Create A Clan- V.4

Just a little fun for when you have time to kill


Postby dual suns. » Sat Jun 23, 2018 5:04 am


total felids—05
location—santorini, greece
" you can’t wake up
this is not a dream"


    last moon—amar, onyx, mallowstar
    ”Alright, alright, I concede.” The words were grudgingly spat from lips peeled back from sharp white teeth, ears pinned flat against her head. The molly lay on her side, her fur streaked with dust, pain ripping up and down her spine—she couldn’t feel her left side, her back legs, all a result of Amar’s attack. Said cat stood over her, their dual-colored eyes still blazing with dying rage, an ear shredded and their flank badly cut, a result from her claws. She struggled, biting back thin whimpers, to her front paws, her back legs laying limp, useless, behind her.

    Mallowstar tossed her sleek, pale ginger head, stalking over to the pair whom were panting, as a result from their fight in order to complete the Trial. ”Congatulations. You have completed the Trial of Rage.” A smirk curled her dark ebony lips, ears flicking in amusement. ”From now on, you will be known as Orielenose. And you wish to keep your name?” She addressed the molly, before turning back to Amar, who nodded firmly. ”Very well.” Mallowstar turned them, to Sedgeling and Diamondheart, who sat a few feet away, tails curled around their paws, and tipped her head back to howl, ”Swanclan accepts Orielenose and Amar as full members of the clan.”

    [ Swanclan consumes 1 big fish ]

    [ Amar + Mallowstar carefully patrol the northern border ]
    [ Diamondheart + Sedgeling hunt on the western border ]

    [ Sedgeling trains with Mallowstar in the clearing ]

    [ Orielenose, with some difficulty, attempts to find herbs for healing wounds ]


    mallowstar — molly, 25 months
    ⤷ no mate, no offspring, nine lives left

    ☾name — gender, age
    ⤷ mate, offspring, other

    orielenose — molly, 21 months
    ⤷ paralyzed in her back legs and cannot
    feel her left side.

    warlock understudy
    not applicable; must be chosen

    ☾name — gender, age
    ⤷ mate, offspring, other

    the army
    diamondheart — molly, 21 months
    ⤷ cut - needs x1 cobweb
    amar — nonbinary, 22 months
    ⤷ ear is shredded + their
    flank is badly cut. they
    need x2 cobweb and x1 dock

    sedgeling — tomcat, 11 months
    ⤷ mallowstar’s underling; to be re-assigned
    ☾name — gender, age
    ⤷ mate, offspring, other

    ☾name — gender, age
    ⤷ mate, offspring, other

    nursery helpers
    ☾name — gender, age
    ⤷ mate, offspring, other

    ☾name — gender, age
    ⤷ parent

    ☾name — gender, age
    ⤷ mate, offspring, other


    fresh-kill pile
    ↪ vole | x1 | x0
    ↪ frog | x1 | x0
    ↪ ermine | x2 | x0
    ↪ rabbit | x2 | x0
    ↪ big fish | x3 | x3
    ↪ all birds | x3 | x0
    9 servings

    herb stock
    ↪ catmint | x1
    ↪ honey | x1
    ↪ feverfew | x2
    ↪ coltsfoot | x0
    ↪ comfrey | x0
    ↪ cobwebs | x0
    ↪ chervil | x0
    ↪ celandine | x0
    ↪ hawkweed | x0
    ↪ wintergreen | x0
    ↪ goldenrod | x0
    ↪ stinging nettle | x0
    ↪ raspberry leaves | x0
    ↪ goatweed | x0
    ↪ ragwort | x0
    ↪ burnet | x0
    ↪ tormentill | x0
    ↪ dock | x0
    ↪ dandelion | x0
    ↪ horsetail | x0
    ↪ willow bark | x0
    ↪ willow leaf | x0
    ↪ parsley | x0
    ↪ yarrow | x0
    ↪ lovage | x1
    bordering clans
    ↪ north | clan name | player
    ↪ northwest| kwamiclan | savannah-the-caracal
    ↪ south | clan name | player
    ↪ east | clan name | player
    ↪ west | clan name | player

    mentors and underlings:
    mallow → sedgeling | 02
    ⤷ stealth, battle

    relationship chart:
    ↪ mallow && diamond - like
    ↪ mallow && sedge - strong like
    ↪ mallow && amar - neutral
    ↪ mallow && willow - like
    ↪ diamond && sedge - strong like
    ↪ diamond && amar - strong like
    ↪ diamond && willow - like
    ↪ sedge && amar - neutral
    ↪ sedge && willow - neutral

    the graveyard
    ☾name — gender, age
    → cause of death

    assigned mates:
    ↪ none yet

    genealogy chart
    dune + crow → mallowstar
    unkown + unkown → amar, orielenose, anka, lucille

Last edited by dual suns. on Sat Jun 23, 2018 5:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
dual suns.
Posts: 120
Joined: Thu Apr 19, 2018 8:13 am
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby winter solstice. » Sat Jun 23, 2018 5:17 am

Number of Cats: 41 (20 M | 21 F)
Next Moonpool Visit: Anytime
Archive Thread: boop
Territory: boop

Serving Size: 8

Something was wrong with Leafstar. It started when the last of the patrols looking out for exiled cats staying in the area had returned that he had gone into his den. It had been five days since they'd seen him. Carrotfur saw him once in a while, however, being deputy, always telling him the news of the Clan, and always telling him when he could sneak out to the clearing or the Dirtplace, to do with his necessities. The young ginger-and-white tom wasn't too worried, this was how Leafstar dealt with stress and being uncomfortable.

But it was still wrong.

Sure, Carrotfur had the likes of Shorefall, Stormbreeze, even his mother Whiterose, to help him make patrol decisions. But he knew that all authority had to come from Leafstar, and Leafstar alone. If it had been someone else, if Leafstar had acted like this, that cat could have been tempted to become a second Stormfang. Sighing, the ginger-and-white deputy forced his paws forward, into his father's den, to make a daily report. "Hey," he called, "Leafstar, it's me, Carrotfur." A raspy croak came from the dim recesses, "Come in." Carrotfur swallowed and ventured in, meowing, "I'm here to make the daily report."

Inside, Carrotfur found Leafstar in the same state as yesterday: eyes bloodshot, fur bedraggled and unkempt. Swallowing again, Carrotfur began, "After you found that badger, and decided to leave it be, we've been checking up on it. I don't think it's moved yet, but-" "Then leave it be," Leafstar interrupted, his voice cracking due to the lack of use over the course of five days, "if it doesn't pose us a threat, it should be allowed to live." He paused before rasping, "That's what we did wrong, with the crows. We should have tried to negotiate with them from the start. We shouldn't have massacred them all. Perhaps that was the reason why all those warriors were taken away from us." Shaking his head, Carrotfur pointed out, "I may have been too young to participate in the War Against Crows, but listen, father, we did the right thing. They were after our blood. If we had let them live, they would have eventually forced us to fight, whether we liked it or not. At least we did it on our terms." Defeat clouded the sandy brown tabby tom's eyes as Leafstar murmured, "Perhaps this is what StarClan wanted. Peace. But..." he mewed heavily, laying down again, "were all the deaths worth it?" Carrotfur stared at his father in shock as he breathed, "Dad!" The SeaClan leader continued, "I know I can't convince you, or anyone else for that matter, but I'm convinced all StarClan wants is their precious peace, and they don't give a fox-dung if innocent lives are wasted." Before the ginger-and-white tom could protest, Leafstar ordered, "Go, I don't want to listen to your ramblings about StarClan. I'll believe what I want to." Carrotfur could only dip his head and leave, his mind troubled by the revelation that Leafstar was losing his belief in StarClan.

'Oh,' he wondered silently, as he made his way back to the warriors' chamber, 'StarClan, what should I do?'

Sighing deeply, Carrotfur forced himself to return to the main camp, only to see Whisperdust come running in with Goldenpaw, both she-cats looking immensely happy. Knowing Goldenpaw's final assessment had been earlier that day, the ginger-and-white tom asked, "How'd it go?" Whisperdust purred, "She passed with flying colors!" Goldenpaw asked, "Will you tell Leafstar I get to be a warrior?" Glancing back at the way he'd come from, the SeaClan deputy nodded, offering a quick "Congratulations!" to the pair before plunging back into the darkness that was the tunnel leading to the leader's chamber. Once again, he called, "Leafstar, it's me, Carrotfur." This time, Leafstar growled, "Leave me alone, Carrotfur. Go back to your believing in StarClan to be great ancestors." Carrotfur flinched, but held his ground. He insisted, "Goldenpaw's passed her assessment, and is due for a warrior ceremony. Please," he pleaded, "even if you don't like StarClan, that doesn't mean the Clan has to suffer with you." Silence reigned for a moment before Leafstar responded, resignation in his mew, "All right. Bring Whiterose to me, I need to prepare myself to meet them." The ginger-and-white deputy meowed, "All right," and turned back around, trotting out of the tunnel.

Back outside, Carrotfur announced to the expectant figures of Whisperdust and Goldenpaw, "He'll perform the ceremony later, he just needs time to prepare himself, and to think of possible names for Goldenpaw." The golden Maine Coon she-cat purred, "Whatever name I get, I'll be happy! I'll be the best warrior SeaClan has ever seen!" Whisperdust chuckled, "Shhh, Goldenpaw, don't be so overconfident." Leaving the two she-cats to their happiness, Carrotfur next headed to the nursery, where Whiterose was with Honeytuft and Dappledawn, helping Goosewing settle into the dim chamber. It had been just three days ago that Honeytuft told Goosewing that she was with kits, and they could be coming any day now, in fact.

"Whiterose?" Carrotfur asked, "are you here?" His white-pelted mother appeared near the entrance, meowing, "Yes?" The ginger-and-white deputy meowed, "Leafstar wants to see you." Whiterose hurried out of the nursery and left for the leader's chamber. Carrotfur sighed. It had been three days since even Whiterose, Leafstar's mate (and Carrotfur's mother) had been allowed into the sandy brown tabby tom's chamber.

<Later on in the day>
Forcing himself to put on a pleasant guise, the SeaClan leader made his way up to the Meeting Ledge. He'd chosen the right name for Goldenpaw, at least he hoped. Thinking back to how the she-cat had been found as a tiny kit, crying beside the cruelly-slain figure of her birth mother, Leafstar took a deep breath. He called, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey meet here, underneath the Meeting Ledge, for a Clan meeting!" The clearing filled with cats at once, hearing their leader's meow for the first time in days. Leafstar waited for the crowd to settle before he began, his gaze traveling to where Whisperdust sat with Goldenpaw and her adoptive mother, Dustflower, "Cats of SeaClan! Today, I am pleased to announce that Goldenpaw has passed her warrior assessment!" as the ginger Maine Coon's ears flattened in embarrassment, the Clan burst into calls of congratulations. Leafstar waited for them to quiet down before he continued, saying, "Whisperdust, is Goldenpaw ready to become a warrior?" The pale-furred warrior replied, "Yes, she passed the assessment admirably, and I'm proud to have called her my apprentice." Leafstar nodded in approval and meowed, "Then, by the powers StarClan has vested in me, Goldenpaw will become a warrior today!" The word 'StarClan' was said with a slight bitter tone, but no one seemed to notice it. He concluded, "Goldenpaw, step forward." It wasn't long before the ginger-furred apprentice stood before him and the whole of the Clan.

The sandy brown tabby tom meowed solemnly, "I, Leafstar, leader of SeaClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this cat. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn." Resting his leaf-green gaze onto the apprentice, he asked, "Goldenpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and to defend and protect the Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Goldenpaw nodded steadily as she mewed, "I do." "Then," Leafstar continued, taking a deep breath, "by the power of StarClan I give you your warrior name. From this day forth, you shall be known as Goldenmist. StarClan honors your bravery and agility, and we welcome you as a full member of SeaClan." He then leapt down from his ledge to rest his muzzle on the newly-named warrior's shoulder. Goldenmist respectfully licked his shoulder in return, and stepped back. As the sandy brown tabby tom leapt back onto the Meeting Ledge, the Clan roared out Goldenmist's name, "Goldenmist! Goldenmist! Goldenmist!" Leafstar quickly dismissed the Clan once the noise went down, and headed back into his den. He felt his mate and son's gazes on his back, but did not allow them the pleasure of him turning around to face them.

He needed time to think.

(OOC; Hah, guess who's back? >:3)

[ The Clan consumes Fish x3 and Squirrel x1. ]
[ Honeytuft and Dappledawn gather herbs (esp. kitting herbs). ]
[ Whisperdust, Goldenmist, Ivynose, Mintnose, Nightwing, and Cliffpaw hunt at the Pine Grove. ]
[ Claypool, Sagefrost, Daisysong, Stormbreeze, Boompaw, and Jadepaw fish at the river. ]
[ Carrotfur, Whiterose, Goshawkflight, Breezewhisker, Hollyspots, and Cardinalpaw patrol the Pine Grove. ]
[ Everyone else stays in camp. ]
[ SeaClan decides to ignore the badger. They don't want to startle the badger into attacking. ]
[ Daisysong teaches Boompaw the Fishing skill. ]
[Stormbreeze and Ivynose teach Jadepaw and Cliffpaw the Tracking skill. ]
[ Carrotfur teaches Cardinalpaw the Swimming skill. }
[ Goosewing is kitting! Father. ]
[ Nightwing tries for kits with her mate, Oakshadow. ]
[ Mintnose tries for kits with her mate, Stormbreeze. ]
[ Bellcloud tries for kits with her mate, Hawkpath. ]
[ Brimflower tries for kits with her mate, Wolfshadow. ]

{note to mod: Shadepaw of SilentClan, Brackenfur of DeerClan, Hailstar of ElmClan, and Thistlesnow of ElmClan can be found at any time~}

          Leafstar | 57 moons | tom | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★☆☆ [7/9]

          Carrotfur | 20 moons | tom | X

          Medicine Cat:
          Honeytuft | 61 moons | Tom | X
          Dappledawn | 18 moons | she-cat | X - has a twisted paw

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Nightwing | 43 moons | she-cat | X
          Shorefall | 60 moons | tom | X
          Oakshadow | 45 moons | tom | X
          Mintnose | 60 moons | she-cat | X
          Claypool | 54 moons | tom | X
          Ivynose | 29 moons | tom | X
          Whisperdust | 60 moons | she-cat | X
          Daisysong | 29 moons | she-cat | X
          Whiterose | 69 moons | she-cat | X
          Stormbreeze | 61 moons | tom | X
          Goshawkflight | 29 moons | tom | X
          Hawkpath | 22 moons | tom | X
          Bellcloud | 22 moons | she-cat | X
          Dustflower | 56 moons | she-cat | X
          Morningflame | 23 moons | tom | X
          Breezewhisker | 23 moons | she-cat | X
          Birchlight | 50 moons | she-cat | X
          Hollyspots | 18 moons | she-cat | X
          Thistletuft | 18 moons | tom | X
          Sagefrost | 24 moons | she-cat | X
          Wolfshadow | 35 moons | tom | X
          Brimflower | 39 moons | she-cat | X
          Goldenmist | 15 moons | she-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Boompaw | 12 moons | tom | X
          Jadepaw | 12 moons | she-cat | X
          Cliffpaw | 12 moons | tom | X
          Cardinalpaw | 11 moons | tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Softdawn | 39 moons | she-cat | X - blind
          Rippleheart | 29 moons | she-cat | X
          Goosewing | 50 moons | she-cat | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Icykit | 2 moons | tom | X
          Winterkit | 2 moons| she-cat | X
          Magpiekit | 2 moons | she-cat | X
          Seakit | 2 moons | she-cat | X (Right)
          Lightkit | 2 moons | tom | X (Left)
          Arrowkit | 2 moons | tom | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    GustClan | Chamrosh
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Sea (none)
    West | Clan Name | Username
    Northeast | PineClan | deimos
    Northwest | LakeClan | honey--bee
    Southeast | Sea (none)
    Southwest | Sea (none)

    Medicine Store
    Alder Bark: For tooth pain (eases toothache). x2
    Beech Leaves: For carrying other herbs. x1
    Bindweed: Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place (unknown effect). x0
    Blackberry Leaves: These leaves are chewed into a pulp (eases the swelling of bee stings). x3
    Borage Leaves: It is chewed and eaten by nursing queens (produces more and better milk, also brings down fevers). x0
    Broom: It is used to make poultices for broken legs and wounds (effect unknown). x0
    Burdock Root: The root is dug up, the soil is washed off, and then it is chewed into a pulp (lessens and heals the pain of infected rat bites; used to prevent infection of rat bites). x1
    Burnet: A traveling herb (Said to help stop minor bleeding on Twolegs; keeps a cat's strength up). x3
    Catchweed: The burrs are put on the pelt where poultices are (stops poultices from being rubbed off without hurting the skin). x1
    Catmint/Catnip: Eaten (best remedy for the deadly greencough, which kits and elders usually catch in the season of leaf-bare; can also be used for whitecough). x0
    Celandine: Juice is trickled into the eye (soothes damaged eyes). x1
    Chamomile: Eaten (strengthens the heart and soothes the mind; also given to traveling cats for strength). x1
    Chervil: Chewed to extract the juice of the leaves or the root (for infected wounds and bellyache, respectively; can also be used during kitting). x0
    Chickweed: Eaten (treats greencough, though catmint is often preferred). x4
    Cob Nuts: Made into ointments (effect unknown). x0
    Cobwebs: Press over wound (to soak up and stop/slow the bleeding; may also be used to bind broken bones). x1
    Coltsfoot: Leaves chewed into a pulp (eases breathing or kitten-cough; eases cracked or sore pads). x1
    Comfrey Root: Roots are chewed into a poultice; can also be lined in one's nest (repairs broken bones or soothes wounds; also used for wrenched claws; can be used for itching or inflammation on stiff joints; also eases stiffness on wrenched shoulders when lined in a nest; can be used for burns). x0
    Daisy Leaf: Chewed into a paste (eases the pain of aching joints; also a traveling herb). x3
    Dandelion: The white liquid is thought to be applied to bee stings; leaves can be chewed (thought to soothe and heal bee stings; its leaves can also be chewed to act like a painkiller). x0
    Dock: Chewed up and applied to scratches, similar to sorrel; also can be put in one's nest during sleep (soothes scratches, though can sting when applied; soothes sore pads; if placed in nests, it can ease the pain of wounds). x1
    Elder Leaves: Turned into a poultice (Soothes sprains). x0
    Fennel: Stalks are broken and juice is squeezed into the receiver's mouth (helps pain in the hips). x0
    Feverfew: Eaten (reduces body temperature for cats with fevers or chills; also heals aches and pains; especially good for headaches). x1
    Goatweed: Given daily (eases anxiety and grief). x0
    Hawkweed: Unknown usage (like catmint, but not as strong).x0
    Heather Nectar: Included in herbal mixtures (makes swallowing easier and sweetens mixtures). x1
    Honey: Eaten, or given by moss soaked in it (soothes infections; a great remedy for smoke-damaged or sore throats; helps cats swallow other concoctions; helps soothe coughing; gives energy). x2
    Horsetail: Chewed to a poultice, and applied to wounds (treats infections; stops bleeding). x1
    Ivy Leaf: To store other herbs. x0
    Juniper Berries: Chewed and eaten (soothes bellyaches; gives strength; helps troubled breathing; also used to help calm cats). x3
    Lamb's Ear: Unknown usage (gives a cat strength). x0
    Lavender: Placed under a cat's nose and is to be inhaled constantly, or rubbed/placed on an animal's body to hide the scent of death (cures fevers and chills; also used to hide the scent of death). x3
    Lovage: Cures coughs x1
    Lungwort: Eaten (cures yellowcough).x0
    Mallow Leaves: Eaten (soothes bellyaches). x1
    Marigold: Petals or leaves chewed in a poultice; juice can be used as well (stops infections; stops bleeding; used for inflammation in the joints). x0
    Mint: Rubbed on a dead body (used to hide the scent of death). x0
    Mouse Bile: the liquid is stored in moss and dabbed onto ticks embedded in pelt (the ticks fall off).x0
    Dried Oak Leaf: the dried leaves are to be stored in a dry location until the time of usage, when they are chewed into a thick poultice and spread on a wound (stops infection from setting in). x0
    Parsley: Eaten (stops a queen from producing milk if her kits die, don't need milk anymore, or are producing too much milk; also used to cure bellyache). x0
    Poppy Seeds: Chewed on (helps a cat sleep; soothes shock or distress; eases pain; not recommended for nursing queens).x1
    Ragwort Leaves: Crushed and chewed; mixed with juniper leaves, it can help aching joints (treats aching joints; keeps a cat's strength up). x0
    Ragweed: Thought to give cats extra strength (like lamb's ear, ragweed gives a cat extra strength and energy). x0
    Raspberry Leaves: Could be a painkiller, or helps stop bleeding during kitting (could possibly ease pain, or stop bleeding) x2
    Rosemary: Put on the pelt of a dead cat and prepare it for burial (hides the scent of death). x0
    Rush: Used to bind broken bones (helps hold a broken limb into place, like casts for Twolegs). x0
    Sorrel: Eaten (traveling herb; can also build up appetite). x1
    Sticks: Cats in pain bite it when other medicine is either unavailable or not recommended; also used to help broken legs heal (distracts cat from pain; recommended for queens giving birth). x1
    Stinging Nettle: The seeds are eaten by a cat who's swallowed poison, or the leaves are chewed into a poultice for a wound; the stems can also be chewed (induces vomiting, or brings down swelling, respectively; can be mixed with comfrey to help heal broken bones; helps with wounds; chewing the stems helps fight against infection). x1
    Sweet-Sedge: One must swallow the sap (eases infection). x0
    Tansy: To be consumed, but only in small doses (cures coughs; can be also used to cure wounds and poisons; stops cats from getting greencough; soothes throats). x2
    Tormentil: Chewed and put on the wound (its root is good for treating all wounds and extracting poisons). x0
    Thyme: Leaves can be chewed on (calms nervousness, anxiety, and cats who are in shock). x1
    Traveling Herbs: Eaten (used to give a cat more energy and strength, and keeps the cat from getting hungry for a long time). x0
    Watermint: It is usually chewed into a pulp, and then eaten (eases the suffering that originates from a bellyache).x0
    Wild Garlic: One must roll in it (prevents infection, especially rat bites). x2
    Willow Bark: Usage unknown (eases pain). x1
    Willow Leaves: Eaten (stops vomiting). x0
    Wintergreen: Usage unknown (treats wounds and some poisons). x1
    Yarrow: Its leaves are chewed into a poultice that can be given to cats or applied to a wound, depending on the situation (extracts poisons from wounds; will make a cat vomit up toxins; the ointment will soften and help heal cracked pads).x1
    Deathberries: Sometimes used to kill other cats by making them eat the berry (kills a cat within minutes when consumed). Also known as yew berries or night seeds. x2
    Foxglove Seeds: They are used to treat the heart (can easily cause paralysis and heart failure). x1
    Holly Berries: Usage unknown (effect unknown). x0
    Deadly Nightshade: To quickly kill a cat who cannot be saved (poisonous). x0
    Water Hemlock: Usage unknown (causes writhing, pain, and foaming of the mouth). x0

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Fish | x3 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x3 | 2 servings
    Sparrow | x3 | 3 servings
    Mouse | x3 | 1 servings
    Hare | x3 | 3 servings
    Shrew | x3 | 1 servings

    Daisysong | Boompaw | 2 | Stalking, Hunting, Swimming,
    Stormbreeze | Jadepaw | 3 | Stalking, Hunting, Swimming, Fishing
    Ivynose | Cliffpaw | 3 | Stalking, Hunting, Swimming, Fishing
    Carrotfur | Cardinalpaw | 1 | Stalking, Hunting

    Deceased Cats:
    Fogkit | 5 moons | tom| Murdered by Stormfang
    Snakekit | 0 moons | tom | Stillborn
    Brightstream | 45 moons | she-cat | Murdered by Stormfang
    Mottledsmoke | 33 moons | she-cat | Death by crows
    Smallwing | 23 moons | tom | Death by crows
    Owlfrost | 49 moons | tom | Death by crows
    Rosefern | 68 moons | she-cat | Greencough
    Sleetsky | 29 moons | she-cat | Greencough
    Fernstrike | 37 moons | tom | Executed by Ravenwish under Stormfang's orders
    Spiderpath | 45 moons | tom | Greencough
    Ashkit | 0 moons | she-cat | weakness
    Silkfeather | 44 moons | she-cat | Killed by Ravenwish
    Cloudkit | 0 moons | tom | Killed by Ravenwish
    Emberwhisker | 39 moons | she-cat | Murdered by Ravenwish, under Stormfang's orders
    Brocadeheart | 12 moons | she-cat | Murdered by Applemist, under Stormfang's orders
    Ravenwish | 36 moons | tom | Executed for murder of four cats
    Cat Name | Age at Death | Gender | Cause of Death

    Leafstar and Whiterose | Carrotfur, Brocadeheart (adopted)
    ??? and Dustflower | Daisysong, Lily, Ivynose
    Vinescratch (SwiftClan) and Brightstream | Hollyspots, Thistletuft, Fogkit, Dappledawn
    Shorefall and Dustflower | Goldenpaw (adopted), Snakekit, Cliffpaw
    Adoniscloud (GustClan) and Softdawn | Gullpaw (GustClan), Gannetpaw (GustClan), Boompaw, Jadepaw
    Oakshadow and Nightwing | Bellcloud (adopted), none yet
    Stormfang (SwiftClan) and Goosewing | unborn kit(s)
    Stormbreeze and Mintnose | none yet
    Ivynose and Rippleheart | Lightkit, Seakit, Ashkit, Arrowkit, Icykit (adopted), Winterkit (adopted), Magpiekit (adopted)
    ??? and Silkfeather | Cloudkit, Icykit, Winterkit, Magpiekit
    Wolfshadow and Brimflower | none yet
    Honeytuft and Owlfrost | Brothers/Littermates
    Morningflame and Breezewhisker | Siblings/Littermates
    Name and Name | Kits
Hello, I'm winter! Hope you have a great day or night wherever you live~!

Winter / Fairy / Gale
Formerly FairyCharmed
She/Her - Korea - UTC+9hrs.
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winter solstice.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby Dinolil1 » Sat Jun 23, 2018 8:35 am

Justice will come on swift wings, none shall ever escape
Number of Cats: 53 | Males: 26 | Females: 27 | Last Post: X

The camp was silent as the son of Fritillarystar approached Swanstar, eyes trained on the ginger tom as he clambered up the steps slowly; there were no smiles exchanged, except maybe from the camp's resident optimists; Trouttail and Pansycloud. Maplekit was nervous, trembling before the cat that he only knew as leader. ''Hey.'' murmured the kitten, cowed simply by Swanstar's brilliant gaze. ''Hello there.'' replied Swanstar bowing to touch the tom's nose. ''Excited?'' She smiled coldly, tail curling around the tom. ''Until you prove you have some semblance of worth, you shall be Maplepaw...'' Looking around, Swanstar smiled at Briarcloud. ''...and you shall help him find his worth.''

The meeting was swiftly adjourned, with Snailstep being spirited away for some secret meeting with Swanstar. ''I know you want to congratulate your son but there are other matters to be attended to.'' The leader turned to the shaggy tom, searching his eyes for any semblance of disappointment; wisely, Snailstep hid any such feelings. ''Of course, Swanstar, anything for you.'' The dark deputy smiled, tail twitching. ''What is it?''

Swanstar fixed her gaze upon a plump black and white molly, eyes narrowed into suspicious slits. ''Ravenflower.'' She growled, head shaking solemnly. ''I fear she may be conversing with Sagestar, and if she is, this could turn this entire clan on it's head.'' Swanstar turned back to Snailstep, eyeing his large paws. ''Think you could take her out for me? Discreetly, this time.'' For a long time, the deputy was silent, which annoyed Swanstar. ''Oh, don't start developing a conscience now!'' She hissed, tail thrashing like a snake caught in a trap. ''You gave that up when you blinded Hazelstone.''

Trapped by her unfeeling words, Snailstep stuttered and fell silent. ''Of course, Swanstar, of course.'' The tom got to his feet, a monolith of murderous dark fur compared to the sleek and icy figure that was Swanstar. ''Anything you ask.'' Snailstep bowed his head to Swanstar, before stalking silently towards Ravenflower; as though she weren't a fellow clanmate, but rather a tiny twitchy little mouse.

''Don't worry, Maplepaw.'' reassured Briarcloud, nuzzling the young tom. ''You'll be fine, I'm sure of it.'' The two had left camp to train together, and Briarcloud could tell Maplepaw was nervous; it was understandable with the legacy that his mother was currently leaving as well as a father that many considered quite meddlesome, particularly Dawnpool. ''And how confident are you about that?'' complained the apprentice, ears twitching anxiously. ''Very confident.'' came his mentors reply, green eyes twinkling with kindness. ''Now, come on! I've got to show you around, haven't I?'' With that, the pair trotted through the expansive moor; the hills stretched far away like wings and the Lightning oak that loomed marred the peaceful horizon like a big black ugly scar.

Ravenflower strode through the heather calmly, quietly lifting her head to smell the gentle breeze. The sun was hot on her back and the molly was quietly making her way to the shadier northeast border; the pines there were tall and dark, thick and shaggy with needle-like leaves. ''Ravenflower! Raven!'' came a cry, breaking the peace with a growl like thunder with silent paws that followed like thick, heavy clouds. ''Ravenflower, wait up!'' puffed Snailstep as he bounded calmly towards the former healer.

''What is it, Snailstep?'' Ravenflower sighed, turning to the tom. She had been hoping for a hour or two of solitude and shade, but if the deputy was around, Ravenflower didn't think she'd be getting that any time soon; Snailstep had always been a little talkative. ''I kind of wanted to be alone, Snailstep.'' Ravenflower's tail twitched, ears pricked forwards as the pine-scented wind whistled through her fur like gentle invisible fingers.

Maplepaw was just traipsing over the crest of a daisy-speckled hill, the breeze a playful friend. He had left his mentor behind and was racing ahead with a grin on his face; as he traveled over the daisy-crowned hill, Maplepaw spotted the dark pelt of his father and his eyes dimmed slightly. ''Hey dad...'' The ginger tom listed forward tentatively, long ears twitching. ''...What are you up to?'' Briarcloud had told him to be brave, and if it meant talking to the father who'd never made him much attention, Maplepaw was going to make Braircloud proud.

Spotting Ravenflower's body and torn-out neck, Maplepaw's eyes widened and he turned to his father for an explanation. ''W-what happened to her?'' Maplepaw's body had started trembling at some point and the apprentice wasn't sure how to stop it. Spotting the blood on Snailstep's fangs, Maplepaw only found that the trembling grew and suddenly he was running. ''Braircloud! Brair!'' cried Maplepaw, unable to hear the thump of his father's paws but feeling the breath hot on his tail. ''Brair!'' His cry echoed over the moors but Snailstep was swift and Maplepaw's legs were short.

Braircloud heard the cry and he was running as fast as he could, a furry bolt of lightning across the hills. ''Maplepaw!'' The tabby tom called out, spotting a bundle of orange fur on the grass. ''Maplepaw...'' Braircloud whimpered, staring at the hole in Maplepaw's throat. ''...Who did this?'' He crouched beside the tired tom, touching noses. ''Maplepaw?''

''Braircloud?'' mewed Maplepaw, his voice as croaky as a frog's. ''Sorry for running off.''

Shaking his head, Braircloud looked around desperately for any herb; anything! He knew nothing of herbs but there had to be something to help Maplepaw, goldenrod, daisy, coltsfoot? Anything! ''Maplepaw, don't say sorry.'' The tom muttered, all thoughts of Maplepaw running off were forgotten. ''You're dying, you need to save your breath.'' That crimson wound was horrible, far too wide, far too red.

Watching his mentor, Maplepaw sighed and sniffled idly at a blade of grass; it looked so beautiful to him, so green and so bright in his narrowing vision. ''I tried to talk to dad.'' Maplepaw admitted, catching Briarcloud's attention. ''But he was busy.'' The tom sighed, blood still eking out of his open throat. ''...Briarcloud?'' Maplepaw whispered, craning his torn neck. ''I can't see you.''

It was a futile effort and Briarcloud was quick to return to Maplepaw's side. ''Why did he kill you?'' He inquired, concern and sorrow on his face. ''What did you do?'' Maplepaw, as far as he knew, was a sweet and mild-mannered tom; at his young age, Maplepaw could not have done anything to warrant murder.

''Ravenflower was dead, right at his paws.''

Braircloud stiffened and he bowed his head, nuzzling Maplepaw's shoulder. ''My poor apprentice, my poor poor apprentice.'' To be killed by a family member was downright betrayal, but by a father? It was excruciating and treasonous and Braircloud's heart cried out for Maplepaw. ''We'll give you an honourable burial, an honourable name.'' With all these deaths, the tabby was surprised to find himself heart-broken for the ginger tom; perhaps it was because he was young? his apprentice? Braircloud didn't know, but he knew that Snailstep had to pay.

Spotting the fluffy tom in the doorway of the camp, Snailstep froze in stunned silence to spot his son draped over Braircloud's shoulders. ''What happened to him?'' The shaggy deputy bounded up to Braircloud, eyes wide and flashing. ''Oh StarClan, not Maplepaw.'' murmured Snailstep, burying his nose into the ginger tom's thick fur.

Braircloud exploded. ''You know what happened to him!'' Looking around, Briarcloud found Fritillarystar's gaze and locked eyes with the tortoiseshell. ''Snailstep murdered your son, and your son witnessed a mur-'' Heavy paws knocked the breath out of Briarcloud's lungs and the claws that murdered and would murder again were pressed to his throat. ''Snailstep.'' Briarcloud snarled, tail thrashing angrily.

''Slander!'' The claws were like thorns against Briarcloud's throat. ''Are you trying to steal my place?'' Snailstep suggested, fangs and fury bared for all the clan to see. ''You used to be a leader, right?'' The dark deputy's eyes flickered around the camp; the kittens were scared, the apprentices staring and the warriors bristling. ''Braircloud, I accuse you of treason!'' He yowled, a voice like thunder that echoed in the murmurs of the MoorClan cats.

''Treason! Treason!?'' Bramblefur shouted from among the commotion, striding angrily up to the deputy. ''Briarcloud would never betray his clan, not ever.'' Turning to the dead apprentice, Bramblefur's eyes softened. ''Snailstep's just spewing a load of mousebile at you!'' The tabby snapped, a bristling, snarling, whirlwind of claws and stripes. ''Maplepaw was his apprentice, what would he have to gain from killing Maplepaw? Or would he ever even consider it?'' Bramblefur shook his head, anger throbbing like a migraine.

Snailstep wasn't impressed, snarling at Bramblefur. ''Typical, you're blind.'' The deputy sneered. ''Blind with love.''

''And what would you know about it?'' Bramblefur taunted. ''You've never known love.''

With a low-growl, Snailstep stalked off. ''I accuse you and Briarcloud both of treason.'' His tone offered no argument, and the air was left full of uneasy tension. ''Swanstar!'' The name was called out like a prayer, as though Swanstar was some holy figure that would smite away all their troubles. ''Swanstar!'

''What's this?'' The white cat seemed to materialize on the stairs, staring at Snailstep with disapproval as clear as day. ''What is this, Snailstep?'' Swanstar stared at Maplepaw, poked it with a paw and turned to Briarcloud. ''You say that Snailstep killed him?'' Without waiting for an answer, Swanstar whirled around to face Snailstep. ''Who knew a monster like you would evade me?'' The leader scoffed. ''Must have been real sly.''

Snailstep blanched with shock, gaping like a fish on dry-land. ''But, but you tol-!'' He was cut off by a disapproving look from Swanstar, her tail curling around her paws and her face carved from hardened ice. ''...Fritillary!'' Snailstep begged, turning the tortoiseshell. ''Please, you know I wouldn't do this to Maplepaw.'' Fritillarystar turned her back to him, picking up Maplepaw and taking her leave; everyone knew where she was going, she went there all the time.

With a soft chuckle, Swanstar padded up to Snailstep slowly. ''Traitor.'' She snapped, nudging the dark warrior along. ''I can't believe that you double crossed me like this.'' Obediently, the clan filed out and lined themselves like sentinels along the silky stream. The air was heavy and gravid with fear, the apprentices with their eyes shut and the warriors with their heads bowed; only the elder dared to watch, her misty, blind eyes fixed on Snailstep's defeated form.

The stream took its sacrifice hungrily, cold and dark seizing Snailstep quickly; the pondweed tangled up in his paws and fish nosed at his dark corpse. ''...Who's the deputy now?'' piped up Murkfang,her bushy tail curling and twitching thoughtfully. ''Have you thought of one?'' Why Murkfang was asking so soon was beyond anyone, but it was a smart question; who could Swanstar possibly trust? Manipulate? Her only other toady was dead and the others were far too young and immature for her liking.

''Not at the moment, no.'' Swanstar shook her head, eyes cunning and bright. ''But I'll have one soon, I promise.'' Looking around the throngs of MoorClan warriors, Swanstar's ear twitched. ''For now, go about your duties as usual.'' There was no room for grief but there would be cats crying themselves to sleep tonight; because of Maplepaw, because of Ravenflower, because of Snailstep's treachery and Swanstar's iciness.

Hunched over Maplepaw's body, Fritillarystar thought she'd never recover; this was the last straw, the end of the road for Fritillarystar and while she was glad to see Snailstep gone, she didn't think he'd take Maplepaw with him. ''I could've been there for you, I could've at least said hello.'' Fritillarystar mumbled, gathering him in her paws and cradling him the way she'd seen Fogwhisker do for moons. ''At least then, you'll get to see your sisters.'' The tortoiseshell rambled, trembling and hurt. ''Yes, Kestrel and Cherry will be so excited to see you.'' Talking to herself, great! On top of losing all that she had, she was losing her mind as well.

As quiet and soft as morning mist, Garlicflower sat down next to Fritillarystar. ''I'm sorry.'' she murmured, blinking slowly at Maplepaw. ''He's handsome.'' Garlicflower smiled weakly and rested her head on her paws, tail curling around Fritillary's under the quietly darkening sky. ''Would've made a fine warrior.'' The white she-cat continued, trying to fill a depressing emptiness. ''...Neritefang wants to talk to you.'' Garlicflower stated, looking up at Fritillarystar. ''I think it'd do you good to listen to her.''

''Tell her to find me.'' Fritillarystar replied stubbornly. ''She knows where I am.''

''That I do.'' Neritefang purred in amusement, tapping Fritillarystar on the shoulder with a soft paw. Ignoring Fritillarystar's mewl of surprise, the elder slumped clumsily beside her; age groaned and whimpered in all of her bones, she knew she didn't have long left and she wanted to get her words out before her body decided to give up the ghost. ''I think it's time we took Swanstar down.'' Neritefang's moon-blind eyes blinked slowly, as she tried to gauge the reaction of others from silence and darkness alone. ''We've got enough allies to help us.''

Garlicflower frowned, tilting her head. ''Who? And how?'' The white warrior looked around the dusky moor, blinking in astonishment when she saw five figures emerging from the darkness of the camp. ''I'm assuming you're helping us?'' Garlicflower murmured, glancing disbelievingly at Stormpaw. ''I wouldn't have expected this.'' Some of them were too young, others strangers and one just plain unlikely. ''You're not exactly who I think of when I think 'rebellion'.''

Smallwhisker twitched an ear quietly. ''I've been part of this clan since the beginning; I even saw Swanstar attack my old clan.'' The tortoiseshell's eyes darkened as she stared at her paws. ''Swanstar's always been like this, but I just thought she was dead.'' The healer turned to Firepool, frowning. ''I bid my time under her rule and I can say that of the two evils, you're the lesser of them.'' Smallwhisker murmured to Fritillarystar with a grave look on her face.

''Wrenki-Wrenpaw spoke to me.'' Stormpaw mumbled, ears flattened as though he were expecting rebuke. ''Told me to, plus if my mentor's gonna go and fight Swanstar, I might as well help.'' The grey tom trotted over to Garlicflower's side, sitting close to her. ''That and I'm not sure if I like Swanstar after what she did, Maplepaw was my friend.'' Stormpaw looked up at Fritillarystar. ''And she didn't even bother with a ceremony for him, Oakfeather told me about how you guys used to honour the dead.''

Firepool smiled sympathetically at Stormpaw, tail twitching as she enviously wondered if StarClan would ever talk to her; it wasn't likely, her ancestors did not walk these skies and Firepool was just as much a stranger up there as she'd been in her old clan. ''I have my own reasons.'' Firepool looked around and the gathered cats. ''Just know that I'm on your side, please.''

Neritefang smiled fondly, satisfied with the answers. ''I'm certain it will go in our favour, I just know it.'' The elder purred, a certainty in her voice as solid as a mountain. ''Just keep fighting, just keep going and remember that at the end...'' Neritefang paused and sunk into the cool grass. ''...this will all just be a horror story to tell the future generations.'' Neritefang could feel death's gentle embrace near, it's hands outstretched to welcome her into the next plane. ''But I won't be there to lead you.''

With a trembling body and wide eyes, Stormpaw stared at the elder with fear. ''W-what do you mean?'' He'd thought Neritefang was immortal, that time had nothing on her. ''Are you leaving us?'' The tabby shook his head. ''But we need you! You're our leader!''

''She means I'm the new leader.'' whispered a feather-soft voice as a oriental bounded out of nowhere; they looked delicate, as though carved out of the thin air and adorned with daisies. ''Hello, Neritefang.'' spoke the brown and white molly, in her sing-song voice. ''You can rest now, I'm here.'' Her sapphire eyes shimmered brightly as Neritefang looked up slowly at her.

''Hello, Yarrowshine'' purred Neritefang, reaching up to nuzzle her cryptic friend. ''I haven't seen you in years.'' She sighed, turning back to the very confused clan-cats. ''This is Yarrowshine, my friend and new leader of this little rebellion.'' Neritefang paused for breath, drawing it in very slowly. ''We conversed in dreams and Yarrowshine was chosen.'' There was no explanation for this oddity, and thankfully there were no further questions; while they were not happy, something about Yarrowshine told them that there was no danger from the large-eared stranger.

''Now, I must say goodbye.''

Snailstep, Maplepaw, Ravenflower and Neritefang die.
Fritillarystar, Yarrowshine, Smallwhisker, Firepool begin planning.
Stormpaw, Mintpaw, Frostpaw and Laurelpaw go training.
Linnettail, Vervainthroat, Darkfur go on a patrol.
Trouttail, Pansycloud, Patchthorn go on a patrol.

    Fritillarystar | 69 | Female | X | Currently Overthrown
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

    Swanstar | 102 | Female | X
    Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

    Snailstep | 61 | Male |X

    Medicine Cat:
    Trouttail | 50 | Female | X
    Smallwhisker | 26 | Female | X
    Firepool | 25 | Female | X

    Patchthorn | 85 | Male |X
    Oakfeather | 84 | Female | X
    Mudfoot | 80 | Female | X
    Dawnpool | 68 | Female | X | Blind
    Murkfang | 67 | Female | X
    Harefoot | 65 | Male | X
    Braircloud | 64 | Male |X
    Shadowfang | 63 | Male |X
    Cloverheart | 63 | Male |X
    Bramblefur | 61 | Male |X
    Poppypelt | 52 | Female | X
    Adderleap | 48 | Female | X
    Antfoot | 42 | Male |X
    Lizardpath | 41 | Male |X | Blind
    Rookwing | 40 | Male |X
    Avocetblaze | 39 | Female | X | Blind
    Garlicflower | 39 | Female | X
    Thriftclaw | 37 | Female | X
    Smokeheart | 37 | Male |X
    Fallowthorn | 35 | Male |X
    Pansycloud | 35 | Female | X
    Linnettail | 34 | Female | X
    Mistclaw | 34 | Male |X
    Lichenface | 33 | Female | X
    Copperberry | 21| Female | X
    Yarrowshine | 19 | Female | X
    Lilystream | 18 | Female | X
    Hawktuft | 17 | Male |X
    Darkfur | 17 | Male |X
    Sparrowcloud | 17 | Male |X
    Vervainthroat | 17 | Male |X
    Gooseflight | 17 | Female | X
    Elmstorm | 16 | Female | X
    Hazelstone | 16 | Male |X | Blind
    Beechstripe | 16 | Male |X

    Laurelpaw | 7 | Male |X
    Mintpaw | 7 | Male |X
    Stormpaw | 7 | Male |X
    Frostpaw | 7 | Female | X

    Fogwhisker | 63 | Female | X

    Crowkit | 5 | Male |X
    Owlkit | 5 | Female | X
    Foxkit | 5 | Male |X | Blind in one eye



    Northwest: Echoclan
    Northeast: Pineclan
    South: Sycamoreclan

    Medicine Store:
    Catnip - Cures GreenCough - 1
    Comfrey Root - Cures burns, eases swelling, itching, stiffness and wounds - 1
    Goatweed - Eases anxiety and grief - 1
    Goldenrod - Heals wounds - 1
    Lamb's ear - Gives strength - 1
    Poppy Seeds - Brings rest - 0
    Borage - Produces milk and brings down fevers - 1
    Juniper - Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, aids troubled breathing and calms down cats - 1

    Fresh-kill Pile:
    Mouse | x2 | 1 serving
    Vole | x2 | 1 serving
    Rabbit | x2 | 2 servings
    Kite | x2 | 2 servings
    Hawk | x1 | 2 servings
    Hare | x2 | 3 servings

    Mintpaw | Linnettail | Hunting, Swimming
    Stormpaw | Garlicflower | Hunting, Swimming
    Frostpaw | Pansycloud | Hunting, Swimming
    Laurelpaw | Harefoot | Hunting, Swimming
    Maplepaw | Briarcloud |

    Deceased Cats:
    Ternpaw (heart) | (Died aged 8 moons) | Male | X– Killed by Snailstep
    Nettlefang |(Died aged 50 moons) | Male | X- Drowned in the stream
    Stonenose | ( Died aged 46 moons) | Male |X - Killed by an adder
    Swift |(Died aged 25 moons) | Male | X - Killed by Bramblefur; bloodloss
    Nightclaw | ( Died aged 51 moons) | Female |X - Killed by Hollytail; bloodloss
    Dustfoot | ( Died aged 70 moons) | Male |X - Killed by Lightning; bloodloss
    Hollytail | (Died aged 56 moons) | Female | X - Drowned in stream
    Darkheart |(Died aged 31 moons) | Female | X - Killed by Lightning
    Wrenkit |(Died aged 0 moons) | Female | X - stillborn
    Kestrelkit |(Died aged 0 moons) | Female | X - stillborn
    Cherrykit |(Died aged 0 moons) | Female | X - stillborn
    Elderwhisker | ( Died aged 36 moons) | Male |X - Killed by a fox
    Ravenflower | ( Died aged 80 moons | Female | X - Killed by Snailstep
    Maplepaw/briar |(Died aged 6 moons) | Male |X - Killed by Snailstep
    Snailstep | (Died aged 61 moons) | Male |X - Drowned in the stream
    Neritefang | ( Died aged 310 moons) | Female | X | Blind - Died of old age complications


    Oakfeather & Dustfoot - Elmstorm, Hazelstone and Beechstripe
    Braircloud & Bramblefur
    Hollytail & Dawnpool
    Snailstep & Fritillarystar - Cherrykit, Kestrelkit and Maplepaw/briar
    Fogwhisker & Blaze - Stormpaw, Wrenkit and Mintpaw
    Nightclaw & Crowley - Smallwhisker and Ternpaw/heart

I believe that you are purrfect!

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Phina's sub replies 22/06

Postby Chamrosh » Sat Jun 23, 2018 11:00 am


Weather - New-Leaf
Spring. Spring is well-underway now, with all the signs of
a good year to come showing through now. The weather has
long since warmed from the cold winter nights just a few
moons ago, into beautiful warm, sunny evenings, where a
cat will willingly stay out until the sun has long since started
its descent for the night.
And it's indeed profitable to. Prey animals have also noticed
the better weather, and their numbers have rocketed
upwards, providing lots of food for a clan of hungry cats!
Flood water has only built up further, as heavy rain in
higher places is carried down by now bursting streams, but
at least the abundant water should prevent droughts for
the next season!
Mother cats are all pleased at the warm evenings, and the
warmth should up their and their kits' survivals rates.

22/06 or 06/22 or 22nd June



[Morningstar patrols the Clan borders.]
[Stormstrike hunts.]
[The Clan consumes 1 squirrel.]


[ While on patrol, Morningstar encounters a medicine cat ]
[ While hunting, Stormstrike catches 1 magpie ]

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[quartzclan] [post || nine]

Postby ~ moth ~ » Sat Jun 23, 2018 11:02 am


[number of cats] twenty two
[female || ten] [male || ten] [nonbinary || two]
[serving amount] five
[next moonstone visit] whenever

[this moon]
[white diamond + yellow citrine]

after giving everyone their patrols for the day white diamond walked up to yellow citrine. she sat in the marquise cuts den grooming herself. peeking his head into the den white diamond waited for her to acknowledge his presence ,, but she just kept grooming herself. with a sigh the star cut fully entered the den. i know that we may not be on the best of terms right now ,, but i would like to talk with you. still the she-cat gave no notice to his presence. whiskers twitching white diamond sat down near yellow citrine but still kept some distance between them. please ,, come on a walk with me and let me try to make amends with you. if you don't like what i have to hear you can leave. is that negotiable? this time white diamond got a glare from the angry she-cat. saying nothing yellow citrine simply stood up and passed by white diamond. assuming that meant she would go walk with im white diamond followed after yellow citrine out of the den. padding a tail length away from her white diamond led the way out of the cavern. for a while neither cats said anything but eventually yellow citrine finally spoke up.
xxxwhere are yer takin us? she grumbled. looking over to yellow citrine the tom gave her a joyful look.
xxxyou'll soon find out.
xxxyer wanted to talk ,, make amends yer said. why aren't yer talkin? no what ,, i'm just gonna leave. turning around to leave yellow citrine jumped back as white diamond blocked her pathway. for a plit second a crazed look crossed his eyes. nervously chuckling the tom tilted his head to the right.
xxxwe're almost there. i was just hoping to talk when we get there. he said through clenched teeth. somewhat disturbed yellow citrine tried to get past white diamond ,, but the tom just kept blocking her path. i thought you would only leave if you didn't like what i was saying. i haven't even started talking yet! white diamond shoved yellow citrine to the right ,, guiding her farther away from the clan. following along with white diamond the she-cat looked around. they had entered a part of the forest that she didn't recognize.
xxxwhere -
xxx- i've brouht you to a more secluded part of the forest because i felt that this is a more private conversation. don't want any unwanted listeners?
xxxseems logical. but i'm getting annoyed so hurry up before i leave. tail swishing around behind her yellow citrine sat down.
xxxof course. glancing around to make sure there were no unwanted listeners white diamond turned back to yellow citrine. it's clear that i haven't been the best of friends. you are the first cat to join the clan and yet i side with green spinel -
xxxwhich i don't understand! that mange fur deserves nothing but to be tossed out to the foxes!
xxxwill you just shut ... i mean could you let me continue? clamping her mouth shut yellow citrine nodded for white diamond to continue. now where was i. ah yes ,, green spinel. i should have supported you. it was wrong of me to befriend that mange pelt. to even let him into the clan. he doesn't contribute. all he ever does is lounge around the cavern. the star cut paused. one of his eyes twitched as he began to talk again. or is it really green spinel that i'm talking about? caught off guard yellow citrine tilted her head. no ,, it's not green spinel that i'm speaking of. it's you ,, yellow citrine. it's you who's lazy and doesn't contribute one least bit to the clan! getting to her paws yellow citrine stepped back as white diamond jumped to his paws and got right into her face.
xxxwhat are yer talkin bout?
xxxi'm talking about how you're ruining this clan! you're the virus that's killing quartzclan ,, and for that you need to be punished. eyes wide yellow citrine turned around the run but claws pierced into her hind side. yowling out in pain yellow citrine turned around and raked her claws wildly through the air. steering clear of her claws the star cut circled around yellow citrine. fur bristling white diamond ran at yellow citrine. leaping through the air with outstretched claws the tom landed atop the she-cat. the she cat tumbled to the ground. while she was disorientated and confused white diamond pressed a paw against her face ,, pushing her head to the ground. his claws sank into her cheek. fear was embedded on yellow citrines face.
xxxplease ,, don't do this. pulling down on the vine around her neck that held a gem white diamond started to choke yellow citrine but the vine snaps. gasping for breath yellow citrine struggled underneath white diamond. as she tries to yell for help white diamond begins pressing his paws against her throat ,, watching with interest as the life drained from yellow citrines eyes. in moments the she cat was limp underneath the killer paws of white diamond. a hysterical laugh came from the tom as he stepped away from yellow citrine. but his bliss melted away as the star cut realized what he had just done. looking at his paws he saw his white fur had turned red with yellow citrines blood. looking to the lifeless body white diamond found himself full of fear. a rustle in the bushes caught his attention for a brief moment though. looking around the star cut turned around in circles.
xxxwhoever is there show yourself! he yelled into the forest around him. you aren't in any trouble. just come on out. after a few moments of fear white diamond neared yellow citrine. he gently pawed her limp body. when she said nothing nor made any movement to get up the tom gave a satisfied nod. another crazed cackle left the toms lips.
xxxwhite diamond? eyes going wide white diamond turned around to see green spinel and brown jasper standing close behind. it hit him that he had been caught! they would surely do soething to stop him. but they also don't know the context of the situation. as green spinel stared at the body behind white diamond the star cut quickly came up with a story to tell.
xxxquickly ,, a fox attacked us. i'm afraid yellow citrine got the brunt of the beating. we must get her to red fire opal fast else i believe it may be too late for her. for moment neither green spinel or brown jasper did nothing. they know. i'll have to get rid of them too. he thought. thankfully ,, for white diamond that is ,, green spinel came forward to help white diamond. kneeling down beside yellow citrine the other tom helped to put her body over white diamonds back. standing up once more the star cut started off back toward camp.

[brown jasper + green spinel ]

heading out into the forest together was green spinel and brown jasper. walking alongside her shaper brown jasper stared at the ground. today she was going to do her final assessment and she was freaking out. her paws slightly trembled as she walked through the quiet morning. noticing that his mixed cut seemed to be feeling stressed out green spinel tried to think of encouraging words ,, but he had never been the best at being the inspirational type. um. just try not to screw anything up. okay. green spinel winced at his own words but that was the best advice he could give brown jasper. glancing up at green spinel the young cat flicked her ears up twice ,, her version of laughing. green spinel was about one of the only cats in the clan that was able to understand brown jaspers sign language. playfully rolling his eyes green spinel slowed his pace. i will be close but hidden. your assessment starts now. hesitantly the young cat walked forward. after a few tail lengths she turned back to look at green spinel ,, but he was gone. with a sigh she rushed into the forest. paws quietly hit the earth. today was a bright day full of sunshine. hopefully that was a good omen that meant brown jasper would be able to pass her assessment. some time passes before brown jasper is able to catch the scent of any prey. knowing that it's a mouse she's chasing after brown jasper steps lightly. making sure that she is down wind she slides through the underbrush like a snake. eyes trained on the prey ahead of her brown jasper got low to the ground. letting out a soft breath she leaps forward but a yowl close by puts her off. the mouse perks up and upon seeing brown jasper leaping at it the small rodent scurries away. landing hard on the ground brown jasper looks around with annoyance and curiosity. turning toward where the cry of pain came from brown jasper stares into the quieting forest. interest taking over her common sense brown jasper starts toward where the cry of pain came from. never really having explored the area the young cat was wary but also intrigued. soon ,, though ,, the sound of a voice rose up. following after the voice brown jasper soon came upon a secluded part of the forest where the underbrush and trees grew thicker. it became harder to navigate but with the smell of blood hitting her nose curiosity gave way to concern for whatever cat was out there. finding her way to where both the voice and blood aroma was coming from the mixed cut hid within the thick underbrush. staying low to the ground brown jasper scooted closer to the scene. before her was white diamond circling another cat. at first brown jasper just assumed he was standing off with an intruder. watching the two cats brown jasper flinched back as white diamond leaped at the other cat. there was no fight for the other cat easily went to the ground. now standing over this other cat brown jasper got the feeling that something wasn't right. why would white diamond be attacking a lone cat? or did they attack first? but once the other cat spoke brown jasper felt as if the ground was tilting beneath her. she recognized the voice as yellow citrine. the she-cat in the clan who seemed to like to stir up trouble every now and then. the young cat watched as white diamond forced the life out of her clan mate. now brown jasper wasn't too fond of the she-cat but she would never wish any harm on yellow citrine. death seemed like an unjust punishment. what made the situation worse was that white diamond seemed to revel in what he had just done. it took a few moments for brown jasper to regain movement of her stiff muscles but when she did she shot up and turned and fled. she had caused a ruckus and white diamond seemed to take notice as he called out after her. thankfully appeared as if white diamond didn't know it was her that had been in the underbrush. stumbling through the forest brown jaspers head spun. what had she just witnessed? she needed to inform some cat of what happened. shoving her way out of the thick undergrowth brown jasper could hear a familiar voice. brown jasper! where are you! chasing after green spinels voice she found herself stumbling into him. the tom whipped around to face who ran into him. concern was in his eyes as he stared at her. where did you go? i lost sight of you and couldn't find you. didn't you- green spinel paused when he saw that brown jasper was shaking uncontrollably. -what's wrong? unsure of how to communicate exactly what happened brown jasper just turned back around and started back toward the ,, she hated to think it as such ,, murder sight. where are you going? green spinel followed along behind brown jasper ,, bombarding her with questions that she simply ignored. leading the older cat toward the rising smell of blood he too seemed to take notice of the smell. is that blood? green spinel yelled at brown jasper who was farther ahead of him. looking back at him she nodded. this seemed to give the tom a burst of energy as he rushed forward and past brown jasper. bursting out from the underbrush green spinel stood in the area that yellow citrine lay dead and white diamond with her. brown jasper followed green spinel from the thickets and hid behind him. white diamond? green spinel stared at yellow citrines body. concern was replaced with disbelief.
xxxquickly ,, a fox attacked us. i'm afraid yellow citrine got the brunt of the beating. we must get her to red fire opal fast else i believe it may be too late for her. brown jasper stared at the star cut with fear and animosity. he was lying! a cat that she looked up to and idolized had just murdered another cat then proceeded to lie about what he had done. how could he? hesitantly green spinel walked forward. he helped to drag yellow citrines body onto white diamonds back so the star cut could carry her back to camp. once yellow citrine was secure white diamond started off back toward camp. green spinel walked along beside white diamond. behind the two toms walked brown jasper. she stared daggers at the star cut. her ears were drawn back flat against her head. how would she ever communicate that this wasn't a fox attack but instead a murder? almost no cat in the clan could understand brown jaspers sign language nor did they care much for the mute. and who would even believe a mixed cut about something so serious? nobody was the answer. brown jasper felt stuck.

[red fire opal + violet iolite]

the screech from out inside the cavern is what drew red fire opal from he had been doing. he had been sorting herbs and taking stock. there wasn't much so he had been planing on taking violet iolite out to go herb hunting. but all his plans came to a halt when gray topaz came rushing into his den. you got to come quick! yellow citrine has been attacked by a fox! running out of his den red fire opal made his way to white diamond who was carrying the she-cat.
xxxgo set her down in my den. looking back at his mixed cut he barked orders ,, ready some herbs and get some moss soaked in water! the young she-cat nodded and ran off to do as ordered. turning back toward white diamond the tumbled cut spoke. come. we mustn't hinder. rushing toward the tumbled cut den white diamond gently placed yellow citrine on the stone ground. behind the two toms green spinel and brown jasper lingered by the den entrance. putting an ear to yellow citrines chest red fire opal tried to listen for breathing or a heart beat.
xxxwill she be alright? the-the fox came out of nowhere! if it weren't for yellow citrine i would have lost a life. maybe more. you have to save her. i don't - facing the star cut red fire opal gently pushed him back.
xxxi know it's hard but i need you to leave. i need space to work and you're not helping by hovering around.
taking in a sharp breath white diamond nodded.
xxxyes. you're right. i'm sorry. the tom hesitated as he went to leave the den. getting back to yellow citrine red fire opal softly sighed. violet iolite stood with a bundle of herbs in her mouth and cobweb wrapped around a paw.
xxxall of you ,, please leave. red fire opal ordered to the cats hanging around outside his den. slowly the mass began to depart. there is no need for the herbs. yellow citrine is among star clan now. her eyes dropped as she nodded in understanding. do go get the moss though. we should clean the blood from her fur. turning back into the area that held the herbs violet iolite was back in seconds with a bundle of wet moss. nearing yellow citrine violet iolite dropped the bundle of moss. her eyes darted over the body as she took in the realization that she was standing over a dead body.
xxxi'm gonna be sick! she whimpered. rounding the body red fire opal sat beside violet iolite.
xxxi understand that this is hard for you to take in. but you must know that this isn't going to be the last body you face. losing a cat is just part of the job ,, but it's not all that's too it. you experience life too. remember honey's kitting? the young she-cat nodded. her eyes were trained on yellow citrine. there comes happy moments and sad moments to being a tumbled cut. death is only natural for every living creature. we must accept that to do our job. now i want you to go take a break. check on honey and the kits. nudging violet iolite to her paws the young she-cat headed for the nursery. once the mixed cut was gone red fire opal picked the moss up in his mouth. dripping the water over yellwo citrines wounds red fire opal did his best to clean the blood from her fur. as he did this red fire opal took note of how the vine that held her gem was gone. he assumed that the fox had ripped it off during the fight. but what struck him as odd what the size of the claw marks and bite marks on her. they were not at all proportionate to a fox. lifting his head red fire opal stared out into the cavern. white diamond was calmly chatting with moissanite. that was strange. shouldn't he be worrying for his friend. standing up red fire opal exited his den and made is way toward white diamond. he glanced to moissanite. they seemed to get the message and left. white diamond turned toward red.
xxxis she stable? the hope in his voice hurt to hear but something was definitely off.
xxxi'm really sorry white diamond. she is with star clan now. expecting to console the star cut red fire opal was surprised by the reaction he got. instead of breaking down like expected wite diamond simply dipped his head.
xxxmay she rest with star clan then. the voice of white diamond more monotone than hurt.
xxxy-yes. shaking off his confusion red fire opal grew curious. one cat couldn't take on a fox alone. white diamond seemed to have no injuries so either he was lucky or didn't fight the fox. may i ask you something?
xxxof course.
xxxwas it just you and yellow citrine up against the fox or did any other cat partake in the brawl? for a moment white diamond said nothing. that made suspician grow inside of red.
xxxno ,, no other cat was in the fight. why? there was a hint of discontent in white diamonds voice.
xxxi would have liked to check any other cat in the fight over for injuries. but since it had only been you and yellow citrine i see there to be no need. would you like to see her? again annoyance radiated off of the star cut and this time it showed in his eyes.
xxxno. you may bury her. with that the tom turned and headed for his den. red fire opal eyed the star cut as he walked away. wasn't he friend with yellow citrine? why would he not want to see her before she is buries?
xxxred fire opal? turning around to see who was speaking to him now red was met with green spinel and brown jasper.
xxxwhat can i do for you two? neither cats seemed physically injured but it was possible for one of them to be sick.
xxxi think brown jasper saw the fight and she just won't stop shaking. do you have anything that can calm her?
xxxpossibly. come with me. in reality red had nothing to help the young cat. but if she saw the fight maybe violet iolite could translate what brown jasper has to say about what she saw. red doubted that a fox attacked yellow citrine and he was determined to find the true answer. brown jasper followed after red fire opal into his den. upon entering brown jasper froze as she saw yellow citrines body. her breathing grew faster. it was clear something had traumatized her whether it be a fox fight or a cat fight red fire opal would find out. leading the young cat into a side den where nests for sick and injured were he instructed her to sit down in one. i'll be back in a moment. walking through his den to the tunnel that lead into the nursery red peeked his head into the den. violet iolite i need you to help translate for brown jasper. violet got up from honeys side. trotting into the tumbled cuts den violet iolite kept her eyes trained up to the ceiling so she wouldn't see yellow citrines body. walking into the nesting area violet sat down beside brown jasper. i don't have any herbs to help calm you down. i know it must have been hard to witness what you did but i need you to tell me what actually happened. red tried to sound as calm and gentle as possible. he didn't want the young cat to scare even more. for a good while she did nothing but stare down at her paws. then she began to move ,, making strange signs that red fire opal didn't understand. she flicked one ear down her left ear flat against her head. then she unsheathed her claws and slashed at the air. finally she pointed a paw into the section of the den where yellow citrine lies. violet iolite says nothing. she seems to be shocked by what brown jasper has signed. well ,, what did she say?
xxxdiamond. attack. yellow citrine. but that's not right. that would mean white diamond attacked yellow citrine? brown jasper meekly nodded. she made the sign for diamond ,, left ear down and right ear up. then she made some gestures that violet iolite didn't know. brown jasper reached out with both her front paws then she made the sign for attack ,, lashing out with a paw with claws ,, then she put a paw to her throat. i don't understand what that means! suddenly brown jasper got to her paws. she took a few steps back and leaped at violet iolite. hitting the ground brown jasper put her paws against violets throat. red ,, thinking that brown jasper was attacking violet iolite ,, quickly intervened. he shoved brown jasper off of violet iolite.
xxxwhy would you attack her! he demanded. brown jasper simply nodded toward yellow citrine. peeking her head up from behind red fire opal violet iolite spoke ,,
xxxwere you demonstrating? brown jasper once again nodded. that's what he did. white diamond choked her?! brown jasper slumped into one of the nests. she put a paw over her muzzle and shut her eyes. that means she wants to be left alone.
xxxyou will tell no one of this. either of you. if this gets out cats will do crazy things when full of fear. brown jasper made no movement. violet said nothing either. waling up to her friend violet plopped down in the nest beside her. with a quiet sigh red fire opal went into the section of the den where yellow citirne lies. shattered a stone will be. he recited the line from the prophecy. yellow citrine had turned out to be the shattered stone. but will she be the only one to be shattered? with his head spinning red fire opal finds his way over to a nest of is own. plopping down into the soft moss the tom drifts off into a dreamless rest.

[green spinel + amber]

overhead the sun was slowly setting on the horizon. the sky glowed with different colors. the trees looked to be on fire as the orange burst of the sun hit them. the forest was quiet today. it seemed to be grieving with whatever cat was grieving for yellow citrine. personally green spinel was confused as to how he felt. he and yellow citrine didn't have the best relationship ,, but for her to just die it felt as if a weight was lifted off his shoulders but also as if a piece of him was missing. amber seemed to be lost in her thoughts ,, a shadow falling across her face as her eyes kept trained to the ground before her. unlike many of the cats in the clan amber had been friends with yellow citrine. the loss of her friend was hitting hard. i know that you didn't care much for her. but i-i ,, amber shook her head ,, you probably wouldn't care to hear what i have to say. glancing to amber green spinel tilted his head.
xxxwhy wouldn't i care? i did ask if you wanted to go on a walk ,, didn't i? amber softly chuckled.
xxxyou did ,, didn't you? i don't think you know it but you were so awkward when asking.
xxxoh trust me ,, i knew my awkwardness was coming off in waves. amber simply rolled her eyes at green spinel. but the moment of happiness drifted away with the breeze.
xxxi never really had friends before. but yellow citrine listened to what i had to say. for once i opened up to another cat. but now that she's gone ... i don't know what i'm going to do. to em she was a true friend. a silence slowly started to spread between the two cats.
xxxthis is going to sound very strange ,, but i think i miss her too. amber lifted her head up and stared at green spinel ,, an eyebrow raised.
xxxhow so?
xxxwell if you stop interrupting then i'll tell you.
xxxproceed then.
xxxwhile she may had been a huge bully to me i think i'm going to miss her incessant berating and badgering. her screeching voice just became a part of my every day routine.
xxxare you joking? it was clear that amber didn't think green spinel was being truthful. her voice was dry and her melancholy eyes turned to stone. if you think you're being funny let me tell you something. you're not. you think you can just joke about everything that brings pain to others. to put others down because you don't have the best self esteem. it's sick. you're sick. she spat. green spinel reeled back. taking a few steps away from amber the tom felt one of his back paws go over the edge of the cliff side walkway.
xxxwhat are you talking about!? i'm not trying to be comical. is that how you think of me? as some jerk cat that puts others down because he isn't happy? when have i ever made a hurtful joke to anyone? glaring at the tom amber tried to think back to any time that green spinel had put another cat down. instead all she could think of is how he was usually alone. how he only ever spoke to another cat if they spoke to him first ,, which seemed rare. realization that she was in the wrong hit amber. ears going flat against her head amber shrank back.
xxxi am so sorry. i didn't mean to ... i just ... pulling himself away from the ledge green spinel stepped toward amber.
xxxit's okay. i get it ,, you're hurting and just need to get your feelings out. don't be sorry. you're just grieving. resting her head on green spinels shoulder amber quietly thanked him. the sudden contact was surprising to green. or a moment he tensed up unsure of what to do. sitting down himself he scooted closer to amber. you ,, um ,, you can talk to me anytime you need to ,, you know ,, vent and stuff. the tom winced as his awkwardness started to invade his speech once more.
xxxare you always this articulate? amber joked. both cats softly laughed. you're a good friend ,, green. hearing amber use a nickname for him ,, something she only ever did to cats she thought of as close to her ,, made green spinels heart flutter. he didn't know what he was feeling but it was something he on;y ever felt when around amber. the feeling made him happy. amber made him happy. resting his head atop ambers green spinel let out a content sigh.

[prey :: one hare ,, one mouse ,, and one frog is consumed]

[moonstone :: n // a]

[adopted cats :: n // a]

[name changes :: n // a]

[rank change :: blue apatite - marquise cut]

[hunting :: amber + zircon + coral]
[hunting :: marcasite + gray topaz + blue apatite]

[boarder patrol :: moissanite + garnet]
[boarder patrol :: tigers eye + shrikethorn]

[training :: hunting :: garnet + aquamarine]
[training :: disease treatment :: violet iolite]

[final assessment :: brown jasper ((she is stopped halfway between her assessment and thus doesn't finish or pass it))]

[kitting :: n // a]

[herb hunting :: red fire opal + violet iolite]

[injury :: n // a]

[death :: yellow cirtine]

[herb usage :: x1 horsetail is used on green spinels injury || x1 mint used on yellow citrines body]

[staying within camp :: honey + jet + ivory + jade + larimar +]

[prophecy :: blackness resides in the one of white // shattered a stone will be // the reign of colorless will take flight // only one pure of heart the end will see]

star cut
white diamond || thirty three || male ||
lives :: nine :: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
gem :: diamond

step cut
name || age || gender || [url=link]♦[/url]
gem ::

tumbled cut
red fire opal|| thirty five || male ||
gem :: topaz

tumbled mix cut
violet iolite || nine || female ||

marquise cut
amber || thirty six || female ||
gem :: sapphire
green spinel || thirty one || male ||
gem :: jade
moissanite || twenty seven || nonbinary [[dfab]] ||
gem :: amethyst
zircon || thirty two || male ||
gem :: amethyst
tigers eye || thirty four || male ||
gem :: jade
shrikethorn || thirty one || female ||
gem :: amethyst
larksong || forty seven || female ||
gem :: jade
marcasite || eighteen || female ||
gem :: amethyst
coral || twenty nine || male ||
gem :: pearl
gray topaz || eighteen || male ||
gem :: amethyst
blue apatite || thirteen || male ||
gem :: jade

mixed cut
brown jasper || twelve || female ||
garnet || eleven || female ||
aquamarine || ten || nonbinary [[dmab]] ||

princess cut
honey || thirty two|| female ||
gem :: apatite
name || age || gender || [url=link]♦[/url]
gem ::

jet || one || male ||
ivory || one || female ||
jade || one || female ||
larimar || three || male ||

tapered cut
name || age || gender || [url=link]♦[/url]
gem ::
name || age || gender || [url=link]♦[/url]
gem ::
ally clans
clan name || username
clan name || username

enemy clans
clan name || username
clan name || username

north || clan name || username
north west || clan name || username
north east || clan name || username
west || clan name || username
east || quickclan || eagle,
south || clan name || username
south west || halcyonclan || pompompurin
south east || clan name || username

medicine store
chervil || two
cobweb || one
feverfew || one
horsetail || two
lambs ear || one
lungwort || one
mint || one
stick || zero
sweetsedge || one
wintergreen || one

fresh kill pile
mice || two || one serving
frog || three || one serving
squirrel || four || two servings
hedgehog || three || two servings
eagle || two || three servings
hare || three || three servings

green spinel || brown jasper
hunting [+] || climbing [+] || fighting [+] || swimming [+]
red fire opal || violet iolite
wound treatment [+] || diseases treatment [] || poison treatment [] || herb uses [+]
moissanite || garnet
hunting [] || climbing [] || fighting [+] || swimming []
larksong || aquamarine
hunting [] || climbing [] || fighting [] || swimming []

shattered cuts
yellow citrine || thirty two || female || killed by white diamond || star clan ||
gem :: amethyst
cat name || age || gender || cause of death || where to || [url=link]♦[/url]
gem ::

brown jasper || mute
coral || stutter

larksong + doveface [mallowclan || cujo]
heronswoop [wildclan || imp.] + whispersong [wildclan || imp.]

dipperflower [mallowclan || cujo] + viperthorn [halcyonclan || pompompurin]
marcasite + falconeye [swiftclan || phina d wolf]

honey + unknown
jet + ivory + jade + ((adoptive)) larimar
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Bayouclan - Second Clan

Postby lameloserlexi » Sat Jun 23, 2018 3:15 pm


    Bayouclan is a cold, harsh clan. They don't take no for an answer and always plan on getting what they want. The clan as a whole was brought up on believing in the ways of the Dark Forest. However, they don't believe solely in Starclan or the Dark Forest. Witch Doctors are taught to listen to both ancestors and decide which is best for the clan. Everyday life in the clan can get pretty exciting with the many risks there can be by leaving the camp. However, every cat is trained to be skilled enough to handle the many surprises that can come from the swamp.

  • Chief. The leader of the group and has command over everyone. Has nine lives.
  • Witch Doctor. The healer and spiritual protector of the clan.
  • Head Chaser. Regulate sentries, along with regular duties.
  • Chaser. Their duties are to hunt and provide food for the clan.
  • Head Sentry. Regulate sentries, along with regular duties.
  • Sentry. They patrol the borders and guard the camp at night. In battle, they are the main fighters.
  • Minor Chaser/Sentry. These are the youth that are training to become a chaser or sentry.
  • Minder. They parent the kits of the clan once mothers are done nursing. They are the weakest of the cats, being sent to this rank if they fail to show strength. They are not allowed to have a mate.
  • Kits. The youngest of the clan, they can become a minor once they are 6 moons.

  • Outside. The clan lives in a steamboat that was abandoned many many seasons ago. Usually, the water laps right under the boat. Kits are never allowed to leave the boat since the water underneath it would drown them. Only those who can swim can go to and leave the boat.
  • Leader's den. The area is mainly closed off to the other cats, the leader having to climb up to make it to their den. It has a great view from across their territory, making it great for planning battles.
  • Witch Doctor's den this is where many herbs are stored and the Witch Docter and their Minor sleep. The sick also sleep here, as to keep them away from the rest of the clan.
  • Resting Den. This is where all the cats find a spot to make a nest to sleep in. Anyone can sleep anywhere.
  • Arena. This area is where many battles to settle differences, Minor trials, and clan meetings.

  • The main territory is a swamp area, surrounded by a thick forest.
  • Within the swamps is a small two-leg building with a half-bridge.

  • Head Chaser or Head Sentry can be challenged for their rank. Chasers will have to challenge in a hunting contest, whoever catches the most wins. Sentries are challenged by a duel. This can be to the death, but it's advised to not be.
  • Sentry ceremonies for minors are held by a duel with either a prisoner, punished cat, or another minor. Chaser ceremonies are to bring back as much prey as they can for the clan. For both ceremonies, the Chief, Head Sentry, Head Chaser, and Witch Doctor will all determine if the minor is ready.
  • Naming is different. Everyone has normal rogue names. However, when they become a warrior, they are given their "Spiritual Title". This name is only to be used once they die and go to either the Dark Forest of Starclan. This title is to further relieve the pains of the living life as they move into the afterlife. Example: She-cat named Falcon who is a fast and graceful runner, their Spiritual Title might be "Leaf Chaser".

    Can she be my Chief?

Last edited by lameloserlexi on Tue Jun 26, 2018 3:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Create A Clan- V.4

Postby Katrione » Sat Jun 23, 2018 5:15 pm

Newleaf- With the cold breezes of Leafbare behind, the Clans are relaxing and slowly starting to leave camp more often. However, with the heat rising, the remnants of snow are beginning to melt, causing floods everywhere. Storms will contribute to these, and due to this, more cats will want to join your clan to avoid the bad weather.

Mod Notes:
With the new version, I decided to make my rolls a bit harsher. If you have any characters that you specifically don't want me to kill off if I roll for them to die, please PM me!! I don't want to ruin any plots! If I don't receive a PM with the cats you don't want to be killed by my next set of replies, I'll assume you're fine with any of them dying if I roll for it

Main Clans
[ Mapleclan ] • [ Soulclan ] • [ Cragclan ] • [ Forestclan ] • [ Gustclan ] • [ Sageclan ] • [ Honestclan ] • [ Briarclan ]
[ Jinxclan ] • [ Dappleclan ] • [ OakTreeclan ] • [ Autumnclan ] • [ Sparrowclan ] • [ Azgeda ] • [ Waveclan ] • [ Slateclan ]
[ Horizonclan ] • [ Mintclan ] • [ Swiftclan ] • [ Quartzclan ] • [ Floodclan ] • [ Mallowclan ] • [ Aridclan ] • [ Reeding Woods ]
[ Lagoonclan ]

Second Clans
[ Bayouclan ]


osleya wrote:

[ foraging: niylah looks for herbs. ]
[ border patrol: thelonious, camille, thrush, waverly ]
[ border patrol: yellowsong, melanie, echo, night, madi, glass ]
[ hunting patrol: wanheda, octavia, skairipa, bellamy, hickory ]
[ labor: appleblossom goes into labor. father. ]
[ training: thrushpaw and waverly. ]

[ Niylah gathered alder bark and beech nuts ]
[ Thelonious's patrol found a warrior ]
[ Yellowsong's patrol came across a fox's scent ]
[ Wanheda's patrol caught thee mice ]
[ Appleblossom gave birth to four kits ]
[ Waverly and Thrushpaw learned the Hunt skill ]


silver ~ wrote:
Image xx Image
[ dustnose is renamed almondbark and featherwisp is renamed echoshade ]
[ the starclan cat, who claimed to be a loner named draco is renamed ebonygaze ]
[ kestrelstar, poppyflame and ebonygaze go on border patrol ]
[ almondbark and echoshade go hunting ]
[ cobramask and brookheart train galepaw and buzzardpaw in combat ]
[ heatherfrost looks for herbs ]
[ the clan eats a bird ]

[ Kestrelstar's patrol found a possible deputy ]
[ Almondbark's patrol caught three mice ]
[ Galepaw and Buzzardpaw learned the Combat skill ]
[ Heatherfrost gathered bindweed and blackberry leaves ]


Yukon_Snows wrote:
[TigerFern and SilentStep are welcomed to the clan]
[Its decided that instead of a full on another camp, AdderCloud, FirPaw, and the cats that go on the hunting patrols will stay at the lake camp temporarily until leaf-fall. Taking advantage of the warm weather to get the most out of hunting]
[ArgusPelt of GraveClan trys for kits with both BurntSight and OakFang. Simonpet has yet to say if she got pregnant yet]
[SwiftPaw, FlickeringPaw, and FeatherPaw become apprentices. SwiftPaw gets HareLeap, FlickeringPaw gets BumbleTail, and FeatherPaw gets DawnTail. SwiftPaw and FlickeringPaw's training is tracked by HollyStar and FlareHeart]
[GingerBerry convinces FireBringer to join the elders den with her and OakRiver. FireBringer joins the elders den]
[HareLeap, BumbleTail, ThistleFang, WhirlShine, JayPaw, and TigerFern hunt]
[DawnTail, BeetleNose, ThornPaw, FogWhorl, HawkSwoop, and NettlePaw hunt]
[RedHawk, FrostBite, MoorPaw, StormPaw, OliveStrike, and MousePaw hunt]
[MixedFur, HayPaw, MintClaw, ThriftRunner, TroutClaw, and HoneyBreeze patrol]
[BurntSight, BearHeart, MorningRush, OakFang, PaleFlick, and ReedClaw patrol]
[AdderCloud, BramblingPaw, LavenderRunner, HazelWing, BrackenBreeze, MallowBloom, RedPelt, MoorPaw, and TwigHeart go herb hunting (BramblingPaw, SilentStep, FirPaw, and MoorRunner (deceived by BramblingPaw's lies) look for poisonous herbs)]
[The apprentices train; SilentStep joins them to try and get into better shape]
[FloodClan eats 3 big fish and 1 mouse | 10 servings]

[ Swiftkit, Flickeringkit and Featherkit are now apprentices: Swiftpaw, Flickeringpaw and Featherpaw! ]
[ Starclan wishes many moons of rest for Firebringer ]
[ Hareleap's patrol caught three big fish ]
[ Dawntail's patrol caught two mice and a frog ]
[ Redhawk's patrol caught two small fish and a hare ]
[ Mixedfur and Burnsight's patrols both return to camp empty pawed ]
[ The medicine cats gathered lamb's ear, lavender and mouse bile. Bramblingpaw gathered deadly nightshade ]
[ All apprentices learned the Offense skill ]


.galaxy. wrote:
Shaded Skies
[Algernon goes hunting!]
[Algernon visits the Sun-Eye, asking for a kinfolk]

[ Algernon caught a blackbird ]
[ Scatteredscales has sent Shaded Skies a kinfolk ]
[ Your mod will be Ashton ]


miles morales wrote:
[prey :: one hare ,, one mouse ,, and one frog is consumed]
[moonstone :: n // a]
[adopted cats :: n // a]
[name changes :: n // a]
[rank change :: blue apatite - marquise cut]
[hunting :: amber + zircon + coral]
[hunting :: marcasite + gray topaz + blue apatite]
[boarder patrol :: moissanite + garnet]
[boarder patrol :: tigers eye + shrikethorn]
[training :: hunting :: garnet + aquamarine]
[training :: disease treatment :: violet iolite]
[final assessment :: brown jasper ((she is stopped halfway between her assessment and thus doesn't finish or pass it))]
[kitting :: n // a]
[herb hunting :: red fire opal + violet iolite]
[injury :: n // a]
[death :: yellow cirtine]
[herb usage :: x1 horsetail is used on green spinels injury || x1 mint used on yellow citrines body]
[staying within camp :: honey + jet + ivory + jade + larimar +]
[prophecy :: blackness resides in the one of white // shattered a stone will be // the reign of colorless will take flight // only one pure of heart the end will see]

[ Blue Apatite is now a marquise cut! ]
[ Amber's patrol caught two mice ]
[ Marcasite's patrol caught an eagle ]
[ Moissante's patrol found a mixed cut ]
[ Tigers Eye's patrol found a bead ]
[ Garnet and Aquamarine learned the Hunt skill ]
[ Violet Iolite learned the Disease Treatment skill ]
[ Red Fire Opal and Violet Iolite gathered alder bark, beech nuts and bindweed ]
[ Starclan has a new star among its skies. Yellow Citrine will be well looked after ]


Cloudpelt wrote:
Shallowsong gets killed by Blizzardspring to prove Blizzardspring’s loyalty.
Snowpaw follows Blizzardspring to the Shining Rock. He is now a fully fledged healer and gains the name Snowsnout.
Traveling to the Shining Rock, Branchstar asks for a Marquess
Branchstar hunts with Duo
Blizzardspring hunts alone
Shallowsong and Dapplepaw look for herbs.

[ Starclan has sent Tundraclan a marquess ]
[ Branchstar's patrol caught a tundra vole ]
[ Blizzardspring caught a stoat ]
[ Shallowsong and Dapplepaw gathered alder bark, beech nuts and bindweed ]
[ Your mod will be Phina D Wolf ]


lame loser lexi. wrote:

    Bayouclan is a cold, harsh clan. They don't take no for an answer and always plan on getting what they want. The clan as a whole was brought up on believing in the ways of the Dark Forest. However, they don't believe solely in Starclan or the Dark Forest. Witch Doctors are taught to listen to both ancestors and decide which is best for the clan. Everyday life in the clan can get pretty exciting with the many risks there can be by leaving the camp. However, every cat is trained to be skilled enough to handle the many surprises that can come from the swamp.

  • Chief. The leader of the group and has command over everyone. Has nine lives.
  • Witch Doctor. The healer and spiritual protector of the clan.
  • Head Chaser. Regulate sentries, along with regular duties.
  • Chaser. Their duties are to hunt and provide food for the clan.
  • Head Sentry. Regulate sentries, along with regular duties.
  • Sentry. They patrol the borders and guard the camp at night. In battle, they are the main fighters.
  • Minor Chaser/Sentry. These are the youth that are training to become a chaser or sentry.
  • Minder. They parent the kits of the clan once mothers are done nursing. They are the weakest of the cats, being sent to this rank if they fail to show strength. They are not allowed to have a mate.
  • Kits. The youngest of the clan, they can become a minor once they are 6 moons.

  • Outside. The clan lives in a steamboat that was abandoned many many seasons ago. Usually, the water laps right under the boat. Kits are never allowed to leave the boat since the water underneath it would drown them. Only those who can swim can go to and leave the boat.
  • Leader's den. The area is mainly closed off to the other cats, the leader having to climb up to make it to their den. It has a great view from across their territory, making it great for planning battles.
  • Witch Doctor's den this is where many herbs are stored and the Witch Docter and their Minor sleep. The sick also sleep here, as to keep them away from the rest of the clan.
  • Resting Den. This is where all the cats find a spot to make a nest to sleep in. Anyone can sleep anywhere.
  • Arena. This area is where many battles to settle differences, Minor trials, and clan meetings.

  • The main territory is a swamp area, surrounded by a thick forest.
  • Within the swamps is a small two-leg building with a half-bridge.

  • Head Chaser or Head Sentry can be challenged for their rank. Chasers will have to challenge in a hunting contest, whoever catches the most wins. Sentries are challenged by a duel. This can be to the death, but it's advised to not be.
  • Sentry ceremonies for minors are held by a duel with either a prisoner, punished cat, or another minor. Chaser ceremonies are to bring back as much prey as they can for the clan. For both ceremonies, the Chief, Head Sentry, Head Chaser, and Witch Doctor will all determind if the minor is ready.

    Can she be my Chief?


[ Bayouclan has been founded ]
[ I will be your mod ]


ossa di cervo wrote:

[ ravenclan consumes a hawk & a squirrel
pebblegaze goes into labor!
redthorn stays in camp to help pebblegaze
nightstar, thrushwhisker & mothfrost patrol
burntcloud, zinniathorn, swandust, aspeneyes, sagecloud & serphenite hunt
stormjaw, aphidmask, silentash, & vultureclaw hunt
older apprentices train
younger apprentices train ]

[ Pebblegaze gave birth to four kits ]
[ Redthorn used x1 fennel and x1 raspberry leaves for Pebblegaze's kitting ]
[ Nightstar's patrol came across a loner ]
[ Burntcloud's patrol caught a hawk. On the way back to camp, Zinniathorn managed to swipe a squirrel that was searching for nuts among the roots of a tree. Score! ]
[ Stormjaw's patrol caught a porcupine. Silentash got a little too excited while trying to catch the prickly creature and got one of it's quills stuck in her nose ]
[ Fawnpaw, Leopardpaw, Graypaw and Maplepaw learned the Stalk skill ]
[ Timberpaw, Salmonpaw, Quailpaw and Skuapaw learned the Swim skill ]
Last edited by Katrione on Sun Jun 24, 2018 10:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Echoclan [061]

Postby Katrione » Sat Jun 23, 2018 5:16 pm



Many Voices Crying Out As One
Number of Cats: 63 | Toms: 26 | Mollies: 37
(11 servings)

The Echoclan cats slowly trickled out of the still broken dens in the Clan camp. When the snow had finally melted, Raggedstar had sent a scouting patrol to check if the camp was safe to return to. The dens were broken and there were some puddles in the camp but the dens could easily be fixed and the puddles would dry up eventually. However, the bodies of their lost clanmates were still in the clearing and even in the dens. It took several days for the warriors to clear out their fallen clanmates and bury them.

Raggedstar jumped up onto Echorock, teetering for a moment before gaining purchase. The ginger leader turned to face his clanmates, looking at the new faces that had come to join the Clan in the last couple of moons while they had been sheltering in Squirrel's Grove. "Finally, we are home and we can return to our normal routine." He mewed. "And I couldn't think of any better way than naming a new apprentice."

Tadpole froze at her spot from outside of the tattered nursery. The tortoiseshell queen curled her tail around her daughter, pulling her closer to her belly. "Nope! Rattle will do just fine staying with me in the nursery." The queen called to Raggedstar. This earned a few snickers from the gathered cats. Raggedstar lashed his tail slightly, the only sign that he was annoyed.

"Mom!" Rattle growled, nipping Tadpole's tail so she released her enough to let her escape. "I want to be an apprentice, like Squirrelpaw, Chubpaw and Twigpaw!" The black she-cat ducked away from Tadpole when she reached for her, hurrying through the crowd to join Raggedstar.

Tadpole narrowed her eyes at her daughter, hating how stubborn she was. "Fine, you're gonna do whatever you want anyway."


"Witheredstalk, you need to feed them." Rowanstrike mewed, nudging their kits towards the ginger and brown mottled queen. Witheredstalk shot her mate a dead look before flipping and turning her back to him and their kits. "Beestripe can't keep feeding them. She has Grousekit and Otterstream's litter to feed."

Witheredstalk looked over at the other queens in the makeshift nursery. "Sparkfang should be next to us. We failed her. I failed her. My kits deserve a better mother." The queen looked down briefly when she heard a startled squeak. The tiny russet colored she-kit, Heathkit, had wriggled on top of her dark brown brother, Buzzardkit, and was biting at his whiskers. A muffled laugh came from the other side of the nursery. Witheredstalk shot her mother, Sunnyflower, a glare. "What's so funny?"

"Heathkit is trying to show dominance." Sunnyflower laughed. "You use to do the exact same thing to Pigeonnose when you were little. After you bit them off the first time, Pigeonnose did whatever you wanted and went wherever you told him to. You still bit his whiskers though, just because you could." The ginger queen mewed fondly. Witheredstalk rested her head on her paws and closed her eyes, thinking about how much Sunnyflower looked like Sparkfang when she laughed.

The ginger and brown mottled queen's eyes shot open when she felt a sharp pain on her muzzle. She jerked her head up, hissing loudly. The other queens bursted into fits of laughter and Witheredstalk looked at them all, confused on what had happened. Witheredstalk look down to see Heathkit looking up at her, a triumphant look in her eyes and one of Witheredstalk's whiskers in her tiny jaws.

Witheredstalk's whiskers, well remaining whiskers, twitched in amusement. "Hey! I need that!" She laughed, leaning down and gently nipping Heathkit's whiskers. "I'm the boss, little one."


Gorsebird groaned, shifting onto her back outside of the nursery. Sunnyflower was lounging next to her, grooming her flank. "I want to go for a walk." The deputy groaned, twisting around to groom her swollen belly. Sunnyflower looked up, an amused look in her amber eyes.

"You know you can't, Gorsebird. Your litter is due any day now. Brindlecloud would throw a fit if you left camp by yourself."

"But I wouldn't be leaving by myself!" Gorsebird retorted. "You could be coming with me."

"I can't leave either, Gorsebird!" Sunnyflower laughed, flicking the younger she-cat with her tail. "I have to stay here for when Bumblepaw comes back from her hunt with Applefur."

"Please, Sunnyflower?! It won't take that long!" Gorsebird whimpered.

"What won't take that long?"

The two queens stiffened when they heard Brindlecloud's stern mew from across the clearing. The dilute calico medicine cat crossed the clearing to join the queens. "W-We wanted to go for a walk." Gorsebird stammered. Sunnyflower shot the deputy a glare, slightly mad that she was being dragged into her antics.

Brindlecloud eyed the two and sighed. "It might be good for you two to walk around for a bit. Take Crowcloud with you though." She mewed before turning, calling for her apprentice. The skittish tom slipped out of the medicine cat den, padding up to them. "Gorsebird and Sunnyflower are going for a walk and I want you to go with them, to make sure nothing happens to them."

"I'll make sure nothing bad happens!" Crowcloud vows, hurrying after the two queens who had already taken off. "So where are we going to do?"

"I don't know, I just don't wanna be stuck in camp." Gorsebird mewed. Crowcloud nodded but said nothing. The three Echoclan cats stayed silent most of the trip, just enjoying the company and the warm sunlight. The skittish medicine cat apprentice only started to fidget when they neared an area known for having a lot of Twolegs during Newleaf.

"Maybe we should go back..." Crowcloud hissed, the fur along his spine bristling when he heard the strange voices of Twolegs. Gorsebird shot Crowcloud an annoyed look.

"We'll be fine. If any of them come near us, we can easily outrun them." Gorsebird mewed quietly, creeping closer to the Twolegs that were gathered from a monster. The Twolegs were chattering excitedly in their weird language, waving their hairless paws as they communicated. "I think we'll be fi-" The deputy was cut off when one of the Twolegs looked over and let out an excited squeal. They headed straight to Gorsebird, reaching for the pregnant she-cat. Sunnyflower darted forward, forcing her way between them and baring her teeth. The Twoleg let out another noise before scooping Sunnyflower up while another Twoleg came over and snatched up Gorsebird before she could run off.

The medicine cat apprentice let out a yowl and bounded after them, jumping up and sinking his claws into the leg of the Twoleg who was holding Gorsebird. The Twoleg cried out and reached down, grabbing Crowcloud by his scruff and throwing him away. The black tom crashed onto his side, some of the rocks on the ground cutting into his skin. The Twolegs all piled into the monster they had been gathered around, taking Gorsebird and Sunnyflower with them. The monster roared to life, staying still for a brief moment before it raced off down the Thunderpath.

Crowcloud stumbled back onto his paws, droplets of blood staining the grass. The black apprentice looked around wildly, his breaths coming out in heavy pants. "No!" He cried, darting out onto the Thunderpath and taking off after the monster. "You can't take them! No!! Starclan save them!" The medicine cat apprentice begged. The tom would've kept going forever, he would've kept running until his paw pads turned bloody but it wasn't long until the monster turned a corner and disappeared from sight.


Sunnyflower's eyes opened slowly. The ginger queen stayed still for a few moments before she raised her head, looking around the strange den. She immediately shot up when she saw Gorsebird laying in a weird nest nearby. "Gorsebird! Where are we?" She mewed, stumbling slightly when she felt light-headed.

The deputy looked up at Sunnyflower, her eyes wide. "I know we're in a Twoleg den but I don't know how far away we are." She mewed. "We've been here for a day at least... They left me here but they took you somewhere." Gorsebird's gaze dropped to Sunnyflower's right foreleg, which had a bare patch on it now. Sunnyflower looked at her leg, slowly trying to process what had happened since they were snatched up.

She remembered one of the Twolegs taking Gorsebird into a den while another Twoleg kept her in the monster and went somewhere else. The Twoleg took her into a large weird den that was full of animals, many of them crying in distress, growling at Twolegs or just sitting in nervous silence. She was taken into a room and put on a cold surface where she remembered them using this odd object that made the fur on her leg go away. Then they stuck her with something before putting a clear thing around her muzzle. Sunnyflower had tried to shake it off but she slowly felt herself growing tired. Next thing she remembered was her waking up in the den.

Sunnyflower's tail drooped and she slowly sat down, curling her tail around her stomach. The ginger she-cat let out a small cry and curled in on herself, dreading the sickeningly empty feeling in her stomach.

[ Echoclan consumed x5 rabbits + x1 mouse ]
[ Echoclan consumed x1 cobweb for Sandshell's cut ]
[ Koipaw and Goosepaw have finished their training and can now become warriors: Koifin and Goosestrike ]
[ Rattle is old enough to become an apprentice. Tadpole grudgingly lets her daughter take a Clan name: Rattlepaw ]
[ Sunnyflower, Hurricanejaw, Appleheart, Lavenderpool and Hazelburrow take Bumblepaw, Bristlepaw, Squirrelpaw, Chubpaw and Twigpaw training ]
[ Brindlecloud and Crowcloud go herb hunting ]
[ Applefur, Venom, Mossvine, Petalbound, Rabbitwish and Blazefur go hunting ]
[ Rowanstrike, Wildpoppy, Frecklewish, Mossycreek, Bramblingflight and Pigeonnose went hunting ]
[ Dodger, Cassie, Wickerfur, Icefang, Acciaberry and Strawberrypatch went hunting ]
[ Acornfall, Snakeshade, Sandshell, Darkclover, Splitear and Haybriar went on a border patrol ]
[ Juniperbranch, Hootfang, Floodstone, Canalstorm, Bubblestream and Foamsplash went on a border patrol ]
[ Piranha goes into labor. Rowan of Swiftclan is the father ]
[ While on a walk, Gorsebird and Sunnyflower are kidnapped by young adult Twolegs. Crowcloud receives minor injuries trying to help ]
[ Sunnyflower is taken to the Cutter while Gorsebird is left at the Twoleg house ]
[ Gorsebird goes into labor! Vervaincloud of Pineclan is the father ]

          Raggedstar | 41 | Tom |
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          *Gorsebird | 26 | Molly |

          Medicine Cat:
          Brindlecloud | 37 | Molly |

          Medicine Cat Apprentice:
          Crowcloud | 20 | Tom |

          Applefur | 90 | Tom |
          Venom | 87 | Tom |
          Mossvine | 82 | Molly |
          Petalbound | 65 | Molly |
          Rabbitwish | 58 | Tom |
          Blazefur | 56 | Tom |
          Sunnyflower | 56 | Molly |
          Rowanstrike | 53 | Tom |
          Wildpoppy | 52 | Molly |
          Appleheart | 49 | Tom |
          Frecklewish | 45 | Molly |
          Mossycreek | 43 | Molly |
          Bramblingflight | 41 | Molly |
          Pigeonnose | 37 | Tom |
          Dodger | 35 | Tom |
          Hurricanejaw | 33 | Tom |
          Cassie | 31 | Molly |
          Wickerfur | 28 | Tom |
          Icefang | 26 | Tom |
          Acciaberry | 26 | Tom |
          Strawberrypatch | 25 | Molly |
          Acornfall | 25 | Tom |
          Lavenderpool | 24 | Molly |
          Snakeshade | 20 | Tom |
          Sandshell | 20 | Molly |
          Darkclover | 19 | Tom |
          Splitear | 19 | Molly |
          Haybriar | 19 | Molly |
          Hazelburrow | 19 | Molly |
          Juniperbranch | 19 | Molly |
          Hootfang | 18 | Molly |
          Floodstone | 16 | Molly |
          Canalstorm | 16 | Molly |
          Bubblestream | 13 | Tom |
          Foamsplash | 13 | Molly |

          Bumblepaw | 13 | Molly |
          Koipaw | 12 | Molly |
          Goosepaw | 12 | Tom |
          Bristlepaw | 11 | Molly |
          Squirrelpaw | 7 | Molly |
          Chubpaw | 7 | Molly |
          Twigpaw | 7 | Molly |

          Cloudwatcher | 53 | Molly |
          Beestripe | 25 | Molly |
          Witheredstalk | 37 | Molly |
          Tadpole | 22 | Molly |
          *Gorsebird | 26 | Molly |
          Piranha of the Fish Clan | 28 | Molly |
          Sunnyflower | 56 | Molly |

          Rattle | 6 | Molly |
          Bellkit | 5 | Molly |
          Rookkit | 5 | Tom |
          Parsnipkit | 5 | Tom |
          Mousekit | 5 | Tom |
          Wheatkit | 5 | Tom |
          Grousekit | 2 | Tom |
          Beaverkit | 2 | Tom |
          Porcupinekit | 2 | Tom |
          Hedgehogkit | 2 | Tom |
          Buzzardkit | 1 | Tom |
          Fallkit(-petal) | 1 | Tom |
          Heathkit | 1 | Molly |
          Buzzingkit(-flight) | 1 | Molly |

          Felicia | 130 | Molly |

          Ally Clans:
          Souclan | krazykitty00
          Leafclan | zephyrine
          Dawnclan | stranger danger
          Forestclan | Simonpet
          Clayclan | hazilnut

          Enemy Clans:
          Clan | Username
          Clan Name | Username

          (N) | Lilacclan | Sheena
          (E) | Azgeda | Osleya
          (S) | Clan | User
          (W) | Briarclan | Amethyst14
          (NW) | Clan | User
          (NE) | Halcyonclan | Pompompurin
          (SW) | Moorclan | Dinolil1
          (SE) | Gustclan | Chamrosh

    Medicine Store:
    Alder Bark x1 | Eases toothaches
    Blackberry Leaves x1 | Eases swelling of bee stings
    Borage Leaves x1 | Produces more milk, brings
    down fevers, soothes bad bellies+ relieves tight chests
    Broom x0 | Unknown effects
    Burdock Root x2 | Lessens + heals the
    pain of infected rat bites
    Burnet x1 | Keeps strength up
    Catmint x5 | Greencough + whitecough
    Celandine x1 | Soothes damaged eyes
    Chamomile x1 | Strengthens the heart + soothes the mind
    Chervil x2 | Infected wounds + bellyaches
    Chickweed x1 | Greencough
    Cobwebs x0 | Soak up + stop bleeding
    Coltsfoot x1 | Eases breathing or kittencough, helps
    with cracked pads or sore pads
    Comfrey Root x1 | Repairs broken bones + soothes wounds
    Dandelion x1 | Soothes and heals bee stings
    Dock x1 | Soothes scratches + soothes sore pads
    Feverfew x1 | Reduces body temperature for cats with fevers,
    heals aches + pains
    Goldenrod x0 | Heals wounds
    Honey x2 | Soothes infections, helps soothe coughing
    Horsetail x0 | Treats infected wounds
    Lamb's Ear x1 | Gives strength
    Lungwort x2 | Cures yellowcough
    Mallow Leaves x2 | Soothes bellyaches
    Marigold x3 | Stops infections, bleeding, helps with
    inflammation + stiff joints
    Mint x1 | Hides the scent of death
    Oak Leaves x1 | Stop infection from setting in
    Rush x0 | Holds broken limbs in place
    Sorrel x1 | Traveling herb + builds appetite
    Sweet-Sedge x2 | Eases infections
    Tansy x2 | Cures coughs, wounds, poison, + soothes throats
    Thyme x0 | Calms nervousness, anxiety + shock
    Tormentil x1 | Treating all wounds + extracting poisons
    Watermint x1 | Eases bellyaches
    Yarrow x1 | Extracts poisons from wounds

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    Mice | x1 | 1 servings
    Vole | x3 | 1 servings
    Shrew | x0 | 1 servings
    Rabbit | x0 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x3 | 2 servings
    Fish | x3 | 3 servings
    Pigeon | x2 | 3 servings

    Raggedstar | Koipaw | 4 | Stalking, Hunting, Fighting, Climbing
    Icefang | Goosepaw | 4 | Stalking, Hunting, Fighting, Balance
    Hurricanejaw | Bristlepaw | 3 | Hunting, Fighting, Stalking
    Sunnyflower | Bumblepaw | 3 | Hunting, Fighting, Stalking
    Appleheart | Squirrelpaw | 0 | Moves
    Lavenderpool | Chubpaw | 0 | Moves
    Hazelburrow | Twigpaw | 0 | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    The Stars Taken Before Their Time

    Former Clanmates:
    Ramhorn | Tom | Former Med. Cat | Pineclan |
    Nightkit | Tom | Former Kit | Jinxclan |

    Squirrelstar + Applefur: Sunnyflower, Blazefur, Otterstream,
    Mottledkit, Strawberrypatch, Beestripe, Wrenleap + Acornfall
    Mossvine + Smokespeck: Stagstep, Wildpoppy, Silverpaw,
    Koipaw + Goosepaw
    Mossvine + Dapplewing: Hurricanejaw
    Petalbound + Barleyfur: Mossycreek + Bayfur
    Shadepool + Lizardstrike: Yewfrost
    Sunnyflower + Rabbitwish: Pigeonnose, Witheredstalk + Sparkfang,
    Expecting [ Due in two moons ]
    Cloudwatcher + Blazefur: Bellkit, Rookkit, Parsnipkit + Mousekit
    Brightclover + Redfeather: Raggedstar
    Bayfur+ Stagstep: Gorsebird + Icefang
    Birdsong+ Bloodyclaws: Snakeshade + Sandshell
    Mossycreek + Bloodyclaws: Darkclover + Brightberry
    Witheredstalk + Hemlockheart: Bubblestream + Foamsplash
    Brindlecloud + Appleheart: Lavenderpool + Tawnystar of Roseclan
    Wildpoppy + Tux of Jinxclan: Bristlepaw, Talonkit + Nightpaw of Jinxclan
    Bramblingflight + Raggedstar: Squirrelpaw, Chubpaw, Leechkit+ Twigpaw
    Oatdapple + Lizardstrike: Pinekit+ Wheatkit
    Frecklewish + Pigeonnose: Splitear, Haybriar, Hazelburrow,
    + Juniperbranch
    Beestripe + Wickerfur: Grousekit + Russetkit
    Sparkfang+ Bearstar of Laurelclan: Waxkit+ Gingerkit
    Otterstream+ Bearstar of Laureclan: Beaverkit, Porcupinekit + Hedgehogkit
    Witheredstalk + Rowanstrike: Buzzardkit, Fallkit, Heathkit + Buzzingkit
    Hemlockheart+ Hemlockbud of Swiftclan: Cassius of Azgeda,
    Ankara of Azgeda, Floodstone + Canalstorm
    Gorsebird + Vervaincloud of Pineclan: Expecting [ Due now ]
    Piranha + Rowan of Swiftclan: Expecting [ Due now ]
    Hurricanejaw + Maplelily of Waveclan: Foxkit of Waveclan,
    Cougarkit of Waveclan, Wolfkit of Waveclan + Raccoonkit of Waveclan
Last edited by Katrione on Thu May 07, 2020 4:43 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby tigerclaw » Sat Jun 23, 2018 6:02 pm

Number of Cats: 60 cats
Toms; 28 | She-cats; 32 | Non-binary; 0
Serving sizes;10
Next MoonPool visit = (24th)

[OOC] -

((Will edit in story later))

[HazelWing becomes mates with RedPelt. They try for kits]
[MousePaw takes his assessments. If he passes he shall be renamed MouseSpring]
[BramblingPaw uses Foxglove seeds on HollyStar again, HollyStar loses another life]
[HareLeap, BumbleTail, ThistleFang, WhirlShine, JayPaw, and TigerFern hunt]
[DawnTail, BeetleNose, ThornPaw, FogWhorl, HawkSwoop, and NettlePaw hunt]
[RedHawk, FrostBite, MoorPaw, StormPaw, OliveStrike, and MousePaw hunt]
[MixedFur, HayPaw, MintClaw, ThriftRunner, TroutClaw, and HoneyBreeze patrol]
[BurntSight, BearHeart, MorningRush, OakFang, PaleFlick, and ReedClaw patrol]
[AdderCloud, BramblingPaw, LavenderRunner, SilentStep, FirPaw, MoorRunner, HazelWing, RedPelt, and TwigHeart go herb hunting (BramblingPaw look for poisonous herbs)]
[The apprentices train]
[FloodClan eats 3 big fish and 1 mouse | 10 servings]

HollyStar | 40 Moons | Female |
Lives: ★★★★★★★★⭐ [8/9]
MateFlareHeart | 31 Moons | Male |

FlickeringPaw | 7 Moons | Male |
SwiftPaw | 7 Moons | Male |
Name | Moons | Gender |[url]★[/url]

Medicine Cats:
TwigHeart | 29 Moon | Female |
BramblingPaw | 12 Moons | Female |
AdderCloud | 44 Moons | Female |
FirPaw | 8 Moons | Female |

HareLeap | 61 Moons | Male |
BumbleTail | 51 Moons | Male |
ThistleFang | 29 Moons | Male |
WhirlShine | 55 Moons | Male |
LavenderRunner | 34 Moons | Female |
DawnTail | 33 Moons | Female |
BeetleNose | 58 Moons | Female |
BearHeart | 63 Moons | Male |
FogWhorl | 71 Moons | Male |
HawkSwoop | 35 Moons | Female |
RedHawk | 61 Moons | Female |
FrostBite | 27 Moons | Female |
MintClaw | 23 Moons | Female |
OliveStrike | 24 Moons | Female |
MixedFur | 36 moons | Male |
ThriftRunner | 20 Moons | Male |
TroutClaw | 19 Moons | Male |
HoneyBreeze | 19 Moons | Female |
BurntSight | 19 Moons | Male |
MorningRush | 19 Moons | Female |
OakFang | 19 Moons | Male |
PaleFlick | 25 Moons | Male |
ReedClaw | 17 Moons | Female |
RedPelt | 57 Moons | Male |
HazelWing | 40 Moons | Female |
BrackenBreeze | 37 Moons | Female |
MallowBloom | 29 Moons | Female |
MoorRunner | 15 Moons | Female |
TigerFern | 13 Moons | Female |
SilentStep | 28 Moons | Male |
Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]★[/url]
Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]★[/url]
Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]★[/url]

MousePaw | 12 Moons | Male |
ThornPaw | 11 Moons | Male |
StormPaw | 11 Moons | Male |
NettlePaw | 11 Moons | Female |
JayPaw | 11 Moons | Male |
HayPaw | 11 Moons |Female |
MeadowPaw | 8 Moons | Female |
FeatherPaw | 7 Moons | Female |
Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]★[/url]

PineHeart | 23 Moons | Female |
IceFoot | 40 Moons | Female |
Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]★[/url]

DewKit | 4 Moons | Male |
DriftKit | 4 Moons | Female |
DustKit | 4 Moons | Male |
LynxKit | 4 Moons | Male |
CricketKit | 4 Moons | Female |
FrozenKit | 3 Moons | Male |
BriarKit | 3 Moons | Female |
AdderKit | 3 Moons | Male | [Gray tabby]
SnowKit | 3 Moons | Female | [White]
Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]★[/url]

OakRiver | 48 Moons | Male |
↪ Broken hindlegs
GingerBerry | 105 Moons | Female |
FireBringer | 86 Moons | Male |
Name | Moons | Gender | [url=link]★[/url]

Disablitles/Other interesting things about cats;
OakRiver | Broken hindlegs
HoneyBreeze | Queer
MorningRush | Queer

Ally Clans:
GorseClan | JulieMew1010
Clan Name | Username

Enemy Clans
Clan Name | Username
Clan Name | Username

North | Clan Name | Username
East | Clan Name | Username
South | RabbitClan | stars,,
West | Clan Name | Username

Medicine Store
Fennel | x2 |
Catmint | x4 |
Cobwebs | x4 |
Borage leaves | x2 |
Mint | x1 |
Ragwort | x1
Ragwort Leaves | x1
Stick | x1 |
CatchWeed | x1 |
Willow Bark | x1 |
BindWeed | x1 |
BlackBerry leaves| x1 |
Mallow Leaves | x2 |
Feverfew | x1 |
Comfrey | x1 |
Raspberry Leaves | x1 |
Marigold | x1 |
Ivy | x1 |
Celandine | x1 |
Burnet | x2 |
Goldenrod | x1 |
Beech Leaves | x1 |
Bright Eye | x2 |
Chamomile | x1 |
Poppy Seeds | x1 |
Sorrel | x1 |
Thyme | x1 |
Elder Leaves | x1 |
Heather Nectar | x1 |
Honey | x1 |
Lovage | x1 |
Goatweed | x1 |
Lungwort | x1 |
Chervil | x1 |
Burdock Root | x1 |
Broom | x1 |
Alder bark | x1 |
Chickweed | x1 |
Cob nuts | x1 |
Coltsfoot | x1 |
Daisy leaves | x1 |
Dandelion | x1 |
Dock leaves | x1 |
Juniper Berries | x1 |
Horsetail | x1 |
Hawkweed | x1 |
Mouse bile | x1 |
Herb | x0 |
Herb | x0 |
Herb | x0 |
Herb | x0 |
Herb | x0 |

BramblingPaw's secret stash:
Deadly Nightshade | x1 |
Foxglove seeds | x0 |
Deathberries | x0 |
Holly berries | x0 |
Water hemlock | x1 |
Herb | x0 |
Herb | x0 |

Fresh-Kill Pile:
Mouse | x6 | 6 servings
Frog | x7 | 7 servings
Small Fish | x8 | 16 servings
Thrush | x8 | 24 servings
Big Fish | x3 | 9 servings
Hare | x7 | 21 servings
Robin | x6 | 18 servings

OliveStrike | MousePaw | 6 | Swimming, Fighting, Climbing, Hunting, Stealth, Offense
BeetleNose| ThornPaw | 5 | Fighting, Climbing, Hunting, Swimming, Offense,
WhirlShine| JayPaw | 5 | Fighting, Climbing, Hunting, Swimming, Offense,
RedHawk| StormPaw | 5 | Fighting, Climbing, Hunting, Swimming, Offense,
HawkSwoop| NettlePaw | 5 | Fighting, Climbing, Hunting, Swimming, Offense,
MixedFur| HayPaw | 5 | Fighting, Climbing, Hunting, Swimming, Offense,
TwigHeart| BramblingPaw | 5 | Fighting, Climbing, Hunting, Swimming, Offense,
AdderCloud| FirPaw | 0 | Moves
Mentor| Apprentice | 0 | Moves

Deceased Cats:
FlickeringFlame | 60 Moons at death | Male | | Killed by unknown cat | 8 moons since death
Cat | Cause of Death | Age since death

BeetleNose and HareStar | TwigHeart (Note; HareLeap is a foster father to twig) TroutClaw, HoneyBreeze, and BurntSight
DawnTail and BumbleTail | MorningRush and OakFang (Morning and Oak is Bumble's foster kits)
TwigHeart and ThistleFang | BramblingPaw and ThornPaw
BrackenBreeze and WhirlShine | StormPaw, JayPaw, and NettleKit
??? and ??? | OakRiver and OliveStrike
MallowBloom and ??? | MousePaw and HayPaw (adopted)
OakRiver and IceFoot | BrairKit, FrozenKit, SnowKit, Adderkit,(Adopted) and MeadowPaw and FeatherPaw
HollyStar and FlareHeart | SwiftPaw and FlickeringPaw
MorningRush and HoneyBreeze | (Adopted) Kits
PineHeart and ??? | DriftKit, DewKit, DustKit, CricketKit, and LynxKit
Name and Name | Kits

Notes (For self);
send out more hunting patrols, please

Grown pics;


MeadowKit - no change


AdderKit ... 902005.jpg
htt ... efault.jpg ... 1501694271 ... db016c.jpg ... 7__700.jpg ... 0423123544

kitting after 2 posts
apprentice after 6 posts
warrior after 6 posts
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shaded skies [02]

Postby .galaxy. » Sat Jun 23, 2018 6:54 pm

Shaded Skies
Number of Cats: 2
Servings Needed: 2
Next Sun-Eye Visit: June 28th
Battle Royale: on hold until 10 members

The surprise Algernon had woken to upon finding a stranger sitting politely by the great red stones was immense, if shortlived. She'd introduced herself as Moose; a name he couldn't without great irony pick fun at. He found her presence comfortable, at the very least, and figured Scatteredscales had sent him a worthy follower.


"Explain to me how you found me," Algernon hummed, guiding the newly assigned kinfolk through the territory she too would call her own.
"Well," she began, "I was dozing under a dumpster when I heard her. Which sounds silly, maybe, but that's the way it is sometimes." The stocky molly have a quiet snort, as if that would defend her honor as Algernon nodded idly. "She mumbled some garbled nonsense in my head for a while - but I think I was dreaming? Anyway, I saw a big heap of scales, then the moon! Huge, right in the middle of it. Her, rather. Then the babble cleared up, and I heard her voice! She sounds mighty nice. But she showed me an image of you lyin' next to the Sun-Eye, said I'd been chosen by the moon to come along." The story fit with what he'd been shown, at least. She also seemed dedicated beyond reasonable expectation. An added bonus, to be sure. "I've heard stories about what this place used to be," she went on, eyes bright as they slunk along the shoreline. "Strong enough that no one dared to step up. The Moon Court was some serious business! Thought it was kitten's tales myself, but I'm provin' myself wrong!!"

Algernon found her enthusiasm promising, sending a silent prayer to his scaled goddess as a thank-you for her gift. Moose was right. Shaded Skies had once been great, as it would be again. It would take hard work to build the following it had once amassed, but he was determined to dwarf the number of their predecessors and take the land beyond their current reach - Moose's shrill voice shook him free of his thoughts.

"Y'know, I think my brother hunkered down on the outskirts of the city," with little regard for how scarce Algernon's addition to the conversation had been, Moose spoke enough to fill the space comfortably. "If we pass by there I can try to sniff him out! Who knows," she chuckled, "I might drag him out of a scrap or find some other lost furball who's lookin' for a purpose. And, uh, maybe find a bite to eat too."

[Algernon and Moose hunt]
[Moose leads an impromptu border patrol with Algernon near the twoleg city, hoping to find her brother Stitch]
[Shaded Skies fasts for one moon]

          Moon Father:
          Algernon | 26 moons | Tom | X
          Lives: ★★★★★★★★★

          Night Heir:
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=Link]X[/url]

          Full Moon:
          ↪️ battle assessments & duels

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=Link]X[/url]

          Half Moon:
          ↪️ hunting patrols & food distribution

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=Link]X[/url]

          Waning Moon:
          ↪️ healing & herbs

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=Link]X[/url]

          Waxing Moon:
          ↪️ information gathering & warden

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=Link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=Link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=Link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Moose | 12 moons | Molly | X
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=Link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=Link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=Link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=Link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=Link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]

          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
          Name | Age | Gender | [url=link]X[/url]
    Ally Clans:
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    Enemy Clans
    Clan Name | Username
    Clan Name | Username

    North | Clan Name | Username
    East | Clan Name | Username
    South | Clan Name | Username
    West | Clan Name | Username

    Medicine Store
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage
    Herb | Usage

    Fresh-Kill Pile:
    3 servings total

    Shrew | x0 | 1 servings
    Small Fish | x0 | 2 servings
    Stoat | x0 | 2 servings
    Squirrel | x0 | 2 servings
    Blackbird | x1 | 3 servings
    Big Fish | x0 | 3 servings

    Cloud | Shadow | No. of training sessions | Moves
    Cloud | Shadow | No. of training sessions | Moves

    Deceased Cats:
    Cat Name | Cause of Death
    Cat Name | Cause of Death

    Name and Name | Kits
    Name and Name | Kits

    • note
    • note
Last edited by .galaxy. on Sun Jun 24, 2018 9:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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