Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Phina D Wolf » Fri Dec 01, 2017 12:45 pm


Number of Cats: 42 (21 toms, 21 mollies)

Servings: 8 (7 with cats gone for the SkyClan war)

Next Moonpool Visit: 12/DATE

Sweetstar’s eyes roamed the camp, and he sighed. As they had feared, Rowanpaw had yet to return. “Falconwatcher.” Sweetstar called to the warrior, “Hand out the assignments this morning as you see fit. I will be occupied for all of today.”

“Yes Sweetstar.” Falconwatcher said, suppressing his curiosity. It was tempting to ask what the leader was going to do, but if the leader wanted him to know, he would tell him.

“You’re in charge of the camp for today.” Sweetstar continued, “You were the deputy of your clan, correct?”

“Yes.” Falconwatcher agreed, “ScorchClan, where Hailwhisker came from as well. But it was no where near the size of SwiftClan.”

“You still were in a leadership position, something most cats are unused to and often struggle with.” Sweetstar countered, “You are the best choice to aid me in Maplestrike’s absence.”

“I’m honored Sweetstar. I will do my best.” Falconwatcher responded, pleased that Sweetstar had remembered his former rank.

“Good. I would expect nothing less.” Sweetstar replied, turning and padding out of camp, Bramblepaw falling into step beside him.


After searching the surrounding area for a while, Sweetstar instructed Bramblepaw to wait for his return, “I need to speak to her alone.” he said, “Once I return to camp, go to her and help her however you can.”

“Yes Sweetstar.” The apprentice agreed, feeling slightly awkward that he was so much taller then the leader.

Sweetstar turned and vanished into the grass. Within a few moments, Bramblepaw could make out hushed conversation.

“There you are Rowanpaw. We were worried about you.” Several moments of silence followed this statement. “I’m not angry with you Rowanpaw.”

“Why wouldn’t you be? I’ve broken the rules. I’ve disobeyed you. Why don’t you just kick me out now and have done with it?”

A low chuckle, “Rowanpaw, I know that you have broken the rules. I spoke with Velvetflicker about it moons ago. She has spoken to you, yes? I thought as much. You have served your punishment already, Rowanpaw. It is not my place to add onto it.” Another moment of silence. “Do you know why I made that rule Rowanpaw?”

“No, I don’t.”

“It is not because I don’t want you to have a family. That is never my intention. But right now, during your apprenticeship, you are supposed to be learning. Learning how to take care of your clan and your family. Now, for six moons you cannot leave your kits unattended. Now, Hailclaw might be willing to help with them, but given the state she is in, that is likely not to happen for a long time. You have more responsibilities now, and there is no way to balance them with your learning. Do you understand now?”

“I think so.” Rowanpaw’s voice was subdued, a tone that Bramblepaw rarely heard from her.

“Good. Now, I must go to the moonpool to strengthen our clan. I think I saw Bramblepaw heading out of camp a while back, and he should be in the area. I’ll find him, and send him to help you.”

“Thank you Sweetstar.”

“It is nothing my child. Starclan guide you and protect your family.”

Bramblepaw stood as Sweetstar approached. The leader said nothing, but simply nodded to him, then continued on his way. Bramblepaw made his way thought the grass to where he had heard the voices. He poked his head through the last clump of grass, and smiled a little shyly, “Hey Rowanpaw.”

“Hello Bramblepaw.” the older apprentice responded, smiling a little weakly.

“Sweetstar sent me to help however I can.” Rowanpaw said, stepping through the grass and standing a little awkwardly next to his friend. “We should probably get your kits back to camp.”

Rowanpaw nodded, uncurling from her kits and gently nosing the two tiny bundles apart from each other. “Can you take the molly?” She asked, almost shyly.

“Of course.” Bramblepaw agreed, leaning down to gently take the tiny kitten in his mouth. Together the two apprentices returned to camp, each carrying a new clan member.

Velvetflicker greeted them at the entrance to the nursery, her voice hushed and face concerned, “Bramblepaw, Rowanpaw, take the kit to our den for now.” she said softly, “You can move them in here later, but right now is a bad time.” The two nodded, and padded off.

As soon as Rowanpaw was settled, Bramblepaw busied himself re-organising the herbs, trying to figure out the best way to say what was on his mind. “Rowanpaw.” he said finally. The older molly looked up curiously, “I hope…I mean…you know that this won’t change our friendship, right? I mean, some of the cats aren’t happy with your choice, or Sweetstar’s for that matter for how he let Velvetflicker deal with the situation, but none of that matters to me. I’m still Bramblepaw, and you’re still Rowanpaw. We’re still friends, nothing can change that.”

He glanced over at her a little nervously, and was delighted to see the first real smile he had seen that day. “Thank you, Bramblepaw.” she said softly, “That means a lot to me.”

Bramblepaw grinned happily, “Want me to go find Flarestrike? I don’t think Falconwatcher has assigned patrols yet, since it’s still pretty early.”

“That would be lovely.” Rowanpaw agreed. As the younger apprentice turned to leave, she called, “Bramblepaw?”

“Yes?” He responded, glancing back over his shoulder.

“Thank you. For everything.” Rowanpaw said, smiling another real smile.

Bramblepaw grinned back, “It was nothing Rowanpaw.”


Velvetflicker turned from the entrance of the nursery as he two apprentices padded away. She quickly checked on her own kits, who were happily sleeping in a pile, keeping each other warm. Satisfied that they would be fine for a few minuets, she padded over to Hailclaw. The other queen was curled into a ball, her three surviving kits huddled together, mewing plaintively. “Hailclaw.” Velvetflicker said firmly, “Your kits need you, you have to care for them.”

“What kits?” Hailclaw said bitterly, “What’s the point? They’ll die anyway, just like their sister. What is the point in getting attached when they’re going to leave me anyway?”

“Hailclaw, stop this.” Velvetflicker insisted, wrapping her tail around the three kits to try and keep them warm, “Leafbare is coming on, and these kits will need you to survive. I won’t let them die, not if there is anything I can do, but if you won’t care for them, they have no chance.”

“You can’t stop it!” Hailclaw wailed, burying her face in her tail, “I can tell already, they aren’t strong enough to live. I should have known that something was wrong, I should have done something, and maybe she would still be alive! Maybe my kits would have a chance!”

“Hailclaw!” Velvetflicker finally snapped, “There is nothing you could have done. We did everything we could do to save her and you know it. Sometimes these things just happen, StarClan knows why. But if you don’t do something, these kits will die too.” When the queen refused to respond, Velvetflicker said softly, “Think of Dancingstripe. He wouldn’t want this. He would want you to be strong. These kits need you if they are going to meet their father. Don’t you want them to see him? I know he wants to see them.”

Hailclaw was silent for a moment, then slowly sat up and turned to face the medicine cat, sighing slightly, “You’re right of course. I need to at least try, for Dancingstripe.”

“There we are.” Velvetflicker encouraged, uncurling her tail form the crying kittens and nosing them gently towards their mother. “This handsome boy seems to be a bit on the small side, let me get you some borage. That will help you have enough milk for them.”

As she padded away, Hailclaw began to gently move the kittens closer to her. As Velvetflicker rummaged through the small pile of herbs she had brought into the nursery, she could hear the kittens’ cries quieting. “Here we are.” she said triumphantly, turning back to the queen, who was now grooming her kits gently.


Flarestrike ducked into the med cat den, already unable to keep the delighted smile off his face. “Rowanpaw, I was so worried!” He exclaimed, darting over and nuzzling her affectionately, “You should have at least told someone, what if something had gone wrong?”

Rowanpaw blushed slightly, purring happily and nuzzling him back, “I wasn’t thinking.” she admitted, “I was worried that Sweetstar would be angry with me. I don’t know why, Velvetflicker already handled it. It was foolish.”

“Well, the important thing is that you’re safe. All of you.” Flarestrike said, laying down and butting his head on his paws so that he was on eye level with their kits. “They’re beautiful.” he breathed, “And they’re so tiny. Have you named them yet?”

Rowanpaw shook her head, “I wanted to wait and talk to you. I thought we could both name one.”

Flarestrike smiled up at her happily, “I would be honored.” He said, “Would you mind if I named the molly?”

Rowanpaw smiled, “I was going to ask to name the tom.” She admitted, “So that works out perfectly. You go first.”

Flarestrike thought for a moment, then began to speak. Then he hesitated, “It isn’t exactly a traditional clan name,” he began, “But I would like to name her after my mother, if that’s alright with you?” When Rowanpaw nodded, he continued, “My mother’s name was Imp, so is Impkit alright?”

“Of course.” Rowanpaw purred, “And I am going to name our son after me father, Sushi. So he will be Sushikit.”

Flarestrike purred happily, “Beautiful names for beautiful kits.” he agreed, nuzzling her gently, still fascinated by the tiny bundles that were their children.


Velvetflicker looked up as Bramblepaw stopped at the entrance to the den and a familiar face poked through. “Velvetflicker!” Gladestep called as he padded over to her, purring happily.

“I missed you.” she murmured, nuzzling him gently. She smiled up at him, glad that he could come on such short notice.

“I’ve missed you too.” he sighed, admiring their kits contentedly. He licked her chin affectionately, purring a question, “What are their names?”

Velvetflicker gently moved one kit that was annoying it’s sister, “I was waiting for you.” she said, smiling sheepishly and grooming her chest.

Gladestep smiled, curling around the kits gently, “Thank you.” he purred, licking the kits gently. “Do you have any names in mind?”

Velvetflicker purred in harmony with her mate as he stretched out beside her. She brushed her tail gently against the calico kit’s head, “Maybe…Loonkit?” she suggested.

Gladestep grinned as the kit squeaked in annoyance, “Sounds perfect. And maybe Heronkit for this one?"


Falconwatcher and Mottledleap watched in anticipation as Flickerpaw, Cinderpaw and Breezepaw began to search for signs of the eagle. Sandflower glanced at the two warriors curiously, wondering why they were so intent of what the apprentices were doing.

“So.” Flickerpaw began, only to be abruptly cut off.

“Okay, as the most experienced tracker here, other than the warriors of course, my opinion is that we should focus on the sky. It’s a bird, so it’ll be up there somewhere.” Breezepaw said pertly, totally ignoring the younger apprentice and speaking to her sister.

Cinderpaw hesitated, frowning, “Breezepaw, Flickerpaw had some pretty good ideas last time, maybe we should listen to her before we start out?”

Breezepaw rolled her eyes, “Please, she’s ten moons old. We’ve been training longer, and obviously know more. She should be listening to us.”

Cinderpaw glanced at her friend a little worriedly, “Breezepaw, we’re only eleven moons old. That’s not such a huge difference. And Flickerpaw was the one who figured out how to find the scent last time. I really think that we should listen to her.”

“No.” Breezepaw said decisively. “I’m the oldest here, I’m in charge.”

“How about a competition?” Flickerpaw suddenly interjected, much to Breezepaw’s surprise, “You do it your way, I do it my way, our mentors can supervise us, and Mottledleap and Cinderpaw can be the rule keepers. Whoever finds the most signs of the eagle wins and gets first pick of sleeping spots tonight.”

“And first pick of prey.” Breezepaw shot back, smirking, “If I’m going to win, I might as well make it worth my while.”

“Deal.” Flickerpaw snapped, her tail flicking angrily. She glanced at the mentors, who were standing nearby listening to the conversation, to gauge their approval. Falconwatcher and Mottledleap both nodded their agreement immediately, with Sandflower nosing hers soon after. “Alright, we both start from the tree. And no copying the other’s strategy.” Flickerpaw warned.

“I won’t need to.” Breezepaw said smugly, trotting past the younger apprentice, flicking her tail in her face as she passed. Flickerpaw suppressed a hiss as she turned and followed her over to the tree.

“Okay.” Mottledleap said, sitting in front of the two apprentices, “Here are the rules as I understand them. You two will both search for signs of the eagle in your own way, and may not copy the other. Mentors are to supervise, but not help. Cinderpaw and I keep track of who has found the most signs, and ensure that there is no cheating. Do I have that right?”

“Yes.” The two apprentices chorused, then glared at each other.

“Well then, on your marks, get set, GO!” Mottledleap called, stepping quickly out of the way. The two apprentices dashed off, Breezepaw’s eyes fixed on the sky and Flickerpaw’s nose fixed on the ground.

As the two worked, Flickerpaw would dart over to Mottledleap or Cinderpaw to report another clue. Breezepaw only wandered over a few times, and once Mottledleap shook her head, denying the validity of a clue. After a while, they both came to Mottledleap, out of placed to search for clues in the immediate vicinity.

“Is the contest over?” Mottledleap asked, then continued once both apprentices nodded, “Well, Breezepaw, you discovered three clues as to the eagles location.” The apprentice flicked her tail, sitting up proudly. “Flickerpaw.” Mottledleaf continued, turning to the younger apprentice, “You found seventeen clues as to the eagle’s location. Congratulations, you have won first pick of prey and of sleeping spots tonight.”

Flickerpaw suppressed a grin, turning to her opponent, “Good game.” she offered, and shrugged when her overtures were ignored and Breezepaw stomped off.

“Now.” Falconwatcher said, smiling proudly at his apprentice, “Where exactly is this eagle’s roost, and where is the eagle?”


“I’ma catch a mouse before you can!” Tumblepaw called to the older apprentice, crouching and waving his tail playfully.

“No way, I have way more experience!” Bouncepaw countered, grinning and dashing off through the grass, the younger apprentice darting after him. Soon, they were gone from sight, but not from hearing. Scorchmask rolled her eyes, “Rivergaze, would you mind tagging after them while we go and hunt? Try to catch something if you can, but good luck with those two around.”

The tom didn’t respond for a moment, still unused to his new name. “Oh! yes, of course. No problem.” he said, slightly embarrassed. “I can keep tabs on them, no worries. Good luck hunting.”

Scorchmask and Flarestrike nodded their thanks before slipping off into the tall grass. Rivergaze darted through the grass after the apprentices, his ears flicking as he tried to locate them.

“First one to the twisting stream wins!” He heard one of them call. Bouncepaw, he thought it was. He shook his head, lengthening his stride, trying to catch up to them before they disappeared.

“Hey!” He called, “Wait up for me!” To his surprise, the apprentices chorused their ackgnolegement of his request, and within a few moments he had found them, “Okay you guys, here’s the deal.” he said, grinning excitedly, “The other two warriors think that you guys won’t be able to catch anything today. What do you say we prove them wrong?”

“Yea!” Tumblepaw agreed excitedly, bouncing on his paws a little.

“What should we try and catch?” Bouncepaw asked eagerly.

Rivergaze grinned, “You two ever been fishing?”


Rivergaze grinned as the two apprentices dashed through camp, searching for parents, mentors, anyone really to tell about their patrol. He glanced around, spotting his sister and trotting over. “How’d it go?” he asked, grooming her forehead gently.

“Pretty well, I think.” Poppysong said, batting playfully at his nose. “We caught something at least. Muddypaw and Mothpaw were pretty focused. Silversong was pretty sweet, pointing out landmarks and such as we went. Shadowflight disappeared to try and catch some birds, I haven’t seen him back yet so I don’t know if he succeeded or not. How did your patrol go?”

“Pretty good.” Rivergaze admitted, “Flarestrike and Scorchmask went off to hunt on their own, because they thought Bouncepaw and Tumblepaw would scare off all the prey. I was assigned to watch them. We proved them wrong though, we went fishing and they did a pretty good job.”

After a moment of comfortable silence, Poppysong said, “Do you think that we made the right choice to come here?”

After thinking for a little, Rivergaze nodded, “Yea, I think we did."

[Bramblepaw goes hunting for herbs]
[Sweetstar and Scorchmask both receive x1 cobwebs]
[Hailclaw receives one Borage]
[Falconwatcher, Flickerpaw, Mottledleap, Cinderpaw, Sandflower, and Breezepaw go searching for the eagle’s roost]
[Scorchmask, Flarestrike, Bouncepaw, Tumblepaw, and Rivergaze go on hunting patrol]
[Poppysong, Shadowflight, Muddypaw, Silversong, and Mothpaw go on hunting patrol]
[Sweetstar goes to the moonpool to request a warrior]
[SwiftClan consumes two big fish and one mouse]


    Sweetstar | 50 moons | Tom | X

    Lives: ★★★★★★★★ [8/9]


    Maplestrike | 43 moons | Tom | X

    Medicine Cat

    Velvetflicker | 35 moons | Molly | X


    Daisytuft | 47 moons | Molly | X
    Dancingstripe | 37 moons | | Tom | X
    Falconwatcher | 45 moons | Tom | X
    Flarestrike | 17 moons | Tom | X
    Hailclaw | 40 moons | Molly | X
    Hailwhisker | 42 moons | Molly | X
    Mottledleap | 35 moons | Molly | X
    Poppysong | 24 moons | Molly | X
    Rivergaze | 24 moons | Tom | X
    Sandflower | 26 moons | Molly | X
    Scorchmask | 31 moons | Molly | X
    Shadowflight | 31 moons | Tom | X
    Silversong | 24 moons | Molly | X
    Snowflight | 37 moons | Molly | X
    Swayingtrees | 41 moons | Tom | X
    Whisperdust | 35 moons | Molly | X
    Wrenface | 36 moons | Molly | X


    Rowanpaw | 15 moons | Molly | X
    Bouncepaw | 11 moons | Tom | X
    Cinderpaw | 11 moons | Molly | X
    Breezepaw | 11 moons | Molly | X
    Muddypaw | 10 moons | Tom | X
    Mothpaw | 10 moons | Molly | X
    Flickerpaw | 10 moons | Molly | X
    Tumblepaw | 9 moons | Tom | X (left)
    Bramblepaw | 9 moons | Tom | X (right)


    Hailclaw | 40 moons | Molly | X - kits just born
    Rowanpaw | 15 moons | Molly | X - kits just born
    Velvetflicker | 35 moons | Molly | X - kits just born


    Wispkit | 0 moons | Tom | X
    Wisteriakit | 0 moons | Molly | X
    Whimbrelkit | 0 moons | Tom | X
    Impkit | 0 moons | Molly | X
    Sushikit | 0 moons | Tom | X
    Loonkit | 0 moons | Molly | X
    Racoonkit | 0 moons | Molly | X
    Snakekit | 0 moons | Molly | X
    Heronkit | 0 moons | Tom | X
    Pondkit | 0 moons | Tom | X


    Smokepath | 155 moons | Tom | X
    Sandstripe | 149 moons | Tom | X
Ally Clans

CloudClan | ~Glaceon~
Skyclan | Imp

Enemy Clans


Border Clans

North | CloudClan | ~Glaceon~
Northeast | StagClan | DasCanadianSparkle
East | Lilyclan | mochi.
Southeast | LeafClan | zephyrine
South | OakClan | \Luna/
South-Southwest | CedarClan | kacchan
Southwest | CliffClan | sushinekko
West | AdderClan | Marya D
Northwest | Skyclan | Imp

Medicine Store

Alder bark | 2
Borage leaves | 2
Burnet | 1
Catmint | 1
Catchweed | 1
Celadine | 1
Chervil | 1
Chickweed | 1
Cob nuts | 1
Coltsfoot | 2
Comfrey | 1
Comfrey Root | 1
Dandylion | 1
Dock | 1
Fennel | 1
Goldenrod | 1
Heather nectar | 1
Honey | 1
Lovage | 1
Mallow leaves | 1
Oak leaves | 1
Ragwort leaves | 1
Raspberry leaves | 1
Tansy | 1
Willow bark | 1

Fresh-Kill Pile

Mice | x0 | 1 serving
Ermine | x1 | 2 servings
Rabbit | x4 | 2 servings
Small Fish | x2 | 2 servings
Big Fish | x0 | 3 servings
All Birds | x1 | 3 servings


Velvetflicker | Rowanpaw | 5 | Herbal knowledge,
Basic healing, Hunting, Fighting, advanced healing
Velvetflicker | Bramblepaw | 3 | Hunting, Fighting,
herbal knowledge
Hailclaw | Bouncepaw |5 | Hunting, Fighting, Tracking,
Advanced Hunting, advanced fighting
Mottledleap | Cinderpaw | 5 | Hunting, Fighting, Tracking,
Stalking, fishing
Sandflower | Breezepaw | 4 | Hunting, Fighting, Tracking,
Shadowflight | Muddypaw | 4 | Fighting, Tracking, Fishing,
Silversong | Mothpaw | 4 | Hunting, Fighting, Tracking,
Falconwatcher | Flickerpaw | 4 | Hunting, tracking, fighting,
Whisperdust | Tumblepaw | 3 | Tracking, Fishing, fighting

Deceased Cats

Palewish | 0 moons | Molly | X


Whisperdust and ??? | Bouncepaw, Breezepaw and Cinderpaw
Wrenface and ??? | Muddypaw, Mothpaw and Flickerpaw
Snowflight and Maplestrike | Tumblekit and Bramblekit
Rowanpaw and Flarestrike | Sushikit, Impkit
Hailclaw and Dancingstripe | Palewish, Wispkit, Wisteriakit,
Velvetflicker and Gladestep of CliffClan | Loonkit, Racoonkit,
Pondkit, Snakekit, Heronkit
Unknown and unknown | Rivergaze and Poppysong

Hi, I'm Phina D Wolf! I'm here
mostly for the people and the
adopts and games I'm a part
of, but I know pet rarities
pretty well too. If you want to
chat, my inbox is open!
My CaC Clan
My CaT Tribe
My CaK Kennel
I'm an amateur horse, cat,
and dog geneticist, so if
you are interested in any of
those, feel free to hit me up!
I'm always happy to chat!

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adderclan [ 004 ]

Postby morrissey » Fri Dec 01, 2017 1:10 pm

number of cats: 7 ( 3 feedings )
toms; five | mollies; two
next moonpool visit: now
# of posts until first feed: 00 - now
recent exchanges or transactions:
003: exchanged x2 mice for x1 colsfoot with skyclan
gifted x1 bird by swiftclan

004: gave x1 poppyseed to stagclan
received x1 catmint from the advent calendar
[ 004 ]


houndstar paced the forest floor, his tail twitching angrily. his clan was growing slower than he wanted it to. he wanted to have an empire before he died, and at this pace, he would die before they even had fifteen cats. he would ask starclan, perhaps. maybe for a trainee, so he would directly oversee their training, and make sure that they were in tip-top shape.

[ alpinenose joins the clan! ]
[ the clan eats 3 servings ]
[ rowanflame and sootpaw train ]
[ rowanflame, willowfeather, houndstar, and sootpaw hunt ]
[ alpinenose patrols, hoping to find his sister. ]
[ wickerfur looks for herbs ]
[ houndstar asks starclan for a trainee. ]

      houndstar | 33 moons | tom | ref
    leader's heir:
      the strongest, fastest, most capable
      offspring of the leader

      name | age | gender | ref
    the prince:
      the war general, in charge of both
      guards and soldiers, second to only the
      leader. must be the offspring of the
      current or previous monarch(s).

      name | age | gender | ref
      the guardians of the leader and
      their offspring. [ 0 / 3 ]

      name | age | gender | ref
      name | age | gender | ref
      name | age | gender | ref
    the shaman:
      a very highly respected cat, treats
      sickness and wounds, and is the only cat
      to communicate with starclan.

      wickerfur | 18 m | tom | ref
    the shaman's apprentice:
      the apprentice to the shaman, this
      cat learns the ways of herbs, lore, and

      name | age | gender | ref
      the hunters for the clan. they also
      often help the shaman gather herbs.

      rowanflame | 15 m | tom | ref
      willowfeather | 31 m | she-cat | ref
      name | age | gender | ref
      the protectors of the clan. they
      fight in any battles, and do border patrols.

      sunsong | 21 m | tom | ref
      alpinenose | 14 m | tom | ref
      name | age | gender | ref
      the young cats of the clan, awarded
      their 'warrior' names when they reach the
      age of 12 moons. trained to be both soldiers
      and gatherers, they select their rank when
      they graduate.

      sootpaw(willow) | 9 m | molly | ref
      name | age | gender | ref
      they take care of the kits, and
      produce offspring of their own. they are
      only sent to the mother den when they
      are a quarter moon away from giving
      birth. until then, they act as normal
      soldiers or gatherers.

      name | age | gender | ref
      name | age | gender | ref
    bordering clans:
      north | honeyclan | whispering
      south | swiftclan | phina
      east | echoclan | katrione
      west | creamclan | p-lasticplants
    ally & enemy clans:
      name of clan | friend or foe | user
      name of clan | friend or foe | user
    herb stock:
      catmint | greencough | x4
      honey | soothes coughs | x1
      feverfew | helps w/ headaches | x1
      colsfoot | usage | x1
      comfrey | multi-use | x1
      cobwebs | stop bleeding | x2
    food stock:
      mice | x1 | x1
      frog | x1 | x1
      vole | x1 | x2
      ermine | x2 | x0
      squirrel | x2 | x0
      bird | x3 | x1
      7 servings
    family and relationships:
      ____ likes ____
      ____ is mates with ____
    mentors and apprentices:
      rowan & soot | 2 | hunting, battle
      ____ & ____ | # sessions | skills
Last edited by morrissey on Fri Dec 01, 2017 3:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Simonpet » Fri Dec 01, 2017 1:13 pm

Leaffall - The season of fall. During leaf-fall, it will start to get colder so the amount of prey you will catch will go down. The sun will start going down earlier and earlier and this will continue into leafbare. Kittings will start to get a little bit harder so make sure to stock up on kitting herbs like fennel, chervil, ragwort leaves and raspberry leaves. You will also run into foxes and possibly badgers more.

Phina D Wolf wrote:

[Bramblepaw goes hunting for herbs]
[Sweetstar and Scorchmask both receive x1 cobwebs]
[Hailclaw receives one Borage]
[Falconwatcher, Flickerpaw, Mottledleap, Cinderpaw, Sandflower, and Breezepaw go searching for the eagle’s roost]
[Scorchmask, Flarestrike, Bouncepaw, Tumblepaw, and Rivergaze go on hunting patrol]
[Poppysong, Shadowflight, Muddypaw, Silversong, and Mothpaw go on hunting patrol]
[Sweetstar goes to the moonpool to request a warrior]
[SwiftClan consumes two big fish and one mouse]

Bramblepaw finds x1 ragwort leaf, x1 willow leaf
Bramblepaw learns basic healing
Sweetstar and Scorchmask are healed
Hailclaw produces enough milk for her kits
Falconwatcher, Mottledleap, Sandflower, Breezepaw, Cinderpaw, and Flickerpaw find an eagle nest with eggs; the eagle's scent points to camp
Breezepaw, Cinderpaw, and Flickerpaw learn running
Flarestrike, Rivergaze, Scorchmask, Bouncepaw, and Tumblepaw catch x2 small fish
Bouncepaw learns fishing and Tumblepaw learns hunting
Shadowflight, Silversong, Poppysong, Mothpaw, and Muddypaw catch x1 bird, x1 ermine
Mothpaw and Muddypaw learn agility
Starclan grants Sweetstar's request of a warrior
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[ eight,, ]

Postby carpe noctem. » Fri Dec 01, 2017 1:45 pm

❝ glory is nothing without the loyalty of the clan. ❞

number of cats; nineteen.
females; ten. | males; nine.
servings necessary; four.

        Hollyfin's POV

        A mist had swept through the mountain peaks that morning, travelling inside the large mouth of the cave that duskclan called camp. A chill had trailed behind the fog at it's heels, soon enveloping the camp with a cold breeze.

        Hollyfin carefully padded out of the warrior den, deciding against trying to fall asleep. It was no use, she'd been up for what felt like an eternity. Besides, she didn't want to disrupt any of the warriors who were sleeping.

        The calico molly looked out past the huge mouth of the cave, looking out at the deep navy blue of the earlier dawn. The sun had yet to rise past the mountain peaks, instead letting the luminescent glow of the moon shine down, bathing the mountains in a hazy pale radiance.

        "Hush, my darlings. We must be quiet at this time." A familiar voice advised, the feminine voice soft.

        Hollyfin, who had been hiding in the shadows of a few large rocks, turned her head to see the long-legged queen and her two kits moving out to the entrance of the cave, their steps careful and quiet.

        Ashflight? What was she doing with her kits, they weren't allowed out of the nursery. Dread washed through Hollyfin as she began to think out the possibilities. Were they leaving? A ball formed in her throat, and she bounded forwards with a sudden urgency as she watched them slip out of view and out of the cave. The cool air brushed her fur backwards, a gentle breeze feeling like a strong wind as she sprinted towards Ashflight and her kits, skidding to a halt as she neared to the edge of the cave.

        "A-Ash?" Hollyfin choked out, watching as she and her two kits whipped around, a guilty expression on the queen's face. "What are you doing?"

        Ashflight looked down at her paws. "I-I can't stay. We just can't." She said, her voice barely louder than a mouse. "I didn't think I was going to see you, out here when we left."

        Hollyfin staggered backwards, her throat suddenly dry. "Why?" She asked, not able to say anything more.

        "I just—well, I want my kits to be accepted. I don't wanting them to be pushed aside because we're not Duskclan-born." The molly confessed, looking down at the brown and silver kits that were at her side.

        "Of course they'll be Ashflight! Duskclan loves them, Duskclan loves you!" Hollyfin replied.

        Ashflight just stared at her, her eyes clouded with emotion.

        A lone tear ran down Hollyfin's cheek, glistening in the moonlight. "I love you." She said. "God, you don't even know how much this hurts, Ashflight."

        "Of course I do! Don't you know how hard this was for me? I-I didn't think you cared for me, I knew that I couldn't take rejection from you if I confessed.." Ashflight broke off, voice trembling and shoulders sagging with defeat

        Hollyfin raced up to her, unable to bare seeing her in such a unstable state. She pressed her head against her neck, pressing her calico fur against her tabby one. Her two kits, so young and feeble, stared up at the two, then moving to press between to the two. Hollyfin reassured the queen with comforting nuzzles, trying to soothe the trembling and ragged breaths of the broken-down molly. She would stay next to her through dawn till dusk if that's what it'd take.

        And then she said it. Those three small words that meant so much.

        "I love you too."

        [ duskclan consumes a rabbit & a stoat ]
        [ hollyfin and ashflight become mates ]
        [ jaggedstar, frozenleaf, gorseflight, nightwhisker, hollyfin and wolfthroat hunt by the river ]
        [ jaysong, Mai & echofrost patrol ]
        [ speckledlight & spiderfang hunt together ]
        [ Bramplepool hopes to teach sorrelpaw about treating wounds by letting him assit dappledcreek's birth ]
        [ Dappledcreek is in labour (father) ]


    jaggedstar | thirty-six moons | ♀ |
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

    jaysong | thirty-four moons | ♂ |

    medicine cat
    bramblepool | thirty-seven moons | ♂ |

    medicine cat apprentice
    sorrelpaw | nine moons | ♂ |

    spiderfang | thirty-four | ♂ |
    echofrost | thirty-two | ♀ |
    mai | twenty-six | ♀ |
    wolfthroat | thirty-five | ♂ |
    egretfeather | fourty | ♂ |
    nightwhisker | thirty-nine moons | ♀ |
    hollyfin | twenty-two | ♀ |
    embershine | thirty-one | ♀ |
    gorseflight | forty-eight | ♂ |
    speckledlight | thirty-four | ♂ |
    frozenleaf | twenty-six | ♀ |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]♜[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]♞[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]♞[/url]

    ashflight | twenty-three | ♀ |
    dappledcreek | thirty-one | ♀ |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]♥[/url]

    owlkit | one moons | ♂ |
    puddlekit | one moons | ♀ |
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❋[/url]

    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❅[/url]
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❅[/url]
    ally clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    enemy clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    east | badgerclan | _ravenfeather_
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    medicine store
    blackberry leaves [ x2 ] eases swelling from bee stings
    borage [ x1 ] produces more milk, helps with fevers
    burdock root [ x1 ] cures infections
    burnet [ x1 ] helps keep a cat's strength up
    catmint [ x1 ] remedy for greencough
    goldenrod [ x2 ] heals wounds
    horsetail [ x1 ] treats infection & stops bleeding
    lavender [ x1 ] cures fever and chills
    marigold [ x1 ] stops infections
    oak leaves [ x1 ] stops infection from setting in
    parsley [ x1 ] cures bellyaches and stops milk production
    poppy seeds [ x1 ] soothes shock, pain and helps sleeping
    stick [ x0 ] distracts cats from pain, helps broken legs
    stinging nettle [ x1 ] helps wounds, infections & swelling
    tormentil [ x1 ] treats all wounds & extracts poison

    fresh-kill pile
    minnow | x0 | 1 servings
    pika | x0 | 1 servings
    rabbit | x1 | 2 servings
    stoat | x1 | 2 servings
    trout | x1 | 3 servings
    hawk | x2 | 3 servings

    bramblepool — sorrelpaw
    ↪️ herbal recognition | hunting |
    | |
    mentor — apprentice
    ↪️ fighting | defence | | |

    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    cats no longer apart of duskclan
    name | gender | rank | reason | link
    name | gender | rank | reason | link

    cats of other clans
    ashflight | ♀ | hyenaclan
    wolfthroat | ♂ | crescentclan
    egretfeather | ♂ | scorchclan
    nightwhisker | ♀ | boulderclan

    ♥ = mates ♡ = crush ۵ = former mates
    ✕ = forbidden ♪ = siblings

    clearsight of tempestclan ♥ embertoes of iceclan
    ↪️ ashflight ♪ smokefrost of moorclan ♪ firepath of gustclan
    Ashflight ۵ Goose Of Oakclan
    ↪️ Puddlekit ♪ Owlkit
    Dappledcreek ♥ Flamestar
    ↪️ name xxx
    Mai ♡ Jaysong (vice versa)
Last edited by carpe noctem. on Fri Dec 08, 2017 9:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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S t a g C l a n - ( 31 )

Postby canadianhowl » Fri Dec 01, 2017 3:55 pm

Number of Cats: sixteen
Males;; ten • Females;; six
Moon;; thirty
Next Shimmer Pond visit;; 12/6

The now seven moon old kits were eagerly awaiting in the nursery for their ceremony. They didn't get one last moon as their leader was still healing but since Reedberry managed to find the last herb he needed and used it on the leader, Sorrelstar had enough energy to do the kit's ceremonies. As much as the kits were excited, Tinykit didn't seem to happy.

The small tom was laying down in the nursery grooming his fur up. He had been watching Reedberry for some time now and was the little kit sure interested in his work. "Maybe if I ask before they announce my mentor, Sorrelstar will allow me to be a medicine cat apprentice." He mumbled before looking up when seeing the leader get on Peak Rock and announce the clan meeting. Tinykit took a deep breath before he followed the clan to the meeting. Once everyone was settled down, Sorrelstar smiled and meowed, "We have a huge group of kits now ready to be apprentices. Let's start with Wolfkit." Wolfkit smiled before he dashed on up with a huge grin and a puffed out chest. He looked down and saw his parents smiling in pride of their son. "Wolfkit, you are ready to be an apprentice of StagClan. From this day on, you will be Wolfpaw. Your mentor will be Leopardheart. He is a great tom with quick thinking and is great at hunting. I know he will pass down everything you need to know." She meowed before her mate and the new apprentice touched noses. "Icekit." Sorrelstar continued and did a ceremony for each apprentice. Finally it was Tinykit's turn and he knew what to do. "And finally. Tinykit." Sorrelstar meowed and the small tom padded forward. "Tinykit, you are ready to be an apprentice of StagClan. From this day on, you will be Tinypaw. Your mentor will be-" Sorrelstar started before the kit meowed, "Actually Sorrelstar, I want to be a medicine cat. If that's alright with you and Reedberry?" The tom meowed before he looked over at Reedberry who was shocked by his decision but in the end, nodded a yes in pride. "Alright then. Your mentor will be Reedberry. He will pass down all the knowledge about herbs to you." She meowed before the now excited apprentice bounded down the rock and touched noses with the medicine cat. The clan cheered the six new apprentice's names happy to know that six new lives were getting ready to serve StagClan.

"My son a medic! I never knew he wanted to be one. Oh look at him! He's going to be great!" Thundercry purred. Seeing his son happy made him happy. As long as Tinypaw would do something he loves, Thundercry would be okay with that. The meeting was dismissed and the cat started to group up. Reedberry and Tinypaw immediately headed out to start training but the other apprentices were given the day off as well, it was leafbare and they easily could catch a cold.

"Pumapaw!" Wolfpaw purred as he padded over to the dark gray tabby she cat. The female glanced up and smiled when seeing her good friend. Man was she gorgeous. Wolfpaw couldn't get enough of her. He wondered what her mother looked liked. Probably just as gorgeous as her. "Do you maybe want to train together when we head out later?" The tom asked nervously. Pumapaw' face lit up in joy before she meowed a yes and hugged the tom. Wolfpaw tensed up but hugged her back. They were just friends. Only friends. Though the tom looked over and saw Mapleblossom with Badgerleap and second thought.

Mapleblossom was new but, already did a tom catch her eye. The shy but strong Badgerleap had won her heart over. "Hey Badgerleap. What are you doing handsome?" She purred and rubbed her side against him. The tom froze in place and mumbled, "Nothing much. What about you?" Mapleblossom chuckled and whispered, "Looking at the perfect tom to father my kits one day." She was about to nuzzle him but stopped when hearing Thundercry. Of course how could he forget? The tom scented a badger. "I'm sorry I didn't say this earlier but I scented a badger at the border! We need to get some patrols in now!" With that, groups were formed and cats headed out to do their tasks.

[ All apprentices have been assigned to their mentors ]
[ Sorrelstar is treated with x1 comfrey root ]
[ Reedberry and Tinypaw go out to find herbs as well as learn some herbs ]
[ Boarfang, Sorrelstar, Badgerleap, and Mapleblossom head out to find the badger ]
[ Thundercry, Leopardheart, Badgerleap, and Weaselhop head out hunting ]
[ x1 mouse received by advent calendar from Mochi via discord ]
[ The clan consumes 4 servings ]

sorrelstar | fifty-nine | female | X
Lives: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆

boarfang | fifty-seven | male | X

Medicine Cat:
reedberry | fifty-three | male | X

Medicine Cat Apprentice:
tinypaw | seven | male | X

thundercry | sixty-two | male | X
leopardheart | sixty-one | male | X
weaselhop | fifty-seven | female | X
badgerleap | forty-eight | male | X
mapleblossom | thirty-one | female | X
shardstorm | twenty-two | male | X
hickorywhisker | nineteen | female | X

icepaw | seven | female | X
wolfpaw | seven | male | X
pumapaw | seven | female | X
hawkpaw | seven | male | X
rabbitpaw | seven | male | X

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

shardstorm likes hickorywhisker
mapleblossom likes badgerleap
wolfpaw likes pumapaw

Thundercry and Weaselhop
Leopardheart and Sorrelstar
Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Clan Name | Username
Northeast | Clan Name | Username
Northwest | Clan Name | Username
East | Clan Name | Username
South | Clan Name | Username
Southeast | Clan Name | Username
Southwest | SwiftClan | Phina D Wolf
West | EchoClan | katrione

Medicine Store
alder bark | x1 | soothes toothaches
bindweed | x0 | can help make a 'cast' to heal broken bones
catmint | x3 | helps cure greencough/whitecough
chervil | x1 | helps heal wounds/stomach aches
cobweb | x1 | can help slow down bleeding
coltsfoot | x1 | eases breathing/soothes cracked pads
comfrey root | x0 | repairs bones, soothes wounds, helps itching, heals burns
death berry | x1 | poisonous, can kill a cat
elder leaves | x1 | soothes sprains
feverfew | x1 | reduces body temperature, helps headaches, soothes pain
honey | x3 | helps soothe throat/makes medicine easier to swallow
marigold | x1 | stops bleeding, infection. helps inflamed/stiff joints
dried oak leaves | x1 | stops infections
poppy seeds | x0 | helps with sleep, shock, distress, pain. not for queens.
sorrel | x1 | traveling herb, can build an appetite
thyme | x1 | calms anxiety/helps with cats in shock

Fresh-Kill Pile:
rabbit | x2.5 | 5 servings
squirrel | x0 | 0 servings
mice | x4 | 4 servings
big fish | x1 | 3 servings
all birds | x3 | 9 servings
*fawn | x1 | 5 servings
total | x9.5 | 24 servings
needed | 4 servings
(*Fawns are rare. They are either 3 to 5 servings.
Only available during newleaf and leaffall for two posts)

reedberry | tinypaw | zero | none
sorrelstar | icepaw | zero | none
leopardheart | wolfpaw | zero | none
boarfang | pumapaw | zero | none
mapleblossom | hawkpaw | zero | none
shardstorm | rabbitpaw | zero | none

Deceased Cats:
Owlpaw | Starved
Dewkit | Killed by Pinestep
Pumalight | Birth Complications
Swankit | Stillborn
Dovekit | Stillborn
Puddlehop | Badger

Shadow + unknown = Puddlehop, Dapplekit, Shardstorm
Thundercry + Weaselhop = Dewkit, Hickorywhisker
Tinypaw, Icepaw, Wolfpaw, Swankit, Dovekit
Reedberry + Pumalight = Pumapaw, Hawkpaw, Rabbitpaw
Last edited by canadianhowl on Mon Dec 04, 2017 11:33 am, edited 4 times in total.
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{ pineclan } { 49 }

Postby deimido » Fri Dec 01, 2017 11:36 pm

"From the tiny seeds we sow, we grow!"
number of cats - 43 | toms - 22 | mollies - 21
next moonpool visit - n/a | next kitting - n/a | next border/hunting patrol - 4:37 PM (mdt)



    "A new warrior walks among PineClan today; from this day onward this young tom will be hailed as Firestream, for his adept swimming prowess and overall love for the water." Mintstar announced, an inaudible purr leaving her throat as the Clan chanted Firestream's name while the ginger tabby stared at the crowd around him with unbridled ecstasy. Laughing gleefully to himself, Firestream could barely listen to Mintstar finish the ceremony and was only aware it had ended once he witnessed the crowd begin to break away. He barely had time to move before his mother barrelled into him, covering his face with a barrage of licks and muzzles while he took it all in stride.

    Daisystorm pulled away once she realized her affection was getting a tad excessive, the wide grin she wore on her muzzle faded into a soft smile as both she and Firestream grew quiet. "I'm so proud of you," The molly mewed genuinely, eyes locked on her only son while Firestream had his own forest-green hues focused on her as well. Overcome by emotion, Daisystorm felt her eyes begin to water with unshed tears all while the tom stared on helplessly, his own eyes welling up. "M-mama? Are you okay?" He inquired, wishing he could do anything to help her feel better.

    It might have been seen as an odd sight, two grown cats suddenly tearing up out of nowhere, but it was a common occurrence between the pair; stemming from the close bond they forged long before the two of them found PineClan. It had been moons of heartbreak after heartbreak before either of them would find any semblance of peace in their lives, and as the rest of their family perished right before their eyes they understood that they would only ever have each other. With that in mind, they became in tune with each other's emotions and whatever one felt, the other would react the same regardless of their own feelings.

    "I'm fine, I-It's just..." Daisystorm let out a shuddered breath, her voice cracking as the first tear fell. "Y-You made it... out of everyone, you're h-here." She stopped herself from speaking there, but nothing could stop her tears as she held Firestream close to her and unceasingly sobbed into his fur. Firestream felt his claws dig into the earth in a desperate battle against his own tears, his body trembling with the effort to look strong until a sudden memory of the cats he lost flashed through his mind. At that, not even the cheerful tabby could stop himself from weeping alongside his mother.

xxxxxxxxxxx wow i'm bad at writing LMAO here lets have a timeskip xxxxxxxxxxx

    Dawn gave way to dusk in the blink of an eye, the distant sky becoming a swath of dark blue and orange hues, decorated with a pawful of stray stars. Firestream gulped as he stared, owl-eyed, at the sky above him. He knew soon enough he would undergo his warrior's vigil once nightfall came, and knowing he was going to do it alone was daunting. He tried reassuring himself that he wasn't going to be completely alone as PineClan was notably active at night, but that did nothing to alleviate his nerves.

    Firestream chided himself for acting so vulnerable, usually, he was able to completely hide his innermost feelings of diffidence even from himself and it surprised him that he was having difficulty doing so this time. He supposed it had something to do with the emotional moment shared with his mother much earlier today, thinking of his family always managed to affect him negatively after all. Sighing heavily, the ginger tabby made his way out of the warriors' den and headed towards his group of friends, making sure to put on one of his casual smiles before they noticed him.

    The five cats were as lively as they had always been; Juniperpelt and Acornclaw exchanging quips and over-exaggerated tales while Orchidnose and Ratnose pretended they were listening by nodding their heads and adding in a few mews like they weren't totally lost in whatever stories the tom and molly conjured up this time. And then there was Egrettail, the gangly white tom who eluded Firestream throughout the entirety of his apprenticeship, batting a pine cone between his forepaws inattentively. "Hey, guys!" Firestream mewed, causing Egrettail to release a strangled gasp and throw his pine cone to the side before choosing to stare at the bark of the Great Oak rather than the tabby.

    Firestream's smile fell as he watched Egrettail avoid him, again. He was hurt knowing that the tom's apparent avoidance towards him hadn't faded a whisker after he left the apprentice's den and he helplessly wondered over what he could've possibly done to make Egrettail dislike him in the first place. Firestream stifled a sigh, choosing to lay beside his best friend Ratnose since the black tom invited him over by patting the ground next to him with his tail. Neither toms noticed the jealous gaze that Egrettail sent to both them, nor the defeated sigh that left his maw before staring at his paws.

    "Congratulations, Firestream!" Ratnose mewed kindly, giving the tom a closed-eye smile that had Firestream's mood rise after Egrettail had given him the cold shoulder. He chuckled sheepishly as the rest of his friends' mewed their own praises.

    "It'll be nice to share a den with you again." Orchidnose mewed cordially.
    "And it'll be easier to sneak bugs in Comfreyfang and Duckfoot's nest now." Acornclaw chimed, a smirk on her muzzle.
    "I know a certain someone will be very happy having you in the warriors' den." Juniperpelt mewed playfully.

    At that Firestream's ears swiveled towards the gray-and-white warrior in interest, tilting his head in bemusement at the knowing smirk on his face while his siblings stared at him in disapproval. Egrettail, in particular, looked the most offended, his skinny tail twitching to and fro like a frenzied adder while the fur along his neck slowly rose. "Egrettail, are you alri-" Firestream was cut off by the tom jumping up to his paws, bewildered by the unreadable gaze Egrettail sent his way. "S-Sorry guys, I have to go. I-I don't think that squirrel agreed with me." He stuttered out before scampering to hide inside the warriors' den.

    "You didn't even eat a squirrel! You had a mouse, you mouse-brain!" Juniperpelt called out after him, rolling his eyes as he directed his attention back towards the rest of the group. The tom frowned as he noticed how utterly dejected Firestream appeared, the concerned gazes everyone gave them were burning, but this time he made no effort to hide how he was feeling. "Does your brother hate me?" He asked in defeat, earning a pair of sighs from Egrettail's siblings as they tried to reassure him that wasn't the case. He hardly paid attention and instead hoped nightfall came soon.

    A night by himself on vigil seemed preferable instead of sharing a den with a tom who hated him.


    "Tell my brother that I am at peace now, that he needn't feel blame for what happened, and that I was happy to see him one last time."

    Shadeleaf stiffened as the melodious voice of Anthiese echoed in her mind once again, preventing her from focusing on reorganizing the herb store like she was supposed to. Weaselstorm cast her a curious look, letting out a soft sigh once he understood what was wrong with his apprentice. "You're thinking about her again, aren't you?" He stated; suspicions confirmed as he noted the thin grimace that appeared on Shadeleaf's maw. As always, nothing could get by Weaselstorm when it came to what she was thinking, and she learned to both appreciate and slightly resent her mentor's keen observation over time.

    "We should've been there, Weaselstorm. We-we could've, h-helped..." She choked on her words, a bitter sob leaving her throat as her resolve crumbled away. Shadeleaf hadn't been a full medicine cat for long, but she knew she didn't deserve holding the title given how she managed to fail her patients time and time again. If she hadn't forgotten about what raspberry leaves looked like she could have saved Firkit and Cedarkit, and if she had held off her ceremony just a little more she could have saved Anthiese's kits from becoming orphans and sparing Duckfoot of the grief that came from losing his sister.

    Quiet sobs filled the den as regret tore through her like gales of wind, head bowed in shame as she broke down in front of her mentor. Weaselstorm's maw formed into a remorseful frown, the sight of Shadeleaf like this squeezing his heart painfully. The medicine cat took in a deep sigh before mewing, "...Shadeleaf, there was nothing we could have done for her." He mewed calmly; Shadeleaf shook her head in denial. "I know it hurts. It hurts knowing there's so much life placed in your paws and that it crushes you to realize that sometimes you can't save it."

    Shadeleaf hesitantly met her mentor's eyes, eyes still brimming with tears as she waited for Weaselstorm to continue. "But we have to think like medicine cats, and that means we have to keep looking forward no matter what, so that we can focus on the cats that need us in the future." He meowed incisively, skinny tail curled around his paws as he waited what Shadeleaf would say in response. The contrite molly knew there was truth in his words, but she couldn't bring herself to accept them yet. "What about the cats we lose, Weaselstorm? We can't leave behind the ones we failed."

    "Easy, we don't." He replied shortly after like it was the simplest thing in the world. Shadeleaf's head tilted questionably, not expecting the quick answer. "We never forget the ones we lose, Shadeleaf, they help us learn from our mistakes and make us better healers in the long run," Weaselstorm explained, letting his words sink in as Shadeleaf processed what he said. Once again she knew he had a point, but something about this made it a little easier to bear. She stared outside the den, catching the brown tabby pelt of Duckfoot as he stepped outside the nursery.

    "We should tell him, shouldn't we? About Anthiese's message." She mewed, thinking of the late queen once more. Weaselstorm nodded pensively, it had been a few days since they received it, and Duckfoot definitely had the right to know. "I think we should." He replied, getting up to his paws to leave the den until Shadeleaf stopped him by blocking the way out with her tail.

    "Thank you Weaselstorm, really."


    Marigoldkit was the first to rise out of his own siblings, though second only to Lavenderkit who sat beside her sister now. Asterkit who caught Marigoldkit's gaze and purred happily at the tom, making the tips of his ears flush red as he averted his eyes shyly. "Who do you think is going to be our mentors?" Sheepkit mewed out of the blue, eyes wide in curiousity. Patchkit answered first, self-assured and cocky as usual. "I bet you mine is Comfreyfang, she's one of the best warriors in the Clan after all." He stated, Sorrelkit rolling his eyes in annoyance. "Man, I hope Mintstar gives you a bad mentor, might knock you down a stump." He hissed, Patchkit staring at him incredulously while Dandelionkit held a front paw to her muzzle to hide her giggles.

    "I hope mine is Vervaincloud, he's really handsome." Dandelionkit swooned, ignoring how all of her littermates stared at her like she grew two heads. "Uh, ew, he's like - a million moons older than you," Sorrelkit remarked, swatting the cream molly's ear with his tail. Marigoldkit chuckled, catching Sorrelkit's attention as he moved to sit beside him. "And what about you? Any cat you want to mentor you?" The tabby kit asked. Marigoldkit shook his head nonchalantly in reply. "Personally I'm fine with anyone, as long as I learn fast enough."

    He heard Sorrelkit mutter out a 'same' before being approached by Lavenderkit and Asterkit, the former shooting a judgemental look at her five denmates. "You all sound like you get to choose who mentors you, you know that's not how it goes, right?" She mewed disapprovingly, Asterkit huffed as she nudged her sister playfully. "And you sound way too uptight! C'mon sis, liven up a little, it's a big day, after all~" She sang, making Marigoldkit purr at her liveliness as the gray molly attempted to get a smile out of her sister. Stoic as she could be, not even Lavenderkit was immune to Asterkit's playfulness: the fond smile on her face was definitely proof of that.

    "It's not like we're being serious anyway, Lavenderkit. We were just curious, is all." Sheepkit mewed, holding her denmate's blue stare evenly. Lavenderkit nodded curtly, "I know, Sheepkit." she replied. Marigoldkit tensed as the mollies continued to stare at each other. He knew they were friends, but he also knew of the rivalry that brewed between them over the course of six moons, even though neither of them refused to acknowledge it themselves. "Anyway..." Marigoldkit stressed, carefully maneuvering his sister closer to the rest of their littermates. "I think we should all settle down and wait for the ceremony and stuff. I think it's almost time?"

    Asterkit, oblivious to her sister's stare down with Marigoldkit's, nodding eagerly in agreement. "I think you're right! Ooh, I can't wait!" Marigoldkit smiled once again seeing Asterkit's exuberance before locking eyes with Lavenderkit, the gray-and-white molly stayed quiet as she looked directly at him thoughtfully before staring up at the Great Oak like nothing happened.

    Something told Marigoldkit that he was in for an interesting apprenticeship.

[ last reply ]
- marigoldkit, dandelionkit, patchkit, sheepkit, sorrelkit, asterkit, and lavenderkit all have their apprentices ceremonies.
- firestream, acornclaw, blissheart, laurelcloud, cottonbush, and daisystorm go hunting (day).
- mintstar, comfreyfang, larkclaw, lizardstripe, asphodelface, and vervaincloud go patrolling/investigate the rogue scent (night).
- weaselstorm and shadeleaf go gathering herbs.
- maplepaw has her third training session.
- the clan consumes x1 wren, x1 squirrel, x1 rabbit, and x1 mouse.

- i have a couple of cats i adopted from other clans! you can have my cats find them on patrols as time goes by.
flamestar (flameclan) / mottledlight & barkpaw (quartzclan) / arrow the beast master & hawk (hyenaclan) / tigerkit & moonkit (gorseclan)


    [1] Leader -
    Mintstar | 65 |
    gray-and-white molly with a scarred
    muzzle and neck, a torn ear-tip,
    and hazel eyes.

    Lives: ★★★★★★★★ [8/9]

    [1] Deputy -
    Rowanpelt | 48 |
    handsome russet-colored tom
    with yellow eyes.

    [2] Medicine Cats -
    Weaselstorm | 50 |
    small, scrawny, brown-and-white
    tom with ice-blue eyes.

    Shadeleaf | 20 |
    solid black molly with feathery fur,
    and blue eyes.

    [0] Medicine Cat Apprentice -
    Vacant until either med. cats
    pass away or resign.

    [23] Warriors -
    Duckfoot | 66 |
    brown-and-white tabby tom with
    green eyes and a limp to his

    Shrikeface | 65 |
    gray-and-white tom with a scarred
    muzzle and yellow eyes.

    Ramhorn | 49 |
    longhaired solid white tom with blue eyes;
    formerly of EchoClan.

    Minkcloud | 46 |
    chocolate tabby molly with yellow eyes.
    Comfreyfang | 46 |
    gray-and-white tabby molly with blue eyes.
    Rosefur | 40 |
    longhaired ginger tabby molly with blue eyes;
    formerly of TumbleClan.

    Asphodelface | 38 |
    lanky seal point tom with blue eyes.
    Lizardstripe | 35 |
    brown tabby tom with green eyes.
    Larkclaw | 35 |
    brown tabby tom with copper eyes.
    Magpiewhisker | 34 |
    black-and-white tom with hazel eyes.
    Aspenheart | 34 |
    handsome gray tabby tom with green eyes.
    Fawnfur | 33 |
    fawn-colored molly with green eyes.
    Daisystorm | 28 |
    ginger-and-white tabby molly with blue eyes.
    Cottonbush | 25 |
    solid white tom with yellow eyes;
    formerly of WitherClan.

    Laurelcloud | 24 |
    solid white molly with blue eyes.
    Vervaincloud | 21 |
    blue point peterbald tom with
    dark blue eyes.

    Blissheart | 20 |
    cream tabby tom with yellow eyes;
    formerly of WitherClan.

    Ratnose | 20 |
    solid black tom with green eyes.
    Juniperpelt | 15 |
    gray-and-white tom with green eyes.
    Egrettail | 15 |
    white tom with a gray patch on his head
    and blue eyes.

    Orchidnose | 15 |
    solid gray molly with green eyes.
    Acornclaw | 14 |
    brown-and-white molly with brown eyes.
    Firestream | 13 |
    ginger-and-white tabby tom with green eyes.

    [1] Apprentices -
    Maplepaw | 9 |
    tortoiseshell-and-white molly
    with green eyes.

    [3] Queens -
    Skunknose | 63 |
    gray-and-white molly with hazel eyes
    and a white dorsal stripe.

    Wasptail | 53 |
    ginger tabby molly with a long scar
    on her shoulder and yellow eyes.

    Rosemask | 40 |
    gray-and-white molly with hazel eyes;
    formerly of FlurryClan.

    [12] Kits -
    Marigoldkit | 6 |
    ginger tabby tom.
    Dandelionkit | 6 |
    cream-and-white tabby molly.
    Patchkit | 6 |
    ginger-and-white tabby tom.
    Sheepkit | 6 |
    solid white molly.
    Sorrelkit | 6 |
    ginger-and-white tabby tom.
    Asterkit | 6 |
    solid gray molly.
    Lavenderkit | 6 |
    gray-and-white molly.
    Birchkit | 4 |
    silver tabby molly.
    Ashkit | 4 |
    silver-and-white tabby molly.
    Elmkit | 4 |
    brown-and-white tabby tom.
    Lightkit | 1 |
    pale cream-and-white tom.
    Morningkit | 1 |
    cream-and-white molly.

    [0] Elders -
    Name | Age | etc.
    Name | Age | etc.

    Borders -
    Northern | BlazeClan (shimmerstream).
    Western | SilentClan (rainbowcatfish8888).
    Southern | TempestClan (iceypopCS).
    Eastern | JinxClan (vampiress_fox).
    Northwestern | MoorClan (Dinolil1).
    Northeastern | SoulClan (krazykitty00).
    Southeastern | open.
    Southwestern | open.

    Allies -
    BlazeClan (shimmerstream).
    TempestClan (iceypopCS).
    JinxClan (vampiress_fox).
    EchoClan (Katrione).

    Enemies -

    Fresh-kill Pile -
    [Clan can have eight servings of prey at the moment.]
    wrens | 3 servings. [x1]
    thrushes | 3 servings. [x0]
    squirrels | 2 servings. [x4]
    rabbits | 2 servings. [x4]
    mice | 1 serving. [x4]
    voles | 1 serving. [x7]
    sparrows | 3 servings. [x0]

    Medicine Store -
    borage leaves | produces more milk, brings down fevers. [x1]
    broom | used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds. [x1]
    burdock root | heal & prevent infection of rat bites. [x1]
    catmint | white/green/blackcough. [x1]
    celandine | soothes damaged eyes. [x2]
    chamomile | traveling herb, strengthens the heart and soothes the mind. [x0]
    chervil | infected wounds and bellyache, can also be used during kitting. [x0]
    chickweed | for greencough. [x1]
    cobwebs | bleeding, broken bones. [x4]
    coltsfoot | eases breathing, kitten-cough, also for cracked & sore pads. [x1]
    comfrey root | broken bones, wrenched claws, itching, inflammation. [x1]
    daisy leaves | traveling herb, also for aching joints. [x1]
    deathberries | used to kill other cats. [x1]
    dock | soothes scratches & sore pads. [x2]
    feverfew | for fevers, chills, aches, pain, & especially good for headaches. [x0]
    goatweed | eases anxiety & grief. [x1]
    goldenrod | for healing wounds. [x1]
    honey | soothes infections & sore throats. [x2]
    horsetail | treats infections & stops infections. [x1]
    lavender | fever & chills. [x2]
    marigold | stops infection & bleeding, for inflammation of stiff joints. [x1]
    mouse bile | used to remove ticks. [x1]
    poppy seeds | brings sleep, eases distress & pain. [x2]
    raspberry leaves | painkiller, helps stop bleeding during kitting. [x0]
    snakeroot | thought to heal poison. [x1]
    sorrel | traveling herb, can also build up appetite. [x1]
    sticks | distracts cats from pain. [x0]
    stinging nettle | induces vomiting or brings down swelling. [x1]
    sweet-sedge | eases infection. [x1]
    tansy | cures coughs, as well as wounds and poisons. [x2]
    thyme | calms nervousness, anxiety, & cats who are in shock. [x1]
    watermint | for bellyaches. [x1]
    yarrow | extracts poison from wounds. [x1]

    Apprentice Training -
    Minkcloud | Maplepaw | 2 | hunting - tracking - __ - __

    Mates -
    Shrikeface and Skunknose
    xxMagpiewhisker, Aspenheart.
    xxxxAsterkit, Lavenderkit.
    Owlfur and Shadowstar
    xxMolekit and Shadeleaf.
    Magpiewhisker and Fawnfur
    Duckfoot and Mintstar
    xxLightkit, Morningkit (adopted).
    Comfreyfang and Minkcloud
    xxMaplepaw (adopted).
    Ramhorn and Wasptail
    xxMarigoldkit, Dandelionkit, Patchkit, Sheepkit, Sorrelkit.
    Lizardstripe and Rosemask
    xxBirchkit, Firkit, Cedarkit, Ashkit, Elmkit.
    Daisystorm and Unknown
    Rowanpelt and Velvetrabbit [JinxClan]
    xxLemontail, Dirtheart, Hazelflower, Owlclaw, Cougarfang.
    Anthiese and Unknown
    xxLightkit, Morningkit.

    [5] Deceased Cats -
    Molekit | 2 | weakness | StarClan
    solid black tom with green eyes.
    Owlfur | 67 | fox attack | StarClan
    brown tabby tom with green eyes.
    Shadowstar | 80 | poisoned poppy seeds | StarClan
    solid black molly with yellow eyes.
    Firkit | 0 | stillborn | StarClan
    gray tabby molly with green eyes.
    Cedarkit | 0 | stillborn | StarClan
    brown-and-white tabby tom with hazel eyes.
    Anthiese | 64 | kitting | No residence
    ginger-and-white tabby molly with green eyes.
Last edited by deimido on Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Simonpet » Sat Dec 02, 2017 6:15 am

Number of Cats: 37
Kits Due In: Now

"Breathe. Just breathe." Dustleaf remembered Crowcloud repeating those same words at all the other births, and it felt strange to be calming Birchnose. Birchnose was so much older than her! And yet she, the younger, was the more experienced in healing and talking to Starclan.

Watch for the cat with a heart made of oak, whispered a voice. Dustleaf's eyes widened and she jerked her head around. The voice had sounded eerily familiar. Protect her with your life! hissed another voice. Dustleaf's breath quickened and she looked down at her paws, blocking out the world. The voices of Minkstar and Alderclaw had spoken. Was this all in her head? Or was this Starclan trying to tell her something? Don't be distracted! murmured another voice, this time sounding like Crowcloud.

"Right," muttered Dustleaf. "Birchnose, are you alright? Birchnose? Birchnose!"

Oakheart watched as his clanmates talked happily to each other. Kestrelclaw, Smokefur, and Tipnose were placing bets on how many kits Briarwhisker and Birchnose would have, what colors they'd be, and what they'd look like. Ashstripe and Patchcloud talked quietly about something Oakheart couldn't hear.

He shook his head in disgust. As much as he loved Forestclan and his clanmates, some had to go. Honeystar was a kind and fair leader, but too weak. Too indecisive. She hadn't been able to prevent the badgers, she hadn't been able to prevent the fire, and she hadn't been able to prevent Alderclaw and Falconflower from drowning.. Not only that, but she hadn't been in the camp when Crowcloud had died. Birchnose, too, was an ineffectual deputy. While he could ignore the fact that she was currently in the nursery (everyone had the right to try for kits, in his opinion), he couldn't ignore how she had only caught both dangers when it was too late. Therefore, it was best for the clan if they were removed. And their followers, too. That meant the eldest cats in the clan. Oakheart closed his eyes, knowing the difficult decision he needed to make. In his head, he quietly reviewed who he knew needed to die. Honeystar and Birchnose, of course, for being weak. Duckpelt and Snowfoot had been in the clan longest and so they needed to go too. And...Ashstripe, Palefur, Daisywhisker, Dandeliontail, and Gingerstorm. Possibly Briarwhisker, too.

So many deaths, thought Oakheart. But they will all serve a purpose. And I will take the reigns of the clan. I will become deputy, then leader, and I will lead Forestclan onto a better path.

Applenose sat next to Boulderpelt as they watched Dawnpaw and Neritepaw wrestle. While Acornstream had tried to teach Applenose specific moves to use on opponents, later mentors had collectively decided that moves were less useful than actual sparring practice. Dawnpaw. Though it had been some moons since Dawnstorm had passed, the name still reminded Applenose of the kind and energetic warrior. At least his spirit was safe in Starclan.

"Remember to announce when one of you is pinned!" called Boulderpelt in a loud voice. Applenose shook his head and looked over at the twins. Neritepaw was sitting on Dawnpaw's face despite his muffled complaints.

"Aww, really?" asked Neritepaw, jumping off her brother, tail high in the air.

"Thank you," grumbled Dawnpaw, moving to his paws. "Stinky butt," he muttered.

"Dawnpaw!" exclaimed Applenose, shocked and trying to hide his amusement.

"What?" asked Dawnpaw, eyes wide in the fashion of a kittypet's, pretending to be innocent.


Forestclan consumes 7 servings (one mouse, two large fish)
Forestclan gives x2 cobweb to Swiftclan in return for x1 goldenrod and x1 catchweed
Birchnose and Briarwhisker go into labor (due to age, not all the kits may survive...)
Ashstripe, Kestrelclaw, Oakheart, Patchcloud, Smokefur, and Tipnose go on patrol (no new cats)
Dustleaf looks for thyme
Badgerpaw and Fritillarypaw train
Dawnpaw and Neritepaw train (fighting)

    Honeystar | 56 moons | Molly | X
    Lives: ★★★★★

    Duckpelt | 54 moons | Molly | X | temporary

    Medicine Cats:
    Dustleaf | 28 moons | Molly | X

    Adderstream | 28 moons | Tom | X
    Applenose | 36 moons | Tom | X
    Ashstripe | 47 moons | Tom | X | f. Tumbleclan
    Aspentail | 38 moons | Tom | X | f. Asterclan
    Barleystream | 28 moons | Molly | X
    Boulderpelt | 28 moons | Molly | X
    Bramblingwhisker | 18 moons | Molly | X
    Brightfang | 18 moons | Tom | X
    Cherryclaw | 36 moons | Molly | X | f. Aspenclan
    Daisywhisker | 47 moons | Tom | X
    Dandeliontail | 47 moons | Tom | X
    Gannetstorm | 15 moons | Molly | X
    Gingerstorm | Molly | 51 moons | X | f. Blueclan
    Hillfang | 19 moons | Molly | X | f. Obsidianclan
    Kestrelclaw | 15 moons | Molly | X
    Mila | 34 moons | Molly | X
    Mottleflower | 22 moons | Tom | X
    Nour | 38 moons | Tom | X | f. Thicketclan
    Oakheart | 45 moons | Tom | X | f. Wishclan
    Palefur | 44 moons | Tom | X
    Patchcloud | 18 moons | Tom | X
    Scorchpelt | 14 moons | Tom | X | f. Wrenclan
    Shellfur | 27 moons | Molly | X
    Smokefur | 15 moons | Molly | X
    Snowfoot | 45 moons | Molly | X
    Swancloud | 15 moons | Tom | X
    Tipnose | 18 moons | Molly | X

    Badgerpaw | 10 moons | Tom | X
    Dawnpaw | 8 moons | Tom | X
    Fritillarypaw | 10 moons | Molly | X
    Neritepaw | 8 moons | Molly | X

    Birchnose | 51 moons | Molly | X
    Briarwhisker | 48 moons | Molly | X


    Dippercloud | 153 moons | Molly | X
Ally Clans:
Caveclan | tauriel.
Dawnclan | stranger danger
Swallowclan | Arya22
Thicketclan | Emberwisp

Enemy Clans
Leafclan | zephyrine

North | Mapleclan
Northeast | Frostclan
East | open
Southeast | Leafclan
South | Caveclan
Southwest | Gustclan
West | Verglasclan

Medicine Store
Alder bark | x1
Beech leaves | x1
Bindweed | x1
Blackberry leaves | x1
Borage | x1
Broom | x1
Catchweed | x1
Catmint | x2
Celandine | x1
Coltsfoot | x1
Comfrey root | x2
Goldenrod | x1
Fennel | x1
Feverfew | x1
Heather nectar | x1
Juniper berries | x1
Lamb's ear | x1
Lavender | x1
Lavage | x1
Mouse bile | x1
Poppy seeds | x3
Ragwort | x1
Raspberry leaves | x1
Sorrel | x1
Wild garlic | x1

Fresh-Kill Pile
Bird | x0 | 3 servings
Fish (large) | x0 | 3 servings
Hare | x3 | 3 servings
Mouse | x2 | 1 serving
Shrew | x3 | 1 serving
Squirrel | x3 | 2 servings
Stoat | x7 | 2 servings

Mentors and Apprentices
Adderstream | Badgerpaw | 4 | climbing, hunting, fighting,
Applenose | Dawnpaw | 2 | hunting, climbing
Boulderpelt | Neritepaw | 2 | hunting, climbing
Gingerstorm | Fritillarypaw | 4 | climbing, hunting, fighting,

Deceased Cats
Minkstar | Tom | f. Cherryclan | old age
Dawnstorm | Tom | 39 moons | badger attack
Grayfur | Molly | 119 moons | badger attack
Acornstream | Tom | 47 moons | infection
Bramblebush | Tom | 140 moons | f. Lunarclan | infection
Crowcloud | Tom | 51 moons | fire
Egretstep | Tom | 40 moons | fire
Fleckstorm | Molly | 36 moons | fire
Alderclaw | Tom | 52 moons | f. Streamclan | drowning
Falconflower | Molly | 51 moons | f. Aspenclan | drowning

Birchnose <3 Alderclaw
Briarwhisker <3 Daisywhisker
Duckpelt <3 Acornstream
Mila <3 Palefur
Snowfoot <3 Dawnstorm

??? + ??? = Daisywhisker, Dandeliontail, Dawnstorm
Duckpelt + Acornstream = Adderstream, Barleystream, Boulderpelt,
Snowfoot + Dawnstorm = Bramblingwhisker, Brightfang, Patchcloud,
Fleckstorm + ??? = Gannetstorm, Kestrelclaw, Smokefur
Shellfur + ??? = Fritillarypaw
??? + ??? = Dawnpaw, Neritepaw
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Clayclan | 04

Postby hazilnut » Sat Dec 02, 2017 2:12 pm

numвer σf catѕ: 4
ѕervingѕ neded: 2
neхt moonpool viѕit:

Branches creaked under Resinstar's weight as the young tom heaved himself higher and higher. By the time he had reached his canopy perch, the cats milling about the camp below were little more than mice. He panted, but from exhilaration rather than exhaustion. Resinstar was far from tired. Perhaps a little dizzy and more than a tinge unnerved by just how far he had climbed and how the curling grey branches had complained as he stepped on them, but the view that greeted his amber eyes was worth it. A great deal of Clayclan's, admittedly small by some clan's standards, territory was visible to him and a delighted purr rose in the tom's chest as he discovered that he could recognize little landmarks. There were the copse of oaks that marked the border between his territory and Jinxclan's. There was the river bend beyond which lay Soulclan and Leafclan. And there was- wait, Resinstar had never seen that boulder before. The leader inched forwards along the branch, craning his neck to try and get a better look at the moss-covered mass in the middle of the beech forest. He should have remembered stumbling across a rock that large- he would never have been able to resist summiting it. A part of him itched to explore it right then and there. To launch from the branch and land upon the boulder's crown. From where he stood it seemed only a paw-width away, he could make it. Thankfully as the limb groaned beneath him a more sensible side of Resinstar took control and instead of pulling a very foolish, and as Claywhistle would say, a very Frostsong move, the tom inched back to the crook of the branch and settled down.

"You don't need to be up here you know. The clan is only four cats, you can address them from the ground. That's what my mom always did." Claywhistle, who had seemingly materialized besides Resinstar, sounded wistful. Resinstar was so used to his friend popping up in the oddest of places that he didn't even startle. "I know," the orange tabby protested, but in truth he had nearly forgotten his reason in climbing the tallest beech in the Clayclan camp. "Just thought I'd take a leaf out of somebody else's book." A grin met Resinstar's pun and teasing mew. "Branch out you mean?" "Exactly." The two toms sank into companionable silence. Resinstar turned his attention away from the territory and instead to the cats who dwelled within it. Through the thinning canopy of Leaffall, the leader could see Gustpond tutoring his apprentice. They seemed happy and relaxed, batting at falling leaves and plowing through piles of dead foliage. Resinstar was glad, when Mottledpaw had first joined up he had been concerned over how she would settle in. She had been distraught upon learning that this was Clayclan and that the Beechclan she had grown up bordering no longer existed; falling clans were becoming a staple in the young apprentice's life. Thankfully Gustpond had been there. The tom seemed to understand exactly what the shecat needed- maybe it was because Stormripple and Flaxpool were family. In any case, Resinstar was glad for their relationship. And then there was Driftstep. The medicine cat was by her den, deep in conversation with the air besides her as she sorted. She appeared concerned, but then again she always did. Resinstar couldn't remember a moment when the shecat wasn't looking over her shoulder, but maybe she would calm down with time. The leader couldn't help the sense of pride mixed with apprehension that welled up in his chest. Maybe their clan was little and odd and a little broken but with time it would grow into something beautiful, and Resinstar couldn't wait to see that. He straightened his shoulders and padded forwards, the proper words springing to life on his tongue. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather under the Hightree..."

Resinstar asks Starclan for a warrior
Gustpond and Mottledpaw train
Driftstep looks for herbs
The clan consumes 1 squirrel

        Resinstar | 31 moons | Tom |
        Lives: ★★★★★★★★★


        medicine cat:
        Driftstep | 25 moons | Shecat |

        Gustpond | 44 moons | Tom |

        Mottledpaw | 11 moons | Shecat |



              ally clanѕ:
              Clan Name | Username

              enemy clanѕ:
              Clan Name | Username

              North | Jinxclan | vampiress_fox
              East | - | -
              West | Soulclan | krazykitty00
              South | Leafclan | zephyrine

              medicine ѕtore:
              Burnet | traveling herb, stops bleeding- 1
              Chamomile | traveling herb, soothes spirit- 1
              Daisy leaf | traveling herb, eases joints- 1
              Dock | soothes scratches & paw pads- 1
              Feverfew | reduces temp, heals headaches- 1
              Poppy seeds | soothes shock, aids sleep- 1
              Catchweed | sticks poultices- 1
              Borage | aids in milk production & fevers- 1
              Raspberry leaf | stops pain & bleeding- 1

              freѕh-kill pile:
              Minnows | x1 | 1 serving
              Small fish | x0 | 2 servings
              Water fowl | x1 | 3 servings
              Voles | x0 | 1 serving
              Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
              Shrews | x0 | 1 serving

              Gustpond | Mottledpaw | 1 | hunting

              Cat Name | Cause of Death

              Claywhistle | Tom | Resinstar |
              Sorrelstar | Shecat | Driftstep |
              Stormripple | Tom | Gustpond |
              Flaxpool | Shecat | Mottledpaw |

              Al + Minnie = Steel, Hammer, Resinstar
              Dove + Melinda = Driftstep
              Port + Siren = Gustpond, Bise, Mistral
              Leaf + Tansy = Mushroom, Mottledpaw
Last edited by hazilnut on Thu Jul 12, 2018 11:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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p e b b l e c l a n ;; starting off

Postby Lady Masquerade » Sat Dec 02, 2017 2:24 pm

P e b b l e c l a n

The Body
PebbleClan is made up of sleek furred and quiet moving cats that have an unmatched amount of faith in StarClan. The majority of the cats are built small, with thin fur that doesn't weigh them down when running, climbing, or swimming. Like their name suggests, PebbleClan cats are advantageous in situations that involve water, as their power while in it can be compared to a pebble forcefully bouncing over the surface of a lake or river, fighting against the water's desire to pull it under. Their size also makes them good runners and hunters, but the cats of PebbleClan sometimes struggle when it comes to brute strength, making it harder for them to fight off enemy cats or aggressive animals.

The Heart
PebbleClan's territory is made up of several streams, with the camp situated in the very middle of it all. In order to reach it, one would have to be a strong swimmer or be aware of the specific stones to use when crossing over, something all cats in PebbleClan are taught. The camp is surrounded by a ring-shaped body of water, with tall reeds growing along it to act as protection from anyone who might be trying to peak inside. The reeds are enforced by small "walls" around a foot high, constructed by many stacked pebbles. Cats who are unfamiliar with PebbleClan's camp would only see the outer reeds, and after walking through them would knock over the pebble wall, alerting the Clan of their presence. Many of the dens are made of large creations of branches, with the Leader's den being an abandoned beaver den that got partially wrecked and washed up on the shore. It is a mass of sturdy branches that the Leader sleeps in and also uses to stand on top of during announcements and ceremonies. This building system was eventually recreated as best as it could be by the cats in order to create other study dens for the rest of the cats. The Fresh Kill Pile is mainly composed of fish and birds, with occasional catches of frogs, mice, and voles.

The Soul
PebbleClan has a strong sense of faith in StarClan, and makes sure each decision made is one that will please their warrior ancestors. Visits to the Moonpool are one of the highest honors, and getting to be the Medicine Cat is a rank that is sometimes appreciated more than being the leader of the clan. PebbleClan will never attack another clan if the night sky is cloudy or starless, as it would show StarClan is not on their side. Stars are also an honored tradition for when a clan cat passes away. After the body is buried, Pebbleclan will gather near the center of the camp and gaze up at the stars, waiting to see a shooting star pass. The shooting star symbolizes a warrior's successful travel over into StarClan. Other traditions include using pebbles as a method of voting who the next Deputy will be, as each warrior steps forward and puts their pebble in whichever pile corresponds to the deputy they see most fit. Each cat is given a pebble when they are born, with distinct claw marks made in the center to show your rank. No claw marks represents you are a kit, one claw mark represents being an apprentice, two being a warrior, three being a deputy, four being a medicine cat, and five (the claw mark is a diagonal slash through all other marks) representing being a leader. When a cat dies, their pebble is added to the pebble wall that surrounds the camp so that they can protect their clanmates while in StarClan.

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Glacierclan [3]

Postby Nova-Moshi » Sat Dec 02, 2017 5:16 pm


Number of Cats:2
||Moonpool Visit: December 8||

Lynxstar returned to her camp to see Skystem waling into the badger den, a few herbs dangling from her mouth. She followed her medicine cat in after placing down the bird and mouse she had caught and watched her sort the plants, admiring how collected the place seemed already.
"Wow, this place looks a lot better than when I first found it!" she rubbed her tail along Skystem's spine as the younger cat purred.
"Thank you Lynxstar, I plan to keep it this tidy in the future," she picked up the chervil from the floor an placed it with the other in an old hole. "Also, I have smelled some scents along our borders while I found the herbs."
Lynxstar tilted her head, "What kind of scents? Prey or predator?" She wasn't expecting anything to come by them so soon, she had planned to go back to the Moonpool later to ask Starclan for more cats. If there were going to be invaders this soon however...
Skystem walked out of the cave, smelling the air, "They were definitely cat, although I smelled no trace of blood on them. Perhaps We could go check it out, they might want to join our clan!" The she-cat jumped a little in the air in excitement, and Lynxstar was relieved she wasn't worried.
"I think you can handle such a task alone, I must return to the Moonpool and speak to our ancestors. Do you think you can handle it?" Lynxstar trusted Skystem to not break into a senseless fight with some rouges, and if it meant more cats for their clan there was no reason to not investigate. It would get quite lonely soon without more company.
Skystem's eyes lit up as she nodded, "Yes! I'll gladly go see who's here. And report back to you when you return with or without a cat!" Skystem waddled out of camp in such a hurry Lynxstar couldn't even wish her good luck. The leader chuckled to herself and prayed to Starclan for an easy interaction. She was determined to get more cats to add to their clan, the sooner they started up their family the better.

[Skystem goes to check out the cat smells by the border. Lynxstar travels to the Moonpool to ask for a deputy.]
[They consume two servings of bird]

          Lynxstar | 36 Moons | Female | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Skystem | 34 Moons | Female | X

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Statistics wrote:Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Phoenixclan | OrigamiVulpix
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Catmint ×2| Cures Greencough and Whitecough
    Chervil ×2| For infected wounds, bellyaches respectively, and during kitting
    Comfrey Root | Repairs broken bones, soothes wounds [etc]
    Goldenrod | Heals wounds
    Feverfew | Reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills, also used for headaches and aches

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Bird| x1 | 3 servings
    Mouse | x1 | 1 servings
    Hares | x0 |
    Fish | x0 |
    Beaver | x0 |
    Stoat | x0 |

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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