Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby jazz. » Sun Aug 18, 2019 12:27 pm

archive | Mod: amethyst | TwsitedClan uses: 7 servings | Next Moonpool visit: later
Number of cats: 40 | 19 females | 21 males | Pebbles: 40

─ ℓαsт мσση
    xxxxxxx“Eat these up.” Galalight pushed a couple soft, dark leaves in front of Maplebreeze. Shadow scrutinized the medicine cat’s actions. Galalight doubted anyone could force the new loner to try any of the herbs in their store, so Maplebreeze would be the one experimented on. Well, experiment is a strong word. Perhaps trying an educated guess would sound better. Maplebreeze chewed the leaves without question regardless of what Galalight would label it.
    xxxxxxx“Zesty.” Maplebreeze concluded. “What was that?”
    xxxxxxxShadow hissed through gritted teeth. “You don’t even know what you ate? Do you not question any single thing you do?”
    xxxxxxx“I happen to trust Galalight!” Maplebreeze huffed haughtily. “You’d do the same if you were smart.”
    xxxxxxxTrying to prevent the incoming catfight, Galalight stepped in between the two mollies. “Good question, Maplebreeze. I believe Frostpaw can answer.” She turned to her new apprentice standing timidly in the corner. He looked at her alarmed at the sudden question thrown his way. “Go on, you know this.” She urged gently.
    xxxxxxx“Uh, borage leaves.” Frostpaw stammered.
    xxxxxxx“And what do they do?”
    xxxxxxx“Bring down fevers.”
    xxxxxxx“And?” Galalight prompted. She saw the worried look cross Maplebreeze’s face at the mention of fever. Which she did not have.
    xxxxxxx“And…and…and helps produce milk!” Frostpaw waved his tail as he stumbled on the correct answer.
    xxxxxxx“Very good, Frostpaw.” Galalight was still new at the whole mentor thing, but she felt more praise would be beneficial to the shy tom. She knew Spottednose’s method of mostly demanding answers without much rewarding would not sit well with him. “I’m hoping borage will help your milk come a bit early so Minnowflash’s kits have a source of food.”
    xxxxxxxSilverstem stretched from the other side of the nursery. “They’re starting to get restless.” She said as the kits squirmed looking for food.
    xxxxxxx“Minnowflash should be back from his patrol soon.” Galalight reassured them. “And I’m confident that this is the best way to help them.”
    xxxxxxxCrowtalon pushed his way through the tall grass on the outskirts of the forest. The flush green-leaf brush made it difficult to get to the edges of TwistedClan’s borders. It didn’t help that he felt like a babysitter for the newest warriors along with the weirdly toeing the line of flirting, Minnowflash and Quietstep. Tigerstrike trotted ahead of his two sisters and kept pace with the black warrior. “What’s up with you?” Crowtalon gave the orange warrior a side-eye.
    xxxxxxx“I’m…nervous.” Tigerstrike did seem anxious. He kept looking over his shoulder and flicking his tail back and forth. His eye twitched.
    xxxxxxxA small patch of hair stood up on Crowtalon’s neck. Something about the tom’s behavior really unnerved him. “What’s wrong?” He asked again more urgently. “Is something wrong?”
    xxxxxxx“Don’t you feel a sense of dread?” Tigerstrike’s voice rose to a higher pitch. “Like death is approaching?” Crowtalon shook his head and put on a burst of speed. Not really a mature way to deal with the situation, but he couldn’t stand to walk beside Tigerstrike anymore. He didn’t want to hear anything else he had to say.
    xxxxxxx“Yuck!” Cinderdust exclaimed. She leapt forward, causing Crowtalon to turn and face her. “Anyone else smell something musky?” Tigerstrike let out a sharp shriek. Crowtalon followed his widened eyes across the way where two thinned dogs had noticed the commotion. Which one of us is next? Crowtalon thought bitterly. He unsheathed his claws. I have to get back to Mountainpaw, dogs or not.
    xxxxxxxQuietstep froze along with the rest of her patrol. “Maybe these dogs are nice. Back when I was a kittypet, there was a dog near our nest that was friendly!” She said hopefully but was met with skeptic glares. “No, really, they don’t seem very threatening. Look how skinny they are!” She took a step forward. She was right; their bones were easily jutting out of their shorthaired coat, making them seem sharper. Quietstep took another step eliciting a growl from the larger dog of the two. “Don’t worry, we don’t have to hurt you!” Her cheery voice was starting to become forced as the dogs snarled.
    xxxxxxx“Quietstep, stop!” Minnowflash called quickly. His voice was unnaturally high. Tigerstrike let out another yell.
    xxxxxxx“Everyone, quiet!” Crowtalon ordered, now dropping to a low crouch. “Now, Quietstep. Listen to me. Just back up slowly back to our group. Then, we’ll scatter and climb a tree until they’ve lost interest.” He held up his tail. “On my count. One. Two. Three. Scatter!”
    xxxxxxxQuietstep didn’t move. “We won’t hurt you.” She stammered. “We won’t.” Minnowflash spun and watched in horror as the two strays stalked towards her. “Quietstep move!” He dashed back to the molly and grabbed her by the scruff. He was almost successful of dragging her to safety. Almost.
    xxxxxxxAt least the dogs left enough of the two warriors to still hold a proper vigil. It was a somber night.

─ ρяεsεηт
    xxxxxxxFrostpaw sorted the herbs he and Galalight had just collected. “No, yarrow doesn’t go with the borage leaves.” Galalight corrected his mistake over his shoulder. “What has gotten into you lately? You’ve been in your own little world all day!” She scolded him.
    xxxxxxx“There’s just a lot of things on my mind.” Frostpaw told the truth. He had been thinking about Sunchaser’s and Galalight’s discussion he had overheard a few moons ago. With yet another dog attack, it was in the front of his mind. “Galalight, can I ask you something?”
    xxxxxxx“Of course.” Galalight sat down. “You can always ask me anything.”
    xxxxxxx“Is StarClan punishing us?” He asked. “You and Sunchaser were talking about sickness before. Did we do something wrong?”
    xxxxxxxGalalight paused with a shocked look on her face. “Um, what all did you hear?” Frostpaw summarized the brunt of the conversation he heard. “Well, there’s just been a new illness in the forest.” She explained. “A fatal illness.” She wouldn’t meet his eyes. Was she telling the whole truth? “But we haven’t seen signs of it for a little while, so I wouldn’t worry too much.”
    xxxxxxx“Is that how Minnowflash and Quietstep actually died?” Frostpaw asked.
    xxxxxxx“No, they definitely died from the dogs.” Galalight sighed. “But Briarwhisper, Cloudpaw, Wolfclaw, and others got sick.”
    xxxxxxx"What causes it? What even is it?"
    xxxxxxx“Marsh knows it as the Craze. I’m not precisely sure of the cause, but you’ve been in this forest. Something’s different now.” Galalight said.
    xxxxxxxFrostpaw shivered. “Something dark.”
    xxxxxxxFlameleap had convinced Nightpelt to join him leaping in the tree branches. Ever since Nightpelt ripped his tail in half, he was unsteady above ground. Flameleap stayed by his side keeping him upright. Soon they made it up a spindly tree and stopped for a rest. “You think TwistedClan is going to make it?” Flameleap asked. Nightpelt always had an odd way of thinking; he might have a different idea.
    xxxxxxx“I’m not sure. It’s like a fight against nature itself.” Nightpelt let his front paws dangle off the branch. “Can anyone compete with that?”
    xxxxxxxFlameleap shrugged. “I don’t think so. We might just have to enjoy the fleeting time we have now.”
    xxxxxxxNightpelt grunted. “We just have to survive.”
    xxxxxxx“And I want to do it with you.” Flameleap scooted closer to him. “I really love it when we have this time together.”
    xxxxxxxNightpelt kept his eyes focused on the floor. “I do too. You’ve been my friend since day one.”
    xxxxxxxFlameleap’s heart ached. “Aren’t we something a little bit more?” He whispered hopefully.
    xxxxxxx“What’s the point of that, though?” Nightpelt shifted away from the orange tom. “Anything could happen anytime. It’s easier to not have ties with anyone.”
    xxxxxxx“So if I’m only a friend and die, you wouldn’t grieve? You would only care if we were mates?” Flameleap spat.
    xxxxxxx“T-that’s not what I meant.” Nightpelt stammered.
    xxxxxxx “I’ve tried so hard with you, but you always push me away. You could have just said you didn’t want anything to do with me instead of stringing me along.” Flameleap stood, shaking the branch. Nightpelt sunk his claws into the wood in panic. “I’ll make it easy for you and just leave then.” Flameleap took two long jumps down to the floor, leaving Nightpelt alone in the tree, still trying to explain what he meant. But it was too late.
    xxxxxxx“Hey, are you okay?” Thundercry had tracked Stormheart to the Burial Site. His brother was much quieter than usual ever since Quietstep died. “You can’t keep moping.”
    xxxxxxx“I think I loved her.” Stormheart croaked. “I didn’t ever tell her that.”
    xxxxxxx“I think she knew.” Thundercry wasn’t the best at providing comfort. He licked Stormheart’s head awkwardly. “She cared for you as well. You always made her laugh the loudest.”
    xxxxxxx“Why couldn’t have been me?” Stormheart’s voice cracked. “She was just experiencing all the joys of free life.”
    xxxxxxx“I don’t know. Should I go get Willowbranch? She might have something more profound to say.” Thundercry wished someone else was here to help cheer them up.
    xxxxxxx Stormheart faintly laughed. “No, you’re doing just fine. Can you sit with me? We can pray together.”
    xxxxxxxAshkit, Featherkit, and Hollykit tried their best not to tread outside of the nursery for too long. It wasn’t because they were still very young, which they were, but because the trio didn’t like the looks of pity they received from others. Silverstem had taken the task of explaining what happened to their parents (spoiler alert, they’re dead) and now the clan speaks in hushed tones whenever the kits are in view. “It’s like they already are planning on us keeling over any second too.” Featherkit would grumble. “We didn’t even know Graybelly and Minnowflash rarely visited us when he was alive.” He was the pessimistic one though his brother and sister agreed with this sentiment. The three of them were currently kicked out into the center of camp while both Shadow and Maplebreeze were delivering their own litters. Needless to say, Galalight and Frostpaw were stressed. A pained yowl of Maplebreeze sent Honeytail outside to fetch some fresh water, then he was promptly sent back outside to pace.
    xxxxxxx“Any kits yet?” Ruststripe asked him.
    xxxxxxx“No, but I was too much of a distraction.” Honeytail paused. He was breathing heavily. He looked around slightly dazed and spotted the three kits.
    xxxxxxx“Let’s go,” Hollykit nudged his littermates away from the approaching tom. Don’t get him wrong, the tom was very kind to them, but underlying his sweetness was a deep sense of pity. Hollykit did not want to deal with that, especially when his actual kits were on the way. The kits scampered off and ended up towards the back of the cabin where Neritefang and Marsh were cooling off in the shade.
    xxxxxxx“Where y’all scurrying off to?” Marsh drawled. The three kits all shrugged. “Getting into trouble?” They shook their heads.
    xxxxxxxNeritefang scrutinized them with a knowing look. “I think they’re just finding a quiet place, hm?” The kits nodded. “Well, then. I think we can entertain them with some stories. What do you think, Marsh?”
    xxxxxxxIt was close to dinnertime and the two medicine cats were still with the laboring queens. The sun was slowly sinking into the sky, and the first stars were becoming visible. Rabbitpaw dragged a piece of the deer they had found towards Rainsong and Sunchaser. He wanted his mentor and the deputy to be the first to eat their big find. “That’s a big hunk of meat.” Sunchaser remarked. Rabbitpaw and his siblings puffed out their chests. Deerpaw was the only one that remained uncertain of their deed. “Perhaps we should save this for leaf-bare? We never know when the prey will stay hidden and we need a feast. Go bury it in a cool place.” Rabbitpaw and Mousepaw scurried off to follow his order. Squirrelpaw and Shrewpaw grabbed the remaining pieces of deer and quickly followed them.
    xxxxxxx“Deerpaw, why don’t you grab something else to eat?” Rainsong gently suggested. The young molly was still rooted to her spot. “I know there’s a fresh mouse in the fresh-kill pile somewhere. Deerpaw wordlessly nodded and left to sniff out a good morsel. She didn’t understand why, but something just didn’t feel right. Oh, well.
    The clan consumes two thrushes and one vole (7 servings)
    Rainsong, Birchwhisker, Sunchaser, Ruststripe, Darkmist, and Mallardwing hunt
    Nightpelt, Thundercry, Willowbranch, Patchnose, Stormheart, and Starlingsky hunt.
    Crowtalon, Flameleap, Tigerstrike, Petalfall, Thistlefur, and Honeytail hunt.
    Snowstorm, Softdapple, Riverstone, and Cinderdust patrol.
    Galalight and Frostpaw hunt for herbs.
    Maplebreeze and Shadow both go into labor! Frostpaw prays it goes better than last time, he's a bit scarred. Galalight needs a pay raise and she doesn't even know what money is.
    All apprentices train in Fighting.
    none this moon
    none this moon
    none this moon
    mwahahaha let there be tragedy.
    also kat and h1ss are working on converting my cats to the lineart, so if you just want to write some basic descriptions of the kits for them to follow, that would be okay!
    Twistedstar | 75 m | ♀ |
    twisted back paw
    ruined back leg
    Lives: ★★★★ [4]
    Sunchaser | 46 m | ♂ |
    Galalight | 33 m | ♀ |
    Skills: ✿✿✿✿✿ [5]
    Frostpaw | 8 m | ♂ |
    Snowstorm | 61 m | ♂ |
    Ruststripe | 60 m | ♂ |
    Birchwhisker | 59 m | ♀ |
    Rainsong | 41 m | ♀ |
    Thistlefur | 39 m | ♂ (AFAB) |
    Crowtalon | 36 m | ♂ |
    Darkmist | 36 m | ♀ |
    Mallardwing | 31 m | ♀ |
    Starlingsky | 30 m | ♀ |
    Nightpelt | 29 m | ♂ |
    half a tail
    Flameleap | 27 m | ♂ |
    Honeytail | 24 m | ♂ |
    Thundercry | 23 m | ♂ |
    Willowbranch | 23 m | ♀ |
    Stormheart | 23 m | ♂ |
    Patchnose | 18 m | ♂ |
    Petalfall | 18 m | ♀ |
    Softdapple | 16 m | ♀ |
    Tigerstrike | 14 m | ♂ |
    Riverstone | 14 m | ♀ |
    Cinderdust | 14 m | ♀ |
    Rabbitpaw | 11 m | ♂ |
    Deerpaw | 11 m | ♀ |
    Squirrelpaw | 11 m | ♂ |
    Mousepaw | 11 m | ♂ |
    Shrewpaw | 11 m | ♀ |
    Mountainpaw | 9 m | ♂ |
    Frigidpaw | 8 m | ♂ |
    Silverstem | 56 m | ♀ |
    permanent queen
    Shadow | 31 m | ♀ | | due NOW
    Maplebreeze | 23 m | ♀ | | due NOW
    Ashkit | 2 m | ♀ |
    Hollykit | 2 m | ♂ |
    Featherkit | 2 m | ♂ |
    Marsh | 119 m | ♂ |
    Neritefang | 106 m | ♀ |
    scars all over pelt
    Name | Age | ♀♂ | [url=link][/url]
    Unknown ♥︎ Silverstem | Bluekit and Pebblepaw
    Wolfclaw ♥︎ Silverstem | Rabbitpaw, Deerpaw, Squirrelpaw,
    Mousepaw, and Shrewpaw
    Stormstrike ♥︎ Birchwhisker | Thundercry, Cloudpaw,
    Willowbranch, Goosedawn, Maplebreeze, and Stormheart
    Patchedmask of DewClan ♥︎ Rainsong | Patchnose, Dovestrike,
    and Petalfall
    Toadsplash ♥︎ Claystream (HurricaneClan)| Goosekit and Mallardwing
    Ruststripe ♥︎ Twistedstar | Tigerstrike, Riverstone,
    and Cinderdust
    Unknown ♥︎ Sagefeather | Rushingflame (PrairieClan)
    Valleyrunner (ChessClan) ♥︎ Crowtalon (Mallardwing) | Ravenpaw (ChessClan),
    Twilightpaw (ChessClan), and Mountainpaw
    Stonefrost (MooseClan) ♥︎ Briarwhisper | no kits
    Minnowflash + Graybelly | unnamed, Ashkit, Hollykit, and Featherkit
    Unknown ♥︎ Unknown | Frigidpaw and Frostpaw
    Honeytail ♥︎ Maplebreeze | due in 1 moon
    Unknown ♥︎ Shadow | due in 1 moon

- known by Spottednose, Galalight,
Twistedstar, Sunchaser, and Ruststripe


North | The Coven | Blackpearl44
East | DuskClan | avenoir.
South | The Jade Empire | gossamer
West | DewClan | billie eilish,


    Thrushes | x17 | 3 servings each
    Magpies | x15 | 3 servings each
    Shrews | x14 | 1 serving each
    Squirrels | x13 | 2 servings each
    Mice | x13 | 1 serving each
    Voles | x16 | 1 serving each

    Skills: Hunting, Fighting, Climbing, STalking, SWimming
    Rabbitpaw | Rainsong | 4 | ST, SW, H, C
    Deerpaw | Birchwhisker | 4 | ST, SW, H, C
    Squirrelpaw | Ruststripe | 4 | ST, SW, H, C
    Mousepaw | Sunchaser | 4 | ST, SW, H, C
    Shrewpaw | Snowstorm | 4 | ST, SW, H, C
    Mountainpaw | Darkmist | 2 | H, C
    Frigidpaw | Mallardwing | 1 | C
    Frostpaw | Galalight | 1 | C
    Galalight of LambClan
    Stonefrost of CherryClan
    Wolfclaw of HollowClan
    Neritefang of GraveClan
    Briarwhisper of RoseClan
    Starlingsky of BearClan
    Toadsplash of GraveClan
    Claystream of GraveClan
    Mallardwing of GraveClan
    Minnowflash of WhisperClan
    Graybelly of WhisperClan
    Windcall of WhisperClan
    Finchflight of WaveClan
    Thistlefur of WaveClan
    Darkmist of Lucid Shadows
    Valleyrunner | (ChessClan)
    Ravenpaw | (ChessClan)
    Twilightpaw | (ChessClan)
    Rushingflame | (PrairieClan)
    Claystream | (HurricaneClan)
    Stonefrost | (MooseClan)
    Jaywhistle | (LostClan)
    Windcall | (LaughClan)
    Alder Bark | Eases toothaches | 3
    Beech Leaves | Used to carry bundles of herbs | 1
    Bindweed | Helps mend a broken leg | 2
    Blackberry Leaves | Eases pain of bee stings | 1
    Borage Leaves | Helps produce milk | 1
    Bright Eyes | Helps cure coughs | 1
    Broom | Helps broken legs and wounds | 2
    Burdock Root | Cures infected (rat) bites | 1
    Burnet | Gives strength | 2
    Catchweed | stops poultices from rubbing off | 1
    Catmint | Cures greencough | 1
    Celandine | Soothes damaged eyes | 1
    Chervil | Helps infection/bellyaches/kitting | 1
    Chickweed | Cures greencough | 1
    Cobwebs | Treats bleeding, binds broken bones | 1
    Coltsfoot | Eases breathing or kitten-cough | 1
    Comfrey Roots | Repairs broken bones, and burns | 2
    Daisy Leaves | Eases aching joints | 1
    Dock | Soothe scratches and sore paws | 1
    Dried Oak Leaf | Stops infection | 1
    Elder Leaf | Soothes sprains | 2
    Fennel | Helps pain in hips | 2
    Feverfew | Helps bring down fevers/headaches | 2
    Goatweed | Eases grief | 2
    Goldenrod | Good for healing wounds | 2
    Honey | Soothes infections, sore throats, and coughing | 1
    Horsetail | Stops bleeding and stops infection | 2
    Juniper Berries | Helps bellyaches and breathing | 2
    Lamb's Ear | Gives strength | 2
    Lavender | Cures fever and chills | 2
    Lovage | Can help cure coughs | 1
    Marigold | Stops infection and bleeding | 2
    Mint | Hides scents of death | 1
    Mouse Bile | Kills ticks | 1
    Poppy Seeds | Helps sleep, shock, and distress | 3
    Ragwort Leaves | Help aching joints | 1
    Raspberry Leaf | Painkiller or stops bleeding from kitting | 1
    Rush | Helps hold broken limbs in place | 1
    Sorrel | Builds appetite | 1
    Stick | Braces broken limbs | 1
    Stinging Nettle | Induces vomiting | 1
    Sweet-sedge | eases infections | 1
    Tansy | Cures coughs, wounds, and poisons | 1
    Thyme | Calms anxiety and shock | 1
    Tormentil | Treats wounds and extracts poison | 1
    Yarrow | extracts poison/soothes pads | 2
    Deathberries | Poisonous when consumed | 2
    Foxglove | Can cause paralysis or heart failure | 2
    Holly Berries | Poisonous to kits | 3
Last edited by jazz. on Fri Aug 23, 2019 8:48 am, edited 3 times in total.
━━ ❝Ah,━━━━━━━━
"чσu dσn't knσw hσw hígh í cαn flч"
| shє/hєr | lσvєr σf hσrsєs |



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♕♔ chessclan - post 002 ♚♛

Postby chaotic creativity » Mon Aug 19, 2019 6:13 am

font credit.

population. eighteen | servings. four | next request. july nineteenth | mod. amethyst14 | pebbles. forty-four
toms. nine | mollies. nine | archive. x
    clan actions.
    — lynxkit is welcomed as a kit.
    — wolfwhiskers is welcomed as the fou.
    morningwhisper is welcomed as the tour.
    butterflyleap is welcomed as a cavalier.
    boarshine is welcomed as a cavalier.
    flamingonose is welcomed as a cavalier.
    — aspstar, richterscreech, valleyrunner, ravenpaw, rookpaw, and juncopaw hunt.
    — horizonstar, sweethen, morningwhisper, and twilightpaw hunt.
    — sweethen, morningwhisper, butterflyleap, and twilightpaw patrol.
    — horizonstar, richterscreech, and rookpaw patrol.
    — wolfwhiskers searches for herbs.
    — aspstar and horizonstar request a cavalier.
    — chessclan fasts. (two/three)
    — notes ;; i would like color-ins please!
♔ roi. ♚
aspstar | forty-three moons | tom
lives: ★

♕ dame. ♛
horizonstar | fifty moons | molly
lives: ★★★★★★★★

♖ tour. ♜
morningwhisper | seventy-eight moons | molly

♗ fou. ♝
wolfwhiskers | twenty-eight moons | tom
— skill | ✿✿✿✿✿

♗ fou apprenti/apprentie. ♝
name | age | gender

♘ cavalier. ♞
richterscreech | twenty-two moons | tom
valleyrunner | thirty-five moons | tom
sweethen | thirty-five moons | molly
butterflyleap | eighteen moons | molly
boarshine | twenty-seven moons | molly
flamingonose | thirty-one moons | tom

♘ cavalier apprenti/apprentie. ♞
rookpaw | twelve moons | tom
juncopaw | twelve moons | molly
ravenpaw | eight moons | tom
twilightpaw | eight moons | tom

❀ les mères. ✿
loonfrost | fifty-four moons | molly - due in one moon

♙ pion. ♟
genetkit | three moons | molly
— adopted by loonfrost
martenkit | three moons | tom
— adopted by loonfrost
lynxkit | five moons | molly

☀ ancien/ancienne ☀
name | age | gender
north | clan | user
northeast | clan | user
east | clan | user
southeast | clan | user
south | clan | user
southwest | clan | user
west | clan | user
northwest | clan | user

clan | user

clan | user

medicine store.
catmint | cures greencough | x02
cobwebs | stops bleeding | x03

prey pile.
mice | one serving | none
vole | one serving | none
rabbit | two servings | three
stoat | two servings | none
big fish | three servings | none
bird | three servings | three

rookpaw | richterscreech | three
— hunting, fighting, stealth
juncopaw | valleyrunner | three
— hunting, fighting, stealth
ravenpaw | aspstar | one
— hunting
twilightpaw | sweethen | one
— hunting

greypeak (northernclan) | addersong (northernclan)
— rookpaw, juncopaw, duckpaw (northernclan)
greypeak (northernclan) | loonfrost (no adoptive father)
— due in one moon, genetkit (adopted), martenkit (adopted)
aspstar | horizonstar
— none

deceased cats.
name | cause of death

powered cats.
sweethen - can find weaned kits on border patrols,
makes apprentices learn one skill automatically,
brings back a chicken or hare from hunting
richterscreech - excels at finding cats on patrols,
lessens chance of stillborns,
must have two or more mates for powers to work
Last edited by chaotic creativity on Sun Dec 08, 2019 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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chaotic creativity
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[ clan replies ] [ 030 ]

Postby deimido » Mon Aug 19, 2019 2:56 pm

lagoonclan, hazeclan, kwamiclan, rainclan, evanora's reach
strikersclan, whitebark, seaclan
northernclan, the neighborhood, cloudclan

the territories are in full bloom and prey
is running rampant, making them an easy
catch. queens & kits are more likely to su
rvive during birth and new cats are still li
kely to be found. however, the chance for
drought and dehydration is higher, and pr
edators, while unlikely, are more dangero
us than ever due to abundant resources.

descriptor © simon | coding © w0ah

all images found on pexels, unsplash, and


moosetrail's patrol caught . .
↪ +2 mice.
↪ +2 shrews.

brookheart's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 big fish.
↪ +1 frog.


cobramask's patrol encountered . .
↪ a warrior!

kestrelstar's patrol encountered . .
↪ a kitten!


heatherfrost gathered . .
↪ +1 goldenrod.
↪ +1 feverfew.


the apps. learned . .
caesar > combat.
pansy > swimming.
crane > swimming.

    ancestral request
    ↪ starclan pays heed to kestrelstar and sends a warrior to join lagoonclan.


starlingflight's patrol caught . .
↪ +2 mice.
↪ +1 shrew.
↪ +1 bird.

darkflower's patrol caught . .
↪ +2 squirrels.
↪ +1 shrew.

oakfang's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 mice.
↪ +2 shrews.
↪ +1 squirrel.

pumapounce's patrol caught . .
↪ +4 mice.
↪ +1 rabbit.

heatherflame's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 rabbit.


inkfire's patrol encountered . .
↪ a kit! *

batwing's patrol encountered . .
↪ a warrior! *

emberspark's patrol encountered . .
↪ a warrior! *

slatestone's patrol encountered . .
↪ nothing of note!


cloudypaw gathered . .
↪ +1 hawkweed.
↪ +1 sorrel.


the apps. learned . .
rapid > defense.
petal > nothing..
swift > stalking.
beetle > stalking.
cherry > offense.
tiger > offense.
dahlia > offense.
willow > stalking.
sparrow > offense.
twig > stalking.
wren > defense.
finch > hunting.
moth > defense.
wild > offense.

    ancestral request
    ↪ the dark forest pays heed to pantherstar's request and give her a queen. they're a longhaired gray mackerel tabby that's due in two

    warrior ceremony
    ↪ hazeclan is pleased to announce a new warrior joining their ranks; zipperpaw is now zipperfang!

    ↪ chestnutblaze was one of the worst affected. he'll need two moons of rest as well as +1 comfrey root, +1 dried oak leaves, and
    +1 lamb's ear.
    ↪ badgerstrike will need three moons of rest as well as +1 broom, +1 celandine, and +1 chamomile. his eyesight will never recover.
    ↪ tallwhisker will need three moons of rest as well as +1 stick and +1 bindweed.

    patrol results
    ↪ the kitten found on the first patrol is a shorthaired lilac point.
    ↪ the warrior found on the second patrol is a shorthaired lynx point, coincidentally, also the young parent of the kitten.
    ↪ the warrior found on the third patrol is a longhaired solid chocolate cat.


starlingflight's patrol caught . .
↪ +2 mice.
↪ +1 shrew.
↪ +1 bird.

darkflower's patrol caught . .
↪ +2 squirrels.
↪ +1 shrew.

oakfang's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 mice.
↪ +2 shrews.
↪ +1 squirrel.

pumapounce's patrol caught . .
↪ +4 mice.
↪ +1 rabbit.

heatherflame's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 rabbit.


no patrolling occurred!


the med.cats gathered . .
↪ +1 water hemlock.
↪ +1 sweet-sedge.
↪ +1 ragwort leaves.
↪ +1 comfrey root.


no training occurred!

    ↪ the medicine cats work tirelessly to heal their broken clan - too focused on all the blood and wounds to put names to injuries
    - the injured will need +1 cobweb, +1 comfrey root, +1 goldenrod at this time.

    medicine practice
    ↪ sandripple and comfreyleaf's skills stay sharp! they retain 5SP.


wispstar's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 rabbit.
↪ +2 field mice.

hawktalon's patrol caught . .
↪ +2 squirrels.


lakemouse's patrol encountered . .
↪ a warrior!*


thymewing gathered . .
↪ +1 chervil.
↪ +1 chickweed.


the apps. learned . .
sopapilla > stalking.

    patrol results
    ↪ the warrior found on patrol is a longhaired cream classic tabby with half their tail missing.

    ancestral request
    ↪ the spirits pay heed to wispstar's request and send an elder to join strikersclan. they're a longhaired tortoiseshell with shredded
    ears and white-tipped paws.
    ↪ thymewing receives no clear answer from her ancestors and begins to return home. along the way he takes a quick break and
    laps at a puddle of water, only to be surprised by the fact that his reflection seems to have given him curled ears! it seems that
    he got the answer he was seeking at last. thymewing finishes his drink and returns home, resolving to talk to spiderpaw once
    he comes back.


midnightblaze's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 stoat.
↪ +1 small fish.
↪ +1 rabbit.

howlingeye's patrol caught . .
↪ +1 small fish.
↪ +1 rabbit.
↪ +2 voles.


brackenstrike's patrol encountered . .
↪ a warrior!


no gathering occurred!


the apps learned . .
wolf > swimming.
butterfly > swimming.
duck > nothing..
tempest > nothing..
blizzard > hunting.
brewing > hunting.
lightning > hunting.
feather > battle.
snow > battle.

    medicine practice
    ↪ poppywish's skills stay sharp! the medicine cat retains 5SP.

    ↪ one of the wounds sleetstar, splitface, flamestream, and viridianfire sustained in the battle are still bleeding, they'll all need to be treated
    with either +1 cobweb, +1 horsetail, +1 goldenrod, or +1 marigold.
    ↪ infection quickly set in on one of midnightblaze, minkfur, and birchfang's wounds, they'll all need to be treated with either +1 chervil or
    +1 horsetail.
    ↪ one of the rogues had landed a strike on howlingeye's right eye, he'll need +1 wintergreen to ease the pain.
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Duplex Sub Replies

Postby faerie; » Tue Aug 20, 2019 11:07 am

    bloodclan ; dea indivia. | jungleclan ; unikels | skullclan ; heda | thicketclan ; ravenwhisper's wish | mossclan ; étoilée | duskclan ; avenoir | climbingclan ; creme eggs | buddingclan ; HI55 | creekclan ; softlynx
    lifeclan ; imp | the barn yard ; heda
    the territories are in full bloom and prey is running rampant, making them an easy catch. queens and kits will be much more likely to survive during birth and new cats are still likely to be found. however, the chance for drought and dehydration is higher and predators, while unlikely, are more dangerous than ever due to the abundant resources.
    if you'd like an invite to the cac discord, shoot myself or one of the other mods a pm!
    all images fall under the cc0 license

    font credit



❤ sparkgaze and twigpaw find x1 dandelion,
1x borage leaf, and x1 coltsfoot!
their skills stay sharp
❤ twocrow's patrol is uneventful
❤ blackmuzzle's patrol catches x1 big fish and x1 mouse
❤ hawkwhisker's patrol catches x1 mouse
and x1 small fish

training and assessments
❤ the kits leave not-so-gracefully from their nursery
and find new homes in the apprentice den
with their new names: tansypaw, daisypaw,
and myrtlepaw. lemonstar sees to it that all
mentorships are correct.
tansypaw + peacock
myrtlepaw + twocrow
daisypaw + heatherpelt

all apprentices learn their skills this moon, except for
daisypaw, who suffers a small scratch to her flank,
which will need x1 cobweb to be patched up.

❤ lemonstar's request is fulfilled and they receive this cat!



the barn yard

❤ cider finds x1 small fish.
❤ ajax finds an apprentice.

training and assessments
❤ n/a

❤ muldock's request is fulfilled!
he is sent a warrior!




❤ whitenose's patrol is uneventful
❤ cougarslip finds a warrior
❤ flickerstrike's patrols catches x1 goose
❤ coralshine's patrol catches x1 minnow
and x1 small fish
❤ darktoes finds x1 chickweed, x1 honey,
and x1 celandine

training and assessments
❤ darktoes & his apprentice keep their skills
sharp, while lionpaw learns how to heal an infection.
❤ brackenpaw learns the offense skill.
❤ badgerpaw learns the climbing skill.

❤ russetspark gives birth to five healthy kittens,
thanks to the herbs used.
❤ cobwebdusk gives birth to three healthy kittens
❤ ravenstar is blessed with this warrior

Last edited by faerie; on Fri Aug 23, 2019 4:41 am, edited 2 times in total.
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KACCHAN SUB REPLIES | August 20th, 2019 | 08-20-19

Postby Katrione » Tue Aug 20, 2019 12:34 pm

eagle, wrote:
      total 93 : ♂ 47 ♀ 45 nb 1 | servings 15 (+98) | moonpool now | pebbles 50 | mod kacchan, | archives xx xx | font credits xx xxx


→ actions
moonpool requesting a queen
trading quickclan gives groveclan x2 birds and gives hazeclan x2 birds for their aid against the rogues
consumption quickclan eats five hares
mates gorseberry becomes mates with dusklight of groveclan (biologically cannot have kits)
rank changes dandelionpaw, magpiepaw, and tinselpaw are ready to take their assessments. if they pass they will be named dandelionspring, magpiesong, and tinselstorm
hunting sparrowcall, chanterellestep, marshstripe, hollyfur, rainypath, and patchwing
tallpeak, snakespots, flurrywind, marshstripe, dartersplash, and bouldertooth
eagleheart, thistlestrike, kindleflare, cardinalheart, fleetingmoon, and fluffytuft
oakseed, loonlight, acorntail, minnowjump, mulestomp, and sproutclaw
border patrols nightfall, swiftscreech, ravengaze, owletcry, webtail, and grassthorn
blizzardrush, oriolefeather, peckernose, rowanfoot, roselight, and hollowfang
training dovepaw, plumpaw, and thunderpaw learn swimming
valleypaw, kestrelpaw, frogpaw, rootpaw, hootpaw, and branchpaw learn fighting
ploverpaw, pinepaw, crakepaw, charredpaw, and lagoonpaw learn stalking
herb hunting alpinemask, gorseberry, and autumnpaw look for herbs - priority for cobwebs/heals battle wounds
medicine cats alpinemask and gorseberry practice medicine
deaths during the battle with the rogues, frostfur and duskflower are killed and cyanstar loses a life. please roll for injury (not death) on duneserpent, hickorypatch, and treespirit
notes i'd prefer if no cats die on patrols, though injuries are fine, thank you! xx

      [ Starclan grants Cyanstar's request and sends Quickclan a queen. She is due in two moons ]
      [ Dandelionpaw, Magpiepaw and Tinselpaw all passed their final assessments! ]
      [ Dandelionpaw, Magpiepaw and Tinselpaw are now warriors: Dandelionspring, Magpiesong and Tinselstorm! ]
      [ Sparrowcall's patrol caught x3 rabbits ]
      [ Tallpeak's patrol caught x2 rabbits and x1 bird ]
      [ Eagleheart's patrol caught x3 birds ]
      [ Oakseed's patrol caught x1 bird and x2 mice ]
      [ Nightfall's patrol found nothing important ]
      [ Blizzardrush's patrol gathered x9 pebbles ]
      [ Dovepaw, Plumpaw and Thunderpaw learned the Swim skill ]
      [ Valleypaw, Kestrelpaw, Frogpaw, Rootpaw, Hootpaw and Branchpaw learned the Fight skill ]
      [ Ploverpaw, Pinepaw, Crakepaw, Charredpaw and Lagoonpaw learned the Stalk skill ]
      [ Alpinemask, Gorseberry and Autumnpaw gathered x2 cobwebs, x1 horsetail and x1 chervil ]
      [ Alpinemask and Gorseberry each earn 1 SP ]
      [ Starclan has two new stars among their skies. Frostfur and Duskflower will be well looked after ]
      [ Duneserpent and Treespirit managed to escape without any serious wounds, just a few scratches that won't need any herbs. Hickorypatch, however, received a deep and nasty gash on her right hip. She will need x1 cobweb and x1 chervil to heal it ]
Last edited by Katrione on Tue Aug 20, 2019 1:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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IMP SUB REPLIES | August 20th, 2019 | 08-20-19

Postby Katrione » Tue Aug 20, 2019 1:02 pm

CatMagics wrote:

Actions Log
★ consumption
↳ 2x squirrel [4]

★ hunting patrol 1
↳ maplewhisker
↳ oceaneye
↳ amberwood

★ hunting patrol 2
↳ stonestripe
↳ birchfang

★ border patrol
↳ swiftflame

★ border patrol 2
↳ blackwhisker

★ training
↳ patchpaw, lionshade

★ herb gathering
↳ hazelleaf

★ starclan visit
↳ requesting a queen

★ kittings due
↳ wolffang

★ rank changes
↳ tigerkit >> apprentice

★ mate changes
↳ silentstar, blackwhisker
new mates, trying for kits

★ trading
twistedclan readopt
joining: jaywhistle

jaggedclan readopt
joining: frostfall
joining: mountainsong

font credit!

      [ Maplewhisker's patrol caught x3 mice ]
      [ Stonestripe's patrol caught x3 mice ]
      [ Swiftflame's patrol found nothing important ]
      [ Blackwhisker's patrol gathered x6 pebbles ]
      [ Patchpaw learned the Climb skill ]
      [ Hazelleaf gathered x1 alder bark and x1 beech leaves ]
      [ Starclan has granted Silenstar's request and has sent Lostclan a queen. She is due in two moons ]
      [ Wolffang gave birth to two kits ( one ) ( two ) ]
      [ Tigerkit is now an apprentice: Tigerpaw! ]
      [ Silentstar is expecting kits! They are due in two moons ]
      [ Mod Notes: Just to be safe, I'd include the links for the pixels ]
Makoto Naegi wrote:
Font Credit

[Acornclan consume a bird, squirrel, rabbit and three voles (10 servings)]
[All apprentices train]
[Cinderflight, Shadepelt, Tigertuft and Snowbriar hunt]
[Blossomberry, Smallsky, Birchleaf and Sootpounce hunt]
[Bramblestep, Dustbreeze, Appleblaze and Silentfire hunt]
[Birdstar, Mothdapple, Beaverstream and Mosspelt patrol]

[General mod note: Please don't kill any of the cats that are in bold c:]
[I hope it's okay to change a couple of what the apprentices learnt! They don't really fish or swim here lol]

      [ Echopaw learned the Broken Bone Mending skill ]
      [ Frostpaw, Silverpaw, Sheeppaw and Mistpaw learned the Stalk skill ]
      [ Cinderflight's patrol caught x2 voles ]
      [ Blossomberry's patrol caught x2 voles ]
      [ Bramblestep's patrol caught x2 voles ]
      [ Birdstar's patrol gathered x3 pebbles ]

      total 38
      servings 7
      pebbles 20
      ________________ Image ________________

      gods 6.21
      kitting ferretwhisker
      injury none
      font credit x x

[ consumption ] highgarden eats one big fish and four mice
[ patrol 1 ] tawnyrose, bluetcrest, betonypetal, maplelily, smokemane, and flickersky
[ patrol 2 ] hurricanejaw, erasmus, dippernose, sagecloud, hornetshade, and jaytalon
[ hunting 1 ] softglow, mapleshadow, swiftheart, sunglow, tigergaze, and smallheart
[ hunting 2 ] bassflow, birchflame, clovershine, obsidianwing, sandstrike, wolfpaw
[ herb hunting ] merlinsong and spencer
[ notes to mod ] i'd like to trade in my den supplies for pebbles, if possible
i ask that no one die on patrols though injuries are fine xx

      [ Tawnyrose's patrol gathered x5 pebbles ]
      [ Hurricanejaw's patrol found nothing important ]
      [ Softglow's patrol caught x3
      [ Bassflow's patrol caught x3
      [ Merlinsong and Spencer gathered x1 alder bark, x1 beech leaves and x1 birch sap ]
      [ Mod Notes: In exchange for your den supplies, you will get x30 pebbles ]
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LostClan | 011

Postby recognize » Tue Aug 20, 2019 1:54 pm




Silentstar laid curled up in her den beside Blackwhisker.
"Blackwhisker, since I'm having your kits, do you think I should
the clan for the time being over to you or to Maplewhisker?"
Blackwhisker was caught off guard, exclaiming, "Is that even
a question? I don't want to lead, you know that." "Well, I don't
really trust Maple, you see," Silentstar said uncomfortably.
"She's the kind of person who will abuse her leadership."
Blackwhisker remembered the mischievous Maplewhisker
and decided to agree.


ᴄᴀᴛ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 23 (14 ♀ 9 ♂ ) | ᴀʀᴄʜɪᴠᴇ: xx
sᴛᴀʀᴄʟᴀɴ ᴠɪsɪᴛ: 8.26 | ᴘᴇʙʙʟᴇs: 21 | ©©
ᴍᴏᴅ: imp. | ᴍᴏᴅ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: new format c:
how many med cats am i allowed to have?

★ storage: xxxxxxxxx★ prophecy: none
★ mentors: xx
★ deceased: xx
★ family: xx


★ training
↳ tigerpaw, oceaneye

★ starclan visit
↳ can i get a vision?
i wanted to add a
prophecy >^v^<

★ kittings due
↳ doveheart, 2
↳ silentstar, 2

★ rank changes
↳ patchpaw >> warrior

★ mate changes
↳ frostfall,
mates, trying for kits

★ cat transfers
junipertongue & flurry
from char/strawclan
★ consumption [5]
↳ 5x bat

★ hunting patrol
↳ maplewhisker
↳ amberwood
↳ frostfall
↳ jaywhisker

★ hunting patrol 2
↳ junipertongue
↳ stonestripe
↳ swiftflame

★ border patrol
↳ birchfang

★ border patrol 2
↳ blackwhisker

★ herb gathering
↳ hazelleaf
↳ whiteflurry

Leader's Den

sɪʟᴇɴᴛsᴛᴀʀ - ♀ - 39m - leader
↳ lives: ★★★★★★★★★

ᴍᴀᴘʟᴇᴡʜɪsᴋᴇʀ - ♀ - 45m - deputy
ʙʟᴀᴄᴋᴡʜɪsᴋᴇʀ - ♂ - 44m - warrior
ᴇᴍᴘᴛʏ - ♀/♂ - 0m - role


ʜᴀᴢᴇʟʟᴇᴀғ - ♀ - 54m - med cat
↳ skill points: ✿✿✿✿✿

ᴡʜɪᴛᴇғʟᴜʀʀʏ - ♀ - 25m - med cat
↳ skill points: ✿✿✿✿✿

ᴇᴍᴘᴛʏ - ♀/♂ - 0m - med app

Warrior Dens

ᴍᴏᴜɴᴛᴀɪɴsᴏɴɢ - ♀ - 32m - warrior
ғʀᴏsᴛғᴀʟʟ - ♂ - 33m - warrior
ᴇᴍᴘᴛʏ - ♀/♂ - 0m - role
ᴇᴍᴘᴛʏ - ♀/♂ - 0m - role

ᴏᴄᴇᴀɴᴇʏᴇ - ♂ - 51m - warrior
ᴊᴀʏᴡʜɪsᴛʟᴇ - ♂ - 55m - warrior
sᴛᴏɴᴇsᴛʀɪᴘᴇ - ♂ - 32m - warrior
ʙɪʀᴄʜғᴀɴɢ - ♂ - 43m - warrior

ʟɪᴏɴsʜᴀᴅᴇ - ♀ - 42m - warrior
sᴡɪғᴛғʟᴀᴍᴇ - ♀ - 48m - warrior
ᴀᴍʙᴇʀᴡᴏᴏᴅ - ♀ - 53m - warrior
ᴊᴜɴɪᴘᴇʀᴛᴏɴɢᴜᴇ - ♀ - 25m - warrior

Apprentice Dens

ᴘᴀᴛᴄʜᴘᴀᴡ - ♂ - 14m - apprentice
ᴛɪɢᴇʀᴘᴀᴡ - ♀ - 7m - apprentice
ᴇᴍᴘᴛʏ - ♀/♂ - 0m - role
ᴇᴍᴘᴛʏ - ♀/♂ - 0m - role


ᴡᴏʟғғᴀɴɢ - ♀ - 42m - queen
sᴍᴏᴋᴇᴋɪᴛ - ♂ - 0m - kit
ǫᴜɪᴄᴋᴋɪᴛ - ♀ - 0m - kit

ᴅᴏᴠᴇʜᴇᴀʀᴛ - ♀ - 51m - queen
↳ ᴇᴍᴘᴛʏ - ♀/♂ - 0m - kit

ᴅᴀᴡɴᴋɪᴛ - ♀ - 5m - kit
ᴄɪɴɴᴀᴍᴏɴᴋɪᴛ - ♂ - 5m - kit

Elder's Den

ᴇᴍᴘᴛʏ - ♀/♂ - 0m - role
ᴇᴍᴘᴛʏ - ♀/♂ - 0m - role
Last edited by recognize on Thu Aug 22, 2019 2:31 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 𝕱𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖓 - 51 / 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖓 - 12

Postby Galipaygo » Wed Aug 21, 2019 6:35 am

Number of Cats: 115

Text Here later on

[Valleyglow, Blazepool, and Pinegaze gather herbs]
[Valleyglow uses one dock leaves on Icepaw]
[Valleyglow uses one elder leaves on Mudpaw]
[Valleyglow uses two burnet and one dock leaves on Oceanpaw]
[Oceanpaw - 2 moons]
[Smokewhisker speaks with ___]
[Pebbletip speaks with ___]
[Cloudstride trains Ebonypaw in combat]
[Coaljaw trains Summitpaw in combat]
[Rippleface trains Rosinpaw in climbing]
[Brightheart trains Saltpaw in hunting]
[Puddlefoot trains Mudpaw in swimming]
[Burnettface trains Goosepaw in advanced climbing]
[Sandsweep trains Flintpaw in combat]
[Daisypatch trains Halfpaw in advanced climbing]
[Ashfur trains Beepaw in hunting]
[Silvertail trains Hollowpaw in climbing]
[Greystar and Ambereyes evaluate Marigoldpaw]
[Greystar and Birchfur evaluate Nimbuspaw]
[Greystar and Brindlestripe evaluate Snowpaw]
[Greystar and Reedtail evaluate Icepaw]
[Galestep, Nightwing, Lunarshine, Smokefoot, Goldenflower, and Lavenderfoot hunt]
[Snowtrail, Quailcloud, Brighteyes, Willowshade, Silvertail, and Littleheart hunt]
[Snowheart, Skyear, Ravenear, Shadowgaze, Poppystep, and Fuzzyface hunt]
[Tatteredpelt, Aspenstep, Lightfrost, Riverstripe, Stillvoice, and Oakclaw hunt]
[Forgottennose, Firestripe, Blackgaze, Mousecatch, Jaguarpelt, and Jaggedear patrol the boarders]
[Shadowstride, Sunsplash, Honeygaze, Boulderlife, Daisypatch, and Halfpaw watch the kits for the moon]

Number of Cats: 22

Text Here

[Ivysong searches for herbs]
[Moonpaw - 2 moons]
[Ivysong uses one tormentile on Flamepaw]
[Ivysong uses one tormentile, oak leaves, and sweet-sedge on Moonpaw]
[Crabjaw patrols the boarders]
[Tigerfang steals one oak leaves and sweet-sedge from Fireclan]
[Fighter actions here]
[Ivysong trains Dawnpaw in patient evaluation]
[Hemlockface trains Duskpaw and Pollenpaw in strategy/advanced stategy, respectively]
[Badgerclaw trains Pigeonpaw in stategy]
[Robinfur trains Shadepaw in climbing]
[Crowfeather trains Flamepaw in advanced combat]
[Barkstar trains Gingerpaw in fighting techniques]
[Kittings/Deaths here]
[Leader actions here]
[Rank changes here]

The clans consume nine rabbits and two squirrels, 22 servings!
[Note to mod: Okay... hiatus pt.2 is now over. I will be much more active and actually typing things soon, just need a couple days to settle in. And some hand holding through the new features.]
Total Number of Cats: 140

    Leader: -1 posts since fix
    Greystar | 42 moons | Male |
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

    Forgottennose | 48 moons | Male |

    Head Medicine Cat: -1 posts since fix, fits 3/5 cats
    Valleyglow | 45 moons | Female | 5SP |

    Nursery Medicine Cat:
    Blazepool | 27 moons | Male | 5SP |

    General Medicine Cat:
    Pinegaze | 20 moons | Female | 5SP |

    Warriors: -1 posts since fix, fits 64/65 cats
    Silvertail | 85 moons | Female |
    Goldenflower | 97 moons | Female |
    Rippleface | 93 moons | Male |
    Brindlestripe | 51 moons | Male |
    Tatteredpelt | 100 moons | Female |
    Willowshade | 77 moons | Female |
    Coltsface | 73 moons | Male |
    Puddlefoot | 36 moons | Male |
    Lavenderfoot | 57 moons | Female |
    Willowfern | 100 moons | Female |
    Firestripe| 34 moons | Male |
    Lavendernose | 34 moons | Female | -FR paw paralyzed
    Lionheart | 34 moons | Male |
    Reedtail | 33 moons | Female |
    Jaggedear | 53 moons | Male |
    Slitear | 53 moons | Male |
    Littleheart | 60 moons | Female |
    Snowheart | 40 moons | Male |
    Brightheart | 61 moons | Male |
    Burnettface | 57 moons | Female |
    Ambereyes | 50 moons | Male |
    Birchfur | 76 moons | Female |
    Cloudstride | 30 moons | Male |
    Ashfur | 27 moons | Female |
    Lightfrost | 48 moons | Male |
    Skyear | 29 moons | Male |
    Emberfoot | 27 moons | Female |
    Coaljaw | 27 moons | Male |
    Sandsweep | 23 moons | Male |
    Snowtrail | 52 moons | Female |
    Quailcloud | 58 moons | Female |
    Smokefoot | 21 moons | Male |
    Galestep | 21 moons | Male |
    Lunarshine | 21 moons | Female |
    Nightwing | 21 moons | Male |
    Jaguarpelt | 61 moons | Female |
    Brighteyes | 20 moons | Female |
    Oakclaw | 20 moons | Male |
    Ravenear | 20 moons | Male |
    Stillvoice | 21 moons | Female |
    Shadowgaze | 21 moons | Male |
    Poppystep | 21 moons | Female |
    Fuzzyface | 19 moons | Male |
    Mousecatch | 42 moons | Male |
    Blackgaze | 21 moons | Male |
    Aspenstep | 20 moons | Male |
    Jasper | 35 moons | Male |
    Gatorhead | 42 moons | Male |
    Tawnypelt | 53 moons | Female |
    Cherryclaw | 20 moons | Female |
    Firtooth | 20 moons | Male |
    Paperstone | 20 moons | Female | -Deaf R.Ear
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Therapists: -1 posts since fix, fits 2/5 cats
    Smokewhisker | 71 moons | Male |
    Pebbletip| 23 moons | Male |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Apprentices: -1 posts since fix, fits 21/25 cats
    Marigoldpaw | 19 moons | Female |
    Nimbuspaw | 19 moons | Male |
    Snowpaw(right) | 17 moons | Female |
    Icepaw(left) | 17 moons | Female |
    Ebonypaw | 14 moons | Female |
    Summitpaw | 13 moons | Male |
    Rosinpaw | 13 moons | Female |
    Saltpaw | 13 moons | Male |
    Mudpaw | 13 moons | Male |
    Goosepaw | 13 moons | Female |
    Flintpaw | 13 moons | Male |
    Oceanpaw | 13 moons | Female |
    Halfpaw | 13 moons | Male | -Deaf L.ear
    Beepaw | 13 moons | Male |
    Hollowpaw | 11 moons | Female |
    Tansypaw | 8 moons | Female |
    Salmonpaw | 8 moons | Male |
    Ashpaw | 8 moons | Male |
    Charpaw | 8 moons | Male |
    Pigeonpaw | 11 moons | Female |
    Shallowpaw | 12 moons | Male |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Nursery Hands: -1 posts since fix, fits 2/5 cats
    Daisypatch | 49 moons | Female |
    Boulderlife | 20 moons | Female | -Paralyzed mid-back down
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Twoeyes | 60 moons | Female | -Permanent
    Yewfeather | 70 moons | Female |
    Greypelt | 45 moons | Female |
    Leopardeye | 41 moons | Female |
    Sweetpatch | 43 moons | Female |
    Sparrowwing | 38 moons | Female |
    Riverstripe | 40 moons | Female |
    Tricklestep | 30 moons | Female | -1 moons
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Kits: -1 posts since fix, fits 8/10 queens, 23/25 kits
    Beetlekit | 4 moons | Female |
    Dewkit | 4 moons | Female |
    Starlingkit | 4 moons | Female |
    Carpkit | 4 moons | Female |
    Sparrowkit | 4 moons | Male |
    Badgerkit | 4 moons | Male |
    Gladekit | 4 moons | Male |
    Sapkit | 4 moons | Female |
    Greenkit | 4 moons | Male |
    Shroudkit | 4 moons | Female |
    Waspkit | 4 moons | Male |
    Rosekit | 4 moons | Female |
    Shalekit | 4 moons | Male |
    Flamekit | 4 moons | Female |
    Heatherkit | 1 moons | Female |
    Leafkit | 1 moons | Male |
    Twigkit | 1 moons | Male |
    Gravelkit | 1 moons | Female |
    Streamkit | 0 moons | Female |
    Mousekit | 0 moons | Male |
    Gravelkit | 0 moons | Male | (Top)
    Stormkit | 0 moons | Female | (Bottom)
    Oceankit | 0 moons | Male |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Elders: -1 posts since fix, fits 3/5 cats
    Sunsplash | 107 moons | Female |
    Honeygaze | 114 moons | Male |
    Shadowstride | 98 moons | Female |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]


    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Forestclan | Simonpet
    Northeast | Clan Name | Username
    East | Leafclan | Zephyrine
    Southeast | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    Southwest | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username
    Northwest | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Vole | x2 | 1 servings
    Mice | x1 | 1 servings
    Minnow | x0 | 1 servings
    Small Fish | x8 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x7 | 2 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x5 | 3 servings
    Birds | x2 | 3 servings


    Deceased Cats:
    Featherkit♀ | Stillborn | 0 moons
    Riverkit♂ | Stillborn | 0 moons
    Ravenkit♀ | Stillborn | 0 moons
    Poppykit(left)♀ | Poisoned by Juniperleap | 3 moons
    Skypaw♂ | Drowned | 7 moons
    Dovekit♀ | Stillborn | 0 moons
    Softcrow♀ | Old Age | 177 moons
    Crowwhisker♂ | Old Age | 166 moons
    Saltwind♂ | Murdered by Snaketail | 64 moons
    Fernheart♀ | Poisoned by Barktail | 70 moons
    Flickerkit♂ | Poisoned by Barktail | 0 moons
    Bramblestrike♂ | Murdered by Juniperleap | 29 moons
    Timberstar♂ | Murdered by Juniperleap | 74 moons
    Stonebark♂ | Murdered by Juniperleap | 61 moons
    Hollypelt♀ | Murdered by Snaketail | 54 moons
    Rainpelt♀ | Murdered by Juniperleap | 63 moons
    Juniperleap♀ | Killed by Timberstar | 30 moons
    Snaketail♂ | Killed by Valleyglow | 27 moons
    Lunarglow♀ | Murdered by Snaketail | 99 moons
    Cat Name | Cause of Death | Age

    Brighteyes | Attract one cat on every patrol | 9% Fatality chance |
    Beeltekit | Attract one cat on every patrol | 26% Fatality chance |
    Starlingkit | Attract one cat on every patrol | 29% Fatality chance |
    Jasper | Attract one cat on every patrol | No condition | Cannot obtain
    Cat Name | Power | Condition (If applicable) | Proof

    First Post:


    Leader: -1 posts since fix, fits 1 cat
    Barkstar | 82 moons | Male |

    Second Command:
    Hemlockface | 55 moons | Male |

    Healer: -1 posts since fix, fits 1/5 cats
    Ivysong | 45 moons | Female | 4SP |

    Fighters: -1 posts since fix, fits 7/10 cats
    Crabjaw | 43 moons | Male |
    Badgerclaw | 46 moons | Female |
    Robinfur | 40 moons | Female |
    Cobaltface | 50 moons | Female |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Tigerfang | 43 moons | Male |
    Crowfeather | 37 moons | Female |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    In Training: -1 posts since fix, fits 7/10 cats
    Dawnpaw | 9 moon | Female |
    Duskpaw | 9 moon | Male |
    Moonpaw | 9 moon | Female |
    Shadepaw | 9 moon | Male |
    Flamepaw(top) | 9 moons | Male |
    Gingerpaw(bottom) | 9 moons | Female |
    Pollenpaw | 9 moons | Female |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Weaklings: -1 posts since fix, fits 0/5 mothers, 2/5 weaklings
    Koikit | 4 moons | Male |
    Jaguarkit | 4 moons | Female |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]


    Medicine Store


    Deceased Cats:
    Falcon♂ | Murdered by Barkstar | 136 moons
    Lobsterpaw♂ | Internal Bleeding | 15 moons
    Ironkit♂ | Stillborn | 0 moons
    Cat Name | Cause of Death | Age

    Cat Name | Power | Condition (If applicable) | Proof

    First Post:


Last edited by Galipaygo on Wed Aug 21, 2019 6:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 𝔐𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔠𝔩𝔞𝔫 - 29

Postby Galipaygo » Wed Aug 21, 2019 6:51 am

Number of Cats: 50

Text Here after my scout stuff

Leader Happenings:
[None this moon]
Medicine Cat Happenings:
[Camberpool and Gladesun search for herbs]
Boarder Patrols:
[Gorseclaw, Mudpatch, and Willowcry patrol the boarders]
Hunting Patrols:
[Barkpatch, Lightfur, Suncatch, Amberleaf, Skyear, and Hickoryclaw hunt]
[Windheart, Lichenfang, Blizzardear, Reedface, Trapjaw, and Wrengaze hunt]
Rank Changes:
[None this moon]
[Gatorclaw trains Sprucepaw in advanced fishing]
[Oakface trains Hummingpaw in advanced climbing]
[Shadowstep trains Pricklepaw in combat]
[Shadowstep trains Flickerpaw in swimming]
[None this moon]

[The clan consumes three large fish, 9 serving!]
[Note to mod: Text Here]

      Leader: - Fits 1 cat, 1 post since fix
      Shadowstar | 101 moons | Male | 🌿
      Lives: ★★★★★★★★

      Medicine Cat: - Fits 2/5 cats, 1 post since fix
      Camberpool | 41 moons | Male | 5SP | 🌿 -Paralyzed waist down
      Gladesun | 33 moons | Male | 5SP | 🌿

      Warriors: - Fits 17/20 cats, 1 post since fix
      Reedface | 86 moons | Male | 🌿
      Gatorclaw | 67 moons | Male | 🌿
      Blizzardear | 64 moons | Male | 🌿
      Oakface | 59 moons | Male | 🌿
      Windheart | 58 moons | Male | 🌿
      Barkpatch | 52 moons | Male | 🌿
      Skyear | 46 moons | Male | 🌿
      Lichenfang | 46 moons | Male | 🌿
      Willowcry | 40 moons | Female | 🌿
      Wrengaze | 35 moons | Female | 🌿
      Trapjaw | 33 moons | Male | 🌿
      Gorseclaw | 30 moons | Male | 🌿
      Hickoryclaw | 26 moons | Female | 🌿
      Suncatch | 24 moons | Female | 🌿
      Lightfur | 24 moons | Male | 🌿
      Shadowstep | 24 moons | Male | 🌿
      Amberleaf | 22 moons | Female | 🌿
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]

      Apprentices: - Fits 4/5 cats, 1 post since fix
      Sprucepaw | 17 moons | Female | 🌿
      Hummingpaw | 15 moons | Female | 🌿
      Pricklepaw | 10 moons | Male | 🌿
      Flickerpaw | 7 moons | Female | 🌿
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]

      Queens: - Fits 4/5 queens, 1 post since fix
      Mudpatch | 65 moons | Female | 🌿
      Mossfur | 65 moons | Female | 🌿
      Troutthroat | 63 moons | Female | 🌿
      Kadupuldrop | 27 moons | Female | 🌿
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]

      Kits: - Fits 20/20 kits
      Lichenkit | 5 moons | Male | 🌿
      Brindlekit | 5 moons | Male | 🌿
      Sprinklekit | 3 moons | Male | 🌿
      Lilykit | 4 moons | Female | 🌿
      Frogkit | 4 moons | Male | 🌿
      Horsekit | 4 moons | Male | 🌿
      Cloudkit | 4 moons | Female | 🌿
      Puzzlekit | 4 moons | Female | 🌿
      Mosquitokit | 4 moons | Male | 🌿
      Heatherkit | 4 moons | Female | 🌿
      Leafkit | 3 moons | Female | 🌿
      Sparrowkit | 3 moons | Female | 🌿
      Larkkit | 3 moons | Male | 🌿
      Robinkit | 3 moons | Male | 🌿
      Lilackit | 3 moons | Female | 🌿
      Branchkit | 3 moons | Male | 🌿
      Thymekit | 3 moons | Male | 🌿
      Ghostkit | 3 moons | Female | 🌿
      Dovekit(Right) | 3 moons | Female | 🌿
      Flakekit(Left) | 3 moons | Female | 🌿
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]

      Elders: - Fits 1/5 cats, 1 post since fix
      Chervilpatch | 102 moons | Female | 🌿
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    North-East | Jaggedclan | sharpiesandhamilton
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South-East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    South-West | Clan Name | Username
    West | Monarchclan | saralaxy
    North-West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Alder Bark | Eases toothaches | x1
    Alfalfa | Reduces inflammation | x1
    Beech Leaves | Good to attract prey | x1
    Bindweed | Help mend broken bones | x1
    Blackberry Leaves | Ease bee stings | x1
    Borage | Lower fevers/Produce more milk | x1
    Bright Eye | Help cure coughs | x1
    Broom | Help broken legs/wounds | x1
    Burdock Root | Numbs rat bites | x1
    Burnet | Gives strength | x1
    Catchweed | Stops rubbing of poultices | x1
    Catmint | Cures greencough | x2
    Celadine | Soothes eyes | x1
    Chamomile | Strengthens heart/Eases mind | x1
    Chervil | Helps infected wounds/Bellyache | x1
    Chickweed | Treats greencough | x1
    Cob Nuts | Attract prey/Ointments | x1
    Cobwebs | Slow/stop bleeding | x1
    Coltsfoot | Eases breathing/sore pads | x1
    Comfrey Root | Soothes wounds | x1
    Daisy Leaf | Eases aching joints | x1
    Dandelion | Sooth bee stings | x1
    Dock | Ease pains | x1
    Elder Leaf | Soothes sprains | x1
    Fennel | Helps hip pain | x1
    Feverfew | Reduces fevers | x1
    Goatweed | Eases grief | x1
    Goldenrod | Healing wounds | x1
    Hawkweed | Like catmint | x1
    Heather Nectar | Usage | x1
    Honey | Soothes infections | x1
    Horsetail | Usage | x1
    Ivy Leaves | Usage | x1
    Lovage | Help cure coughs | x1
    Lungwort | Cures yellowcough | x1
    Raspberry Leaf | Ease pain/stop bleeding | x1
    Stick | Distracts from pains | x1
    Stinging Nettle | Brings down swelling | x1
    Tansy | Cures coughs | x1
    Tormentil | Extracts poison | x1
    Herb | Usage | Amount

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Minnow | x6 | 1 servings
    Frog | x6 | 1 servings
    Small Bird | x6 | 1 servings
    Toad | x6 | 2 servings
    Small Fish | x6 | 2 servings
    Large Fish | x3 | 3 servings

    Gatorclaw | Sprucepaw | 6
    ✔️ Hunting
    ✔️ Combat
    ✔️ Swimming
    ✔️ Fishing
    ✔️ Moves
    Oakface | Hummingpaw | 5
    ✔️ Climbing
    ✔️ Fishing
    ✔️ (Advanced) Combat
    ✔️ Moves
    Shadowstep | Pricklepaw | 1
    ✔️ Swimming
    ✔️ Moves
    Shadowstar | Flickerpaw | 0
    ✔️ Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions
    ✔️ Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Frostfoot | Murdered by Shadowstar
    Snowcave | Weakness after birthing
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Jaggedfang and Dewlight | Shadowstar and Badgernose
    Chervilpatch and Unknown | Suncatch, Lightfur, Shadowstep
    Unknown and Unknown | Oakface and Windheart
    Unknown and Unknown | Kadupuldrop and Sprucepaw
    Mossfur and Blizzardear | Lilykit, Frogkit, Horsekit, Cloudkit
    Troutthroat and Windheart | Puzzlekit, Mosquitokit, Heatherkit
    Kadupuldrop and Unknown | Lichenkit and Brindlekit, (Adopted)Sprinklekit
    Mudpatch and Reedface | Leafkit, Sparrowkit, Larkkit, and Robinkit
    Gorseclaw and Snowcave | Lilackit, Branchkit, Thymekit, Ghostkit, Dovekit, Flakekit
    Name and Name | Kits

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"May your dreams become bestsellers" -Galipaygo
"Don't listen to what others say. They don't know you and your limits." -?

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Re: hazilnut's replies 28

Postby hazilnut » Wed Aug 21, 2019 4:23 pm


Greenleaf has only grown hotter as the moon grows fuller and many cats' fear has started to be recognized. The water levels of streams and lakes all across the territories have fallen, and with them a number of cats' moral. Drink is not yet scarce and neither is prey, but leaders and deputies have been meeting with their senior warriors to formulate disaster plans just in case.

Fireclan/Deathclan | Empire of The Gods | Moonclan | Voidclan | Spiderclan | Robinclan | Cliffclan | Vesuvia | Moving Mountains | Isle of Pagtuklas

Galipaygo wrote:

[Valleyglow, Blazepool, and Pinegaze gather herbs]
[Valleyglow uses one dock leaves on Icepaw]
[Valleyglow uses one elder leaves on Mudpaw]
[Valleyglow uses two burnet and one dock leaves on Oceanpaw]
[Oceanpaw - 2 moons]
[Smokewhisker speaks with ___]
[Pebbletip speaks with ___]
[Cloudstride trains Ebonypaw in combat]
[Coaljaw trains Summitpaw in combat]
[Rippleface trains Rosinpaw in climbing]
[Brightheart trains Saltpaw in hunting]
[Puddlefoot trains Mudpaw in swimming]
[Burnettface trains Goosepaw in advanced climbing]
[Sandsweep trains Flintpaw in combat]
[Daisypatch trains Halfpaw in advanced climbing]
[Ashfur trains Beepaw in hunting]
[Silvertail trains Hollowpaw in climbing]
[Greystar and Ambereyes evaluate Marigoldpaw]
[Greystar and Birchfur evaluate Nimbuspaw]
[Greystar and Brindlestripe evaluate Snowpaw]
[Greystar and Reedtail evaluate Icepaw]
[Galestep, Nightwing, Lunarshine, Smokefoot, Goldenflower, and Lavenderfoot hunt]
[Snowtrail, Quailcloud, Brighteyes, Willowshade, Silvertail, and Littleheart hunt]
[Snowheart, Skyear, Ravenear, Shadowgaze, Poppystep, and Fuzzyface hunt]
[Tatteredpelt, Aspenstep, Lightfrost, Riverstripe, Stillvoice, and Oakclaw hunt]
[Forgottennose, Firestripe, Blackgaze, Mousecatch, Jaguarpelt, and Jaggedear patrol the boarders]
[Shadowstride, Sunsplash, Honeygaze, Boulderlife, Daisypatch, and Halfpaw watch the kits for the moon]
[Ivysong searches for herbs]
[Moonpaw - 2 moons]
[Ivysong uses one tormentile on Flamepaw]
[Ivysong uses one tormentile, oak leaves, and sweet-sedge on Moonpaw]
[Crabjaw patrols the boarders]
[Tigerfang steals one oak leaves and sweet-sedge from Fireclan]
[Fighter actions here]
[Ivysong trains Dawnpaw in patient evaluation]
[Hemlockface trains Duskpaw and Pollenpaw in strategy/advanced stategy, respectively]
[Badgerclaw trains Pigeonpaw in stategy]
[Robinfur trains Shadepaw in climbing]
[Crowfeather trains Flamepaw in advanced combat]
[Barkstar trains Gingerpaw in fighting techniques]
[Kittings/Deaths here]
[Leader actions here]
[Rank changes here]
The clans consume nine rabbits and two squirrels, 22 servings!
[Note to mod: Okay... hiatus pt.2 is now over. I will be much more active and actually typing things soon, just need a couple days to settle in. And some hand holding through the new features.]

► The medicine cats gather x1 goldenrod, x1 stick, x1 tormentil & x1 celadine
► Ebonypaw, Flintpaw & Summitpaw learn combat Flintpaw develops a blood clot in the eye that needs x1 celadine
► Rosinpaw & Hollowpaw learn climbing but Hollowpaw has developed an infection that needs x1 sweet-sedge
► Saltpaw & Beepaw learn hunting
► Mudpaw fails swimming
► Goosepaw & Halfpaw learn advanced combat
► Marigoldpaw passes
► Nimbuspaw passes fails and winds up with scratches that need x1 oak leaf
► Snowpaw passes
► Icepaw passes
► Galestep's patrol catches x1 mouse, x1 rabbit, x1 bird
► Snowtrail's patrol catches x1 mouse & x2 rabbits
► Snowheart's patrol catches x1 vole
► Tatteredpelt's patrol catches x1 bird
► Forgottennose's patrol finds a potential apprentice & 2 pebbles
► The kits in the nursery tumble happily in the warm sunshine
► Ivysong gathers x1 bright-eye & comfrey root
► Crabjaw's patrol finds a potential warrior
► Tigerfang is just about to snag his prize when Blazepool stirs unexpectedly at catches him redpawed. Tigerfang is not swift enough to escape before the full force of Fireclan corners him in the medicine den and catches him.
► Dawnpaw fails patient evaluation
► Duskpaw & Pigeonpaw fail strategy
► Pollenpaw learns advanced strategy
► Shadepaw learns climbing
► Flamepaw learns advanced combat
► Gingerpaw learns fighting techniques
► mod note: I've dmed you your spreadsheet. In the meantime please remove the image links from your posts!

Griffingirl4everx3 wrote:

Lionstar and boulderstripe go on patrol
Lionstar and Bramblepaw train rock climbing
Stormflower goes herb hunting

► Lionstar's patrol finds a warrior & 3 pebbles
► Bramblepaw learns rock climbing
► Stormflower gathers x1 catchweed & x1 goldenrod
► Due to lack of food, Cliffclan has begun to starve. You have two posts to gather up enough food before the youngest cat will die.

asra wrote:

𝙘𝙖𝙢𝙥 𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙚𝙨
[x1 hare has been consumed by the clan]
[Aether, Reinhilde & Rye goes on a hunt & patrols the border]
[Aether teaches Eris the perception skill]
[Juto has been accepted, though, he would be placed in the outlaw category until Aether decides where his warrior skills fits best]
[Aether requests for a shaman//medicine cat]

► Aether's hunting patrol catches x1 rabbit
► Aether's patrol finds another pregnant survivor
► Eris learns perception
► Aether's [url]request[/url] is granted. The shaman brings with them 5 herbs of your choosing from this list.

Sky Does Everything wrote:

[ novawing, unchallenged, ascends the throne as novateller. ]
[ nothing is consumed by moving mountains - 1/2 ]
[ novateller requests a tribemate ]
[ newcomers: grasspatch, dane. ]
[ grasspatch leads a solo patrol. ]
[ novawing and borealtooth hunt. ]
[ autumnleaf searches for herbs. ]

[ requesting no deaths, injuries are okay! ]
[ novawing will stay in the cove until more survivors from the forest fire are found ]
↳ when finding new loners/cats, please say they are a survivor unless otherwise specified

► Grasspatch's patrol is unsuccessful due to his advanced age dimming his senses. (He is by rng an elder, not a warrior.)
► Novawing and Borealtooth catch x1 shrew
► Autumnleaf gathers x1 mallow leaves & x1 oak leaves
► Novateller's request is granted
► mod note: Please note that as a clan of less than fifty you may only have 6 types of prey
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