Create A Clan- V.3

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Arya22 » Thu Aug 24, 2017 9:02 am

Number of Cats: 26
(12 Mollies 14 Toms)

It was after everyone had come back from patrols and training that Honeyear called Hopstripe to come see him. "yes?" she asked after they had moved away. She knew what it was about. "you will do it tonight." Hopstripe froze for a second, then nodded slowly. "Alright..." she gulped. She was worried... But not worried about killing the deputy. Worried about disappointing Honeyear. Honeyear smiled. "Great. Just remember, nothing that happens must trace back to us." he spoke sternly despite his smiling face. Hopstripe nodded, looking tense. Honeyear looked at her for a second. Strangely, he had come to care about the young warrior, a little like a younger sister or daughter. She was always so excited, so happy to do what he wanted. Honeyear found himself wishing everything would go well for her. "Honeyear?" Hopstripe asked, having perfectly well noticed he was deep in thoughts. Honeyear shook himself. "Hm? Oh, let's train a little more." he said. Hopstripe was confused, but she nodded and got ready to train.

Leafstrike and Ravenfeather chatted happily as they walked back to camp after their hunting patrol. "it feels so great to be back! My hunting and fighting skills have gone down though, I need to practice." Ravenfeather was saying. Leafstrike nodded. "I noticed. It's true you didn't get much chance to practice in the last, what, eight moons?" he replied. Ravenfeather nodded. "yes. Eight moons... Our kits grew up so quickly didn't they?" she purred. Leafstrike smiled and nuzzled her gently. "I know. Before we know it, they'll be warriors, in our footsteps." Ravenfeather smiled. "yes. I'm glad Smokewhisker and Barleystorm are their mentors, they are good warriors." Ravenfeather agreed. Leafstrike nodded. "not as good as you though." he smiled cheekily. Ravenfeather laughed. "not right now. My reflexes are a lot slower than usual!" she protested. Leafstrike shrugged. "we can train a little if you like, tonight." Ravenfeather smiled. She could see the camp ahead. "Alright!" she agreed.

Whisperleap had managed to drag herself from the nursery and was now lying in the sun, watching the apprentices play with a happy smile. One day, her own kits would be doing that... Mikestep went up to her. "Whisperleap, you should be careful. You are so close to having your kits!" he said, coming closer. Whisperleap laughed. "oh come on Mikestep, I'll be fine. I'm careful, don't worry!" she told him playfully. Mikestep sighed. Since Whisperleap was expecting, he had become worried for her. A bit too much, in Whisperleap's taste. "I know, but..." Mikestep laid down beside her and nuzzled her. "I just don't want anything to happen." he murmured. Whisperleap licked him on the head. "I'll be fine." she repeated. Then they simply sat calmly, watching the kits with bright, happy eyes.

Fawnthroat watched Whisperleap and Mikestep, her eyes filling with tears. But she blinked them away suddenly. She should be used to having lost Brackenheart by now, shouldn't she? She sighed heavily. Some wounds never healed, even for her, who knew all possible herbs. She heard a noise behind her and jumped. "are you alright?" it was Freckleface. He sounded a little worried. Fawnthroat blinked a little more to make sure no tears were left. "yes, yes." she said, but her voice broke. Freckleface sighed. "no you're not..." he looked in the direction she was looking in and sighed. "it's because of what happened in Waveclan, isn't it?" he asked quietly. They rarely referred to what had happened with the actual words. Just... What happened. Fawnthroat forced a smile. "yes. I miss Brackenheart." she knew he was probably dead, killed by a fox or a badger. She was very lucky to have survived. Freckleface smiled sadly. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry, mum." he spoke softly. Fawnthroat felt tears rise even more and she nuzzled him. "oh, don't be! I love you, Freckleface. I loved you since you were born, even when I had to leave." she murmured. Freckleface smiled and nuzzled her back. "thank you." he whispered back.

Dark slowly fell, until Hopstripe knew it was time. The apprentices had gone to their den, and the camp was mostly silent except for a few groups of cats talking together. Hopstripe knew exactly where Ravenfeather was. In a corner of camp, practicing with Leafstrike. And she also knew how to get her away from there. She walked there, looking worried. "Ravenfeather!" she said as she came closer. Ravenfeather stopped training and looked at her. "What's wrong?" the deputy asked. Hopstripe seemed to hesitate, looking at Leafstrike. "Ravenfeather, I need to speak to you privately." she whispered, making herself sound very worried. Ravenfeather frowned. This sounded serious. "Alright, come on then." she sighed. "Leafstrike, don't wait for me!" she told her mate. And, with a twitch of the tail to tell Hopstripe to follow, she started walking towards the edge of camp. They walked for a few minutes, and left camp in direction of the river. It's roar grew steadily louder as the two mollies came closer, finally hidden from anyone at camp. Since Ravenfeather was still facing away from her, Hopstripe took a deep breath... And launched herself on the deputies back, claws out.

"hey!" Ravenfeather shouted, stumbling to the ground. She hadn't been expecting that, and was shaken. Instantly, Hopstripe jumped off and started scratching at the deputies face, hoping to get to the neck. But Ravenfeather had moons of training behind her, and with a mighty push of her hind legs got Hopstripe off. Both sprung to their feet and faced each other, Hopstripe hissing. "Hopstripe, why are you doing this?" Ravenfeather asked. She didn't want to kill the young warrior, and if she could try to make her stop... "Because." Hopstripe growled, watching for an opening. Ravenfeather seemed confused. "are you doing this just for fun? Because one day-" she stopped talking as Hopstripe launched herself at her again. Ravenfeather only parried, never attacked. But she was slowly being driven back. She got closer to the river, slowly... Behind her, the roar of the river got louder. There had been a huge Greenleaf storm the previous day and the river now threatened to leave it's banks. A sudden yowl from Hopstripe made Ravenfeather flinch, and that millisecond of inattention let Hopstripe rush forward, and with her jaws grab Ravenfeather throat. Ravenfeather stumbled back. She couldn't breathe! She shook herself, bu the young warrior's grip on her throat was tight and relentless. Ravenfeather felt her will weaken as blood streamed from the large wound on her throat, and the deputy fell to the ground. Black started creeping over her vision, she barely moved now... She knew she would not survive, even if Fawnthroat somehow ran to her and helped her. It was too late. But in a last show of strength, Ravenfeather gathered her hind legs to Hopstripe's stomach, and with a mighty heave pushed her off. Yowling, Hopstripe fell back and disappeared into the river's roaring waters. Ravenfeather only had time to see her murderer's head disappear under the water before black closed in and she fell limp.

Hopstripe felt the deputies heave make her lose her grip, and she flew into the air. She fell into the river with a splash, the force of the fall making her go under for a second. She swum up, air making itself rare. As her head finally broke through the surface, she looked around. She was so far already! Hopstripe could just make out two cats walking towards Ravenfeather. Who were they? But another wave pushed her under and she couldn't see any more. The current continued carrying her downstream, and Hopstripe became weaker. She couldn't get up to breathe enough, stars started dancing across her vision. She was pushed under once more and her head hit a sharp rock. Her vision flickered then went out, and Hopstripe's limp body continued to be carried down the river.

Night had truly fallen now, and everyone was asleep. Except for Leafstrike. He was pacing the warrior's den, worried. Why wasn't Ravenfeather back yet? And Hopstripe? He let out a growl of frustration, which made Smokewhisker look up sleepily. "Leafstrike? What's wrong?" he asked. Leafstrike sighed. "Ravenfeather still isn't back, neither is Hopstripe. I'm worried for them..." he told his friend. Smokewhisker stood. "That doesn't sound good... What about we go search for them?" Leafstrike hesitated. "Alright... But let's tell someone where we're going." he said. Smokewhisker nodded. He walked over to Sycamorewhisker. "Sycamorewhisker?" he called gently to the sleeping tom. The warrior groaned quietly, but woke. "What's wrong?" he mumbled sleepily. "Leafstrike and me are going out to search for Ravenfeather and Hopstripe. We just wanted someone to know." Smokewhisker whispered. Sycamorewhisker nodded, and promptly fell asleep again. Smokewhisker looked back at Leafstrike. "We can go now." the two toms slunk out of the warrior's den silently. Leafstrike remembered which way his mate had gone, and led Smokewhisker that way.

It was dark as they walked, but a faint moonlight allowed them to see around. Smokewhisker and Leafstrike approached the river, which was the closest guess the two had as to where the two mollies might have gone. In Leafstrike's heart, dread started to grow. Why weren't they there? "There!" Smokewhisker suddenly said. Leafstrike looked around, his heart pounding. It was true, two figures could be seen by the river edge! But as they came close, Leafstrike instantly realized that Ravenfeather wasn't there. None had her distinctive shape. In fact, it was two unknown cats that greeted them. They were both drenched. "Hello!" Smokewhisker called. "Who are you?" despite his greeting, he sounded tense. "Smokebreath and Fogspark!" one said. But he too sounded tense. Scared, even. Leafstrike instantly picked that up. "What's wrong?" he snapped. "No-Nothing..." the other said, but it was obvious she was lying. Leafstrike didn't want to be patient. "what do you know?" he asked loudly. The cats looked away. Smokewhisker, sensing his friend was worried, put his tail on his back. "calm down." he murmured. "you are in Swallowclan territory. Why did you come?" he asked more loudly to the cats. "we had enough of our clan... We left and decided to come here." the male, Smokebreath, answered. Smokewhisker nodded. "our clan is behind us. Go and wake someone." Smokewhisker told the two. They nodded and rushed off, water dripping off them. "but Smokewhisker, why did you do that?" Leafstrike asked suddenly. "now let's just follow their scent." the two strangers hesitant answers had made Leafstrike be even more scared, and he followed Smokewhisker quickly.

They followed Smokebreath and Fogspark's scents, but soon another scent joined it. That of blood. Leafstrike was running now. Now he saw something on the ground. A still body. A cat, with long, black fur, matted with blood. "Ravenfeather!" he yelled, and ran to his mate. Tears ran down his face. No, it couldn't be! No. She couldn't be... Dead? Smokewhisker hung back. Leafstrike buried his face into Ravenfeather's fur. She was cold already. "Noo!!" he yowled, all the grief and pain obvious in his voice. "No..." he sobbed, falling to the ground by her. His eyes closed. "What happened?" he murmured. Suddenly he tensed. He felt something... I'm sorry. It was just a whisper, a gentle touch. But it was enough to make Leafstrike's heart break into a million pieces again. "Ravenfeather..." he sobbed. Smokewhisker stood back, tears filling his eyes. The deputy had been so nice to everyone... He would miss her terribly.

But suddenly Smokewhisker noticed something. "Leafstrike... Where is Hopstripe?" he asked quietly. He didn't want to disturb his friend now, but this was important. Leafstrike looked up. "I... I don't know." he voice broke. Smokewhisker turned around Ravenfeather's body. There... Hopstripe's scent ended by the water! She must have fallen in... "Leafstrike! I think Hopstripe fell in the water." Smokewhisker didn't know what to do. "go back to camp, and get help. I'll go see if I can find Hopstripe." Leafstrike seemed reluctant to leave his mate, but he understood how important this was. "Alright." he said, his voice broken. Both cats split up, Leafstrike going back to camp and Smokewhisker following the river down.

Leafstrike ran into camp, and saw that a few cats were awake. Smokebreath and Fogspark, but also Sycamorewhisker, as well as Spiderstar. "Leafstrike!" Sycamorewhisker called in relief upon seeing him. But Leafstrike's expression soon made him look worried. "what's wrong?" "Ravenfeather." Leafstrike gasped, the grief on his face evident. "she's-" the cats gasped. No... But Spiderstar got moving quickly. "Sycamorewhisker, go wake Fawnthroat. You two, go inside the warriors den. Leafstrike, wake Honeyear and Moonshadow." Sycamorewhisker rushed off while Leafstrike entered the warriors den and did so. Soon cats began to gather. "Spiderstar, Smokewhisker has gone to look for Hopstripe, who probably fell into the river. I think Fawnthroat should go that way..." Leafstrike told his leader. Spiderstar nodded. "Fawnthroat, go with Moonshadow and Sycamorewhisker. Leafstrike, you must show us where Ravenfeather is." Leafstrike gulped. He didn't want to... But he nodded anyway. "yes, Spiderstar." he murmured. Everyone got moving and the camp was soon silent.

"Hopstripe!" Smokewhisker exclaimed as he saw the young warrior lie limp by the edge of the river. His heart was beating hard. Was she dead, too? He ran closer. It didn't seem like she was breathing... Smokewhisker crouched by her, and suddenly felt a big weight seemed to drop from his shoulders. Hopstripe's chest rose and fell, very slightly. So she was alive. Smokewhisker looked around. What could he do? He needed to wait and hope Leafstrike had gotten the message through alright. It took only a few minutes, during which Smokewhisker watched Hopstripe with a worried look, for Fawnthroat, Moonshadow and Sycamorewhisker to arrive. "What happened?" Fawnthroat asked loudly, running to them. "I don't know... She's unconscious, but alive." Smokewhisker told the medicine cat. Fawnthroat nodded. "I need to take her to the medicine den. I can't help her enough here." The other cats nodded and together started carefully carrying the unconscious Hopstripe towards camp.

~the next day~

Barely any of the warriors had slept that night, and as the sun rose many looked at it with bleary eyes. Leafstrike had pushed himself through the night, and as his saw his kits leave the apprentice den his heart squeezed. He couldn't tell them! But he didn't need to, as they soon saw their mothers limp body in the center of camp. Ferretpaw and Fuzzypaw ran forward. "mum?" Fuzzypaw asked in a weak voice. She looked up at her father. "Dad? What's wrong with mum?" she asked, her voice shaking. Inside, Fuzzypaw knew what was wrong. Ferretpaw was frozen, his eyes on his mother's closed eyes. "I'm sorry, Fuzzypaw. Ferretpaw." Leafstrike whispered. He slowly came closer, but Fuzzypaw turned away. "What happened? Why did she die?" her high-pitched voice rose over the mostly silent clan. "Why didn't you do anything about it?" Tears rolled down her face. Leafstrike felt tears rise for the thousands time that day. "I wish she hadn't! But I-" he looked away. "I couldn't save her." he chocked out. He watched Fuzzypaw run away, but Ferretpaw still hadn't moved. Tears still ran down his face. "I loved you, mum." he chocked out, then ran away in direction of his sister.

At some point, Spiderstar knew it was time to make the announcement. Everyone had seen what had happened, but it hadn't been made official just yet. He jumped onto the high rock. "May all cats able to catch their own prey gather beneath this rock!" he yowled. The clan slowly gathered, although a few were missing. Ravenfeather, of course. Fawnthroat had stayed by Hopstripe, who had only briefly woken during the night. Whisperleap was too close to kitting to come out, and Ferretpaw and Fuzzypaw still hadn't come back. "As you all know, our deputy, Ravenfeather, has died yesterday... Has been murdered." Spiderstar hated to have to say that, but it was true. Fawnthroat had confirmed it to them, Ravenfeather had died of a wound to the throat. "That means I need to choose a new deputy..." Spiderstar looked around. One cat had often helped him, had a good leadership and was serious at work. "Honeyear, please step forward." Honeyear barely disguised his smile as he did. "May Starclan approve my choice, of choosing Honeyear as my next deputy." the camp was silent. No-one felt like cheering, not now.

"Honeyear, please give out patrols." Spiderstar said, jumping down. Just then, there was a cry from the nursery. Mikestep paled and started running to it. What was wrong with Whisperleap? But he saw Fawnthroat hurry from the medicine den too, and stopped. It was time! So he went back to the high rock and listened to Honeyear give out patrols, his heart beating. Despite knowing what was happening, he was worried for his mate. "Barleystorm, Barkknot, Moonshadow, Brambleburr, Freckleface and me will go on a hunting patrol." Honeyear decided, looking around. "For the others, rest." he knew everyone would be tired, and even though he wanted to, he knew he should wait before making them work. The cats he had chosen were the ones that had gotten some sleep the previous night, and were maybe the least affected by what had happened. "If you all know what you should be doing, let's go." he said, and started looked around for his companions to join him. Cats streamed back to their dens and the camp was soon silent, except for Whisperleap's cries of pain.

(Ravenfeather has been murdered by Hopstripe! Honeyear has become the new deputy of Swallowclan
Hopstripe almost drowned! She also hit her head on a sharp rock
Whisperleap is kitting!
Ashpaw and Fawnthroat are helping Whisperleap
Spiderstar going to the moonpool to tell Starclan of his decision to make Honeyear deputy
Barleystorm, Honeyear, Barkknot, Moonshadow, Brambleburr and Freckleface hunting patrol
Rest of the clan mourning
Fogspark and Smokebreath have joined Swallowclan!)

          Spiderstar | 71 moons | Male | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Honeyear | 53 moons | Male | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Fawnthroat | 74 moons | Female | X

          Medicine Cat apprentice:
          Ashpaw | 11 moons | Female | X

          Leafstrike | 59 moons | Male | X
          Moonshadow | 53 moons | Female | X
          Smokewhisker | 35 moons | Male | X
          Barkknot | 55 moons | Male | X
          Mikestep | 22 moons | Male | X
          Freckleface | 45 moons | Male | X
          Hopstripe | 22 moons| Female | X
          Barleystorm | 45 moons | Female | X
          Sycamorewhisker | 48 moons | Male | X
          Brambleburr| 48 moons | Female | X
          Beetlewing | 14 moons | Male | X
          Specklefang | 14 moons | Female | X
          Sandpelt | 18 moons | Male | X
          Smokebreath | 37 moons | Male | X
          Fogspark | 37 moons | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Pebblepaw | 10 moons | Male | X
          Firepaw | 9 moons | Male | X
          Ferretpaw | 7 moons | Male | X
          Fuzzypaw | 7 moons | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Wheatfur | 56 moons | Female | X
          Whisperleap | 21 moons | Female | X (kitting!!)
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Fauna | 175 moons | Female | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Ally Clans:
    Mapleclan | purrfect
    Lotusclan | wolfie
    Quarzclan | Sunnymcsun
    Blueclan | miss universe
    Boulderclan | shasta blue
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North: Clan name | Owner
    East: Clan name | Owner
    South: Clan name | Owner
    West: Sorrelclan | Skygold

    Medicine Store
    Borage leaves | It produces more and better milk. It also brings down fevers. | x1
    Catmint | Best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare. Can also be used for whitecough.| x2
    Cobwebs | To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding. It may also be used to bind broken bones.| x1
    Feverfew | Reduces body temperature for cats with fever or chills. Also heals aches and pains, especially good for headaches.| x0
    Poppy seeds | They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain. Not recommended for nursing queens.| x1
    Alder bark | cures toothache. | x1
    Lavender | Cures fever and chills. Also used to hide the scent of death. | x2
    Hawkweed | Like catmint, can be used for greencough| x1
    Bindweed | Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place. | x1
    Broom | It is used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds. | x1
    Dandelion | Eases breathing or kitten-cough, as well as cracked or sore pads. | x0
    Chervil | For infected wounds and bellyache, respectively. Can also be used during kitting. | x0
    Thyme | Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.| x1
    Dock | Soothes scratches, though can sting when being applied. Soothes sore pads. If placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds.| x1
    Lungwort | Cures yellowcough. | x1
    Marigold | Stops infection. Stops bleeding. Used for inflammation of stiff joints. | x2
    Ivy leaves | Used to carry and store other herbs. | x1
    Name | Effect | x?

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    (5 servings per post)
    Mice | x4 | 4 servings (used up)
    Vole | x3 | 3 servings
    Small fish | x2 | 4 servings
    Big fish | x0 | 0 servings
    Bird | x1 | 1 servings (used up)
    Rabbit | x2 | 4 servings
    Total: 11 servings left over/ 2 posts

    Sycamorewhisker| Pebblepaw| 4: fighting, hunting, climbing, swimming
    Fawnthroat| Ashpaw| 3: Finding plants in the forest, Plants against illnesses, Plants against wounds
    Honeyear | Firepaw | 3: Fighting, hunting, climbing
    Smokewhisker | Fuzzypaw | 1: climbing
    Barleystorm | Ferretpaw | 1: climbing
    Mentor | Apprentice | no. of training sessions: which training sessions

    Deceased Cats:
    Ravenfeather | 58 moons | Female | Murdered by Hopstripe | X
    Cat Name | Cat age at death | Gender | Cause of Death | [url=link]X[/url]

    Leafstrike and Ravenfeather
    Barkknot and Wheatfur
    Barleystorm and Sycamorewhisker
    Whisperleap and Mikestep
    Name and Name

    Honeyear -> Brambleburr
    Name ->/<-> Name

    Wheatfur+???= Firepaw
    Silvershade+Badgerclaw (Both Thicketclan)= Beetlewing, Specklefang
    Ravenfeather+Leafstrike= Ferretpaw, Fuzzypaw
    Fawnthroat+Brackenheart (Waveclan)= Freckleface
    Barleystorm+Sycamorewhisker= Sandpelt
    ???+??? (Ivyclan) = Fogspark, Smokebreath
Bookworm | she/her | bi & demisexual
I am Arya22 and I'm a female who likes reading
Pm me to chat about anything at all!
Signature coded by Amburned. Thank you!!
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Katrione » Thu Aug 24, 2017 12:31 pm

It's finally Greenleaf! The air has started to heat up and the flood waters had receded back to a level safe for young cats to go near again. Kittings are still easier than they would be during leaf-fall and leafbare but they won't be as easy as they were during newleaf.
Twolegs and their dogs have been sighted less frequently now that we are further into Greenleaf. The rogue groups however are now pushing on Clan borders more.


roses - ! wrote:
Light watched as her foster mother and father made their way out of camp, but was stopped from following by her mentor.
"You finished your training, Light." He put bluntly. "But, I need you to stay an apprentice until you're old enough, alright? I've finished training you, but you need to stay with your sibling for a little longer in the apprentice den." He ordered.
A normal cat would be very disappointed and would actually be a bit disappointed by this, but she actually really liked all her siblings.
"Alright!" She answered happily.
Light gladly dashed on over to her group of siblings, which seemed somehow much larger every time she hung out with them. Instead, she finally noticed that Magick's kits were in the group chatting as well.
"You know mates right? Who do you think mother will choose for me?" Flint seemed worried, but all their brothers started reassuring their sister quickly.
"Flint, no, you'll get Smoke, he's your dream cat, right? He even asks about you sometimes, he's really interested in you for sure!" Boar comforted, two others chiming in quickly.
"Yeah, I bet he likes you too, you'll be fine!" Leaf added in, Dust nodding with agreement.
"What are you guys talking about? Smoke's so much older, he'll go to Treasure or Ivy for sure." Hawk dead-panned, almost making Light laugh.
"SHHHH, Hawk, don't make her cry!" Boar scolded, yet it was too late. Flint was already sniffling, her tail limp behind her.
"She's right, he doesn't even talk to me anyway, so I'll just stick with getting some random tom..." She complained.
Hawk, however, wasn't done yet. Getting a hiss from the medicine cat apprentice, "You're such a brat, Flint! Just suck it up and deal with it, that's what most of the cats do." Hawk may be blind, but she actually seemed much bigger than most of her siblings, which was a surprise since her lack of official training.
All our brothers seemed to simply just take a step back, including the older kits. "Oh yeah? Hawk, why don't you just suck it up that you're not going to have a mate and that you're not going to ever see in your lifetime? Hm?" She hissed back, her claws coming out.
Newt, Boar, Dust, and Leaf were all sending glares to Flint, obviously angry with her. However, they didn't say anything, knowing protecting Hawk from anything would cause her to be angry.
"You foxheart!" Hawk hissed, pouncing in Flint's direction with her claws out and spitting.
The rest of the clan seemed to simply be ignoring the young apprentice's little argument until now. Goose quickly jumped in, shoving Hawk off from on top of his apprentice. "Of course it's Flint to get herself in a losing fight against the blind healer!" He hissed at Flint, obviously disappointed in her. Blue simply watched from where he was laying calmly, a grin across his face.
"It makes me question why Hawk's even a healer, with that strength over a training apprentice should make her an apprentice as well." He added in the comment, a small laugh, yet he somehow seemed serious.
Light watched Flint carefully, she had a few scratches that were bleeding and Hawk seemed to have no remorse over that. 'She did deserve it though...' The older apprentice thought carefully.
"I don't know what all of you are doing, but get a move on. We're training, without Hawk." Goose said, glancing at Blue with a questioning look. "Going to have to teach them how to really fight." The rest of the mentors came along, leaving the camp as Milk hurried Hawk along to get herbs.
[center][ Newt, Leaf, Dust, Flint, Boar, Crow, Smoke, Ash, Goose, and Oat go training: Battle ]
[ Treasure, Sparrow, Pongo, Bone, Light, and Boar go hunting ]
[ Arrow, Ivy, Magick, Pongo, Oat, and Smoke go on a border patrol ]
[ Milk and Hawk goes herb-hunting ]
[ Scales goes into labor ]
[ Arrow and Bone mate for a second litter ]
[ Magick is relieved of her queen duties ]
[ Hyenaclan ate five servings of hare ]

[ Dust, Boar, Newt, Flint and Leaf learned the Battle skill while training ]
[ Treasure, Sparrow, Pongo, Bone, Light and Boar caught two frogs and a blue gill while hunting ]
[ Arrow, Ivy, Magick, Pongo, Oat and Smoke found a warrior while on patrol ]
[ Milk and Hawk found alder bark, blackberry leaves and catchweed while herb hunting ]
[ Scales gave birth to four kits ]
[ Arrow is expecting kits! They are due in two moons ]


obsceneSymphony wrote:
A semi-urban, semi-wild clan, these cats are used to deftly navigating everything from the woods to the fields of the farms and the streets of the small town that their territory overlays. They know how to use twoleg settlements to their advantage while remaining free, patrolling them at night when the twolegs aren't watching and the kittypets are kept indoors. This does run the risk of some confrontations with territorial strays and barn cats, though thunderpaths, stray and farm dogs, and coyotes are their greatest threats.

However, the most important territory to MudClan is the bay their territory hugs and its salt marshes and mudflats. Their unique relationship to this land is what really sets them apart from other clans, forming a central part of their identity and giving them a security in their territory few other clans enjoy: no invading Clan could live off this land like they do, not without spending many, many moons dangerously learning from scratch what all MudClan cats learn as kits and apprentices. Small fishes trapped in the salt marsh tide pools make scrumptious targets for cats who know how to stalk the marsh without sinking or being entagled in thick cordgass and quick cats can steal a dropped crab from a gull, but the real bounty of the bay comes only a short couple moons each Greenleaf's end. Plovers and sandpipers flood the mudflats to fatten up on the tiny crustaceans therein, and in such great numbers that they could feed a hundred Clans. Of course, the Clan could never and would never catch them all. Aside from the difficulty (mastering stalking these quick little shorebirds is a feat so prided that MudClan apprentices must catch one to take the warrior test, which makes it normal and unstigmatized in MudClan to have a long apprenticeship relative to most Clans), Twolegs watch and love the little birds, swarming around the bay with them carrying all sorts of funny apparatus, so hunting must be timed carefully to avoid their attention. Some shorebirds return in Newleaf, but not in anywhere near the same numbers.

MudClan is descended from a mix of local loners and barn cats and descendents of ex-Clan cats, forming their unique mix of culture and unusual attitude to Twolegplaces and strays. Other Clans may view them as a sort of "Warrior-lite" Clan dishonoring Warrior philosophy with their embrace of urban opportunism, or at least as falling short of the true spirit of the Clans. They distrust them for their perceived closeness with Twolegs and doubt their commitment to the Warrior Code. Some others respect their adaptability and see the variations in Clan life as a natural consequence that will keep Warrior culture alive for many generations even as Twolegs claim more land. Privately, some more devout MudClan warriors may worry their critics are right, feeling uncomfortable with the Clan's proximity to kittypets and its non-warrior ancestry, but particularly with the half-hearted regard a small but alarming minority seem to hold for warrior beliefs and the Code. MudClan is shy of other Clans, knowing they are not as skilled fighters as most, but is neither hostile nor submissive. They want to keep a distance, but respectful relations. They are more concerned with their relations with the strays and barn cats than with other Clans - after all, these cats who live within their territory have much more relevance to their lives than some distant Clan cats they see every half-moon.

Common: dogs, coyotes, raccoons
Uncommon: osprey, hawks, eagles, foxes, hostile cats
Rare: black bears, bobcats, owls

Common: mice (1 serving), very small fish (1 serving)
Uncommon: squirrel (2 servings)
Rare: crab (1 serving), hare (3 servings)
Seasonal: shorebirds (2 servings)

[ Mudclan has been founded ]
[ Your mod will be Heda ]


skywalker, wrote:
Bearstar smiled as Mapleflower and Gullrunner came back into camp with a excited looking female. She was trying to look professional, but he could tell by the way she was bouncing up and down while approaching him, while he was perched on the branches of the Fallen Tree, that she was beyond ecstatic. When Mapleflower and Gullrunner got close enough, he leapt down from the branches, and closed the few feet in front of them by take three steps. He gazed at the small molly for a while, before looking towards Mapleflower. His deputy gestured to the female with her tail before speaking "This is Leopard. We met her on the boarder. She said she smelt our scent everywhere and was curious. We told her about our growing clan, and now she wishes to join." Mapleflower instructed, raising a fuzzy eyebrow at Bearstar as he looked back towards Leopard. The female dipped her head in acknowledgement to Bearstar, and he smiled "I think she will make a wonderful addition to our clan. You look like a skilled hunter. Besides; Mapleflower can't be the only molly around here for forever." He joked, and Mapleflower rolled her eyes, but smiled at Leopard as the females eyes grew wide, and a large grin overcame her features "Oh, thank you so much!" She cheered, bouncing up and down. Then she remembered where she was, and regained herself, dipping her head again "I-I mean.. Thank you…" She paused, and Bearstar laughed "Bearstar" He meowed, and she nodded "Bearstar" She said.

Bearstar suddenly leaped onto one of the higher branches of the tree "May all cats old enough to catch their own prey, join here beneath the Fallen Tree for a clan meeting!" He called, his voice ringing around their camp. Heronstream emerged from the medicine den, moss clinging to his pelt. He shook it off, and padded towards his clan mates, a tired look in his eyes. He and Bearstar had just been out gathering a bunch of herbs to add to his stores, just incase something bad ever happened. Gullrunner and Mapleflower sat down beside Leopard, and said molly glanced around, noticing Heronstream sit down as-well, and sat down herself. Bearstar inhaled "I, Bearstar, leader of Sycamoreclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon this loner. She has come seeking a place in our clan, and wishes to become a warrior in turn." He said, then looked down at Leopard. Mapleflower nudged her gently to her feet, and the female scrambled to her paws in response, looking slightly nervous. He chuckled "Leopard, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and help to defend and protect this clan, even at the cost of your own life?" He asked, and Leopard nodded feverish "Yes!" She called, and he dipped his head "Then, by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. From this moment forward, Leopard shall be known as Leopardeyes. We now welcome you as a full member of Sycamoreclan" He said, before leaping down and resting his chin on her head. She was confused for a second, but Mapleflower whispered "Lick his shoulder, it's respectful" Leopardeyes did just that, and Bearstar backed away, smiling.

Leopardeyes was very excited as Gullrunner, Heronstream and Mapleflower congratulated her, welcoming her to the clan happily.

( Leopardeyes and Heronstream went to look for herbs )
( Gullrunner and Bearstar went hunting )
( Mapleflower went on boarder patrol )
( The clan ate 1 squirrel = 2 servings )

[ Leopardeyes and Heronstream elder leaves and mint while herb hunting ]
[ Gullrunner and Bearstar caught two big fish and a voles while hunting ]
[ Mapleflower found a warrior while on patrol ]


Simonpet wrote:
Forestclan's camp was busy as usual. While several cats--Honeystar, Cherryclaw, Egretstep, and Snowfoot--were resting, Adderstream, Acornstream, and Barleystream were standing guard while the rest of the cats either talked or in the case of the kits, played.

"Can I be the leader?" asked Scorchkit.

"Sure!" exclaimed Gannetkit. "I'll be the deputy. You--Smokekit--be...uhh..."

"Medicine cat?" suggested Smokekit.

"Yeah!" said Gannetkit. "And Kestrelkit, you be the warrior."

"Alright," said Kestrelkit unhappily. She was almost always warrior. But, she thought with a bit of glee, at least she sometimes got to train with the other warriors when they joined in the game! That way, they said, she could claim to be a real warrior.

"And what should I be?" asked Fleckstorm playfully.

"You be a warrior with me!"


In the meantime, Mila, Nour, and Palefur were in a conversation regarding Forestclan life. They had been talking for a while now, as Nour kept asking more and more questions. Palefur had become mildly annoyed at this, but as long as Mila kept calm, he kept his mouth shut too. At least it was interesting, because Nour almost never asked the same question twice and when he did, usually remembered and told them not to answer it again.

Mila stood up suddenly and Palefur jerked his head about too. Bramblebush and Grayfur were about to head out of camp unsupervised. While it didn't sit well with Palefur to constantly supervise elders, he agreed that it was necessary to protect them as well as possible.

"I'll go watch them," Mila said, accent fainter than it had been a moon ago. While she had only been with the clan for a short period of time, her accent had faded surprisingly rapidly, although when she talked slowly, tended to come out more often.

"Alright," said Palefur. "Keep 'em safe."

Mila watched the two elders as they padded through the forest on a nice, leisurely walk. They had insisted on getting out of camp, if only for a while, and were now in an animate conversation about their lives before and after they were taken into Forestclan. She smiled as Grayfur jokingly complained about all the kits and apprentices who wanted stories from her, and Bramblebush replied that he could take some of the pressure off her. The banter continued, with Mila walking quietly beside them.

What was there to say? Greenleaf was coming to an end, and soon the prey would be in hiding. Briarwhisker wished for a moment that Daisywhisker was there with her but knew that he was training his apprentice. She was proud of him and remembered what it was like with an apprentice of her own. This clan had come far. It had come very far.

"Are you alright?" asked Birchnose.

Briarwhisker started, turning her head to the deputy in confusion.

"You seemed...far away for a moment."

"Oh," replied Briarwhisker curtly. "Just...just thinking about the prey situation."

Birchnose gave a small laugh. "More hunters than we need?"

Briarwhisker's whiskers twitched in response. "I guess."

The six warriors padded through the forest. They were not silent as they were talking, but they talked quietly to prevent prey from being scared away and for predators to avoid noticing them.

"What's it like, having grown up in the clan?" Gingerstorm asked Boulderpelt.

Boulderpelt's ears and whiskers twitched as she thought. "Well," she said, "just...kinda...normal. My littermates and I were the only kits in the nursery and the clan was a lot smaller."

Dawnstorm grinned. "Of the warriors, there was Acornstream and his former apprentice, Applenose, Alderclaw, Briarwhisker, Egretstep and Palefur, Snowfoot, their mother, Duckpelt, and me. Almost no one, compared to how large the clan is now."

"How do you remember everyone's name from so long ago?" Alderclaw asked in wonder.

Dawnstorm's tail twitched. "I have a good memory?"

Gingerstorm laughed. "I bet ya do," she said.

"Where did you come from?" asked Falconflower hesitantly.

"Who, me?" asked Dawnstorm. Falconflower nodded. "Well, Daisywhisker--my brother--and I were born into a clowder a while away from this territory. Our mother chased us out like all clowders do, and we just kinda fell apart. I was hunting here and fell out of a tree--on top of Honeystar!"

Aspentail laughed. "How does that...?" he started. "You know what, I can actually believe that."

"Yeah, I'm not the best climber. And then Daisywhisker just pops up a couple of seasons later out of nowhere!"

"Amazing," said Aspentail. "Just...amazing."

"Is that sarcasm?" Boulderpelt whispered to Gingerstorm. All she got was a smile in return.

Oakheart glanced at Hillpaw fondly. She was a good apprentice and would now begin the process of specializing--or continuing to learn as much as possible.

"What're we going to do today, Oakheart?" Hillpaw asked eagerly.

Oakheart chuckled. "Whatever you want to do. Leaffall's coming soon, so this might be your only chance to swim or learn to fish. But you might also want to continue learning tracking skills because we haven't really touched on that."

"Well, isn't a part of hunting tracking?" she asked.

"I guess it is. Or you could get better at hunting, fighting, or climbing. That's also very useful."

"Let me think!" exclaimed Hillpaw. " about..."

Forestclan consumes 7 servings (three shrews, two stoats)
Birchnose and Briarwhisker go hunting
Alderclaw, Aspentail, Boulderpelt, Dawnstorm, Falconflower, and Gingerstorm go on a patrol
Crowcloud and Dustleaf go herb hunting
Hillpaw trains
Bramblingpaw, Brightpaw, Patchpaw, and Tippaw train (fighting)
Fleckstorm and Applenose become mates (no kits)

[ Birchnose and Briarwhisker caught two squirrels and a stoat while hunting ]
[ Alderclaw, Aspentail, Boulderpelt, Dawnstorm, Falconflower and Gingerstorm found an apprentice while on patrol ]
[ Crowcloud and Dustleaf found beech leaves, bindweed and borage leaves while herb hunting ]
[ Hillpaw learned the Stealth skill while training ]
[ Bramblingpaw, Brightpaw, Patchpaw and Tippaw learned the Battle skill while training ]


vampiress_fox wrote:
Jinxstar could sense that things were not right in his clan, and he knew that Wispkit's death was just the start. For such a young kit to leave camp, it was unheard of; although, not impossible. He could not help but think about it as his clan file back into camp, returning from their days duties. He saw that Willowbolt had come back, glad that she that her hunting patrol was successful. She dropped her catch on the pile and looked over at him, somehow sensing that he was uneasy. She frowned at him and trotted over to where he sat.

"What is wrong, my love?" She asked as she sat next to him, her pelt brushing comfortingly against his.

"Jinxclan is in a state of quiet chaos." He said as he watched his clan mill around below him.

He saw that Blackmouth and Serena were talking with a few other cats in a dark corner of camp, but he could not hear what they were saying. They were hunched together and whispering. Brindlethorn watched Trash like a hawk, never letting him far out of his sight. Jinxstar knew that Brindlethorn believed his dad to still be evil, but so far Trash had not done anything to prove that he meant the clan harm. Soon, though, Trash joined Blackmouth and the rest of her group. Jinxstar frowned heavily.

"Jinxstar, I know that you may not like this, but I have been speaking with Rowanpelt, the deputy of Pineclan." Willowbolt started, but was silenced by a flick of Jinxstar's tail.

"I know, you have told him of the plight affecting Jinxclan. I thank you for that. We have a good ally in Pineclan, and we will need their help before this is over. And," Jinxstar cut Willowbolt off again as she tried to speak, "before you say anything more, I know that he is the real father of Velvetrabbit's kits. None of them look even the remotest like Yinpelt, and Cougarpaw and Dirtpaw bare a striking resemblance to Rowanpelt. Hazelpaw as well,
even though she is much lighter, like Velvetrabbit.

Willowbolt gave him an odd look, wondering how he could possibly know all this.

"I am very observant. I have seen you whispering to him at gatherings. I had also seen Velvetrabbit doing the same, and with her many absences from camp, and then the sudden litter. I can put two and two together. I do not care if Jinxclan cats have relationships outside the clan, or if kits result from them. The only thing that I require is that the cats stay loyal to Jinxclan, not matter what, and that the resulting litter are raise loyal to Jinxclan. Family ties mean little to me when it comes to loyalty." Jinxstar explained as he looked fondly at his mate.

Willowbolt just shook her head and smiled at him, "How about we go into your den and talk about this more,
ok? I feel like we are being watched.

Both Jinxstar and Willowbolt looked down at Blackmouth and her group, two of which were staring quiet pointedly at them. Together the two cats left the prying eyes of the clearing, their tails twined and heads close to try to make them think that they were just being sweet little lovebirds.


"Two more moons and all the kits will be apprentices. Another moon after that they will have learned how to fight. It is obvious that the rest of the clan is starting to get suspicious of us, so we will need to start acting soon." Blackmouth said as she looked at the cats gathered around her.

She saw that Serena and Trash were staring at something, and when she saw what she hissed at them harshly, "Do you want to make us any more obvious!"

The two cats looked back at her, Serena hanging her head in disgrace at the fact that she had upset her idol, and Trash just glaring at Blackmouth, indignant that she was ordering him around. He knew that it was suppose to be him leading this group, not her, but he would wait for her to get herself killed in her little coup that she was planning, and then rise up to take the reins of power; then he would dominate this forest.

Blackmouth shook her head and went back to what she was telling the rest of them, her plans going into further detail.


i want to write more, but i have a very bad case of writer's block...

[Blackberry and Ashleaf - herb hunting]
[Trash, Skydapple, Yangfur, Brindelthorn, Blackmouth, Foxpoppy - boarder patrol]
[Jayleap, Flintshade, Cloudscent, Whispersnow, Redwing, Birchfeather - boarder patrol]
[Tigerthorn, Duskwatcher, Dawncloud, Liondawn, Brightmoon, Serena - hunting patrol]
[Mudstrike, Morningleaf, Ripplestorm, Quailfoot, Blueriver, Blossomsong - hunting patrol]
[Jinxstar/Cranepaw, Yinpelt/Cougarpaw, Leopardclaw/Hazelpaw, Barkclaw/Dirtpaw, Frecklesnow/Owlpaw, Cherrywisp/Lemonpaw, Firesoul/Patchpaw, Windstorm/Tawnypaw, Icestripe/Frostpaw, Snowbird/Pigeonpaw, Harmoneyheart/Spiderpaw, Magpie/Whitepaw, Tux/Hawkpaw, Velvetrabbit/Eaglepaw - training]
[Cheetoh, Seraphim, Willowbolt, Bleakpelt, Frostedmuzzle, Fluffyfire, Firefang, Stormcloud, Hollowheart - basic camp maintenance]
[Tanagerpelt - watching Swallowkit, Maplekit, Snowkit]
[Mulberry - watching Nightkit]

[ Blackberry and Ashleaf found winter green, poppy seeds and water hemlock while herb hunting ]
[ Trash, Skydapple, Yangfur, Brindlethorn, Blackmouth and Foxpoppy found a warrior while on patrol ]
[ Jayleap, Flintshade, Cloudscent, Whispersnow, Redwing and Birchfeather found the scent of rogues on their southern border ]
[ Tigerthorn, Duskwatcher, Dawncloud, Liondawn, Brightmoon and Serena caught three snakes while hunting ]
[ Mudstrike, Morningleaf, Ripplestorm, Quailfoot, Blueriver and Blossomsong caught two blackbirds and a thrush while hunting ]
[ Cranepaw learned the Simple Healing skill while training ]
[ Frostpaw learned the Hunting skill while training ]
[ Pigeonpaw learned the Swimming skill while training ]
[ Cougarpaw, Hazelpaw, Dirtpaw, Owlpaw, Lemonpaw, Patchpaw and Tawnypaw learned the Fishing skill while training ]
[ Spiderpaw, Whitepaw, Hawkpaw and Eaglepaw learned the Battle skill while training ]


lost thoughts wrote:
all cats were gathered around the blazing maple, where a new resident lay in it's roots. many cats were crying or deeply saddened, but briarleap was clearly the most devastated. her eyes were red from sobbing the death of her son, and her eyes threatened to shed more tears. foxstar was sitting beside his mate, along with cloverkit on the other side of her, both cats trying to calm the mourning mother's sorrow, to no avail. the remaining member of the small family, acornkit, stood a few steps behind, staring blankly at her brother's grave. a maple leaf held down by a river pebble lay upon the patch of earth, representing the clan, a sage leaf alongside it, representing the grave's owner. the objects had been carefully collected and placed by brightwhisker, fulfilling her role as an elder of the clan. the kit's gaze swept over the assembled cats and stopped on sagekit's, now sagepaw, murderer, littlestep. the warrior had quite the acting skills, but acornkit had seen through the act when she had come racing in camp, calling frantically for help. the black cat had claimed their leader had fallen into a longpaw trap and when the hunter had come collect his catch a few moments later, they had been attacked by a furious sagekit who'd slipped out of camp. the longpaw had apparently roughly shaken the small tom off of them, making his neck snap in a violent clash with a tree. the longpaw had fled after the snarls and hisses of littlestep and she had sped off to camp to get help. everyone belived her, as foxstar didn't remember a thing and sagekit wasn't there to confirm her story, although his neck was. but acornkit's instincts were always right, and that molly just wasn't telling the truth.

smokeleaf goes herb hunting!
cloverkit and acornkit have become apprentices!
magpiepaw and tigerpaw are going training (fighting)!
foxstar, briarleap, vixenbelly, doveflight, whitesong and heronswoop go hunting/patrolling!

foxstar frowned as he saw doveflight lean on her brother, heronswoop, for support as the patrol returned to camp with their catches. was the molly sick? she had been perfectly fine earlier during the day, except during the hunting session. the warrior had been slower and less agile than usual. the leader's hazel eyes inspected the gray tabby until they stopped on her stomach. it was not yet very noticeable, but the ginger tom could see a certain roundness to doveflight's belly. she was pregnant. why hadn't she told him? was she seeing a tom from another clan? the truth struck him as they entered camp. the molly dropped her catches in the fresh-kill pile and rushed to the medicine cat den where smokeleaf's silhouette could be seen through the entrance. foxstar quickly dropped his own prey and tried to keep his anger at bay as he entered the den. the two cats' laughter stopped as their leader came into view. doveflight tried to say something, but the ginger tabby cut her off. "when is she due?" his voice was calm and even, but his face was stern. "in one moon or so." smokeleaf dropped, all the laughter gone from his eyes. he seemed worried and slightly embarrassed, but his mate was standing tall, her eyes sparkling with determination. "i won't punish either of you, but please avoid answering any questions about doveflight's pregnancy before i figure this out." foxstar sighed, his eyes reflecting how puzzled and torn apart he was. "doveflight, i would also like you to move in the nursery." the molly nodded, gladly taking a few moons off to take care of her upcoming kits.

doveflight has been relieved of her warrior duties to take care of her kits.

acornkit was speaking with cloverkit outside the nursery when littlestep approached them. "since you two are going to have quite a lot of training sessions soon, would you like to go see the training clearing?" the black molly purred, her pale eyes reflecting none of the fake sadness she had shown earlier. cloverkit didn't seem to notice though and shook his head apologetically. "i can't leave mother." the warrior nodded to the ginger tom and turned to acornkit. "how about you?" the tortoiseshell looked up at the molly and knew immediately from the smile plastered on her face that she never wanted for cloverkit to tag along. "i'll go. i'm not much help here anyway," acornkit sighed, stretching her legs before exiting camp with littlestep. once they were far enough from camp, the younger molly sat down and stared questioningly at the warrior. "this has nothing to do with the training clearing, we're not even going in the right direction. what did you want to tell me?" something that looked like surprise flashed in the black cat's gaze before her usual calm and cool expression returned. "of course, you're too smart to be fooled, unlike your brother. now, listen closely, as this is very important," littlestep meowed, "the clan is in danger. starclan is turning everyone against each other. they prey on gullible clans like this one and destroy them for fun. your brother, sagekit, was their first victim. he's the one that led your father into that trap." acornkit froze at the molly's revelations. her brother...took some of their father's lives? she shook her in an attempt to clear her mind. "b-but how do you know all of this?" the tortoiseshell stuttered. "i heard him explain the whole thing to foxstar when he was unconscious. he didn't realize i was nearby and before i could stop myself, he was on the ground as well. i'm sorry, but he was definitely not himself anymore. you have to help me, we need to kill all other mad cats before they do anymore damage. you're the only cat i can trust." acornkit looked at the black cat's eyes. they were very clearly distressed and desperate for help. she was not faking her emotions. it was the truth. "okay," the young molly meowed weakly, "i'll help you. but for now, let me think this through." littlestep nodded, and watched acornkit walk slowly back to camp. when she was gone, an evil smile of satisfaction appeared on her face. a sudden voice cut her inner celebration short. "you take joy in confusing kittens and destroying clans? what type of cat are you?" littlestep turned sharply around to spot brightwhisker emerging from the shadow of a tree. by the look on the elder's face, she had heard the whole thing. the smile returned on the warrior's face. "that's none of your business." she muttered menacingly. "i'm sure it will be of foxstar's business when i tell him what you're up to," brightwhisker croaked, heading towards camp. "you will do nothing, old bat!" littlestep snarled, leaping towards the elder, pushing her into a tree so hard a branch broke and fell onto brightwhisker's skull. the warrior bit back a laugh at the sight of the crushed elder. it seemed luck was on her side.

brightwhisker has joined starclan.

[ i hope it's okay if i age tigerpaw/magpiepaw down a little ]

[ Smokeleaf found alder bark and beech leaves while herb hunting ]
[ Cloverkit and Acornkit are now apprentices: Cloverpaw and Acornpaw! ]
[ Magpiepaw and Tigerpaw learned the Battle skill while training ]
[ Foxstar, Briarleap, Vixenbelly, Doveflight, Whitesong and Heronswoop caught two hares and a salmon while hunting ]
[ Foxstar's patrol also found a warrior ]
[ Starclan has a new star among it's skies. Brightwhisker will be well looked after ]


[ Mapleclan ] | [ Soulclan ] | [ Yewclan ] | [ Leafclan ] | [ Hyenaclan ] | [ Cragclan ] | [ Skullclan ] | [ Redclan ]

[ Forestclan ] | [ Gustclan ] | [ Sageclan ] | [ Laurelclan ] | [ Verglasclan ] | [ Fogclan ] | [ Dawnclan ] | [ Briarclan ]

[ Jinxclan ] | [ Groveclan ] | [ Lostclan ] | [ Sycamoreclan ]
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Create A Clan- V.3 [ 009 ]

Postby solyn » Thu Aug 24, 2017 9:16 pm

# of cats; 16 (: 8 / : 8)
servings consumed; 4 servings
next moonpool visit; 13/08 onward

𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕠𝕟 𝕒𝕘𝕠,
Badgerstar came tearing into camp first, followed closely by Dustfang, with Stonepatch lumbering along at the rear. From the mouths of the first two toms dangled two mewling kits, weak and scrawny. The panic in Badgerstar's eyes was discernible as he spotted Goldleaf carrying herbs across the camp, and dashed toward her with an urgency in his step. The ginger molly swung from his mouth like a pendulum, her tabby brother less jostled by Dustfang's practiced care.
"Goldleaf!" The tom yowled, voice muffled by kit scruff. The she-cat startled, before ushering the two into the medicine cat den, where she instructed them to place the kits down together. Instantly, the weak kittens crawled for each other.
"Badgerstar, get out of here," Goldleaf said gruffly, "go and see Acornstream about taking care of the kits once I've got their strength up. Dustfang, get me something from the fresh-kill pile. Something soft, mind you, these kits won't be able to eat tough things just yet." Both toms nodded, before dashing from the den, leaving the she-cat to examine the kits carefully, turning them over with gentle paws to make sure neither were injured.
"What's the verdict?" Asked Dustfang, placing a mouse near the nest for Goldleaf to slice up with her claws, pushing it toward the smaller cats gently, before turning to check her stores. He watched the fluid movement of the fluffy she-cat. Lionheart seemed to hold her in high esteem, and Dustfang liked her spitfire spirit.
"They'll be fine," Goldleaf mewed, "they're just hungry and weak from travel. I think I have some herbs for that around here anyway, and after a meal they'll feel a lot better. A shame about their mother, though."
"Indeed," Dustfang rumbled in agreement, "it was hard on Boulderpaw and Burrpaw losing their mother, but I don't think these kits are old enough to fully comprehend." He curled his tail over his paws, before the corners of his flat mouth twitched upward in amusement. Goldleaf gave him a semi-withering look, her head cocking to the side.
"What's that for?"
"Nothing, just the kits. They look like they could be Ashenstrike and Lionheart's." Goldleaf's stare was flat and unamused, and Dustfang couldn't help a chuckle. She was even grumpier than he was, and even grumpier than he remembered Lionheart to be!
"Lionheart says you're a good cat, but you're as gossipy as the rest," she grumbled.
"Oh please, don't act like you haven't seen it, and aren't just waiting for it to happen like the rest of us," Dustfang snorted, "besides, knowing Lionheart, it's not like their kits are in the near future. I wonder if they're possible at all, considering Lionheart's condition and all that." Goldleaf looked startled, slowly placing down the herbs she'd been holding in her mouth. She shot Dustfang a puzzled expression, wondering what 'condition' he was referring to, and why her friend hadn't told her about it herself.
"Oh, you don't know," the flat-faced tom cleared his throat in embarrassment, "forget I said anything, then. She'll have her reasons for not telling you yet, and a time and a place to tell you, I'm sure of it." His attention wandered back to the kits. "So, what do you think their names are?"


"Well of course, Badgerstar," Acornstream laughed, "Hawkthorn and I would be happy to take them on as our own. They're old enough that it'd be viable for me to have had them before I have this litter. These kits will be none the wiser." She smiled at her pregnant belly, and Badgerstar purred with amusement, forgetting the kits in the medicine den for a moment.
"Have you thought of any names? I personally think you should call one Badgerkit," he joked, making the brown queen laugh as she batted at him with her paw. The molly hadn't had a lot to do with the black tom, but his excitable nature made him easy to get along with. Acornstream enjoyed the energy he brought to the den whenever he came to visit her and Hawkthorn, seemingly more invested in the birth of their kits than she was herself.
"Well, it depends on what they look like," Acornstream replied finally, "but we were thinking of making them bird-themed. Or naming them after trees you could find in the grove. Flowerpaw suggested naming them after flowers." Badgerstar's nose wrinkled as he thought back, before asking;
"Let me guess, Magnoliakit?"
"A mouthful," Acornstream confirmed with another chuckle, perking up as Hawkthorn ducked into the den, "oh, love! Badgerstar has some wonderful news to share with you." She purred as the brown tabby stepped closer to nuzzle her, before curling around his mate and glancing up at his leader with a curious expression. Badgerstar seemed almost bursting with excitement to tell the other tom what he'd just told Acornstream.
"We found some orphaned kits on patrol today," he started, "and although the death of their mother is very tragic, Goldleaf wanted me to ask if you and Acornstream would take them in and care for them as if they were your own kits." Hawkthorn's mouth dropped open in surprise, glancing curiously at his mate who simply nodded enthusiastically. The prospect of being a father sooner seemed to appeal to him.
"Of course, Badgerstar. We'd be happy to care for.... erm, what are their names?"

"Dawnkit! Duskkit! Come back to the nursery!" Acornstream lumbered from the nursery, swollen belly hindering her movement as she hissed her displeasure. Nimbly, her mate bounded ahead, snatching up their foster daughter by her scruff and used his body as a blockade to stop her brother from escaping. Dawnkit let out an annoyed groan, wiggling in Hawkthorn's mouth as he ushered them back toward his mother.
"But we wanna say goodbye to Flowerpaw before she goes on her warrior assessment!" Duskkit complained as his mother used her paw to scoop him closer, grooming his fur protectively. Hawkthorn placed the little ginger next to them, and seated himself next to Acornstream.
"You can say goodbye to Flowerpaw from here," he said evenly, "I'm sure she won't forget to come see you."
"Of course I wouldn't!" The apprentice laughed as Dawnkit and Duskkit rushed toward her in delight. She leaned down to lick both of their foreheads. Flowerpaw was always welcome in the nursery, keeping the kits entertained while she helped the other apprentices do their job re-bedding the nests and cleaning out any debris. Goldleaf was their next favourite, for some reason, neither of them being particularly afraid of the grouchy she-cat.
"Good luck!" Dawnkit chimed.
"Yeah, good luck!" Her brother added, nodding sagely. Flowerpaw gave them both a lick on the forehead, before bounding over to where Lionheart was waiting for her, near the entrance of camp. The ginger molly touched her nose to her apprentice's in greeting, chuckling as Flowerpaw let out an excited purr.
"This marks the start of a new tradition!" Badgerstar said excitedly from his place beside Lionheart, "first apprentice to become a warrior. Oh, Starclan, I have to pick out a warrior name! Why is this my job? I'm terrible at naming things! Lionheart how am I gonna pick a good name for Flowerpaw, I--"
"Relax!" Flowerpaw laughed, "you're more nervous than I am, and I'm the one going on the assessment! Starclan will guide you to the right name, isn't that right Lionheart?"
"That's right," she purred, "stop worrying, Badgerstar. Starclan will let you know the name that is right for Flowerpaw. It'll be especially easy for you, since you have such a good connection with them. Now, why don't you tell Flowerpaw what her warrior assessment actually is? Or the day will be over before she actually gets anywhere." Badgerstar nodded enthusiastically, before taking a deep breath.
"To pass the warrior assessment," Badgerstar mewed, "you will need to choose a rock from the camp, and carry it to a special place above the falls. Lionheart and I have spent the past moon preparing it, so you'll know it when you see it. That rock will represent you and your place in the clan. Then, you must hunt above the falls, and return with a peace of prey before nightfall." He beamed proudly at Lionheart, before looking at Flowerpaw expectantly. The white and gold she-cat nodded, and took a deep breath.
"Sounds easy enough," she mewed, casting a confident look at Lionheart, "I'm ready to become a warrior!"


"It's nice for it to just be the two of us again," Badgerstar said cheerfully, bounding over a large rock, before skittering back closer to Lionheart, "it feels like forever since we've hung out, just the two of us."
"It'll feel like even more time soon, you know. The clan is growing, and soon you'll have enough cats so that you won't have to go on border patrol. And you'll have more important things to attend to. A mate, kits, clan duties." She playfully nudged his shoulder and Badgerstar laughed, shaking out his fur before looking at her curiously.
"I don't know about a family just yet! I mean, I don't even know if there's a molly in the clan that I could start a family with, you know? Besides, I don't really know all that much about being a father. I'm kind of excited to see the clan grow though. Do you think we want more cats before leafbare or less? More warriors might be useful for hunting and border patrols but I guess it would also run the risk of there being more cats susceptible to greencough?"
"Look at you," Lionheart laughed, "you're thinking like a leader well and truly. There are pros and cons to having more cats, but I know you, and I know you want the clan to grow, so just wish your little kitty heart out, and I'm sure Starclan will bless us with more cats before the cold season. Besides, Goldleaf is a good medicine cat, I'm sure she'll be able to manage." Badgerstar beamed at Lionheart, before splashing some of the water of the lake at her, and watching her yowl, and jump away with a laugh.
"Okay then! Last one around the lake eats foxdung!"


"So, Acornstream's gonna have her kits pretty soon, huh?" Ashenstrike said, nudging Shadowtail. The brown tabby jumped, before grinning slightly and nodding with her usual enthusiasm. "Excited to be an aunt then, are you?"
"Oh, absolutely! I'm so excited for Hawkthorn, he's always wanted kits! And what about you, Ashenstrike?"
"Yeah, how's it going with your flame-furred wildfire?" A snicker passed around the group at Dustfang's teasing, even Stonepatch joining in with a rumbling purr. The green-eyed tom huffed indignantly, flicking the shaggy tabby with his tail and putting his nose in the air.
"I'm not going to answer that. I don't even know who you're talking about."
"Lionheart!" Shadowtail trilled. "You loooooove her!"
"How can you not?" The group laughed again as Ashenstrike sighed dramatically, "she's everything! She's smart, she's brave, she's so strong willed and decisive and awe-inspiring. And, naturally, she's not interested in me, as interested as I am in her. Hey, Dustfang aren't you and she old friends? You could always give me some tips." The flat-faced tom snorted and rolled his eyes.
"You could always start with the basics- you know, actually try talking to her?"
"Maybe without the terrible jokes?" Stonepatch suggested, and everyone laughed again at Ashenstrike's offended look. "Just saying, you need to update your material."
"Now, that's just rude." He huffed again, before grinning, "but thank you, maybe I will. You'll all be sorry. I'm going to charm the pelt right off that she-cat, even if I lose my ears for it!"

[ badgerstar and lionheart patrol the borders
maplefall and flintburr train their apprentices in stalking
ashenstrike, shadowtail, dustfang and stonepatch go hunting near the lake
flowerpaw passes her warrior assessment (flowershine)
goldleaf collects herbs [kitting priority]
the clan consumes two fish ]

        badgerstar | 25 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        Lives: ★★★★★★★★✰

        lionheart | 46 moons | ♀ | 🌷

        Medicine Cat:
        goldleaf | 47 moons | ♀ | 🌷

        flintburr | 61 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        maplefall | 21 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        shadowtail | 35 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        hawkthorn | 35 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        dustfang | 40 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        ashenstrike | 46 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        stonepatch | 22 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        name | age | ♀/♂ | [url=link]🌷[/url]

        flowerpaw | 12 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        boulderpaw | 9 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        burrpaw | 9 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        name | age | ♀/♂ | [url=link]🌷[/url]

        acornstream | 35 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        name | age | ♀/♂ | [url=link]🌷[/url]

        dawnkit | 3 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        duskkit | 3 moons | ♂ | 🌷
        name | age | ♀/♂ | [url=link]🌷[/url]

        name | age | ♀/♂ | [url=link]🌷[/url]
        name | age | ♀/♂ | [url=link]🌷[/url]
    affiliate clans wrote:ally clans;
    crescentclan | chasing the moon
    echoclan | Katrione
    hopeclan | adiebaby11

    enemy clans;
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    north | echoclan | Katrione
    east | Clan Name | Username
    south | Clan Name | Username
    west | Clan Name | Username

    inventory wrote:medicine store;
    catmint [1] | greencough
    chervil [1] | wounds/aches
    marigold [1] | wounds
    tansy [1] | coughs
    goldenrod [1] | wounds
    catchweed [1] | poultices
    poppy seeds [1] | pain
    cobwebs [1] | bleeding
    fennel [2] | pain
    raspberry leaves [1] | kitting
    ragwort leaves [1] | strength
    herb [#] | use

    fresh-kill pile;
    mouse | x0 | 0 servings
    vole | x3 | 3 servings
    rabbit | x0 | 0 servings
    bird | x2 | 6 servings
    fish | x3 | 6 servings
    squirrel | x3 | 6 servings
    capacity: 21 servings (5 posts)

    relationships wrote:mentors;
    lionheart | flowerpaw [4]
    ↪ hunting, battle, swimming, climbing
    maplefall | boulderpaw [4]
    ↪ swimming, hunting, battle, stalking
    flintburr | burrpaw [4]
    ↪ swimming, hunting, battle, stalking
    mentor | apprentice [#]
    ↪ skill, skill, skill, skill

    deceased cats;
    name | cause
    name | cause

    halfkit & sootkit
    unknown ♥ unknown
    shadowtail & hawkthorn
    dustfang ♡ tanglestep
    boulderpaw & burrpaw
    ↪ expecting [ one post ]
    unknown ♡ unknown
    dawnkit & duskkit
    adopted by hawkthorn & acornstream
    name and name
    ↪ kit names
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Starwindrider » Thu Aug 24, 2017 9:27 pm

Starwindrider wrote:
Number of Cats:2

Stormfrost and Goldenstar push through the bushes encircling their small camp, carrying their prey. Smokefrost sets the prey down and begins to wash himself. "I'm going to see StarClan to ask for a medicine cat," Goldenstar told her warrior. "No problem, I'll go on patrol then," Smokefrost replied.

Goldenstar goes to ask StarClan for a medicine cat!
Smokefrost goes on patrol!

          GOLDENSTAR | 51 MOONS | FEMALE | 🐈
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Stormfrost | 28 MOONS | MALE | 🐈
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Squirrel | x1 | 2 servings
    Bird | x2 | 6 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 | 0 servings
    Prey | x0 |  0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby septum » Thu Aug 24, 2017 11:20 pm



fawnclan are a very friendly clan, even most amongst other clans. they aren't easily angered, and belive in having peace and treating others with respect. they like peace and quiet therefore they are decently reserved, but they are still quite a chatty bunch to those they ally with. they spend alot of their time taking time to speak with the ancestors and teach their young to be respectful for what they are given, as it is a tough world out there and they are lucky to live a good life.

their territory resides in a large meadow, full of flowers and tall grasses which allows them to stalk their prey easily, but the main clan resides in trees towards the left side of the shelter, and they come out of their hiding to hunt,
patrol or search for herbs. there are many small cascades and creeks near them, so they generally have quite a easy supply of water. the land has been modified over the years to make it easier for the clan to settle in. there are various dens, most carved into the soft earth and sturdied with water. some are naturally made in tree's roots.

most cats are long to medium pelted, but short pelted cats are occasionally seen. they really do vary quite alot, some pale cats and some dark cats. pointed coloration and blue eyes are very common. cats with short stubby tails are rarely seen. most cats are quite small in size and large, stocky breeds aren't commonly seen amongst the clan.

the clan follows similar to rituals to that of any other clan, there most scared area is the inner cave of the cascade, which those braved are deemed to enter as they have to pass through a curtain of water to enter it. important members in the clan are allowed to visit as frequently as they like, but warriors are only allowed to visit it once after their change from apprectience to warrior, or unless asked. the clan aren't very water based, and mainly hunt for squirells, birds, hares, mice and any others alike. cats are trained with battle tactics, but it is strictly only for defense. they love climibing and running, and that is their main focus of tactic.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby lameloserlexi » Fri Aug 25, 2017 12:42 am

Number of Cats: 32 [ 15 males ] [ 17 females ]

    Arrow stared at her kits from the nursery, watching as Flint seemed to be sending hateful glares towards Hawk. Getting up, angry with the spite in her own children, the leader strut over to Flint. "Buck up, stop staring because you know Hawk can't stare back, you lost because you're too scared to do anything, Flint." She scolded, the harshness in her tone obvious. "Stop looking for attention, you will only be punished for causing this trouble." She added as well.
    Flint looked up at her mother, astonished she could even say something like that. "Get to your patrol, stop being a little kit with your fighting." She told her, Flint still sitting there in shock. "Now!" Arrow demanded, watching as Flint scampered away.
    Blue soon slunk on over, his usual 'I'm smarter than you' aura. "Any orders?" He questioned quickly, seemingly having no time for the leader of all people.
    Arrow hissed. "Do you have bees in your brain? Or should I just knock some sense into you instead?" She question, but her threat fell flat.
    "Oh, yes. Because a pregnant queen is so scary to me." He mocked, flicking his tail in irritation.
    "Watch your tone, tom. You are in the presence of your leader, not just a queen. The kits I hold will be held in more importance than you ever will be." She sneered, watching as he backed down hesitantly. "Keep Flint in line, make sure Milk knows that Hawk should be focusing on herbs instead of fighting, I have a feeling she's not in tune as she should be with healing." She ordered, dismissing him. 'I will not have disloyalty from my own deputy...'
[ Newt, Leaf, Dust, Flint, Boar, Crow, Smoke, Ash, Goose, and Oat go training: Hunting ]
[ Treasure, Sparrow, Falcon, Bone, Newt, and Dust go hunting ]
[ Blue, Flint, Magick, Pongo, Oat, and Smoke go on a border patrol ]
[ Milk and Hawk go herb-hunting ]
[ Hyenaclan ate six servings of blue gill ]


    Arrow the Beast Master | Twenty-nine | Female | X
    Blue the Great Mind | Thirty-three | Male | X
    Milk the Life Giver | Twenty-four | Female | X
    Hawk | Seven | Female | X * blind
    Crow the Monster Teaser | Thirty-six | Male | X
    Bone with Many Scars | Thirty-two | Male | X
    Oat coming from Rocks | Twenty-seven | Male | X
    Magick with Fish Gills | Twenty-five | Female | X
    Smoke that Covers the Moon | Nineteen | Male | X
    Ash with Never-ending Burns | Nineteen | Female | X
    Goose of the Old Aspen | Eighteen | Male | X
    Pongo In Silver Pond | Seventeen | Male | X
    Ivy the Sharp Thorn | Fifteen | Female | X
    Sparrow with Quick Claws | Fourteen | Female | X
    Treasure bellow the Water | Fourteen | Female | X
    Falcon the Leaf Chaser | Twelve | Male | X
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Light | Eleven | Female | X
    Dust | Eight | Male | X
    Boar | Eight | Male | X
    Newt | Eight | Male | X
    Flint | Eight | Female | X
    Leaf | Eight | Male | X
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Scales the Swift Legs | Twenty-three | Female | X
    Bay looking over Cliff | Thirty-three | Female | X
    * Arrow the Beast Master | Twenty-nine | Female | X
    Trout | Four | Female | X
    Murdoch | Four | Male | X
    Sunshine | Four | Female | X
    Silver | Two | Female | X
    Lizard | One | Male | X
    Forest | One | Female | X
    Lion | One | Male | X
    Ghost | One | Female | X
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Mate ♥ Mate | Ex-mate ✘ Ex-mate
    Parent ♥/✘ Parent = Sibling - Sibling + Foster Sibling
    Mentor → Apprentice
    Clan Cat (Original Clan)

    Arrow ♥ Bone = Boar - Hawk - Newt - Flint + Dust + Leaf + Light
    Magick ♥ Crow = Trout - Murdoch - Sunshine
    Scales ♥ Oat
    Oat (Obsidianclan) | Goose, Treasure, Leaf (Aspenclan)
    Light, Ivy (Blueclan) | Dust (Briarclan) | Smoke, Ash (Lunarclan)
Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username
Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username
North | Iceclan | reygankiwi
North East | Lostclan | Miss Universe
East | Twoleg Place
South East | Clan Name | Username
South | Brairclan | amethyst14
South West | Clan Name | Username
West | Clan Name | Username
North West | Clan Name | Username
Medicine Store
Alder Bark x 1
Blackberry Leaves x 1
Burdock Root x 1
Burnet x 1
Catchweed x 1
Catmint x 1
Celandine x 1
Chamomile x 1
Cobwebs x 1
Comfrey x 1
Daisy Leaves x 1
Feverfew x 1
Goldenrod x 1
Lavender x 1
Mallow x 1
Mint x 1
Poppy Seeds x 1
Ragwort Leaves x 1
Tormentil x 1
Watermint x 1
Willow Leaves x 1
Fresh-Kill Pile:
Frogs | 5 servings
Squirrel | 9 servings
Hare | 8 servings
Ravens | 9 servings
Blue Gill | 4 servings
Crows | 9 servings
Blue | Light | 4 | Battle, Climbing, Hunting, Fishing
Crow | Dust | 1 | Fishing, Battle
Smoke | Boar | 1 | Fishing, Battle
Ash | Newt | 1 | Fishing, Battle
Goose | Flint | 1 | Fishing, Battle
Oat | Leaf | 1 | Fishing, Battle
Mentor | Apprentice | 0 | Moves
Deceased and Exiled Cats:
Cat Info | Cause of Death/Reason
Cat Info | Cause of Death/Reason
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Briarclan [23]

Postby amethyst14 » Fri Aug 25, 2017 8:54 am

Number of Cats: 38(7 Servings)
Toms: 20 Mollies: 18
Next Moonstone Visit: August 16, 2017
"Mom! Mom! Come on mama, you said we can say good bye to day today before he leaves on patrol!" Rockkit meowed to his mother, he even tried to give her a little push but it was useless.

"I said you could after you all have baths, I am busy with Mottlekit's fur." Fawnwillow groaned at her kit before resuming.

"You know it will never lay flat like you want it." Mottlekit chuckled but held still as her mother feverishly licked at her fur.

Fawnwillow sighed "All right, lets get going." she muttered before leading the way out of the nursery. Five little kits followed behind her like ducklings. Bouldershade was talking with Tigerflower before he spotted the rest of his family and he smiled at the sight.

"I can't wait till they become apprentices I want to show them so much!" Tigerflower purred to Bouldershade.

"Maybe you can try to teach them a little earlier? Like I did for you?" Bouldershade suggested. The beam in Tigerflower's eyes showed that she could not wait "Just remember there are still to young and need to get a bit bigger before you try to teach them anything." Bouldershade chuckled. He was going to say more but then five fluff balls flew into his pelt as he was tackled, he plopped to the ground willingly, happy to be surrounded by his family.

"You are all healed Owlpaw, go finish up your warrior training so that we can start on your medicine cat training." Archpool meowed after he examined the apprentice.

"But Archpool..." she began to whine in her quiet voice.

Only to be interrupted but a loud Sagestorm "Lets go Owlpaw! You better not make me wait!" he hissed loudly.

Archpool rolled his eyes "Take it easy today will ya, I don't need her to become a mouse-brain cat." The medicine cat grumbled to the warrior.

"And I don't need a useless pile of fur pretending to be sick just so she can't train." Sagestom muttered to Owlpaw just low enough were Archpool could not hear. "We have training to do and we need to talk Owlpaw." Sagestorm shoved his apprentice this time, causing her to tumble. Owlpaw quickly got to her paws and left the den, not saying good bye to Archpool like she usually does.

Aspenpaw was waiting outside for Sagestorm and as soon as she saw the tom she jumped to her paws "I will be doing my apprentice trial today. I wanted to say good bye to you." The molly meowed, the sweetness in her voice made Owlpaw shiver.

"Well get going and do the clan proud." Sagestorm muttered. That caused Aspenpaw's ear to flatten as her face twisted in disgust "Fine, make me proud then. Show me that our extra training didn't go to waste." Sagestorm meowed. "Now if you excuse us, Owlpaw and I need to have a little chat and maybe a good training session." Aspenpaw turned away then and went to where Foxclaw was waiting for her. She didn't greet her mentor and just padded ahead of him.

Darkshade and Resinmoon sat outside the elder's den and watched as Archpool ran back and forth from the nursery to the medicine cat's den. Resinmoon shook his head "I told then it was going to happen. You should have seen the looks on some mollies faces after they saw Fawnwillow's bunch." The old tom chuckled.

"What are you going on about you old fool?" Darkshade grumbled in her old shaky voice.

"Kit-fever of course. You ever see it? One molly has kits and the next thing you know a lot of mollies have kits a few moons after." Resinmoon explained "I have seen it maybe twice, but I have a feeling that these three litters are not the last for this. I could be wrong though." He lost himself in his thoughts.

"I have never seen one. You are just crazy, mollies like kits so they have kits. It is probably just a coincidence that they all came at the same time." The elder sighed. Mutepaw trotted by them and was stopped by the black elder "Hey! You, whats your name?" Mute paw just looked at her and shot a glance at Resinmoon.

Resinmoon smirked "Darkshade this is Mutepaw, she doesn't talk. Mutepaw, this is Darkshade. She is the elder that Cloudstar asked for." he told the apprentice.

"Yeah, yeah. Why don't you get us something to eat. I am hungry. And make sure it is good and fresh, I don't want a stale piece of prey. To hard to chew and it hurts my teeth." Darkshade complained. As Mutepaw padded away she rolled her eyes at the bossy molly's words.

[Apprentice Trial Aspenpaw, Finchpaw and Quailpaw do their trial.]
[Apprentice Training Mutepaw, Owlpaw and Lambpaw train for the swimming skill.]
[Border Patrol Bouldershade, Sagestorm, Dawnflower, Breezerunner, Ryestone and Owlpaw patrol near the river.]
[Hunting Patrol 1 Cloudstar, Willowdusk, Russetmist, Rabbitheart, Tigerflower, Lambpaw hunt in the meadow.]
[Hunting Patrol 2 Waspfur, Lizardstream, Brambletuft, Mudpuddle, Patchpelt and Mutepaw hunt near the lake.]
[Camp Guard Coppereyes, Lichenfern, Dipperpaw and Foxclaw guard camp and the prisoner. ]
[Kitting Archpool helps Oriolefeather kit.
Archpool helps Lyrasong kit.
Archpool helps Badgerfall Kit.
[Herb Used 1 Cobweb and 1 Horsetail were used for Lichenfern.]
[Prey Eaten 1 Quail(3 servings) 2 Rabbits(4 servings)


        THE CLAN
        Cloudstar | 52 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Lives: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆

        Bouldershade | 51 Moons | Tom | 🍁

        Medicine Cat:
        Archpool | 70 Moons | Tom | 🍁

        Medicine Cat Apprentice:
        Owlpaw will become the victim after
        she goes through apprentice training.

        Coppereyes | 46 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Waspfur | 46 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Dawnflower | 45 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Lizardstream | 45 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Sagestorm | 45 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Lichenfern | 43 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Breezerunner | 34 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Foxclaw | 33 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Rabbitheart | 32 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Patchpelt | 27 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Brambletuft | 23 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Willowdusk | 23 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Mudpuddle | 22 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Russetmist | 22 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Ryestone | 15 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Tigerflower | 14 Moons | Molly | 🍁

        Aspenpaw | 15 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Dipperpaw | 12 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Finchpaw | 12 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Quailpaw | 12 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Mutepaw | 10 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Lambpaw | 9 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Owlpaw | 9 Moons | Molly | 🍁

        [Now]Oriolefeather | 59 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        [Now]Lyrasong | 46 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        [Now]Badgerfall | 40 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Fawnwillow | 39 Moons | Molly | 🍁

        Rockkit | 2 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Sunnykit | 2 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Blazekit | 2 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Sandkit | 2 Moons | Tom | 🍁
        Mottlekit | 2 Moons | Molly | 🍁

        Darkshade | 143 Moons | Molly | 🍁
        Resinmoon | 106 Moons | Tom | 🍁

        Tea | 30 Moons | Molly | 🍁

        Mice | x3 | 1 servings
        Water Vole | x3 | 1 servings
        Rabbit | x3 | 2 servings
        Quail | x3 | 3 servings
        Small Fish | x4 | 2 servings
        Ermine(Sacred) | x0 | 2 servings
        Total | 16 | 29 servings


        Berrypaw | Killed by Aspenpaw and Sagestorm
        Blizzardsong | Exiled and killed
        Owldust | Complications after kitting
        Starlingpaw | Rouge Attack
        Whitekit | Stillborn
        Quailkit | Weak after birth

        Bouldershade and Fawnwillow
        ↪Tigerflower, Rockkit, Sandkit, Mottlekit,
        Sunnykit, Blazekit

        Blizzardsong and Dawnflower
        ↪Ryestone, Aspenpaw, Whitekit, Quailkit
        Owldust and Tux(Jinxclan)
        ↪Owlpaw, Lambpaw, Dust of the Briar(Hyenaclan),
        Spiderkit(Jinxclan), Whitekit(Jinxclan)

        Waspfur and Lizardstream
        Squirrelpaw(Hopeclan), Russetpaw(Deathclan),
        Sorrelpaw(Gorseclan), Darkpaw(Verglasclan)

        Coppereyes and Badgerfall
        Lyrasong and Sagestorm
        Oriolefeather and Lichenfern
    Ally Clans:
    Hickoryclan | sstormling

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Open/meadow
    East | No clan will lie to the east.
    South | Sageclan | kaden.
    West | Gorseclan | Emberwisp


    0|Alder Bark|Eases tooth pains.
    0|Beech Leaves|To carry other herbs.
    1|Bindweed|Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place.
    0|Blackberry Leaves|Eases the swelling of bee stings.
    1|Borage Leaves|Produces more/better milk and to help fevers.
    0|Broom|Makes poultices for broken legs and wounds.
    1|Burdock Root|Heals/prevents the pain of infected rat bites.
    0|Burnet|Stops minor bleeding and keeps strength up.
    0|Catchweed|To stop poultices from rubbing off.
    1|Catmint|For deadly greencough or whitecough.
    1|Celandine|Soothes damaged eyes.
    0|Chamomile|Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind.
    1|Chervil|For infected wounds and bellyache.
    0|Chickweed|Treats greencough.
    0|Cobwebs|To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding.
    0|Coltsfoot|Eases breathing or kitten-cough, cracked or sore pads.
    1|Comfrey Root|Repairs broken bones or soothes wounds, or used for burns.
    1|Daisy Leaf|Eases the pain of aching joints.
    0|Dandelion|Soothe bee stings or as a painkiller.
    0|Deadly Nightshade|Poison.
    1|Deathberries|Poison, kills a cat.
    1|Dock|Soothes scratches or sore pads.
    1|Dried Oak Leaf|Stops infection from setting in.
    1|Elder Leaves|Eases sprains.
    1|Fennel|Helps pain in the hips.
    0|Feverfew|For fever/chills or for headaches.
    0|Foxglove Seeds|Cause paralysis and heart failure.
    0|Goatweed|Eases anxiety and grief.
    2|Goldenrod|Good for healing wounds.
    0|Hawkweed|Like catmint but not as strong.
    0|Holly Berry|Mild deathberry.
    1|Honey|Helps sore throats and soothes coughing.
    0|Horsetail|Treats infections and stops bleeding.
    0|Ivy Leaf|To store other herbs.
    1|Juniper Berries|Soothes bellyaches, gives strength,
    and helps troubled breathing or for anxiety.

    1|Lamb's Ear|Gives a cat strength.
    0|Lavender|Cures fever and chills.
    0|Lungwort|Cures yellowcough.
    0|Mallow Leaf|Soothes belly ache.
    0|Marigold|Stops infection, stops bleeding, used for inflammation of stiff joints.
    0|Mint|Hides the scent of death.
    0|Mousebile|Rid elders of ticks.
    0|Parsley|Stop queen's milk production.
    2|Poppy Seed|They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain.
    2|Ragwort Leaves|Treats aching joints and keeps a cat's strength up.
    0|Raspberry Leaf|Ease pain and stop bleeding.
    1|Rosemary|Hides the scent of death.
    1|Rush|Helps hold a broken limb in place.
    0|Sorrel|Build an appetite.
    0|Stinging Nettle|Induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, or helps fight infection.
    1|Sweet-Sedge|Eases infection.
    0|Tansy|Cures coughs, cure wounds and poisons, stops cats from getting greencough.
    1|Tormentil|Treating all wounds and extracting poison.
    0|Tyme| Calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock.
    0|Water Hemlock|Causes writhing pain, and foaming at the mouth.
    1|Watermint| Eases bellyaches.
    1|Wild Garlic|Prevents infections.
    0|Willow Bark|Eases pain.
    0|Willow Leaf|Stops vomiting.
    0|Wintergreen|Treats wounds and some poisons.
    1|Yarrow|Induce vomiting or extracts poison from wounds.

    Foxclaw | Aspenpaw | 6 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Waspfur | Dipperpaw | 6 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Coppereyes | Finchpaw | 6 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Bouldershade | Quailpaw | 6 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Lizardstream | Mutepaw | 4 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Sagestorm | Owlpaw | 3 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
    Rabbitheart | Lambpaw | 3 |
    Training needed: Stalking, Hunting, Fishing, Swimming, Battle, Climbing
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Re: MoleClan 3

Postby Chinchy » Fri Aug 25, 2017 9:09 am

Number of Cats: 7
Next Moonpool visit: August 31st


Honeyseed moved along the river, her ears pricking from the sounds of the river and prey that lived in and around it. She was no hunting patrol, however. She searched for herbs, something to help build up the storage grow and make sure her new Clanmates would have her to help of anything happened. And may StarClan personally strike her down if she is wrong that they are bound to get hurt sooner rather than later. She soon found a familiar herb that she wasn't particularly used to seeing in the past, but it wasn't surprising in such a place. She gathered some of it up, noting that she could likely return anytime if she needed more. Sweet-sedge was known to grow even in Leafbare. As she was gatherimg it, her tail swaying behind her, she felt something catch it. Quickly, she turned in surprise, finding that it had been a catchweed, a burr of which was caught on her tail. The molly but away the sweet-sedge in her mouth, detaching the burr from her tail. The ginger cat stuck it to her side. Yes, it wasn't a particularly pleasant way to carry it, for her at least, but this way seemed efficient at least. With multiple stuck to her pelt, she picked back up the sweet-sedge and headed back.

Toadstep was still in camp when Honeyseed made it back, visibly holding back laughter as he noticed he burrs sticking in a neat arrangement on her pelt. The molly chose to ignore him, flashing him a look of shared amusement as she was definitely aware of what this looked like. In her den, she put the herbs away, coming out shortly after to speak to Toadstep who she figured may feel lonely with the other cats out of camp. He seemed bored at least as she saw him pacing back and forth again. He merely gazed up at her in his pacing, likely assuming she was going somewhere again. The tabby tom seemed surprised when she struck up a conversation.
"Worried about Softstone?" It made sense with all the sparks flying between the warrior and deputy.
"How could I not? She's bound to have her kits soon and it can't be good to exhaust her!"
"Don't worry about it so much. She'll be fine and so will the kits..."
Toadstep went back to pacing his head lowered.
"If you want to stretch your legs, you can go outside. Maybe you can catch something or just clear your head." Honeyseed suggested. There wasn't much here for anyone else to want regardless. Her herb stores weren't that great and there weren't kits yet.
"But-thanks." The warrior was ready to protest, but he smiled instead, quickly hurrying outside. Finally, the medicine cat could have some peace.


Oaksplash went for the river as usual, knowing Softstone didn't particularly mind the water. At the very least she didn't show it. To his surprise she started to veer away before they even reached it.
"I'll try searching somewhere else. No offence really. But you know how much Bearface hates the smell of fish." The molly smiled, racing off slightly clumsily elsewhere. Her belly was starting to swell already, though she could still manage just fine. Leaving Oaksplash to go fish, she kept her eyes and ears on the search of any sign of prey in the mostly open place while roaming. Short grass grew in clumps all around, but it wasn't really any cover for a cat. A small rodent was visible, chewing on a seed by a border. She tried to sneak towards it as close as she could. But she was very visible. This wasn't much good, but she had to manage. The vole, thankfully, was scared towards her instead as a commotion came from the trees. Softstone took the chance, pouncing and landing sloppily, yet the vole was caught by the tail. Just as it slipped out, she grabbed it in her jaws, killing it with a bite. Sadly, as she roamed longer, she didn't get lucky enough to catch anything else. As she returned to camp, she was surprised to see Toadstep dropping another vole by the fresh-kill pile beside a fish. Oaksplash greeted her mate and both toms noticed her entrance just after, both greeting her. Toadstep even drew closer, rubbing his cheek with hers.


Boulderstar and Bearface talked amongst themselves as they trudged from border to border. Everything was peaceful, really. Bearface suggested they head back early, though Boulderstar urged him onward. It may have been boring, but they had to do this. While not happy with it, the brown tom followed. To their surprise they found a white molly sniffing at the border markings. She raised her head as she noticed them approach, narrowing her eyes as the deputy as he, in turn, growled.
"What are you doing here, Hailstorm?" He challenged as Boulderstar smiled, recognizing the molly as well.
"Nice to see you here. May I ask why you are at the border alone?"
"All you two need to know is that I'm looking for a new home. I refuse to be a filthy rogue any longer so if it means putting up with your stench, so be it." The way she spoke made it obvious she did not like her own decision of coming here. Although it is to be expected. She was a cat from a different Clan so this type of request was not pleasant.
"Watch it!" Bearface growled, unsheathing his claws with teeth bared.
"Settle down, Bearface." The leader commanded, continuing on with a softer tone. "We would be happy to allow you to join, Hailstorm. I hope you will come to find our territory to be a good home like the rest of us."
"And how many cats do you have?"
"Six at the moment."


With Softstone growing ever closer to giving birth, Honeyseed had confirmed that she really could no longer go on patrols. It wasn't as much of a problem now, Bearface was smart enough to know. And there was a new warrior who could, let's say, take over the queen's duties for now. But since Hailstorm had moved in, the den was far more noisy. She and Bearface bickered almost non-stop each day and even now they stood nose to nose, growling at one another with claws out and pelts bristling. It was almost as if they enjoyed it as they always sought one another out. But for now, enough was enough. Softstone was trying to sleep in the queen's tunnel, Honeyseed occasionally checking on her to see if everything's alright. Now, she was poking her head out, her own ginger fur bristling.
"For StarClan's sake, will you keep it down?! You're worse than any apprentices I've ever seen."
Boulderstar had clearly had enough as well, nudging Hailstorm away from his deputy with a paw. "Border patrol. If you would not mind that is." She simply nodded, sheathing her claws and letting her fur lie flat as she calmly padded away and out of camp, leaving Bearface virtually alone to guard the camp. Oaksplash and Toadstep had already gone out unannounced to a hunting patrol, wanting to get away from the racket.


Later, as the rest of the Clan was asleep, even Bearface and Hailstorm, Boulderstar ventured out into the Moonpool, leaving the camp under the guard of Oaksplash. The leader laid down by the water, lapping at the surface a few times before settling down comfortably and venturing into the realm of dreams. He found himself faced with a ragged old-looking black tom who smiled at him. Boulderstar was happy to see his old medicine cat, a tom known for his nearly bald tail.
"Hello old friend. I apologize, but I have not come to chat. I have come to ask your noble ranks for a new warrior if it is not too big of a burden. And yet, I can't help but ask, how has life among the stars been treating you?"
"Well, it surely isn't letting me go hungry or get lonely. I'll see what I can do. Keep an extra good lookout, though. You wouldn't want to miss your new Clanmate, now would ya?"

[Softstone is going into labor. Honeyseed stays in camp to help her]
[Oaksplash and Toadstep go out on a hunting patrol]
[Boulderstar and Hailstorm went out on a border patrol]
[Bearface is left to guard the camp]
[Boulderstar goes to the Moonpool to ask for a warrior]

Boulderstar | 83 moons | Tom | X
Lives: ★★★★

Bearface | 51 moons | Tom | X

Medicine Cat:
Honeyseed | 31 moons | Molly | X

Oaksplash | 40 moons | Tom | X
Toadstep | 62 moons | Tom | X
Softstone | 60 moons | Molly | X
Hailstorm | 47 moons | Molly | X

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Softstone | 60 moons | Molly | X
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

Boulderstar - Blue-gray shorthair
Ll, Bb, XoY, dd, aa, mcmc, Spsp, Tata, ii, Ccs, ss, wdwd

Bearface - Chocolate shorthair
Ll, bb, XoY, Dd, aa, Mcmc, spsp, Tata, ii, Ccs, ss, wdwd

Honeyleaf - Ginger mackarel tabby shorthair bicolor
Ll, bbl, XOXO, Dd, aa, McMc, spsp, tata, ii, Ccb, Ss, wdwd

Oaksplash - Chocolate classic tabby longhair bicolor
ll, bbl, XoY, DD, Aa, mcmc, Spsp, tata, ii, CC, Ss, wdwd

Toadstep - Chocolate mackarel tabby shorthair bicolor
Ll, bbl, XoY, Dd, Aa, McMc, spsp, tata, ii, Ccb, Ss, wdwd

Softstone - Cream smoke ticked tabby longhair
ll, bbl, XOXO, dd, Aa, Mcmc, Spsp, Tata, Ii, CC, Ss, wdwd

Hailstorm - White shorthair
Ll, bbl, XoXo, dd, Aa, Mcmc, spsp, Tata, ii, CC, Ss, WdWd
Ally Clans:
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Clan Name | Username
Northwest | Clan Name | Username
West | Clan Name | Username
South-west | HopeClan | adiebaby11
South | MistClan | scarlet_wolf
South-east | Clan Name | Username
East | Wolf territory
North-east | Wolf territory

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Stray over borders:
Voles | x2 | 1 serving
Mouse | x2 | 1 serving
Squirrels | x0 | 2 servings
Snakes | x0 | 2 servings
Birds | ×0 | 3 servings

General territory:
Mole (Common, hard to catch) | x0 | 1 serving
Voles (Common-ish) | x2 | 1 serving
Mouse (Common-ish) | x2 | 1 serving
Shrews (Common) | x0 | 1 serving
Rabbit (Uncommon - Rare)| x0 | 2 servings
Birds (Rare) | ×0 | 3 servings

Frog (Common, but only in warm and rainy seasons)| x0 | 1 serving
Water vole (Common) | ×0 | 1 serving
Stoat (Fairly common) | ×0 | 2 servings
Fish (Common) | x1 | 2 servings
Big fish (Rare) | ×0 | 3 servings
Duck (Common-ish around Greenleaf) | x1 | 3 servings

Mentor | Apprentice | Tunnelling, Battle (in the open), Fishing, Running,
Swimming, Stealth, Navigation, Battle (in the dark)
Mentor | Apprentice | Moves

Deceased Cats:
Cat Name | Cause of Death
Cat Name | Cause of Death

Toadstep & Softstone | None yet
Name and Name | Kits

Medicine Store
Borage | ×1 | Produces better milk, brings down fevers
Cobweb | ×1 |Soaks up blood, can be used to bind broken bones
Marigold | ×1 |Stops infections
Tansy | ×1 | Cures coughs. Can be used to cure wounds and poisons
Yarrow | ×1| Extracts poison from wounds, makes cats vomit.
Sweet-sedge | ×1 | Eases infection
Catchweed | ×1 | Keeps poultrices from rubbing off
Last edited by Chinchy on Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:03 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Ame's Substitute Replies For Zephrine

Postby amethyst14 » Fri Aug 25, 2017 10:38 am

weather: green-leaf.
the temperature has peaked, causing bodies of water to shrink a little. prey will be a little harder to catch because most will be down in their burrows, hiding from the scorching sun. herbs are still plentiful, and kittings will continue to go very well. the two-legs and their dogs have arrived now, so be on the lookout for them!

Coastclan |Marshclan |Hickoryclan |Frostclan |Midnightclan |Larkclan |Flameclan |Lilyclan |Tempestclan |Moorclan |Honeyclan |Dewclan |Shellclan |Rodrigoclan |Cypressclan|

Mrs Rodrigo wrote:Image
[SireRodrigo visits the MoonPool, he hopes for a Medicine Cat, but would be pleased with whomever StarClan sends]
[RoseThorne goes hunting, she focusing on the birds before they start flying off, Leafbear was soon.]
[EagleEye goes on Patrol]
[The Clan eats 1 Mouse and 1/3 of a SmallMouth Bass]

Starclan has sent you a medicine cat! Pick five herbs from here to start.
Rosethorne caught a blue jay.
Eagleeye finds a cat while patrolling.

Avisowl wrote:CʏᴘʀᴇssCʟᴀɴ❀✿
{Sunlight hunted then asked for a medicine cat}

Sunlight caught a rabbit.
Starclan has sent you a medicine cat! Choose five herbs from here to start.

meadow. wrote:Image
[turquoisestar goes to the moon pool and asks starclan for a medicine cat]

Starclan has sent you a medicine cat! Choose five herbs from here to start.

Dinolil1 wrote:MoorClan
Hollytail, Dustthroat and Oakfeather joined!
Ternpaw has been renamed Ternheart and buried under the lightning oak!
Smallpaw went training with Stonenose!
Hollytail and Dawnpool went on a date a patrol in search of Nettlefang!
Bramblefur, Braircloud and Dustthroat went on a patrol in search of Snailstep!

Smallpaw learned the herb recognition skill.
Hollytail and Dawnpool have no luck in finding Nettlefang, but they managed to find a loner.
Bramblefur, Briarcloud and Dustthroat find Snailstep's scent trail! It leads outside the territory.
Last edited by amethyst14 on Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.3

Postby Avisowl » Fri Aug 25, 2017 11:48 am


Toms:0 | She Cats: 1

Next M00NP00L Visit: August 20th

ᏁᎪᏆuᏒᎬ: These cats are very peaceful, and hunt in trees

ᏟᎪmᏢ: This camp is located in a shady woodsy area consisting of many large cypress trees, the largest one is called the "calling of ears" where the leader holds ceremonies and announcements on the large branch, a stream runs through the center of camp and it is called "the water of silence", and the dens are made through small cave systems under the camp.

ᏒᎬᏢuᏆᎪᏆᎥᎾᏁ: This clan is known for being good Allies, but also known for being one of the weaker clans, these cats don't fully believe in much violence and would rather talk it out than fight.

Sunlight leapt along the tall grass patrolling, and scanning for prey, she smiled at the thought of having another cat in the clan, Cloudmask. She shook her head and continued to pay attention to her aim and goal.

Cloudmask shuffled around the edges of camp looking for herbs in his mind he thought of how peaceful this clan is, only me and Sunlight.
{Sunlight patrolled}
{Cloudmask gathered herbs}

          Name: Sunlight| Age:21 moons| Gender: Female | Pic
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★
          Personality: A quiet, kind, easily frightened
          Backstory: She was originally called Sun, the loner but she once found that clans are like families and that's something she's always wanted.

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Medicine Cat:
          Name: Cloudmask | Age: 21 moons| Gender: Male | X

          Medicine Heir:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Storage❀
    Catmint|Best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare. Can also be used for whitecough | x0
    Cobweb | To soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding.It may also be used to bind broken bones| x0
    Lavender | Cures fevers and chills. Also used to cover up the scent of death | x0
    Poppy seeds | Helps cats sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain| x0
    Death Berry | Kills a cat in a matter of seconds | x0

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x0 | 0 servings
    Shrews | x0 | 0 servings
    Birds | x0 | 0 servings
    Rabbits | x1 | 2 servings
    Squirrels | x0 | 0 servings
    Frogs | x0 | 0 servings

    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits
Last edited by Avisowl on Thu Aug 31, 2017 2:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

I'm a night owl, and
luckily my profession
supports that. The
best ideas come to
me in the dead of

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