Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

driftclan 003

Postby dstars » Thu Oct 03, 2019 11:02 am

' ' in the process of healing ' '

' ' but its time to say goodbye? ' '

number of cats: 003 | next above ones visit: now | pebbles: 0020 | mod: kazin | servings: 006 | servings needed: 000

    - silkstar and briarsea go on a hunting patrol at Above Ones Shore.
    - tangerinebelly goes searching for herbs in Elders Forest.
    - tangerinebelly practices his medicinal skill.
    - silkstar requests a mother from the Above Ones.
    - driftclan is no longer fasting.

    - none

    males: 001 | females: 002
          silkstar | 34m | f
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★


          tangerinebelly | 39m | m
          Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

          briarsea | 21m | f




          Old Ones:

          name and name | kits
    ally clans:

    Enemy Clans

    north | clan name | dm
    east | clan name | dm
    south | clan Name | dm
    west | clan Name | dm

    medicine store
    catnip | x1 | used to treat greencough, sometimes whitecough.
    deadly in high amounts.
    chamomile | x1 | calms the senses and mind, strengthens the heart
    and body for travelling cats.
    cobwebs | x1 | used for bleeding, or to bind broken limbs.
    lavender | x1 | cures fevers and chills.
    wintergreen | x1 | treats wounds and some poisons.
    chevril | x1 | for infected wounds and bellyache, sometimes for kitting.
    marigold | x1 | stops infection and bleeding; can be used for stiff join

    red snapper | x1 | 3 servings [ uncommon ]
    flounder | x0 | 2 servings [ common ]
    minnows | x0 | 1 servings [ common ]
    quail | x0 | 2 servings [ uncommon ]
    swallow | x1 | 2 servings [ common ]
    robin | x0 | 2 servings [ common ]
    wood mouse | x1 | 1 servings [ common ]
    crab | x0 | 2 servings [ rare ]

    mentor | apprentice | training

    Above Ones
    cat name | cause of death
hi im dani!


19 - married - pet hoarder

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Create A Clan- V.4 [ groveclan - 049 ]

Postby solyn » Thu Oct 03, 2019 2:21 pm

# of cats; 94 (: 42 / : 46)
servings req'd; 15 servings (97)
next moonpool visit; any time
pebbles; 111 (lf)


𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕠𝕟 𝕒𝕘𝕠,
Dusklight had been walking since the crack of dawn, back from spending the night in QuickClan with Gorseberry, when he found Emberwing waiting for him outside the entrance to camp. Her mere appearance was enough to make him worry- these days his apprentice looked frail and gaunt, with sunken, dull eyes. Her grief tugged at every corner of her, and he was sure any second now she would split at the seams and be torn completely to pieces.
"Can we talk?" She asked as he got close enough, her tone hollow. Dusklight nodded, and gave her an encouraging smile, turning tail, away from the camp's entrance. His paws ached, but rest would have to wait. Emberwing needed him now, and so together they walked deeper into the forests. Silence hung between them, shoulder fur brushing as they padded over dewy grass, fading frost making the floor damp in a way that Dusklight found pleasantly refreshing. He was in no hurry, not even as they broke the shoreline. He lead them along the shores, all the way out to the craggy rocks that stuck into the centre of the lake, where the almost non-existent tides changed just enough to swallow them up at the peak.
They sat together, shoulder to shoulder, watching the fish swim in small circles, unbothered by their larger predators lurking in the lake. They weren't so worried about the two cats either it seemed- Dusklight sat here often enough to know that the fish knew his presence would protect them from the birds, and Dusklight himself wasn't any harm. He was quiet, waiting for Emberwing to speak. She must have felt him waiting, the expectancy hanging in the air, because she said, very quietly;
"I don't know what to do." And then she broke. Everything seemed to shatter, and she broke into sobs, heaving, anguished wails as her shoulders shook. Instantly, Dusklight pressed closer, resting his chin on top of her head, bundling her closer into his larger form. Emberwing leaned into him, seeming boneless, as she sobbed.
"Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry. I wish I could tell you I understood, but the truth is I have no clue what you're going through. Maybe I can't understand, but I was your mentor, and I'm still here for you whenever you need me, okay? As you can see, I'm an excellent shoulder to cry on." Emberwing choked out a hiccuped laugh as she pressed closer into his fur and cried a little more. Dusklight placatingly groomed between her ears, letting her work through it.
"It's so hard. It feels like this hole in me, like someone's ripped into my chest and taken my heart but left me alive. Lionheart gets it- she understands, but not in the same way that I do. Her kits all died. I still have Strongkit, and I hate myself because every time I look at her I remember everything else that I've lost, and it's not fair. It's not fair to her, and I love her but I'm just so angry, and I'm hurting cats and I don't know how to stop." Her sobbing got harder as Dusklight shushed her gently, making a little rocking motion to comfort her. "The worst part is, I lashed out at Midnightstream. I was so furious at him for Twilightkit, and it's not fair to him and it's not fair to her either- but everyone tiptoes around it. I've been here such a long time and I don't even know what happened, only that she's gone and I feel like I'm competing with a ghost and he's allowed to love her, of course he is, but I just want him to love me like that. It's so stupid and I feel so alone and I'm just so angry." Her sobbing was harder now, muffled in surprise as Dusklight drew back a little, his one-eyed gaze turning to the rockpool again.
"That was where I lost my eye, you know." Emberwing sniffled, throat catching her breath as if she'd taken a particularly heavy hit to the gut. She shook her head.
"I knew you were there. I didn't- I didn't know that."
"I was young then, too. Not even two years old, actually. Novella... well, the name gives it away, huh? She came from a border clan, beyond the dead tree. When Sedgefire brought her here, she was terrified and badly wounded. Her clan had chased her out. We realized too late that it wasn't the clan, just one cat- the deputy. They caught sight of her in a patrol, and the deputy convinced the clan that we'd stolen her, instead. So... they took revenge, a kit for a kit. They took Badgerstar's kits from the den and banged Stonepatch up pretty badly in the process. That itself was traumatic enough, seeing Stonepatch the way he did. He'd always seemed so big to me- untouchable- and then I went to see him in the medicine den, and he just seemed small. He still feels that day all the time. His leg healed pretty well, but he limps sometimes."
"That's from that fight?" Emberwing fell quiet, closing her eyes as she shook with more silent tears. "I couldn't imagine what Maplefall must have been feeling."
"She cried all night. Everyone did their best to comfort her, but Badgerstar was moving on autopilot. We put together a patrol- good, strong fighters, like me. Although it was meant to be peaceful negotiations, the idea was if it was a trap, we wouldn't be unprepared. For a while, it all went good, and then... I don't even remember what he balked on, but they made a demand and Badgerstar said no, and so they took Twilightkit, and their leader slit her throat right there in front of everyone." Dusklight was quiet for a troubled minute, watching the fish swim round and round. "I've seen a lot since I've been here- fought every great fight that the clan has seen, lived through every death. Nothing I've seen was as terrible as that moment, watching such a small, helpless kit fall prone in a pool of her own blood. It still rings in my ears you know, the way Midnightstream screamed. They were all so afraid, and so small. Something like that sticks with you, seeing someone innocent murdered in such a senseless way, especially when it's someone you care about. This clan is a family, all of us. Losing Twilightkit was a blow for the whole clan, and there was no precedent. Nothing like that had ever happened before."
"StarClan," Emberwing sobbed, "the poor thing."
"I used to talk to Dustfang about it," Dusklight continued, voice sounding strangely hollow now, "his kits had just been born when it happened, and he walked around in some kind of a haze. He told me that all he could think about for weeks afterward is the last thing he'd thought before she died. He always thought about how scared she must have been, about how scared she died." Emberwing cried, again, openly now.
"And I screamed at him. Oh, oh no." Her shoulders shook. "I was just so angry, and so afraid. When I see how much he hurts for her, it scares me. What if I can't get over this, Dusklight? What if I never get better? What if I always feel like this- empty, and furious, and nothing?"
"You're not expected to ever forget scars like that; how could you, after all? But that doesn't mean they have to consume you. Midnightstream is a good cat, and his grief is outward and he honours her every day with his memory, and he still hurts, but... he's better than he was. He is healing, if not slowly. There's no time limit on grief, Emberwing, but you'll only make it worse if you pretend it doesn't hurt you at all. You should take this time to cry, and to scream, and to be angry, to let yourself feel that pain, and when you don't have any more tears to cry, you can take a deep breath, and start to heal that wound. And the best part about GroveClan is that we're all family, so when you're ready to step into the sunshine again, we'll all be there for you, helping you to take it one day at a time, one paw in front of the other." Emberwing's eyes watered.
"Thank you," she whispered, burying her face into Dusklight's shoulder, "thank you, for everything."
"Any time," Dusklight smiled, "it's alright, I've got you. You just let it on out." And so she did. She sobbed with anguish, grieved, loud and unabashed as her tears dampened the fur on his shoulders. Dusklight swept his tail around her, leaned into her to bundle her close as his head rested against her own, one-eyed gaze watching the small fish just swimming, and swimming, and swimming.


The best part about the GroveClan river was that when the rapids got too strong, white water crashing over the riverbed below sheer, scraggly cliffs; no cat often went. The grass there was springy and soft without paws to trample it, and Juniperstorm liked the wildflowers that sprung up around tree roots, and the ivy or moss that crawled up the trunks. She came there when she needed to be alone, when she needed to think.
Mostly, she thought about Twilightkit. Thought about her smile. About her laugh. About the promises, whispered over Midnightstream's sleeping head about what they would do when they were warriors. About her limp body. About blood, so much blood. About her father's glassy eyes. The voice in her head saying 'you're next you're next you're next'. Twilightkit's mouth still but her voice saying 'scared scared scared scared'. And then the red was more and more, wider and wider and deeper and deeper, and her back was to the ruins but the red got greater and greater until it touched her paws and swallowed her whole, and then she was falling and falling and falling. She thought about all the things she couldn't tell Midnightstream. The things she wouldn't tell her parents. The burdens that she bore. The storm that she weathered alone.
"Thought I might find you here." The voice startled her, and her head jerked up to see Thunderspark standing over her. Shorter, coarser fur; grey and white. She was taller than Juniperstorm, and broader; Stonepatch's shoulders, unlike the slender builds of her own parents. Green eyes that glittered with sharp intelligence. Her best friend. Sometimes Juniperstorm forgot that Thunderspark probably knew her better than she knew herself.
"So you thought you'd come annoy me, huh? Don't you have anything better to do?" Her eyes twinkled with fondness, and Thunderspark snorted, rolled her eyes derisively like she was so fond of doing. But she didn't sit. Juniperstorm turned her focus to watching the river rage past. Sometimes she wondered about her brother and her father. Throwing herself into the frothing water seemed beyond comprehension.
"Are we ever going to talk about what happened in camp?" Her attention snapped back to Thunderspark, who was watching her cautiously; not as if she was afraid, but guarded, ready to argue with her on a hairpin. Juniperstorm flinched, looked away again. Her outburst at Emberwing had gotten out of hand. She didn't regret what she'd said, but she did regret how many had heard it.
"There's nothing to talk abou-"
"Yes, there is," Thunderspark's voice was more furious than Juniperstorm had anticipated, "you can't lie to me, Juniperstorm. You say you know Midnightstream's ticks? Well I know yours. I'm your best friend, and I love you, and I've watched you grow up with me, so if you think I don't watch closely enough to know you inside and out then you don't know me at all. I know the way you look when you've woken up from a nightmare, I know the way your leg twitches when you're trying to save someone in a dream. I know the way you shake when you cry at night when you think everyone else is asleep. I know you. And I know this is eating you up inside because you've shouldered it for so long, but please. You don't have to do this alone, Juniperstorm. I'm here for you, I always have been, and I care to much about you to watch you hurt yourself in this way. Can't you feel that it's killing you?" Thunderspark's voice was raw with emotion, and suddenly, something inside Juniperstorm snapped.
At first, it had been to be strong for her brother and her parents who were haunted and who she wanted to protect. Then it had seemed wrong to remind everyone when they were getting better. So it had become a private burden, but it had never stopped hurting; festering and burning in the deep recesses of her heart, but the storm in Thunderspark's eyes and the desperation in her voice broke her, and she collapsed on herself with an anguished wail, a high-pitched shriek almost like a banshee as she descended into tears.
"It hurts," she sobbed, as Thunderspark's solid form wrapped around her, tongue brushing between her ears soothingly, "it hurts so much. I miss her so badly."
"I know, sweetie, I know."
"I was there. I should have done something- I'm her big sister, I was meant to protect her. We had all these plans, you know- of course you do, you were always part of the plan too- and now I'm here, and I'm doing it alone and sometimes I find myself turning to where she should be, and finding her place empty opens that wound all over again. I don't know how to do it without her, but I have to, and so I have been, but that doesn't make it hurt any less."
"There's nothing you could have done," Thunderspark sounded as anguished as she felt, tail wrapped tightly around her fluffy form, "it just would have been you, and that would have hurt her still- imagine her now, feeling as hurt as you are. Pretending to be okay all this time. StarClan decreed it was her time, and I don't understand how they could take someone so young, but it was. And I wish you would have known that it was okay to come to me, to talk to me, so you didn't have to hurt this badly all on your own. It kills me to see you like this."
"I'm sor-"
"No," Thunderspark's eyes blazed, "no, don't you ever apologize for how you feel. You have pretended to feel so little for so long for the sake of everyone else and I will never tell you that it's wrong of you to feel the grief and the pain that you do... but I want you to know you can trust me with it, that when you're too tired to be strong and to carry it all on your own, that I'll be there beside you to help you carry it." Juniperstorm was quiet for a moment, sobs subsiding as she thought about what to say to that. Her voice was quiet when she spoke- half broken, it sounded like. Thunderspark was furious for everything that had ever hurt her.
"What if I lose you too?"
"No, never. No hell or high water, okay?"
"Me and you. Forever and always. The world better watch out, because we're gonna kick its butt." Juniperstorm choked out a laugh, and then another, louder and more genuine as Thunderspark laughed with her, letting her lean back into her tiredly, as the tears came back, spilled over and she cried, held by her friend, for everything she'd lost and never been able to grieve.


Badgerstar padded up to the base of the leader's tree where the rest of the clan had gathered, anticipating the warrior's ceremony that was to come for three of Boulderflame and Flowershine's kits. The kits in question sat chatting with their parents- all three bigger than their mother now, seeming to take more after their father in terms of stature. The big tom rumbled a laugh as his mate's eyes shone with pride, golden pelt shimmering in the late afternoon sunlight. Bramblepaw sat next to his siblings, looking as proud of them as his father did; he was sure he would get his ceremony the next moon, as his training had been delayed due to his illness.
"Thank you all for being here to celebrate another generation of warriors being welcomed into the clan," Badgerstar started, and the clan fell into a hush, excited for the ceremony, "Flowershine was the first apprentice this clan ever had, training under Lionheart when I didn't know any better about subjecting poor unsuspecting young cats to her." A ripple of laughter, as Lionheart chuckled to herself. "Nonetheless, it warms my heart to see it come full circle- the first warrior name I ever had to give, so unsure of myself back then, but as I give her kits their warrior names today, I call upon our ancestors in StarClan to look down on these apprentices and smack me upside the back of the head if I get it wrong. They have trained tirelessly to understand the way of the code, and I recommend them as warriors in their turn. Brackenpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and to defend this clan even at the cost of your life?"
"I do!"
"Then from this day on, you will be known as Brackeneyes for your excellence in hunting and your intuition. StarClan honours your intelligence and your ability to adapt, and I could not be more proud to welcome you as a warrior of GroveClan." Cheers went up for the newest warrior as she beamed, exchanging the customary gesture with Badgerstar, before he continued. "Thornpaw, do you too promise to uphold the values of the code, and to defend your clan, even if it costs your life?"
"I do."
"Then your warrior name will be Thornfern, for your pelt that your mentor tells me makes you a near invisible and deadly hunter. StarClan honours your genuine spirit and your ingenuity and we are lucky to have you as a full warrior of GroveClan." Thornfern's family cheered loudly for her as she stepped forward to exchange the gesture with Badgerstar, and then returned to her parents, grinning excitedly. "And last, but certainly not least... Thicketpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to defend your clan even at the cost of your life?"
"I do."
"Then it is my pleasure to give you your full warrior name- Thicketshade, for your ability to blend into the shadows as a hunter. StarClan honours your compassion and your thoughtfulness, and I am proud to have you as a full member of GroveClan." A last round of cheers went up for the cats, as the clan converged on the happy family to pay their congratulations. Flowershine was crying happy tears, nuzzling her children as they purred, happily.
"I'm noticing a theme here," she teased, and her kits laughed, jostling each other good-naturedly.
"I'm very proud of you," Stonepatch said warmly to Thicketpaw, who beamed at his mentor's praise, "all of you. It's been a pleasure to work with all of you and your mentors for the past few moons, and I'm looking forward to what you do in the future."


Leaf-fall brought with it bitter chills that sent cats inside the den early, although most did not sleep. Without Dusklight to entertain her, the bulky tom on his way to QuickClan to see his mate again, Dawnblossom had curled up, quite happily napping against her mate's flank as he groomed behind her ears. Novella was likely in the medicine den with Mousestone, and her brother was fast asleep in his own nest, with Rivuletflight dozing comfortably next to him. Falcongaze's own nest was tucked between Sleetbreeze's and his parents. His parents were halfway across the den with Lionheart and Ashenstrike, laughing about an old joke, while Sleetbreeze was chattering quite happily to Quailberry and Hazelskip.
The newly named Thicketshade skidded into the den, drawing up awkwardly as all eyes swung toward him at the sudden entrance. He seemed shell-shocked for a second, before he cleared his throat, embarrassed, eyes sweeping over the group until they settled on Falcongaze. The one-eyed tom jolted in surprise, ears pricking forward as Thicketshade spoke.
"There's a cat from QuickClan asking for you," he said. Sleetbreeze 'oooh'd until Falcongaze smacked him in the face with his fluffy tail, getting to his paws. His pelt burned, but he ignored the curious stares from the other cats as he followed the new warrior out of the den and into the Leaf-fall dusk. The sunset was only in its first phases now, and the camp was mostly deserted, except for the three warriors getting ready to sit their vigil, and Badgerstar and Maplefall who were making conversation with an out of breath looking Cardinalheart. The group looked up as Falcongaze approached, and Badgerstar smiled warmly at Redstar's son.
"Here he is, then. I'll leave you boys to it, but it was really good to see you again, Cardinalheart. I hope you know you'll always be welcome in GroveClan, so don't be a stranger. Please pass my congratulations along to Flintspark for his warrior name, and let Cyanstar know if he and Autumnpaw ever feel like coming up to the clan to train with Kererucall, or want me to send her to QuickClan, I'm more than happy to make that happen." Cardinalheart gave him a shy smile as Maplefall beamed at him and said her goodbyes, the mated pair ducking into the nursery to attend to their kits. The newest warriors backed off, giving the two toms a wide berth as they stared at each other.
"Hey-" said Falcongaze, shocked as Cardinalheart cut him off.
"Do you watch the sunset?"
"I just- I like to watch the sunsets in QuickClan an a while ago I was thinking that it's the same sky so we see the same sunset at the same time and I wondered if you watched it and then someone said it was going to be a good sunset tonight and I wondered about if you would watch the sunset and then I guess it was an impulse-" Cardinalheart was rambling, Falcongaze realized fondly, the same way Hazelskip did when she was nervous. He shook himself back to reality, cutting the other cat off mid-rant.
"I like to watch the sunsets," he said, "usually not on my own in Leaf-fall, because it gets too cold and Goldleaf would skin us alive if we came back to came and infected everyone with a cough but... with someone else, it should be fine. I could... I could show you the best place in GroveClan to watch the sunset, if you like." Cardinalheart's smile was shy as he lifted his gaze to meet Falcongaze's own.
"I would like that, yeah."
"Okay then," he smiled warmly at him, although it felt shy. He turned to the new warriors. "We're just going out to the sunrocks. Try not to mistake us for intruders when we come back, since it'll probably be past sundown." Brackeneyes leaned around Falcongaze to get a better look at Cardinalheart, who ducked behind Falcongaze's considerable bulk, embarrassed at the whole outburst the young warriors had been pretending not to overhear.
"No promises," she said, and Falcongaze rolled his eye, leading Cardinalheart toward the entrance. They ran together through GroveClan's wooded territory, steps falling in perfect tandem as Falcongaze weaved expertly through the trees, not wasting any time so that they wouldn't miss the peak of the sunset. They broke from the treeline onto the pebbled shore of the lake, sand underfoot a dark colour mixed with dirt. Falcongaze lead Cardinalheart to an outcropping of large rocks that overlooked the water, still warm from the day's son. Cardinalheart's eyes were wide with awe.
GroveClan's sunsets were beautiful in a different way to QuickClan's. The sky itself was taffeta clouds of pink and vibrant orange, the tops of the trees and the mountains darkly silhouetted against the brightness of the sky. The reflection of the sun and the clouds on the lake turned it to deep vermilion, the warmth of the sun bathing the light grey of the rocks in a light enough to turn them to gold. Birdsong was dying out as the light faded, sun looming orange and brilliant on the horizon. Cardinalheart was not aware of how his own pelt had been turned into dancing fire by the sun, nor was he aware of the way Falcongaze stared.
"Wow," he whispered, "it's beautiful."
"Yeah, sure is," Falcongaze's voice was just a tad too fond, to awed, and Cardinalheart turned to look curiously at him, in time to see his eye flick quickly away, embarrassed and pretending that he hadn't been staring. The implications made Cardinalheart flush under his pelt, but he tucked closer to Falcongaze anyway, letting the big warrior wrap his tail around him so that his considerable bulk and fluff could shield him from the wind. It was warmer than in QuickClan; the mountains sheltered most of the territory from the punishing gales that whipped across the moors. Instead, Cardinalheart just felt warm, inside and out. He leaned his head on Falcongaze's shoulder; felt him tense and then relax, before his head leant against Cardinalheart's own.
"I'm glad you're here," Falcongaze said, surprising Cardinalheart with the earnest tone of his voice, "I like hanging out with you. This is my mom's favourite place, you know? When I was little, Dad would come back from patrols and then the two of them would take us here, so we could all watch the sunsets together- for her, it was about appreciating the home and the family that we had, and I always thought about sharing it with someone. Now that you're here, it seems impossible to think about who else I would share it with. It seems right, is what I mean. Like you were meant to see this."
"Thank you for sharing it with me," Cardinalheart said, quietly, as if he were afraid the sound of his voice would shatter the moment. Falcongaze just smiled, watching the colour of the lake turn deeper and deeper as the sun ducked below the horizon and the sky made way for the stars, twinkling and bright as they smiled down on the two toms, watching until their shining visages were reflected in a pool of obsidian, just below their paws.

The first snow fall had come early in late Leaf-fall, relegating the queens and their kits to the nursery. Emberwing seemed in better spirits these days, still a little subdued, but she seemed willing to talk to Maplefall and Sandcatcher as they all chatted companionably, Strongkit curled up at her mother's side while the older kits played another of their brutal games of moss ball, Sunkit having opted to sit out so that he could nap at Maplefall's warm flank.
The teams had been decided before he'd gone to nap- the usual ringleaders of Redkit and Beekit as team captains. Redkit had selected his sister alongside Eclipsekit and Tallkit, his best friends in the den. This left Beekit in charge of Brightkit, Poppykit and Runningkit, with dibs on Sunkit if he chose to rejoin the game. This is how things usually worked in the nursery: Beekit and Redkit were both headstrong toms with natural leadership skills, and they clashed constantly. The pair of them were always bickering, and usually the ninth player- whoever had chosen to sit out- had to act as referee to make them stop, lest they be booted from the game.
There was no such law now, the game of moss ball heated and life or death as it always felt. They had fun playing, they always made sure of that, but for Beekit and Redkit's rivalry, a win was crucial. Which is why Beekit tackling Redkit back into one of the nests with an undignified squawk drew the attention of their mothers. The play stopped, their siblings watching them wrestle incredulously, as Beekit pummeled the other tom with hits.
"You tripped me up on purpose!" He yelled, as Redkit caught him under the jaw with a solid smack.
"I did not! It's not my fault you're clumsy on all four of your paws," he jammed his legs into the other's stomach, pushing him off of him, before he pounced on him with a war cry.
"Guys! Seriously?" Brindlekit watched them wrestle, ear flicking in irritation, "It's not that big a deal, we're still tied anyway. The den's falling down. Badgerstar's dead! Yeah, they're not listening." Eclipsekit sighed and rolled her eyes, dropping the moss ball at her paws. The rest of the siblings crowded around to watch the fight. Runningkit looked concerned, but mostly they just looked bored, as if this kind of thing happened all the time.
"Hey!" Maplefall's paw scooped Redkit off of the other tom, who launched for him again until his mother caught him by the scruff of the neck. "What's going on here? I thought you guys were friends."
"Redkit tripped me!" Beekit fumed, swiping at the other who kicked at him petulantly.
"Did not! You fell on your face all on your own, idiot."
"Hey!" Maplefall abruptly dropped him on his butt. "That's no way to speak to a denmate. You guys are friends and you usually play so well together. It's just a game of moss ball and look, Sunkit's awake now so he can act as referee. I don't want to hear any more of this fighting, especially not while Strongkit is sleeping, and you are both going to apologize to each other right now." Beekit looked to his mother for help, but Sandcatcher only gave him a stern stare. Beekit sighed.
"Sorry for accusing you of tripping me."
"Sorry for calling you an idiot." Satisfied, the queens returned to Emberwing in the corner, who was trying and failing to conceal her clear amusement at the kits rough housing. The second they were out of earshot, Beekit leaned in close to Redkit, narrowing his eyes a little. Redkit flattened his ears, lips curling up as Beekit hissed to him.
"This isn't over. I'm going to crush you like a bug."
"You're the one with the bug prefix," Redkit sniffed, flouncing past him to rendezvous with his team, most of whom looked vaguely amused at the fighting, while Beekit's resolve tightened. He would beat Redkit and his team at this game of moss ball, and in every competition henceforth, all the way through warriorhood. He couldn't have pinpointed why winning against Redkit was so important to him, but he decided it was just because the other tom needed to be taken down a peg. And that, Beekit could do.
At the end of the game, Beekit's team was declared victorious, 18-16. Beekit couldn't tell why he felt oddly warm at the grudging admiration in Redkit's eyes as he settled in next to Maplefall for the night, and he didn't choose to dwell on it, tucking his face against Brightkit's flank and going promptly to sleep.


Midnightstream stared at his paws. The elder's den was eerie without the elders in it. He hadn't been particularly close to either Redrunner or Fallowshimmer, but he missed the laughter that often came from here, and the red tom's cranky tones. Of course, them being gone meant he had somewhere to be alone, since he'd missed out on patrols for the day, and the medicine cats would eat him alive if they saw him sitting aimlessly in the snow. He was frustrated, really. Patrol gave him something to do, something to focus on so that the numb emptiness wouldn't settle into his chest.
There was rustling near the entrance, and he turned his head to watch as Deerstripe's tabby pelt ducked through the den. He shook out his short fur, dislodging the fresh snow, and then he straightened, tilting his head curiously at Midnightstream as his green eyes watched him. Midnightstream turned away, and Deerstripe chuckled, but it wasn't a laugh at anything funny. It sounded sad, melancholy.
"You know, it's not good for you to be here on your own."
"I want to be."
"Maybe so, but it's not helping you any." He jumped, as Deerstripe settled down next to him, delicately placing his tail over his paws. "You don't talk to anyone about what happened- about Twilightkit, or your kits. And I'm not saying that you have to or that you should, at least not to anyone else, but even if you talk to the open air about what happened, maybe you would unburden yourself a little."
"I'm not-"
"It hurts to see you like this, you know," Deerstripe smiled a little, "I feel that we've lost touch since we became apprentices- we were busy elsewhere, I suppose. But growing up in that den, it was just you and me, the boys against our hordes of sisters who were infinitely more headstrong than us. They were so brave, and so vibrant, and I looked up to them so much... but I also looked up to you. You were quiet, soft-spoken like me, but you kept pace with your sisters so easily. I always wished I could be like you. And then Twilightkit died, and I never knew what to say. I never know what to say about anything, really."
"Well... you don't have to say anything, you know?"
"No, but I should. Because we were friends. And we are friends, even if there's an ocean between our hearts now. You're hurting, and even Juniperstorm seems to be out of the question for you to lean on now, and I can see you trying to be strong, but is it worth it to be outwardly thriving if your soul is withering away with each little chip you take at it?" Midnightstream looked away, his voice quiet.
"I'm afraid that I'm cursed," he said, finally, "that everyone I love, all those close to me are going to die eventually, and it'll be my fault because I did nothing to help them. I know it's irrational- Dad has plenty of lives left and Mom can look after herself, Juniperstorm is strong and the rest of my siblings protect each other... but I'm the oldest brother. I'm supposed to defend them. And now I can't even be there right for Emberwing when she needs me."
"Emberwing is suffering in her own way right now. She needs time to come to terms with her own grief, and the best thing you can do is to let her know you're there. I know she snapped at you- Thunderspark told me, from Juniperstorm I assume- but... she's hurting deeply, and avoiding her is only hurting her more, you know that right?"
"I know," Midnightstream said quietly, "I'm just afraid that we'll get angry and hurt each other more. I think we both know and we don't want to admit it, but we weren't made to be together. We don't have the strength or the love to weather it like Mom and Dad do, but I can't tell her that now and break her heart even more. I know she needs me but I'm just... I'm so weak." His voice cracked, and he started to cry then, as Deerstripe moved closer, and he collapsed against the slight tom. "I don't understand. Everything is so wrong."
"Sometimes we take wrong paths before we find the right bend in the trail to get us back on track. Right now, you need to be there for Emberwing- if not as her mate, then as her friend, because you are at least that, and when you two have grieved, we'll all be there to support you in healing. You are strong, Midnightstream. You could have given up so easily after everything you've seen, but you are brave and you threw yourself into a river to rescue an apprentice from another clan with no thought for your own safety. You have so many good qualities, and the depth of your love is not a weakness, it is a strength."
"It doesn't feel like it," he choked out, leaning into his friend with a bodily shudder. Deerstripe nodded, touching his nose between his ears.
"I know."


"Does snow often come this early?" Mirage asked curiously, standing at the mouth to the warrior's den and watching the snow fall on the camp. Behind her were most of those not out on patrol for the day, although her brother had ducked across to the nursery to check on his mate, keeping busy to make sure all the dens were doing okay in the cold. She was mostly talking to Riverbubble and Harepuddle; a pair of cats who had joined the clan around the same time and who had taken quickly to befriending the strange, slinky new molly.
"I wouldn't know," said Riverbubble, amused, "I didn't have my kits here- they were almost grown by the time I came to GroveClan, but I don't think it does. Goldleaf never mentioned any kind of cough epidemics of any kind."
"The only bad medical disaster I can recall from memory is in EchoClan, when Mousestone took that envoy to take care of some strange illness they had. Everyone was so worried, but she got everyone back in one piece and not sick at all. She's really talented, that one, and so young too."
"I've only met her a handful of times, but she seems nice," Mirage said, watching the snow fall with a smile. When she realized the other two had gotten quiet, she turned to see them watching her curiously, and she flushed a little under her pelt. "What?"
"I was just thinking," Harepuddle said with a chuckle, "it's not necessarily a bad thing, but no one has seen all that much of you since you came to the clan. I suppose it stands to reason that you're not so familiar with everyone." Mirage smiled a little, with a laugh, moving away from the entrance to settle down across from them. She curled her tail around her body, with a light shrug.
"I've been reconnecting with Badgerstar- he's been giving me the full history of the clan, from how he first met Lionheart to all the romances that have happened and all the dramas and how he lost each of his lives. I'll admit, most of it goes in one ear and out the other when it comes to faces and family connections since they're all so vast but... I do want to make friends in this clan. At first, I wasn't sure if I would stay, or if he would want me to, but I like it here, and I like being with family again and... this place feels so warm, like everyone loves each other so much, and I'd like to be a part of it... so. Please, tell me about yourselves so I can remember." The pair exchanged a look, and then chuckled, before Riverbubble piped up.
"Well, I'm Riverbubble, as you know. I came here as a loner, with my two kits. My mate... wasn't really the fathering type, and he kind of freaked out when he discovered I was pregnant and connected the dots. So... I moved on, looked for somewhere safe to raise them, and I found this clan. Dustfang and Woodbloom found me, mostly, and they helped me back to the camp... and ever since then, I've been doing my best to play a part in the clan's makeup. Lilactail and Lavenderspring- those are my daughters- they love it here, and they're very good friends with Silvermoon and Flintburr's youngest, since they're all about the same age. It was a big clump of apprentices, that one."
"I think I remember," Mirage said with a nod, "my nieces and nephews are just younger than them, aren't they?"
"Yes, as are Lionheart and Ashenstrike's children, and then Roseclaw and Pinefeather's are just older. Kind of a continuum of kits, and I'm sure the clan was very glad to get them all into warriorhood, since they had excellent mentors and I know they were missed on patrols most likely." Mirage chuckled a little at that, cocking her head expectantly.
"I'm from another clan- GraveClan- that split apart. It... wasn't a very happy place, and I managed to make it out with my son, Quailberry, but I don't know where my mate or the rest of my kits went. I've settled in well, I think. Quailberry is obviously very good friends with Hazelskip, and her cousins, and I think I get along alright with most of the clan. Plus, when we came here we found that our old medicine cat, Spidernose, had turned up in the same place, so it was nice to already know someone. I miss my kits, and I hope they're okay wherever they are, and my mate too... but this clan is a good place. Good cats, and I feel safe here- it's not like walking on thin ice."
"I know the feeling," Mirage admitted, "some of the places I moved through had cats controlling them that could turn on a hair. You always had to watch yourself around them... but I don't feel that here. Even Goldleaf seems cranky, but she's really quite nice, just a little direct, and everyone seems to understand that. I like the sense of community Badgerstar's fostered- going from belonging nowhere to making a place where everyone belongs. I'm proud of him, and I wish I got to see him do it."
"I haven't known Badgerstar an extremely long time," Riverbubble said, "but from what I've seen, he just doesn't stop. You'll be around to see him do great things, trust me, and maybe next time you'll be here in time for the birth of his kits, because everyone knows this litter won't be Maplefall's last."


✦ servings consumed
15/15 - x13 voles & x1 rabbit
✦ clan events
bramblepaw takes his warrior assessment
the medicine cats search for greencough herbs

✦ patrols
hunting -
1 - hawkthorn, acornstream, flintburr, silvermoon, fawnrunner, stonepatch
2 - shadowtail, dustfang, morninglight, tuisong, sparkfur, frostbranch
3 - pinefeather, roseclaw, ripplemist, cormorantpath, squirrelwhisker, adderstorm
4 - longriver, harrierstreak, boulderflame, flowershine, burrcall, willowthroat
5 - dawnblossom, halfpond, falcongaze, oakback, kererucall, fircloud
border -
1 - lionheart, ashenstrike, juniperstorm, thunderspark, novella, archibald

        badgerstar | 65 moons | ♂
        lives: ★★★★✰✰✰✰✰

        lionheart | 86 moons | ♀

        medicine cat:
        goldleaf | 87 moons | ♀ - 6sp
        spidernose | 60 moons | ♂ - 6sp
        mousestone | 44 moons | ♀ - 6sp

        flintburr | 101 moons | ♂
        hawkthorn | 75 moons | ♂
        shadowtail | 75 moons | ♀
        acornstream | 75 moons | ♀
        dustfang | 80 moons | ♂
        ashenstrike | 86 moons | ♂
        stonepatch | 62 moons | ♂
        fawnrunner | 61 moons | ♀
        harrierstreak | 53 moons | ♂
        flowershine | 52 moons | ♀
        longriver | 51 moons | ♂
        boulderflame | 49 moons | ♂
        burrcall | 49 moons | ♀
        roseclaw | 97 moons | ♂
        sootface | 69 moons | ♂
        pinefeather | 95 moons | ♂
        dawnblossom | 43 moons | ♀
        dusklight | 43 moons | ♂
        novella | 43 moons | ♀
        halfpond | 47 moons | ♂
        sedgefire | 47 moons | ♀
        willowthroat | 53 moons | ♂
        grouseclaw | 53 moons | ♂
        wolverinejaw | 50 moons | ♀
        burningcloud | 82 moons | ♂
        meadowfang | 82 moons | ♀
        woodbloom | 39 moons | ♀
        squirrelwhisker | 39 moons | ♂
        featherpelt | 87 moons | ♀
        adderstorm | 38 moons | ♀
        archibald | 43 moons | ♂
        fircloud | 99 moons | ♂
        rivuletflight | 47 moons | ♂
        silvermoon | 84 moons | ♀
        ripplemist | 41 moons | ♂
        frostbranch | 41 moons | ♂
        cormorantpath | 38 moons | ♂
        sparkfur | 38 moons | ♂
        avocetnose | 31 moons | ♂
        ternflutter | 31 moons | ♀
        elkbounce | 30 moons | ♀
        thunderspark| 30 moons | ♀
        mistcreek | 30 moons | ♀
        deerstripe | 30 moons | ♂
        juniperstorm | 29 moons | ♀
        midnightstream | 29 moons | ♂
        harepuddle | 57 moons | ♂
        kererucall | 89 moons | ♀
        falcongaze | 25 moons | ♂
        cinderdawn | 25 moons | ♀
        sleetbreeze | 25 moons | ♂
        oakback | 25 moons | ♂
        hazelskip | 24 moons | ♀
        quailberry | 24 moons | ♂
        riverbubble | 64 moons | ♀
        russetbound | 18 moons | ♂
        eveningfeather | 18 moons | ♀
        frecklestep | 18 moons | ♂
        morninglight | 18 moons | ♀
        crowcharm | 17 moons | ♂
        ravenflight | 17 moons | ♀
        starlingthroat | 17 moons | ♀
        tuisong | 17 moons | ♂
        lilactail | 17 moons | ♀
        lavenderspring | 17 moons | ♀
        fernstone | 16 moons | ♀
        cherrystorm | 16 moons | ♂
        pitchrunner | 16 moons | ♂
        mottlebloom | 16 moons | ♀
        pebblebird | 16 moons | ♂
        flamescorch | 16 moons | ♂
        mirage | 65 moons | ♀
        brackeneyes | 14 moons | ♀
        thornfern | 14 moons | ♀
        thicketshade | 14 moons | ♂

        bramblepaw | 14 moons | ♂

        maplefall | 61 moons | ♀
        sandcatcher | 32 moons | ♀
        emberwing | 29 moons | ♀

        sunkit | 5 moons | ♂
        brindlekit | 5 moons | ♀
        redkit | 5 moons | ♂
        eclipsekit | 4 moons | ♀
        brightkit | 4 moons | ♂
        beekit | 4 moons | ♂
        runningkit | 4 moons | ♂
        tallkit | 4 moons | ♀
        poppykit | 4 moons | ♀
        strongkit | 3 moons | ♀

    affiliate clans wrote:ally clans;
    echoclan | Katrione
    clayclan | hazilnut
    highgarden | eagle,
    hazeclan | nightwolf950
    quickclan | eagle,

    enemy clans;
    none yet!

    north | echoclan | Katrione
    east | spruceclan | gracen
    south | hazeclan | nightwolf950
    west | highgarden | eagle,

    inventory wrote:medicine store;
    catmint [2] | greencough
    chervil [6] | wounds/aches
    marigold [4] | wounds
    tansy [2] | coughs
    goldenrod [5] | wounds
    catchweed [3] | poultices
    poppy seeds [3] | pain
    cobwebs [2] | bleeding
    fennel [7] | pain
    raspberry leaves [6] | kitting
    ragwort leaves [5] | strength
    alder bark [1] | toothache
    beech leaves [1] | use ???
    chickweed [9] | coughs
    parsley [1] | bellyache
    rosemary [1] | burial
    willow bark [1] | pain
    bindweed [1] | binds sticks
    blackberry leaves [1] | bee stings
    borage leaves [1] | milk
    bright-eye [1] | cures coughs
    burdock [1] | infections
    broom [2] | breaks/wounds
    burnet [4] | strength
    celandine [4] | eye infections
    horsetail [2] | stops bleeding
    oak leaves [1] | stops infection
    comfrey root [1] | wounds
    daisy leaves [1] | aching joints
    dock [1] | soothes scratches
    chamomile [1] | strength
    cob nuts [1] | unknown
    coltsfoot [1] | breathing
    dandelion [1] | bee stings
    elder leaves [1] | sprains
    feverfew [1] | fever/headache
    goatweed [1] | eases grief
    hawkweed [1] | greencough
    heather nectar [1] | sweetner
    honey [1] | soothes throats
    ivy leaves [1] | unknown
    juniper berries [1] | bellyaches
    lamb's ear [1] | strength
    lavender [1] | fever/chills
    lovage [1] | unknown
    lungwort [1] | yellowcough
    mallow leaves [1] | bellyache
    mint [1] | scenting
    mouse bile [1] | kills ticks
    rush [1] | breaks
    sorrel [1] | traveling herb
    laurel [1] | herb wraps
    stick [1] | pain
    stinging nettle [1] | swelling; pain; breaks
    sweet sedge [1] | infections

    fresh-kill pile;
    mouse | x13| 1 servings [13]
    vole | x01 | 1 servings [1]
    rabbit | x13 | 2 servings [26]
    bird | x13 | 3 servings [39]
    fish | x13 | 2 servings [26]
    squirrel | x13 | 2 servings [26]
    hare | x13 | 3 servings [36]
    capacity: 164 servings (10 posts)

    relationships wrote:mentors;
    avocetnose | bramblepaw [4]
    ↪ battle, swim, climb, hunt

    deceased cats;
    twilightkit ; murdered by dante
    redrunner ; heart failure/age
    fallowshimmer ; heart failure/age
    bronzekit, reedkit, paisleykit,
    streamkit & tinykit ; weakness at birth

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( moorclan / post 08. )

Postby notwearingsocks » Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:06 pm

( statistics: 13 toms, 10 mollies, 23 total // 05 servings needed // next request from starclan is 10/06/19 )— -
( fresh kill pile: 02 pikas; 01 servings, 01 birds; 03 servings, 01 hares; 03 servings, 00 mice; 01 servings, 01 rabbits; 02 servings, 00 small fish; 02 servings // 15 servings total )— -
( medicine store: 01 catmint, 00 cobwebs, 01 poppy seeds, 01 borage leaves, 01 goldenrod, 01 thyme, 01 feverfew, 01 horsetail, 01 sticks, 01 lavender, 01 bindweed, 01 chervil, 01 burnet, 01 stinging nettle )— -
( archive // 20 pebbles )— -
    ixxx▬writing here later !

consumption ; moorclan consumes five servings; x01 bird and x01 small fish.
medicine ; 01 cobweb and 01 horsetail is used on mallowpath.
tulipstar rests for her first moon out of two.
pondflower rest for her first moon out of one.
hayfeather searches for herbs.
hayfeather practices medicine.
hayfeather has five skill points.
training ; splashpaw trains with satyrsplash.
ripplepaw trains with mirra.
new apprentices ; there are no new apprentices.
warrior assessments ; there are no new warriors.
patrols ; mahoganynose, satyrsplash, and peccarypelt patrol the borders.
mirra and hootwhisker patrol the borders.
hunting ; massasaugafang and trilliumheart go hunting.
tadpoleskip and mocisfang go hunting.
nursery ; there are no events in the nursery.
deaths ; there are no deaths.
other actions ; there are no other actions.
clan notes ; sweetdrop attracts at least one cat while patrolling.
mirra prevents complications during births if she attends the kitting.
ripplepaw will be rolled for powers when he becomes a warrior.
splashpaw will be rolled for powers when he becomes a warrior.
saltkit will be rolled for powers when he becomes an apprentice.
bellkit will be rolled for powers when she becomes an apprentice.
copperkit will be rolled for powers when he becomes an apprentice.
quakekit will be rolled for powers when he becomes an apprentice.
mod notes ; none !

( the leader )
tulipstar, molly, 47m
brown bengal with green eyes
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

( the deputy )
satyrsplash, tom, 40m
ruddy somali with green eyes

( the medicine cat )
hayfeather, tom, 41m
flame point bicolor with blue eyes

( warriors )
peccarypelt, tom, 36m
brown classic tabby with amber eyes
mirra, molly, 40m, powers
classic calico tabby with amber eyes
mallowpath, tom, 35m
black bicolor with olive eyes
mahoganynose, tom, 32m
longhair lynx point with blue eyes
massasaugafang, molly, 42m, primarily blind
silver tabby with orange eyes
trilliumheart, tom, 41m, deaf
solid white shorthair with amber eyes
pondflower, molly, 37m
solid blue shorthair with amber eyes
hootwhisker, molly, 15m
solid black longhair with green eyes
tadpoleskip, molly, 30m
black and white bicolor with green eyes
mocisfang, tom, 70m
ginger spotted tabby with amber eyes


( apprentices )
splashpaw, tom, 10m
blue bengal with grey eyes
ripplepaw, 10m, tom
silver ticked tabby with green eyes

( queens )
sweetdrop, molly, 27m, powers
longhair lynx point with blue eyes

( kits )
saltkit, tom, 3m
longhair lynx point with blue eyes
bellkit, molly, 3m
shorthair lynx point with blue eyes
copperkit, tom, 3m
shorthair seal point with blue eyes
quakekit, tom, 3m
chocolate ticked tabby with brown eyes
fitchkit, molly, 2m
black smoke longhair with amber eyes
chickenkit, molly, 2m
solid white longhair with blue eyes
donkeykit, tom, 2m
shorthair seal point with blue eyes

( elders )
none yet

( families )
sweetdrop & richterscreech | salt, bell, copper, & quake
xxxxxxxxxxxx↳ from chessclan
unknown & unknown | splash & ripple
unknown & unknown | chicken & donkey

( deceased )
name | cause of death
( training )
splashpaw | satyrsplash | 03 skills
ripplepaw | mirra | 04 skills

( borders )
north =
north east =
east =
south east =
south =
south west =
west =
north west =

( allies )
clan name | username
( enemies )
clan name | username

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chaosclan 004

Postby Kazin » Thu Oct 03, 2019 3:39 pm

Font credit
Number of cats: 005 | 2 ♀ | 3 ♂
Servings Needed: 2, next at 14 | Next Request: Oct. 2 | Mod: deimos
Herb Storage | Mates/Families | Deceased Cats


      "You know, it's not this bad in other parts of the world." Amberdawn came to Chaosclan as the voice of reason, trying to get them to leave. But now, Raptorstar had something to prove. He was stubborn, and he refused. Though Amberdawn didn't understand his decision, she respected it, offering to stay as the clan's new medicine cat.

      A lifesaver, Raptorstar thought. Finally, something can go right.

      The impending doom of Leafbare brought worry to the leader. With so few cats, and so few able to go hunting because of the scarce prey... he wasn't sure if the clan would last a journey, whether he wanted to leave or not. Amberdawn may be right in that other parts of the world were better, but how could his clan see that side of the world if they couldn't even survive the journey? Just get through Leafbare, he told himself, chanting the words with each step he took. They could make it. Starclan was sending cats each moon, and they could grow. They could find better spots to hunt. It would all work out in the end.

      Fallencrow had appeared to be a good choice for Raptorstar's soldier. He was good at delegating, and good at making sure no cat got more servings than they needed. What was more, Duskwillow seemed to respect him, which was more Raptorstar could saw for himself. The she-cat would roll her eyes consistently at whatever order Raptorstar gave, though she never did leave the clan like she said she would, because of Raptorstar. He suspected that she was too scared to try and survive without a clan, without the protection the rest of the cats offered. Duskwillow was fast, sure, and a good hunter, but she was not strong.

      Raptorstar found out about her unfortunate weak fighting skills during a mock battle he had set up for the few cats in the clan. He needed to make sure they could protect each other, that they could protect themselves. "Every cat, pair up." Amberdawn had
      been exempt, watching from afar as she sorted out herbs she could use and set up a medicine storage in her den. Longbranch and Fallencrow, friends since they had met each other after the start of this supposed apocalypse, were quick to choose each other, much to Duskwillow's disappointment, but it was more than just her distaste in Raptorstar's leadership. He could see genuine fear behind the she-cat's eyes.

      "Scared that I'll actually hurt you?" Raptorstar asked quietly, unsure of what to make of her fear. He knew he was intimidating, that she didn't like him, but his scars were proof enough that he was more prone to letting himself get hurt than hurting others unless absolutely necessary. Duskwillow said nothing, narrowing her eyes and taking a defensive stance.

      Raptorstar shrugged, leaping at her as Longbranch and Fallencrow started their own battle, already taunting each other like brothers, playfully. They were fairly evenly matched. It was clear right from the start that Raptorstar and Duskwillow were far from evenly matched; the she-cat cowered away, not even trying to fight back.

      "Wha?-" Raptorstar began, standing up straight as the other two toms looked on as well.

      Duskwillow could only manage a slight shake of her head as Longbranch and Fallencrow stopped their battle, silence creeping across the training area like the world was ending all over again. "I can't," she mumbled after a few moments, glaring at Raptorstar. "I won't fight, and I can't fight, ok?"

      Confusion swept across every part of Raptorstar's brain. This she-cat, who would criticize him and snap at him every chance she got... couldn't fight? "Are you... hurt?" He asked uncertainly, blinking and trying to clear his confusion.

      "No!" Duskwillow snarled, leaping to her feet. "I just... can't. I never have been able to. Why do you think I've stayed in this clan? It's not because I like it here," she growled, eyes flashing.

      Raptorstar shook his head slowly. "I may not understand, but I'm not going to make you leave. We may not see eye to eye, but you are a valuable hunter for our clan. We probably wouldn't have survived this long without you," he admitted slowly, turning away. He didn't particularly want to have a heart to heart with the she-cat that clearly hated him.

      "Whatever," was the only response he got. Whatever indeed. Perhaps there was no counting on Duskwillow to train others, or to fight, but she was useful, however aggravating he found her.


    New Members;; --> Amberdawn joins as the new medic!
    She brought x1 cobweb, x1 horsetail, x1 catmint,
    x1 raspberry leaves, and x1 stinging nettle.

    Hunting;; --> Duskwillow & Longbranch hunt.

    Patrolling;; --> Fallencrow goes on a solo patrol.
    --> Raptorstar goes on a solo patrol.

    Medical;; --> Amberdawn searches for herbs.
    Family;; --> n/a

    Training;; --> n/a

    Request;; --> Raptorstar requests a hunter.

    Other;; --> Chaosclan consumes 1 pigeon. [3 servings]
    --> Note: will start hard mode after Leafbare.
    (putting this here to keep myself from backing out c':)


    Raptorstar | | 31 moons | ★★★★★
    Name | ♀/♂ | moons | ★★★★

    Soldiers [3 max]
    Fallencrow | | 23 moons
    Name | ♀/♂ | moons
    Name | ♀/♂ | moons

    Amberdawn | | 27 moons
    Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons

Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons

Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons

Duskwillow | | 21 moons
Longbranch | | 25 moons

Name | ♀/♂ | moons
Name | ♀/♂ | moons


    Ally Clans
    Name | Username
    Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Name | Username
    Name | Username

    Border Clans
    North | Name | Username
    East | Name | Username
    South | Name | Username
    West | Name | Username
    Prey Pile
    prey | servings | amount
    Mouse | 1 | 1
    Squirrel | 2 | 0
    Hare | 3 | 0
    Shrew | 1 | 0
    Rat | 2 | 0
    Pigeon | 3 | 3 [1 being eaten]

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions
Last edited by Kazin on Tue Nov 19, 2019 5:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby frightened eyes » Thu Oct 03, 2019 11:16 pm

population; five

three females
two males

servings needed; two

visit to the tree; October 5th

clan archives; here

pebble amount; 00
© to 1001fonts

    Writing coming soon
Activity Log
- Newcomers: Winterclaw (request)
- Eleos patrols
- Eleos, Coalfrost, Winterclaw, and Laureltail hunt
- Lilimoa is kitting! Licenstep assists her

- Please provide color ins for all cats that are given instead of pictures!


          ind Eleos , 22 moons old , she-cat

          ind name , age , gender

          MEDICINE CAT
          ind Lichenstep , 21 moons , male

          ind Coalfrost , 21 moons old , tom
          ind Laureltail , 23 moons old , she-cat
          ind Winterclaw , 23 moons old , tom

          ind name , age , gender
          ind name , age , gender

          ind Lilimoa , 22 moons old , due in:
          ind name , age , female

          ind name , age , gender
          ind name , age , gender
    ind clan name , username
    ind clan name , username

    ind clan name , username
    ind clan name , username

    ind north: clan name , username
    ind south: clan name , username
    ind east: clan name , username
    ind west: clan name , username

    ind↪ bindweed , x1 , usage
    ind↪ wintergreen , x1 , usage
    ind↪ herb , x0 , usage
    ind↪ herb , x0 , usage

    ind↪ mouse , x0 , 1 serving
    ind↪ shrew , x0 , 1 serving
    ind↪ rabbit , x0 , 2 servings
    ind↪ squirrel , x1 , 2 servings
    ind↪ small fish , x1 , 2 servings
    ind↪ hare , x0 , 3 servings

    indname & name , 0 training sessions ,
    indentininmove , move , move , move
    indname & name , 0 training sessions ,
    indentininmove , move , move , move

    indname , age at death , cause of death
    indname , age at death , cause of death

    indname + name = kits
Last edited by frightened eyes on Fri Oct 04, 2019 11:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
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frightened eyes
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby S0LITAIRE » Fri Oct 04, 2019 8:35 am

✦ ◇ShimmerClan◇ ✦
Number of Cats: 4 | Next Starclan Visit: Thursday, October 10th | Pebbles: 20 | Archive

ShimmerClan consumes x1 vole.

A new cat had joined their ranks, bringing other lives along - something the trio of ShimmerClan was ecstatic to hear.


Veilfrost was practically all over the newcomer, asking all sorts of questions at a speed the others thought was impossible.

"Hey, Daisystem!" Veilfrost poked the ginger she-cat with a paw, an excited expression on her face. "What's it like being a mom? Is it weird?"

"It's something, alright." Daisystem responded, stretching out in the grass of the nursery. Even with her thorough patience, she was growing tired of the warrior's chatter. "Shouldn't you be doing something?"

"Oh, right!" Veilfrost gasped, bounding off across the camp to meet Flickerstar. "Hey, hey, Flicker! Flickerstar!"

The calico perked up at her name being called, turning around. "It's sta- Nevermind. Veilfrost, I was just about-"

"Can I go patrol the borders? Pleaaase? I wanna go and set our territory! Nobody'll get through me!" Veilfrost bounced as she talked, clawing the ground as if she was readying for a fight.

Flickerstar couldn't help but laugh at the young warrior's energy - flicking her ear. "Of course you can, Veilfrost. Just be careful out there, alright? We don't know the mood of the forest today."

"Mhm! I'll be careful! I'll be fine, I'll be nice to the trees!" Veilfrost smiled, and just like that, she was out of camp.

Flickerstar watched her go with a sigh. "She has energy, alright..." She glanced up, sighting Sunburst, beckoning him over with her tail.

Sunburst trod over as his leader called him, sitting down next to her. "Need something?" He asked, intently looking at the calico.

"Yeah, just- could you do some hunting for us? Veilfrost went off on a border patrol, and I'm visiting the Moonpool tonight. With Daisystem in the nursery, and being due soon, I wouldn't want to send her out hunting. Especially if the woods are restless..." Flickerstar shuddered, looking to her deputy.

"Well - of course I could. But... Like you said, Daisystem is expecting, and - I'd hate to leave her alone here. What if someone comes and attacks her? Or the-" Flickerstar cut the deputy off.

"She'll be fine, Sunburst. She's from here - it won't hurt a hair on her. Other creatures won't, either. If you're that worried, you could stay near the camp?" Flickerstar commented, drifting her paw in the grass.

"I..." Sunburst sighed, looking to the ground. "-guess you're right. I'll stay close, I guess."

"Good." Flickerstar got to her paws, padding off toward the camp entrance. "Better get going - the sun'll set soon." She spoke, and then she was gone.

Sunburst watched his leader leave - hesitating to move at first. He got up, passing Daisystem. "Daisystem, I'll be going hunting - are you gonna be okay on your own for a bit?"

The queen lifted her head. "I'll be fine, Sunburst. Go do your hunting."

"I- Alright. See you later."

"See you!"

Sunburst headed out of camp, off into the woods. Mist was slowly gathering, a usual sight for residents of these woods.
A usual sight.


Flickerstar ducked through the path - she was almost there, she could tell - the familiar shine of the Moonpool was just ahead. The calico continued forward, eyes fixed on the light.
She found herself in the clearing, the familiar star-filled pool that brought the spirits to you.

Flickerstar took a deep breath, crouching by the water's edge - dipping her nose to the surface.

~.•✦ ☆

Flickerstar meets the spirits, requesting a medicine cat.
Sunburst goes hunting.
Veilfrost goes on a border patrol.

          Flickerstar | 47 moons | Nonbinary | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Sunburst | 55 moons | Male | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Skill Points: ✿✿✿✿✿

          Veilfrost | 23 moons | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Daisystem | 65 moons | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Vole | x0 | 1 serving
    Shrew | x0 | 1 serving
    Trout | x0 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Dove [Bird] | x0 | 3 servings
    Fallfish | x0 | 3 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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Chamrosh's replies 03/10

Postby Chamrosh » Fri Oct 04, 2019 1:44 pm

Cham's Replies

It's unusually cold for the time of year. The black-berries came and went a
full moon ago, even on the latest fruiting plants. There's frost on the ground
already, and the wind is ripping through the trees. The days start off sunny
and pleasant, and then, as suddenly as the thunder they contain, they break,
andthe rest of the day is only rain. This is not good weather to be outside.
During Autumn, there is a lowered chance of catching prey while hunting,
kittings will go harder, and there are more predators around.
Be careful, warriors!

Acorn | Alpine | Bear
Brelsotr | Dawn | Fallen
Lotus | Night | Ocean
Stone | Swallow
Highgarden | Limestone


For all my clans, if your cats are pregnant, PLEASE tell me ASAP if you want me to do their art. I can't manage 18 cat line-arts within a day! If I don't have sufficient notice, you'll get an entirely stock photo litter. If you have rarer colours that can't be easily found in stock photos, that means there's a chance you might get an entirely dead-kit litter. I can't do 18 cat pictures overnight, but if I'm given a couple of weeks, or I can share it out with other staff, I can manage that.


Makoto Naegi
[Acornclan consume a bird, rabbit and 5 voles]
[Rabbitnose and Echopaw hunt for herbs]
[Birdstar, Mothdapple, Sheeppaw and Hailmask patrol]
[Cloverstep, Mistpaw, Brightskip and Frostpaw hunt]
[Greypatch, Blossomberry, Flintstripe and Silverpaw hunt]

[General mod note: Please don't kill any of the cats that are in bold c:]

[ While herb-hunting, Rabbitnose and Echopaw found 1x Borage, 1x Juniper Berry, and 1x Lovage ]
[ While on patrol, Birdstar, Mothdapple, Sheep-paw, and Hailmask encounter a kittypet ]
[ While hunting, Cloverstep, Mistpaw, Brightskip, and Frostpaw catch 1x Shrew ]
[ While hunting, Greypatch, Blossomberry, Flintstripe, and SIlverpaw catch 2x Bird ]

I have murdered no cats. Unusually for my standards.


[To try and scare the rebellion, Viperstar kills Redpaw in front of them. When Minkblossom tries to confront him, he slashes her throat.]
[Windfeather, Hawksnow, Astercry, and Thunderstone patrol]
[Hollypounce, Rookfang, Cougarleap, and Quailthroat hunt]
[Shrewclaw, Stormfang, Fognose, and Talonsky hunt]
[Gorsepaw takes her final assessment. If she passes, she will return as Gorsewind]
[Thornpaw takes his final assessment. If he passes, he will return as Thornstep]
[Windfeather teaches Burrpaw swimming]
[Acornfall teaches Sparkpaw swimming]
[Astercry teaches Shellpaw battle]
[Hareshadow teaches Nettlepaw climbing]
[Nightfur teaches Sootpaw climbing]
[Rookfang teaches Birdpaw climbing]
[Otterfur teaches Sunpaw battle]
[Minkblossom looks for herbs]
[The Clan consumes x3 big fish and x1 squirrel]

[ Redpaw and Minkblossom will be deeply missed. Starclan welcomes them with open hearts ]
[ While on patrol, Windfeather, Hawksnow, Astercry, and Thunderstone encounter a loner ]
[ While hunting, Hollypounce, Rookfang, Cougarleap, and Quailthroat catch 1x Hare and 1x Small Fish ]
[ While hunting, Shrewclaw, Stormfang, Fognose, and Talonsky catch 1x Mouse ]
[ Thornpaw fails her warrior assessment; he was deemed to not yet be mature enough to be a warrior ]
[ Gorsepaw passes her final assessment, and shall now be known as Gorsewind! ]
[ Before her death, Minkblossom collected 1x Borage and 1x Dandelion ]
[ All apprentices successfully learned the skill they were trained in ]


frightened eyes
- Newcomers: Winterfrost (request)
- Eleos patrols
- Eleos, Coalfrost, Winterclaw, and Laureltail hunt
- Lilimoa goes is kitting! Licenstep assists her

[ Lilimoa gives birth to two healthy kits! ]
[ Eleos encounters an elder while on patrol ]
[ While hunting, Eleos, Coalfrost, Winterclaw, and Laureltail catch 1x Rabbit ]

I can't believe I didn't actually remember to say this! When you get a med cat for the first time, you can choose 5 herbs from the wiki for them to bring to the clan. If you need help choosing, or are unsure where to look, feel free to PM me here or DM me on discord.[/b]


Kin of the Lotus
- Jade of Deserts becomes the Secondary!
- Cloud of Stars and Jade of Deserts explore the territory and patrol for others.
- Marble of Mountains hunts near Little Emerald alone.
- Lily of Drongos constructs the Little's Den and Herbalist's Den.
- The Kindred eats 2 servings of Hare.

[ While on patrol, Cloud of Stars and Jade of Deserts encounter a rogue ]
[ While hunting, Marble of Mountains catches 1x Kukri! ]

I can't believe I didn't actually remember to say this! When you get a med cat for the first time, you can choose 5 herbs from the wiki for them to bring to the clan. If you need help choosing, or are unsure where to look, feel free to PM me here or DM me on discord.
You should add one more prey portion to your list! There's also a few things that you should tweak here, which I'm happy to go over with you on Discord... tomorrow! I reckon it'll take around 5 mins, and it's really not a big deal


This is the last reply of the season! Be prepared for Winter rolls!
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The Neighborhood [15]

Postby amethyst14 » Sat Oct 05, 2019 7:46 am

Number of Cats: 24(5 Servings)
Toms: 10 Mollies: 13
Hardmode: Off
Next Meet: Now
Pebbles: 60


        Mocha sat in the shadows, it has been a few nights now and this is when he would be expecting Maple. He of course wasn’t going to rat her out with Sir, he liked her too much even though she doesn’t now. She doesn’t need to know… does she?

        Just then Mocha saw the shadow by the pond before he focused more and noticed it was Maple. He didn’t get up right away as he just watched her pace at the water's edge. After what seemed like hours Mocha got up and started towards the molly, naturally being cautious and quiet.

        “Hello Maple, didn’t think you would come.” Mocha felt bad for making the molly jump when he started talking, he should have made a sound on purpose but his training would forever be drilled into his head.

        “Of course I would, I have cats I want to protect!” Maple hissed quietly.

        Mocha’s ears flattened, “It's not that cat I fought earlier was it? He is so weak.” jealousy filled his heart and mind. He wanted to be one of those cats, he wanted what Maple got. He wanted his freedom and he wanted to protect Maple.

        “No! But I need to help protect him because he knows this area, he knows who is in it. He is useful to me so I need to keep him around.” Maple narrowed her eyes, “Why do you care? You never cared before!”

        Mocha brushed off her question, “No talk like this. I want a nice evening. Just us. Let's go for a walk through this park.” The tom started to lead the way and Maple followed.

        It was mostly in silence but as the sun started to rise Maple chimed up, “Why? Why did you ask this if you didn’t taunt me or argue or fight?”

        Mocha lowered an ear for a second, “I never intended for that to happen. It's when I talk about things it just I stuck with silence.”

        Maple rolled her eyes, “There is no way you are saying that you have tried before.”

        Mocha shrugged, “Think about it Maple.”

        Silence again as Maple thought back to all the sparing and goding that Mocha did.

        Mocha sighed, “Think about it later. The night is almost over and I wanted to tell you that Sir is looking for you. He is still alive and he is out for your blood Maple. You should leave or prepare for a fight, not that you have much fighting power behind you.”

        “I can hold my own! I’ve proved that many times!” Maple growled.

        “I know you can, but what about those around you? I will hold my end of this deal, but I’m not the only one searching.” Mocha sighed, “I’m still going to stick around, maybe we can do this again sometime?”

        Maple hissed, “Not likely, go home Mocha.” she spat before running off.

        Mink watched as the upwalkers gathered around Applenose as she started to give birth to her kits. Mink sighed and went into another room, the commotion wasn’t for her and to hear the newborn kit mews was just...ugh. She's heard it all and has been through it all and she could care less for it. She didn’t even want kits, the thought of just abandoning them was constantly in the back of her mind.

        Mink watched as the upwalkers started to panic and they brought out some strange transporting thing for cats. They took Applenose and her kits with them. The molly shrugged and started to groom her side, not really caring for what was going on. She was thankful for the quiet though.

        Hours passed by and the upwalkers returned with the transporter, only there was no Applenose, just her kits. The upwalkers brought them to her and pushed them towards her belly. She shot up and hissed, batting at the kits, “No!” She then jumped down from her perch and ran to a hiding hole.

        It's been a few days since her meeting with Mocha and Maple knew she had to tell Calla about it. The grey molly looked over at Calla, she was still sleeping peacefully. Maple let out a sigh and poked Calla with her paw gently. “Calla, wake up.” she murmured.

        Calla chirped away and stretched out before looking at Maple, “Morning! Is something wrong? You never wake me up?” worry started to trickle into her words.

        “Don’t be so worries Calla, I just wanted to talk to you about something.” Maple meowed.

        “Oh, okay!” Calla smiled and waited for Maple to continue.

        “Some of my past has caught up with me. I thought we were safe and far enough away but I know now that I can never escape that life.” Maple started.

        Calla gasped, “I don’t want to keep moving Maple! I like it here.”

        Maple shook her head, “Either keep moving or prepare for a fight.”

        “I.. I don’t…” Calla trailed off in thought.

        Maple stood up, “I’m not going to make you choose Calla, they are after me. Find a new place to stay during the night. I will leave.”

        Calla looked at the molly in shock, “You can't!” she exclaimed. “I don’t want to lose you!”

        Maple nodded, “When I know I am no longer in danger, I will come back.”

        Calla stood up now, “No! We can fight together!”

        “A fight huh?’ Mocha strutted in like he already knew the place.

        Calla turned, “Oh, hello? I’m sorry, but who are you?” she asked.

        Maple hissed, “Go away Mocha!”

        Mocha chuckled and shook his head, “But it’s so cold! Why haven’t you told her about me yet? You said you would.” he cooed annoyingly.

        Maple scrunched her face, “I was going to, eventually. Call this is Mocha. He came here to warn me…”

        Mocha shushed Maple, “We don’t have time for back stories. You want to stay and fight? You know he has a group with him, you know how dangerous and ruthless each and every one of them are. And if I could take down this cat you call a leader, then guess what? You don’t have a very strong force with you.”

        Maple nodded, “I know this, Calla wanted to fight.”

        Calla flattened her ears in embarrassment.

          [Meeting(Starclan)] Could you bring in a surrogate to feed the kits? Mink refuses to care for them. They don’t have to have kits or anything.
          [Assessment] Finn tests Mothpaw and Pearpaw.
          [Patrolling] Maple, Calla, . Mocha follows them without them knowing.
          [Hunting] Eagle, Sugarfoot and Scorn.
          [Hunting] Heavypad, Duke, Russentnose, Stone, Minnow and Rust.
          [Hunting] Winter, Finn, Cobrafang and Goldenflower.
          [Herb Hunting] Dotty.
          [Training] Stone, Minnow and Rust train together.
          [Kitting] Mink should be going into labor. (She is currently in a foster program for cats, if this helps anything. No access to herbs though.)
          [Prey] 1 Small Fish and 3 Finches (5 servings)
          [Notes to Mod] Boop Also you can give either color ins or f2u pics

      THE CLAN
      Finnegan | 48 Moons | Tom |


      Dotty | 15 Moons | Molly | SP5 |

      Medic’s Lostpaw:

      Winter | 31 Moons | Molly |

      Duke | 41 Moons | Tom |
      Scorn | 39 Moons | Tom |
      Mocha | 33 Moons | Tom |
      Maple | 29 Moons | Molly |
      Calla | 28 Moons | Molly |

      Sugarfoot | 51 Moons | Molly |
      Cobrafang | 44 Moons | Molly |
      Heavypad | 41 Moons | Tom |
      Goldenflower | 38 Moons | Molly |
      Russentnose | 38 Moons | Molly |
      Eagle | 28 Moons | Molly |

      Mothpaw | 16 Moons | Molly | C |
      Pearpaw | 16 Moons | Tom | C |
      Minnow | 10 Moons | Molly |
      Rust | 10 Moons | Tom |
      Stone | 10 Moons | Tom |

      [0] Mink | 77 Moons | Molly |

      Unnamed | 0 Moons | Tom |
      Unnamed | 0 Moons | Tom |
      Unnamed | 0 Moons | Tom |
      Unnamed | 0 Moons | Molly |

      Mice | x2 | 1 serving
      Finches | x0 | 1 serving
      Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
      Kibble | x1 | 2 servings
      Sparrow | x0 | 3 servings
      Pigeon | x0 | 3 servings
      Total | 3 | 4 servings


      Scorn + Sugarfoot
      Duke + Russentnose

      Ally Clans:
      Clan Name | Username

      Enemy Clans
      Clan Name | Username



      0|Alder Bark|Eases tooth pains.
      0|Beech Leaves|To carry other herbs.
      0|Bindweed|Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place.
      0|Blackberry Leaves|Eases the swelling of bee stings.
      1|Borage Leaves|Produces more/better milk and to help fevers.
      0|Broom|Makes poultices for broken legs and wounds.
      1|Burdock Root|Heals/prevents the pain of infected rat bites.
      1|Burnet|Stops minor bleeding and keeps strength up.
      1|Catchweed|To stop poultices from rubbing off.
      0|Catmint|For deadly greencough or whitecough.
      1|Celandine|Soothes damaged eyes.
      1|Chamomile|Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind.
      0|Chervil|For infected wounds and bellyache.
      0|Chickweed|Treats greencough.
      1|Cobwebs|To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding.
      0|Coltsfoot|Eases breathing or kitten-cough, cracked or sore pads.
      0|Comfrey Root|Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds, or used for burns.
      0|Daisy Leaf|Eases the pain of aching joints.
      0|Dandelion|Soothe bee stings or as a painkiller.
      0|Deadly Nightshade|Poison.
      0|Deathberries|Poison, kills a cat.
      0|Dock|Soothes scratches or sore pads.
      0|Dried Oak Leaf|Stops infection from setting in.
      0|Elder Leaves|Eases sprains.
      0|Fennel|Helps pain in the hips.
      1|Feverfew|For fever/chills or for headaches.
      0|Foxglove Seeds|Cause paralysis and heart failure.
      0|Goatweed|Eases anxiety and grief.
      0|Goldenrod|Good for healing wounds.
      0|Hawkweed|Like catmint but not as strong.
      0|Holly Berry|Mild deathberry.
      2|Honey|Helps sore throats and soothes coughing.
      0|Horsetail|Treats infections and stops bleeding.
      0|Ivy Leaf|To store other herbs.
      0|Juniper Berries|Soothes bellyaches, gives strength,
      and helps troubled breathing or for anxiety.

      0|Lamb's Ear|Gives a cat strength.
      0|Lavender|Cures fever and chills.
      0|Lungwort|Cures yellowcough.
      0|Mallow Leaf|Soothes belly ache.
      0|Marigold|Stops infection, stops bleeding, used for inflammation of stiff joints.
      0|Mint|Hides the scent of death.
      0|Mousebile|Rid elders of ticks.
      0|Parsley|Stop queen's milk production.
      0|Poppy Seed|They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain.
      3|Ragwort Leaves|Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up.
      0|Raspberry Leaf|Ease pain and stop bleeding.
      0|Rosemary|Hides the scent of death.
      0|Rush|Helps hold a broken limb in place.
      0|Sorrel|Build an appetite.
      1|Stinging Nettle|Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, or helps fight infection.
      0|Sweet-Sedge|Eases infection.
      1|Tansy|Cures coughs, cure wounds and poisons, stops cats from getting greencough.
      1|Tormentil|Treating all wounds and extracting poison.
      2|Thyme| Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.
      0|Water Hemlock|Causes writhing pain, and foaming at the mouth.
      0|Watermint| Eases bellyaches.
      1|Wild Garlic|Prevents infections.
      0|Willow Bark|Eases pain.
      0|Willow Leaf|Stops vomiting.
      0|Wintergreen|Treats wounds and some poisons.
      0|Yarrow|Induce vomiting or extracts poison from wounds.

      None | Mothpaw | 4 |
      ► Hunting, Swimming, Climbing, Fighting
      None | Pearpaw | 4 |
      ► Hunting, Swimming, Climbing, Fighting
      Russentnose | Minnow | 3 |
      ► Hunting, Fighting, Stalking,
      Duke | Stone | 3 |
      ► Hunting, Fighting, Fishing,
      Heavypad | Rust | 3 |
      ► Hunting, Fighting, Tracking,
Last edited by amethyst14 on Thu Jun 18, 2020 8:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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【 ♛ ─── " 𝑽𝑬𝑺𝑼𝑽𝑰𝑨 | 𝑿 】

Postby geto » Sat Oct 05, 2019 3:55 pm

      𝙥𝙤𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 021
      𝙛𝙚𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙨 010
      𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙨 011

    𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 5
    𝙥𝙚𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙨 62
    𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩 now > 12 oct
      𝙘𝙖𝙢𝙥 𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙚𝙨 | 𝙡𝙤𝙧𝙚
      [Aether, Seiran, Anthon & Ito goes on a hunt & patrols the border]
      [Yvette goes to gather herbs]
      [Aether teaches Koda strength]
      [Aether requests for a hunter]

      [x1 mouse & x2 hares has been added into the feed]
      [x1 mouse & x2 rabbit has been consumed by the clan]
      [x1 stick & x1 burnet has been added into the medicine stash]
      [Freya has been accepted]
      [Nasrin is due in 1 moon]
      Aether, 08y 05m, male

      Seiran, 4y 03m, male

      ♛ nil
      ♛ nil
      ♛ nil

      Yvette, 07y 01m, female
      ♛ nil

      ♛ nil

      Freya, 06y 01m, female

      Reinhilde, 05y 11m, female
      Anthon, 04y 04m, male
      Eris, 01y 03m, female
      Meridine, 04y 08m, female
      Rye, 04y 06m, male
      Juto, 03y 11m, male
      Ito, 04y 04m, male
    Gray, 10y 11m, male

    Halla, 04y 01m, female
    - birthed
    Nasrin, 06y 07m, female
    - 1 posts left

    𝑨𝑫𝑶𝑳𝑬𝑺𝑪𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑺 [06𝒎 - 12𝒎]
    Koda, 00y 10m, male

    𝑵𝑬𝑾𝑩𝑶𝑹𝑵𝑺 [00𝒎 - 06𝒎]
    Connor, 00y 02m, male
    Cersei, 00y 02m, female
    Eleanor, 00y 02m, female
    Tristan, 00y 02m, male
    Diyanne, 00y 02m, female
    Leon, 00y 00m, male - mute

    [intruders, predators, wanderer, strays, etc]
    ♛ nil

    ♛ nil

    Aether | Eris, Koda

    𝑭𝑨𝑴𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑬𝑺 [sire | dam | kits]
    nil | Meridine | Connor, Cersei,
    Eleanor, Tristan, Diyanne

    Ito | Nasrin | nil atm
    nil | Halla | Leon

    group n. | ally/enemy

      ⊰ borage leaves x0 — produces more and better milk, brings down fevers,
      helps sooth bad bellies and relieves tight chests
      ⊰ broom x0 — used in poultices that can help broken legs and wounds
      ⊰ burdock root x1 — soothes and heals rat bites, numbs rat bite to the
      point a cat cannot feel the pain, also treats infected paws and other sores
      ⊰ burnet x2 — used to provide strength, good for expecting queens
      ⊰ celandine x1 — soothes weakened or damaged eyes
      ⊰ goldenrod x3 — good for healing wounds
      ⊰ rush x1 — helps hold a broken limb in place
      ⊰ holly berry x1 — no medicinal value, dangerous to kits
      ⊰ yarrow x1 — extracts poisons from wounds, make a cat vomit toxins,
      heal cracked pads when soften
      ⊰ stick x1 — cats in pain bite it when other medicine is either
      unavailable or not recommended, also used to help broken legs heal

      ⊰ Eris | 𝑰𝑽/𝑰𝑽 | stealth, speed, perception, strength
      ⊰ Koda | 𝑰𝑰/𝑰𝑽 | stealth, speed, perception, strength
    ⊰ mouse | 1 s. | x0 | 0 t.
    ⊰ shrew | 1 s. | x0 | 0 t.
    ⊰ rabbit | 2 s. | x2 | 4 t.
    ⊰ squirrel | 2 s. | x1 | 2 t.
    ⊰ small fish | 2 s. | x0 | 0 t.
    ⊰ hare | 3 s. | x4 | 12 t.

    north : name
    south : name
    east : name
    west : name
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strikersclan sixteen

Postby Lokisaurus » Sat Oct 05, 2019 4:40 pm

[ advanced allegiance ] [ divider credit ]

    clan news
    panthersnap gets a cobweb slapped on her nose

    twopaw, littlepaw, thymewing, cypressjaw, palesong,
    diamondheart, bloomingsky, lakemouse, and lichenpatch
    will be going to the gathering

    the clan has 70 pebbles

    the clan consumes x1 rabbit, x1 blackbird, x1 ermine

    mentors and apprentices
    wolfkit is old enough to become an apprentice! his name
    is now wolfpaw and his mentor is birchglow

    lakemouse, mistyspring, larkpaw, spiderpaw, and bloomingsky go hunting


    — wispstar - wiry tortoiseshell she-cat, 92 moons
    — blazestar - brilliant ginger and white tom, 62 moons
    — cypressjaw - muscular gray tabby tom, 47 moons
    medicine cat
    — thymewing - fluffy brown tabby she-cat, 41 moons
    apprentice, littlepaw
    — frogjumper - lanky black tom, 41 moons
    — brindlebird - pretty brown tabby she-cat, 23 moons
    — mistyspring - gigantic long-haired silver she-cat, 29 moons
    apprentice, spiderpaw
    — diamondheart - silvery-white spotted she-cat, 29 moons
    — grayrain - delicate long-furred silver tom, 29 moons
    apprentice, splashpaw
    — talonwhisker - lithe dark ginger tabby tom with large ears, 32 moons
    — hawktalon - mottled light brown tabby tom, 42 moons
    apprentice, lionpaw
    — soulreed - broad-shouldered black tom, 57 moons
    — lakemouse - hairless dark gray tom, 23 moons
    apprentice, larkpaw
    — mintdapple - stocky light calico she-cat, 37 moons
    apprentice, twopaw
    — birchglow - long-haired cream tabby tom with a short tail, 30 moons
    — avocetstream - black and white tom, 58 moons
    apprentice, gullpaw
    — crookedquill - husky light gray-brown tom, 44 moons
    — brindlepelt - brown and orange she-cat, 68 moons
    — soparosa - red and cream she-cat, 21 moons
    — bloomingsky - seal point bicolor she-cat w. blue eyes, 36 moons
    — littlepaw - tortoiseshell she-cat, 14 moons
    — larkpaw - brown tabby she-cat, 11 moons
    — spiderpaw - gray tabby tom, 11 moons
    — splashpaw - ginger and white she-cat, 8 moons
    — twopaw - black and white tom, 8 moons
    — gullpaw - black and white tom, 8 moons
    — lionpaw - light ginger tom, 8 moons
    — wolfpaw - fuzzy gray tom, 6 moons
    — palesong - pale she-cat, 40 moons
    permanent queen
    — panthersnap - brown tabby she-cat, 58 moons
    — lichenpatch - tortoiseshell she-cat, 126 moons
    — mottledbreeze - tortoiseshell she-cat, 105 moons
    — blossomdream - ruddy cream she-cat, 147 moons
    — mumblekit - black tom, 3 moon
    — whitekit - black and white tom, 3 moon
    — harrierkit - light brown tabby tom, 3 moon
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | scarabclan | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Cobweb | x0
    Borage | x1
    Catmint | x1
    Marigold | x1
    Coltsfoot | x1
    Horsetail | x1
    Dock | x1
    Deathberries | x1
    Feverfew | x1
    Raspberry Leaves | x3
    Chervil | x3
    Chickweed | x3
    Cob Nut | x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Rabbits | x1 | 2 servings
    Field Mice | x2 | 1 servings
    Squirrels | x1 | 2 servings
    Blackbirds | x0 | 3 servings
    Ermines | x0 | 2 servings
    Minnows | x0 | 1 servings

    lakemouse | larkpaw | swimming, hunting, battle
    mistyspring | spiderpaw | tracking, hunting, battle
    thymewing | littlepaw | herb recognition
    poison recognition, kitting, herb usage
    avocetstream | gullpaw | den repair
    splashpaw | hunting
    twopaw | den repair
    lionpaw | battle

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
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