Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill

Create A Clan- V.4 [ groveclan - 033 ]

Postby solyn » Sun Mar 10, 2019 1:00 pm

π†π‘πŽπ•π„π‚π‹π€π !!
# of cats; 74 (♀: 36 / β™‚: 38)
servings req'd; 12 servings (76)
next moonpool visit; any time


π• π•Ÿπ•– π•žπ• π• π•Ÿ π•’π•˜π• ,
GroveClan's lake had never been more lively. Gleeful shouts and cheerful laughter rose in a cacophony from the shallowest shore, where a group of cats were gathered. Featherpelt was stretched languidly across the sun rocks, enjoying the warmth of late Newleaf, while Harrierstreak, Wolverinejaw and Adderstorm splashed and chased the rowdy group of apprentices around. Emberpaw, the oldest apprentice, had wandered more toward the lake's northern shore in chest-high water, watching her paws carefully. Dusklight, meanwhile, had abandoned the chase, gaze set over the horizon, due south, toward HazeClan's territory.
"Fox tooth for your thoughts?" He jumped, before smiling fondly as his sister sidled up next to him, the pair of them glancing out toward the southern border. "Haven't you heard? I'm a meathead with absolutely nothing in my brain. I doubt my thoughts would be worth a fox tooth." The ginger molly snorted, shoulder-checking her brother. Once upon a time, it would have sent him stumbling with one of his airy laughs. Now, he barely swayed, grin rampant on his features. She was easily as tall as he was, but Dusklight had grown into a significant amount of muscle. It tugged at her heart, sometimes, just how much they'd grown. How far they'd come.
"They're always worth something to me," Dawnblossom said, "I know I coddled you a bit too much with the whole eye thing but I... you're my brother. And I hope that doesn't change anything between us." Dusklight turned to her, eye wide. "Of course not! Dawnblossom, you're still my number one. You always will be. It's always going to be us, okay? Dawn and Dusk, day and night, light and darkness. We go together. We've been partners in crime since the day we opened our eyes and there's not a single thing, no dark forest, no high water and certainly no silly eye that could ever come between us," Dawnblossom relaxed, and Dusklight's expression softened, "worried about me, huh?"
"I feel like we don't talk as much as we used to. Like maybe you think I can't be trusted as much as you used to."
"You know that's not true, furball." He shoulder-checked her, hard enough to make her stumble. She narrowed her blue eyes, lunging back at him and knocking him off-balance. He laughed his airy laugh, arcing water at her with his paw in a surprisingly graceful manner. She shook the droplets out of her fur with a good-natured huff, pressing close to his side again as his attention slid back toward the southern mountains. "I met someone."
"You did? When? Where? Who?"
"His name is Gorseberry, he's from QuickClan- south of Haze, you know. We met at a gathering a few moons back, and we just... we just clicked. We started meeting up when we could, but then... I lost my eye." He cleared his throat. "Mousestone knows, because she met him at a gathering and she helped sneak him in to see me, and then helped sneak me out so we could still hang out. No one else does though, just her. And now you, I guess."
"That's where you were, the night of the blizzard."
"Yes. We got stuck in a barn on QuickClan territory together. It was... scary, to be honest, not being able to be with you and make sure that you were okay but... it's also one of my best memories. It's funny how two-leg structures have this kind of... serenity to them. The barn was old and rickety, but it was howling outside and inside it was... warm. Warm and quiet. It was like being in the eye of the storm but all the time."
"And he makes you happy?"
"Yeah," Dusklight smiled fondly at the thought of him, "I never thought I'd fall for a cat like that, you know? I always imagined I'd find someone as high-energy as me and we'd go around causing all sorts of havoc but he's... not like that. He's calm and shy and kind and so incredibly smart. He's passionate about helping cats and he has so much love in his heart to give and I just- I hope that I can claim some of that love for myself. Because I love him."
"Have you told him that yet?"
"No, not yet. I want to be sure, this time. There's still time for you to steal him out from under me." Dawnblossom made an offended noise, shoulder-checking Dusklight again as he cackled. "That is not fair!" She huffed, flattening her ears at her brother. "I know, I know. And besides, you know I don't blame you for Halfpond not returning my feelings. In a way... I'm kind of thankful. If he hadn't rejected me, I never would have had the chance to connect with Gorseberry. And he just... he feels right, you know? Like he's a piece of me I didn't know was missing."
"I'm happy for you, Dusklight, I really am," Dawnblossom touched her nose to her brother's cheek, "you deserve happiness. You deserve to be loved, and if you think otherwise you really are a meathead with mush for brains. But... can I ask why you've been keeping this a secret? You know Badgerstar wouldn't be upset with you. QuickClan is an ally clan, and he trusts you."
"I know, it's not that it's just..." Dusklight shrugged, "I like having this, this thing that's just mine that I don't have to explain to anyone else. If it gets more serious than it is right now, then I think I'll start telling the rest of the clan, but for now I'm happy just to be with him. Every minute we have together is a gift and that's more than enough for me. Plus, it'll be suuuuper awkward if I tell him I love him and he doesn't say it back, so the less cats know, the more minimal the damage." Dawnblossom laughed at that.
"If he doesn't say it back, he's stupider than even you are." Dusklight didn't respond, but a fond smile crossed his face as Dawnblossom leaned against his shoulder, the pair of them watching the clouds shift across the sky in the warmth of the Newleaf day.


"Again, thank you so much for this... Ashenstrike, was it?" The anxious tom scurried along next to Ashenstrike, who just gave him a kind smile with a nod. "Of course. Harepuddle, right? Our leader isn't big on turning away vagrants. Even if the clan's filling up, the more the merrier tends to be his philosophy. Try not to worry too much, okay? You and your son are all but guaranteed a safe home here, if you choose to stay." Harepuddle gave him a kind smile, weary and a tad bit watery, before he stiffened at the sound of voices in the brush beyond the border patrol.
"I don't suppose you'll be available again any time soon, Sootface? Your help has been... invaluable." Spidernose brushed through the shrubs, with Sootface chuckling in his stead. "Any old cat could do it for you," he purred, "but if you need me, I'll be around. Just clear it with Longriver to make sure I'm not needed on any... patrols. Ashenstrike."
"Sootface," Ashenstrike's smile was wide, "nice walk you're having?" Sootface's eyes narrowed, maw opening for a teasing rebuke when Harepuddle stepped forward, eyes wide. "Spidernose?" The black tom lifted his eyes, bewildered, before they lit up. "Harepuddle! By StarClan, I'd all but given up hope of seeing another GraveClan cat again." He placed down his bundle of herbs, hobbling forward to touch noses with the ginger tom. Harepuddle purred, tail waving excitedly. "And Quailpaw! Look how big you've gotten!" Quailpaw ducked his head, shyly.
"You know these cats?" Dustfang asked, tilting his head to the side. Spidernose nodded. "They're from my old clan. Harepuddle and Quailpaw are good cats, I promise," his eyes trailed over the strange molly following the group, "but... I cannot speak for her." She smiled, but said nothing. Ashenstrike nodded to the remaining patrol members. "Sootface and I have got it from here. Kererucall can come with us. Get back to checking the borders, we'll make sure Badgerstar sees our newest stragglers." Dustfang gave Ashenstrike a look, as if he was amused by his bossiness, but nonetheless, he turned and headed deeper into the forest with Sedgefire and Fircloud on his heels.
"It's so good to see you," Harepuddle mewed as the group started back toward the camp, "how have you been? How did you find your way here?" Spidernose chuckled a little at the barrage of questions. "I was wandering aimlessly, really- slow going on my leg you understand- before a patrol picked me up and guided me to the leader. Badgerstar is wonderful, if you're worried. He's... very lenient, and his focus is on building a sense of community. It's not at all like GraveClan here and that is... refreshing."
"He's been fighting a war of wills with our resident senior medicine cat," Sootface said, sounding amused, "it's taken him a couple moons to realize that her will far surpasses his, but it's been an entertaining match." Spidernose glowered at him without any heat, and Ashenstrike laughed. "It's easy to underestimate Goldleaf, but whatever these two say about her... she's great. Cranky and stubborn for sure, but she's brilliant. And great with kits."
"I will give her that, her soft spot surprised me. There's another medicine cat too, Mousestone, but she's- she's on a mission at the moment. I think you'd like her, Harepuddle, she has a bright spirit." Harepuddle smiled, with a nod. "I think I'll like this clan in general. Everyone's been very kind so far."
"If you think we're nice," Sootface's tone betrayed his almost laugh, "wait until you meet Badgerstar."


"Not bad," Ashenstrike grinned as Juniperpaw gave him a smug purr, "I've gotta say, this is probably the most successful any of my apprentices have been... if you don't count Longpaw flunking to save your dad's life." Juniperpaw shoulder checked him, and he laughed, settling next to her. "Seriously, I'm proud of you. I look forward to getting to work with you on patrols as an equal."
"That might be a while yet," Juniperpaw said, "Lionheart's kits are coming soon and everyone knows you'll be stuck to her like tree sap until she tries to take your ears off." Ashenstrike gave her an offended look, swatting lightly at her ears. "You know you're not quite not my apprentice, right? You still have to be nice to me until you get your full warrior name." Beside her daughter, Maplefall laughed, shaking her head.
"You haven't changed a bit," her eyes twinkled with merriment, "I can't believe it, my babies are going to be warriors! You two did a great job, thank you so much for everything you've taught them." Pinefeather and Ashenstrike exchanged smiles, giving Maplefall twin nods of acknowledgement. "It was my pleasure," Pinefeather said, "Midnightpaw gave me his fair share of cardiac troubles but I'm proud of him. He's worked hard, and he's going to make a wonderful warrior, if not one with a terrible habit of being self-sacrificial." Midnightpaw stuck his tongue out at his mentor.
"You all tease, but I'd still save Hornetpaw a hundred times over at the end of the day. It's the best thing I've ever done."
"We know, it's a love story for the ages," Juniperpaw rolled her eyes, missing the pained flash behind her brother's eyes. He purred instead. "You're just jealous that you don't have anyone," he retorted. Juniperpaw narrowed her eyes, maw parting to respond, when a throat cleared from behind them. All eyes in the group turned to Thunderspark.
"Hey," she mewed. Juniperpaw lit up. "Hi, Thunderspark," she said with a rumbling purr, "long time no see." The grey and white molly rolled her eyes with a light snort. "It's only been a moon, drama queen," she said, before her expression turned shy again, "but... I'm excited to be your denmate again. I saved you a nest next to mine... if you want it. You know, after your vigil and everything. I thought it could be like the nursery." Juniperpaw ducked her head shyly.
"That would be great, thank you," she and Thunderspark smiled at each other, before the warrior ducked her head and scurried back toward her siblings. Midnightpaw smirked at Juniperpaw, and she rolled her eyes at him, swatting a pawful of dirt in his direct, which he nimbly leaned back from.
"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath Highbranch!" Badgerstar's voice rang out across the grove, and instantly attention turned to him as cats began to group nearer to hear the announcement. Pride glittered in his eyes, head held high and tail lifted like a banner. "Today is a very special day for me, because as you all must know by now, it is the day that my children become warriors. Many moons ago now, I asked you all to hold a moment of silence for their fallen littermate, Twilightkit. If she were here today, she would have been named Twilightwing. I ask you now to send her name to StarClan, so that she may be reunited with her siblings in spirit." Yowls of the fallen kit's full name went up, the clan tipping their heads back to give their most powerful cries. Some part of Midnightpaw thought he saw the first stars breaking through the haze of dusk glint, and he and Juniperpaw shared a smile.
"I, Badgerstar, leader of GroveClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon these apprentices. They have trained tirelessly to understand the way of the code, and I recommend them to you in their turn. Juniperpaw, step forward," she she-cat stepped out of the group, chin raised proudly, "do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and to defend your clan, even if it costs you your life?" Juniperpaw nodded, resolute.
"I do."
"Then from this day on, you will be known as Juniperstorm, for the strength of your spirit. StarClan honours your resilience, your bravery and your righteousness. Welcome, as a full warrior of GroveClan." Cheers went up from around the camp, with Maplefall and Midnightpaw yowling loudest of all, proud smiles on their maws. "Midnightpaw, do you too promise to uphold the warrior code, and to defend your clan even at the cost of your life."
"I do!"
"Then I give you your warrior name: Midnightpool, in honour of your rescue of Hornetpaw of Highgarden, and for your gentle nature. StarClan honours your bravery, your kindness and your intelligence. Congratulations, you are a full warrior of GroveClan." Now it was Juniperstorm's turn to cheer for her brother, as the pair exchanged the customary gestures with their father. His eyes shone with pride as the rest of the clan converged on them to offer their congratulations. Maplefall sidled alongside her mate, twining their tails together.
"Look how far we've come," she said, with a sigh and a smile on her face, "did you ever think we would get to be here?"
"I knew from the first moment I saw you," Badgerstar pressed his nose to her cheek, smile bright, "or, at least, I had hoped." Maplefall laughed, bright and tinkling as she leaned against him, warmth settled deep in her chest.
"It certainly took you long enough to say anything."


"So... they definitely take after Dad, huh?" Silvermoon gave a tired little chuckle, smiling up at her son. Halfpond's eyes were full of fondness where he was crouched between Ripplemist and Frostbranch, with Sedgefire between the latter and their father. "I suppose they do," she mewed, touching her nose to her newborn kits, "only time will tell if they inherit the countenance of their father as well, but with how Sedgefire turned out, it seems almost sure." Her brothers chuckled a little as Sedgefire rolled her eyes, fond smile on her face.
"What did you decide to name them?" Frostbranch asked, curiously. Silvermoon leaned back against her mate, and Flintburr shifted closer to bracket her more carefully. "The rowdy one is Ravenkit. She yowled until I thought she was going to burst your poor mother's ears, so I'm sure she'll be trouble when she's old enough. The one who looks just like her is quieter, and that's Crowkit. The little diva is Starlingkit. We're still trying to decide on the name for our last tom. I've never seen any creature with such a perfect little patch of white on the throat like he has."
"Tui," said a voice from across the den. All eyes turned to the blind warrior that Ashenstrike had wrangled in earlier, along with Spidernose's old clanmates. She was undergoing Goldleaf's routine checks in the corner of the den, and the medicine cat paused, giving the gathered family a shrug. The warrior- Kererucall- simply smiled. "In the land across the water, there is a bird known as a Tui. They're beautiful creatures; black until the sun shines on them and their feathers look iridescent in greens and blues, and they sing too. They have a wattle, a white patch on their throats. It's what your son reminds me of."
"Tuikit," Silvermoon mewed, glancing fondly at her newborn son, "what do you think of that, Flintburr?"
"I think it's the perfect name," Flintburr said, "thank you, Kererucall. I hope he lives up to the beauty of his namesake." Kererucall's smile stretched wider on her maw as she let out a pleased purr. "If he shares the spirit of his parents, I have no doubt that he will."

Mousestone lifted her head from the sleeping body of a sick EchoClan cat, blinking back the weariness that settled in her bones. The past few moons in EchoClan had showed her more horrors than she had ever needed to see, but the young medicine cat Crowcloud was quick-witted and diligent, if not a tad bit shy, and the warriors she had taken with her from GroveClan ran tirelessly, day and night, submitting to her every whim without question. Mousestone's sleep was fretful and fractured without Novella at her side, but she had no time for luxuries.
"Do you need rest?" Stonepatch ducked into the warrior's den after her. Mousestone had made Crowcloud help her relocate the sick cats to the warrior's den- the biggest- for quarantine, while those who showed no signs of sickness took up other residences outside the camp. He placed a bundle of herbs down next to her growing collection in the corner. "Running yourself ragged isn't going to help anyone. When was the last time you slept?" Mousestone's face creased in a weary smile.
"I suppose it was a good plan to bring an actual father along," she teased, a yawn catching her toward the end of the sentence, "I know you're right, I just... I don't want to leave them. There's still a lot to do, what with Crowcloud and the boys gone to try and find that flower." Stonepatch nodded, touching his nose to her forehead. "I know," he said, "but Novella and I can hold down the fort while you rest. She's got your medicines memorized, and I can keep herb hunting. You'll be alright to nap for a while." Mousestone hesitated for a second, before she nodded.
"Okay," she said, jaws parting in a yawn, "I'll see you in a few sun movements." She padded from the den and into the sunlight, making her way to an overhang in the camp. She settled beneath it, curling into a tight ball as her mate trotted across the camp with a bundle of herbs and vanished into the den. Shortly after, Stonepatch emerged and exited camp, on his way to collect herbs like he had promised. Mousestone's eyes drooped, and a smile curved on her maw as she finally let herself fall into blissful sleep.


Adderstorm's slender form stood at the base of a tree, head craned back to watch Wolverinejaw nimbly scaling the branches with their apprentices close on her heels. The crunching of twigs behind her made an ear swivel back, but the figure was approaching from down wind of her, and the scent was familiar. She couldn't help the happy smile that crossed her maw, as she turned to blink at Squirrelwhisker as he drew up alongside her.
"Not on patrol today?" She mewed curiously. He smiled and shook his head. "No, not today. I hope you don't mind, I thought you might like some company, although I suppose this isn't exactly a lesson I can be much help with." Adderstorm shrugged, taking a step closer to him so that their pelts brushed properly. He smiled in his shy way, ducking his head. "Well, as I remember it, you always were a better climber than me." His eyes twinkled.
"Be still my beating heart," he mewed, "did you just admit I was better than you at something?" She rolled her eyes, lightly shoulder-checking him. "If you keep that up, I'll rescind my praise. Wolverinejaw seems to have it under control, though. The apprentices are picking it up fast." Squirrelwhisker nodded, tilting his head back to watch as they clambered up after the rusted black molly.
"How is having an apprentice? I feel like I haven't seen you as much since you started mentoring." Adderstorm laughed, nodding in agreement. "Well... it's not exactly something you can go halves on. It's time consuming but it's... good. I feel like I have a purpose, you know? I like waking up in the morning and making plans for what I'm going to teach Oakpaw. He's kind of shy, I'm trying to get him to break out of his shell."
"If anyone can do it, it's you," Squirrelwhisker smiled at her, "you're... incredible, I hope you know that."
"And you're a terrible flatterer." Adderstorm nudged him, and then leaned against his shoulder as he snorted. "But... thank you. For always believing in me."


"I must say, it's been nice having someone else around the den," Redrunner grunted, leaning on Fallowshimmer as the other tom helped him take a large step onto the ridge above, "it would have been much harder to sneak out if it had been just me." Fallowshimmer chuckled, a rich purring sound. "Yes, well, we're not totally in the clear yet. We'll still have to deal with Goldleaf and the fallout when she finds we've snuck out."
"Snuck out... doesn't it make you feel like an apprentice again?" Fallowshimmer laughed, nodding his affirmative. "It does... although quite honestly I find it difficult to envision a Redpaw. It seems to me like you must have always been a cranky old tom." Redrunner glared at him without any malice, Fallowshimmer's eyes twinkling in amusement.
"Har har," said Redrunner.
"Yes, I am quite funny," Fallowshimmer mused in reply, before he flicked his tail and started forward, "come on." The pair walked in relative quiet through the forest. Greenleaf sun beat down upon their backs, warming their old bones and chasing away the stiffness as the shore of the lake came into view. Redrunner tipped his head back and sighed, content. The breeze wafted through his ginger and white fur and he paused, letting the sensation take him.
"I missed this," he said as Fallowshimmer hauled himself up onto the sun rocks, Redrunner a pace behind, "I suppose I did my time but... well. I just wish I could have done it for a while longer." Fallowshimmer nodded, stretching out over the warm stone. "It's odd, isn't it? Not to have to wake up at dawn. Half the time I don't know what to do with myself... so. Thank you, for encouraging me to come out today."
"Makes an old tom feel young again, doesn't it?" Fallowshimmer hummed, his maw curving into a smile.
"Yes, yes it does."


✦ servings consumed
12/12 - x3 birds, x1 mouse, x1 squirrel
✦ clan events
lionheart is kitting! ashenstrike is the father. goldleaf stays in camp to help her.
maplefall is kitting! badgerstar is the father. spidernose stays in camp to help her.
β†ͺ please refer to the genetics chart
note: using x5 kit litter bonus from december comp. for maplefall
harrierstreak, featherpelt & harepuddle teach their apprentices the battle skill
dusklight teaches emberpaw advanced battle
adderstorm and wolverinejaw teach their apprentices to climb
dawnblossom teaches hazelpaw hunting
mousestone's convoy remains in echoclan for another moon
groveclan receives x1 mouse, x1 bird, x1 feverfew & x1 watermint from hazeclan
✦ patrols
hunting -
1 - sootface, elkbounce, burrcall, willowthroat, sparkfur, frostbranch
2 - hawkthorn, acornstream, shadowtail, dustfang, avocetnose, sandcatcher
3 - longriver, fawnrunner, mistcreek, deerstripe, ripplemist, halfpond
4 - pinefeather, roseclaw, fircloud, burningcloud, meadowfang, kererucall
border -
1 - flintburr, sedgefire, boulderflame, grouseclaw, thunderspark, juniperstorm

        badgerstar | 49 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…βœ°βœ°βœ°βœ°

        longriver | 35 moons | β™‚ | 🌷

        medicine cat:
        goldleaf | 71 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        spidernose | 44 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        mousestone | 28 moons | ♀ | 🌷

        flintburr | 85 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        hawkthorn | 59 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        shadowtail | 59 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        acornstream | 59 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        dustfang | 64 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        ashenstrike | 70 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        stonepatch | 46 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        fawnrunner | 45 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        harrierstreak | 37 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        boulderflame | 33 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        burrcall | 33 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        roseclaw | 81 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        sootface | 53 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        pinefeather | 79 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        dawnblossom | 27 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        dusklight | 27 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        novella | 27 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        halfpond | 31 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        sedgefire | 31 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        willowthroat | 37 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        grouseclaw | 37 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        wolverinejaw | 34 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        burningcloud | 66 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        meadowfang | 66 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        squirrelwhisker | 23 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        featherpelt | 71 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        adderstorm | 22 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        archibald | 27 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        fircloud | 83 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        rivuletflight | 31 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        ripplemist | 25 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        frostbranch | 25 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        cormorantpath | 22 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        sparkfur | 22 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        sandcatcher | 16 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        avocetnose | 15 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        ternflutter | 15 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        elkbounce | 14 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        thunderspark| 14 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        mistcreek | 14 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        deerstripe | 14 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        juniperstorm | 13 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        midnightstream | 13 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        harepuddle | 41 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        kererucall | 73 moons | ♀ | 🌷

        emberpaw | 13 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        falconpaw | 9 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        cinderpaw | 9 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        sleetpaw | 9 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        oakpaw | 9 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        hazelpaw | 8 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        quailpaw | 8 moons | β™‚ | 🌷

        woodbloom | 23 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        silvermoon | 68 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        maplefall | 45 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        lionheart | 70 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        flowershine | 36 moons | ♀ | 🌷

        dahliakit | 4 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        willowkit | 4 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        sparrowkit | 4 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        twigkit | 4 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        wrenkit | 4 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        finchkit | 4 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        crowkit | 1 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        ravenkit | 1 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        starlingkit | 1 moons | ♀ | 🌷
        tuikit | 1 moons | β™‚ | 🌷

        redrunner| 143 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
        fallowshimmer | 136 moons | β™‚ | 🌷
    affiliate clans wrote:ally clans;
    echoclan | Katrione
    clayclan | hazilnut
    highgarden | eagle,
    hazeclan | nightwolf950
    quickclan | eagle,

    enemy clans;
    none yet!

    north | echoclan | Katrione
    east | spruceclan | gracen
    south | hazeclan | nightwolf950
    west | highgarden | eagle,

    inventory wrote:medicine store;
    catmint [2] | greencough
    chervil [5] | wounds/aches
    marigold [5] | wounds
    tansy [2] | coughs
    goldenrod [5] | wounds
    catchweed [3] | poultices
    poppy seeds [3] | pain
    cobwebs [5] | bleeding
    fennel [6] | pain
    raspberry leaves [5] | kitting
    ragwort leaves [4] | strength
    alder bark [1] | toothache
    beech leaves [1] | use ???
    chickweed [4] | coughs
    parsley [1] | bellyache
    rosemary [1] | burial
    willow bark [1] | pain
    bindweed [1] | binds sticks
    blackberry leaves [1] | bee stings
    borage leaves [1] | milk
    bright-eye [1] | cures coughs
    burdock [1] | infections
    broom [2] | breaks/wounds
    burnet [4] | strength
    celandine [4] | eye infections
    horsetail [1] | stops bleeding
    oak leaves [1] | stops infection
    comfrey root [1] | wounds
    daisy leaves [1] | aching joints
    dock [1] | soothes scratches
    chamomile [1] | strength
    cob nuts [1] | unknown
    coltsfoot [1] | breathing
    dandelion [1] | bee stings
    elder leaves [1] | sprains

    fresh-kill pile;
    mouse | x9| 1 servings [9]
    vole | x8 | 1 servings [8]
    rabbit | x8 | 2 servings [16]
    bird | x3 | 3 servings [9]
    fish | x8 | 2 servings [16]
    squirrel | x6 | 2 servings [12]
    capacity: 70 servings (5 posts)

    relationships wrote:mentors;
    dusklight | emberpaw [3]
    β†ͺ hunting, battle, swim, skill
    harrierstreak | falconpaw [3]
    β†ͺ hunting, tracking, swim, skill
    wolverinejaw | cinderpaw [3]
    β†ͺ battle, hunting, swim, skill
    featherpelt | sleetpaw [3]
    β†ͺ hunting, tracking, swim, skill
    adderstorm | oakpaw [3]
    β†ͺ battle, hunting, swim, skill
    dawnblossom | hazelpaw [2]
    β†ͺ battle, swim, skill, skill
    harepuddle | quailpaw [1]
    β†ͺ hunting, skill, skill, skill

    deceased cats;
    twilightkit ; murdered by dante

    flintburr β™₯ silvermoon
    β†ͺ halfpond & sedgefire, crowkit,
    ravenkit, starlingkit, tuikit
    tawnycloud β™‘ shrikecry
    β†ͺ shadowtail & hawkthorn
    dustfang β™‘ tanglestep
    β†ͺ boulderflame & burrcall
    hawkthorn β™₯ acornstream
    β†ͺ squirrelwhisker, woodbloom,
    ripplebound β™‘ junipernose
    β†ͺ dawnblossom & dusklight
    eagleleap β™‘ dewfeather
    β†ͺ harrierstreak & mousestone
    badgerstar β™₯ maplefall
    β†ͺ juniperstorm, midnightstream,
    twilightkit; due now!
    cherryflower β™‘ frostjaw
    β†ͺ roseclaw & lionheart
    roseclaw β™₯ pinefeather
    stonepatch β™₯ fawnrunner
    β†ͺ elkbounce, thunderspark, mistcreek
    & deerstripe
    longriver β™₯ harrierstreak
    featherpelt β™‘ seneca
    β†ͺ avocetpaw & ternpaw
    pigeoncall β™‘ reedwhisper
    β†ͺ grouseclaw & willowthroat
    shadowtail β™₯ dustfang
    β†ͺ falconpaw, cinderpaw, sleetpaw
    & oakpaw
    burningcloud β™₯ meadowfang
    mousestone β™₯ novella
    ashenstrike β™₯ lionheart
    β†ͺ due now!
    boulderflame β™₯ flowershine
    β†ͺ due in two moons
    woodbloom β™₯ jayfur
    β†ͺ dahliakit, willowkit, sparrowkit,
    twigkit, wrenkit, finchkit
    niobe β™‘ lancer
    β†ͺ novella & archibald
    fircloud β™‘ callie
    β†ͺ rivuletflight
    silvermoon β™‘ whitefoot
    β†ͺ ripplemist, frostbranch
    burrcall β™₯ willowthroat
    harepuddle β™‘ clovertail
    β†ͺ quailpaw
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Re: π•±π–Žπ–—π–Šπ–ˆπ–‘π–†π–“ - 49 / π•―π–Šπ–†π–™π–π–ˆπ–‘π–†π–“ - 10

Postby Galipaygo » Sun Mar 10, 2019 3:17 pm

Number of Cats: 99

Text Here. Since I'm playing catch-up on my posts for all CA games I'm in I don't anticipate any text to be placed in

[Valleyglow, Blazepool, and Pinegaze gather herbs]
[Valleyglow uses one parsley on herself]
[Valleyglow uses one alder bark on Rosinpaw]
[Valleyglow uses one mallow leaf on Poppystep]
[Blazepool/Pinestep use one raspberry leaf, ragwort, and fennel on Yewfeather]
[Firpaw - 1 moons]
[Smokewhisker speaks with Jaguarpelt]
[Pebbletip speaks with ___]
[Slitear trains Cherrypaw in advanced combat]
[Willowfern trains Paperpaw in swimming]
[Ambereyes trains Marigoldpaw in hunting]
[Birchfur trains Nimbuspaw in swimming]
[Brindlestripe trains Snowpaw in hunting]
[Reedtail trains Icepaw in climbing]
[Cloudstride trains Ebonypaw in hunting]
[Coaljaw trains Summitpaw in swimming]
[Rippleface trains Rosinpaw in climbing]
[Brightheart trains Saltpaw in swimming]
[Puddlefoot trains Mudpaw in climbing]
[Burnettface trains Goosepaw in swimming]
[Sandsweep trains Flintpaw in climbing]
[Emberfoot trains Oceanpaw in fishing]
[Daisypatch trains Halfpaw in swimming]
[Ashfur trains Beepaw in hunting]
[Silvertail trains Hollowpaw in swimming]
[Shadowpaw is named Shadowgaze and made into a warrior]
[Poppypaw is named Poppystep and made into a warrior]
[Pinepaw is named Pinegaze and made into a general medicine cat]
[Fuzzypaw is named Fuzzyface and made into a warrior]
[Shadowstride retires to elder]
[Blackpaw is named Blackgaze and made into a warrior]
[Aspenpaw is named Aspenstep and made into a warrior]
[Galestep, Nightwing, Lunarshine, Smokefoot, Goldenflower, and Lavenderfoot hunt]
[Snowtrail, Quailcloud, Brighteyes, Willowshade, Silvertail, and Littleheart hunt]
[Snowheart, Skyear, Ravenear, Shadowgaze, Poppystep, and Fuzzyface hunt]
[Tatteredpelt, Aspenstep, Lightfrost, Riverstripe, Stillvoice, and Oakclaw patrol the boarders]
[Forgottennose, Firestripe, Blackgaze, Mousecatch, Jaguarpelt, and Jaggedear patrol the boarders]
[Shadowstride, Sunsplash, Honeygaze, Boulderlife, Daisypatch, and Halfpaw watch the kits for the moon]
[Kittings/Romances/Deaths here]

Number of Cats: 22

Text Here

[Ivysong searches for herbs]
[Barkstar, Crowfeather, Robinfur, Hemlockface, and Crabjaw patrol the boarders]
[Thief actions here]
[Fighter actions here]
[Tigerfang trains Lobsterpaw in combat]
[Cobaltface watches the kits]
[Leader actions here]
[Dawnkit is named Dawnpaw, Ivysong's apprentice]
[Duskkit is named Duskpaw, Hemlockface's apprentice]
[Moonkit is named Moonpaw, Crabjaw's apprentice]
[Shadekit is named Shadepaw, Robinfur's apprentice]
[Flamekit is named Flamepaw, Crowfeather's apprentice]
[Gingerkit is named Gingerpaw, Barkstar's apprentice]
[Pollenkit is named Pollenpaw, Hemlockface's apprentice]

The clans consume five birds, one big fish, and one mouse, 19 servings!
[Note to mod: How chill would you be with me saying the badger kits born a while ago come back into Fireclan territory later? For plot.]
Total Number of Cats: 121

    Greystar | 39 moons | Male | ❦
    Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

    Forgottennose | 45 moons | Male | ❦

    Head Medicine Cat:
    Valleyglow | 42 moons | Female | ❦ -0 moons

    Nursery Medicine Cat:
    Blazepool | 24 moons | Male | ❦

    General Medicine Cat:
    Pinegaze | 17 moons | Female | ❦

    Silvertail | 82 moons | Female | ❦
    Goldenflower | 94 moons | Female | ❦
    Rippleface | 90 moons | Male | ❦
    Brindlestripe | 48 moons | Male | ❦
    Tatteredpelt | 97 moons | Female | ❦
    Willowshade | 74 moons | Female | ❦
    Coltsface | 70 moons | Male | ❦
    Puddlefoot | 33 moons | Male | ❦
    Lavenderfoot | 54 moons | Female | ❦
    Willowfern | 97 moons | Female | ❦
    Firestripe| 31 moons | Male | ❦
    Lavendernose | 31 moons | Female | ❦ -FR paw paralyzed
    Lionheart | 31 moons | Male | ❦
    Reedtail | 30 moons | Female | ❦
    Jaggedear | 50 moons | Male | ❦
    Slitear | 50 moons | Male | ❦
    Littleheart | 57 moons | Female | ❦
    Snowheart | 37 moons | Male | ❦
    Brightheart | 58 moons | Male | ❦
    Burnettface | 54 moons | Female | ❦
    Ambereyes | 47 moons | Male | ❦
    Birchfur | 73 moons | Female | ❦
    Cloudstride | 27 moons | Male | ❦
    Ashfur | 24 moons | Female | ❦
    Lightfrost | 45 moons | Male | ❦
    Skyear | 26 moons | Male | ❦
    Emberfoot | 24 moons | Female | ❦
    Coaljaw | 24 moons | Male | ❦
    Sandsweep | 20 moons | Male | ❦
    Snowtrail | 49 moons | Female | ❦
    Quailcloud | 55 moons | Female | ❦
    Smokefoot | 18 moons | Male | ❦
    Galestep | 18 moons | Male | ❦
    Lunarshine | 18 moons | Female | ❦
    Nightwing | 18 moons | Male | ❦
    Jaguarpelt | 58 moons | Female | ❦
    Brighteyes | 17 moons | Female | ❦
    Oakclaw | 17 moons | Male | ❦
    Ravenear | 17 moons | Male | ❦
    Stillvoice | 18 moons | Female | ❦
    Shadowgaze | 18 moons | Male | ❦
    Poppystep | 18 moons | Female | ❦
    Fuzzyface | 16 moons | Male | ❦
    Mousecatch | 39 moons | Male | ❦
    Blackgaze | 18 moons | Male | ❦
    Aspenstep | 17 moons | Male | ❦
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Smokewhisker | 68 moons | Male | ❦
    Pebbletip| 20 moons | Male | ❦
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Cherrypaw | 17 moons | Female | ❦
    Firpaw | 17 moons | Male | ❦
    Paperpaw | 17 moons | Female | ❦ -Deaf R.Ear
    Marigoldpaw | 16 moons | Female | ❦
    Nimbuspaw | 16 moons | Male | ❦
    Snowpaw(right) | 14 moons | Female | ❦
    Icepaw(left) | 14 moons | Female | ❦
    Ebonypaw | 11 moons | Female | ❦
    Summitpaw | 10 moons | Male | ❦
    Rosinpaw | 10 moons | Female | ❦
    Saltpaw | 10 moons | Male | ❦
    Mudpaw | 10 moons | Male | ❦
    Goosepaw | 10 moons | Female | ❦
    Flintpaw | 10 moons | Male | ❦
    Oceanpaw | 10 moons | Female | ❦
    Halfpaw | 10 moons | Male | ❦ -Deaf L.ear
    Beepaw | 10 moons | Male | ❦
    Hollowpaw | 8 moons | Female | ❦
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Nursery Hands:
    Daisypatch | 46 moons | Female | ❦
    Boulderlife | 17 moons | Female | ❦ -Paralyzed mid-back down
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Twoeyes | 57 moons | Female | ❦ -Permanent
    Tawnypelt | 50 moons | Female | ❦
    Yewfeather | 67 moons | Female | ❦
    Greypelt | 42 moons | Female | ❦
    Leopardeye | 38 moons | Female | ❦
    Sweetpatch | 40 moons | Female | ❦ -0 moons
    Sparrowwing | 35 moons | Female | ❦ -1 moons
    Riverstripe | 37 moons | Female | ❦ -2 moons
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Tansykit | 5 moons | Female | ❦
    Salmonkit | 5 moons | Male | ❦
    Ashkit | 5 moons | Male | ❦
    Charkit | 5 moons | Male | ❦
    Beetlekit | 1 moons | Female | ❦
    Dewkit | 1 moons | Female | ❦
    Starlingkit | 1 moons | Female | ❦
    Carpkit | 1 moons | Female | ❦
    Sparrowkit | 1 moons | Male | ❦
    Badgerkit | 1 moons | Male | ❦
    Gladekit | 1 moons | Male | ❦
    Sapkit | 1 moons | Female | ❦
    Greenkit | 1 moons | Male | ❦
    Shroudkit | 1 moons | Female | ❦
    Waspkit | 1 moons | Male | ❦
    Rosekit | 1 moons | Female | ❦
    Shalekit | 1 moons | Male | ❦
    Flamekit | 1 moons | Female | ❦
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Sunsplash | 104 moons | Female | ❦
    Honeygaze | 111 moons | Male | ❦
    Shadowstride | 95 moons | Female | ❦
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]


    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Forestclan | Simonpet
    Northeast | Clan Name | Username
    East | Leafclan | Zephyrine
    Southeast | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    Southwest | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username
    Northwest | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Vole | x2 | 1 servings
    Mice | x0 | 1 servings
    Minnow | x2 | 1 servings
    Small Fish | x4 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x5 | 2 servings
    Rabbit | x4 | 2 servings
    Big Fish | x2 | 3 servings
    Birds | x0 | 3 servings


    Deceased Cats:
    Featherkit♀ | Stillborn | 0 moons
    Riverkitβ™‚ | Stillborn | 0 moons
    Ravenkit♀ | Stillborn | 0 moons
    Poppykit(left)♀ | Poisoned by Juniperleap | 3 moons
    Skypawβ™‚ | Drowned | 7 moons
    Dovekit♀ | Stillborn | 0 moons
    Softcrow♀ | Old Age | 177 moons
    Crowwhiskerβ™‚ | Old Age | 166 moons
    Saltwindβ™‚ | Murdered by Snaketail | 64 moons
    Fernheart♀ | Poisoned by Barktail | 70 moons
    Flickerkitβ™‚ | Poisoned by Barktail | 0 moons
    Bramblestrikeβ™‚ | Murdered by Juniperleap | 29 moons
    Timberstarβ™‚ | Murdered by Juniperleap | 74 moons
    Stonebarkβ™‚ | Murdered by Juniperleap | 61 moons
    Hollypelt♀ | Murdered by Snaketail | 54 moons
    Rainpelt♀ | Murdered by Juniperleap | 63 moons
    Juniperleap♀ | Killed by Timberstar | 30 moons
    Snaketailβ™‚ | Killed by Valleyglow | 27 moons
    Lunarglow♀ | Murdered by Snaketail | 99 moons
    Cat Name | Cause of Death | Age

    Brighteyes | Attract one cat on every patrol | 9% Fatality chance | ❦
    Beeltekit | Attract one cat on every patrol | 26% Fatality chance | ❦
    Starlingkit | Attract one cat on every patrol | 29% Fatality chance | ❦
    Cat Name | Power | Condition (If applicable) | Proof

    First Post:


    Barkstar | 79 moons | Male | ❦

    Second Command:
    Hemlockface | 52 moons | Male | ❦

    Ivysong | 42 moons | Female | ❦

    Crabjaw | 40 moons | Male | ❦
    Badgerclaw | 43 moons | Female | ❦
    Robinfur | 37 moons | Female | ❦
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Tigerfang | 40 moons | Male | ❦
    Crowfeather | 34 moons | Female | ❦
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    In Training:
    Lobsterpaw | 14 moons | Male | ❦
    Dawnpaw | 6 moon | Female | ❦
    Duskpaw | 6 moon | Male | ❦
    Moonpaw | 6 moon | Female | ❦
    Shadepaw | 6 moon | Male | ❦
    Flamepaw(top) | 6 moons | Male | ❦
    Gingerpaw(bottom) | 6 moons | Female | ❦
    Pollenpaw | 6 moons | Female | ❦
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Cobaltface | 47 moons | Female | ❦ -1 moons
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]

    Koikit | 1 moons | Male | ❦
    Jaguarkit | 1 moons | Female | ❦
    Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]❦[/url]


    Medicine Store


    Deceased Cats:
    Falconβ™‚ | Murdered by Barkstar | 136 moons
    Cat Name | Cause of Death | Age

    Cat Name | Power | Condition (If applicable) | Proof

    First Post:


Devote oneself to something beautiful.


"May your dreams become bestsellers" -Galipaygo
"Don't listen to what others say. They don't know you and your limits." -?

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π”π”¦π”°π”±π” π”©π”žπ”« - 28

Postby Galipaygo » Sun Mar 10, 2019 3:37 pm

Number of Cats: 46

Text Here. I don't anticipate any coming soon due to catching up on all my CA games

Leader Happenings:
[None this moon]
Medicine Cat Happenings:
[Camberpool and Gladesun search for herbs]
[Gladesun uses one raspberry leaves on Mudpatch]
Boarder Patrols:
[Gorseclaw, and Willowcry search for the rogues]
Hunting Patrols:
[Barkpatch, Lightfur, Suncatch, Shadowstep, Skyear, and Hickoryclaw hunt]
[Windheart, Lichenfang, Blizzardear, Reedface, Trapjaw, and Wrengaze hunt]
Rank Changes:
[None this moon]
[Gatorclaw trains Sprucepaw in fishing]
[Oakface trains Hummingpaw in combat]
[None this moon]

[The clan consumes two large fish and a small fish, 8 serving!]
[Note to mod: Text Here]

      Shadowstar | 98 moons | Male | 🌿
      Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

      Medicine Cat:
      Camberpool | 38 moons | Male | 🌿 -Paralyzed waist down
      Gladesun | 30 moons | Male | 🌿

      Reedface | 83 moons | Male | 🌿
      Gatorclaw | 64 moons | Male | 🌿
      Blizzardear | 61 moons | Male | 🌿
      Oakface | 56 moons | Male | 🌿
      Windheart | 55 moons | Male | 🌿
      Barkpatch | 49 moons | Male | 🌿
      Skyear | 43 moons | Male | 🌿
      Lichenfang | 43 moons | Male | 🌿
      Willowcry | 37 moons | Female | 🌿
      Wrengaze | 32 moons | Female | 🌿
      Trapjaw | 30 moons | Male | 🌿
      Gorseclaw | 27 moons | Male | 🌿
      Hickoryclaw | 23 moons | Female | 🌿
      Suncatch | 21 moons | Female | 🌿
      Lightfur | 21 moons | Male | 🌿
      Shadowstep | 21 moons | Male | 🌿
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]

      Sprucepaw | 14 moons | Female | 🌿
      Hummingpaw | 12 moons | Female | 🌿
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]

      Mudpatch | 62 moons | Female | 🌿
      Mossfur | 62 moons | Female | 🌿
      Troutthroat | 59 moons | Female | 🌿
      Kadupuldrop | 24 moons | Female | 🌿
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]

      Lichenkit | 2 moons | Male | 🌿
      Brindlekit | 2 moons | Male | 🌿
      Lilykit | 1 moons | Female | 🌿
      Frogkit | 1 moons | Male | 🌿
      Horsekit | 1 moons | Male | 🌿
      Cloudkit | 1 moons | Female | 🌿
      Puzzlekit | 1 moons | Female | 🌿
      Mosquitokit | 1 moons | Male | 🌿
      Heatherkit | 1 moons | Female | 🌿
      Leafkit | 0 moons | Female | 🌿
      Sparrowkit | 0 moons | Female | 🌿
      Larkkit | 0 moons | Male | 🌿
      Robinkit | 0 moons | Male | 🌿
      Lilackit | 0 moons | Female | 🌿
      Branchkit | 0 moons | Male | 🌿
      Thymekit | 0 moons | Male | 🌿
      Ghostkit | 0 moons | Female | 🌿
      Dovekit(Right) | 0 moons | Female | 🌿
      Flakekit(Left) | 0 moons | Female | 🌿
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]

      Chervilpatch | 99 moons | Female | 🌿
      Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]🌿[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    North-East | Jaggedclan | sharpiesandhamilton
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South-East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    South-West | Clan Name | Username
    West | Monarchclan | saralaxy
    North-West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Alder Bark | Eases toothaches | x1
    Beech Leaves | Good to attract prey | x1
    Bindweed | Help mend broken bones | x1
    Blackberry Leaves | Ease bee stings | x1
    Borage | Lower fevers/Produce more milk | x1
    Bright Eye | Help cure coughs | x1
    Broom | Help broken legs/wounds | x1
    Burdock Root | Numbs rat bites | x1
    Burnet | Gives strength | x1
    Catchweed | Stops rubbing of poultices | x1
    Catmint | Cures greencough | x2
    Celadine | Soothes eyes | x1
    Chamomile | Strengthens heart/Eases mind | x1
    Chervil | Helps infected wounds/Bellyache | x1
    Chickweed | Treats greencough | x1
    Cob Nuts | Attract prey/Ointments | x1
    Cobwebs | Slow/stop bleeding | x1
    Coltsfoot | Eases breathing/sore pads | x0
    Comfrey Root | Soothes wounds | x1
    Daisy Leaf | Eases aching joints | x1
    Dandelion | Sooth bee stings | x1
    Dock | Ease pains | x1
    Elder Leaf | Soothes sprains | x1
    Feverfew | Reduces fevers | x1
    Goldenrod | Healing wounds | x1
    Honey | Soothes infections | x1
    Lovage | Help cure coughs | x1
    Lungwort | Cures yellowcough | x1
    Raspberry Leaf | Ease pain/stop bleeding | x0
    Stick | Distracts from pains | x1
    Stinging Nettle | Brings down swelling | x1
    Tansy | Cures coughs | x1
    Tormentil | Extracts poison | x1
    Herb | Usage | Amount

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Minnow | x5 | 1 servings
    Frog | x5 | 1 servings
    Small Bird | x4 | 1 servings
    Toad | x4 | 2 servings
    Small Fish | x4 | 2 servings
    Large Fish | x3 | 3 servings

    Gatorclaw | Sprucepaw | 4
    βœ”οΈ Hunting
    βœ”οΈ Combat
    βœ”οΈ Swimming
    βœ”οΈ Fishing
    βœ”οΈ Moves
    Oakface | Hummingpaw | 3
    βœ”οΈ Climbing
    βœ”οΈ Fishing
    βœ”οΈ Combat
    βœ”οΈ Moves
    Mentor | Apprentice | No. of training sessions
    βœ”οΈ Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Frostfoot | Murdered by Shadowstar
    Snowcave | Weakness after birthing
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Jaggedfang and Dewlight | Shadowstar and Badgernose
    Chervilpatch and Unknown | Suncatch, Lightfur, Shadowstep
    Unknown and Unknown | Oakface and Windheart
    Unknown and Unknown | Kadupuldrop and Sprucepaw
    Mossfur and Blizzardear | Lilykit, Frogkit, Horsekit, Cloudkit
    Troutthroat and Windheart | Puzzlekit, Mosquitokit, Heatherkit
    Kadupuldrop and Unknown | Lichenkit and Brindlekit
    Mudpatch and Reedface | Leafkit, Sparrowkit, Larkkit, and Robinkit
    Gorseclaw and Snowcave | Lilackit, Branchkit, Thymekit, Ghostkit, Dovekit, Flakekit
    Name and Name | Kits

Devote oneself to something beautiful.


"May your dreams become bestsellers" -Galipaygo
"Don't listen to what others say. They don't know you and your limits." -?

I love gifting people! Please don't ban for it
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winter's replies [001]

Postby winter solstice. » Sun Mar 10, 2019 5:12 pm

winter's replies

Date: March 10, 2019

List of Clans: SnowClan | PineClan | MoleClan | AshClan | BorealClan | LakeClan | MeadowClan | TwistedClan | TundraClan | TwilightClan | SilverClan | JaggedClan

List of Second Clans: SteamClan | Larch's Advance | Sanguine Empire | Riverdem

Weather Report wrote:It is greenleaf. The sun is shining, the birds are singing... and the sun is shining, directly overhead. The sun blazes overhead, keeping most life, including cats, bound to the shades until the cooler parts pf the day. Water and hydration seem to be the biggest problem this season, as the relentless sun bears down on the clans with little to no respite from rain.

JaggedClan - sharpiesandhamilton wrote:
(( population ;; eighteen )) (( servings ;; four )) (( next moonfalls visit ;; march second )) (( mod ;; winter solstice ))
(( toms ;; eight )) (( mollies ;; ten ))

    (( welcomes ;; ➡ jaggedclan welcomes juncokit, rookkit, and duckkit. their parents are summitstar and addersong.
    ➡ jaggedclan welcomes ravenpaw as a warrior apprentice.
    ➡ jaggedclan welcomes shadowflame as a warrior.

    hunting ;; ➡ shadowflame, sunstreak, ravenpaw, and witherthorn hunt.
    ➡ cherrystep, cinderflame, and splashshade hunt.

    patrols ;; ➡ ospreycloud, whisperfeather, and summitstar patrol.

    herb searching ;; ➡ webpuddle and loonfrost hunt.

    kittings ;; ➡ none this moon.

    new ranks ;; ➡ none this moon.

    training ;; ➡ sunstreak trains ravenpaw in hunting.

    assessments ;; ➡ none this moon.

    requests ;; ➡ summitstar requests a warrior.

    consumes ;; ➡ jaggedclan consumes one hare.

    notes for mod ;; ➡ i have made a special section at the very bottom of my form to give credit for my font. i got annoyed of accidentally getting sent to the website when i'm scrolling through my post on mobile haha. ))

      [ Shadowflame's patrol successfully catches Mouse x2 and Stoat x1. ]
      [ Cherrystep's hunting patrol catches Stoat x2. ]
      [ Ospreycloud's patrol encounters a possible queen and her three kits seeking shade from the heat. ]
      [ Webpuddle and Loonfrost find Chervil x1, Honey x1, Fennel x1, and Cobwebs x1. ]
      [ Ravenpaw successfully learned the Hunting skill! ]
      [ StarClan hears Summitstar's request and grant JaggedClan a warrior. ]

SilverClan - DiamondDogg wrote:
Number of Cats: 13 | Servings Used: 3 | Prey Eaten: x1 Large Fish | Starpool Visit: N/A | Mod: Winter |

XXXXX-Hunting- [Autumnpatch, Applegaze, Blackdash]
XXXXX-Border- [Swiftwind, Slatepelt]
XXXXX-Herb Gathering- [Shadowleap]

      [ Autumnpatch's patrol successfully catches Squirrel x2 and Mouse x1. ]
      [ Swiftwind and Slatepelt encounter a possible apprentice. ]
      [ Shadowleap found Lovage x2 and Lavender x1. ]

TwistedClan - spasticjazzhands wrote:
Mod: winter
Number of Cats: 33

TwistedClan uses: 6 servings
| 16 females | 17 males |
Next Moonpool visit: later

    The Clan consumes six mice (6 servings).
    Wolfclaw, Birchwhisker, Sagefeather, and Crowtalon hunt.
    Ruststripe, Toadsplash, Nightpelt, Valleyrunner, and Mallardwing hunt.
    Neritefang, Claystream, Stonefrost, and Sunchaser hunt.

    Briarwhisper and Mallardwing patrol.

    Spottednose and Galalight hunt for herbs.

    Cloudpaw has her leg looked at by Spottednose. He uses 1 cobweb to stop bleeding. Hopefully, that'll be the last of that but I guess, we'll see. Whoa, who's using first person in here?
    Blossomfall dies from the fox bite.

    All apprentices train in Fighting. Cloudpaw gets injured and goes to rest.

    Starlingpaw attempts her warrior assessment. If she passes, she will be known as Starlingsky.
    Flamepaw attempts his warrior assessment. If he passes, he will be known as Flameleap.

    Morningstar is kitting! Galalight assists.
    Wolfclaw and Silverstem become mates! (and try for kits)

    none this moon

    I'll be adding in some rabid animal sightings/encounters but if a patrol happens to run into something that would be okay. Either way, rabies gonna rabies. : ) It's like Cujo 2.0 but not in Maine or a cute family dog.

      [ Wolfclaw's patrol successfully catches Thrush x2 and Mouse x1. ]
      [ Ruststripe's patrol successfully catches Vole x3. ]
      [ Neritefang's patrol successfully catches Squirrel x1 and Mouse x2. ]
      [ Briarwhisper and Mallardwing's patrol passes uneventfully. ]
      [ Spottednose and Galalight find Horsetail x2, Lamb's Ear x1, and Goldenrod x1. ]
      [ Cloudpaw's injury has stopped bleeding, and the wound hasn't caught infection. She will not need any herbs, but will need a moon of rest to recover. ]
      [ StarClan mourns the passing of brave Blossomfall, and there is one more star sparkling in the sky tonight - Blossomfall will be watching from above to guide her Clanmates in the moons to come. ]
      [ All but 2 apprentices learn the Fighting skill - feel free to choose who failed~ ]
      [ Starlingpaw and Flamepaw pass with flying colors! Though Flamepaw sprained his paw during the last part, so he will need to go easy on the duties for one moon after. StarClan welcomes two bright young cats as the newest warriors of TwistedClan - Starlightsky and Flameleap! ]
      [ Morningstar gives birth to three (genetically male) healthy kits (genetically female)! ]
      [ After checking with the medicine cats, Silverstem happily announces to Wolfclaw that she is pregnant! She will give birth in two moons. ]

      (Mod notes: ohhhhhh boy e.e; good luck TwistedClan...)

BorealClan - Diamond Sapphire wrote:
─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─

Toms: 2 | Mollies: 4 | Total Population: 6 cats
Serving Size: 002 | Next Ancestral Vist: anytime

nothing for now! -- i'll probably edit this later ;u; this is also a temporary coding!
i really disliked the old one and wanted to give it a quick change for now lmao

[ Willowstar requests a combatant -- I'd like to request a maine coon for them! ]
[ Willowstar, Silverstep and Aspencloud hunt ]
[ Pinepond and Hazestorm go on a border patrol ]
[ Petalsong looks searching for herbs ]

      [ StarClan hears Willowstar's request and grants BorealClan a combatant. ]
      [ Willowstar's patrol successfully catches Ermine x3. ]
      [ Pinepond and Hazelstorm's patrol passes uneventfully. ]
      [ Petalsong finds Rosemary x1 and Borage Leaves x2. ]

      Mod Notes: Hello! Sorry for my absence and late introduction! I'm winter, and I'll be your mod from now on! Please feel free to message me on here or Discord for questions~!
Hello, I'm winter! Hope you have a great day or night wherever you live~!

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(( jaggedclan ;; 009 ))

Postby chaotic creativity » Mon Mar 11, 2019 3:03 am

(( population ;; twenty-three )) (( servings ;; five
)) (( next moonfalls visit ;; march ninth )) (( mod ;; winter solstice ))
(( toms ;; ten )) (( mollies ;; thirteen ))

    (( ✏︎ will write later. ❖ ))

    (( welcomes ;; ➡ jaggedclan welcomes egretmuzzle as a warrior.
    ➡ jaggedclan welcomes twocrow as a queen
    ➡ jaggedclan welcomes tigerkit, birchkit, and oakkit as kits

    hunting ;; ➡ egretmuzzle, cherrystep, sunstreak, and ravenpaw hunt.
    ➡ cinderflame, ospreycloud, and shadowflame hunt.

    patrols ;; ➡ witherthorn and summitstar hunt,

    herb searching ;; ➡ none this moon.

    kittings ;; ➡ whisperfeather is kitting! cherrystep is the father. loonfrost supervises the kitting.
    ➡ splashshade is kitting! cinderflame is the father. webpuddle supervises the kitting.

    new ranks ;; ➡ none this moon.

    training ;; ➡ sunstreak trains ravenpaw in fighting.

    assessments ;; ➡ none this moon.

    requests ;; ➡ summitstar requests a warrior.

    consumes ;; ➡ jaggedclan consumes one mountain bird and one stoat.

    notes for mod ;; ➡ none this moon. ))


(( summitstar ;; thirty-eight moons ;; tom ;; x )) | nine lives remaining

(( temporarily in nursery. cherrystep is fulfilling the duties for the next
few moons. ))

medicine cats:
(( loonfrost ;; forty-four moons ;; molly ;; x ))
(( webpuddle ;; sixteen moons ;; tom ;; x )) | blind

(( cherrystep ;; seventy-two moons ;; tom ;; x ))
(( whisperfeather ;; sixty-six moons ;; molly ;; x )) | kitting this moon
(( cinderflame ;; forty-five moons ;; tom ;; x ))
(( splashshade ;; forty-three moons ;; molly ;; x )) | kitting this moon
(( sunstreak ;; seventy-six moons ;; molly ;; x ))
(( ospreycloud ;; sixteen moons ;; molly ;; x ))
(( witherthorn ;; sixteen moons ;; tom ;; x ))
(( shadowflame ;; twenty-four moons ;; tom ;; x ))
(( egretmuzzle ;; fifty-four moons ;; molly ;; x ))

(( ravenpaw ;; eleven moons ;; tom ;; x ))

(( thistleheart ;; thirty-three moons ;; molly ;; x ))
(( addersong ;; forty moons ;; molly ;; x ))
(( twocrow ;; thirty-three moons ;; molly ;; x ))

(( featherkit ;; four moons ;; molly ;; x ))
(( juncokit ;; one moon ;; molly ;; x ))
(( rookkit ;; two moons ;; tom ;; x ))
(( duckkit ;; two moons ;; molly ;; x ))
(( tigerkit ;; three moons ;; tom ;; x ))
(( birchkit ;; three moons ;; tom ;; x ))
(( oakkit ;; three moons ;; molly ;; x ))

(( name ;; age ;; gender ;; link ))
(( north ;; clan ;; user ))
(( northeast ;; clan ;; user ))
(( east ;; clan ;; user ))
(( southeast ;; clan ;; user ))
(( south ;; clan ;; user ))
(( southwest ;; fireclan ;; galipaygo ))
(( west ;; evanora's reach ;; tΔ“orian ))
(( northwest ;; clan ;; user ))

medicine store:
(( borage ;; produces more milk, brings down fevers, soothes bad bellies,
+ relieves tight chests ;; one ))
(( burdock root ;; lessens pain of rat bites + soothes sore pads ;; one ))
(( catmint ;; cure for greencough ;; one ))
(( celandine ;; soothes weakened or damaged eyes ;; one ))
(( chervil ;; helps infected wounds and bellyache ;; two ))
(( chickweed ;; treats greencough ;; one ))
(( cobwebs ;; stops bleeding ;; two ))
(( dock ;; soothes scratches + sore pads, eases pain of wounds
when lining nest ;; one ))
(( fennel ;; helps pain in the hips ;; one ))
(( feverfew ;; helps fever, aches, and pains ;; one ))
(( goldenrod ;; heals wounds ;; one ))
(( honey ;; soothes infection and eases sore throats ;; one ))
(( marigold ;; stops infection ;; one ))
(( mouse bile ;; kills ticks ;; one ))
(( poppy seeds ;; soothes shock and distress and eases pain ;; one ))
(( rush ;; holds broken limbs in place ;; one ))
(( stinging nettle ;; induces vomiting or eases swelling ;; one ))
(( tansy ;; cures coughs, wounds, and poison ;; one ))

prey pile:
(( mice ;; one serving ;; four ))
(( shrew ;; one serving ;; two ))
(( stoat ;; two servings ;; four )) [ - 1 ]
(( small fish ;; two servings ;; two ))
(( hare ;; three servings ;; none ))
(( mountain birds ;; three servings ;; one )) [ - 1 ]

(( sunstreak ;; ravenpaw ;; one ;;
β†ͺ hunting ))
(( mentor ;; apprentice ;; n. of training sessions ;;
β†ͺ moves ))

(( summitstar ;; addersong ;;
β†ͺ juncokit, rookkit, duckkit ))
(( unknown ;; thistleheart ;;
β†ͺ featherkit ))
(( unknown ;; twocrow ;;
β†ͺ tigerkit, birchkit, oakkit ))
(( cherrystep ;; whisperfeather ;;
β†ͺ due in this moon ))
(( cinderflame ;; splashshade ;;
β†ͺ due in this moon ))

deceased cats:
(( name ;;
β†ͺ cause of death ))
(( name ;;
β†ͺ cause of death ))

font credit.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby Lokisaurus » Mon Mar 11, 2019 5:12 am

    about. strikersclan is a combination of two old, now forgotten clans: duskclan
    and whistlingclan. duskclan and whistlingclan were at war for many seasons, song long that
    the two clanscollectively forgot the reasoning behind the fighting. in an effort to salvage the
    remaining scraps of the fighting clans, the last two leaders of the respective clans became mates
    and had a litter of kits that both clans would have to take care of. the clans eventually united
    as one to avoid the kits from travelling through open territory to see either of their parents, and
    the newly joined clan was named "strikersclan," in honor of lilystar and fallenstar's only still-born,

    territory. a combination of two territories, strikersclan resides within a sparse forest with plenty
    of open underbrush. the trees and bushes here are scraggly and crooked. everything within the
    territory is barbed and unkempt, just like the cats who hunt among these brambles.
    --- common prey types include: rabbits, field mice, squirrels
    --- more ambitious cats hunt: blackbirds, stoats

    characteristics. the cats within strikersclan have become scraggly and sparse in the seasons
    since duskclan and whistlingclan. cats are now short-coated with thin frames and large ears.
    the occasional old-clan trait will appear, however. for whistlingclan-descended cats, it would
    be small eyes and round faces. for duskclan cats, it would be short muzzles and large paws.
    sometimes, cats can tell who is descended from the original leaders - lilystar and fallenstar by
    their attributes or pelt markings.
    --- common traits within strikersclan: independence, trustworthiness, paternal or maternal instincts

    traditions. strikersclan is a clan that differentiates itself with titles. more often than
    not, cats are gifted titles from birth to death, as it would be unreasonable to change their
    name every time they gained an attribute. for example, cats born with noticeable canines
    are titled "whistlers," as the last whistlingclan leader, lilystar, was known for her large teeth.
    this allows the leader to focus on more important characteristics than a cat's teeth when
    gifting them their warrior name.
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Shiningclan post 031

Postby Kazin » Mon Mar 11, 2019 6:36 am

Number of Cats: 044 | 22 β™‚ | 22 ♀ | 8 servings needed next serving needed at 49

Perhaps the cats had been wrong to think the troubles were over... because new troubles have just begun. Scorchstar felt like he couldn't catch a break, but he was glad no one had been hurt... besides him. It was a terrifying night when a piece of the ceiling fell on top of Scorchstar in his own den, nearly crushing Firesong, who had been with him. It was nerve-wracking, especially for the queen, wailing for Timberleaf to come and save him. In the end, Timberleaf really couldn't do anything; only wait for Scorchstar to wake back up. The debris did crush him enough to take a life, though he was drained when he came to, he was ok. It was then Scorchstar began to look up, careful to make sure that the dens cats slept in did not look ready to cave in. The only den that seemed unsafe was the apprentice's den, which was an easy fix, just moving them to another den nearby. There was enough space in the Twoleg nest to move around cats. Scorchstar himself moved to the first floor, choosing to make a makeshift den in one corner, not trusting the smaller rooms anymore.

Once the imminent danger was gone, though, Scorchstar was still left wondering if the Twoleg nest was truly going to be a good idea to stay in for much longer. Surely the place would keep deteriorating, no matter that the cats did to fortify it. The ceiling especially was worrisome, but it seemed alright for now.

The other thing that worried Scorchstar was his daughter. She was ready to give kit at any moment, but that wasn't what worried the leader. It was the fact she she would not mention her mate. And she was avoiding him. She was uncharacteristically jumpy around him, giving an excuse to leave whenever he was around. It made him sad, that his own daughter didn't trust him anymore, but he said nothing. Not until she wasn't able to run away anymore, told she had to stay put in the nursery and in the camp until her kits were here.

Scorchstar waiting until dusk, padding swiftly into the nursery as he saw Slatefang retreat in there after just being in Timberleaf's den. She would not be able to avoid him anymore, and he truly just wanted to know what was going on with her. Why she wouldn't talk to him.

He began speaking before Slatefang even knew he was there. She jumped at his voice, whirling around quickly. "You've been avoiding me," Scorchstar said softly, sadness creeping into the depths of his voice. "Why?"

Slatefang let her tail drop, pausing and glancing out into the camp before answering. "I can't tell you," she whispered, not meeting Scorchstar's eyes. "I don't want you to hate me."

Scorchstar shook his head. "I would never hate you," he said, stepping closer to Slatefang and pressing against her lightly. "You are my family.

Smiling sadly, Slatefang shook her head. "No, you would have to hate me for this. Maybe one day I'll tell you, but I can only stop avoiding you if you promise to trust me. And stop asking questions, especially about my kits."

It was a hard thing to promise, but he would do it for her. For their family.


New cats/rank up:
--> Turtlegaze's kit is named Dustkit.

--> Scorchstar, Sootstripe, Hollyfoot, Rivergaze, Argentfang, and Raventail go check to see if the Twolegs and their dog have left the territory.
--> Thornstrike, Daisypatch, Bramblepond, Honeyflame, and Cherryheart hunt.

--> Hailpaw, Owlpaw, and Asterpaw train in tracking with Ferretclaw, Appleclaw, and Cricketheart.
--> Dunepaw and Sorrelpaw train in stealth with Deerleg and Cindersong.

--> Slatefang is due! Timberleaf is the father. Timberleaf has x2 chervil at the ready.

--> ShiningClan consumes 6 mice and a squirrel [8 servings].
--> A piece of the Twoleg den Shiningclan is occupying collapsed on Scorchstar, costing him one life.

          Scorchstar | 54 moons | β™‚ | ♦
          Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜†β˜†β˜†

          Cricketheart | 37 moons | β™‚ | ♦

          Medicine Cats:
          Timberleaf | 22 moons | β™‚ | ♦

          Firesong | 59 moons | ♀ | ♦
          Argentfang | 53 moons | β™‚ | ♦
          Sootstripe | 44 moons | β™‚ | ♦
          Thornstrike | 43 moons | β™‚ | ♦
          Birchstorm | 37 moons | β™‚ | ♦
          Cherryheart | 37 moons | β™‚ | ♦
          Snowflower | 35 moons | ♀ | ♦
          Appleclaw | 33 moons | β™‚ | ♦
          Deerleg | 32 moons | β™‚ | ♦
          Daisypatch | 30 moons | ♀ | ♦
          Cindersong | 26 moons | ♀ | ♦
          Ferretclaw | 24 moons | ♀ | ♦
          Hollyfoot | 24 moons | ♀ | ♦
          Thymetail | 24 moons | β™‚ | ♦
          Rabbitmask | 21 moons | β™‚ | ♦
          Rivergaze | 21 moons | ♀ | ♦
          Darkthunder | 20 moons | β™‚ | ♦
          Raventail | 18 moons | ♀ | ♦
          Honeyflame | 18 moons | ♀ | ♦
          Ashbreeze | 17 moons | β™‚ | ♦
          Emberthorn | 17 moons | ♀ | ♦
          Bramblepond | 14 moons | β™‚ | ♦

          Hailpaw | 11 moons | β™‚ | ♦
          Owlpaw | 11 moons | ♀ | ♦
          Asterpaw | 11 moons | β™‚ | ♦
          Sorrelpaw | 9 moons | ♀ | ♦
          Dunepaw | 8 moons | β™‚ | ♦

          Nightfrost | 34 moons | ♀ | ♦
          Maplecloud | 33 moons | ♀ | ♦
          Turtlegaze | 46 moons | ♀ | ♦
          Slatefang | 26 moons | ♀ | ♦

          Rainkit | 5 moons | β™‚ | ♦
          Olivekit | 5 moons | ♀ | ♦
          Minkkit | 5 moons | ♀ | ♦
          Martenkit | 5 moons | β™‚ | ♦
          Ivykit | 3 moons | ♀ | ♦
          Rowankit | 3 moons | ♀ | ♦
          Peachkit | 3 moons | ♀ | ♦
          Seedkit | 3 moons | β™‚ | ♦
          Pikekit | 3 moons | β™‚ | ♦
          Dustkit | 0 moons | ♀ | ♦

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]♦[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]♦[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Alder bark x1 Beech Leaves x1
    Bindweed x1 Blackberry Leaves x1
    Borage x2 Bright eye x1
    Broom x1 Burdock x2
    Burnet x2 Catchweed x1
    Catmint x2 Celandine x1
    Chamomile x1 Chervil x3
    Chickweed x1 Cob Nuts x1
    Cobweb x4 Coltsfoot x1
    Comfrey Root x1
    Daisy Leaves x1 Fennel x1
    Feverfew x1 Horsetail x3
    Lavender x1 Poppy seeds x3
    Ragwort x1 Raspberry Leaves x0
    Rosemary x1
    Stick x1 Stinging Nettle x3
    Sweetsedge x1 Thyme x2
    Wintergreen x1 Yarrow x1
    Dandelion x1 Dock Leaves x1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mouse | x7 | 1 serving [6 being eaten]
    Rabbit | x6 | 3 servings
    Bird | x5 | 3 servings
    Small fish | x5 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x7 | 2 servings [1 being eaten]
    Frog | x6 | 1 serving

    Available skills | Hunting, Stealth,
    Swimming, Fighting, Tracking...

    Ferretclaw | Hailpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
    Appleclaw | Owlpaw | H,St, Sw, F, T.
    Cricketheart | Asterpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
    Deerleg | Dunepaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
    Cindersong | Sorrelpaw | H, St, Sw, F, T.
    Mentor | Apprentice | H, St, Sw, F, T.

    Deceased Cats:

    Mates / Family:

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hazilnut's replies 14

Postby hazilnut » Mon Mar 11, 2019 4:25 pm

β–Ί Greenleaf β—„

Things have begun to heat up in the clans. The sun is no longer a being of gentle warmth but a scathing eye that one never seems to be able to escape the gaze of. Cats can at least find some refuge in the long-stretching evenings which are of a more comfortable temperature. The clans must be mindful of how much the apprentices and warriors exert themselves; medicine cats are already arranging for stashes of soaked moss in preparation of heatstroke.
[Moorclan] [Fireclan / Deathclan[/url]] [Robinclan] [Eagleclan] [The Empire Of The Gods] [Springclan] [Beachclan] [Winterclan] [Brookclan] [Darkclan] [Pipistrelleclan] [Moonclan] [Voidclan] [Shaded Skies] [Isle of Pagtuklas] [Mirageclan] [Strawclan]

Galipaygo wrote:

[Valleyglow, Blazepool, and Pinegaze gather herbs]
[Valleyglow uses one parsley on herself]
[Valleyglow uses one alder bark on Rosinpaw]
[Valleyglow uses one mallow leaf on Poppystep]
[Blazepool/Pinestep use one raspberry leaf, ragwort, and fennel on Yewfeather]
[Firpaw - 1 moons]
[Smokewhisker speaks with Jaguarpelt]
[Pebbletip speaks with ___]
[Slitear trains Cherrypaw in advanced combat]
[Willowfern trains Paperpaw in swimming]
[Ambereyes trains Marigoldpaw in hunting]
[Birchfur trains Nimbuspaw in swimming]
[Brindlestripe trains Snowpaw in hunting]
[Reedtail trains Icepaw in climbing]
[Cloudstride trains Ebonypaw in hunting]
[Coaljaw trains Summitpaw in swimming]
[Rippleface trains Rosinpaw in climbing]
[Brightheart trains Saltpaw in swimming]
[Puddlefoot trains Mudpaw in climbing]
[Burnettface trains Goosepaw in swimming]
[Sandsweep trains Flintpaw in climbing]
[Emberfoot trains Oceanpaw in fishing]
[Daisypatch trains Halfpaw in swimming]
[Ashfur trains Beepaw in hunting]
[Silvertail trains Hollowpaw in swimming]
[Shadowpaw is named Shadowgaze and made into a warrior]
[Poppypaw is named Poppystep and made into a warrior]
[Pinepaw is named Pinegaze and made into a general medicine cat]
[Fuzzypaw is named Fuzzyface and made into a warrior]
[Shadowstride retires to elder]
[Blackpaw is named Blackgaze and made into a warrior]
[Aspenpaw is named Aspenstep and made into a warrior]
[Galestep, Nightwing, Lunarshine, Smokefoot, Goldenflower, and Lavenderfoot hunt]
[Snowtrail, Quailcloud, Brighteyes, Willowshade, Silvertail, and Littleheart hunt]
[Snowheart, Skyear, Ravenear, Shadowgaze, Poppystep, and Fuzzyface hunt]
[Tatteredpelt, Aspenstep, Lightfrost, Riverstripe, Stillvoice, and Oakclaw patrol the boarders]
[Forgottennose, Firestripe, Blackgaze, Mousecatch, Jaguarpelt, and Jaggedear patrol the boarders]
[Shadowstride, Sunsplash, Honeygaze, Boulderlife, Daisypatch, and Halfpaw watch the kits for the moon]
[Kittings/Romances/Deaths here]

[Ivysong searches for herbs]
[Barkstar, Crowfeather, Robinfur, Hemlockface, and Crabjaw patrol the boarders]
[Thief actions here]
[Fighter actions here]
[Tigerfang trains Lobsterpaw in combat]
[Cobaltface watches the kits]
[Leader actions here]
[Dawnkit is named Dawnpaw, Ivysong's apprentice]
[Duskkit is named Duskpaw, Hemlockface's apprentice]
[Moonkit is named Moonpaw, Crabjaw's apprentice]
[Shadekit is named Shadepaw, Robinfur's apprentice]
[Flamekit is named Flamepaw, Crowfeather's apprentice]
[Gingerkit is named Gingerpaw, Barkstar's apprentice]
[Pollenkit is named Pollenpaw, Hemlockface's apprentice]

The clans consume five birds, one big fish, and one mouse, 19 servings!
[Note to mod: How chill would you be with me saying the badger kits born a while ago come back into Fireclan territory later? For plot.]

β–Ί The medicine cats find x1 bindweed, x1 oak leaves, x1 rush & x1 goatweed
β–Ί Galestep's patrol catches x3 birds
β–Ί Snowtail's patrol catches x1 small fish, x1 rabbit & x1 mouse
β–Ί Snowheart's patrol catches x2 big fish & x1 mouse
β–Ί Tatteredpelt's patrol notes water levels have dropped due to the heat
β–Ί Forgottennose's patrol finds a warrior and apprentice
β–Ί Cherrypaw learns advanced combat
β–Ί Paperpaw learns advanced swimming instead of swimming
β–Ί Marigoldpaw learns combat instead of hunting
β–Ί Nimbuspaw learns swimming
β–Ί Snowpaw learns advanced fishing instead of hunting
β–Ί Icepaw learns climbing
β–Ί Ebonypaw learns swimming instead of hunting
β–Ί Summitpaw learns advanced fishing instead of swimming
β–Ί Rosinpaw fails climbing
β–Ί Saltpaw learns swimming
β–Ί Mudpaw learns climbing
β–Ί Goosepaw learns swimming
β–Ί Flintpaw fails climbing
β–Ί Oceanpaw learns fishing
β–Ί Halfpaw learns swimming
β–Ί Beepaw learns fishing instead of hunting
β–Ί Hollowpaw learns swimming
β–Ί The topic of gossip around the nursery these days is Tawnypelt and her kits
β–Ί Ivysong gathers x1 feverfew & x1 thyme
β–Ί Barkstar's patrol finds nothing of interest
β–Ί Lobsterpaw learns combat but the roughness of the training leaves him with a broken leg that needs x1 stick & x1 bindweed to set properly
β–Ί Koikit and Jaguarkit won't stop crying but it's thought x1 thyme might help
β–Ί mod notes: 110% chill

LooneyLani wrote:

requests - n/a
patrols - Mountainstar, Stoneburr, Dewpaw, Barkspring & Beargaze go hunting in the forest, Ivynose, Featherwillow, Stonepaw & Streammist go hunting near the lake / Larksong, Ashpaw, Beargaze & Minnowstream patrol the North and East borders, Snowtail, Sunpaw, Mumbleclaw & Foxtrot patrol the South and West borders / Blossomspeck & Lilypaw gather herbs
relationships/kitting - n/a
rank changes - Ashkit, Dewkit, Stonekit & Sunkit become apprentices! Larksong, Stoneburr, Featherwillow & Snowtail are appointed as mentors, Streammist returns to the rank of hunter

mod notes - n/a
consumes - Moonclan consumes 6 servings, finishing off a bird & hare

β–Ί Mountainstar's hunting patrol catches x1 mouse & x1 hare
β–Ί Ivynose's hunting patrol catches x1 squirrel & x1 bird
β–Ί Larksong's patrol finds Mumbleclaw's mate and their pregnant daughter
β–Ί Snowtail's patrol finds two sibling to bes
β–Ί Mumbleclaw suffers minor heatstroke. She will need x1 feverfew and to remember that she is a wise one and should not go patrolling.
β–Ί The medicine cats find x1 parsley, x1 tansy & x1 oak leaf

Lokisaurus wrote:-----------------Image
    about. strikersclan is a combination of two old, now forgotten clans: duskclan
    and whistlingclan. duskclan and whistlingclan were at war for many seasons, song long that
    the two clanscollectively forgot the reasoning behind the fighting. in an effort to salvage the
    remaining scraps of the fighting clans, the last two leaders of the respective clans became mates
    and had a litter of kits that both clans would have to take care of. the clans eventually united
    as one to avoid the kits from travelling through open territory to see either of their parents, and
    the newly joined clan was named "strikersclan," in honor of lilystar and fallenstar's only still-born,

    territory. a combination of two territories, strikersclan resides within a sparse forest with plenty
    of open underbrush. the trees and bushes here are scraggly and crooked. everything within the
    territory is barbed and unkempt, just like the cats who hunt among these brambles.
    --- common prey types include: rabbits, field mice, squirrels
    --- more ambitious cats hunt: blackbirds, stoats

    characteristics. the cats within strikersclan have become scraggly and sparse in the seasons
    since duskclan and whistlingclan. cats are now short-coated with thin frames and large ears.
    the occasional old-clan trait will appear, however. for whistlingclan-descended cats, it would
    be small eyes and round faces. for duskclan cats, it would be short muzzles and large paws.
    sometimes, cats can tell who is descended from the original leaders - lilystar and fallenstar by
    their attributes or pelt markings.
    --- common traits within strikersclan: independence, trustworthiness, paternal or maternal instincts

    traditions. strikersclan is a clan that differentiates itself with titles. more often than
    not, cats are gifted titles from birth to death, as it would be unreasonable to change their
    name every time they gained an attribute. for example, cats born with noticeable canines
    are titled "whistlers," as the last whistlingclan leader, lilystar, was known for her large teeth.
    this allows the leader to focus on more important characteristics than a cat's teeth when
    gifting them their warrior name.

β–Ί Strikersclan has been founded
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LakeClan 015

Postby honey--bee » Mon Mar 11, 2019 6:04 pm


Settingstar|male|64 moons| X
Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

Firetail|male|51 moons| x

medicine cat:
Riverwisp|female|39 moons|x

medicine cat apprentice:
Palepaw|male|6 moons|x

Dawnfire|female|45 moons|x
Whitepuddle|male|43 moons|x
Pigeonbelly|female|35 moons|x
Ravenfeather|female|59 moons|x
Fawnleap|female|31 moons|x
Bluefire|female|40 moons| x
Kestrelflight|male|58 moons| x
Tansypatch|female|43 moons|x
Canarysong|male|31 moons| x
Ferretfang|male|46 moons| x
Rookclaw|male|19 moons|x
Snowdust|male|38 moons|x
Rainmask|male| 29 moons| x
Softcry|female|35 moons|x
Gingerstep|female|16 moons| x
Amberfern|female|16 moons| x
Coppernose|male|36 moons| x
Sorrelrose|female|38 moons| x

Littlepaw|male|13 moons|x
Leopardpaw|male|16 moons|x
Sweetpaw|female|9 moons| x left
Stonepaw|male|9 moons|x middle
Shadepaw|female|9 moons|x right
Olivepaw|female|7 moons| x
Russetpaw|male|6 moons|x
Dapplepaw|female|6 moons|x

Patchfoot|female|55 moons|x
Sunsong|female|39 moons| x

Mintkit|male|5 moons| x
Thistlekit|male|5 moons|x

Cherryleaf|female|94 moons|x

Bluefire| Littlepaw
#4| hunting, fighting, climbing, swimming
Snowdust| Leopardpaw
#2| hunting, fighting
Kestrelflight| Sweetpaw
#3| hunting, fighting, climbing,
Firetail| Stonepaw
#3| hunting, fighting, climbing,
Fawnleap| Shadepaw
#2| hunting, fighting
Rainmask| Olivepaw
#0| moves
#0| moves
#0| moves
#0| moves
mentor | apprentice |
no. of training sessions | moves
number of cats: 35 cats
2 of which are kits

|| 18F
total servings: 7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
last moonstone: 3/10 now
next moonstone:3/17
archive: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14

ally clans: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
clan name | username
clan name | username

enemy clans
clan name | username
clan name | username

clan name | username

medicine store
marigold | x2
cobweb | x1
coltsfoot | x1
dock |x1
lavender |x1
catmint |x2
raspberry leaves x2
borage|x| x1
parsley|x| x1
fennel|x| x1
dandelion|x| x1
poppy seed|x| x1
herb | usage

fresh-kill pile
vole| x4 | 4 servings
large fish| x2 | 6 servings
small fish | x0 | 0 servings
waterfowl | x1 | 3 servings
mice | x0 | 0 servings
thrush | x1 | 3 servings

deceased cats
cat name | cause of death
cat name | cause of death

Settingstar + Patchfoot |
Mintkit, Thistlekit

? + Daisy|
Amberfern, Gingerstep

Kestrelflight + Tansypatch |
Palekit, Russetkit and Dapplekit

? + Softcry |
Sweetpaw, Stonepaw, Shadepaw

Firetail + Sunsong| ?
name and name | kits

xxxxxxxxmoonstone: settingstar asks for a warrior
xxxxxxxxfood: LakeClan consumes 3 small fish and 1 mouse for 7 servings
xxxxxxxxpatrols: hunting: settingstar, firetail, whitepuddle,
pigeonbelly, dapplepaw, and stonepaw hunt at the lake
fawnleap, bluefire, littlepaw, shadepaw, tansypatch and canarysong
hunt at the forest
border: riverwisp, palepaw, and sorrelrose patrol the north border
looking for herbs
gingerstep and ambernose patrol the south border

bluefire sends littlepaw through his final warrior assessment.
leopardpaw returns to training
the triplets train together again.
olivepaw, russetpaw and dapplepaw train together as well.
palepaw trains under the medicine cat, riverwisp

xxxxxxxxcamp life: Palekit, Russetkit and Dapplekit become apprentices.
xxxxxxxxextra: sunsong is due now!!

Bluefire walked into camp, the rest of the dawn patrol behind her. "go on, take a vole for yourself from the fresh-kill pile," she meowed to Littlepaw. He had grown up quickly, she thought, and he was ready to become a warrior. An exciting moment for both mentor and apprentice, seeing that she wanted to become deputy, and having at least one apprentice is a requirement. Firetail wasn't going anywhere any time soon though, but Bluefire was patient. She could wait.

Leopardpaw sighed, another moon had come and gone, and he still felt like he was useless without his hind leg. Most days Cherryleaf kept him company in the elders den, but sometimes he felt that he was destined to stay in that den forever. Olivepaw also spent her time with him, which was alright, Leopardpaw guessed.

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moonclan ((015))

Postby LooneyLani » Mon Mar 11, 2019 11:36 pm

Number of Cats: 37
Servings Needed: 7
Moonpool Visit: Now

will work on one soon!

requests - Mountainstar requests a warrior
patrols - Ivynose, Bloompaw, Featherwillow, Stonepaw, Echobreeze & Oakpaw go hunting in the forest, Stoneburr, Dewpaw, Barkspring, Twigpaw, Streammist & Songpaw go hunting near the lake / Mountainstar, Halfpaw, Snowtail, Sunpaw, Beargaze & Cherrypaw patrol the North and East borders, Larksong, Ashpaw, Foxtrot, Sleekpaw, Minnowstream & Icypaw patrol the South and West borders / Blossomspeck & Lilypaw gather herbs
relationships/kitting - Mountainstar caught a rare moment of open affection from Blossomspeck, Foxtrot has made a habit of complimenting Stoneburr & the newly arrived Autumnleaf has already found herself drawn to Barkspring
mentoring - Larksong trains Ashpaw in climbing & Snowtail trains Sunpaw in climbing / Stoneburr trains Dewpaw in stalking & Featherwillow trains Stonepaw in stalking
rank changes - Oakkit, Cherrykit, Crowkit, Icykit, Bloomkit, Halfkit, Songkit, Mothkit, Sleekkit & Sootkit become apprentices! Foxtrot, Beargaze, Minnowstream, Barkspring, Streammist, Echobreeze, Ivynose & Mountainstar are appointed as mentors, Ivynose returns to her duty as deputy & Echobreeze returns to the rank of hunter

mod notes - had to double up on apprentices XD
consumes - Moonclan consumes 7 servings, finishing off a bird, a hare & a mouse

          Mountainstar | 45 moons | Male | ☾
          Lives: β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

          Ivynose | 38 moons | Female | ☽

          Blossomspeck | 50 moons | Female | ☽

          To Be Healer:
          Lilypaw | 11 moons | Female | ☽

          Snowtail | 37 moons | Male | ☾
          Larksong | 39 moons | Female | ☽
          Foxtrot | 51 moons | Male | ☾
          Beargaze | 47 moons | Male | ☾
          Minnowstream | 63 moons | Female | ☽

          Stoneburr | 53 moons | Male | ☾
          Featherwillow | 55 moons | Female | ☽
          Barkspring | 45 moons | Male | ☾
          Streammist | 55 moons | Female | ☽
          Echobreeze | 40 moons | Female | ☽

          To Be Warriors:
          Sunpaw | 7 moons | Male | ☾
          Ashpaw | 7 moons | Male | ☾
          Cherrypaw | 6 moons | Female | ☽
          Crowpaw | 6 moons | Male | ☾
          Icypaw | 6 moons | Female | ☽
          Mothpaw | 6 moons | Female | ☽ (grey)
          Sleekpaw | 6 moons | Male | ☾ (top left)
          Sootpaw | 6 moons | Male | ☾ (top right)

          To Be Hunters:
          Dewpaw | 7 moons | Female | ☽
          Stonepaw | 7 moons | Male | ☾ - mute
          Twigpaw | 10 moons | Female | ☽ (left)
          Sandpaw | 10 moons | Male | ☾ (right)
          Oakpaw | 6 moons | Male | ☾
          Bloompaw | 6 moons | Female | ☽
          Halfpaw | 6 moons | Female | ☽
          Songpaw | 6 moons | Female | ☽ (bottom)

          Kit Mothers:
          Kestrelfire | 26 moons | Female | ☽
          Autumnleaf | 63 moons | Female | ☽ - 1 moon

          Peachkit | 5 moons | Female | ☽
          Robinkit | 5 moons | Male | ☾
          Hawkkit | 5 moons | Male | ☾

          Wise Ones:
          Mumbleclaw | 144 moons | Female | ☽
          Wildfur | 143 | Male | ☾
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Fireclan | Galipaygo
    South | Robinclan | Savages
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Catmint | greencough | 1
    Chervil | infected wounds, bellyache & kitting | 1
    Cobweb | bleeding | 1
    Dandelion | painkiller | 1
    Feverfew | body temperature, aches, pains & headaches | 1
    Ivy leaf | store herbs | 1
    Oak leaf | infection | 4
    Goatweed | grief | 1
    Sorrel | travelling herb | 1
    Hawkweed | greencough & whitecough | 2
    Ragwort leaves | aching joints & strength | 1
    Tormentil | wounds & poison | 3
    Lamb's ear | strength | 1
    Yarrow | poison & cracked pads | 2
    Rosemary | hides scent of death | 1
    Mallow leaf | bellyache | 1
    Parsley| stops milk production & bellyache | 1
    Tansy | coughs, wounds, poisons, greencough & soothes throats | 1

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x1 | 1 serving
    Squirrels | x2 | 2 servings
    Frogs | x1 | 1 serving
    Birds | x0 | 3 servings
    Hares | x0 | 3 servings
    Small fish | x1 | 2 servings


    Deceased Cats:

Last edited by LooneyLani on Tue Mar 12, 2019 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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existentially confused adult

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