | 5 Moons | Tom | (bottom)
          Oakkit | 5 Moons | Tom | (top)
          Dapplekit | 5 Moons | She-cat |
          Robinkit | 5 Moons | She-cat |
          Shellkit | 5 Moons | Tom |
          Blossomkit | 2 Moons | She-cat |
          Sunkit | 2 Moons | Tom |
          Rookkit | 2 Moons | She-cat |

          Russetheart | 106 Moons | She-cat |
          Eaglefrost | 119 Moons | Tom |
          Greypatch | 133 Moons | She-cat |
          Whimbrelpelt | 89 Moons | Tom |
          Harrierflight | 89 Moons | Tom |
          Petalfang | 90 Moons | She-cat |
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North |Tribe of Shimmering Dawn| ~Glaceon~
    East | WaveClan | lame loser lexi.
    South | Clan Name | Username
    Southwest | MistClan | scarlet_wolf
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Cobweb | x2 | To soak up and stop/slow
    bleeding. It may also be used to bind
    broken bones.
    Catmint | x2 | Best remedy for greencough,
    which kits and elders might catch in
    leaf-bare. Can be used for whitecough.
    Borage Leaves | x1 | It produces more/better
    milk. Also brings down fevers.
    Chamomile | x0 | Strengthens the heart
    and soothes the mind.
    Chervil | x1 | For infected wounds and
    bellyache. Can also be used when kitting.
    Honey | x0 | Usage
    Poppyseed | x0 | Usage
    Lamb's Ear | x0 | Usage
    Sweet Cedge | x2 | Usage
    Celandine | x1 | Usage
    Parsley | x1 | Usage
    Wintergreen | x1 | Usage
    Deathberries | x1 | Usage
    Raspberry Leaves | x0 | Usage
    Sorrel | X1 | Usage
    Thyme | x1 | Usage
    Marigold | x1 | Usage
    Catchweed | x1 | Usage
    Broom | x1 | Usage
    Chickweed | x1 | Usage
    Heather Nectar | x1 | Usage
    Lavender | x1 | Usage
    Tansy | x1 | Usage
    Rush | x1 | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Vole | x6 | 1 serving
    Wren | x7 | 1 serving
    Robin | x8 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x7 | 2 servings
    Rabbit | x8 | 2 Servings
    Big Fish | x7 | 3 servings
    Hare | x7 | 3 servings
    Pigeon | x3 | 3 Servings
    94 Servings

    Lionscorch | Saffronrise | 7 training sessions | Battle, Stealth,
    Hunting, Fishing (advanced), Swimming, Climbing
    Hurricanegaze | Daisyrise | 7 training sessions | Hunting (advanced),
    Stealth, Fishing, Battle, Swimming, Climbing
    Arrowfang | Burnetrise | 6 training sessions | Climbing, Stealth,
    Battle (advanced), Swimming, Hunting
    Yewheart | Brindlerise | 4 training sessions | Climbing, Hunting,
    Battle, Swimming
    Cloverfield | Spottedrise | 4 training sessions | Hunting, Battle,
    Stealth, Climbing
    Fawnshine | Runningrise | 3 training sessions | Fishing, Hunting,
    Dustfeather | Tumblerise | 3 training sessions | Fishing, Hunting,
    Whitefoot | Jayrise | 3 training sessions | Stealth, Fishing,
    Climbing, Battle
    Sycamoreheart | Umberrise | 4 training sessions | Fishing, Stealth,
    Hunting, Battle
    Goldenwhisker | Lizardrise | 1 training sessions | Hunting
    Swiftsky | Berryrise | 1 training sessions | Battle
    Herontalon | Streamrise | 1 training sessions | Swimming
    Acorntuft | Harerise | 0 training sessions |
    Flamewing | Cherryrise | 0 training sessions |
    Oliveshadow | Ternrise | 0 training sessions |

    Deceased Cats:
    Cedarsun | 0 Moons | Tom | Fading Kitten Syndrome
    Tawnyheart | 2 Moons | She-cat | Fading Kitten Syndrome
    Blossomfur | 48 Moons | She-cat | Badger Attack
    Joaquin | 47 Moons | Tom | Fox wounds
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    ?? and ?? | Wimbrelpelt and
    ??? and ??? |Lyrawing and Sun (Shimmering Dawn tribe)
    ??? and ??? | Swiftsky, Cloudyspots(PineClan),
    Dreamingwing (?Clan), Misty
    ?? and ?? | Arrowfang and
    Swiftsky and Redhawk (FloodClan) |Skygaze(MistClan),
    Emberblaze and Blossomfur | Flamewing, Speckledleaf
    Wisteriawhisper and Blizzardrush(QuickClan) |Featherfall,
    Herontalon, Raccoontooth, Goldenwhisker
    Arrow Fang and Hurricane Glider | Heatherclaw, Stonestep,
    ? and Poppycloud | Willowthroat, Briarpaw (RidgeClan),
    Burrpaw (Snowclan),Windpaw (Pebbleclan),
    Bramblepaw (Snowclan), Eaglepaw(Honestclan)
    Aspenleaf and ??? | Verglas-strike, Gorsetalon, Rushtail,
    Grassleap, Tawnykit, Cedarsun.
    Leafpounce + Mosstooth (adopted)
    ?? and ??| Dustfeather, Fawnshine
    Swiftsky and Ebonypool | Lizardrise
    Blazeheart and Leopardeyes | Spottedrise, Tumblerise,
    Runningrise, Jayrise.
    Acorntuft and Owlwing | Berryrise, Streamrise
    Brindlerise (adopted)
    Badgerstrike and Amberowl | n/a
    Lilypad and ??? | Saffronrise, Daisyrise, Burnetrise
    Thunderbird + Bearfoot and Kitetalon (surrogate) | Pinekit,
    Oakkit (Bearfoot's), Dapplekit, Robinkit,
    Shellkit (Thunderbird's)
    Riverfrost and Speckledleaf | Blossomkit, Sunkit, Rookkit
    Birdlight and Featherfall | due in one moon
    Softstep and ?? | Due in two moons
Last edited by cloudy days on Mon Jul 23, 2018 9:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby jazz. » Mon Jul 23, 2018 3:42 am

Number of Cats: 5
TwistedClan uses: 2 servings
| 3 females | 2 males |
Next Moonpool visit: Now
Mod Notes: : )

Copperleaf took in the camp through narrowed eyes. This was an odd assortment of cats, but they did work well together she supposed. The leader sat next to her, cleaning her ears. "Rainpaw seems to be getting along just fine." Morningstar broke the silence.
Copperleaf hummed before answering. "I suppose." She paused. "It seems the quiet ones are always the most dangerous, though." She let that suggestion settle over the leader and was pleased to see she was a bit rattled.
Morningstar shifted her weight. "I don't think Rainpaw is a threat." She decided. "And that also means that Spottednose would be the least dangerous cat of all time, and he is the one with access to poison." Morningstar said offhandedly.
Copperleaf's ears perked up at the word 'poison'. "Poison?" She asked in a voice she hoped was completely innocent.
"Hm?" Morningstar started cleaning her other ear. "A couple moons ago, Spottednose found deathberries. He won't use them, however." She added when her deputy was surprised.
Copperleaf kept silent even though that was interesting information. Very interesting information.

Spottednose sat with Stormstrike and Rainpaw listening to recounts of training sessions and patrols. He wasn't the most intrigued in this conversation, but it was good to have the background noise.
"Don't you ever get bored of digging up herbs?" Rainpaw's question brought Spottednose back into the conversation.
"Not really." He shrugged. "It's a whole lot easier than chasing birds too."
"But you don't get an adrenaline rush from plants like you do when you snatch a bird from midair!" Stormstrike good-naturedly argued. Spottednose was somewhat amused.
"If you convert me into a warrior, you'll have to find someone else to care for your poor torn claws." Spottednose flicked his tail over his sore paws.
"Hmph." Stormstrike didn't answer and the conversation turned to another topic soon after.

Rainpaw watched the sunrise through the open slates of the roof from her nest before stretching and heading out into the clearing for the patrols of the day. Copperleaf stood with her long fur swaying gently in the breeze waiting for the Clan members to wake. Morningstar and Stormstrike walked out of the cabin together shortly after Rainpaw arrived.
"Would you two be okay with coming on a hunting patrol with me before Morningstar leaves for the Moonpool?" Copperleaf's silky voice was soft in the morning light. "After that, Stormstrike can train Rainpaw and I'll patrol our borders."
"Can't I come?" Rainpaw asked in a small voice.
Copperleaf regarded her. While she did good with Stormstrike learning the basics of hunting, Copperleaf's look made her second guess her abilities. "We need someone to stay and watch camp." The deputy decided.
"What about Spottednose?" Rainpaw hated how her voice almost sounded whiny, but she wanted to prove herself in front of her mentor, leader, and deputy.
"He'll hopefully be doing something productive." Copperleaf pointedly spoke loudly to the medicine den bushes.
"Yeah, yeah, I hear you." His voice called out. "Give me a few more moments of sleep."
"Next time." Copperleaf's eyes were now filled with warmth, but Rainpaw's tail still drooped.
So now Rainpaw sat alone in the middle of the clearing where Copperleaf was just standing so majestically, but Rainpaw just looked small and pitiful in the middle of the large forest. Rainpaw listened to the quiet forest sounds for a while before lashing her tail in anger. Even Spottednose had dragged himself out of his nest to go collect herbs. Nothing was going to happen, and now she's just wasting her time!
Making a split second decision, Rainpaw looked around to make sure any of the warriors weren't coming back and dashed into the forest. If they weren't going to take her on their patrol, she would make her own.

[The Clan consumes one squirrel (2 servings).]
[Spottednose hunts for herbs.]
[Morningstar, Copperleaf, and Stormstrike hunt.]
[Rainpaw sneaks off on a hunting patrol of her own.]
[Stormstrike and Rainpaw train for fighting.]
[Morningstar requests a new Clan member at the Moonpool.]
[Copperleaf patrols the borders.]

          Morningstar | 41 moons | female | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Copperleaf | 21 moons | female | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Spottednose | 33 moons | male | X

          Stormstrike | 30 moons | male | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Rainpaw | 7 moons | female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | ShrikeClan | DasCanadianSparkle
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Cobwebs | Treats bleeding, binds broken bones | 3
    Dock | Soothe scratches and sore paws | 1
    Borage Leaves | Helps produce milk | 1
    Juniper Berries | Helps bellyaches and breathing | 1
    Catmint | Cures greencough | 1
    Comfrey Roots | Repairs broken bones, soothes wounds, inflammation, and burns | 1
    Deathberries | Poisonous when consumed | 1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Thrushes | x1 | 3 servings each
    Magpies | x1 | 3 servings each
    Shrews | x0 | 1 serving each
    Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings each
    Mice | x0 | 1 serving each
    Voles | x0 | 1 serving each

    Moves to learn: Hunting, Fighting,
    Stalking, Climbing, Swimming
    Stormstrike | Rainpaw | 1 | Hunting
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by jazz. on Mon Jul 23, 2018 2:53 pm, edited 3 times in total.
━━ ❝Ah,━━━━━━━━
"чσu dσn't knσw hσw hígh í cαn flч"
| shє/hєr | lσvєr σf hσrsєs |



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Re: JadeClan 5

Postby apochrypha » Mon Jul 23, 2018 7:56 am

— J A D E C L A N —


Number of Cats: 005 ( ♀︎: 03 | ♂︎: 02 )
Next moonpool visit: TBA
Last post: click

Yet another warrior had arrived at JadeClan's borders, though this time they were taking in a kittypet named Ozzy. His twoleg family moved away, but had neglected to take Ozzy along, so he had been left behind to fend for himself. The curly-haired tom was skinny and feeble when Willowstar found him at the border. "Who are you, stranger, and what brings you to the territory of JadeClan?" the leader asked, her voice full of calm authority. The emaciated black cat responded, "My name's Ozzy. My family is gone, I tried to wait for them to come back but I got too hungry...I don't think they're coming back." His eyes were downcast and his body language conveyed his melancholy spirit. Willowstar inhaled the twoleg scent all over the stranger and nodded subtly, more to herself than anything else. "You're a kittypet. Or you were, at least, but it seems you won't last much longer out here. Ozzy, I'm prepared to offer you shelter within my clan. If you accept, we will teach you the ways of being a true warrior, and you will have a place with JadeClan for the rest of your days." She waited for his response. Ozzy stared at her with wide yellow eyes while he processed her offer. "I...okay," he agreed, and he followed his new leader back to what would hopefully become his home.

- - - - - - - - - -

When Willowstar reentered the camp, the other two warriors had recently returned from their hunting patrol, while Dovetail was still out looking for herbs. Their eyes gravitated not to their leader, but to the dark figure behind her. Anticipating their curiosity, Willowstar said, "This is Ozzy. He is a kittypet I encountered as I patrolled the borders, and I offered him asylum within JadeClan. He will train under you, Hawkeye, to learn the ways of a warrior. If he manages to prove himself, he will earn a name and take his place as a warrior within JadeClan." Hawkeye nodded, padding over to size up his new charge. "Welcome, Ozzy," he greeted. "The sooner we begin your lessons, the sooner you can become a full member of JadeClan. Follow me into the forest, I will teach you the basic ways of a warrior and the ins and outs of clan life, and then we can begin our first official training session." The two cats left the camp together, Ozzy sporting a look of nervous excitement.

actions wrote:
— Ozzy has joined JadeClan as an Apprentice!
— The Clan consumes a rabbit (2 servings).
— Hazelflight and Willowstar hunt.
— Hawkeye and Ozzy train.

          Willowstar | 32 moons | ♀︎ | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Hawkeye | 33 moons | ♂︎ | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Dovetail | 29 moons | ♀︎ | X

          Hazelflight | 30 moons | ♀︎ | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Ozzy | 38 moons | ♂︎ | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Catnip | x1
    Cobweb | x1
    Dandelion | x1
    Chickweed | x1
    Burnet | x1
    Feverfew | x2
    Stinging Nettle | x1
    Chamomile | x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x0 | 1 serving
    Birds | x1 | 3 servings
    Rabbits | x1 | 2 servings
    Voles | x0 | 1 serving
    Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
    Ermines | x0 | 2 servings
    Total available: 5 servings

    Hawkeye | Ozzy | 0 | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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