Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Kazin's Replies | September 11th, 2019

Postby Kazin » Thu Sep 12, 2019 2:39 pm


✧ Notes ✧
If I have missed
anyone, or have messed
something up, please don't hesitate
to PM me. My inbox here or
on the discord is always open!
**CaC has new features, please
read the front and message a mod
if you have any questions!**
✧ Weather ✧ Leaf-Fall
Where has all the sun gone?
The clouds have been covering the sky
for a long time, barely giving a hint
of sunshine. Cold rains have been
littering the territories of the clans,
and prey has become more scarce as
the days go on. While sickness has still
been kept at bay, it can come at any time.

┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

General Mod Notes | [ Font from All pictures linked from Unsplash, Pexels, or VisualHunt. Make sure all your pictures linked are free-to-use! ]

deimos wrote:PINECLAN

Border Patrols | [ Mintstar's patrol comes back with nothing out of the ordinary to report. ]
[ Chickadeefur's patrol manages to find a cat named Wolfstep, and a cat named Snaketooth! ]
[ Mintstar's second patrol comes back in early, upon the ghastly cough that is coming from Minstar; the five warriors pressure her into turning around and going to the medicine den. Perhaps she has worked herself too hard, but it appears the leader has come down with a serious cough. It is recommended she receive x1 tansy, and one other coughing herb (between x1 catmint, x1 hawkweed, x1 honey, x1 lungwort, or x1 chickweed). Rest for a moon or two is also recommended. ]

Hunting | [ Asphodelface's patrol comes back with x1 thrush and x1 vole. ]
[ Wasptail's patrol is successful in catching x2 marmots. ]
[ Minkcloud and the rest of the patrol return with x1 pika, x1 mouse, and x1 rabbit. ]

Medicine | [ On their trek through the forest, the three medicine cats find x1 poppy seeds, x1 sorrel, x1 stinging nettle, and x1 tansy. ]
[ Both Weaselstorm and Shadeleaf's skills are kept sharp! Additionally, Shadeleaf successfully teaches Poppypaw advanced poison recognition! ]

Kitting | [ Lilacpounce delivers a whopping, lively bundle of six kits! Miraculously, they are all born quite healthy! What luck! ]
[ NOTE: Kits 1, 2, 4, and 5 are brown mackerel tabbies. Kits 3 and 6 are meant to be lynx points. Apologies if the colors are a little wrong. ]

Training | [ Harrierpaw, Peregrinepaw, and Elkpaw all learn the stalking skill! ]
[ All apprentices but Goshawkpaw and Wigeonpaw learn climbing! ]

Rank Up | [ Salamanderpaw passes her assessment! She is now a warrior; Salamanderstripe. ]
[ Newtpaw passes her assessment! She is now a warrior; Newtflower. ]

┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉

scarlet_wolf wrote:MOORCLAN

Medicine | [ Hayfeather gathers x1 feverfew and x1 horsetail! Additionally, his skills are kept sharp at 5 SP. ]

Border Patrols | [ Tulipstar returns to camp without finding anything worthy of noting. ]
[ Sweetdrop finds both Splashpaw and Ripplepaw! ]

Hunting | [ Peccarypeplt and Mirra bring down x1 hare! ]

Kits | [ Sweetdrop is now expecting kits! They are due in 2 moons. ]

Request | [ Moorclan's request for a deputy has been granted! ]

┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉
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Forgottenclan [08]

Postby amethyst14 » Fri Sep 13, 2019 3:18 pm

Number of Cats: 14(4 Servings)
Toms: 8 Mollies: 6
Hardmode: Off
Starclan: Now
Pebbles: 52

        Foxkit strutted around as he held his tail high, he had won all the sparring matches against the kits and even sent Skipperkit to Barkpool. Tipkit and Cariboukit sat away from the tom and watched him. Foxkit turned to them and asked if they wanted to go again and the two nodded eagerly.

        Barkpool came up to the trio and meowed, “Foxkit, we need to have a word.”

        Foxkit stopped his rough housing and looked at the tom, “What’s up?”

        “You need to stop injuring Skipperkit so much. She is moons younger but there is no need for you to go to the extreme of hurting her.” Barkpool scolded.

        “Well, you said I need to prove my strength and I am. Pintolily can always change that. She also is refusing to make me an apprentice, so I need to be rougher or I won’t learn how to be a warrior.” Foxkit muttered.

        “Then spar with the apprentices, I will need to talk to her about your apprenticeship, so leave that to me. For now, leave Skipperkit to heal.” Barkpool sighed.

        Foxkit rolled his eyes and turned back to the other toms and jumped in. The three tumbled about and batted at each other happily. While Skipperkit sat with her mother and nursed her injuries.

        Skipperkit sat in the den and sniffled, she had been crying for the last few hours after she had gotten hurt by Foxkit... again. She didn’t understand why he was so mean to her all of a sudden. Could it be the whole leader thing? She didn’t want it in the first place and he can have it!

        “I hate being leader.” she sniffled to herself.

        Pintolily heard that and gave the little molly a look of anger, “Why would you say that?! You know you will anger Starclan for that and when you do lead they will not give you good fortune.”

        “I don’t want to be a leader! Foxkit is always hurting me because I am so weak! I can’t protect myself so how can I protect everyone?” Skipperkit wailed.

        “Don’t worry about that, warriors will do a lot of your fighting for you. You just need to lead them.” Pintolily meowed matter of factly.

        “That’s not nice… Blackspot said a leader is supposed to protect the clan from everything and that is why they are given so many lives.”

        “Blackspot is wrong, warriors are supposed to protect the leader, a leader just tells them what to do. Warriors are expendable.”

        Skipperkit sat silently for a while, processing all she has been told. She didn’t want others to die because she told them to do something dangerous. That is just not right! No. She can’t be leader. Foxkit should be leader. He can protect himself and everyone!

        Pintolily groomed the molly before leaving the den again, she was going to have some words with Blackspot.

        Skipperkit slinked out of the den now and decided to explore some, maybe it will help her thing? She ended up wandering off out of the camp and only Foxkit seemed to notice. He nudged Tipkit and Cariboukit and pointed in her direction, the trio ended up following her.

        After some time Skipperkit stopped and looked around, she then realized she was lost. She looked around and started to breathe heavily as fear took hold before darting towards a nearby burrow, unsure if there was any danger in it or not.

        Foxkit then barreled into her before she could go any further, it knocked the wind out of her and she let out a gasp, “Ow!”

        Foxkit hissed, “You don’t know what’s in there! It can be dangerous!”

        “How do you know?” Skipperkit meowed with shock.

        “My father is right there shaking his head! We need to go back to camp.” Foxkit growled to Skipperkit.

        “I don’t want to go! I am running away. I don’t want to be leader and mamma is making me!” Skipperkit sniffled.

        “She can’t force you to talk to Starclan, but you can’t leave the clan.” Foxkit muttered.

        “Yeah! You're our little sister! You can’t leave…” Tipkit and Cariboukit meowed in unison.

        “Well you are their sister, but you will be a warrior someday in my clan. I am going to be leader one day and I just need to prove to Pintolily that I am strong enough to take that from you Skipperkit. Until she sees that I am going to win at everything against you.” Foxkit meowed matter of factly. “I am also helping you get stronger, learn something.”

        “No! I don’t want to lose, I am strong. I don’t want to fight you Foxkit. I’m leaving!” Skipperkit started to tear up. She was sure that is what she wanted, she didn’t want to fight her friends or family. She didn’t want any of this. All she wanted was a normal life, like her brothers would have.

        “Oh no you're not Skipperkit!” Pintolily stepped out of the bush and looked at the little molly. “You all need to head back to camp right now! Or no one will be apprentices until they are my age!”

        “You can’t do that!” Foxkit retorted.

        “Oh yes I can, I am acting as the leader now but what I say goes. And until Skipperkit is old enough she will need to listen. No one is going to be leaving anytime soon, you are all kits and can’t even hunt for yourself.” Pintolily growled.

        “Then teach us! I can learn.” Foxkit yowled at her.

        “Barkpool and I have been talking Foxkit and I was going to let you become an apprentice today but I have my doubts now. Kits are not allowed to leave on their own for any reason and you should know this!” Pintolily hissed.

        “How? I was on my own for a while. You don't even know my mother or my father, you have never met them. How do you know what I have learned?” Foxkit spat at the molly. He was mad and angry and was tired of fighting this queen.

        Pintolilly swatted Foxkit on the nose and it stopped his little rant as he looked at the queen in shock. “I said now!” she growled, mostly to Foxkit now.

        Skipperkit shrunk down and didn’t move, this was all her fault. Why couldn't she stand up for Foxkit? No one knew that they couldn’t leave camp. How were they supposed to know? Foxkit passed a hateful annoyed look at Skipperkit before leading the way back to camp. He didn’t go into the nursery and went to the medicine cat den was and vented to Barkpool and Blackspot about what had happened.

        ”Foxkit needs to learn! He is getting bored and rambunctious to stay in camp any longer!” Barkpool muttered to Pintolily.

        “He left camp! He is not ready.” Pintolily retorted.

        “He did not know what he was doing or the rules. He told me he was just following Skipperkit and he even said he stopped her from going in that burrow. Who knows what was in there or what could have happened?” Barkpool meowed with reason. “Leaving camp to explore is a sign that kits are ready to learn, we need to foster that.” he added.

        “I don’t care, he was disrespectful towards me in front of my kits. The true future of this clan.” Pintolily meowed.

        “He's a kit! He is not some warrior that will automatically know better -” Barkpool was cut off by Pintolily.

        “I still don't care Barkpool!” Pintolily hissed.

        “Barkpool is right, he needs to be apprenticed. We need him to learn before leaf bare arrives. We need all the paws we can get really. And with you sending all the cats away it does not help us in the slightest! So what is the problem?” Blackspot joined in.

        “You know the problem Blackspot, I am sure Barkpool has told you what happened and how I found this place. I need to protect my kits from any harm.” Pintolily muttered.

        “No, we need to protect the clan, not just your kits. All cats need protected, that is the leader’s role. We need a leader or someone that can lead for now.” Blackspot meowed.

        “Starclan said my kits would be the future of Forgottenclan and that is that. They didn't say anything about Foxkit, or any other cat!” Pintolily yowled.

        “Has starclan talked to you recently? Because they talk to me often. And I am tired of you forcing something on Skipperkit that she doesn't even want! Maybe we should just ask Starclan to send us a leader?!” Blackspot hissed.

        “How dare you say that Blackspot! How dare you say that!” Pintolily repeated, to her the thought was something not to be said. It shouldn’t have been brought up because she was already sure that Skipperkit will be leader, she just needs time.

        “He does have a point Pintolily, Skipperkit doesn’t want to be a leader for the clan. We shouldn’t force that on her.” Barkpool meowed.

        “I don’t care, she needs to be the leader, she will protect her brothers and I when the time comes.” Pintolily nodded to herself with reassurance. Her past started to come to her and how it will haunt her forever.

        “That’s just it, she will need to protect all the cats! Not just a few. She needs to be a leader for everyone and you want her to just protect you. It’s time to put them first. Yes they are the future of the clan but that doesn’t mean she has to be a leader. A warrior could mean the future.” Barkpool meowed, trying to convince her still.

        “That’s wrong and you know it! The warriors will protect her and she will protect her true family.” Pintolily growled. “You are right about one thing, Foxkit needs to learn. He will be a warrior to follow Skipperkit’s demands. You may apprentice him, but to that new cat. The one you allowed into camp. Thorn something.”

        “When and if Skipperkit becomes leader she will have the whole clan as her family, every cat in Forgottenclan will be her family. Why don’t you get that?” Blackspot growled.

        “Forget it Blackspot, she won’t listen. Foxkit can become an apprentice now though and that is a start.” Barkpool whispered to the tom. They dismissed themselves and just left Pintolily in the clearing.

        Flintfang turned to Alkanetfur, they had been flirting back and forth every now and then and it finally gotten serious. “What did you just say?” he asked in shock.

        “It’s obvious isn’t it? We like each other.” The molly felt heat rise to her face and ears but she held herself up with pride. “Patchfur doesn’t even need to know about it.” Alkanetfur smiled.

        “But kits? What about when they are born. They are going to want to know who their father is.” Flintfang tried to reason.

        “Lots of kits grow up not knowing who their father is. We love each other and as long as we know and can be around each other then there should be no problem.” Alkanetfur meowed. She brushed herself against the tom and purred.

        It didn’t take much convincing and Flintfang smiled, “As long as Patchfur doesn’t find out, it won’t hurt anyone.” The two took a break from patrolling.

          [Ceremony] Foxkit becomes an apprentice.
          [Border Patrol] Flintfang and Alkanetfur patrol.
          [Hunting] Patchfur, Bouncepaw, Spottedpaw, Thornshade and Marigoldpatch hunt.
          [Herb Hunting] Barkpool and Blackspot search for herbs.
          [Training] Barkpool and Blackspot practice.
          [Mates] Thornshade and Marigoldpatch become mates and try for kits.
          Flintfang cheats on Patchfur with Alkanetfur and they try for kits. (Alkanet is the one trying with Flint)
          [Prey] 2 Robins (4 Servings)
          [Notes to Mod] Boop

      THE CLAN


      Medicine Cat:
      Barkpool | 73 Moons | Tom | SP 5
      Blackspot | 48 Moons | Tom | SP 5

      Medicine Cat Apprentice:

      Patchfur | 50 Moons | Molly |
      Flintfang | 48 Moons | Tom |
      Thornshade | 44 Moons | Tom |
      Marigoldpatch | 40 Moons | Molly |
      Alkanetfur | 28 Moons | Molly |

      Bouncepaw | 11 Moons | Tom |
      Spottedpaw | 11 Moons | Molly |
      Foxpaw | 6 Moons | Tom |

      Pintolily | 61 Moons | Molly |

      Cariboukit | 4 Moons | Tom |
      Skipperkit | 4 Moons | Molly |
      Tipkit | 4 Moons | Tom |


      Mouse | x0 | 1 serving
      Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
      Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
      Robin | x0 | 2 servings
      Pigeon | x1 | 3 servings
      Big Fish | x2 | 3 servings
      Total | 3 | 9 servings


      Flintfang + Patchfur
      Thornshade + Marigoldpatch
      Flintfang + Alkanetfur

      Ally Clans:
      Clan Name | Username

      Enemy Clans
      Clan Name | Username

      North | open | open
      East | open | open
      South | open | open
      West | open | open


      1|Alder Bark|Eases tooth pains.
      0|Beech Leaves|To carry other herbs.
      0|Bindweed|Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place.
      0|Blackberry Leaves|Eases the swelling of bee stings.
      1|Borage Leaves|Produces more/better milk and to help fevers.
      0|Broom|Makes poultices for broken legs and wounds.
      0|Burdock Root|Heals/prevents the pain of infected rat bites.
      0|Burnet|Stops minor bleeding and keeps strength up.
      0|Catchweed|To stop poultices from rubbing off.
      1|Catmint|For deadly greencough or whitecough.
      1|Celandine|Soothes damaged eyes.
      0|Chamomile|Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind.
      1|Chervil|For infected wounds and bellyache.
      0|Chickweed|Treats greencough.
      1|Cobwebs|To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding.
      0|Coltsfoot|Eases breathing or kitten-cough, cracked or sore pads.
      0|Comfrey Root|Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds, or used for burns.
      0|Daisy Leaf|Eases the pain of aching joints.
      0|Dandelion|Soothe bee stings or as a painkiller.
      0|Deadly Nightshade|Poison.
      0|Deathberries|Poison, kills a cat.
      1|Dock|Soothes scratches or sore pads.
      0|Dried Oak Leaf|Stops infection from setting in.
      0|Elder Leaves|Eases sprains.
      0|Fennel|Helps pain in the hips.
      0|Feverfew|For fever/chills or for headaches.
      0|Foxglove Seeds|Cause paralysis and heart failure.
      0|Goatweed|Eases anxiety and grief.
      0|Goldenrod|Good for healing wounds.
      0|Hawkweed|Like catmint but not as strong.
      1|Holly Berry|Mild deathberry.
      0|Honey|Helps sore throats and soothes coughing.
      0|Horsetail|Treats infections and stops bleeding.
      1|Ivy Leaf|To store other herbs.
      0|Juniper Berries|Soothes bellyaches, gives strength,
      and helps troubled breathing or for anxiety.

      0|Lamb's Ear|Gives a cat strength.
      0|Lavender|Cures fever and chills.
      0|Lungwort|Cures yellowcough.
      1|Mallow Leaf|Soothes belly ache.
      0|Marigold|Stops infection, stops bleeding, used for inflammation of stiff joints.
      0|Mint|Hides the scent of death.
      1|Mousebile|Rid elders of ticks.
      0|Parsley|Stop queen's milk production.
      1|Poppy Seed|They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain.
      0|Ragwort Leaves|Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up.
      1|Raspberry Leaf|Ease pain and stop bleeding.
      0|Rosemary|Hides the scent of death.
      0|Rush|Helps hold a broken limb in place.
      0|Sorrel|Build an appetite.
      0|Stinging Nettle|Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, or helps fight infection.
      1|Sweet-Sedge|Eases infection.
      1|Tansy|Cures coughs, cure wounds and poisons, stops cats from getting greencough.
      1|Tormentil|Treating all wounds and extracting poison.
      0|Thyme| Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.
      0|Water Hemlock|Causes writhing pain, and foaming at the mouth.
      0|Watermint| Eases bellyaches.
      0|Wild Garlic|Prevents infections.
      0|Willow Bark|Eases pain.
      0|Willow Leaf|Stops vomiting.
      0|Wintergreen|Treats wounds and some poisons.
      0|Yarrow|Induce vomiting or extracts poison from wounds.

      Spottedpaw | Alkenetfur | 4
      ↪Swimming, Stealth, Hunt, Battle
      Bouncepaw | Flintfang | 4
      ↪Swimming, Stealth, Hunt, Battle
      Foxpaw | Thornshade | 0
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( moorclan / post 04. )

Postby notwearingsocks » Fri Sep 13, 2019 4:17 pm

( statistics: 05 toms, 03 mollies, 08 total // 03 servings needed // next request from starclan is 09/14/19 )— -
( fresh kill pile: 00 pikas; 01 servings, 01 birds; 03 servings, 00 hares; 03 servings, 01 mice; 01 servings, 01 rabbits; 02 servings, 00 small fish; 02 servings // 06 servings total )— -
( medicine store: 01 catmint, 02 cobwebs, 01 poppy seeds, 01 borage leaves, 01 goldenrod, 01 thyme, 01 feverfew, 01 horsetail )— -
( archive // 20 pebbles )— -
    ixxx▬sweetdrop's belly was swollen with kits, her tummy heavy with the weight of the lives that she now carried within her. she was purring; she had been rumbling softly since hayfeather had confirmed her suspicions, informing her that she was to be a mother in less than two moons.
    ixxx▬richterscreech was the father, she was positive; the handsome tomcat, both self-assured and affectionate, was charming, lulling her into a sense of belonging quicker than she'd thought possible. despite her pull towards the chessclan feline, however, she knew that he would never be enough; her heart was big enough to love many, and she hoped dearly for a large litter of kits and many more to come after that. mirra had raised her like her own, and sweetdrop prayed to starclan that she would be as good as a mother to her own kits.
    ixxx▬the nursery was warm, set directly next to the medicine cat den, conveniently; tulipstar had made that decision with the knowledge that pregnant queens would need close access to hayfeather. light shimmered through the thin blades of grass that shot up from the den's overhanging entrance, casting skinny shadows across the basking sweetdrop's face. the sound of pawsteps alerted her to an approacher, but her eyes did not open, for the scent that drifted her way was a familiar one.
    ixxx▬"sweetdrop," mirra greeted, drawing a swift lick over her adopted daughter's forehead. "how are you?"
    ixxx▬the younger molly shifted, collecting her paws beneath her, rolling onto her belly. "i'm alright," she answered, peering up at the calico. "i hope, though, that i'm a good mom."
    ixxx▬mirra smiled softly, settling into a sit, her tail curling over her toes and flicking lazily. "you'll be fantastic," she reassured the molly. "but...
    ixxx▬"i do wonder... who is your mate? surely not peccarypelt, he's far too prickly for your taste, and most definitely not hayfeather. i worry about you, my darling, and i don't want to see tulipstar question your loyalty to her clan."
    ixxx▬sweetdrop recoiled - what if mirra hated her? what if she told tulipstar? what if tulipstar kicked her out of the clan? her fur began to rise along her spine, fear prickling at her bones.
    ixxx▬"mirra, i - i have to confess something to you. you're the only one i trust like my own kin, and i'm begging you, mirra, please, please don't tell tulipstar..." she inhaled deeply, tucking her paws closer to her chest. "i... am not like you, and other cats. do you remember, how, when my old group kicked me out, it was because i was... unsure? i told the tom who tried to woo me that i was not ready, that i didn't know what i wanted. but now i know why i didn't know, mirra, because i needed more than just him. his jealously would have never allowed that, of course, since he went to the elders and sent them to banish me, but i know i can love more than one cat, i know i have room in my heart for not just one but multiple mates. i don't want to be with just one cat, mirra, and i don't want to be with just toms; i had a dream where i was with a group of cats and i felt... full. i felt love, and now i can't stop until i feel that again.
    ixxx▬ "the father of my kits is not from our clan, you're right. his name is richterscreech, and he is one of the most beautiful tomcats i've ever seen; he was in my dream, and my heart called for him, and starclan led me to him. he felt... right. like i was meant to be with him. i am not ashamed to carry his kits, but i am begging, mirra, please do not hate me; i couldn't stand to be sent away like before."
    ixxx▬sweetdrop inhaled slowly; it was the first time she'd spoken these things aloud, and it felt like the weight of a thousand cats had been lifted from her shoulders, even as she poised herself to be hurt by the cat she called her family.
    ixxx▬but, of course, mirra had always loved her and would never cease.
    ixxx▬"of course i don't hate you, mouse-brain," mirra swatted her adopted kin with her tail, chortling. "i wish you'd told me sooner; i could have come up with something to tell tulipstar. but, sweetdrop, i've always known you wanted more; you've never settled, and you shouldn't have to. you deserve to be happy with your mates, just as every other cat deserves to be happy with just one mate. and, besides," a grin spread across her muzzle. "i'm basically gonna be a grandmother. you're gonna make an amazing mother, my darling."
    ixxx▬and, with that, both mollies erupted into purrs, settling next to each other and grooming one another's pelts until mirra departed.
    ixxx▬ - - -
    ixxx▬tulipstar's nose was chilly from where she'd pressed it against the icy water of the moonpool, tumbling into dreams of starclan and her mother's ghost, ushering her and her clan forward on their rise to greatness. as tulipstar padded from the humid, frigid room that housed her access point to her ancestors, her whiskers brushed the sides of the narrow passageway, her paws deftly avoided sharp stones and pebbles and she ducked her head on impulse a number of times to keep her skull from colliding with a dripping stalactite.
    ixxx▬her mind wandered, now, for this was an incredibly long hallway, set deep into the foot of the mountains that guarded moorclan from the north.
    ixxx▬before she'd departed on her trek that morning, hayfeather had approached her with joyous news; sweetdrop was expecting! ... though, considering the looming threat of leafbare and the fact that the father of the molly's kit was unknown to the leader might make it slightly less joyous.
    ixxx▬it wasn't peccarypelt, no doubt about it; tulipstar prided herself on her very observant nature, and she was well aware that peccarypelt was only interested in toms. in fact, she wasn't even sure if peccarypelt knew that yet, but nonetheless, it couldn't be him. hayfeather? no. absolutely not. he wouldn't break the code so early on; he was incredibly loyal to tulipstar even after a few short moons.
    ixxx▬that left no other tom.
    ixxx▬tulipstar grimaced at the thought of her own cats betraying her so shortly into her leadership. she couldn't banish sweetdrop for her sins; mirra would surely follow, leaving tulipstar back at square one, with only her medicine cat and peccarypelt to help her provide for the clan over leafbare. kits would be a blessing, once new-leaf rolled around and they had a pawful of apprentices that would one day make superb warriors; perhaps they would even inherit their mother's knack for getting along with every cat under the sun. even peccarypelt seemed, however begrudgingly, to tolerate her company.
    ixxx▬tulipstar was forgiving. she would write off sweetdrop's unknown father as a rogue that the molly had known before she'd join the clan, even if the leader herself knew this was a falsity. she was positive, deep in her bones, that the father was from another clan - perhaps that would be a good thing, too? if a neighboring clan had a tom who sired one of moorclan's litters, they may be more inclined to becoming allies.
    ixxx▬so deep in her thoughts, tulipstar had not realized that she'd reached the end of the tunnel. a figure blocked her path; the silhouette of a wide-shouldered feline with a thick pelt was neatly sitting before the exit.
    ixxx▬his voice echoed down the last few fox-lengths of tunnel as he spoke. "hello, tulipstar," he greeted, as the molly emerged from the sacred place, her pupils the tiniest of slits to adjust to the sunlight. "i am satyrsplash. starclan sent me to you."
    ixxx▬tulipstar's green gaze scrutinized him; he was a dazzling red color with darker streaks upon his spine and the crest of his forehead, his eyes a striking shade just a bit darker than her own. he was poised and straightened, his shoulders set back to keep his posture proper. this was no ploy to impress tulipstar, however, and from the no-nonsense clip of his words and the way his ears swiveled to and fro to keep tabs upon what was happening in the area, tulipstar was certain that this tomcat had fought his fair share of battles and won an equal share of them.
    ixxx▬"satyrsplash," she echoed, dipping her head with a respect that surprised satyrsplash, though he would not say so aloud; he wasn't expecting this valiant leader that starclan had sent him to find to bow her head to him, to treat him like an equal. "i am tulipstar. moorclan will gladly take you as our deputy."
    ixxx▬and with that, the pair set off on the long trek towards the camp.
    ixxx▬- - -
    ixxx▬their journey was cut short, however, when two scraps of silver fur launched themselves from a rabbit burrow, colliding with the two moorclan cats.
    ixxx▬one of the grey scraps yowled as satyrsplash deftly picked it up by the scruff, revealing a dangling tomcat who glared at him with his nose scrunched up with distaste. the other furball seemed unwilling to even try to fight; tulipstar stood over him, staring down at the little tom who drew his tongue over his paw, scowling towards the other, who looked to be his kin.
    ixxx▬"what was the meaning of your attack?" tulipstar asked, staring down at the tom beneath her. he blinked wide, dark eyes, his ears pricked towards her. "you are on moorclan territory, young ones, and it would be in your best interest not to attack my deputy and i."
    ixxx▬the tom in satyrsplash's grip writhed, though the deputy was easily three times his size (how much of that percentage was made up of satyrsplash's fur, tulipstar couldn't say). "let me down!" he wailed, squirming, kicking at satyrsplash's chest. the ruddy somali made eye contact with the leader, who dipped her head incrementally; these two cats were barely out of kithood, and could not outfight - nor outrun - tulipstar and satyrsplash.
    ixxx▬satyrsplash dropped him. the little grey cat landed on his rump, exhaling a soft oof! as the wind was knocked from him. he quickly regained his composure, slinking over to his brother, crouched low with his ears held back against his head.
    ixxx▬the spitfire little tom, who, now that tulipstar could get a better look at him, had a pelt pattern similar to her own, though his spots were a silvery-blue color and he was paler around the belly. "moorclan?" he asked, his voice defensive and high-pitched with nerves, though his fur was fluffy with indignation. "what's that?"
    ixxx▬tulipstar blinked at him, her ears flicking. how young were these cats, she wondered, eyeing them both. surely older than kits, though their minuscule size hinted otherwise; barely on the cusp of being apprentices, she finally decided. "moorclan is a group of cats," she told the pair of toms. the larger of the two, the ticked tabby who she'd pinned first, blinked at her with his wide eyes. "we are allies, friends; we hunt and protect each other." tulipstar found herself struggling to explain the dynamic of her clan, and faltered for words, but her point seemed to have reached the young toms.
    ixxx▬"wow," the more fiery of the two breathed, his hostility turned to wonder. "can we - could we - ? we could learn, you could teach us!" he leapt to his paws, his tail sticking straight up with excitement. he turned to his brother. "right, ripple?"
    ixxx▬the somber little tom's stomach suddenly gave a violent yowl of protest. a smile pricked at satyrsplash's maw. "we don't know how to hunt," the ticked tabby, ripple, as his brother had called him, murmured. "or fight. or swim." he shot a sheepish look at tulipstar.
    ixxx▬"well, then," the molly purred. "welcome to moorclan."
    ixxx▬- - -
    ixxx▬the ceremony was the first official one that moorclan had experienced; tulipstar bounded to the top of her den, perching on the edge of the precipice that shielded her nest from the elements.
    ixxx▬"all cats old enough to run across the moor, gather beneath stoneledge to hear my words," the molly yowled, summoning cats from their dens or their napping spots; peccarypelt grumbled his dissent, hayfeather stretched as he bounded from his den, and a very pregnant sweetdrop swayed over, mirra at her shoulder.
    ixxx▬"today i bring with me three new members of moorclan; satyrsplash, please step forward."
    ixxx▬the tom did as he was told, a dignified air about him as his long tail curled to rest over his paws. his eyes were fickle, never committing to any cat for long as he observed his new clanmates.
    ixxx▬"satyrsplash was sent to us by starclan," tulipstar continued. "from this day onward, satyrsplash is moorclan's noble deputy. i hope that he serves our clan well and will make a stellar leader when i am no longer fit."
    ixxx▬tulipstar stepped closer to him, resting her chin on his shoulder for a moment as he echoed the gesture. "lead well when i am gone," she whispered, and then they broke from their stance, satyrsplash moving to sit at her left and tulipstar turning back to face the clan.
    ixxx▬"in addition to satyrsplash, moorclan has been fortunate enough to acquire our first apprentices," the two toms in question stepped closer, ripple shivering with nerves and his brother, splash, shaking with anticipation.
    ixxx▬"ripple," she spoke to the ticked tabby. "do you hereby swear your loyalty to this clan?" she stared at him with an intense gaze, and it seemed to rattle him, though he nodded immediately.
    ixxx▬"i do," he murmured, voice soft.
    ixxx▬"then from this day forward, you will be known as ripplepaw. your mentor will be mirra. i trust that she will train you to the best of her ability, and perhaps pass on some of her unfailing kindness."
    ixxx▬"ripplepaw!" the, while still rather small, clan shouted, mirra's voice joyous of all. the ticked tabby bounded down the ridge to meet his mentor, their noses meeting. "welcome to moorclan," the kindhearted molly purred before silence fell once more as tulipstar ushered the next cat forward.
    ixxx▬"splash," the spoke loudly for the clan to hear. "do you hereby swear your loyalty to this clan?"
    ixxx▬"i do!" he chirped, a cheeky grin lifting his mouth. he would be a pawful of trouble, tulipstar was already sure of it, but he would make a damn good warrior was he was trained.
    ixxx▬"then from this day forward, you will be known as splashpaw. your mentor will be satyrsplash; i trust that he will train you to the best of his ability, and perhaps pass on some of his discipline." there was a twinkle of amusement in the leader's eyes at her last line, but the apprenticed seemed to miss it as he purred with delight, the clan now yowling his name as he bounced to the deputy at tulipstar's side.
    ixxx▬as satyrsplash pressed his nose to his new apprentice's, he released a sigh of endearment. he would be up to his ears in trouble, that was for sure!
    ixxx▬- - -
    ixxx▬peccarypelt was, quite frankly, peeved. his tail lashed as he whirled away from the gathering, stalking towards hayfeather. as much as he would refuse to admit it, he was growing fond of the oddly-accented medicine cat and sought his company more than any of the other cats within the clan.
    ixxx▬"how come he got an apprentice before me?" he spat as soon as he was within a tail-length of hayfeather, who'd retreated to the front of his den to groom himself. "how come she got an apprentice before me?"
    ixxx▬hayfeather blinked.
    ixxx▬peccarypelt was working himself up into a fit, prowling figure eights around hayfeather. "i mean, i joined moorclan way before mirra and that - that - handsome bastard of a deputy!"
    ixxx▬hayfeather, again, blinked. was that even supposed to be an insult?
    ixxx▬"and i'm just as competent, i'm way better at fighting than mirra and - really - satyrsplash isn't even that handsome! i could have an apprentice, hayfeather, i could!"
    ixxx▬hayfeather stifled a laugh, smacking his paws over his mouth. "peccarypelt, really, y'er bein' real dramatic," he giggled, his smile brighter than the sun that winked at them as a cloud passed over. "i'm sure tulipstar'll have somethin' planned for ya."
    ixxx▬peccarypelt scowled darkly. "i don't care about her plan," he grumbled. "i want an apprentice."
    ixxx▬hayfeather sighed obligingly. "think about it," he flicked his ears towards the nursery where sweetdrop lounged in the falling sun. "sweetdrop is about to have 'er kits," hayfeather licked a paw. "an' i'm sure tulipstar'll apprentice one of 'em to ya."
    ixxx▬peccarypelt considered this.
    ixxx▬"she'd better," he grumbled.

consumption ; moorclan consumes 03 servings; one hare.
medicine ; hayfeather searches for herbs.
hayfeather practices medicine.
hayfeather has five skill points.
training ; splashpaw trains with satyrsplash.
ripplepaw trains with mirra.
new apprentices ; splashpaw and ripplepaw are assigned to satyrsplash and mirra, respectively.
warrior assessments ; there are no new warriors.
patrols ; tulipstar patrols the borders.
mirra patrols the borders
hunting ; peccarypelt and satyrsplash go hunting.
nursery ; sweetdrop is due in one moon.
deaths ; there are no deaths.
other actions ; there are no other actions.
clan notes ; sweetdrop attracts at least one cat while patrolling.
mirra prevents complications during births if she attends the kitting.
ripplepaw will be rolled for powers when he becomes a warrior.
splashpaw will be rolled for powers when he becomes a warrior.
mod notes ; the following cats can be found at any time !
- fitchkit (1m molly who needs a surrogate mother before being found)
- mallowpath (32m tom)
- mahoganynose (29m tom)
- chickenkit (1m molly who needs a surrogate mother before being found)
- donkeykit (1m tom who needs a surrogate mother before being found)
- goosekit (1m molly who needs a surrogate mother before being found)
( proof of mallow, mahogany, chicken, donkey, & goose here ! )

( the leader )
tulipstar, molly, 43m
brown bengal with green eyes
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

( the deputy )
satyrsplash, tom, 36m
ruddy somali with green eyes

( the medicine cat )
hayfeather, tom, 37m
flame point bicolor with blue eyes

( warriors )
peccarypelt, tom, 32m
brown classic tabby with amber eyes
mirra, molly, 36m, powers
classic calico tabby with amber eyes


( apprentices )
splashpaw, tom, 6m
blue bengal with grey eyes
ripplepaw, 6m, tom
silver ticked tabby with green eyes

( queens )
sweetdrop, molly, 23m, powers
longhair lynx point with blue eyes

( kits )
none yet
( elders )
none yet

( families )
sweetdrop & richterscreech | unborn
xxxxxxxxxxxx↳ from chessclan
unknown & unknown | splash & ripple

( deceased )
name | cause of death
( training )
splashpaw | satyrsplash | 00 skills
ripplepaw | mirra | 00 skills

( borders )
north =
north east =
east =
south east =
south =
south west =
west =
north west =

( allies )
clan name | username
( enemies )
clan name | username

Last edited by notwearingsocks on Mon Sep 16, 2019 11:56 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Postby Kazin » Fri Sep 13, 2019 4:28 pm

    Where did everything go?

    The cats in Chaosclan are living in what seems to be the end of the world. The Twolegs that once made their lives living near a city so difficult have vanished, leaving behind, well, everything. Animals seem to be untouched from whatever caused this disappearance of Twolegs. At first, the cats were joyous at not having to compete with Twolegs, at not having to worry that they were going to hurt them... but after a while, harsher predators started appearing. Things like mountain lions, wolves, even the occasional bear began to scavenge around the clan. They were safe from Twolegs, but were they really better off?

    The clan has to be on high alert now. The world is dangerous. The world is unsafe.

    Prey: mouse, squirrel, hare, rat, squirrel, and pigeon.
    Predators: wolves, mountain lions, grizzly bears... etc.


    Camp & Dens

    Making their home in an abandoned highway, littered with Twoleg monsters that are rusted, overgrown with plants, and rooted in place, the cats built themselves dens in the bigger and more protective monsters. The leaders made themselves at home in the bed of an abandoned covered truck bed, or what they call the empty monster. Soldiers are housed with the scouts, hunters, and caretakers in an abandoned bus, or the long monster. Prey is also kept in here, and this is where the main meetings are - the leader(s) stand at the windshield, while the rest fill in space so they can see. Medics and the nursery are together, housed in a monster that looks like a Twoleg home at the same time - an RV. The medicine den is situated near the front part, where the Twolegs would control the monster, and the nursery is in the back, where soft Twoleg beds have been preserved; caretakers have given this extra padding of moss and other den materials.

    The territory contains the highway, which stretches on many miles to the north and south; the edges are marked by a large overturned back of a monster (a semi truck) called the barrier on the north edge, and by a strange monster that has wings (a plane) called the flight on the south. The east contains a small source of fresh water, a swampy pond that no fish seem to really inhabit, and marshland. The west, the normal direction for hunting or herb collection, contains a forest area.

    Den materials: moss, mud, scrap metal (small pieces that the cats can carry in their mouths or on their back), sticks, and stones.


Rank Changes

    Leader -> two commanders. Each split the lives - one has 4, one has 5.

    Deputy -> Three soldiers. Basically they are just senior warriors and don't really hold any power in the clan, just strength.

    Medicine cat -> Medic. Same as a conventional clan.

    Warriors -> Guardians (fighters/patrol), hunters (hunt), scouts (lookout/patrol), caretakers (weaklings, injured cats, softer and more passive cats that guard and help in the nursery/around camp. May train apprentices as well, as the training grounds are right next to the camp).

    Elders -> also caretakers, though they would have lesser duties than the younger caretakers.

    Apprentices, queens and kits would remain the same.


    It's time for my second clan c: Proof of my first clan being a year old here. Chaosclan will be going into hard mode, we'll see how it goes.

    Requesting color ins for my cats, and a light request for deimos as my mod, but any mod is fine! c:
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby jazz. » Sat Sep 14, 2019 9:37 am

archive | Mod: amethyst | TwsitedClan uses: 9 servings | Next Moonpool visit: later
Number of cats: 50 | 23 females | 27 males | Rouges: 1 | Pebbles: 40

─ ℓαsт мσση
    xxxxxxx Patchedmask slipped out of the cabin and into the clear night sky. He looked up at the stars far above. Dovestrike was one of those twinkling stars now; he never got a chance to know her. “What are you looking for?” Patchedmask turned to see the stiff figure of Sunchaser sitting in the shadows.
    xxxxxxx“Dovestrike.” He returned his gaze to the heavens. “I wonder which star is hers.” The deputy stayed quiet. “I don’t mean to steal Rainsong back, you know.” Patchedmask looked to Sunchaser. “I have nowhere else to go.”
    xxxxxxx Sunchaser nodded awkwardly. “They don’t know you’re their father. And we’d like to keep it that way.”
    xxxxxxx “I’m perfectly fine watching from the shadows.” He faintly smiled. “They’ve certainly grown up.” He stretched and pivoted to head back to his roughly made nest. “You two did a fine job. Good night.” He dipped his head.
    xxxxxxx“Good night.”
    xxxxxxxDexter curled up in his makeshift nest. He scowled thinking of the warm cabin the clan was snuggled up in and kneaded the freshly fallen leaves underneath him. Ridiculous, he thought. She should be the one paying for her sins. He would have to explore more of this forest in the warm sunlight. He sneezed, sending leaves and his spirit scattering across the ground. This better be worth it, he raked leaves back towards him, otherwise I’ll freeze to death all alone for nothing. To his dismay, he sneezed once more. I better find a wonderful feast tomorrow, he rested his tail over his nose, brought to me by servants. This wasn’t a time to get sick on his own. Perhaps if there’s one group of cats here, there’ll be more.
    xxxxxxx Twistedstar spent the early morning hours mulling over possible warrior names for the upcoming ceremony. Funnily enough, the only one she was set on was for the apprentice that failed his assessment. He would be devastated when his other four littermates would be named full warriors, he would become Rabbitear soon enough. There were also more pressing issues to be concerned about: Patchedmask and Dexter. While Patchedmask seemed to be a worthy warrior, the peculiar resemblance of him and Patchnose flitted in the back of her mind. She didn’t think it would be appropriate to ask Patchedmask to change his name, as he’d had it for more than fifty moons, so they’d just have to deal with it. If he didn’t stir up any trouble, she’d ignore it. If something serious started to rear its head, she’d press Sunchaser for some information he might know. However, this was the smaller problem at hand. Shadow was still distraught about the thought of Dexter being around, and obviously having him as a rouge was not going to work in the long run. She made a mental note to have Silverstem make her feel extra comfortable. And perhaps Neritefang would like to sleep outside of the nursery section as well? She was becoming very protective of the orphaned kits and becoming an elder certainly did not rip her claws from her. Yes, Twistedstar nodded to herself, Neritefang will like the extra guard duty and a chance to mother some kits.
    xxxxxxx “Deergaze! Squirreltuft! Mousespeck! Shrewfeather!” TwistedClan yowled the names of the newly christened warriors. Rabbitpaw sat in the very back, long ears flattened. Silverstem surprised him by licking his head.
    xxxxxxx“I can’t sit next to my own son?” Silverstem looked hurt.
    xxxxxxx“Shouldn’t you be congratulating the others?”
    xxxxxxx“They’re happy enough for now.” Silverstem scooted closer once more. “Is it a crime for wanting to spend time with my sulking kit?”
    xxxxxxx“Whatever.” But Silverstem didn’t miss the smile Rabbitpaw tried so hard to hide.

─ ρяεsεηт
    xxxxxxxThe leaf-fall chill was becoming more evident by the second. It slowly started to creep its way into the sinuses of the clan cats. Thundercry was already bedridden with a cold much to his dismay. Frostpaw was now learning the art of keeping a restless warrior confined to a single nest. “You can’t just go around infecting others!” Frostpaw would dig his claws into the ground and hold the fluffy tom back with his teeth. “I’ll grab you a mouse or whatever else you want.”
    xxxxxxx “I want to go talk to my friends.” Thundercry complained in between sneezes. Frostpaw gave one final pull and successfully knocked the tom back into his sick-nest. He let out a heavy sigh. “I’ll take a squirrel then.” Thundercry glared at the apprentice from beneath his fluffy tail.
    xxxxxxx “Right.” Frostpaw muttered. He slunk out and rummaged through the fresh-kill pile.
    xxxxxxx“Are you going to pick something or make a mess?” Frostpaw jumped and spun to face an annoyed Darkmist.
    xxxxxxx“J-just getting something for Thundercry.” Frostpaw stuttered. He grabbed the first tail he touched and scampered away from her cold gaze. He ended up next to Frigidpaw, Mountainpaw, and Rabbitpaw with a scrawny mouse hanging from his jaws. “Is she nice to you?” He asked Mountainpaw under his breath.
    xxxxxxx“A fair mentor.” He shrugged. “It’s easier when I do things right the first time.”
    xxxxxxx“Rainsong’s quite nice.” Rabbitpaw said. “She didn’t even yell at me when I failed my warrior assessment.” He sounded a bit nasally.
    xxxxxxx“Has Rainsong ever yelled at anyone?” Frigidpaw asked.
    xxxxxxx“Rabbitpaw,” Frostpaw interrupted his brother. “Are you feeling alright?”
    xxxxxxxThe tom tried to hide a sniff. “Just dandy.”
    xxxxxxx“I’m not so sure about that.”
    xxxxxxx“I’m NOT sick!” Rabbitpaw’s outburst caused a violent sneeze to startle him. “If I go get any herbs, Galalight won’t let me retake my assessment this moon.” He frowned.
    xxxxxxx"One more moon won’t hurt.” Frostpaw tried to persuade him. “And Galalight will have my hide if I allow you to patrol.”
    xxxxxxxDexter stifled a sneeze and rubbed his runny nose with a paw. He was quickly becoming miserable, but nothing would ever get done if he lazed around. Scenting the air once more to make sure he was heading away from TwistedClan’s camp, he started off in the other direction. Luckily, he didn’t cross paths with a patrol; his hiding ability was hindered by his constant sniffling. Soon he reached the northern edge of the forest indicated by scent markers. Although…what was that? It seemed like there were faint scents of other cats drifting downwind. He opened his mouth for a better shot at locating the scent. It might have been non-TwistedClan cats, but Dexter couldn’t know for sure with his shoddy nose. Only one way to find out, he thought and trotted out of the forest and into the grasslands beyond. He was still unfamiliar with this territory; he had come from the south.
    xxxxxxxHe was about ready to call it a day but spotting signs of cat trails reenergized him. At least the afternoon sun was starting to warm his pelt. The winds changed and the scent trail that was guiding him faded. He was now standing in grass as tall as he was and was lost walking around in circles. He sat down with a huff and covered his face with his paws. That’s when he was greeted with a chorus of hisses. “Who do you think you are walking into a strange group?” Dexter spun to face about twenty cats who had quietly and quickly completely surrounded him. This group looked haggard and unkept, bones sharply jutted out under fur. Scars lined each angled face and pelt giving the cats an off-putting vibe.
    xxxxxxxDexter was not going to be intimidated, however, or at least act like he was. “I must have missed any scent markers.” He said evenly.
    xxxxxxxOne of the bigger cats stepped forward menacingly. “We don’t need scents to defend us. Our claws work even better.”
    xxxxxxxA mottled molly missing an eye smirked. “Maybe pretty boy here needs to see how the world really works.”
    xxxxxxx“Oh, I’d love to get my claws in his pelt,” Another drawled. “The ones who act tough always shriek the loudest.”
    xxxxxxxDexter shifted his weight to his hind end and assessed the situation. It wasn’t looking great if he was being honest. I should’ve just stayed in the shadows of TwistedClan, he thought with a frown. Although…that gave him an idea. “Clawing just me wouldn’t be terribly fun,” He slowly said. “But I know where you can find more.”
    xxxxxxxThistlefur darted after his hunting patrol. He had been daydreaming about a certain molly and had been left behind. Now, he raced after a glimpse of a tail and kicked up clumps of leaves as he ran. The tail tip turned into a large brown tail sending an excited shiver down his spine. He put on a burst of speed and finally caught up with…Ruststripe. The older tom gave him a quick disgruntled look as a couple of birds took off towards the safety of the trees. His heart sank. “Sorry, I didn’t know they were there.” He apologized lamely.
    xxxxxxx“On a hunting patrol it would be safe to assume that prey is always near.” Ruststripe said evenly.
    xxxxxxx“Right,” Thistlefur uncomfortably scraped at the dirt.
    xxxxxxx“You’re a bit old to be so lovestruck that you’re scaring away our meal.” Ruststripe pressed. “Now go talk to her and let me actually hunt.”
    xxxxxxxThistlefur sheepishly ducked his head and scampered away. What’s wrong with being giddy? He grinned to himself. It wasn’t every day that you’re chasing after your first love.
    xxxxxxxPerhaps new-leaf wasn’t the season for love. As Thistlefur was tracking Mallardwing instead of mice, Willowbranch was hardcore flirting with an oblivious Petalfall. She had finally gotten her alone, but the molly wouldn’t take a hint. At this point, Willowbranch didn’t know how much more forward she could be. She finally reached her breaking point. “Hey mouse-brain,” She blurted. “You want to like hang out but as more than friends?” The calico let out a little startled gasp. Did I misread something? She nervously thought.
    xxxxxxx“Like as mates?” Petalfall finally said.
    xxxxxxx“Not yet!” Willowbranch exclaimed. “But like half-mates or something. Pre-mates.”
    xxxxxxx“Oof,” Petal shook her head. “We can find another word better than pre-mates.”
    xxxxxxx“It’s courting,” Stormheart correct. He was apparently in the bushes eavesdropping. "You court each other."
    xxxxxxx“Go away, stalker!” Willowbranch ran to her brother to bowl him over. “What are you doing creeping around?”
    xxxxxxx “I like watching the leaves fall. It’s quiet up here.” Stormheart slipped out from his sister’s grasp. “But just become mates right away. You might not be here tomorrow.”
    xxxxxxxWillowbranch spent a few moments consoling him before leaving him to watch the scenery. “He’s still pretty torn up about Quietstep, huh?” Petalfall whispered as they walked away.
    xxxxxxx“Yeah, Thundercry and I take turns checking on him throughout the day. He finally visited Maplebreeze’s kits the other day. He seemed to brighten up after that, but we’re still worried about him.” Willowbranch explained. “But no offense, I don’t want to have a mate so suddenly.”
    xxxxxxxPetalfall’s laugh was a cheerful tinkle. “Me neither. Courting is just fine with me for now.”
    xxxxxxxNow it was Mallardwing’s prey that was frightened away by a running Thistlefur. “Whatcha do that for?” She tried to sound stern, but her smile said differently.
    xxxxxxx“I found you.” Thistlefur panted.
    xxxxxxx“Are you trying to catch me for dinner?” Mallardwing flicked him with her tail. “What’s up?”
    xxxxxxx“I’m in love with you.” He said breathlessly. “I-I love you.” Mallardwing’s eyes widened. “I understand if you might not feel the same since I’m…I’m not…”
    xxxxxxx “Are you kidding?” Mallardwing blinked slowly at him. Her voice was sweet. “I love you for you, Thistlefur. I love you as the tom you are. And even if you were a molly, I’d feel the same.” She stood face to face with the calico tom. “I love you too.”
    xxxxxxxAshkit, Hollykit, and Featherkit were spending as much time out of the nursery as possible. The nine new kits were becoming rather bothersome to the growing trio, and the queens needed all hands-on deck. “Neritefang!” Featherkit called cheerfully. He led the way towards the two elders. “Look how fast I am!”
    xxxxxxx“I’m faster!” Ashkit boasted. She chased after her brother.
    xxxxxxx“Wait up!” Hollykit yelled. It seemed as if Neritefang finally had kits of her own.
    xxxxxxx The Clan had put the string of deaths in the back of their minds. For now, it seemed that the forest had been satisfied of the chaos it had caused for a short while. Galalight and Twistedstar remained worried, but for now TwistedClan was bright and happy again. This happiness is also what Dexter and the hostile group witnessed. “Interesting.” The big cat cuffed Dexter on the shoulder. “Let’s retrace our steps and ponder this situation.” He ordered. Dexter trailed behind. He wasn’t sure if he was allowed to still tag along, or if he even wanted to, but he needed some protection while he was ill. This could be his ticket in. He let out a loud sneeze.
    xxxxxxx“Who was that?” A voice off to the right asked. It was not from any of the rouge cats.
    xxxxxxxThey had been heard.
    The patrol confronts the rouge group. "get the hell off our territory!"
    The clan consumes three magpies (9 servings)
    Rainsong, Birchwhisker, Sunchaser, Ruststripe, Darkmist, and Mallardwing hunt
    Nightpelt, Deergaze, Willowbranch, Patchnose, Stormheart, and Starlingsky hunt.
    Crowtalon, Flameleap, Tigerstrike, Petalfall, Thistlefur, and Honeytail hunt.
    Snowstorm, Softdapple, Riverstone, and Cinderdust, Mousespeck, and Squirreltuft patrol.
    Galalight and Frostpaw hunt for herbs.
    Rabbitpaw and Thundercry rest.
    All apprentices train in Swimming.
    none this moon
    Sunchaser and Rainsong try for kits!
    Thistlefur and Mallardwing become mates! (they do not find a surrogate yet)
    none this moon
    love the drama
    Twistedstar | 77 m | ♀ |
    twisted back paw
    ruined back leg
    Lives: ★★★★ [4]
    Sunchaser | 48 m | ♂ |
    Galalight | 35 m | ♀ |
    Skills: ✿✿✿✿✿ [5]
    Frostpaw | 10 m | ♂ |
    Snowstorm | 63 m | ♂ |
    Ruststripe | 62 m | ♂ |
    Birchwhisker | 61 m | ♀ |
    Patchedmask | 51 m | ♂ |
    Rainsong | 43 m | ♀ |
    Thistlefur | 41 m | ♂ (AFAB) |
    Crowtalon | 38 m | ♂ |
    Darkmist | 38 m | ♀ |
    Mallardwing | 33 m | ♀ |
    Starlingsky | 32 m | ♀ |
    Nightpelt | 31 m | ♂ |
    half a tail
    Flameleap | 29 m | ♂ |
    Honeytail | 26 m | ♂ |
    Thundercry | 25 m | ♂ |
    Willowbranch | 25 m | ♀ |
    Stormheart | 25 m | ♂ |
    Patchnose | 20 m | ♂ |
    Petalfall | 20 m | ♀ |
    Softdapple | 18 m | ♀ |
    Tigerstrike | 16 m | ♂ |
    Riverstone | 16 m | ♀ |
    Cinderdust | 16 m | ♀ |
    Deergaze | 13 m | ♀ |
    Squirreltuft | 13 m | ♂ |
    Mousespeck | 13 m | ♂ |
    Shrewfeather | 13 m | ♀ |
    Rabbitpaw | 13 m | ♂ |
    Mountainpaw | 11 m | ♂ |
    Frigidpaw | 10 m | ♂ |
    Silverstem | 58 m | ♀ |
    permanent queen
    Shadow | 33 m | ♀ |
    Maplebreeze | 25 m | ♀ |
    Ashkit | 5 m | ♀ |
    Hollykit | 5 m | ♂ |
    Featherkit | 5 m | ♂ |
    Pinekit | 2 m | ♂ |
    Oakkit | 2 m | ♂ |
    Goldkit | 2 m | ♂ |
    Sweetkit | 2 m | ♀ |
    Aspen | 2 m | ♂ |
    Fog | 2 m | ♀ |
    Mist | 2 m | ♀ |
    Vixen | 2 m | ♀ |
    Beetle | 2 m | ♂ |
    Marsh | 121 m | ♂ |
    Neritefang | 108 m | ♀ |
    scars all over pelt
    Dexter | 36 m | ♂ |
Name | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link][/url]
    Unknown ♥︎ Silverstem | Bluekit and Pebblepaw
    Wolfclaw ♥︎ Silverstem | Rabbitpaw, Deergaze, Squirreltuft,
    Mousespeck, and Shrewfeather
    Stormstrike ♥︎ Birchwhisker | Thundercry, Cloudpaw,
    Willowbranch, Goosedawn, Maplebreeze, and Stormheart
    Patchedmask of DewClan ♥︎ Rainsong | Patchnose, Dovestrike,
    and Petalfall
    Toadsplash ♥︎ Claystream (HurricaneClan)| Goosekit and Mallardwing
    Ruststripe ♥︎ Twistedstar | Tigerstrike, Riverstone,
    and Cinderdust
    Unknown ♥︎ Sagefeather | Rushingflame (PrairieClan)
    Valleyrunner (ChessClan) ♥︎ Crowtalon (Mallardwing) | Ravenpaw (ChessClan),
    Twilightpaw (ChessClan), and Mountainpaw
    Stonefrost (MooseClan) ♥︎ Briarwhisper | no kits
    Minnowflash + Graybelly | unnamed, Ashkit, Hollykit, and Featherkit
    Unknown ♥︎ Unknown | Frigidpaw and Frostpaw
    Honeytail ♥︎ Maplebreeze | Pinekit, Oakkit, Goldkit, and Sweetkit
    Dexter + Shadow | Aspen, Fog, Mist, Vixen, and Beetle
    Thistlefur ♥︎ Mallardwing | no kits

- known by Spottednose,
Galalight, Twistedstar, Sunchaser,
Frostpaw, and Ruststripe


North | Celestial Beings | *broken
East | DuskClan | avenoir.
South | Jade Empire | gossamer
West | OPEN | ---


    Thrushes | x17 | 3 servings
    Magpies | x9 | 3 servings
    Shrews | x17 | 1 serving
    Squirrels | x19 | 2 servings
    Mice | x19 | 1 serving
    Voles | x19 | 1 serving

    Skills: Hunting, Fighting, Climbing, STalking, SWimming
    Rabbitpaw | Rainsong | 5 | ST, SW, H, C, F
    Mountainpaw | Darkmist | 4 | H, C, F, ST
    Frigidpaw | Mallardwing | 3 | C, F, ST
    Frostpaw | Galalight | 3 | C, F, ST
    Galalight of LambClan
    Stonefrost of CherryClan
    Wolfclaw of HollowClan
    Neritefang of GraveClan
    Briarwhisper of RoseClan
    Starlingsky of BearClan
    Toadsplash of GraveClan
    Claystream of GraveClan
    Mallardwing of GraveClan
    Minnowflash of WhisperClan
    Graybelly of WhisperClan
    Windcall of WhisperClan
    Finchflight of WaveClan
    Thistlefur of WaveClan
    Darkmist of Lucid Shadows
    Valleyrunner | (ChessClan)
    Ravenpaw | (ChessClan)
    Twilightpaw | (ChessClan)
    Rushingflame | (PrairieClan)
    Claystream | (HurricaneClan)
    Stonefrost | (MooseClan)
    Jaywhistle | (LostClan)
    Windcall | (LaughClan)
    Alder Bark | Eases toothaches | 3
    Beech Leaves | Used to carry bundles of herbs | 1
    Bindweed | Helps mend a broken leg | 2
    Blackberry Leaves | Eases pain of bee stings | 1
    Borage Leaves | Helps produce milk | 1
    Bright Eyes | Helps cure coughs | 1
    Broom | Helps broken legs and wounds | 2
    Burdock Root | Cures infected (rat) bites | 2
    Burnet | Gives strength | 2
    Catchweed | stops poultices from rubbing off | 1
    Catmint | Cures greencough | 1
    Celandine | Soothes damaged eyes | 1
    Chervil | Helps infection/bellyaches/kitting | 1
    Chickweed | Cures greencough | 1
    Cobwebs | Treats bleeding, binds broken bones | 2
    Coltsfoot | Eases breathing or kitten-cough | 1
    Comfrey Roots | Repairs broken bones, and burns | 2
    Daisy Leaves | Eases aching joints | 3
    Dock | Soothe scratches and sore paws | 1
    Dried Oak Leaf | Stops infection | 1
    Elder Leaf | Soothes sprains | 2
    Fennel | Helps pain in hips | 2
    Feverfew | Helps bring down fevers/headaches | 2
    Goatweed | Eases grief | 2
    Goldenrod | Good for healing wounds | 2
    Honey | Soothes infections, sore throats, and coughing | 1
    Horsetail | Stops bleeding and stops infection | 2
    Juniper Berries | Helps bellyaches and breathing | 2
    Lamb's Ear | Gives strength | 2
    Lavender | Cures fever and chills | 2
    Lovage | Can help cure coughs | 1
    Marigold | Stops infection and bleeding | 2
    Mint | Hides scents of death | 1
    Mouse Bile | Kills ticks | 2
    Poppy Seeds | Helps sleep, shock, and distress | 3
    Ragwort Leaves | Help aching joints | 1
    Raspberry Leaf | Painkiller or stops bleeding from kitting | 1
    Rush | Helps hold broken limbs in place | 1
    Sorrel | Builds appetite | 1
    Stick | Braces broken limbs | 1
    Stinging Nettle | Induces vomiting | 1
    Sweet-sedge | eases infections | 1
    Tansy | Cures coughs, wounds, and poisons | 1
    Thyme | Calms anxiety and shock | 1
    Tormentil | Treats wounds and extracts poison | 1
    Yarrow | extracts poison/soothes pads | 2
    Deathberries | Poisonous when consumed | 2
    Foxglove | Can cause paralysis or heart failure | 2
    Holly Berries | Poisonous to kits | 3
━━ ❝Ah,━━━━━━━━
"чσu dσn't knσw hσw hígh í cαn flч"
| shє/hєr | lσvєr σf hσrsєs |



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HazeClan | Post 59

Postby NightWolf950 » Sat Sep 14, 2019 11:42 am

Archive: WIP
Number of Cats: 157 (79 males | 78 females)
Speak to the Dark Forest: September 15th
Servings Needed: 24 (156-163)
Pebble Count: 36

Font Credit and Divider Credit


Another WIP


{Hazeclan consumes x8 birds

Request: n/a
Ceremonies: Petalpaw, Cherrypaw, Tigerpaw, and Mothpaw are ready to become warriors

Other: Darkflower is training in QuickClan
Sparrowpaw has finsihed her training and has decided to live with her mother Woodbloom in GroveClan

Medic Info: Badgerstrike has 1 moon of rest ahead of him
Tallwhisker has 1 moon of rest ahead of her
Kitting Info: Pantherstar and Willowthroar of GroveClan try for kits
Wolfpelt is due, the father is an unknown tom
Pumpkin is due in 1 moons
Butterflywatcher is due in due moons
Deaths: n/a

Gathering herbs: Cloudypaw
Hunting: Starlingflight, Icepetal, Meadowbird, Cindermask, Lightingstrike, and Orangesky
Hunting: Tansypetal, Leafbreeze, Bearclaw, Tawnythroat, Puddlestream, and Hickorysmoke
Hunting: Whispcloud, Wraith, Dappledwillow, Splashshade, Twigscratch, and Mottlesplash
Hunting: Ploverwing, Newt, Patchpad, Peridotgaze, and Wrenwillow
Hunting: Larksong, Sedgeling, Cinnamonberry, Mockingjay, and Rapidfall
Patrolling: Jayfur, Rookwatcher, Hornetwhisker, Beetleclaw, and Zipperfang
Patrolling: Emberspark, Rosethorn, Skull, Cougarshadow, and Swiftfeather
Patrolling: Slatestone, Chestnutblaze, Heavystep, Flickerfall, and Beetlecrawl
Patrolling: Cardinalwing, Flarefeather, Faintcloud, Splashstreak, and Swivelspear

Hunting Training: Willowpaw, Riddlepaw, Finchpaw, Fawnpaw, Burrowpaw, Coldpaw, Pikepaw, Piperpaw, Bluepaw, and Heathpaw
Stalking Training: Sorrelpaw, Foxpaw, Stagpaw, Fangpaw, Pansypaw, Webpaw, Smallpaw, Tumblepaw, Streampaw, and Tortoisepaw
Offense Training: Finchpaw, Ivorypaw, Diamondpaw, Flintpaw, Sharppaw, Flurrypaw, Fernpaw, Bearpaw, Hillpaw, Drizzlepaw, and Icepaw
Defense Training: Wildpaw, Radishpaw, Topazpaw, Gustpaw, Monarchpaw, Cranepaw, Blossompaw, Sprucepaw, Bubblepaw, Tealpaw, and Poppypaw

Mod. Note: n/a
Color Code: Red = Kill-able

Pantherstar | 43 moons | Female
Lives: ★★★★★

Starlingflight | 45 moons | Male

Jayfur | 53 moons | Male

Medicine Cats:
None - Cloduypaw is still in training

Inkfire | 60 moon | Male
Darkflower | 84 moons | Female
Batwing | 53 moons | Female
Marshpool | 53 moons | Female
Oakfang | 74 moons | Male
Emberspark | 51 moons | Female
Ghost | 59 moons | Male - missing left ear
Haunt | 66 moons | Male
Adderstrike | 50 moons | Male
Slatestone | 47 moons | Male
Tansypetal | 42 moons | Female
Maplebreeze | 42 moons | Female
Brightgaze | 59 moons | Male
Turtledove | 91 moons | Female
Heatherflame | 67 moons | Female
Whispcloud | 42 moons | Male
Sandfire | 44 moons | Male
Honeypool | 39 moons | Male
Rowangaze | 37 moons | Male
Palesnow | 37 moons | Male
Robinheart | 53 moons | Female
Ploverwing | 34 moons | Male
Whitemoon | 35 moons | Male
Larksong | 33 moons | Female
Driftsnow | 30 moons | Male
Dunebreeze | 30 moons | Male
Ripplesong | 30 moons | Female
Hazelwing |29 moons | Female
Spidersight | 29 moons | Male
Minnowfin | 29 moons | Female
Tallwhsiker | 48 moons | Female
Cardinalwing | 51 moons | Female
Rookwatcher | 98 moons | Male
Almondfall | 28 moons | Male
Elmbranch | 27 moons | Female
Icepetal | 27 moons | Male
Leafbreeze | 27 moons | Female
Wraith | 26 moons | Female
Newt | 26 moons | Female
Jack | 26 moons | Male
Waspflight | 29 moons | Male
Sedgeling | 30 moons | Male
Rosethorn | 29 moons | Male
Chestnutblaze | 23 moons | Male
Flarefeather | 23 moons | Male
Faintcloud | 23 moons | Female
Heavystep | 52 moons | Male
Fallowpelt | 47 moons | Male
Skull | 26 moons | Male
Hornetwhisker | 23 moons | Male
Sycamoretooth | 23 moons | Male
Cinnamonberry | 23 moons | Female
Lightleap | 21 moons | Female
Patchpad | 21 moons | Male
Pineshade | 67 moons | Female
Dappledwillow | 83 moons | Female
Koisplash | 52 moons | Female
Bearclaw | 91 moons | Female
Gorseheart | 41 moons | Male
Meadowbird | 47 moons | Female
Splashstreak | 21 moons | Male
Flickerfall | 18 moons | Male
Cougarshadow | 62 moons | Female
Mockingjay | 17 moons | Male
Beetleclaw | 17 moons | Male
Peridotgaze | 17 moons | Female
Charcoalpelt | 43 moons | Male
Cinderflame | 57 moons | Male
Splashshade | 55 moons | Female
Tawnythroat | 16 moons | Female
Cindermask | 16 moons | Male
Lightningstrike | 29 moons | Female
Zipperfang | 15 moons | Male
Puddlestream | 40 moons | Female
Wollypelt | 58 moons | Male
Hailstorm | 40 moons | Female
Seedpatch | 43 moons | Male
Weaselheart | 36 moons | Male
Sootwing | 23 moons | Male
Twigscratch | 15 moons | Female
Wrenwillow| 15 moons | Female
Rapidfall | 14 moons | Female
Swiftfeather | 13 moons | Male
Beetlecrawl | 13 moons | Male
Swivelspear| 60 moons | Female
Echoripple | 38 moons | Female
Mousestep | 25 moons | Female
Azaleacurrent | 37 moons | Female
Orangesky | 55 moons | Female
Hickorysmoke | 48 moons | Female
Mottlesplash | 34 moons | Female

Cloudypaw | 15 moons | Male
Petalpaw | 13 moons | Female
Cherrypaw | 13 moons | Female
Tigerpaw | 13 moons | Male
Willowpaw | 15 moons | Female
Sparrowpaw | 15 moons | Female
Finchpaw | 15 moons | Female
Mothpaw | 12 moons | Male
Wildpaw | 12 moons | Male
Finchpaw | 10 moons | Female
Foxpaw | 28 moons | Female
Radishpaw | 20 moons | Female
Sorrelpaw | 7 moons | Female
Riddelpaw | 7 moons | Male
Ivorypaw | 10 moons | Female
Topazpaw | 7 moons | Male
Diamondpaw | 7 moons | Male
Stagpaw | 7 moons | Male - blind in left eye
Fawnpaw | 7 moons | Female
Fangpaw | 7 moons | Male
Gustpaw | 7 moons | Male
Flintpaw | 7 moons | Male
Sharppaw | 7 moons | Female
Pansypaw | 7 moons | Female - twisted front right paw
Burrowpaw | 7 moons | Male
Monarchpaw | 7 moons | Female
Flurrypaw | 7 moons | Female
Webpaw | 7 moons | Female
Cranepaw | 7 moons | Female
Coldpaw | 7 moons | Female
Pikepaw | 7 moons | Male
Smallpaw | 7 moons | Female
Fernpaw | 7 moons | Female
Blossompaw | 7 moons | Female
Bearpaw | 7 moons | Male
Sprucepaw | 7 moons | Male
Tumblepaw | 7 moons | Male
Piperpaw | 7 moons | Female - twisted back left paw
Hillpaw | 7 moons | Male
Bubblepaw | 7 moons | Female
Streampaw | 7 moons | Female
Bluepaw | 7 moons | Female
Drizzlepaw| 7 moons | Female
Tealpaw | 7 moons | Male
Tortoisepaw | 7 moons | Male
Heathpaw | 7 moons | Male
Poppypaw | 7 moons | Female
Icepaw | 7 moons | Male

Wolfpelt | 42 moons | Female
Pumpkin | 26 moons | Female - mute
Butterflywatcher| 18 moons | Female

Brackenkit | 6 moons | Male
Briarkit | 6 moons | Male
Tansykit | 6 moons | Male
Smallkit | 6 moons | Male
Amberkit | 6 moons | Female
Fleetkit | 5 moons | Male

Sootpelt| 108 moons | Male
Runningbrook | 120 moons | Female
Comfreystrike | 131 moons | Male
Lavenderbreeze | 104 moons | Female
Badgerstrike | 61 moons | Male
Shadowheart | 100 moons | Female
Crowstripe | 122 moons | Male


n/a | Cloudypaw | 1 | healing procedures, recognizing herbs, herb storage, understanding omens/prophecies
Waspflight | Willowpaw | 3 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Koisplash | Finchpaw | 2 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Turtledove | Mothpaw | 3 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Adderstrike | Wildpaw | 3 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Wollypelt | Riddlepaw | 1 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Fallowpelt | Sorrelpaw | 1 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Cinderflame | Finchpaw | 1 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Inkfire | Foxpaw | 1 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Hazelwing | Radishpaw | 1 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Oakfang | Ivorypaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Ghost | Topazpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Haunt | Diamondpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Sandfire | Stagpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Heatherflame | Fawnpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Rowangaze | Fangpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Driftsnow | Gustpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Dunebreeze | Shaprpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Palesnow | Flintpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Robinheart | Pansypaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Spidersight | Burrowpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Lightleap | Monarchpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Jack | Flurrypaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Pineshade | Webpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Gorseheart | Cranepaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Charcoalpelt | Coldpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Sootwing | Pikepaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Weaselheart | Smallpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Hailstorm | Fernpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Seedpatch | Blossompaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Mousestep | Bearpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Azaleacurrent | Sprucepaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Echoripple | Tumblepaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Elmbranch | Piperpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Sycamoretooth | Hillpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Maplebreeze | Bubblepaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Brightgaze | Streampaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Batwing | Bluepaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Ripplesong | Drizzlepaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Minnowfin | Tealpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Whitemoon | Tortoisepaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Almondfall | Heathpaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Honeypool | Poppypaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense
Marshpool | Icepaw | 0 | hunting, stalking, offense, defense


Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mice | x16 | 1 serving
Shrew | x11| 1 serving
Rabbit | x5 | 2 servings
Squirrel | x3 | 2 servings
Stoat | x4 | 2 servings
All Birds | x2 | 3 servings

Medicine Store
Alder Bark | eases toothaches - 4
Bindweed | helps keep broken bones in place - 1
Blackberry leaves | eases the swelling of bee stings - 1
Borage leaves | produces more and better milk, brings fevers down - 2
Bright-eye | mixed with lovage it can help cure coughs - 0
Broom | used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds - 3
Burdock root | helps with infected rat bites - 1
Burnet | keeps a cat's strength up - 2
Catchweed | stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin - 2
Catmint | a treatment herb for Greencough/Whitecough - 5
Celandine | soothes damaged eyes - 0
Chamomile | strengthens the heart/soothes the mind, helps with strength - 1
Chervil | treats greencough, though catmint is often preferred - 0
Chickweed | treats greencough - 3
Cobwebs | stops bleeding - 0
Coltsfoot | eases breathing/kitten-cough, as well as cracked/sore pads - 1
Comfrey root | repairs broken bones/soothes wounds, helps burns - 1
Daisy leaf | eases aching joints - 0
Dandelion | sooth bee stings, also acts as a pain killer - 0
Deadly Nightshade | x - 2
Deathberries | x - 0
Dock | soothes scratches/sore pads/wounds - 0
Dried oak leaves | used to stop infections - 3
Elder leaves | soothes sprains - 1
Fennel | helps hip pain - 2
Feverfew | reduces temp. for cats with fever/chills, heals aches/pains, helps headaches - 2
Foxglove seeds | x - 0
Goatweed | eases anxiety and grief - 4
Goldenrod | helps healing wounds - 0
Hawkweed | like catmint - 3
Heather Nectar | makes swallowing easier - 0
Honey | soothes infections/sore throats/coughs - 0
Holly Berries | x - 1
Horsetail | used to treat infections and stop bleeding - 0
Juniper berries| soothes bellyaches, calms cats, gives strength, helps with breathing - 4
Lamb's ear | gives strength - 2
Lavender | cures fevers and chills - 2
Lovage | mixed with bright-eye, it can help cure coughs - 0
Lungwort | cures yellow-cough - 2
Mallow Leaves | soothes bellyaches - 2
Marigold | stops infection/bleeding, helps inflammation of stiff joints - 0
Mint | hides scent of death - 2
Mouse bile | helps get ticks off - 1
Dried oak leaf | stops infection from setting in - 0
Parsley | stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, cures bellyaches - 1
Poppyseeds | helps with sleep, ease pain, helps sooth shock/distress - 0
Ragwort leaves | treats aching joints, keeps strength up - 1
Ragwort | gives extra strength and energy - 5
Raspberry leaves | eases pain, stops bleeding - 2
Rosemary | hides scent of death - 1
Rush | helps hold broken limbs in place - 0
Sorrel | x - 1
Stick | x - 2
Stinging nettle | induces vomiting, brings down swelling - 3
Sweet-sedge | eases infection - 2
Tansy | cures coughs/wounds/poisons, soothes throats, helps prevent greencough - 3
Tormentil | root helps treat wounds and extract poison - 1
Thyme | calms nervousness/anxiety and cats in shock - 7
Watermint | eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache - 3
Water hemlock | x - 2
Wild garlic | prevents infection - 0
Willow Bark | eases pain - 1
Willow leaves | stops vomiting - 0
Wintergreen | treats wounds and some poisons - 2
Yarrow | extracts poisons, helps cat vomit up toxins - 2
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Gustclan - 58 - CaC

Postby Chamrosh » Sat Sep 14, 2019 12:17 pm

Number of Cats: 81 (9 of which are kits)
Food Consumption: 13
Visit to Moonpool: It's been a week since the last visit

xxxxIt was strange after so many moons to be moving those nests now.
xxxxAlthough there had been volunteers to do it, none of them had been warriors. Each of them found it too strange to have their first cats retiring to elders to quite know what to do. Instead, a selection of apprentices had volunteered. Carefully, they dismantled the three nests concerned, picking them apart to their bare minimum components - not that a nest required a particularly high level of care, really, but more untangling.
xxxxNone of the warriors could quite say why, but nor could they quite stand the site of those nests each being dismantled. It felt like they were dying; they’d seen Myrtleclaw’s nest dismantled before that, and Nettleflower, and Shellcloud’s… The only nests any of them had seen dismantled once they were made in the warriors’ den had all been from those who had died.
xxxxAnd none of them could quite stand that thought for three of their oldest and most loyal warriors.
xxxxBoulderdash, Argusheart, and Bugleclaw each seemed to have little issue with it, however, and they were joining in with the transportation much like the others (although Boulderdash was moving far more slowly, and almost dragging her feet along behind her as she moved. When she stopped, it seemed to take her an enormous amount of effort to get moving again).
xxxxWithin the latter half of the day, the three nests were moved. Boulderdash chose a high and mildly awkward spot; she knew she’d likely have to move it at some point as she grew older, but after the deaths of her mate and best friend it was no surprise to anyone that she wanted a spot that felt safe from everything for the moment at least. Bugleclaw and Argusheart built their nests together into one nest (for optimal huddling, especially in the winter), on one of the strange human flat-branches, just below where Boulderdash had chosen. They were not interrupting her privacy, but they were close enough that if she subtly wanted to come over to them, she could definitely manage that without anyone noticing her.
xxxxThere was no way that Boulderdash could face returning to warrior duties now, but she wasn’t so sure that elder-ship would be so easy either after all her losses.

xxxxDragonetkit pounced on her sibling, nipping at Japatellakit’s ear and gently pulling it back. Japatellakit rolled over and batted at Dragonetkit. Dragonetkit twisted smoothly, deftly managing to avoid both paws that came towards her, and wriggling out from the pin, somehow wrestling each of the offending paws to the ground before Japatellakit had so much as the time to react to her.
xxxxNarwhal looked on, adoring. There was no doubt in her mind which suffix Dragonetkit would eventually earn, and, while she wanted her kits to be far more than just fighters, if Dragonetkit had a solid talent and headstart in one area, doubtless it would be easy enough to round her skills later.
xxxxJapatellakit, though? Japatellakit was a puzzle. She seemed hesitant to move, like there was something wrong with her body, something that none of the cats had yet identified. And yet she never had any trouble coming to food or running with her siblings, or jumping or climbing… it clearly couldn’t be anything too serious. Anemonekit and Radishkit were both more reserved, normally, not joining in like this quite so readily except… ah!
xxxxThere was Radishkit, darting in nimbly, and batting at Dragonetkit’s tail. Before she could react and smack him for the claws, he was already running off to the wall at the other side of the courtyard.
xxxxAnd there was Anemonekit, watching patiently, quietly assessing. He had his father’s eyes – both literally, the same mismatch of gold and blue – and figuratively – scanning everything before acting. Though Knotfish had a more authoritative air about him. He was tiny but you could trust him to lead a patrol to fight off a bear. Anemonekit would struggle to command a bird to flee.
xxxx”Raaar!” Dragonetkit cried, biting hard on Japatellakit’s shoulder. And… Japatellakit squirmed like the beast she’d been named for, and jabbed like lightning at Dragonetkit’s stomach. Dragonetkit retreated suddenly.
xxxxNarwhal frowned. She wasn’t the smartest cat, and she knew that, and most of the clan knew that too, but she knew full well there was definitely something odd about her kit, the one who seemed to hate acting, hate moving, and yet was definitely perfectly capable of doing it, and would do it fine – but only when truly pushed. It was like… well, the closest Narwhal had in mind was discomfort, especially fitting with her daughter’s facial expression. But what could cause that much discomfort? Why would she be uncomfortable using her own body? Dragonetkit looked just as confused.

xxxxThe elder’s den was a little more crowded than it had ever been before. Not just because of the new cats, but because there were 5 kits as well. While Narwhal’s kits didn’t seem to mind the cold weather today, having each inherited her complete lack of regard for the temperature, Cicelynose and Langoustinefang’s kits were less bold in this regard.
xxxxCicelynose’s kits had all managed to inherit her brash, informal manner, but at least not all of them were so rude. No-one had yet to find out about Carnationkit and Peonykit having pulled any pranks, and, alone, both of them were perfectly well behaved kits. Together, only Cicelynose would fail to see the cheeky glances flickering between the two of them (and she’d still know), and most cats had known just from the bright orange fur paired with their mother’s reputation that they’d have plots between them. Fair reference had been made a few times to the fear of needing to inform them as adults that they were in fact littermates, not just foster siblings, for, while Peonykit knew, that, of course, one of his dads had no blood relation to him, he had not been told that Langoustinefang was his mother by blood, just like Carnationkit did not know who her blood-father was (and, frankly, Sparrowfoot quite sufficed as her second parent in Carnationkit’s mind).
xxxxAspenfoot was far happier among kits than her mate. She had sat curled up, Kachookit sitting among her legs, while Barn-fish still sat in his nest, several times above the kits than their own heights.
xxxx”You’re as grumpy as you are wrinkled!” Parakeetkit – or Parakit, as many of the cats had taken to calling her – twittered up at Barn-fish. He didn’t come down, but he played with his paw where it was crossed above the other by his chin. ”Why don’t you ever want to do something fun!”
xxxAspenfoot was sure she heard her mate mutter something about how rude kits were these days, and how, back in his day, they showed some gosh-dang respect for their elders. She saw Wigeonclaw and Yew-whisker exchange an amused glance.
xxxxBarn-fish’s eyesight had started going in his old age, and he didn’t spot the poker Chyak-kit had carried up below until it almost smacked him in the face. He proceeded to smack the metal straight out of the molly’s paws, at which point, Chyak-kit let out a low whine, almost dog-like. ”Come on! You don’t do anything entertaining!”
xxxx”And would you be, if you have to spend all your time dealing with either Umbrastep and Zirconpaw fighting or you lot?”
xxxxAspenfoot smiled, but uncurled from where she was nested, and got up. It wasn’t the smooth, sinewy movement she’d had in youth, but no fool would miss what was left of its presence. She ignored the disappointed voice behind her, and instead jumped up to Barn-fish’s nest.
xxxxThe loss of Barn-fish’s mobility had sped up enormously recently, and yet, he could still eat, he could still talk, he was still alert and sound of mind, and Teasel-leaf said he saw no reason why he shouldn’t continue to live many more moons yet. He couldn’t move his tail any more – Teasel-leaf said the movement might be gone, but the flesh was still alive – and his feet were numb and tingly where they touched the floor, but he could walk and move, and that was what counted.
xxxxEven though he could not now twitch his tail in friendly greeting, Aspenfoot knew from the look in his eyes that he had tried, and that was what mattered. He was still her mate, no matter what illness might befall. She nestled down behind him, her stomach to his back, her chin resting on his shoulder.
xxxx”While Barn-fish is being grumpy, how about we all do something nice – and physically easy together?” Aspenfoot could tell she had the attention of all the other – awake – elders. ”And maybe, we could have a story? About the deeds of one of us.” There were two cats, despite having lived in the clan for a very long time, that Aspenfoot knew less about, and felt the kits deserved to know more of the deeds. ”How about Bugleclaw? What stories do you have to share with the kits?”

xxxxThere was a dark shadow in the bushes, eyes wide and staring at the camp-guard. Heronstar might not have fully trusted Swayingtrees, but the clan knew full well that there was little he could do if he were outside, and away from the kits. If some danger came, he’d definitely call on the rest of the clan for aid; a cat of any level of unworthiness would do that, and Heronstar trusted him enough to not doubt that he would stay at his station.
xxxxBut one cat did not trust his nature. One cat peeked out through the bushes at him, as he sat on his wall.
xxxx”Swayingtrees.” the voice whispered, from where it sat concealed. He knew who it was, but he did not react. His sharp eyes looked down in the direction of the voice.
xxxxHe could see two eyes, a startling colour, half-hidden by the leaves of the bush.
xxxx”When the time comes, I want you with me - informed. I believe that you will be… valuable. You will know when. I have been told that a great danger is coming, and that the clan will need to be as strong as possible. I need my allegiances formed, so we can react quickly. Do not tell a soul.”
xxxxSwayingtrees saw the eyes turn away, and a flick of a tail against the leaves closer to him. He felt a shiver down his spine, which couldn’t yet be the cold of the season, and turned his attention back to the woods outside camp.
xxxxMeanwhile, a single cat walked away, knowing that every cat they wanted would know they were being recruited before the next night, and smiling.

xxxxWrasse and Box had been rogues, living out among the Southern mountains – southern relative to Gustclan. Several clans seemed to have just… disappeared in recent moons, vanishing who knows where. It made travelling a lot easier for rogues, not being constantly stopped everywhere.
xxxxTheir mother had been awful superstitious; “bad luck comes to litters whose names are too similar”, and so, according to Wrasse, she had given one of them a disgusting name, and one of them a kittypet name. Box said they fit their names. Wrasse was lithe and slippery, and he was square and stout. Both of them had a shared light attitude.
xxxxThey had not expected to see a dejected-looking young tom-cat (bigger even than Box) carrying a body up a long, snowy slope. If it weren’t for the sad looking in his eyes, the twins might have assumed he was a murderer.
xxxxThey didn’t need to say this out loud. They were twins, and they’d lived together and alone for their whole lives – apart from when Box found a molly and wanted Wrasse as his wing-man, or when Wrasse found a tom and didn’t need a wing-man because he was actually romantically competent. Even so, with Wrasse’s help, Box had started the pregnancies of many mollies, and doubtless a good number of them were clan cats by now. The two of them had grown close and strong, and they simply knew how the other would think in different situations. Even while apart, they could tell what the other would say, and when they reunited, the other would have no gripes with what was assigned to their mouth.
xxxxWhen they were offered a permanent home by the Southern patrol, they both spoke for the other first, and so the clan got a shared chorus of ”Yes, my brother will want to join, though we’re afraid neither of us know what being warriors means, bar from making dating hard.” It was a little disturbing, if truth be told.
xxxxFrom the barrage of questions being asked – each on the other twin’s behalf – the patrol soon learned exactly how little they knew… and they really weren’t exaggerating. Getting them to be competent warriors was bound to take several moons, at the very least.

xxxx”I don’t believe him for a second!” Ospreystorm declared, circling her siblings as they left on patrol for the morning. Circling might be too generous a term. It was an erratic shape, whose best resemblance was to a splatted egg, where she continually turned outwards and then back in. Why Heronstar had thought it a good idea to let Clarystorm mentor was only growing into a bigger mystery each moon.
xxxxThey hadn’t been talking much for the last few minutes, quite happy to walk together in silence on their way, but Ospreystorm had brought up Harrierpelt’s death so much in the last two days that Saffronstream and Noctulepath automatically knew what she was referring to.
xxxx”Oh, come on, Teasel-leaf’s not dangerous. He’s not a murdere-.”
xxxx”Don’t let your broodiness speak for you, N- VIGILANCE, you have to be vigilant! And I don’t trust him!”
xxxx”You don’t trust anyone. You wouldn’t trust your own kits, Oss.”
”Little scroungers, building up your trust over moons and moons just to grow up big enough to bite your throat open just like they must have been trying those, dirty sneaky, conniving little rats!” Noctulepath tried to exchange a look with Saffronstream, but he was staring straight ahead at the forest path, lilac eyes fixed dead ahead, unseeing. He must have been thinking deeply about something.
xxxd”See? How can you hope to judge character properly when you think kits are out to kill their mothers?” Noctulepath’s ears twitched. ”And for that matter, you’re never babysitting my hypothetical kits. Ever.” Her ears twitched. ”I don’t believe it for a second. I know what you’re all saying; “oh, isn’t it convenient, Harrierpelt just so happens to come across a badger, which none of the patrols saw!” and “oh, Teasel-leaf, big strong Teasel-leaf, if there’d really been a badger, his huge muscles would have been enough to fight off the badger and protect Harrierpelt if he weren’t planning Harrierpelt’s death,” and “Teasel-leaf could have saved Harrierpelt with herbs if he wanted! I don’t trust him anymore, even if he were innocent.”” Noctulepath huffed. She wasn’t going to hear of it… but she could feel the little nub of doubt in her chest whenever she heard the new arguments. ”Being unlikely isn’t the same as being impossible, and I trust Teasel-leaf!”
on’tOspreystorm practically flew for a moment in a lurching, jolting, startled jump. ”You always were a naïve fool!” Ospreystorm jerked around, head spinning wildly as she looked around the trees for signs of anyone else. There wasn’t anyone else, and they were the only patrol heading at mid-day today.
play”Harrierpelt might have been large but he had no claws! Everyone knew he had no claws. He couldn’t fight. How many times have you seen Zinniapelt and Teasel-leaf talking and sneaking off! Medicine cats might not learn to fight but Teasel-leaf had plenty of time with his stupid sister. He could easily have learned to fight anyway. With his size, he wouldn’t need to be very skilled to take down a clawless elder. None of the patrols or hunts found badger scent before. Unless someone was covering the smell of the badger – and why would anyone do that? – there wasn’t one. An easy fight, no sign of the method of death – if you ask me you should be a lot more VIGILANT around your stupid crush. He’ll murder you in your sleep when you sneak off to elope with him.”
gamNoctulepath held up her head, defiant. It was hard to argue against her sister, sometimes…
es,jBut she had a potential ally. ”Saffronstream, what do you think? Do you think Teasel-leaf was telling the truth about the badger?”
ustwSaffronstream seemed to jolt to alertness, and looked carefully at his sisters, examining both of them for several seconds, with an inscrutable look on his face. It looked more like he was considering what best to do now rather than that he was considering evidence. Eventually, he tilted his head a little bit away, turned his eyes side-long back at his sisters, and said in a mysterious tone: ”I think he’s very valuable.” His eyes continued to linger, and he still hadn’t made a verdict.
arnt”What are you saying? We shouldn’t pass judgement on him because he’s the only medicine cat or something?” Ospreystorm looked – and sounded – disgusted, and it was clear that she was about to follow up with a lecture on caution, if no one acted before she could.
hem!”Maybe that’s what I mean. Maybe it’s not.” Something passed across his face briefly, and neither sister could quite work out what.

xxxxIt was, perhaps, a strange combination of cats that had gone out hunting together, from the perspective of an outsider. There they were, the two sleek, tiny mollies, speaking rapidly to each other in barely more than a murmur, with the huge tom, built like a bull behind them. Obviously, he was not their prisoner; it would take 10 cats their size to subdue him. He was not their immediate friend, or else he would be joining in the chatter. Perhaps they were being protected by him? But Gustclan territory had long since been cleared out of rogues and loners, and there was no hope for a badger in climbing so fast.
xxxxPerhaps a little closer investigation would do it. The tails wrapped around each other, the gentle licks to the shoulder and nuzzles, the fact that the tortoiseshell seemed to be saying far more, filling in for the tabby’s short and scarce words. They were clearly mates. And the considering, but somewhat distant look from the tom?
xxxxWell. Pheasantcloud and Garganeywhisker were rather interested in expanding their family now, and it was no secret that Adoniscloud took whatever consenting opportunity he could find. Gullpaw and Gannetpaw were both strong youngsters, even if Gullpaw was so petrified of mice that he still couldn’t hunt yet, and the mollies could make a far worse choice in foster father.
xxxxRight now, the two mollies were discussing between themselves which of them would carry any kits, and how much paternal input they’d want.
xxxxAnd Adoniscloud was listening with interest, as Garganeywhisker’s voice grew more and more confident, the less and less chance there was of running into someone else. Not that it had grown confident. While before she might have been compared to a beetle in volume, now she could be compared to a mouse.
xxxx”Ladies.” Adoniscloud eventually said, his voice rich and deep and strong. ”We should stop before going further, right? That’s the river border with Forestclan. Perhaps we could sit and fish here while you discuss?”
xxxxThe mollies whispered between themselves, and then agreed. They sat on one of the rocks, the mates pressed close, and the tom a few fox length’s away, letting them discuss in peace. He had good enough hearing to know roughly what they were getting at anyway. They each wanted to have a litter, in time, but they had seen how much of a handful kits could be – especially thanks to Boulderdash and Myrtleclaw! And yes, it was adorable, and they each loved kits, but there was no way they would risk dealing with twelve kits between the two of them. A set of apprentices, and a set of kits? Sure. But not all kits.
xxxxAdoniscloud loved kits (it was a major part of why he kept producing more), and he was tempted to point out that he could take a lot of the trouble from them, but he knew how little the Gustclan cats liked toms being in their nursery, even if they were close relatives. He kept his mouth shut.
xxxxIt was Pheasantcloud stating that she wanted to build the same favour with her parents as Mosquitowhisker and Lobsterclaw had that made the difference. While, obviously, grandkits would make the elders deeply proud, having their daughter be responsible and mature towards her mate would achieve more, especially as it was a form of self-sacrifice. Garganeywhisker would carry a litter first.
xxxxAdoniscloud stood up from where he’d been laying – beside two fish he’d caught already – and started to walk back towards the mollies, wanting to check this was, indeed, exactly what was wanted between them, when he caught the scent of other cats. He looked up, and he could feel the mollies’ attention shift alongside his own.
xxxxAdoniscloud didn’t even need to look at the shy mollies’ faces to know he’d be the one doing any talking.

xxxxZirconpaw was a mighty apprentice, gaining dense muscle at his high age of 11 and negative three quarter moons. Dulsepaw said he had no right to call himself 11 moons anything, he was ten moons, but she would say that, not knowing about negatives or fractions. He knew how old he was.
xxxxHe also knew exactly where he was.
xxxxHe was. Right here. Where he meant to be. He was where his feet were. Beneath the sky. A long way north of the tall mountain. Yes.
xxLoA mighty apprentice of 11 and negative three quarter moons had plenty enough experience in the world to not get lost in their own territory, and that was why Zirconpaw refused to be lost.
ok,bHe was just taking an elongated – and deliberate - detour back from having caught the squirrel Sparrowfoot had tasked him with. The foliage was thick here, but it smelt… vaguely like medicine cats. Maybe Teasel-leaf and Gannetpaw were near here. Maybe they would be happy to talk with him on a shorter detour, back to camp.
oy,LZirconpaw strode proudly through the foliage, and received -4 more stinging nettle stings in his boasting about his hunting skills when he met back up with Dulsepaw later the same day, as well as -10 more catch-weed decorations. There was a semi-circular area within the foliage – why didn’t he just walk around? There was nothing over that side! – of exposed dirt. There was a large hole, which looked a little like a fox den, with a todd skeleton alongside. Zirconpaw picked up the skull, because… well, if Dulsepaw – or anyone else - asked, he would claim he was so terrifying that the fox literally jumped out of his skin. There were herbs all around the hole, and Zirconpaw huffed.
ook!Useless medicine cats, dropping all their herbs way out in the middle of nowhere. They were no use to anyone here, around this hole! But he could only carry so much, and it was hard enough with a fox eye in one side of his mouth and a squirrel tail in the other, so Zirconpaw trotted out of the muddy clearing, and continued his planned detour.

xxxxAspenfoot woke up tightly snuggled against her mate, as she normally did. He was a constant, solid warmth, and she still felt his soft fur, even now that his bones poked through. His breathing was soft and slow.
xxxxFor a moment, Aspenfoot looked through the wide thin ice, the “window” as Harrierpelt used to call it, and she watched the gentle waving of the trees, and the happy jumping up and down of a magpie on one branch, and the skittish squirrel scurrying away from its keen black beak. For a moment, she closed her eyes, and she felt the warm sun on her face, warming her like her mate’s back. For a moment, she listened, hearing the raucous “kyakyakya!” of the magpie, the rustling of the wind high above, the whistle in the chimney, the playing of the kits outside, the muffled chatter of whichever warriors were on guard together. But each, only for a moment.
xxxxShe turned her attention back to her mate. This was odd. He normally stirred only a moment after her, and joined in her morning ritual. She nuzzled him gently, and he made a single tiny movement of one paw – and the relief that flooded her heart was already palpable – but otherwise did not stir.
xxxx”Barn-fish?” She asked gently. She looked around; none of the other elders were still in the den. That was almost a relief as well. It meant no one would see the worry on her face. She patted him with one paw. He did not move. She spoke to him again. Only the slightest twitch of his ears. She gently licked his forehead. Nothing.
xxxxHer heart was racing, and not knowing what else to do, she wailed, her voice as loud and sharp as the flashing cars they sometimes saw to the south. It wasn’t an entirely conscious choice; she had started before she’d realised she had the thought.
xxxxBetween one magpie-hop and the next, Gannetpaw and Teasel-leaf had both burst into the elder’s den.
xxxx”Aspenfoot! What’s wrong?” Gannetpaw asked immediately, but Teasel-leaf just shook his head at the apprentice. He twitched his head slightly. He knew she was scared for her mate, and he pulled a gentle expression.
xxxx”Let me see, Aspenfoot.” He gently hopped up to the nest – which was rather cramped with his thick shoulders alongside the two elders. Aspenfoot watched, barely holding back sobs as Teasel-leaf investigated. He followed the same steps as Aspenfoot – short of the wail – and he put a paw in front of Barn-fish’s face for several bird-hops, and then put his cheek alongside, looking down the elder’s chest. ”I know exactly what this is.” he said, absolute confidence in his tone. ”Let’s take him back to our den, Gannetpaw, where we can look after him more thoroughly.”
xxxxGannetpaw nodded, just as confident.
xxxxBut back in the medicine cat den, as they lay the sleeping elder down in a spare nest, the medicine cat turned immediately to his apprentice. ”I have neither seen nor heard of any instance like this. I think it has to be something new. He was already sick with something; his eye died entirely two days ago, his tail was dead, his feet were dying… I don’t know what can do that. We can’t sleep in here if it’s a disease. We’ll do what we can, but, let’s hope one of the other medicine cats can tell us more at the next gathering.”
xxxxGannetpaw looked in horror at the body, and then nodded at his mentor’s decision. ”And we musn’t tell the others or it’ll cause them stress and harm as well?”
xxxx”Exactly.” Teasel-leaf pulled a solemn face, a rare look on him. ”For all my joking and teasing, sometimes, there’s nothing we can do for the sick, and all we can do is give as little worry to their families as possible. That’s what nest-side manner is about, Gannetpaw. Sometimes it’s best to lie. Sometimes, it’s best for anyone to lie.”
xxxxAspenfoot spent the whole day either in her mate’s nest, or asking the medicine cats let her see her mate, and it broke Gannetpaw’s heart to see the distress on her face each time she was turned away.

[ Barnfish’s diabetes has put him into a coma]
[ Wrasse and Box join Gustclan ]
[ Boulderdash, Argusheart, and Bugleclaw all retire to the rank of elder ]
[ Troutstripe is on her second moon of gestation ]
[ Amuri tries for kits with her mates, Amo and Elsker ]

[ Teasel-leaf and Gannetpaw go herb-hunting ]
[ Osierfang, Tabbyfur, Garganeywhisker, Minnowstorm, Umbrastep, and Bramblestrike go hunting ]
[ Lobeliafur, Clarystorm, Knotfish, Adoniscloud, and Swayingtrees go hunting ]
[ Droseratail, Ploverstripe, Ringflower, Zinniapelt, and Poppycoat go hunting ]
[ Firepath, Merlindash, Amo, Elsker, and Amuri go on patrol ]
[ Tymestl trains Agility with her mentor, Heronstar ]
[ Fioled, Cairngormpaw, Dashpaw, Cinquefoilpaw, Rivuletpaw train the Battle skill with their mentors, Squirrelclaw, Vendacethroat, Moraine, Martinwhisker, Dipperfish ]
[ Dovepaw, Witpaw, and Mor train the Fishing skill with their mentors, Noctulepath, Saffronstream, and Mosquitowhisker ]
[ Eryr trains the Swimming skill with her mentor, Ospreystorm ]
[ Llosgi Llyn trains the Observation skill with his mentor, Pearstone ]
[ Zirconpaw and Dulsepaw train the Hunting skill with their mentors, Sparrowfoot and Lionfish ]
[ Gullpaw, Xanthe, Xiomara, and Xerxes train [any skill] with their mentors, Lobsterclaw, Camberfoot, Ulyssa, and Pheasantcloud ]
[ Langoustinefang stays in camp with the kits; Peonykit and Carnationkit ]
[ Cicelynose stays in camp to mind her kits; Chyak-kit, Kachookit, and Parakeetkit ]
[ Narwhal stays in camp to mind her kits; Japatellakit, Dragonetkit, Anemonekit, and Radishkit ]
[ Chubtail, Boulderdash, Argusheart, Bugleclaw, Troutstripe, Aspenfoot, Wigeonclaw, Yew-whisker, Wrasse, and Box stay in camp ]

[ Gustclan consumes 3x Frog, 2x Mouse, 2x Rabbit, 2x Squirrel, and 2x Small Fish - 13 portions ]

OoC: I mean Box to be a highly prolific father, but he has no interesting genes. Might be interesting to some people…
Also switched from the flowers to the Greek for 2 reasons: 1) heard something about only being meant to use one image and 2) I want to sleep soon and working out where I stored all the images and whether that rule is accurate takes time I could be sleeping


To Be Found On Patrol At Some Point:
2018 B-Day cat (Magicfoot), Coralheart. I’d prefer for them to be found before anyone new!

Clan DescriptionClan Archive
Allegiances and BordersTrainingGenealogyItem Storage
StarclanDark ForestMiscellaneous Dead

    Heronstar | 94 | Female
    Lives: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆

    ★ Chubtail | 90 | Male

    Medicine Cat: (1)
    ★ Teasel-leaf | 21 | Male
    MCA: (1)
    Gannetpaw | 14 | Male

    Apprentices: (17)
    ★ Dovepaw | 18 | Female
    Gullpaw | 14 | Male
    ★ Witpaw | 12 | Demi-girl (Molly)
    ★ Dulsepaw | 11 | Female
    ★ Xanthe | 11 | Female
    ★ Xerxes | 11 | Male
    ★ Xiomara | 11 | Female
    ★ Zirconpaw | 11.-75 | Male
    ★ Cairngormpaw | 9 | Male
    ★ Rivuletpaw | 9 | Female
    ★ Cinquefoilpaw | 9 | Male
    ★ Gors Lle Fioled Yn Tyfu | 9 | Male
    ★ Hwyr Yr Haul Yn Llosgi Llyn | 9 | Male
    ★ Sgiwen Llywio Môr Eang | 9 | Male
    Tymestl Yn Teithio I’r Dwyrain | 9 | Female
    Eryr Yn Hedfan Heddychlon | 9 | Female
    ★ Dashpaw | 8 | Male

    Queens: (4)
    ★ Langoustinefang | 37 | Female | •••
    ★ Cicelynose | 35 | Female | •••
    ★ Narwhal | 50 | Female | ••
    ★ Troutstripe | 27 | Female | ••

    Kits: (9)
    ★ Peonykit | 6 | Male
    ★ Carnationkit | 6 | Female
    ★ Chyak-kit | 5 | Female (trans)
    ★ Kacchookit | 5 | Male
    ★ Parakeetkit | 5 | Female
    ★ Japatellakit | 3 | Female
    ★ Dragonetkit | 3 | Female
    ★ Anemonekit | 3 | Male
    ★ Radishkit | 3 | Female

    Elders: (7)
    ☆ Barnfish “Barn-owl” | 118 | Male
    ★ Aspenfoot tail | 108 | Female
    ★ Wigeonclaw | 99 | Female
    ★ Yew-whisker | 96 | Female
    ★ Bugleclaw | 87 | Male
    ★ Argusheart | 86 | Female
    ★ Boulderdash | 85 | Female
    Warriors: (39 [+4])
    ★ Clarystorm | 79 | Male
    ★ Pearstone “Poirroche” | 68 | Male
    ★ Swayingtrees | 64 | Male
    ★ Martinwhisker | 64 | Male
    Moraine on Steep Slope | 63 | Female
    ★ Osierfang | 56 | Female
    ★ Lobeliafur | 52 | Female
    ★ Narwhal | 50 | Female | Queen
    ★ Droseratail | 48 | Male
    ★ Firepath | 46 | Male
    ★ Ulyssa | 45 | Female
    ★ Knotfish | 44 | Male
    ★ Tabitha “Tabbyfur” | 43 | Female
    ★ Bramblestrike | 43 | Female
    ★ Sparrowfoot | 42 | Female
    Adoniscloud | 41 | Male
    ★ Merlindash | 39 | Male
    ★ Langoustinefang | 37 | Female | Queen
    ★ Vendacethroat | 37 | Male
    ★ Garganeywhisker -mouse | 377 | Female
    Amuri | 36 | Female
    ★ Ploverstripe | 35 | Male
    ★ Cicelynose | 35 | Female | Queen
    Elsker | 30 | Male
    Amo | 28 | Male
    ★ Troutstripe | 27 | Female | Queen
    ★ Pheasantcloud | 26 | Female
    ★ Mosquitowhisker | 26 | Female
    ★ Lobsterclaw | 26 | Male
    ★ Camberfoot | 26 | Male
    ★ Lionfish | 25 | Male
    ★ Ospreystorm | 25 | Female
    ★ Noctulepath | 25 | Female
    ★ Saffronstream | 25 | Male
    ★ Ringflower | 21 | Male
    ★ Dipperfish | 21 | Female
    ★ Squirrelclaw | 21 | Female
    ★ Zinniapelt | 21 | Female
    ★ Poppycoat | 19 | Female
    ★ Minnowstorm | 18 | Male
    ★ Umbrastep | 17 | Genderfluid (Molly)
    ★ Wrasse | 16 | Male
    ★ Box | 16 | Male
Last edited by Chamrosh on Fri Sep 27, 2019 7:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[ sub replies ] [ for; chamrosh ]

Postby deimido » Sat Sep 14, 2019 3:43 pm

    dawnclan, bearclan, swallowclan, pumpkinclan, nightclan
    alpineclan, stoneclan, birchclan, oceanclan
    sanctuary, limestone

    the first leaves have begun to turn colors
    and drop in forest territories, signalling t
    he beginning of leaf-fall and the coming sn
    ows for some. the chances of catching sick
    ness or dying during birth will rise and th
    e number of cats and prey passing throug
    h will drop.

    descriptor © simon | coding © w0ah


    crabstar's patrol caught . .
    ↪ +1 small fish.


    crabstar's patrol encountered . .
    ↪ an apprentice!


    no gathering occurred!


    no training occurred!


      ↪ chaosclan has been founded! katrione will assign you to a mod.
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` ` pyreclan - ii.

Postby w0ah » Sun Sep 15, 2019 5:34 am



        population. 007 - toms. 04 - she-cats. 03 - servings. 00 - request. 00/00/00 - archives. here...............


    iindentthe forest was bustling with noise, much more than it had before──birds hopped from one charred tree-limb to the next, chirping and singing their songs into the fog of dawn. pyrestar watched them curiously as they flitted about, whizzing above his head, as his ears flicked to and fro. what a reassuring sight to see in the forest; once dark and desolate, now green and buzzing with life. the grasses and wildflowers that had sprouted from the ash were grown to their fullest height, shrouding the tom completely between their stalks. he pushed through them as carefully as he could, pausing to gaze-about and make certain there were no creatures lurking ahead. but, alas, the morning landscape seemed safe enough, and so he continued forward.

    iindentby the time the sun fully rose above the horizon and slowly began making its way over the land into the blue sky, the overhanging mist had risen from the forest, allowing plenty of light to flood in. pyrestar had reached a section of the forest where a few of the trees still held their nettles and leaves. however, due to the chilling weather at the season’s change, their colors shifted into an array of oranges and browns, many littering the forest’s floor like a thick carpet underpaw. they crunched beneath the tom’s weight, causing him to slow his pace in order to make less noise. still he continued on, just making it to the eastern border, where he then turned and began the trip back toward camp. that was, until, he heard a noise──or rather, a voice.

    iindent“tansy.” it murmured, as the leader turned an ear toward it. “better to pick it now and leave it to dry.” perplexed by this strange mumbling of the sort, pyrestar resumed his path, but this time easing his paws slowly and carefully onto the ground as to make barely any noise, less than he had before. the voice had been silenced at the moment, and the tom continued onward. once he spotted the tips of two white ears over a green shrub, he slunk toward it and peered through the sparse foliage. he watched the white and grey, long-haired stranger crouch to the ground in order to pluck an herb from the dirt, their tail swaying in satisfaction. they then turned toward a bundle of the sorts, fashioned from two large leaves that were held together with twine, and dropped the plant inside of it. they continued to close the bundle once more, and as they turned to leave the small clearing in the forest with the contraption held in their maw, pyrestar knew it was time to act.

    iindent“hello there.” he called, revealing himself from behind the shrubbery. his eyes followed the silver tabby as they halted in their path at his voice. a moment of silence passed, and the loner finally swiveled-around to view the cat that had spoken to him. a glint of recognition flashed through their pale gaze, and although confused by this, the leader chose not to address it and ignored the happening for now. instead, he stepped-forward cautiously and swept his eyes over the pale-furred feline, his coloration reminding him of smoke. “why, hello to you too.” they released with a sigh.

    iindentpyrestar couldn’t help but chuckle at this, but held his composure nonetheless. he caught the tom’s gaze and bent his head with a nod, smirking lightly. “now, what is that for?” he questioned, nodding toward the bundle. they glanced down at it, now lying at their paws, and nodded with a smirk of their own, seeming pleased to have been asked. “it’s a medicine-bundle──i store my herbs in here while im traveling, or just moving-about.” their expression dropped at these words, however, and the leader caught-onto this. their downcast frown spoke volumes, and they hadn’t needed to say a thing for pyrestar to realize what had so suddenly upset them. he decided to uplift the topic, maybe move on to something else, more lighthearted.

    iindent“so you’re familiar with herbs and healing, i’m to guess?” he inquired, and the fellow tom nodded. “yes, i was trained as an apprentice among my clan,” he responded, their face remaining grim. “but the fires took my clan, and most of my collection. the few herbs i have wrapped in this bundle were all i was able to salvage from my den after the fires claimed the camp, and everyone within it.” his voice softened toward the end of his sentence, eyes trailed from the brown tabby to their paws, and their brows furrowed. it saddened the leader to see the stranger in such a state, but one he was familiar with himself──the only way he felt able to reassure the tom was by encouraging them with his words.

    iindent“we’ve all had precious things stolen from us by the fires… my entire clan is gone too, so im sorry, really, that you’ve had to go through that.” pyrestar began, meeting the other’s yellow eyes. “but i hope you know that there is more to life beyond this, and that you can be great once more; you’re skills will not go useless, i can assure you.” these words caused the tom to become curious, as he watched the leader intently and flicked his ears toward him. he smiled slightly at his final sentence, though, and looked-away for a moment to ponder the memories of his former clan that flashed through his mind. “my clan is in need of a medicine cat, you know, and i would be more than happy to offer you such a role. of course you aren’t obligated to accept if you don’t feel comfortable, though.” he continued. “i don’t want to push you out of your comfort.”

    iindent“no no no,” the tom began. “that couldn’t be farther from the truth!” he flashed the leader a grin, tail swaying happily behind him. “i’ve always loved doing what i was trained to do, so of course i’d assist your clan; it is what i’m meant to do after all.” the two exchanged grins, and as pyrestar turned, he motioned with a flick of his feathery tail for the other tom to follow. they nodded and picked-up the bundle in their maw, just as they had done before, and padded beside the leader, all while an energy he’d been lacking for the moons that followed the wildfires rushed through him, and filled his chest with joy. it had been such a rare yet lucky chance of his to be able to meet the leader and join the clan, and to fulfill the tasks he was destined to do. the excitement was unlike all others, something he would’ve never anticipated.

    iindent“my name is pyrestar,” the leader started, interrupting the other tom’s excitable thoughts. “and what may i call you?” he asked. “chervilgaze.” they responded with a smile, bowing his head curtly in greeting. they exchanged polite smiles between one another, then returned their attention to what was ahead of them. but not for long, however, as the medicine cat revealed; “starclan works in mysterious ways, don't they?” he started, chuckling lightly. “i’m certain now that they’ve guided me to you, pyrestar.”

    iindentthe leader peered over his shoulder toward chervilgaze, brows furrowed in questioning. “what do you mean?” he asked, quizzically. the tom shook his head, tail flicking from side to side. “in a dream i had only a moon ago, i was visited by the starry-pelted cats, showing me you, i believe, speaking, but i couldn’t hear what you were saying. at that moment i wasn’t quite sure who or what you were,” he began. “but i recognize you now, and i cannot help but believe they wanted us to end-up together; they knew you needed a medicine cat to aid your budding, new clan, and so i was their choice.” chervilgaze ended with a nonchalant shrug, but the leader seemed equally as confused as he had before.

    iindentafter pondering his words in a pause of silence, pyrestar responded, confident that he had pieced together their different stories. “only a moon ago, i, too, visited starclan in hopes that they would send me a medicine cat.” he revealed, earning a curious glance from chervilgaze. “it would explain why they visited you in the first place, anyway.” now the medicine cat furrowed their brows in questioning, shifting his gaze to the leader’s own, as he watched them in curiosity. “well then,” the medicine cat huffed, with a smirk pulling at the corners of their lips. “i guess we really are meant to be.” then the cats continued onward through their path.

    iindentthe sky above was bright with the sun’s afternoon rays, but the air was cool, with a chilling breeze brushing throughout the forest, rustling the leaves. pyrestar and chervilgaze walked silently beside one another, the medicine cat attempting to examine each and every section they walked through in hopes to familiarize himself with the terrain──it would be his new home, afterall, and so it would be useful in the future for him to know his way around. the leader’s voice caught his attention, however, and his excitement reappeared once he heard the news that they were almost upon the camp. “just a few more foxlengths or so,” he reverberated. “we’re almost there.”

    iindentthe brown tabby guided him through the gap between two, ashen-grey boulders, and they suddenly entered a bright clearing──surrounding were the thick trunks of fallen trees, acting as a barricade, and a few bare stumps left in their place. what caught his eye, however, were the forms of three felines congregated toward the center of the clearing; one of them, a black-and-white pelted tom, turned his attention toward the entering pair, and quickly motioned for the others to follow. the three of them then caught-eyes on chervilgaze, the new cat they’d never seen before, and immediately stood, understandably so. the leader flicked his tail, told, or rather commanded, for the medicine cat to stay where he was, and approached the others. “i’d like for you all to meet someone,” he began, turning back toward the other.

    iindent“this is chervilgaze; he is a medicine cat, and to be pyreclan’s first.” at his words, the three relaxed, some even stepping-forward to greet him, touching their noses to his shoulder. “welcome,” a grey tabby she-cat spoke, smiling pleasantly. “my name is ashenstep.” the others repeated to introduce themselves as well, the tom smiling and nodding in greeting toward the warriors. “it’s nice to meet you all.” he’d greeted them, and they all smiled politely in response.

    iindent“now, don’t let us stop you on your course for the day,” pyrestar broke-in, voice rather firm, ending the conversation. “i’ll show him around, you all go on with your patrols.” the warriors nodded obediently and dispersed, silently, chervilgaze’s eyes following their forms as they exited, from between the same two boulders they had entered, and into the forest of bare, blackened trees. “come with me, i’ll show you your den.” the leader quipped, turning-tail to the tom.

    iindentas they entered the den, which was a large hollow within a wide tree-stump, the medicine cat dropped the bundle onto the ground with a smile gracing his lips, stepping a few pawsteps further in to examine the space. “i do hope this is enough room for you to work in──and if not, i can always have a new space cleared for you.” the leader spoke, watching, hesitant, as the new cat sniffed the walls of the stump. “no need to worry,” chervilgaze chirped happily, his eyes following the length of the room. “this is plenty, i cannot thank you enough.” the den itself was much larger than his former, which he’d practiced healing within, this exciting the tom’s senses; he began to imagine how many herbs he could store within the wedges of the bark and wood, as many as he could fit in one room. “i’m glad to hear that.” the leader responded, seemingly just as beaming, and even a bit relieved.

    iindent“why don’t i give you some time to settle?” the leader piped-up after a moment of silence, meeting the tom’s gaze once he turned to view him. “whenever you’re ready, just call me over and i can give you a tour of the territory.” chervilgaze nodded with a smile, pyrestar returning with a dip of his head. “that would be fine.” the burly tabby then swung-around to leave, the sunlight engulfing his pelt as he entered the clearing. then, as soon as his figure left his vision, chervilgaze turned and grinned, eyes measuring every detail of his new den──his imagination ran wild, so vivid he could almost see the herbs lining the walls, peeking through the crevices as if grown into them, and nests he’d prepared for patients against the opposite wall.

    iindentnot wasting another moment longer, the medicine cat tore-open the bundle and removed the herbs, beginning to decorate the hollow with his creative touch. every detail would be perfect, he thought, and not a hair out of place.

    ★ ★ ★ ★

    iindentfollowing in a steady formation, ashenstep, ternwhisker, martinfang, and pyrestar trekked through the forest along a well-marked path. the leader, naturally, took the head of the group, his eyes laid straight ahead and unwavering, ears perked forward in alert. ashenstep and martinfang padded beside one another, the tom’s bicolor fur brushing against the she-cat’s every so often, earning him a smirk from the fellow warrior. ternwhisker walked toward the rear, her head held low in annoyance as she watched the pair flirt, forcefully tearing her eyes from the scene as if it pained her to watch, releasing a huff from between her lips and continuing forward.

    iindent“we should split-up here,” the brown tabby called from the forefront, halting in his tracks with the rest of the patrol just behind, listening in attention to what more their leader had to say. “i’ll take ternwhisker toward the southern border, and you two can head toward the north.” the three felines nodded in response to their leader, ternwhisker even rolling her eyes in relief, and each turned to head toward their specified directions. the pale she-cat followed at pyrestar’s flank, and martinfang took his place at ashenstep’s side. with a flick of his tail, the leader dismissed the group and began his way toward the south, the other pair doing just the same toward the north.

    iindent“you’ve got to stop doing that.” ashenstep sighed, having waited for a few moments into their path to make certain the other pair wouldn’t hear them speak. “we’re on patrol!” she said, flicking her tail and rolling her eyes good-naturedly. “there’s not much time to mess around.” martinfang chuckled, the sound rumbling from his chest. “now that’s where we think differently, you see.” he began. “i truly believe a patrol is the perfect opportunity to get to know a lovely she-cat like you.”

    iindenthis words caused the grey tabby to snort, chuckling alongside him. “you’ll distract me.” she concluded, curtly, and picked-up her pace to spring forward and rid the tom from her side. but just as soon as she’d done so, the bicolor cat was right back at her side, that familiar smirk lining his lips. “you can’t get rid of me that easily!” he laughed, beaming toward the she-cat, earning another bout of chuckles from ashenstep. “you’re being really annoying, you know.” she huffed, a smirk pulling at the corners of her lips.

    iindentmartinfang shrugged, flicking his gaze to the forest before them. “good.” he returned, keeping his eyes steady as a silence followed after. the she-cat watched him, shaking her head, then opening her mouth to respond when the tom’s expression suddenly shifted──his grin was replaced by a stone-faced grimace, and his ears perked forward in alert. “i think i see someone.” he murmured quietly.

    iindentashenstep, halting in her tracks, followed his line of sight toward a gap between two large trees, spotting a flash of orange flash within them. another followed, and seeing their stripes, she guessed it was an orange tabby. “loners?” she breathed.

    iindentthe two were rather familiar with encountering lone cats, having seen and scouted-out many in their days──but this time, their clan was searching to recruit the loners, the opposite of chasing them off of the territory, as they usually had done before. rather, the pair would have to convince, or ask, politely, if the cats would like to join them, which couldn’t be too difficult, could it? but it all seemed a daunting task to the warriors, merely since they’d been trained to protect from and not to welcome the strangers. worries raced throughout the pair’s thoughts, debating the possibilities; how would they act? how would they approach them? how would they ask if they wanted to join the clan?

    iindent“lets go.” ashenstep commanded, slinking forward, her head lowered below her shoulderline. the tom followed at her words, matching her cautious posture as they continued onward, weaving through the trees. the closer they came, the more they could hear──voices, they suspected, from the two cats they’d spotted. however, as soon as martinfang crunched a leaf under his paw, the sound silenced, and the forest fell still. the she-cat snapped her head around to the tom and glared, a disappointed groan mumbling in her throat, before turning back and standing completely still. then, suddenly, the loners emerged.

    iindentboth were orange in color, but unique in a variety of different ways──the first to stand before the pair was a very tall, slim she-cat, her pelt littered in spots and blotches, similar to that of a tabby but more exotic. the second to emerge from the shadows was shorter in stature, but an orange tabby with very tightly-curled fur, flat against their frame. they both peered cautiously toward the warriors, and they just the same to them. the odd duo were like nothing they had seen before in all of their moons.

    iindent“who are you?” ashenstep began, fixing her stance, body held tense and alert. martinfang watched her shift, mirroring it as best he could, and then peering toward the orange-furred cats. “my name is strawberrynose,” the large she-cat began, her head dipping in greeting. “and this is pelicanface.” she continued, her tail swaying fluidly behind. the grey tabby was pleased the cats weren’t any hostile at the moment, yet she still held her ground nonetheless. “hello, both of you,” she returned, dipping her head just as the larger feline had done herself. “my name is ashenstep, and this is──” she began, but being interrupted by the fellow tom. “martinfang.” he finished for her. this didn’t go well with the molly, however, as she flashed him yet another piercing glare.

    iindent“i hope we aren’t trespassing on your territory,” the orange-tabby tom spoke, his eyes flicking to his paws as if submissively. “we may leave if you wish.”

    iindent“actually,” martinfang piped-up, stepping forward with a smile. “there’s no need to leave, you're not bothering anyone.” the pair seemed interested by his calm and smooth voice, their ears perking in attention. “our clan, pyreclan, is looking for more warriors to appoint to its ranks. im quite certain you two would go along well with the rest of us.” as the bicolor tom glanced to his side, he noticed ashenstep’s smile as she gazed up to him, seeming pleased with his words.

    iindent“i know it’s quite sudden to ask, but we know many of us have lost everything due to the fires.” the grey-tabby added, her expression soft and understanding, eyes glancing from one cat to the other. “we’re looking to help as many as we can.” at her ending statement, the loners promptly glanced toward one another, and once the tall she-cat nodded down to the other, they returned their gaze onto the warriors.

    iindent“we’d like to take you up on that offer.”

    iindentby dusk, the patrol was just closing the distance between them and the clan’s camp, both strawberrynose and pelicanface in tow. they’d chatted between one another along the trekk, sharing stories and revealing hints of their past-lives. they both had come from the same clan, they learned, and were still quite moved by the events which doomed them──the tall molly had been the only to speak of it, pelicanface having nothing more to say than a frown. both martinfang and ashenstep shared their own stories, on how their clans were ruined and they were found by pyrestar, joining the clan, and they followed by by informing them about almost all they needed to know of the clan they were nearing toward. at this information, they seemed more eager to join than they had before, urging the warriors to share more of what they knew until they truly had nothing else. “a leader chosen specifically by starclan? i don’t think i’ve ever heard of it, except in stories as a kit.” the curly-haired tom had recalled at some point, earning a chuckle from ashenstep herself.

    iindentfinally, as they entered the camp from between the boulders at its entrance, pyrestar and ternwhisker were there to greet them; the moment they saw the two loners, they questioned the pair of warriors, who rushed to explain the situation quietly so the newcomers wouldn’t hear. “we found them almost halfway to the northern border,” ashenstep explained, tuning to martinfang for him to finish. “they’re loners, both from the same clan, which disbanded for a number of reasons, but not from the fires.” pyrestar nodded as the two spoke, glancing over their shoulders toward the orange-pelted cats as they sat and spoke to one another. “they seem odd...” he chuckled quietly, meeting their eyes with an eyebrow raised. “the she-cat is some kind of rare breed, i believe, and the tom’s fur is unlike any i have seen before.”

    iindentboth warriors chuckled at this, martinfang shaking his head with a smile and a shrug. “i know, i thought the same exact thing,” he responded. “but they weren’t hostile, at all, and they seem very interested in joining the clan. i don’t see why they shouldn’t be allowed to, unless you feel otherwise.” the brown tabby nodded at this, agreeing with the tom’s words. “no, you’re right──we need new members after all.” pyrestar rose to his paws, letting out a sigh from beneath his breath. “i’ll go speak with them; you two are dismissed.” the warriors nodded and turned away, motioning for ternwhisker to follow, who followed without a second thought. they traveled as a group toward the center of the camp, where the dirt lay soft, like that of sand, and began conversing. the medicine cat, chervilgaze, even emerged from their hollow to join them, and see what was about.

    iindent“welcome,” pyrestar called-over to the loners, their eyes meeting his upon hearing his voice. “you must be strawberrynose, and pelicanface.” they both nodded in response, dipping their heads respectively, but remaining seated. “and you are pyrestar, correct?” the she-cat questioned him, head slightly tilted to the side, her tail brushing the dirt behind.

    iindent“yes,” the tom returned, he, too, dipping his head in greeting. “i am the leader of pyreclan, who’s camp you stand in now.” pelicanface smiled at this, taking a moment to glance throughout the space as he had yet to do before──his eyes glinted with excitement, like a kit seeing the outside world for the first time, sending a smile to the leader’s maw as he watched. “i’ve heard you’d like to join the clan,” he continued. “we’re happy to take in any who have lost their homes, especially after the fires.” strawberrynose nodded at his words, yet lowered her head slightly to respond, seemingly hesitant.

    iindent“i’m truly sorry to hear of what harm the fires have done, to you and everyone else,” she began, meeting the leader’s intent gaze. “but our clan disbanded for other reasons; we’d never heard of these fires.” pyrestar furrowed his brows at this news, curiosity and confusion flashing through his yellow eyes──surely if they had lived anywhere within or even miles near the forests, they would have known of it, smelled it, tasted it in wind? how could it even be possible they’d never heard of the fires which claimed the entire forest in merely a few sunrises? “where are you from, exactly?” he quipped, curiously.

    iindent“far, far from here,” the tom scoffed, though the statement seemed off, distant, rather than lighthearted. “we’ve been on-foot for moons, i can’t even remember exactly how long.” the pair glanced toward each other, strawberrynose nodding in agreement as she turned her gaze back toward the leader, her yellow orbs fogged in thought. “we were far enough to be unaware of the wildfires.” pyrestar’s eyes flashed with shock, his expression similar to that of confusion, and his body held rigid. he couldn’t even begin to imagine how far these cats may have walked to get there, or even why they decided to—to a place ruined by disaster, slowly recovering from chaos? not many would want to venture into a place like this; what were these cat’s motives?

    iindent“well,” the leader sighed, shaking his head clear of thoughts, then standing on all four paws. “i believe i’ve questioned you enough for today.” he chuckled, earning amused smiles from the other felines as they watched his movements attentively. then, as the brown tabby swiveled on his paws, back now facing the pair, he swayed his tail and smiled toward them over his shoulder, cocking his head to the side. “welcome to pyreclan.”

    iindentpelicanface, eagerly grinning from ear to ear, stood to join the leader and head into the camp—but they were suddenly caught by the orange molly standing just behind him and her hushed tone. “pelican,” she hissed beneath her breath, gaining the tom’s attention and causing him to halt in his tracks. “don’t you dare say a thing, do you understand?” the tom’s expression slowly morphed into a frown, his head drooping in a reluctant nod.

    iindent“yes, i understand.” he murmured.

    ★ ★ ★ ★

    iindentclimbing atop a wide stump, blackened with char and ash at its bark, pyrestar pulled himself onto the platform and stood, gaining his composure. with a yowl he called-forth the clan, whom obediently emerged from their dens and into the sandy meetingplace toward the center of camp, gazing upward into the leader’s eyes. as the crowd began to quiet, their murmurs silencing in the breeze, the brown tabby tom smiled and opened his maw to speak.

    iindent“as you all may be aware of by now,” he began, directing his gaze toward that of the two orange-furred felines who stood beside one another toward the back of the crowd. “we have welcomed two new members into the clan──strawberrynose and pelicanface.” heads turned to follow the leader’s gaze, finding that of the two new cats. they smiled and greeted the newcomers, even though having already met and familiarized themselves with the pair a few days ago, then returned their attention back toward the leader, the voices silencing once more. “i also have another announcement i would like to make.”

    iindentthis time not a single member uttered a word, their eyes focused solely on the tom as they contemplated his next words. but, unlike their worries, it would be far from it──chervilgaze, whom had already discussed this piece of news with the leader, watched the clan-cats among the crowd curiously with a smile. “within the next moon, i would like to appoint one of you, a warrior, as pyreclan’s first deputy.” the leader spoke, steadily, eyes traveling from one pair of eyes to the next. “if this opportunity interests you,” he started. “then i recommend you take actions to prove yourself able to take-on this highly crucial role──this will help i and the rest of us decide who we feel is best, and to help everyone get to know you better.”

    iindent“in exactly a moon from this day, we will hold another meeting to gather votes on who we feel is best-fit to become the deputy. by moonhigh, if we don’t have ourselves a cat,” pyrestar sighed, raising an eyebrow to the cats, as if in forewarning. “then i will appoint them myself, which im sure some of you wouldn’t particularly like.” another murmur lifted in the crowd, some nodding to the leader’s final statement in agreement, others already pondering who they personally think would be best as the deputy.

    iindent“anyway, that’s all i have for you all today──dusk patrols, we’ll be heading out relatively soon, so be prepared.” with a final nod, pyrestar stood on the podium and turned to jump-off from the back, dismissing the meeting with a flick of his bushy tail. the congregated felines began to converse, their voices rising up and throughout the camp. strawberrynose, staying in place beside pelicanface, grinned in thought as her tail swayed in excitement. “pelican,” she began, turning her gaze to meet his yellow eyes. “i think i’d like to try to become the deputy.”

    iindentsurprise flashed through the tom’s eyes, his ears perked and alert in his direction as he tilted his head to the side. “do you think that would be a good idea, though?” he questioned, voice hushed as to not alert the other cats around them, but the she-cat shook her head to dismiss his worries. “not at all, in fact, i think it’d make us better-off.” she returned, smiling, hopefully, down toward the curly-haired tom. he considered her words carefully, then sighed and nodded his head with a smile. “go for it; in my opinion, you’re the most qualified cat here.” once he’d finished his statement, the pair shared in a bout of laughter, the she-cat seeming more hopeful and reassured than she had been before.

    iindentbut ternwhisker, on the other hand, wasn’t too amused. she, too, was overjoyed by this news of the possibility of becoming the deputy, and having overheard the she-cat speaking of it, her nerves boiled into a stream of anxiousness and jealousy, her skin crawling; would she have to compete with this already highly-capable warrior if she wanted to prove herself worthy? she wasn’t quite up to it, per se, but all at the same time, she had a strong desire within her to at least try, even if it meant nothing for her, to take-on the role──maybe it had been her power-hungry father which instilled this thought-process into her head, as he had sacrificed everything, such as his family, to rise in the ranks of their clan, yet ternwhisker was trying with everything in her being to be nothing like that tom. if she were to compete for the role as a deputy, would she become just like him?

    iindentthe she-cat wouldn’t allow it, not in a thousand sunrises and sunsets.

    iindentas the clan returned from their dusk patrol later that day, the warriors seeped into their den and slunk toward their separate nests, each crafted themselves from materials gathered throughout the forest. ternwhisker, with their back against the logs, their cracks stuffed with moss and clay, peered through the darkness as strawberrynose, pelicanface close behind, padded to their nest against the opposite, stone wall and circled the soft material, finally plopping-down their slender form with their back curved toward ternwhisker. the she-cat huffed inaudibly and shifted her position, nose now brushing the logs as she slept.

    iindentas she awoke, stirring in her nest, her ears swiveled to the call of morning doves from outside the den, and the slightest ray of sunshine peeking in through the entrance. it was still far too early for the dawn patrols to begin, she noted, but as she turned herself around, her eyes snapped to the empty nest of the one and only strawberrynose──where had she gone?

    iindentrising, reluctantly, from the soft texture of her nest, ternwhisker arched her back with a stretch, maw gaping in a yawn, then padded onward, weaving between the nests of her fellow warriors. when she reached the entrance, she paused with only her nose exposed into the cold as she heard two voices, those of whom she could guess were the slender she-cat and the leader, pyrestar. tentatively, the black and white she-cat crept forward, as not to be seen or heard, and peered from around the curve of the stone wall at her side.

    iindentthere, at the fresh-kill pile, she watched strawberrynose drop the limp body of a brown-furred creature, a lemming, atop the others. just behind, the leader smiled in greeting to the she-cat and wished her a good morning. when revealing she’d just returned from an early-morning hunt, ternwhisker tuned-out the rest of their words, her heart coming to full stop, blood rushing through her ears──what was this feeling? why was she angered so suddenly? why was her blood boiling in rage?

    iindentif this is how you’re going to play, the she-cat hissed to herself. then so be it.


      actions for post ii.
        ─> consumption: fasting post 2/3.
        ↪ request: pyrestar requests a queen from starclan.

        • hunting patrol: pyrestar, ashenstep, ternwhisker, martinfang, strawberrynose, & pelicanface.
        • border patrol: pyrestar, ashenstep, ternwhisker, martinfang, strawberrynose, & pelicanface.
        • herb gathering: chervilgaze.
        • training: none.
        • other: martinfang (duopelt) joins from his former clan. (proof) (image changed to ftu)
        - strawberrynose & pelicanface join from their former clan. (proof) (images changed to ftu)
        - chervilgaze brings with him catmint, chervil, comfrey root, raspberry leaves, & tansy.
        THE LEADER
        - pyrestar ─ ♂ ─ 34 moons
        ↪ lives: ★★★★★★★★★ (9)
          THE DEPUTY
          - name ─ ♀♂ ─ 00 moons
          ↪ other information here
          - chervilgaze ─ ♂ ─ 47 moons
          ↪ skill points: ✦✦✦✦✦ (5)

                ashenstep ─ ♀ ─ 28 moons
                ternwhisker ─ ♀ ─ 31 moons
                martinfang ─ ♂ ─ 21 moons
                strawberrynose ─ ♀ ─ 34 moons
                pelicanface ─ ♂ ─ 24 moons
          • name ─ ♀♂ ─ 00 moons
          • name ─ ♀♂ ─ 00 moons
          • name ─ ♀♂ ─ 00 moons
          • name ─ ♀♂ ─ 00 moons

        allies & enemies
        group name , ally or enemy , user
        group name , ally or enemy , user
        group name , ally or enemy , user

        bordering clans
        north; group name , username
        east ; group name , username
        south ; group name , username
        west ; group name , username


        prey pile
        meadow vole . . . . 1 servings (0)
        lemming . . . . . . . 1 servings (1)
        snowshoe hare . . . 2 servings (0)
        weasel . . . . . . . . 2 servings (1)
        muskrat . . . . . . . 3 servings (0)
        canada jay . . . . . 3 servings (0)

        medicine storage


        mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills . .
        mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills . .
        mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills . .
        mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills . .
        mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills . .
        mentor ⇾ apprentice (#): skills . .

        families & the deceased

Last edited by w0ah on Sat Sep 21, 2019 4:50 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Postby Kazin » Sun Sep 15, 2019 4:32 pm

Font credit
Number of Cats: 0010| 04 ♂ | 06 ♀ | 3 servings needed next serving needed at 14
Next Starclan visit: now | Pebbles: 00
Herb Storage | Deceased Cats | Mates / Family

writing wip for now


[ Hunting ]
Barleypelt, Sunfox,
and Hazelshine hunt.
Sandcloud and Smokeflight hunt.

[ Border Patrols ]
Minnowstar and Swiftblaze patrol the borders.

[ Med Cat ]
Aldernose looks for herbs.
    [ Rank Up ]
    not this moon.

    [ Mates / Kits ]
    not this moon.

    [ Other / Request ]
    Archclan takes it's last
    fasting moon.
    Sandcloud and Swiftfoot
    (renamed Swiftblaze) join Archclan. Proof.
    Icepaw and Slatepaw
    (renamed Frostpaw) join Archclan. Proof.
    Minnowstar requests a deputy.
[ Training ]



Fighting: Frostpaw.

Tracking: Icepaw.


Minnowstar | 23 moons | ♀ |
Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

name | # moons | ♂/♀ | [url=x]♦[/url]

Medicine Cats
Aldernose | 36 moons | ♂ |
name | # moons | ♂/♀ | [url=x]♦[/url]

Swiftblaze | 31 moons | ♀ |
Sandcloud | 29 moons | ♀ |
name | # moons | ♂/♀ | [url=x]♦[/url]
Frostpaw | 16 moons | ♀ |
Icepaw | 16 moons | ♀ |
name | # moons | ♂/♀ | [url=x]♦[/url]

name | # moons | ♂/♀ | [url=x]♦[/url]

name | # moons | ♂/♀ | [url=x]♦[/url]
filler filler filler
filler filler filler
Warriors (cont.)
Barleypelt | 29 moons | ♂ |
Smokeflight | 21 moons | ♂ |
Hazelshine | 19 moons | ♀ |
Sunfox | 14 moons | ♂ |
name | # moons | ♂/♀ | [url=x]♦[/url]
name | # moons | ♂/♀ | [url=x]♦[/url]

name | # moons | ♂/♀ | [url=x]♦[/url]


Available skills | Hunting, Stealth,
Swimming, Fighting, Tracking...

Minnowstar | Frostpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Smokeflight | Icepaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Mentor | Apprentice | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Mentor | Apprentice | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Mentor | Apprentice | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Mentor | Apprentice | H, St, Sw, F, T.
Ally Clans: none (open)
Enemy clans: none (open)

North | open | location
South | open | location
East | open | location
West | open | location

filler filler filler
filler filler filler
filler filler filler
filler filler filler

Fresh-Kill Pile
Mouse | x0 | 1 serving
Rat | x0 | 2 servings
Bird | x0 | 3 servings
Hare | x0 | 3 servings
Squirrel | x2 | 2 servings
Minnow | x0 | 1 serving

prey being eaten
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